默克藥廠 (MRK) 2019 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning.


  • My name is Darla, and I will be your conference operator today.

    我叫 Darla,今天我將擔任你們的會議接線員。

  • At this time, I would like to welcome everyone to the Merck & Co.


  • Q2 sales and earnings conference call.

    Q2 銷售和收益電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • I would now like to turn the call over to Teri Loxam, SVP, Investor Relations and Global Communications.

    我現在想把電話轉給投資者關係和全球傳播高級副總裁 Teri Loxam。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

    Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

  • Thank you, Darla, and good morning.


  • Welcome to Merck's second quarter 2019 conference call.

    歡迎來到默克 2019 年第二季度電話會議。

  • Today, I'm joined by Ken Frazier, our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer; Rob Davis, our Chief Financial Officer; and Dr. Roger Perlmutter, President of Merck Research Labs, who will each have prepared remarks.

    今天,我們的董事長兼首席執行官肯·弗雷澤 (Ken Frazier) 加入了我的行列;我們的首席財務官 Rob Davis;和默克研究實驗室總裁 Roger Perlmutter 博士,他們都將準備好發言。

  • In addition, I'm also joined by Mike Nally, our Chief Marketing Officer; and Frank Clyburn, our Chief Commercial Officer, who will be available for the Q&A portion of the call.

    此外,我們的首席營銷官 Mike Nally 也加入了我的行列;和我們的首席商務官 Frank Clyburn,他將出席電話會議的問答部分。

  • Before I turn the call over to Ken, I'd like to point out a few items.

    在我將電話轉給 Ken 之前,我想指出一些事項。

  • You will see that we have items in our GAAP results such as acquisition-related charges, restructuring costs and certain other items.

    您會看到我們的 GAAP 結果中有一些項目,例如與收購相關的費用、重組成本和某些其他項目。

  • You should note that we have excluded these from our non-GAAP results and provide a reconciliation of these in our press release.

    您應該注意,我們已將這些排除在我們的非 GAAP 結果之外,並在我們的新聞稿中提供了這些的調節。

  • We have also provided a table in our press release to help you understand the sales in the quarter for the business units and products.


  • I would like to remind you that some of the statements that we make during today's call may be considered forward-looking statements within the meaning of the safe harbor provision of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

    我想提醒您,我們在今天的電話會議中所做的一些陳述可能被視為前瞻性陳述,符合 1995 年美國私人證券訴訟改革法案安全港條款的含義。

  • Such statements are made based on the current belief of Merck's management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties.


  • If our underlying assumptions prove inaccurate or uncertainties materialize, actual results may differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements.


  • Our SEC filings, including Item 1-A in the 2018 10-K, identify certain risk factors and cautionary statements that could cause the company's actual results to differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statements made this morning.

    我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件,包括 2018 年 10-K 中的第 1-A 項,確定了某些風險因素和警示性聲明,這些風險因素和警告性聲明可能導致公司的實際結果與今天上午發表的任何前瞻性聲明中預測的結果存在重大差異。

  • Merck undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement.


  • You can see our SEC filings as well as today's earnings release on merck.com.

    您可以在 merck.com 上查看我們向 SEC 提交的文件以及今天的收益發布。

  • We have also posted a presentation via the Investors section of merck.com which includes some of the highlights from the quarter.

    我們還通過 merck.com 的投資者部分發布了一份演示文稿,其中包括本季度的一些亮點。

  • With that, I'd like to turn the call over to Ken.


  • Kenneth C. Frazier - Chairman, President & CEO

    Kenneth C. Frazier - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Thank you, Teri.


  • Good morning, and thank you all for joining the call.


  • Our science-led strategy, together with our clinical and commercial execution drove another quarter of accelerating revenue growth with strength across our global portfolio.


  • Our results demonstrate the continued momentum of our business through the first half of the year and further show that our focus on the kind of innovation that significantly improves health outcome is paying off.


  • As highlighted at our recent Investor Day, we are confident that our innovative portfolio of products and significant pipeline opportunities, supported by unparalleled R&D and commercial execution, will continue to drive strong growth while we invest in cutting-edge science to deliver breakthroughs over the next decade and beyond.


  • Over the past quarter, we continue to advance our pipeline and presented encouraging data across our programs, including 2 additional regulatory approvals and a filing acceptance for KEYTRUDA, 2 new regulatory approvals in infectious diseases as well as new clinical data on the V114 pediatrics trials, MK-8591 and many others.

    在過去的一個季度中,我們繼續推進我們的管道並在我們的計劃中提供令人鼓舞的數據,包括 2 個額外的監管批准和 KEYTRUDA 的備案接受,2 個新的傳染病監管批准以及 V114 兒科試驗的新臨床數據, MK-8591 等等。

  • Our clinical and regulatory progress reflects Merck's unwavering commitment to biomedical research aimed at bringing forward products that can make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients around the world.


  • In addition, we continue to strategically invest in business development to strengthen our pipeline through value-enhancing external opportunities.


  • This quarter alone, we announced 2 acquisitions that will bolster our oncology pipeline with Peloton Therapeutics and Tilos Therapeutics, respectively.

    僅本季度,我們就宣布了兩項收購,將分別通過 Peloton Therapeutics 和 Tilos Therapeutics 加強我們的腫瘤管道。

  • We also successfully completed our tender offer for Immune Design and closed on the acquisition of Antelliq in Animal Health.

    我們還成功完成了對 Immune Design 的要約收購,並完成了對動物保健領域 Antelliq 的收購。

  • We remain confident that our strategy, growth prospects, outstanding scientific and commercial talent and leadership team, together with our focus on execution will enable us to drive significant value for patients and shareholders this year and for years to come.


  • And with that, I'll now turn the call over to Rob to review the details of our quarterly performance.

    有了這個,我現在將電話轉給 Rob,以審查我們季度業績的細節。

  • Rob?


  • Robert M. Davis - Executive VP of Global Services & CFO

    Robert M. Davis - Executive VP of Global Services & CFO

  • Thanks, Ken, and good morning, everyone.


  • As Ken mentioned, our performance in the second quarter is a clear testament to the strong momentum and growth potential of our business.


  • Our results over the last several quarters continue to reinforce the confidence we have in our ability to drive sustained long-term revenue growth and meaningful operating margin expansion while maintaining a disciplined capital allocation strategy focused both on investing in the business and returning capital to shareholders.


  • Now turning to our results.


  • Total company revenues were $11.8 billion, an increase of 12% year-over-year or 15% excluding the negative impact from foreign currency.

    公司總收入為 118 億美元,同比增長 12%,不包括外彙的負面影響,增長 15%。

  • This growth was led by our human health business, which increased 17% this quarter excluding exchange.

    這一增長是由我們的人類健康業務帶動的,該業務本季度增長了 17%(不包括交換)。

  • Animal Health grew 9% excluding exchange.

    不包括交換在內的動物保健業務增長了 9%。

  • The remainder of my comments pertaining to sales will all be on an ex exchange basis.


  • The increase in human health revenues was led by key products in our oncology, vaccines and hospital businesses.


  • In oncology, KEYTRUDA sales exceeded $2.6 billion this quarter, an increase of 63% year over year.

    在腫瘤領域,KEYTRUDA 本季度銷售額超過 26 億美元,同比增長 63%。

  • Growth was driven by increased adoption globally in the first-line lung setting as well as uptake in recently approved indications.


  • In the U.S., strong demand across all indications continues to drive performance.


  • KEYTRUDA is firmly established as the standard of care for indicated patients in first-line lung and we continue to further penetrate segments of the population, including low and non-PD-L1-expressing patients.

    KEYTRUDA 已牢固確立為一線肺部適應症患者的護理標準,我們將繼續進一步滲透人群,包括低表達和非 PD-L1表達的患者。

  • In addition, we are encouraged by our recent launches in metastatic renal cell carcinoma and adjuvant melanoma where we are already seeing strong adoption by oncologists.


  • We are also excited about our opportunity in first-line head and neck cancer for which we received approval in June.

