莫德納 (MRNA) 2019 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning, and welcome to the Moderna First Quarter 2019 Conference Call.

    早上好,歡迎參加 Moderna 2019 年第一季度電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) Please be advised that the call is being recorded.


  • At this time, I would like to turn the call over to Lavina Talukdar, Head, Investor Relations at Moderna.

    現在,我想將電話轉給 Moderna 投資者關係主管 Lavina Talukdar。

  • Please proceed.


  • Lavina Talukdar - Head of IR

    Lavina Talukdar - Head of IR

  • Thank you, operator.


  • Good morning, and welcome to Moderna's First Quarter 2019 Conference Call to discuss financial results and business update.

    早上好,歡迎參加 Moderna 2019 年第一季度電話會議,討論財務業績和業務更新。

  • You can access the press release issued this morning as well as the slides that we will be reviewing by going to the Investors section of our website at www.modernatx.com.

    您可以訪問我們網站 www.modernatx.com 的投資者部分,查看今天上午發布的新聞稿以及我們將審閱的幻燈片。

  • Today, on this call, we have Stéphane Bancel, our Chief Executive Officer; Stephen Hoge, our President; Tal Zaks, our Chief Medical Officer; and Lorence Kim, our Chief Financial Officer.

    今天,我們的首席執行官 Stéphane Bancel 出席了這次電話會議;斯蒂芬·霍格,我們的總裁; Tal Zaks,我們的首席醫療官;以及我們的首席財務官洛倫斯·金 (Lorence Kim)。

  • Before we begin, I would like to remind everyone that this conference call will include forward-looking statements.


  • Please see Slide 2 of the accompanying presentation and our SEC filings for important risk factors that could cause our actual performance and results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in these forward-looking statements.

    請參閱隨附演示文稿的幻燈片 2 以及我們向 SEC 提交的文件,了解可能導致我們的實際業績和結果與這些前瞻性聲明中明示或暗示的結果存在重大差異的重要風險因素。

  • We undertake no obligation to update or revise the information provided on this call as a result of new information or future results or developments.


  • I will now pass the call over to Stéphane.

    我現在將把電話轉給 Stéphane。

  • Stéphane Bancel - CEO & Director

    Stéphane Bancel - CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Lavina.


  • Good morning or good afternoon.


  • As you know, we believe that mRNA has the potential to become a new class of medicines.

    如您所知,我們相信 mRNA 有潛力成為一類新的藥物。

  • And since Moderna's inception, we have worked hard to be the company that could become the leader in this field.


  • We believe our mRNA medicines have a potential to address large unmet medical needs and to treat diseases that are not addressable by recombinant proteins or small molecules.

    我們相信我們的 mRNA 藥物有潛力解決大量未滿足的醫療需求,並治療重組蛋白或小分子無法解決的疾病。

  • Due to the platform nature of mRNA, we believe our mRNA medicines provide a higher probability of technical success and faster timelines to clinical trials and to the market relative to traditional medicines.

    由於 mRNA 的平台性質,我們相信相對於傳統藥物,我們的 mRNA 藥物能夠提供更高的技術成功概率以及更快的臨床試驗和市場時間表。

  • We also believe that the manufacturing capital intensity of mRNA is materially lower than recombinant proteins.

    我們還認為 mRNA 的製造資本強度大大低於重組蛋白。

  • We have, of course, the manufacturing at commercial scale.


  • We will be similar to small molecule injectable in order to achieve and deliver on our goals, we continue to focus on managing the risk, especially technology risk and biology risk.


  • We believe that programs will be in the same modality of similar technology risk, meaning that once we derisk a sentinel program, they are important [breakthroughs].


  • We believe our chikungunya antibody program will be an important clinical readout, as it uses the same formulation technology as our MMA program, our most advanced rare disease candidate.

    我們相信我們的基孔肯雅抗體項目將成為重要的臨床讀數,因為它使用與我們最先進的罕見疾病候選藥物 MMA 項目相同的配方技術。

  • As articulated before, our corporate focus is on 3 priorities: one, to execute on the development pipeline; two, to move new development candidates in existing modalities from the lab into the clinic; and three, to continue to invest new development candidates in new modalities.


  • I will review our progress against our priority 1 on the next slide in a minute.

    稍後我將在下一張幻燈片上對照優先事項 1 回顧我們的進展。

  • On priority 2, we are happy to announce today a new development candidate with the potential to address the rare genetic disease, glycogen storage disease type 1a or GSD1a in a systemic intracellular modality.

    關於優先事項 2,我們今天很高興地宣布一種新的開發候選藥物,有可能以全身細胞內方式解決罕見遺傳病、糖原貯積病 1a 型或 GSD1a。

  • Stephen will provide you with an overview of the disease and our preclinical data.


  • And priority 3, Stephen will give you a brief summary from yesterday annual Science Day presentations where we presented ongoing insights into our mRNA and delivery science that included the potential delivery of our mRNA to white blood cells.

    優先事項 3,Stephen 將為您提供昨天年度科學日演講的簡要總結,其中我們介紹了對 mRNA 和遞送科學的持續見解,其中包括將 mRNA 遞送至白細胞的可能性。

  • While we have additional research to perform in this area, we look forward to being able to bring candidates into development as we continue working to help patients with a wide range of serious diseases.


  • Tal will give you an update about the modality in a minute, but I would like to focus on 3 programs: RSV, VZV and GSD1a.

    Tal 很快就會向您介紹該模式的最新情況,但我想重點介紹 3 個項目:RSV、VZV 和 GSD1a。

  • RSV first.


  • As you know, our strategy across the portfolio is to create best medicine, the best medicine we can, taking advantage of mRNA flexibility and the speed with which we can advance new development candidates.

    如您所知,我們整個產品組合的戰略是創造最好的藥物,利用 mRNA 的靈活性和我們推進新開發候選藥物的速度,創造最好的藥物。

  • We've also report Merck has been advancing an improved version of its RSV vaccine with enhanced preclinical potency and a proprietary formulation developed by Merck.

    我們還報告說,默克一直在推進其 RSV 疫苗的改進版本,該疫苗具有增強的臨床前效力和默克開發的專有配方。

  • For this new candidate, mRNA-1172, Merck has filed an IND.

    對於這一新候選藥物 mRNA-1172,默克已提交 IND 申請。

  • We'll note that mRNA-1172 is now reflected in our pipeline, along with MRN-1777 which is now paused in its development.

    我們會注意到,mRNA-1172 現在已反映在我們的管道中,而 MRN-1777 現已暫停開發。

  • Merck and Moderna believe that mRNA-1172 is an improved development candidate and gives the company the highest chance of bringing a new potent RSV vaccine to people in need.

    默克和 Moderna 相信 mRNA-1172 是一種改進的開發候選藥物,使該公司最有可能為有需要的人帶來一種新的強效 RSV 疫苗。

  • Tal will share more preclinical data in a moment, but we're looking forward to the start of the Phase 1 study.


  • We'll then look at the clinical data from both studies of 1177 -- sorry, 1172 and 1777 and decide which development candidates to move into Phase II.

    然後我們將查看 1177(抱歉,是 1172 和 1777)兩項研究的臨床數據,並決定哪些候選藥物進入第二階段。

  • Now let me come to VZV.


  • Based on the assessments of the commercial opportunity, research priorities and other factors, Merck has discontinued preclinical development for mRNA-1278, the investigational medicine for VZV, the virus that causes shingles.

    根據對商業機會、研究重點和其他因素的評估,默克公司已停止 mRNA-1278 的臨床前開發,mRNA-1278 是治療帶狀皰疹病毒(引起帶狀皰疹的病毒)的研究藥物。

  • Merck has returned the rights back to Moderna and the company will not continue development at this time.

    默克已將權利歸還給 Moderna,該公司目前將不再繼續開發。

  • Let me now close by a brief note around GSD1a.

    現在讓我以有關 GSD1a 的簡短說明作為結束語。

  • We are very pleased to work with another development candidate that is moving into GSP tox in our systemic intracellular therapeutic modality and our team, as you can imagine, are working hard to get these medicines to patients as soon as we can.

    我們非常高興與另一位正在進入我們的全身細胞內治療方式中的 GSP tox 開發候選者合作,正如您可以想像的那樣,我們的團隊正在努力盡快將這些藥物提供給患者。

  • With this, let me now turn to Tal to give you more granularity on our pipeline.


  • Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

    Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

  • Thank you, Stéphane.


  • Let me begin with reviewing our progress by modality and I'm going to start with the prophylactic vaccines.


  • We're capping in our mRNA vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus or RSV, one of the most common causes of respiratory disease in both the very young and the elderly.

    我們正在對呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)的 mRNA 疫苗進行封頂,RSV 是幼兒和老年人呼吸道疾病的最常見原因之一。

  • In collaboration with Merck, we designed our vaccine to encode a membrane-anchored version of stabilized pre-fusion F protein, which elicits a neutralizing antibody response.

    我們與默克公司合作,設計了疫苗來編碼穩定的融合前 F 蛋白的膜錨定版本,該蛋白可引發中和抗體反應。

  • In the inset, we show the intended design of the mRNA formulated in an LNP.

    在插圖中,我們展示了 LNP 中配製的 mRNA 的預期設計。

  • We worked with Merck to identify and advance improvements to the RSV vaccine, which has led us to the identification of mRNA-1172.

    我們與默克公司合作,鑑定並推進 RSV 疫苗的改進,這使我們鑑定出了 mRNA-1172。

  • This second vaccine has an improved RSV antigen resulting in an enhanced potency in preclinical models as well as a proprietary formulation developed by Merck.

    第二種疫苗具有改進的 RSV 抗原,可增強臨床前模型的效力,並且採用默克開發的專有配方。

  • On the right, we have outlined data from a preclinical study in African green monkeys comparing serum neutralization titers of mRNA-1172 to mRNA-1777.

    在右側,我們概述了非洲綠猴臨床前研究的數據,該研究比較了 mRNA-1172 與 mRNA-1777 的血清中和滴度。

  • In this study, mRNA-1172 was shown to be significantly more potent than mRNA-1777.

    在這項研究中,mRNA-1172 被證明比 mRNA-1777 更有效。

  • As Stéphane mentioned, the IND for this new vaccine was filed earlier this month and mRNA-1777 will not move forward into the planned Phase IIa study at this time.

    正如 Stéphane 提到的,這種新疫苗的 IND 已於本月早些時候提交,mRNA-1777 目前不會進入計劃的 IIa 期研究。

  • Let me now turn to the rest of the prophylactic vaccines.


  • Overall to date, approximately 1,000 healthy volunteers have been enrolled across 7 Phase I trials at doses of up to 400 micrograms.

    迄今為止,大約 1,000 名健康志願者已參加了 7 項 I 期試驗,劑量高達 400 微克。

  • The emerging safety and tolerability profile remains consistent with that of marketed adjuvant vaccines.


  • We've shown promising data from 5 Phase I programs within the prophylactic vaccines modality and we continue to make progress.

    我們已經展示了預防性疫苗模式內 5 個第一階段項目的有希望的數據,並且我們將繼續取得進展。

  • For CMV, the first 3 dose levels are now fully enrolled, and healthy volunteers have started to being dosed at 300 micrograms for the fourth dose level in that study.

    對於 CMV,前 3 個劑量水平現已全部入組,健康志願者已開始在該研究中接受 300 微克的第四個劑量水平的劑量。

  • And VZV, based on an assessment of the commercial opportunity, research priorities and other factors, as Stéphane has discussed, Merck has discontinued preclinical development of mRNA-1278.

    正如 Stéphane 所討論的,VZV 基於對商業機會、研究重點和其他因素的評估,默克已停止 mRNA-1278 的臨床前開發。

  • Merck has returned the rights back to us and we will not continue development at this time.


  • Turning to our cancer vaccines.


  • We announced that we will present Phase I updates for personalized cancer vaccine at the upcoming American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting or ASCO.

    我們宣布,我們將在即將召開的美國臨床腫瘤學會會議 (ASCO) 上展示個性化癌症疫苗的 I 期更新。

  • As a reminder, our personalized cancer vaccines are being studied as a single agent in patients with resected tumors and in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with unresectable solid tumors.


  • The National Cancer Institute will also present data from its Phase I study of PCV, NCI-4650, a monotherapy for patients with advanced metastatic cancers.

    美國國家癌症研究所還將展示其 PCV NCI-4650 一期研究的數據,該研究是一種針對晚期轉移性癌症患者的單一療法。

  • The abstract titles and presentation times can be found in the press release that went out this morning.


  • In addition, we're continuing enrollment for our PCV trial and preparing for the randomized Phase II, while the team at Merck is gearing up to enroll patients on the KRAS Phase I trial.

    此外,我們正在繼續招募 PCV 試驗並為隨機 II 期試驗做準備,而默克團隊正在準備招募患者參加 KRAS I 期試驗。

  • For intratumoral immuno-oncology, we continue to enroll our OX40 ligand and triplet trials and prepare for the OX40 ligand Phase II cohort in ovarian cancer.

    對於腫瘤內免疫腫瘤學,我們繼續招募 OX40 配體和三聯體試驗,並為卵巢癌中的 OX40 配體 II 期隊列做準備。

  • Also, at AACR, our partner AstraZeneca shared preclinical data that supported advancing MEDI1191 or the IL12 program into a Phase I trial.

    此外,在 AACR 上,我們的合作夥伴阿斯利康分享了支持將 MEDI1191 或 IL12 項目推進 I 期試驗的臨床前數據。

  • AstraZeneca will lead an open-label multicenter study of intratumoral injections of IL12 alone or in combination with a checkpoint inhibitor.

    阿斯利康將領導一項單獨或與檢查點抑製劑聯合瘤內註射 IL12 的開放標籤多中心研究。

  • Finally, the local regenerative therapeutic modalities, which includes AZD8601, our mRNA encoding for VEGF-A, AstraZeneca recently obtained clinical trial authorization to open a clinical site in the Netherlands.

    最後,局部再生治療方式,包括 AZD8601(我們的 VEGF-A 編碼 mRNA),阿斯利康最近獲得了在荷蘭開設臨床中心的臨床試驗授權。

  • As a reminder, the Phase I study showed that AZD8601 was well tolerated and led to the translation of functional VEGF-A protein, which caused a dose-dependent increase in blood flow where it was injected.

    提醒一下,I 期研究表明 AZD8601 具有良好的耐受性,並導致功能性 VEGF-A 蛋白的翻譯,從而導致注射處的血流量呈劑量依賴性增加。

  • Moving next to our systemic secreted therapeutics.


  • Let me provide some context on our first program in this modality mRNA-1944, including for chikungunya antibody.

    讓我提供一些關於我們在這種模式 mRNA-1944 中的第一個程序的背景信息,包括基孔肯雅抗體。

  • As we were assessing the biology risk for our systemic secreted therapeutics, we began the development efforts by encoding a monoclonal antibody with the goal of inducing transient passive immunity in the recipient.


  • An antibody would represent a complex protein as it requires the co-translation of 2 separate mRNAs in the correct intracellular folding and eventual secretion into the bloodstream.

    抗體代表一種複雜的蛋白質,因為它需要 2 個獨立的 mRNA 在正確的細胞內折疊中共同翻譯並最終分泌到血流中。

  • From a safety perspective, you would expect an antiviral monoclonal antibody to be fixed, and pharmacologically, we should be able to easily measure its blood levels.


  • This would then allow us to quantify the PK/PD relationship.

    這將使我們能夠量化 PK/PD 關係。

  • In other words, how much mRNA is required to produce how much protein in a relatively straightforward manner.


  • The lipid nanoparticle delivery system used for chikungunya antibody or mRNA-1944 is shared with our sentinel rare disease program, methylmalonic acidemia.

    用於基孔肯雅病毒或 mRNA-1944 的脂質納米顆粒遞送系統與我們的前哨罕見病項目甲基丙二酸血症共享。

  • The Phase I design for this study is shown on Slide 18.

    本研究的第一階段設計如幻燈片 18 所示。

  • We're conducting it in healthy volunteers, so it should give us a read on the safety and tolerability of this formulation.


  • The pharmacological goal that I mentioned is to determine how much antibody we can produce as a result of systemically administered mRNA and whether we may be able to offer people passive immunity against infection by this virus, which today has neither a vaccine nor specific therapies available.

    我提到的藥理學目標是確定通過全身施用 mRNA 可以產生多少抗體,以及我們是否能夠為人們提供針對這種病毒感染的被動免疫力,目前這種病毒既沒有疫苗也沒有特定的療法。

  • We recently completed enrollment of all 8 subjects in the second dose cohort in healthy volunteers treated at 0.3 milligram per kilogram in this Phase I study and I look forward to sharing more once we have a complete picture of the data.

