荷美爾 (HRL) 2014 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, and welcome to the Hormel Foods third-quarter earnings conference call.


  • Today's conference is being recorded.


  • At this time, I would like to turn the conference over to Jana Haynes, Director of Investor Relations.

    現在,我想將會議交給投資者關係總監 Jana Haynes。

  • Please go ahead.


  • - Director of Investor Relations

    - Director of Investor Relations

  • Thank you.


  • Good morning.


  • Welcome to the Hormel Foods conference call for the third-quarter of FY14.

    歡迎參加荷美爾食品 2014 財年第三季度電話會議。

  • We released our results this morning before the market opened, around 6:30 AM Eastern time.

    我們今天早上在東部時間上午 6:30 左右開市前發布了業績。

  • If you did not receive a copy of the release, you can find it on our website at www.hormelfoods.com under the Investors section.

    如果您沒有收到該新聞稿的副本,您可以在我們的網站 www.hormelfoods.com 的“投資者”部分找到它。

  • On our call today is Jeff Ettinger, Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer; and Jody Feragen, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

    今天參加我們電話會議的是董事會主席、總裁兼首席執行官 Jeff Ettinger;喬迪·費拉根 (Jody Feragen),執行副總裁兼首席財務官。

  • Jeff will provide a review of the operating results for the quarter, then Jody will provide detailed financial results for the quarter.


  • The line will be open for questions following Jody's remarks.


  • As a courtesy to the other analysts, please limit yourself to one question with one follow-up.


  • If you have additional questions, you're welcome to get back in the queue.


  • The audio replay of this call will be available beginning at 11:00 AM Central time today, August 21, 2014.

    本次電話會議的音頻重播將於中部時間今天(2014 年 8 月 21 日)上午 11:00 開始提供。

  • The dial-in number is 888-203-1112, and the access code is 2700055.


  • The audio replay will also be posted to our website and archived for one year.


  • Before we get started with the results of the quarter, I need to reference the Safe Harbor statement.


  • Some of the comments made today will be forward-looking and are made under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

    今天發表的一些評論具有前瞻性,並且是根據 1995 年《私人證券訴訟改革法案》發表的。

  • Actual results may differ materially from those expressed in or implied by the statements we will be making.


  • Among the factors that may affect the operating results of the Company are fluctuations in the cost and availability of raw materials and market conditions for finished products.


  • Please refer to pages 32 through 38 regarding forward-looking statements and risk factors in the Company's Form 10-Q for the quarter ended April 27, 2014 for more details.

    有關更多詳細信息,請參閱公司截至 2014 年 4 月 27 日的季度 10-Q 表格中有關前瞻性陳述和風險因素的第 32 至 38 頁。

  • It can be accessed on our website.


  • Now I'll turn the call over to Jeff.


  • - Chairman, President & CEO

    - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Thank you, Jana.


  • We announced record third quarter earnings this morning of $0.51 per share, up 21% over last year.

    今天上午,我們宣布了創紀錄的第三季度每股收益 0.51 美元,比去年同期增長 21%。

  • Operating profit increased by 23%.


  • We also achieved record sales of $2.3 billion, an increase of 6% over last year, with a 1% volume decline.

    我們還實現了 23 億美元的創紀錄銷售額,比去年增長 6%,但銷量下降了 1%。

  • The resiliency of our balanced business model was evidenced this quarter by our ability to deliver sales and earnings growth in a highly elevated input cost environment, with three of our five segments registering profit gains.


  • I will now take you through each segment.


  • Our Grocery Products segment profit decreased 36% and sales were down 3%.

    我們的雜貨產品部門利潤下降 36%,銷售額下降 3%。

  • Pricing actions taken earlier this year on our core canned meat and microwave meal items slowed sales of these products.


  • Record high beef, pork and chicken input costs also significantly impacted margins.


  • The center of the store has become a more challenging environment for many food categories.


  • We have some franchises, such as our Dinty Moore Stew and Compleats microwave meals that appear to be affected, as well.

    我們有一些特許經營權,例如我們的 Dinty Moore Stew 和 Compleas 微波爐餐似乎也受到了影響。

  • However, we have several items positioned in the center of the store that continue to grow even in this more difficult time, such as Skippy peanut butter, Hormel Bacon Toppings, and the Herdez line of salsas and sauces within our MegaMex Foods joint venture.

    然而,我們在商店的中心放置了一些商品,即使在這個更加困難的時期,這些商品仍在繼續增長,例如 Skippy 花生醬、Hormel 培根配料以及我們 MegaMex Foods 合資企業的 Herdez 系列莎莎醬和醬汁。

  • We will continue to build on the momentum of the Skippy peanut butter brand with national advertising during the back-to-school season this fall after many years off air.

    在停播多年後,我們將在今年秋季的返校季期間通過全國廣告繼續鞏固 Skippy 花生醬品牌的勢頭。

  • Segment operating profit for the Refrigerated Foods group was up 101%.

    冷藏食品集團的部門營業利潤增長了 101%。

  • The large increase was driven by beneficial pork operating margins, which were stronger than expected, and growth of retail and foodservice value-added products.


  • Pork cutout values remained unseasonably high this summer, which more than offset record high hog costs.


  • Heading into the quarter, we had anticipated volatility in the Refrigerated Foods segment due to tight hog supply, but our team did an excellent job procuring hogs and managing inventories to support growth of our key franchises.


  • As part of the preparation for low hog availability, we reduced our Fremont, Nebraska harvest operation to four days per week through most of the summer.


