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Greetings, and welcome to the INmune Bio first-quarter 2024 earnings call.
您好,歡迎您參加 INmune Bio 2024 年第一季財報電話會議。
(Operator Instructions) At this time, it's my pleasure to introduce Mr. David Moss, CFO of INmune Bio.
(操作說明)此時,我很高興向您介紹INmune Bio 的財務長David Moss 先生。
David Moss - Chief Financial Officer
David Moss - Chief Financial Officer
Thank you, James, and good afternoon, everybody.
We thank you for joining us for the call for INmune Bio's first-quarter 2024 financial results.
我們感謝您參加我們的 INmune Bio 2024 年第一季財務業績電話會議。
With me on the call is Dr. R.J Tesi, CEO and Co-Founder of INmune Bio and Dr. Mark Lowdell, Chief Scientific Officer and Co-Founder of INmune Bio, who will provide an update on INKmune, our memory like Natural Killer Cell oncology platform.
與我一起參加電話會議的是INmune Bio 首席執行官兼聯合創始人R.J Tesi 博士和INmune Bio 首席科學官兼聯合創始人Mark Lowdell 博士,他們將提供INKmune 的最新信息,INKmune 是我們的記憶,就像自然殺手細胞一樣腫瘤學平台。
Before we begin, I remind everyone that except for statements of historical facts, the statements made by management and responses to questions on this conference call are forward-looking statements under the Safe Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
These statements involve risks and uncertainties that can cause actual results to differ materially from those such as forward-looking statements.
Please see the forward-looking statements disclaimer in the company's earnings release, as well as risk factors in the company's SEC filings, including our most recent quarterly filings with the SEC.
請參閱公司收益發布中的前瞻性聲明免責聲明,以及公司向 SEC 提交的文件中的風險因素,包括我們最近向 SEC 提交的季度文件。
There's no assurance of any specific outcome.
Undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements, which may which speak only as of the date they are made as the facts and circumstances underlying these forward-looking statements may change.
Except as required by law, INmune Bio disclaims any obligations to update these forward-looking statements to reflect future information, events, or circumstances.
除法律要求外,INmune Bio 不承擔任何更新這些前瞻性聲明以反映未來資訊、事件或情況的義務。
With that behind us, now I'd like to turn the call over to Dr. R.J Tesi, CEO of INmune Bio.
有了這些之後,現在我想將電話轉給 INmune Bio 執行長 R.J Tesi 博士。
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Thank you, David, and I thank everyone, for joining the call.
As usual, I will arrange my remarks to highlight the key takeaways from the first quarter and the subsequent period and provide updates on our platform programs.
I will start by reviewing developments in the XPro platform and then pass it over to Mark Lowdell, who will update the INKmune program.
我將首先回顧 XPro 平台的開發情況,然後將其交給 Mark Lowdell,他將更新 INKmune 程式。
David, will conclude with a discussion of our financial results, including some commentary around the recent equity capital infusions and provide an update on upcoming milestones.
At a high level, steady progress on all fronts has continued over the last six weeks since we held our fourth quarter conference call in March.
We continue to enroll patients globally in our early Phase 2 trial in Alzheimer's disease called AD02, and we expect to meet our target enrollment by mid-2024.
我們繼續在全球範圍內招募患者參加名為 AD02 的阿茲海默症早期 2 期試驗,我們預計在 2024 年中期實現我們的招募目標。
Clinical trial sites continue to enroll patients at a good clip, and we reiterate our commitment to complete enrollment mid-year.
I know you want to know the exact date of our last patient enrollment, but we will not predict this because of the vagaries of predicting exact enrollment rates and pace.
I promise you that as soon as we enroll that last patient, we will let everyone know.
Like you, we eagerly await the conclusion of the Phase 2 and the corresponding data readout that will occur about six weeks or just six months or so after that last patient is enrolled.
Recently, we provided an update on the long-term use of XPro in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
最近,我們提供了有關阿茲海默症患者長期使用 XPro 的最新資訊。
In that press release a week ago, we described two patients who participated in the Australian Phase 1 trial, one with MCI and the other was mild -- actually moderate Alzheimer's disease.
在一週前的新聞稿中,我們描述了兩名參加澳洲 1 期試驗的患者,其中一名患者患有 MCI,另一名患有輕度——實際上是中度阿茲海默症。
Both have been taking XPro roughly three years.
兩人都服用 XPro 大約三年了。
Due to the rules of clinical development in Australia, we cannot communicate directly with the patients, but the anecdotes that we see from their treating physicians highlighted the positive impact of XPro on the patient's cognitive health and the overall quality of life.
由於澳洲臨床開發的規則,我們無法直接與患者溝通,但我們從治療醫生那裡看到的軼事強調了 XPro 對患者認知健康和整體生活品質的積極影響。
If you haven't viewed the video links associated with that press release, I strongly encourage you to do so as they exemplify what we are trying to achieve with XPro in patients suffering with early AD. Obviously, this is a small sample, but the results speak for themselves.
如果您還沒有觀看與該新聞稿相關的視頻鏈接,我強烈建議您觀看,因為它們舉例說明了我們試圖透過 XPro 在患有早期 AD 的患者身上實現的目標。顯然,這是一個小樣本,但結果不言而喻。
Long term treatment with XPro in patients with Alzheimer's disease has been shown to be safe, well-tolerated and made a difference in the lives of these patients and their caregivers.
阿茲海默症患者長期使用 XPro 治療已被證明是安全的、耐受性良好的,並且對這些患者及其照護者的生活產生了影響。
The ongoing blinded, randomized placebo-controlled trials are a necessary step in the development process, and we believe we are helping these patients, their families, and their caregivers we live with this dreadful disease every day.
Want to help you better understand three important elements of our ongoing Phase 2 trial.
The elements are duration, size, and primary endpoint.
