雅各布工程 (J) 2002 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day everyone and welcome to this Jacobs Engineering Fourth Quarter Earnings Conference Call.

    大家好,歡迎參加 Jacobs Engineering 第四季財報電話會議。

  • This call is being recorded.


  • Today's presentation will be available for replay at 2:00 pm Eastern time through November 7 at midnight.

    今天的演示將於東部時間下午 2:00 至 11 月 7 日午夜重播。

  • You may access the replay by dialing 719-457-0820 and entering the pass code 465219.

    您可以撥打 719-457-0820 並輸入密碼 465219 觀看重播。

  • Again, that number is 719-457-0820 and pass code 465219.

    同樣,該號碼為 719-457-0820,密碼為 465219。

  • At this time I would like to turn the call over to Ms. Patty Bruno (ph) to make the forward statements.


  • Please go ahead, ma'am.


  • Patty Bruno

    Patty Bruno

  • Good morning.


  • The company requests that we point out that any statements that the company makes today that are not based on historical facts are forward looking statements.


  • Actual results may differ materially.


  • Information concerning factors that could cause such difference is set forth in Jacobs' Form 10K for the period ending September 30, 2001 under the heading Forward Looking Statements.

    有關可能導致這種差異的因素的資訊載於 Jacobs 表格 10K 中截至 2001 年 9 月 30 日期間的「前瞻性陳述」標題下。

  • The company undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


  • Now John Prosser, Chief Financial Officer of Jacobs, will discuss the quarter's results.

    現在,Jacobs 財務長 John Prosser 將討論本季的業績。

  • John Prosser - CFO

    John Prosser - CFO

  • Good morning.


  • I'll just go through the financial highlights and then I'll be turning it over to Noel Watson to talk about our business model and our outlook and prospects going forward.

    我將簡單介紹一下財務摘要,然後將其交給諾埃爾·沃森 (Noel Watson) 討論我們的商業模式以及我們的前景和前景。

  • So we start on slide four.


  • I'd just like to recap what we've set out--hello.


  • Oh, sorry about that.


  • On slide four, as you'll see, you know, we did end up with a record year and quarter.


  • The EPS for the year was $1.98 and for the fourth quarter was 52 cents.

    今年每股收益為 1.98 美元,第四季每股收益為 52 美分。

  • These were up 23 percent and 20% and 21% respectively.

    分別成長了 23%、20% 和 21%。

  • The net earnings were $109.7 million for the year and $29 million for the quarter, also both records, up a very strong 25 and 23 percent.

    全年淨利為 1.097 億美元,季度淨利為 2,900 萬美元,均創歷史新高,增幅非常強勁,分別為 25% 和 23%。

  • So by all accounts this was a very successful year for us and we're very pleased and happy with the outcome.


  • We did adopt FAS142 during the year effective beginning of 2002.

    我們確實在 2002 年初開始採用了 FAS142。

  • That did have the affect of ceasing amortizing goodwill and while we haven't restated 2001, you know, in accordance with the rules we've, you know, had we done that the adjustment for the quarter last year and the year would have been $0.3 and $0.11, respectively.

    這確實對停止攤銷商譽產生了影響,雖然我們沒有重述 2001 年,但根據我們的規則,如果我們這樣做的話,去年季度和當年的調整將是分別為 0.3 美元和 0.11 美元。

  • Backlog remains strong and we will get into that in a minute.


  • Looking forward, the Street estimates for 2003 are in a range of 227 to 230 with an average of about 228 and I think, you know, we continue to be comfortable with those numbers and that reflects our 15 percent growth rate going forward.

    展望未來,華爾街對 2003 年的估計在 227 到 230 之間,平均約為 228,我認為,您知道,我們仍然對這些數字感到滿意,這反映了我們未來 15% 的成長率。

  • Just highlighting some of our balance sheet information, cash balance of $48.5 million, accounts receivable of $845, debt $91.7 million.

    只是強調我們的一些資產負債表信息,現金餘額為 4850 萬美元,應收賬款為 845 美元,債務為 9170 萬美元。

  • I think highlighting the debt, that is a very good reduction in debt.


  • Cash flow from operations was $160 million for the year, a very strong generation of cash.

    全年營運現金流為 1.6 億美元,現金流非常強勁。

  • For the quarter it was 24.5.

    本季為 24.5。

  • A lot of that cash flow was used to pay down debt.


  • We reduced our overall debt for the year from 92.--by $92.3 million, which was also a reduction of about $26.4 million for the quarter.

    我們今年的總債務從 92.- 減少了 9230 萬美元,本季也減少了約 2640 萬美元。

  • Actually, our cash generation debt reduction was even stronger than that if you consider that in the first quarter of the year we bought Delta Catalytic and spent approximately $50 million, you know, most of which we borrowed and paid all that down as well.

    事實上,如果你考慮到今年第一季我們購買了Delta Catalytic 並花費了大約5000 萬美元,你知道,其中大部分是我們借來的,並且還清了所有這些,那麼我們的現金生成債務減少甚至比這還要強勁。

  • So the actual debt reduction goes into closer to $140 million.

    因此實際減少的債務接近 1.4 億美元。

  • Our debt to capitalization ratio is down to 11.7, probably the lowest ratio we've had for four or five years.

    我們的債務與資本比率降至 11.7,可能是四、五年來的最低比率。

  • Going to slide six--this is something we're very proud of.


  • It's the history of our growth showing a very strong consistent growth and the compounded growth rate is just over 25 percent over the last 15 years.

    我們的成長歷史顯示出非常強勁的持續成長,過去 15 年的複合成長率略高於 25%。

  • Slide seven--we're talking about our backlog.


  • Backlog remains strong.


  • Professional services backlog was $3 million--$3 billion.

    專業服務積壓金額為 300 萬美元至 30 億美元。

  • Overall backlog was 6.6, up only slightly from last quarter but up strongly from last year.

    總體積壓量為 6.6,僅比上季略有上升,但比去年強勁成長。

  • Bookings from the quarter, we're strong and we also had good increase in revenues from last quarter, but the bookings came in at about $1.26 billion for the quarter.

    從本季的預訂來看,我們表現強勁,營收也比上季有了大幅成長,但本季的預訂量約為 12.6 億美元。

  • So it continues to be a strong booking quarter.


  • And again, it doesn't--I take that back.


  • I have a typo on my slide.


  • The overall backlog was $6.7 billion, not $6.6.

    總體積壓金額為 67 億美元,而非 6.6 美元。

  • I've got a rounding error on my slide.


