萬事達 (MA) 2020 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by, and welcome to the Mastercard Q4 and Full Year 2020 Earnings Conference Call.

    女士們,先生們,感謝您的支持,歡迎參加萬事達卡第四季度和 2020 年全年收益電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this call is being recorded.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • I would now like to hand the conference over to your speaker for today, War Kneeshaw, Head of Investor Relations.

    我現在想把會議交給你今天的演講者,投資者關係主管 War Kneeshaw。

  • Thank you.


  • Please go ahead, sir.


  • Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

    Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

  • Thank you, Tanya.


  • Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us for our fourth quarter 2020 earnings call.

    大家早上好,感謝您加入我們的 2020 年第四季度財報電話會議。

  • We hope you're all safe and sound.


  • With me today are Michael Miebach, our Chief Executive Officer; and Sachin Mehra, our Chief Financial Officer.

    今天和我在一起的是我們的首席執行官 Michael Miebach;和我們的首席財務官 Sachin Mehra。

  • Following comments from Michael and Sachin, the operator will announce your opportunity to get into the queue for the Q&A session.

    根據 Michael 和 Sachin 的評論,接線員將宣布您有機會進入問答環節的隊列。

  • It is only then that the queue will open for questions.


  • You can access our earnings release, supplemental performance data and the slide deck that accompany this call in the Investor Relations section of our website, mastercard.com.

    您可以在我們網站 mastercard.com 的投資者關係部分訪問我們的收益發布、補充業績數據和本次電話會議隨附的幻燈片。

  • Additionally, the release was furnished with the SEC earlier this morning.


  • Our comments today regarding our financial results will be on a non-GAAP currency-neutral basis unless otherwise noted.


  • Both the release and the slide deck include reconciliations of non-GAAP measures to GAAP reported amounts.

    新聞稿和幻燈片都包括非 GAAP 措施與 GAAP 報告金額的對賬。

  • Finally, as set forth in more detail in our earnings release, I would like to remind everyone that today's call will include forward-looking statements regarding Mastercard's future performance.


  • Actual performance could differ materially from these forward-looking statements.


  • Information about the factors that could affect future performance are summarized at the end of our earnings release and in our recent SEC filings.


  • A replay of this call will be posted on our website for 30 days.

    該電話的重播將在我們的網站上發布 30 天。

  • With that, I'll turn the call over to our Chief Executive Officer, Michael Miebach.


  • Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

    Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

  • Thank you, Warren, and good morning from New York.


  • It certainly feels like a privilege to be addressing you today for the first time as Mastercard's CEO.


  • I believe the foundation established under Ajay's leadership positions us extremely well for the future.

    我相信在 Ajay 的領導下建立的基金會為我們的未來奠定了非常好的基礎。

  • And I'm looking forward to leading Mastercard from here on and of course, counting on your continued support.


  • Now 2020 presents the world and the economy with unprecedented challenges.

    現在,2020 年給世界和經濟帶來了前所未有的挑戰。

  • Still, the resilience of our business model and the focused execution of our strategy by our dedicated employees allowed us to close out the year on a positive trajectory.


  • Fourth quarter revenue and EPS growth rates versus a year ago are continuing to show sequential improvement.


  • As we look to the future, we will continue to execute on our strategy.


  • With our ability to enable and secure the payments ecosystem through the partnerships, our differentiated services and our role as a true multi-rail provider, we're well positioned to capture additional flows and the significant opportunities ahead.


  • These opportunities include certainly the accelerated secular shift to digital payments and the advancement of real-time payments and open banking.


  • Now let's take a look at our business from the macro level.


  • Retail spending during the holiday season and fourth quarter overall was relatively steady with very strong e-commerce sales.


  • According to our SpendingPulse estimates for Q4, U.S. retail sales were up 4%, ex auto, ex gas, while overall Europe retail sales slowed with a decline of 1.9% for the quarter, in part due to the recent lockdowns.

    根據我們對第四季度的 SpendingPulse 估計,美國零售額增長 4%,不包括汽車和天然氣,而歐洲整體零售額在本季度下降 1.9%,部分原因是最近的封鎖。

  • In Asia, we see some bright spots in markets like Australia and then similarly, in Latin America, where retail sales in Brazil rebounded this quarter.


  • Now we're also heartened to see the availability of effective COVID vaccines.

    現在,我們也很高興看到有效的 COVID 疫苗的可用性。

  • But distributing them at scale will dictate when social distancing measures can be relaxed and borders opened, and that will ultimately drive further recovery.


  • We see fiscal stimulus, such as the most recent package in the United States, as an important interim measure in the near term.


  • And we're working closely with governments to get funds into people's hands quickly and safely.


  • Now turning to our business specifically and the 4-phased framework we established for monitoring the COVID environment.

    現在具體談談我們的業務以及我們為監控 COVID 環境而建立的 4 階段框架。

  • [C markets] go through the containment and stabilization phases, and we continue to believe most markets are now in the normalization phase domestically, where spending levels gradually improved with some markets actually approaching growth.

    [C 市場] 經歷了遏制和穩定階段,我們仍然認為大多數市場目前在國內處於正常化階段,支出水平逐漸改善,一些市場實際上接近增長。

  • Looking at the trends.


  • Volumes continued to modestly improve quarter-over-quarter.


  • And our switched volume growth rates, excluding travel and entertainment, were similar to what we saw in Q4 2019 pre-pandemic.

    我們的轉換量增長率(不包括旅行和娛樂)與我們在 2019 年第四季度大流行前看到的相似。

  • Speaking of travel.


  • Domestic travel, including spending in categories such as lodging and restaurants, declined slightly in the quarter, reversing some of the improvement we saw in the summer months.


  • Cross-border travel remains limited.


  • In October and November, we saw some improvement in cross-border within the EU, although recent restrictions are causing some slowing over there, as mentioned earlier.

    在 10 月和 11 月,我們看到歐盟內部的跨境交易有所改善,儘管如前所述,最近的限制正在導致那裡的一些放緩。

  • Improvement in the cross-border travel outside the EU remains limited.


  • Now we continue to believe travel will improve, starting with personal travel as border restrictions ease and as vaccination efforts expand.


  • We believe corporate travel will follow.


  • As we said in the past, progress may not be linear, but we believe there is significant pent-up demand for travel.


  • And we continue to expect to see improvements in the second half of the year.


  • In the meantime, we remain focused on building on our already strong position in travel, positioning us well to capitalize on this opportunity when it occurs.


  • So while the pandemic is affecting business drivers in the short term, we have diversified our revenue streams and remain focused on managing our business for the long term.


  • This means focusing on our strategic priorities: one, growing our share of core payments, ensuring the digital experience for our customers, partners and consumers is safe and seamless as we help drive the accelerated secular shift; two, deploying meaningful services that help our partners adapt to the changing environment; and last but not least, providing choice with our multi-rail capabilities.


  • Illustrating all of that, we have quite a number of significant strategic wins this quarter, which I will now share with you.


  • Starting in the U.K. and Ireland and building off the success we've had in debit with Santander and first direct, we're really pleased to expand the long-term relationship we have with NatWest Group of credit.

    從英國和愛爾蘭開始,並在我們與桑坦德銀行和第一直銷銀行取得成功的基礎上,我們真的很高興擴大我們與 NatWest 信貸集團的長期合作關係。

  • The bank will move its entire debit portfolio to Mastercard across all consumer and business product lines and across multiple brands, including NatWest and Royal Bank of Scotland.

    該銀行將在所有消費者和商業產品線以及多個品牌(包括 NatWest 和蘇格蘭皇家銀行)中將其整個借記卡組合轉移到萬事達卡。

  • This migration of approximately 16 million debit cards will start later this year and when complete, will contribute to the growing overall debit share in the U.K. from low single digits to approximately 1/3 of the market on all recent [wins] that migrated to Mastercard.

    大約 1600 萬張借記卡的遷移將於今年晚些時候開始,完成後,將有助於將英國的整體借記卡份額從低個位數增長到最近遷移到萬事達卡的所有 [wins] 市場的約 1/3 .

  • We look forward to innovating together to build an enhanced digital experience for NatWest's customers across multiple payment rails.

    我們期待共同創新,為 NatWest 的客戶跨多種支付渠道打造增強的數字體驗。

  • Now turning to Germany.


  • We expanded our relationship with Deutsche Bank and will become the exclusive international scheme partner, including both Deutsche and Postbank Banks, expanding our market share in debit and credit.


  • As part of the upcoming migration, a total of 10 million consumer and commercial credit and debit cards will be reissued to Mastercard-branded products.

    作為即將到來的遷移的一部分,總共將有 1000 萬張消費和商業信用卡和借記卡重新發行給萬事達卡品牌的產品。

  • Deutsche Bank is already leveraging our services within our existing partnership and will now extend those to the larger customer base and use our advisers' consulting and analytics to assist with the conversion.


  • And we look forward to developing new opportunities together in B2B and other payment flows.

    我們期待在 B2B 和其他支付流程中共同開發新的機會。

  • In the U.S., we will be the network partner for the Citi Plex account on Google Pay, which leverages our tokenization services to provide Citi Plex customers with a seamless and more secure payment experience.

