ServiceNow Inc (NOW) 2022 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by, and welcome to the ServiceNow First Quarter 2022 Earnings Call. (Operator Instructions) Thank you. Darren Yip, Vice President of Investor Relations, you may begin your conference.

    女士們,先生們,感謝您的支持,歡迎參加 ServiceNow 2022 年第一季度財報電話會議。 (操作員說明)謝謝。 Darren Yip,投資者關係副總裁,您可以開始您的會議了。

  • Darren Yip - Head of IR

    Darren Yip - Head of IR

  • Good afternoon, and thank you for joining ServiceNow's First Quarter 2022 Earnings Call. Joining me are Bill McDermott, our President and Chief Executive Officer; and Gina Mastantuono, our Chief Financial Officer.

    下午好,感謝您參加 ServiceNow 的 2022 年第一季度財報電話會議。加入我的還有我們的總裁兼首席執行官 Bill McDermott;和我們的首席財務官 Gina Mastantuono。

  • During today's call, we will review our first quarter 2022 results and discuss our guidance for the second quarter and full year 2022. Before we get started, we want to emphasize that some of the information discussed on this call, such as our guidance, is based on information as of today and contains forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. We undertake no duty or obligation to update such statements as a result of new information or future events.

    在今天的電話會議中,我們將回顧 2022 年第一季度的業績,並討論我們對 2022 年第二季度和全年的指導。在開始之前,我們要強調的是,在這次電話會議上討論的一些信息,例如我們的指導,是基於截至今天的信息,並包含涉及風險、不確定性和假設的前瞻性陳述。我們不承擔因新信息或未來事件而更新此類聲明的義務或義務。

  • Please refer to today's earnings press release and our SEC filings, including our most recent 10-Q and 2021 10-K, for factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from forward-looking statements. We'd also like to point out that we present non-GAAP measures in addition to and not as a substitute for, financial measures calculated in accordance with GAAP. Unless otherwise noted, all financial measures and related growth rates we discuss today are non-GAAP, except for revenues, remaining performance obligations, or RPO, current RPO and cash and investments. To see the reconciliation between these non-GAAP and GAAP measures, please refer to today's earnings press release and investor presentation, both posted on our website at A replay of today's call will also be posted on our website.

    請參閱今天的收益新聞稿和我們提交給 SEC 的文件,包括我們最近的 10-Q 和 2021 10-K,了解可能導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述產生重大差異的因素。我們還想指出,我們提出非 GAAP 措施是對根據 GAAP 計算的財務措施的補充而非替代。除非另有說明,我們今天討論的所有財務指標和相關增長率均為非公認會計原則,但收入、剩餘履約義務或 RPO、當前 RPO 以及現金和投資除外。要查看這些非 GAAP 和 GAAP 措施之間的協調,請參閱今天的收益新聞稿和投資者介紹,兩者都發佈在我們的網站 上。今天電話會議的重播也將發佈在我們的網站上。

  • With that, I'll turn the call over to Bill.


  • William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

    William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

  • Thank you very much, Darren, and good afternoon, everyone. We really appreciate you joining our call today. We're pleased to once again report results that firmly beat expectations.


  • In January, we reported a stellar 2021. Today, we're following that up with a very strong Q1. The constant currency numbers speak for themselves. Subscription revenue growth was 29%, cRPO growth was 30.5%, operating margin surpassed 25%, and all were above the high end of our guidance range. In fact, our raised guidance today, which Gina will cover shortly, also speaks for itself, as does the 52 deals over $1 million in Q1 that were up 41% year-over-year. It's clear that the world is beginning to understand the power of this platform.

    1 月份,我們報告了一個出色的 2021 年。今天,我們以非常強勁的 Q1 緊隨其後。不變的貨幣數字不言自明。訂閱收入增長 29%,cRPO 增長 30.5%,營業利潤率超過 25%,均高於我們指導範圍的高端。事實上,我們今天提出的指導(吉娜將很快介紹)也說明了這一點,第一季度超過 100 萬美元的 52 筆交易同比增長 41%。很明顯,世界開始了解這個平台的力量。

  • We said in January that our fast growth would accelerate in Q1, it did. Now 3 months later, we expect subscription revenue growth to accelerate for the full year. It will. We said that ServiceNow's fast growth would continue to be paired with the leverage of a global market leader. Now with our accelerating revenue growth and free cash flow, we're already approaching the rule of 60 for the full year.

    我們在一月份表示,我們的快速增長將在第一季度加速,確實如此。現在 3 個月後,我們預計全年訂閱收入增長將加速。它會。我們說過,ServiceNow 的快速增長將繼續與全球市場領導者的影響力相結合。現在,隨著我們加速收入增長和自由現金流,我們已經接近全年的 60 規則。

  • We have strong adoption from existing and net new customers. Our rolling 4-quarter pipeline remains ever strong. We're delivering predictable fast growth with exceptional free cash flow. Overall, we're super excited about the state of this business. We believe it sets us up really well for the remainder of 2022 and beyond.

    我們得到了現有客戶和新客戶的大力採用。我們滾動的 4 季度管道仍然強勁。我們正在通過出色的自由現金流實現可預測的快速增長。總的來說,我們對這項業務的狀況感到非常興奮。我們相信它為我們在 2022 年剩餘時間及以後的時間做好了準備。

  • I do want to offer a few comments on what we're seeing in the broader marketplace. We've talked about a sustained demand environment for the enterprise. While there are significant challenges in the world, particularly in the Eastern European situation, we have not seen a material impact on our market. To the contrary, the challenges have underscored the urgency of investment in digital business.


  • IDC continues to see a 23% year-over-year increase in the global public cloud market for 2022. We see similar indications of demand durability, which are consistent with or above the 10-year pre-COVID average. Leaders who do plan to adjust their technology budgets plan to increase investments in 2022. One leader put it well. He said, "Bill, if we slow investment in the short term, we'll lose ground in the midterm, and we won't be in business for the long term." And the data tells the same story. The average tenure of the company in the S&P 500 has declined from 30 years in 1996 to 19 years in 2021.

    IDC 繼續看到 2022 年全球公共雲市場同比增長 23%。我們看到了類似的需求持久性跡象,這與 COVID 之前的 10 年平均值一致或更高。確實計劃調整技術預算的領導者計劃在 2022 年增加投資。一位領導者說得很好。他說:“比爾,如果我們在短期內放慢投資速度,中期就會失地,長期不會做生意。”數據講述了同樣的故事。該公司在標準普爾 500 指數中的平均任期從 1996 年的 30 年下降到 2021 年的 19 年。

  • So it's very clear that business can no longer revert to a status quo posture, no matter the environment. We're now in a tech to compete world. If you look to our new customer acquisition, here is what resonates, businesses are shifting investments in technologies that gets them to the right outcomes faster. Cloud-native platforms like ServiceNow are seen as an elixir to speed up new revenue streams and better experiences for people.

    因此很明顯,無論環境如何,企業都無法再恢復現狀。我們現在處於一個技術競爭的世界。如果您關注我們的新客戶獲取情況,就會產生共鳴,企業正在轉移對技術的投資,以更快地獲得正確的結果。 ServiceNow 等雲原生平台被視為加速新收入流和為人們提供更好體驗的靈丹妙藥。

  • When we see increased focus on topics like supply chain, risk, security, ESG, all of these convert to perceive -- what was perceived headwinds into much stronger secular tailwinds for ServiceNow. So the world's biggest problems are really ServiceNow's biggest opportunities. And it all adds up to what we said consistently, the technology architecture is now the business architecture. This is the era for digital business.

    當我們看到人們越來越關注供應鏈、風險、安全、ESG 等主題時,所有這些都轉變為感知——對於 ServiceNow 來說,被感知的逆風變成了更強大的長期順風。因此,世界上最大的問題實際上是 ServiceNow 的最大機遇。這一切都符合我們一貫所說的,技術架構現在是業務架構。這是數字業務的時代。

  • Our businesses are firing on all cylinders in this environment. Behind great experiences are great workflows, which underscores the unique extensibility of the ServiceNow platform. So here it is. Our core technology workflows business performed well in Q1. ITSM was in 11 of our top 20 deals, with continued strong adoption of ITSM Pro. We continue to see strong attach rates from ITOM in 13 of our top 20 deals. Security and Risk had a great quarter with a combined 13 deals in the top 20. Global biotech innovator, Regeneron, works with ServiceNow to increase productivity while decreasing costs. Global financial leader, RBC, works with ServiceNow for cloud and asset tracking. I'd also like to thank RBC for administering the ServiceNow Racial Equity Fund.

    在這種環境下,我們的企業正在全力以赴。出色體驗的背後是出色的工作流程,這凸顯了 ServiceNow 平台的獨特可擴展性。所以就在這裡。我們的核心技術工作流程業務在第一季度表現良好。 ITSM 在我們的前 20 項交易中佔據了 11 項,ITSM Pro 繼續得到廣泛採用。在我們的前 20 項交易中,我們繼續看到 ITOM 的高附加率。 Security and Risk 在前 20 名中共有 13 筆交易在本季度表現出色。全球生物技術創新者 Regeneron 與 ServiceNow 合作,在降低成本的同時提高生產力。全球金融領導者 RBC 與 ServiceNow 合作進行雲和資產跟踪。我還要感謝 RBC 管理 ServiceNow 種族股權基金。

  • The only way for companies to transform the customer experience is to fully integrate their employee experience. Customer workflows continue to see strong demand, particularly with our vertical SKUs. Barclays works with ServiceNow to automate cross-agency case management and compliance with EU data privacy requirements. In this post-pandemic economy, many businesses are creating direct-to-consumer business models. Companies like Telefônica Brasil work with ServiceNow to better serve their next-generation customers.

    公司改變客戶體驗的唯一方法是充分整合員工體驗。客戶工作流程的需求繼續強勁,尤其是我們的垂直 SKU。 Barclays 與 ServiceNow 合作,以自動化跨機構案例管理並遵守歐盟數據隱私要求。在這個大流行後的經濟中,許多企業正在創建直接面向消費者的商業模式。 Telefônica Brasil 等公司與 ServiceNow 合作,以更好地服務於他們的下一代客戶。

  • Employee workflows were also strong in the quarter. HR was in 14 of the top 20 deals. Global health care solutions company, AmerisourceBergen, works with ServiceNow to transform their employee experience. In the digital business era, differentiation can't be bought, it must be built. IDC now forecasted 750 million net new applications will be created between 2023 and 2025. With the unprecedented demand for net new innovation together with a global shortage of professional developers, low-code application development is a massive market opportunity. While tech leaders see the value of citizen developers, they don't want to sacrifice the enterprise-grade governance and security. This is what gives ServiceNow a unique differentiation in the low-code market.