    我們最近在這項I 期研究中完成了健康志願者第二劑量隊列中所有8 名受試者的入組,接受劑量為0.3 毫克/公斤,一旦我們掌握了完整的數據,我期待著分享更多信息。

  • Also, our chikungunya antibody preclinical data was just accepted for publication in the Journal of Science Immunology.


  • We're continuing to move our Fabry and Relaxin programs towards clinical trials and look forward to providing you with an update at a later date.

    我們正在繼續將 Fabry 和 Relaxin 項目推向臨床試驗,並期待稍後為您提供最新信息。

  • Finally, let me turn to our systemic intracellular therapeutics.


  • From methylmalonic acidemia or MMA, we're currently in the process of initiating sites for the Phase I trial.

    對於甲基丙二酸血症或 MMA,我們目前正在啟動 I 期試驗的地點。

  • We have 45 patients enrolled in our MaP natural history study for methylmalonic acidemia and propionic acidemia.

    我們有 45 名患者參加了甲基丙二酸血症和丙酸血症的 MaP 自然史研究。

  • 26 of these are MMA patients and 19 are PA patients.

    其中 26 名是 MMA 患者,19 名是 PA 患者。

  • In addition, the European Commission has adopted the recommendation from the Committee of Orphan Medicinal Products for orphan designation for mRNA-3927, our PA development candidate, further supporting its advancement.

    此外,歐盟委員會還採納了孤兒藥產品委員會的建議,將 mRNA-3927(我們的 PA 開發候選藥物)指定為孤兒藥,進一步支持其進展。

  • We continue to progress mRNA-3927 for propionic acidemia and mRNA-3283 for phenylketonuria with the goal of bringing them to the clinic.

    我們繼續開髮用於丙酸血症的 mRNA-3927 和用於苯丙酮尿症的 mRNA-3283,目標是將它們推向臨床。

  • I'm really excited about the opportunity for the new development candidate within our systemic intracellular therapeutic modalities and will now turn it over to Stephen who will introduce this candidate for glycogen storage disease type 1a or GSD1a.

    我對我們的全身細胞內治療方式中新的候選藥物開發機會感到非常興奮,現在將其交給 Stephen,他將介紹該候選藥物用於治療 1a 型或 GSD1a 糖原貯積病。

  • Stephen Hoge - President

    Stephen Hoge - President

  • Thanks, Tal.


  • So glycogen storage disease type 1a or GSD1a is a rare inherited metabolic disorder resulting from a deficiency in an enzyme called glucose 6-phosphatase, or G6Pase for short.

    因此,1a 型糖原貯積病或 GSD1a 是一種罕見的遺傳性代謝性疾病,由葡萄糖 6-磷酸酶(簡稱 G6Pase)缺乏引起。

  • The G6Pase enzymes involved in the metabolic pathways to allow the liver and, to a lesser extent, the kidney to maintain the level of glucose in the blood during fasting.

    G6P 酶參與代謝途徑,使肝臟和腎臟在較小程度上維持禁食期間血液中的葡萄糖水平。

  • After a couple of hours in a normal healthy person, most of the glucose from your last meal have been consumed by tissues.


  • So as glucose levels start to fall, most of the tissues in our bodies will convert to using -- should convert from using glucose for energy to other sources such as lipids or triglycerides.


  • But cells in our brains are unable to make that switch and are dependent upon glucose to survive.


  • So our livers take over the responsibility for making and releasing glucose into the bloodstream to keep the brain alive.


  • This process involves 2 different metabolic processes: first, glycogenolysis or the breakdown of liver-stored glucose for release; and gluconeogenesis or the conversion of other substrates into glucose.


  • Glucose 6-phosphatase catalyzes the last step in both of those processes in the ER and liver.

    葡萄糖 6-磷酸酶催化 ER 和肝臟中這兩個過程的最後一步。

  • Now the good news for most of us is that process happens automatically, every day and particularly as we fast overnight, our liver takes over the responsibility for keeping our brain alive.


  • But people suffering from GSD1a are unable to maintain that blood glucose during a fast.

    但患有 GSD1a 的人無法在禁食期間維持血糖水平。

  • As a result, they suffer from threatening hypoglycemia or low blood glucose that can also result in debilitating neurologic effects, even death.


  • Over time, the lack of the enzyme can also lead to a wide range of severe metabolic derangements such as hyperlipidemia from the buildup of lipids, lactic acidemia and enlargement disease in livers.


  • In order to prevent life-threatening hypoglycemia, these patients must consume sugar regularly, almost continuously via complex sugars such as corn starch.


  • Patients need to wake several times a night, every night to consume this corn starch.


  • And some younger patients even need to have gastric tubes placed to facilitate this feeding or be placed on continuous IV glucose strips.


  • Clearly, there needs to be an improvement in the standard of care.


  • Now GSD1a occurs in about 1 in 100,000 live births, with a slightly higher prevalence among Ashkenazi Jews.

    現在,GSD1a 的發生率約為十萬分之一,在德系猶太人中患病率略高。

  • That means that approximately 6,500 patients across the U.S. and EU exist.

    這意味著美國和歐盟約有 6,500 名患者。

  • We believe our platform can address GSD1a by replacing that missing information in those liver cells and helping those patients control their glucose.

    我們相信我們的平台可以通過替換那些肝細胞中缺失的信息並幫助這些患者控制血糖來解決 GSD1a 問題。

  • Now just to review a little bit of the preclinical data.


  • We demonstrated proof of concept for G6Pase m-RNA therapies in multiple in-vivo studies.

    我們在多項體內研究中展示了 G6Pase mRNA 療法的概念驗證。

  • First, looking at the upper left-hand panel, we've been able to demonstrate dose-dependent in-vivo pharmacology in the animal knockout model; in this case, mice.


  • As you can see, at escalating doses from 0.2 milligrams per kilogram up to 1 milligram per kilogram, we achieved a dose-dependent normalization of the blood glucose of these -- in these animals during fast.

    正如您所看到的,當劑量從每公斤 0.2 毫克增加到每公斤 1 毫克時,我們在這些動物禁食期間實現了血糖的劑量依賴性正常化。

  • It's exciting to see as that translates into other markers of activity as well.


  • The panel in the middle to the right shows triglycerides and shows across all dose levels tested here a normalization of those triglyceride levels.


  • Lastly, in looking at the liver weights of these animals after 24 hours after a dose, we showed normalization -- partial normalization relative to control of the liver weights in these animals showing broad-based metabolic effects.

    最後,在觀察給藥後 24 小時後這些動物的肝臟重量時,我們顯示出正常化——相對於這些動物的肝臟重量控制的部分正常化,顯示出廣泛的代謝效應。

  • On the far right-hand side, we are showing a 7-week study with repeat dosing showing the ability to normalize blood glucose levels during fast in these animals up to 5 doses.

    在最右邊,我們展示了一項為期 7 週的重複給藥研究,顯示這些動物在禁食期間最多 5 次給藥能夠使血糖水平正常化。

  • We believe this data supports the development of GSD1 -- mRNA-3745 in these proof of concept studies.

    我們相信這些數據支持這些概念驗證研究中 GSD1 - mRNA-3745 的開發。

  • And this data was recently presented at ASGCT and we're excited about the potential for this new development candidate to bring significant clinical benefit to GSD1a patients.

    該數據最近在 ASGCT 上公佈,我們對這一新開發候選藥物為 GSD1a 患者帶來顯著臨床益處的潛力感到興奮。

  • So returning to the pipeline on 525, you'll now see GSD1a, our fifth rare metabolic disease, enter development.

    因此,回到 525 的研發過程中,您現在將看到 GSD1a(我們的第五種罕見代謝疾病)進入開發階段。

  • We look forward to doing everything we can to help these patients and other patients suffering from these debilitating diseases.


  • Changing gears, I want to talk a little bit about our Science Day efforts and briefly recap some of the discussions from yesterday.


  • We had the pleasure for doing our second Annual Science Day and we created Science Day to provide a window into our investments in the research platform and to create new generations of technologies that will enable our future pipeline.


  • I co-hosted the Science Day with Melissa Moore, the Chief Scientific Officer of our platform.

