Healthequity Inc (HQY) 2024 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Hello, and welcome to the HealthEquity fourth-quarter 2024 earnings conference call.

    您好,歡迎參加 HealthEquity 2024 年第四季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this conference is being recorded.


  • I would now like to hand the call to Richard Putnam.


  • Please go ahead.


  • Richard Putnam - Investor Relations

    Richard Putnam - Investor Relations

  • Thank you, MJ.


  • Hello, everyone.


  • Happy vernal equinox and welcome to HealthEquity's fourth-quarter and fiscal year-end 2024 earnings call -- conference call.

    春分快樂,歡迎參加 HealthEquity 第四季和 2024 財政年度終收益電話會議。

  • My name is Richard Putnam, Investor Relations for HealthEquity.

    我是 HealthEquity 投資者關係部的 Richard Putnam。

  • And joining me today is Jon Kessler, President and CEO; Jim -- James Lucania, Executive Vice President and CFO; and Dr. Steve Neeleman, Vice Chair and Founder of the company.

    今天加入我的是總裁兼執行長喬恩‧凱斯勒 (Jon Kessler); Jim-詹姆斯·盧卡尼亞(James Lucania),執行副總裁兼財務長;以及公司副主席兼創辦人 Steve Neeleman 博士。

  • Before I turn the call over to Jon, I have a couple of reminders.


  • First, a press release announcing the financial results for our full-year and fourth-quarter of fiscal 2024 was issued after the market closed this afternoon.

    首先,我們在今天下午收盤後發布了一份新聞稿,宣布了 2024 財年全年和第四季度的財務表現。

  • These financial results include the contributions from our wholly-owned subsidiaries and accounts they administer, but do not include any impact from BenefitWallet HSA portfolio acquisition.

    這些財務表現包括我們全資子公司及其管理的帳戶的貢獻,但不包括 BenefitWallet HSA 投資組合收購的任何影響。

  • The press release includes definitions of certain non-GAAP financial measures that we will reference today.


  • A copy of today's press release, including reconciliations of these non-GAAP measures with comparable GAAP measures and a recording of this webcast can be found on our Investor Relations website, which is

    今天新聞稿的副本,包括這些非 GAAP 衡量標準與可比較 GAAP 衡量標準的調整表以及本次網路廣播的錄音,請造訪我們的投資者關係網站。

  • Second, our comments and responses to your questions today reflect management's view as of today, March 19, 2024, and will contain forward-looking statements as defined by the SEC, including predictions, expectations, estimates, or other information that might be considered forward-looking.

    其次,我們今天對您的問題的評論和答覆反映了截至今天(2024 年3 月19 日)管理層的觀點,並將包含SEC 定義的前瞻性陳述,包括預測、預期、估計或可能被視為前瞻性的其他資訊-看著。

  • There are many important factors relating to our business, which could affect the forward-looking statements made today.


  • These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause the actual results to differ materially from statements made here today.


  • We caution against placing undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, and we also encourage you to review the discussion of these factors and other risks that may affect our future results, or the market price of our stock as detailed in our latest annual report on Form 10-K and any subsequent periodic reports filed with the SEC.

    我們告誡不要過度依賴這些前瞻性陳述,我們也鼓勵您查看對這些因素和其他可能影響我們未來業績或我們股票市場價格的討論,如我們最新年度報告中詳述的那樣。 K 表和任何後續定期報告。

  • We assume no obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements in light of new information or future events.


  • With that out of the way, let's turn the call over to Jon Kessler.


  • Jon?


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Hi, there.


  • Thank you, Richard.


  • Today is also a baseball major -- in addition to being a vernal equinox, it's also a baseball's opening day.


  • Should be a national holiday.


  • The good news is you do not need the permission of Major League Baseball to reproduce or account this call.


  • You don't mean anyone's permission.


  • You can just do it.


  • So with that, thank you for joining us.