    本季度的員工工作流程也很強勁。人力資源參與了前 20 名交易中的 14 項。全球醫療保健解決方案公司 AmerisourceBergen 與 ServiceNow 合作,以改變他們的員工體驗。數字化商業時代,差異化買不來,必須建立。 IDC 現在預測,2023 年至 2025 年間將創建 7.5 億個淨新應用程序。隨著對淨新創新的空前需求以及全球專業開發人員的短缺,低代碼應用程序開發是一個巨大的市場機會。雖然技術領導者看到了公民開發人員的價值,但他們不想犧牲企業級治理和安全性。這就是 ServiceNow 在低代碼市場中獨樹一幟的原因。

  • Look at Dai-ichi Life Insurance, one of the world's largest insurance companies, which is standardized on app engine for all low-code application development. With creative workflows in 16 of the top 20 Q1 deals, we see this trend accelerate. A leading manufacturer of print inks, DIC, works with ServiceNow as their new citizen developer platform, one of many such examples.

    看看世界上最大的保險公司之一的第一人壽,它在應用引擎上進行了標準化,用於所有低代碼應用程序開發。憑藉第一季度前 20 項交易中的 16 項的創意工作流程,我們看到這一趨勢正在加速。領先的印刷油墨製造商 DIC 將 ServiceNow 作為其新的公民開發平台,這是眾多此類示例之一。

  • Here's the key takeaway, businesses are no longer in the mood to experiment. They go with what they know works, which is why the world works with ServiceNow. We are the only one with a fully integrated platform architecture that can address every C-suite business challenge because enterprises are so focused now on fast time to value. Our new customer success subscription offering, ServiceNow Impact, also saw a strong demand in Q1. And as ever, the ServiceNow platform is the foundation for our ongoing success.

    這是關鍵點,企業不再有嘗試的心情。他們選擇他們所知道的有效方法,這就是世界與 ServiceNow 合作的原因。我們是唯一一家擁有完全集成的平台架構的公司,可以應對每一個最高管理層的業務挑戰,因為企業現在非常關注快速實現價值。我們新的客戶成功訂閱產品 ServiceNow Impact 在第一季度也出現了強勁的需求。與以往一樣,ServiceNow 平台是我們持續成功的基礎。

  • We're encouraged by the extremely favorable reception from our San Diego platform release. In particular, users love the next experience, which streamlines navigation, make search intelligent and simplifies personalization all on our platform. We also unveiled a new automation engine, which makes it simple for users to do robotic process automation on the ServiceNow platform. Only ServiceNow can help businesses unify their approach to hyper automation.

    我們對聖地亞哥平台發布的極為好評感到鼓舞。特別是,用戶喜歡我們平台上的下一個體驗,它簡化了導航、使搜索變得智能並簡化了個性化。我們還推出了一個新的自動化引擎,讓用戶可以輕鬆地在 ServiceNow 平台上進行機器人流程自動化。只有 ServiceNow 可以幫助企業統一他們的超自動化方法。

  • We now orchestrate AI, RPA and other key technologies on a single local platform. Fred Luddy founded our company in San Diego. So this release was an especially proud moment for all of us. I'd like to personally salute our product and engineering teams for their transformational work they delivered in our San Diego release. Congratulations, team. Outstanding job.

    我們現在在一個本地平台上編排 AI、RPA 和其他關鍵技術。 Fred Luddy 在聖地亞哥創立了我們的公司。所以這次發布對我們所有人來說都是一個特別自豪的時刻。我想親自向我們的產品和工程團隊致敬,感謝他們在聖地亞哥版本中所做的轉型工作。恭喜,團隊。出色的工作。

  • Looking forward, we see many positive developments that affirm our confidence in this business. Investment from our partner ecosystem continues to accelerate nicely. Thierry Delaporte, CEO of Wipro, said the following, "Bill, we couldn't be more excited about the potential of ServiceNow. You bring a whole new dimension to customer success and technology innovation. We are all in." This outstanding partnership with Wipro is only just getting started.

    展望未來,我們看到許多積極的發展證實了我們對這項業務的信心。來自我們合作夥伴生態系統的投資繼續良好加速。 Wipro 首席執行官蒂埃里·德拉波特 (Thierry Delaporte) 表示:“比爾,我們對 ServiceNow 的潛力感到無比興奮。您為客戶成功和技術創新帶來了全新的維度。我們全力以赴。”與 Wipro 的出色合作才剛剛開始。

  • We also have our signature event series, Knowledge '22, taking place in May. Each of 4 locations will demonstrate the high enthusiasm of the growing ServiceNow community. We will have showcases in the Hague, New York City, Sydney and Las Vegas, in addition to a fully digital experience. So please join us.

    我們還有我們的標誌性活動系列,Knowledge '22,將於 5 月舉行。 4 個地點中的每一個都將展示不斷增長的 ServiceNow 社區的高度熱情。除了全數字化體驗外,我們還將在海牙、紐約市、悉尼和拉斯維加斯舉辦展覽。所以請加入我們。

  • So in closing, we had a great Q1. Everything is lined up for us to follow suit in Q2 and for the full year. We're taking steps forward every day to our stated milestone, $10 billion-plus by 2024, $15 billion-plus by 2026 and beyond. It's worth reiterating at this time that we remain on track to be the fastest ever to hit those thresholds.

    所以最後,我們有一個很棒的第一季度。一切都準備好了,我們可以在第二季度和全年效仿。我們每天都在朝著既定的里程碑邁進,到 2024 年超過 100 億美元,到 2026 年及以後超過 150 億美元。此時值得重申的是,我們仍有望成為有史以來最快達到這些門檻的人。

  • Finally, beyond the business results, I'd like to offer the heartfelt support of our more than 18,000 ServiceNow colleagues worldwide to those confronting humanitarian crisis, especially in Ukraine. Like so many of our customers and peers, ServiceNow is pursuing numerous opportunities to support relief efforts. By continuing to do well, we confer to commit our company to doing good. This is firmly aligned to our purpose of making the world work better for everyone. Herein lies our path to be the defining enterprise software company of the 21st century. Ladies and gentlemen, we are a company on the move.

    最後,除了業務成果之外,我還要向全球 18,000 多名 ServiceNow 同事表示衷心的支持,以幫助那些面臨人道主義危機的人,尤其是在烏克蘭。與我們的許多客戶和同行一樣,ServiceNow 正在尋求大量機會來支持救援工作。通過繼續做好,我們承諾我們的公司做好事。這與我們讓世界為每個人更好地工作的目標堅定不移。這就是我們成為 21 世紀具有決定意義的企業軟件公司的道路。女士們先生們,我們是一家不斷發展的公司。

  • I'd like to thank you again for your time and your trust in ServiceNow. We're looking forward to addressing any questions you may have. And I'll now hand it over to our great CFO, Gina Mastantuono. Gina?

    我想再次感謝您的時間和您對 ServiceNow 的信任。我們期待解決您可能遇到的任何問題。現在,我將把它交給我們偉大的首席財務官 Gina Mastantuono。吉娜?

  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • Thank you, Bill. Q1 was yet another fantastic quarter of execution. Enterprises are navigating a macro environment filled with a myriad of challenges. Our ability to continue delivering strong results exemplifies the resiliency of our business and the mission-critical nature of the Now Platform. The breadth of our product offering and our geographic reach provide us a diverse array of opportunities for growth.

    謝謝你,比爾。第一季度是另一個出色的執行季度。企業正在一個充滿挑戰的宏觀環境中航行。我們繼續提供強勁業績的能力體現了我們業務的彈性和 Now 平台的關鍵任務性質。我們產品的廣度和地理覆蓋範圍為我們提供了多樣化的增長機會。

  • Although FX headwinds grew throughout the quarter, ServiceNow outperformed across all of our Q1 guidance metrics. In fact, net new ACV growth accelerated year-over-year, driving the fastest Q1 growth we've seen since 2018. We expect that momentum will carry into Q2 with net new ACV growth consistent with our very strong second quarter last year. As a result, we're raising the midpoint of 2022 subscription revenue guidance to more than offset these incremental FX headwinds.

    儘管整個季度的外匯逆風都在增加,但 ServiceNow 在我們所有的第一季度指導指標上都表現出色。事實上,淨新 ACV 增長同比加速,推動了我們自 2018 年以來最快的第一季度增長。我們預計這一勢頭將延續到第二季度,淨新 ACV 增長與去年第二季度非常強勁的一致。因此,我們提高了 2022 年訂閱收入指導的中點,以抵消這些增加的外匯逆風。

  • Turning to Q1 results. Subscription revenues were $1.631 billion, growing 29% year-over-year in constant currency, exceeding the high end of our guidance range by $16 million. This reflects a 300-basis point acceleration in growth year-over-year. RPO ended the quarter at approximately $11.5 billion, representing 31.5% year-over-year constant currency growth. Current RPO was approximately $5.69 billion, representing 30.5% year-over-year constant currency growth, a 1-point beat versus our guidance.

    轉向第一季度的結果。訂閱收入為 16.31 億美元,按固定匯率計算同比增長 29%,超出我們指導範圍的高端 1600 萬美元。這反映了同比增長 300 個基點的加速。本季度末 RPO 約為 115 億美元,同比不變貨幣增長 31.5%。當前的 RPO 約為 56.9 億美元,同比增長 30.5%,比我們的預期高出 1 個百分點。

  • From an industry perspective, we saw broad-based strength with energy and utilities, financial services, government, health care, life sciences, TMT, and transportation and logistics all growing net new ACV 40% or more year-over-year. Our renewal rate was best-in-class at 98% in Q1 as the Now Platform remains a core component of our customers' digital transformation efforts. The stickiness of our customer base has served as a solid foundation for us to build upon as our largest customers continue to expand.

    從行業的角度來看,我們看到能源和公用事業、金融服務、政府、醫療保健、生命科學、TMT 以及運輸和物流的廣泛實力,淨新 ACV 均同比增長 40% 或更多。由於 Now 平台仍然是我們客戶數字化轉型工作的核心組成部分,我們的續訂率在第一季度達到 98% 的同類最佳。隨著我們最大的客戶不斷擴大,我們客戶群的粘性為我們奠定了堅實的基礎。

  • We finished the quarter with more than 1,400 customers paying us over $1 million in ACV. We closed 52 deals greater than $1 million in net new ACV in Q1, up 41% year-over-year. This includes 7 net new logo deals in the quarter, further demonstrating our success with initiatives to land quality customers. Our portfolio outside of ITSM is also leading more of our largest customer land. 9 out of our top 10 new customer deals were led by non-ITSM products.

