理想汽車 (LI) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


理想汽車2024年第二季銷售業績強勁,交付車輛超過10.8萬輛,新能源汽車市佔率不斷成長。該公司在自動駕駛功能方面取得了里程碑式的進展,並計劃於 2025 年推出純電動 SUV 車型。


該公司的目標是成為高端純電動車市場的一級參與者,預計全年交付量將超過 50 萬輛。


使用警語:中文譯文來源為 Google 翻譯,僅供參考,實際內容請以英文原文為主

  • Operator


  • Hello ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for standing by for Li Auto’s second quarter 2024 earnings conference call. (Operator Instructions) Today’s conference call is being recorded. I will now turn the call over to your host, Ms. Janet Zhang, Investor Relations Director of Li Auto. Please go ahead, Janet.

    女士們先生們大家好。感謝您出席理想汽車 2024 年第二季財報電話會議。 (操作員說明)今天的電話會議正在錄音。現在我將把電話轉給你們的主持人,理想汽車投資者關係總監張女士。請繼續,珍妮特。

  • Janet Zhang - Director, Investor Relations

    Janet Zhang - Director, Investor Relations

  • Thank you, Carrie. Good evening and good morning, everyone! Welcome to Li Auto’s second quarter 2024 earnings conference call. The company’s financial and operating results were published in a press release earlier today and were posted on the company’s IR website.

    謝謝你,嘉莉。大家晚上好,早安!歡迎參加理想汽車 2024 年第二季財報電話會議。該公司的財務和經營業績已在今天早些時候的新聞稿中發布,並發佈在該公司的投資者關係網站上。

  • On today’s call, we will have our chairman and CEO, Mr. Xiang Li; and our CFO, Mr. Johnny Tie Li, begin with prepared remarks. Our President, Mr. Donghui Ma; and Senior Vice President, Mr. James Liangjun Zou, will join for the Q&A discussion.

    在今天的電話會議上,我們的董事長兼執行長李翔先生將出席。我們的財務長 Johnny Tie Li 先生首先發表準備好的演講。我們的總裁馬東輝先生;資深副總裁鄒良軍先生將參與問答討論。

  • Before we continue, please be reminded that today’s discussion will contain forward-looking statements made under the Safe Harbor provisions of the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties.

    在我們繼續之前,請注意,今天的討論將包含根據 1995 年美國私人證券訴訟改革法案的安全港條款做出的前瞻性陳述。

  • As such, the company’s actual results may be materially different from the views expressed today. Further information regarding risks and uncertainties is included in certain company filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. The company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required under applicable law.


  • Please also note that Li Auto’s earnings press release and this conference call include discussions of unaudited US GAAP financial information as well as unaudited non-GAAP financial measures. Please refer to Li Auto’s disclosure documents on the IR section of our website, which contain a reconciliation of the unaudited non-GAAP measures to comparable US GAAP measures.


  • Our CEO will start his remarks in Chinese. There will be English translation after he finishes all his remarks. With that, I will now turn the call over to our CEO, Mr. Xiang Li. Please go ahead.


  • Xiang Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Founder

    Xiang Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Founder

  • (interpreted) The NEV penetration rate in China in July was approaching 50%, indicating higher adoption of smart electric vehicles versus ICE vehicles. As consumers increasingly favor leading brands with strong sales and substantial user bases, we expect the NEV market to further concentrate around top brands.


  • In a complex and evolving market landscape in the second quarter, we achieved strong sales performance by focusing on user value and operating efficiency. We delivered more than 108,000 vehicles in the second quarter, representing an increase of 25.5% year over year.


  • In the RMB200,000 and higher NEV market, our market share grew from 13.6% in Q1 to 14.4% in Q2, ranking first among domestic auto brands. Since June, we have remained the top-selling brand in the RMB200,000 and higher SUV market in China across NEV and ICE vehicles.


  • In terms of performance by model, all Li Auto models remained leaders in their respective market segments. In the second quarter, Li L7 and Li L8 claimed the top two spots in sales in the RMB300,000 and over large SUV NEV market, while Li L9 continued to be of top sales for full-size SUV among users.


  • Additionally, production and delivery for Li L6 continue to ramp up since its launch in April. Driven by its compelling product features and precise market positioning, Li L6 monthly deliveries have consistently exceeded 20,000 units since June. Li L6 ranks second in sales, in the RMB200,000 and higher passenger vehicle market, including both NEVs and ICE vehicles, only short of Tesla Model Y.

