Lumos Pharma Inc (LUMO) 2023 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good afternoon, and welcome to Lumos Pharma 2023 fourth quarter and year end conference call.

    下午好,歡迎參加 Lumos Pharma 2023 年第四季和年終電話會議。

  • Currently, all participants are in a listen-only mode.


  • Later we will conduct a question and answer session and instructions will follow at that time.


  • As a reminder, this conference call is being recorded.


  • I will now turn the call over to Lisa Miller, Vice President of Investor Relations.

    我現在將把電話轉給投資者關係副總裁麗莎·米勒(Lisa Miller)。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Lisa Miller - Senior Director of IR

    Lisa Miller - Senior Director of IR

  • Thank you, operator.


  • Before we proceed with this call, I'd like to remind everyone that certain statements made during this call are forward-looking statements under U.S. federal securities laws.


  • These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from historical experience or present expectations.


  • Additional information concerning factors that could cause actual results to differ is contained in our periodic reports filed with the SEC.

    有關可能導致實際結果不同的因素的更多資​​訊包含在我們向 SEC 提交的定期報告中。

  • Forward-looking statements made during this call speak only as of the date hereof, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements.


  • Information information presented on this call is contained in the press release we issued this afternoon and in our Form 10 K, which may be accessed from the Investors page of the company's website.

    本次電話會議中提供的資訊包含在我們今天下午發布的新聞稿和 10 K 表格中,您可以從公司網站的投資者頁面訪問該表格。

  • Speaking on today's call will be Rick Hopkins, CEO and Chairman, John McHugh, our President and Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Tuan, Chief Medical Officer, and Lori Lilly, our Chief Financial Officer.

    執行長兼董事長 Rick Hopkins、總裁兼首席科學官 John McHugh、首席醫療官 Tuan 博士和財務長 Lori Lilly 將在今天的電話會議上發表演說。

  • Following our prepared remarks, the management team will be available for a question and answer session.


  • I will now turn the call over to Rick.


  • Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

    Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

  • Thank you, Lisa, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • After the market closed today, we issued a press release announcing our results for 2023.

    今天收盤後,我們發布了新聞稿,宣布 2023 年業績。

  • I'm pleased to report that 2023 was a successful year for Lumos, led by our announcement of positive top line results from our oral growth to 10 and will grow to 12 trials alone to a one in pediatric growth hormone deficiency.

    我很高興地向大家報告,2023 年對Lumos 來說是成功的一年,我們宣布口腔生長試驗取得了積極的頂線結果,其中包括10 項試驗,並將增加到12 項,其中一項是關於兒科生長激素缺乏症的試驗。

  • On today's call, I will briefly summarize our trial results and other progress made in 2023.

    在今天的電話會議上,我將簡要地總結我們的試驗結果以及 2023 年的其他進展。

  • Can recap highlights for recent weeks in May, our plans for 2024, and we'll be happy to answer your questions.

    您可以回顧一下 5 月最近幾週的亮點以及我們 2024 年的計劃,我們很樂意回答您的問題。

  • Before I begin, I'd like to take a moment to congratulate Dr. percent Duke Project ONE and on his recent promotion to the role of Chief Medical Officer for Lumos.

    在開始之前,我想花一點時間祝賀 Percent Duke Project ONE 博士,並祝賀他最近晉升為 Lumos 首席醫療官。

  • Dr. Duke's exceptional credentials are widely acknowledged, given his renowned expertise in growth disorders and his current leadership at the human growth foundation among various other distinguished roles and his team career since joining us in 2022, doctor, do it played a pivotal role in steering our overall trials to fruition, providing invaluable guidance, leveraging has influential network for enrollment and significantly contributing to analysis of trial data as our new CMO, Dr. group will continue to advocate for exploration of withdrawal one within the PTSD clinical community, a mission that has already garnered remarkable interest from pediatric endocrinologist globally, thanks to this advocacy efforts.