    我們在本季度結束時有 1,400 多名客戶向我們支付了超過 100 萬美元的 ACV。我們在第一季度完成了 52 筆淨新 ACV 超過 100 萬美元的交易,同比增長 41%。這包括本季度的 7 筆淨新標識交易,進一步證明了我們在吸引優質客戶方面取得的成功。我們在 ITSM 之外的產品組合也引領著我們最大的客戶領域。在我們的前 10 名新客戶交易中,有 9 項由非 ITSM 產品主導。

  • Turning to profitability. Operating margins surpassed 25%, driven by our revenue beat and certain spend that shifted into Q2. Our free cash flow margin was 45%. We ended the quarter with a healthy balance sheet, including $5.5 billion in cash and investments, putting us in excellent shape to continue investing in strategic initiatives that drive growth. Together, these results demonstrate our ability to drive a balance of growth and profitability. And perhaps even more relevant this year is also showcases the resiliency and predictability of our business model. While a diversity of markets and customers provide stability in our results, the diversity of our employee base continues to make us even stronger.

    轉向盈利能力。營業利潤率超過 25%,這得益於我們的收入增長和某些支出轉移到第二季度。我們的自由現金流利潤率為 45%。我們以健康的資產負債表結束了本季度,包括 55 億美元的現金和投資,使我們處於良好的狀態,可以繼續投資於推動增長的戰略計劃。這些結果共同證明了我們推動增長和盈利能力平衡的能力。今年可能更重要的是展示了我們商業模式的彈性和可預測性。雖然市場和客戶的多樣性為我們的業績提供了穩定性,但我們員工基礎的多樣性繼續使我們更加強大。

  • Last week, we released our second annual Global Impact Report. Just as the ServiceNow platform helps us fully integrate customer, employee and technology experiences across our business, we'll continue to use the ServiceNow ESG management and reporting solutions to manage, govern and report our progress. While we're early in our ESG journey, we're extremely proud of our accomplishments in such a short time. We've made significant improvements in representation and hiring. We've tied executive compensation to both environmental and diversity goals. We fully distributed ServiceNow's $100 million Racial Equity Fund, and we've continued to achieve systemic pay equities. I'm happy with the progress we've made in 2021, but we're just getting started.

    上週,我們發布了第二份年度全球影響報告。正如 ServiceNow 平台幫助我們在整個業務中全面整合客戶、員工和技術體驗一樣,我們將繼續使用 ServiceNow ESG 管理和報告解決方案來管理、治理和報告我們的進展。雖然我們處於 ESG 之旅的早期階段,但我們為在如此短的時間內取得的成就感到非常自豪。我們在代表和招聘方面取得了重大進展。我們將高管薪酬與環境和多樣性目標聯繫起來。我們完全分配了 ServiceNow 的 1 億美元種族股權基金,並且我們繼續實現系統性薪酬公平。我對我們在 2021 年取得的進展感到滿意,但我們才剛剛開始。

  • Moving on to guidance. As the conflict in Ukraine intensified throughout Q1, we've continued to see an incremental strengthening of the U.S. dollar, resulting in further FX headwinds in 2022. However, on a constant currency basis, the underlying health of our business has remained ever strong. With that in mind, let's turn to our 2022 outlook.

    繼續指導。隨著烏克蘭衝突在整個第一季度加劇,我們繼續看到美元逐步走強,導致 2022 年的外匯逆風進一步惡化。但是,在不變的貨幣基礎上,我們業務的基本健康狀況一直保持強勁。考慮到這一點,讓我們轉向我們的 2022 年展望。

  • We are raising the midpoint of our subscription revenue outlook by $23 million to more than offset the incremental $20 million headwind we're seeing from FX, resulting in a net increase of $3 million. Our new range of $7.025 billion to $7.04 billion represents 26% year-over-year growth. That's 28.5% growth on a constant currency basis, a 50-basis point raise versus our previous outlook. This reflects our updated expectation for constant currency growth to now accelerate year-over-year. We continue to expect subscription gross margins of 86%, up 100 basis points year-over-year, operating margin of 25% and free cash flow margin of 31%.

    我們將訂閱收入前景的中點提高了 2300 萬美元,以抵消我們從 FX 看到的 2000 萬美元的逆風,淨增加 300 萬美元。我們的新範圍為 70.25 億美元至 70.4 億美元,同比增長 26%。按固定匯率計算,增長率為 28.5%,與我們之前的預期相比提高了 50 個基點。這反映了我們對恆定貨幣增長現在同比加速的最新預期。我們繼續預計訂閱毛利率為 86%,同比增長 100 個基點,營業利潤率為 25%,自由現金流利潤率為 31%。

  • Finally, we expect diluted weighted average outstanding shares of 204 million. For Q2, we expect subscription revenues between $1.67 billion and $1.675 billion representing 26% year-over-year growth, which is inclusive of a 3-point FX headwind. On a constant currency basis, we expect subscription revenue growth to be 29%, a 250-basis point acceleration from Q2 2021. We expect cRPO growth of 25% year-over-year or 28% on a constant currency basis.

    最後,我們預計稀釋後的加權平均流通股為 2.04 億股。對於第二季度,我們預計訂閱收入在 16.7 億美元至 16.75 億美元之間,同比增長 26%,其中包括 3 個百分點的外匯逆風。在固定貨幣基礎上,我們預計訂閱收入增長為 29%,比 2021 年第二季度加速 250 個基點。我們預計 cRPO 同比增長 25% 或在固定貨幣基礎上增長 28%。

  • I'd note that for full year 2022, we have a larger-than-average customer cohort that renews in Q4. We will see between 1 and 2 points of increasing headwinds to Q2 and Q3 cRPO growth as those contractual obligations wind down. When the cohort renews, though, in Q4, those headwinds will subside, and we expect cRPO growth to reaccelerate quarter-over-quarter. We expect an operating margin of 22%, which reflects the timing of marketing spend that shifted from Q1 into Q2 and some incremental FX. We expect 203 million diluted weighted outstanding shares for the quarter.

    我注意到,在 2022 年全年,我們的客戶群數量高於平均水平,並在第四季度更新。隨著這些合同義務的減少,我們將看到第二季度和第三季度 cRPO 增長的阻力增加 1 到 2 個百分點。然而,當隊列在第四季度更新時,這些不利因素將會消退,我們預計 cRPO 的增長將環比重新加速。我們預計營業利潤率為 22%,這反映了營銷支出從第一季度轉移到第二季度的時間以及一些增量外匯。我們預計本季度將有 2.03 億股稀釋加權流通股。

  • In conclusion, Q1 was another outstanding quarter. Our momentum is setting us up for a great year. As Bill highlighted, we're excited about our San Diego release. Our future innovation pipeline is robust, as we seek to extend our market leadership, deepening our competitive moat as the platform for digital business. ServiceNow is incredibly well positioned to become the defining enterprise software company of the 21st century. I'd like to invite you all to hear more about the momentum we're seeing and learn more about our new products and long-term opportunities at our upcoming Investor Day on May 24 in Las Vegas.

    總之,第一季度是另一個出色的季度。我們的勢頭正在為我們創造美好的一年。正如比爾強調的那樣,我們對聖地亞哥的發布感到興奮。隨著我們尋求擴大我們的市場領導地位,深化我們作為數字業務平台的競爭護城河,我們未來的創新渠道十分穩健。 ServiceNow 非常有能力成為 21 世紀的企業軟件公司。在即將於 5 月 24 日在拉斯維加斯舉行的投資者日,我想邀請大家更多地了解我們所看到的勢頭,並了解更多關於我們的新產品和長期機會的信息。

  • Finally, I'm extremely proud of our team's performance this quarter. Bill and I can't thank our employees enough for their continued hard work and dedication. And with that, I'll open it up for Q&A.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) The first question comes from the line of Keith Weiss with Morgan Stanley.

    (操作員說明)第一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Keith Weiss。

  • Keith Weiss - Equity Analyst

    Keith Weiss - Equity Analyst

  • And a really nice quarter. Actually, it took -- 2 questions. One, just on kind of the overall macro backdrop and how you guys are kind of performing so well against that. One, is there any geographic differences? Like are you seeing any difference in sort of behavior in Europe versus behavior in the U.S. or Asia Pac? Or is it pretty much consistent across the board?

    一個非常好的季度。實際上,它花了 - 2個問題。第一,就整體宏觀背景以及你們在這種情況下的表現如何。一,有地域差異嗎?您是否看到歐洲的行為與美國或亞太地區的行為有什麼不同?還是整體上非常一致?

  • And two, is there any -- like if you think about this period of time versus what we saw in 2020, right, and we were dealing with the COVID pandemic, are there any similarities or differences that you could point to in terms of what you're seeing now versus what you saw then?

    第二,是否有任何相似之處——例如,如果您考慮一下這段時間與我們在 2020 年看到的情況,對,我們正在應對 COVID 大流行,您是否可以指出在什麼方面有任何相似之處或不同之處?你現在看到的和你當時看到的?

  • William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

    William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

  • Well, thank you very much, Keith. First of all, in terms of then and now, in both cases, the world's biggest challenges are ServiceNow's biggest opportunities. And if you remember, we stepped right up to the emergency response, returned to work safely. And that really spurred on a whole new business for ServiceNow, but more importantly, to establish the brand as a leader.

    好吧,非常感謝你,基思。首先,就當時和現在而言,在這兩種情況下,世界上最大的挑戰都是 ServiceNow 的最大機遇。如果你還記得的話,我們立即採取了緊急響應措施,安全返回工作崗位。這確實激發了 ServiceNow 的全新業務,但更重要的是,將品牌確立為領導者。

  • The case is also true now, right? The war in Ukraine, the rising inflationary environment, interest rates and dislocated supply chains, these are all opportunities for the Now Platform because this is the unique attribute of ServiceNow. We're an enterprise software market leader. Most of the companies, where they have felt the negative impacts of the environment have a consumer business that will be probably impacted from these forces, but the enterprises are basically saying it's a tech to compete world, and I have to invest now because I'm already, in many cases, falling behind.