    在美國,我們將成為 Google Pay 上 Citi Plex 賬戶的網絡合作夥伴,該賬戶利用我們的令牌化服務為 Citi Plex 客戶提供無縫且更安全的支付體驗。

  • The Citi Plex account will include a digital debit Mastercard that's automatically loaded for use in the Google Pay wallet with an option to request a physical contactless card, providing customers the choice to pay when, where and how they want to pay: by debit card, smartphone or online.

    Citi Plex 賬戶將包括一張數字借記萬事達卡,該卡會自動加載到 Google Pay 錢包中,並可選擇申請實體非接觸式卡,讓客戶可以選擇何時、何地以及如何支付:通過借記卡、智能手機或在線。

  • Building on our fintech momentum, we have secured additional wins around the globe with new partners like Payoneer and Aeldra in the U.S., HYPE and Flow in Italy, Treezor in France and Prex in Peru.

    在我們的金融科技發展勢頭的基礎上,我們在全球範圍內獲得了更多的勝利,新合作夥伴包括美國的 Payoneer 和 Aeldra、意大利的 HYPE 和 Flow、法國的 Treezor 和秘魯的 Prex。

  • Our fintech customers appreciate our tailored approach, addressing their very specific needs, leveraging our expertise, our tech and of course, our global network.


  • Now we're also excited to announce a new strategic partnership with Walgreens.

    現在,我們也很高興地宣布與 Walgreens 建立新的戰略合作夥伴關係。

  • This multifaceted relationship includes a new credit product to be issued by Synchrony Bank and prepaid products that enable contactless shopping experiences, mobile-first money management and rewards via the Walgreens app.

    這種多方面的關係包括由 Synchrony Bank 發行的新信貸產品和預付費產品,這些產品可通過 Walgreens 應用程序實現非接觸式購物體驗、移動優先資金管理和獎勵。

  • This partnership will enable Walgreens to leverage [a number of] Mastercard services, including insights and analytics, loyalty and point-of-sale financing, including installments.

    這一合作夥伴關係將使沃爾格林能夠利用 [許多] 萬事達卡服務,包括洞察力和分析、忠誠度和銷售點融資,包括分期付款。

  • We will also look into future opportunities together, including a digital-first debit card and other tech-driven solutions to innovate the future of health care payments.


  • Now we remain very active in the U.S. co-brand space, where we extended and expanded our Sam's Club co-brand with enhanced rewards and digital experiences, as announced yesterday, and extended our Walmart consumer credit in co-brands and payroll cards; renewed our GM co-brand, now with Goldman Sachs as the new issuer; and expanded our relationship with Bass Pro Shops and Cabela's to include small business.

    現在,我們在美國聯合品牌領域仍然非常活躍,正如昨天宣布的那樣,我們通過增強獎勵和數字體驗來擴展和擴展我們的山姆俱樂部聯合品牌,並在聯合品牌和工資卡中擴展我們的沃爾瑪消費者信用;更新我們的通用汽車聯合品牌,現在由高盛作為新發行人;並將我們與 Bass Pro Shops 和 Cabela's 的關係擴大到包括小型企業。

  • Let's come back to travel.


  • We continue to prepare for the broader return of travel with several new partnerships in this space.


  • First off, building on the travel co-brand momentum we announced last quarter, we will now be the exclusive network for Aeroplan co-brand program in the U.S. with JPMorgan Chase Bank and Air Canada, which will launch later this year.

    首先,在我們上個季度宣布的旅遊聯合品牌發展勢頭的基礎上,我們現在將成為 Aeroplan 在美國與摩根大通銀行和加拿大航空聯合品牌計劃的獨家網絡,該計劃將於今年晚些時候推出。

  • In both the U.K. and Spain, we're innovating with IAG Loyalty, part of the International Airlines Group, our new co-brand and loyalty partnerships that will provide customers more choices to earn Avios points and reward them with exclusive benefits.

    在英國和西班牙,我們正在與隸屬於國際航空集團的 IAG Loyalty 進行創新,這是我們新的聯合品牌和忠誠度合作夥伴關係,將為客戶提供更多選擇來賺取 Avios 積分並以獨家優惠獎勵他們。

  • And on the wholesale travel program front, one of the largest global online travel agencies, Booking.com, has chosen Mastercard to be their preferred partner for virtual card payments to their suppliers.

    在批發旅遊計劃方面,全球最大的在線旅行社之一 Booking.com 已選擇萬事達卡作為其向供應商提供虛擬卡付款的首選合作夥伴。

  • Let's talk about the change in consumer.


  • As spending patterns change, it is critical to offer online and in-person capabilities, and we have solutions for both.


  • As e-commerce accelerates, with card-not-present transaction accounting for about 45% of our switched volume in 2020, which is up from 40% in 2019, we have several efforts underway to enable safer and more seamless online purchases.

    隨著電子商務的加速發展,2020 年無卡交易占我們轉換交易量的 45% 左右,高於 2019 年的 40%,我們正在努力實現更安全、更無縫的在線購物。

  • Notably, we continue to scale our merchant tokenization services for card-on-file, a critical use case, with a sixfold increase in the number of unique merchants transacting in quarter 4 versus a year ago.

    值得注意的是,我們將繼續擴展我們的商家標記化服務,用於存儲卡,這是一個關鍵用例,與一年前相比,第 4 季度交易的唯一商家數量增加了六倍。

  • Now recent surveys tell us that 7 in 10 e-commerce consumers have a payment card information saved with at least one merchant type.

    現在最近的調查告訴我們,每 10 個電子商務消費者中就有 7 個擁有至少一種商戶類型保存的支付卡信息。

  • Card-on-file tokenization is particularly helpful for subscription services like Netflix, marketplaces like Etsy and ride hailing services like Didi who have just signed on this quarter.

    Card-on-file 令牌化對 Netflix 等訂閱服務、Etsy 等市場以及滴滴等本季度剛剛簽約的叫車服務特別有用。

  • But we do believe that when restrictions ease, people will return to shopping in person, and hence, we're driving a secular shift in store as well.


  • For example, we saw a strong acceleration of contactless in 2020 as more than 80 markets grew contactless penetration as a percentage of in-person transactions by at least 10%, which is driven by consumer demand for increased speed and safety, but of course, (inaudible) at the point of checkout.

    例如,我們看到 2020 年非接觸式的強勁增長,因為 80 多個市場的非接觸式滲透率在面對面交易中的比例至少增長了 10%,這是由消費者對提高速度和安全性的需求推動的,但當然, (聽不清)在結帳時。

  • This paves the way for new solutions that leverage contactless, such as our recently launched Cloud Tap on Phone, which will allow merchants of any size to quickly and easily accept contactless payments on a range of devices, including mobile phones, further expanding our acceptance reach.

    這為利用非接觸式的新解決方案鋪平了道路,例如我們最近推出的 Cloud Tap on Phone,它將允許任何規模的商家在包括手機在內的一系列設備上快速輕鬆地接受非接觸式支付,進一步擴大我們的接受範圍.

  • This will be particularly important for all those hard-hit small businesses trying to operate more digitally coming out of the pandemic.


  • Now with respect to services.


  • Services continue to be in strong demand as we help our customers adapt and succeed in this evolving omnichannel environment we just talked about.


  • In aggregate, our services line represented about 1/3 of our revenues in 2020 and grew at 18% during that period on a currency-neutral basis, providing a critical source of growth and diversification.

    總體而言,我們的服務線在 2020 年約占我們收入的 1/3,在貨幣中性的基礎上在此期間增長了 18%,提供了增長和多元化的關鍵來源。

  • We will continue to invest in these capabilities across all payment flows to keep the ecosystem secure and to provide key insights to our customers, including publishing monthly trends, leveraging assets such as SpendingPulse.

    我們將繼續在所有支付流程中投資於這些功能,以確保生態系統的安全並為我們的客戶提供關鍵見解,包括發布月度趨勢、利用 SpendingPulse 等資產。

  • Our recent acquisitions in the services space providing a key source of differentiation are continuing to gain scale.


  • For instance, Bank of America recently expanded its use of Ethoca's dispute management tools.

    例如,美國銀行最近擴大了對 Ethoca 爭議管理工具的使用。

  • Fintechs in the U.S. and abroad, including American e-commerce company Rappi, are using the behavioral biometric technology of NuData and [Transfast] certification process, signing new customers, for RiskRecon to ensure cyber health across their system.

    美國和國外的金融科技公司,包括美國電子商務公司 Rappi,正在使用 NuData 的行為生物識別技術和 [Transfast] 認證流程,為 RiskRecon 簽署新客戶,以確保整個系統的網絡健康。

  • And brands like Chico's are leveraging our end-to-end loyalty platform through SessionM.

    像 Chico's 這樣的品牌正在通過 SessionM 利用我們的端到端忠誠度平台。

  • So let's turn our focus on the initiatives that are designed to address a broader set with payment flows with our multi-rail capabilities.


  • They offer the choice and flexibility that consumers, businesses and governments need and increasingly expect.


  • First, we are pleased to report that we closed the acquisition of Finicity in November, extending our network to provide data transmission capabilities essentially to fully capitalize on the future of open banking.

    首先,我們很高興地報告,我們在 11 月完成了對 Finicity 的收購,擴展了我們的網絡以提供數據傳輸能力,從而充分利用開放銀行的未來。

  • Finicity continues its leadership in signing direct data access agreements with financial institutions and fintechs, building off existing direct relationships with major banks like Chase, Citi, Bank of America, Capital One and Wells Fargo.

