微軟 (MSFT) 2014 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Greetings and welcome to the Microsoft fiscal-year first-quarter 2014 earnings.

    您好,歡迎來到微軟 2014 財年第一季度財報。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • As a reminder, this conference is being recorded.


  • It is now my pleasure, and now I will introduce and turn the call over to Chris Suh, General Manager Investor Relations for Microsoft.

    現在我很高興,現在我將向微軟投資者關係總經理 Chris Suh 介紹並轉接電話。

  • Thank you, Chris, you may begin.


  • - General Manager IR

    - General Manager IR

  • On our website, Microsoft.com/ investor, is our financial summary slide deck, which is intended to follow our prepared remarks, and provide the reconciliation of differences between GAAP and non-GAAP financial measures.

    在我們的網站 Microsoft.com/investor 上,是我們的財務摘要幻燈片,旨在遵循我們準備好的評論,並提供 GAAP 和非 GAAP 財務措施之間差異的調節。

  • Our website also includes information related to our new financial reporting segment which were announced on September 19, 2013, and discussed with investors on our conference call on September 26.

    我們的網站還包括與我們於 2013 年 9 月 19 日宣布的新財務報告部門相關的信息,並在 9 月 26 日的電話會議上與投資者進行了討論。

  • As reminder, we will post today's prepared remarks to our website immediately following the call until the complete transcript is available.


  • Today's call is being webcast live and recorded.


  • If you ask a question, it will be included in our live transmission in the transcript and any future use of the recording.


  • You can replay the call and view the transcript at the Microsoft investor relations website until October 24, 2014.

    在 2014 年 10 月 24 日之前,您可以在 Microsoft 投資者關係網站上重播電話並查看通話記錄。

  • During this call, we will be making forward-looking stamens, which are predictions, projections, or other statements about future events.


  • These statements are based on current expectations and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties.


  • Actual results could materially differ because of factors discussed in today's earnings press release, in the comments made during this conference call, and in the risk factors section of our Form 10-K, Form 10-Q, and other reports and filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    由於今天的收益新聞稿、本次電話會議期間的評論以及我們的 10-K 表格、10-Q 表格以及其他向證券公司提交的報告和文件的風險因素部分中討論的因素,實際結果可能存在重大差異和交易委員會。

  • We do not undertake any duty to update any forward-looking statement.


  • Before I hand the call over to Amy, I'd like to remind you that all growth comparisons we make on the call today will relate to the corresponding period of last year.


  • Also, please keep in mind that with our new segment reporting structure, adjustments for items such as upgrade offers, tech guarantees, and presales are consolidated into corporate other to provide better comparison of operating results.


  • Unless specified otherwise, all impacted numbers for the current quarter have been adjusted for the cumulative effect of last year's revenue deferrals related to the Windows upgrade offer, Windows 8 presales, the Office offer, and a $113 million revenue deferral in the current quarter, primarily related to Windows 8.1 presales.

    除非另有說明,本季度所有受影響的數字均已根據去年與 Windows 升級優惠、Windows 8 預售、Office 優惠和本季度 1.13 億美元收入延期相關的收入遞延的累積影響進行了調整,主要是與 Windows 8.1 預售有關。

  • You can find details of the adjustments and reconciliation of differences between GAAP and non-GAAP financial measures in our financial summary slide deck.

    您可以在我們的財務摘要幻燈片中找到有關 GAAP 和非 GAAP 財務指標之間差異的調整和調節的詳細信息。

  • And with that, I'll turn it over to Amy.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Good afternoon and thank you for joining us today.


  • By now you've had a chance to look at our press release, earnings slide deck, key performance indicators and our 10-Q.

    到目前為止,您已經有機會查看我們的新聞稿、收益幻燈片、關鍵績效指標和我們的 10-Q。

  • Our results have been reported using the new reporting framework I first discussed at our financial analyst meeting in September.

    我們的結果是使用我在 9 月份的財務分析師會議上首次討論的新報告框架報告的。

  • Since this is a new way to think about our business, I'm sure you'll have a lot of questions.


  • So after our prepared remarks, we will allow a little more time than usual for Q&A.


  • And with that, let me dive right in.


  • This quarter, we delivered record first-quarter revenue.


  • We did it while working through a significant transformation of our organization, and while making significant moves to implement our new strategy.


  • Our Company is focused and delivering.


  • Our enterprise business remains strong despite a macro environment that some have characterized as tough.


  • We are driving our business forward with industry-leading solutions in key areas like collaboration, unified communications, and cloud services.


  • And high customer satisfaction is driving high enterprise agreement renewal rates.


  • At the same time, we are making meaningful progress in our consumer business.


  • We saw growing engagement and adoption across our major consumer services, including Office 365 Home Premium, Skype, Bing, and SkyDrive.

    我們看到我們的主要消費者服務(包括 Office 365 家庭高級版、Skype、Bing 和 SkyDrive)的參與度和採用率不斷提高。

  • And with the new Windows, we're building high-value experiences for our consumers that allow people to use our devices and services all day long, whether at work or at home.

    借助新的 Windows,我們正在為我們的消費者打造高價值體驗,讓人們可以全天使用我們的設備和服務,無論是在工作中還是在家中。

  • From a geographic perspective, we saw broad-based revenue growth.


  • Overall, both developed and emerging markets showed strength.


  • The US and parts of Western Europe were particularly strong, while China was weak.


  • Now, let me share some quick thoughts on the PC market, which turned out better than we had expected.

    現在,讓我分享一些關於 PC 市場的快速想法,結果比我們預期的要好。

  • We're seeing signs of stabilization in the business segment, with two consecutive quarters of growth, and a relatively stable outlook for the next couple of quarters.


  • While the consumer segment is more volatile, with increasing competition for share of wallet, it also performed better than expected, particularly in developed markets.


  • With that backdrop, let's move on to Windows.

    在此背景下,讓我們繼續討論 Windows。

  • We are seeing favorable reviews and customer enthusiasm for Windows 8.1, which became available last week.

    我們看到了對上週推出的 Windows 8.1 的好評和客戶熱情。

  • Windows 8.1 delivers on Microsoft's promise of a quick innovation cadence, launching less than one year after Windows 8. Based on extensive customer feedback, we added more customization capabilities, made the UI simpler and easier to use, added new and smart ways to search, improved power management, and allowed multitasking, even on a tablet.

    Windows 8.1 兌現了 Microsoft 對快速創新節奏的承諾,在 Windows 8 之後不到一年推出。根據廣泛的客戶反饋,我們添加了更多自定義功能,使 UI 更簡單易用,添加了新的智能搜索方式,改進了電源管理,並允許多任務處理,即使在平板電腦上也是如此。

  • Combined with the progress our OEM partners are making, we are collectively increasing the selection of compelling Windows devices available to meet the dynamic needs of all segments of the market.

    結合我們的 OEM 合作夥伴正在取得的進展,我們正在共同增加可用於滿足市場所有細分市場動態需求的引人注目的 Windows 設備的選擇。

  • This holiday, we will see competitive opening price points on tablets and laptops, such as the Dell Inspiron 15 for less than $300.

    這個假期,我們將在平板電腦和筆記本電腦上看到具有競爭力的開盤價,例如低於 300 美元的戴爾 Inspiron 靈越 15。

  • We will also see exciting mobile devices, from 6-inch phones to 10-inch tablets, many with Microsoft Office.

    我們還將看到令人興奮的移動設備,從 6 英寸手機到 10 英寸平板電腦,其中許多都配備了 Microsoft Office。

  • In the 6-inch category, we are incredibly excited by the Nokia Lumia 1520 tablet announced this past Tuesday.

    在 6 英寸類別中,我們對上週二發布的諾基亞 Lumia 1520 平板電腦感到非常興奮。

  • For 8-inch tablets, Toshiba, Dell, and Lenovo will have devices available for less than $300.

    對於 8 英寸平板電腦,東芝、戴爾和聯想的設備售價將低於 300 美元。

  • And for 10-inche tablets, we, of course, like the Nokia Lumia 2520 with LTE.