    現在的情況也是如此,對吧?烏克蘭的戰爭、不斷上升的通脹環境、利率和錯位的供應鏈,這些都是 Now Platform 的機會,因為這是 ServiceNow 的獨特屬性。我們是企業軟件市場的領導者。大多數感受到環境負面影響的公司都有可能受到這些力量影響的消費者業務,但企業基本上說這是一個競爭世界的技術,我現在必須投資,因為我'在許多情況下,我已經落後了。

  • For example, just 2 years ago, 1/3 of the business was getting done in digital formats. Today, it's 2/3. And 2 years, it will be 90-plus percent. So if you don't get digital fast, you lose. The other thing, we're in a war for talent in the global economy, like that's never been seen before at this level. And there's unique attributes of how the software has to take care of the people. You have to recruit them, hire them, but you have to onboard them. That's one of the moments of truth that nobody does the way we do it. So they feel part of the culture no matter where they're working from. And then, of course, you have to give the consumer great experience to differentiate you.

    例如,就在 2 年前,1/3 的業務是以數字格式完成的。今天是2/3。 2 年後,將達到 90% 以上。因此,如果您不能快速獲得數字化,您就會失敗。另一件事是,我們正處於全球經濟中的人才爭奪戰中,這在這個層面上是前所未有的。並且軟件必須如何照顧人們具有獨特的屬性。你必須招募他們,僱傭他們,但你必須讓他們加入。這是事實的時刻之一,沒有人按照我們的方式行事。因此,無論他們在哪里工作,他們都覺得自己是文化的一部分。然後,當然,您必須為消費者提供出色的體驗以使您與眾不同。

  • That is also true for the customer on a direct-to-consumer level and obviously creating the gaps on the low-code platform. So what I'm saying is, the world needs these problems solved, so we can help manage those macro effects that you're talking about. So the environment feels somewhat like it did then in that context, but we're redoubling our focus and our optimism across all employees anywhere in the world because all of our customers need us.


  • So again, I think the unique differentiation is our clear focus on the enterprise and our consistent innovation. And on the geography scenario, it obviously will vary by quarter here and there. They're all strong. Americas was particularly strong, but all of our regions have strong pipelines and every reason to believe that it will be a consistent across-the-board effort everywhere in the world.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Brad Sills with Bank of America.

    您的下一個問題來自美國銀行的 Brad Sills。

  • Bradley Hartwell Sills - Director, Analyst

    Bradley Hartwell Sills - Director, Analyst

  • Congratulations on a real nice quarter here. The thing that really stands out to me is just the broad strength that you're seeing across different departments, ITSM, employee workflows, ITOM, security risk. These are multiple lines of business. My question is, what has changed about the go-to-market such that you're able to bridge the gap across so many different departments and find relevance for your solutions there? Is the global SI channel a key to that? Are there things that have changed in just your internal go-to-market as well?

    恭喜這裡有一個非常好的季度。對我來說真正突出的是您在不同部門、ITSM、員工工作流程、ITOM、安全風險中看到的廣泛優勢。這些是多條業務線。我的問題是,進入市場發生了什麼變化,使您能夠彌合如此多不同部門之間的差距並找到與您的解決方案相關的地方?全球 SI 渠道是實現這一目標的關鍵嗎?在您的內部上市過程中是否也發生了一些變化?

  • William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

    William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

  • Brad, thank you for your kind words, and also, you're on to something here. We became a platform company, Brad. We started out in IT and where you have a very proud technical excellence for the IT leaders around the world. And they really get behind ServiceNow in a big way because they know it works. And what happened along the way with this digital transformation world that we're living in right now, IT really became the business strategy because it's the only way to keep your business secure. It's the only way to make sure your employees can get what they need to do their work no matter where they're working from. It's the only way to reach out and innovate with those new next-generation customers who will only do business with you digitally.

    布拉德,謝謝你的客氣話,而且,你在這裡做點什麼。我們變成了一家平台公司,布拉德。我們從 IT 開始,您為世界各地的 IT 領導者擁有非常引以為豪的卓越技術。他們真的在很大程度上支持 ServiceNow,因為他們知道它有效。在我們現在生活的這個數字化轉型世界中發生了什麼,IT 確實成為了業務戰略,因為它是確保您的業務安全的唯一方法。這是確保您的員工無論在哪里工作都能獲得工作所需的唯一方法。這是與那些只會以數字方式與您開展業務的下一代新客戶接觸和創新的唯一途徑。

  • And ultimately, this creative workflow is massive because the number of applications that will be developed in the next 3 years supersede the number that have been built in the last half century. And there's not enough engineers in the world to do that, and they're doing that in record numbers on ServiceNow.

    最終,這個創造性的工作流程是巨大的,因為未來 3 年內將開發的應用程序數量將超過過去半個世紀所構建的數量。世界上沒有足夠的工程師來做到這一點,而且他們在 ServiceNow 上以創紀錄的數量做到了這一點。

  • But here is the big difference. When we became the platform company, the leaders that believed in us that were generationally from the IT environment said, wow, with ServiceNow, I can do all this on 1 architecture, 1 platform, 1 data model, and I can give all the constituents on our enterprise with the need to win, whether they're in the HR department, sales and marketing, they could be in the field service or they could just simply be citizen developers trying to do something to help the company. And now I can do all that but govern it, make sure it's compliant and make sure the innovation is always tethered to the investments we've made in the past, so we can have a brighter future.

    但這裡有很大的不同。當我們成為平台公司時,那些信任我們的一代代 IT 環境領導說,哇,有了 ServiceNow,我可以在 1 個架構、1 個平台、1 個數據模型上完成所有這些,而且我可以提供所有成分在我們需要取勝的企業中,無論他們是在人力資源部門、銷售和營銷部門,他們可能在現場服務部門,或者他們可能只是試圖做一些事情來幫助公司的公民開發人員。現在我可以做所有這一切,但要管理它,確保它合規,並確保創新始終與我們過去所做的投資聯繫在一起,這樣我們才能擁有更光明的未來。

  • And that's the big difference. And internally, we've moved to a solutions by industry and persona and business impact company along the lines of that platform, and everybody is super excited about where we're going.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Arjun Bhatia with William Blair.

    您的下一個問題來自與威廉布萊爾的 Arjun Bhatia。

  • Arjun Rohit Bhatia - Analyst

    Arjun Rohit Bhatia - Analyst

  • Perfect. And I will add my congrats on a great quarter. Bill, maybe I want to follow up on your conversation about inflation earlier. I'm sure you're seeing hosting costs go up, labor costs are increasing. At the same time, right, with your product, you're adding more value to customers. You've talked about ServiceNow being a deflationary platform and you're innovating. But how do you think about pricing in this environment for your solution? Is there an opportunity to be more aggressive as you add more value and to try to maybe offset some of the costs that are increasing on the OpEx side?

    完美的。我將祝賀一個偉大的季度。比爾,也許我想早點跟進你關於通貨膨脹的談話。我敢肯定,您會看到託管成本上升,勞動力成本也在增加。同時,對了,通過您的產品,您正在為客戶增加更多價值。您已經談到 ServiceNow 是一個通貨緊縮的平台,並且您正在創新。但是您如何看待在這種環境中為您的解決方案定價?當您增加更多價值並嘗試抵消運營支出方面正在增加的一些成本時,是否有機會變得更加積極?

  • William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

    William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

  • No, it's a really good question, Arjun. I think the main thing to take away from this is when you are in a privileged position because the technology has such a strong advantage, in software, if you do it right, you shouldn't have discount thresholds that behave like doing it wrong. So in software, if you can control your pricing algorithm and make sure that you're getting the price you deserve for your product because it has a well-constructed business impact that's been clearly defined with the customer, you find that you can actually improve price/performance without exacting large enterprise change to the customer.


  • And that's what we're really seeing. We're really seeing a professionalism around how we comport our story, the power and impact of the platform and how we can make that fully transparent to our customers. And we even invented an application that they're using on their business iPhones right now where they can see the impact of the projects they do with ServiceNow and the return on those investments as they are tethered to the original business case that was done at the point of sale. That's the level of precision that I'm unaware of another enterprise company operating on. So it's really about value, it's really about business impact, and our customers are buying in.

    這就是我們真正看到的。我們真的看到了圍繞我們如何講述我們的故事、平台的力量和影響以及我們如何使這些對我們的客戶完全透明的專業精神。我們甚至發明了一個他們現在正在他們的商務 iPhone 上使用的應用程序,他們可以看到他們使用 ServiceNow 所做的項目的影響以及這些投資的回報,因為它們與在銷售點。這是我不知道另一家企業公司在運營的精確度。所以這真的是關於價值,真的是關於業務影響,我們的客戶正在購買。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Karl Keirstead with UBS.

    您的下一個問題來自瑞銀集團的 Karl Keirstead。

  • Karl Emil Keirstead - Analyst

    Karl Emil Keirstead - Analyst

  • Gina, I just wanted to give you a chance to elaborate on the U-shape cRPO trajectory in 2022. And in particular, I just wanted to clarify the 1- to 2-point sequential headwind to that metric. So does that mean that the 28% guide in 2Q would be maybe 29%, 30% normalized. And then in 3Q, do you get another 1- to 2-point headwind before you get that acceleration in 4Q? Love any color you can provide, as I think others on the call would.

    吉娜,我只是想讓你有機會詳細說明 2022 年的 U 形 cRPO 軌跡。特別是,我只想澄清該指標的 1 到 2 點連續逆風。那麼這是否意味著第二季度的 28% 指導可能是 29%、30% 標準化。然後在第 3 季度,在第 4 季度獲得加速之前,您是否會再遇到 1 到 2 分的逆風?喜歡你能提供的任何顏色,就像我認為電話中的其他人一樣。

  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • Thank you, Karl. That's exactly right. And so basically, what we're saying is that there's a 1- to 2-point impact in Q2 and Q3 because of this new, this large renewal cohort. And so if you think about a renewal and a customer that at the end of Q4 2021 had $1 million, right? And that's up for renewal in Q4 in 2022, while in Q4 of last year, cRPO would have had $1 million, then in Q1, it would have had $750,000. Then in Q2, it would have had $500 million; Q3, $250,000. So that's the impact that we're talking about. And we've quantified it for you at between 1% to 2%, and you've got it exactly right how you're talking about it with the math.

    謝謝你,卡爾。這是完全正確的。所以基本上,我們所說的是,由於這個新的、龐大的更新隊列,第二季度和第三季度會有 1 到 2 個百分點的影響。因此,如果您考慮續訂和在 2021 年第四季度末擁有 100 萬美元的客戶,對嗎?這將在 2022 年第四季度更新,而在去年第四季度,cRPO 將有 100 萬美元,然後在第一季度,它將有 750,000 美元。然後在第二季度,它將擁有 5 億美元;第三季度,250,000 美元。這就是我們正在談論的影響。我們已經為你量化了 1% 到 2% 之間,你已經完全正確地用數學來談論它。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Phil Winslow with Credit Suisse.