I'll start with the endpoints, primary endpoints.
The clinical trial is powered on the cognitive scale called CDR.
此臨床試驗是基於稱為 CDR 的認知量表。
CDR is a validated endpoint that has been used in the recent Phase 3 anti-amyloid trials that will all results and approval of those drugs.
CDR 是一個經過驗證的終點,已在最近的 3 期抗澱粉樣蛋白試驗中使用,該試驗將獲得這些藥物的所有結果和批准。
The endpoint is acceptable to regulatory authorities, certainly in the US and I respect globally in our Phase 1 trial, eight of the nine evaluable patients had stable or better cognition at three months.
Three of those patients had improved cognition to those were highlighted in the press release.
We and this is where we differ a little bit on what the other companies do.
We believe some of the patients AD02 on XProgrowth will respond like those in the Phase 1 trial.
我們相信 XProgrowth 上的一些 AD02 患者會像第 1 期試驗中的患者一樣做出反應。
We need to be able to measure clinical improvements to do that.
We need a better more sensitive cognitive scales than CDR.
我們需要一個比 CDR 更好、更敏感的認知量表。
That is why we're using EMACC.
這就是我們使用 EMACC 的原因。
EMACC will allow us to accurately determine if patients have improved cognitive function and we believe that will be an important finding of the Phase 2 trial.
EMACC 將使我們能夠準確地確定患者的認知功能是否有所改善,我們相信這將是 2 期試驗的一個重要發現。
To be clear, the primary endpoint that will be used in the Phase 3 pivotal trial will come after discussion and after agreement with the regulatory agencies that we work with, including the FDA, EMA, MHRA, it may be CDR or maybe EMACC, that decision will be driven by data and the regulatory authorities, not by INmune Bio.
需要明確的是,3 期關鍵試驗中使用的主要終點將在與我們合作的監管機構(包括 FDA、EMA、MHRA)討論並達成協議後確定,可能是 CDR,也可能是 EMACC,決策將由數據和監管機構驅動,而不是由INmune Bio 驅動。
The size and duration of AD02 to the Alzheimer's trial are both smaller and shorter, respectively, compared to the other trials in Alzheimer's disease.
與其他阿茲海默症試驗相比,AD02 阿茲海默症試驗的規模較小,持續時間較短。
This trial design was based on careful analysis of our preclinical data, clinical data, and publicly available data.
First, I want to make a personal statement as a clinician.
This is me talking this is not the company.
But when you put a patient into a clinical trial, then they get randomized to placebo.
We are asking that patient to allow their disease to progress under our care.
In my opinion, we need to do everything possible to limit the number of patients who received placebo and how long they're on the placebo because we're really not benefiting the patients.
The AD02 trial exposes patients to six months of placebo.
AD02 試驗讓患者服用六個月的安慰劑。
This is just one-third of the time in the anti-amyloid vials, they were 18 months long.
這只是抗澱粉樣蛋白小瓶中的三分之一,它們的有效期為 18 個月。
Shorter trials are good for patients, but is it bad for drug development and Alzheimer's disease.
And the answer is clear, it is not that for.
Drug development in Alzheimer's disease.
AD02 is fully powered to demonstrate a benefit at six months with XPro.
AD02 完全可以在 XPro 的六個月內展示其優勢。
And in fact, you realize that both of lecanemab and the donanemab trials, we're statistically positive at six months.
事實上,您意識到 Lecanemab 和 donanemab 試驗在六個月時的統計結果呈陽性。
They could have stopped those trials at six months and had the same result that we have today, that is the drug therapy is better than placebo.
There's nothing magical about an 18-month trial or 12-month trial.
18 個月或 12 個月的試用期並沒有什麼神奇之處。
The issue is statistical power and this is where our unique trial design matter.
To our knowledge, AD02 is the only Alzheimer's trial that uses enrichment criteria to enroll patients.
據我們所知,AD02 是唯一使用豐富標準來招募患者的阿茲海默症試驗。
AD02 enrolled early Alzheimer's patients with biomarkers of inflammation.
AD02 招募了具有發炎生物標記的早期阿茲海默症患者。
There is a biologic and statistical advantage to this simple enrollment strategy.
The biological advantages that the mechanism of action of XPro targeting neuroinflammation is matched with the patient's disease that is the pathology that's driving their cognitive decline.
XPro 針對神經發炎的作用機制與患者的疾病相匹配,即導致認知能力下降的病理學,這是其生物學優勢。
Trials that don't use enrichment gamble that a large number of patients treated for a long time.
We'll overcome statistical noise.
That's a risky and expensive strategy.
Benefits of enrichment are best seen in oncology drug development.
Oncology clinical trials are routinely used enrichments to derisk clinical trials.
This is called precision medicine.
Perceptive precision medicine is the standard in clinical oncology drug development, it should be the standard in CNS drug development, too.
We are using a precision medicine approach.
The second advantage is statistical on it.
So it's more subtle than this enrichment strategy.
Patients with neuroinflammation with Alzheimer's disease progressed more quickly and more reliably than patients without neuroinflammation.
This is kind of a terrible thing to say, but it's a biological reality.
Put in the language of a statistician who are critical and defined in the trial.
The increased delta of difference between placebo and active arm and the lower variants provide important statistical advantages.
Overall, the trial was well designed, derisks, and relevant to today's patients with Alzheimer's.
To be smart with drug and drug supply and capital resources, we have closed enrollment of the Phase 2 open label extension.
Remember, the open-label extension was patients were going to be offered 12 months of therapy in an open label trial as sort of a reward for being in the randomized blinded trial and also to give us additional safety and efficacy data.
請記住,開放標籤延期是指患者將在開放標籤試驗中接受 12 個月的治療,作為參與隨機盲法試驗的獎勵,同時也為我們提供了額外的安全性和有效性數據。
This was a practical consideration by the company.