    鑑於杜克博士在生長障礙方面享有盛譽的專業知識以及他目前在人類生長基金會的領導地位以及其他各種傑出的角色,以及他自2022 年加入我們以來的團隊職業生涯,杜克博士的卓越資歷得到了廣泛認可,博士,這在指導方面發揮了關鍵作用嗎?我們的整體試驗取得了成果,提供了寶貴的指導,利用了有影響力的入組網絡,並為試驗數據分析做出了重大貢獻,作為我們的新任首席行銷官,博士小組將繼續倡導在PTSD 臨床社區內探索撤回治療,這一使命由於這一宣傳工作,它已經引起了全球兒科內分泌學家的極大興趣。

  • Furthermore, Dr. Duke will be an integral part of shaping the trial design for a pivotal into one trial in PGHD details of which we're going to delve into later during this call.

    此外,Duke 博士將成為塑造 PGHD 一項關鍵試驗的試驗設計的不可或缺的一部分,我們將在稍後的電話會議中深入探討該細節。

  • Dr. Dupont, we joined the call today for our Q&A session.


  • So please join me in congratulating him on his well-deserved promotion.


  • Let's now revisit the key highlights of the results we disclosed last November.

    現在讓我們回顧一下我們去年 11 月披露的業績的主要亮點。

  • As many of you are aware of them to a one has successfully met all primary and secondary endpoints in both worldwide trials, demonstrating clear proof of concept for its efficacy as an oral alternative to daily and weekly injectables for patients with PGHD results from our grow to 10 demonstrated that to 1.6 megs per kick dose of to tool Once achieved, annualized height velocities were a series of 8.2 centimeters a year, six months and 8 centimeters a year at 12 months, aligning consistently with historical growth rates for the moderate PGHD population.

    正如你們中的許多人都知道的那樣,其中一個在兩項全球試驗中成功達到了所有主要和次要終點,證明了其作為口服替代品每日和每週注射劑對PGHD 患者的功效,從我們的成長到圖10 表明,一旦達到每次踢1.6 兆兆的劑量,年化身高增長速度為每年8.2 厘米、6 個月和12 個月時每年8 厘米,與中度PGHD 人群的歷史增長率一致。

  • The difference in HV. six and 12 months between the optimal 1.6 megs per kg room to a one dose.

    高壓的差異。 6 個月到 12 個月之間,最佳劑量為每公斤 1.6 毫克到一劑。

  • And the recombinant growth hormone comparator arm fell within the noninferiority margin of less than two centimeters a year, and that's a criterion recently used for FDA approval.

    重組生長激素比較臂的非劣效性幅度每年不到兩厘米,這是 FDA 最近用於批准的標準。

  • Although our growth to 10 was not specifically designed to establish noninferiority, we are pleased to note that the growth outcomes observed in this study are in line with the non-inferiority thresholds seen in recent successful FDA applications.

    儘管我們成長到 10 並不是專門為了確定非劣效性而設計的,但我們很高興地註意到,本研究中觀察到的成長結果與最近成功的 FDA 申請中看到的非劣效閾值一致。

  • These findings enable us to design a successful Phase three trial to show non-inferiority against the daily injectable growth hormone comparator arm.


  • Now the preliminary 24 months ago to a one data we presented in November, we've gathered from a subset of the world growth to tend to a patient or participants who met the protocol requirements for an extension beyond 12 months, combined with or over 12 subjects.

    現在是24 個月前我們在11 月提供的一項數據的初步數據,我們從世界增長的一個子集中收集了數據,以照顧符合協議要求的患者或參與者,延長超過12 個月,並結合或超過12 個月。科目。

  • The data revealed a sustained effect showing a minimal decrease of approximately 6% in annualized height velocity from year one to year two as opposed to a significant decline of approximately 20% reported for daily common and growth hormone in moderate PGHD patients.

    數據顯示,中度 PGHD 患者的年化身高速度從第一年到第二年的年化身高速度略有下降約 6%,而據報道,每日普通激素和生長激素顯著下降約 20%。

  • We'll go to Kent successfully achieved its prespecified primary endpoint, validating our predictive enrichment marker or pen test, while also meeting the secondary endpoint by demonstrating a 100% reproducibility of PAM positive classification.