    您的下一個問題來自瑞士信貸的 Phil Winslow。

  • Philip Alan Winslow - MD & Software Analyst

    Philip Alan Winslow - MD & Software Analyst

  • Congrats on another just outstanding quarter. Bill, thanks for all the color you gave on just the feedback you're getting from customers in terms of just the prioritization of IT spending and ServiceNow. And it really does feel like you're leaning into that opportunity. When I look at sales and marketing head count, that's up 25% year-over-year. My question is, I guess, twofold. One, what are your goals just for hiring in this line for the year? And are there any areas where you think ServiceNow is going to be leaning into, whether it'd be geographic or vertical functionality? And then Gina, I wonder if you could just comment on the sales productivity ramp time that you're seeing?

    恭喜又一個出色的季度。比爾,感謝您就 IT 支出和 ServiceNow 的優先順序從客戶那裡獲得的反饋提供的所有顏色。確實感覺你正抓住這個機會。當我查看銷售和營銷人數時,同比增長 25%。我想,我的問題是雙重的。一,您今年僅在這一行招聘的目標是什麼?您認為 ServiceNow 會在哪些領域傾斜,無論是地理功能還是垂直功能?然後吉娜,我想知道您是否可以評論一下您所看到的銷售效率提升時間?

  • William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

    William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

  • Phil, thank you very much, Phil. What's really wonderful about ServiceNow is we just crossed our 18,000th employee that we'll be onboarding in the next week or so. So we continue to be the place people want to work. And that's super exciting because in this environment, I get phone calls from other Boards of Director members telling me there's no boomerang going back to their company from ServiceNow because people are choosing so many options within the ServiceNow family.

    菲爾,非常感謝你,菲爾。 ServiceNow 真正美妙的地方在於,我們剛剛超過了我們將在下週左右入職的第 18,000 名員工。因此,我們繼續成為人們想要工作的地方。這非常令人興奮,因為在這種環境下,我接到其他董事會成員的電話,告訴我沒有迴旋鏢從 ServiceNow 回到他們的公司,因為人們在 ServiceNow 大家庭中選擇了很多選項。

  • As you know, we hired very heavily in R&D. This is an innovation machine. It's a growth machine. And we also are cognizant of sales and marketing to make sure that the things we do tend to have a quota-carrying equation associated with them. So the leverage is there for shareholders. So Gina will give you some of the facts and figures on it. But I just think it's super important to have a brand that's the place people want to be, especially in this very, very tight labor market for digital skills.


  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • Yes. And I would just add, Phil, that you're seeing the numbers, right? Q1 headcount up 28% year-over-year in this environment is pretty phenomenal, and hats off to our HR function and recruiting function and all of the teams for being able to do that. But you're seeing it right. We continue to invest in sales and marketing and R&D. It's really about driving innovation and sales and marketing, really getting that strong go-to-market that we've been talking about. We talked about for the full year expecting hiring in the high 20s, and we're absolutely on that trajectory to continue that.

    是的。我想補充一下,菲爾,你看到了數字,對吧?在這種環境下,第一季度員工人數同比增長 28% 是相當驚人的,我們的人力資源部門和招聘部門以及所有能夠做到這一點的團隊都表示敬意。但你沒看錯。我們繼續投資於銷售、營銷和研發。這實際上是關於推動創新、銷售和營銷,真正實現我們一直在談論的強大的市場推廣。我們討論了全年預計在 20 多歲時招聘的人,我們絕對處於繼續這一軌道的軌道上。

  • With respect to productivity with the sales folks, we're definitely seeing good productivity increases year-over-year in Q1 and expect to see that continue throughout the year. So go-to-market teams are executing very well. We feel really good about the results.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Samad Samana with Jefferies.

    您的下一個問題來自與 Jefferies 的 Samad Samana。

  • Samad Saleem Samana - Equity Analyst

    Samad Saleem Samana - Equity Analyst

  • Congrats on just another very great quarter from you guys in a tough environment. Maybe during the quarter, we went to the Federal Forum. And it was great to see attendance there be very robust. It felt like we were back to pre-COVID times. And I'm just curious, have you seen the demand to match that and particularly with the higher DoD IL5 level certification. How should we think about that in terms of both opening up new opportunities and expanding the TAM within the federal sector that you're targeting?

    恭喜你們在艱難的環境中又取得了一個非常棒的季度。也許在本季度,我們去了聯邦論壇。很高興看到出席人數非常多。感覺就像我們回到了 COVID 之前的時代。我只是好奇,您是否看到了與之相匹配的需求,特別是與更高的 DoD IL5 級別認證相匹配的需求。在開闢新機會和在您所針對的聯邦部門內擴展 TAM 方面,我們應該如何看待這一點?

  • William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

    William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

  • Well, thank you very much, Samad, first of all, for attending. We really appreciate it. As you know, that forum was really successful. It was done in person, and it was the most successful Federal Forum we've ever had, and it happened post the COVID in the sense that people started to travel a little bit again. I think you called it really well.

    好的,非常感謝薩馬德,首先,您的出席。我們真的很感激。如你所知,那個論壇真的很成功。它是親自完成的,這是我們舉辦過的最成功的聯邦論壇,它發生在 COVID 之後,因為人們開始再次旅行。我覺得你說得很好。

  • I think the big sensational outcome from that was not only that U.S. federal saw 100% growth on a year-over-year basis in what we refer to as net new average contract value. But you also see the certification on IL5 really taking off, and I believe that our partnership with Microsoft will show up very big, especially congratulate Microsoft and Satya on having a very strong quarter. I wish him well. It's fantastic. And we have very good partnership with them. So I think we can solve a lot of problems for U.S. federal is a big market opportunity.

    我認為,由此產生的巨大轟動結果不僅在於美國聯邦政府在我們所說的淨新平均合同價值方面實現了 100% 的同比增長。但是你也看到了 IL5 認證的真正起飛,我相信我們與微軟的合作夥伴關係將會非常大,特別是祝賀微軟和 Satya 有一個非常強勁的季度。我祝他好。這是夢幻般的。我們與他們有很好的合作關係。所以我認為我們可以解決很多問題,對於美國聯邦來說是一個很大的市場機會。

  • And the President's management agenda and the administration's guide to their constituents is really for the government to deliver results fast, drive digital transformation, and they're adopting the Now Platform as a standard. And we're only 1 of a couple, there's 3 total, including Microsoft, that are IL5 certified. So I think you caught on to something here that could be a wellspring of opportunity.

    總統的管理議程和政府對其選民的指導實際上是讓政府快速交付成果,推動數字化轉型,他們正在採用 Now Platform 作為標準。我們只是其中之一,總共有 3 個,包括 Microsoft,獲得了 IL5 認證。所以我認為你在這裡抓住了一些可能是機會的源泉。

  • I'll finally close off this workplace service delivery capability of ServiceNow and our safe workplace applications have seen the strongest interest from federal customers. And again, that's fueled by the Biden administration's agenda. And the quote that I would give you, as I remember it, they said that federal will lead the way to returning to work now. So this is a very strong business for us. Incidentally, that TAM for the government marketplace globally is an enormous TAM, as you know. So being a leader in U.S. federal, also we're doing a lot in state and local, is quite a statement. And I think that, that will drive growth around the world.

    我最終將關閉 ServiceNow 的這種工作場所服務交付能力,我們的安全工作場所應用程序已經引起了聯邦客戶的最強烈興趣。再一次,這是由拜登政府的議程推動的。我記得我給你的那句話,他們說聯邦政府現在將帶頭重返工作崗位。所以這對我們來說是一項非常強大的業務。順便說一句,如您所知,全球政府市場的 TAM 是一個巨大的 TAM。因此,作為美國聯邦的領導者,我們在州和地方也做了很多工作,這是一個很好的聲明。我認為,這將推動全球增長。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Kash Rangan with Goldman Sachs.

    您的下一個問題來自高盛的 Kash Rangan。

  • Kasthuri Gopalan Rangan - Analyst

    Kasthuri Gopalan Rangan - Analyst

  • Let me call my congratulations on a spectacular quarter. Bill, I think you've got the macro argument pretty well nailed. I'm not going to ask that question, but I'm curious to get your thoughts as you scale the company to a 15-plus, I noticed the plus after 15. How do you think about distribution, given that you've run big distribution of big companies before. The customer count of 7,000, 8,000 certainly is very impressive, big deal sizes. As we envision the life beyond 15-plus, what is the go-to-market structure of the company look like? Are we looking at a 2-tier, 3-tier type distribution, predominantly go-to-market, high-end, channel, SI, et cetera. Help us envision the future, Bill, to get to your target.

    讓我祝賀一個壯觀的季度。比爾,我認為你已經很好地掌握了宏觀論點。我不打算問這個問題,但我很想知道你的想法,當你把公司擴大到 15 歲以上時,我注意到 15 歲之後的加號。你如何看待分銷,因為你已經跑了以前大公司的大經銷。 7,000、8,000 的客戶數量當然是非常可觀的,大宗交易。當我們設想 15 歲以上的生活時,公司的上市結構是什麼樣的?我們是否正在尋找 2 層、3 層類型的分銷,主要是上市、高端、渠道、SI 等。幫助我們設想未來,比爾,以實現您的目標。

  • William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

    William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

  • Thank you very much, Kash, for the question. So the distribution, I again reiterate, our focus right now is on the enterprise. We're an enterprise software market leader. We have lots of work still left to do in geographic expansion for the company. There's a huge opportunity in markets like Japan, obviously, all across Europe, LatAm. I really like to focus on markets like Canada, of course, treat markets the way they want to be treated in that localized style.

    非常感謝 Kash 的提問。所以分配,我再次重申,我們現在的重點是企業。我們是企業軟件市場的領導者。在公司的地域擴張方面,我們還有很多工作要做。在日本等市場存在巨大的機會,顯然,在整個歐洲和拉丁美洲。我真的很喜歡關注像加拿大這樣的市場,當然,以他們希望以本地化方式對待市場的方式對待市場。

  • We obviously have lots of expansion rights in the Middle East and other places. And I'm looking at bellwether markets like Germany, France and the U.K., which are already now starting to take off beautiful. So there's a geographic component. We also have segmented the way we develop software and take that software to market by industry. And as you know, we're very focused on your industry, of course, financial services, one, but there's telecom, there's manufacturing, there's every industry under the sun in motion, but we've gone strong with 6, including life sciences and so forth.