  • So we did have a continuing strong flow of orders coming in.


  • You know, nothing of any consequence, any single large consequence.


  • I think the largest project we booked in the quarter was about $100 million.

    我認為我們本季預訂的最大項目約為 1 億美元。

  • So most of them were just continued bookings in our alliances and then our overall business practices.


  • So with that, I'll turn it over to Noel Watson to go through our strategies and outlook for the future.

    因此,我將把它交給諾埃爾·沃森 (Noel Watson),讓他詳細介紹我們的策略和對未來的展望。

  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Thanks, John.


  • We start on slide eight on our strategies to maintain 15 percent growth and I'm going to go through each one of these and discuss this as we move forward.

    我們從第八張投影片開始介紹我們保持 15% 成長的策略,我將逐一介紹這些策略,並在我們前進的過程中對此進行討論。

  • Why don't we just move immediately to slide nine and our commitment to our unique relationship-based business model.


  • As you can see from these two pie charts here, on our model well over 75 percent of our business is through one form of preferred relationship or another.

    正如您從這兩個餅圖中看到的,在我們的模型中,超過 75% 的業務是透過一種或另一種形式的首選關係實現的。

  • We call it the relationship model.


  • We have about 20 percent of our work comes in the form of discreet projects.

    我們大約 20% 的工作都是以謹慎的專案形式進行的。

  • When we discuss discreet projects we're talking about individual projects with individual clients for whom we don't do a lot of work.


  • And then we have the last very small piece of the pie, which is the transactional projects.


  • We define transactional projects as competitively bid, hard money construction work, of which you can see from this pie we do very little.


  • On the right hand side we have the standard industry model.


  • And by the way, this is our view of the standard industry model, which has many more transactional projects and therefore the standard industry company has a lot more competitive hard money bid fixed price construction work.


  • We have driven our model over the years to the left where a large part of our work comes out of preferred relationships.


  • We obviously can't do all the work from preferred relationships because we always need to be adding new clients and we add the new clients through the discreet project activity.


  • Every time we take a discreet project we like to believe there's a chance to bring that client into the long term fold.


  • And this model gives us consistent earnings, it gives us lower risk and of course, it keeps our sales cost quite low.


  • Let's talk about selective market diversity on slide number ten.


  • And we've changed this just a little bit to show the change in our business over the past decade.


  • The chart on the left shows our revenues and our percentage in each of the lines of business in 92 and then the chart on the right shows exactly the same for 2002.

    左邊的圖表顯示了 92 年我們的收入和在每個業務領域的百分比,右邊的圖表顯示了 2002 年的情況。

  • We've even tried to make these correct mathematically.


  • One chart has four times the area of the other.


  • As you can see from this particular chart, we have diversified our business significantly.


  • We've added two major markets during the course of this time period including infrastructure and the buildings market.


  • We had a buildings market back in 1992 but it was basically a competitively bid buildings market, today it is really tied into general buildings, primarily for governmental agencies and most of it's on a low risk basis.

    早在1992 年,我們就有了一個建築市場,但它基本上是一個競爭性投標的建築市場,如今,它實際上與一般建築聯繫在一起,主要面向政府機構,而且大部分都處於低風險的基礎上。

  • And over the course of time we've added the pulp and paper business, which right now is at a low tide but it's a business we weren't in, in 1992.

    隨著時間的推移,我們增加了紙漿和造紙業務,目前正處於低潮,但我們在 1992 年並未涉足這項業務。

  • We believe this significant diversity is a great strength of Jacob.


  • It reduces the cyclicity of our business and also it stabilizes our individual operations.


  • We like each of our individual operations to operate in two or more business, which gives them a chance to be a lot more stable and also have a continuous growth in their earnings track.


  • If we move to slide 11, we show some of this data a little bit differently.

    如果我們轉到投影片 11,我們會以稍微不同的方式顯示其中一些資料。

  • This is a chart in absolute numbers; 1992 revenues and year 2002 revenues.

    這是一張絕對數字圖表; 1992 年收入和 2002 年收入。

  • And you can see that even though if you had went back to the previous chart where in 1992 we had 67 percent of our business in chemical petroleum and today it's only 39 percent.

    你可以看到,即使你回到上一張圖表,1992 年我們 67% 的業務來自化學石油,而今天只有 39%。

  • So we've significantly reduced our dependence on those two markets.


  • If you go to the absolute chart you can see that in absolute terms we've grown both of those businesses dramatically over the past decade.


  • They've just become a much lower piece of the pie.


  • We have four fairly large businesses in chemicals, petroleum, federal programs and Pharma Bio.


  • In all of these businesses we've got a significant portion of field services or construction revenues passing through.


  • In some of the bars that look a little smaller like infrastructure buildings where we have a lot of business and a lot of home office professionals involved, we don't have anywhere near the ratio of construction revenues going through those two individual accounts.


  • This balance of growth in all markets again stabilizes the individual operations.


  • Our individual operations are diverse in different markets and then if they're growing their business it gives us a real stability in the earnings stream and we think this is one of our factors, major factors in our continued success.


  • On chart 12 we talk about broadening the life cycle services.

    在圖 12 中,我們討論了拓寬生命週期服務。

  • You can see from the split here we got about an equal amount of our activity and this is a revenue pie chart in project services and construction and then a small amount in operations and maintenance and a small amount yet in consulting.


  • We are trying to sell all of these services to all of our clients and we can give you success story after success story of where we started in the green in the maintenance business, that was spread back to the construction and then to the engineering business and it's been very, very successful for us as we try to sell everything we do to the individual client.


  • The consulting business which is, we've always had a small consulting business.


  • We're actually trying to grow it right now as we try to get in with our major private sector clients particularly at the very front end of their programs so that we can help them decide what to build and where to build it and how to build it and then we're trying to drive it downstream from that.


  • Again, this diversity and broadening of the life cycle services balances the short term with the long term and the ongoing nature of our business reduces our dependency on large capital projects.


  • We talked on slide 13 about our multi domestic network.

    我們在投影片 13 上討論了我們的多國內網路。

  • We define our multi domestic operation in terms of each of our offices, whether it's in a country or a region within the United States.


  • The first charge is to make money in the local marketplace.


  • The second charge becomes expand the services within the existing operating network, which means bring more of the same to the clients that we've been talking about in the diversity.


  • In our multi domestic network we need to anticipate future geographic needs of our core clients so that we can grow into those new locations and growing into new locations historically has been primarily done through acquisitions.