    我與我們平台的首席科學官 Melissa Moore 共同主持了科學日活動。

  • Now with over 200 dedicated scientists focusing on advancing technology underlying our investigation medicines, it's impossible to summarize everything.

    現在,超過 200 名專注的科學家專注於推進我們研究藥物的技術進步,因此不可能概括一切。

  • In the last 3 years, we published 25 peer-review manuscripts in leading journals with 11 in the last year alone.

    過去 3 年裡,我們在領先期刊上發表了 25 篇同行評議手稿,其中僅去年就發表了 11 篇。

  • So for Science Day, Melissa and I tried to select a few vignettes that illustrate the breadth and depth of the basic science we're pursuing at Moderna.

    因此,在科學日,梅麗莎和我試圖選擇一些小插曲來說明我們在 Moderna 所追求的基礎科學的廣度和深度。

  • These fall broadly into 2 categories: our mRNA science and our delivery science.

    這些大致分為兩類:我們的 mRNA 科學和我們的遞送科學。

  • And as you can see from the agenda here we divide the time roughly between the 2. For those who are interested in reviewing the Science Day content, I'll direct you to a link either on our website or the PR release this morning, but some of the key highlights are on the next few slides.

    正如您從此處的議程中看到的,我們大致將時間分為 2 部分。對於那些有興趣回顧科學日內容的人,我將引導您訪問我們網站或今天早上 PR 發布上的鏈接,但是接下來的幾張幻燈片將介紹一些關鍵亮點。

  • So first in the mRNA Science Day, we demonstrated some of the ways in which we're making our vaccines and therapeutics more potent and safer.

    因此,首先在 mRNA 科學日,我們展示了一些使我們的疫苗和治療方法更有效、更安全的方法。

  • We shared some of the latest in-vivo characterization of the nature of the innate immune response and the importance of uridine modification to making immune silent messenger RNA medicines.

    我們分享了先天免疫反應性質的一些最新體內特徵以及尿苷修飾對於製造免疫沉默信使 RNA 藥物的重要性。

  • We showed -- we shared advances in how we're using design of our mRNA to maximize potency, including several-fold improvements in the amount of protein that were being produced in rare disease animal models.

    我們展示了——我們分享瞭如何利用 mRNA 設計來最大限度地發揮效力的進展,包括將罕見疾病動物模型中產生的蛋白質數量提高數倍。

  • We also shared how secondary structure is being designed into our messenger RNA to create buffer space between ribosomes as they translate it to prevent, what we've been calling ribosomal traffic jams.

    我們還分享瞭如何將二級結構設計到我們的信使 RNA 中,以便在核醣體翻譯時在核醣體之間創建緩衝空間,以防止我們所說的核醣體交通堵塞。

  • This can increase mRNA half-life and decrease the need for dosing.

    這可以增加 mRNA 半衰期並減少給藥需求。

  • Lastly, we shared some of the exciting work we're doing in physics on nanoparticles.


  • Understanding the formulation, their surface characterization and how to make them more potent and effective.


  • The second half of the Science Day focused on advances in delivery science, and specifically, introducing our immune nanoparticle research program.


  • As Stéphane mentioned, this is an effort to deliver messenger RNA broadly in the immune system to a wide range of cell types including lymphocytes.

    正如 Stéphane 提到的,這是一項將免疫系統中的信使 RNA 廣泛傳遞到包括淋巴細胞在內的多種細胞類型的努力。

  • And we shared some of the translational data we have across species demonstrating progress in that space.


  • The key features of the immune nanoparticle research and program are dose-dependent pharmacology in all major cell types of the immune system, a system-wide effect.


  • As always across all of our efforts in delivery, dose-dependent pharmacology is critical to our success.


  • We also demonstrate how we're transiently expressing proteins that confer cells with new -- cells with new phenotypes and functions and drive responses, how we use mRNA software to select the cell type in which we express proteins and how we've been driving trafficking of immune cells to new tissues to drive desired cell-to-cell interactions.

    我們還展示了我們如何瞬時表達蛋白質,賦予細胞新的表型和功能並驅動反應,我們如何使用 mRNA 軟件來選擇我們表達蛋白質的細胞類型,以及我們如何推動販運將免疫細胞轉移到新組織中,以驅動所需的細胞間相互作用。

  • While this work is still in the research and preclinical phase, we are obviously incredibly excited about the potential it brings to treating a wide range of diseases, including cancer, autoimmune disease and neurodegenerative disease.


  • So with that, I'll now turn over the call to Lorence who'll walk through all the financials.


  • Lorence H. Kim - CFO

    Lorence H. Kim - CFO

  • Thank you, Stephen.


  • In today's press release, we reported our first quarter 2019 financial results.

    在今天的新聞稿中,我們報告了 2019 年第一季度的財務業績。

  • Please note these results are unaudited.


  • We ended Q1 2019 with cash, cash equivalents and investments of $1.55 billion, and this compares to $1.69 billion at the end of 2018.

    截至 2019 年第一季度,我們的現金、現金等價物和投資為 15.5 億美元,而 2018 年底為 16.9 億美元。

  • Let me highlight 2 cash flow metrics, which provide a direct view on cash use.


  • These are better given the quantity of deferred revenue stock-based compensation and depreciation that's embedded in our operating income.


  • Net cash used in operations was approximately $144 million for the first quarter of 2019, that compares to $111 million for the first quarter of 2018.

    2019 年第一季度運營使用的淨現金約為 1.44 億美元,而 2018 年第一季度為 1.11 億美元。

  • Please note that Q1 of 2019 and 2018 include $22 million and $25 million, respectively of in-licensing payments.

    請注意,2019 年和 2018 年第一季度分別包括 2200 萬美元和 2500 萬美元的許可付款。

  • Secondly, cash used for purchases of the property and equipment was $8 million for Q1 2019 compared to $32 million for Q1 '18.

    其次,2019 年第一季度用於購買財產和設備的現金為 800 萬美元,而 18 年第一季度為 3200 萬美元。

  • Revenue for Q1 2019 was $16 million as compared to $29 million for Q1 '18.

    2019 年第一季度的收入為 1600 萬美元,而 18 年第一季度的收入為 2900 萬美元。

  • Note that on January 1, 2019, we adopted the new revenue recognition standard ASC606, using the modified retrospective transition method applied to those contracts, which were not completed as of January 1. The decrease in total revenue was mainly attributable to the decrease in collaboration revenue across all of our strategic alliances, particularly AstraZeneca and Merck, driven by the adoption of the new revenue standard.


  • Total revenue under the previous revenue recognition standard would have been $38 million for Q1 2019.

    根據之前的收入確認標準,2019 年第一季度的總收入將為 3800 萬美元。

  • R&D expenses for Q1 2019 were approximately $131 million compared to $90 million for Q1 '18, the increase was primarily due to an increase in personnel-related costs, including stock-based comp, mainly driven by an increase in number of employees supporting research and development programs, an increase in clinical trial and manufacturing costs, an increase in lab supplies and materials for preclinical studies and clinical trials, and an increase in consulting and outside services costs.

    2019 年第一季度的研發費用約為1.31 億美元,而18 年第一季度的研發費用為9000 萬美元,這一增長主要是由於人員相關成本的增加,包括基於股票的補償,這主要是由於支持研究和開發的員工數量增加所致。開發計劃、臨床試驗和製造成本的增加、臨床前研究和臨床試驗的實驗室用品和材料的增加以及諮詢和外部服務成本的增加。

  • G&A expenses for Q1 2019 were approximately $27 million compared to $16 million in Q1 of '18.

    2019 年第一季度的一般管理費用約為 2700 萬美元,而 18 年第一季度為 1600 萬美元。

  • That increase was mainly attributable to an increase in personnel-related costs, including stock-based compensation, primarily driven by an increase in the number of employees and consulting and outside services cost, both of which were related to operating as a publicly traded company.


  • So with that, I'll hand the call back over to Stéphane.

    因此,我會將電話轉回給 Stéphane。

  • Stéphane Bancel - CEO & Director

    Stéphane Bancel - CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Lorence.


  • To close our remarks, I would like to reiterate that our team is very focused on the execution of all the 3 priorities: number one, advancing development pipeline; number two, investing in new development candidates within the 6 existing modalities as we just announced this morning on GSD1a; and investing in new modalities like the immuno-nano particles presented yesterday at the Science Day to deliver and manage white blood cells.