    此外,自4月上市以來,Li L6的產量和交付量持續增加。憑藉引人注目的產品功能和精準的市場定位,自6月以來,鋰L6月銷售持續突破2萬台。力L6在20萬元以上乘用車市場(包括新能源汽車和內燃機車)銷售排名第二,僅次於特斯拉Model Y。

  • Recently, we reached multiple delivery milestones. On June 21, our cumulative deliveries exceeded 800,000 vehicles, making us the first emerging new energy auto brand in China to reach this milestone ever. In July, we set a new monthly delivery record of 51,000 units per month.

    最近,我們達到了多個交付里程碑。 6月21日,累計銷售量突破80萬輛,成為中國首個實現此里程碑的新興新能源汽車品牌。 7月份,我們創下了每月51,000台的新月交付記錄。

  • On August 21, our cumulative deliveries surpassed 900,000 units, an unprecedented achievement for Chinese premium auto brands. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratefulness to each member of Li Auto for their hard work, and to our users for their recognition and support.


  • In the second quarter of 2024, we recorded total revenues of RMB31.7 billion, up 10.6% year over year, while maintaining a healthy gross margin of 19.5%. We are confident that our operating performance will improve further in the second half of this year, as Li L6 completes its production ramp up and cost reduction and efficiency improvement efforts come to fruition.


  • Vehicle delivery is only the beginning of a typical user journey. Through frequent OTAs, we continually add new features and optimize our user experience, allowing Li Auto vehicles to grow with our users. In July, we released OTA 6.0 and 6.1 for Li MEGA and Li L series users, introducing major improvements across autonomous driving, smart space, and smart electric driving features.

    車輛交付只是典型使用者旅程的開始。透過頻繁的OTA,我們不斷添加新功能並優化用戶體驗,讓理想汽車與用戶一起成長。 7月,我們針對Li MEGA和Li L系列用戶發布了OTA 6.0和6.1,在自動駕駛、智慧空間和智慧電動駕駛功能方面進行了重大改進。

  • I would like to highlight the substantial progress we made in autonomous driving. In July, we rolled out our HD-mapless NOA to over 240,000 Li AD Max users. This version is no longer dependent on prior information, and therefore can operate on all roads across all cities in China. Our HD-mapless NOA is very well-received which is also reflected in accelerating order intake.

    我想強調一下我們在自動駕駛方面取得的實質進展。 7 月,我們向超過 24 萬名 Li AD Max 用戶推出了高清地圖無 NOA。該版本不再依賴先驗訊息,因此可以在中國所有城市的所有道路上運行。我們的無高清地圖 NOA 非常受歡迎,這也反映在訂單量的增加上。

  • Since this feature was introduced to beta users in May, the proportion of NOA test drives has nearly doubled. Following the rollout of OTA 6.0, the daily user engagement rate of city NOA has increased nearly eightfold and the average NOA mileage per user have almost tripled.

    自從5月向測試版用戶推出此功能以來,NOA試駕比例幾乎翻了一番。 OTA 6.0推出後,城市NOA的每日用戶參與率增長了近八倍,每個用戶的平均NOA里程幾乎增加了兩倍。

  • As of now, over 99% of our users use our autonomous driving features regularly, with cumulative NOA mileage surpassing 1.11 billion kilometers. Additionally, user satisfaction and AD Max take rate are both increasing steadily.

    截至目前,超過99%的用戶經常使用我們的自動駕駛功能,累計NOA里程超過11.1億公里。此外,用戶滿意度和AD Max使用率都在穩定成長。

  • Our autonomous driving system continue to iterate quickly. On our Autonomous Driving Summer Launch Event on July 5, we introduced the industry’s first dual-system autonomous driving solution, integrating an end-to-end model or E2E with a vision-language model or VLM.

    我們的自動駕駛系統持續快速迭代。在 7 月 5 日的自動駕駛夏季發表會上,我們推出了業界首個雙系統自動駕駛解決方案,將端到端車型或 E2E 與視覺語言機型或 VLM 整合。

  • We rolled out the new solution to approximately 1,000 beta users by the end of July. The E2E and VLM models brought much stronger conflict resolution and reasoning capabilities to our autonomous driving system. The one model approach also facilitates rapid iterations.

    到 7 月底,我們向大約 1,000 名測試版用戶推出了新的解決方案。 E2E和VLM模型為我們的自動駕駛系統帶來了更強的衝突解決和推理能力。單一模型方法也有利於快速迭代。

  • Our early bird beta testing version iterates 3 to 4 times weekly, with an average daily user engagement rate of over 70%. Additionally, we developed in-house reconstructed and generative world models for training and validation purposes. This new dual-system architecture has many benefits including more efficient inference, faster model iterations, and more human-like route planning, and better overall user experience.