  • We have recently returned to a normalized schedule.


  • Dollar sales for Refrigerated Foods increased 12%, led by retail sales of our Hormel Black Label bacon, Hormel REV snack wraps, and Lloyd's Ribs.

    冷藏食品的美元銷售額增長了 12%,其中荷美爾黑標培根、荷美爾 REV 零食捲和勞合社排骨的零售額帶動了增長。

  • We also enjoyed sales growth in our food service business including such items as our Hormel Fire Braised Meats, Hormel Bacon 1 fully cooked bacon, and Hormel fully cooked sausage.

    我們的食品服務業務也實現了銷售增長,包括荷美爾火燜肉、荷美爾培根 1 全熟培根和荷美爾全熟香腸等產品。

  • Segment volume was flat compared to last year, driven by lower commodity sales as we have increased internal utilization of raw materials in our value-added products, along with higher pricing on key retail items to mitigate margin exposure.


  • Our Refrigerated Foods team launched distribution of Hormel REV a.m.

    我們的冷藏食品團隊於上午推出了荷美爾 REV 分銷服務。

  • breakfast wraps this quarter.


  • We introduced four varieties, each with flat bread, egg, cheese and a breakfast meat.


  • Jennie-O Turkey Store delivered a segment profit increase of 42%, driven by value-added sales growth, strong turkey commodity pricing, and beneficial grain input costs.

    在增值銷售增長、強勁的火雞商品定價以及有益的穀物投入成本的推動下,Jennie-O Turkey Store 的部門利潤增長了 42%。

  • The last of the flocks impacted by the harsh winter weather and elevated fuel cost moved through our system during the quarter.


  • Segment dollar sales rose 4% on a volume decline of 2%.

    該部門的美元銷售額增長了 4%,但銷量下降了 2%。

  • High turkey commodity prices more than offset lower volumes driven by the timing of whole bird sales in the retail channel.


  • Sales of our value-added items experienced nice growth this quarter, led by our Jennie-O Turkey Store ground turkey items which continued to benefit from our Turkey Taco advertising campaign run earlier this year.

    我們的增值產品的銷售本季度經歷了良好的增長,其中以 Jennie-O 土耳其商店火雞粉為主導,該產品繼續受益於我們今年早些時候開展的土耳其玉米卷廣告活動。

  • Value-added products in our food service and deli lines also drove sales growth.


  • Our Specialty Foods segment reported an operating profit decrease of 25% and a sales decrease of 10%, largely resulting from the expiration of the agreement in July 2013 allowing Diamond Crystal Brands to sell certain sugar substitutes in the food service trade channel.

    我們的特色食品部門報告營業利潤下降 25%,銷售額下降 10%,主要是由於 2013 年 7 月允許 Diamond Crystal Brands 在食品服務貿易渠道銷售某些糖替代品的協議到期。

  • This is the final quarter of challenging comparisons related to the expiration of this agreement.


  • We have completed the acquisition of CytoSport Holdings on August 11, 2014 and welcome the team to Hormel Foods.

    我們已於 2014 年 8 月 11 日完成了對 CytoSport Holdings 的收購,並歡迎團隊加入荷美爾食品。

  • We look forward to realizing the synergies between CytoSport and our existing protein-rich sports nutrition operations and applying our innovation capabilities to maximize the potential of the Muscle Milk brand in the fast-growing sports nutrition space.

    我們期待實現 CytoSport 與我們現有的富含蛋白質的運動營養業務之間的協同效應,並運用我們的創新能力,最大限度地發揮 Muscle Milk 品牌在快速增長的運動營養領域的潛力。

  • Our International & Other segment profit increased 12% and sales grew 18%.

    我們的國際及其他部門利潤增長 12%,銷售額增長 18%。

  • Results were led by strong sales from our Beijing and Shanghai facilities into the food service channel, along with the addition of the Skippy business within China.

    我們的北京和上海工廠向食品服務渠道的強勁銷售,以及中國境內 Skippy 業務的增加,帶動了業績。

  • Exports of our SPAM family of products were impacted by high input costs during the quarter.

    本季度我們的 SPAM 系列產品的出口受到高投入成本的影響。

  • As we move into the fourth quarter, we expect elevated meat input costs to continue to squeeze margins on certain of our value-added products, especially in our Grocery Products segment.


  • Pork operating margins will likely remain seasonably positive this fall, as hog costs begin to moderate with better supply, but difficult comparisons to last year will minimize this factor for our Refrigerated Foods segment in Q4.


  • We expect our Jennie-O Turkey Store segment to finish the year strong with value-added sales growth, continued high turkey commodity prices, and beneficial grain markets.

    我們預計 Jennie-O 土耳其商店部門將憑藉增值銷售增長、持續走高的火雞商品價格以及有利的穀物市場,在今年結束時表現強勁。

  • Specialty Foods has lapped the expiration of its sugar substitute contract and should return to year-over-year growth in the fourth quarter.

    Specialty Foods 的糖替代品合同已到期,預計第四季度將恢復同比增長。

  • CytoSport's results will also be included for Q4, increasing revenues for the segment, but not materially impacting earnings net of the acquisition closing costs.

    CytoSport 的業績也將納入第四季度,從而增加該部門的收入,但不會對扣除收購成交成本後的淨收益產生重大影響。

  • We look for our International & Other segment to continue to drive growth, led by our China operations and Skippy peanut butter export business, offset in part by high US meat input costs impacting exports of our fresh pork and SPAM family of products in the near term.