  • Well what we tried to do is anticipate where our core clients are going to spend their capital dollars over the next five to ten years, move into that area and get ourselves in place in what you would call a Just In Time mode so we're ready to do their work when they finally need to have it done.


  • While we primarily grow in the new locations through acquisitions, we have on a couple of occasions just done it by main strength and awkwardness and a good example of that is what we're doing in Singapore today where we have on the back of some large pharmaceutical work down in Singapore, we have opened a general office that's now up to 150 or 60 people going to 200 and we're working for both the large pharmaceutical industry that's emerging in Singapore, and then of course, the large petroleum petrochemical industry that already exists.

    雖然我們主要透過收購在新地點實現成長,但有幾次我們只是透過主要實力和尷尬來做到這一點,一個很好的例子就是我們今天在新加坡所做的事情,在那裡我們有一些大型企業的支持。在新加坡的製藥工作中,我們開設了一個總辦公室,目前人數已從150 人或60 人增加到200 人,我們既為新加坡新興的大型製藥行業工作,當然也為新加坡新興的大型石油石化業工作。已經存在。

  • On slide 14, at Jacobs we can't have a meeting or a conference without talking about driving down cost.

    在幻燈片 14 中,在 Jacobs,我們每次開會都會談到降低成本。

  • Cost and the ability to control your cost is a competitive advantage.


  • There isn't any question about that.


  • And we control cost in several different ways.


  • The first step in controlling cost is control our own internal costs and our G&A costs that it takes to run the business.


  • The second cost control that works with our clients is our ability to use low cost engineering centers to drive their capital projects and these low cost engineering centers primarily for Jacobs is in India.

    與我們客戶合作的第二個成本控制是我們能夠使用低成本工程中心來推動他們的資本項目,而這些低成本工程中心主要為 Jacobs 設在印度。

  • And I would say to you that every major project being done today along the Gulf Coast of the United States and most of those being done in Europe of any size have an offshore component where a piece of the design is being done in India for about a third of the cost per work hour that it would cost in the western world.


  • The third way we're driving down cost is through our electronic network where we're moving work from places that have too much work to places that don't have enough.


  • We're also moving technology from where it exists to where it's needed.


  • And we have found the use of the electronic medium to be extremely beneficial to our business.


  • In many of these projects that we're working in India are being worked on a 24 hour design basis where the design moves back and forth at the close of business every day.

    我們在印度進行的許多專案都是在 24 小時設計基礎上進行的,每天下班後設計都會來回移動。

  • Let's talk about the markets a little bit.


  • And this slide has not changed now for a couple years and while it looks the same, what it really means is that many of our markets have been fairly static in terms of whether they're growth markets or not.


  • The markets that aren't on this slide are probably worth discussing first and I think the first of those markets we need to talk about would be the chemical business.


  • If you had gone back to slide ten you'd see the chemical business has been a big business for Jacobs, is a big business for Jacobs.


  • And certainly, our revenues are up over the past decade but the chemical business is at the bottom of the cycle.


  • And the work we're doing today is through many of our alliances on small projects, it's some maintenance work, it's some other small cap work.


  • But the chemical business is at the bottom of the cycle.


  • There has been some talk recently that it's going to start to emerge from this bottom pit in the next six to nine months and there are signs that it is emerging.


  • Even some of our clients are actually starting to show fairly decent profits again.


  • But we believe the chemical market is not going to be a major factor in our growth this coming year, year 2003.

    但我們相信化學品市場不會成為我們來年(即 2003 年)成長的主要因素。

  • We have the pulp and paper market, which is at low tide also and we believe it's going to stay there for the course of the year.


  • We continue to get work in the pulp and paper market.


  • People are continuing to upgrade the quality of their products.


  • We have become the number one supplier in the US in the pulp and paper market.


  • But as a practical matter it still is fairly recessed.


  • And the same is true for the high tech market.


  • Even though we've got some work there, generally speaking this market is down significantly and normally when I'm talking high tech the bulk of the revenue that goes into high tech is the semiconductor business.


  • If you go to the strong markets, the defense market is strong, it's continuing to grow and has a lot of pressure from our government and is Jacobs' largest single market.


  • You can all read what's going on in the world.


  • I don't need to explain that.


  • But it is a very strong growth market for Jacobs and we're taking advantage of it as is the infrastructure market.

    但對 Jacobs 來說,這是一個非常強勁的成長市場,我們正在利用它,就像基礎設施市場一樣。

  • Infrastructure's being rebuilt all over the western world.


  • There's a lot of conversation going on within the general malaise in the business climate.


  • Some of the public entities don't have as much work or as much money, excuse me, as they once had.


  • But as we look at our share of the business and the work we're chasing, this is still a strong growth for Jacobs, both in the US and in Western Europe.

    但當我們審視我們的業務份額和我們正在追求的工作時,無論是在美國還是在西歐,這對 Jacobs 來說仍然是強勁的成長。

  • The Pharma Bio business remains strong.


  • These customers go through different spend cycles and some of our business is moving from one group of customers who've been spending heavily over the past few years to another group but we still had a lot of drugs coming down the pipeline.


  • We are seeing a lot of new drugs generated by biotechnology or recumbent DNA techniques.

    我們看到許多透過生物技術或水平 DNA 技術生產的新藥。

  • And this is, has been and remains a strong market for Jacobs where we are continuing to get major work at a steady pace.

    對於 Jacobs 來說,這現在、過去和現在仍然是一個強勁的市場,我們將繼續以穩定的速度完成主要工作。

  • The buildings market for Jacobs is primarily for governmental agencies.


  • It's everything from hospitals to universities to schools to jailhouses.


  • It's a wide range of building.


  • A lot of this market is federal government and a lot of it is cities and states and counties.


  • But it has been a very strong business for us over the past, oh I'd say six or seven years and it remains that way.


  • We have lots of opportunities in this business and while there's been a lot of emphasis on justice and healthcare, today we're doing a lot of work on border stations and that type of thing, so.


  • While it is moving around as the governmental dollars move around, we've been very successful here and it looks like it'll grow significantly next year.


  • In the petroleum market the strong part of that right now is the refining market.


  • Both the US and Western Europe are taking the sulfur out of gasoline.


  • Then we're going to take the sulfur out of diesel fuel.


  • After we get done with that we're going to take the sulfur out of aviation fuel and then we're going to take the sulfur out of off road vehicle fuel.


  • Those are all large markets and so we foresee not a boom, but a strong market in the refinery work in both the US and Western Europe probably for most of the decade.


