ServiceNow Inc (NOW) 2023 Q1 法說會逐字稿


ServiceNow 報告了 2023 年第一季度的強勁業績,訂閱收入按固定匯率計算增長 27%,RPO 按固定匯率計算增長 25%。


ServiceNow 還與希望轉變其客戶和員工工作流程的企業相關。該公司正在擴大其產品供應並為行業創建垂直特定解決方案以提高平均售價 (ASP),並瞄準具有最大擴張機會的新標識和客戶。

該公司的 ITOM 保護傘(包括可觀察性)在第一季度的企業採用率和銷量都有所增長。


使用警語:中文譯文來源為 Google 翻譯,僅供參考,實際內容請以英文原文為主

  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by, and welcome to the ServiceNow, Inc. Q1 2023 Earnings Conference Call. I would now like to turn the call over to Darren Yip, Vice President of Investor Relations. Please go ahead.

    女士們,先生們,感謝你們的支持,歡迎來到 ServiceNow, Inc. 2023 年第一季度收益電話會議。我現在想把電話轉給投資者關係副總裁 Darren Yip。請繼續。

  • Darren Yip - Head of IR

    Darren Yip - Head of IR

  • Good afternoon, and thank you for joining ServiceNow's First Quarter 2023 Earnings Conference Call. Joining me are Bill McDermott, our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer; Gina Mastantuono, our Chief Financial Officer; and CJ Desai, our President and Chief Operating Officer. During today's call, we will review our first quarter 2023 results and discuss our guidance for the second quarter and full year 2023.

    下午好,感謝您參加 ServiceNow 的 2023 年第一季度收益電話會議。加入我的是我們的董事長兼首席執行官比爾·麥克德莫特 (Bill McDermott); Gina Mastantuono,我們的首席財務官;和我們的總裁兼首席運營官 CJ Desai。在今天的電話會議上,我們將回顧 2023 年第一季度的業績,並討論我們對 2023 年第二季度和全年的指導意見。

  • Before we get started, we want to emphasize that the information discussed on this call, including our guidance, is based on information as of today and contains forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. We undertake no duty or obligation to update such statements as a result of new information or future events. Please refer to today's earnings press release and our SEC filings, including our most recent 10-Q and 2022 10-K, for factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from our forward-looking statements.

    在我們開始之前,我們要強調的是,本次電話會議上討論的信息,包括我們的指導意見,都是基於截至今日的信息,並包含涉及風險、不確定性和假設的前瞻性陳述。我們不承擔因新信息或未來事件而更新此類聲明的責任或義務。請參閱今天的收益新聞稿和我們提交給美國證券交易委員會的文件,包括我們最近的 10-Q 和 2022 10-K,了解可能導致實際結果與我們的前瞻性陳述存在重大差異的因素。

  • We'd also like to point out that we present non-GAAP measures in addition to and not as a substitute for financial measures calculated in accordance with GAAP. Unless otherwise noted, all financial measures and related growth rates we discuss today are non-GAAP, except for revenue, remaining performance obligations or RPO, current RPO and cash and investments. To see the reconciliation between these non-GAAP and GAAP measures, please refer to today's earnings press release and investor presentation. which are both posted on our website at A replay of today's call will also be posted on our website.

    我們還想指出,我們提出的非 GAAP 指標是根據 GAAP 計算的財務指標的補充,而不是替代這些指標。除非另有說明,否則我們今天討論的所有財務指標和相關增長率均為非 GAAP,但收入、剩餘履約義務或 RPO、當前 RPO 以及現金和投資除外。要查看這些非 GAAP 和 GAAP 措施之間的協調情況,請參閱今天的收益新聞稿和投資者介紹。它們都發佈在我們的網站 上。今天電話會議的重播也將發佈在我們的網站上。

  • With that, I'll turn the call over to Bill.


  • William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

    William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

  • Thank you very much, Darren, and thank you, everyone, for joining us today. ServiceNow had an outstanding first quarter. Subscription revenue grew 27% in constant currency, which was 150 basis points above the high end of our guidance. The RPO grew 25% in constant currency, 100 basis points above our guidance. Operating margin was 26%, 2 full points above our guidance.

    非常感謝 Darren,也感謝大家今天加入我們。 ServiceNow 第一季度表現出色。按固定匯率計算,訂閱收入增長了 27%,比我們指導的上限高出 150 個基點。按固定匯率計算,RPO 增長了 25%,比我們的指導高出 100 個基點。營業利潤率為 26%,比我們的指導高出 2 個百分點。

  • We have 66 deals greater than $1 million in net new ACV. We saw a strong, sustained demand to ServiceNow's platform. In January, we committed the company to performing beyond expectations. We said it, we did it. Our Q2 guidance reflects our strong conviction in the fundamentals of this business. We remain laser-focused on net new innovation, new business growth and profitability. ServiceNow is a growth company that consistently executes in any environment, and we will continue to do exactly that, execute.

    我們有 66 筆交易淨新 ACV 超過 100 萬美元。我們看到了對 ServiceNow 平台的強勁、持續的需求。 1 月份,我們承諾公司的業績將超出預期。我們說了,我們做到了。我們的第二季度指引反映了我們對該業務基本面的堅定信念。我們仍然專注於淨創新、新業務增長和盈利能力。 ServiceNow 是一家在任何環境中始終如一地執行的成長型公司,我們將繼續做到這一點,執行。

  • Looking at the big picture, there's no question this remains a complicated macro environment. C-level leaders are managing an endless array of headlines and mixed signals. When you filter all that noise, it comes down to one simple reality. There is an app for everything, but nobody wants every app. This consolidation is a tailwind for ServiceNow as the intelligent platform for end-to-end digital transformation. We are now seeing conversations up level to business transformation. This is bringing CEOs directly into the process as principal executive sponsors. Nearly 40% of CEOs think their company will no longer be economically viable in a decade if they continue on the current path.

    縱觀全局,毫無疑問,這仍然是一個複雜的宏觀環境。 C 級領導者正在管理無窮無盡的頭條新聞和混合信號。當你過濾掉所有這些噪音時,它會歸結為一個簡單的現實。有適用於所有應用程序的應用程序,但沒有人想要所有應用程序。這種整合是 ServiceNow 作為端到端數字化轉型智能平台的順風車。我們現在看到了業務轉型級別的對話。這讓 CEO 作為主要執行發起人直接參與流程。近 40% 的 CEO 認為,如果他們繼續目前的道路,他們的公司將在十年內在經濟上不再可行。

  • They aren't interested in turf battles between departments, a one enterprise level investment to drive business impact. This isn't merely an inspection of what historically has been a big cost center. This is CEOs engaging on a strategic level, insisting on a clear roster of technology partners to drive very specific business outcomes. For example, when it comes to technology in the age of generative AI, it's a build-buy-operate conversation. They're looking for a single platform that can orchestrate the entire technology value chain. ServiceNow does just that.

    他們對部門之間的地盤爭奪戰不感興趣,這是一種推動業務影響的企業級投資。這不僅僅是對歷史上大型成本中心的檢查。這是 CEO 在戰略層面上的參與,堅持明確的技術合作夥伴名冊以推動非常具體的業務成果。例如,當談到生成人工智能時代的技術時,這是一種構建-購買-運營的對話。他們正在尋找可以協調整個技術價值鏈的單一平台。 ServiceNow 就是這樣做的。

  • Businesses are also working hard to transform their customer experience. The AI opportunity here is when you integrate the front, middle and back offices to better serve that customer. This is a ServiceNow core competency.

    企業也在努力改變他們的客戶體驗。這裡的 AI 機會是當您整合前台、中台和後台以更好地為該客戶服務時。這是 ServiceNow 的核心競爭力。

  • On the internal side, it's about reducing the number of touch points for employees to get work done. People can't maximize their potential by juggling multiple systems with different user experiences. Our customers use ServiceNow as the one-stop digital hub to create a consumer-grade experience at work. Whether it's efficiency, productivity, cost takeout or business model innovation, ServiceNow has never been more relevant. This is a message I hear directly from CEOs who know they need to shake things up, and they want our help to do it. Once again, these secular trends are fueling ServiceNow.

    在內部,這是關於減少員工完成工作的接觸點數量。人們無法通過兼顧具有不同用戶體驗的多個系統來最大化他們的潛力。我們的客戶使用 ServiceNow 作為一站式數字中心來打造消費級的工作體驗。無論是效率、生產力、成本削減還是商業模式創新,ServiceNow 從未如此重要。這是我直接從 CEO 那裡聽到的消息,他們知道他們需要改變現狀,並且希望我們幫助他們做到這一點。這些長期趨勢再一次推動了 ServiceNow。

  • About 70% of global tech equity value comes from firms that rely on network effects, and we see growing platform adoption across all of our businesses. ITSM was at 18 of our top 20 deals with 3 deals over $1 million. ITOM was in 14 of the top 20 with 5 deals over $1 million. With increased focus on cost takeout, ITAM had a very strong quarter in 14 of our top 20 with 3 deals over $1 million. Security and risk were in 12 of the top 20 with 3 deals over $1 million. Customer workflows was hot in Q1 in 18 of the top 20 with 9 deals over $1 million. And this is worth emphasizing because ServiceNow is more relevant than ever as businesses invest in a differentiated experience for their end consumers. Very exciting indeed what we're doing with customer service management.

    全球科技股權價值的大約 70% 來自依賴網絡效應的公司,我們看到我們所有業務的平台採用率都在不斷提高。 ITSM 在我們排名前 20 位的交易中佔 18 位,其中 3 筆交易超過 100 萬美元。 ITOM 在前 20 名中有 14 名,有 5 筆交易超過 100 萬美元。隨著對成本削減的日益關注,ITAM 在我們前 20 名中的 14 個中有一個非常強勁的季度,其中 3 個交易超過 100 萬美元。安全和風險在前 20 名中有 12 名,有 3 筆交易超過 100 萬美元。前 20 名中的 18 家在第一季度的客戶工作流程很熱門,有 9 筆交易超過 100 萬美元。這一點值得強調,因為 ServiceNow 比以往任何時候都更重要,因為企業投資於為其最終消費者提供差異化體驗。我們在客戶服務管理方面所做的工作確實非常令人興奮。

  • Employee workflows was in 10 of the top 20 with 4 deals over $1 million. Creative workflows was in 18 of the top 20 with 3 deals over $1 million. Major global brands continue to accelerate their own transformation by working with ServiceNow. Marriott, Group Bimbo, Navy Federal Credit Union, Travelers, the U.S. Air Force and Schneider Electric, just to name a few.