    對於 10 英寸平板電腦,我們當然喜歡帶有 LTE 的諾基亞 Lumia 2520。

  • In addition to third-party devices, we are also excited about our first-party lineup.


  • With Surface, we are making progress with better end market execution.

    借助 Surface,我們在更好的終端市場執行方面取得了進展。

  • As a result, we more than doubled the number of units we sold over the prior quarter.


  • In terms of mix, Surface RT did better than expected.

    在組合方面,Surface RT 的表現好於預期。

  • With Surface Pro, we saw some customers delay purchase in anticipation of Surface Pro 2, which delivers significantly improved battery and processor performance.

    對於 Surface Pro,我們看到一些客戶推遲購買 Surface Pro 2,因為 Surface Pro 2 可以顯著提高電池和處理器性能。

  • Moving on to the enterprise where demand for our solutions continues to be strong.


  • Earlier this month, we announced our fall wave of enterprise products and services, which touches nearly every aspect of IT.

    本月早些時候,我們宣布了秋季企業產品和服務浪潮,幾乎涉及 IT 的各個方面。

  • We are seeing solid growth, we are outperforming our competitors, and we are taking share in areas like virtualization and the data platform.


  • Our hybrid infrastructure and management offerings continue to be top choices for CIOs, with Windows server Premium and System Center growing double digits again this quarter.

    我們的混合基礎架構和管理產品繼續成為 CIO 的首選,Windows server Premium 和 System Center 在本季度再次增長兩位數。

  • The latest versions of Windows Server, System Center and Windows Intune deliver enhancements to networking, storage and device management for Windows and alternative platforms.

    最新版本的 Windows Server、System Center 和 Windows Intune 增強了 Windows 和替代平台的網絡、存儲和設備管理。

  • These enhancements will help customers realize the promise of hybrid cloud computing across their data centers, hosted clouds, and Windows Azure.

    這些增強功能將幫助客戶在其數據中心、託管雲和 Windows Azure 中實現混合雲計算的承諾。

  • In the data platform, SQL Server continues to outpace the market.

    在數據平台方面,SQL Server 繼續跑贏市場。

  • The next version, SQL Server 2014, will offer new in-memory and cloud capabilities that will increase performance and unlock new hybrid scenarios.

    下一個版本 SQL Server 2014 將提供新的內存和雲功能,從而提高性能並解鎖新的混合方案。

  • Later this month, we will make Windows Azure HDInsight, our [faduke]-based big data solution generally available.

    本月晚些時候,我們將全面推出基於 [faduke] 的大數據解決方案 Windows Azure HDInsight。

  • We continue to bring additional values to the Windows Azure platform.

    我們繼續為 Windows Azure 平台帶來更多價值。

  • This quarter we delivered a number of updates that enable faster connectivity, improve security, and integrate access and identity across on-premises and cloud applications.


  • With all of the innovation we are delivering to our enterprise customers, we continue to be uniquely positioned to capture more and more of the addressable market.


  • Before handing it off to Chris, I'd like to say a couple of additional things.

    在把它交給 Chris 之前,我想多說幾句。

  • As part of our new reporting framework, we've disclosed segment gross margin.


  • The segment breakout is important in understanding our performance because each of our businesses are impacted by different dynamics.


  • And have different margin profiles.


  • In devices and consumer, the sequential change in gross margin dollars reflects the progress we are making towards our strategy of delivering a compelling family of devices and services.


  • While we feel good about the increased traction we saw with Surface this quarter, we know there is more to do.

    儘管我們對本季度 Surface 的牽引力增加感到滿意,但我們知道還有更多工作要做。

  • We are intensely focused on improving our capabilities in key areas like demand planning and supply chain management, and on achieving scale as quickly as possible.


  • And in commercial, we are already seeing the benefits of the investments we've made to transform our business model from perpetual software licensing to services.


  • In our commercial cloud business, which includes Office 365, Azure, and other Microsoft services, we saw year-over-year gross margin expansion.

    在我們的商業雲業務中,包括 Office 365、Azure 和其他 Microsoft 服務,我們看到毛利率同比增長。

  • With regards to our pending acquisition of substantially all of Nokia's devices and services business, we still expect the transaction to close in the first quarter of calendar 2014.

    關於我們即將收購的諾基亞幾乎所有設備和服務業務,我們仍然預計該交易將在 2014 年第一季度完成。

  • We will provide an update to the EPS impact, if any, post closing.


  • So, in summary, we are executing better, getting our customers what they want, and making meaningful progress through the early stages of our transformation.


  • And we've accomplished all of this while also working through the One Microsoft realignment and several significant announcements.

    我們已經完成了所有這一切,同時還完成了 One Microsoft 重組和幾項重要公告。

  • We are committed to executing and delivering.


  • And so far that's what we've done.


  • With that backdrop for the quarter, I'll hand it over to Chris to give more details about our performance before I come back and share thoughts on the outlook.


  • - General Manager IR

    - General Manager IR

  • Thanks, Amy.


  • First, I'll review our overall results and then I'll move onto the details by business segment.


  • Total revenue was up 7% to $18.6 billion.

    總收入增長 7% 至 186 億美元。

  • And came in about $700 million better than our expectation.

    並且比我們的預期高出約 7 億美元。

  • And without the impact from foreign exchange, revenue would have been $200 million, or 1 percentage point better.

    如果沒有外彙的影響,收入應該是 2 億美元,或者高出 1 個百分點。

  • Annuity revenue was particularly strong and grew 11%, driven by commercial performance.

    在商業業績的推動下,年金收入尤其強勁,增長了 11%。

  • Cost of goods sold increased 23%, which was in line with our expectation of over 20% growth.

    銷售成本上升 23%,符合我們超過 20% 的增長預期。

  • This increase was primarily due to Surface costs and also higher depreciation related to the CapEx investments we made to support our cloud services strategy.

    這一增長主要是由於 Surface 成本以及與我們為支持雲服務戰略而進行的資本支出投資相關的較高折舊。

  • As a result, gross margin grew 3% to $13.5 billion, reflecting the changing mix of our revenue.

    因此,毛利率增長 3% 至 135 億美元,反映了我們收入組合的變化。

  • All-up, operating expenses grew 8%, which was generally in line with our expectation, with the exception of G&A which declined due to lower legal expenses.

    總體而言,運營費用增長了 8%,總體上符合我們的預期,但由於法律費用下降導致的 G&A 除外。

  • We continue to be thoughtful and diligent in how and where we focus our resources.


  • In advertising, the team has embraced One Microsoft, and the benefits are already accruing with improved messaging and results.

    在廣告方面,該團隊已經採用了 One Microsoft,並且隨著消息傳遞和結果的改進,收益已經在累積。

  • And in R&D, we are continuing to focus our resources while accelerating our cadence.


  • Operating income and earnings per share both declined 3% to $6.4 billion and $0.63, respectively.

    營業收入和每股收益分別下降 3% 至 64 億美元和 0.63 美元。

  • Unearned revenue grew a healthy 14% to $20.1 billion.

    非勞動收入增長了 14%,達到 201 億美元。

  • And our contracted-not-billed balance grew to over $21 billion, driven by commercial strength.

    在商業實力的推動下,我們的合同未開票餘額增長到超過 210 億美元。

  • Our inventory balance sequentially increased by $675 million, mostly due to builds of Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

    我們的庫存餘額環比增加了 6.75 億美元,主要是由於 Xbox 360 和 Xbox One 的構建。

  • Ahead of the holiday selling season, Xbox represents over half of our inventory balance.

    在假期銷售旺季之前,Xbox 占我們庫存餘額的一半以上。

  • Inventory for Surface products declined sequentially, even as we built levels ahead of this week's Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2 launches.

    Surface 產品的庫存連續下降,儘管我們在本週 Surface 2 和 Surface Pro 2 發布之前建立了水平。

  • This quarter we announced a 22% increase in our quarterly dividend to $0.28 per share to.