    我們也對我們在 6 月份獲得批准的一線頭頸癌的機會感到興奮。

  • With 20 indications currently approved in the United States, we are further establishing KEYTRUDA as a foundational cancer treatment.

    目前在美國批准了 20 個適應症,我們正在進一步確立 KEYTRUDA 作為基礎癌症治療。

  • Outside the U.S., KEYTRUDA sales grew 73% driven by lung as we continue to gain reimbursement for the chemo combo in more countries in the EU.

    在美國以外,KEYTRUDA 的銷售額在肺部的推動下增長了 73%,因為我們繼續在歐盟的更多國家獲得化療組合的報銷。

  • In Japan, we are now the leading anti-PD-1 agent, which speaks to our execution and the breadth of our indications.

    在日本,我們現在是領先的抗 PD-1 藥物,這說明了我們的執行力和適應症的廣度。

  • And in China, we have seen very strong growth given the recent launch in first-line lung and continued uptake in melanoma.


  • And our growth should continue as we reach more patients and expect to launch additional indications.


  • KEYTRUDA is changing the way in which cancer is being treated, and we are still in the early days of the KEYTRUDA journey.

    KEYTRUDA 正在改變治療癌症的方式,我們仍處於 KEYTRUDA 旅程的早期階段。

  • We remain very confident in the long-term growth potential given our established I-O leadership and our expectation for many additional approvals around the world.

    鑑於我們已建立的 I-O 領導地位以及我們對全球許多額外批准的期望,我們對長期增長潛力充滿信心。

  • Our results also reflect continued strength in both Lynparza and Lenvima products we market in collaboration with AstraZeneca and Eisai, respectively.

    我們的結果還反映了我們分別與阿斯利康和衛材合作銷售的 Lynparza 和 Lenvima 產品的持續優勢。

  • Lynparza revenue more than doubled this quarter, driven by further uptake in ovarian cancer based on the results of SOLO-1 in the United States as well as strength in Europe, China and Japan.

    根據 SOLO-1 在美國的結果以及歐洲、中國和日本的實力,本季度 Lynparza 的收入增長了一倍多,這推動了卵巢癌的進一步發展。

  • Lynparza continues to lead the PARP inhibitor class in the United States with nearly 60% total patient share.

    Lynparza 在美國繼續領先 PARP 抑製劑類別,佔總患者份額的近 60%。

  • We look to further establish Lynparza as the PARP inhibitor of choice in additional chemotypes and in combination with KEYTRUDA.

    我們希望進一步確立 Lynparza 作為其他化學類型的首選 PARP 抑製劑,並與 KEYTRUDA 聯合使用。

  • Lenvima revenue also more than doubled as we continue to drive sales in HCC in the United States and China and launch in several other markets.

    隨著我們繼續推動美國和中國 HCC 的銷售並在其他幾個市場推出產品,Lenvima 的收入也增加了一倍多。

  • We believe Lenvima will be an important product for our oncology portfolio and look forward to the potential for additional indications across our broad development program.

    我們相信 Lenvima 將成為我們腫瘤學產品組合的重要產品,並期待在我們廣泛的開發計劃中獲得更多適應症的潛力。

  • Turning to vaccines.


  • Our vaccines business reflects strong growth in our pediatric portfolio as well as strength in GARDASIL, which was driven by public sector purchases and greater demand in the adolescent cohorts in the United States as well as continued demand across Europe and the emerging markets especially China.

    我們的疫苗業務反映了我們儿科產品組合的強勁增長以及 GARDASIL 的實力,這是由公共部門採購和美國青少年群體更大的需求以及歐洲和新興市場(尤其是中國)的持續需求推動的。

  • The hospital business benefited from 20% growth in BRIDION, which is annualizing at over $1 billion, reflecting strong performance in the United States as we continue to increase share within the reversal market.

    醫院業務受益於 BRIDION 20% 的增長,其年化收入超過 10 億美元,反映了我們在美國的強勁表現,因為我們繼續增加在逆轉市場中的份額。

  • Animal Health revenue increased 9% this quarter to $1.1 billion.

    動物保健收入本季度增長 9% 至 11 億美元。

  • Livestock grew 13%, primarily due to the contributions from the products acquired in the Antelliq acquisition.

    畜牧業增長 13%,主要是由於收購 Antelliq 時獲得的產品的貢獻。

  • Companion animal sales grew 4% as volume growth in vaccines and insulin products were partially offset by the timing of customer purchases in the prior year from BRAVECTO.

    由於疫苗和胰島素產品的銷量增長被前一年客戶從 BRAVECTO 購買的時間部分抵消,伴侶動物銷售額增長了 4%。

  • Turning to the rest of our P&L, my comments will be on a non-GAAP basis.


  • Gross margin was 75.4% in the quarter an increase of 100 basis points year-over-year.

    本季度毛利率為 75.4%,同比增長 100 個基點。

  • Recall that a sizable catch-up adjustment for an accrued sales milestone related to Adempas was included in the second quarter of 2018.

    回想一下,2018 年第二季度對與 Adempas 相關的應計銷售里程碑進行了相當大的追趕調整。

  • Operating expenses of $4.8 billion increased 9% year-over-year.

    運營費用為 48 億美元,同比增長 9%。

  • R&D drove a large portion of the increase in spend and reflects higher expenses in support of our discovery and clinical development efforts as well as business development transactions during the quarter.


  • SG&A also grew year-over-year reflecting continued investments to accelerate our key growth drivers and the launch of new indications.

    SG&A 也同比增長,反映出持續投資以加速我們的主要增長動力和新適應症的推出。

  • The decrease in other income this quarter reflected the unfavorable year-on-year impact of mark-to-market income on equity securities as well as higher net interest expense.


  • Taken together, we earned $1.30 per share, an increase of 25% excluding exchange.

    總的來說,我們每股盈利 1.30 美元,不包括匯率增長 25%。

  • This growth demonstrates the continued momentum in our business as we drive strong top line growth combined with disciplined resource allocation enabling operational leverage.


  • Turning to our outlook for the year.


  • Given the confidence we have in our strong continued performance, we are narrowing and raising both our revenue and non-GAAP EPS guidance ranges for the full year 2019.

    鑑於我們對我們強勁的持續表現充滿信心,我們正在縮小和提高 2019 年全年的收入和非 GAAP 每股收益指導範圍。

  • We now expect revenues of $45.2 billion to $46.2 billion, which represents 7% to 9% growth versus 2018 driven by strength across our key growth pillars.

    我們現在預計收入為 452 億美元至 462 億美元,與 2018 年相比增長 7% 至 9%,這主要得益於我們主要增長支柱的強勁增長。

  • This range assumes a negative impact from foreign exchange of just over 1 percentage point using mid-July rates.

    使用 7 月中旬的匯率,該範圍假設外彙的負面影響略高於 1 個百分點。

  • We expect OpEx to increase by mid-single digits primarily driven by investments in R&D.

    我們預計 OpEx 將以中個位數增長,這主要是由研發投資推動的。

  • We now expect non-GAAP EPS to be in the range of $4.84 to $4.94, which represents growth of approximately 12% to 14% versus 2018.

    我們現在預計非 GAAP 每股收益將在 4.84 美元至 4.94 美元之間,與 2018 年相比增長約 12% 至 14%。

  • We now expect a slightly negative impact from foreign exchange.


  • All other elements of our guidance provided in April remain unchanged.

    我們在 4 月份提供的指南的所有其他要素保持不變。

  • In summary, we are operating from a position of strength as reflected in our second quarter results and our updated guidance.


  • We are confident in our ability to drive strong revenue growth in the near and long term, and we remain committed to delivering a leveraged P&L while balancing the need to invest in innovation, all of which we expect will deliver significant and sustainable value to patients and our shareholders.


  • With that, I'd like to turn the call over to Roger.


  • Roger M. Perlmutter - President

    Roger M. Perlmutter - President

  • Thanks, Rob.


  • The second quarter was a very important one for Merck Research Laboratories with meaningful progress made in every part of our organization.