    Finicity 在與金融機構和金融科技公司簽署直接數據訪問協議方面繼續處於領先地位,與大通銀行、花旗銀行、美國銀行、第一資本和富國銀行等主要銀行建立了現有的直接關係。

  • We recently added Chime, Brex, BMO Harris, Charles Schwab and [ED] Bank, and we're moving quickly to secure more direct access relationships.

    我們最近添加了 Chime、Brex、BMO Harris、Charles Schwab 和 [ED] Bank,我們正在迅速採取行動以確保更直接的訪問關係。

  • Finicity continues to build out its digital assets and credit decisioning solutions, including those launched with 4 leading mortgage companies, and have seen rapid adoption of its lending and payment solutions.

    Finicity 繼續構建其數字資產和信貸決策解決方案,包括與 4 家領先的抵押貸款公司合作推出的解決方案,並見證了其貸款和支付解決方案的迅速採用。

  • In parallel, we continue to expand our open banking capabilities in Europe and intend to leverage Finicity there as well.

    與此同時,我們繼續擴大我們在歐洲的開放銀行業務能力,並打算在那裡利用 Finicity。

  • In the real-time space, we're excited that Payments Canada has selected Mastercard to build and run its new real-time payment systems, clearing and settlement infrastructure.

    在實時領域,我們很高興 Payments Canada 選擇萬事達卡來構建和運行其新的實時支付系統、清算和結算基礎設施。

  • Our technology and expertise will power our best-in-class real-time payment infrastructure that provides a platform for innovation to enhance Canada's economy.


  • With this win, we are now providing real-time payments infrastructure for 12 of the top 50 GDP countries, extending our global footprint.

    憑藉這次勝利,我們現在為 GDP 排名前 50 的國家中的 12 個國家提供實時支付基礎設施,擴大了我們的全球足跡。

  • Relating to these new infrastructure wins, we continue to build out applications that leverage real-time payment rails like with Mastercard Track Business Payment Service, which is now live with real-time payments and batch ACH in the U.S. alongside our card functionalities.

    與這些新的基礎設施勝利相關,我們繼續構建利用實時支付軌道的應用程序,例如 Mastercard Track Business Payment Service,該服務現在在美國與我們的卡功能一起使用實時支付和批量 ACH。

  • We've also extended Track's card payment capabilities worldwide and now continuing to build out our network with a number of bank and nonbank partners that considerably extend our reach on both the buyer and supplier side.

    我們還在全球範圍內擴展了 Track 的卡支付功能,現在繼續與許多銀行和非銀行合作夥伴建立我們的網絡,這大大擴展了我們在買方和供應商方面的影響力。

  • This year, we plan to continue expanding the platform into new geographies and add our cross-border payment capabilities.


  • We're also delivering on our multi-rail promise with Mastercard Send, which continues to grow across the globe.

    我們還通過 Mastercard Send 兌現我們的多軌承諾,該服務在全球範圍內繼續增長。

  • For example, we expanded our reseller network by deepening our long-standing relationship with Citi to enable them to offer business-to-consumer disbursements in the U.S. This is one of several new partnerships leveraging Mastercard Send to enable B2C and person-to-person money transfers domestically and internationally.

    例如,我們通過深化與花旗的長期合作關係擴展了我們的經銷商網絡,使他們能夠在美國提供企業對消費者的支付服務。這是利用萬事達卡發送實現 B2C 和個人對個人的幾個新合作夥伴關係之一國內和國際匯款。

  • We also partnered with TransferGo, enabling customers across 20 European countries to make international money transfers from any card or bank account directly to a Mastercard debit or credit card.

    我們還與 TransferGo 合作,使 20 個歐洲國家的客戶能夠從任何卡或銀行賬戶直接向萬事達卡借記卡或信用卡進行國際匯款。

  • Now let's take a look into the future.


  • As you've surely heard, there's a lot going on in the digital currency space, with many governments around the world evaluating central bank digital currencies.


  • When a country chooses to issue its own CBDC like the pilots we've seen in countries like Sweden or China or instead, it provides a regulatory framework for private stable points or otherwise pursues both public and private options in parallel, we are engaged to central banks through our policy and the solution perspective.

    當一個國家選擇像我們在瑞典或中國等國家看到的試點那樣發行自己的 CBDC 時,或者相反,它為私人穩定點提供監管框架,或者同時尋求公共和私人選擇,我們致力於中央銀行通過我們的政策和解決方案的視角。

  • We've continued to invest in this space to be ready to [co-invest] with governments, banks and fintech partners.


  • For example, the virtual test platform that we launched a short time ago is being received well.


  • And our cryptocard programs, including Wirex in the U.K. and Uphold in the U.S., enable consumers to spend their crypto balances within our acceptance network.

    我們的加密卡計劃,包括英國的 Wirex 和美國的 Uphold,使消費者能夠在我們的接受網絡中使用他們的加密餘額。

  • This year, we plan on adding digital currency [controlled] directly on our network, enabling our partners to take advantage of our acceptance reach and settlement capabilities.

    今年,我們計劃在我們的網絡上直接添加 [受控] 數字貨幣,使我們的合作夥伴能夠利用我們的接受範圍和結算能力。

  • This will give choice and flexibility for consumers and merchants for what currency they want to use or receive.


  • Our level of support will vary based on regulations in a given market.


  • It will continue to be guided by our published principles on security, compliance and consumer protections and the value to our stakeholders in determining our involvement in a specific initiative.


  • So there's certainly a lot going on and significant opportunity ahead.


  • With that, let me turn the call over to Sachin.


  • Sachin Mehra - CFO

    Sachin Mehra - CFO

  • Thanks, Michael.


  • Turning to Page 3, which shows our financial performance for the quarter on a currency-neutral basis and excluding special items related to certain litigation and tax matters and the impact of gains and losses on the company's equity investments.

    轉到第 3 頁,它顯示了我們在貨幣中性基礎上本季度的財務業績,不包括與某些訴訟和稅務事項相關的特殊項目以及損益對公司股權投資的影響。

  • Net revenue was down 7%, reflecting the impact of the pandemic and includes a 1 ppt benefit from acquisitions.

    淨收入下降 7%,反映了大流行的影響,其中包括 1 個百分點的收購收益。

  • Operating expenses were flat year-over-year or down 3% if you exclude the 3 ppt impact of acquisitions.

    如果排除收購的 3 個百分點影響,運營費用同比持平或下降 3%。

  • Operating income was down 12% and net income was down 17%, both of which include a 2 ppt decrease related to acquisitions.

    營業收入下降 12%,淨利潤下降 17%,其中包括與收購相關的 2 個百分點的下降。

  • EPS was down 16% year-over-year to $1.64, which includes $0.04 of dilution related to our recent acquisitions, partially offset by a $0.03 contribution from share repurchases.

    每股收益同比下降 16% 至 1.64 美元,其中包括與我們近期收購相關的 0.04 美元稀釋,部分被股票回購帶來的 0.03 美元貢獻所抵消。

  • During the quarter, we repurchased about $1 billion worth of stock and an additional $356 million through January 26, 2021.

    在本季度,我們回購了價值約 10 億美元的股票,並在 2021 年 1 月 26 日之前再回購了 3.56 億美元。

  • So let's turn to Page 4, where you can see the operational metrics for the fourth quarter.

    因此,讓我們轉到第 4 頁,您可以在其中查看第四季度的運營指標。

  • Worldwide gross dollar volume or GDV increased by 1% year-over-year on a local currency basis, reflecting the effects of the pandemic.

    以當地貨幣計算,全球總美元交易量或 GDV 同比增長 1%,反映了大流行的影響。

  • U.S. GDV increased by 4%, with debt growth of 15%, partially offset by a credit decline of 7%.

    美國 GDV 增長 4%,債務增長 15%,部分被 7% 的信貸下降所抵消。

  • Outside of the U.S., volumes were flat.


  • Cross-border volume was down 29% globally for the quarter.

    本季度全球跨境交易量下降了 29%。

  • Similar to last quarter, intra-Europe volumes were less impacted than other cross-border volumes.


  • Specifically, intra-Europe volume was down 15% for the quarter, whereas other cross-border volume was down 41%.

    具體而言,本季度歐洲內部交易量下降了 15%,而其他跨境交易量下降了 41%。

  • Turning to Page 5. Switched transactions grew 4% in the fourth quarter globally.

    轉到第 5 頁。第四季度全球交換交易增長了 4%。

  • We saw positive growth in switched transactions across most regions, aided in part by the continued adoption of contactless.


  • In addition, card growth was 6%.

    此外,卡增長為 6%。

  • Globally, there are 2.8 billion Mastercard- and Maestro-branded cards issued.

    全球共發行了 28 億張萬事達卡和 Maestro 品牌卡。

  • Now let's turn to Page 6 for highlights on a few of the revenue line items, again described on a currency-neutral basis unless otherwise noted.

    現在讓我們轉到第 6 頁,了解一些收入項目的亮點,除非另有說明,否則再次在貨幣中性的基礎上進行描述。

  • The decrease in net revenue of 7% was primarily driven by a decline in cross-border volumes due to the effects of border restrictions and social distancing measures, partially offset by growth in GDV, switched transactions and continued growth in our services.