    我們預計國際及其他業務將繼續推動增長,這主要由我們的中國業務和Skippy 花生醬出口業務帶動,但短期內美國肉類投入成本高會影響我們的新鮮豬肉和SPAM 系列產品的出口,這在一定程度上抵消了增長。

  • Taking all of these significant factors into account, we are maintaining our FY14 guidance range of $2.17 to $2.27 per share.

    考慮到所有這些重要因素,我們維持 2014 財年每股 2.17 美元至 2.27 美元的指導範圍。

  • At this time, I will turn the call over to Jody Feragen to discuss the financial information relating to the third quarter.

    此時,我將把電話轉給喬迪·費拉根 (Jody Feragen),討論有關第三季度的財務信息。

  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Thank you, Jeff.


  • Good morning, everyone.


  • Earnings for the third quarter of FY14 rose 21% to $138 million, or $0.51 per share, compared to $113.6 million, or $0.42 per share a year ago.

    2014 財年第三季度的盈利增長 21% 至 1.38 億美元,即每股 0.51 美元,而一年前為 1.136 億美元,即每股 0.42 美元。

  • Dollar sales for the third quarter totaled $2.28 billion, compared to $2.16 billion last year, a 6% increase.

    第三季度美元銷售額總計 22.8 億美元,比去年的 21.6 億美元增長 6%。

  • Volume for the third quarter was 1.17 billion pounds, down 1% from the same period last year.


  • Selling, general and administrative expenses in the third quarter were 6.7% of sales versus 7% last year.

    第三季度的銷售、一般和管理費用佔銷售額的 6.7%,而去年為 7%。

  • For the full year, we expect selling, general and administrative expenses to be about 7.1% to 7.3% of sales.

    我們預計全年銷售、一般和管理費用將佔銷售額的 7.1% 至 7.3% 左右。

  • Equity and earnings of affiliates was $3.5 million in the third quarter versus $1.3 million last year.

    第三季度附屬公司的股本和收益為 350 萬美元,而去年為 130 萬美元。

  • The increase is largely due to the improved performance at our MegaMex Foods joint venture.

    這一增長主要歸功於我們合資企業 MegaMex Foods 業績的改善。

  • Advertising expense for the quarter was $21.1 million compared to $22.4 million last year.

    本季度廣告費用為 2110 萬美元,去年同期為 2240 萬美元。

  • Interest expense for the quarter was $3.1 million, unchanged from last year.

    本季度利息支出為 310 萬美元,與去年持平。

  • We expect interest expense to be about $12 million to $14 million for FY14.

    我們預計 2014 財年的利息支出約為 1200 萬至 1400 萬美元。

  • Our effective tax rate in the third quarter was 34.7% versus 35.7% in FY13.

    我們第三季度的有效稅率為 34.7%,而 2013 財年為 35.7%。

  • For FY14, we expect the effective tax rate to be about 34.5%.

    2014 財年,我們預計有效稅率約為34.5%。

  • The basic weighted average number of shares outstanding for the third quarter was 264 million.


  • The diluted weighted average number of shares outstanding for the third quarter was 270.4 million.


  • We repurchased 267,000 shares of common stock during the third quarter, spending about $13 million.

    第三季度我們回購了 267,000 股普通股,花費約 1,300 萬美元。

  • We have 8.9 million shares remaining to be purchased under the current authorization in place.

    根據目前的授權,我們還有 890 萬股股票有待購買。

  • Depreciation and amortization for the quarter was $33.5 million versus $31.8 million last year.

    本季度的折舊和攤銷為 3,350 萬美元,去年同期為 3,180 萬美元。

  • We expect depreciation and amortization to be about $130 million in FY14.

    我們預計 2014 財年折舊及攤銷約為 1.3 億美元。

  • Total long-term debt at the end of the quarter was $250 million, unchanged from last year.

    本季度末長期債務總額為 2.5 億美元,與去年持平。

  • Capital expenditures for the quarter totaled $34.8 million, up $11.5 million over last year.

    該季度的資本支出總計 3480 萬美元,比去年增加 1150 萬美元。

  • For FY14, we expect capital expenditures to be approximately $150 million.

    2014 財年,我們預計資本支出約為 1.5 億美元。

  • As Jeff indicated, we closed on acquisition of CytoSport Holdings, using available cash and a portion of our $300 million credit revolver to fund the $450 million acquisition.

    正如傑夫所說,我們完成了對 CytoSport Holdings 的收購,使用可用現金和 3 億美元的循環信貸資金的一部分為 4.5 億美元的收購提供資金。

  • We expect to repay the credit revolver by the end of FY14.

    我們預計在 2014 財年末償還信貸循環貸款。

  • At this time, I will turn the call over to the operator for the question-and-answer portion of the call.


  • Danny?


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Farha Aslam with Stephens Inc.

    Farha Aslam 與 Stephens Inc.

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning.


  • - Chairman, President & CEO

    - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Hi, Farha.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Congratulations for a great quarter.


  • - Chairman, President & CEO

    - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Thank you.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • We've noticed a lot of variation between divisions in terms of performance, and so just starting with Grocery Products, those earnings were very impacted with the higher commodity costs.


  • How do you think the recovery goes and when do you think earnings can get back to flat year over year and back into growth?


  • - Chairman, President & CEO

    - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Well, for, obviously, Grocery Products was the one hit hardest by the input cost environment during the quarter.