    本季度我們宣布將季度股息增加 22% 至每股 0.28 美元。

  • And also announced a $40 billion share repurchase program.


  • We returned $3.8 billion of cash to shareholders, our highest quarterly amount since the second quarter of fiscal 2011.

    我們向股東返還了 38 億美元現金,這是自 2011 財年第二季度以來的最高季度金額。

  • I'm now going to talk about the performance in each of our reporting segments.


  • Our devices and consumer licensing segment is comprised principally of Windows OEM, consumer Office, and Windows phone including related patent licensing.

    我們的設備和消費者許可部門主要包括 Windows OEM、消費者 Office 和 Windows 手機,包括相關的專利許可。

  • Our Windows OEM business performed better than expected, declining 7% versus our expectation of a mid teens decline.

    我們的 Windows OEM 業務表現好於預期,下降了 7%,而我們預期會出現十幾歲的下降。

  • As Amy noted, we believe we are seeing stabilization in business PCs, which grew again this quarter and drove Pro revenue growth of 6%.

    正如 Amy 所說,我們相信我們看到商用 PC 市場趨於穩定,本季度再次增長,推動 Pro 收入增長 6%。

  • We also saw better-than-expected performance in the consumer part of our business.


  • Non-Pro revenue declined 22%, but was several points better than expected.

    非專業收入下降 22%,但好於預期幾個點。

  • Excluding the impact of China, which continues to have a different dynamic than other emerging markets, non-Pro revenue declined 17%.

    不包括中國的影響,中國的動態繼續與其他新興市場不同,非專業收入下降了 17%。

  • Together with our OEM and retail partners, we brought an incredible breadth of Windows devices to market.

    與我們的 OEM 和零售合作夥伴一起,我們將範圍廣泛的 Windows 設備推向了市場。

  • We've also made meaningful improvements to our advertising campaigns, which now clearly highlights the value proposition of our devices.


  • As we head into holiday, we are excited by the opportunities to bring the new Windows experience to even more users around the globe.

    當我們進入假期時,我們很高興有機會將新的 Windows 體驗帶給全球更多的用戶。

  • Consumer Office licensing revenue declined this quarter.


  • The financial impact of the shift to Office 365 Home Premium was generally in line with our expectation.

    轉向 Office 365 家庭高級版的財務影響總體上符合我們的預期。

  • Office 365 subscribers benefit from the natural integration of services, such as SkyDrive and Skype.

    Office 365 訂閱者受益於服務的自然集成,例如 SkyDrive 和 Skype。

  • And have the flexibility to access the service from numerous end points.


  • Whether it be a traditional licensing or subscription, customers continue to see the value in Office, as overall attach of Office increased this quarter.

    無論是傳統的許可還是訂閱,隨著本季度 Office 的整體附加值增加,客戶繼續看到 Office 的價值。

  • The Windows phone ecosystem is seeing sustained growth.

    Windows 手機生態系統正在持續增長。

  • While we have work to do, our share is growing in many geographies, the device portfolio is expanding, and the number of apps available in the marketplace is increasing.


  • I'll now move on to our devices and consumer hardware segment, where revenue grew $401 million, driven almost entirely by Surface.

    我現在將轉到我們的設備和消費硬件部門,該部門的收入增長了 4.01 億美元,幾乎完全由 Surface 推動。

  • With improved sales and marketing efforts, combined with pricing and promotional activities, we saw Surface units and revenue growth sequentially from Q4, with the mix of sales shifting towards 32 gigabyte RT devices.

    隨著銷售和營銷工作的改進,再加上定價和促銷活動,我們看到 Surface 單位和收入從第四季度開始連續增長,銷售組合轉向 32 GB RT 設備。

  • Demand increased for this device both in retail and in education.


  • From a gross margin perspective, in addition to product costs, which grew as a result of increased Surface sales, we also incurred non product expenses as we readied inventory lines for the new Surface lineup and the holiday sales cycle.

    從毛利率的角度來看,除了由於 Surface 銷售增加而增加的產品成本外,我們還為新的 Surface 產品線和假日銷售週期準備庫存線,從而產生了非產品費用。

  • Moving to devices and consumer other, as a reminder, this segment includes our online marketplaces, advertising, Xbox Studios, Office 365 Home Premium, and other consumer products and services.

    提醒一下,轉向設備和其他消費者,這部分包括我們的在線市場、廣告、Xbox 工作室、Office 365 家庭高級版以及其他消費者產品和服務。

  • This quarter, revenue growth in this segment was driven by both an increase in advertising revenue and also volumes in our online marketplaces.


  • Search advertising revenue grew 47%, driven by continued revenue per search improvement and query volume growth.

    搜索廣告收入增長了 47%,這得益於每次搜索收入的持續改進和查詢量的增長。

  • Bing has now grown its share of search queries in the US to 18%.

    Bing 現在已將其在美國的搜索查詢份額增加到 18%。

  • Gross margin declined slightly due to higher royalty costs, and also infrastructure cost growth as we expand the geographic footprint of our services.


  • Turning now to our commercial business, where all-up commercial revenue across both on-prem and cloud services grew 10% this quarter.

    現在轉向我們的商業業務,本季度本地和雲服務的全部商業收入增長了 10%。

  • Notably, even as we invest for growth, we saw gross margin expansion in our commercial cloud business.


  • Across our commercial portfolio we saw healthy renewals, a continued shift to premium products, and strong adoption of our cloud services.


  • Our enterprise cloud strategy is resonating with customers.


  • And server product revenue grew 12%.

    服務器產品收入增長 12%。

  • SQL Server revenue grew double digits, with SQL Server Premium revenue growing over 30%.

    SQL Server 收入增長兩位數,SQL Server Premium 收入增長超過 30%。

  • Our commercial Office products also remain strong and grew 11%.

    我們的商業辦公產品也保持強勁增長 11%。

  • Within this, SharePoint, Exchange, and Lync collectively grew double digits, with Lync growing nearly 30%.

    其中,SharePoint、Exchange 和 Lync 共同增長了兩位數,其中 Lync 增長了近 30%。

  • Helping to drive this demand for our server and Office products is deployment of hybrid cloud solutions.

    有助於推動對我們的服務器和 Office 產品的這種需求是部署混合雲解決方案。

  • This quarter revenue for our commercial cloud services grew over 100%, as service such as Office 365 are integrated with Azure services for comprehensive cloud solutions.

    本季度我們的商業雲服務收入增長了 100% 以上,因為 Office 365 等服務與 Azure 服務集成以提供全面的雲解決方案。

  • Importantly, we are seeing strong customer adoption, with Office 365 suites and Azure customers both growing triple digits.

    重要的是,我們看到了強大的客戶採用率,Office 365 套件和 Azure 客戶都增長了三位數。

  • Dynamics CRM Online is also expanding its base with two-thirds of new Dynamics CRM customers opting for the cloud.

    Dynamics CRM Online 也在擴大其基礎,三分之二的 Dynamics CRM 新客戶選擇了雲。

  • With that overview of our commercial business, let me share the financial performance of each of our commercial reporting segments.


  • Revenue in the commercial licensing segment grew 7%.

    商業許可部門的收入增長了 7%。

  • And in our commercial other segment, revenue grew 28% to $1.6 billion.

    在我們的商業其他部門,收入增長 28% 至 16 億美元。

  • As a reminder, corporate and other is where we consolidate adjustments for tech guarantees, pre-sales, and the like.


  • In the comparable quarter of last year, we had aggregate deferrals of $1.4 billion for Windows and Office.

    去年同期,我們為 Windows 和 Office 總共延期了 14 億美元。

  • And this quarter we deferred $113 million primarily related to Windows 8.1 pre-sales.

    本季度,我們推遲了主要與 Windows 8.1 預售相關的 1.13 億美元。

  • Having now talked through our results for the past quarter, let me turn it over to Amy to discuss our forward-looking guidance.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Thanks, Chris.


  • As we look toward the second quarter, we are assuming the macro environment remains generally the same.