  • We've received a lot of work in taking the sulfur out of gasoline.


  • Now we're chasing the work and starting to receive assignments to take the sulfur out of diesel.


  • In the meantime, the sulfur out of gasoline work is moving from engineering into the construction phases of the program.


  • So we've got five markets that are strong, are hot and three that are not, which is very typical for Jacobs and this has not changed now for probably 24 months.

    因此,我們有 5 個強勁、熱門的市場,以及 3 個不強勁的市場,這對於 Jacobs 來說是非常典型的,而且這種情況現在可能已經 24 個月沒有改變了。

  • If we move to slide 16, let's look at the year in review.

    如果我們轉到投影片 16,讓我們回顧一下這一年。

  • As John said earlier, we've had a good year.


  • We successfully consolidated our acquisitions.


  • The two major ones that got consolidated this past year were the Gibb (ph) acquisition, which was about a year ago May and then the McGermott (ph) acquisition in Canada, which was about a year ago now.

    去年合併的兩個主要項目是收購 Gibb (ph),大約一年前的 5 月,然後收購加拿大的 McGermott (ph),大約一年前的事。

  • Both of those acquisitions have been successfully integrated into Jacobs.

    這兩筆收購均已成功整合到 Jacobs 中。

  • They're part of the team now.


  • They have performed basically on plan and so we've been very pleased with what's gone on there.


  • As you know or those of you that follow us know, we also did the Stork (ph) acquisition in the Netherlands a little before that and that was a major activity for us spanning a couple, three years but I can say to you that we've got Stork, Gibb and McGermott (ph) acquisition in Canada all operating well at this point.

    正如您或關注我們的人所知道的那樣,在此之前我們還在荷蘭收購了 Stork (ph),這對我們來說是一項歷時三年的主要活動,但我可以對您說,我們目前,在加拿大收購的Stork、Gibb 和McGermott (ph) 均運作良好。

  • On and off we've talked to you about our modular business.


  • That's a business where we're doing a lot of prefabrication of process units in a shop under roof and then putting them on trains or barges and shipping them to the plant site so they can be put together like an erector set.


  • Our shop in Charleston, South Carolina is extremely busy right now.


  • We have lots of work in the shop and we have a lot of backlog.


  • In past times a lot of this work has come from the oil and chemical guys.


  • Right now the pharmaceutical guys are dominating the business as they have decided this is a very good way for them to get their plants built in a more speedy manner and have better quality and more reliability as they move forward to validate these facilities for actual production.


  • So I'm just pleased to report that business is extremely good right now.


  • I think about a year ago we told you we were going to start to do some federal IT work and we had a make versus buy look in Jacobs.

    我想大約一年前我們告訴過你我們將開始做一些聯邦 IT 工作,我們對 Jacobs 進行了自製與外購的比較。

  • Should we try to make an acquisition to get into this business or should we try to brute force it (ph).


  • We made a decision to brute force it and we sold three significant contracts last year, which we're very pleased with.


  • We actually are way ahead of our business plan in that area.


  • And it looks like we're tying it into the kind of work we're doing for the federal government already in the operations and maintenance area.


  • So it ties in very well and it looks like it's going to become a major business for Jacobs over the coming years.


  • During the course of the year, I just want to repeat what John said, the cash flow was good and we had major debt reduction.


  • I had told many people that I wanted to get the debt down under $100 million and we reached that goal at yearend with which I am very pleased.

    我曾告訴很多人,我希望將債務減少到 1 億美元以下,我們在年底實現了這個目標,我對此感到非常高興。

  • We had record quality scores through our client survey process last year.


  • This may not seem important but it is.


  • Our clients took us from 82 to 84 plus percent in our client surveys last year which says that we are pleasing them better in the year 2002 than we were in the year 2001.

    在去年的客戶調查中,我們的客戶對我們的評價從 82% 上升到 84% 以上,這表明 2002 年我們比 2001 年更能取悅他們。

  • And when you enter a relationship based business model such as we are where you continue on--count on continuing support from the same client, having them understand that the work is getting better and feed back to us that it is in fact getting better is the cornerstone of our business.


  • We did add seven new significant alliances last year.


  • I can't give you the names because I'm not sure they've all been properly press released.


  • In fact, I know a couple of them haven't been.


  • But I can tell you that you would recognize all the names.


  • These are not fly by night companies we've made these alliances with.


  • If you turn to slide 17, I'll get through this.

    如果你翻到投影片 17,我會講完這個。

  • Our business model is unique, particularly in how we apply it and our adherence to it.


  • We continue to diversify in our markets, our geographies and our services and we believe diversity is one of our great strengths and that it has given us the ability to have the stable earnings stream and growth that you've seen on the previous slide.


  • The balance sheet is better.


  • The balance sheet is good and we're pleased about that.


  • We continue to drive at a 15 percent annual EPS growth and that has not changed and we look forward to getting there in 2003 also.

    我們持續推動每年 15% 的每股盈餘成長,這一點沒有改變,我們也期待在 2003 年實現這一目標。

  • As you might expect, all of us at the senior levels of public corporations have worried a lot about corporate governance and oversight in the past six months for a wide variety of reasons including the laws that have come out of Congress, the rules that have come out of the Stock Exchange and the SEC and of course, we're all struggling with exactly what those rules are.


  • But in our review of everything we've done we've found that we are in conformance on 99 plus percent of everything that's being requested and there are no significant issues.

    但在對我們所做的一切進行審查時,我們發現我們符合 99% 以上的要求,並且沒有重大問題。

  • But we have spent a lot of time at the Board level on this issue and we've spent a lot of time with the Corporate Governance Committee on this issue.


  • And with that I'm going to open it up for questions because I'm done.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Today's question and answer session will be conducted electronically.


  • If you would like to ask a question you may do so by pressing the star key followed by the digit one on your touchtone phone.

    如果您想提問,可以按按鍵式電話上的星號鍵,然後再按數字 1 來提問。

  • We will come to you in the order that you signal and pause for one moment to assemble our roster.


  • Once again, star one for a question.


  • And we'll go first to Raymond Chang (ph) with Lehman Brothers.

    我們先請教雷曼兄弟的雷蒙德·張(Raymond Chang)。

  • Raymond Chang - Analyst

    Raymond Chang - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • With the clean fuels work on gasoline [Inaudible] construction mixture, do you see the overall revenue mix in '03, being shift towards construction from the front end work?

    隨著汽油[聽不清楚]建築混合物的清潔燃料工作,您是否認為 03 年的整體收入組合正在從前端工作轉向建築?

