Jamf Holding Corp (JAMF) 2024 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Thank you for standing by and welcome to Jamf's third-quarter, 2024 earnings conference call.

    感謝您的耐心等待並歡迎參加 Jamf 2024 年第三季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder today's program is being recorded.


  • And now I'd like to introduce Jennifer Gaumond, Vice President, investor Relations.

    現在我想介紹投資人關係副總裁 Jennifer Gaumond。

  • Jennifer Gaumond - Vice President, Investor Relations

    Jennifer Gaumond - Vice President, Investor Relations

  • Good afternoon.


  • And thank you for joining today's call to discuss Jamf's third-quarter, 2024 financial results.

    感謝您參加今天的電話會議,討論 Jamf 2024 年第三季的財務表現。

  • Joining me on today's call are John Strosahl, Chief Executive Officer; and Ian Goodkind, outgoing CFO, and David RDO incoming CFO.

    與我一起參加今天電話會議的還有執行長 John Strosahl;即將離任的財務長伊恩‧古德金德 (Ian Goodkind) 和即將上任的財務長戴維‧RDO (David RDO)。

  • Before we begin, a reminder that shortly after the market closed today, we issued a press release announcing our third quarter financial results.


  • We also published our Q3 investor and earnings presentations along with an Excel file containing quarterly financial statements to assist with modeling.

    我們還發布了第三季投資者和收益簡報以及包含季度財務報表的 Excel 文件,以協助建模。

  • You may access this information on the investor relations section of jamf.com.

    您可以在 jamf.com 的投資者關係部分存取此資訊。

  • Today's discussion includes forward-looking statements which involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and trends to differ materially from our forecast.


  • For more details, please refer to the risk factors and other information discussed in our most recent SEC reports including our most recent annual report on form 10-K.

    如需了解更多詳情,請參閱我們最新的 SEC 報告(包括我們最新的 10-K 表格年度報告)中討論的風險因素和其他資訊。

  • Jamf's assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements which speak only as of the date they are made.

    Jamf's 不承擔更新前瞻性陳述的義務,這些陳述僅代表發布當日的情況。

  • We will also reference some non-GAAP measures related to Jamf's performance reconciliations to the nearest comparable GAAP measures are available in our earnings release.

    我們還將參考與 Jamf 績效調整相關的一些非 GAAP 衡量標準,以與我們的收益發布中提供的最接近的可比較 GAAP 衡量標準進行比較。

  • To facilitate a full Q&A, please limit yourself to one initial question and one follow up.


  • Now I'll turn the call over to John.


  • John Strosahl - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    John Strosahl - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thanks, Jen.


  • Q3 was another quarter of strong performance with revenue and non-GAAP operating income exceeding the high end of our outlook.


  • Q3 year over year revenue growth was 12% with subscription revenue representing 98% of the total.

    第三季營收年增 12%,其中訂閱收入佔總營收的 98%。

  • Non-GAAP operating income reached $27.7 million, representing a non-GAAP operating income margin of 17% and 800 basis points.

    非 GAAP 營業收入達到 2,770 萬美元,非 GAAP 營業利潤率為 17% 和 800 個基點。

  • Improvement from the prior year period.


  • ARR grew 12% year over year to $635 million driven by our commercial business and continued demand for our security solutions.

    在我們的商業業務和對安全解決方案的持續需求的推動下,ARR 年比成長 12%,達到 6.35 億美元。

  • Our platform now supports 33.9 million devices and 76,000 customers.

    我們的平台現在支援 3,390 萬台設備和 76,000 名客戶。

  • Due to our recent comprehensive systems update, we made a one-time adjustment to reset both our device and our customer accounts.


  • The adjustment includes items like updating MSPs to count as a single customer each.

    調整包括更新 MSP 以將每個 MSP 計為單一客戶等項目。

  • In addition, we recognize revenue for certain licenses that mirrors the expected life of the device or expected usage of the product.


  • Some customers with these licenses are extending the usage of devices past the revenue recognition period.


  • Therefore, as we are no longer recognizing revenues for these licenses, we have removed them from our device and customer accounts.


  • Excluding these adjustments, device ads would be similar to Q2 and customer ads would be similar to Q1.


  • 42% of our customers run both a Jamf management and security solution, up from 41% in Q2.

    42% 的客戶同時運行 Jamf 管理和安全解決方案,高於第二季的 41%。

  • Security, ARR reached another milestone.

    安全性方面,ARR 達到了另一個里程碑。

  • Surpassing $150 million of ARR.

    ARR 超過 1.5 億美元。

  • In Q3.


  • We ended Q3 with security ARR of $152 million, representing growth of 26%.

    第三季結束時,我們的安全 ARR 為 1.52 億美元,成長了 26%。

  • Security represented 24% of Jamf's total ARR in Q3, up from 23% in Q2.

    第三季度,安全性佔 Jamf 總 ARR 的 24%,高於第二季的 23%。

  • This growth was driven primarily by demand for Jamf business plan which saw its largest customer increase in the history of the bundle demand remains strong across a diverse set of industries despite tight customer budgets and extensive approval processes.

