ImmuCell Corp (ICCC) 2024 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning and welcome to ImmuCell Corporation reports third quarter September 30, 2024, unaudited financial results conference call.

    早安,歡迎收聽 ImmuCell 公司於 2024 年 9 月 30 日發布的第三季報告,未經審計的財務業績電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) Please note, this event is being recorded.


  • I would now like to turn the conference call over to Joe Diaz of Lytham Partners.

    我現在想將電話會議轉給 Lytham Partners 的喬·迪亞茲 (Joe Diaz)。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Joe Diaz - Analyst

    Joe Diaz - Analyst

  • Thank you, Wyatt, and good morning and welcome to everybody on today's call.


  • As the conference call operator indicated, my name is Joe Diaz with Lytham Partners.

    正如電話會議接線員所說,我的名字是 Lytham Partners 的喬·迪亞茲 (Joe Diaz)。

  • We're the Investor Relations consulting firm for ImmuCell.

    我們是 ImmuCell 的投資者關係顧問公司。

  • I thank all of you for joining us today to discuss the unaudited financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.

    我感謝大家今天加入我們討論截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日的季度未經審計的財務業績。

  • Listeners are reminded and cautioned that statements made by management during the course of this call include forward-looking statements, which include any statements that refer to future events or expected future results or predictions about the steps the company plans to take in the future.


  • These statements are not guarantees of performance and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, outcomes, or events to differ materially from those discussed today.


  • Additional information regarding forward-looking statements and the risks and uncertainties that could impact future results, outcomes or events is available under the cautionary note regarding forward-looking statements or the Safe Harbor statement provided with the press release and the Form 10-K that the company filed last night, along with the company's other periodic filings with the SEC.

    有關前瞻性陳述以及可能影響未來結果、結果或事件的風險和不確定性的更多信息,請參閱有關前瞻性陳述的警告說明或新聞稿和 10-K 表格中提供的安全港聲明。昨晚提交了該文件,以及該公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的其他定期文件。

  • Information discussed on today's call speaks only as of today, Thursday, November 14, 2024.

    今天的電話會議討論的資訊僅截至今天(2024 年 11 月 14 日星期四)。

  • The company undertakes no obligation to update any information discussed on today's call.


  • Please note that references to certain non-GAAP financial measures may be made during today's call.


  • The company included definitions of these terms as well as reconciliations of these figures to the most comparable GAAP financial measures in last night's press release in order to better assist you in understanding its financial performance.


  • With that said, let me turn the call over to Michael Brigham, President and CEO of ImmuCell Corporation, after which, we will open the call for your questions.

    話雖如此,讓我將電話轉給 ImmuCell 公司總裁兼執行長 Michael Brigham,之後我們將開始電話會議,回答大家的問題。

  • Michael?


  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • All right.


  • Thanks, Joe, and good morning, everyone.


  • I'm excited.


  • And I say that for a few reasons.


  • First, I say that because someone told me that my voice does not always demonstrate that.


  • Please judge me by my words and our disclosures.


  • I'm excited to have a really difficult period largely behind us.


  • Best evidence of that is that we have not had another contamination in our production process since the first half of April of 2024.

    最好的證據是,自 2024 年 4 月上半月以來,我們的生產過程中沒有再出現污染。

  • We have a great opportunity to increase 2024 sales over both 2023 and 2022.

    我們有很好的機會將 2024 年的銷售額提高到 2023 年和 2022 年的基礎上。

  • We can see the potential of achieving FDA approval of Re-Tain around the corner after all these years of investment, and we are here to find out what the market thinks of our new novel product.

    經過這些年的投資,我們可以看到 Re-Tain 即將獲得 FDA 批准的潛力,我們來這裡是為了了解市場對我們新產品的看法。

  • We are fortunate to be experiencing strong customer demand for the First Defense product line, but the significant investments in facilities, equipment and staffing necessary to double our production capacity have been challenging.

    我們很幸運地遇到了客戶對 First Defense 產品線的強勁需求,但使我們的產能翻倍所需的設施、設備和人員方面的大量投資一直充滿挑戰。

  • Despite delays in the installation of certain equipment, we completed these capacity-expanding investments around the end of 2022.

    儘管某些設備的安裝出現延誤,我們還是在 2022 年底左右完成了這些產能擴張投資。

  • Around the same time as we began to operate at this higher output level, we began experiencing production contamination events that became more frequent during 2023 and continued into April of 2024.