    我們的早鳥 Beta 測試版本每週迭代 3 至 4 次,每日平均用戶參與率超過 70%。此外,我們還開發了用於訓練和驗證目的的內部重建和生成世界模型。這種新的雙系統架構有許多好處,包括更有效率的推理、更快的模型迭代、更人性化的路線規劃以及更好的整體使用者體驗。

  • To cope with our growing product portfolio and greater number of vehicle count, we continued to upgrade and expand our sales and servicing network. In Q2, we upgraded existing shopping mall stores and replaced some lower-performing ones with new sales centers located in major auto parks. The proportion of sales centers has increased to 31% with the total number of showroom display spots increasing by nearly 13% over the last quarter.


  • As of July 31, 2024, we had 487 retail stores located in 146 cities, as well as 411 servicing centers and Li Auto-authorized body and paint shops operating in 220 cities in China.


  • Looking at our charging network, as of August 27, we had 733 supercharging stations in operation, with 3,428 charging stalls. Alongside the ongoing buildout of our own super charging stations, we collaborated with a number of premium partners to launch the first batch of what we call Li Selection super charging stations in July.

    從我們的充電網路來看,截至8月27日,我們已營運超級充電站733個,充電樁3,428個。除了不斷建造自己的超級充電站外,我們還與多家優質合作夥伴合作,於 7 月推出了第一批「Li Selection」超級充電站。

  • We will continue to expand the coverage and increase the density of our super charging networks. This improves the charging experience for users, allowing more families to choose Li Auto's products with no concerns.


  • Looking ahead to the third quarter of 2024, we expect vehicle deliveries to be between 145,000 to 155,000 units. As a growth-driven company, we are committed to creating products and services that exceed user expectations, while strengthening our brand in the new energy in premium car markets. In the first half of 2025, we expect to launch battery electric SUV models to serve a broader range of family users. With that, I will now turn it over to our CFO, Johnny, to walk you through our financial performance.

    展望 2024 年第三季度,我們預計汽車交付量將在 145,000 輛至 155,000 輛之間。作為一家成長型公司,我們致力於創造超越用戶期望的產品和服務,同時強化我們在高檔汽車市場新能源的品牌。 2025年上半年,我們預計將推出純電動SUV車型,服務更廣泛的家庭用戶。現在,我將把它交給我們的財務長約翰尼,向您介紹我們的財務表現。

  • Tie Li - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

    Tie Li - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

  • Thank you, Xiang. Hello, everyone. I will now walk you through some of our 2024 second quarter financials. Due to time constraints, I will address financial highlights here and encourage you to refer to our earnings press release for further details.

    謝謝你,翔。大家好。現在,我將向您介紹我們 2024 年第二季的一些財務數據。由於時間有限,我將在此討論財務要點,並鼓勵您參閱我們的收益新聞稿以了解更多詳細資訊。

  • Total revenues in the second quarter were RMB31.7 billion or USD4.4 billion, up 10.6% year over year and 23.6% quarter over quarter. This included RMB30.3 billion or USD4.2 billion from vehicle sales, up 8.4% year over year and 25% quarter over quarter.


  • The year-over-year increase was mainly attributable to the increase in vehicle deliveries, partially offset by the lower average selling price mainly due to different product mix and pricing strategy changes. The sequential increase was mainly due to the increase in vehicle deliveries, partially offset by the lower average selling price as a result of different product mix.


  • Cost of sales in the second quarter was RMB25.5 billion or USD3.5 billion, up 13.8% year over year and 25.3% quarter over quarter. Gross profit in the second quarter was RMB6.2 billion or USD850 million, down 0.9% year over year and up 16.9% quarter over quarter.


  • Vehicle margin in the second quarter was 18.7%, versus 21% in the same period last year and 19.3% in the prior quarter. The year-over-year decrease was mainly due to different product mix and pricing strategy changes, partially offset by cost reduction. The sequential decrease was mainly due to different product mix.

    第二季汽車利潤率為 18.7%,去年同期為 21%,上季為 19.3%。年比下降主要是由於不同的產品組合和定價策略變化,但部分被成本下降所抵消。環比下降主要是產品結構不同所致。

  • Gross margin in the second quarter was 19.5%, versus 21.8% in the same period last year and 20.6% in the prior quarter. Operating expenses in the second quarter were RMB5.7 billion or USD785.6 million, up 23.9% year over year and down 2.7% quarter over quarter.