  • We expect the fourth quarter to be still negative year over year, but not to the depth we're reporting here today.


  • And we're not in a position to give 2015 guidance yet, but the long-term, our long-term outlook for the Grocery division is that it should be able to drive growth.

    我們還無法給出 2015 年的指導,但從長遠來看,我們對雜貨部門的長期展望是它應該能夠推動增長。

  • We have some excellent franchises still within that business, such as all our Mexican food businesses, as well as Skippy, and SPAM continues to have general strength on a long-term basis.

    我們在該業務中仍然擁有一些優秀的特許經營權,例如我們所有的墨西哥食品業務以及 Skippy,並且 SPAM 在長期基礎上繼續保持總體實力。

  • We will provide more specific guidance on the next call in terms of what 2015 will look like, but we should start trending in the positive direction.

    我們將在下一次電話會議上就 2015 年的情況提供更具體的指導,但我們應該開始朝積極的方向發展。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then a question, really, on MegaMex.

    然後是一個關於 MegaMex 的問題。

  • Earnings in that business almost tripled.


  • What is the trend, how should we think about that business going forward, and what's driving the improvement?


  • - Chairman, President & CEO

    - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Well, Q3 last year, to be fair, we had a fairly significant hit.


  • Remember, we announced in terms of the added earn-out on the fresh [rice] foods component, and so in terms of comparisons that was an easier comparison, if you will, for the MegaMex group.

    請記住,我們宣布了新鮮[大米]食品成分的附加收益,因此就比較而言,如果您願意的話,對於 MegaMex 集團來說,這是一個更容易的比較。

  • They've had some cost squeeze within their group, as well, frankly, both on the Don Miguel side and in terms of the avocado-based products.


  • Avocado costs seem to be normalizing, and the top line is excellent in terms of the Wholly Guacamole franchise.

    鱷梨成本似乎正在正常化,而且就 Wholely Guacamole 特許經營權而言,收入非常出色。

  • So we're encouraged and excited about that.


  • And the Herdez brand is very strong.

    而且 Herdez 品牌非常強大。

  • We just continue to rack up double-digit top line increases for the variety of items sold under that authentic Mexican brand.


  • So, overall, we're -- MegaMex is a key component, not only to Grocery Products, but to the total Company, very on-trend products, and we think they'll continue to deliver growth for us.

    因此,總的來說,MegaMex 不僅是雜貨產品的關鍵組成部分,而且是整個公司的關鍵組成部分,是非常流行的產品,我們認為它們將繼續為我們帶來增長。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great, thank you so much.


  • Operator


  • Ken Zaslow with BMO Capital Markets.

    BMO 資本市場的 Ken Zaslow。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning, everyone.


  • - Chairman, President & CEO

    - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Hi, Ken.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • So one on a strategy question, Hormel has been very successful of gaining outside market share in niche categories, right, that's kind of been your MO for the last decade or so.


  • You have moved into Skippy, obviously, you made a bid for Ragu.

    你已經搬進了 Skippy,顯然,你對 Ragu 進行了競標。

  • Do you think at all -- and even from this performance you see what you're doing here, the success has been always in your niche categories.


  • Do you think that you are starting to move away from that, and do you think that's a good thing or bad thing, and can you talk about that?


  • And I have a follow-up.


  • - Chairman, President & CEO

    - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Sure.


  • I don't think we are moving away from that, Ken.


  • I think what we are doing, if you look at the core portfolio, Hormel Foods clearly started in 1891 as a pork Company.

    我認為我們正在做的事情,如果你看看核心產品組合,荷美爾食品公司顯然是從 1891 年開始的一家豬肉公司。

  • And the pork value-added products are still very important to our overall operation with sales of those items going through both the Refrigerated Foods and to some extent Grocery Products segment.


  • But over the years, we, clearly, have tried to diversify the portfolio to mitigate risk exposure in terms of raw material, but probably more importantly, to stay up with the consumer.


  • And so our Mexican food franchise, we are trying to get more aggressive in the health and wellness area through Jennie-O and Natural Choice.

    因此,我們的墨西哥食品特許經營權,我們正試圖通過 Jennie-O 和 Natural Choice 在健康和保健領域更加積極進取。

  • We had identified that we really thought we needed to provide more on-the-go offerings, and so, hence, our innovation with REV.

    我們已經確定,我們確實認為我們需要提供更多的移動產品,因此,我們對 REV 進行了創新。

  • That was a big motivator, frankly, behind the Muscle Milk acquisition was that people are viewing those items in many cases as meal replacements, consumed on-the-go.

    坦率地說,收購 Muscle Milk 背後的一個很大的動機是,人們在很多情況下將這些產品視為代餐,在旅途中消費。

  • And so, again, we're looking in most cases for leading share brands that we can drive with our marketing and hopefully operate on an efficient basis.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • My follow-up question is, what would limit the turkey margins from moving up from this 16.9% or 17% level going forward?

    我的後續問題是,什麼會限制火雞利潤率從 16.9% 或 17% 的水平繼續上升?

  • It seems like this quarter is representative of what the future would look like, if not even better.


  • Is there something that I'm missing here?


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Yes, sure, Ken, this is Jody.


  • I think the environment that the turkey operations are operating under with industry conditions and the shortages, we've seen some pretty favorable commodity pricing.


  • So to the extent that we had any extra to sell on the commodity markets, that's probably moving at a little bit to the upside, so I'd stick to that normalized range that we've given in the past.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • So you don't think 17% is the right level to move -- I'm misunderstanding it?