    大約在我們開始以這種更高的產量水準運作的同時,我們開始經歷生產污染事件,這些事件在 2023 年變得更加頻繁,並持續到 2024 年 4 月。

  • We have investigated these events thoroughly.


  • We are optimizing raw material mix to maintain acceptable bile burden levels while also maximizing yields.


  • We also believe that some of the contamination was caused by equipment and processes that were not adequately optimized to run at a higher level of production output.


  • These new remediation steps implemented during April of 2024 in response to the most recent contamination events appear to be very successful so far because, as I said, we have run without contamination since then into the present.

    2024 年 4 月針對最近的污染事件實施的這些新的補救措施到目前為止似乎非常成功,因為正如我所說,從那時起到現在,我們一直沒有受到污染。

  • We do not see one smoking gun as the root cause to the contamination and yield losses.


  • We think the solution is more about optimizing and controlling critical process parameters and multiple production inputs and process steps.


  • The remediation steps of the contamination events required several adjustments, all within our USDA-approved outline of production.


  • Further, I would like to confirm that throughout these contamination events, all product that was sold to market had passed final USDA release testing requirements.


  • When I look back, I see something that is now very understandable after successfully running the same process for over 30 years: sudden growth is hard.

    當我回顧過去時,在成功運行相同流程 30 多年後,我發現現在非常容易理解:突然成長很難。

  • We work with a high bile burden source material, that being farm milk.


  • We needed to better control the quality at the source of this growth.


  • We are doing that now.


  • Similar challenges were incurred in our downstream processing as we pushed our well-established process and equipment harder.


  • We believe that the operational improvements implemented are allowing us to run more effectively at a higher output level going forward.


  • To be successful, we must avoid future significant contamination events and equipment breakdowns and operate with good production yields.


  • So turning to the P&L results.


  • Product sales increased by 11%, 51%, and 46% during the 3-, 9- and 12-month periods ended September 30, 2024, respectively, in comparison to the same periods ended September 30, 2023.


  • This helped us reduce the order backlog to $6.8 million as of October 30.

    截至 10 月 30 日,這有助於我們將積壓訂單減少至 680 萬美元。

  • This is exciting, but this top line success has not been matched with adequate gross margin to the bottom line.


  • Like most other companies in this economy, we are facing challenging inflationary pressures on the cost of labor and components.


  • This impacts just about everything we buy.


  • In addition, the other cause of the gross margin deterioration in the production yield losses that we have incurred during -- excuse me, I just wanted to say this impacts just about everything we buy.


  • In addition, the other cause of the gross margin deterioration is the production yield losses that we have incurred during the recent periods.


  • That being said, our gross margin as a percentage of product sales did improve from 23% to 26% during the comparable three-month periods from 21% to 27% during the comparable nine-month periods and from 22% to 27% during the comparable 12-month periods, but this is still well short of our 35% to 40% target.

    話雖如此,我們的毛利率佔產品銷售額的百分比確實在可比三個月期間從23% 提高到了26%,在可比九個月期間從21% 提高到了27%,在可比九個月期間從22% 提高了27%。

  • We do believe that by both remediating the contamination events and optimizing the operation of the new equipment installed to increase production output, we can improve process yields beginning during the fourth quarter of '24 and into '25.

    我們確實相信,透過補救污染事件和優化安裝的新設備的運作以提高產量,我們可以提高從 24 年第四季開始到 25 年的製程產量。

  • With these strong sales, we were able to improve earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, or EBITDA, from negative $95,000 during the three-month period ended September 30, 2023, to positive EBITDA of $119,000 during the three-month period ended September 30, 2024.

    憑藉這些強勁的銷售,我們能夠將息稅折舊攤銷前利潤(EBITDA) 從截至2023 年9 月30 日的三個月期間的負95,000 美元提高到截至2023 年9 月30 日止的三個月期間的正EBITDA 119,000 美元2024 年 9 月 30 日。

  • And we did reduce negative EBITDA of $2.3 million during the nine-month period ended September 30, 2023, to negative $221,000 during the nine-month period ended September 30, 2024.

    我們確實將截至 2023 年 9 月 30 日的九個月期間的負 EBITDA 減少了 230 萬美元,截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日的九個月期間,負 EBITDA 減少至負 221,000 美元。

  • We have decided that some stockholder dilution is necessary in order to improve our cash position.