    員工工作流程在前 20 名中有 10 名,有 4 筆交易超過 100 萬美元。 Creative workflows 在前 20 名中有 18 名,有 3 筆交易超過 100 萬美元。全球主要品牌通過與 ServiceNow 合作,繼續加速自身轉型。 Marriott、Group Bimbo、Navy Federal Credit Union、Travellers、美國空軍和施耐德電氣,僅舉幾例。

  • Look at banking as one example. PNC works with ServiceNow to modernize the way it manages disputes, which will reduce losses and improve case closures. We also saw major co-innovation milestones in the quarter. For example, ServiceNow and AT&T have created a global telecom product to help communication service providers manage 5G and fiber network in majority. Q1 was also the latest step forward for our organic innovation machine. The ServiceNow Utah release was engineered to drive faster business outcomes for our customers. The release includes AI-powered process mining, with robotic process automation capabilities, additional search enhancements, expanded workforce optimization and health and safety incident management. These are all designed to help increase automation, simplify experiences and offer greater organizational agility.

    以銀行業為例。 PNC 與 ServiceNow 合作,使其管理糾紛的方式現代化,這將減少損失並改善案件結案。我們還在本季度看到了重要的共同創新里程碑。例如,ServiceNow 和 AT&T 已經創建了一個全球電信產品,以幫助通信服務提供商管理大多數 5G 和光纖網絡。第一季度也是我們有機創新機器向前邁出的最新一步。 ServiceNow Utah 版本旨在為我們的客戶帶來更快的業務成果。該版本包括 AI 驅動的流程挖掘,具有機器人流程自動化功能、額外的搜索增強功能、擴展的勞動力優化以及健康和安全事件管理。這些都旨在幫助提高自動化程度、簡化體驗並提供更大的組織敏捷性。

  • It bears repeating that while customers are aware of market excitement for individual technologies like generative AI, they expect a platform strategy to integrate the various tools. ServiceNow has AI, process mining, RPA, low-code and many other technologies built natively into a single workflow automation platform. Of course, we will have much more to say about all of this at our Knowledge event in Las Vegas on May 16. I hope you can join us.

    值得重申的是,雖然客戶意識到市場對生成人工智能等個別技術的興奮,但他們期望平台戰略能夠整合各種工具。 ServiceNow 將 AI、流程挖掘、RPA、低代碼和許多其他技術原生內置到單個工作流自動化平台中。當然,我們將在 5 月 16 日於拉斯維加斯舉行的知識活動中就所有這些發表更多的看法。希望您能加入我們。

  • I'd also like to extend a warm welcome to Deborah Black, Vice President, Engineering at Netflix, who is the newest member of ServiceNow's Board of Directors. We're so proud to have Debbie's leadership on our journey to be the defining enterprise software company of the 21st century.

    我還要熱烈歡迎 Netflix 工程副總裁 Deborah Black,她是 ServiceNow 董事會的最新成員。在我們成為 21 世紀定義性企業軟件公司的征程中,我們很自豪能有 Debbie 的領導。

  • In closing, I'll simply reiterate things we've said consistently. First, businesses need ServiceNow. Enterprise software is mission-critical. The demand environment is robust. Second, ServiceNow is a unique company performing at a very high level. We are delivering strong growth, aggressively managing costs and creating immense shareholder value. The company has momentum everywhere. We're performing very well across the best places to work scorecards, including Glassdoor. Our brand recognition is increasing as we rise on lists like Fortune's Most Admired Companies. Our market opportunity is expanding, and this is the early days of a truly generational growth story. Finally, we know the trust is the ultimate human currency. What we have here is a platform, a culture and a company that is built entirely on trust. The results tell that story. We just eclipsed the $2 billion threshold in a single quarter, and we were the fastest ever to do that on an organic basis.

    最後,我將簡單地重申我們一直以來所說的話。首先,企業需要 ServiceNow。企業軟件是關鍵任務。需求環境強勁。其次,ServiceNow 是一家獨特的公司,表現非常出色。我們正在實現強勁增長,積極管理成本並創造巨大的股東價值。公司處處有氣勢。我們在最佳工作場所記分卡上表現非常出色,包括 Glassdoor。隨著我們在《財富》最受讚賞公司等榜單上的排名不斷上升,我們的品牌知名度也在不斷提高。我們的市場機會正在擴大,這是真正的代際增長故事的初期。最後,我們知道信任是最終的人類貨幣。我們在這裡擁有的是一個平台、一種文化和一家完全建立在信任基礎上的公司。結果講述了這個故事。我們剛剛在一個季度內突破了 20 億美元的門檻,而且我們是有史以來以有機方式實現這一目標的最快速度。

  • This is about a fast growth, durable, predictable cloud business model. This will be the red thread at our Financial Analyst Day in a few weeks. We look forward to seeing you all there. Businesses work with ServiceNow. People work with ServiceNow. The world works with ServiceNow, and we're only getting started. I'd like to thank you very much for your time today. I'm looking forward to your questions.

    這是關於快速增長、持久、可預測的雲業務模型。這將是幾週後我們金融分析師日的紅線。我們期待在那裡見到你們。企業與 ServiceNow 合作。人們使用 ServiceNow。世界與 ServiceNow 共事,而我們才剛剛開始。非常感謝你今天抽出時間來。我期待著你的問題。

  • And for now, I'll hand things over to Gina.


  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • Thank you, Bill. Q1 was a tremendous quarter with strong beats across our top line and profitability guidance metrics. We saw resilient demand as the Now Platform continues to deliver the productivity improvements and our prices are looking for in the current macro environment. The quarter was yet another example of consistent execution from our team.

    謝謝你,比爾。第一季度是一個巨大的季度,我們的收入和盈利指導指標都表現強勁。隨著 Now 平台繼續提高生產力,我們看到了有彈性的需求,我們的價格也在當前的宏觀環境中尋找。該季度是我們團隊始終如一執行的又一個例子。

  • In Q1, subscription revenues were $2.02 billion, going 27% year-over-year in constant currency, exceeding the high end of our guidance range by 150 basis points. RPO ended the quarter at approximately $14 billion, representing 24% year-over-year constant currency growth. Current RPO was approximately $7.01 billion, representing 25% year-over-year constant currency growth, a 100 basis point beat versus our guidance.

    第一季度,訂閱收入為 20.2 億美元,按固定匯率計算同比增長 27%,超出我們指導範圍的上限 150 個基點。本季度末 RPO 約為 140 億美元,按匯率計算同比增長 24%。目前的 RPO 約為 70.1 億美元,同比匯率持續增長 25%,比我們的指導高出 100 個基點。

  • From an industry perspective, energy and utilities, government and transportation and logistics led the way, followed by strong growth in education. Financial services net new ACV also continued to grow despite a tough comp and volatility in the banking sector. New customer ACV growth remained an area of strength, and the average deal size was up significantly year-over-year. Our renewal rate was a best-in-class 98% in Q1, continuing to demonstrate the stickiness of our business as the Now Platform remains a mission-critical part of our customers' operations.

    從行業角度來看,能源和公用事業、政府以及運輸和物流領跑,其次是教育領域的強勁增長。儘管銀行業競爭激烈且波動劇烈,但金融服務淨新 ACV 也繼續增長。新客戶 ACV 增長仍然是一個優勢領域,平均交易規模同比大幅增長。我們的續訂率在第一季度達到了 98% 的同類最佳水平,繼續證明我們業務的粘性,因為 Now 平台仍然是我們客戶運營的關鍵任務部分。

  • Our customer cohorts have also continued to show solid expansion. We ended the quarter with 1,682 customers paying us over $1 million in ACV, up 20% year-over-year. We're continuing to see healthy customer engagement with enterprise buying patterns demonstrating the extensibility of the Now Platform. We closed 66 deals greater than $1 million in net new ACV in the quarter, up from 52 a year ago. In Q1, 18 of our top 20 deals contained 5 or more products, showcasing how ServiceNow is providing customers the single platform they need to orchestrate their technology value chain.

    我們的客戶群體也繼續穩步擴張。本季度末,我們有 1,682 名客戶向我們支付了超過 100 萬美元的 ACV,同比增長 20%。我們繼續看到客戶積極參與企業購買模式,這證明了 Now 平台的可擴展性。我們在本季度完成了 66 筆淨新 ACV 超過 100 萬美元的交易,高於一年前的 52 筆。在第一季度,我們排名前 20 位的交易中有 18 筆包含 5 種或更多產品,展示了 ServiceNow 如何為客戶提供協調其技術價值鏈所需的單一平台。

  • Turning to profitability. Non-GAAP operating margin was 26%, 200 basis points above our guidance, driven by continued disciplined spend management. Our free cash flow margin was 35%. We ended the quarter with a robust balance sheet, including $7.2 billion in cash and investments. Together, these results continue to demonstrate our ability to drive a strong balance of world-class growth and profitability.

    轉向盈利能力。非 GAAP 營業利潤率為 26%,比我們的指導高出 200 個基點,這主要得益於持續嚴格的支出管理。我們的自由現金流利潤率為 35%。我們以穩健的資產負債表結束了本季度,其中包括 72 億美元的現金和投資。總之,這些結果繼續證明我們有能力推動世界級增長和盈利能力的強大平衡。

  • Moving to our outlook. Our pipeline continues to look robust for the remainder of the year, and we're excited about what the Utah release and Knowledge 2023 can further contribute to those opportunities. While we've seen market resiliency, we continue to prudently factor in the evolving macro cost with each of our guidance. As Bill mentioned, we remain laser-focused on balancing net new innovation and new business growth with cost management and profitability.