    第二季毛利率為19.5%,去年同期為21.8%,上季毛利率為20.6%。第二季營運費用為 57 億元(7.856 億美元),年增 23.9%,季減 2.7%。

  • R&D expenses in the second quarter were RMB3 billion or USD416.6 million, up 24.8% year over year and down 0.7% quarter over quarter. The year-over-year increase was primarily due to increased expenses to support the expanding product portfolios and technologies as well as increased employee compensation as a result of the growth in the number of staff on a year-over-year basis.


  • The sequential decrease was primarily due to decreased employee compensation, offset by increased expenses to support the expanding product portfolios and technologies.


  • SG&A expenses in the second quarter were RMB2.8 billion or USD387.4 million, up 21.9% year over year and down 5.5% quarter over quarter. The year-over-year increase was primarily due to increased employee compensation as a result of the growth in the number of staff as well as increased rental and other expenses associated with the expansion of sales and servicing network.

    第二季的銷售管理及行政費用為 28 億元(3.874 億美元),較去年同期成長 21.9%,較上季下降 5.5%。年比成長主要是由於員工人數增加導致員工薪資增加,以及與銷售和服務網絡擴張相關的租金和其他費用增加。

  • The sequential decrease was mainly due to decreased marketing and promotional activities and employee compensation on a quarter-over-quarter basis.


  • And income from operations in the second quarter was RMB468 million or USD64.4 million, versus income from operations of RMB1.6 billion in the same period last year and loss from operations of RMB584.9 million in the prior quarter. Operating margin in the second quarter was 1.5%, versus 5.7% in the same period last year and negative 2.3% in the prior quarter.

    第二季營運收入為 4.68 億元(約 6,440 萬美元),而去年同期營運收入為 16 億元,上一季營運虧損為 5.849 億元。第二季營業利益率為 1.5%,去年同期為 5.7%,上一季為負 2.3%。

  • Net income in the second quarter was RMB1.1 billion or $151.5 million, down 52.3% year over year and up 86.2% quarter over quarter. Diluted net earnings per ADS attributable to ordinary shareholders was RMB1.05 or USD0.14 in the second quarter, versus RMB2.18 in the same period last year, and RMB0.56 in the prior quarter.


  • And turning to our balance sheet and cash flow. Our cash position remained strong and stood at RMB97.3 billion or USD13.4 billion, as of June 30, 2024. Net cash used in operating activities in the second quarter was RMB429.4 million or USD59.1 million, versus net cash provided by operating activities of RMB11.1 billion in the same period last year and net cash used in operating activities of RMB3.3 billion in the prior quarter.

    轉向我們的資產負債表和現金流。截至2024 年6 月30 日,我們的現金狀況依然強勁,為973 億元人民幣(134 億美元)。現金為4.294 億元(5,910 萬美元)去年同期經營活動所用現金為人民幣111億元,上季度經營活動所用現金淨額為人民幣33億元。

  • Free cash flow was negative RMB1.9 billion or negative USD254.9 million in the second quarter, versus positive RMB9.6 billion in the same period last year and negative RMB5.1 billion in the prior quarter.

    第二季自由現金流為負 19 億元或負 2.549 億美元,去年同期為正人民幣 96 億元,上一季為負人民幣 51 億元。

  • And now for our business outlook. For the third quarter of 2024, the company expects the deliveries to be between 145,000 and 155,000 vehicles, representing a year-over-year increase of 38% to 47.5%.


  • The company also expects third quarter total revenues to be between RMB39.4 billion and RMB42.2 billion, or USD5.4 billion and USD5.8 billion, representing a year-over-year increase of 13.7% to 21.6%. This business outlook reflects the company’s current and preliminary view on its business situation and market conditions, which is subject to change. That concludes our prepared remarks. I will now turn the call over to the operator to start our Q&A session. Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Tim Hsiao, Morgan Stanley.

    (操作員指示)Tim Hsiao,摩根士丹利。

  • Tim Hsiao - Analyst

    Tim Hsiao - Analyst

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • So my first question is about the autonomous driving, I think Li Auto is diving into the end-to-end autonomous driving technology and expanding the team aggressively, how quickly it will auto evaluate the return and efficiency of such ambitious investment? What could be the more relevant metrics for investors to assess how to reach out and the commercialization progress of Li Auto's end-to-end autonomous driving technology? That's my first question. Thank you.


  • Xiang Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Founder

    Xiang Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Founder

  • (interpreted) Since the beginning, our investment yield on autonomous driving has always been pretty high and in terms of operating metrics, we'd like to focus on two key results. One is whether our user is willing to use it and second is whether users willing to pay for it.