  • Or are they like (ph) a 50 percent spread between front end and construction right now?

    或者現在前端和建置之間的差距是 50%?

  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Well okay, Raymond, well there isn't any doubt we're going to have more construction in clean fuels but we may end up with less construction in some other places.


  • So that split you see in that pie chart that's about, got I think 140 and 144, that split isn't going to change a lot this coming year.

    因此,您在餅圖中看到的分裂大約是 140 和 144,而這個分裂在來年不會有太大變化。

  • We are driving very hard as a company, however, to change that split to more field services and to construct more of what we're doing.


  • But the clean fuels work alone is not going to do that and we will do more clean fuel construction work next year.


  • That's a fact.


  • But we had some very large projects winding down in semiconductor and in pharmaceutical particularly that probably they may tend to offset each other.


  • And I don't think the split is going to change a lot next year.


  • Raymond Chang - Analyst

    Raymond Chang - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • John Prosser - CFO

    John Prosser - CFO

  • Raymond?


  • Raymond, this is John.


  • Raymond Chang - Analyst

    Raymond Chang - Analyst

  • Hi, John.


  • John Prosser - CFO

    John Prosser - CFO

  • If you notice over this last year the percentage of construction has been creeping up and, you know, it'll vary from quarter to quarter.


  • But we have been seeing that trend moving a little bit more toward construction, particularly in the fourth quarter.


  • Raymond Chang - Analyst

    Raymond Chang - Analyst

  • Right, okay.


  • Can you elaborate on one of your recent alliances on the gas to liquid partnership with Raytag (ph) and CCC (ph) and what kind of opportunities you see in the refineries like that, characterize that alliance?

    您能否詳細介紹一下您最近與Raytag (ph) 和CCC (ph) 建立的天然氣液化合作夥伴關係之一,以及您在此類煉油廠中看到了什麼樣的機會,並描述了該聯盟的特點?

  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Craig Martin (ph), that's your question.


  • Raymond Chang - Analyst

    Raymond Chang - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Craig Martin

    Craig Martin

  • I think frankly that that's an opportunity to exploit a technology.


  • We expect that we'll get engaged on doing front end work in a number of cases.


  • I'm not overly optimistic that that's going to result in some giant flow of projects.


  • Raymond Chang - Analyst

    Raymond Chang - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Michael Dudas with Bear Stearns.


  • Michael Dudas - Analyst

    Michael Dudas - Analyst

  • Good morning, gentlemen, Patty.


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Mike.


  • John Prosser - CFO

    John Prosser - CFO

  • Mike.


  • Michael Dudas - Analyst

    Michael Dudas - Analyst

  • Noel, looking back over the past 12 months, what was the biggest surprise to you on the positive side and what are the things that maybe you're a little bit disappointed about?

    Noel,回顧過去的 12 個月,從積極的方面來看,給您最大的驚喜是什麼?哪些事情可能會讓您有點失望?

  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • I think probably the biggest surprise on the positive side was, you know, the year ago situation at 9/11 and the real uncertainty we all entered the year with and are we, you know, what kind of year was it really going to be.

    我認為積極方面最大的驚喜可能是,你知道,一年前 9/11 的情況,以及我們所有人進入這一年的真正不確定性,你知道,這到底會是怎樣的一年。

  • And of course, we took lots of steps.


  • I think I told you about the slashed capital and conserved cash and all those things.


  • Of course, that's the reason we had the really solid cash flow all year and got the debt down like we did.


  • I guess the thing that I'm not totally happy about is the market drifted down--I'm talking about the general market now, not our market necessarily--drifted down during the course of the year.


  • So while 2002 was a difficult year in many ways and we made it through just fine, I would have thought that the so called recession conversation would be gone by now and it's not.

    因此,雖然 2002 年在許多方面都是艱難的一年,而且我們也順利度過了這一年,但我以為所謂的經濟衰退談話現在就會消失,但事實並非如此。

  • And so I would say that was the thing that--but it's general market conditions that I think a year ago we expected 2000, we didn't know what was going to happen in 2002.

    所以我想說的是——但我認為一年前我們預計 2000 年的整體市場狀況是這樣的,我們不知道 2002 年會發生什麼。

  • We thought everything would be glory days by 2003 and as you know from the markets and everything else we're still, the economies of the western world are still struggling.

    我們原以為到 2003 年一切都會變得輝煌,但正如你從市場和其他方面所了解的那樣,西方世界的經濟仍在苦苦掙扎。

  • And of course, we've taken that into account in everything we've done obviously.


  • But those are, I think, my answers to that.


  • Michael Dudas - Analyst

    Michael Dudas - Analyst

  • My second question is when you look ahead to potential new businesses, new acquisitions, is it going to be looked upon, other than the metrics of paying the right price and getting the right people, et cetera, is it we're going to see more of a skill set end market or geography-type bent towards it?


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • I think--now that's a good question.


  • Obviously, we can't--one thing I've learned in all the many acquisitions we've done over the years is that I really never quite understand where the next opportunity is going to come from and if you try to force it you pay too much and we're not in the habit of doing that.


  • But we are going to be very alert in the field of upstream oil and gas and I mean very alert.


  • I mean, we still think we are growing that business.


  • We got some help out of Canada.


  • We got some help out of Stork.

    我們從 Stork 那裡得到了一些幫助。

  • But it's still the single largest business that of which we're only still a very bit player and we're going to continue to grow that at every chance we get.


  • So we're going to be very alert for those opportunities.


  • The other place that we're going to be very alert for opportunities is in the infrastructure business.


  • While we've probably got 2,000, 2,500 people involved in that business, we consider ourselves below critical mass.

    雖然我們可能有 2,000 到 2,500 名員工參與這項業務,但我們認為自己還沒有達到臨界規模。

  • And so both in the US and Western Europe we are going to look very carefully at what we can do to become a very dominant player in that business, now on our terms obviously.


  • We're not going out and bid construction on the highway jobs and stuff like that.


  • But on our terms in lieu of doing the, both the engineering design work and doing the construction, construction management work, we're going to grow that business at every opportunity.


  • Those are kind of our two hot buttons right now; beyond that it's going to be either geographic or client driven.


  • Michael Dudas - Analyst

    Michael Dudas - Analyst

  • Well then when you're going to drive acquisition in the infrastructure world do you need to have a lot more offices and a lot more cities in the US so you can get a lot more down and dirty with some of the municipal or local opportunities in waste water or infrastructure treatment or is it to kind of balance out some of your, you know, original offices where you are now and try to expand your forces at your local offices?