    我們將前往肯特成功實現其預先指定的主要終點,驗證我們的預測富集標記或筆測試,同時透過展示 PAM 陽性分類的 100% 再現性來滿足次要終點。

  • Additional data from the ORBIT two trial demonstrated that only 20% growth hormone concentration was needed to achieve comparable annualized height velocity that suggests that move to a one is more efficient than exogenous growth hormone to promote growth.

    ORBIT 兩項試驗的其他數據表明,只需 20% 的生長激素濃度即可達到可比較的年化身高速度,這表明使用 1 比外源生長激素更能有效促進生長。

  • These data confirm the importance of Bloom tool one's unique mechanism of action to restore the natural foods, the physiology of pulsatile gross growth hormone secretion.


  • Our data from both trials provided a clear safety profile for investigational tool one following the release of top line results in November, ongoing data collection and analysis have continued.

    繼 11 月發布頂線結果後,我們的兩項試驗數據為研究工具一提供了明確的安全性概況,持續的數據收集和分析仍在繼續。

  • We anticipate presenting comprehensive 12-month annualized height velocity data from the oral growth to 10 trial in the second quarter of this year, most likely at a major medical conference.

    我們預計在今年第二季(最有可能在一次重要的醫學會議上)提供從口腔生長到 10 項試驗的全面的 12 個月年化身高速度數據。

  • This dataset will include 12 month HV. data on all enrolled patients from zero to 10 trial.

    該數據集將包括 12 個月的 HV。從 0 到 10 次試驗的所有入組患者的數據。

  • Additional 24 month data beyond the dataset we announced in November will also be available.

    除了我們 11 月宣布的數據集之外,還將提供額外的 24 個月數據。

  • We expect to present these data in additional analysis at several meetings throughout 2024 to capitalize on the growing interest and excitement in the pediatric endocrine community about moving to a one as potentially the first oral therapeutic in this population.

    我們預計將在 2024 年的幾次會議上進行額外分析,以利用兒科內分泌界對將藥物作為該人群中第一種口服治療藥物的興趣和興奮不斷增長的機會。

  • Following the announcement of our top line results, we've been diligent conducting additional analyses in preparation for an end-of-Phase two meeting with the FDA scheduled for the second quarter.

    在公佈我們的主要結果後,我們一直在努力進行額外的分析,為定於第二季與 FDA 舉行的第二階段結束會議做準備。

  • Our data package for this meeting is comprehensive, featuring a larger dataset compared to other growth hormone counterparts at this developmental St. These data show them to one induces annualized height velocity is consistent with historical levels for moderate PGHD on recombinant growth hormone data also demonstrate that oral Bloom to a one produces a robust and enduring response at 1.6 mix per kick dose, making use of our predictive enrichment marker or payment strategy for selecting suitable moderate PGHD patients, thereby further derisking our Phase three program.

    我們本次會議的數據包非常全面,與該發育聖地的其他生長激素同行相比,具有更大的數據集。這些數據表明,重組生長激素數據的年化身高速度與中度PGHD 的歷史水平一致,也顯示口服 Bloom 在每劑量 1.6 混合時產生強烈且持久的反應,利用我們的預測富集標記或支付策略來選擇合適的中度 PGHD 患者,從而進一步降低我們第三階段計劃的風險。

  • As a result, we have posted in the Phase two meeting with a high level of confidence and long before we announced top line results from our oral drug trials.


  • We've been actively involved in advanced planning for a pivotal Phase three trial following our Phase two meeting with the FDA we will finalize the ultimate design of the trial, which we anticipate initiating in the fourth quarter of 2024.

    在與 FDA 舉行第二階段會議後,我們一直積極參與關鍵第三階段試驗的高級規劃,我們將最終確定試驗的最終設計,預計於 2024 年第四季啟動。

  • We believe that this trial's results will support a new drug application for limb tool, one in the PJSD. indication with data maternity or Wally, our CFO, for a brief overview of our financial results.