Having a large patient population on drug for 12 months consumes both drug and treasure.
大量患者連續 12 個月服用藥物,既消耗藥物,也消耗財富。
First question many ask is what will the FDA say?
許多人問的第一個問題是 FDA 會說什麼?
I remind you the Phase 2 trial is not a registration file.
The purpose of the Phase 2 is to demonstrate safety and efficacy of XPro in the target population.
第二階段的目的是證明 XPro 在目標族群中的安全性和有效性。
Patients with early AD and biomarkers of neuroinflammation.
患有早期 AD 和神經發炎生物標記的患者。
At the end of the Phase 2 trial will have a end of Phase 2 meetings with the regulatory authorities where we will negotiate the design of the Phase 3 clinical trial.
The FDA worries about both safety and efficacy.
FDA 擔心安全性和有效性。
There's no question that FDA want more patients treated with XPro who have Alzheimer's disease.
毫無疑問,FDA 希望更多阿茲海默症的患者接受 XPro 治療。
The question is, will they want patients treated long for a longer period of time?
In my mind, the FDA is very focused on doing no harm, that is a part of their chart and to ask the patient to be on placebo for 12 or 18 months when we are in one day.
在我看來,FDA 非常注重不造成傷害,這是他們圖表的一部分,並要求患者在我們所處的某一天服用安慰劑 12 或 18 個月。
And we already have data to show that you get an effective clinical readout at six months may prove to be an ethical dilemma.
At this time, we can now predict what the FDA along with the Phase 3 trial, I predict and once again, this is R.J Tesi talking not INmune Bio that the FDA will want a larger trial, but not necessarily a longer trial.
現在,我們現在可以預測 FDA 以及 3 期試驗,我預測,這是 R.J Tesi 說的,而不是 INmune Bio,FDA 將想要進行更大規模的試驗,但不一定是更長的試驗。
The FDA does provide mechanisms to speed drugs through the drug development process.
FDA 確實提供了加快藥物開發過程的機制。
The accelerated approval pathways are in place for this purpose.
We believe XPro for Alzheimer's disease will qualify for accelerated approval.
我們相信治療阿茲海默症的 XPro 將有資格獲得加速批准。
Our pathway, we will apply for a fast-track approval.
Based on our preclinical in Phase 1 data, we may be eligible for breakthrough status after we complete the Phase 2 clinical trial.
We cannot predict how the FDA, which respond to our applications, but we believe XPro's unique mechanism of action importance of neuroinflammation and glial activation in the path of physiology of Alzheimer's disease, combined with our clinical data will be a compelling story.
我們無法預測FDA 如何回應我們的申請,但我們相信XPro 獨特的作用機制對神經發炎和神經膠質活化在阿茲海默症生理學路徑中的重要性,結合我們的臨床數據將是一個引人注目的故事。
Finally, you've heard us talk about the many CNS diseases that XPro can be applied to all that have neuroinflammation as part of the underlying pathophysiology.
最後,您已經聽到我們談論 XPro 可應用於所有以神經發炎為基礎病理生理學的疾病。
We have 87 publications on our website with 12 different disease.
我們的網站上有 87 篇出版物,涉及 12 種不同的疾病。
This is the future of XPro.
這就是 XPro 的未來。
It is a CNS franchise and a drug.
For now treatment resistant depression will be the first disease beyond Alzheimer's disease that we develop.
We will have further announcements on the treatment resistant depression Phase 2 program using XPro in the near future.
我們將在不久的將來發布有關使用 XPro 治療難治性憂鬱症第 2 期計畫的進一步公告。
Our goal is to arrive enroll that first patient in NIH boarded Phase 2 trial in the second half of this year.
我們的目標是在今年下半年讓 NIH 的第一位患者參加第 2 期試驗。
I will now pass the mic to Mark Lowdell, Co-Founder and CSO of INmune Bio to update progress on the INKmune program.
我現在將把麥克風交給 INmune Bio 聯合創始人兼 CSO Mark Lowdell,以更新 INKmune 專案的進度。
Mark Lowdell - Chief Scientific Officer
Mark Lowdell - Chief Scientific Officer
Thanks, R.J, and thanks, everyone, for dialing in.
謝謝 R.J,也謝謝大家撥電話。
And yes, I'm going to tell you where we've got to with our prostate cancer trial called CaRePC and is unique in many ways as this be typical for a company.
是的,我要告訴你我們的前列腺癌試驗 CaRePC 的進展情況,它在很多方面都是獨一無二的,因為這對於一家公司來說是典型的。
First, the concept.
This is an NK targeting therapy that doesn't actually administer NK cells or use cytokine which are typical historical uses of NK targeting therapies.
這是一種 NK 標靶療法,實際上並未施用 NK 細胞或使用細胞因子,而細胞激素是 NK 標靶療法的典型歷史用途。
INKmune converts the patient's own NK cells in circulation and probably actually within the tumor from resting non-cancer killing state to what we now know are memory-like NK cells that are able to destroy NK resistant cancer cells.
INKmune 將患者自身循環中的 NK 細胞(實際上可能是腫瘤內的 NK 細胞)從靜止的非癌症殺傷狀態轉化為我們現在所知的記憶樣 NK 細胞,能夠破壞 NK 抗性癌細胞。
Unlike more conventional adoptive immunotherapies with NK cells from donors, patients don't require any type of preconditioning chemotherapy, nor do they require NK stimulating cytokine that is common to other NK activating therapies.
與使用來自捐贈者的 NK 細胞的更傳統的過繼免疫療法不同,患者不需要任何類型的預處理化療,也不需要其他 NK 活化療法常見的 NK 刺激細胞因子。
The INmune patients sitting in a chair as an outpatient getting intravenous infusions over about 20 minutes and then having received that dose of INKmune, they're able to leave.