  • And since we just held our Investor Day, Jim and I are going to keep prepared remarks brief, and of course, Steve is here for Q&A.


  • In fiscal '24, the team delivered double-digit year-over-year growth in revenue, 16% and reached the $1 billion in revenue milestone.

    在 24 財年,該團隊實現了兩位數的年收入成長(16%),並達到了 10 億美元的收入里程碑。

  • Adjusted EBITDA grew more than twice as fast at 36%.

    調整後 EBITDA 成長速度是其兩倍多,達到 36%。

  • And in sales, as we previously reported, new logo growth and network partner production drove a record Q4 and a strong year overall.


  • Members and assets grew 9% and 14%, respectively, in fiscal '24, and the team opened 949,000 new HSAs from sales.

    在 2024 財年,成員和資產分別成長了 9% 和 14%,團隊透過銷售開設了 949,000 個新的 HSA。

  • HealthEquity ended the fiscal year with 8.7 million HSA members in total, more than 30% of HSA cash is now in enhanced rates, investing members and invested assets grew 13% and 28%, respectively.

    截至本財年,HealthEquity 共有 870 萬 HSA 會員,超過 30% 的 HSA 現金目前處於提高利率狀態,投資會員和投資資產分別成長 13% 和 28%。

  • Total HSA assets reached $25.2 billion and total accounts grew 5%, including from organic CDB net growth for the first time since the pandemic began.

    HSA 總資產達到 252 億美元,總帳戶成長 5%,其中包括自大流行開始以來國開行首次有機淨成長。

  • Now, if you weren't at our Investor Day or if you were dazzled by the mountain views, listen up.


  • Management aims to continue strong top line growth and competitive outperformance, while doubling non-GAAP net income per share from fiscal '24 levels over the next three years.

    管理層的目標是繼續保持強勁的營收成長和競爭優勢,同時在未來三年內將非公認會計準則每股淨利潤從 24 財年的水平提高一倍。

  • To do this, we have focused capital investment on our proprietary health accounts platform and the ecosystem to which it connects it, leveraging foundations in the cloud, in data science, and an API technology to deliver remarkable experiences, deepen partnerships, and to drive member outcomes.

    為此,我們將資本投資重點放在我們專有的健康帳戶平台及其連接的生態系統上,利用雲端、數據科學和 API 技術的基礎來提供卓越的體驗、深化合作夥伴關係並推動會員結果。

  • We call those 3Ds.

    我們稱這些為 3D。

  • We further leverage our platform through opportunistic HSA portfolio acquisitions such as BenefitWallet, the transition of which we expect to complete in Q2.

    我們透過機會主義的 HSA 投資組合收購(例如 BenefitWallet)進一步利用我們的平台,我們預計將在第二季完成過渡。

  • This three-year strategy will, we believe, not only build shareholder value, but also advanced HealthEquity's mission, which is to save and improve lives by empowering health care consumers.

    我們相信,這項三年策略不僅將創造股東價值,還將推進 HealthEquity 的使命,即透過賦予醫療保健消費者權力來拯救和改善生活。

  • It's important stuff.


  • Now to Jim to detail other important stuff, which is our Q4 and fiscal '24 performance and enhanced guidance for fiscal '25.

    現在請吉姆詳細介紹其他重要內容,即我們的第四季度和 24 財年業績以及 25 財年的增強指導。

  • Jim.


  • James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Jon.


  • First, I just want to thank all of you that joined us for our Investor Day last month.


  • I hope you've found it informative.


  • I'll briefly highlight fourth-quarter fiscal year GAAP and non-GAAP financial results.

    我將簡要介紹第四季度會計年度的 GAAP 和非 GAAP 財務表現。

  • As always, we provide a reconciliation of GAAP measures to non-GAAP measures in today's press release.

    像往常一樣,我們在今天的新聞稿中提供了 GAAP 衡量標準與非 GAAP 衡量標準的調整表。

  • As a reminder, the results presented here reflect the reclassifications of our income statement we described in an 8-K filed on February 21, both for fiscal '24 and the prior year for comparison.