    淨收入下降 7% 主要是由於邊境限制和社會疏離措施的影響導致跨境交易量下降,部分被 GDV 的增長、轉換交易和我們服務的持續增長所抵消。

  • As previously mentioned, acquisitions contributed approximately 1 ppt to net revenue growth.

    如前所述,收購對淨收入增長貢獻了約 1 個百分點。

  • Looking quickly at the individual revenue line items.


  • Domestic assessments were up 1%, while worldwide GDV grew 1%.

    國內評估增長了 1%,而全球 GDV 增長了 1%。

  • Cross-border volume fees decreased 41%, while cross-border volumes decreased 29%.

    跨境交易量費用下降了 41%,而跨境交易量減少了 29%。

  • The 12 ppt difference is primarily due to an adverse cross-border mix mainly driven by lower-yielding intra-Europe cross-border volumes being less impacted than higher-yielding other cross-border volumes.

    12 個百分點的差異主要是由於不利的跨境組合,主要是由於較低收益的歐洲內部跨境交易量受到的影響小於收益較高的其他跨境交易量。

  • Transaction processing fees were up 4%, while switched transactions were up 4%, with the unfavorable cross-border mix I just mentioned being offset by strong services growth.

    交易處理費上漲了 4%,而轉換交易上漲了 4%,我剛才提到的不利跨境組合被強勁的服務增長所抵消。

  • Other revenues were up 17%, including a 1 ppt contribution from acquisitions.

    其他收入增長 17%,其中收購貢獻了 1 個百分點。

  • The remaining growth was primarily driven by our data analytics, consulting and cyber and intelligence solutions.


  • Finally, rebates and incentives were up 1%.

    最後,回扣和獎勵增加了 1%。

  • Moving on to Page 7. You can see that on a currency-neutral basis and excluding a special charge related to litigation, total operating expenses remained flat.

    轉到第 7 頁。您可以看到,在貨幣中性的基礎上,不包括與訴訟相關的特殊費用,總運營費用保持不變。

  • This includes a 3 ppt increase related to acquisitions.

    這包括與收購相關的 3 個百分點的增長。

  • Excluding acquisitions, we delivered an expense decrease of 3 ppt.

    剔除收購,我們實現了 3 個百分點的費用下降。

  • Turning to Page 8, let's discuss the specific metrics for the first 3 weeks of January.

    轉到第 8 頁,讓我們討論 1 月前 3 週的具體指標。

  • Starting with switched volumes, we continue to believe that most markets are in the normalization phase domestically with some approaching growth.


  • Overall, switched volume growth remains generally consistent with the trends we saw in December.

    總體而言,轉換量增長與我們在 12 月看到的趨勢基本一致。

  • While we are seeing stronger growth in the U.S., this is being more than offset by slower growth in markets outside the U.S., primarily Europe.


  • Switched volumes in the United States have been strong in recent weeks, supported in part due to the recent fiscal stimulus.


  • Outside of the U.S., switched volumes in Europe have slowed considerably due to the increased lockdowns in countries like the U.K., Germany and Italy.


  • When you look at how people are spending, we have recently seen a decrease in card-present growth rate due primarily to the effects of the increased lockdowns that began to be put in place in December, while our card-not-present growth rates remain healthy.

    當您查看人們的消費方式時,我們最近發現持卡人的增長率有所下降,這主要是由於 12 月開始實施的封鎖增加的影響,而我們的持卡人增長率保持不變健康。

  • Trends in switched transactions remain steady and are tracking the trends we are seeing at switched volumes.


  • In terms of cross-border, we have seen a reversal in intra-Europe cross-border in recent weeks relative to the improvement we saw in November and December.

    在跨境方面,與我們在 11 月和 12 月看到的改善相比,最近幾週我們看到歐洲內部跨境出現逆轉。

  • Higher-yielding other cross-border remains more adversely impacted than intra-Europe cross-border.


  • Turning now to Page 9. I'd like to provide some additional color on the cross-border trends across card-present and card-not-present.

    現在轉到第 9 頁。我想為有卡和無卡的跨境趨勢提供一些額外的顏色。

  • You can see the trends that we shared through the course of the quarter continue.


  • Week-to-week fluctuations in November and December reflect holiday timing differences year-over-year.

    11 月和 12 月的每週波動反映了假期時間與去年同期的差異。

  • In total, if you look at the gray line, total cross-border, which showed some improvement in November and December, is now continuing in a relatively similar band to what we saw in October due to the reimplementation of border restrictions.

    總的來說,如果你看一下灰線,由於邊境限制的重新實施,跨境總量在 11 月和 12 月有所改善,現在繼續保持在與我們在 10 月看到的相對相似的範圍內。

  • If you look at the orange line, card-present spend reflects continued limited travel, in part due to the border restrictions I just mentioned.


  • Card-not-present growth, which is the yellow line on the chart, continues to be resilient and has held up well.


  • The green line represents card-not-present spend, excluding online travel-related spend, and remains positive as we effectively received strong growth across discretionary and nondiscretionary retail categories.


  • Turning now to Page 10.

    現在翻到第 10 頁。

  • I wanted to share our thoughts for the upcoming year.


  • First and foremost, we feel like we are very well positioned to grow with the strategic deals we have laid out over the last several quarters, including those with Bank of America, NatWest, Deutsche Bank and Santander, to name a few.


  • Further, we have positioned ourselves with the return of travel with travel-oriented portfolios.


  • We have built a strong set of services capabilities, which continue to grow at a faster rate than before, and we will deepen penetration of these services across our customer base while expanding this portfolio.


  • And our multi-rail strategy positions us well to address new flows and adapt to the changing payments landscape.


  • In terms of the macro environment, we're enthusiastic about the availability of effective vaccines.


  • However, the rate at which vaccinations will take place is still uncertain.


  • As a result, we will not be providing a forward view on net revenue for 2021 at this time as we believe visibility is dependent upon border opening, the further relaxation of social distancing measures and improvement in consumer confidence.

    因此,我們目前不會對 2021 年的淨收入提供前瞻性展望,因為我們認為能見度取決於邊境開放、社會疏離措施的進一步放鬆和消費者信心的提高。

  • As we have said, we expect to see progress in these areas in the second half of 2021.

    正如我們所說,我們希望在 2021 年下半年看到這些領域的進展。

  • Turning to the first quarter.


  • We anticipate that some of the more restrictive measures that have recently been put in place because of rising infections will persist in the near term.


  • If this were to be the case, we would not expect spending levels to improve from what we have seen so far in January.

    如果真是這樣,我們預計支出水平不會比 1 月份迄今所見有所改善。

  • By the way, we do plan on providing periodic updates to the operating metrics during this quarter.


  • In addition, I will offer a few additional points to help you with your modeling.


  • First, we will continue to experience lower cross-border related deals until broader scale interregional travel recovers.


  • Second, from a growth rate perspective, we expect to start lapping the effects of the pandemic primarily in March.

    其次,從增長率的角度來看,我們預計主要在 3 月份開始對大流行的影響進行分析。

  • Also, as a reminder, last year was a leap year and so Q1 2020 had an extra day of volumes and revenues.

    此外,提醒一下,去年是閏年,因此 2020 年第一季度的銷量和收入增加了一天。

  • And finally, we expect rebates and incentives as a percentage of gross revenues to be flat or up slightly sequentially due to new deal activity, including some of the recent wins Michael has just discussed.


  • Now let's turn to operating expenses.


  • We continue to carefully manage our properties in order to preserve our ability to invest in our key long-term growth drivers, namely digital, cybersecurity, data analytics, B2B and multi-rail solutions.

    我們繼續謹慎管理我們的資產,以保持我們投資於關鍵長期增長動力的能力,即數字、網絡安全、數據分析、B2B 和多軌解決方案。

  • For Q1, we expect operating expense growth to be up mid-single digits versus a year ago on a currency-neutral basis, excluding acquisitions.


  • Of note, this increase reflects the lapping of spending actions taken a year ago as a result of the pandemic as well as a 3 ppt increase due to the lapping of a favorable hedging gain from a year ago.

    值得注意的是,這一增長反映了一年前因大流行而採取的支出行動,以及由於一年前有利的對沖收益而增加了 3 個百分點。

  • With respect to acquisitions made in 2020 or later, Finicity closed near the end of last November, and we continue to expect the transaction with Nets to close in Q1.

    關於 2020 年或更晚進行的收購,Finicity 於去年 11 月底結束,我們繼續預計與籃網的交易將在第一季度完成。

  • Based on this timing, we expect the acquisitions to contribute about a 0.5 ppt to revenue in Q1 and 1 to 2 ppt for the year.

    基於這一時機,我們預計這些收購將在第一季度為收入貢獻約 0.5 個百分點,在全年貢獻 1 至 2 個百分點。

  • Similarly, acquisitions will contribute approximately 4 to 5 ppt to operating expenses growth in the first quarter and 7 to 8 ppt for the year.

    同樣,收購將為第一季度的運營費用增長貢獻約 4 至 5 個百分點,全年為 7 至 8 個百分點。

  • As a reminder, we discreetly disclosed the impact of acquisitions for the year in which they closed and the subsequent year.


  • After which, we do not split them up.


  • Other items to keep in mind.


  • Foreign exchange is expected to be about a 2 ppt tailwind to net revenues and a 2 ppt headwind to operating expenses in Q1.