  • So on the user front, metrics include the percentage time use or percentage mileage used. And since we launched HD-mapless NOA in July, users usage rate have been increasing steadily, as shown by both the daily active rate and the mileage driven have both increased manifold.


  • On the market front, improvement in NOA has positive effects on adoption rate since for potential users who come to our stores, the percentage of users who take NOA on test drives has increased more than twice, and the percentage of NOA AD Max take rate on every model has also been increased, especially cars priced above RMB300,000, the percentage of AD Max take rate has already approached 70%.

    在市場方面,NOA 的改進對採用率產生了積極的影響,因為對於來到我們商店的潛在用戶來說,在試駕中使用NOA 的用戶比例增加了兩倍以上,NOA AD Max 採用率的百分比增加了2 倍以上。

  • And we believe that VLM and E2E model marks the beginning of establishing entry barriers in terms of R&D for autonomous driving, because we believe that this generation is real-AI powered, autonomous driving and AI is further relies on large amounts of data and computing power.


  • So only companies with the ability to invest in the data and training capability and also have it large enough user or vehicle base are able to become bigger and bigger in autonomous driving. And this improvement in autonomous driving will then further increase sales overall and also the number of AD Max equipped vehicles. And this further in return allows us to invest even more in autonomous driving. So this is a very positive snowball effect.

    因此,只有有能力在數據和訓練能力上進行​​投資,並且擁有足夠大的用戶或車輛基礎的公司才能在自動駕駛領域變得越來越大。自動駕駛技術的進步將進一步增加整體銷售以及配備 AD Max 的車輛數量。而這進一步的回報使我們能夠在自動駕駛方面進行更多投資。所以這是一個非常正面的滾雪球效應。

  • Tim Hsiao - Analyst

    Tim Hsiao - Analyst

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • My second question is about the competition. Could management comment on the ongoing competition between Li Auto and Huawei? How do we expect the competitive landscape to evolve into second half as both brands like Li Auto and AITO keep striving for the tough spot in family SUVs market with advanced smart driving features? That's my second question. Thank you.


  • Xiang Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Founder

    Xiang Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Founder

  • (interpreted) So first of all, HIMA is our biggest competitor in the market and our view is that we will continue to coexist with HIMA in the long term in a very healthy fashion. And our attitude has always been to continually learn from Huawei, especially its R&D systems and methodologies in operations and management as for us as a startup company to have such a model to learn from is very critical.


  • Operator


  • Ben Wang, Deutsche Bank.


  • Ben Wang - Analyst

    Ben Wang - Analyst

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • I've got two questions. Number one is about the margin guidance for this year. Did you maintain a full-year 20% gross margin guidance? Especially for the third quarter, basically, you mentioned that the AD Max version proportion increased to more than 70%. Is that going to be increasing the product mix, I mean the third-quarter gross margin -- vehicle gross margin back to 20%? That's the first question.

    我有兩個問題。第一個是關於今年的利潤指引。你們是否維持全年 20% 的毛利率指引?特別是第三季度,基本上,您提到AD Max版本比例增加到70%以上。這是否會增加產品組合,我指的是第三季的毛利率——車輛毛利率回到 20%?這是第一個問題。

  • The second question is about your pure EV products. This is where you have been postponed vehicle by almost half a year. Did you change the design, especially the exterior design because for some of the style feature, it showed like design did not yet. Most of the customers prefer to change the standard design to differentiate from the MEGA design. Can you provide any comment on that? Thank you.

    第二個問題是關於你們的純電動產品。這是你推遲車輛近半年的地方。你是否改變了設計,特別是外觀設計,因為對於某些風格特徵,它表現得像設計還沒有。大多數客戶喜歡改變標準設計以區別於 MEGA 設計。你能否對此發表評論?謝謝。

  • Tie Li - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

    Tie Li - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

  • Hello, this is Johnny. I will take the first question. I think last quarter we got vehicle marketing is around 18% actually finally, we delivered 18.7% and this is of our company and also the product mix and the delivery, the final delivery. So for the third quarter, we believe our vehicle margin will come back a little bit around, it will be over 19% and the total gross margin will be above 20% in the third quarter. Thank you.

    你好,這是強尼。我將回答第一個問題。我認為上季度我們的車輛行銷約為 18%,實際上最終我們交付了 18.7%,這是我們公司的,也是產品組合和交付,最終交付的。所以對於第三季度,我們相信我們的整車利潤率將會回升,將超過19%,第三季總毛利率將超過20%。謝謝。

  • Xiang Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Founder

    Xiang Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Founder

  • (interpreted) Li MEGA has been a great validation of our capabilities in 800 volt high voltage drivetrain and also our R&D capabilities in this area including the drive train efficiency of our high voltage platform and also the end-to-end charging experience and capabilities.