  • First, we received numerous approvals from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration including, as previously mentioned, supplementary approval for the use of KEYTRUDA both as monotherapy and in combination with chemotherapy in the first-line treatment of squamous cell carcinoma in the head and neck; and supplemental approval of KEYTRUDA as monotherapy for the third-line treatment of small cell lung cancer.

    首先,我們獲得了美國食品和藥物管理局的多項批准,包括如前所述,補充批准使用 KEYTRUDA 作為單一療法和與化療聯合用於頭頸部鱗狀細胞癌的一線治療;補充批准 KEYTRUDA 作為小細胞肺癌三線治療的單一療法。

  • We also received supplementary approval for ZERBAXA in the treatment of hospital-acquired ventilator-associated pneumonia caused by sensitive bacterial strain.

    我們還獲得了 ZERBAXA 治療敏感菌株引起的醫院獲得性呼吸機相關肺炎的補充批准。

  • This represents an important advancement in the treatment of a life-threatening illness especially when caused by, for example, resistant Pseudomonas species.


  • More recently, we obtained approval of RECARBRIO, our combined imipenem, cilastatin, relebactam therapy for complicated urinary tract or interabdominal infections.

    最近,我們獲得了 RECARBRIO 的批准,我們的聯合亞胺培南、西司他丁、relebactam 療法用於復雜的尿路或腹腔間感染。

  • Relebactam was specifically engineered to enable extended activity of imipenem against certain otherwise resistant bacterial species expressing a form of beta lactamase and is part of our effort to address the increasing threat of antimicrobial resistance.

    Relebactam 經過專門設計,可延長亞胺培南對某些表達某種形式的 β 內酰胺酶的耐藥細菌的活性,這是我們應對日益增加的抗菌素耐藥性威脅的努力的一部分。

  • During the second quarter, we also had the opportunity to review exciting new data from our antiretroviral program including 48-week data from the combination of doravirine with our new nucleosidal reverse transcriptase translocation inhibitor, islatravir, for the maintenance of low viral burdens in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus.

    在第二季度,我們還有機會回顧我們抗逆轉錄病毒計劃的令人興奮的新數據,包括 doravirine 與我們新的核苷逆轉錄酶易位抑製劑 islatravir 聯合使用的 48 週數據,用於維持感染患者的低病毒負荷與人類免疫缺陷病毒。

  • These data, which were presented last week at the International AIDS Society meetings in Mexico City, were complemented by studies of a subcutaneous islatravir implant that might permit long-term, perhaps once yearly prophylaxis against HIV infection.

    上週在墨西哥城舉行的國際艾滋病協會會議上公佈的這些數據得到了對皮下注射 islatravir 植入物的研究的補充,這種植入物可能允許長期預防 HIV 感染,也許每年一次。

  • In the infectious disease space, we also presented data on the immunogenicity of V114, our new 15-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in pediatric populations.

    在傳染病領域,我們還提供了有關 V114 免疫原性的數據,這是我們在兒科人群中使用的新型 15 價肺炎球菌結合疫苗。

  • We are very enthusiastic about V114 for which Phase III data from our comprehensive development program will become available beginning towards the end of this year.

    我們對 V114 非常感興趣,我們綜合開發計劃的 III 期數據將於今年年底開始提供。

  • Returning to the oncology space.


  • Just yesterday, we announced that the Data Monitoring Committee supervising our KEYNOTE-522 Phase III study of neoadjuvant and adjuvant KEYTRUDA combined with chemotherapy found that KEYTRUDA treatment was associated with an improvement in pathologic complete response rates, 1 of 2 dual primary endpoints on the study as compared with chemotherapy alone.

    就在昨天,我們宣布數據監測委員會監督我們的新輔助和輔助 KEYTRUDA 聯合化療的 KEYNOTE-522 III 期研究發現,KEYTRUDA 治療與病理完全緩解率的改善有關,這是該研究的 2 個雙重主要終點之一與單純化療相比。

  • I wish to make 2 key points regarding this study: First, neoadjuvant therapy occupies an increasingly important role in the treatment of breast cancer especially in the triple-negative subset which represents between 15% and 20% of breast cancers.

    關於這項研究,我想提出兩個關鍵點:首先,新輔助治療在乳腺癌的治療中扮演著越來越重要的角色,尤其是在佔乳腺癌總數 15% 至 20% 的三陰性亞群中。

  • In this setting, the use of neoadjuvant therapy can reduce tumor burden, permit less-aggressive surgical resection and provide improvement in long-term outcomes.


  • Second, achievement of a pathologic complete response in which examination of the surgical specimen shows that tumor cells have been eliminated has been repeatedly associated with improved event-free survival and overall survival in this often quite aggressive malignancy.


  • Hence we are very encouraged by the interim analysis demonstrating successful achievement of this endpoint.


  • In this context, the KEYNOTE-522 Data Monitoring Committee recommended that the study continue unchanged until the data become mature enough to assess event-free survival.

    在這種情況下,KEYNOTE-522 數據監測委員會建議該研究繼續保持不變,直到數據變得足夠成熟以評估無事件生存期。

  • In the meantime, we look forward to discussing the KEYNOTE-522 data with regulatory authorities and to presenting our data in an upcoming scientific meeting.

    與此同時,我們期待與監管機構討論 KEYNOTE-522 數據,並在即將召開的科學會議上展示我們的數據。

  • Finally, I wish to note that we anticipate that the brisk pace of regulatory approvals in major jurisdictions that we have achieved during the first 6 months of the year will continue especially in the oncology space.

    最後,我想指出,我們預計今年前 6 個月我們在主要司法管轄區取得的監管批准的快速步伐將繼續,尤其是在腫瘤學領域。

  • I look forward to sharing these notifications with you in due course.


  • Now my colleagues and I will take your questions.


  • Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

    Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

  • Thanks, Roger.


  • Darla, we'll turn it over to the Q&A portion.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) And your first question is from Terence Flynn with Goldman Sachs.


  • Terence C. Flynn - MD

    Terence C. Flynn - MD

  • Ken, there's obviously been a more significant focus on larger deals in this space following some of the recent announcements.


  • Would just welcome your latest thoughts here on Merck's capital allocation strategy.


  • I know you touched on this a little bit at your Investor Day about a month ago but just wondering if you could provide us an update there.


  • Kenneth C. Frazier - Chairman, President & CEO

    Kenneth C. Frazier - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Thank you very much for the question, Terence.


  • We have watched some of the activity around us in the sector.


  • I think each one of those companies is evaluating their own growth prospects over the next few years.


  • We feel very, very confident in our growth prospects going forward.


  • As we have said in the past, given all of that, we're not interested particularly in a large merger that we believe can be disruptive to the company including R&D.


  • We continue to look at bolt-on deals.


  • We do look across the spectrum in terms of size for bolt-ons.


  • We don't divide it by a dollar amount.


  • But at the end of the day, we think the operational complexity, the cultural disruption, the R&D disruption that has been associated with large mergers counsel that we should not go there particularly because we feel very confident about our ability to grow our company organically supplemented by bolt-on deals.


  • Operator


  • It's from Seamus Fernandez with Guggenheim.

    它來自古根海姆的 Seamus Fernandez。

  • Seamus Christopher Fernandez - Senior Analyst of Global Pharmaceuticals

    Seamus Christopher Fernandez - Senior Analyst of Global Pharmaceuticals

  • Maybe just 2 very quickly.

    也許很快就只有 2 個。

  • On the first one, some spectacular growth in pediatric vaccines across the board as well as GARDASIL.

    在第一個方面,兒科疫苗以及 GARDASIL 的全面增長令人矚目。

  • Could you guys just help us more fully understand the sustainability of the kind of growth that we saw this quarter?


  • And then just incremental to that, if you could just comment on what happened with NuvaRing this quarter in particular.

    如果您可以特別評論本季度 NuvaRing 發生的事情,那麼就只是增量。

  • And then the second question, just broadly speaking, for Roger, 8591, the data looks solid for the doravirine combination.

    然後是第二個問題,從廣義上講,對於 Roger,8591,doravirine 組合的數據看起來很可靠。

  • Obviously the PrEP information is quite impressive and exciting particularly if you can get to annual dosing with the implants.