    轉向我們的前景。在今年餘下的時間裡,我們的管道看起來仍然很強勁,我們很高興猶他州的發布和知識 2023 可以進一步為這些機會做出貢獻。雖然我們已經看到市場彈性,但我們繼續在我們的每項指導中謹慎地考慮不斷變化的宏觀成本。正如 Bill 提到的,我們仍然專注於平衡淨新創新和新業務增長與成本管理和盈利能力。

  • With that in mind, let's turn to our 2023 guidance. We are raising our subscription revenue outlook by $25 million at the midpoint to a range of $8.47 billion and $8.52 billion, representing 23% to 23.5% year-over-year growth on both a reported and constant currency basis. We expect subscription gross margin of 84%, operating margin of 26%, a free cash flow of 30%. And we continue to expect GAAP diluted weighted average outstanding shares of $206 million.

    考慮到這一點,讓我們轉向我們的 2023 年指南。我們將訂閱收入預期的中點提高了 2500 萬美元,達到 84.7 億美元和 85.2 億美元之間,按報告和固定貨幣計算,同比增長 23% 至 23.5%。我們預計訂閱毛利率為 84%,營業利潤率為 26%,自由現金流為 30%。我們繼續預計 GAAP 稀釋加權平均流通股為 2.06 億美元。

  • For Q2, we expect subscription revenues between $2.04 billion and $2.045 billion, representing 23.5% to 24% year-over-year growth on a constant currency basis, excluding a 50 basis point FX headwind. We expect CRPO growth of 22.5% on a constant currency basis, excluding a 50 basis point FX tailwind or 23% on a reported basis. We expect an operating margin of 23%, and we expect $205 million GAAP diluted weighted average outstanding shares for the quarter.

    對於第二季度,我們預計訂閱收入在 20.4 億美元至 20.45 億美元之間,按固定匯率計算同比增長 23.5% 至 24%,不包括 50 個基點的外匯逆風。我們預計 CRPO 在固定貨幣基礎上增長 22.5%,不包括 50 個基點的外匯順風或報告基礎上的 23%。我們預計營業利潤率為 23%,我們預計本季度的 GAAP 稀釋加權平均流通股數為 2.05 億美元。

  • In summary, Q1 was a very strong quarter. We're extremely proud of our team's performance, and we can't thank our employees enough for their continued hard work and dedication. It's their collective commitment to our culture that has enabled us to be named one of Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For, yet again in 2023.

    總之,第一季度是一個非常強勁的季度。我們為我們團隊的表現感到非常自豪,我們對我們的員工一直以來的辛勤工作和奉獻精神感激不盡。正是他們對我們文化的共同承諾,使我們在 2023 年再次被評為財富 100 強最適合工作的公司之一。

  • The consistency of our results exemplifies the strength of our platform and our people. We're delivering great experiences that drive powerful employee engagement, fierce customer loyalty and significant productivity gains. ServiceNow's intelligent automation is a deflationary force that helps enterprises retool their business to get more done with less. And since we use the Now Platform ourselves extensively, we continue to see the benefit from those efficiencies, generating incremental opportunities for further operational leverage. That's why ServiceNow is so well positioned to become the defining enterprise software company of the 21st century. You can hear more about that momentum in our new products and long-term opportunities at our upcoming Investor Day on May 16 in Las Vegas. We look forward to seeing you there.

    我們結果的一致性體現了我們平台和員工的實力。我們正在提供卓越的體驗,推動強大的員工敬業度、強烈的客戶忠誠度和顯著的生產力提升。 ServiceNow 的智能自動化是一種通貨緊縮的力量,可幫助企業重組其業務以事半功倍。由於我們自己廣泛使用 Now Platform,我們繼續看到這些效率帶來的好處,為進一步的運營槓桿創造更多機會。這就是 ServiceNow 如此有能力成為 21 世紀定義企業軟件公司的原因。您可以在即將於 5 月 16 日在拉斯維加斯舉行的投資者日上聽到更多關於我們新產品和長期機會的勢頭。我們期待在那裡見到你。

  • And with that, I'll open it up for Q&A.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from the line of Mark Murphy from JPMorgan.


  • Mark Ronald Murphy - MD

    Mark Ronald Murphy - MD

  • Congratulations on another excellent quarter. So I wanted to ask CJ or Bill. You seem to be in a great position to embed AI into your Pro SKUs and try to unlock new efficiencies. Can you speak to how you see that opportunity playing out? And as chatbots become more powerful, do you see that affecting the headcount or seat count of a typical IT help desk or a contact center if you try to project that forward a few years down the road?

    祝賀又一個出色的季度。所以我想問問 CJ 或 Bill。您似乎處於將 AI 嵌入 Pro SKU 並嘗試釋放新效率的有利位置。你能談談你如何看待這個機會嗎?隨著聊天機器人變得越來越強大,如果您嘗試將其向前推進幾年,您是否認為這會影響典型 IT 服務台或聯絡中心的員工人數或座位數?

  • Chirantan Jitendra Desai - President & COO

    Chirantan Jitendra Desai - President & COO

  • Mark, first of all, thanks for the question. Here is what I would say. When we started the ITSM Pro journey in 2018 Q4, the exact question was asked because we embedded machine learning and AI into ITSM Pro, and that was a game changer both for our customers and our shareholders. When I look at specifically generative AI, we absolutely believe that besides our core machine learning and AI features that are in platform today, it is a clear and.

    馬克,首先,謝謝你的提問。這就是我要說的。當我們在 2018 年第四季度開始 ITSM Pro 之旅時,提出了確切的問題,因為我們將機器學習和人工智能嵌入到 ITSM Pro 中,這對我們的客戶和股東來說都是一個遊戲規則的改變者。當我著眼於特定的生成式 AI 時,我們絕對相信,除了我們當今平台中的核心機器學習和 AI 功能外,它是一個清晰且。

  • And this particular and versus an or provides more productivity not only for the employees of our customers, but for the customer service agent or IT agents as you asked. And wherever we can capture that additional value, we will monetize that further via additional SKUs that we offer on top of our current offerings. So overall, I feel very good about generative AI and what it does for our business. And we have learned a lot through our ITSM Pro traction over last 4 years now, 4-plus years, and I feel very optimistic for next 3 to 5 years related to it is an accretive to our top line.

    這種特殊的 and versus an or 不僅可以為我們客戶的員工提供更高的生產力,還可以為您要求的客戶服務代理或 IT 代理提供更高的生產力。無論我們在哪裡可以獲得額外價值,我們都會通過在當前產品之上提供的額外 SKU 進一步將其貨幣化。所以總的來說,我對生成式 AI 及其對我們業務的影響感到非常滿意。在過去 4 年,4 年多的時間裡,我們通過 ITSM Pro 牽引力學到了很多東西,我對未來 3 到 5 年感到非常樂觀,因為它會增加我們的收入。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Brad Sills from Bank of America.

    我們的下一個問題來自美國銀行的 Brad Sills。

  • Bradley Hartwell Sills - Director, Analyst

    Bradley Hartwell Sills - Director, Analyst

  • Wonderful, and great to see a nice start to the fiscal year here. I wanted to ask a question around the non-IT mix. If you take customer and employee, plus creator combined, it's 43% of new ACV this quarter, which is the highest I can remember. The question is, what is it about Now that you're seeing success kind of taking ServiceNow outside of the IT department? Obviously, you have these great products to address more workflow automation. But is there something about the go-to-market, whether it's direct or in the channel, that you'd call out here where you're seeing that real traction outside of IT?

    非常棒,很高興在這裡看到財政年度的良好開端。我想問一個關於非 IT 組合的問題。如果你把客戶和員工加上創作者加起來,這是本季度新 ACV 的 43%,這是我記憶中的最高水平。問題是,既然您已經看到將 ServiceNow 應用到 IT 部門之外的成功,那有什麼意義呢?顯然,您擁有這些出色的產品來解決更多的工作流程自動化問題。但是,無論是直接還是通過渠道進入市場,您是否會在此處看到 IT 之外的真正牽引力?

  • William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

    William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes. Thank you very much for the question, Brad. And I think it underscores the importance of ServiceNow becoming the intelligent platform for end-to-end digital transformation. As I said, the C-level decision-makers now, CEO, the CFO, obviously, the head of technology, along with the head of HR and the various other departments in the company, are aligning their business strategy on technology platforms that truly matter and can impact business results. And they're moving away from the apple of the day and platforms that don't matter. They're also taking antiquated platforms and building our innovation on top of them.

    是的。非常感謝你提出這個問題,布拉德。我認為它強調了 ServiceNow 成為端到端數字化轉型智能平台的重要性。正如我所說,現在的 C 級決策者,首席執行官,首席財務官,顯然,技術負責人,以及人力資源負責人和公司其他各個部門,正在調整他們的業務戰略在技術平台上,真正事並會影響業務結果。他們正在遠離今天的蘋果和無關緊要的平台。他們還在使用過時的平台並在其之上構建我們的創新。

  • So if you want to think about our unfair advantage, we actually started in IT and have extended that beautifully into HR, into the customer service management and into creator. Think about the importance of creator. 75% of the app development that will take place in the next 2 years will be done by the customers themselves on a low-code platform like ServiceNow. We feel we have a pole position. Customer service management, everybody is trying to align the front, mid and back office to give a seamless, self-service, direct-to-consumer experience on the mobile. It's our core competency. And when you think about the employee experience, there's wonderful systems of record out there that do what they're supposed to do, but our expertise is really taking a technology view of recruiting, hiring, onboarding, providing all the services and with generative AI actually giving the employee next best action and fundamentally changing the game on the productivity curve.