INmune 患者作為門診病人坐在椅子上接受靜脈輸液約 20 分鐘,然後接受該劑量的 INKmune,他們就可以離開。
We've given over 20 doses of INKmune in outpatient setting so far.
到目前為止,我們已經在門診提供了 20 多劑 INKmune。
Each infusion has been remarkably boring for the patient and as importantly, boring for the clinical team because it's been so well tolerated.
Each patient in the trial is monitored for immunological endpoints, as you would expect.
And these include NK cell number phenotype of those NK cells, their ability to kill and NK resistant tumor cells.
這些包括 NK 細胞的數量、這些 NK 細胞的表型、它們殺死和 NK 抗藥性腫瘤細胞的能力。
We also measure tumor related variables.
In this metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer trial, we measure anti-tumor effects by following blood, prostate-specific antigen levels, tumor volume with PMSA scans, and we measure circulating tumor DNA.
在這項轉移性去勢抵抗性前列腺癌試驗中,我們透過追蹤血液、前列腺特異性抗原水平、PMSA 掃描腫瘤體積來測量抗腫瘤效果,並測量循環腫瘤 DNA。
So this rich dataset will allow us to determine whether the drug is ready for a pivotal trial at the end of Phase 2.
Phase 1, Phase 2 trials expected to enroll 30 patients.
And the men enrolled in CaRePC have all received previous high-dose therapy, but now have metastatic castrate resistant disease.
參加 CaRePC 的男性之前都接受過高劑量治療,但現在患有轉移性去勢抵抗性疾病。
In the trial, they received three infusions of INKmune, as I said, on outpatient basis, it with a six month follow-up.
在試驗中,正如我所說,他們在門診接受了 3 次 INKmune 輸注,並進行了六個月的追蹤。
We have three centers enrolling patients at the moment, a fourth opening this month and four more planned to open over the next few months.
The Phase 1 portion of the trial will be completed by September this year, and we expect patient enrollment in the Phase 2 portion to be completed by the second quarter of next year with data available for all of the patients by the end of 2025 at the latest.
該試驗的第一階段部分將於今年 9 月完成,我們預計第二階段部分的患者入組將於明年第二季度完成,並在 2025 年底前獲得所有患者的數據。
It is an open-label trial, which means that we're looking forward to some snapshots of the data in 2024 or early 2025.
這是一項開放標籤試驗,這意味著我們期待在 2024 年或 2025 年初獲得一些資料快照。
Equally important is the trial.
The INKmune team has been working very hard on perfecting the manufacturing and logistics elements of INKmune for future clinical and commercial development.
INKmune 團隊一直在努力完善 INKmune 的製造和物流要素,以適應未來的臨床和商業開發。
So I still have a part-time university post.
I'm wearing my academic has over the last 35 years.
我穿著過去 35 年的學術服裝。
I've seen an awful lot of promising therapeutic strategies in the cell and gene therapy space fail due to manufacturing and logistical problems.
And I'm sure you'll all be aware of some of those associated with adoptive immunotherapies like CAR-T cells.
我相信你們都會知道其中一些與 CAR-T 細胞等過繼免疫療法相關的內容。
We're scaling up the manufacturing process for INKmune in preparation for the pivotal trial, and we perfected the quality and release assays, which will be required by the regulatory authorities as we move forward.
我們正在擴大 INKmune 的製造工藝,為關鍵試驗做準備,並且我們完善了品質和釋放檢測,這將是監管機構在我們前進過程中所要求的。
Because the product shipps on dry ice logistics and storage and treatment centers are easy and they sit with many other commercial drugs.
So in summary, we can make the drug.
We can quality control release the drug, we can ship it and hospitals can store the drug.
The clinical trials will determine the drug's therapeutic value as we move forward.
Our pivot from hematological malignancies to solid tumors was not a one tumor project and has been well planned initial transition transition into the solid tumor space.
The unique attributes of INKmune primed NK cells and make them ideal to treat a wide variety of solid tumors and we've published papers on some of those.
INKmune 引發的 NK 細胞的獨特屬性使其成為治療多種實體瘤的理想選擇,我們已經發表了有關其中一些的論文。
Prostate cancer is a test case, but we found preclinical work in ovarian cancer, and we're developing the same data in renal cell carcinoma at the momen/t as we obtain resources, these will be the next targets for INKmune therapy.
前列腺癌是一個測試案例,但我們在卵巢癌中發現了臨床前工作,當我們獲得資源時,我們正在開發腎細胞癌中相同的數據,這些將是 INKmune 治療的下一個目標。
So that ends my update on the INKmune platform, and I'd like to turn the call over to David Moss, our CFO and the Co-Founder to discuss the financials.
我對 INKmune 平台的更新到此結束,我想將電話轉給我們的財務長兼聯合創始人 David Moss,討論財務狀況。
Thank you, David.
David Moss - Chief Financial Officer
David Moss - Chief Financial Officer
Thank you, Mark.
As usual, I'll provide a brief overview of our financial results and upcoming milestones to before we head to our Q&A session.
However, I'd like to begin with some comments on our recent capital equity raises as we get closer to our Phase 2 Alzheimer's readout and INKmune data.
然而,隨著我們接近 2 期阿茲海默症讀數和 INKmune 數據,我想先對我們最近的資本股權融資發表一些評論。
We are pleased to have raised $14.5 million in gross proceeds from two separate equity offerings over the past weeks at an average price of $8.35 in $9.84 per share.
我們很高興在過去幾週透過兩次單獨的股票發行籌集了 1,450 萬美元的總收益,平均價格為 8.35 美元,每股 9.84 美元。
In the two transactions, the company issued an aggregate of approximately 1.5 million shares of common stock and warrants to purchase an aggregate of approximately 1.5 million shares of common stock.