    所以你認為 17% 不是合適的移動水平——我理解錯了?

  • - Chairman, President & CEO

    - Chairman, President & CEO

  • I don't know if you're looking for a long-term number or a shorter-term number.


  • As mentioned earlier, we're not going to give a 2015 number yet today, but it would be fair to lay out, obviously, what's going on in the marketplace that as we head into 2015, could well be in a market where the commodities are a little less favorable, but recognizing that the grain markets could be more favorable.

    正如前面提到的,我們今天還不會給出 2015 年的數字,但顯然,公平地列出市場上正在發生的事情,當我們進入 2015 年時,大宗商品很可能會在市場上發生變化。不太有利,但認識到穀物市場可能會更有利。

  • So we'll just see what that sorts out when we provide that guidance in November.

    因此,當我們在 11 月份提供該指導時,我們將看看結果如何。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Very helpful, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Akshay Jagdale with KeyBanc Capital Markets.

    Akshay Jagdale 與 KeyBanc 資本市場。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Good morning, and congratulations on a good quarter.


  • - Chairman, President & CEO

    - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Thank you, Akshay.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • So can you give us an update on REV, the a.m.

    那麼,您能否向我們介紹一下上午 REV 的最新情況?

  • wraps, your launching, I guess.


  • Am I correct in understanding that the difference there is you have added this sort of ag component to it?

    我的理解是否正確,區別在於您添加了這種 ag 組件?

  • So can you talk a little bit about why now with the a.m.


  • wraps, and sort of overall how is REV doing relative to your expectation?

    總而言之,REV 的整體表現與您的預期相比如何?

  • - Chairman, President & CEO

    - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Sure, Akshay.


  • So I know in past quarters I have provided some estimates based on some of the early tracking with the brand.


  • We're now in a position where we have 52 weeks of scan data available.

    我們現在擁有 52 週的可用掃描數據。

  • The sales on that basis were around $55 million on the last 52-week basis.

    過去 52 週的銷售額約為 5500 萬美元。

  • That does not count sales into the college and university, or convenience store channels.


  • That is a little bit more, but the lion's share is through the grocery channel.


  • We're very happy with those, that's one of our best ever first-year performances on a brand.


  • We think the brand has upside in terms of its sales capabilities beyond that even with the core items.


  • And then, as you point out, on top of that, we are introducing the breakfast items.


  • Part of it is just kind of coming out with the core line first, part of it is making sure that you have the product ready and performing the way you want.


  • I'm actually really quite excited and pleased with the team coming out with it a year later, if you contrast it, for example, to our Compleats line, it took us several years to get a breakfast offering that was the right offering within that product line.

    事實上,我對團隊在一年後推出它感到非常興奮和高興,例如,如果你將它與我們的Compleats 系列進行對比,我們花了幾年的時間才獲得了一款適合該產品的早餐產品。生產線。

  • Right now, we're focusing our attention on these breakfast-related items on customers that already have a pretty good set of REV items.

    現在,我們將注意力集中在這些與早餐相關的項目上,這些項目針對已經擁有一套相當不錯的 REV 項目的客戶。

  • There are certain customers that really do have that in place.


  • Other certain regions of the country and certain retailers, it is still a little spottier, where maybe they only carry three, or four or five items.


  • In those cases, we're probably saying we may not want to come right out with two or three breakfast items until you have built your set a little more legitimately.


  • But we do think breakfast REV is another excellent innovation that will draw new consumption to this product line and will continue to excite consumers who have liked the REV line.

    但我們確實認為早餐 REV 是另一項出色的創新,它將為該產品線吸引新的消費,並將繼續激發喜歡 REV 系列的消費者。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then, just on Skippy, give us an update, especially on International operations, you talked about it a little bit.

    然後,就在 Skippy 上,給我們介紹一下最新情況,特別是在國際運營方面,您談到了一點。

  • But given what happened in the Grocery segment this quarter, it would be nice if you could sort of tell us if Skippy was impacted by any of that, doesn't seem like it.

    但考慮到本季度雜貨店領域發生的情況,如果您能告訴我們 Skippy 是否受到其中任何影響(似乎沒有),那就太好了。

  • And then, more importantly, can you give us a little bit more color on the Cyto acquisition, and strategically, is there a longer-term, how that fits in, and what kind of growth profile you expect from that?

    然後,更重要的是,您能給我們介紹一下 Cyto 收購的更多信息嗎?從戰略上講,是否存在長期目標、如何適應以及您期望從中獲得什麼樣的增長概況?

  • Thank you, and I will get back in queue.


  • - Chairman, President & CEO

    - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Okay.


  • Skippy, we were very pleased with the domestic results for Skippy.

    Skippy,我們對 Skippy 在國內的成績非常滿意。

  • On a net sales basis, lesser, because that was a category that saw price decreases, but a volume, high-single-digit increase in volume, still continuing to get good feature activity.


  • We've had some nice placements in terms of distribution fills there.


  • And we're going to work on innovating within the category.


  • Our Skippy Singles are off to a good start, the Dark Chocolate Natural item is doing well also, and look for more items in 2015 and maybe more in the middle of the year for that.

    我們的 Skippy Singles 有了一個良好的開端,黑巧克力天然產品也表現良好,並在 2015 年尋找更多產品,也許在年中會尋找更多產品。

  • On an International basis, it still a little rocky to read.