    提醒一下,這裡提供的結果反映了我們在 2 月 21 日提交的 8-K 中描述的損益表的重新分類,包括 24 財年和上一年的損益表,以進行比較。

  • Fourth-quarter revenue increased 12% year over year.


  • Service revenue was $118.6 million, down 1% year over year, reflecting the final runoff of National Emergency activity.

    服務收入為 1.186 億美元,年減 1%,反映了國家緊急活動的最終結果。

  • Custodial revenue grew 35% to $105.4 million in the fourth quarter.

    第四季託管收入成長 35%,達到 1.054 億美元。

  • The annualized interest rate yield on HSA cash was 268 basis points for the quarter.

    本季 HSA 現金年化利率收益率為 268 個基點。

  • Interchange revenue grew 6% to $38.4 million.

    交換收入成長 6%,達到 3,840 萬美元。

  • Gross profit as a percentage of revenue was 62% in the fourth quarter this year, up from 58% in the fourth quarter last year.


  • Net income for the fourth quarter was $26.4 million or $0.30 per share on a GAAP EPS basis.

    第四季淨利為 2,640 萬美元,以 GAAP 每股收益計算每股 0.30 美元。

  • Our non-GAAP net income was $55 million or $0.63 per share versus $0.37 per share last year.

    我們的非 GAAP 淨利潤為 5500 萬美元,即每股 0.63 美元,去年為每股 0.37 美元。

  • Adjusted EBITDA for the quarter was $98.8 million and adjusted EBITDA as a percentage of revenue was 38%, a 620 basis point improvement over the same quarter last year.

    該季度調整後 EBITDA 為 9,880 萬美元,調整後 EBITDA 佔營收的百分比為 38%,比去年同期提高 620 個基點。

  • For the full fiscal year of 2024, revenue was $999.6 million, which Jon generously rounded up to $1 billion, up 16% compared to last year.

    2024 年整個財年的收入為 9.996 億美元,Jon 慷慨地將其四捨五入至 10 億美元,比去年增長 16%。

  • GAAP net income was $55.7 million or $0.64 per diluted share, and non-GAAP net income was $195.5 million or $2.25 per diluted share, up 71% and 65%, respectively, compared to last year.

    GAAP 淨利潤為 5,570 萬美元,稀釋每股收益 0.64 美元,非 GAAP 淨利潤為 1.955 億美元,稀釋每股收益 2.25 美元,分別比去年增長 71% 和 65%。

  • Adjusted EBITDA was $369.2 million, up 36% from the prior year, resulting in adjusted EBITDA as a percentage of revenue of 37% for this fiscal year.

    調整後 EBITDA 為 3.692 億美元,比上年增長 36%,導致本財年調整後 EBITDA 佔營收的比例為 37%。

  • Turning to the balance sheet.


  • As of January 31, 2024, our cash on hand was $404 million, boosted by $243 million of cash flow from operations for the full fiscal year.

    截至 2024 年 1 月 31 日,我們的手頭現金為 4.04 億美元,得益於整個財年營運現金流 2.43 億美元。

  • The company had $875 million of debt outstanding net of issuance cost.

    扣除發行成本後,該公司的未償債務為 8.75 億美元。

  • We continue to have a $1 billion undrawn line of credit available.

    我們仍然擁有 10 億美元的未提取信貸額度。

  • We anticipate using both cash and drawing on the line of credit over the next few months in connection with the closings of the BenefitWallet HSA portfolio acquisition.

    我們預計在未來幾個月內使用現金和信用額度來完成 BenefitWallet HSA 投資組合收購。

  • Today's fiscal '25 guidance reflects the carry forward of stronger than expected Q4 sales and efficiencies from the technology investments Jon mentioned, offset by slightly higher mix of investments versus cash in HSA assets.

