Purecycle Technologies Inc (PCT) 2023 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, and thank you for standing by.


  • Welcome to the PureCycle Technologies fourth quarter 2023 corporate update conference call.

    歡迎參加 PureCycle Technologies 2023 年第四季企業更新電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) Please be advised that today's conference is being recorded.


  • I would now like to hand the conference over to your speaker today, Christian Bruey, Corporate Communications Manager.

    現在我想將會議交給今天的發言人、企業傳播經理 Christian Bruey。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Christian Bruey - Corporate Communications Manager

    Christian Bruey - Corporate Communications Manager

  • Start resolutely.


  • Welcome to PureCycle Technologies fourth quarter and fiscal year ended 2023 Corporate Update Conference Call.

    歡迎參加 PureCycle Technologies 第四季和截至 2023 財年的公司更新電話會議。

  • I am Christian, Group Manager of Corporate Communications for Pure Cycle.

    我是 Christian,Pure Cycle 企業傳播集團經理。

  • And joining me on the call today are Dustin Olson, our Chief Executive Officer, and Jaime Vazquez, our Chief Financial.

    今天和我一起參加電話會議的還有我們的執行長達斯汀·奧爾森 (Dustin Olson) 和我們的財務長 Jaime Vazquez。

  • This morning, we will be highlighting our corporate developments for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended 2023.

    今天上午,我們將重點介紹第四季和截至 2023 財年的公司發展。

  • The presentation we'll be going through on this call can also be found on the Investor tab at our website at Pure Cycle.com. Many of the statements made today will be forward-looking and are based on management's beliefs and assumptions and information currently available to management at this time.

    我們將在本次電話會議上進行的演示也可以在我們網站 Pure Cycle.com 的「投資者」標籤上找到。今天發表的許多聲明都是前瞻性的,並且基於管理層的信念和假設以及管理層目前可獲得的資訊。

  • These statements are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which may be beyond our control including those set forth in our safe harbor provisions and forward-looking statements that can be found at the end of our fourth quarter 2023 corporate update press release filed yesterday and our annual report on Form 10 K filed this morning as well as in other reports on file with the SEC that provides further detail about the risks related to our business.

    這些陳述受到已知和未知的風險和不確定性的影響,其中許多風險和不確定性可能超出我們的控制範圍,包括我們的安全港條款和前瞻性陳述中規定的風險和不確定性,這些風險和不確定性可以在我們的2023 年第四季末公司更新新聞稿中找到昨天提交的10 K 表格年度報告以及今天早上提交的10 K 表格年度報告以及向SEC 提交的其他報告中提供了有關我們業務相關風險的更多詳細資訊。

  • Additionally, please note that the Company's actual results may differ materially from those anticipated and except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to update any forward looking statements.


  • Our remarks today may also include preliminary non-GAAP estimates and are subject to risks and uncertainties, including, among other things, changes in connection with quarter end and year end adjustments.


  • Any variation between pure cycle's actual results and the preliminary financial data set forth herein may be material.

    pure Cycle 的實際結果與此處列出的初步財務數據之間的任何差異都可能是重大的。

  • You are welcome to follow along with our slide deck who are joining us by phone.


  • You can access it at any time on Pure Cycle.com. We are excited to share updates from the previous quarter with you.

    您可以隨時在 Pure Cycle.com 上存取它。我們很高興與您分享上一季的最新情況。

  • I'll now turn it over to Dustin.


  • Also the pure cycle's Chief Executive Officer, Dustin.

    同時也是pure Cycle的執行長達斯汀。

  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • It's a pleasure to join you today.


  • We are in irons in Ohio this morning and excited to share our results.


  • However, I would like to start the call by introducing our new CFO, Jamie Bass, Jamie, as ResMed's D becomes a lot of relevant experience and he is already adding value.

    不過,我想先介紹一下我們的新任財務長 Jamie Bass,Jamie,因為 ResMed 的 D 擁有很多相關經驗,而且他已經在增加價值。

  • Jamie, if you'd like to introduce yourself.


  • The floor is yours.


  • Jaime Vasquez - CFO

    Jaime Vasquez - CFO

  • Thank you, Gus.


  • And while I'm certainly excited to be here and working with a very talented and dedicated team, and I've been very impressed with the collaboration with thought processes and the execution of critical items that I've seen in my first three weeks that for purified and I believe that my 30 years of experience in various finance roles, public and industrial companies will complement this talented team, and I look forward to talking with many of you on the phone near term.

    雖然我很高興來到這裡並與一個非常有才華和敬業的團隊一起工作,而且我對我在前三週看到的思維過程的協作和關鍵項目的執行印象深刻,對於Purified,我相信我在各種金融職位、上市公司和工業公司中30 年的經驗將補充這個才華橫溢的團隊,我期待著近期與你們中的許多人透過電話交談。

  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Thank you for the introduction, Jamie but more importantly, thank you for putting the Jersey, all joining our team.


  • I can tell you that I'm very excited to have Jamie on our team becomes a pure cycle with years of experience a wealth of core financial expertise and has navigated multiple dynamic business environments.


  • And prior serves, Jamie will bring a balanced point of view to our core decision making process that will help us deliver strong business results.


  • It's been a pleasure getting to know, Jamie, over the last few weeks.