    預計第一季度外匯對淨收入的影響約為 2 個百分點,對運營費用的影響約為 2 個百分點。

  • On the other income and expense line, we had an expense run rate of approximately $110 million per quarter given the prevailing interest rates.

    在另一個收入和支出項目中,考慮到現行利率,我們每季度的支出運行率約為 1.1 億美元。

  • This excludes gains and losses in our equity investments, which are excluded from our non-GAAP metrics.


  • And finally, we expect the tax rate of approximately 18% to 19% for the year based on our current geographic mix of the business.

    最後,根據我們目前的業務地域組合,我們預計今年的稅率約為 18% 至 19%。

  • And with that, I will turn the call back over to Warren.


  • Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

    Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

  • Thanks, Sachin.


  • Tanya, we're ready to take questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

    Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

  • Tanya, just -- it's coming through very rough at this end.

    Tanya,只是 - 它在這方面非常艱難。

  • So if you can try to correct that.


  • Operator


  • Your first question (inaudible) with JPMorgan.


  • Unidentified Analyst

    Unidentified Analyst

  • (inaudible)


  • Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

    Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

  • There's a lot of static on the line.


  • (technical difficulty)


  • Operator


  • Your next question is from Craig Maurer from Autonomous Research.

    您的下一個問題來自 Autonomous Research 的 Craig Maurer。

  • Craig Jared Maurer - Partner, Payments and Financial Technology

    Craig Jared Maurer - Partner, Payments and Financial Technology

  • It's Craig Maurer.


  • Can you hear me?


  • Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

    Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

  • Yes.


  • Barely, Craig.


  • Please go ahead.


  • Craig Jared Maurer - Partner, Payments and Financial Technology

    Craig Jared Maurer - Partner, Payments and Financial Technology

  • Okay.


  • I can barely hear you (inaudible).


  • I wanted to ask about (inaudible) some of the announcements you made (inaudible) any improvement (inaudible) in terms of (inaudible) transaction or any other…


  • Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

    Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

  • Craig, you just dropped off.


  • We -- can you still hear us?


  • I'll just rephrase the question in the hopes that you're still on.


  • Did the (inaudible) interchange eventually passed on our (inaudible)


  • Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

    Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

  • So Craig, I can take that question.


  • I just want to make sure you're still around.


  • Craig, can you hear us?


  • Craig Jared Maurer - Partner, Payments and Financial Technology

    Craig Jared Maurer - Partner, Payments and Financial Technology

  • I'm still here.


  • There's a lot of static.


  • But...


  • Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

    Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

  • Okay.


  • We're working on got it.


  • Yes, we're just working on it.


  • Let me try and take that so I can -- Sachin can hear it.

    讓我試著接受它,這樣我就可以—— Sachin 能聽到。

  • (inaudible) a question on what the impact of the (inaudible) goes on.


  • A couple of things we said (inaudible) that I think the answer is the whole definition (inaudible) volume remains the same.


  • There is no change in our pricing either.


  • Specifically on your question on payment [change], once the transaction ended on the 31st of December of last year, the U.K. effectively became subject to the same interchange [tax] as any other non-EU countries as agreed with the European Commission.

    特別是關於您關於付款 [變更] 的問題,一旦交易於去年 12 月 31 日結束,英國實際上與歐盟委員會同意的任何其他非歐盟國家一樣受到相同的交換 [稅]。

  • And recognizing the prevailing pandemic, what we did is we set the timing of the change we commenced in October of 2021.

    認識到流行的流行病,我們所做的是我們設定了我們在 2021 年 10 月開始的變革的時間。

  • We are very aware of the challenges which are being faced by retailers, businesses and people (inaudible) this pandemic.


  • And we continue to view the timing of the implementation of this position as we go forward -- look forward for this year.


  • Operator


  • We'll take the next question with Timothy Chiodo with Crédit Suisse.

    我們將與瑞士信貸的 Timothy Chiodo 一起回答下一個問題。

  • Timothy Edward Chiodo - Director

    Timothy Edward Chiodo - Director

  • Can you hear me?


  • Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

    Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes, I can hear you.


  • Timothy Edward Chiodo - Director

    Timothy Edward Chiodo - Director

  • (inaudible)


  • Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

    Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

  • Yes, I'm sorry.


  • We couldn't get that.


  • Just hold on a sec.


  • We're just trying to switch over the lines.


  • (technical difficulty)


  • This is Warren.


  • There's a problem with the operator's line.


  • AT&T is working it.

    AT&T 正在努力。

  • We're just going to pause for a moment.


  • So if you could just bear with us.


  • (technical difficulty)


  • This is Warren.


  • I apologize for the technical difficulties.


  • Hopefully, you can hear us well now.


  • We're ready to take your questions.


  • And in light of the technical difficulties, we'd be happy to extend the call for -- to take your questions.


  • Operator


  • Your next question is from Ramsey El-Assal with Barclays.

    您的下一個問題來自巴克萊銀行的 Ramsey El-Assal。

  • Ramsey Clark El-Assal - Research Analyst

    Ramsey Clark El-Assal - Research Analyst

  • Glad you're back.


  • I wanted to ask about the impact of stimulus on your volumes.


  • Is the U.S. switched volume improvement in January versus December, is this -- do you attribute this largely to the impact of stimulus?

    與 12 月相比,美國 1 月份的交易量是否有所改善,這是否主要歸因於刺激措施的影響?

  • And then secondarily, I was interested, Michael, on what you were saying about Mastercard's participation with the central bank digital coins and how you're going to enable them to flow on your network.


  • How do you help governments with that product?


  • What can Mastercard do there to be of utility?


  • Sachin Mehra - CFO

    Sachin Mehra - CFO

  • Ramsey, it's Sachin.


  • I'll take the first question.


  • So to your question, what we are seeing in the first 3 weeks of January is better performance in the U.S., and we are attributing that primarily to the impact of stimulus.

    所以對於你的問題,我們在 1 月的前 3 週看到的是美國表現更好,我們主要將其歸因於刺激措施的影響。

  • Obviously, there's several factors which go into overall spending trends, but (inaudible) definitely does play a part.


  • And we are seeing that come through.


  • In terms of spend levels in the U.S. in the first 3 weeks as well as from a mixed standpoint, what we're seeing as being more weighted to a debit in terms of what we're seeing in the U.S.

    就前 3 周美國的支出水平而言,以及從混合的角度來看,就我們在美國看到的情況而言,我們所看到的更多地被計入借方。

  • Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

    Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

  • Good.


  • And on the central bank digital currency front, Ramsey, so here's multiple ways that Mastercard can be helpful.


  • As I was saying earlier, first of all, we are engaging with governments all around the world, really, first on a basis to find out what is the path forward when it comes to modernizing the payment stack on a given country.


  • So is it the right tool for the job?


  • And the conclusion is, it is the right tool for the job and then we will certainly partner, but I would also say that you will find situations where real-time payment is a better answer because it just happens to exist already, and it lives in the existing financial infrastructure.


  • But let's come back to CBDCs.

    但是,讓我們回到 CBDC。

  • We have a few principles that we put out into the market and which I'm happy to see is shared by most leading central banks around the world, and that is that you start off with recognizing there's different roles between a central bank and a private sector bank.


  • You don't -- you want your lender of last resort.

    你不 - 你想要你的最後貸款人。

  • You want, so to say, the mining of the currency in any one of the private sector to bring utility to the currency for consumers or for businesses and so forth, so a 2-tier approach.

    可以說,你想要在任何一個私營部門開採貨幣,為消費者或企業等帶來貨幣的實用性,因此是一種 2 層方法。

  • And our partnership is with both sectors in this case.


  • Private sector to say what utility could be brought?


  • What's the functionality that makes a difference, let's say, when you want to pay with a cryptocurrency in a store.


  • And here, that is where we bring to bear our acceptance network, for example.


  • So the IP that we have that links the cryptocurrency that's trading on our network is a very tangible example of what we could do.

    因此,我們擁有的連接在我們網絡上交易的加密貨幣的 IP 是我們可以做的一個非常具體的例子。

  • Then you think about other aspects here is that it's generally the last-mile question.


  • It is also consumer protection.


  • It is transparency.


  • It is business models around that.


  • And it is using fundamentally the nature of the distributed ledger technology that is put to use here.


  • And if you could imagine a world where there's a bunch of smart contracts riding on a government-issued CBDC, and that is very similar to what we do in terms of applications in the real-time space, all what we do with debit and credit in the card space, underlying set of rails which we participate in and then we help bring utility across governments and private sector.

    如果你能想像一個世界,有一堆智能合約依賴於政府發行的 CBDC,這與我們在實時空間中的應用程序方面所做的非常相似,我們對借記卡和貸記卡所做的所有事情在卡片領域,我們參與了一組基礎軌道,然後我們幫助將公用事業帶到政府和私營部門。

  • That's the play.


  • Early stages, but we will support.


  • And we today only carry [CF] currency in our network.

    而我們今天只在我們的網絡中攜帶 [CF] 貨幣。

  • And when this makes its way, then we'll carry CBDCs in our network.

    當這成功時,我們將在我們的網絡中攜帶 CBDC。

  • Operator


  • Your next question is a follow-up from Tien-Tsin with JPMorgan.