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Well we have a consensus emerging within the company that we don't need to have a little bitty office in every port.


  • We shut down a bunch of office last year and that takes you out of some of the small municipal work, if you will.


  • But if you take a look at where we've been driving, which is in the transportation side in particular, these are bigger jobs for bigger agencies and the United States is for the States and the UK, you know, it's going to be for rail track or whatever rail track's called these days or it's going to be for the individual countries.


  • So I don't think it's going to--we are not--let me rephrase that, we are not going to create a network of very small offices set to facilitate and service very little jurisdiction.


  • We're just not going to do that.


  • That's not Jacobs.


  • We're going to try to work in the big cities and in the bigger areas where we can have offices that have several hundred people in them because that's a critical mass and those kinds of offices can be very profitable.


  • Michael Dudas - Analyst

    Michael Dudas - Analyst

  • Thank you for your thoughts, Noel.


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Thanks, Mike.


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to John McGinty with CS First Boston.

    接下來我們將與 CS First Boston 的 John McGinty 進行對話。

  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Good afternoon or good morning.


  • Just one mathematical question on the oil, gas and refining, which is if I'm doing the math right, 24 percent of the total is about $1.1 billion.

    只是一個關於石油、天然氣和煉油的數學問題,如果我算得對的話,總額的 24% 約為 11 億美元。

  • Last year looking at the 10K it was about 450.

    去年,10K 的數字約為 450。

  • How much of that increase was Delta and how much of that increase was, you know, the business really being up that strongly?


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • John, you're closer to the numbers that I am.


  • Would you try that?


  • John Prosser - CFO

    John Prosser - CFO

  • Delta added about $400 million or so in revenue and most of that is in the oil and gas, petroleum area.

    達美航空增加了約 4 億美元左右的收入,其中大部分來自石油和天然氣、石油領域。

  • Now they weren't, you know, they were in there for 11 months so I haven't done the actual mathematics because we don't break things out by acquisitions and such.

    現在他們已經不在了,你知道,他們在那裡待了 11 個月,所以我沒有做實際的數學計算,因為我們不會透過收購等方式來打破局面。

  • We look at them on a consolidated basis.


  • But that's where they--how they fed into it.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So it was still--I mean, even if you add that in it was still a very, very nice gain in the oil petroleum business last year.


  • And I guess my question is I'm trying to understand kind of the timing.


  • Is all of the de-sulfurization of gasoline, have all of those orders been placed?


  • Clearly, you go from engineering to, you know, to the next stage of it.


  • Is there a gap before the engineering orders for the de-sulfurization of Diesel NO6 occur or in other words, how do you see your petroleum business--you say it remains strong, but do you see it growing over the next three to four years or do you see it, are we kind of at a high level?


  • I'm just trying to understand the revenue dynamics of the business.


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Craig, why don't you try that?


  • Craig Martin

    Craig Martin

  • Yeah, two or three things--let's start with the low sulfur gasoline issues.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Yep.


  • Craig Martin

    Craig Martin

  • The majority of that work has been let although some of that work has not proceeded at the kind of pace you would normally expect.


  • So there's still a fairly good backlog of work out there, some of it not awarded in terms of detail design, but most awarded.


  • That stuff will move into construction as we go through this year and next.


  • Though Knocksworth (ph), which is very significant along the Gulf Coast--and remember, that's a very important part of where we do business.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Craig Martin

    Craig Martin

  • Is turning into awards for detail design as we speak, some good awards last year, some good awards as we've started this year.


  • I expect that will continue in various cases through the first half.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Craig Martin

    Craig Martin

  • The ultra low sulfur diesel work is just now getting out in the front end arena so it's early conceptual studies, it's the figuring out what to do as opposed to the actual doing of it.


  • And those things will turn into bigger assignments throughout this year and next.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And Europe?


  • Craig Martin

    Craig Martin

  • Europe's pretty much on the same schedule.


  • Low sulfur gasoline is actually a little further along than it is domestically.


  • Low sulfur diesel's about the same place.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • As we go from the conceptual work to the engineering work to the construction phase, since we don't get to see that, all we get to see are like the dollars at the top, do your revenues rise as the construction and maybe the margins go down.


  • But, I mean, what's the revenue experience?


  • Assuming this happens like you're talking about do revenues grow high single digit over the next two to three years from the petroleum business?


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • I would say that the revenues will grow because they're certainly, you know, 20, 25 percent of the work is engineering and 75 percent is construction.

    我想說收入將會成長,因為你知道,20%、25% 的工作是工程,75% 是建築。

  • And so I don't think there's any doubt that revenues are going to grow.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • I just think that's factual.


  • You agree with that don't you, guys.


  • Craig Martin

    Craig Martin

  • Yes.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Noel, if you said it, they'll agree with it.


  • Craig Martin

    Craig Martin

  • Not always.


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Yeah, I wish that were true.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Second question--you mentioned both in buildings and infrastructure as two strong markets.


  • Clearly, the UK, the Europe, I can under stand that.


  • One of the things that we keep hearing about sometimes from your competitors are that in the building and also in the transportation market, the weakness in the state government revenues because of the, you know, the recessions and so on are causing business to be flat or down.


  • Now, your buildings business continues to be strong and you're not worried about the infrastructure being strong and to the extent that that's roads, one would be worried about it.


  • Could you talk about why the state and local spending concerns aren't worrying you in those two businesses?


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Well, nobody said they weren't worrying us.


  • Let's start with that conversation.


  • But let's deal with infrastructure.


  • Go back to what I told you already today.


  • There's a lot of money being spent.


  • There's no doubt there's some discombobulation, particularly at the state level as we've got this semi-recession floating around.


  • Remember, we're not a dominant player in infrastructure and so on the engineering, construction and project management assignments that we are chasing every day, as we look at our prospect list and we have cornered our sales managers in this business because we read the same junk you do and they frankly can sell all the work that we can staff, okay.


  • And I've got in that conversation and we've had lots of meetings in the past couple months where we've had contact with these guys including the annual business review and then our annual meeting just a couple weeks ago for the senior management.


  • In the infrastructure business they can sell all they can staff; it's that simple, both in the UK and in the US.


  • In the buildings business I think it's a little more complex in terms of a lot of the work we do does not seem to be caught up in any of these funding issues.


  • The Justice Department--a lot of it's--first of all, a lot of the work is federal.


  • The stuff that is not federal is tied up in local school issues and places like that.