  • To that end, our at-the-market offering has contributed meaningfully to our capital needs during 2024.

    為此,我們的市場產品為我們 2024 年的資本需求做出了有意義的貢獻。

  • It has helped us improve our cash position from just $979,000 as of December 31, '23, to approximately $3.8 million as of September 30, 2024, as we stabilized our production systems at a higher output level.

    隨著我們將生產系統穩定在較高的產出水平,它幫助我們將現金狀況從截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日的 979,000 美元提高到截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日的約 380 萬美元。

  • Concurrently, we are reducing product development expenses as we await approval of Re-Tain by the FDA.

    同時,我們正在減少產品開發費用,等待 FDA 批准 Re-Tain。

  • After an investment of about 25 years and approximately $50 million in the development of this technology, we are committed to seeing this product through to regulatory approval and the initiation of our previously disclosed limited distribution control launch strategy.

    經過大約 25 年和大約 5000 萬美元的投資來開發這項技術,我們致力於讓該產品獲得監管部門的批准,並啟動我們先前披露的有限分銷控制推出策略。

  • At the same time, we were also in the very early stages of exploring potential strategic partnerships that could offset some of our product development expenses and enhance a mass-market launch of Re-Tain.

    同時,我們也處於探索潛在策略合作夥伴關係的早期階段,這些合作夥伴關係可以抵消我們的部分產品開發費用並促進 Re-Tain 的大眾市場推出。

  • So we will remain focused on the commercial opportunity we have with First Defense as we work through what we see as the final stages of the regulatory approval process in our effort to bring Re-Tain to market.

    因此,在我們努力完成監管審批流程的最後階段,努力將 Re-Tain 推向市場時,我們將繼續專注於 First Defense 所擁有的商業機會。

  • In May, the FDA issued a CMC Technical Section and complete letter in response to our third submission of the CMC Technical Section for Re-Tain.

    5 月,FDA 發布了 CMC 技術部分和完整的信件,以回應我們第三次提交的 Re-Tain CMC 技術部分。

  • Pursuant to the incomplete letter, the FDA has provided some minor questions about our submission requiring [for] submission, which is typically subject to a six-month review.

    根據這封不完整的信函,FDA 就我們提交的資料提出了一些小問題,要求提交,通常需要經過六個月的審查。

  • However, the FDA has indicated that this resubmission potentially could be handled through a shortened review period because the open ends are not complex.

    然而,FDA 表示,由於開放式問題並不複雜,因此可能可以透過縮短審查期來處理此重新提交。

  • Most critical to the time line, however, is that the FDA has also required that we not resubmit the CMC Technical Section until inspectional observations at the facilities of our drug product contract manufacturer are resolved.

    然而,對時間線最關鍵的是 FDA 也要求我們在我們藥品合約製造商設施的檢查觀察結果得到解決之前不得重新提交 CMC 技術部分。

  • Given the unique facts and circumstances, we are working with the FDA and our drug product contract manufacturer to obtain an expedited review.

    鑑於獨特的事實和情況,我們正在與 FDA 和我們的藥品合約製造商合作,以獲得快速審查。

  • This is part of the process, and we are continuing to move forward.


  • Regardless, we remain poised and excited to revolutionize the way that subclinical mastitis is treated in today's dairy market with a novel alternative to traditional antibiotics without FDA-required milk discard and meat withhold label restrictions.

    無論如何,我們仍然準備並興奮地透過傳統抗生素的新型替代品徹底改變當今乳製品市場上亞臨床乳腺炎的治療方式,而無需 FDA 要求的牛奶丟棄和肉類扣留標籤限制。

  • So that's the big picture.


  • With regards to the other financial results, the press release provides the unaudited P&L results and some unaudited summary balance sheet data.


  • Further, our Form 10-Q provides all the unaudited financial details and management's discussion and analysis.

    此外,我們的 10-Q 表格提供了所有未經審計的財務細節以及管理層的討論和分析。

  • I will not take your time on this call to review all that in detail.


  • But just lastly, I encourage you to review our corporate presentation slide deck.


  • I do believe it provides a very good summary of our business and objectives as well as our current financial results.


  • A November update was just posted to our website last night.

    昨晚,我們的網站剛發布了 11 月的更新。

  • See the Investors section of our website and click on Corporate Presentation or contact us for a copy.


  • With that said, I'd be very happy to take your questions.