    這一增長主要是由對 Jamf 業務計劃的需求推動的,該計劃見證了歷史上最大的客戶增長,儘管客戶預算緊張且審批流程廣泛,但各個行業的捆綁需求仍然強勁。

  • We're encouraged by growth again in three of our top five industries, professional services, financial services, and retail.


  • While we continue to see muted growth in tech and K-12.

    儘管我們繼續看到科技和 K-12 領域的成長乏力。

  • PC shipment reports showed slightly overall industry declines in Q3, following two quarters of growth.

    PC 出貨量報告顯示,繼兩季的成長之後,第三季整個產業略有下降。

  • Mac shipment data was mixed with, IDC showing a decline and Gartner showing growth in Q3.

    Mac 出貨量數據好壞參半,IDC 顯示第三季下降,Gartner 顯示第三季成長。

  • When looking at year-to-date shipments, Apple shipments remained flat despite the slowness in the PC market.


  • Industry analysts expect a recovery, fueled by demand for AI-PCs and the end of Windows 10 support in late 2025.

    產業分析師預計,在 AI-PC 需求以及 Windows 10 支援將於 2025 年底終止的推動下,經濟將出現復甦。

  • Shipment data and quarterly fluctuations there in do not directly impact our business and are more of a barometer for the health of the industry.


  • This is even more true in the mobile space due to the large number of overall devices currently in the market that are unmanaged or undermanaged.


  • I'm especially proud of our strong performance this quarter, given the recent go live of our comprehensive system update which will enhance both the customer and partner experience.


  • This is a key milestone for our scalability and efficiency initiatives to drive future growth and margin expansion.


  • We also launched our Jamf partner hub and new partner program which will drive more business through our channel partners, increasing the efficiency of our go to market organization.

    我們還推出了 Jamf 合作夥伴中心和新合作夥伴計劃,這將透過我們的通路合作夥伴推動更多業務,提高我們進入市場組織的效率。

  • We recently brought on a new channel leader to execute our strategy, focusing on ecosystem growth, and removing friction from the sales process.


  • In Q3, we entered into two strategic agreements with key partners to help drive additional value for customers.


  • First, a five year agreement as part of the Microsoft ISV partner program, expanding our existing collaboration with Microsoft with new and innovative Microsoft cloud and AI powered solutions for our joint customers Jamf solutions will be hosted on Azure and available for purchase on the Azure marketplace by late 2024.

    首先,作為Microsoft ISV 合作夥伴計畫的一部分,我們簽訂了一份為期五年的協議,透過為我們的共同客戶提供全新的創新Microsoft 雲端和AI 驅動的解決方案,擴大了我們與Microsoft 的現有合作Jamf 解決方案將託管在Azure 上,並可在Azure 市場上購買至 2024 年底。

  • Second, we joined the Okta Elevate Partner Program to drive further go to market alignment and accelerate our product innovation between our two companies.

    其次,我們加入了 Okta Elevate 合作夥伴計劃,以進一步推動市場協調並加速我們兩家公司之間的產品創新。

  • This partnership will enhance our cloud identity solutions for Apple devices, providing a seamless secure log in experience for shared customers.

    此次合作將增強我們針對 Apple 裝置的雲端身分解決方案,為共享客戶提供無縫的安全登入體驗。

  • We're excited to see the benefits of these initiatives to our business as we continue to progress toward our goal of achieving the Rule of 40 as outlined at our investor day.

    我們很高興看到這些舉措為我們的業務帶來的好處,因為我們將繼續朝著實現投資者日所概述的 40 條規則的目標前進。

  • We capped off a busy Q3 with our premier customer event, the 15th annual Jamf Nation User Conference or JNUC.

    我們以我們的首要客戶活動——第 15 屆年度 Jamf Nation 用戶大會(JNUC)結束了忙碌的第三季。

  • Under the theme, Go Further, we highlighted innovations making management and security simpler for Apple driven teams.

    在「進一步發展」這個主題下,我們重點介紹了讓 Apple 驅動的團隊的管理和安全變得更加簡單的創新。

  • Key announcements included enhancements to compliance features, our new AI assistant and insights from partners like Apple.


  • We also hosted an investor product session led by our Chief Innovation Officer, Jason Wudi, showcasing our latest innovations and how each drives value for our key buyer personas which are Mac Enterprise, Enterprise Mobile, SMB, and K-12.

    我們還舉辦了由首席創新長 Jason Wudi 主持的投資者產品會議,展示了我們的最新創新以及每項創新如何為 Mac Enterprise、Enterprise Mobile、SMB 和 K-12 等關鍵買家角色帶來價值。

  • Moving forward, we will be focusing on these buyer personas as we refine our go to market approach.


  • For the remainder of my remarks, I'd like to use the strategic growth drivers we discussed during our Investor Day, Mac leadership, mobile expansion, management plus security, and international expansion, to highlight some of the successes we saw in Q3.

    在接下來的發言中,我想利用我們在投資者日討論的策略成長驅動因素、Mac 領導力、行動擴張、管理加安全性以及國際擴張來強調我們在第三季度取得的一些成功。

  • In Mac leadership, we continue to demonstrate our ability to support Mac in any business setting.