  • With this, we expect many of the dynamics we saw in the first quarter to continue, with strong performance in our commercial business and ongoing improvement in our consumer business.


  • Importantly, we are set up for a terrific holiday season.


  • We have a wide variety of Windows-based devices in market.

    我們在市場上有各種各樣的基於 Windows 的設備。

  • Earlier this week we launched Surface 2 and Surface Pro 2. And in November we will launch our next-generation console, Xbox One.

    本週早些時候,我們推出了 Surface 2 和 Surface Pro 2。11 月,我們將推出我們的下一代遊戲機 Xbox One。

  • Building on the performance and unique experiences that gamers love, it will also deliver an innovative entertainment experience by bringing movies, music, sports and live TV together in one place.


  • With that, let's get into the outlook, starting with devices and consumer.


  • In licensing, we expect revenue to be $5.2 billion to $5.4 billion.

    在許可方面,我們預計收入為 52 億至 54 億美元。

  • This range reflects similar dynamics to what we saw in the first quarter.


  • As I noted earlier, we expect the business PC market to be stable.

    正如我之前提到的,我們預計商用 PC 市場將保持穩定。

  • However, the consumer PC market is subject to more volatility.


  • In hardware, we expect revenue to grow 35% to 45% to $3.8 billion to $4.1 billion, reflecting the expanded Surface lineup and the much-anticipated Xbox One launch.

    在硬件方面,我們預計收入將增長 35% 至 45% 至 38 億至 41 億美元,這反映了 Surface 陣容的擴大和備受期待的 Xbox One 的推出。

  • The 10 percentage point range reflects variability in device unit volumes.

    10 個百分點的範圍反映了設備單位體積的可變性。

  • In the consumer hardware business, such variability is not uncommon, especially during launches and the holiday season.


  • And in devices and consumer other, we expect revenue to be $1.7 billion to $1.8 billion.

    在設備和消費者其他方面,我們預計收入將在 17 億美元至 18 億美元之間。

  • Search revenues should continue to grow, reflecting improved revenue per search and query volume.


  • As a reminder, in Q2 of the prior year, we launched Halo 4, which contributed $380 million of revenue to this segment.

    提醒一下,在上一年的第二季度,我們推出了 Halo 4,為該部門貢獻了 3.8 億美元的收入。

  • Now, moving on to commercial.


  • We expect revenue to grow 9% to 11%, in line with the first quarter.

    我們預計收入將增長 9% 至 11%,與第一季度一致。

  • As we think about this part of the business, we are confident in our ability to continue to add value to our products, while providing low total cost of ownership for our customers.


  • In commercial licensing, we expect revenue to be $10.7 billion to $10.9 billion, with similar dynamics to what we saw in the first quarter.

    在商業許可方面,我們預計收入將在 107 億美元至 109 億美元之間,與我們在第一季度看到的動態相似。

  • This includes healthy renewals and strong annuity revenue growth from volume licensing with software assurance.


  • In commercial other, we expect revenue to be $1.7 billion to $1.9 billion, reflecting ongoing momentum in our commercial cloud business and enterprise services.

    在商業其他方面,我們預計收入將在 17 億美元至 19 億美元之間,反映了我們商業雲業務和企業服務的持續發展勢頭。

  • As CIOs increasingly look to capitalize on the opportunities with cloud computing, we are confident they will continue to look to Microsoft for their IT solutions.

    隨著 CIO 越來越多地尋求利用雲計算帶來的機遇,我們相信他們將繼續向 Microsoft 尋求 IT 解決方案。

  • Moving on to cost of revenue, which we expect to be $7.9 billion to $8.3 billion next quarter, this range primarily relates to the unit variability assumed the hardware revenue.

    轉向收入成本,我們預計下個季度將在 79 億美元到 83 億美元之間,這個範圍主要與假設硬件收入的單位可變性有關。

  • In Surface, we are still in the early stages of the lifecycle.

    在 Surface 中,我們仍處於生命週期的早期階段。

  • As you know, there are many things that go into bringing hardware to market, including both variable and fixed cost.


  • We are intensely focused on building volumes and achieving scale to cover these costs and get to profitability.


  • As you think about the economic model for Xbox, you should keep in mind that console margins are just one aspect of the overall platform's financial performance.

    當您考慮 Xbox 的經濟模型時,您應該記住,遊戲機利潤只是整個平台財務業績的一個方面。

  • Attach of games, accessories Xbox LIVE services also contribute to the economic model.

    附加遊戲、配件 Xbox LIVE 服務也有助於經濟模式。

  • We expect the launch of Xbox One to be the biggest in Xbox history.

    我們預計 Xbox One 的發布將是 Xbox 歷史上最大的一次。

  • And we feel great about our ability to continue our leadership position in the living room.


  • Moving on to operating expenses, we expect OpEx to grow 6% to 8% to $8.5 billion to $8.6 billion.

    轉向運營費用,我們預計運營支出將增長 6% 至 8% 至 85 億美元至 86 億美元。

  • We also reaffirm our full-year guidance of $31.3 billion to $31.9 billion.

    我們還重申了 313 億美元至 319 億美元的全年指引。

  • We continue to invest in innovative experiences for our customers, while remaining focused on expense.


  • We still expect full-year capital expenditures to be about $6.5 billion, even though we only spent $1.2 billion in the first quarter.

    我們仍然預計全年資本支出約為 65 億美元,儘管我們在第一季度僅花費了 12 億美元。

  • Given the nature of the investments, there is variability from quarter to quarter due to our success-based approach, as well as the timing of delivery and completion.


  • We expect our tax rate for the full year to be between 18% and 20%, depending on our geographical mix of earnings.

    我們預計全年的稅率將在 18% 至 20% 之間,具體取決於我們的收入地域組合。

  • When adjusting for tech guarantees and product deferrals, we expect unearned revenue to be roughly in line with historical trends.


  • So, in summary, I'm really pleased with our results this quarter.


  • It was a great start to the fiscal year, as we executed and delivered across all of our businesses.


  • We are on track with implementing the transformation of the Company around the One Microsoft strategy.

    我們正在圍繞 One Microsoft 戰略實施公司轉型。

  • And at the same time are not missing a beat in executing faster.


  • And as we look forward to the second quarter, our enterprise business will remain strong.


  • And we are also set up for a fantastic holiday season, with Surface, Xbox One, and a host of devices from our partners, which will allow us to reach new customers and drive increased engagement.

    我們還準備迎接一個美妙的假期,使用 Surface、Xbox One 和我們合作夥伴提供的一系列設備,這將使我們能夠接觸到新客戶並提高參與度。

  • With that, I'll turn it to Chris and then we'll take your questions.


  • - General Manager IR

    - General Manager IR

  • Thanks, Amy.


  • And with that we are going to move on to the Q &A.


  • Operator, please go ahead and repeat your instructions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Brent Thill, UBS.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Good afternoon, Amy and Chris.


  • Thanks for the additional details.


  • I know everyone appreciates the forward-looking details.


  • My question is on the commercial revenue.


  • Obviously an impressive number in a seasonally soft Q1.


  • Your guidance assumes also a continued good trajectory.


  • Maybe if you can walk through why you think you are outgrowing your peers and what has led to this double-digit number.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Thanks, Brent, for that question.


  • When I think about the commercial business, and focus on our unearned revenue growth of 14%, plus our bookings growth, which was quite strong as well at 6%, I think about the road map.

    當我考慮商業業務時,專注於我們 14% 的非勞動收入增長,加上我們的預訂量增長(6% 也相當強勁),我想到了路線圖。

  • The strength of the commitments that customers are making is really for the forward-looking.


  • It is a three-year commitment to the Microsoft platform, both to our cloud and on-prem solutions, the breadth and strength of that road map in our offerings.

    這是對 Microsoft 平台的三年承諾,包括我們的雲和本地解決方案,以及我們產品中該路線圖的廣度和強度。

  • And I think in many ways that's what gives us the confidence that we are outperforming our peers.


  • And also I think it speaks a lot to the innovation in the road map we've shown.