    我們相信,這項試驗的結果將支持肢體工具的新藥物應用,即 PJSD 中的一種。請與 data maternity 或我們的財務長 Wally 聯繫,以了解我們的財務表現的簡要概述。

  • Lori Lawley - Chief Financial Officer

    Lori Lawley - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thanks, Lumos Pharma ended the year December 31st, 2023, with cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments totaling $36.1 million compared to $67.4 million on December 31st, 2022 due cash on hand as of December 31st, 2023, is expected to support operations through the third quarter of 2024, inclusive of our Phase three preparations and other operational activities, initiation of our Phase three clinical trial by end of 2024, subject to securing financing in the near term for research and development expenses were $22.1 million, an increase of $4.2 million for the year ended December 31st, 2023 compared to the same period in 2022 primarily due to increases of $3.3 million in clinical trial expenses, $0.9 million in contract manufacturing expenses, $0.2 million in consulting expenses and $0.2 million in other expenses, partially offset by a $0.4 million decrease in personnel-related expenses.

    謝謝,截至2023 年12 月31 日,Lumos Pharma 的現金、現金等價物和短期投資總額為3,610 萬美元,而2022 年12 月31 日為6,740 萬美元,截至2023 年12 月31 日,手頭現金預計將支援營運截至2024 年第三季度,包括我們的第三期準備工作和其他營運活動,到2024 年底啟動我們的第三期臨床試驗(以近期獲得融資為條件),研發費用為2,210 萬美元,增加了截至2023年12月31日的年度與2022年同期相比增加了420萬美元,主要是由於臨床試驗費用增加了330萬美元,合約製造費用增加了90萬美元,諮詢費用增加了20萬美元,其他費用增加了20萬美元,部分抵銷人事相關費用減少 40 萬美元。

  • General and administrative expenses were $16.6 million, an increase of $0.9 million for the year ended December 31st, 2023 compared to the same period in 2022, primarily due to increases of $0.5 million in personnel-related expenses, $0.4 million in royalty expenses paid to the Public Health Agency of Canada and $0.1 million in travel expenses, partially offset by a $0.1 million decrease in other expenses.

    截至2023 年12 月31 日的年度,一般及行政費用為1,660 萬美元,較2022 年同期增加90 萬美元,主要是由於人事相關費用增加50 萬美元,支付給公司的特許權使用費增加40 萬美元。加拿大公共衛生署和 10 萬加元的差旅費用,部分被其他費用減少 10 萬加元所抵消。

  • Net loss for the year ended December 31st, 2023 was $34 million compared to a net loss of $31.1 million for the same period in 2022.

    截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日止年度的淨虧損為 3,400 萬美元,而 2022 年同期的淨虧損為 3,110 萬美元。

  • We ended Q4 2023 with 8,102,555 shares outstanding.

    截至 2023 年第四季度,我們已發行 8,102,555 股股票。

  • And with that, I will turn it back to Rick for his closing remarks.


  • Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

    Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

  • Very short and to conclude, we're absolutely thrilled by the progress of our program, David and by the excitement among the investment community.


  • Regarding the potential for the first oral therapy for PGHD, we've been on the podium presenting data on numerous endocrine conferences over the past two years.

    關於第一個口服治療 PGHD 的潛力,我們在過去兩年的許多內分泌會議上發表了數據。

  • Have seen the overwhelming acceptance of and excitement for our oral loom tool, one for confident in the distinct advantages offered by them to a one for patients with moderate PGHD and enthusiastic about advancing to the next developmental stage for this asset.

    我們看到了人們對我們的口腔織布機工具的壓倒性接受和興奮,人們對它們為中度 PGHD 患者提供的獨特優勢充滿信心,並熱衷於將該資產推進到下一個發展階段。

  • We firmly believe that the dataset we are submitting to the FDA for upcoming into Phase two meeting provides ample support for a pivotal trial linked to a one at the 1.6 megs per kg dose, affirming its potential as a viable alternative to injectable products for appropriately selected moderate PGHD patients, and we eagerly anticipate sharing further insights from our growth trials throughout this year and keeping you abreast of our progress.

    我們堅信,我們向FDA 提交的即將進入第二階段會議的數據集為一項與1.6 兆每公斤劑量的關鍵試驗相關的關鍵試驗提供了充分的支持,證實了其作為適當選擇的注射產品的可行替代品的潛力中度 PGHD 患者,我們熱切期待分享我們今年生長試驗的更多見解,並讓您及時了解我們的進展。

  • So thank you for your attention, everyone.