    (解讀)Li MEGA極大地驗證了我們在800伏高壓傳動系統方面的能力,也是我們在該領域的研發能力,包括我們高壓平台的傳動系統效率以及端到端的充電經驗和能力。

  • And as we make improvements in autonomous driving, we have also become a Tier 1 player in autonomous driving and similarly, our competitiveness in smart cockpit or smart space has also been very strong historically.

    隨著我們在自動駕駛方面不斷進步,我們也成為了自動駕駛領域的Tier 1,同樣,我們在智慧座艙或智慧空間方面的競爭力也歷來非常強。

  • So for our best SUVs, we really only need to solve two important problems. The first one is overall styling of the product and the second one is to make sure that we have well over 200,000 charging stations by the time we start deliveries of our BEV product. So overall, we're pretty confident in the competitiveness of our electric SUVs and we our plan or our goal is to become a Tier 1 player in the premium BEV market in two years' time.

    因此,對於我們最好的SUV,我們實際上只需要解決兩個重要問題。第一個是產品的整體造型,第二個是確保在我們開始交付 BEV 產品時我們擁有超過 200,000 個充電站。因此,總的來說,我們對電動 SUV 的競爭力非常有信心,我們的計劃或目標是在兩年內成為高端純電動車市場的一級參與者。

  • Operator


  • Tina Hou, Goldman Sachs.


  • Tina Hou - Analyst

    Tina Hou - Analyst

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • So thanks management for taking my question. First question is regarding our competition strategy into the second half of the year. So especially given that we don't have any new model launches for the second half, how are we expecting to maintain or even improve our sales volume?


  • The second question is, since earlier this year, management has lowered overall volume guidance to a low end of 560,000 units for full year 2024. However, we also gave a quite high CapEx guidance at around RMB15 billion, I think, in first quarter. So given the lowered volume guidance, how should we think about the pace of capacity expansion as well as new CapEx guidance? Thank you.

    第二個問題是,自今年稍早以來,管理層已將2024 年全年的整體銷售指引下調至56 萬輛的低端。指導,約150 億元。因此,考慮到銷售指引的下調,我們應該如何考慮產能擴張的步伐以及新的資本支出指引?謝謝。

  • James Liangjun Zou - Senior Vice President

    James Liangjun Zou - Senior Vice President

  • Hi, Tina. This is James. I will take your first question. New models are only one of the reasons contributing to sales growth. And from my point of view, efficient sales operations is another way to promote sales and that's what we are doing now. And looking forward, we will continue to optimize the deployment of our stores while strengthening our capability to gain online need.


  • This will open the door to higher possibilities of sales growth while enhancing the efficiency of sales operations. In addition, our recently increased publicity of autonomous driving also facilitated sales growth, in particular, the sales of AD Max models.

    這將為更高的銷售成長可能性打開大門,同時提高銷售營運的效率。另外,近期我們對自動駕駛的宣傳力道加大,也促進了銷售量的成長,特別是AD Max車款的銷售量。

  • As the results show, our market share in the RMB200,000 and higher NEV market increased to 14.4% in second quarter 2024 from 13.6% in the first quarter. We aim to grow our market share in this segment further to 16% in the last quarter this year.

    結果顯示,我們在20萬元及以上新能源汽車市場的市佔率從第一季的13.6%增至2024年第二季的14.4%。我們的目標是在今年最後一個季度將我們在這一領域的市佔率進一步增加至 16%。

  • Tie Li - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

    Tie Li - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

  • Tina, this is Johnny. And I think with James has just mentioned, 16% market share on the NEV market above RMB200,000. And if we assume a healthy passenger vehicle market in the second half of this year, we are very confident our full-year delivery will finally over 0.5 million delivery vehicles.


  • And for the CapEx, we have optimized our CapEx pace. And in the beginning of this year, we estimate the CapEx is about USD2 billion. And currently, we estimate the CapEx will be USD1.1 billion to USD1.2 billion. And for the free cash flow and for June and July, the free cash flow has been positive.

    對於資本支出,我們優化了資本支出節奏。今年年初,我們估計資本支出約為 20 億美元。目前,我們預計資本支出將為 11 億美元至 12 億美元。對自由現金流而言,六月和七月的自由現金流一直為正。

  • And with the optimization of the CapEx investment and also the improvement of the operational efficiency, we are very confident that our free cash flow will come back to positive starting from the third quarter.


  • Operator


  • Xu Yingbo, CITIC Securities.