  • Let's have the operator open up the lines, please.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • Joe Diaz,


  • .

  • Joe Diaz - Analyst

    Joe Diaz - Analyst

  • Michael, this is Joe Diaz.


  • I did have a question while the queue start filling up.


  • With regards to self -- First Defense, the business has been strong.

    就自我而言——First Defense,業務一直很強勁。

  • What do you attribute that to?


  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • The product works.


  • I mean efficacy rules.


  • I mean we just have great customer demand for this product.


  • We're competing very effectively against alternative technologies, primarily vaccines, vaccines that are either given to the mother to try, and I'll say, somewhat unsuccessfully improve her production of antibodies in the feed is given to the newborn.


  • We compete extremely effectively against the vaccine that is given directly to the newborn calf with its naive immune system and I would say limited ability to respond to that vaccine.


  • So just great work by a sales team with a product that is pretty well known for its efficacy and providing that value to the customer to keep those newborns healthy.


  • But thanks, Joe. Good question.


  • Joe Diaz - Analyst

    Joe Diaz - Analyst

  • Leveraging off of that, how do you see the backlog working out here over the next three to four quarters?


  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, I would say this, Joe, if the customer demand weren't so strong, it would have worked itself down quite a bit more by now.


  • So I always say backlog is a problem, but it's a good problem, especially compared to the alternative of having product on the shelf with expiry dating issues.


  • But -- so the more direct answer to your question is we will just have to see because it obviously depends on the volume of incoming orders.

    但是 - 所以對你的問題更直接的答案是我們只需要看看,因為這顯然取決於收到的訂單量。

  • But with this new production level that we -- the output level we've reached, we're making progress on that every day.


  • And it's a matter of months, certainly not a year.


  • But we're getting into peak season here.


  • So it's a little extra challenge to clear the backlog right now because this first quarter here, December-ish into March, April is the highest demand for us.

    因此,現在清理積壓訂單是一個額外的挑戰,因為第一季度,從 12 月到 3 月、4 月是我們的最高需求。

  • So we'll just keep working at it, and you'll see quarterly how we work that down to 0.

    因此,我們將繼續努力,每個季度您都會看到我們如何將其降至 0。

  • Joe Diaz - Analyst

    Joe Diaz - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Thank you.


  • I will get out of the queue.


  • Wyatt?


  • Operator


  • George Melas, MKH Management.

    喬治·梅拉斯,MKH 管理公司。

  • George Melas - Analyst

    George Melas - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Good morning Joe and Mike.


  • My question about the gross margin, and I appreciate all the detail you put in the Q to try to help us understand it.


  • If I go back to certainly May '21, early '22, when you had similar revenue levels, there was two quarters, December '21, March '22, revenue was $5.4 million and $6.0 million, which is exactly what you had in the last few quarters.

    如果我回到21 年5 月、22 年初,當你們有類似的收入水準時,有兩個季度,即21 年12 月和22 年3 月,收入分別為540 萬美元和600 萬美元,這正是你們在過去幾個季度。

  • The cost of goods sold was significantly lower.


  • I think probably it was $2.9 million, and now it's on average, the last few quarters, $4.3 million.

    我認為可能是 290 萬美元,現在過去幾季的平均是 430 萬美元。

  • So the delta is like $1.4 million of added costs.

    因此,增量相當於 140 萬美元的額外成本。

  • And I think we talked a little bit about inflation.


  • We talked about yield issues.


  • But is there a way you can help us understand a little bit better the increasing the cost of goods sold?


  • And do you have more batches going through the process with lower yields?


  • But I guess on the cost of goods sold, you probably can have pretty good granularity about every aspect of that cost.


  • So maybe help us understand that, if you could.


  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes.


  • Certainly, an important question, George.


  • I think you almost asked it and in part at least answered it, but I'll repeat.


  • And thank you, I do use the Q to try and get into some of this detail because I think -- I know it's important.

    謝謝,我確實使用 Q 來嘗試了解一些細節,因為我認為 - 我知道這很重要。

  • I know you and others are curious.


  • I know we are curious and concerned.


  • It's critical.


  • We spent the better part of basically '23 so laser-focused on contamination.

    23 年的大部分時間我們都專注於污染問題。

  • That was just such a critical event.


  • It'd be nice to report to you, oh, we fixed the contamination, and we're right back to our old gross margin.


  • Well, I can't.


  • But I do think you talked on the -- touched on the key factors or variables.