    作為我們發言的結束語,我想重申,我們的團隊非常專注於執行所有三個優先事項:第一,推進開發渠道;第二,正如我們今天早上剛剛在 GSD1a 上宣布的那樣,在 6 種現有模式中投資新的開發候選者;並投資新的模式,例如昨天在科學日上展示的免疫納米顆粒,以輸送和管理白細胞。

  • We're very excited about 2019 and 2020 as we anticipate having a lot of clinical readouts both in Phase I as well as Phase II start and readout.

    我們對 2019 年和 2020 年感到非常興奮,因為我們預計在 I 期以及 II 期啟動和讀數中都會有大量臨床讀數。

  • I believe that Moderna is operating from a place of clinical strength.

    我相信 Moderna 的運營具有臨床優勢。

  • I'm pleased with our progress.


  • In effort by our mRNA platform, our large development pipeline continues to progress based on the data we're generating from now around 1,000 healthy volunteers and patients enrolled in our trials across all medicines, preprograms in or planning for Phase II, 6 positive Phase I readouts, 5 ongoing Phase I trials, 3 open INDs awaiting Phase I trials.

    在我們的mRNA 平台的努力下,我們的大型開發管道根據我們現在生成的數據繼續取得進展,大約1,000 名健康志願者和患者參加了我們所有藥物的試驗,II 期預編程或計劃,6 個陽性I 期試驗讀數,5 個正在進行的 I 期試驗,3 個開放 IND 等待 I 期試驗。

  • If you look at the pipeline by therapeutic area, I'm very proud of where we stand today.


  • We have 5 immuno-oncology programs, OX40 ligand and PCV, which are being prepared for Phase II by our teams.

    我們有 5 個免疫腫瘤學項目,OX40 配體和 PCV,我們的團隊正在為 II 期項目做準備。

  • The triplet, which continues the dose escalation in Phase I, and 2 open INDs for KRAS and IL12.

    該三聯藥物在第一階段繼續劑量遞增,並有 2 個針對 KRAS 和 IL12 的開放 IND。

  • With our 5 rare disease programs: MMA, we're continuing to enroll in the natural history study and our teams are currently in progress for initiating sites for Phase I with an open IND.

    通過我們的 5 個罕見疾病項目:MMA,我們將繼續參加自然歷史研究,我們的團隊目前正在為具有開放 IND 的 I 期啟動地點進行工作。

  • PA, which recently got granted orphan disease designation by the EC.

    PA 最近被 EC 授予孤兒疾病稱號。

  • PKU, Fabry and now GSD1a in preclinical tox studies.

    PKU、Fabry 和現在的 GSD1a 都在臨床前毒性研究中。

  • Free vaccines for major unmet medical needs: RSV, CMV and our combo, hMPV PIV3.

    滿足主要未滿足醫療需求的免費疫苗:RSV、CMV 和我們的組合疫苗 hMPV PIV3。

  • We're now more than 775 employees who are very committed to change patients' life through mRNA science.

    我們現在擁有超過 775 名員工,他們非常致力於通過 mRNA 科學改變患者的生活。

  • On Norwood facility, which we believe is a strategic asset to enable the company to scale and ensure high-quality medicine as we do our clinical trials, and a strong balance sheet.


  • We know that we have a very special opportunity and the team is very committed to delivering on the promise of our science and bringing forward a new class of medicines for patients.


  • I would like to end our remarks by thanking the many people who participate in our clinical studies, including obviously our patients, healthy volunteers and the physicians.


  • With that, we'll now be happy to take your questions.


  • Operator?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from Matthew Harrison of Morgan Stanley.


  • Matthew Kelsey Harrison - Executive Director

    Matthew Kelsey Harrison - Executive Director

  • I guess 2 from me.


  • So on RSV, can you maybe just clarify a little bit what specifically is Merck hoping to achieve with the new formulation and the neoantigen selection relative to what you've achieved so far?

    那麼,關於 RSV,您能否澄清一下默克公司希望通過新配方和新抗原選擇相對於您迄今為止所取得的成就具體實現什麼目標?

  • And then, I guess, just remind us when you started a similar point with 1777, how long did it take you to progress to being Phase II ready?

    然後,我想,請提醒我們,當您在 1777 年開始類似的點時,您花了多長時間才為第二階段做好準備?

  • And then I have a follow-up.


  • Stéphane Bancel - CEO & Director

    Stéphane Bancel - CEO & Director

  • Sure, Stephen?


  • Stephen Hoge - President

    Stephen Hoge - President

  • Sure.


  • Obviously, we're pretty excited about that one, the 1172 and we're really pleased that Merck's filed the IND already, and it's moving quickly.

    顯然,我們對 1172 感到非常興奮,我們非常高興默克已經提交了 IND,而且進展很快。

  • You saw the summary of the data in primates.


  • It's been hard to argue with the substantial improvement that we demonstrated there.


  • 1777, just referencing that slide, shows superior titers to a natural RSV infection, which was there in gray.

    1777,僅引用該幻燈片,顯示出優於自然 RSV 感染的滴度,其中灰色。

  • But 1172 was qualitatively and quantitatively several-fold higher.


  • And so in the face of those improvements, we felt compelled and that it makes a ton of sense to move forward.


  • Now what are those improvements just quickly, I think, you hit on them, Matt, but the first is antigen design.


  • This is still a pre-fusion F protein, but it's been further stabilized to improve potency and immunogenicity, so that's a desirable feature.

    這仍然是融合前的 F 蛋白,但它已被進一步穩定以提高效力和免疫原性,因此這是一個理想的特徵。

  • And then the second scientific improvement went into the program, obviously, is the switch from a legacy lipid nanoparticle to a Merck proprietary formulation, that has some improved features.


  • Those improved features, I'll let Merck talk about at a future date, but we think they are a part of what's happening in terms of the improvement here.


  • And ultimately, the combination of antigen and formulation leads to the qualitative improvement you see there.


  • It does, at this point, mean a pause to 1777 moving to Phase IIa as described, but as far -- our goal is the best RSV vaccine possible, with the highest probability of success and as much as we wanted to see the 1777 data, it's clearly the right answer to look for 1172 first, given the multifold improvement that's been demonstrated in African green monkeys.

    在這一點上,這確實意味著 1777 年暫停,轉向 IIa 階段,但就目前而言,我們的目標是盡可能最好的 RSV 疫苗,成功的可能性最高,並且我們希望看到 1777 年的數據,考慮到非洲綠猴的多倍改進,首先尋找1172 顯然是正確的答案。

  • In general, our experience has translated and you know that well.


  • Things that we've been able to see in terms of preclinical species like primates for vaccines has translated into humans.


  • So if this translates in Phase I relatively quickly for 1172, which we hope and expect it will, this is the vaccine that we should advance further in development to Phase II and Phase III.

    因此,如果這在第一階段相對較快地轉化為 1172(我們希望並預期會如此),那麼我們應該進一步推進該疫苗的開發,進入第二階段和第三階段。

  • Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

    Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

  • And Matthew, this is Tal.


  • In terms of time lines, if you look historically, it typically takes you 12 to 18 months for a Phase I vaccine trial.

    就時間線而言,如果回顧歷史,I 期疫苗試驗通常需要 12 至 18 個月的時間。

  • It's done in healthy volunteers, so it's a fairly straightforward simple design.


  • I can't give you a forward-looking guidance here, but I would note that Merck has recently filed its IND and they will be leading the execution of this trial.

    我不能在這裡給你前瞻性的指導,但我要指出的是,默克最近已經提交了 IND,他們將領導這項試驗的執行。

  • Obviously, the team there knows what they're doing in terms of vaccine trials.


  • Matthew Kelsey Harrison - Executive Director

    Matthew Kelsey Harrison - Executive Director

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • That's helpful.


  • And then the second question is on chikungunya.


  • I know you've entered the second cohort.


  • Do you have any view on how many cohorts you need to get through before you feel like you have enough data to talk about with that modality?


  • Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

    Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

  • This is Tal.


  • The trial that's currently designed has 4 dose levels, that was predicted based on our expectation that translates the data from the nonhuman primate that you've seen.

    目前設計的試驗有 4 個劑量水平,這是根據我們的預期預測的,翻譯了您所見過的非人類靈長類動物的數據。

  • I think we're on track with that design.


  • We've been enrolling fairly consistently, and as we said, we're at the second dose level.


  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from Salveen Richter of Goldman Sachs.