  • I'm looking forward to the next years of partnership this was a busy quarter for hydrogen operations after the screen changer installation for the first time, we've been able to establish greater end to end production where we can monitor the entire process working together, we are starting to see tangible progress across all operations.


  • We have focused exclusively on PCR grade feedstock since the November outage, which has enabled us to final commission all aspects of the operation.

    自 11 月停電以來,我們一直專注於 PCR 級原料,這使我們能夠最終調試營運的各個方面。

  • While it has only been two months of running without feed contaminations, we've already achieved numerous production milestones up to approximately 8,000 pounds per hour of end to end processing successful production of co-product one and two pelletizing that reached rates between 9,000 and 10,000 pounds per hour and successful loading of numerous railcars with pellets and we have done all of this while consuming significantly less utilities than originally estimated.

    雖然只運行了兩個月而沒有飼料污染,但我們已經實現了許多生產里程碑,端到端加工的產量達到約8,000 磅/小時,成功生產副產品一和二的造粒,產量達到9,000 至10,000 之間每小時磅數,並成功地將顆粒裝載到許多軌道車上,我們完成了所有這些,同時消耗的公用事業比最初估計的要少得多。

  • The most important metric is our end to end production.


  • This means that we run feed extruders that 8,000 pounds in our process to feed through the entire plant produces both co-product one and Pro product to and pelletized the resulting product at the end of the plan.

    這意味著我們運行的飼料擠出機在我們的流程中為整個工廠提供 8,000 磅的飼料,生產副產品 1 和專業產品,並在計劃結束時將所得產品製成顆粒。

  • This was previously not possible as we ran into lengthy bead plugging issues, the best part of the new face was watching the production of co-product wanted to.


  • I still believe there's no greater example of our process working than by seeing the production of these co-products.


  • Remember, while our job is to make ultrapure recycled resin, we do it by removing contaminants.


  • Therefore, it is, in fact, critical to remove CB1 and CB2 in order for us to make our final product.

    因此,事實上,為了生產最終產品,去除 CB1 和 CB2 至關重要。

  • On the commercial front, we're also starting to see momentum.


  • We achieved our first revenue through sales in Q4 and began sampling our product to customers for final application approval.


  • Initial results are positive, and we expect this progress to continue as we prepare for the rest of 2024, we intend to execute a two to four week outage in early Q2 to advance several reliability improvements.

    初步結果是積極的,我們預計在為 2024 年剩餘時間做準備時,這一進展將繼續下去,我們打算在第二季度初執行兩到四週的停運,以推進多項可靠性改進。

  • This small pause in production should help position the facility for stronger reliability.


  • We're now entering a new phase for Pure Cycle.

    我們現在正進入 Pure Cycle 的新階段。

  • We've commissioned the plant identified areas where we have opportunities and are now transitioning into traditional manufacturing processes, improving reliability, optimizing the process and driving day-to-day improvements.


  • We will focus on our core operations in order to achieve higher continuous plant rates and drive more consistent product quality.


  • So we can deliver a superior product to cost.


  • While our progress was good over the past six to 12 months, the pace of progress was limited by two critical challenges, seal failures and absorbing that leaks.

    雖然我們在過去 6 到 12 個月中取得了良好的進展,但進展速度受到兩個關鍵挑戰的限制:密封失效和吸收洩漏。

  • Both of these events took significant time to diagnose and solve, but more importantly, it lengthened our learning curve.


  • There were certain aspects of the operation that remain untested until we could establish continuous and operations, the last two months have been different running.


  • And this operational mode allowed us to test a wider range of PCR feedstocks, each of which had its own unique characteristics rate test the plant to operational boundaries of each feedstock.

    這種操作模式使我們能夠測試更廣泛的 PCR 原料,每種原料都有其獨特的特性,可以測試工廠對每種原料的操作邊界。

  • Our feedstock have widely varying characteristics that require process optimization.


  • These include differences like high and low melt flow indices, high or low concentrations of co-product one and two and many other minor behaviors that impact the optimization of the plant.


  • It also allowed us to develop better solvent purification expertise.


  • While we learn how to run this commercial scale facility, we are also proving our ability to solve new challenges every day.


  • And in doing so, we're learning how to operate this plant more and more reliably every day.


  • Ultimately, our success has been defined by how quickly we integrate learnings into our operations.


  • There's no doubt that we'll face new challenges with each new operational tear.


  • But this is normal with normal manufacturing operations, and we have the right team in place to solve the next challenge and achieve our goals.


  • Our metrics are not where we want them to be today, but they are getting better.


  • We've seen quarter over quarter progress on many of our key metrics.


  • Our pellet production has increased five times from 200,000 pounds to 1.3 million pounds with a single day record of 102,000 pounds and a single day pelletization record of 144,000 pounds.

    我們的顆粒產量增加了五倍,從 20 萬磅增加到 130 萬磅,單日產量記錄為 102,000 磅,單日造粒記錄為 144,000 磅。

  • Our purchase rates are third of last quarter from 70% to 22%.

    我們的購買率從上季的 70% 下降到 22%。

  • Purging is a technical term.


  • That means our distributors are not running efficiently.


  • We see steady and reliable increases in CP. one and CPTCP. two production levels.

    我們看到 CP 穩定可靠地成長。一和CPTCP。兩個生產水準。

  • In fact, after implementing reliability improvements in January, our CP. two production increased from 16,000 pounds to 48,000 pounds from January to February.