    顯然,PrEP 信息非常令人印象深刻和令人興奮,特別是如果您可以使用植入物進行年度給藥。

  • But just wanted to better understand how you guys are working towards finding a better partner than doravirine for 8591.

    但只是想更好地了解你們如何努力尋找比 8591 多拉韋林更好的合作夥伴。

  • And if you're willing to work with other companies and collaborate on those programs.


  • That was -- those were some concerns raised by physicians that other great products are out there and that unfortunately it doesn't look like the companies are collaborating with each other on that front.

    那是 - 這些是醫生提出的一些擔憂,即其他偉大的產品在那裡,不幸的是,看起來這些公司並沒有在這方面相互合作。

  • So just wanted to ask on that front.


  • Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

    Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

  • Great.


  • Thanks, Seamus.


  • We'll start with Frank.


  • Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

    Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

  • Sure, Seamus.


  • Let me start with NuvaRing.

    讓我從 NuvaRing 開始。

  • No really new news there, no generic entry this quarter, Seamus.


  • So we continue to promote NuvaRing as we have done in the past.

    所以我們像過去一樣繼續推廣 NuvaRing。

  • With regards to vaccines, a couple of things.


  • Let me start with GARDASIL.

    讓我從 GARDASIL 開始。

  • GARDASIL had a very strong quarter, growth of 50% if you would exclude exchange on a global basis.

    GARDASIL 有一個非常強勁的季度,如果你不考慮全球範圍內的交換,增長了 50%。

  • We did see in the U.S., we did see CDC purchases in Q2 of this year which actually took place in Q1 of last year.

    我們確實在美國看到,我們確實看到今年第二季度 CDC 的採購實際上發生在去年第一季度。

  • So you do see some bumpiness with some of our vaccine sales.


  • But I would ask to take a look, Seamus, on a year-to-date basis, vaccines for GARDASIL globally is up about 35%.

    但我想看一下,Seamus,從年初至今,全球 GARDASIL 疫苗增長了約 35%。

  • So we're seeing very strong demand, especially in 11- to 12-year old cohorts in the U.S. and some in the 19 to 26 cohorts.

    因此,我們看到了非常強勁的需求,尤其是在美國 11 至 12 歲的人群和一些 19 至 26 歲的人群中。

  • We're also seeing very strong ex U.S. demand, as we talked about in the Investor Day in particular in China, in Europe in a lot of the gender-neutral programs that are rolling out.


  • So we're still very confident in our growth prospects for GARDASIL.

    因此,我們對 GARDASIL 的增長前景仍然充滿信心。

  • The pediatric vaccines did also see a very strong quarter this quarter.


  • That was driven by demand as well.


  • There was some buying to the private sector within the U.S. this quarter based on some of the measles outbreaks that you read in the news.


  • And we do believe that we'll continue to see growth for our pediatric vaccines going forward.


  • So the durability of our vaccine business we feel very good about both for near-term and long-term growth as we mentioned just on Investor Day.


  • Roger M. Perlmutter - President

    Roger M. Perlmutter - President

  • Thanks.


  • Seamus, it's Roger.


  • With regard to islatravir, MK-8591, I mean, first of all I would say again, the performance of islatravir is quite remarkable.


  • And especially in the implant setting, the durability is remarkable and it's important to note the very long intracellular half life of islatravir and the very impressive resistance profile.

    尤其是在植入物設置中,耐用性非常出色,重要的是要注意 islatravir 非常長的細胞內半衰期和非常令人印象深刻的耐藥性。

  • I would take nothing away from doravirine in terms of its capabilities.

    就其功能而言,我不會從 doravirine 中拿走任何東西。

  • For many in the market, they're used to the previous non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, (inaudible) in particular, which had a lot of adverse events associated with them.


  • Doravirine is superior to those and is a very effective agent.

    Doravirine 優於那些,是一種非常有效的藥物。

  • And I think the combination of islatravir and doravirine will be good.


  • That said, we're also considering lots of other combinations and had lots of other conversations.


  • And over time, you'll have the opportunity to see the broader impact of islatravir in a variety of different settings.

    隨著時間的推移,您將有機會在各種不同的環境中看到 islatravir 的更廣泛影響。

  • Important thing to emphasize is that it can be administered on a daily, a weekly or monthly or even a longer duration regimen which offers great possibilities, I think, for changing treatment patterns in HIV-infected individuals.

    需要強調的重要一點是,它可以每天、每週或每月甚至更長時間的方案給藥,我認為這為改變 HIV 感染者的治療模式提供了很大的可能性。

  • Operator


  • It's from Andrew Baum with Citi.

    它來自花旗銀行的 Andrew Baum。

  • Andrew Simon Baum - Global Head of Healthcare Research and MD

    Andrew Simon Baum - Global Head of Healthcare Research and MD

  • A couple questions, please.


  • Firstly, interested on your thoughts on the Senate proposal to fund catastrophic coverage given your exposure to Lenvima, Lynparza, JANUVIA and others.

    首先,考慮到您接觸過 Lenvima、Lynparza、JANUVIA 和其他藥物,您對參議院為災難性保險提供資金的提議感興趣。

  • Second, on islatravir, a question for Roger.

    其次,關於 islatravir,有一個問題要問 Roger。

  • Thinking about PrEP both with the implant as well as the once monthly, do you think the FDA is ready to accept anything other than traditional noninferiority trials?

    考慮到植入物和每月一次的 PrEP,您認為 FDA 是否準備好接受傳統非劣效性試驗以外的任何試驗?

  • And what do you think that could do to the time lines in order to bringing islatravir to market as PrEP?

    您認為將依拉曲韋作為 PrEP 推向市場對時間線有何影響?

  • Kenneth C. Frazier - Chairman, President & CEO

    Kenneth C. Frazier - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Okay.


  • So let me just comment generally about what's happening with the various things that are going on and some of these proposals that were included in the Senate finance package.


  • Let me start by saying that as a company, we are very supportive of the kinds of changes that will relieve patients in terms of their out-of-pocket costs.


  • I think the catastrophic changes are a step in the right direction, but that's a very small number of people who actually progress through the system and get to catastrophic.


  • So we continue to work with people as part of a legislative process and the administration because we support lowering costs for seniors at the counter and not just at the catastrophic portion.


  • And so with respect to the impact on our own portfolio, I'm going to turn it over to Frank.


  • Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

    Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

  • Yes, so just on the oncology front, I think you heard from our colleagues at AstraZeneca, Lynparza for Part D is -- approximately 25% of our business flows through Part D. To remind everyone with regards to KEYTRUDA, that is reimbursed through Part B. So it is not a Part D product.

    是的,所以就腫瘤學方面而言,我想你從阿斯利康的同事那裡聽說,D 部分的 Lynparza 是——我們大約 25% 的業務流經 D 部分。提醒大家關於 KEYTRUDA 的問題,這是通過部分報銷的B. 所以它不是 D 部分產品。

  • So we feel as though we're balanced across our oncology portfolio going forward.


  • Roger?


  • Roger M. Perlmutter - President

    Roger M. Perlmutter - President

  • Yes, and Andrew, with respect to the PrEP regimen, I think it's a great concern to the community as a whole that if one has to do active comparator controls, because of (inaudible), that's understandable.

    是的,Andrew,關於 PrEP 方案,我認為整個社區都非常關心,如果必須進行主動比較器控制,因為(聽不清),這是可以理解的。

  • The event rates are so low that you will need very, very large populations and very difficult to execute clinical trials.


  • FDA and other regulatory agencies are not unaware of this.

    FDA 和其他監管機構並非不知道這一點。

  • There have been discussions among a variety of sponsors and particularly in the very active patient community about this and what could be done.


  • And we have a lot of ideas in mind.


  • But thus far we don't really have a novel trial design that will permit more rapid registration.


  • Watch this space.


  • I mean we're very concerned about this issue.


  • Operator


  • It's from Chris Schott with JPMorgan.

    它來自摩根大通的 Chris Schott。

  • Christopher Thomas Schott - Senior Analyst

    Christopher Thomas Schott - Senior Analyst

  • Just 2 here.