    我們的下一個問題來自高盛的 Salveen Richter。

  • Ross Howard Weinreb - Research Analyst

    Ross Howard Weinreb - Research Analyst

  • It's Ross on for Salveen.


  • Just in terms of mRNA-1172 and RSV and the decision to move forward the more optimized program, is this something that we should kind of think that may occur in other programs going forward as you continue to test new formulations of your current compounds in clinical candidates?

    就 mRNA-1172 和 RSV 以及推進更優化計劃的決定而言,當您繼續在臨床中測試當前化合物的新配方時,我們是否應該認為這可能會發生在未來的其他計劃中候選人?

  • Stephen Hoge - President

    Stephen Hoge - President

  • So we continue -- with any program we advance, we're always looking at whether there are improvements.


  • And yes, there are always -- there sometimes can be small improvements you can make.


  • I think the question gets more complicated where you start to see 5-fold improvements kind of like we're talking here with 1172 where qualitatively that improvement is so strong and in the background of what's been happening in RSV vaccines more generally, it makes sense to bring the best vaccine forward first and quickly, particularly when you are this close after the lead, in this case 1777.

    我認為問題變得更加複雜,當你開始看到5 倍的改進時,有點像我們在這裡談論1172,從質量上講,這種改進非常強大,並且在RSV 疫苗更普遍發生的情況的背景下,這是有道理的首先并快速地推出最好的疫苗,特別是當您距離領先優勢如此之近時,在本例中為 1777。

  • That isn't something that we can predict happening broadly across many programs or efforts.


  • And in general, as you can see with other vaccines in our pipeline, we haven't been doing this.


  • And so just pointing at the history here, it's more of by exception a situation where this has been happening and that's probably what we would expect about the future.


  • Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

    Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

  • This is Tal.


  • I mean just to add a couple of points.


  • I think it's one of the fascinating things of beauty of our platform that we have relatively rapid improvements and that the coding-like nature of mRNA lends itself to those improvements.

    我認為我們平台的迷人之處之一是我們的改進相對較快,而 mRNA 的編碼性質有助於這些改進。

  • So if you look at our history, for example, in the personalized cancer vaccine, we've been able to take it to the next level by increasing the number of neoantigens from 20 to 34.

    因此,如果你看看我們的歷史,例如在個性化癌症疫苗方面,我們已經能夠通過將新抗原的數量從 20 種增加到 34 種,將其提升到一個新的水平。

  • And as the team worked through what that means both in terms of mRNA length and sequence optimization, we found a way within the clinic to actually introduce that within the current clinical paradigm.

    當團隊研究 mRNA 長度和序列優化的含義時,我們在臨床中找到了一種方法,可以在當前的臨床範例中實際引入這一點。

  • Now of course, the PCV is a unique type of drug in that regard and I give the FDA a lot of credit for working with us to enable that.

    當然,從這方面來說,PCV 是一種獨特的藥物,我非常感謝 FDA 與我們合作實現這一目標。

  • So where we can, we always try to optimize for the best medicine that we can and it depends on the specifics of the product as to what's the best way to do it.


  • Ross Howard Weinreb - Research Analyst

    Ross Howard Weinreb - Research Analyst

  • Great.


  • And then I just have one follow-up on the chikungunya antibody.


  • How can we think about the clinical bar here as we approach the data readout, like what are the level -- the antibody levels that we should expect to see to confer this passive immunity in humans?


  • Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

    Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

  • So as you will see in the preclinical data that as we said that's recently been accepted for publication, so it should come out soon, the target expression for this antibody is about 1 microgram per mL in terms of what we think is going to be a therapeutic concentration or a concentration that will -- should prevent from infection based on the totality of the preclinical data.

    正如您將在臨床前數據中看到的那樣,正如我們所說,該數據最近已被接受發表,因此應該很快就會發布,該抗體的目標表達約為每毫升1 微克,我們認為這將是根據全部臨床前數據,治療濃度或應預防感染的濃度。

  • And that was easily achieved within the dose levels that we've cleared for in the toxicology studies and the preclinical studies.


  • So from a target product profile for this application what we're shooting for is 1 microgram per mL.

    因此,從該應用的目標產品概況來看,我們的目標是每毫升 1 微克。

  • If you look at where most therapeutic antibodies live in terms of concentrations, if you pull the FDA label for REMICADE, the trough levels are between 0.5 per microgram per mL and about 6 microgram per mL.

    如果您查看大多數治療性抗體的濃度,如果您拉出 REMICADE 的 FDA 標籤,您會發現谷值水平在每毫升 0.5 微克到每毫升 6 微克之間。

  • So it's within the range of what monoclonal antibodies have achieved for therapeutic levels from many indications.


  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from Cory Kasimov from JPMorgan.


  • Cory William Kasimov - Senior Biotechnology Analyst

    Cory William Kasimov - Senior Biotechnology Analyst

  • I have 2 of them for you as well.

    我也有 2 個給你。

  • So first one is I'm curious how this RSV decision changes how you're thinking about your CMV program, if at all?

    首先,我很好奇 RSV 的決定會如何改變您對 CMV 計劃的看法(如果有的話)?

  • And maybe what the latest in terms of time lines for when we should expect data from that fourth dosing cohort from CMV?

    也許我們應該期待來自 CMV 第四個給藥組的數據的最新時間線是什麼?

  • And then I have one follow-up.


  • Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

    Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

  • Yes, so this is Tal.


  • It does not actually change, in my view, one iota how we think of CMV or what we're doing about CMV.

    在我看來,它實際上並沒有改變我們對 CMV 的看法或我們對 CMV 所做的事情有絲毫改變。

  • I think if you look at the totality of our data, to date, we've shown a pretty consistent safety and tolerability profile across the 1,000 or so healthy volunteers that have been dosed across the various programs.

    我認為,如果你看看我們迄今為止的全部數據,我們已經在 1,000 名左右的健康志願者中展示了相當一致的安全性和耐受性概況,這些志願者在各個項目中接受了給藥。

  • And so now it's about figuring out the best vaccine and the best dose for any given application.


  • In that regard, CMV -- the dose for CMV and the activity for CMV needs to be defined in the context of a CMV clinical trial.

    在這方面,CMV——CMV 的劑量和 CMV 的活性需要在 CMV 臨床試驗的背景下定義。

  • I can't give you a forward guidance.


  • Obviously, clinical trials are at the mercy of a lot of external factors, but if you look at our past performance and if you see where this trial is, you can sort of connect the dots.


  • And we're at the fourth dose level here.


  • The goal with this vaccine is really to -- since it's a Phase I and you're dose escalating, we want to make sure, we're getting a good sense of what would be a tolerable profile to take forward.


  • And so as we continue to dose escalate, at some point, we will say, okay, we think we've reached the bar for what should be tolerable.


  • That's how you defined it in the Phase I; at which point, we'll wait and make sure that we understand the immunogenicity and then we'll show the data.


  • Cory William Kasimov - Senior Biotechnology Analyst

    Cory William Kasimov - Senior Biotechnology Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then, the follow-up question is on MMA and curious when we should expect the first patient to be dosed in that program?

    然後,後續問題是關於 MMA 的,我們很好奇我們什麼時候應該期望第一個患者在該計劃中接受給藥?

  • And can you just kind of give maybe a little overview on what that dose escalation strategy might be there?


  • Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

    Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

  • Yes.


  • So as we said, we're -- the IND has been open for a couple of months now.

    正如我們所說,IND 已經開放幾個月了。

  • It takes you time to talk to sites, initiate the sites.


  • The first cohort here following discussions with regulators is going to be adolescents, aged 12 to 18.

    與監管機構討論後的第一批人群將是 12 至 18 歲的青少年。

  • So obviously, we're in active discussion with the sites to get them initiated, get the study ongoing.


  • And at the same time, talking to the investigators and even the patient advocacy groups here to try and identify the patients.


  • In terms of the dosing regimen that you asked, this is sort of a traditional dose exploration.


  • We're going in from the very first dose in this disease at a dose that can be effective.


  • It's one of the requirements to do a pediatric development.


  • And so even at the initial starting dose, which is 0.2 milligrams per kilogram, we think we -- there's an opportunity to have benefit and we'll dose escalate from there based on the totality of tolerability and what we see in terms of biomarker effect.