    因此,如果您想考慮我們的不公平優勢,我們實際上是從 IT 開始的,並且已經將其完美地擴展到 HR、客戶服務管理和創作者中。想想創作者的重要性。未來 2 年內 75% 的應用程序開發將由客戶自己在 ServiceNow 等低代碼平台上完成。我們覺得自己處於領先地位。客戶服務管理,每個人都在努力協調前台、中台和後台辦公室,以在移動設備上提供無縫、自助服務、直接面向消費者的體驗。這是我們的核心競爭力。當你考慮員工體驗時,那裡有很棒的記錄系統可以做他們應該做的事情,但我們的專長實際上是從技術角度看待招聘、僱用、入職、提供所有服務和生成人工智能實際上是為員工提供下一個最佳行動,並從根本上改變生產力曲線上的遊戲規則。

  • All of this is aligning the executive team around platform strategy, and our teammates here at ServiceNow are proud and confident in that platform. They can tell the story by industry, by persona, and they can bring countless examples to the first meeting now, and they are aligning the executives. One of the biggest requests we get is, "Hey, can we have an off-site with our entire management team with your team so we can figure out the best next step for the relationship?" That's a very different outcome than we were doing 4 years ago, where it was a more land-and-expand kind of approach.

    所有這一切都圍繞平台戰略調整執行團隊,我們在 ServiceNow 的團隊成員對該平台感到自豪和自信。他們可以按行業、按角色講述故事,他們現在可以在第一次會議上舉出無數例子,他們正在調整高管。我們收到的最大請求之一是,“嘿,我們可以與您的團隊一起與我們的整個管理團隊進行一次異地會議,以便我們為這種關係找出最好的下一步嗎?”這與我們 4 年前的結果截然不同,當時我們採用的是一種土地擴張的方法。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Keith Weiss from Morgan Stanley.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Keith Weiss。

  • Keith Weiss - Equity Analyst

    Keith Weiss - Equity Analyst

  • Congratulations on a really nice start of the year. I want to dig in a little bit on the thread that Mark Murphy started pulling out in terms of the impacts of generative AI. And the question that I get a lot from investors is, does it necessitate that ServiceNow has to change their pricing model? And is there an ability to do that? So maybe if you could kind of walk us through, like as this functionality creates more automation and it's more just the workflows in the platform, the data in the platform that's driving the value, is there a necessity or a potential of changing the pricing model to be more consumption- or volume-oriented versus like a seat-based model?

    恭喜你有了一個非常好的開端。我想深入探討一下 Mark Murphy 就生成式 AI 的影響提出的話題。我從投資者那裡得到的很多問題是,ServiceNow 是否需要改變他們的定價模式?有沒有能力做到這一點?所以也許如果你可以引導我們完成,就像這個功能創造了更多的自動化,它更多的只是平台中的工作流程,平台中的數據驅動價值,是否有必要或有可能改變定價模型更注重消費或體積,而不是像基於座位的模型?

  • Chirantan Jitendra Desai - President & COO

    Chirantan Jitendra Desai - President & COO

  • Yes. So Keith, this is CJ, and I'll address it. We think in multiple buckets. So when we look at technology workflows, as you know, that CMDB is the core foundation. And all the ITSM processes or ITOM or our security and fast-growing products like risk and asset management, they are all driven through our CMDB for a single end-to-end platform for transformation from a technology standpoint. So when I look at that for the most part, as you know, Keith, we have good, better, best packages. And we are pretty consistent in how we drive the go-to-market, as Bill described, overall at a platform level.

    是的。基思,我是 CJ,我來解決這個問題。我們在多個桶中思考。因此,當我們查看技術工作流時,如您所知,CMDB 是核心基礎。所有 ITSM 流程或 ITOM 或我們的安全和快速增長的產品,如風險和資產管理,它們都是通過我們的 CMDB 驅動的,用於從技術角度進行轉型的單一端到端平台。因此,當我看到大部分內容時,正如你所知,基思,我們擁有更好、更好、最好的套餐。正如 Bill 所描述的那樣,我們在整體平台級別上推動上市的方式非常一致。

  • The same thing is true for customer service management and HR as an employee workflow. And then when I look at creator workflow, we also have opportunity to expand ServiceNow ecosystem significantly, where anybody could be a ServiceNow developer by using text to code or text to workflow or, someday, text to app that they can create. So overall, when I look at the 4 buckets, the good, better, best mechanism that we have put in place is working beautifully. The traction is great. We are getting the uplift as we have shared with you and will share more at the Financial Analyst Day.

    客戶服務管理和人力資源作為員工工作流程也是如此。然後,當我查看創建者工作流時,我們也有機會顯著擴展 ServiceNow 生態系統,任何人都可以通過使用文本到代碼或文本到工作流,或者有一天,使用文本到他們可以創建的應用程序來成為 ServiceNow 開發人員。所以總的來說,當我查看 4 個桶時,我們已經實施的好、更好、最好的機制運行良好。牽引力很大。正如我們與您分享的那樣,我們正在獲得提升,並將在金融分析師日分享更多信息。

  • Now in terms of additional pricing because now with generative AI, what I told Mark, is an and, as in you can get higher productivity for specific use cases. Whether it's incident deflection or whether it's related to the agent productivity, we believe that we can absolutely monetize that. We are fairly early, I'll share more with you at the Financial Analyst Day, on what that pricing model will look like, whether it's an add-on, whether it's a bundle. And we are working through the details, but we are only going to charge where we provide value for our customers, and that is the first principle we are looking at.


  • Keith Weiss - Equity Analyst

    Keith Weiss - Equity Analyst

  • Got it. I will stay tuned for Analyst Day for more details. Appreciate the color.


  • William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

    William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

  • Keith, you would have been very impressed if you saw CJ and his engineering team in yesterday's Board meeting. We're actually dealing with real technology, real-time demos, real customer references, which you're going to get to see, and you're going to get to see examples and business cases that we're already working on at Financial Analyst Day. He's a little bit modest, and he deserves to be because he's got the best team in the business, but wait until you see Financial Analyst Day. It's really going to knock your socks off.

    基思,如果你在昨天的董事會會議上看到 CJ 和他的工程團隊,你會印象深刻。我們實際上正在處理真實的技術、實時演示、真實的客戶參考,您將看到這些,您將看到我們已經在 Financial 處理的示例和業務案例分析師日。他有點謙虛,他應得的,因為他擁有業內最好的團隊,但請等到金融分析師日。這真的會讓你大吃一驚。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Samad Samana from Jefferies.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Jefferies 的 Samad Samana。

  • Samad Saleem Samana - Equity Analyst

    Samad Saleem Samana - Equity Analyst

  • So Bill, I wanted to ask you, ServiceNow is one of the few tech companies that we focus on that's still growing headcount, and you guys added more employees in 1Q than you did the last couple of quarters of last year. I'm curious, what's underlying that confidence in adding talent in what appears to be maybe a little bit of a slowing world? And how should we think about that strengthening your position in a world where maybe your competitors are actually going to have to go back and rehire when we come back on the other side of this?

    所以比爾,我想問你,ServiceNow 是我們關注的少數幾家員工人數仍在增長的科技公司之一,你們在第一季度增加的員工人數比去年最後幾個季度還多。我很好奇,在這個看起來可能有點放緩的世界中增加人才的信心背後是什麼?我們應該如何考慮加強你在一個世界上的地位,當我們回到另一邊時,你的競爭對手實際上可能不得不回去重新僱用?

  • William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

    William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes. Samad, thank you very much for the question. And first of all, everybody is entitled to their strategy, and there's lots of great companies out there that have taken a different approach to managing headcount and the people packed. We have been highly intentional throughout the last 4-year journey that I can personally speak to on hiring in the first place. And we have been very biased towards great engineering, especially fingers on keyboards, and go-to-market folks that actually carry a quota and keeping the company extremely lean on G&A, where most of our investments have been in F.

    是的。薩馬德,非常感謝你提出這個問題。首先,每個人都有權制定自己的戰略,並且有很多偉大的公司採取了不同的方法來管理員工人數和人員。在過去的 4 年旅程中,我們一直非常有意識,我首先可以親自談一談招聘問題。而且我們一直非常偏向於偉大的工程,尤其是鍵盤上的手指,以及實際上帶有配額並使公司極度依賴 G&A 的上市人員,我們的大部分投資都在 F.

  • So we started into this macro scenario that the world is in right now in a thoughtful position to begin with. And therefore, we're still managing our headcount tightly. It's not like we're boldly hiring, and especially now we've doubled down on exactly that, quota bearing and fingers on keyboards. And the good news, and I really believe, we have a new dimension here where our culture is actually attracting people in the marketplace, and we're hiring truly best-in-class talent. We call it 9s and 10s here. If you're an 8.5, you don't get in the door now.

    所以我們開始進入這個世界現在處於一個深思熟慮的位置的宏觀場景。因此,我們仍在嚴格管理員工人數。這不像我們在大膽招聘,尤其是現在我們已經加倍努力,配額承擔和鍵盤上的手指。好消息,我真的相信,我們在這裡有了一個新的維度,我們的文化實際上正在吸引市場上的人們,我們正在招聘真正一流的人才。我們在這裡稱之為 9s 和 10s。如果你是 8.5,你現在不會進門。

  • So I would like you to take away from this answer, they're being very thoughtful about hiring. The numbers are commensurate with the new business they're bringing in the door, not the existing business. And they'll continue to do that in a way that manages the margin profile in importance with what shareholder value expectations are in the marketplace. And I honestly believe we'll look back at this moment and how we're managing the people part of the business and putting people first as something that created a very special, highly differentiated company as it relates to people's desire to work here. It's pretty interesting.


  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • And Samad, I would just add, we're remaining extremely flexible and agile with how we're adding heads, and so we're being very cautious in the current environment. And you could absolutely expect that we will continue to be cautious and disciplined with how we're thinking about our hiring vis-à-vis our growth for the remainder of the year and really always.


  • William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

    William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes. I mean we -- internally, we call it a checkbook approach.