    在 Mac 領域的領導地位,我們繼續展示我們在任何商業環境中支援 Mac 的能力。

  • A clinical health care company that leverages AI to automate their patient journey.


  • Recently expanded from Jamf Pro to Jamf business plan, adding nearly 1,000 devices.

    最近從 Jamf Pro 擴展到 Jamf 商業計劃,增加了近 1,000 台設備。

  • The company is a long time Jamf customer who previously utilized Jamf Pro through an MSP but has now moved it entirely in house.

    該公司是 Jamf 的長期客戶,之前透過 MSP 使用 Jamf Pro,但現在已完全將其轉移到內部。

  • Key to this win was our ability to demonstrate the value of our trusted access platform for a seamless user experience and vendor consolidation.


  • Second, mobile expansion saw a number of large deals in Q3 with seven of the TOP10 including the mobile component.

    其次,行動業務擴張在第三季出現了一系列大型交易,其中 TOP10 中有 7 個交易包括行動業務。

  • Our largest deal was one of the world's largest biotech companies that expanded with Jamf for their 30,000 IOS devices.

    我們最大的交易是世界上最大的生物技術公司之一,該公司與 Jamf 合作擴展其 30,000 台 IOS 設備。

  • Customers are not only expanding with mobile for their desk bound workers but also in the deskless space.


  • Jamf's deskless workflows continue to provide unique solutions for use cases across transportation, health care, and many other industries.

    Jamf 的無桌面工作流程繼續為運輸、醫療保健和許多其他行業的用例提供獨特的解決方案。

  • We believe the deskless opportunity is significant and will continue to grow as companies look to manage and secure all devices in their fleet regardless of location.


  • In Q3, we saw a number of customers in the emergency care space choose Jamf.

    在第三季度,我們看到緊急護理領域的許多客戶選擇了 Jamf。

  • A US based air ambulance service provider was struggling with iPad, updating midflight, creating safety issues along with slow performance and decreased reliability of their solution.

    一家美國空中救護服務供應商在使用 iPad 時遇到了困難,在飛行途中更新、造成安全問題以及解決方案性能緩慢和可靠性下降。

  • An upcoming device refresh gave our team the opportunity to showcase Jamf Pro as well as introduce our new mobile security skew.

    即將推出的設備更新使我們的團隊有機會展示 Jamf Pro 並介紹我們新的行動安全傾斜。

  • This new SKU is the perfect solution providing a cost effective way to solve these pain points.

    這個新的 SKU 是完美的解決方案,提供了一種經濟有效的方法來解決這些痛點。

  • We've seen great traction with this solution since its launch in August.


  • The power of Jamf management and security delivered seamlessly on one platform continues to resonate with our customers as they heighten their security posture and look for ways to reduce overall vendor spend.

    在一個平台上無縫交付的 Jamf 管理和安全功能繼續引起我們客戶的共鳴,因為他們加強了安全狀況並尋找減少供應商整體支出的方法。

  • The number of deals we saw with both a management and security component continues to grow with 16 of our top 20 deals in Q3 including a security component.

    我們看到的管理和安全組件的交易數量持續成長,第三季前 20 筆交易中有 16 筆包含安全元件。

  • Currently, approximately 40% of our overall commercial pipeline is made up of security opportunities.

    目前,我們整個商業管道的大約 40% 由安全機會組成。

  • Investments in strategic geographies with growing Apple adoption is a key area of focus.


  • Given the growth opportunities we see outside the United States.


  • In Q3, a leading public IT service provider in Germany serving over 270 schools purchased 18,500 seats of Jamf safe internet after facing a youth protection case when a student accessed a violent website from a home network.

    第三季度,德國一家領先的公共IT 服務提供者為270 多所學校提供服務,該提供者在面臨青少年保護案件(一名學生從家庭網路訪問暴力網站)後購買了Jamf 安全互聯網的18,500 個席位。

  • Our teams were able to provide a long term solution that not only covered the customer's immediate issue but equip them with a solution to potentially deploy across their entire customer set.


  • In Q3 A military organization purchased Jamf executive threat protection for its executives and VIPs in an effort to improve their security posture and reduce administrative workload.

    第三季度,一個軍事組織為其高階主管和 VIP 購買了 Jamf 高層威脅防護,以改善其安全狀況並減少管理工作量。

  • As a reminder, JETP is a one of a kind solution that provides deep analysis of mobile security threats that's easy to use, scalable, and privacy centric, and it looks for indicators of attacks as well as indicators for compromise on mobile devices.

    提醒一下,JETP 是獨一無二的解決方案,可對行動安全威脅進行深入分析,易於使用、可擴展且以隱私為中心,並且它會查找攻擊指標以及行動裝置上的妥協指標。

  • JETP opens up additional opportunities for Jamf with high profile global organizations and further cements Jamf as a leader in security.

    JETP 為 Jamf 與知名全球組織合作提供了更多機會,並進一步鞏固了 Jamf 作為安全領域領導者的地位。

  • Before I hand it over to Ian, I'd like to thank him for his contributions over the last five years and wish him the best.

    在將其交給 Ian 之前,我要感謝他在過去五年中所做的貢獻並祝他一切順利。

  • I'd also like to welcome David Rudo as our new CFO, David will say a few words at the end of our prepared remarks.