    因此,即使在最初的起始劑量(每公斤0.2 毫克)下,我們也認為我們有機會獲益,我們將根據總體耐受性和我們在生物標誌物效應方面看到的情況,從那裡逐步增加劑量。

  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from Ted Tenthoff of Piper Jaffray.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Piper Jaffray 的 Ted Tenthoff。

  • Edward Andrew Tenthoff - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Edward Andrew Tenthoff - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Thanks for hosting us yesterday up in Cambridge, that was really interesting.


  • I want to pick up on Cory's first question just with respect to CMV development path, and maybe you can kind of outline sort of where you would expect to take the Phase I data sets and what next studies would be?

    我想回答 Cory 關於 CMV 開發路徑的第一個問題,也許您可​​以概述一下您希望在哪裡獲取第一階段數據集以及下一步的研究是什麼?

  • And then I just have one quick follow-up, please.


  • Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

    Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

  • So I think the Phase I -- the goal is to demonstrate obviously tolerability, safety and immunogenicity.


  • In our case, the critical pieces to be able to demonstrate the immunogenicity against both components of this vaccine.


  • As you would recall, we both have a complex pentameric protein here, which I think is a unique feature you can do with mRNA and against gB, so we need to figure that out.

    你可能還記得,我們這裡都有一個複雜的五聚體蛋白,我認為這是你可以用 mRNA 和針對 gB 實現的獨特功能,所以我們需要弄清楚這一點。

  • Now in terms of a full development path, I think there is work ahead of us to talk to FDA and other regulators to understand this is obviously a very high unmet need, but it is an unmet need within a context that's obviously challenging to develop, which is trying to prevent maternal transmission to babies in utero is what we're trying to achieve here at the end of the day.

    現在就完整的開發路徑而言,我認為我們還需要與FDA 和其他監管機構交談,以了解這顯然是一個非常高的未滿足需求,但在開發顯然具有挑戰性的背景下,這是一個未滿足的需求,試圖阻止母體傳播給子宮內的嬰兒,這就是我們最終想要實現的目標。

  • Getting there is not simple.


  • Over the years, there have been various discussions of other companies with the FDA, so there is a good body of precedent for what full development looks like.

    多年來,其他公司與 FDA 進行了各種討論,因此對於全面開發的情況有很多先例。

  • We're just starting down the path of those conversations.


  • I will say that the effort on our side is led by Wellington Sun as you may recall, he was the prior Division Director for Vaccines for FDA for the past decade before joining our team.

    我想說的是,我們這邊的工作是由 Wellington Sun 領導的,您可能還記得,在加入我們團隊之前,他在過去十年中擔任 FDA 疫苗部門主管。

  • So he is very busy these days actually putting this together, discussing with other experts in the field and planning on that next set of conversations to understand what that full development path would look like.


  • Edward Andrew Tenthoff - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Edward Andrew Tenthoff - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Great.


  • That's super helpful.


  • And then one more for you Tal, if I may.


  • Just with respect to the triplet program for IL, for cancer, so I was pleased to see that you guys are expanding to the second dose.

    就 IL 和癌症的三聯計劃而言,我很高興看到你們正在擴大到第二劑。

  • I think this thing is going to really carry a big hammer and safety is going to be the one of the primary focus areas.


  • Was there anything you saw to date that gives you any pause there?


  • Or how is that looking from an early standpoint from a safety side?


  • Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

    Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

  • So look, it's hard for me to comment on a trial that's in progress.


  • The data continues to come in, and we're obviously evaluating it on an ongoing basis.


  • I can tell you that we're at the second dose level.


  • As a reminder, for OX40 ligand alone, for the membrane protein, we got up to 8-milligram, which was the intended dose and that seemed to be tolerated well.

    提醒一下,對於單獨的 OX40 配體,對於膜蛋白,我們達到了 8 毫克,這是預期劑量,而且似乎耐受性良好。

  • So in terms of the contribution of OX40 ligand itself and the lipids nanoparticle delivery technology, I'm pretty comfortable with their tolerability profile.

    因此,就 OX40 配體本身的貢獻和脂質納米顆粒遞送技術而言,我對它們的耐受性非常滿意。

  • I think your question is correct with locally secreted cytokines, do you get to a level that is worrisome?


  • I don't know yet.


  • I would point that the preclinical data in totality was pretty supportive of going to much higher doses.


  • I think that's the unique ability of mRNA to set up this local paracrine effect within the tumor with minimal spillover into the blood.

    我認為這就是 mRNA 的獨特能力,它可以在腫瘤內建立這種局部旁分泌效應,同時將溢出到血液中的情況降至最低。

  • These are obviously things we'll measure, so we will be looking at the expression of these proteins, both in the tumors and systemically to see if they're detectable.


  • We will be looking at the typical safety parameters, [safety] labs, et cetera.


  • It's frankly, too early to say.


  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from Alan Carr of Needham & Company.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Needham & Company 的艾倫·卡爾 (Alan Carr)。

  • Alan Carr - Senior Analyst

    Alan Carr - Senior Analyst

  • I wish you could -- I'm hoping you can tell us a little bit more about some of these rare disease programs that -- or preclinical programs that you presented just recently.


  • It looks like a bit of a shotgun strategy in terms of the number that you have running in parallel, how do you decide which ones to bring forward?


  • And maybe give us a sense of expectation in terms of when these might move forward in the clinic?


  • And then the second one, I'm wondering if you can elaborate a bit more about this proprietary formulation developed by Merck for 1172?

    然後是第二個問題,我想知道您是否可以詳細說明一下默克公司為 1172 開發的這種專有配方?

  • To what extent do you, I guess, work with Merck on developing new delivery formulations for in both those specific programs?


  • And how do they -- with Merck and then they translate to other programs that are not licensed during collaboration with Merck?


  • Stephen Hoge - President

    Stephen Hoge - President

  • Sure.


  • So the 2 questions.


  • So first on the ASGCT abstracts, 5 of which were presented to a wide range of academic collaborators and institutions, as you saw.

    首先是 ASGCT 摘要,正如您所看到的,其中 5 份摘要已提交給廣泛的學術合作者和機構。

  • We do have a very active research collaborations with academia across a very wide range of rare diseases.


  • What you saw was a sampling of that activity, but it was ready for presentation by many of the academic labs.


  • By participating with those folks, we absolutely commit to them being able to present that data at the appropriate fora as well as publish it.


  • And so you will see a steady flow of those sorts of things, that doesn't necessarily translate into our portfolio strategy or programs that we're taking forward into development.


  • I'll point to our own publication record there, even in the last couple of years, there was a number of programs that we published in high-impact journals that are not currently in our development pipeline.


  • What we choose to take into development goes through a different series of filters in terms of prioritization as well as our view on unmet need and developability.


  • So I can't comment on whether or not you should expect those things to be translating forward, and in fact, I would only say that you should expect to continue to see a large amount of that activity both in publication and presentation collaborations with academia.


  • Onto the 1172 delivery vehicle, so we -- obviously, we've had a multiyear collaboration with Merck where we do talk a lot about things we're learning to enable the best development of the programs we're partnering with on them, including the vaccines like RSV.

    在 1172 運載工具上,顯然,我們與默克進行了多年的合作,我們確實談論了很多我們正在學習的事情,以實現我們正在合作的項目的最佳開發,包括RSV 等疫苗。

  • We -- I can't comment specifically on the improvements that went into the 1172 formulations that Merck was developing, but -- or is developing, but obviously we published last year in a paper on our website, Tasset et al, some of the deficiencies with the legacy lipid nanoparticle formulations in terms of local tolerability in the vaccine context.

    我們 - 我無法具體評論默克正在開發的 1172 配方的改進,但是 - 或正在開發,但顯然我們去年在我們的網站上發表了一篇論文,Tasset 等人,其中一些傳統脂質納米顆粒製劑在疫苗局部耐受性方面存在缺陷。

  • That underpinned a lot of our efforts to -- several years ago to develop our own proprietary lipid nanoparticle delivery technologies that are actually already in programs like CMV and hMPV PIV.

    這支撐了我們幾年前開發自己專有的脂質納米顆粒遞送技術的大量努力,這些技術實際上已經應用於 CMV 和 hMPV PIV 等項目中。

  • RSV had started before that as an effort and so as we shared that data with Merck long before we published it, they made their own determinations about what that might mean for that development program.

    RSV 在此之前就已經開始了一項努力,因此當我們在發布數據之前很久就與默克分享了這些數據時,他們就這對該開發計劃可能意味著什麼做出了自己的決定。

  • And as I said, I'll let them, at the appropriate time, talk about any improvements in specifics, but obviously, they are aware of all of work together.