    是的。我的意思是我們 - 在內部,我們稱之為支票簿方法。

  • Samad Saleem Samana - Equity Analyst

    Samad Saleem Samana - Equity Analyst

  • Thanks to both of you, and we see it in the great margins, and look forward to seeing the team at the Analyst Day in a few weeks.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Matt Hedberg from RBC Capital Markets.

    我們的下一個問題來自 RBC Capital Markets 的 Matt Hedberg。

  • Matthew George Hedberg - Analyst

    Matthew George Hedberg - Analyst

  • Great. I'll offer my congrats as well. Gina, you talked about a strong pipeline exiting 4Q and obviously delivered a strong quarter here. How do you feel about the pipeline as we enter the quarter? And obviously, there's been some additional volatility in financial services, and it sounds like that was fairly stable for you guys this quarter. But maybe talk about the visibility you have entering the quarter.


  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • Yes, absolutely, Matt. Thanks for the question. So pipeline remains robust. We feel really good about pipeline moving into Q2 and beyond. From a metrics perspective versus same time last year across the board, we're in better shape. As you talk about the direct exposure to financial services, we actually saw growth and had some great customer wins in the quarter despite the macro headwinds. And so really feel great about where we're currently landing pipe, our Knowledge event, our Utah release. We're really excited about how we can continue to increase the opportunities in the back half of the year as a result. And so from that perspective, we feel really good about where we are. And as always, because 85% of our net new comes from existing customers, the visibility to our pipe for Q2 and the back half remains strong as well.

    是的,絕對,馬特。謝謝你的問題。所以管道仍然健壯。我們對進入第二季度及以後的管道感到非常滿意。從指標的角度來看,與去年同期相比,我們的狀況更好。當你談到直接接觸金融服務時,儘管存在宏觀逆風,但我們實際上在本季度看到了增長並贏得了一些巨大的客戶。因此,對於我們目前在何處著陸管道、我們的知識活動、我們的猶他州發布,真的感覺很棒。結果,我們對如何在今年下半年繼續增加機會感到非常興奮。因此,從這個角度來看,我們對自己所處的位置感覺非常好。與往常一樣,由於我們 85% 的淨新產品來自現有客戶,因此我們對第二季度和下半年管道的可見性也保持強勁。

  • William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

    William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

  • And one thing you may find interesting, Matt -- one thing you may find interesting is financial services, as Gina said, continued to perform. And in EMEA, 2 of our top 5 deals were in financial services, including one with one of Europe's largest banks.

    有一件事你可能會覺得有趣,馬特——你可能會覺得有趣的一件事是金融服務,正如吉娜所說,繼續表現。在歐洲、中東和非洲地區,我們排名前 5 位的交易中有 2 筆是在金融服務領域,其中一筆是與歐洲最大的銀行之一進行的。

  • Matthew George Hedberg - Analyst

    Matthew George Hedberg - Analyst

  • See you in a couple of weeks.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Kirk Materne from Evercore ISI.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Evercore ISI 的 Kirk Materne。

  • Kirk Materne - Senior MD & Fundamental Research Analyst

    Kirk Materne - Senior MD & Fundamental Research Analyst

  • I'll add my congrats on the quarter. Bill, I was kind of curious on your impressions on just consolidation in this kind of macro environment. I think for a while, you've always said no one has to lose for you to win. I'm just wondering if that's changing a little bit in terms of your opportunity to go and maybe replace systems that have just gotten either antiquated or go after more greenfield that's adjacent to where you're selling. So just kind of curious if the consolidation wave is picking up, I guess, from your point of view.


  • William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

    William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes. Thank you very much for the question, Kirk. We stand by. No one has to lose for us to win, and I really do believe the systems of record that team up with ServiceNow would see dramatic increases in their win rates. That's obviously up to them, but there's no question that, that would happen. Because the power of the ServiceNow platform versus point solution is pretty clear. C-level decision-makers want an enterprise-wide workflow capability to drive their performance, and it's just that simple. And when you have a lot of point solutions that optimize the department but don't tie into the greater workflow across the domains or the functions, it doesn't really help at the corporate level. And I think that's the coherence that we bring to the enterprise productivity story.

    是的。非常感謝你提出這個問題,柯克。我們待命。沒有人會輸,我們才能贏,我真的相信與 ServiceNow 合作的記錄系統會看到他們的贏率急劇增加。這顯然取決於他們,但毫無疑問,那會發生。因為 ServiceNow 平台與單點解決方案的威力非常明顯。 C 級決策者希望企業範圍內的工作流功能能夠提高他們的績效,就這麼簡單。當你有很多優化部門的單點解決方案,但沒有與跨領域或職能的更大工作流聯繫起來時,它在公司層面並沒有真正的幫助。我認為這就是我們為企業生產力故事帶來的連貫性。

  • And frankly, the one thing I would say is that customers aren't interested in forced marches with upgrades to technology that's not delivering business impact. It's kind of like thinking about why would I do a heart transplant when I can do a simple bypass and gain massive, new productivity with a platform that drives a great user experience, empowers my employees, [statisticize] my customers and enables my creators? In fact, on the banking case, in particular, what you were seeing is some serious focus on risk management across the whole bank and using us to consolidate all the point solutions so there would be one dashboard or one version of the truth to protect that house. So you're seeing more and more of a platform approach to decision-making in the market.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Kash Rangan from Goldman Sachs.

    我們的下一個問題來自高盛的 Kash Rangan。

  • Kasthuri Gopalan Rangan - Analyst

    Kasthuri Gopalan Rangan - Analyst

  • Great start to the year, Bill and team. But curious, the strategy to expanding the base of customers, you've done a great job. You've got 7,700 customers, a lot of million dollar wins. But if you look at enterprise software beyond $10 billion to $15 billion, $20 billion in revenue, those companies have always had a base of the pyramid that has a big chunk of commercial customers, SMB customers. I'm curious how you think about ServiceNow's strategy to expand the base of the pyramid going forward.

    今年開局不錯,比爾和團隊。但奇怪的是,擴大客戶群的戰略,你做得很好。你有 7,700 名客戶,贏得了數百萬美元。但是如果你看看企業軟件超過 100 億美元到 150 億美元,200 億美元的收入,這些公司總是擁有金字塔的底部,擁有大量的商業客戶,SMB 客戶。我很好奇您如何看待 ServiceNow 未來擴大金字塔底部的戰略。

  • William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

    William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

  • Thank you very much, Kash. I mean think of it this way. We are very focused, and I mentioned this as 1 of the 3 things that we're focused. We're very focused on net new business. And this is going to come from upper mid-market in particular, lots of new logos there. There's a lot of individual companies that talk a lot about their climb into the enterprise. We might just meet them where they live right now in smaller establishments. We'll see how that goes.


  • But I can also tell you, we have a great focus on the Fortune 2000. And in particular, we have an amazing focus on the Marquee 250 with a true build-out of a go-to-market machine. And we're doing that by industry, and we're doing that with all the assets across the company. And we've collectively put that together in a way with the full power of the platform, the content, the thought leadership and obviously the solution power where the customer gets everything from ServiceNow.

    但我也可以告訴你,我們非常關注財富 2000 強。特別是,我們非常關注 Marquee 250,它真正構建了一個上市機器。我們正在按行業來做,我們正在用整個公司的所有資產來做。我們將其與平台的全部功能、內容、思想領導力以及顯然是客戶從 ServiceNow 獲得一切的解決方案能力結合在一起。

  • So I would like you to think about the top of the pyramid, the larger part or the big part of the pyramid and obviously the mid-market up as areas in which we are getting stronger by the minute and extremely focused.


  • Chirantan Jitendra Desai - President & COO

    Chirantan Jitendra Desai - President & COO

  • I'll just add one thing, Kash, that from a product strategy perspective, as Gina shared, we are very focused on top of the house of the pyramid, as you call it, in terms of expansion strategy, whether it's just additional products that we continue to deliver release after release or creating vertical-specific solutions for those industries where we can get higher ASP uplift vis-à-vis selling horizontal solution.

    卡什,我只想補充一件事,從產品戰略的角度來看,正如吉娜所分享的,我們非常關注金字塔的頂端,正如你所說的,就擴張戰略而言,無論是額外的產品我們將繼續發布一個又一個版本,或者為那些我們可以獲得比銷售水平解決方案更高的 ASP 提升的行業創建垂直特定解決方案。

  • And as Bill mentioned, whether you call that commercial segment, mid-market segment, we are absolutely focused on that as well from a new logo perspective. We have commercial go-to-market selling motion that allows us to move up, and those customers sometimes become massive customers, and that is an area of focus for new logos or new business in addition to the existing one.

    正如 Bill 所提到的,無論您將那個商業細分市場稱為中端市場細分市場,我們都絕對專注於這一點以及從新徽標的角度來看。我們有商業上市銷售動議,使我們能夠向上移動,這些客戶有時會成為大量客戶,這是除了現有徽標或新業務之外的新徽標或新業務的重點領域。

  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • And I would just add on new logo piece that our net new customer ACV growth remains an area of strength for us. I talked about this in my script that the average deal size is up significantly year-over-year, and that really is demonstrating the durable demand and the mission-critical nature of our platform in this environment. We actually landed our largest net new logo deal in EMEA this quarter with ITZBund. And we've evolved our focus to really make sure that we're going after those right new logos, those right new customers, those that offer us the best ROI and have the greatest opportunity to continue to expand with us. Not all logos are created equal, and we're really targeting those logos that can grow with us over time. And so it's easier to expand an existing customer. The fact that our new logo ACV continues to grow and do well is a continued area of strength for us that we're very proud of.