  • And operator, we can now open this up for questions.


  • Operator


  • Team.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, to ask a question, you will need to press star one one on your telephone and wait planning to be announced to withdraw your question, simply press star one.


  • Once again, please stand by while we compile the Q&A roster.


  • Yes.


  • And our first question coming from the line of Charles Duncan, Cantor you lend itself.

    我們的第一個問題來自查爾斯鄧肯(Charles Duncan),坎托(Cantor),你自然而然。

  • Charles Duncan - Analyst

    Charles Duncan - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Good afternoon, Rick and team.


  • Congrats on the progress last year.


  • Looking forward to hearing more updates here in the near term.


  • Thanks for taking our question.


  • I had a key question about the end-of-Phase two meeting with agency.


  • Is it actually scheduled and can you provide us some insight on what the key question is, is it is it really something that needs to be answered?


  • Or do you feel like this is more a point of execution in terms of going forward?


  • And then when would you anticipate being able to share the outcome, would it be post the meeting minutes or do you think it will be pretty straightforward and you'll share with us shortly after the meeting?


  • Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

    Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

  • I'm going to ask a good question, Charles, and thank you for.


  • I'm going to turn that question over to John McCue.


  • John McKew - President and Chief Scientific Officer

    John McKew - President and Chief Scientific Officer

  • Yes.


  • Thanks, Chuck.


  • And Charles.


  • I appreciate the question.


  • So before we started our Phase three study, we really would like we use this end of Phase two meeting to take everything we've learned from Phase two data that we've read out and we've put that into our Phase three protocol.


  • And we want to walk away from that meeting with agreement on the specifics of that protocol.


  • So I think it's a very important time for us to talk through any questions the agency has on the data as well as come to agreement on how on the path to move forward.


  • So it is will be a very it will be a good step forward for us when we get through that.


  • And we have agreement on the Phase three protocol.


  • So we expect to communicate that information the outcome so that when when we hear back from them and the FDA probably in the meeting minutes, right?

    因此,我們希望傳達這些訊息和結果,以便當我們收到他們和 FDA 的回應時可能會在會議記錄中,對嗎?

  • So we said that kind of timeframe was in Q2 of this year.


  • Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

    Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

  • Okay.


  • And can you tell them I might add is that there are a lot of historical precedence here.


  • We're we feel confident about this meeting in a really an outstanding briefing book.


  • I think that historically to these studies have been 12 months non-inferiority trials against an active comparator on the non-inferiority margin historically has been 1.8 to 2 centimeters.

    我認為,從歷史上看,這些研究針對主動比較者進行了 12 個月的非劣效性試驗,歷史上的非劣效性幅度為 1.8 至 2 公分。

  • And um, we also expect to have a randomization to the 1.6 mix per take a day or two to one randomization to growth hormone.

    嗯,我們還期望每天或兩天對 1.6 種混合進行隨機化,對生長激素進行隨機化。

  • I think most of these states have been about 200 subjects, and we expect that a similar design.

    我認為這些狀態中的大多數已經有大約 200 個科目,我們期望有類似的設計。

  • And also, of course, we um, we validated our PEM strategy.

    當然,我們驗證了我們的 PEM 策略。

  • I think we de-risk our program consisted of pretty considerably given the fact that we can select patients, we believe will be our drug will be effective in that as some moderate growth hormone deficient patients.


  • So we're pretty confident about our meeting with the our community meeting with the FDA.

    因此,我們對與 FDA 的社區會議非常有信心。

  • Charles Duncan - Analyst

    Charles Duncan - Analyst

  • It's helpful.


  • If I could just ask a follow-on question to that.


  • Those two observations.


  • Rick, would you anticipate the pen strategy to help you inside and conduct a smaller sample size or conduct one about that size, would you know, perhaps greater confidence in that symptom tonight?


  • Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

    Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

  • John, do you want to go there.


  • John McKew - President and Chief Scientific Officer

    John McKew - President and Chief Scientific Officer

  • Yes.


  • So I think the how we view the Pentacel that's going to kind of raise our efficiency rate, we're going to be able to bring in subjects that are likely responders to our molecule.