    事實上,在一月份實施可靠性改進後,我們的 CP. 1月至2月產量從16,000磅增加到48,000磅。

  • We've now exclusively run on PCR since November outage, and we've tested numerous new feedstocks, both produced internally and produced externally, and our core support operations are reaching stronger reliability levels.

    自 11 月停電以來,我們現在只使用 PCR 運行,並且測試了許多內部生產和外部生產的新原料,我們的核心支援業務正在達到更強的可靠性水平。

  • Steam availability is at 99.8% in Q1, and our solvent circulation reliability has increased from 71% to 98% in Q2.

    第一季的蒸汽可用性為 99.8%,第二季我們的溶劑循環可靠性從 71% 提高到 98%。

  • Our overall uptime has been variable, but our daily production performance when not impacted by reliability problems, has been stronger.


  • We continue to focus on implementing incremental reliability improvements as well as expect a stepwise improvement when following the planned outage.


  • The metrics are improving every day and we let the data guide our actions, shape our behaviors and help us get better.


  • We aren't satisfied with where we are, but our team will not slow down.


  • Our team is excited about the future, not just because of the tangible progress, but b also but also because of the learned enhancements that we are applying to our base design, we are planning a small two to four week outage in Q2 that we expect will make significant impact positive impact to our operational performance during this outage, we intend to tackle several key areas during the July and November outages we implemented several key improvements during this upcoming outage.

    我們的團隊對未來感到興奮,不僅是因為切實的進展,而且還因為我們將學到的增強功能應用於我們的基礎設計,我們計劃在第二季度進行一次兩到四週的小停電,我們預計將對我們在這次停電期間的營運績效產生重大影響,我們打算在 7 月和 11 月停電期間解決幾個關鍵領域,我們在這次即將到來的停電期間實施了幾項關鍵改進。

  • We will make further improvements to improve the extraction efficiency and therefore also to improve the recovery of co-product one, the co-product to discussion has already been disclosed publicly, and we will discuss more later.


  • But our efforts here are important work toward improving the settling performance and set the stage for CP to removal our filtration has been a reliability challenge during Q1 at limited uptime, which impacted rates forced us to stop and start operations many times.

    但我們在這裡所做的努力是改善沉降性能的重要工作,並為CP 消除過濾奠定了基礎。第一季度,在有限的正常運行時間內,我們的過濾一直是一項可靠性挑戰,這影響了速率,迫使我們多次停止和啟動營運。

  • However, we were able to install bypass line which improved uptime, but we will need to spend more time during the outage cleaning the system in order to reset operations back to baseline seals have been a consistent discussion and consistent challenge.


  • We have already implemented several system upgrades and improved operational monitoring, which are providing improved performance.


  • But in order to achieve the desired long term results, we will need to continue to upgrade key fields across our facilities.


  • This process will not be completed during the outage and will likely require additional activity in the future.


  • Our digital foundation is very good we have a platform that should enable us to reap long-term benefits across the entire digital ecosystem.


  • However, it has also been temporary mental.


  • We've worked through hundreds of improved product programming glitches.


  • And while it doesn't cost much to fix and is still getting better, still the impact uptime has been a challenge.


  • We have a talented digital team and we will continue to learn and improve and all of the learnings are directly applicable to future growth projects.


  • Co-product two is the principal limitation.


  • At the current time we can run feed through the system purified through extraction and make co-product one cell in the process and make co-product two and pelletized product.


  • These fundamental processes work.


  • However, the capacity to remove CP two out of the system is limited.

    然而,將 CP 2 從系統中移除的能力是有限的。

  • It's not impacting our ability to make CP to.

    這不會影響我們製作 CP 的能力。

  • It's limiting our ability to purge CP. two from the system.


  • And ultimately, this limitation restricts the amount of rate we can push through the facility.


  • We originally expected to only make the granular variety of CP. two, but over the last two months as we've begun to run the plant with a variety of feedstocks.


  • We started making lower density foam and higher density logs, which we call dinosaur phones in the process.


  • This variation ultimately conflicts with the original design and limits our ability to remove it from the system efficiently.


  • We have several short term solutions in mind.


  • First, we will continue to remove CP two manually through the trades at approximately three to 7,000 pounds per day.

    首先,我們將繼續透過交易手動移除 CP 2,每天約 3 至 7,000 磅。

  • Second, we will continue to purchase lower CP. two feedstocks so we can raise feed rates and the current renewable capacity and third, we are investigating a small project to flake source the material produced from the prep wet line.


  • So more post-consumer curbside material can be processed for the longer term solution.


  • We are using commercial data to design a more robust continuous operational asset.


  • We have already started the early stage construction and design work and intend to make critical tie-ins during the Q2 outage.


  • Ultimately, our team is working to optimize the short term options in order to bridge to a longer-term solution.


  • The change will take time and the final implementation should occur just after the Q2 outage is completed, we do not expect the final implementation to impact plant production as the critical time points will be installed during the outage.


  • Our operations are improving it is a grind at times, but our team is unwavering in their pursuit to run the facility efficiently, reliably and consistently.


  • It will take time, but we are making positive strides every day.


  • We are driven by the mission.


  • We have purpose in our every effort, and we feel good about the impact that we're making around the world as we built strong operations.


  • We also see key unit economics trending positively, Greg, that there are both positives and negatives when comparing our unit economics to earlier estimates three to five years ago.


  • But we believe the net impact is positive for revenue.