    我還要歡迎 David Rudo 成為我們的新任首席財務官,David 將在我們準備好的發言結束時說幾句話。

  • Ian Goodkind - Chief Financial Officer

    Ian Goodkind - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thanks John.


  • Q3 year over year revenue growth was 12%, exceeding the high end of our revenue outlook.

    第三季營收年增 12%,超過了我們收入預期的上限。

  • SaaS recurring revenue remains strong in Q3, growing 13%.

    第三季 SaaS 經常性營收依然強勁,成長 13%。

  • Less strategic revenue sources like license services and on-premise revenues continue to experience year over year decline.


  • We ended Q3 with total ARR of 635 million, representing year over year growth of 12%.

    第三季末,我們的總 ARR 為 6.35 億,年成長 12%。

  • Jamf commercial ARR was 75% of Jamf's total ARR; and security ARR was 24% of the total.

    Jamf 商業 ARR 佔 Jamf 總 ARR 的 75%;安全ARR佔總數的24%。

  • Net retention remained flat at 106% when compared to Q2.

    與第二季相比,淨留存率持平於 106%。

  • The remainder of my remarks on margins, expense items, and profitability will be on a non-GAAP basis.


  • Our GAAP financial results along with the reconciliation between GAAP and non-GAAP are found in our earnings release.

    我們的 GAAP 財務表現以及 GAAP 和非 GAAP 之間的調整表可在我們的收益報告中找到。

  • Q3, non-GAAP gross profit margin was 82% flat with Q2 and within our expectations.

    第三季度,非 GAAP 毛利率為 82%,與第二季持平,符合我們的預期。

  • We continue to expect gross margins in the low 80% range and expect slight fluctuations each quarter.

    我們繼續預計毛利率將在 80% 左右,並且每季都會出現小幅波動。

  • Non-GAAP operating income exceeded the high end of our Q3 outlook at $27.7 million or 17% margin due to cost saving initiatives and increased revenue.

    由於成本節約措施和收入增加,非 GAAP 營業收入超出了我們第三季預期的上限,達到 2,770 萬美元,利潤率為 17%。

  • The 17% margin represents an 800 basis point improvement over Q3 2023.

    17% 的利潤率比 2023 年第三季提高了 800 個基點。

  • Our trailing 12 month unlevered free cash flow margin was 13% compared to 11% in the prior year.

    我們過去 12 個月的無槓桿自由現金流利潤率為 13%,而前一年為 11%。

  • Our effective tax rate for Q3 was negative 12% consistent with our expectations.

    我們第三季的有效稅率為負 12%,符合我們的預期。

  • As a reminder for non-GAAP metrics, we use our domestic statutory rate for calculating tax impacts which is currently 24%.

    作為非 GAAP 指標的提醒,我們使用國內法定稅率來計算稅收影響,目前為 24%。

  • Please note that we pay a nominal amount of cash taxes.


  • During our investor day in March, we outlined some key milestones that will help you track our progress against our goals in 2024.

    在 3 月的投資者日期間,我們概述了一些關鍵里程碑,這些里程碑將幫助您追蹤我們 2024 年目標的進度。

  • One, meet our quarterly financial outlook.


  • In Q3, we exceeded the high end of both our revenue and non-GAAP operating income guidance ranges; two, achieve at least 25% growth in security ARR.

    第三季度,我們的收入和非 GAAP 營業收入指引範圍均超出了上限;二、實現安全ARR至少25%的成長。

  • Q3 year over year growth of security ARR was 26%.

    第三季安全 ARR 年成長 26%。

  • Three, decreased G&A expense as a percent of total revenue.


  • Q3 non-GAAP G&A margin was 14% similar to Q1 and Q2 and an approximate 100 basis point improvement from Q4 2023; four, decrease sales and marketing expense as a percent of total revenue.

    第三季非 GAAP G&A 利潤率為 14%,與第一季和第二季相似,較 2023 年第四季提高約 100 個基點;第四,降低銷售和行銷費用佔總收入的百分比。

  • Q3 non-GAAP S&M margin was 32% improving 200 basis points from Q2 and improving approximately 400 basis points from Q4 2023.

    第三季非 GAAP S&M 利潤率為 32%,較第二季提高 200 個基點,較 2023 年第四季提高約 400 個基點。

  • Now turning to our outlook for Q4 and full year 2024.

    現在轉向我們對第四季和 2024 年全年的展望。

  • We continue to expect softness and device up sell through the remainder of 2024 while driving new local growth and cross sell in the areas John highlighted.

    我們繼續預期 2024 年剩餘時間將出現疲軟和設備銷售上升,同時推動 John 強調的領域新的本地成長和交叉銷售。

  • With respect to profitability, we continue to see the cost savings benefits of our efficiency efforts.


  • Based on these factors for the fourth quarter of 2024, we expect total revenue of $161.9 million to $162.9 million, representing year over year growth of 7% to 8%.

    基於這些因素,我們預計 2024 年第四季的總營收為 1.619 億美元至 1.629 億美元,年增 7% 至 8%。

  • Non-GAAP operating income of $25.5 million to $26.5 million, representing a non-GAAP operating income margin of 16% at the midpoint.