    所以我認為我們如何看待 Pentacel 會提高我們的效率,我們將能夠引入可能對我們的分子有反應的受試者。

  • So I don't think it's going to reduce that size that will make it a more efficient trial at site.


  • Charles Duncan - Analyst

    Charles Duncan - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • First question in terms of business development activity at one time.


  • You talked about possibly ex U.S. partnering.


  • I guess I'm wondering if you have any further thoughts on that.


  • And then I'll hop back in the queue.


  • Thanks.


  • Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

    Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

  • Yes, thanks for that question, Charles.


  • And assure I think that you can imagine as the first oral product in this very large global market, there are certain ex U.S. regional markets that in companies that have a job, we completed an outreach to us or vice versa, and we continue with those discussions and at the appropriate time, I think that we will partner with anyone who's going to go to.


  • We believe it's going to be a good partner in those markets.


  • Obviously, this will allow us to bring in some non-dilutive money.


  • And I think that's one of the goals that we would have for ourselves.


  • Charles Duncan - Analyst

    Charles Duncan - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks for taking the questions.


  • Operator


  • Yes, thank you.


  • And our next question coming from the line of fill-in Gershell with Oppenheimer.


  • Yolanda Shelton.


  • Leland Gershell - Analyst

    Leland Gershell - Analyst

  • Thank you, Rick and team for the update from just a question from from me.

    感謝 Rick 和團隊根據我的問題提供的最新資訊。

  • With respect to additional indication potential for two oh one as we think about use of growth hormone products today and indications such as Turners and other such disorders.


  • Just wondering if you could comment on any plans down the road to explore to a one's potential to have to be approved for those additional label indications.


  • Thank you.


  • Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

    Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

  • And John, I'm going to let you start with that as an answer and thank you for the question.


  • Li-lan.


  • John McKew - President and Chief Scientific Officer

    John McKew - President and Chief Scientific Officer

  • We spent a lot of time lead and thinking through them the best opportunities to advance lumateperone and pass PGHDPJC. is a great opportunity, I think for us to show the effect of the molecule on restoring natural pulsatility and we can take that same mechanism and philosophy.

    我們花了很多時間領導並思考推進 Lumateperone 並通過 PGHDPJC 的最佳機會。這是一個很好的機會,我認為我們可以展示分子對恢復自然脈動的影響,我們可以採用相同的機制和概念。

  • It applies to many of the other 11 indications that are approved for home for injectable growth hormone.

    它適用於批准用於家庭注射生長激素的其他 11 種適應症中的許多適應症。

  • And so I think we were getting to the point where we have the data set where we can start to to think about how to move forward.


  • But we have not yet made any decisions on the exact next steps that we're going to take.


  • But we have I think the data and I've done the background research on each one of those indications to make it make some good decisions shortly.


  • Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

    Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

  • And we will also recover some recall, we've got a politic pilot program underway in a broader cardio-metabolic opportunity of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease at MGH now as an investigator initiated trial.


  • But this investigator did demonstrate with a in a recombinant growth hormone trial in this indication, some pretty significant reductions in liver fat in this population.


  • So we're pretty excited to have and to work with this investigator.


  • I think it's a little premature right now to talk about anything beyond that, but we're always looking for ways to increase shareholder value with additional indications.


  • Leland Gershell - Analyst

    Leland Gershell - Analyst

  • Got it, Rick, Rick.


  • So at this point, we don't we don't have a view on when she may have data on her her study of Tier one, correct.


  • Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

    Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

  • I know I know she doesn't have the trial fully enrolled yet, and it's a six month trial.


  • So we haven't really talked about that yet in the marketplace.


  • Leland Gershell - Analyst

    Leland Gershell - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So stay tuned and look forward to hearing updates following your afternoon and thank you.


  • Operator


  • Yes.


  • Thank you to our next question coming from the line of Ed White, H.C. Wainwright.

    感謝 Ed White, H.C. 提出我們的下一個問題。溫賴特。

  • Your line is open.


  • Edward White - Analyst

    Edward White - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Thanks for taking my questions.


  • So how should we be thinking about the Phase three start in the fourth quarter, or is that just when you will be in opening sites?


  • Or do you intend or do you think that you can actually treat patients in during the fourth quarter.


  • Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

    Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

  • Okay.


  • Thank you for that question.


  • And do will you answer that for us?


  • I think you're on mute.


  • Pisit Pitukcheewanont - Chief Medical Officer

    Pisit Pitukcheewanont - Chief Medical Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Yes, sorry, about that, I think gives us very good crushing rate.


  • As of now, we do diligence, like John mentioned, right, we already have a plan for the Phase three plan.


  • We get ready to really discuss with the FDA when we have planned.

    當我們計劃好後,我們就準備好與 FDA 進行真正的討論。

  • In the meantime, we do a prep work what we need to get done in regards to have a time line that would be proposed rates.


  • So we think that by the end of this year, we'd be able to be able to screen the subject and get, you know, the time line enrolled like what we proposed in the past.


  • And I feel very optimistic because, as Rick mentioned earlier, that we have overwhelming requests from the KOLs around the world because they learn about our Phase two results.

    我感到非常樂觀,因為正如 Rick 之前提到的,我們收到了來自世界各地 KOL 的大量請求,因為他們了解了我們的第二階段結果。

  • And they do believe that this can be a great potentially the new drug therapy for their patient, the first oral therapy.


  • So we do believe that you know, a lot investigator and actually some of those participated in our Phase two trial and some news to loom tool one.


  • However, you know, with their request of participation, we do believe the time line one we get these are we up and running and we have a final, you know, site identify I think that the rules are going to go very quickly.


  • And as we proposed in the plan in the past.


  • Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

    Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

  • And as you know, obviously we have to we have to finalize the Phase three protocol.


  • We're obviously working with our vendor partners very actively.


  • It's good to be on.


  • We've been active in all of the podium at all these of endocrine meetings around the world, and we've contacted and direct contact with was really experienced investigators.


  • As a result.


  • There's a there's a lot more work that has to be done in terms of qualifying and activating the sites.


  • And of course, we have our Phase three drug product manufactured and ready to go.


  • So we will have a ready go.


  • And so all the preparation that needs to be done, we're doing right now and we hope to have that deal plenty of patients screened in the study for the end of the year.


  • Edward White - Analyst

    Edward White - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks, Rick, for taking my question.


  • Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

    Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

  • Sure.


  • Operator


  • And our next question coming from the line of Catherine Novack with Jones Research.


  • Your line is open.


  • Catherine Novack - Analyst

    Catherine Novack - Analyst

  • Oh, hi, good afternoon, guys.


  • Just one question.


  • Can you remind us of what percent of the OraGrowtH patients enrolled were boys versus girls.

    您能否提醒我們一下,登記的 OraGrowtH 患者中男孩和女孩的百分比分別是多少?

  • And there's a difference between how these two populations might be managed by pediatric endocrinologists in a sense that there and could potentially encourage patients who might not choose to have a daily injection trial and oral growth hormone therapy instead.


  • Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

    Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

  • And Duke once you answer that question.


  • Thanks.


  • Appreciate the question, Katherine.


  • Pisit Pitukcheewanont - Chief Medical Officer

    Pisit Pitukcheewanont - Chief Medical Officer

  • Yes, thank you, Catherine.


  • Decimate.


  • Good questions.


  • All applies very, you know, kind of unique, Ray, as you know, when you look at most of Phase three trial, especially long acting Ascendis, Novo Pfizer, majority of those subjects enrolled in a trial of male predominant right in our study is pretty much that, you know, mail a little bit more than female.

    所有這些都適用,你知道,有點獨特,雷,正如你所知,當你看到大部分第三階段試驗時,特別是長效Ascendis、諾和輝瑞(Novo Pfizer),大多數受試者參加了我們研究中男性主導的試驗你知道,郵件比女性多一點。

  • That's not that choose different, which is very, very interesting.


  • I think when we go back to the first global Phase three trial, you can see that, you know, the number of countries going to increase the number of cycles increase because you know the time why we want to enroll.


  • We have a goal that, you know, we want to complete enrollment within 15 to 18 months, which is again, this goal, it's actually that genome better than the goal that those previous Phase three trial have been running.