  • We see stronger demand for our product than we originally expected and a shorter supply of good quality competition.


  • This is true for both pure five as well as other higher color variants for energy.


  • We see lower consumption of energy than originally expected from what we used to call waste.


  • We now call co-products there is genuine interest in the alternative applications for this product, which is shifting a former $0.04 per pound cost interWAVE current revenue stream.

    我們現在稱之為聯產品,人們對該產品的替代應用產生了真正的興趣,該產品正在將以前每磅 0.04 美元的成本轉變為 interWAVE 當前的收入來源。

  • Offsetting the positives, we also have higher than expected feedstock logistics costs and higher than expected SG&A costs, but the net impact is positive and as reliability continues to improve, the economics will fall.


  • We are so proud of our energy performance.


  • It serves the business and shareholders with two key messages.


  • One, our overall variable cost should be lower and is expected to reduce electricity and natural gas usage.


  • This should result in a $2 million to $4 million per year utility savings to the business.

    這將為企業每年節省 200 萬至 400 萬美元的公用事業費用。

  • But what we're even more excited about is the impact on the environment.


  • The improved energy performance should reduce our overall carbon footprint.


  • This means one, it should take less than half of the carbon to make our product as opposed to other produced fossil-based equivalents.


  • Our customers can show their sustainable product, more confidently can showcase their sustainable product, more confidently to the market.


  • And finally, final customers can feel good again about the product about the plastic that they are purchasing.


  • We still have more work to do.


  • And these are early estimates that should be validated externally soon.


  • But the early data looks really good.


  • And this is important for our customer base.


  • It further differentiates us from the competition and ultimately improves the value proposition for sales.


  • The net result is very positive for our business for our customers.


  • But most importantly, to our planet.


  • The market feedback for our pump, our product is positive because we are producing a true plastic, the plastic solution with benefits that other technologies do not provide.


  • Remember most chemical recycling technologies deliver a plastic fuel solution with low yields and most mechanical recycling technologies blend the feedstock and through the process with limited ability to remove internal contaminants, our technology is the only commercial option that has the ability to offer customers a true plastic, the plastic solution with high yield, high quality and a low carbon footprint.


  • We have made product out of both PIR. and PCR.

    我們已經用這兩種 PIR 生產了產品。和PCR。

  • And while various pulp productions have varied with color, even the higher color variants have strong demand due to superior mechanical processing properties.


  • While our goal will always be to improve the product, consistency and quality across the feedstock slate, the reality is the end customer appetite for recycled material, coupled with this significant undersupply of quality products is creating strong demand for pure cycles product.


  • The initial product testing is truly exciting for our team.


  • We are testing commercial products across many customers to gain approval for the long term commercial supply.


  • I want to highlight one specific application fiber fiber is produced when polypropylene has melted and stretched into long strains.


  • You can visually imagine and like it's dental floss.


  • This is used in many, many, many applications, textiles, apparel, like watch bands, roads, carpet, clothing.


  • It could even be molded into semi rigid parts to provide additional strength.


  • That's all very good, but it's not the best part of the story making fiber from fossil-based PP. is among the most difficult manufacturing applications in the polypropylene industry.


  • You can imagine hundreds of continuous yards of individual long strands of this product flying through the facility at high rates and through many highly sophisticated pieces of equipment.


  • And then you can also imagine you can also imagine the challenges that emerge when a single strand breaks during the production process.


  • This application is extremely difficult for traditional polypropylene recycling products because most of these products still have CP. one CP. two and the mixture, the varying levels of contaminants with stretch to the surface cause of the strands to break the industry has not been successful when running PP fiber with the recycled feedstock.


  • I'm very proud to show a school of polypropylene fiber that was successfully made from our purified material and applications that will come from this production.


  • This is yet another strong proof point that our product quality is superior and even in the most difficult applications and is a reasonable replacement for fossil-based alternatives.


  • Another exciting step with respect to the product development involves the collaboration between pure Zero program and our relationship with Churchill containers, Churchill containers as a leader in manufactured ServiceWare and a key application lane involves the production of stadium cups to venues all over the nation.


  • Through the partnership.


  • Churchill has manufactured stadium cups out of our commercially produced EPR resin at the Arlington facility.

    邱吉爾在阿靈頓工廠用我們商業生產的 EPR 樹脂製造了體育場杯。

  • We expect our pure zero partners to have these cups certain beverages of choice in the stadiums in the future.


  • This is true circularity.


  • The opportunity to partner the opportunity to team with our pure zero partners and Churchill to create a true plastic, the plastic circularity change.


  • It's exactly what the world is looking for in our industry.


  • The path for Iron Mountain is clear, and we believe we are on the right path.


  • We will continue to focus on our operations here to achieve higher continuous plant rates, drive more consistent product quality, continue to improve our product to customers to make final commercial qualifications and efficiently execute the Q2 outlook.


  • While today's focus is mostly and we want you to know that we are still working diligently with our partners to prepare our growth that each project is on a slightly different position, but also have the primary focus, integrate hydrogen learnings into the CapEx plan, find efficiencies to reduce the overall project stack, prepare the engineering to ensure strong project deliveries.


  • These efforts, combined with the improved unit economics, should result in strong projects with reliable cost and schedule performance and excellent returns.


  • At this point, I'll turn over the presentation to Jaime Vasquez goes to provide a financial update for banking industrial.