    非 GAAP 營業收入為 2,550 萬美元至 2,650 萬美元,相當於非 GAAP 營業利潤率中點 16%。

  • For the full year 2024, given our continued strong performance in Q3, we are increasing our expectations as falls reflecting another beat and raise quarter.

    對於 2024 年全年,鑑於我們在第三季的持續強勁表現,我們正在提高我們的預期,因為下跌反映了另一個季度的改善和上漲。

  • Total revenue of $626.3 million to $627.3 million, representing year over year growth of 12% at the midpoint.

    總營收為 6.263 億美元至 6.273 億美元,較去年同期成長 12%。

  • This reflects a midpoint increase of $2.8 million from our previous outlook.

    這反映出我們先前預期的中點增加了 280 萬美元。

  • Non-GAAP operating income of 98.8 to $99.8 million representing a non-GAAP operating income margin of 15.8% at the midpoint, an approximate 780 basis point improvement over fiscal year 2023.

    非 GAAP 營業收入為 98.8 至 9,980 萬美元,相當於中點的非 GAAP 營業利潤率為 15.8%,比 2023 財年提高約 780 個基點。

  • This also reflects a midpoint increase of $2.3 million from our previous outlook.

    這也反映出我們先前預期的中點增加了 230 萬美元。

  • We also provide estimates for amortization stock-based compensation and related payroll taxes and other metrics to assist with modeling in the earnings presentation as part of the webcast and also posted on our investor relations website.


  • I'll now hand it over to David to say a few words.


  • David Rudow - Chief Financial Officer

    David Rudow - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thanks Ian.


  • I'm delighted and honored to join the talented team at Jamf.

    我很高興也很榮幸能加入 Jamf 這個才華洋溢的團隊。

  • The company has the market leadership position, a proven strategy of success, significant market opportunity, and a clear and attractive financial road map.


  • I'm excited to work with the entire team to continue and expand on Jamf success.

    我很高興能與整個團隊合作,繼續並擴大 Jamf 的成功。

  • I look forward to connecting with all of you in the coming weeks.


  • Now, we will take your questions.


  • Operator.


  • Operator


  • Joshua Reilly, Needham.


  • Joshua Reilly - Analyst

    Joshua Reilly - Analyst

  • Yeah, thanks for taking my questions.


  • Nice job on the quarter here.


  • I guess maybe as we're kind of looking to close out the year here, you know, do you have any updated thoughts on the full year ARR growth?

    我想也許是因為我們希望在這裡結束這一年,您對全年 ARR 成長有什麼最新的想法嗎?

  • And maybe what are some of the puts and takes we should be considering that could influence or swing the exit year ARR growth?

    也許我們應該考慮哪些可能影響或改變退出年 ARR 成長的看跌期權和看跌期權?

  • Ian Goodkind - Chief Financial Officer

    Ian Goodkind - Chief Financial Officer

  • Josh, it's Ian here.


  • I'll take that question.


  • You know, as you know, we don't guide to ARR but I'm going to give you the puts and takes, like you suggested, I'll maybe talk a little bit about them on Q3 and then how they roll on the Q4.

    你知道,正如你所知,我們不指導 ARR,但我將向你提供看跌期權和看跌期權,就像你建議的那樣,我可能會在第三季度談論它們,然後討論它們如何在Q4。

  • But during the quarter, some of the things that were headwinds for us, education was a headwind.


  • We, we saw was a little like continue to be tough sledding there.


  • The new logos device expansion was tough sledding.


  • What we did see in education though, we actually saw our education bundle was pretty darn successful during the quarter, which gets us excited about the security side there.


  • And we are looking forward to doing more with in the future.


  • And then on the commercial side, we saw a really good growth rates just on commercial in general.


  • We saw growth rates.


  • It was very strong for security, and we released a mobile security skew this quarter, which was one of our most successful launches for a product.


  • And those are the things we factored in for Q4 as we've thought about it.


  • And we, we believe that ARR growth rate will be similar to what we've seen from a revenue perspective for the year.

    我們相信,ARR 成長率將與我們從今年收入角度看到的成長率相似。

  • Joshua Reilly - Analyst

    Joshua Reilly - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • That's helpful.


  • And then, you know, maybe just more broadly, you know, it seemed like the attendance was pretty strong at JNUC.

    然後,你知道,也許更廣泛地說,你知道,JNUC 的出席人數似乎相當多。

  • I was there.


  • I talked to a number of customers.


  • It seemed like, you know, the dynamic was a little more positive versus the prior year.


  • I guess.


  • I'm just curious, you know, more broadly, what's the feedback you heard from customers at the event in terms of their confidence to buy more products and maybe get back to a device expansion cadence in 2025.

    我只是好奇,更廣泛地說,您在活動中從客戶那裡聽到的反饋是什麼,他們有信心購買更多產品,並可能在 2025 年恢復設備擴展節奏。

  • Thanks guys.


  • John Strosahl - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    John Strosahl - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, Josh, John Strosahl here, I'll take your call or your question.


  • And you were there, you really heard the applause that we got during the keynote and we started talking about some of our new product enhancements, blueprints, for example, self-service plus, which gives us a common dashboard for both management and security.