  • Whether it is for Azure, Office 365, or our broader server portfolio, I do feel quite good about both our competitive position and our ability to execute.

    無論是針對 Azure、Office 365 還是我們更廣泛的服務器產品組合,我對我們的競爭地位和執行能力都感到非常滿意。

  • I think we did a great job in the field this quarter remaining focused on delivering what we needed to deliver to our customers.


  • And we were quite pleased.


  • Operator


  • Phil Winslow, Credit Suisse.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Thanks, guys, and congrats on a great quarter.


  • I just want to focus in on Xbox and Xbox platform.

    我只想專注於 Xbox 和 Xbox 平台。

  • Amy, I wonder if you could give us maybe some color on how it performed this quarter.


  • But, in particular, as you look into the December quarter here, obviously you gave that gross margin guidance but I was wondering if you could talk high level about how you're approaching the Xbox One launch, say, versus Xbox 360, from a perspective of how you're pricing it relative to COGS.

    但是,特別是,當您在這裡查看 12 月季度時,顯然您給出了毛利率指導,但我想知道您是否可以高水平地談論您如何接近 Xbox One 的發布,例如與 Xbox 360,從您如何相對於 COGS 定價的角度來看。

  • And how the build of Xbox One looks versus 360.

    以及 Xbox One 的構建與 360 相比如何。

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Thanks, Phil.


  • I think it's a great question and it gives me the opportunity to talk about the breadth of the portfolio that we will have to offer at holiday.


  • And then talk a little bit about the gross margin profile and philosophy we have about those products.


  • We are excited that we will have a great value offer at holiday with Xbox 360.

    我們很高興我們將在假期使用 Xbox 360 獲得超值優惠。

  • And we will also have a great choice with our innovative Xbox One platform to really give us a good breadth rolling into holiday of selections across price points.

    我們還將通過我們創新的 Xbox One 平台獲得絕佳的選擇,從而真正為我們提供跨價格點的假期選擇。

  • We did, with Xbox One, make a decision to really enable a first-class experience out of the box.

    我們確實通過 Xbox One 做出了真正實現開箱即用的一流體驗的決定。

  • There is connect, there's a headset, and there's the console.


  • And depending on where you are around the globe, there may be a game included as part of bundled for geographic interest.


  • As I said, the best way always to think about the life value of the Xbox plan is over its lifecycle.

    正如我所說,始終考慮 Xbox 計劃的生命價值的最佳方式是在其生命週期內。

  • I'm excited about the increased opportunity that Xbox One allows us to attach more and different services beyond what we've historically thought of as simply a gaming platform.

    我很高興 Xbox One 允許我們附加更多不同的服務,超出了我們歷來認為的簡單遊戲平台的機會。

  • And when I think about the opportunity going forward, it is important in Q2 to realize that will impact our gross margin in the short term.


  • But winning the platform at holiday, and our positioning to do that, allows us to grow profitability in a far different way over the lifecycle.


  • So, hopefully, that helps.


  • Operator


  • John DiFucci, JPMorgan Chase.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Amy, billings were about what we modeled for the quarter.


  • But deferred revenue was about $700 million less -- than we expected, anyway.

    但遞延收入比我們預期的少了大約 7 億美元。

  • Which was equal to the upside in revenue.


  • So I'm just curious, did you end up recognizing a greater portion of revenue upfront this quarter than you normally would?


  • I realize, given how you organize revenue, the question to be said is, was the transactional portion of the revenue in the commercial segment greater than it is typically this quarter?


  • - General Manager IR

    - General Manager IR

  • Hi, John, this is Chris.


  • I'm going to jump in a little bit and I'll let Amy add on.


  • I think the way to think about -- the way we think about it is, we did see growth across annuity and non-annuity in the business.

    我認為思考的方式 - 我們思考的方式是,我們確實看到了業務中年金和非年金的增長。

  • But also the changing dynamic is the mix of the dollars that are going into unearned revenue.


  • As we bill more contracts in some of our subscription offerings, that also changes the nature of the term, if you think about one-year subscription offerings and things like this.


  • That has a little bit effect on the unearned balance, as well.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Let me add little bit because I would've said, John, both of those things you said are true, and both are good.


  • Which is, I do think our unearned balance, growing 14% year over year was better than we actually had expected, from our perspective.

    也就是說,從我們的角度來看,我確實認為我們的未實現餘額同比增長 14% 比我們實際預期的要好。

  • And we also saw very good non-annuity performance within the quarter, particularly in Office and in SQL.

    我們還在本季度看到了非常好的非年金業績,尤其是在 Office 和 SQL 方面。

  • Which, I think, are very good signs, we believe, for both, to see the strength broad-based.


  • As you know, the annuity portion tends to be related to large customers making long-term commitments.


  • Some of the non-annuity is exciting because it tends to be smaller customers who've decided to go ahead and upgrade to the most recent version of Office, which is also encouraging.

    一些非年金是令人興奮的,因為它往往是較小的客戶,他們決定繼續升級到最新版本的 Office,這也令人鼓舞。

  • Operator


  • Walter Pritchard, Citigroup.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hi, guys.


  • This is Ken Wong for Walter.

    這是 Walter 的 Ken Wong。

  • We wanted to focus a bit on Windows.

    我們想把重點放在 Windows 上。

  • The OEM business was down just 7% this quarter versus down 15% last quarter, in what seemed like a really -- you guys had a lot of pressure on ASPs and what-not.

    本季度 OEM 業務僅下降了 7%,而上一季度則下降了 15%,這看起來真的是——你們在 ASP 和其他方面承受了很大的壓力。

  • What drove the quick turnaround from quarter to quarter?


  • Maybe if you could just dig in a little bit there.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Let me try to break it up a little bit, Ken, to make sure I understand, and can get a chance to talk about the overall performance.


  • Business was better than we expected.


  • So, actually ASPs were probably higher than many people had modeled and that we had expected due to mix.

    因此,實際上 ASP 可能比許多人建模的要高,並且由於混合而我們預期的要高。

  • Growing 6% in the Pro segment was both better than we expected and probably better than many people had considered.

    Pro 領域 6% 的增長既好於我們的預期,也可能好於許多人的預期。

  • In the consumer segment, the minus 22%, and taking out China to minus 17%, I think is generally overall, when you take those two numbers, probably in line with most of the device level estimates for PCs we've seen across the industry, and from some of our peers reporting in the system.

    在消費者領域,負 22%,將中國排除在負 17%,我認為總體而言,當您考慮這兩個數字時,可能與我們在整個 PC 中看到的大多數設備級別估計一致行業,以及來自我們在系統中報告的一些同行。

  • I do think we were impacted by some inventory levels.


  • They did come down a bit actually this quarter, as w ell.


  • So, I think overall, we do think that things are probably more stable in the business segment and encouraging.


  • And in consumer and developed markets particularly were better than we had seen.


  • Operator


  • Keith Weiss, Morgan Stanley.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Excellent.


  • Thank you, guys, for taking the question.


  • You saw a real market uptick in the advertising revenue with the search advertising revenue.


  • Any particular catalyst you could point us to in what really catalyzed that part of the business and how sustainable that's going to be on a go forward basis?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Sure.


  • Thanks, Keith.


  • A couple of things.


  • It was driven, as you noted, both by RPS improvements and volume improvements, which is encouraging.

    正如您所指出的,它是由 RPS 改進和音量改進推動的,這令人鼓舞。

  • I also think underlying that are some real technical improvements we've made within the search engine.


  • The algos are better, and the investments we're making are really allowing us to monetize at a higher level.


  • We also saw some strength in a few other geos, which helped increase the performance there.


  • So, I do believe that trend we expect to continue into Q2.


  • Operator


  • Heather Bellini, Goldman Sachs.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hi, great.


  • Thank you, Amy and Chris.


  • I just was wondering, you talked about the entry of a lot of new SKUs that are coming out for the holiday season.

    我只是想知道,您談到了許多即將在假期推出的新 SKU 的進入。

  • As we start thinking about building our OEM models, how do we think about ASPs for this 8-inch and below category that you referenced there is a lot of product coming out with?