    此時,我將把簡報交給 Jaime Vasquez,為銀行業提供最新的財務資訊。

  • Jaime Vasquez - CFO

    Jaime Vasquez - CFO

  • We have a few financial highlights starting on slide 16.

    我們從投影片 16 開始介紹一些財務亮點。

  • It shows the change in unrestricted and restricted cash from the end of the third quarter to the end of the fourth quarter.


  • As you can see unrestricted cash declined by just under $$$90 million during that period.

    您可以看到,在此期間,不受限制的現金減少了近 9000 萬美元。

  • The single largest driver of the change of $15 million increase in the general liquidity reserve.

    一般流動性儲備增加 1500 萬美元的最大單一推動因素。

  • This was required as part of the second amendment to the hydrogen revenue bond indenture that was executed in early November 23.

    這是 11 月 23 月初執行的氫收入債券契約第二次修正案的一部分。

  • Operating and corporate and related expenses were 27.5 million for the fourth quarter and adjusted for severance, which was associated with our previously announced December reduction in force and the timing of certain payments.

    第四季度的營運和公司及相關費用為 2,750 萬美元,並根據遣散費進行了調整,這與我們先前宣布的 12 月裁員和某些付款時間相關。

  • This level of expense was in line with expectations and the third quarter.


  • Turning to slide 17, which is not a Q4 event, but a very important action that occurred this week for the reason we are highlighting in our fourth quarter discussion on March fifth, we purchased just around 99% of the $249 million in southern Ohio PortAuthority revenue.

    轉向幻燈片17,這不是第四季度的事件,而是本週發生的一項非常重要的行動,因為我們在3 月5 日的第四季度討論中強調了這一點,我們購買了俄亥俄州南部港務局2.49 億美元中的約99%收入。

  • This was an important step as it virtually removed all restrictive covenants, which allows us to better focus on working through operational start-up challenges by finding solutions that are best long term for the hydrogen operations as opposed to running the plant to meet short term buying goals and other short term miles.


  • Additionally, the purchase of the bond should provide accrued cash cycles for the company as we become commercialized through the termination of the operating revenue escrow account, and we did not retire the revenue bonds.


  • So that gives us potential to remarket revenue bonds opportunistically, which we believe remain attractive given its tax-free status and first priority lien on a valuable asset.


  • On Slide 18, we show pro forma change in liquidity as a result of the bond purchase using our year end 23 liquidity position, you can see that the purchase included use of $74.5 million of unrestricted cash and just under $185 million of restricted funds or nearly 75% of the total issue that were in revenue bond escrow.

    在投影片18 中,我們使用23 年底的流動性部位顯示了因購債而導致的流動性變化,您可以看到,購買包括使用7,450 萬美元的非限制性現金和近1.85 億美元的限制性資金或近1.85 億美元。總發行量的 75% 由收益債券託管。

  • And again, we have the opportunity to improve liquidity through the re-marketing of the revenue bonds.


  • In addition, we're also working to obtain the release of funds held in escrow, including a pro rata share of debt service fund for the bonds that were purchased and this could potentially free up about $20 million of liquidity.

    此外,我們也正在努力釋放託管資金,包括按比例分配所購買債券的償債基金,這可能會釋放約 2,000 萬美元的流動性。

  • Lastly, we increased the line of credit from $150 million to $200 million to rebuild some of the liquidity post the bond repurchase.

    最後,我們將信用額度從 1.5 億美元增加到 2 億美元,以重建債券回購後的部分流動性。

  • Now I'll turn it back to those figures sharing.


  • We are excited about the progress we have achieved this quarter.


  • We successfully produced ended production runs across the core purification assets as cheap GBP8,000 per hour rates, we produce significant quantities of co-product one and co-product two at the commercial scale and successfully implemented a series of small projects to improve our month over month production of co-products.

    我們成功地以每小時 8,000 英鎊的價格在核心淨化資產上完成了最終生產,我們以商業規模生產了大量的副產品一和副產品二,並成功實施了一系列小型項目來改善我們的月度情況超過一個月的副產品產量。

  • We have delivered commercial-grade samples to our customers for file application approval and received strong feedback on the product quality we repurpose, we've repurchased almost all of their hydrogen revenue bonds, which should provide a mechanism for additional liquidity.


  • And we are prepping for a Q2 outage that we expect to transform the reliability of our operations.


  • At this time, I would like to handover through our moderator for Q&A.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Gerry Sweeney, ROTH MKM.

    (操作員說明)Gerry Sweeney,ROTH MKM。

  • Gerry Sweeney - Analyst

    Gerry Sweeney - Analyst

  • Good morning, Justin and Jamie.


  • Jamie, welcome aboard.


  • Thanks for taking my call.


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Yes, thanks, Jerry, and thanks for the call much.


  • Listen.


  • Gerry Sweeney - Analyst

    Gerry Sweeney - Analyst

  • Hey, listen, just starting with CP. two, obviously, it sounds like this is the sort of the bigger bottleneck that you're working on now as you're looking at the engineering challenges around this, how difficult is it to engineer around this?


  • I know you went into a little bit of detail on the on the call, but it sounds like as though it's a multistep process, but you don't overall how challenging do you think it will be to complete this?


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Yes, that's a good question, Jerry.


  • Unless the good news is that we are producing CB1 CB2 in the process.