  • Yingbo Xu - Analyst

    Yingbo Xu - Analyst

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • And so I have two questions. The first question is about end-to-end autonomous driving. So what's our view about our future plan all in this area? And the second question is about robotaxi, how we see this trend? Thank you.


  • Xiang Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Founder

    Xiang Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Founder

  • (interpreted) First of all, our end-to-end VLM model, the iteration rate and performance actually exceeded our operations. Since we began our 1,000 early bird testing program in July, in less than a month, the model has gone through nine iterations, on average a new iteration every 34 days.


  • The amount of data used for training has also increased from 1 million clips at the beginning to 2.3 million clips currently, and the model capabilities has also been increasing along the way. Many of our early bird testing users have posted many videos of their end-to-end driving on social media to showcase the great performance on city roads.


  • The rapid iteration of the model won't be possible without highly efficient and automated testing capabilities. And we rely on world models to build a simulation testing system. In this system and using user feedback and using real-world scenario reconstruction and generative technologies, we have built a pull of a library of mistakes and testing scenarios for our models to make sure that our models are most fully tested and trained.


  • This testing program can rate the models in terms of safety, comfort, and many other dimensions. And we believe that there has been a fundamental change in autonomous driving R&D that has increased from feature iteration to model capability iteration. And the speed of iteration is highly dependent on whether we have high-quality and large amounts of -- high-quality data and large amounts of computing power.


  • And also what I mentioned earlier, which is the automated simulation testing program. So our end-to-end VLM system, we're planning -- for this system, we're planning to launch a greater scale or approximately 10,000 user scale testing program starting in September.

    還有我前面提到的,就是自動化模擬測試程式。因此,我們正在規劃我們的端到端 VLM 系統,對於該系統,我們計劃從 9 月開始啟動更大規模或約 10,000 個用戶規模的測試計畫。

  • And on your question regarding robotaxi, our view interestingly is that as we reach Level 4 autonomous driving, the demand for ride-hailing and taxi and will actually decrease. And obviously, the market will take more time for us to observe and to see how it develops in the future.

    關於你關於機器人計程車的問題,有趣的是,我們的觀點是,當我們達到 4 級自動駕駛時,對乘車和計程車的需求實際上會減少。顯然,市場未來如何發展還需要我們更多的時間來觀察和了解。

  • Operator


  • Paul Gong, UBS.


  • Paul Gong - Analyst

    Paul Gong - Analyst

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • So we have seen recent weak consumption sentiment in China, but the auto sales series continued to grow in terms of the sales volume. In the environment of the government stimulus as well as certain pricing adjustments upwards by the German premium brand, have you seen the competitive environment in the high-end market has sequentially improved recently?


  • James Liangjun Zou - Senior Vice President

    James Liangjun Zou - Senior Vice President

  • Okay, Paul, this is James. I will take your question. And I believe our recent robust sales performance has been largely contributable to our Li series competitive advantage from its product strength. And our adaptability and ability to make swift adjustments in responding to the market.


  • Apart from the traditional sales channels in the second quarter, we ramped up our investment in online marketing resources, such as Douyin and other online platform, achieving significant results as it brought us substantial increase in sales leads.


  • Additionally, we are revolutionizing our sales system by giving more empowerment to regional level. This system allows each region to adopt regional sales strategy in a flexible approach on the condition of accomplishing profit targets given by the company.


  • This approach significantly enhances the sales potential to each region. Last but not least, since June 2024, the NEV penetration rate in the RMB200,000 and higher market has reached over 50%, which is a significant milestone. After this, I think the premium NEV industry will continue to consolidate and I believe the auto will be one of the main beneficiaries during this process. Thank you


  • Paul Gong - Analyst

    Paul Gong - Analyst

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • So my second question is regarding the preparation work for the BEV models next year. Given the half-year adjustment of the launching time, will you adopt more new technologies, the latest technologies, and how much of the scale have you been preparing for the supply chain in terms of the capacity?


  • Xiang Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Founder

    Xiang Li - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Founder

  • (interpreted) Our plan is still to launch multiple 800-volt high voltage pure electric vehicles next year, 2025. In terms of R&D, everything is on track. So far, we have completed multiple rounds of low-volume trial production of prototype vehicles.


  • And according to our testing and including, for example, high-temperature, high humidity durability testing schedule, everything is going according to plan. And in terms of supply-chain readiness, everything is also on track.


  • The planned production capacity is sufficient to meet the sales targets. And the factories for manufacturing these vehicles have completed production -- completed construction and the four major lines of stamping, welding, painting, and assembly are also under testing and installation.