    這裡只有 2 個。

  • Maybe first, elaborate a little bit more on the China dynamics driving that 51% growth.

    也許首先,請詳細說明推動 51% 增長的中國動力。

  • I guess what products in particular are behind this?


  • And can you remind us the overall size of your China business at this point.


  • My second question was just KEYTRUDA in RCC.

    我的第二個問題只是 RCC 中的 KEYTRUDA。

  • Can we just get a quick update in terms of uptake you're seeing so far?


  • Where in the market you're seeing the most traction with the data, et cetera?


  • Just -- I know this is obviously an important new indication for you guys.


  • Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

    Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

  • Chris, it's Frank.


  • On China, China is about $725 million this quarter.

    在中國方面,中國本季度約為 7.25 億美元。

  • And it grew, to your point, 50%.

    就你的觀點而言,它增長了 50%。

  • It's really being driven by a number of products.


  • As we mentioned, we pivoted to innovation, so our oncology portfolio, Lynparza, Lenvima, KEYTRUDA is driving growth.

    正如我們所提到的,我們專注於創新,因此我們的腫瘤產品組合 Lynparza、Lenvima、KEYTRUDA 正在推動增長。

  • GARDASIL has had a significant uptake in China.

    GARDASIL 在中國的知名度很高。

  • We have NRDL listing also for JANUVIA.

    我們也有 JANUVIA 的 NRDL 清單。

  • So it's a broad-based, innovative portfolio that is driving that 50% growth, and we believe that will continue in China.

    因此,推動 50% 增長的是基礎廣泛的創新產品組合,我們相信這種情況將在中國繼續。

  • With regards to RCC, we're very excited, Chris, about where we are to date.

    關於 RCC,Chris,我們對迄今為止的進展感到非常興奮。

  • As we mentioned when we rolled out the data for RCC, it's important to note that KEYTRUDA plus axitinib shows a benefit across all 3 risk groups, which differentiates us from the competition.

    正如我們在推出 RCC 數據時提到的,重要的是要注意 KEYTRUDA 加 axitinib 在所有 3 個風險組中顯示出益處,這使我們從競爭中脫穎而出。

  • So we're seeing uptake across all 3 risk groups, and it's really based on the strong overall survival, progression-free survival and very strong response rates.

    因此,我們看到了所有 3 個風險組的吸收,這實際上是基於強大的總體生存率、無進展生存率和非常高的反應率。

  • 80% of our targeted accounts in the U.S. have adopted this regimen into their guidelines, which I think is a very strong early indicator.

    我們在美國的目標客戶中有 80% 已將此方案納入其指導方針,我認為這是一個非常有力的早期指標。

  • And we're seeing and hearing very strong feedback from both community and academic physicians.


  • So I feel really good, Chris, about RCC in the U.S. And as you know, we also plan to be rolling that out around the world.

    因此,克里斯,我對美國的 RCC 感覺非常好。正如你所知,我們還計劃將其推廣到世界各地。

  • So we see this as a key indication, key growth drivers for us going forward.


  • Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

    Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

  • Great.


  • And Roger on 522 -- sorry, my bad.

    羅傑在 522 上——抱歉,我的錯。

  • I misheard the question, apologies.


  • Operator


  • It's from Navin Jacob with UBS.

    它來自瑞銀集團的 Navin Jacob。

  • Navin Cyriac Jacob - Equity Research Analyst of Specialty Pharmaceuticals and Large Cap Pharmaceutic

    Navin Cyriac Jacob - Equity Research Analyst of Specialty Pharmaceuticals and Large Cap Pharmaceutic

  • Two.


  • Sorry, if I missed this.


  • But will it be possible to quantify how much of the U.S. GARDASIL public sector buying pattern was?

    但是否有可能量化美國 GARDASIL 公共部門的購買模式有多少?

  • If you could actually quantify that amount, that will be helpful.


  • And then just on KEYTRUDA plus Lynparza in first-line lung, can you remind us where those trials are?

    然後就 KEYTRUDA 加 Lynparza 在一線肺部,你能提醒我們這些試驗在哪裡嗎?

  • When we could expect to see readouts there?


  • And as a corollary to that, KEYTRUDA in prostate cancer, you were going to be starting a -- 3 Phase III trials there as well.

    作為一個推論, KEYTRUDA 在前列腺癌中的應用,你也將在那裡開始一項 3 期 III 期試驗。

  • Wondering when we could hear updates from those trials as well.


  • Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

    Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

  • Let's start with Roger.


  • Roger M. Perlmutter - President

    Roger M. Perlmutter - President

  • Great.


  • Okay.


  • So as we have discussed, and we've showed some data from our Investor Day, there's quite a large opportunity for combinations of KEYTRUDA with Lynparza.

    因此,正如我們所討論的那樣,我們已經展示了投資者日的一些數據,KEYTRUDA 與 Lynparza 的組合有很大的機會。

  • And in one of those cases, it's prostate cancer.


  • We have indicated that we will be starting registration-enabling studies for those.


  • And as the studies move forward, obviously they take some time to conduct, we'll then have a chance to update you on the results.


  • But we're enthusiastic about the opportunity of the combination and believe that there will be many circumstances.


  • I should point out that not only the Lynparza combination but the Lenvima combination as well, where we just received breakthrough designation for the hepatocellular carcinoma first-line indication, too.

    我應該指出,不僅是 Lynparza 組合,還有 Lenvima 組合,我們剛剛獲得了肝細胞癌一線適應症的突破性指定。

  • So there's an awful lot going on in combination studies with both agents.


  • Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

    Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

  • Frank?


  • Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

    Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

  • Yes.


  • And on GARDASIL, as I mentioned, we have a CDC purchase in Q2, which was not purchased in Q2 of 2018.

    在 GARDASIL 上,正如我提到的,我們在第二季度購買了 CDC,這不是在 2018 年第二季度購買的。

  • It was actually purchased in Q1 of '18.

    它實際上是在 18 年第一季度購買的。

  • So the way in which I would characterize GARDASIL is in the U.S., year-to-date we have grown 20% when you look on a 6-month basis.

    因此,我描述 GARDASIL 的方式是在美國,從 6 個月的基礎上看,今年迄今我們已經增長了 20%。

  • I think that's the best way to look at it from a GARDASIL perspective.

    我認為這是從 GARDASIL 的角度來看它的最佳方式。

  • So think of the U.S. growing about 20% right now versus prior year for the half year mark.

    因此,想一想美國在半年內與上一年相比增長了約 20%。

  • Because you are going to see different timing with regards to CDC purchases.

    因為您將看到 CDC 購買的不同時間。

  • Operator


  • It's from Umer Raffat with Evercore.

    它來自 Evercore 的 Umer Rafat。

  • Umer Raffat - Senior MD & Senior Analyst of Equity Research

    Umer Raffat - Senior MD & Senior Analyst of Equity Research

  • I have 2, if I may.

    如果可以的話,我有 2 個。

  • You mentioned low complexity as being a key consideration for bolt-on you're looking at.


  • And in that vein, I guess my question is are you open to therapeutic areas like orphan?


  • And also if there's a company with, let's say $50 billion market cap or value, is that still a tuck-in as long as the complexity is low?

    而且,如果有一家公司的市值或價值為 500 億美元,那麼只要復雜性很低,這仍然是一個機會嗎?

  • And secondly, on gross margin, so I see 2 big drivers going forward, 1 of course being KEYTRUDA's Bristol-Myers royalty reduction in 2023.

    其次,在毛利率方面,我認為未來有兩個主要驅動因素,其中一個當然是 KEYTRUDA 在 2023 年減少百時美施貴寶的特許權使用費。

  • But also, anything you may be baking in on pricing reform?


  • I was curious if you could add numbers around each of those.


  • Kenneth C. Frazier - Chairman, President & CEO

    Kenneth C. Frazier - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Well, I'll start with the BD question.

    好吧,我將從 BD 問題開始。

  • Thanks, Umer, for your question.


  • I don't think the size is the issue necessarily for complexity.


  • I think it has to do with whether or not the 2 companies overlap and whether or not we're spending a lot of our time integrating IT systems, manufacturing systems.