  • Now we do share information back and forth.


  • I think part of your question was do we collaborate on these things, and obviously, we do.


  • We were sharing that information with Merck long before the publication, and as they make improvements and step-forwards in formulation then that becomes a 2-way street, and so we're excited about it.


  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from Geoff Meacham of Barclays.


  • Geoffrey Christopher Meacham - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Geoffrey Christopher Meacham - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • For the new GSP program, the disease ideology is pretty complicated with multiple organs involved.


  • I guess the question is, just help us with how you're thinking about the regulatory path down the road post proof of concept?


  • I imagine there's been some discussion of endpoints already.


  • And I have a follow-up.


  • Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

    Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

  • Geoff, this is Tal.


  • It's a great question.


  • This disease is a different one, as you rightly point out.


  • The unmet need here is -- it's not just the multiple organs that are affected, if you think about the patient experience and the quality of life, it's the frequent feeding at night, but if you actually meet one of these patients, which I had the opportunity to sit down, when I sit for a meeting for 2 hours, I typically take a cup of coffee.


  • A GSD1a patient who sits for a 2-hour meeting needs to have a cup of cornstarch that they're drinking.

    參加 2 小時會議的 GSD1a 患者需要喝一杯他們正在喝的玉米澱粉。

  • And if you think about that day in, day out your entire life, there's obviously a high unmet need there that's manifest in many dimensions.


  • Now to your point about regulatory path and endpoints, I think it's still early days.


  • This is just the declaration of our intent in the development candidate, there's work ahead of us.


  • We have to go talk to the agency.


  • We have to go figure out the strategy for the Phase I first and then we have to understand what is going to be the development path to bring and demonstrate that we can actually impact not just the basic biology of these diseases, as you've shown quite remarkably, I think in the mouse model, but actually, how do we demonstrate that we're able to address all those manifold manifestations of this disease spanning from the biochemistry all through the quality of life, preventing relatively rare but very severe events, but at the same time actually changing their day-to-day quality of life in a much more consistent fashion.


  • That's a lot of work that's still ahead of us.


  • Geoffrey Christopher Meacham - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Geoffrey Christopher Meacham - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Got you.


  • Okay.


  • That's helpful.


  • And then, on the cancer vaccine and the IO programs, I know you're in an enrollment ramp at this point, but maybe can you speak to whether we'll see any clinical updates at the upcoming ASCO meeting?

    然後,關於癌症疫苗和 IO 項目,我知道您目前正處於招生​​階段,但您能否談談我們是否會在即將召開的 ASCO 會議上看到任何臨床更新?

  • Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

    Tal Zaks - Chief Medical Officer

  • So the -- you know it's a medical meeting.


  • You like to show the data that you have, I'll point to you that the -- to the abstracts once they will be live I think in a couple of weeks, so they will describe the contents of the data that we will be sharing there.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our next question comes from Ying Huang of Bank of America.


  • Ying Huang - Director in Equity Research

    Ying Huang - Director in Equity Research

  • I want to ask about the GSD1a program.

    我想詢問有關GSD1a 計劃的問題。

  • First of all, I guess, now we have 5 rare disease programs in the pipeline.

    首先,我想,現在我們有 5 個罕見疾病項目正在醞釀之中。

  • Does that suggest an increasing focus on this modality compared to others?


  • Secondly, there is a competitor which is conducting a trial in gene therapy for this disease specifically.


  • Can you talk about maybe pros and cons versus the mRNA approach?

    您能談談 mRNA 方法的優缺點嗎?

  • And given the data we obtained recently from (inaudible), what do you think you can improve on?


  • Stéphane Bancel - CEO & Director

    Stéphane Bancel - CEO & Director

  • This is Stéphane, I am going to take your first question and Stephen will be talk about gene therapy.


  • So as we indicated since early 2018, rare disease is an important point of focus for the company, obviously because of the unmet medical need, because of a quick path to approval, and also because what we believe is a lower biology risk against some of the things we're trying to do.

    因此,正如我們自2018 年初以來所指出的那樣,罕見疾病是公司的一個重要關注點,顯然是因為未得到滿足的醫療需求,因為獲得批准的快速途徑,也因為我們認為針對某些疾病的生物學風險較低。我們正在嘗試做的事情。

  • So as you know, as we beat the pipeline of the company, as I said in my introduction remarks, we focus very much on managing risk.


  • And so the way we think about our pipeline now in development is, we have some very interesting vaccine in infectious disease that got a big unmet medical need that I think we have a relevant approach to function in addition to be able to help a lot of people.


  • With 5 other programs now we think we have a nice portfolio of IO and what we were looking for is great execution in the clinic to see what we can do for patients with those programs.

    現在有了其他 5 個項目,我們認為我們擁有了一個很好的 IO 組合,我們所尋求的是在臨床上的出色執行,看看我們可以通過這些項目為患者做些什麼。

  • And given the more "straightforward" biology of rare disease were clearly missing instruction for the DNA, and as you have seen in a lot of publication work that we have done, there's very exciting preclinical model data.

    鑑於罕見疾病的更“直接”生物學顯然缺少 DNA 指導,正如您在我們所做的大量出版物工作中看到的那樣,有非常令人興奮的臨床前模型數據。

  • We really want to focus on rare diseases and this is consistent with the strategy we are outlining now and 1.5 years ago.

    我們確實希望關注罕見疾病,這與我們現在和 1.5 年前製定的戰略是一致的。

  • And also what you saw at the ASGCT a few weeks ago, there's a lot of work going on there.

    正如您幾週前在 ASGCT 上看到的那樣,那裡正在進行大量工作。

  • This is a very important area for the company.


  • Stephen Hoge - President

    Stephen Hoge - President

  • Yes.


  • And on GSD1a, and gene therapy specifically -- or generally, we -- starting with mRNA, our focus is on dose-dependent pharmacology.

    對於 GSD1a 和基因治療,特別是——或者一般來說,我們——從 mRNA 開始,我們的重點是劑量依賴性藥理學。

  • I think the defining feature of our platform is our ability to have predictable dose-dependent pharmacology.


  • You give a dose today, you get a response.


  • You give it next week, you get the same response.


  • If you need a more response tomorrow, I give twice the dose, you should expect to get twice the response and that's what we mean by sort of dose-dependent pharmacology functions like a traditional drug.


  • We focus a lot of our rare disease efforts in metabolic diseases where you would expect the needs of the patient based on metabolism will change over time.


  • Sometimes in a week, sometimes over years as they age.


  • And in particular, as they're growing and young can be highly dynamic.


  • And so we focus on looking at the disease like GSD1a, mRNA is another example of this, where we are expecting to need to titrate to the dose response that's desirable to manage that disease.

    因此,我們專注於研究像 GSD1a 這樣的疾病,mRNA 是另一個例子,我們預計需要滴定到控制該疾病所需的劑量反應。

  • Now there are, as you mentioned, a gene therapy approach going after GSD1a as we speak and we really don't view those as necessarily competitive.

    正如您所提到的,現在有一種針對 GSD1a 的基因治療方法,我們確實不認為這些方法具有一定的競爭力。

  • In fact, we think these are different tools that physicians will use hopefully in combination for different purposes to help patients manage this disease.


  • We can easily imagine a world where sort of analogous to insulin is sort of basal long-acting forms, but you're still managing the disease day in, day out with -- by testing blood glucose for week in, week out by controlling for it.


  • That would give, frankly, the physician we hope that -- personally, I would hope that they're successful and we're successful because more tools for clinicians as they are treating patients will be a great thing.


  • So we don't necessarily view it as competitive.


  • We view it as adjunctive and we're focusing on different areas of pharmacology.


  • Operator


  • And I'm not showing any further questions at this time.


  • I would now like to turn the call back over to Stéphane Bancel for any further remarks.

    我現在想將電話轉回 Stéphane Bancel,以徵求進一步意見。

  • Stéphane Bancel - CEO & Director

    Stéphane Bancel - CEO & Director

  • Well, thank you very much for joining us today and for your questions.


  • We look forward to talking and to seeing many of you in the coming weeks, including at the ASCO around the PCV posters.

    我們期待在未來幾週內與你們交談並見到你們,包括在 ASCO 上圍繞 PCV 海報進行討論。

  • Have a great day.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in today's conference.


  • This does conclude today's program and you may all disconnect.


  • Everyone, have a wonderful day.