    我們顯然在中東和其他地方有很多擴張權。我正在關注德國、法國和英國等領頭羊市場,這些市場現在已經開始起飛。所以有一個地理成分。我們還細分了我們開發軟件的方式,並將該軟件按行業推向市場。如您所知,我們非常專注於您的行業,當然,金融服務,一個,但有電信,有製造業,陽光下的每個行業都在發展,但我們已經發展壯大了 6 個,包括生命科學等等。

  • And then persona-based. If you think about taking this platform across the enterprise, you have to speak intelligently to all the C-level executives that run the enterprise. And we have a Rubik's Cube formula around the geography, the industry and the persona that's now being executed at an art form level by our great marketing communications leader and his team. So I'm super impressed with that.

    然後是基於角色的。如果你想在整個企業中使用這個平台,你必須聰明地與所有運營企業的 C 級高管交談。我們有一個圍繞地理、行業和角色的魔方公式,現在由我們偉大的營銷傳播領導者和他的團隊在藝術形式層面執行。所以我對此印象非常深刻。

  • We also did something, I think, very interesting with Lightstep that a lot of people haven't picked up on, but Lightstep is a next-generation customer platform. And when you think about having 1 user experience across the whole enterprise, where people are in and out of different screen styles to figure out what they're observing, you also have an observability platform that is a direct-to-consumer platform by design that I think is a precursor to many of the things we can do with the core. And also, we could take the core and put it in prepackaged, ready-to-run solutions and build an ecosystem around that and turn on a whole new channel of small- and mid-market channel partners as we take the company everywhere.

    我認為,我們還對 Lightstep 做了一些非常有趣的事情,但很多人還沒有接受,但 Lightstep 是下一代客戶平台。當您考慮在整個企業中擁有 1 種用戶體驗時,人們進出不同的屏幕樣式以了解他們正在觀察的內容,您還擁有一個可觀察性平台,它是設計上直接面向消費者的平台我認為這是我們可以用核心做的許多事情的先驅。而且,我們可以將核心放入預先打包的、可立即運行的解決方案中,並圍繞它建立一個生態系統,並在我們將公司帶到任何地方時,開啟一個由中小型市場渠道合作夥伴組成的全新渠道。

  • And so now, on the big partner channel, there isn't a single one out there in the top 10 that doesn't at least start with a B, meaning we don't have million-dollar conversations, we have billion-dollar conversations, and we even have the top 1 now chasing $10 billion.

    所以現在,在大型合作夥伴頻道上,前 10 名中沒有一個至少以 B 開頭,這意味著我們沒有百萬美元的對話,我們有十億美元對話,我們甚至有前 1 名現在正在追逐 100 億美元。

  • So I mean, Kash, in short, we're going to chase every market opportunity all over the world, and we're going to win. And we have a team that's ready to conquer this market like never before. It's so exciting here right now, Kash. I just wish you could be in the building to see it.


  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • And on that note, Kash, I hope to see you on May 24 at Investor Day because we'll talk a lot about what we look like at $10 billion and $15 billion-plus. So hope to see you there.

    關於這一點,Kash,我希望在 5 月 24 日的投資者日見到你,因為我們將談論很多關於我們在 100 億美元和 150 億美元以上的情況。所以希望在那裡見到你。

  • Kasthuri Gopalan Rangan - Analyst

    Kasthuri Gopalan Rangan - Analyst

  • I'm already there. Definitely seeing you there.


  • William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

    William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

  • That's great. But can you feel it, Kash? Can you feel the building?


  • Kasthuri Gopalan Rangan - Analyst

    Kasthuri Gopalan Rangan - Analyst

  • I can. Absolutely.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Matt Hedberg with RBC Capital Markets.

    您的下一個問題來自 RBC Capital Markets 的 Matt Hedberg。

  • Matthew George Hedberg - Analyst

    Matthew George Hedberg - Analyst

  • Bill, really as a follow-up to that last question. You mentioned of observability. You guys recently launched incident management platform. I think it's really infused with Lightstep and observability. I'm wondering if you can talk about the importance of that offering? And maybe just double-click again on sort of why you think you're going to win in observability, because it seems like a huge market opportunity for you guys.

    比爾,真的是對最後一個問題的跟進。你提到了可觀察性。你們最近推出了事件管理平台。我認為它確實融入了 Lightstep 和可觀察性。我想知道您是否可以談談該產品的重要性?也許只是再次雙擊你認為你會在可觀察性方面獲勝的原因,因為這對你們來說似乎是一個巨大的市場機會。

  • William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

    William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

  • Well, the first thing to recognize here, Matt, is huge market opportunities don't require anyone for -- to lose for us to win. They're huge market opportunities. So we'll still integrate, as we already do, with the largest participants in that market. And we want them to be successful because customers have invested in them and our way of going about things is that's great, let's make that customer successful together. That's why they integrate seamlessly into the Now Platform.

    嗯,首先要認識到,馬特,巨大的市場機會不需要任何人——輸了就贏了。它們是巨大的市場機會。因此,我們仍將像我們已經做的那樣與該市場的最大參與者進行整合。我們希望他們成功,因為客戶已經投資了他們,我們做事的方式很好,讓我們一起讓客戶成功。這就是他們無縫集成到 Now 平台的原因。

  • At the same time, we have many customers that realize that ServiceNow can out-innovate just about anybody in the marketplace, so they want us to do more for them. And clearly, observability was one of those categories. And we just got there a lot faster with Lightstep because we believe Ben and his team are the most innovative in the industry. And we're just so proud to have such trust and partnership with them and such big dreams together.

    同時,我們有許多客戶意識到 ServiceNow 幾乎可以超越市場上的任何人,因此他們希望我們為他們做更多的事情。顯然,可觀察性就是其中之一。而且我們使用 Lightstep 的速度更快,因為我們相信 Ben 和他的團隊是業內最具創新性的。我們為能與他們建立如此信任和夥伴關係以及共同實現如此偉大的夢想而感到自豪。

  • So Lightstep launched incident response, as you said. It's the first new product since joining ServiceNow, and it's big. So incident response will add a lot of context and automation to the incident response process, and customers are looking for that. And by the way, they may even have more than 1 incident response vendor in there. So we don't rail against others. What we try to do is work for the customer. We've put our hard hat on, roll up our sleeves and we go to work.

    如您所說,Lightstep 啟動了事件響應。這是加入ServiceNow以來的第一個新產品,而且很大。因此,事件響應將為事件響應過程添加大量上下文和自動化,而客戶正在尋找這一點。順便說一句,他們甚至可能有超過 1 個事件響應供應商。所以我們不會抱怨別人。我們試圖做的是為客戶工作。我們已經戴上安全帽,捲起袖子開始工作。

  • Lightstep also launched an industry-first unification of observability analytics, and they also get collaborative notebooks. So these innovations are breaking down those silos I referenced between metrics and tracing and streamlining its critical SRE workflow space. So in Q1, for example, we signed some cool deals along with Plaid, which we're very proud of. And that's a data networking company, as you know, and they're powering the fintech and digital finance product space, and they're using Lightstep for complete visibility into distributed architectures, and they're allowing Plaid to investigate CI and CV issues, and they're doing it 20x faster than they used to.

    Lightstep 還推出了業界首創的可觀察性分析統一,他們還獲得了協作筆記本。因此,這些創新正在打破我在指標和跟踪之間引用的那些孤島,並簡化其關鍵的 SRE 工作流空間。例如,在第一季度,我們與 Plaid 簽訂了一些很酷的交易,我們對此感到非常自豪。如你所知,那是一家數據網絡公司,他們正在為金融科技和數字金融產品領域提供動力,他們正在使用 Lightstep 來全面了解分佈式架構,他們允許 Plaid 調查 CI 和 CV 問題,他們的速度比以前快了 20 倍。

  • And we also got Airtable, again, cool brand, next-generation brand, and they're building collaborative applications, and they're driving the reliability of complex distributed systems and proactively improving performance for users, and again, more effectively monitoring and resolving both system-wide and specific customer issues, but they're doing it with 1 UI, and they're not balancing people in and out of different experiences.

    我們還獲得了 Airtable,再次,很酷的品牌,下一代品牌,他們正在構建協作應用程序,他們正在推動複雜分佈式系統的可靠性並主動提高用戶的性能,並且再次更有效地監控和解決系統範圍和特定客戶的問題,但他們使用 1 個 UI 來解決問題,並且他們沒有平衡人們進出不同的體驗。

  • And this is what I keep going back to when you talk about real platform innovation and the integrity of a consumer-grade experience, and you can do that across an entire enterprise. That's why I believe our Board of Directors did a great job of defining enterprise software company in the 21st century is doing it with a DESCO 21C logo. So now we have 18,000 people that all they think about is DESCO 21C, whether you're innovating, covering a customer or just driving the conversation. We know where we're going.

    當您談論真正的平台創新和消費者級體驗的完整性時,這就是我一直在談論的內容,您可以在整個企業中做到這一點。這就是為什麼我相信我們的董事會在定義 21 世紀的企業軟件公司方面做得很好,因為它使用了 DESCO 21C 標誌。所以現在我們有 18,000 人,他們想到的都是 DESCO 21C,無論您是在創新、覆蓋客戶還是只是推動對話。我們知道我們要去哪裡。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Alex Zukin with Wolfe Research.

    您的下一個問題來自 Wolfe Research 的 Alex Zukin。

  • Aleksandr J. Zukin - MD & Head of the Software Group

    Aleksandr J. Zukin - MD & Head of the Software Group

  • And congrats on the truly inspiring quarter-end message in a tough tape. I guess maybe just 2 for me, Bill. You talked about the health in the federal vertical on the call. I was wondering if you could also maybe comment on some of the other verticals that you're seeing success in and saw success in the quarter and how we should think about just greater verticalization in the product itself, either for telco or finserv or others? And then just a follow-up for Gina.

    並祝賀在艱難的磁帶中真正鼓舞人心的四分之一結束信息。我想對我來說可能只有 2 個,比爾。您在電話會議上談到了聯邦垂直領域的健康狀況。我想知道您是否也可以評論一下您在本季度看到成功並看到成功的其他一些垂直領域,以及我們應該如何考慮產品本身的更大垂直化,無論是電信公司還是金融服務公司或其他?然後只是吉娜的後續行動。

  • William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

    William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

  • Sure. Sure. Well, thank you very much, Alex, for your very kind remarks. It means a lot to us. Our team is doing a really great job. And when they hear that, you just inspire us to go higher, and we appreciate it. So thank you.