  • Yeah, I think if I remember, you were comparing sort of '23, '24 to '21, '22, yes, that is -- those are two different periods for a lot of reasons.


  • But again, the first one in contamination, those costs are just written off as we go.


  • When we were losing those batches, that was -- there was, I guess, expensive write-offs of scrapped inventory that certainly weren't in our gross margin budget.


  • But you also touched on yield, and I think that's right.


  • Coming out of this period of contamination, it would be nice if we could just say we jumped right into the higher output level and have the same yields, but we don't.


  • So there's a lot of work we're doing on yield.


  • It's a very tricky biological process.


  • Little things make a big difference.


  • I feel like we are addressing a lot of factors that are going to positively impact the yield going forward.


  • But that's the key -- I think that's the number 1 key goal or initiative going forward is -- you said yes, you're right, more and more cheese batches.


  • That's probably a good metric for measuring our production.


  • More and more cheese batches at less and less yield is not going to work, but we're working on that.


  • So I think -- I don't know, I wouldn't rank them.


  • I would just say contamination is a huge factor, yield's a huge factor.


  • And I think I would throw out a third that I think is very relevant, and I do that, this disclosure, into this Q, and I believe the prior Q as well.


  • Product line format mix, when I bragged there a bit about efficacy and growth and customer demand and customer support for the product, our original bivalent format in a bolus is still in the market, and some customers love it.


  • But a lot of our growth is coming from the trivalent, the newer format, the Tri-Shield.

    但我們的成長很大一部分來自三價、更新的格式,即 Tri-Shield。

  • And that product simply is more expensive to make.


  • You go -- we go back to cheese batches.


  • It essentially takes one cheese batch to make a bivalent bolus capsule product.


  • It takes two cheese batches for every dose of Tri-Shield to get that third antibody into the tube.

    每劑 Tri-Shield 需要兩批乳酪才能將第三種抗體放入試管中。

  • So I'm kind of go on top of mind here after spending a lot of time with this issue every day and certainly in preparing the Q, but contamination, yield and product mix are the challenges we need to fix to get that gross margin back to that 35% to that 40% level?

    因此,在每天花費大量時間處理這個問題以及準備問題之後,我在這裡首先考慮的是污染、產量和產品組合是我們需要解決的挑戰,以恢復毛利率到 35% 到 40% 的水平?

  • George Melas - Analyst

    George Melas - Analyst

  • So that means that potentially if you compare to a period of time roughly two years ago or two, three years ago, when you had similar revenue levels, now you have more batches.


  • So that is one of the factors in the high cost?


  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, more batches, but also -- more batches total to increase the output, but more batches per dose to get the Tri-Shield, 2:1.

    是的,更多批次,而且 - 總共更多批次以增加產量,但每劑量更多批次以獲得 Tri-Shield,2:1。

  • So that's definitely a factor.


  • Yeah, I think -- I mean we even had some 50% margin back in the days when we had a bolus or capsule business of about $10 million in sales.

    是的,我想——我的意思是,當我們的丸劑或膠囊業務銷售額約為 1000 萬美元時,我們的利潤率甚至達到了 50% 左右。

  • That's -- it's the same company, but it's a different business when we started doubling that over to $20 million-plus adding in the Tri-Shield.

    那就是——雖然是同一家公司,但當我們開始將 Tri-Shield 的投入增加一倍,達到 2000 萬美元以上時,這是一項不同的業務。

  • It's a very different look.


  • It's a very different look for the staff, for the equipment, for the facilities.


  • And we've got to work it in -- as I said in the Q, I don't expect to get back to 50%.

    我們必須努力解決這個問題——正如我在問題中所說,我預計不會回到 50%。

  • It's a different business.


  • But we're growing the sales and growing the gross margin dollar even at that lower 35%, 40% level target?

    但即使在 35%、40% 的較低水準目標下,我們的銷售額和毛利率也在成長?

  • George Melas - Analyst

    George Melas - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • Quick question on the P&L.


  • Some of the costs were down, especially product development, but you explained that sales and marketing was down a little bit as well.


  • Is there a way to explain that?


  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • It's a big ask.


  • We're asking the sales team to do two things: grow sales and save money.


  • So it's a balance.


  • But the team is consistent as far as head count, so no increase, no decrease.


  • We've managed programs that we'd like to spend and fund the ones we have to spend.