    我只想添加新的標誌,我們的新客戶 ACV 淨增長仍然是我們的優勢領域。我在我的腳本中談到了這一點,即平均交易規模同比顯著增加,這確實證明了我們平台在這種環境下的持久需求和關鍵任務性質。實際上,本季度我們在 EMEA 與 ITZBund 達成了最大的淨新標識交易。我們已經改變了我們的重點,以真正確保我們追求那些正確的新標識、那些合適的新客戶、那些為我們提供最佳投資回報率並有最大機會繼續與我們一起擴張的人。並不是所有的標誌都是平等的,我們真正的目標是那些可以隨著時間的推移與我們一起成長的標誌。因此更容易擴展現有客戶。事實上,我們的新徽標 ACV 繼續發展並做得很好,這對我們來說是一個持續的優勢領域,我們為此感到非常自豪。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Gregg Moskowitz from Mizuho.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Mizuho 的 Gregg Moskowitz。

  • Gregg Steven Moskowitz - MD of Americas Research

    Gregg Steven Moskowitz - MD of Americas Research

  • Okay. Congratulations on the strong start to the year. The last time that ServiceNow had grown CRPO sequentially into Q1, we'd have to go back to 2019, but you just did it and you did it in a really challenging environment. So aside from what sounded like good sales execution, clearly, would you attribute the CRPO outperformance to the fact that you had fewer early renewals into Q4? Or is there another reason that you would highlight?

    好的。祝賀今年開局強勁。上一次 ServiceNow 將 CRPO 依次增長到第一季度,我們必須回到 2019 年,但你剛剛做到了,而且你是在一個非常具有挑戰性的環境中做到的。因此,除了聽起來不錯的銷售執行之外,很明顯,您是否會將 CRPO 的出色表現歸因於您進入第四季度的早期續訂較少這一事實?或者您還有其他要強調的原因嗎?

  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • Yes. I would say that our beat versus the guide was fully due to higher net new ACV in the quarter. So great results from our incredible sales execution team across the board.

    是的。我想說我們的表現優於指南完全是由於本季度更高的淨新 ACV。我們令人難以置信的銷售執行團隊全面取得瞭如此出色的成績。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Arjun Bhatia from William Blair.

    我們的下一個問題來自 William Blair 的 Arjun Bhatia。

  • Arjun Rohit Bhatia - Co-Group Head of the Technology, Media, and Communications Sector & Analyst

    Arjun Rohit Bhatia - Co-Group Head of the Technology, Media, and Communications Sector & Analyst

  • Gina, maybe just a follow-up on that, on the expansion fulfillment. One of the things that we've been hearing out in the sector is that there are seat headwinds as headcount growth is moderating at end customers. What are you seeing in your growth algorithm from a seat expansion versus upsell/cross-sell dynamic? And how has that changed at all?


  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • Yes. It's a great question, and we got that question a lot if you remember back in 2020. We're not really seeing any compression, right, where we're continuing to see expansion across the enterprise expansion geographically within a company and a customer and really as an upsell on the other workflows. And so seat compression has not been an issue that we've been seeing. Obviously, keeping a close eye on it given the macro, but not something that's been an issue for us thus far.

    是的。這是一個很好的問題,如果你還記得在 2020 年,我們經常會遇到這個問題。我們並沒有真正看到任何壓縮,對吧,我們繼續看到整個企業在公司和客戶內部的地理擴張和擴張真的是對其他工作流程的追加銷售。因此,座椅壓縮並不是我們一直看到的問題。顯然,考慮到宏觀,密切關注它,但到目前為止這對我們來說不是一個問題。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Alex Zukin from Wolfe Research.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Wolfe Research 的 Alex Zukin。

  • Aleksandr J. Zukin - MD & Head of the Software Group

    Aleksandr J. Zukin - MD & Head of the Software Group

  • Congrats on a solid quarter. Maybe, Bill, can you talk a little bit about the macro from 2 different respects? One being, are you starting to kind of settle into this new longer sales cycle, customers making you pitch ROI every time, everywhere? And you're getting ready to kind of anniversary this in June, meaning it's a sense of like a stabilization or a new normal? And then maybe just comment on the demand environment vis-à-vis U.S. versus international because it does feel a little bit different depending on which geo you're in.

    祝賀一個穩定的季度。也許,比爾,你能從兩個不同的方面談談宏觀嗎?一個是,你是否開始適應這個新的更長的銷售週期,客戶讓你隨時隨地推銷投資回報率?你準備好在 6 月份慶祝週年紀念日,這意味著它是一種穩定還是新常態的感覺?然後也許只是評論美國與國際的需求環境,因為根據您所在的地理位置,它確實感覺有點不同。

  • William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

    William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

  • Thank you very much for the question, Alex, and it's a really good question. It is absolutely clear to everybody that our customers are operating in a complex environment. And the environment they're operating differs by industry, but all of them have a set of challenges that they're dealing with. So we have completely retooled the go-to-market machine in acknowledgment of our customers' challenges. So we're able to go in with content and thought leadership that's very specific to their industry. We have tremendous insight and depth in what's going on specifically with their business. We have excellent outside-in protocols and real detailed account plans and relationship plans.


  • And obviously, at the end of the day, all of the sales that happen in this environment has to be backed by an unbreakable business case, not just a business case, an unbreakable one. And we have built that resilience into the go-to-market machine, and I'm extremely proud of our sales leadership in this company, and that goes for all the executives that report to me on the P4, but also the regional leaders and our feet on the street, I believe, to be the best in the business. So that's one thing.

    顯然,歸根結底,在這種環境下發生的所有銷售都必須得到牢不可破的商業案例的支持,而不僅僅是一個牢不可破的商業案例。我們已經將這種彈性融入到上市機器中,我為我們在這家公司的銷售領導地位感到非常自豪,這適用於所有在 P4 上向我匯報的高管,也適用於區域領導和我相信,我們走在大街上,是業內最好的。所以這是一回事。

  • The demand environment, there is no shortage of demand. The whole idea here is to educate our customers on the art of the possible and make sure that we align business and IT. So the business executives are participating in this conversation because leaving them out shrinks the size of the deal, and that's why Gina is telling you the ACV is growing, including a new business, gives you a good signal that we are really educated and know what we're doing. But also by aligning the entire executive team, you derisk the last-minute surprise or the last-minute push because you have multiple executives pushing for the ServiceNow brand as an answer to their problems. So I would say the demand environment, there's no shortage of it, you just have to understand how to manage it. But our coverage today, and we manage all this on ServiceNow on a CEO dashboard, is better than ever.

    需求環境,不缺需求。這裡的整個想法是教育我們的客戶關於可能性的藝術,並確保我們使業務和 IT 保持一致。所以業務主管參與這次對話是因為將他們排除在外會縮小交易規模,這就是為什麼吉娜告訴你 ACV 正在增長,包括一項新業務,這給你一個很好的信號,表明我們真的受過教育並且知道什麼在做。而且通過調整整個執行團隊,您可以避免最後一刻的驚喜或最後一刻的推動,因為您有多名高管推動 ServiceNow 品牌作為他們問題的答案。所以我會說需求環境,不缺它,你只需要了解如何管理它。但我們今天的報導,以及我們在 CEO 儀表板上的 ServiceNow 上管理所有這些,比以往任何時候都好。

  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • And I would just add from a geo perspective, demand, pretty strong across the board. Americas had a strong quarter in Q1 with particular strength in health care and life sciences and state, local and education. We've focused verticalization strategy. That's really driven some strong momentum there. So we feel really good about results in Americas as well as demand. The number of million-dollar deals increased over 30% year-over-year, so that's great news.

    我只想從地理角度補充,需求全面強勁。美洲在第一季度表現強勁,尤其是在醫療保健和生命科學以及州、地方和教育領域。我們專注於垂直化戰略。這確實推動了一些強勁的勢頭。因此,我們對美洲的結果和需求感到非常滿意。百萬美元交易的數量同比增長超過 30%,這是個好消息。

  • EMEA had a really strong Q1 as well. [U.K.I.], strong demand, great momentum. Central Europe continued to outperform. Renewal rates continue to be strong at 99% in EMEA despite the macro. So again, strong durable demand across the board. And then from an Asia Pac perspective, selling into the C-suite has been working well and really helping to drive larger transformational deals. We landed 7 $1 million-plus deals in APAC in Q1. So really strong demand across the board from a geography perspective as well, Alex.

    歐洲、中東和非洲地區的第一季度也非常強勁。 [U.K.I.],需求強勁,勢頭強勁。中歐繼續跑贏大市。儘管宏觀經濟形勢嚴峻,歐洲、中東和非洲地區的續訂率仍然保持在 99% 的強勁水平。因此,全面的耐用需求再次強勁。然後從亞太地區的角度來看,向最高管理層銷售一直運作良好,確實有助於推動更大的轉型交易。第一季度,我們在亞太地區達成了 7 筆 100 萬美元以上的交易。亞歷克斯,從地理角度來看,全面需求也非常強勁。

  • Aleksandr J. Zukin - MD & Head of the Software Group

    Aleksandr J. Zukin - MD & Head of the Software Group

  • Your unfair advantage is very clear.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Michael Turrin from Wells Fargo.

    我們的下一個問題來自富國銀行的 Michael Turrin。

  • Michael James Turrin - Senior Equity Analyst

    Michael James Turrin - Senior Equity Analyst

  • Great. I appreciate the strong set of results for Q1. The 2Q guide for CRPO suggests growth down a bit from what you just delivered, Gina. You've talked about prudence over the past several quarters. Can you maybe step through what you're factoring into Q2 for CRPO? How much is seasonality versus anything more specific to this year? And any update you can provide just around the change in early renewal dynamics you saw last quarter, I think, is also a useful context.

    偉大的。我很欣賞第一季度的強勁業績。 CRPO 的第二季度指南表明增長比您剛剛交付的有所下降,Gina。在過去的幾個季度裡,你一直在談論謹慎。您能否逐步了解您在 CRPO 的 Q2 中考慮的因素?季節性與今年更具體的因素相比有多少?我認為,您可以圍繞上個季度看到的早期更新動態變化提供任何更新,這也是一個有用的背景。

  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • Yes. Great question. So from an overarching perspective, as I said before, the durable demand that we're seeing has really kept our business resilient, so strong Q1 CRPO. The Q2 guide, if you remember, beginning in Q2 of last year is when the macro headwinds really started to hit us. And so we've seen muted growth in the past couple of quarters as a result, which is driving a little bit of a decel in Q2.