  • We've done a lot in terms of the vertical coverage. We have our great Chief Operating Officer, CJ Desai, now not only running all of engineering with what we believe to be the best engineering team in the business, but also, he's overseeing our industry orientation and the whole go-to-market around that. And he teams up in a beautiful way with the go-to-market team, our excellent leader Paul Smith and great regional presence. We have just super proud of our team. But banking is really simplifying the whole middle to back-office operation context, and financial services is going really well.

    我們在垂直覆蓋方面做了很多工作。我們有我們偉大的首席運營官,CJ Desai,現在不僅與我們認為是業務中最好的工程團隊一起運行所有的工程,而且,他還在監督我們的行業定位和整個市場走向.他與上市團隊、我們優秀的領導者 Paul Smith 和強大的區域影響力以一種美妙的方式合作。我們為我們的團隊感到非常自豪。但銀行業確實簡化了整個中後台的運營環境,金融服務也進展順利。

  • I referenced Barclays, but there's just so many that are all-in on ServiceNow. Our telecommunication solution is really aligning customer care and service assurance, transforming -- just think about how communication service providers deliver great customer experiences. And you can't get away with fixing problems anymore. You've got to proactively anticipate these issues before they even come up. And if they do come up, you've got to address them quickly to maximize availability and quality of service. So we're seeing a lot of traction in telecommunications and we're really becoming the standard across the board.

    我參考了巴克萊銀行,但 ServiceNow 上的所有內容都太多了。我們的電信解決方案真正將客戶關懷和服務保證結合起來,正在轉型——想想通信服務提供商如何提供出色的客戶體驗。而且你不能再解決問題了。您必須在這些問題出現之前主動預測它們。如果它們確實出現,您必須迅速解決它們,以最大限度地提高可用性和服務質量。因此,我們在電信領域看到了很大的吸引力,我們確實正在成為全面的標準。

  • We're super happy with manufacturing and what we're doing there, operations technology management, driving the whole notion of what these manufacturers are trying to do to have their critical technology available and provide visibility and security of all of their assets.


  • Another one I would underscore is health care and life sciences service management. How do you connect cross functional health systems and teams and simplify how people engage with their health care providers, payers, pharma companies and medical device organizations. It's all about the patient experience.


  • And high-tech manufacturing, another one that's really come on strong for us. I mean I could give you more, but those are the ones that are just rocking right now. And 1 theme I will give you is you can't give a customer a 3-star Michelin experience unless you first give it to your employees. And the Now Platform is really controlling the conversation now for enlightened decision-makers because they're like, I've got to tether my IT excellence to the employee experience, and I've got to take care of my customers in new and highly innovative ways. And this platform does the magic they need done, but it does it in days or weeks, not months and months and months and years.

    高科技製造業,另一個對我們來說真的很強大的製造業。我的意思是我可以給你更多,但那些只是現在搖擺不定的。我要告訴你的一個主題是,除非你先把它提供給你的員工,否則你不能給客戶提供 3 星級的米其林體驗。 Now Platform 正在真正控制開明決策者的對話,因為他們就像,我必須將我的 IT 卓越與員工體驗聯繫起來,我必須在新的和高度的客戶中照顧我的客戶創新方式。這個平台可以完成他們需要的魔法,但它在幾天或幾週內完成,而不是幾個月和幾個月,幾個月和幾年。

  • And finally, in all these solutions, we're cooperating with those systems of record. The customer knows that they're there and they've got them and they're very important to their business. So we just come in quickly and make everything better for everyone.


  • Aleksandr J. Zukin - MD & Head of the Software Group

    Aleksandr J. Zukin - MD & Head of the Software Group

  • That's awesome. Very inspiring, Bill. Gina, I guess the follow-up for you, you talked about accelerating growth in new ACV in the quarter. Again, which is quite rare for a company of your size to do quarter in, quarter out, not to mention in this type of macro environment. I guess the question is, as the comps get tougher through the year, but you do start returning to more in-person events, presumably more productivity from the sales force. Is it possible to see that type of new ACV momentum continue?

    棒極了。非常鼓舞人心,比爾。吉娜,我想你的後續行動,你談到了本季度新 ACV 的加速增長。再說一次,對於像你這樣規模的公司來說,季度進出季度是非常罕見的,更不用說在這種宏觀環境中了。我想問題是,隨著比賽在一年中變得更加艱難,但你確實開始回歸更多的面對面活動,可能是銷售人員的生產力更高。是否有可能看到這種新的 ACV 勢頭繼續下去?

  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • So we -- I talked about in my prepared remarks that we expect Q2 to show accelerating net new ACV growth as well, right? Consistent. Whether that lasts for the full year, they're pretty incredible comps. And so we obviously don't guide to full year net new ACV, Alex. But the reason I spoke about it specifically was really because I wanted everyone to feel confident that the cRPO guide, although slightly less than Q1, really had this impact, right? And that it wasn't driving -- it wasn't a result of the underlying business that, in fact, we're seeing accelerating net new ACV in Q1 and expect similar in Q2.

    所以我們 - 我在準備好的評論中談到,我們預計第二季度也將顯示新的 ACV 淨增長加速,對嗎?持續的。無論這是否持續一整年,它們都是非常令人難以置信的組合。所以我們顯然不會指導全年淨新 ACV,亞歷克斯。但是我之所以專門講它,真的是因為我想讓大家有信心,cRPO 指南雖然比 Q1 略少,但確實有這種影響,對吧?並且它沒有推動 - 這不是基礎業務的結果,事實上,我們看到第一季度淨新 ACV 加速,並預計第二季度類似。

  • So that was the reason for my comment. I'm so proud of our entire organization for being able to drive an acceleration of this scale at our scale. And just really excited about the momentum we're seeing into Q2. We feel really strong and good about the guide for the full year. And the momentum that we're seeing in Q1, we expect to be consistent throughout the year.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Gregg Moskowitz with Mizuho.

    您的下一個問題來自瑞穗的 Gregg Moskowitz。

  • Gregg Steven Moskowitz - MD of Americas Research

    Gregg Steven Moskowitz - MD of Americas Research

  • I'll add my congrats on a really good quarter. Bill, we all tend to think about ITSM as the workhorse for ServiceNow, but it's interesting that it was only included in 11 of your top 20 deals, which is quite a bit less than what we usually see. And I think you mentioned also that 9 of your top 10 were led by non-ITSM products. So do you look at this Q1 result with respect to this metric as more of an anomalous outcome? Or do you think it's reflective of ServiceNow increasingly landing and expanding with other workflow automation solutions?

    我將祝賀一個非常好的季度。比爾,我們都傾向於將 ITSM 視為 ServiceNow 的主力,但有趣的是,它僅包含在您的前 20 項交易中的 11 項中,這比我們通常看到的要少得多。而且我認為您還提到前 10 名中有 9 個是由非 ITSM 產品領導的。那麼,您是否將與該指標相關的第一季度結果視為更多異常結果?還是您認為它反映了 ServiceNow 越來越多地與其他工作流自動化解決方案一起登陸和擴展?

  • William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

    William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

  • Gregg, it's a great question. Actually, we're so encouraged with our core. Our core is growing beautifully. And if you look at the revenue outcome from our core, it's right there at the corporate rate. So what you're seeing has nothing to do with any dilution in that core business. On the contrary, we've got enormous uplift with our Pro SKU, as you know. That's a 25% uplift. So it's 30% penetrated now. So there's lots of people that like it and there's many more to go. So we have lots of room left on the Pro SKU.

    格雷格,這是一個很好的問題。實際上,我們對自己的核心感到非常鼓舞。我們的核心正在美麗地成長。如果您查看我們核心的收入結果,它就在公司利率上。因此,您所看到的與該核心業務的任何稀釋無關。相反,如您所知,我們的 Pro SKU 獲得了巨大的提升。這是 25% 的提升。所以現在已經滲透了30%。所以有很多人喜歡它,還有更多的事情要做。所以我們在 Pro SKU 上還有很多空間。

  • If you think about the kind of customers where we're winning, I mean, the great brands, AmerisourceBergen, Baptist Health, Regeneron, DIC pharma -- I mean it goes on and on. Royal Bank of Canada, Telefónica. Every -- Wipro, for example, just like sort of complete generational change with it.

    如果你想想我們贏得的客戶類型,我的意思是,偉大的品牌,AmerisourceBergen、Baptist Health、Regeneron、DIC pharma——我的意思是它會一直持續下去。加拿大皇家銀行,西班牙電信。每一個——例如,Wipro,就像一個完整的代際變化。

  • So let me make sure I make it clear. The core business has never been stronger. There's no revenue dilution whatsoever. What is happening, we are landing and expanding. And you're right, the IT concept really did form the basis for us to move into the employee experience, the customer experience, the whole creative workflow where citizen developers are now really creating the future they want to see. And without that ever solid magnificent core, none of that would have been possible.

    所以讓我確保我說清楚。核心業務從未如此強大。沒有任何收入稀釋。正在發生的事情,我們正在著陸和擴張。你是對的,IT 概念確實構成了我們進入員工體驗、客戶體驗以及公民開發人員現在真正創造他們想要看到的未來的整個創意工作流程的基礎。如果沒有那個堅固的宏偉核心,這一切都不可能實現。

  • So I want to really set the record straight. Our team is doing great across all these segments. The newer or the younger ones are obviously going to get some more land and expand opportunities. But we love on our core, and we love our leaders.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Kirk Materne with Evercore ISI.

    您的下一個問題來自於 Evercore ISI 的 Kirk Materne。

  • Stewart Kirk Materne - Senior MD & Fundamental Research Analyst

    Stewart Kirk Materne - Senior MD & Fundamental Research Analyst

  • I'll echo the congrats on a really nice quarter. Bill, when the pandemic hit, you all were able to operate at a really high level virtually. But as a platform company, I was curious as to how beneficial it is to be able to actually see your customers in person and talk about the entirety of the solution as well as the ability to sort of move up the organization, meaning moving from the CIO suite up to the CEO level? I was just wondering if you could just expand on that a little bit because I think you're in a little bit different position than some other software companies that maybe only sell into 1 buying center.

    我會在一個非常好的季度表示祝賀。比爾,當大流行來襲時,你們所有人都能夠以虛擬的方式在非常高的水平上運作。但作為一家平台公司,我很好奇能夠親自見到您的客戶並談論整個解決方案以及提升組織的能力,這意味著從CIO 套件達到 CEO 級別?我只是想知道您是否可以稍微擴展一下,因為我認為您與其他一些可能只向一個採購中心銷售的軟件公司處於不同的位置。

  • William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

    William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

  • Thank you very much, Kirk. I have to tell you, one thing that did surprise me a little bit during the whole virtual environment is CEOs were looking for a good conversation. So we were able to participate in those conversations then, which is obviously helping us now. And we were also able to bring large-scale management team gatherings with our team and their team, so we did good. But now that we're opening up, we should do even better.