    當我們開始考慮構建我們的 OEM 模型時,我們如何看待您提到的這個 8 英寸及以下類別的 ASP 有很多產品問世?

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Good question, Heather.


  • Let me talk about, first, the importance of the breadth of the offers that we are putting into market.


  • With Windows 8.1, one of the focus we had was to expand both the opportunity for screen sizes and to reach new price points, and to cover really from the smallest to the largest with touch and non-touch.

    對於 Windows 8.1,我們的重點之一是擴大屏幕尺寸的機會並達到新的價格點,並真正涵蓋從最小到最大的觸摸和非觸摸。

  • And I think our ability to work with partners and some of the sales execution we've seen in the field has led to have a broad opportunity at retail for holiday for devices.


  • It is important.


  • I do hope -- in some ways this is a question that is a bit awkward.


  • You always want to say it's good to have ASPs go up.

    你總是想說讓 ASP 上升是件好事。

  • Transparently going forward, as we make more progress, especially in the smaller screen sizes, we should expect units to go up, and be very excited about that in terms of share.


  • But ASPs would trend down.


  • I don't think that will have a material -- our guidance does not assume a material impact to ASPs in Q2.

    我認為這不會產生實質性影響——我們的指導並未假設對第二季度的 ASP 產生重大影響。

  • But over the long term, I actually do understand the question and would expect ASPs to be on that trend line, assuming we are successful in those lower-end device sizes.

    但從長遠來看,我確實理解這個問題,並且假設我們在那些低端設備尺寸方面取得成功,預計 ASP 將處於該趨勢線上。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Mark Moerdler, Sanford Bernstein.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • And, Amy, thank you for giving so much more data and guidance.


  • We appreciate it.


  • Couple of quick attach question.


  • You had said that the consumer Office last quarter was going to be down roughly 5% lower than the PCs due to the move to subscription.

    您曾說過,由於轉向訂閱,上個季度消費者 Office 的價格將比 PC 低約 5%。

  • You said the attach was higher this quarter.


  • Should we think that the dip was roughly in line with that?


  • - General Manager IR

    - General Manager IR

  • Hi, Mark, this is Chris.


  • Let me try to clarify the numbers just so we are all on the same page.


  • We did say consumer Office did decline this quarter.


  • Last quarter, you're right, we said about 5 points of impact.

    上個季度,你說得對,我們說了大約 5 個影響點。

  • And so the impact, indeed, was about what we expected.


  • But with the increase in attach, they tended to offset each other in the end.


  • And so the numbers came in pretty much as expected.


  • So, I think that's the right way to think about it.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • But, of course, I can let Chris -- I'm going to add a little to the answer, sorry.


  • Mark, I do think it is important for us to continue to reiterate the importance of the success of the Office 365 Home Premium SKU from a strategic standpoint.

    馬克,我認為從戰略角度繼續重申 Office 365 家庭高級版 SKU 成功的重要性對我們來說很重要。

  • We have done a very good job.


  • And I would say as a mix percentage of the SKU, it continues to do even a little better than we had hoped in terms of execution at the end point in driving value.

    我想說的是,作為 SKU 的混合百分比,它在推動價值的終點的執行方面仍然比我們希望的要好一點。

  • And while that does have an impact on the initial ASP of the SKU, the long-term lifetime value of that product, in my belief, given the always up to date, first to see innovation, use across multi end points, inclusion of Skype, inclusion of SkyDrive, really does allow for a higher lifetime value, and ultimately a happy customer.

    雖然這確實對 SKU 的初始 ASP 有影響,但在我看來,該產品的長期生命週期價值,考慮到始終保持最新,首先看到創新,跨多個端點使用,包括 Skype ,包含 SkyDrive,確實可以提高終身價值,並最終讓客戶滿意。

  • And, so, I really am encouraged by our progress and our execution there.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Beautiful.


  • One other quick question.


  • Any sense for what commercial licensing would've been if not for the move to cloud and subscription?


  • Does it make a material change at this point?


  • - General Manager IR

    - General Manager IR

  • No, the best way to think about that, Mark, is, if you look at -- it's not an exact offset, but when I talked about the commercial business all up, I gave the construct around products, like commercial Office, commercial Server, as all up across both on-prem and commercial.


  • So, we talked about Office growing 11% across both commercial licensing and commercial other, in aggregate.

    因此,我們談到了 Office 在商業許可和商業其他方面的總體增長 11%。

  • If you look at the specific segment, you will see that Office in the commercial licensing segment actually grew 6%.

    如果您查看特定細分市場,您會發現商業許可細分市場中的 Office 實際上增長了 6%。

  • So you can see that we are having outsized growth in the commercial other segment, which is Office 365.

    因此,您可以看到我們在其他商業領域(即 Office 365)中實現了巨大的增長。

  • So that maybe helps at least dimensionalize the size of the growth in relative terms.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Perfect.


  • I do appreciate it.


  • Thank you both.


  • Operator


  • Rick Sherlund, Nomura Securities.

    Rick Sherlund,野村證券。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Just to follow-up on Mark's question, I believe there was a slide at [STAM] that showed about $150 million of negative impact in the quarter from the move to the cloud.

    只是為了跟進馬克的問題,我相信 [STAM] 的一張幻燈片顯示,本季度從遷移到雲計算產生了約 1.5 億美元的負面影響。

  • Which, in and of itself, it's about 1% of revenue, so it's not a very big deal.

    就其本身而言,這大約是收入的 1%,所以這不是什麼大問題。

  • And I think most of that was from Office versus server and tools.

    我認為其中大部分來自 Office 與服務器和工具。

  • So, if you say it is about as expected -- I'm just looking for some clarification here -- is really the only impact we're seeing in the Office segment versus server and tools?

    所以,如果你說它與預期的差不多——我只是想在這裡澄清一下——真的是我們在 Office 領域看到的與服務器和工具相比的唯一影響嗎?

  • Or was there much impact in that part of the business from the move to subscription?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Rick, let me clarify.


  • The $150 million, you're right, was actually just related to the consumer Office segment.

    1.5 億美元,你說得對,實際上只是與消費類 Office 部門有關。

  • And had no broader connotation beyond that.


  • So, that $150 million in a quarter on consumer Office actually does have a meaningful impact to the growth of that, especially versus PCs.

    因此,消費者 Office 一個季度的 1.5 億美元確實對其增長產生了有意義的影響,尤其是與個人電腦相比。

  • So, that being said, obviously we've talked about the momentum in our broad Office 365 revenue.

    因此,話雖如此,顯然我們已經談到了我們廣泛的 Office 365 收入的勢頭。

  • It is a bigger impact across not just Office, because I think that is actually not the way of thinking about Office 365's impact.

    它不僅對 Office 產生了更大的影響,因為我認為這實際上不是考慮 Office 365 影響的方式。

  • There it is really around Exchange, Lync, SharePoint.

    它確實圍繞著 Exchange、Lync、SharePoint。

  • And the broad server impact there is actually more meaningful than its impact on maybe Office client on the commercial side.

    那裡廣泛的服務器影響實際上比它對商業方面的 Office 客戶端的影響更有意義。

  • Operator


  • Ross MacMillan, Jefferies.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks a lot.


  • I have two questions.


  • Just, first, on the device and consumer licensing business.


  • Your forecast for Q2 suggests a moderating decline.


  • And I was curious as to whether on the corporate OEM side, if you will, that is just a reflection of the ongoing stabilization trend.

    我很好奇在企業 OEM 方面,如果你願意的話,這是否只是持續穩定趨勢的反映。

  • Or do you also expect to see improvement on the consumer OEM side?

    或者您是否也希望看到消費 OEM 方面的改進?

  • And related to that, how do you think about the impact of the end-of-life of XP on the corporate OEM side?

    與此相關的是,您如何看待 XP 報廢對企業 OEM 方面的影響?

  • Do you think that the improvement is completely unrelated to that end-of-life forthcoming or do you think there could be some impact related to that?