  • It was positive in the sense that we, obviously, now own the China plant, and all the production out of that plant is now being reflected in sales.


  • We saw a little bit of decline in business in Canada, and we also, in a couple of the Asian markets, we're still in kind of a conversion mode between our ownership and the prior ownership in terms of who's got the distribution and so forth.


  • But, overall, that plant is in a good position to support growth and we expect to have that be a real growth catalyst for International going forward.


  • On CytoSport, we were, obviously, very excited, last time we were on the phone with all of you was in the middle of the quarter when we made the announcement related to the deal.

    在 CytoSport 上,我們顯然非常興奮,上次我們與大家通電話是在本季度中期,當時我們宣布了與交易相關的消息。

  • We did close on that deal recently.


  • A couple of follow-up questions that have kind of emerged, just even since we announced the deal, related kind of this notion of what does Hormel bring to the party when it comes to the Muscle Milk acquisition?

    自從我們宣布這項交易以來,就出現了一些後續問題,這些問題與荷美爾在收購 Muscle Milk 時會給聚會帶來什麼相關的概念相關。

  • So I did want to address that.


  • We have knowledge of manufacturing and of the category that perhaps has been overlooked a little bit.


  • Our Specialty Foods group is a less branded group and so sometimes doesn't get talked about quite as much.


  • But we've been manufacturing both powdered and ready to drink protein items for over 10 years with our Century Foods business unit that's under Specialty Foods.


  • Indeed, to us, this was a great opportunity to bring a branded catalyst for that group to be able to apply that knowledge the way we do in the rest of our Company to a branded item.


  • We feel we're going to be able to bring deeper sales and category management skills to the largest market for this product line, which is the food, drug and mass market where we sell so many of our other items.


  • And really, any time you're bringing a product line that's, frankly, kind of a one-off product line, a single brand and bringing it to a portfolio where you have deeper relationships, at least, we've found that we should be able to drive growth doing that.


  • We certainly did that with Wholly Guacamole, for one example, and we should do that here.


  • We also feel our innovation track record bodes well in terms of coming up with great new items that would fit under this brand.


  • So we're very early on, the category growth that we are looking at is still very significant, as we mentioned on the last call.


  • Our feeling, and even the prior management would kind of concede to this, there was probably a little bit of lack of focus as they were in the sale process of the business, and so their share had not quite kept up with all the category growth.


  • But notwithstanding that, it still grew in terms of both the ready to drink component, the big Muscle Milk branded presence, as well as the full protein line, and so it should be a great growth catalyst for Specialty Foods and for Hormel going forward.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks a lot, I'll pass it on.


  • Operator


  • Diane Geissler with CLSA.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • - Chairman, President & CEO

    - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Hi, Diane.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Congratulations on your quarter.


  • I wanted to ask you about the outlook, which you maintained your guidance, it seems like an awfully wide range for having only one quarter left in the year, and I just wanted to make sure that there wasn't -- it's sending us a signal about one area of your business being potentially problematic.

    我想問你關於前景的問題,你維持了你的指導,這似乎是一個非常廣泛的範圍,因為今年只剩下一個季度了,我只是想確保沒有 - 它給我們發送了一個表明您的某個業務領域存在潛在問題。

  • I know the hog numbers have come down pretty significantly, but it sounds like you are finding adequate supply in the fact that you've reopened your plant, the one that you had curtailed.


  • So is there something we need to be aware of as we move through the fourth quarter that's kind of giving you pause, and making you keep that wide of a range for the fourth quarter?


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Sure, Diane.


  • As we were sitting down this time for -- at the end of our second quarter there, we certainly did not expect the type of positive pork operating margins that we experienced in the third quarter.


  • So I would say that's probably one thing that would lead us to have a somewhat wider range there going into the fourth quarter.


  • But certainly we feel more comfortable that we're in the middle range of that guidance instead of the lower end that we've guided to at the end of the second quarter.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, all right, well, that is fair enough.


  • And the, I wanted to follow up on Jeff's comments about the acquisition.


  • So you guys have, obviously, signaled that you're looking to do bigger deals.


  • I think you've made sort of more aggressive comments at your Analyst Day last year after doing the Skippy transaction about big deals.

    我認為在去年的分析師日上,在完成了有關大宗交易的 Skippy 交易後,您發表了更為激進的評論。

  • Small deals take as much time and kind of management time as little deals do.


  • But, if I heard you correctly, Jody, you basically used your big pile of cash and your revolver, which will be paid off by the end of this fiscal year, so you are kind of right back where you started from, which is significantly under-levered balance sheet.


  • So my question is really more, do you think that you could do another sizable transaction here in the near term?


  • Would it be a drain on the organization's ability to kind of integrate?


  • Or do you feel you need to give the CytoSport acquisition kind of time to get integrated before you could go out and make another sizable transaction?

    或者您是否認為需要給 CytoSport 收購一段時間進行整合,然後才能進行另一筆大規模交易?

  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Diane, you're right, from a financial perspective, we certainly have the bandwidth to do another acquisition.


  • And I think from an organizational resource perspective, we also have the ability.


  • Specialty Foods might have trouble doing another one right on top of this, but we certainly would have the ability to do it from an organizational perspective.

    Specialty Foods 可能很難在此基礎上再做另一件事,但我們當然有能力從組織的角度做到這一點。

  • It's finding the right transaction that has the strategic fit, that has the number one or number two brand, looking for something that is accretive to our margins and where we can really add some value.