  • And as you know, the school business from first to K12 and then at the secondary, at the college level, there's just a lot of activity going on because we're short of schoolhouses all over the country.

    如您所知,學校業務從一開始到 K12,再到中學、大學,都有很多活動正在進行,因為我們全國各地都缺乏校舍。

  • And then you look at the piece of business that's in research hospitals and things like that and while I won't say they're immune to the economy, they're close.


  • So in the infrastructure business, I guess we're not big enough to be hurt.


  • And in the buildings business we're in a market that is not being severely impacted.


  • That's not to say we don't have conversations where we won the job but they can't find the money.


  • I mean, we have those conversations.


  • But there are enough overhang of work out there that it's not affecting our business.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Just one quick final question--the seven new alliances, does that raise your traditional statement that you get 80 percent of your earnings from 40 relationships.

    最後一個簡單的問題是,七個新聯盟是否會增強您傳統的說法,即您 80% 的收入來自 40 種關係。

  • Does this raise it to 47 relationships?

    這會使關係增加到 47 嗎?

  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • No it doesn't.


  • Craig, try that will you.


  • Craig Martin

    Craig Martin

  • Remember, we tell you we get 80 percent of our business from formal and informal alliances and core client relationships.

    請記住,我們告訴您,我們 80% 的業務來自正式和非正式聯盟以及核心客戶關係。

  • Some of these are conversions of informal alliances to formal alliances.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Craig Martin

    Craig Martin

  • And so that doesn't necessarily affect the share of business numbers.


  • Others are truly new alliances but an alliance doesn't necessarily involve a giant increase in our revenue flow.


  • What it does is base load our business.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Craig Martin

    Craig Martin

  • So you wouldn't necessarily see a swing from 80 to 85 percent or something like that over three or four new alliances.

    因此,在三到四個新聯盟中,您不一定會看到從 80% 到 85% 的波動或類似情況。

  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Okay.


  • Thanks, John.


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to John Rogers with D.A. Davidson.

    我們將和 D.A. 一起去約翰羅傑斯旁邊。戴維森。

  • John Rogers - Analyst

    John Rogers - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Hi John.


  • John Rogers - Analyst

    John Rogers - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Just one sector I wanted to follow up on was the Pharma Bio sector.


  • Some of those companies are, their financial situations, while not disastrous, have deteriorated somewhat over the past year.


  • And I was wondering if you could just--I know your outlook over the 2003 is pretty positive but do you see signs of that business slowing, maybe at the same time that, you know, hopefully we'll get a recovery in chemicals or some of the others because it always seems that, I think as you've said you usually have five cylinders kicking in and three not and I'm just trying to get a feel for what may be the sectors that show signs of at least moderating.

    我想知道您是否可以——我知道您對 2003 年的前景非常樂觀,但是您是否看到該業務放緩的跡象,也許與此同時,您知道,希望我們能夠在化學品或其他一些,因為似乎總是如此,我認為正如您所說,通常有五個氣缸啟動,而三個則沒有,我只是想了解哪些部門可能至少顯示出放緩的跡象。

  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Well I think if you want to say that Pharma Capital(ph) is moderating a little bit I don't think anybody would disagree with that but its moderated at a very high level of activity.

    好吧,我認為如果你想說 Pharma Capital(ph) 正在適度調整,我認為沒有人會不同意這一點,但它的調整是在非常高的活動水平上進行的。

  • That, you know, in fact we had fun with the road show.


  • One of the guys was bitching that it was moderating a little bit.


  • And we said yeah, everybody else running a business wished theirs had moderated to your level of activity.


  • So it's that kind of conversation because see, first of all the big guys--and there's three of them earning $2 billion a quarter still earning $2 billion a quarter.

    所以這就是這樣的對話,因為看,首先是大人物——其中三個每季賺取 20 億美元,仍然每季賺取 20 億美元。

  • And so their cash is good and their research programs are good and they've got lots of drugs coming.


  • They do, like everybody else, tend to spend in cycles and one of them that was spending $2.5 billion a year is now spending a little under two billion.

    他們確實像其他人一樣傾向於週期性支出,其中一個每年支出 25 億美元,現在支出略低於 20 億美元。

  • But this is still in our terms a large program.


  • So I would say yes, it's moderated at some extent over the last nine months.


  • Of course, we've probably never reported to you the bloom that was there nine or ten months ago when it looked like it was just going to overpower our whole service industry.


  • And that came and went in a period, you know, of probably six months.


  • But it is moderated but at a very high level is about the right way to put it.


  • And certainly, we don't see this being anything other than an engine for growth for a while.


  • John Rogers - Analyst

    John Rogers - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then just as a follow up on that, you know, of these eight sectors, at what point do you feel that you'd like to bring in another one?


  • You know, what are the possibilities there?


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Well certainly, we in time want to split petroleum in both upstream and downstream.


  • John Rogers - Analyst

    John Rogers - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • So we definitely want to do that.


  • I mean, that's been on our agenda.


  • We have been working very patiently toward that goal and--.


  • John Rogers - Analyst

    John Rogers - Analyst

  • But you need the upstream first to do that?


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Yeah, we need to get some upstream skill.


  • We need to get enough business there to make it significant and to talk about and while we've had success, we haven't had enough and then maybe we'll talk about it differently because it is a big business, it is a good business and it isn't going away in our lifetime.


  • So we need to do that.


  • That's the main thing we want to add.


  • I think other activities that we'll do over the next year or two will be rounding out these things in terms of geography, penetration and maybe niche plays.


  • I mean, there's no doubt that the geography in Europe is moving east and we will participate in that as our clients move east.


  • We've got ourselves set up pretty well in Southeast Asia and in India.


  • And as you know, the economies out there are still, you know, they still haven't gotten over the 97 flu.

    如你所知,那裡的經濟體仍然沒有擺脫 97 流感的影響。

  • But that's how we're going to be playing it.


  • But we will be making moves both in Europe and North America over the next 12 months I guess.

    但我想未來 12 個月我們將在歐洲和北美採取行動。

  • John Rogers - Analyst

    John Rogers - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Fritz Von Carp at Merrill Lynch.

    接下來我們將討論美林證券公司的弗里茨馮卡普 (Fritz Von Carp)。

  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Are you there, Fritz?


  • Operator


  • Mr. Von Carp, your line is open.


  • Please go ahead.


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Fritz went to sleep.


  • Operator


  • We'll go next to Jeff Allen (ph)with Silver Crest Asset Management.