  • We are planning to have key components develop in-house on our BEV electric vehicles and these have also been going through performance testing. External suppliers and our partners have also been developing and building out their production capacity on track. Everything is going according to plan. So overall, we're very confident to deliver our BEV models next year according to plan.


  • Operator


  • Yuqian Ding, HSBC.


  • Yuqian Ding - Analyst

    Yuqian Ding - Analyst

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • So I got two questions. The first is, last season management talked about the reallocate the model display in the channel to maximize the product mix and bring more exposure to the high-end model like L8. How does that go versus the expectation? The second question is about, there's been quite some restructuring and adjustment in the first half. Could you refresh the full year R&D expense guidance and highlight us, change if any? Thank you.


  • James Liangjun Zou - Senior Vice President

    James Liangjun Zou - Senior Vice President

  • Okay, Yuqian. This is James. I will take your first question. As we open more stores in auto parks, the number of display spots for L8 has gradually recovered. We also developed the new online sales channels including Douyin to ensure sufficient sales leads for L8. So now L8 sales has been steadily improving since April. Currently, its monthly deliveries has recovered to the range of 6,000 to 7,000 units.


  • Tie Li - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

    Tie Li - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director

  • Hi, this is Johnny. For R&D, we expect the full year GAAP R&D will be below RMB12 billion. Thank you.

    嗨,這是約翰尼。研發方面,我們預計全年 GAAP 研發費用將低於 120 億元。謝謝。

  • Operator


  • Jin Zhong, CICC.


  • Jin Zhong - Analyst

    Jin Zhong - Analyst

  • (spoken in foreign language)


  • So my first question is about the distribution network. After the review of the first half of 2024, we have made a lot of improvements. So just as Mr. Li Xiang mentioned about, we increased the proportion of the central stores, so can you share more about the detail behind the above changes about the logic and our stance on the distribution network extension and also entering into the lower tier cities. And also what we should do more to prepare for the launch of EV models next year.


  • James Liangjun Zou - Senior Vice President

    James Liangjun Zou - Senior Vice President

  • Okay, Jin Zhong, this is James. I will take your question. So first of all, we are speaking to our direct sales model, and we are aiming to display all models in our showrooms. And that's what we are doing now. Our retail stores in all auto parks have larger floor spaces and have the capacity to display 9 to 11 vehicles. And we will display all of our models in these stores.

    好的,金鐘,這是詹姆斯。我會回答你的問題。首先,我們談論的是我們的直銷模式,我們的目標是在我們的展廳中展示所有型號。這就是我們現在正在做的事情。我們在所有停車場的零售店都有較大的建築面積,可容納 9 至 11 輛車。我們將在這些商店中展示我們所有的型號。

  • So since the start of this year, we have been making many adjustments towards our sales channels. We are gradually replacing low performing stores in the shopping malls with retail stores in leading auto parks. We will continue to focus on the best auto parks in the top 150 cities and open large high-quality stores there.


  • In terms of our achievements so far, the proportion of our stores in auto parks has increased from 24% last year -- end of last year, to 31% at end of June 2024. We plan to further increase the proportion to close to 50% by end of this year. And regarding your question that next year for the BEV, when we launch our BEV models, so we will continue to increase the proportion of the car park stores next year, so to facilitate our display spots.

    從目前所取得的成績來看,我們在汽車園區的門市比例已從去年年底的24%增加到2024年6月底的31%。 。至於你提到的問題,明年對於純電動車,當我們推出我們的純電動車型時,所以明年我們會繼續增加停車場店的比例,以便於我們的展示位。

  • The showroom capacity per store also improved, alongside the increased proportion of stores in auto parks, the number of showroom vehicles per store has increased from 4.6 units at the end of last year to 5.1 units at the end of June 2024.


  • And we plan to further increase this metric to cover six units per store by end of this year. Our total number of showroom display ports has increased from 2,642 at the end of last year to 2,919 at the end of June 2024. We plan to further increase this number to over 3,600 by end of this year. Thank you.

    我們計劃在今年年底前進一步提高這項指標,以涵蓋每家商店 6 個單位。我們的展廳展示端口總數已從去年底的2,642個增加到2024年6月底的2,919個。謝謝。

  • Operator


  • As we are reaching the end of our conference call now, I'd like to turn the call back over to the company for closing remarks. Ms. Janet Chang, please go ahead.


  • Janet Zhang - Director, Investor Relations

    Janet Zhang - Director, Investor Relations

  • Thank you once again for joining us today. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact Li Auto's Investor Relations team through the contact information provided on our IR website. This concludes this conference call. You may now disconnect your line. Thank you.