The exercise price of the warrants is $9.15 and $9.84, respectively.
The warrants are exercisable on the earlier of two year anniversary of the initial exercise date or 30 days following the reporting of top line data in the Phase 2 Alzheimer's program for XPro.
認股權證可在初始行使日期兩週年或 XPro 第二階段阿茲海默症計畫報告頂線資料後 30 天(以較早者為準)行使。
In the first $4.8 million raise management, employees and members of the Board of Directors purchased over $1 million worth of stock.
在第一批 480 萬美元的融資中,員工和董事會成員購買了價值超過 100 萬美元的股票。
I cannot underscore how financially committed and aligned the entire INmune team is the success of the company.
我無法強調整個 INmune 團隊在財務上的投入和協調是公司成功的關鍵。
We greatly appreciate the support from our existing shareholders and the support we saw in both offerings for mostly existing investors.
Our team here at INmune , but also we welcome a few new holders to the registry.
我們在 INmune 的團隊,同時也歡迎一些新的持有者加入註冊表。
Now moving on to the financials.
Net loss attributable to common stockholders for the quarter ended March 31, 2024 was approximately $11 million compared with approximately $6.5 million for the comparable period as we've reached scale with both of our clinical programs.
截至 2024 年 3 月 31 日的季度,普通股股東應佔的淨虧損約為 1,100 萬美元,而同期的淨虧損約為 650 萬美元,因為我們的兩個臨床項目都已達到規模。
Research and development expenses totaled approximately $8.7 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2024, compared with approximately $4.1 million for the comparable period.
截至 2024 年 3 月 31 日的季度,研發費用總計約為 870 萬美元,而同期的研發費用約為 410 萬美元。
General and administrative expenses was approximately $2.3 million for the quarter ended March 31, '24, compared with approximately $2.3 million for the comparable period in '23.
截至 2024 年 3 月 31 日的季度,一般及管理費用約為 230 萬美元,而 2023 年同期約為 230 萬美元。
At March 31, 2024, the company had cash and cash equivalents of approximately $26 million.
This figure does not include the recent raises.
Based on our current operating plan, we believe our cash is sufficient to fund our operations into 2025.
根據我們目前的營運計劃,我們相信我們的現金足以支持我們到 2025 年的營運。
As of May 9, 2024, the company had approximately 19.8 million shares of common stock outstanding.
Now I'd like to focus on some key upcoming milestones.
Full enrollment in the Phase 2 extra trial for the treatment of neuroinflammation as a cause of Alzheimer's disease are expected mid-2024, followed by top-line data, approximately six months from the last patient enrolled.
治療阿茲海默症引起的神經發炎的 2 期額外試驗預計將於 2024 年中期完成全部入組,隨後將在距離最後一名患者入組約六個月後公佈頂線數據。
We will initiate a Phase 2 trial of XPro in patients with treatment resistant depression in the second half of this year.
我們將於今年下半年針對難治性憂鬱症患者啟動 XPro 的 2 期試驗。
Last week, we announced completion of Cohort 1 for the first of our three patients, taking part in the metastatic castration resistant prostate program.
We expect Cohort 2 to start shortly.
We expect complete enrollment in the Phase 1 portion of the metastatic castration resistant prostate trial by the end of Q3 '24, and the Phase 2 portion is expected to complete enrollment in Q2 of '25.
我們預計轉移性去勢抵抗性前列腺試驗的第一階段部分將在 24 年第三季末完成入組,第二階段部分預計將在 25 年第二季完成入組。
Although we've secured additional funding.
As always, we continue to focus on achieving our primary clinical objectives while remaining cost prudent with the potential to recover a portion of R&D expenses in Australia and the UK.
Further, the recent changes R.J mentioned with regards to the open-label extension will save the company a $2 million in drug and trial related expenses.
此外,R.J 最近提到的有關開放標籤擴展的變化將為公司節省 200 萬美元的藥物和試驗相關費用。
In summary, we secured a meaningful equity infusion recently that puts us in good position heading into data and our focus remains solely on execution.
At this point, I'd like to thank you for your time and attention.
I'd like to turn it back to James to poll for questions.
(Operator Instructions)
Tom Shrader, BTIG.
湯姆‧施雷德 (Tom Shrader),BTIG。
Tom Shrader - Analyst
Tom Shrader - Analyst
Good afternoon.
Thanks for taking the question.
So R.J, you must be thinking about the role of beta antibodies in your Phase 3.
所以 R.J,您一定正在考慮 β 抗體在第三階段中的作用。
Is there any guidance or thoughts are you going to be able to stratify or could you still do a monotherapy trial?
I'm just curious if there's any sort of thought yet.
And then a quick one for Mark.
I understand Mark boring is good, but would do you would you expect some fever if you're turning on NK cells, just the your historical thoughts on why things are so safe?
我知道馬克無聊是好的,但是如果你打開 NK 細胞,你會不會期待一些發燒,只是你對為什麼事情如此安全的歷史想法?
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
So let me thank you, Tom, for those.
Very interesting question about the anti-amyloid.
We have signaled very strongly.
We are aware that we're going to have to be able to answer the question about combination therapy used.
I think we've said that you should expect some preclinical data to that regard from us mid-year.
What's more important, though, is how will it affect the Phase 3 clinical trial.
At least in the United States the only place these drugs are currently approved adoption has been slow.
So I believe that there will be plenty of patients who are not on the anti-amyloid drugs who will be potential clinical trial participants in the United States and other regulatory jurisdictions like the Europe, UK, Canada and beyond.
We don't know when those drugs are going to be approved, it will be approved by the time we start our Phase 3.
No doubt.
Once again, those drugs have had slow adoption.
So I am we are not concerned at this point.
We believe a combination trial is actually a different development pathway that may be answering a different question then whether XPro works alone for patients in Alzheimer's with the neuroinflammation.