    除非好消息是我們正在生產 CB1 CB2。

  • The very fact that they're producing the CB2 and it's getting to the bottom of our of our system is a proof positive that the core technology works.

    他們正在生產 CB2 並且它已經深入到我們系統的底層,這一事實證明了核心技術是有效的。

  • We had several challenges like this across other areas always successfully been able to work through them.


  • This is not unique when bringing new tests to the market with respect to the C. two in particular on, it's a it's a challenging technical problem, but we think that we have a good design solution in place and we think that we'll have a good development of that in Q2.

    在將新的C 測試推向市場時,這並不是獨一無二的。特別是在C. 2 上,這是一個具有挑戰性的技術問題,但我們認為我們已經有了一個很好的設計解決方案,並且我們認為我們將擁有第二季度發展良好。

  • Gerry Sweeney - Analyst

    Gerry Sweeney - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And then alternatively, you discussed getting pursuing, I think, some feedstock that had less of a CP. two content to it.

    或者,我認為,您討論了尋找一些 CP 含量較低的原料。兩個內容。

  • Admittedly, I'm not sure exactly what the co-product two is, but does that sort of supply chain or ability to go out and get material PCR waste with lower with CP. two content.

    誠然,我不確定副產品二到底是什麼,但這種供應鏈或是否有能力出去以較低的 CP 獲取材料 PCR 廢物。兩個內容。

  • Is that a challenge more expensive for how do we think about that?


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Yes.


  • I mean so and so the CP two that were primarily discussing is polyethylene and you are harvesting polypropylene feedstocks from the market of the bales will come with varying levels of polyethylene contamination inside.

    我的意思是,某某 CP 兩個主要討論的是聚乙烯,而您從市場上收穫的聚丙烯原料將帶有不同程度的聚乙烯污染。

  • And so the higher the polyethylene, the higher the polyethylene and the bill than the higher the CP. two removal required.


  • And so what we're doing now is really attacking it from multiple angles.


  • One is looking for already available products that are out there that we can purchase and they come at various price points.


  • We think they'll still make sense inside of our purification economics, but we're also improving the operation of the current CPT removal.

    我們認為它們在我們的淨化經濟學中仍然有意義,但我們也在改進目前 CPT 去除的操作。

  • And we're looking to a small project, too.


  • I'm effectively sort polyethylene out of our process prep material so that we can reduce the amount of CP. two that we put into the feed got to have it.

    我有效地將聚乙烯從我們的製程準備材料中分離出來,這樣我們就可以減少 CP 的量。我們放入飼料中的兩個必須有它。

  • Gerry Sweeney - Analyst

    Gerry Sweeney - Analyst

  • But suffice to say, there's enough raw material CP. two ECP. two waste with CP. two characteristics that a good few out there that you can't have, we believe.

    但不得不說,原料CP夠了。兩個 ECP。兩個廢棄物連CP。我們相信,這兩個特徵是很多人所不具備的。

  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • So.


  • I mean, we've got a pretty good feedstock network now.


  • We're always turning over new rocks to find new supply sources.


  • And as we tested through the purification plant, we find newer and newer opportunities to bring new feedstocks.


  • And so we don't we don't expect this to be a long-term constraint.


  • Gerry Sweeney - Analyst

    Gerry Sweeney - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Super helpful.


  • And then just done, what should we be thinking about SG&A?

    然後,我們應該如何考慮 SG&A?

  • The one thing that caught me off a little a little bit off guard and I'm just not sure if it's a change in reporting and R&D was up.


  • I think SG&A was something like 29 million.

    我認為 SG&A 大約是 2900 萬。

  • Don't hold me to that for the quarter, but just keep in obviously lots of noise in the fourth quarter.


  • What would be a good type of ideal run rate for SG&A if it was?

    如果是的話,SG&A 的理想運作率是什麼樣的?

  • Thank you.


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Yes.


  • So when we're talking about SG&A around the unit economics, we're specifically talking about the portion of corporate overhead that is specifically used to support iron operations.


  • And we show that to be a bit higher than the estimates that we had three to five years ago.


  • You can you can understand why that happened and given the volatility in inflation across the world over the last several years.


  • That's the primary reason.


  • With respect to the overall corporate SG&A, this is an area of consistent focus.


  • We're always looking for ways to optimize our overall cost position.


  • That's just good business sense and something that we pay attention to routinely.


  • Gerry Sweeney - Analyst

    Gerry Sweeney - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • That's it.


  • I'll jump back in line.


  • I'm sure there's a bunch of other questions.


  • I appreciate and I'll see you guys tomorrow as well.


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Yes.


  • Thanks, Jerry, for Zenium.

    謝謝傑瑞,謝謝 Zenium。

  • Operator


  • Eric Stine, Craig Hallum.


  • Eric Stine - Analyst

    Eric Stine - Analyst

  • So I'm curious, could you just talk a little bit about the off-takers at Iron tin?

    所以我很好奇,您可以談談 Irontin 的承購商嗎?

  • I know you in the past and I get I don't disclose a lot about specific contracts, but just curious, are there dates embedded in these offtake agreements from that if you don't reach them either the customers can get out of the contract or renegotiate the contract, trying to get at kind of where the customer or the ultimate offtakers patients levels are given that iron has taken longer than you would have liked certainly longer than than the customers would have liked as well?


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Yes.


  • Look, we don't see any concern there.