    接下來我們將邀請來自 Silver Crest 資產管理公司的傑夫艾倫 (Jeff Allen)。

  • Jeff Allen - Analyst

    Jeff Allen - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Could I please just get a few balance sheet items?


  • I was looking for short term debt, current assets, current liabilities and total assets.


  • John Prosser - CFO

    John Prosser - CFO

  • What we've put into the press release and in the Webcast is all we're prepared to release at this time.


  • We'll release the other details as we release the yearend financials.


  • Jeff Allen - Analyst

    Jeff Allen - Analyst

  • Yeah, okay.


  • Operator


  • Again, to ask a question press the star key followed by the digit one.


  • Again, I would like to remind everyone that you may listen to a rebroadcast of this conference at 2:00 pm Eastern today through November 7 at midnight by dialing 719-457-0820 and enter confirmation code 465219.

    我再次提醒大家,您可以在東部時間今天下午 2:00 至 11 月 7 日午夜收聽本次會議的重播,撥打 719-457-0820 並輸入確認碼 465219。

  • We do have a follow up question from John McGinty.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Well, if nobody else is around I'll ask just a couple of follow up questions.


  • The high tech work is down.


  • There is a significant project you have a small island in the North Atlantic.


  • I think we can talk about that, probably not much more than that.


  • But anyway, assuming at some point that project, which was restarted, gets done, does that business fall off for you in '03?

    但無論如何,假設在某個時候重新啟動的專案完成了,那麼您在 03 年的業務會下降嗎?

  • I just don't know the timing of that business.


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • But it probably won't fall off in '03 but it will in '04, John.

    但它可能不會在 03 年掉落,但會在 04 年掉落,約翰。

  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So I mean, '03 is okay and then--.

    所以我的意思是,'03 還可以,然後--。

  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Yeah.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • That building is down.


  • And then could you just talk about capex in '03 and what you would think you would get out of working capital?

    然後您能否談談 03 年的資本支出以及您認為將從營運資金中獲得什麼?

  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • John, why don't you take those.


  • You're closer to them than I am.


  • John Prosser - CFO

    John Prosser - CFO

  • Yeah well, you noticed this last year our capex was right around $37 million, which was down from the prior year as Noel mentioned in his comments.

    是的,你注意到去年我們的資本支出約為 3700 萬美元,正如諾埃爾在評論中提到的那樣,這比前一年有所下降。

  • You know, with 9/11 we put a real strong freeze on capex and have kept it down.

    你知道,在 9/11 事件中,我們對資本支出進行了真正的強力凍結,並將其控制在較低水平。

  • Looking at our current run rate and going forward, we would expect that our capital spending will probably be in the $40 million range over the year, which is kind of matches our depreciations a little bit higher than our depreciation rate but pretty close to it.

    考慮到我們目前的運行率和未來的發展,我們預計今年的資本支出可能會在 4000 萬美元的範圍內,這與我們的折舊率略高於折舊率但非常接近。

  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Right.


  • John Prosser - CFO

    John Prosser - CFO

  • So I think that that would be a reasonable goal.


  • The working capital, we will continue to drive our receivables but as the business grows your--there's pressure to raise them just to keep your days outstanding flat.


  • But we've been making--we've had some success this year in getting our days outstanding down.


  • We will continue to drive that, continue to focus on working capital because even though we're down under $100 million in the debt our goal is to continue to drive that down.

    我們將繼續推動這一目標,繼續專注於營運資金,因為儘管我們的債務已降至 1 億美元以下,但我們的目標是繼續降低債務。

  • We don't have any absolute floor that says we've got to have this much debt or that much debt.


  • We want to be so that we have the flexibility to make a move whenever it happens to come up for an acquisition or whatever.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • And are we still at least buying back enough shares to prevent share creep or do we still have an authorization or where are we on that?


  • John Prosser - CFO

    John Prosser - CFO

  • Well the authorization is still certainly in place but I think as we've been saying all this year, with the focus on getting our balance sheet cleaned up and with the growth we've experienced we felt that we could afford some of that share creep and we have not been buying back shares for about a year now.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • But you're going to be--unless you make an acquisition, you're going to be debt free at the end of 03.

    但除非你進行收購,否則你將在 03 年底擺脫債務。

  • Your stock is down significantly.


  • Are there enough acquisitions in the pipeline that you are just saying hey, we're not going to buy back any shares or, I mean, if you just look at that it's nice to be under 100 but I'm not sure you want to be under zero do you in terms of debt, Noel?

    是否有足夠多的收購正在進行中,您只是說,嘿,我們不會回購任何股票,或者,我的意思是,如果您只看一下,低於100 股很好,但我不確定您是否願意諾埃爾,你的債務低於零嗎?

  • John Prosser - CFO

    John Prosser - CFO

  • I don't know.


  • Why not?


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • You sound like my son, John, with his (inaudible) way to prosperity.


  • But the answer is we--as you know or maybe you don't know, we basically froze acquisition activity the past year because of two things--we are trying to drag Stork Canada and Gibb firmly into the nest, right.

    但答案是我們——正如你所知或可能你不知道的那樣,我們在過去一年基本上凍結了收購活動,因為有兩件事——我們正試圖將Stork Canada 和Gibb 牢牢拖入巢穴,對吧。

  • And so we frankly didn't have the management time to make any acquisitions plus I wanted to see if we could get the debt under 100 and we did.

    因此,坦白說,我們沒有管理時間進行任何收購,而且我想看看我們是否可以將債務控制在 100 以下,我們做到了。

  • I would be surprised if we didn't make an acquisition or two in 2003.

    如果我們在 2003 年沒有進行一兩次收購,我會感到驚訝。

  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And were Stork--final question--Stork, Canada and Gibb all contributing positively to earnings in the year just ended?

    Stork——最後一個問題——Stork、Canada 和 Gibb 是否都對剛結束的一年的盈利做出了積極貢獻?

  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Absolutely.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • So you go them all where you want it or almost--well, you got them on the direction.


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • You never have them where you want them.


  • John McGinty - Analyst

    John McGinty - Analyst

  • Never have--I knew that was the wrong question.


  • Thanks very much.


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • Okay.


  • Operator


  • And at this time there are no further questions.


  • Mr. Watson, I'd like to turn the call back over to you for any additional or closing remarks.


  • Noel Watson - CEO

    Noel Watson - CEO

  • I just want to thank ya'll for joining us.


  • We appreciate your support.


  • And if you've got any questions, you can always get a hold of John or me.


  • Thanks much, folks.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • That does conclude today's conference call.


  • You may disconnect at this time.