我們認為,聯合試驗實際上是一種不同的開發途徑,可能會回答一個不同的問題,即 XPro 是否單獨對患有神經發炎的阿茲海默症患者有效。
David, do you want me to comment on, is Mark on the phone?
I think his call may have dropped.
Mark, you there?
David Moss - Chief Financial Officer
David Moss - Chief Financial Officer
I'll tell you what, Mark got dropped.
He's got to call it.
In relation to your question, Tom, why you don't see a fever or some sort of inflammatory response, why the drug out of the safe?
Mark Lowdell - Chief Scientific Officer
Mark Lowdell - Chief Scientific Officer
So the answer to the question was about term, no fever.
Why no inflammatory reactions with INKmune?
為什麼 INKmune 沒有發炎反應?
Well INKmune activates NK cells and it doesn't activate T cells.
INKmune 活化 NK 細胞,但不活化 T 細胞。
Sowe've spent a lot of time looking at that.
So the inflammatory response, you see cytokine release syndrome is entirely T cell mediated.
所以發炎反應,你看細胞激素釋放症候群完全是 T 細胞介導的。
So, it's released inflammatory cytokines from CD4 T cells and NK cells, which are activated by INKmune or even by cytokines don't secrete inflammatory cytokine.
因此,它從 CD4 T 細胞和 NK 細胞中釋放發炎細胞因子,這些細胞被 INKmune 激活,甚至被不分泌發炎細胞因子的細胞因子激活。
So NK therapy itself and what it has been associated with inflammatory type reactions.
那麼 NK 療法本身以及它與發炎類型反應的關係。
Tom Shrader - Analyst
Tom Shrader - Analyst
Got it.
Thanks for thanks for the thoughts on both nanotechnology to understand.
Mark Lowdell - Chief Scientific Officer
Mark Lowdell - Chief Scientific Officer
It's a very smart question actually, because it's normally the cytokins that are administered to sustain NK cells that cause side effects and of course INKmune doesn't require the administration decided cytokine.
實際上這是一個非常聰明的問題,因為通常是為了維持 NK 細胞而施用的細胞激素會引起副作用,當然 INKmune 不需要施用決定的細胞激素。
So specifically NK cell targeting.
特別是 NK 細胞標靶。
Tom Shrader - Analyst
Tom Shrader - Analyst
Got it, okay.
Thank you.
Joel Beatty, Baird.
Joel Beatty - Analyst
Joel Beatty - Analyst
Hi, thanks for taking the questions.
The first one is for the ongoing Phase 2 trial in early AD. Can you remind us of the mix of patients you're targeting an enrollment between the ones that have mild cognitive impairment versus mild AD and how enrollment is tracking with that?
第一個是針對西元早期正在進行的第二階段試驗。您能否提醒我們,您計劃招募的患者包括輕度認知障礙患者和輕度 AD 患者,以及招募情況是如何追蹤的?
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Yes, good question.
So two things, two points to make.
It's relevant considering my comments on placebo.
We have a team of one entrollment of active to placebo.
In other words for every group of three patients, two patients get that problem and one patient gets placebo.
So that's number one.
Number two, the way the protocol is written, there will not be more than a two-to-one balance.
In other words, there were always -- we don't specify whether it's twice as many early mild AD as MCI or twice as many MCI as mild AD.
換句話說,我們並沒有具體說明早期輕度 AD 的數量是 MCI 的兩倍,還是 MCI 的數量是輕度 AD 的兩倍。
It will not be a -- it will really be an early AD trial like all the other ones do.
這不會是一個——它真的會像所有其他試驗一樣是一個早期的 AD 試驗。
Statistically, I would expect you would expect more MCI patients.
從統計數據來看,我預計會有更多 MCI 患者。
But as you recall, we started the trial with only enrolling for mild AD patients.
但正如您所記得的,我們開始試驗時只招募了輕度 AD 患者。
So I suspect it will be very close to 50:50 mix.
所以我懷疑混合比例會非常接近 50:50。
Don't hold me to that.
That's a prediction, but it's the way it's looking right now, it's going to be about a 50:50.
這是一個預測,但從目前的情況來看,比例大約是 50:50。
Joel Beatty - Analyst
Joel Beatty - Analyst
Okay, great.
And then the question on the open-label extension study that some I guess, a quick clarification.
Has it just been enrollments that's close, but some patients in the study are continuing to be dosed or is dosing come complete in all patients?
And in any case, are there plans to share the open-label extension data that you have collected?
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
So that's a good question.
The open label extension data that we have has always been complicated by the fact that we don't know what the patients were on at entry.
Remember they come into the trial after a blinded randomized trial, so we don't know.
So we haven't figured out the best way to analyze those.
Right now because of really, as I said, both drug supply and financial considerations abide really.
Drug supply is a financial consideration because making this stuff is not a small task.
We are we are basically now working with the sites to decide the best path.
Some patients will go on to a kind of a scheme where they are.
They get compassionate use that's available to them and some will not be will be discontinued.
It's not you know, the company is not happy with this turn of events, but it is a practical consideration.
Our goal and our commitment to investors is to make sure we finish the Phase 2 trial, get the result we're looking for and that's where we're focusing our resource.
Joel Beatty - Analyst
Joel Beatty - Analyst
Thank you.
Jason McCarthy, Maxim Group.
Jason McCarthy - Analyst
Jason McCarthy - Analyst
Thanks for taking the questions.
I guess, this is R.J thoughts, type of question.
我想,這是 R.J 的想法,問題類型。
R.J, can you kind of opine a little bit on what do you think regulators might want in terms of timing for this trial?
You said that the two approved amyloid drugs at six months already saw that they are effective.
But given what you know now about markers of inflammation, seemingly FDA willingness to accept a correlation between biomarkers and outcomes pub in Alzheimer's disease and with any current standard of care in mild or early Alzheimer's, what is the expected rate of decline?