    是的。很好的問題。因此,從總體角度來看,正如我之前所說,我們看到的持久需求確實使我們的業務保持了彈性,因此第一季度 CRPO 非常強勁。 Q2 指南,如果你還記得的話,從去年第二季度開始,宏觀逆風才真正開始打擊我們。因此,我們在過去幾個季度看到了緩慢的增長,這導致第二季度略有放緩。

  • The other thing, as you rightly recall, on absolutely continuing to remain prudent in our guided assumptions given the uncertainty in the macro environment. And so again, feel really good about the guide. It's a strong guide given the current uncertainty. But those are kind of a couple of the things that are going into the number.


  • With respect to early renewals, what I'll say is that early renewals actually exceeded our forecast slightly this quarter. And so as I talked about at the end of Q4, we really factored in some prudent assumptions with respect to early renewals given the current macro. And basically, they are lining up as expected.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Derrick Wood from Cowen.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Cowen 的 Derrick Wood。

  • James Derrick Wood - MD of TMT - Software & Senior Software Analyst

    James Derrick Wood - MD of TMT - Software & Senior Software Analyst

  • Great. I'll add my congrats. Bill, I wanted to ask about the Microsoft partnership and the co-sell agreement. I think you guys announced that a year ago. I imagine you've been laying some groundwork. Can you just give an update as to how that partnership is trending, what kind of dividends you see in 2023 and what you may be looking to do around generative AI with them?

    偉大的。我會加上我的祝賀。比爾,我想問一下微軟的合作夥伴關係和共同銷售協議。我想你們一年前就宣布了這一點。我想你一直在打基礎。您能否更新一下這種夥伴關係的發展趨勢,您在 2023 年看到了什麼樣的紅利,以及您可能希望與他們一起圍繞生成 AI 做些什麼?

  • William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

    William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

  • Yes, absolutely. Those conversations, Derrick, are very active. As you know, we're very proud of our relationship with Microsoft. Also, a big tip of the cap to Microsoft and Satya and his team for an outstanding quarter. I was very, very happy to see that for them. And at the end of the day, we continue to help accelerate Azure adoption for our mutual customers, which is opening additional addressable market for ServiceNow, particularly with ITOM and ITAM. I agree with you 100% that CJ can give you an update on what we're doing in the area of generative AI, but I think that, that work is in flight and in progress, and we think that's a big opportunity for both companies to work closely together. CJ?

    是的,一點沒錯。 Derrick,那些對話非常活躍。如您所知,我們為與 Microsoft 的關係感到非常自豪。此外,微軟和 Satya 及其團隊在出色的季度表現中獲得了一大筆獎金。我非常非常高興為他們看到這一點。歸根結底,我們將繼續幫助我們的共同客戶加快 Azure 的採用,這為 ServiceNow 打開了更多的潛在市場,尤其是 ITOM 和 ITAM。我 100% 同意你的看法,CJ 可以向你介紹我們在生成人工智能領域所做的最新進展,但我認為,這項工作正在進行中,我們認為這對兩家公司來說都是一個巨大的機會緊密合作。希傑?

  • Chirantan Jitendra Desai - President & COO

    Chirantan Jitendra Desai - President & COO

  • Absolutely. So here's what I would say, Derrick, is at the highest level, when we think about our partnership with Microsoft, certain products such as our ITOM product, which gives you visibility into Azure, and overall our product set that allows you to consume public cloud services, is going in the right direction. Our footprint of ITOM with Azure cloud continues to expand. So that's number one.

    絕對地。所以這就是我要說的,Derrick,在最高級別,當我們考慮我們與 Microsoft 的合作夥伴關係時,某些產品,例如我們的 ITOM 產品,它可以讓您了解 Azure,以及我們的整體產品集,讓您可以使用公共雲服務,正朝著正確的方向發展。我們 ITOM 與 Azure 雲的足跡不斷擴大。所以這是第一。

  • From a go-to-market standpoint, whether it's in U.S. federal cloud with our IL5 certification just going live on Microsoft Azure cloud or the Australian government certification, we have had some recent wins in Australia and a few other geographies, where our go-to-market teams are working really well together. We will share more on generative AI with Microsoft, but we absolutely plan to leverage OpenAI as well as Microsoft Azure capabilities when it comes to how ServiceNow use cases will work in conjunction with OpenAI and Microsoft Azure.

    從上市的角度來看,無論是在美國聯邦雲中,我們的 IL5 認證剛剛在 Microsoft Azure 雲上生效,還是澳大利亞政府認證,我們最近在澳大利亞和其他一些地區取得了一些勝利,我們的目標是 -上市團隊合作得非常好。我們將與 Microsoft 分享更多有關生成 AI 的信息,但在涉及 ServiceNow 用例如何與 OpenAI 和 Microsoft Azure 協同工作時,我們絕對計劃利用 OpenAI 和 Microsoft Azure 的功能。

  • James Derrick Wood - MD of TMT - Software & Senior Software Analyst

    James Derrick Wood - MD of TMT - Software & Senior Software Analyst

  • Great. Look forward to Knowledge.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Sterling Auty from MoffettNathanson.

    我們的下一個問題來自 MoffettNathanson 的 Sterling Auty 系列。

  • Peter Sterling Auty - Senior MD of Software

    Peter Sterling Auty - Senior MD of Software

  • You touched a little bit on my question in the last answer, but I just want to dive deeper and better understand the traction. What's driving the traction you're seeing in your observability solutions? How much of it is maturation in the Lightstep functionality and what you've built on top of it? How much of it might just be price and what you're able to bundle together as a platform?

    您在上一個答案中稍微觸及了我的問題,但我只想更深入地了解並更好地理解牽引力。是什麼推動了您在可觀察性解決方案中看到的牽引力?其中有多少是 Lightstep 功能的成熟以及您在其之上構建的內容?其中有多少可能只是價格以及您能夠作為平台捆綁在一起的東西?

  • Chirantan Jitendra Desai - President & COO

    Chirantan Jitendra Desai - President & COO

  • Yes. So I would say, overall, I put, including observability, all that in the ITOM umbrella, right? You can point out a cloud observability that our Lightstep team has done well, and they had an amazing win with a very large fintech company, where we are going to actually displace an incumbent that does metrics and tracing. And we beat all the top competitors to win that deal in Q1. This is an example.

    是的。所以我會說,總的來說,我把包括可觀察性在內的所有內容都放在了 ITOM 保護傘中,對嗎?你可以指出我們的 Lightstep 團隊做得很好的雲可觀察性,他們與一家非常大的金融科技公司取得了驚人的勝利,我們實際上將取代一個從事指標和追踪的現任者。我們擊敗了所有頂級競爭對手,在第一季度贏得了這筆交易。這是一個例子。

  • But overall, when I look at ITOM, and that deals with the cloud estate, whether it's private or public cloud, and as customers, our joint customers with hyperscalers are trying to optimize their cloud spend or expand, we are the right workflow platform when it comes to the workloads that are running in those clouds. And with ITOM specifically, we saw that our grow and enterprise adoption has actually increased, including higher selling volume in Q1 of this year. In addition to that, our cloud discovery that happens via ITOM with Azure, AWS, GCP is also on the rise with a number of customers using those capabilities.

    但總的來說,當我看 ITOM 時,它涉及雲資產,無論是私有云還是公共雲,作為客戶,我們與超大規模的聯合客戶正在努力優化他們的雲支出或擴展,我們是正確的工作流平台當它涉及在這些雲中運行的工作負載。特別是對於 ITOM,我們看到我們的增長和企業採用實際上有所增加,包括今年第一季度的銷量增加。除此之外,我們通過 ITOM 與 Azure、AWS、GCP 發生的雲發現也在增加,許多客戶使用這些功能。

  • William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

    William R. McDermott - Chairman & CEO

  • And Sterling, the one build I would give on this, just for you to know, Microsoft and ServiceNow understand each other and have like-minded ways of going to market and including not just geographically but in industry. So as CJ said, this Australian government agency we're referring to is one example. But then you can go to South Africa, and you would see us doing something very interesting for an insurance provider, where we also displaced an aging legacy system. So we're on the front end of innovation by industry and geo, and we really have common goals and shared values around making these customers successful, and we both know how to do it.

    而 Sterling,我將在此基礎上構建一個版本,只是想讓你知道,Microsoft 和 ServiceNow 相互了解,並且在進入市場方面有著相似的想法,不僅包括地理上的,還包括行業上的。正如 CJ 所說,我們提到的這個澳大利亞政府機構就是一個例子。但是你可以去南非,你會看到我們為保險提供商做一些非常有趣的事情,在那裡我們還取代了老化的遺留系統。所以我們處於行業和地域創新的前沿,我們確實有共同的目標和共同的價值觀,讓這些客戶成功,我們都知道如何去做。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Tyler Radke from Citi.

    我們的下一個問題來自花旗銀行的 Tyler Radke。

  • Tyler Maverick Radke - VP & Senior Analyst

    Tyler Maverick Radke - VP & Senior Analyst

  • Gina, just as we look at the updated guidance for the full year, I'm wondering if you could just walk us through some of the assumptions both on the subscription revenue side and margin side. It looked like you did beat by more than -- you're raising the full year guide if you account for currency. So just wondering if there's any extra conservatism or moving pieces. And then the same thing on margins, there was strong outperformance this quarter.

    吉娜,就在我們查看全年更新的指南時,我想知道你是否可以向我們介紹一下訂閱收入方面和利潤方面的一些假設。看起來你確實超過了 - 如果你考慮貨幣,你正在提高全年指南。所以只是想知道是否有任何額外的保守主義或移動件。然後在利潤率方面也是如此,本季度表現強勁。

  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • Yes. Tyler, thanks for the question. So we did raise the full year revenue guide by FX, and we did raise it slightly about $4 million for [our fees]. But given the current macro uncertainty and given that we're only at the end of Q1, we wanted to remain prudent in our guide for the full year, which shouldn't be surprising to you. There's many, many years that we haven't really raised in Q1 with such a big portion of the year still to go. So it's really about being prudent in the current uncertainty more so than anything else. We feel really good about the beat in Q1. And our guide, while prudent to reflect the current macro, I think still should send a strong signal to our investors on the durability and strength of the Now Platform.