    我認為這與兩家公司是否重疊以及我們是否花費大量時間整合 IT 系統、製造系統有關。

  • So if it's a true add-on, a separate kind of business, a true bolt-on, I don't think the size drives the complexity at all.


  • As it relates to orphan versus other kinds, our preference is to do the most good for the most people.


  • But having said that, we are not against the right kind of therapy, even including orphan indications or orphan approaches to therapy.


  • What we care about is are we getting good science that we can leverage together with our internal efforts to actually create value for shareholders as well as patients.


  • Robert M. Davis - Executive VP of Global Services & CFO

    Robert M. Davis - Executive VP of Global Services & CFO

  • This is Rob.


  • To your question, just to remind everyone, for gross margin, over time as we indicated at the Investor Day, we do expect to see gross margin generally flat.


  • Because while we do see product mix benefits flowing from products like KEYTRUDA and our vaccines business, we also, as we mentioned, have assumed negative price going forward.

    因為雖然我們確實看到 KEYTRUDA 和我們的疫苗業務等產品帶來產品組合效益,但正如我們提到的,我們也假設未來價格為負。

  • The impact of royalties, you've hit obviously the one with KEYTRUDA that does step down in 2023 and the impact of the collaborations which in the near term will be a drag on margin, although long term would become accretive, we haven't given specific dollar numbers to those.

    特許權使用費的影響,你顯然已經觸及了 KEYTRUDA 的影響,它確實在 2023 年下台,合作的影響在短期內將拖累利潤率,儘管長期會增加,但我們還沒有給出具體的美元數字。

  • And frankly, we don't want to get that specific in guidance.


  • But clearly how those interplay will determine whether you see our product gross margins slightly up, slightly down or flat over the period with most of what's driving our operating margin expansion, as we've talked about, coming from reducing growth in operating expense relative to sales.


  • Operator


  • It's from David Risinger with Morgan Stanley.

    它來自摩根士丹利的 David Risinger。

  • David Reed Risinger - MD in Equity Research and United States Pharmaceuticals Analyst

    David Reed Risinger - MD in Equity Research and United States Pharmaceuticals Analyst

  • I guess first I'd like to start with actually the last comment.


  • And I know that this was mentioned previously at the analyst meeting.


  • But in terms of Merck's projection of negative price going forward, that's a bit different than some of your peers.


  • I think some of your peers talk about flat pricing.


  • So maybe you could provide some more color regarding what you see as the biggest downward pressures on price for Merck going forward.


  • And then second, could you just provide an update on the growing meningitis concerns?


  • I jumped on the call late, so I don't know if this was addressed, but wanted to hear about that topic and then also the durability of Merck's PROQUAD, M-M-R II revenue line strength.

    我接電話很晚,所以我不知道這個問題是否得到解決,但想听聽這個話題,然後是默克公司 PROQUAD、M-M-R II 收入線實力的持久性。

  • Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

    Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

  • Great.


  • Let's start with Rob.


  • Robert M. Davis - Executive VP of Global Services & CFO

    Robert M. Davis - Executive VP of Global Services & CFO

  • So thanks for the question.


  • With regards to pricing, again, I think the important thing to focus on is how we see the mix going forward.


  • And I can't speak to what our competitors are implying.


  • But if you recall, we've actually seen negative price quite some time outside the United States, so that's not a new phenomenon.


  • We've been absorbing headwinds in price outside the United States for several years.


  • Historically, that was offset by price increases in the United States.


  • As we look going forward, we no longer see the benefit of those price increases in the United States because of obviously the changing dynamics.


  • And so as you look in total, we do continue to believe we're going to see declining price, as we look forward, impacting our margins.


  • Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

    Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

  • Thanks.


  • And Frank on the pediatric vaccines?


  • Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

    Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

  • Yes.


  • On the pediatric vaccines, we are continuing to see very good demand within the pediatric vaccines.


  • And clearly, the measle outbreak has driven some of that demand, especially in the private sector.


  • We also did see buy-in this quarter in Q2.


  • We do anticipate that some of that buy-in will come out in Q3 and Q4.


  • But as I mentioned before, we see our pediatric vaccine business as a very strong part of our growth story.


  • And we see it as a very durable business going forward.


  • Operator


  • It's from Tim Anderson with Wolfe Research.

    它來自 Wolfe Research 的 Tim Anderson。

  • Timothy Minton Anderson - MD of Equity Research

    Timothy Minton Anderson - MD of Equity Research

  • A couple of questions.


  • A longer-term question on KEYTRUDA.

    關於 KEYTRUDA 的長期問題。

  • We published an analysis a while back claiming that cancer drugs, very often, ultimately sell much more outside the U.S. and in the U.S. as they mature to the tune of 50% more or so.

    我們不久前發表了一份分析報告,稱抗癌藥物通常最終會在美國以外和美國境內銷售更多,因為它們的成熟度要高出 50% 左右。

  • When I look at how we and the analyst community at large models KEYTRUDA, and other PD-1s for that matter, knowing everybody really thinks that ex U.S. even surpassing the U.S. And I'm wondering if you can tell us what your long-term model assumes in this regard.

    當我看看我們和分析師社區如何研究大型模型 KEYTRUDA 和其他 PD-1 時,知道每個人都真的認為前美國甚至超過美國而且我想知道你是否可以告訴我們你的長期模型在這方面假設。

  • Could the ex U.S. markets eventually kind of blow away the U.S. market over time?


  • It could be blowing the dollars more potentially.


  • Second question, recent -- Bristol recently top line part 1 of 227 as positive, which I think was a surprise, can you remind us where you are with your CTLA-4 combination program?

    第二個問題,最近——布里斯托爾最近將 227 的第 1 部分列為陽性,我認為這是一個驚喜,你能提醒我們你的 CTLA-4 組合計劃在哪裡嗎?

  • Specifically, what are the latest stage trials and in what tumor types?


  • My guess is you may have kind of backed off this initiative that you started maybe a couple of years ago.


  • Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

    Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

  • Let's start with Frank on KEYTRUDA.

    讓我們從 KEYTRUDA 上的 Frank 開始。

  • Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

    Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

  • Yes, for KEYTRUDA, we look long term.

    是的,對於 KEYTRUDA,我們著眼於長期。

  • We do see significant opportunity outside the U.S. in particular markets, like China especially when you look at some of the G.I. malignancies and the actual prevalence there.

    我們確實在美國以外的特定市場看到了巨大的機會,比如中國,尤其是當你看一些 G.I.惡性腫瘤和那裡的實際患病率。

  • We are seeing obviously very strong uptake in Japan as well.


  • Not going to give a specific number, but we clearly do see the ex U.S. opportunity as very significant.


  • And in fact this quarter alone, we sold $1.1 billion outside the U.S. It grew 73%.

    事實上,僅本季度,我們在美國境外的銷售額就達到了 11 億美元,增長了 73%。

  • So we see both ex U.S. and U.S. KEYTRUDA opportunities.

    因此,我們看到了前美國和美國的 KEYTRUDA 機會。

  • But clearly, China is the one I would highlight as significant potential growth for us going forward.


  • Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

    Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

  • And Roger.


  • Roger M. Perlmutter - President

    Roger M. Perlmutter - President

  • Tim, with respect to CTLA-4-directed therapy, our interest has been in demonstrating or assessing whether or not adding CTLA-4-directed therapy actually has an impact over KEYTRUDA alone.

    Tim,關於 CTLA-4 導向療法,我們的興趣一直是證明或評估添加 CTLA-4 導向療法是否真的比單獨使用 KEYTRUDA 有影響。

  • That is powering the study to see whether CTLA-4 plus KEYTRUDA is in fact superior to KEYTRUDA in any setting.

    這為研究提供了動力,以了解 CTLA-4 加 KEYTRUDA 是否實際上在任何情況下都優於 KEYTRUDA。

  • And we have done that, both with ipilimumab and also with MK-1308, our own CTLA-4-directed therapy.