    我們有一個目標,你知道,我們希望在 15 到 18 個月內完成註冊,這又是這個目標,實際上基因組比之前進行的第三階段試驗的目標更好。

  • Part of it is that, you know, that's during COVID.


  • And now we don't have COVID and not to mention that we do not expect a lot of competitor to run the Phase three trial.


  • Right.


  • And in good regards to do you know, the oral, I think deck too, to enroll this subject, I heard loud and clear when they start to face true tried to increase enrollment in a timely manner.


  • We realize that a lot of subject really interested to participate in these oral argument or one trial?


  • Again, you know, I don't think that we expect any, but this issue of you know, give the patient, an ROE, especially most of them would like to be able to be on this drug and especially during the clinical trial because it would take years for us to really get the drug approved.

    再說一次,你知道,我認為我們不會期望任何結果,但是你知道的這個問題,給患​​者一個 ROE,特別是他們中的大多數人希望能夠使用這種藥物,特別是在臨床試驗期間,因為我們需要數年時間才能真正使該藥物獲得批准。

  • I hope that that answers the question.


  • Catherine Novack - Analyst

    Catherine Novack - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Yes, that's very helpful.


  • And actually, just one more on the end-of-Phase two meeting we've heard over and over from KOLs that growth beyond 12 months is really the most important aspect to them.

    事實上,在第二階段結束會議上,我們一遍又一遍地從 KOL 那裡聽到,超過 12 個月的成長對他們來說確實是最重要的方面。

  • And are these data going to be a part of your discussion with FDA and how important is that to the for the Phase three trial design for that?

    這些數據是否會成為您與 FDA 討論的一部分?這對於第三階段試驗設計有多重要?

  • Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

    Rick Hawkins - CEO & Chairman

  • That is a very good question.


  • Katherine, among ask John to answer.


  • John McKew - President and Chief Scientific Officer

    John McKew - President and Chief Scientific Officer

  • Yes.


  • Thank you, Katherine.


  • So I think the data that we've shown about the small subset of kids that we have on 24 months on growth has been very telling the restoration of normal growth hormone pulsatility, normal IGF-1 levels and FeNO more natural growth.

    因此,我認為我們展示的關於一小部分兒童 24 個月生長情況的數據非常能說明正常生長激素脈動、正常 IGF-1 水平和 FeNO 恢復的正常生長情況。

  • That results from that has led to very consistent and durable growth comparing year to year one, right, we lose only a small tiny bit 6% of our HV. compared to a much larger drop-off that you see with daily injectable growth hormone.

    由此產生的結果是,與第一年相比,我們實現了非常一致和持久的成長,對吧,我們只損失了 6% 的 HV。與每天注射生長激素時看到的更大的下降相比。

  • So that is a really important piece of data that come.


  • We certainly will chat with the FDA about.

    我們當然會與 FDA 討論。

  • And we do anticipate much, as Rick said earlier, standard Phase three trial design of 12 months.

    正如 Rick 之前所說,我們確實對為期 12 個月的標準三期試驗設計抱有很大期望。

  • But because we have a number of subjects already that have gone past but 12 month timeframe.

    但因為我們已經有許多科目已經過了 12 個月的時間範圍。

  • We're moving subjects come from our 24-month loan, our growth to 10 study into a long-term safety extension.

    我們正在將 24 個月的貸款、我們的研究成長到 10 個月的研究對象轉移到長期安全擴展。

  • We will have quite a lot of longer-term data by the time we get to Phase three and get to an NDA.


  • So I think that data will be very helpful in addition to what we see in the Phase three 12 one study that Rick described.

    因此,我認為除了我們在 Rick 描述的第三階段 12 一研究中看到的數據之外,這些數據也將非常有幫助。

  • So it is very important and it will be a very nice package of dermal data that Brian.


  • Catherine Novack - Analyst

    Catherine Novack - Analyst

  • Great that that's very helpful.


  • Thanks.


  • Thanks a lot, guys.


  • Operator


  • Thanks, Ken.


  • And I'm showing no further questions in queue at this time.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the Lumos Pharma Fourth Quarter 2023 earnings call.

    女士們先生們,Lumos Pharma 2023 年第四季財報電話會議到此結束。

  • Thank you and Advocat.