    是的。泰勒,謝謝你的提問。因此,我們確實通過 FX 提高了全年收入指南,我們確實將 [我們的費用] 略微提高了約 400 萬美元。但考慮到當前的宏觀不確定性,並且我們只是在第一季度末,我們希望在全年指南中保持謹慎,這對你來說並不奇怪。有很多年,我們在第一季度還沒有真正籌集資金,今年還有很大一部分時間要過去。因此,這實際上是關於在當前的不確定性中保持謹慎比其他任何事情都重要。我們對第一季度的節拍感覺非常好。我們的指南雖然謹慎地反映了當前的宏觀經濟,但我認為仍然應該向我們的投資者發出關於 Now 平台的耐用性和實力的強烈信號。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Brad Zelnick from Deutsche Bank.

    我們的下一個問題來自德意志銀行的 Brad Zelnick。

  • Brad Alan Zelnick - Head of Software Equity Research and Senior US Software Research Analyst

    Brad Alan Zelnick - Head of Software Equity Research and Senior US Software Research Analyst

  • Great. And I'll echo my congrats on a strong start to the year. For Bill or Gina, I've been getting a lot of questions on your net new ACV growth for last year, which was disclosed in your proxy as 14%. And considering the backdrop and tough prior year compare, it seems very healthy to me. But what factors should we consider in bridging to your $16 billion-plus target, which implies close to mid-20s compounded growth? And how would you characterize the company's net new ACV target for this year?

    偉大的。我將對今年的強勁開局表示祝賀。對於 Bill 或 Gina,我收到了很多關於你們去年淨新 ACV 增長的問題,你們的委託書中披露的是 14%。考慮到背景和艱難的前一年比較,我覺得它非常健康。但是,我們應該考慮哪些因素來實現您超過 160 億美元的目標,這意味著接近 20 年代中期的複合增長?您如何描述公司今年的淨新 ACV 目標?

  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • Yes, Brad. Great question. So yes, net new ACV growth in 2022 given the current macro backdrop was very healthy given that environment. We've talked about the fact that the current macro as well as the FX movement would likely weigh on that guide for '24 and '26. What I can tell you and what I'm excited about is to make sure you come to Financial Analyst Day in May, where we'll be really focused on the longer-term strategy as well as updating those relative numbers for you. And so we don't guide for net new ACV, as you know, but we will give a lot of clarity as to what we're thinking for the mid- and longer term at FAD in just next month. So look forward to seeing you there.

    是的,布拉德。很好的問題。所以是的,在當前的宏觀背景下,2022 年的 ACV 淨增長非常健康。我們已經討論過這樣一個事實,即當前的宏觀經濟以及外匯走勢可能會對 24 年和 26 年的指南產生影響。我可以告訴你的是,我很興奮的是確保你參加五月份的金融分析師日,我們將真正專注於長期戰略並為你更新這些相關數字。因此,正如您所知,我們不會為淨新 ACV 提供指導,但我們將在下個月就 FAD 的中長期考慮提供很多清晰的信息。所以期待在那裡見到你。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Karl Keirstead from UBS.

    我們的下一個問題來自瑞銀的 Karl Keirstead。

  • Karl Emil Keirstead - Analyst

    Karl Emil Keirstead - Analyst

  • Maybe this one for Gina. Gina, on the call 3 months ago, when you were asked about the shape of the CRPO trajectory throughout the year, you guided to a deceleration throughout calendar '23. Just given that you outperformed in Q1, and conversely, the 2Q CRPO guide is a little bit below expectations, is that still the right framework to think about the second half?

    也許這是給吉娜的。吉娜,在 3 個月前的電話會議上,當你被問及全年 CRPO 軌蹟的形狀時,你指導整個日曆 '23 減速。鑑於您在第一季度表現出色,相反,第二季度 CRPO 指南略低於預期,這仍然是考慮下半年的正確框架嗎?

  • Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

    Gina M. Mastantuono - CFO

  • Yes. I mean, listen, Karl, I think that given the current macro, deceleration is very normal and expected, but you'll continue to see us really driving strong demand across the board. And so we absolutely think that demand remains robust and strong, and that we will continue to perform. But yes, given the current macro vis-à-vis last year, we'll definitely see a little bit of deceleration throughout the year.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Raimo Lenschow from Barclays.

    我們的下一個問題來自巴克萊銀行的 Raimo Lenschow。

  • Raimo Lenschow - MD & Analyst

    Raimo Lenschow - MD & Analyst

  • One quick question on the platform side. So that's the one product area that really kind of gained a relative share for you guys this quarter. What are you seeing in terms of adoption out there? Because there's obviously a lot of like system of record guys that have a platform. They have the stand-alone local guys that kind of want to be a platform. And then you guys, you seem to be getting share. Is that kind of a function of, in the downturn or in tougher times, you have a consolidation to the core strategic ventures that's playing out there? Or is this more a longer-term theme?


  • Chirantan Jitendra Desai - President & COO

    Chirantan Jitendra Desai - President & COO

  • Listen, we are, first of all, Raimo, super pleased with our creator workflow performance that has many aspects to it. But the key aspect to it is, of course, our low-code engine and our automation technologies. This platform, as you described it, you're 100% right that there are many companies even with point solutions that market themselves as a platform company. We are truly a platform company. And when we sell creator workflows, that is sometimes used to extend our out-of-box applications. And sometimes, as Bill mentioned, customers use to create many, many new applications to digitize their processes.

    聽著,首先,Raimo,我們對我們的創作者工作流程表現非常滿意,這涉及到很多方面。但它的關鍵方面當然是我們的低代碼引擎和我們的自動化技術。這個平台,正如你所描述的,你是 100% 正確的,有許多公司甚至擁有將自己作為平台公司推銷的單點解決方案。我們是真正的平台公司。當我們出售創作者工作流程時,有時會用於擴展我們開箱即用的應用程序。有時,正如 Bill 提到的,客戶使用創建許多新應用程序來數字化他們的流程。

  • That business in itself is a very nice business that has been growing significantly over the last 3 to 4 years, and I feel very optimistic on that. And the reason I feel optimistic versus point solutions that you described or a system of record, because you cannot have all these applications being developed randomly without governance. Our key buyer tends to be IT organization. We serve IT organization. We have governance features on how you develop these apps. Where does the data reside? And when we say that to our customers, they say, "We would rather use your platform to create new applications than a point solution or from a system of record that only has system of record data."

    該業務本身是一項非常好的業務,在過去 3 到 4 年中一直在顯著增長,我對此感到非常樂觀。與您描述的點解決方案或記錄系統相比,我感到樂觀的原因是,您不能在沒有治理的情況下隨機開發所有這些應用程序。我們的主要買家往往是 IT 組織。我們服務於 IT 組織。我們具有關於您如何開發這些應用程序的治理功能。數據存放在哪裡?當我們對我們的客戶這樣說時,他們說,“我們寧願使用你們的平台來創建新的應用程序,也不願使用單點解決方案或從只有記錄數據系統的記錄系統。”

  • And the second thing that's really working for our platform is we organically build our integration or automation engine that not only integrates with all the 600-, 700-plus applications out there in the world, but allows you to automate any processes via RPA, machine learning and many new AI technologies that we are going to deliver. I am extremely optimistic and bullish on this aspect of our platform, AKA creator workforce.

    第二個真正對我們的平台有用的是我們有機地構建了我們的集成或自動化引擎,它不僅與世界上所有 600、700 多個應用程序集成,而且允許您通過 RPA、機器自動化任何流程學習和我們將要提供的許多新的 AI 技術。我非常樂觀和看好我們平台的這方面,也就是創作者勞動力。

  • Operator


  • Our final question comes from Michael Turits from KeyBanc.

    我們的最後一個問題來自 KeyBanc 的 Michael Turits。

  • Michael Turits - MD & Senior Analyst

    Michael Turits - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Great quarter. You mentioned that you saw a strong demand across front, middle and back office, and you also mentioned that you saw a strong demand for customer workflows. So in a down market, one wonders about front office. So I was wondering, how you were seeing that demand? And what specifically were the type of customer workflows that you were addressing and whether they were competitive or not with some of the systems of record?


  • Chirantan Jitendra Desai - President & COO

    Chirantan Jitendra Desai - President & COO

  • Yes. So Michael, first of all, I'll just address on customer workflow. Customer workflow, as Bill called it, was hot and shows a great quarter. What we saw, Michael, what we shared last year at the Financial Analyst Day with you and the team is we have now created industry-specific solutions, whether that's for insurance, for state, local and federal government, whether it's for health care and life sciences. All of those investments that we have made in the past few years are working really well in the context of customer service, and we are getting higher ASP.

    是的。所以邁克爾,首先,我將只討論客戶工作流程。正如 Bill 所說,客戶工作流程很熱門,並且表現出色。我們所看到的,邁克爾,我們去年在金融分析師日與您和團隊分享的是,我們現在已經創建了針對特定行業的解決方案,無論是針對保險、州、地方和聯邦政府,還是針對醫療保健和生命科學。我們在過去幾年中所做的所有這些投資在客戶服務方面都非常有效,而且我們獲得了更高的平均售價。

  • In addition, our field service management product is also resonating, and there are some of our competitors who have announced end of life or replatforming their field service management offering. We are absolutely capturing that opportunity, being a single platform company to have field service management solution alongside of customer service management solution that is industry-specific. I'm really proud of the product and engineering teams as well as our sales team on how they executed our horizontal and vertical capabilities for largest insurance companies, health care companies or state, local and federal government.


  • Operator


  • Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. This does conclude today's call. Thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect.