但考慮到您現在對發炎標記物的了解,FDA 似乎願意接受阿茲海默症生物標記與結果之間的相關性,以及目前輕度或早期阿茲海默症的照護標準,預期下降率是多少?
Can you really get a trial that's just three to six months because of all the inflammatory biomarkers that are available that the FDA seems to be more accepting of?
由於 FDA 似乎更容易接受所有可用的發炎生物標記物,您真的可以進行僅三到六個月的試驗嗎?
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
So a good question, and I'm going to answer it in a series of statements.
First of all, I'm not predicting three months.
Our trial is six months, three months is pretty quick.
When would we expect robust results after six months.
Now let's talk a little bit about the biomarkers.
Our biomarkers of neuroinflammation in the Phase 2 trial, our enrichment criteria.
In other words, there are things you need for enrollment.
The FDA, I'm not convinced that the FDA will be, will accept biomarkers of neuroinflammation as a biomarker of Alzheimer's.
我不相信 FDA 會接受神經發炎生物標記作為阿茲海默症的生物標記。
What they will accept are biomarkers of what they consider Alzheimer's, which are amyloid, tau, GFAP which is a glial fibrillary acidic protein, a biomarkers astrocyte.
Now the good news is there's very good blood tests for all of those and I predict that we will actually show a decrease in those biomarkers and the Phase 2 trial in patients who get XPro.
現在好消息是對所有這些都進行了非常好的血液測試,我預測我們實際上會在接受 XPro 的患者中顯示這些生物標記和 2 期試驗的減少。
So my bet is that what we've got is we're going to be focused on patients who have neuroinflammation because that's how the drug works.
But we don't think that the FDA will make surprised mind but we don't think the FDA will actually focus on neuroinflammation as a response.
但我們認為 FDA 不會對此感到驚訝,但我們認為 FDA 不會真正將重點放在神經發炎上作為應對措施。
They're going to stick to the biomarkers they know and they know amyloid and tau, and they might be interested in GFAP's and I don't think they'll be interest in NfL neurofilament light chain in Alzcheimer's.
他們將堅持使用他們知道的生物標記物,他們知道澱粉樣蛋白和 tau 蛋白,他們可能對 GFAP 感興趣,但我認為他們不會對阿茲海默症中的 NfL 神經絲輕鏈感興趣。
So those are my prediction.
But I think I really think if we do as well as we think we are, we've got a placebo group that's racing to really quite a significant cognitive impairment and the XPro Group, which is relatively stable.
但我認為,如果我們做得像我們想像的那樣好,我們就會有一個安慰劑組,它正在加速出現相當嚴重的認知障礙,而 XPro 組則相對穩定。
I don't think they're going to force us to treat patients on placebo for a very long time.
But there're going want to go to want to see more patients. 200 patients will not be the size of the next trial.
但人們會想去看看更多的病人。 200 名患者不會是下一次試驗的規模。
It will be at least double that probably three times that my prediction.
Jason McCarthy - Analyst
Jason McCarthy - Analyst
So from -- in the placebo group, even with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or something like that, how far out can they go even with the true placebo effect and then start to decline kind of like not to fake it till you make it?
But you know what I mean where that they will eventually
但你知道我的意思 他們最終會
-- (multiple speakers)
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Yes, so two points, if you see the acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in general, after three months, certainly after six months, you don't see any benefits with those drugs.
Patients have to be on a stable therapy before they can be enrolled, and that's for three months.
So any patient that would be entrolled with acetylcholinesterase, inhibitor in that result for instance, would have been on the drug long enough that they are no longer benefiting from the drug.
But many patients are on the drug and it's really the doctors are treating themselves as much as they're treating the patients atleast, that's my clinical view.
I think that the early question asked by the Tom Shrader's Group was regarding anti-amyloid is interesting.
I don't think the the monotherapy trial will not -- patients won't be on maintenance anti-amyloid.
That will be a separate file and a separate question that we will ask hopefully with a partner that has an anti-amyloid drug because they're the ones who I think will be the most curious if the addition of combination therapy may improve both the safety profile of those drugs and the efficacy profile.
But that's the question of the future.
And the first thing we need to do as prove that the combination of safe and animal models.
And as I mentioned, those studies are underway.
Jason McCarthy - Analyst
Jason McCarthy - Analyst
And just one quick question on INKmune.
關於 INKmune 的一個簡單問題。
I think I heard earlier that potential to move towards renal cancer next depending on resources, of course.
But is that selection of renal cancer have similarities to prostate cancer choice in terms of there seems to be a higher proportion of NK cells versus T cells in those tumor types?
但是,腎癌的選擇與前列腺癌的選擇是否有相似之處,因為這些腫瘤類型中 NK 細胞與 T 細胞的比例似乎更高?
Mark Lowdell - Chief Scientific Officer
Mark Lowdell - Chief Scientific Officer
So there's a long history.
I mean, last week I was examining a PhD student at the Karolinska who spent four years looking at the same issue.
And yes, renal cell cancer is thought typically heavily infiltrated with NK cells.
是的,腎細胞癌通常會被 NK 細胞大量浸潤。
And as a prognostic benefit to those patients who have a high NK cell infiltrate.
對於 NK 細胞浸潤較高的患者來說,這可以帶來預後益處。
And infact there's a negative and prognostic effect of having a high CD8 T-cell infiltrate.
事實上,高 CD8 T 細胞浸潤會產生負面影響和預後影響。
And of course, the drugs that have been approved for renal cell cancer NK targeting often failed in IL-2.
當然,已批准用於腎細胞癌 NK 標靶的藥物通常在 IL-2 方面失敗。
So yes, that's really the rationale behind that.
And we've got some very nice data to demonstrate that to NK cells do target renal cell carcinoma cell lines better after they've been primed to INKmune.