  • Thanks.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Great.


  • Let me divide up the question.


  • I think, as you said, two parts.


  • Our Q2 guidance for devices and consumer licensing really says that the trends we saw in Q1 on both sides continue in Q2.


  • So I think that is an important distinction, as you noted and asked for clarification on.


  • So I hope that is helpful on that component.


  • And when it comes to end-of-life of XP, I tend to think about that more on the VL side, as well, and the strength there which would be in the commercial reporting segments.

    當談到 XP 的生命週期結束時,我傾向於更多地考慮 VL 方面的問題,以及在商業報告領域的實力。

  • We continue to make progress on the XP install base.

    我們繼續在 XP 安裝基礎上取得進展。

  • And now a little over 75% of the PCs are running 7. And so I do think, as we continue to get to end-of-life of XP you will see the impact more on the VL side of the business than you would in the device and consumer licensing segment.

    現在超過 75% 的 PC 運行的是 7。所以我認為,隨著我們繼續接近 XP 的生命週期結束,您會看到對業務的 VL 方面的影響比在設備和消費者許可部分。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you very much, that's helpful.


  • And maybe one quick follow-up.


  • Just on the Office business overall in the commercial segment, if you think about units, whether licensed or 365, when you just think of the aggregate pool of units, you alluded to it before, but did that perform in line with your expectation?

    就商業領域整體的 Office 業務而言,如果您考慮單元,無論是許可的還是 365,當您只考慮單元的聚合池時,您之前提到過它,但它的表現是否符合您的預期?

  • Or was it actually slightly better on a unit basis?


  • Thank you.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • It was slightly better, Ross, is the best way of thinking about that, from a unit perspective.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Congratulations.


  • Operator


  • Ed Maguire, CLSA.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I was wondering if you could address the conditions in China in a little bit more detail, not just on the consumer but also in the commercial, as well as what your expectations might be given the lifting of the ban on game consoles for Xbox there.

    我想知道您是否可以更詳細地說明中國的情況,不僅針對消費者,還針對商業廣告,以及您對取消 Xbox 遊戲機禁令的期望。

  • And also if you could just address some of what you're seeing in terms of your commercial cloud adoption outside of the US.


  • Thank you.


  • - General Manager IR

    - General Manager IR

  • I'll take the first part of the question, Ed.


  • So, yes, as I said on the call, our macro conditions in China, which I think is consistent with what some of the other companies have reported, as well, have been challenging.


  • Our total revenue across all of our business, including the PC-related businesses, were down year over year.


  • And I think that overall is impacting our results in China all up.


  • I think the second part of your question was related to commercial cloud?


  • Sorry, can you repeat your second question?


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Sure.


  • I was wondering about Xbox expectations there, but also the trends of commercial cloud adoption in areas outside of the US.

    我想知道那裡對 Xbox 的期望,以及美國以外地區商業雲採用的趨勢。

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • We haven't really talked specifically about our expectations for China on the Xbox.

    我們還沒有真正談論過我們對 Xbox 上的中國的期望。

  • But let me take the second half of that question.


  • Our performance in both Office 365 and Azure has actually been quite good both in the US -- to your question -- and outside the US.

    我們在 Office 365 和 Azure 中的表現實際上在美國(您的問題)和美國以外都相當不錯。

  • Part of the reason that you have seen us investing on the capital expense side is to continue to build out the opportunity set, because we are seeing good demand outside the US.


  • And I do think our ability to be competitive there is just as high as it is here.


  • So, we've already seen that growth.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Jason Maynard, Wells Fargo.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Good afternoon.


  • I wanted to drill a little bit into how you're thinking about holiday on the consumer hardware side, and specifically just expectations around Surface.

    我想深入了解您如何看待消費硬件方面的假期,特別是對 Surface 的期望。

  • And then, also, any insight or color you think in terms of what your expectations are with RT versus Pro.

    然後,您對 RT 與 Pro 的期望方面的任何見解或顏色。

  • Thank you.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Thanks, Jason.


  • I think overall for holiday, given our guidance, we clearly do expect a healthy holiday performance across the portfolio.


  • I say that because we do have offerings that provide great value, from having Surface be one, RT still in market, Surface 2, Surface 2 Pro, plus Xbox 360, plus Xbox One, really does provide both value portfolio, and those who want the latest and greatest experience have something covered.

    我之所以這麼說,是因為我們確實有提供巨大價值的產品,從 Surface 成為一體,RT 仍在市場上,Surface 2、Surface 2 Pro、Xbox 360 和 Xbox One,確實提供了價值組合,以及那些想要最新和最棒的體驗涵蓋了一些內容。

  • The guidance does include good performance across all of those product lines.


  • We did see, I think as Chris and I both talked about, a lot of progress in sales execution on Surface in particular this quarter.

    我們確實看到了,我認為正如克里斯和我都談到的那樣,Surface 的銷售執行取得了很大進展,尤其是本季度。

  • And that does give us more confidence about our ability to execute again well in Q2.


  • In particular, as you noted, RT did do quite well this quarter.

    特別是,正如您所指出的,RT 本季度的表現相當不錯。

  • And I look forward to seeing that continue with the Surface 2 device, as well, at holiday.

    我期待在假期中看到 Surface 2 設備也能繼續保持這種狀態。

  • Operator


  • Kash Rangan, Bank of America Merrill Lynch.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hi, thank you very much for all the details, as well.


  • Maybe my math skills have gotten horribly weak, but I just took the midpoint, Amy, of your revenue guidance for the different line items, and also the midpoint of your cost of revenue inputs, and the midpoint of your OpEx.

    也許我的數學技能已經變得非常薄弱,但我只是取了 Amy,你對不同訂單項的收入指導的中點,以及你的收入投入成本的中點,以及你的運營支出的中點。

  • And I come up with what looks to be about a 10% reduction to where I think most sales side models are.

    我想出看起來比我認為大多數銷售側模型減少 10% 的方法。

  • Maybe I'm doing -- I'm hoping that I did something wrong here.


  • But if that is the case, I get about 29% op margin relative to the 33% or so that you did last year.

    但如果是這樣的話,相對於你去年的 33% 左右,我得到了大約 29% 的營業利潤率。

  • So can you just walk us through what are the items that you are assuming in your cost structure which effectively makes the op income flat.


  • Although you are getting good revenue growth rate.


  • I just wonder if there are any one-time items or if it is just emblematic of a shift in your business model to devices and consumer, especially with Nokia going forward.


  • Wonder if we should not be thinking about op margins but really op income growth rate?


  • Thank you.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Thanks, Kash.


  • I think the one thing I would urge you to do as you think about the guidance we gave is looking specifically at the DNC hardware guidance.

    我認為在考慮我們提供的指導時,我會敦促您做的一件事是專門查看 DNC 硬件指導。

  • As well as making sure you are mapping the COGS very specifically to whatever assumption you are making in DNC hardware.

    除了確保您將 COGS 非常具體地映射到您在 DNC 硬件中所做的任何假設之外。

  • Given the business model of Xbox, that can and will have an impact in Q2 to the overall gross margin structure.

    鑑於 Xbox 的商業模式,這可能並且將會在第二季度對整體毛利率結構產生影響。

  • So, as you think through that, I think that is probably one of the assumptions that it may sound like using the midpoint could lead you a bit off of where I would have expected.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Got it, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Raimo Lenschow, Barclays.

    Raimo Lenschow,巴克萊銀行。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • I just wanted to follow on from Jason's question earlier on.

    我只是想繼續 Jason 早些時候的問題。

  • Can you talk a little bit about where you see the improved success, and the sales execution success, on the Surface?

    你能談談你在 Surface 上看到的改進成功和銷售執行成功的地方嗎?

  • Is it commercial?


  • Is it consumer?


  • And what is driving the improvement there?


  • And how much is the improved revenue run rate driven also by the fact that the channel needed to be ready for the holiday season?


  • Thank you.


  • - General Manager IR

    - General Manager IR

  • Hi, Raimo.