  • You know, our compliance benchmarks, really the capability of using our scale to the benefit of our other customers really resonated with them.


  • And just walking the halls, there was even -- it's always been a good feel, but certainly this year, there was really a pep of people, step walking around.


  • Very excited about some of the things that they've asked for that we've delivered.


  • And we're excited about that and how it's going to carry us forward.


  • Joshua Reilly - Analyst

    Joshua Reilly - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Hamza Fodderwala, Morgan Stanley.


  • John Eisenson - Analyst

    John Eisenson - Analyst

  • Hey, this is John Eisenson on for Hamza.


  • Thank you very much for taking my question.


  • So for John, can you talk a little bit more about how the data point have looked for the apple refresh across all devices?


  • And then just for a follow up.


  • On top line, can you help us kind of frame expectations for next year's ARR growth?

    最重要的是,您能否幫助我們建立對明年 ARR 成長的預期?

  • I don't know if there's any, any puts and takes you can provide on this call.


  • And if there's any change from the prior guidance given at the Analyst Day earlier this year.


  • Thank you.


  • John Strosahl - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    John Strosahl - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, yeah, John, I'll answer the first part and, and and we can have one of our CFOs in the room talk about the second part of that.


  • But certainly, you know, we're still awaiting a refresh in.


  • And so the rest of the market and a couple of our largest industries and we've mentioned before, both tech hiring has been muted as well as education refresh.


  • We're still anticipating that.


  • We're starting to see little bits of that, especially out by the US.


  • But we haven't seen that come in full force yet.


  • If you look at the, reports the year over year increase in devices, you know, we've had a couple of years of declines and then the first two quarters of the year there were increases, with this last quarter showing a slight decline overall in a mixed bag on Apple.


  • One agency will have Apple slightly down, the other will have them slightly up.


  • So we're not seeing that come back in full force yet.


  • Just in speaking to customers, some of the things that we've heard that there is an anticipation of some more devices coming out with more powerful devices with Apple Silicon to help really address some of that on board AI processing.

    就在與客戶交談時,我們聽到的一些消息是,預計會有更多配備 Apple Silicon 的功能更強大的設備問世,以幫助真正解決一些機載人工智慧處理問題。

  • And so we believe in times of tight budgets, especially on the commercial side, some of these are waiting for some of these more powerful machines to come out.


  • But you know, some are going along as the refresh cycle happens.


  • But certainly that's something that we see that's still in front of us.


  • David Rudow - Chief Financial Officer

    David Rudow - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • And then John, this is David.


  • The incoming CFO.


  • I'll answer your question on ARR.


  • We are in the process of building out our plan for next year.


  • So hold tight, we will disclose details when we report our Q4 numbers, which probably February at some point.


  • John Eisenson - Analyst

    John Eisenson - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Jake Roberts, William Blair.


  • Jake Roberge - Analyst

    Jake Roberge - Analyst

  • Thanks for taking the questions.


  • Great to hear that Jamf business plan had the the largest customer increase in its history.

    很高興聽到 Jamf 業務計劃實現了其歷史上最大的客戶成長。

  • Was there anything specific on the product front that helped drive that uptick or was that more of just the maturity of the go to market motion, and that team becoming more comfortable selling the product?


  • John Strosahl - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    John Strosahl - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, Jake, I'll take that one.


  • It, it's quite honestly both.


  • You know, that the management and security together really has resonated with our customer base.


  • And in fact, we've known or we've seen through the data that we have less churn and we have more upsell with those customers that actually buy the business plan.


  • So we know that that's something that's doing really well.


  • And at the same time, as we talked about before, our go to market teams are really getting their arms around how to, how to work into how to lean heavily into the security.


  • And the fact that they're becoming better at selling it and the fact that those two products work together so seamlessly, that's really helped us benefit in the business plan.


  • And as Ian mentioned in our mobile security solution, that also has really, really done well.


  • The fact that they get multiple security solutions in one skew that they can put in, that's helped, that's helped us lean into security as well.


  • Jake Roberge - Analyst

    Jake Roberge - Analyst

  • Helpful.


  • Thank you.


  • And then great to hear that 7 of the top 10 deals during the quarter include mobile.

    很高興聽到本季排名前 10 的交易中有 7 個涉及行動業務。

  • Curious if you're starting to see those opportunities ramp up just following the acquisition of workspace one.


  • And maybe customers being frustrated by those changes of control or is it kind of just steady execution of mobile versus seeing those those opportunities ramp up?


  • John Strosahl - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    John Strosahl - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • You know, the replacement market has been really good for us.


  • And we've mentioned the last couple quarters that, you know, some of our largest deals have come from that replacement market.


  • And we continue to execute on that.


  • The fact that, you know, we have spent two decades working with Apple and innovating along with Apple at the pace of Apple has not done a notice by our customer base.


  • And if there's any hesitance or lack of confidence in the customer's minds that their next solution isn't going to be as innovated as fast as Apple is going to do it, then obviously, that presents an opportunity for us.


  • And we've leveraged that opportunity very well.