我們得到了一些非常好的數據來證明 NK 細胞在接受 INKmune 處理後確實可以更好地靶向腎細胞癌細胞系。
Jason McCarthy - Analyst
Jason McCarthy - Analyst
Got it.
Thank you, David.
Daniel Carlson, Tailwinds Research.
丹尼爾·卡爾森,Tailwinds Research。
Daniel Carlson - Analyst
Daniel Carlson - Analyst
Guys, and thanks for taking my question.
R.J, just you'd talk about hopefully showing it flat on cognition as opposed to steep decline in the placebo group.
I'm wondering if you do put up those type of numbers, is there any chance that conditional approval post the Phase 2?
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Your lips to god's ears.
I do as much as the FDA has tortured us.
FDA 折磨我們的事情我都做了。
I do believe in general, the FDA has their heart in the right place.
我確實相信,總的來說,FDA 的用心是正確的。
And if the results are extraordinary and I would consider that an extraordinary result.
Not only will investors be excited.
Not only will the company be excited but the FDA gets excited.
不僅公司會興奮,FDA 也會興奮。
And who knows what will happen,Dan.
They will do they will pull out all the stuff to help push us along.
I don't know what that looks like, but they get excited about groundbreaking data just like you and I do.
So you know, is there a chance?
Yes, would I bet more than a steak dinner on it?
At this point, no.
But man, if we knock it out of the park, I think all bets are off.
We'll just have to see what they say.
Patient advocacy groups make a big difference with the FDA.
患者權益團體對 FDA 的影響很大。
The Alzheimer's field or the Alzheimer's advocacy groups, although there are a lot of patients are not particularly vocal compared to some of the other indications which are smaller such as ALS and DMD.
阿茲海默症領域或阿茲海默症倡導團體,儘管與其他一些較小的適應症(如 ALS 和 DMD)相比,並沒有特別發聲。
I don't know, it's a great question.
I like to dream about it, but I'm not going to hold my breath, Dan.
Daniel Carlson - Analyst
Daniel Carlson - Analyst
And just sort of a follow-up on that.
What about other jurisdictions?
Are they all going to fall in line behind the FDA or might it get approved on those results elsewhere?
他們是否都會跟隨 FDA 的腳步,還是可能會根據其他地方的這些結果獲得批准?
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
I hesitate to ask that question because, you know, each of them is a little bit different.
I think the MHRA tends to be one that I think has a little more independent thinking.
我認為 MHRA 往往是一個具有更多獨立思考能力的機構。
The EMA tends to think very much like the FDA and we certainly haven't seen a lot of innovation of regulatory innovation and Alzheimer's disease.
EMA 的思維方式往往與 FDA 非常相似,我們當然還沒有看到很多監管創新和阿茲海默症的創新。
But I have to say some of that is just because they haven't had many swings at the ball right.
Then for all practical purposes, the only drugs that have come through or are the anti amyloids and that's kind of they all look pretty much the same.
I don't know, we'll see.
And I think that let's we need right now to get there Phase 2 enroll number one, we need to get it analyzed.
And then when we see that top line data, then we'll both have the resources and the insight to move as quickly as we can and believe me, we'll be making every attempt we can to move quickly.
Daniel Carlson - Analyst
Daniel Carlson - Analyst
Yes, that's great.
I look forward to seeing what happens when you ring the bell there.
So I just have one question about TRD.
我只有一個關於 TRD 的問題。
Now that you've got some more capital in and can you just sort of refresh the timeline and you get more resources to put there and tell us more about this trial when we could expect something out of it?
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Yes, expect something out of that one.
Once again, it's a blindly randomized, placebo-controlled file.
So actually getting data the first thing you're going to hear is that, this is the way it will go.
The FDA will announce that the FDA has accepted that the IND and the trial is open.
FDA 將宣布 FDA 已接受 IND 且試驗已開放。
First patient enrolled, and then we'll be moving it forward.
The amount of the speed of the trial will directly be related to how much resources we can put behind it.
Right now, the NIH grant only funds about a third of the trial.
So we have to be careful because our primary mission, as we've said, is number one, Alzheimer's and then number two, the INKmune CaRePC.
所以我們必須小心,因為正如我們所說,我們的首要任務是第一任務:阿茲海默症,然後是第二任務:INKmune CaRePC。
But we think we'll be able to move that ahead.
And as our resources expand, we'll be able to put the pedal through the metal on treatment resistant depression.
But this year, the two milestones you should hear from, as David said, is that the FDA has allowed us to open the IND because it is a US trial.
但今年,正如 David 所說,您應該聽到的兩個里程碑是 FDA 允許我們開放 IND,因為這是一項美國試驗。
And the second thing will be the first patient enrolled.
That's our goal.
And that will conclude today's question-and-answer session.
I will now turn the conference over to R.J for any additional closing remarks.
現在,我將把會議轉交給 R.J,讓其發表更多閉幕詞。
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Raymond Tesi - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director
Well, thank you, and with the success of the fundraising, we now have the capital to comfortably complete AD02, THE early Alzheimer's trial and support CaRePC into some of the open label data in metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer.
好的,謝謝,隨著籌款的成功,我們現在有資金輕鬆完成早期阿茲海默症試驗 AD02,並支持 CaRePC 獲得轉移性去勢抵抗性前列腺癌的一些開放標籤數據。
Our goal is to provide positive readout in these problems.
With positive readouts we expect will be able to access capital markets in a way to allow the company to become more aggressive and pursuing its goals.
Both of these products have uses beyond their primary indications.
We believe that with the resources with -- given the resources we hope to get we have the expertise in the management capitalized on these other activities either alone or with partners.
For now we appreciate your support.
Thank you very much.
This does conclude today's conference call.
Thank you for your participation.
You may now disconnect.