  • So something that has a non-US portion of the business is also very attractive.


  • So we just need to find the right fit, and certainly I believe our organization is ready to step up and do that.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Can I just ask a -- sorry, a second follow-up to that comment about the accretive to your margins.


  • Are you talking about accretive to your margins on the whole or just within the segment in which you're making acquisitions?


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • We look generally first at the segment, but with the ability to become accretive to the overall Hormel margins.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • All right, great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Robert Moskow with Credit Suisse.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hi, thank you.


  • I guess two questions, one is, everyone thought that the PED virus was going to have a negative impact eventually on pork processing margins, [and if it really thousand].

    我猜想有兩個問題,一是,每個人都認為 PED 病毒最終會對豬肉加工利潤產生負面影響,[如果真的有上千]。

  • Are we thinking now that there's not going to be any negative impact on those processing margins?


  • And then, secondly, grocery margins, I get it that the protein inflation flowed through here and hurt the margin, but I guess I was a little surprised that Skippy didn't stabilize the business enough to kind of keep them from going into single-digit.


  • Are Skippy's margins lower than the margins in the rest of Grocery, and is that also an impact for why margins are lower?

    Skippy 的利潤率是否低於雜貨店其他部門的利潤率?這是否也是利潤率較低的一個影響因素?

  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Well, I think I'll take the first part of your question regarding the pork margins.


  • I think what the unexpected result that we saw in the third quarter was that demand continued to hold up the cutout values.


  • So we really had anticipated the hog prices to rise like they did, but then the primal portions also seemed to be supported by that.


  • We're looking to continue to see that positive spread, but we are up against some pretty positive spreads from the fourth quarter of last year, so don't expect that to have a significant impact on the Refrigerated Foods segment in the fourth quarter.


  • - Chairman, President & CEO

    - Chairman, President & CEO

  • So on the Grocery side, Skippy's margins should be accretive ultimately to the Grocery Products group, and are currently.

    因此,在雜貨方面,Skippy 的利潤最終應該會增加雜貨產品部門的利潤,目前也是如此。

  • That being said, probably the highest profitability element of the Grocery Products portfolio is the canned meats area, and that's the area where we clearly saw the biggest squeeze during the quarter, brought in part by the prior price increase that we had taken based on just kind of long-term increases in the raw materials.


  • And then when you add to it the spike from PED in terms of the input cost on hogs that really hurt their ability ultimately to deliver margin.

    再加上 PED 帶來的生豬投入成本飆升,這確實損害了他們最終交付利潤的能力。

  • So that's what needs to recover, that's what -- to the earlier question -- we will start seeing some recovery in that in Q4, but not all of it.


  • We have -- some of the inventory is already put up with higher costs and so forth, but heading in the future we do expect that to normalize.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • And, Jeff, what is going to cause it to normalize?


  • Do you need the protein prices to fall, because it sounds like you already took pricing earlier in the year?


  • Do you have to take it again?


  • Or are you waiting for the protein to fall?


  • - Chairman, President & CEO

    - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Well, I guess, waiting for it in the sense that we didn't feel we should or were in a very good position to take second pricing based off of a spike.


  • If these inputs had become the new norm, we, obviously, would've had to reevaluate that.


  • But a lot of a lot of these input costs are already down fairly significantly, even in the last couple of weeks.


  • So we do think -- that's what PED caused.

    所以我們確實認為——這就是 PED 造成的。

  • It didn't end up hurting the processing margins, but it did end up driving some very significant increases in inputs that we just didn't think we could price against, and we don't, hopefully in the long run, we don't feel we'll have to because we do think those are going to come back to a more normal level.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • And then, I'll ask just a last question.


  • One of the [considers] I hear a lot from investors about the processed food industry in general is that people are paying more and more attention to health and wellness, especially in the meals part of the store, like convenient meals.


  • I would take the view that Dinty Moore and chili and SPAM are kind of their own niche businesses, but microwaveable meals, like shelf stable microwaveable meals, I think are -- could be just off-trend.

    我認為丁蒂·摩爾(Dinty Moore)、辣椒和垃圾郵件是他們自己的利基業務,但我認為微波爐餐食,比如貨架穩定的微波爐餐食,可能只是過時的趨勢。

  • Do you have any view on the long term for Compleats and what your strategy for investment there is?

    您對 Complets 的長期發展有何看法以及您的投資策略是什麼?

  • - Chairman, President & CEO

    - Chairman, President & CEO

  • We had, obviously, enjoyed very significant growth in the Compleats line during the 2000 decade, almost right to the end of it.

    顯然,我們在 2000 年的十年間(幾乎直到其結束時)在 Compleats 系列中享受到了非常顯著的增長。

  • And then, clearly, the product line has stagnated somewhat since then.


  • One effort to try to attract new consumers and restore growth had been this notion of kind of going after the more health-oriented consumer, or consumer looking for higher end items, and, hence, the introduction of our blue and green labeled subcomponents of Compleats.

    試圖吸引新消費者和恢復增長的一項努力就是追求更注重健康的消費者,或尋找更高端產品的消費者,因此,引入了我們藍色和綠色標籤的 Compleats 子組件。

  • I think we've conceded here in recent calls that that really doesn't seem to be working.


  • The consumer that really enjoys these types of items is looking for more of a basic meat and potato casserole type item.


  • Value is a very important element to this franchise, and so as you kind of out more of those bells and whistles and costs to product, that doesn't seem to resonate well with the consumer.