  • We've got very strong demand for the product and all of our core customers are still they're testing commercial scale products right now for the final application and ready to receive the volume at scale.


  • Additionally, remember, we've got a pretty good portfolio of customers with the Augusta project.


  • And many of them are also interested in taking early material from Iron Mountain in order to jump start the sales process for the amount of the guest.


  • Eric Stine - Analyst

    Eric Stine - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • So I guess the follow-up there is it really hasn't impacted prospects for future plants as well.


  • I mean, I know you're obviously plan for it to help you in terms of building those plants.


  • But it's not it's not hurting you at all with potential customers?


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • No, no.


  • In fact, I would say it is just the opposite.


  • I mean, the commercial product that we've produced off the virus and has accelerated the appetite for our product.


  • And we have a lot of new customers that are testing our product through the former contract and through our distribution channel and the results that they see are very positive.


  • And so that brings them back to us very quickly for let's say, new customer sales inside of the already strong portfolio.


  • Eric Stine - Analyst

    Eric Stine - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Good to hear on that.


  • And maybe Tom, just to confirm something and then a question.


  • So did you say so I know in Q4 you produced 200,000 pounds of pellets in.

    你是這麼說的嗎?我知道你在第四季度生產了 200,000 磅顆粒。

  • Did you say I think it was $1.3 million TOWNS.


  • Just curious, is that quarter to date?


  • I mean, is that a cumulative number?


  • I guess that would be first.


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Yes, the the production number is quarter to date, I believe.


  • Eric Stine - Analyst

    Eric Stine - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • It is let me grab a number here since quarter to date?


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Yes, the 1.2 million this quarter today.

    是的,今天這個季度是 120 萬。

  • Eric Stine - Analyst

    Eric Stine - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And then I guess the follow-up, you don't great news that you no longer have to meet the milestones as dictated or this is a clear one portion of your question.


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • You mentioned 1.3, but the slide shows 1.1. So well-capitalized, 1 billion Q2.

    您提到了 1.3,但幻燈片顯示的是 1.1。資本充足,第二季10億。

  • Eric Stine - Analyst

    Eric Stine - Analyst

  • Okay, got it.


  • All right.


  • And I guess I was just going to say that the it's good that you don't have to meet the milestones by specific dates that were I'm dictated under the bondholder agreement.


  • But just curious, I mean, where you stand now, how do you feel in terms of I mean, you're still obviously shooting for those milestones on the way to ultimate and commercial production are at levels that that would be at scale.


  • So maybe I mean, do you have or are you willing to share when you think you might be at that?


  • I think 4.5 million level on the way to the 9 million.

    我認為 450 萬水準正在朝 900 萬水準邁進。

  • And I think in there, you've also got that a seven day continuous.

    我認為在那裡,你也可以連續 7 天。

  • Our production goal is part of that.


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Yes, as you can imagine, when you're starting with the new technology running the equipment for the first time, predicting the S-curve for the production is very difficult.

    是的,正如您可以想像的那樣,當您第一次使用新技術運行設備時,預測生產的 S 曲線非常困難。

  • Okay.


  • Our focus is less about hitting specific milestones and more about incrementally getting better every day.


  • We will see continued improvement across the production every day and at times, we'll see step change improvements.


  • We we view the or the outage that we have planned in Q2 is a pretty important moment for us because as we've run continuously over the last couple of months, we found new items that we need to address.


  • We've engineered them already to implement them, and we know that they'll make improvements our operation after the outage.


  • So one of the things with the bond that was challenging was so focused on the milestone that sometimes you took your focus off of the fundamentals that gets you there.


  • We're now very focused on building the right foundation for the plant so we can build the long term productivity of the facility.


  • Eric Stine - Analyst

    Eric Stine - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • That's very helpful.


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Thank you.


  • Christian Bruey - Corporate Communications Manager

    Christian Bruey - Corporate Communications Manager

  • We didn't invite questions in our press releases as eScription religion via our e-mail investor questions at Pure Cycle.com and wanted to get to a few of those.

    我們沒有透過 Pure Cycle.com 上的電子郵件向投資者提出問題,在新聞稿中邀請問題作為 eScription 宗教,我們希望回答其中的一些問題。

  • The first one is from Charles boxy at Morgan Stanley.


  • Dustin, on your previous updates, you mentioned that you ran various feedstocks to test the limits of your technology following the co-product to fix your planning in Q2.


  • How confident are you that you can run many different feedstocks?


  • Or do you anticipate long-term challenges on availability, if you will be eliminating your inputs?


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Thank you for the question, Vishal.


  • I think it's really important to remember the scale of the opportunity that we are engaging in here.


  • There are literally billions of pounds of feed available.


  • We've already run the key feeds for Arden, which is traditionally Rafi as well as post-consumer curbside rigids and they've run successfully.

    我們已經運行了 Arden 的關鍵來源,傳統上是 Rafi 以及消費後路邊剛性,並且它們已經成功運作。

  • So I'm not at all concerned about the availability of feed.


  • There's plenty of seed to fill our 10 with those two key streams alone.

    僅用這兩個關鍵流就有足夠的種子來填充我們的 10 個。

  • But I also think it's important to remind you that our technology gives us the ability to buy what others cannot because we have a fundamental process that washes the molecule from the inside out, we can buy things that others can't.


  • And so I think there's always going to be a cycle of testing around the feedstocks so we can find newer and newer fields that provide newer economic opportunities for us.