  • Jake Roberge - Analyst

    Jake Roberge - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks for taking the questions and congrats on the results.


  • John Strosahl - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    John Strosahl - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Remola Shah, Barclays.


  • Remola Shah - Analyst

    Remola Shah - Analyst

  • Perfect.


  • And can you address the Microsoft relationship a little bit?


  • You know, on the one hand, you know, you're, you're partnering up, but like it's obviously a different ecosystem.


  • And on the other hand, they're also like a competitor to some degree.


  • Like how, how do we have to think about it?


  • And what's the opportunity there?


  • John Strosahl - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    John Strosahl - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thanks Remola for the question.


  • This is John, you know, Microsoft and Jamf is much more of an and than it is an or.

    我是 John,您知道,Microsoft 和 Jamf 更像是“與”,而不是“或”。

  • And the fact that, you know, we already have several integrations today with Microsoft.

    事實上,您知道,我們今天已經與 Microsoft 進行了多次整合。

  • Really, we just helped continue to progress that relationship even up until now and into the go to market motion.


  • We've historically worked with AWS and selling our product to the AWS marketplace and that has gone really, really well and we're going to continue to do that and lean into AWS.

    我們過去一直與 AWS 合作並將我們的產品銷售到 AWS 市場,進展非常非常順利,我們將繼續這樣做並傾向於 AWS。

  • But we also wanted to offer our customers that have, you know, a Microsoft footprint, an opportunity as well or an option as well in that area.

    但我們也希望為那些擁有 Microsoft 足跡的客戶提供該領域的機會或選擇。

  • So we've deployed a multi cloud strategy that has allowed us to have our products hosted in the Azure cloud as well.

    因此,我們部署了多雲策略,使我們的產品也可以託管在 Azure 雲端。

  • And because of that, part of the ISD program, we're actually working with Microsoft and going to market so their sales team can co sell along with, with our sales team.

    因此,作為 ISD 計劃的一部分,我們實際上正在與 Microsoft 合作並進入市場,以便他們的銷售團隊可以與我們的銷售團隊共同銷售。

  • And that, that's really been something we're excited about.


  • We're going to actually officially launch, launch that at ignite here in November and this quarter.

    我們將在 11 月和本季的 ignite 上正式發布。

  • And we've got some great plans working with Microsoft really that both companies can benefit.


  • There's very slight overlap in that area, but there's a wild amount of collaboration that we can do.


  • And we have a lot of mutual customers.


  • Remola Shah - Analyst

    Remola Shah - Analyst

  • Okay, perfect.


  • And then one follow up, I know you addressed it in the foot note and I only saw it later.


  • So I apologize for that.


  • But like, can you talk a little bit about the customer, the total customer account?


  • What you do -- what you did there?


  • And is that -- was that a one off thing or are you still looking through that?


  • And there's kind of more changes coming?


  • Thank you.


  • Ian Goodkind - Chief Financial Officer

    Ian Goodkind - Chief Financial Officer

  • I'll take that question.


  • So there was two aspects to it and you definitely touch on one.


  • Any time you have any type of comprehensive system update you look at, you know, different metrics within your system.


  • We did have kind of a one time as, as you talked about there, and that is truly just taking.


  • And a good example that looking at an MSP that maybe we count as multiple customers before now, it's one customer.

    一個很好的例子是,我們之前可能將 MSP 視為多個客戶,但現在它只是一個客戶。

  • So that that's definitely more of a one-time nature.


  • There was also -- we recognize revenue for certain licenses over the period over an estimated period of the life of the device and education.

    還有 - 我們在設備和教育的預計使用壽命期間確認某些許可證的收入。

  • And some of those educators came back and actually didn't refresh at the end of the quarter.


  • But they're still using the device.


  • But our revenue ran off.


  • So we took -- not only do we take the revenue off, I have enumerated, we took off the denominator too.


  • We do think that's a little bit more contained within the quarter and everything else that could come from that is factored in within our guidance.


  • So that is something that we've already contemplated within the numbers that we've provided you.


  • Remola Shah - Analyst

    Remola Shah - Analyst

  • Okay, perfect.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Patrick Walravens, Citizens JMP.

    Patrick Walravens,公民 JMP。

  • Patrick Walravens - Analyst

    Patrick Walravens - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Both of mine are going to be for David.


  • Hi David.


  • I'm really glad to see you took this job.


  • So question number one is just, what made this opportunity stand out?


  • So why did you want the role at Jamf?

    那你為什麼想在 Jamf 擔任這個角色呢?

  • And then question number two is I mean, I checked the investor deck to see if the three-year model was still in slide 50.

    第二個問題是,我檢查了投資人資料,看看第 50 張投影片中是否還存在三年期模型。

  • And obviously, it's awkward to come into a new role with a three-year model sitting out there but if you could just give us your thoughts on that, I think, everyone would really appreciate it.


  • Yeah.


  • David Rudow - Chief Financial Officer

    David Rudow - Chief Financial Officer

  • Great, nice to speak with you again Pat after all these years.


  • Yeah.


  • No, I think, when, when I got the call on Jeff and I did some initial research and I had the opportunity to meet with John and the management team, really stood out of the dominance on the Apple ecosystem.


  • And it's market leader.