  • Tien-Tsin Huang - Senior Analyst

    Tien-Tsin Huang - Senior Analyst

  • I just want to ask on the NatWest win on the debit side.

    我只想問一下 NatWest 在藉方方面的勝利。

  • That's a nice one.


  • Anything interesting to share on how this win came together?


  • And I'm also just curious, bigger picture of the pipeline for new deals, if it's changed at all, if it's different in terms of size and quality now versus, say, this time last year, pre-COVID.


  • Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

    Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes.


  • So let me take the first part of the question and then Sachin can talk a little bit more about the pipeline and so forth.

    因此,讓我回答問題的第一部分,然後 Sachin 可以多談一些關於管道等的內容。

  • Now this big win, NatWest, but then looking at the other strategic relationship with Walgreens, Deutsche Bank, if I look at some of the aspects that recently driven or wins, these ones specifically but broader -- the broader portfolio, it is our capabilities across one set of rails.

    現在是這個巨大的勝利,NatWest,然後看看與沃爾格林,德意志銀行的其他戰略關係,如果我看一下最近推動或獲勝的一些方面,這些具體但更廣泛 - 更廣泛的投資組合,這是我們的能力穿過一組鐵軌。

  • You heard me talk earlier about it.


  • We're going to want to co-innovate with NatWest on multiple payment rails.

    我們將希望與 NatWest 在多個支付渠道上共同創新。

  • So certainly a differentiated capability matters, particularly in Europe, where the rival of real-time payment is absolutely real.


  • Then you think about aspects in these markets, there is -- open banking is a little more pronounced than in other markets.

    然後你考慮這些市場的各個方面,有 - 開放銀行比其他市場更明顯。

  • So again, it's an additional capability that's a differentiator that we have with open banking connect in Europe.


  • You look into digital-first capabilities.


  • So again, something that played out over the last 2 years in Europe.


  • So I would summarize it, Tien-Tsin, as innovation.


  • Certainly, pricing and all that matters.


  • But the fact that there is something else that we can bring to the party and our solution [selling] approach brings it all together across services, multi-rail and what we do in our core business.

    但事實上,我們可以為派對帶來其他東西,我們的解決方案 [銷售] 方法將服務、多軌和我們在核心業務中所做的一切結合在一起。

  • So I think that's generally the story.


  • And how that's changing to, let's say, 2 years ago?


  • Well, multi-rail, with the Canada venue just saw it, we're growing our reach if something that is matters in so many more markets today.


  • So we're just advancing the strategy, and then we can bring it all to bear in a case like this.


  • Sachin Mehra - CFO

    Sachin Mehra - CFO

  • Yes.


  • And Tien-Tsin, I'll just add.


  • Michael touched upon the point around the power of the services capabilities that we bring.

    Michael 談到了我們帶來的服務能力的力量。

  • And you've heard this over the last, I don't know how many quarters.


  • The wins we're having are very much supported by the strength of our services capabilities.


  • It makes a real difference when we can walk in and talk with customers about how we can help them grow their top line and manage their expense base as it relates to fraud and things like that, which become more of a partnership discussion than a vendor relationship.


  • And that's been a key enabler as to helping us win.


  • And that carries on, whether it's NatWest, Deutsche Bank, the whole kind of spectrum of deals.

    無論是 NatWest、德意志銀行,還是各種各樣的交易,這種情況仍在繼續。

  • And what do I expect on a going-forward basis?


  • The pipeline remains robust.


  • I mean things are going to keep happening.


  • We're going to renew existing customers.


  • We're going to keep working on new customers.


  • We're going to look to expand portfolios with existing customers.


  • So that's very much upfront and center in the bucket of what I call controllables.


  • So there's stuff which is happening in the macro environment, which we don't necessarily control.


  • But there are things we do, which is engagement with our customers and we're driving hard on that.


  • Operator


  • Your next question is from Dan Dolev with Mizuho.


  • Dan Dolev - MD & Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Dan Dolev - MD & Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • A quick question on debit.


  • You mentioned debit is driving most of the growth.


  • And if I look at Q4 versus Q3 debit growth in the U.S., it did decelerate by about 200 basis points.

    如果我看一下美國第四季度與第三季度的借方增長,它確實減速了約 200 個基點。

  • I just want to know what's behind it.


  • I see the comps are a little easier.


  • So it would be great to get a bit of an explanation of what drove that in the fourth quarter and how is it looking in the first quarter.


  • Sachin Mehra - CFO

    Sachin Mehra - CFO

  • Sure.


  • So again, you should think about the mix between debit and credit are based on a couple of things.


  • One, what's going on globally in the nature of the release of stimulus payments?


  • What the timing of that is and what's the timing of associated spend on that stimulus payment.


  • That's kind of bucket number one.


  • Bucket number two is, what are the categories of spend and -- which have a higher propensity for debit versus which have a higher propensity of credit.


  • So when I think about Q3 versus Q4, and while debit grew at a very healthy pace in Q4, it was a little bit at a slower rate than what we saw in Q3, back to your point.


  • It's largely been driven by the fact that the impact of the stimulus we've referred in Q3 started to weigh in Q4.


  • On the flip side, credit performed really, really well.


  • And when I say really well, it was still in negative, but a market improvement in credit because there was a [greater spend] taking place in discretionary categories, which are credit heavy.


  • So we follow this and we track this pretty closely.


  • And I think that would be the reasons why you should explain what changes are taking place in terms of the mix between debit and credit.


  • Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

    Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes.


  • And just one point to add then.


  • What we've seen in previous challenged periods in terms of economic outlook, there is -- in a downturn, debit is all generally preferred.


  • And the main reason for that is people really want to spend the money that they have and avoid taking on extra burden in terms of additional debt.


  • So this is a normal pattern that we have seen and it plays out in a way that Sachin just talked about.

    所以這是我們已經看到的正常模式,它以 Sachin 剛剛談到的方式發揮作用。

  • Dan Dolev - MD & Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Dan Dolev - MD & Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • Congrats on your first call.


  • Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

    Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

  • Well, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Your next question is from Jason Kupferberg with Bank of America.

    您的下一個問題來自美國銀行的 Jason Kupferberg。

  • Jason Alan Kupferberg - MD in US Equity Research & Senior Analyst

    Jason Alan Kupferberg - MD in US Equity Research & Senior Analyst

  • I just wanted to ask a 2-part question on cross-border.


  • The first part is -- the highest yielding part of the cross-border business, the non-intra-Europe piece recently seems like the year-over-year declined or moderating a little bit.

    第一部分是 - 跨境業務中收益最高的部分,非歐洲內部的部分最近似乎同比下降或略有放緩。

  • I don't want to make too much out of a couple of weeks of data.


  • But can you just touch on what has maybe driven the incremental improvement in that metric and the sustainability of the improvement as the comps presumably get progressively easier from here, more or less on a weekly basis?


  • And then just the second part is more of a conceptual question.


  • I mean in your base case of macro recovery and travel recovery, is it feasible that cross-border revenues next year in 2022 could get back to 2019 level?

    我的意思是在你的宏觀復甦和旅遊復甦的基本情況下,明年 2022 年的跨境收入是否可以回到 2019 年的水平?

  • Not obviously asking for guidance but conceptually based on how you think the macro could theoretically unfold.


  • Sachin Mehra - CFO

    Sachin Mehra - CFO

  • Yes, Jason.


  • On the first part of your question, here's what I'd tell you.


  • I would tell you, we're closely watching what these trends are.


  • In the first 3 weeks, we have exactly what you're saying, which is the non-intra-Europe cross-border had started to see a little bit of a recovery come through.

    在前 3 週,我們得到了你所說的,即非歐洲內部的跨境已經開始看到一點點復甦。

  • There are lots of puts and takes which take place there.


  • And let me try and give you a little bit of color as to what could be driving some of that, right?


  • First, at the end of the day, when you think about this component of non-intra cross-border, there are still several borders which are open.


  • There are people traveling, if you think about U.S.-Mexico, if you think about borders within the Middle East and Africa.


  • I could think about certain travel which is taking place in Asia Pacific.


  • So you might be seeing -- you're seeing a little bit of that come through.

    所以你可能會看到 - 你看到了一點點。

  • The other component which is driving this is, at the end of the day, when we think about other cross-border, we think about it generically speaking in the context of people getting on planes and traveling.


  • But other cross-border is also influenced by expats, people who are [sitting in far] locations, who have cars, which are -- from their home countries.


  • And the spend patterns on that could be influencing a little bit of what were going on -- what we're seeing here.


  • I wouldn't make too much of the trend we are seeing in the first 3 weeks.

    我不會對我們在前 3 週看到的趨勢做出太多評價。

  • We have to watch it for a little bit of a longer period of time.


  • And that's the kind of color I could share with you on that.


  • On your longer-term question on cross-border, look, I got to tell you, we as a company are very encouraged by what we're seeing from an overall availability of a vaccine standpoint.


  • The rollout is something which is still kind of uncertain, and we'll watch how the rollout goes.


  • We believe -- with the availability of vaccines at scale, we believe of the availability of more efficient testing therapeutics.


  • People -- the consumer -- the governments or consumers will come back.


  • Borders will start to be relaxed.


  • And social distancing measures would start to relax.


  • Now we expect that to happen more in the latter half of this year.


  • So (inaudible) I would tell you, I'm quite optimistic about the fact that we're seeing vaccines, which are proving to be as effective as what the test results would suggest.