  • Thanks for the question.


  • As we talked about, especially for this last quarter, Surface we saw two things I'll mention.

    正如我們所談到的,特別是在上個季度,我們看到了兩件我會提到的 Surface。

  • Which is, popularity of the Surface 32-gigabyte RT device.

    也就是說,Surface 32 GB RT 設備的流行。

  • That one was more successful this last quarter.


  • And we actually saw demand increase in both commercial and in the education customer segment, as well.


  • So, we did see some improvement across both those segments.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Yes.


  • I would say that another way, is that it was in retail and in education, was really our RT performance.

    我想說的是另一種方式,它是在零售和教育領域,實際上是我們的 RT 表現。

  • - General Manager IR

    - General Manager IR

  • Yes, right.


  • Sorry.


  • That's what I meant, actually.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • So, I just want to make sure that was clear.


  • It really was better execution at retail and in edu.


  • And I still look forward to building a commercial channel, which we are just trying to do as we continue to add resellers to our model.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Perfect, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Brendan Barnicle, Pacific Crest Securities.

    Brendan Barnicle,Pacific Crest 證券。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks so much.


  • I had two quick ones.


  • One was the SQL Server success continues to be very impressive, particularly relative to the field.

    一是 SQL Server 的成功仍然令人印象深刻,尤其是相對於該領域而言。

  • So I'm wondering where you are seeing the most success there.


  • Is that market share gains?


  • Is that pricing's getting you into some new markets?


  • If you could provide any color there that would be held.


  • And then when is your expectation for the next update on Nokia?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Great.


  • Let me take the second one first because it is the easiest.


  • We still do expect the transaction to close in the first calendar quarter of 2014.

    我們仍然預計交易將在 2014 年第一季度完成。

  • And post closing, if there are any EPS impact changes to what we said before, we will give them post closing.

    交易結束後,如果我們之前所說的 EPS 影響發生任何變化,我們將在交易結束後給予他們。

  • So, now back to your original question on SQL, that is a terrific one to get to talk about.

    所以,現在回到你最初關於 SQL 的問題,這是一個非常值得談論的問題。

  • Our growth there is, as you said, both share growth and revenue growth.


  • It's happened, I think, generally both in BI, which we've seen a lot of traction with.

    我認為,這通常發生在 BI 中,我們已經看到了很多牽引力。

  • I don't know if you had a chance to see some of our Power View announcements recently.

    我不知道您最近是否有機會看到我們的一些 Power View 公告。

  • Our ability to span from the end user to the hardest big data problems really has resonated, both in the market and with industry analysts who've taken, I think, a strong position that we're the real market leader there.


  • The other thing I would say is a very healthy performance of our premium SKUs.

    我要說的另一件事是我們的優質 SKU 的表現非常健康。

  • Our premium SKUs have continued to provide market growth and I think are competing quite well with the competition.

    我們的優質 SKU 繼續提供市場增長,我認為與競爭對手的競爭非常好。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great, thanks, guys.


  • Operator


  • Gregg Moskowitz, Cowen and Company.

    Gregg Moskowitz, Cowen and Company。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you very much, and good afternoon, guys.


  • Just two questions.


  • First, Amy, if I recall correctly I believe last quarter you had mentioned an expectation for double-digit annuity growth in fiscal '14.

    首先,艾米,如果我沒記錯的話,我相信上個季度你提到了對 14 財年兩位數年金增長的預期。

  • Is that still how you're thinking about the annuity part of the business?


  • And secondly, the year-over-year cloud revenue growth you reported was certainly impressive.


  • But I was wondering if you could shed some light, perhaps, on how much of Azure billings or revenue are incremental versus cannibalistic?

    但我想知道您是否可以闡明 Azure 賬單或收入中有多少是增量的而不是自相殘殺的?

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Two good questions.


  • I do expect our annuity growth, and the guidance we gave it still does assume double-digit annuity growth going forward.


  • And I think our performance this quarter gives me confidence that the guidance in Q2 is the right one, given our strengths and our competitive position.


  • Secondly, on cloud revenue, your question gives me an opportunity to talk about the importance of our hybrid cloud.


  • Within especially our server business, our ability to power the cloud, whether you want to run it, you want a service provider to run it, or you want to use ours, is really an incredibly powerful story.


  • And I think, in some ways, whether or not it is cannibalizing becomes somewhat difficult.


  • What we have generally found right now is that it has been often additive.


  • And if you look at our server growth all up, which we tried to provide to help give some parameters around that to give some confidence that we are both growing the base and providing additive opportunity, I think that's the number I would probably look to, to see the impact there.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • Kirk Materne, Evercore.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you very much for fitting me in.


  • Two quick ones for you, Amy, on the commercial cloud offerings.


  • First round Office 365 you mentioned you've seen pretty good uptake even outside the US.

    您提到的第一輪 Office 365 即使在美國以外的地方也有相當不錯的使用率。

  • I was interested in just your ability to monetize Office 365 in some of the emerging markets that have been challenging over time for Office.

    我只對您在一些新興市場中通過 Office 365 獲利的能力感興趣,這些市場隨著時間的推移對 Office 一直具有挑戰性。

  • And then, secondly, as a follow-up to Greg's question on server, within Azure how much of the uptake in Azure is coming from existing Microsoft logos versus bringing on net new logos onto the platform?

    然後,其次,作為 Greg 關於服務器的問題的後續,在 Azure 中,Azure 的吸收有多少來自現有的 Microsoft 徽標,而不是在平台上引入全新的徽標?

  • Thanks.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Great, thanks, Kirk.


  • You're talking about two things.


  • I do think -- it is interesting.


  • Maybe the best example of how to think about us moving beyond our traditional markets is the fact that we were the first to commit to a data center in China, a market that we've historically had challenges monetizing at a high level.


  • We went there, we are going there with Office 365 and Azure.

    我們去了那裡,我們將使用 Office 365 和 Azure 去那裡。

  • We look forward to being able to make progress.


  • We are investing both headcount and capital dollars, because we do believe this provides an interesting opportunity for us to begin monetizing in markets that have been harder for us to grow maybe with our more traditional business models.


  • Secondly, with Azure, I think we've seen both.

    其次,對於 Azure,我認為我們已經看到了兩者。

  • But the thing I would say is what has been really helpful is that, as we make it easier to attach Azure services to our normal rhythm in the field through our enterprise agreements and through volume licensing, it provides a really helpful way and a really easy selling motion to provide customers flexibility.

    但我要說的是,真正有用的是,我們通過企業協議和批量許可,使 Azure 服務更容易與我們在現場的正常節奏相結合,它提供了一種非常有用的方式,並且非常容易銷售動作為客戶提供靈活性。

  • We add it in the normal rhythm of the sales motion.


  • We allow people to try, use, and buy.


  • And that has served us well in terms of being able to expose Azure to more and more customers in a normal selling cycle.

    這對我們很有幫助,因為我們能夠在正常的銷售週期中將 Azure 展示給越來越多的客戶。

  • So, I think that's probably one of the better ways.


  • It's the same actual selling rhythm we've used with Office 365 so successfully.

    這與我們成功用於 Office 365 的實際銷售節奏相同。

  • And with that, I wanted to say thank you.


  • I know that this quarter we changed reporting segments, and that requires a lot of work.


  • So, thank you for all the work put in to understand our transition that we are trying to make as a company.


  • And, so, let me turn it back to Chris to say his final words.


  • - General Manager IR

    - General Manager IR

  • That wraps up today's earnings call.


  • We look forward to seeing many of you in the coming months at various investor conferences.


  • For those of you unable to attend in person, these events will generally be webcast and you'll be able to follow our comments at Microsoft.com/investor.

    對於那些無法親自參加的人,這些活動通常會進行網絡直播,您可以在 Microsoft.com/investor 上關注我們的評論。

  • Please contact us if you need any additional details.


  • And thanks for joining us today.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • This concludes today's teleconference.


  • You may disconnect your lines at this time.


  • And thank you for your participation.