    非常感謝,柯克。我必須告訴你,在整個虛擬環境中確實讓我有點吃驚的一件事是 CEO 們正在尋找一個好的對話。所以我們當時能夠參與這些對話,這顯然對我們現在有幫助。而且我們還能夠與我們的團隊和他們的團隊一起帶來大型的管理團隊聚會,所以我們做得很好。但是現在我們開放了,我們應該做得更好。

  • So I looked at my calendar for the year, I'll catch my family here and there on a weekend because I'm leaving Sunday for Europe, and after that tour of Europe, we'll be hitting Asia very, very soon after that. So we're going full speed, open up the company. We're doing these Knowledge events in 4 distinct locations, as I mentioned. Our sellers are going out on the street, and our management is going out on the street because that's where the customers are.

    所以我查看了我今年的日曆,我會在一個週末到處趕上我的家人,因為我周日要去歐洲,在那次歐洲之旅之後,我們很快就會去亞洲.所以我們要全速前進,開放公司。正如我所提到的,我們正在 4 個不同的地點舉辦這些內識活動。我們的賣家走上街頭,我們的管理層走上街頭,因為那是顧客所在的地方。

  • And never forget that United Airlines commercial, when a guy walks in, he's got a bunch of envelopes and looks at his management team. We were sitting around the table, gauging it themselves and it goes, let's go visit some customers. So I expect we're going to get a lot of tailwinds out of that because you're right, to build trust with net new logos, it happens in person. It's hard to do that in a digital format. To really expand the relationship to an enterprise scale, it really does require a good meeting of the minds and emotional trust, and we'll do that.


  • So I really think this is going to be another step function improvement in ServiceNow's future because as a platform provider, getting our customers healthy through some of the challenges that they're fighting through is a seminal moment in our history, and I'm excited.

    所以我真的認為這將是 ServiceNow 未來的又一步功能改進,因為作為平台提供商,讓我們的客戶健康地度過他們正在克服的一些挑戰是我們歷史上的一個開創性時刻,我很興奮.

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from the line of Tyler Radke with Citi.

    您的下一個問題來自於花旗的 Tyler Radke。

  • Tyler Maverick Radke - VP & Senior Analyst

    Tyler Maverick Radke - VP & Senior Analyst

  • I wanted to ask you about how you're seeing the new Impact program roll out to your customers. And clearly, Bill, you talked a lot about some of the new products you're innovating on and delivering a lot of value to customers. But how are you just kind of threading that line between the base increases on existing products versus the new products that you're delivering and making sure that customers are able to take on the scope of new products where you guys are really innovating on.

    我想問您如何看待新的 Impact 計劃向您的客戶推出。很明顯,比爾,你談了很多關於你正在創新並為客戶帶來很多價值的新產品。但是,您如何在現有產品的基礎增長與您正在交付的新產品之間劃清界限,並確保客戶能夠接受你們真正創新的新產品的範圍。

  • William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

    William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

  • Absolutely. I really appreciate the question. So here's the situation. Our customers need help. The Impact part of this equation, think of it much more in the value delivery context than any kind of a price increase. It's really accelerating the value realization for the customer against the software that they've already invested in and they want to extract as much business impact as they possibly can. And for too long, these customer relationships across every company you can think of is managed by a deck at a point of sale, and then ultimately, the sale is made and then the consultants come in. But it's kind of like job changes, people do different things, and a year later, someone's saying, "Hey, how did we do with that implementation again? Did we get what we bargained for?" And what we're basically doing is making sure that they do and that there's a professional format in doing that. And not just with ServiceNow, but also for our great partners.

    絕對地。我真的很感激這個問題。所以這裡的情況。我們的客戶需要幫助。這個等式的影響部分,在價值交付方面比任何形式的價格上漲更多地考慮它。它確實加速了客戶對他們已經投資的軟件的價值實現,他們希望盡可能多地提取業務影響。長期以來,你能想到的每家公司的這些客戶關係都是由銷售點的一套平台管理的,然後最終完成銷售,然後顧問進來。但這有點像工作變動,人們做不同的事情,一年後,有人說,“嘿,我們如何再次執行那個實現?我們得到了我們討價還價的東西嗎?”我們基本上在做的是確保他們這樣做,並且這樣做有一種專業的格式。不僅是 ServiceNow,還有我們偉大的合作夥伴。

  • So just think of this concept as the Now Platform from ServiceNow is the place where every conversation takes place between the partner, the customer and ServiceNow. There's no e-mails, there's no texts, there's no chat on the side. It's all on 1 platform with everything detailed and spelled out, and we measure everything in real time with all the analytics and all the business outcomes spilled out in a way that could be presented to any Board of Directors.

    因此,只需將此概念視為 ServiceNow 的 Now 平台,就是合作夥伴、客戶和 ServiceNow 之間進行每次對話的地方。沒有電子郵件,沒有短信,沒有聊天。這一切都在一個平台上,所有內容都詳細說明,我們實時衡量所有內容,所有分析和所有業務成果都以一種可以呈現給任何董事會的方式溢出。

  • So also on the pricing, again, I want to be clear, like we're not looking to make up for inflationary pressures by putting it on the customer. There are many new customers. There are many more logos. There are many more expansions to our platform. All we want to make sure of is that we do things highly professional, and we know the ranges where our professional expertise should be valued at. And in that valuing and in that business impact to the customer, a fair agreement is reached. We even developed a pricing structure that enables customers to partner with us and look at the enterprise value of doing things with ServiceNow, not just 1 departmental value. And I think that whole idea of being a solutions and business impact platform company is resonating big time internally and externally.

    同樣,在定價方面,我想再次明確,就像我們不希望通過將通脹壓力放在客戶身上來彌補通脹壓力。有很多新客戶。還有更多的標誌。我們的平台還有更多擴展。我們要確保的是我們做的事情非常專業,並且我們知道我們的專業知識應該被重視的範圍。在這種評估和對客戶的業務影響方面,達成了公平的協議。我們甚至開發了一種定價結構,使客戶能夠與我們合作,並著眼於使用 ServiceNow 做事的企業價值,而不僅僅是一個部門價值。而且我認為,成為一家解決方案和業務影響平台公司的整個想法在內部和外部都引起了巨大的共鳴。

  • And incidentally, if you're interested, we've done more than 100 deals right now on ServiceNow Impact. And what we're seeing is user adoption is speeding up, values being accelerated and customer net promoter and satisfaction is going through the moon. And as Gina said, the retention rates prove it that it's best in the business.

    順便說一句,如果您有興趣,我們現在已經在 ServiceNow Impact 上完成了 100 多項交易。我們看到的是用戶採用率正在加快,價值正在加速,客戶淨推動者和滿意度正在飛速發展。正如 Gina 所說,保留率證明它是業內最好的。

  • Operator


  • We have time for 1 last question. Your last question comes from the line of Brad Zelnick with Deutsche Bank.

    我們有時間回答最後一個問題。您的最後一個問題來自德意志銀行的 Brad Zelnick。

  • Brad Alan Zelnick - Head of Software Equity Research and Senior US Software Research Analyst

    Brad Alan Zelnick - Head of Software Equity Research and Senior US Software Research Analyst

  • Fantastic. What a fabulous start to the year guys. Congrats to you. Bill, I really wanted to ask about the new automation engine as part of the San Diego release. Can you remind us of your vision for RPA, what the interest level is and maybe the extent to which these are competitive stand-alone opportunities or more filling in the gaps of workflows that naturally are found on the Now Platform?

    極好的。伙計們,今年的開端真是太棒了。恭喜你。比爾,我真的很想問一下作為聖地亞哥版本的一部分的新自動化引擎。您能否提醒我們您對 RPA 的願景,興趣水平是什麼,以及這些機會在多大程度上是具有競爭力的獨立機會,或者更多地填補了 Now 平台上自然存在的工作流程的空白?

  • William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

    William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

  • No, it's a really great question, Brad. Thank you very much. As you know, this idea of hyperautomation workflows on the Now Platform means a lot to our existing customers. So what they expect from ServiceNow is to remain that highly innovative unicorn that we have been, one that organically builds better, more substantial product experiences with every passing day. And in some cases, they want us to integrate with other tools in the marketplace. But in other cases, if we can build it and it's all integrated into the Now Platform, they would like ServiceNow to own all of that, and we give them choice.

    不,這是一個非常好的問題,布拉德。非常感謝。如您所知,Now Platform 上的這種超自動化工作流程理念對我們現有的客戶意義重大。因此,他們對 ServiceNow 的期望是保持我們一直以來的高度創新獨角獸,日復一日地有機地構建更好、更豐富的產品體驗。在某些情況下,他們希望我們與市場上的其他工具集成。但在其他情況下,如果我們可以構建它並將其全部集成到 Now 平台中,他們希望 ServiceNow 擁有所有這些,我們給他們選擇。

  • And what you see here in this latest release, we brought together process mining, automation, machine learning, RPA and low-code app development into a seamless combined product experience. And now customers are going to be quickly innovating and improving the way work flows across the enterprise. So our job is to be helpful and integrate with all the market participants, especially when customers find that pleasing, but we also need to innovate ourselves and continue to build out this platform story in a way that's super compelling and it's generational. And that's why I said when I first came to ServiceNow, organic is delicious.

    您在此最新版本中看到的內容,我們將流程挖掘、自動化、機器學習、RPA 和低代碼應用程序開發整合到無縫組合的產品體驗中。現在,客戶將快速創新和改進整個企業的工作流程。因此,我們的工作是提供幫助並與所有市場參與者整合,尤其是當客戶覺得這令人愉悅時,但我們也需要自我創新,並繼續以一種超級引人入勝且具有代代相傳的方式構建這個平台故事。這就是為什麼我第一次來 ServiceNow 時說,有機食品很美味。

  • Brad Alan Zelnick - Head of Software Equity Research and Senior US Software Research Analyst

    Brad Alan Zelnick - Head of Software Equity Research and Senior US Software Research Analyst

  • Look forward to seeing you out in Vegas next month.


  • William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

    William R. McDermott - President, CEO & Director

  • Thank you. Thank you very much. I look forward to spend some time together, Brad.


  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • Thanks, Brad.


  • Operator


  • And this is all the time we have for questions. This does conclude today's conference call. Thank you for joining. You may now disconnect.