    我們已經做到了這一點,既有易普利姆瑪,也有我們自己的 CTLA-4 導向療法 MK-1308。

  • And so registration-enabling studies are going on in both setting and with both kinds of combinations which includes, for example, the KEYNOTE-598 study and a couple of others.

    因此,支持註冊的研究在兩種環境和兩種組合中都在進行,例如,KEYNOTE-598 研究和其他一些研究。

  • And we can go through the details with you quite easily on clinicaltrials.gov.

    我們可以在 clinicaltrials.gov 上很容易地與您一起了解詳細信息。

  • Operator


  • It's from Jason Gerberry with Bank of America.

    它來自美國銀行的 Jason Gerberry。

  • Jason Matthew Gerberry - MD in US Equity Research

    Jason Matthew Gerberry - MD in US Equity Research

  • First is a follow-up on the Bristol Opdivo, Yervoy data.

    首先是對 Bristol Opdivo、Yervoy 數據的跟進。

  • Just curious, Roger, how do you think oncologists are going to benchmark the CheckMate-227 data against the already approved either Merck combination or KEYTRUDA monotherapy in the PD-L1 greater than 1% populations?

    只是好奇,羅傑,你認為腫瘤學家將如何將 CheckMate-227 數據與已經批准的默克組合或 KEYTRUDA 單一療法在 PD-L1 大於 1% 的人群中進行基準測試?

  • And then my second question, maybe just for Frank.


  • Can you frame the importance of NRDL listing for KEYTRUDA in the lung setting?

    您能否說明 KEYTRUDA 在肺部環境中列入 NRDL 的重要性?

  • And what I'm specifically curious about is the percent of the market accessible with and without the listing.


  • Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

    Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

  • Let's start with Roger.


  • Roger M. Perlmutter - President

    Roger M. Perlmutter - President

  • Well, Jason, it's really hard to comment on the data from the CheckMate-227 program because we haven't actually seen it.

    好吧,Jason,真的很難評論 CheckMate-227 程序的數據,因為我們實際上還沒有看到它。

  • We have the top line announcement that one part of it with -- in the PD-L1 greater than 1% did succeed in the combination with ipilimumab.

    我們有最重要的公告,其中一部分——在 PD-L1 中,超過 1% 的人在與 ipilimumab 的組合中取得了成功。

  • But we don't know what that success will look like in overall survival.


  • We don't know the hazard rates those would look like.


  • And there's a -- it's a complicated study, as you appreciate, because the study was broken down into multiple parts.


  • And a part of it was predicated on a tumor mutational burden analysis and then subsequent PD-L1-directed subset.

    其中一部分基於腫瘤突變負荷分析,然後是隨後的 PD-L1 定向子集。

  • So without actually seeing the data, pretty hard to know how oncologists will respond.


  • With time, the data become available, and I think people will want to have a look at it and understand what the meaning of that might be.


  • I -- our own data, I think are extremely strong, of course, with KEYTRUDA and the combination of KEYTRUDA plus traditional chemotherapy with typically on the order of doubling of overall survival.

    我——我們自己的數據,我認為非常強大,當然,KEYTRUDA 和 KEYTRUDA 與傳統化療的組合通常使總生存期翻倍。

  • So there is important value that can be gained there.


  • And we're optimistic that we're going to continue to be able to advance therapies that will improve overall survival in this disease.


  • Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

    Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

  • Thanks, Roger.


  • We'll go to Frank on the NRDL.

    我們會去參加 NRDL 的 Frank。

  • Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

    Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

  • Yes.


  • And just one addition point to what Roger was saying.


  • Commercially, with regards to lung, I do believe we're in a very strong position with our data.


  • And as you mentioned with monotherapy, on the PD-L1 high population with very strong overall survival as well as KEYNOTE-189 reducing the risk of death in half, that data is playing very well around the world, and it has helped us to penetrate now 8 out of every 10 new eligible patients in lung.

    正如你提到的單藥療法,在 PD-L1 高人群中具有非常強的總體生存率以及 KEYNOTE-189 將死亡風險降低一半,該數據在世界範圍內發揮很好,它幫助我們滲透現在每 10 名符合條件的新肺部患者中就有 8 名。

  • So we feel as though -- there'll be a lot of data readouts here from competition, but we feel as though our data positions us well in lung today and in the future.


  • NRDL.


  • We are waiting to see if we'll be invited to actually participate for next year.


  • It is an important potential listing.


  • It does expand the population in China fairly significantly.


  • There is 500,000 to 600,000 lung cancer patients in China.


  • There's probably 300,000 of those that are part of our labeled indication.

    可能有 300,000 個是我們標記的適應症的一部分。

  • And NRDL gives us a chance, if invited, to expand into that patient population.

    如果受到邀請,NRDL 將讓我們有機會擴展到該患者群體。

  • We'd also like to highlight, we expect to expand our label in China.


  • China is going to be important for us, not only for 2020, but 2020 and beyond.

    中國對我們來說很重要,不僅在 2020 年,而且在 2020 年及以後。

  • And we are also seeing good self-pay market uptake in China as well.


  • But clearly, we'll keep you informed as the NRDL process unfolds.

    但顯然,隨著 NRDL 流程的展開,我們會及時通知您。

  • Operator


  • It's from Steve Scala from Cowen.

    它來自 Cowen 的 Steve Scala。

  • Stephen Michael Scala - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Stephen Michael Scala - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • A couple of questions both for Roger.


  • If you could clarify your KEYNOTE-522 comments.

    如果您可以澄清您的 KEYNOTE-522 評論。

  • I think you said you needed EFS to file but that you would share the pCR data with regulators.

    我想你說你需要 EFS 來歸檔,但你會與監管機構共享 pCR 數據。

  • So were you implying you would seek to file and potentially garner approval on pCR that is why you're going to share it in the first place?

    所以你是在暗示你會尋求提交 pCR 並可能獲得批准,這就是你首先要分享它的原因嗎?

  • Or are you saying you absolutely definitely need the EFS?

    或者您是說您絕對需要 EFS?

  • And then secondly, if Bristol's 227 delivered a percent of patients alive greater than the 69% that KEYNOTE-189 reported at 12 months, just wondering how Merck would respond.

    其次,如果 Bristol 的 227 交付的患者存活率高於 KEYNOTE-189 在 12 個月時報告的 69%,只是想知道默克公司會如何回應。

  • Or do you think that, that is extremely unlikely?


  • Roger M. Perlmutter - President

    Roger M. Perlmutter - President

  • Thanks, Steve.


  • So with respect to KEYNOTE-522, the goal in discussing the data with regulatory agencies is to ask whether or not they think that represents a finding of sufficient importance to consider making the drug available for patients in that setting.

    因此,關於 KEYNOTE-522,與監管機構討論數據的目的是詢問他們是否認為這代表了一個足夠重要的發現,可以考慮為該環境下的患者提供藥物。

  • So that's the reason to do it.


  • As I indicated, pathologic complete response is associated with favorable outcome particularly in the breast cancer setting and as have been repeatedly demonstrated, to have that impact in the triple-negative breast cancer setting.


  • On the other hand, this is something that agencies have to look at in regard to the totality of the data.


  • So that's basically where we are there.


  • And with regard to 227, pretty hard to respond to hypothetical without actually seeing what the data look like.

    關於 227,如果不實際查看數據,很難對假設做出回應。

  • I really -- I don't know what to say about that.


  • I think there's some interest in seeing what the subset data look like.


  • Obviously, the flip side of that was that, maybe unsurprisingly, but in light of what we've seen, beginning with CheckMate-026, I mean, the combination of nivolumab plus chemotherapy was not successful in Part 2, which for us, KEYTRUDA plus chemotherapy obviously gives impressive results in terms of overall response rate, progression-free survival, overall survival as we demonstrated repeatedly in non-squamous and squamous small cell non-small cell lung cancer.

    顯然,它的另一面是,也許不足為奇,但根據我們所看到的,從 CheckMate-026 開始,我的意思是,nivolumab 加化療的組合在第 2 部分中並不成功,這對我們來說,KEYTRUDA正如我們在非鱗狀和鱗狀小細胞非小細胞肺癌中反复證明的那樣,加上化療顯然在總體反應率、無進展生存期、總體生存率方面取得了令人印象深刻的結果。

  • So these are behaving differently in these settings for whatever reason.