  • So we do believe we can get, kind of go back to the basics and get this product line stabilized.


  • Whether it's going to be a big growth catalyst for Grocery Products anymore, at this point, I guess, we're not seeing that.


  • But we think between Mexican food and Skippy and some of the other items that Grocery should be able to meet their growth objectives using those items.

    但我們認為,在墨西哥食品和 Skippy 以及其他一些商品之間,雜貨店應該能夠使用這些商品來實現其增長目標。

  • But I think your overall take is correct.


  • My understanding, though, is when it comes to single-serve meals, especially even if you look in the frozen segment, which has also suffered, even the health and wellness-oriented items in frozen aren't doing all that well.


  • So I do think it's maybe a combination of where consumers are looking for items, but also it's kind of the sheer economics and who is getting hit the worst from that.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • That would make -- I would agree with you that frozen isn't doing well either in that area.


  • But I was focusing on your shelf stable part of it because that's really where you play.


  • Totally makes sense.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Akshay Jagdale with KeyBanc Capital Markets.

    Akshay Jagdale 與 KeyBanc 資本市場。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks for taking the follow-up.


  • The first one is for Jody.


  • Can you talk a little bit about the corporate expense line item this quarter?


  • It was significantly higher than the run rate that we've seen in the past.


  • Did that include charges for the Cyto deal?

    這是否包括 Cyto 交易的費用?

  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Not really, those will hit in our fourth quarter and will show up in the Specialty Foods segment line.


  • General corporate expense was really impacted this quarter by some employee-related costs, as well as the write-off of a bad debt.


  • Those will be the two biggest things.


  • So we will see the transaction costs in the next quarter.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • How much of that would be sort of one-time, like the bad debt write-off seems unusual, right?


  • Would you say first of all -- sorry?


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • That was about $4 million.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • It would, hopefully, a one-time thing, Akshay.


  • (laughter)


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • And, just going back to the PED virus, from my recollection and just talking to others in the industry, this quarter was the quarter where you had expected the most impact on supply.

    而且,回到 PED 病毒,根據我的記憶以及與業內其他人的交談,本季度是您預計對供應影響最大的季度。

  • It doesn't seem like it translated into any volume declines in Refrigerated Foods.


  • Can you help us with how many hogs you processed?


  • We were thinking the industry would see 6% to 7% lower hog supplies.

    我們原本認為該行業的生豬供應量將減少 6% 至 7%。

  • Did that just not materialize, or can you give us a sense of what's happening there with supply?


  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • I think you can get a follow-up with Jana on the specifics with the industry numbers, but the amount of hogs being processed has increased week-over-week.


  • The trouble is we're looking at some significant numbers from last year, so the year over year comparisons are still going to be down, probably until the October time frame.


  • We, our team, as Jeff indicated, has done a super job of making sure that we have had the supply and we are now back up to normalized operations.


  • A lot of the hog numbers that were down were being offset by higher weights, as well, so the impact to the total industry isn't down as much is I think people originally anticipated.


  • Certainly, helped by a summer that has been much cooler than normal and allowed the hogs to put on the extra weight.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And just one last one on the guidance range being as wide as it is.


  • First, does it include these charges that you expect for the Cyto deal?

    首先,它是否包括您預計 Cyto 交易中的這些費用?

  • And if you can give us an order of magnitude that would be helpful.


  • And then, just secondly, you cited pork margins as being the main reason for your conservative approach there.


  • From what I can tell, margins so far have held pretty steady relative to the quarter you just reported.


  • Is there something else that we should be thinking of when we're looking at that $0.10 range which is unusual?

    當我們看到 0.10 美元這個不尋常的範圍時,我們還應該考慮其他什麼嗎?

  • - EVP & CFO

    - EVP & CFO

  • Okay, the first comment regarding the CytoSport expenses, as we indicated on the call when we announced the transaction, we would expect that any income from that operation would offset the transaction costs.

    好的,關於 CytoSport 費用的第一個評論,正如我們在宣布交易時在電話中表示的那樣,我們預計該業務的任何收入都將抵消交易成本。

  • So that should be net neutral in the Specialty Foods segment.


  • Pork margins are being maintained at the levels that we saw in the third quarter to date, but there has been a lot of volatility.


  • The comparison that Jeff talked about was to fourth quarter last year, and they were unusually strong in our fourth quarter last year, so that year over year comparison for the fourth quarter won't be as beneficial to Refrigerated Foods as it was in the third quarter.

    The comparison that Jeff talked about was to fourth quarter last year, and they were unusually strong in our fourth quarter last year, so that year over year comparison for the fourth quarter won't be as beneficial to Refrigerated Foods as it was in the third四分之一.

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, great, I'll pass it on.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • At this time, it appears that there are no further questions in our queue.


  • I'd like to turn the conference back over to Jeff Ettinger for any closing or additional remarks.

    我想將會議轉回傑夫·埃廷格 (Jeff Ettinger) 進行閉幕或補充發言。

  • - Chairman, President & CEO

    - Chairman, President & CEO

  • Well, thank you.


  • We are pleased to have achieved another record quarter, leveraging our balanced model to deliver consistent earnings growth.


  • Our team will continue to deliver relevant, innovative, and high-quality foods to meet the needs of our consumers and to drive long-term growth for our shareholders.


  • Thank you for joining us today.


  • Operator


  • As a reminder, this does conclude today's session.


  • We appreciate everyone's participation.