  • I think it's a great story.


  • We have international expansion; we have expansion into security; we've got an awesome customer base.


  • And I think the opportunity is quite impressive from here.


  • So that's the reason why I came here.


  • I'm looking forward to filling the big shoes that Ian leaves behind.


  • But I'm very excited to be here, and I think it's going to be a great run that we're going to have in the coming years.


  • And now a three-year model.


  • Of course, coming in somewhere new, I took a look at three-year model.


  • I studied the investor deck.


  • I think it was a great set of information.


  • We are currently building out the plan for next year.


  • I think it seems reasonable.


  • But we will update everybody as we look to provide guidance for fiscal '25 next year as we do that when we report Q4.

    但我們將向大家通報最新情況,因為我們希望為明年的 25 財年提供指導,就像我們在報告第四季時所做的那樣。

  • But everything I'm seeing now seems that the model is reasonable.


  • Patrick Walravens - Analyst

    Patrick Walravens - Analyst

  • All right, perfect.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Matt Hedberg, RBC.


  • Patrick Walravens - Analyst

    Patrick Walravens - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks a lot guys.


  • I first of all, best of luck in your next role.


  • And David congrats from me as well.


  • You know, John, I mean, you're not going to guide to 2025 yet, but I'm kind of curious when you sit here and you look at, you know, some of the puts and takes to this year and you kind of think about sources of offsite, obviously security is becoming a bigger part of the mix and it's growing a lot faster than the base business, bundles seem to be doing well, channel, etcetera.

    你知道,約翰,我的意思是,你還不會指導 2025 年,但當你坐在這裡,看看今年的一些看跌期權和拿單時,我有點好奇,你會喜歡考慮一下異地來源,顯然安全性正在成為組合中更重要的一部分,而且它的成長速度比基礎業務快得多,捆綁包、頻道等似乎表現良好。

  • I mean, how would you sort of rank some of the most important world drivers that could maybe become even a bigger deal next year?


  • John Strosahl - Chief Executive Officer, Director

    John Strosahl - Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • Well, thanks Matt.


  • I mean, we've got several -- if we just look at the environment, we've got several tailwinds that are helping us.


  • We've got an anticipated refresh cycle that we haven't seen yet.


  • We believe the tech hiring is going to come back.


  • We believe also that education is going to at some point refresh those devices that, that they have.


  • You know, those kids are only going to keep those iPads for so long before they need to refresh them.

    您知道,這些孩子只會保留 iPad 一段時間,然後就需要更新它們。

  • You know, we're -- the security is getting a lot of tractions.


  • You see, we got over $150 million in ARR and security this quarter, we've surpassed that.

    您看,本季我們在 ARR 和安全方面獲得了超過 1.5 億美元的收入,我們已經超過了這個數字。

  • And it continues to grow in the mid 20s.

    並且在 20 年代中期繼續增長。

  • And it not only resonating with our customers, but we go to market motion is getting a lot more efficient as well.


  • And you know, some of the things that we talked about that comprehensive system update gave us the capability to do things like leverage our channel more.


  • And we, we spoke about this before, but it gives us an opportunity to have a partner portal where channel partners can come in and actually register their own deal as opposed to having to call a Jamf sales person, which is very inefficient on our side, very inefficient on their side.

    我們之前談過這一點,但這讓我們有機會擁有一個合作夥伴門戶,通路合作夥伴可以進來並實際註冊自己的交易,而不必致電 Jamf 銷售人員,這對我們來說效率非常低,他們這邊效率非常低。

  • So we've had that.


  • We've had hundreds of transactions already go through that model just in the first quarter of actually releasing it.


  • So that's going to help us quite a bit as well.


  • I think, you know, I mentioned already the expansion of Apple in the marketplace.


  • If you look at the choice programs out there, two thirds of the people will choose a Mac according to the studies that we have seen that have been published in a couple of different companies, and more and more companies are offering that choice program.

    如果你看看那裡的選擇計劃,根據我們看到的幾家不同公司發布的研究,三分之二的人會選擇 Mac,而且越來越多的公司正在提供這種選擇計劃。

  • So we have every reason to believe that Apple will continue to expand in the enterprise as have been their stated intention that they have noted on their earnings calls as well.


  • We've got a great opportunity in mobile.


  • We've talked about that before as well.


  • This deskless opportunity is tremendous.


  • And we haven't even talked about the international expansion, which international continues to grow at a faster pace than our domestic sales do.


  • Even though the sales in the US are growing as well.


  • There's just a great opportunity out there.


  • Just -- especially when we look at education, we've had a lot of international deals in education in Japan, and in Germany, in Taiwan.


  • And not only as I mentioned earlier, we're getting some precursors of that refresh cycle going to happen, but there's also additional markets that we're working with apple and leading into those as well.


  • And so those are really coming well in the pipeline.


  • So all of those things together give us confidence.


  • Patrick Walravens - Analyst

    Patrick Walravens - Analyst

  • Thanks a lot.


  • Great answer.


  • Best of luck.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • This does conclude the question-and-answer session as well as today's program.


  • Thank you, ladies and gentlemen for your participation.


  • You may now disconnect.


  • Good day.