  • Because when you're in that cash crunch, when you're in that contamination period, we look at all levers to reduce cost.


  • So yes, it's that simple.


  • We -- there are some selling expenses that our VP of Sales, Bobbi Brockmann, has done a great job of managing and controlling and reducing, at the same time, not cutting anything critical to fuel that growth.

    我們的銷售副總裁鮑比·布羅克曼(Bobbi Brockmann)在管理、控制和減少一些銷售費用方面做得很好,同時,沒有削減任何對推動成長至關重要的東西。

  • So good expense management by the sales team.


  • And yeah, the product development is kind of very different now.


  • All the inventory we want -- need for this control launch has been produced.


  • We simply don't need to produce more inventory so we can reduce costs, but we can't have chosen not to eliminate those costs because we want to stand ready for an FDA inspection in a plant that we call aggressive idle.

    我們根本不需要生產更多庫存,這樣我們就可以降低成本,但我們不能選擇不消除這些成本,因為我們希望為我們稱之為積極閒置的工廠做好準備接受 FDA 檢查。

  • So it's ready to be brought back into service.


  • It's not mothballed, but it's not actively producing inventory, and that is simply to save some money.


  • George Melas - Analyst

    George Melas - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • And then a question -- you also discussed, and I appreciate that very much, the increase in the debt.


  • But then you have section where you talk about a possibility of having a spray product that would actually reduce -- that I think that it's lower cost, it's slightly different product, and it would be a way to absorb the WIP.

    但是,你有一節討論了一種噴霧產品的可能性,這種產品實際上會減少——我認為它的成本更低,它是稍微不同的產品,而且這將是吸收WIP 的一種方式。

  • Can you talk about that just a little bit more?


  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • It's a really interesting upside for us.


  • We haven't realized it yet.


  • It's in development.


  • We have processed some material.


  • We like the look of it, the initial batches.


  • And going into '25, we're going to get that to market and see if that is a less expensive but different format way to use up some of that WIP that you're talking about.

    進入 25 年,我們將把它推向市場,看看這是否是一種更便宜但不同格式的方式來使用你所說的一些 WIP。

  • I mean the inventory of hyper-immunized raw colostrum, frozen raw colostrum.


  • So it simply is different.


  • We spend a lot of time, and thereby money, to get a lot of antibodies into a capsule or two.


  • This is a pretty different approach with the same overall objective of our antibodies are very effective at preventing newborn calf disease.


  • So rather than focus on concentration, this is going to be more of a bulk product.


  • It would be more for a different customer, a large calf ranch, say, that's mixing bags of feed rather than a capsule of First Defense or two of First Defense.

    對於不同的客戶(例如大型犢牛牧場)來說,這更適合混合袋裝飼料,而不是一粒或兩粒 First Defense 膠囊。

  • So I'm kind of excited about it, but it's unproven.


  • But we're trying to be creative and just find new customers and new sources of revenue.


  • George Melas - Analyst

    George Melas - Analyst

  • I see.


  • So it's a spray that you spray on the feed rather than give it separately to


  • --


  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, no, George, the spray refers to the production process.


  • So you got your liquid colostrum.


  • You either run it through the cheese and all the filtration process for the concentrate, those antibodies, to a small dose, and then we lyophilize it.


  • That's freeze-drying it.


  • This new -- potentially new format would be skipping all those process steps, taking the raw colostrum and spray-drying it.


  • And so it's a powder that will be added to a batch of milk to be fed to calves.


  • So the spray refers to the -- one of the key production steps.


  • The application would look like a capsule, only it takes a lot more capsules because we haven't concentrated down to that 4 gram level for the current First Defense capsule.

    該應用程式看起來像一個膠囊,只是它需要更多的膠囊,因為我們還沒有將目前的 First Defense 膠囊集中到 4 克的水平。

  • It'd be the -- a bulk feed powder.


  • George Melas - Analyst

    George Melas - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Okay.


  • Interesting.


  • And then on Re-Tain, any possible update on your contract manufacturer and then getting through that inspection process?

    然後在 Re-Tain 上,您的合約製造商有任何可能的更新,然後完成檢查過程嗎?

  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • The best update is that I don't have an update.


  • And what I mean by that is it hasn't been delayed and it hasn't been accelerated.


  • We are confident that they are working very diligently towards resolving these answers and we'll have their -- they've made progress submissions along the way.