  • But in terms of the base load for our tenant and Augusta and our early projects, I think we have ample seed to do what we need to do.


  • Christian Bruey - Corporate Communications Manager

    Christian Bruey - Corporate Communications Manager

  • The next question we received was from James Graham, you mentioned sampling, but have any actual products been made from the resin produced at the commercial plant?

    我們收到的下一個問題來自 James Graham,您提到了採樣,但是是否有任何實際產品是由商業工廠生產的樹脂製成的?

  • And if so, what are the?


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Yes.


  • So I think it's important to walk through the process for qualifying projects across plants like this, we have made actual progress of products.


  • You can see those in the earnings pack that they have not been mailed made at commercial scale yet because the first step is to test them in the operations, see how they run before we start allocating larger volumes to that operation once they pass the initial testing, then they'll get scaled up for commercial sales.


  • And we're doing this across a number of fronts with a number of with a number of of customers.


  • Christian Bruey - Corporate Communications Manager

    Christian Bruey - Corporate Communications Manager

  • The next one is from Spencer more.


  • Is the screen changers still necessary if you've successfully purge to be from the system?


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Yes, probably notch on, but maybe a little.


  • I remember there are really two, there are really two purposes for the screen changer.


  • The first is to remove the initial beads that contaminated the system.


  • And I must say that following the outage in November, we were able to do that, do it successfully.

    我必須說,在 11 月的停電之後,我們能夠做到這一點,並且成功地做到了。

  • It did take longer than we expected because there were a higher number Visa system than what we thought, but that allowed us to get back on our feet.


  • But but once the beads are gone on, there's still going to be an opportunity for us to use the screen changer to a final filtration step for the product.


  • And that very often has a positive impact on color.


  • Christian Bruey - Corporate Communications Manager

    Christian Bruey - Corporate Communications Manager

  • There were two questions that came in from John.


  • David, the first one, what is the latest on the Augusta saying?


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Yes.


  • And we're really excited about our path for four gusto.


  • Um, we've really taken a step back and reset our base engineering's through the collaboration with KBR, they are turning out to be a really good thought partner for us on how to better engineer our base facilities.

    嗯,我們確實退了一步,透過與 KBR 的合作重新設定了我們的基礎工程,事實證明他們是我們在如何更好地設計我們的基礎設施方面非常好的思想合作夥伴。

  • We're also integrating the learnings that we've taken from hydrogen into that design.


  • And don't forget, we've already spent a sizable amount of money around $85 million and preconstruction engineering and long-lead purchases.

    不要忘記,我們已經花費了大約 8500 萬美元的大量資金以及預施工工程和長期採購。

  • So that project is very much still moving forward.


  • Christian Bruey - Corporate Communications Manager

    Christian Bruey - Corporate Communications Manager

  • Second question from Jan was, has the expected market price for pure cycles resin changed since it was discussed in 2020?

    Jan 提出的第二個問題是,自 2020 年討論以來,純循環樹脂的預期市場價格是否發生變化?

  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Yes.


  • Look, I think that the market pricing is a very dynamic discussion and what we'll probably not talk too specifically about pricing levels of the Pure Cycle product.

    看,我認為市場定價是一個非常動態的討論​​,我們可能不會太具體地談論 Pure Cycle 產品的定價水平。

  • I think what's important to note is that there's very strong customer demand across many application lanes, even with hydrogen and the guts at max rates, it still only represents a small fraction of production and a small portion of sustainability commitments from even just our core customers.


  • So so we see a lot of runway here.


  • We haven't tested the full market.


  • We will do so as we continue to test new applications to our as to our process.


  • Christian Bruey - Corporate Communications Manager

    Christian Bruey - Corporate Communications Manager

  • Final e-mail question comes from Michael Graham.


  • So given the increased production and the commentary around high demand for the product, what is the revenue outlook for Q1 and 2020?

    那麼,考慮到產量的增加以及對該產品的高需求的評論,第一季和 2020 年的收入前景如何?

  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Well, we're very optimistic about the future fundamentals of the business.


  • And I think coming out of the Q2 out, that optimism is going to continue.


  • But we don't want to set the precedent right now providing mid-quarter guidance.


  • And Glenn, I think the important thing is doesn't sort of the presentation, the original economics.


  • We feel very good Yes.


  • Christian Bruey - Corporate Communications Manager

    Christian Bruey - Corporate Communications Manager

  • But in all of the e-mail questions, I will toss it back over Cindy queue.


  • Operator


  • If you have a question, please press star one one on your touch on telephone.


  • One moment for me question, actually, I'm showing no further questions.


  • I would now like to hand it back to Dustin Olson.


  • Dustin Olson - CEO

    Dustin Olson - CEO

  • Look, thank you for everyone's time today and dedicate your special time to our to our business and to our operations.


  • This is a very important week for PureCycle.

    對 PureCycle 來說,這是非常重要的一週。

  • And quite frankly, I've never been more excited about our progress.


  • Our potential and our future.


  • Thank you for your time today for believing in the mission of Pure Cycle and our team.

    感謝您今天抽出時間來相信 Pure Cycle 和我們團隊的使命。

  • We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at our IR attend showcase concludes today's conference call.

    我們期待明天在今天的電話會議結束後的 IR 出席展示會上見到您。

  • Operator


  • Thank you for participating, and you may now disconnect.