  • And we'll see where it all kind of shakes out.


  • I'm really not in a position to give you guidance as it relates to what I think cross-border will look like through the course of 2021.

    我真的無法為您提供指導,因為這與我認為到 2021 年跨境會是什麼樣子有關。

  • But I feel like if you just [stand back and thought] about it, the near term and in the longer term, the nearer term will continue to be linear until the vaccine stuff is rolled out at scale.


  • The longer term, we feel very encouraged about.


  • Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

    Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

  • Just an aspect to add here.


  • And that is that there's distinction between personal travel and corporate travel.


  • We've seen it in the summer, this past summer 2020.

    我們在 2020 年夏天的夏天看到了它。

  • The reaction, once consumer confidence increases, turned right up into travel increasing because people want to get on with their lives.


  • They want to see their friends, their families and whatever.


  • So the reaction of personal travel, too, driven by consumer confidence, which will in turn be driven by the vaccine rollout Sachin just talked about, I think, was going to be relatively near term.


  • Corporate travel, that will take longer.


  • Video tools, we should have actually used the video tool today maybe.


  • You just see that, that is an additional way of getting together.


  • Yes, people want to see their customers.


  • How that will play out, we don't exactly know.


  • But back to personal travel, that is a significant majority of our travel portfolio.


  • And all the wins that we had recently, they're going to kick at this time.


  • So medium term, we're encouraged.


  • Operator


  • Your next question is from Darrin Peller with Wolfe Research.

    您的下一個問題來自 Wolfe Research 的 Darrin Peller。

  • Darrin David Peller - MD & Senior Analyst

    Darrin David Peller - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Just a very quick follow-up on cross-border and then a structural question.


  • But on cross-border, we remember, in February and March, it really started in Europe and the slowdown and then in March, obviously, the U.S. And so I'm just curious if that's where the comps you expect to start seeing it ease up.

    但在跨境方面,我們記得,在 2 月和 3 月,它真正開始於歐洲和經濟放緩,然後是 3 月,顯然是美國。向上。

  • But Michael, more from a structural standpoint, I just want to understand, I mean, what do you -- now that it's almost been a year, when we look at services and the opportunity there, when you look at some of the other opportunities around contactless and e-comm, can you just touch on what you expect to be more permanent or more sustainable in terms of the business improvements due to the electronic nature of what we've seen in the pandemic?

    但是邁克爾,從結構的角度來看,我只是想了解,我的意思是,你是什麼意思 - 現在已經快一年了,當我們關注服務和那裡的機會時,當你看到其他一些機會時圍繞非接觸式和電子商務,您能否談談由於我們在大流行中看到的電子性質,您期望在業務改進方面更持久或更可持續的地方?

  • Sachin Mehra - CFO

    Sachin Mehra - CFO

  • Yes.


  • So Darrin, it's Sachin.


  • On your question around the lapping effect of cross-border, you're right.


  • We saw some cross-border decline start in the later part of February is what I would tell you.

    我要告訴你的是,我們看到 2 月下旬開始出現跨境下滑。

  • But the vast majority of the lapping effect, like I said in my prepared remarks, we expect to see across all our drivers in the month of March.

    但是,正如我在準備好的評論中所說的那樣,絕大多數的重疊效應,我們希望在 3 月份看到我們所有的司機。

  • That's the way I kind of think about what we're seeing here.


  • Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

    Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

  • All right.


  • And Darrin, on the questions on the trends, what makes the trends?


  • That's like -- that's the key question here.

    這就像 - 這是這裡的關鍵問題。

  • Certainly, we started a digitization trend that's been around for years, accelerate dramatically.


  • I think it's fair to say that years have been compressed into months.


  • So what part of that will stick?


  • When I look at what we're going to see as structural changes, as sticking trends, I fundamentally believe that e-commerce is not going to revert back to what it was.


  • So no back to quarter 4 2019.

    所以不要回到 2019 年第四季度。

  • I think the general attitude towards cash is going to remain more negative than before.


  • The surveys that we've done every single month since April of last year is telling us that consumers -- broadly speaking, 60% of consumers have a somewhat more negative attitude towards cash now, and we don't think that will change.

    自去年 4 月以來,我們每個月都進行的調查告訴我們,消費者——從廣義上講,現在 60% 的消費者對現金的態度更加消極,我們認為這種情況不會改變。

  • 70% of consumers, they're going to do more digital banking, more online purchasing and more contactless.

    70% 的消費者,他們將進行更多的數字銀行業務、更多的在線購物和更多的非接觸式。

  • So I think that will just remain.


  • As I said earlier in my prepared remarks, once you can venture out there and social distancing measures are relaxed, people will want to go and shop in their stores, in their local community, support the local restaurant, whatever it is.


  • But the good experience, as people started to appreciate and learn online, that will not go away.


  • So the good thing is we'll have 2 legs to stand on with our business.


  • We'll benefit from both of them.


  • Other structural trends that I see is more digital transactions, more data, more desire to understand the data.


  • Data Insights, our service portfolio is on point for that.

    Data Insights,我們的服務組合正是為此而生。

  • The same as more digital transactions, larger cyber footprint, potentially more risks.


  • And a bunch of new businesses coming online that have been brick-and-mortar only, that's an opportunity for us from a cybersecurity perspective.


  • And then there's a whole cross-border (inaudible) digitizing supply chains, B2B.


  • I would say that's the other structural change that people take away from the pandemic.


  • Operator


  • Our next question is from Lisa Ellis with MoffettNathanson.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Lisa Ellis 和 MoffettNathanson。

  • Lisa Ann Dejong Ellis - Partner

    Lisa Ann Dejong Ellis - Partner

  • And Michael, congrats again.


  • In the prepared remarks, you highlighted the addition of Finicity to Mastercard's open banking portfolio.

    在準備好的評論中,您強調了將 Finicity 添加到萬事達卡的開放式銀行業務組合中。

  • Can you elaborate a bit on how you're thinking about open banking where a payment or funds transfer could be made with debit, with Mastercard Send, with Fast ACH or RTP?

    您能否詳細說明一下您如何看待開放式銀行業務,其中可以通過借記卡、萬事達卡發送、快速 ACH 或 RTP 進行支付或資金轉賬?

  • Can you just comment a bit on how Mastercard's role differs, value-added differs, economics differ across all of these different methods of payment?


  • And are you agnostic or not?


  • Why?


  • Why not?


  • Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

    Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes.


  • That's a pretty broad question, Lisa.


  • So let me tick the first part of it, and then Sachin can talk around the economics and the business all behind that.


  • Broadly speaking, the way we look at open banking is, it's adding data transmission capabilities as well as an additional set of transaction rails.


  • We can initiate payments through open banking, permission API connections.

    我們可以通過開放銀行、權限 API 連接發起支付。

  • We can do that.


  • But we also can just verify assets or help in credit decisioning.


  • So it's a wide range of use cases, and we're pretty agnostic what they are.


  • We're quite happy to initiate payments directly through reassigned payment rails but also the combination of a market where there is real-time payment infrastructure.


  • There is an open banking regulation as in Europe.


  • The fact that we have a strong position in both allows us to leverage the combination of that quite effectively.


  • That is one of the things that Tesco does with us.


  • The proposition that Tesco is offering is you pay your credit card very simply through an open banking connection, leveraging the real-time payment rails.

    Tesco 提供的建議是您通過開放的銀行連接非常簡單地支付信用卡,利用實時支付軌道。

  • That's check, check, check, and it's a good combination for us.


  • Overall, where is this going to go?


  • I see it as an additional leg in our multi-rail strategy.


  • So one link into Mastercard.


  • You want to pay through an open banking trend link, you want to pay through real-time payments, you want to pay through cards, whatever it is, one thing is through Mastercard.


  • That's the overall strategy.


  • Finicity helps us clearly in the United States.

    Finicity 在美國顯然幫助我們。

  • But as I said before, these use cases that they have on asset verification and on credit decisioning, they are so in demand at this point in time.


  • Taking them to Europe as quickly as possible will matter.


  • Now Sachin can help you unravel some of these business models behind that.

    現在,Sachin 可以幫助您解開其中的一些商業模式。

  • Sachin Mehra - CFO

    Sachin Mehra - CFO

  • Yes.


  • So Lisa, just a couple of thoughts around that.


  • I think you're quite familiar with the way we think about what constitutes our yield as a business, right?


  • It's across infrastructure, applications and services.


  • And I would tell you whether it's our card rails or it's our real-time ACH rails or it's open banking.

    我會告訴你它是我們的卡片導軌還是我們的實時 ACH 導軌還是開放式銀行業務。

  • The reality is there's an opportunity to realize revenue across all of these 3 layers: infrastructure, apps and services.

    現實情況是,有機會在所有這 3 層實現收入:基礎設施、應用程序和服務。

  • And so as we get more in the flow of transactions and/or data, there is the opportunity to realize on all of those levels.


  • If your specific question is around what the interaction of economics will be if payments were to take place over open banking rails or for card rails, well, the reality is we're in the business of providing choice to consumers.


  • And what we're going to do is provide choice, we're getting price for the value we deliver across all of these 3 layers.

    我們要做的是提供選擇,我們正在為我們在所有這 3 層提供的價值獲得價格。

  • I think it's a little early to tell you exactly what the actual economics of a transaction over -- for example, open bank rails maybe, but it's a payment transaction.