  • But the final-final is still on schedule for December, and that's been consistent that -- as I said, hasn't moved forward, hasn't pushed back.

    但最後的決賽仍按計劃在 12 月舉行,而且一直如此——正如我所說,沒有向前推進,也沒有推遲。

  • The issue is what does the FDA do with that submission.

    問題是 FDA 對這份提交的文件做了什麼。

  • Because as soon as that submission is cleared, we can get through what I said was the non-complex response on our side on the -- what's called the CMC or the manufacturing Technical Section.

    因為一旦提交得到批准,我們就可以得到我所說的我們這邊的不複雜的回應——所謂的 CMC 或製造技術部分。

  • Hey George, hope you got some sleep last night.


  • Sounds like you're reading the Q a little bit.

    聽起來你正在讀一點 Q。

  • Thank you for your good questions.


  • George Melas - Analyst

    George Melas - Analyst

  • You're welcome.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • [Jane Lindemann, a private investor].

    [Jane Lindemann,私人投資者]。

  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Michael, it's Bruce.


  • Congratulations on getting all that stuff behind you.


  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • A little bit of progress.


  • Thank you.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • We're just curious, about how many shares were sold?


  • And are you going to continue -- do you need to continue the ATM --?


  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, that's fair.


  • So George, for the specific or the detail, I would refer you over to the Q. I've got a subsequent event note in there, and I've got a detailed description of the specific shares and -- shares issued.


  • But at a high level -- shoot, I wish I had my notes right in front of me.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • I'm just looking for an approximate number.


  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes.


  • I think we went from like -- it was like 1.1 million.

    我想我們從大約 110 萬開始。

  • We went from 7.7 million to 8.8 million shares outstanding?

    我們的流通股從 770 萬股增加到 880 萬股?

  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Okay.


  • Is that, do you think you'll you finish for now?


  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • With this ATM, what we do is -- and this is across the board with all public company ATMs is the specific disclosure is historical and quarterly as to what happened, and we leave a little flexibility into what will happen as far as Board discretion.

    對於這台ATM,我們所做的是——對於所有上市公司的ATM 來說,具體的披露是歷史性的和季度性的,對於所發生的事情,我們對將要發生的事情留有一點靈活性,由董事會自行決定。

  • But at the cash levels that I mentioned to you, take me off the sort of the super-hyper-concern level to, Yes, we can work with this.


  • And then -- because the answer really -- the future really depends on what do our capital needs, what do we need to spend money on and also as far as price.

    然後 - 因為答案確實 - 未來實際上取決於我們的資本需要什麼,我們需要在什麼上花錢以及價格。

  • So at a higher price, you could raise some money and do some big things at a lower dilution.


  • So I'm a little vague on the future, but the Q is very specific on the year-to-date.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Okay.


  • No, I was just curious because it seemed like you got the cash balance to a decent level so that it's different to sell stock at 3.5 or 4 as opposed to higher levels.

    不,我只是很好奇,因為你的現金餘額似乎達到了一個不錯的水平,因此以 3.5 或 4 的價格出售股票與以更高的價格出售股票是不同的。

  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Exactly.


  • That's true.


  • And you can see that just if you compare the nine-month numbers to the subsequent event, it very significantly sort of lowered the big volume, was back in the third quarter.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • All right.


  • Well, good luck.


  • We're looking forward to the launch.


  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Great.


  • Appreciate you, Bruce and Jane, for your patient following.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Long over 20 years since


  • [Pfizer]?


  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Is it 20?


  • Amazing?


  • Time flies?


  • Wow.


  • Thanks for reminding me of that.


  • Holy cow.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Michael Brigham - President and Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Well, thank you, Bruce.


  • Bye.


  • Operator


  • This concludes our question-and-answer session.


  • I would like to turn the conference back over to Joe Diaz for any closing remarks.

    我想將會議轉回給喬·迪亞茲(Joe Diaz)發表閉幕詞。

  • Joe Diaz - Analyst

    Joe Diaz - Analyst

  • Thank you, Wyatt, and thanks to all of you participating in today's call.


  • We look forward to talking with you again to review the results for the year ending December 31, 2024, during the week of February 24, 2025.

    我們期待在 2025 年 2 月 24 日當週再次與您交談,審查截至 2024 年 12 月 31 日的年度結果。

  • Thank you and have a great day.


  • Operator


  • The conference has now concluded.


  • Thank you for attending today's presentation.


  • You may now disconnect.