  • Operator


  • Your next question is from Louise Chan with Cantor.

    你的下一個問題來自 Louise Chan 和 Cantor。

  • Louise Alesandra Chen - Senior Research Analyst & MD

    Louise Alesandra Chen - Senior Research Analyst & MD

  • My first question is on KEYTRUDA in China.

    我的第一個問題是關於 KEYTRUDA 在中國的情況。

  • Just curious, if you will disclose sales there?


  • We get that question a lot.


  • Just seeing if you can provide any color.


  • And then how will you compete with the local players that are much less expensive on a price basis, at least for now?


  • And then second question is just on potential competition for KEYTRUDA from some of the upcoming trial readouts in second half '19 and beyond that will be in non-small cell lung cancer, RCC and melanoma.

    然後第二個問題只是關於 KEYTRUDA 的潛在競爭,來自 19 年下半年及以後的一些即將進行的試驗讀數將是非小細胞肺癌、 RCC 和黑色素瘤。

  • Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

    Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

  • Frank?


  • Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

    Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

  • Yes.


  • So we don't intend to actually share our sales numbers for KEYTRUDA in China.

    因此,我們不打算實際分享 KEYTRUDA 在中國的銷售數字。

  • As far as competing with the local players, we feel as though oncology is a data-driven market.


  • There clearly are local players that are entering the market at a lower price.


  • They are penetrating into some segments of the market.


  • However, we're continuing to see very good penetration and very good growth in China.


  • There are clearly patients that are in the self-pay markets where we compete today that can afford KEYTRUDA.

    在我們今天競爭的自費市場中,顯然有患者能夠負擔得起 KEYTRUDA。

  • We have our patient assistance programs, and we have a very strong commercial presence in China.


  • So I feel really good that we'll be able to compete with the local players going forward.


  • Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

    Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

  • Great.


  • And then the KEYTRUDA positioning in the U.S. given peer trials?

    然後是 KEYTRUDA 在美國的定位?

  • Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

    Frank K. Clyburn - Chief Commercial Officer & Executive VP

  • Yes.


  • I think as we mentioned, there's going to be a lot of competitive data readouts in lung and across many different cancer types.


  • What I would say is right now, we are in a very strong first-mover advantage in many of those cancer types.


  • When you think about 20 indications across 12 different tumors, we right now have built a wall of data that we feel very comfortable with.

    當您考慮 12 種不同腫瘤的 20 種適應症時,我們現在已經建立了一個我們感到非常滿意的數據牆。

  • And in fact, many of the community oncologists are getting significant real-world experience using KEYTRUDA.

    事實上,許多社區腫瘤學家正在使用 KEYTRUDA 獲得重要的現實世界經驗。

  • So we'll have to see how the data unfolds with the competition.


  • But as Roger and I have just mentioned, we feel as though our data right now, strong overall survival across many different cancer types, bladder; renal cell carcinoma; I haven't even spoken about adjuvant melanoma, which is a very important launch for us right now; head and neck, the teams are just launching that indication off a strong overall survival in the first-line setting.

    但正如 Roger 和我剛才提到的,我們感覺我們的數據似乎在許多不同類型的癌症、膀胱中都有很強的總體存活率;腎細胞癌;我什至還沒有談到輔助黑色素瘤,這對我們來說是一個非常重要的發射;頭部和頸部,這些團隊剛剛發布了一線環境中強大的整體生存率的跡象。

  • So we know it is going to be competitive.


  • We feel as though we're very well-positioned based on our strategy and the data that we have as well as what you heard in our Investor Day, the significant amount of data to come, not only in the metastatic setting but also in the neoadjuvant and adjuvant setting going forward.


  • Operator


  • It's from Mara Goldstein with Mizuho.

    它來自 Mara Goldstein 和 Mizuho。

  • Mara Goldstein - MD of Equity Research Department

    Mara Goldstein - MD of Equity Research Department

  • (technical difficulty)


  • Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

    Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

  • Mara, we can't hear your -- we couldn't hear your question.


  • If you wouldn't mind repeating that?


  • Mara Goldstein - MD of Equity Research Department

    Mara Goldstein - MD of Equity Research Department

  • Sure.


  • I have 2 questions, and the first is on the KEYTRUDA plus Lynparza trial in non-small cell lung cancer.

    我有兩個問題,第一個是關於 KEYTRUDA 加 Lynparza 在非小細胞肺癌中的試驗。

  • And I'm just wondering what the expectation is in terms of expanding patient population based on that clinical trial.


  • And then the second question is one around regulatory strategy in Europe.


  • Just understanding that yesterday or the day before, we learn that the CHMP had removed accelerated status for Novartis' Zolgensma, but we've also seen this is not an isolated incident with other drugs, and in particular oncology drugs being taken off that accelerator track.

    據了解,昨天或前一天,我們了解到 CHMP 已經取消了諾華公司 Zolgensma 的加速狀態,但我們也看到這不是其他藥物的孤立事件,特別是腫瘤藥物被取消加速軌道.

  • And I'm wondering if the company can share any thoughts around this dynamic and any potential impact on your own regulatory plans in Europe.


  • Roger M. Perlmutter - President

    Roger M. Perlmutter - President

  • Right.


  • Mara, the underlying logic behind KEYTRUDA plus Lynparza in a whole variety of settings is that where there are defects in DNA repair and there are -- those include a whole variety of different defects not just the BRCA1, BRCA 2 indications but a whole variety of different molecular defects.

    Mara,在各種情況下,KEYTRUDA 和 Lynparza 背後的潛在邏輯是,在 DNA 修復中存在缺陷的地方——那些包括各種不同的缺陷,不僅是 BRCA1、BRCA 2 適應症,還包括各種各樣的缺陷。不同的分子缺陷。

  • The effect of Lynparza can be to increase the representation of epitopes that potentially could be recognizable by immune cells, and release of constraints with KEYTRUDA in combination with that should be beneficial.

    Lynparza 的作用可能是增加可能被免疫細胞識別的表位的表現,並且與 KEYTRUDA 結合釋放限制應該是有益的。

  • That's the hypothesis that's being tested in a whole variety of different settings and quite broadly.


  • So we're enthusiastic about it.


  • We're encouraged that this could be extremely important.


  • One of the things I would point out with respect to Lynparza is it's extraordinarily well-tolerated.

    關於 Lynparza,我要指出的一件事是它的耐受性非常好。

  • People stay on it for years, and the ability to maintain the treatment effect as has been shown, for example in the ovarian setting is really quite remarkable.


  • So that's extremely promising.


  • With regard to EU strategy, the regulatory strategy really hasn't changed there.


  • The EU has a PRIME program for -- within CHMP in order to permit more rapid review in general.

    歐盟在 CHMP 內有一個 PRIME 計劃,以便在總體上允許更快速的審查。

  • The good thing about EU reviews is that they go along a very well-define time line, which we understand extremely well.


  • And at this point, we're moving forward with those EU reviews as we've announced even just this week.


  • So all of that is going very well for us.


  • Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

    Teri Loxam - Senior VP of IR & Global Communications

  • Thanks, Roger.


  • And we were able to get to all of the callers' questions.


  • So I'll turn it over to Ken for some closing comments.

    所以我會把它交給 Ken,請他發表一些結束評論。

  • Kenneth C. Frazier - Chairman, President & CEO

    Kenneth C. Frazier - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Okay.


  • I want to thank you again for joining us today.


  • As you can see, our strong second quarter results reinforce why we're so confident in our ability to deliver sustained strong growth not only this year but beyond.


  • And as we mentioned in Investor Day, we have a derisked portfolio of innovative assets.


  • Together with our differentiated scientific, commercial capabilities and our ability to execute, we believe that uniquely positions Merck to deliver strong results for patients and shareholders well into the future.


  • So thanks, again.


  • We look forward to joining you in the future.


  • Operator


  • This concludes the Merck & Co.


  • Q2 sales and earnings call.

    Q2 銷售和收益電話會議。

  • You may now disconnect.