  • What I can tell you, though, is take something like Pay by Account, which we've launched in the U.K. The economics for us on Pay by Account in the consumer use case in the U.K. are quite similar to our economics out there.


  • Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

    Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes.


  • But broadly speaking, I think fair to say we are agnostic.


  • It's about choice.


  • If the market want to go the one way, then the market will go one way and we'll partner it.


  • And otherwise, it goes a different way, we'll partner it.


  • Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

    Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

  • We're going to go to about 10 after 10:00, if you can stick with us just to take a few more questions.

    我們將在 10:00 後前往 10 點左右,如果您能堅持我們只是為了回答幾個問題。

  • Operator


  • Your next question is from Timothy Chiodo with Crédit Suisse.

    您的下一個問題來自瑞士信貸的 Timothy Chiodo。

  • Timothy Edward Chiodo - Director

    Timothy Edward Chiodo - Director

  • So one area of focus for investors has been what the makeup of cross-border volumes will start to look like over the next 3 to 5 years.

    因此,投資者關注的一個領域是未來 3 到 5 年跨境交易量的構成情況。

  • So clearly, in 2020, retail e-commerce became a much larger piece of the mix.

    很明顯,在 2020 年,零售電子商務成為了更大的一部分。

  • Travel became a smaller piece of the mix.


  • But longer term, once we assume a travel recovery -- but there will also be the mix in Mastercard Send, Transfast, Mastercard Track expanding into B2B, more account-to-account remittances, et cetera, across the board mixing into the cross-border volumes.

    但從長遠來看,一旦我們假設旅行複蘇——但萬事達卡發送、Transfast、萬事達卡跟踪也將擴展到 B2B、更多賬戶到賬戶匯款等,全面混合到跨領域。邊境卷。

  • Maybe you can talk about that evolution over the next few years and what that mix might look like.


  • Sachin Mehra - CFO

    Sachin Mehra - CFO

  • Sure.


  • Tim, it's Sachin.


  • So a couple of thoughts.


  • One, we do expect, with the return of travel, the mix will start to come back to a certain level similar to what we saw pre-COVID.

    第一,我們確實預計,隨著旅行的回歸,這種混合將開始回到一定水平,類似於我們在 COVID 之前看到的水平。

  • It might take a little of time as it relates to the business travel component.


  • But I want to remind you that the vast majority of our travel from a cross-border perspective happens to be personal travel, which we expect to come back and come back based on the comment which Michael made around the pent-up demand.


  • So we'll see that come through.


  • But you're exactly right about other elements of cross-border, whether it's leveraging our real-time rails and the applications in our cross-border manner, real opportunity we feel that as well because today, what we're tapping into is the consumer flows, what we call the person-to-merchant flows, leveraging our card rails in a cross-border environment.


  • The opportunity from a B2B standpoint still remains largely untapped.

    從 B2B 的角度來看,這個機會在很大程度上仍未開發。

  • And this is where our suite of assets from a multi-rail standpoint really will play an important part, whether it's our Send capabilities or the acquisition of Transfast which we did.

    從多軌的角度來看,這就是我們的資產套件真正發揮重要作用的地方,無論是我們的發送功能還是我們所做的對 Transfast 的收購。

  • All of those are key contributing factors.


  • And we're rolling those out pretty nicely.


  • We're building scale, we're building capabilities as we go down that path.


  • So all in all, I tell you, cross-border remains a selling -- decent sized opportunity on a going-forward basis.


  • Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

    Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

  • And Tim, back to my earlier comments around structural changes, B2B and supply chain.

    蒂姆,回到我之前關於結構變化、B2B 和供應鏈的評論。

  • A big part of the supply chain insight that people have just gained over the last 9 months is that there's dependency on parts of the supply chain cross-border that they want to digitize and this -- so they can be more flexible to change suppliers in future scenarios.

    人們在過去 9 個月中剛剛獲得的供應鏈洞察力的很大一部分是,依賴於他們想要數字化的跨境供應鏈部分,因此他們可以更靈活地更換供應商未來的情景。

  • Now here, we come in with Transfast.

    現在,我們來到了 Transfast。

  • We come in with our announced acquisition of HomeSend, the combination of all of that.

    我們宣布收購 HomeSend,這是所有這些的結合。

  • And then you take this multi-rail capabilities, picture this in the context of Track, where there's a data switch, all the data that you want alongside with your B2B transaction is coming along and you choose whichever way you want to send it.

    然後你使用這種多軌功能,在 Track 的上下文中想像一下,那裡有一個數據交換機,你想要的所有數據連同你的 B2B 交易一起出現,你可以選擇任何你想發送的方式。

  • Use case of like remittances by our supplier payments, which make up about $110 trillion of global flows.

    我們的供應商付款的類似匯款的使用案例,這構成了大約 110 萬億美元的全球流量。

  • Significant opportunities for us, we got the assets in place.


  • Operator


  • Your next question is from Don Fandetti with Wells Fargo.

    您的下一個問題來自富國銀行的 Don Fandetti。

  • Donald James Fandetti - Senior Analyst

    Donald James Fandetti - Senior Analyst

  • So Michael, congratulations as well.


  • I did get your updated thoughts on like big tech.


  • Clearly, fintech proliferation is a big positive for the networks in our view.


  • But how are the discussions with the big tech players going today versus a year or 2 ago?


  • And do you think your interests are still aligned commercially and also in Washington from a regulatory perspective?


  • Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

    Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes.


  • Don, that's a good question to round this call off, I think a very, very wide-ranging question.


  • You have a lot of elements that you put in there.


  • So let me go at this from a couple of perspectives.


  • The first is our [opus], just want to run you was, these are partners, these are customers, and we have strong relationships with all of them.

    第一個是我們的 [opus],只是想運行你是,這些是合作夥伴,這些是客戶,我們與他們所有人都有牢固的關係。

  • Amazon, Facebook, Apple, you name it.


  • And just think about the Apple Card as an example there.

    並以 Apple Card 為例。

  • When you then look forward, you look at where is the world going in terms of different rails, in terms of emerging technologies, in terms of 5G.

    當您展望未來時,您會看到世界在不同軌道、新興技術和 5G 方面的發展方向。

  • So there's a lot of change from a technology side in our ecosystem and here's big tech players.


  • But what I'm finding is that our specialist role here and our focus specific on payment technology makes us a very relevant partner.


  • Most of these companies are oriented and focused on delivering a particularly good consumer experience, digital user experience to their customer base, trying to keep customers in their ecosystem, whatever they might be doing, if they're a social network or something like that.


  • And we stand the role of being the payments partner.


  • That is a model of interaction that I think will continue to evolve.


  • Some of these players do have payment aspirations.


  • And Don, that's where your question is going.


  • But then you look at our services portfolio.


  • You look at our capabilities like card-on-file tokenization and so forth.


  • We help them with our services portfolio while they create quite a nice consumer front-end experience.


  • The xPays is a good example for that.

    xPays 就是一個很好的例子。

  • And as long as there's choice and underlying payment tools, we're quite happy to partner because it drives the overall digital, the acceleration of the digital trend.


  • In terms of change in political regime and the incoming administration and the view on big tech, that is for them to comment on.


  • Basically, we're guided by our partnership.


  • We're going to lean in and continue to drive our business.


  • Overall, otherwise, it's early days.


  • We have a great dialogue with the incoming administration.


  • They're interested in payments which we generally like.


  • This is, by the way, the trend around the world.


  • Governments interested in payments is critical national infrastructure, and we engage in that dialogue, topics of cybersecurity and data principles where we're all a leading voice and that's how we engage.


  • Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

    Warren Kneeshaw - EVP of IR

  • Thanks, Michael.


  • I think it's time to wrap up.


  • I just wanted to thank you for bearing with us as we went through this process.


  • And I'm sure Michael will always remember his first call as CEO, but unfortunately, (inaudible) kind of statement.


  • Michael, any final thoughts?


  • Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

    Michael Miebach - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes.


  • My blood pressure is slowly coming down again after this little hump earlier.


  • No, thank you for the questions.


  • Really appreciate the interest and the dialogue.


  • Don't want to repeat anything.


  • Just -- I have to go back one more time to 2020.

    只是——我必須再回到 2020 年。

  • That was a challenging year for the industry.


  • That was certainly something that made us -- needed us to be as agile as we could possibly be.


  • And I just want to comment again that our employees really stepped up and allowed us to close out the year on this positive trajectory.


  • Now we said on a number of occasions throughout this call here, we're optimistic about COVID recovery, really in the light of the vaccine being deployed.

    現在,我們在整個電話會議中多次表示,我們對 COVID 的複蘇持樂觀態度,這真的是鑑於正在部署的疫苗。

  • We're optimistic about cross-border coming back driven by the exact same point.


  • So in the near term, there's optimism.


  • In the very, very long term, there is optimism.


  • I want to make one more point.


  • All of this is great from an economic perspective and a performance perspective.


  • What is equally important is that we do the right thing for communities and for our planet.


  • And this week, I'm really proud and so many people at Mastercard are as we put out our net zero commitment.


  • And that is just the last thought I want to leave you with that.


  • With that, looking forward to speaking to you with less technical issues in a quarter from now.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's conference call.


  • Thank you for participating.


  • You may now disconnect.