    今天的 25 財年指導反映了喬恩提到的技術投資帶來的第四季度銷售和效率強於預期的結轉,但被 HSA 資產投資與現金的比例略有增加所抵消。

  • We expect revenue in a range between $1.14 billion and $1.16 billion.

    我們預計營收在 11.4 億美元至 11.6 億美元之間。

  • GAAP net income in a range of $73 million to $88 million or $0.83 to $0.99 per share.

    GAAP 淨利潤範圍為 7,300 萬美元至 8,800 萬美元,即每股 0.83 至 0.99 美元。

  • We expect non-GAAP net income to be between $247 million and $262 million or $2.79 and $2.96 per share, based upon an estimated $89 million shares outstanding for the year.

    我們預計非 GAAP 淨利潤將在 2.47 億美元至 2.62 億美元之間,即每股 2.79 美元至 2.96 美元之間,基於今年已發行股票的估計價值 8,900 萬美元。

  • This is a big deposit towards our goal of doubling non-GAAP net income per share to our $4.50 goal by fiscal '27.

    這是實現我們到 27 財年將非 GAAP 每股淨利潤翻一番至 4.50 美元的目標的一大筆押金。

  • Finally, we expect adjusted EBITDA to be between $438 million and $458 million.

    最後,我們預計調整後 EBITDA 將在 4.38 億美元至 4.58 億美元之間。

  • Our guidance reflects an expectation for an average yield on HSA cash of approximately 300 basis points for fiscal '25.

    我們的指導反映了 25 財年 HSA 現金平均收益率約為 300 個基點的預期。

  • As a reminder, we based custodial yield assumptions embedded in guidance on an analysis of forward-looking market indicators, such as the secured overnight financing rate and mid-duration treasury forward curves.


  • These are, of course, subject to change and not perfect predictors of future market conditions.


  • As Jon mentioned, we ended fiscal '24 with about 30% of HSA cash and enhanced rates and expect that mix shift from basic rates to continue as over 80% of new deposits flow into enhanced rates.

    正如 Jon 所提到的,我們在 24 財年結束時使用了約 30% 的 HSA 現金和提高利率,並預計隨著超過 80% 的新存款流入提高利率,這種混合利率將繼續從基本利率轉變。

  • Our guidance also includes the expected impacts of the benefit while an HSA portfolio acquisition anticipated to be completed in multiple tranches by the end of Q2.

    我們的指導還包括收益的預期影響,同時 HSA 投資組合收購預計將在第二季末分批完成。

  • Cost impacts include interest expense due to an increase in the amount of variable rate debt outstanding and drawdown of corporate cash to fund the acquisition and onboarding costs beyond normal seasonal costs to serve in Q1 and Q2.


  • We expect full rate run rate benefit in Q3 and beyond.


  • We assume a non-GAAP income tax rate of approximately 25% and a diluted share account of $89 million, including common share equivalents.

    我們假設非 GAAP 所得稅率約為 25%,稀釋後的股票帳戶為 8,900 萬美元,包括普通股等價物。

  • Based on our current full-year guidance, we project a GAAP tax rate for fiscal 2025 at about 28%.

    根據我們目前的全年指引,我們預計 2025 財年的 GAAP 稅率約為 28%。

  • As we've done in recent reporting periods, our full fiscal '25 guidance includes a reconciliation of GAAP to the non-GAAP metrics provided in the earnings release and a definition of all such items is included at the end of the earnings release.

    正如我們在最近的報告期間內所做的那樣,我們完整的 25 財年指引包括 GAAP 與收益發布中提供的非 GAAP 指標的調節,並且所有此類項目的定義都包含在收益發布的末尾。

  • In addition, while the amortization of acquired intangible assets is being excluded from non-GAAP net income, the revenue generated from those acquired intangible assets is included.


  • With that, we know you have a number of questions, so let's go right to our operator for Q&A.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) George Hill, Deutsche Bank.


  • George Hill - Analyst

    George Hill - Analyst

  • Jon, I might be in trouble here because I think you guys called me in the queue faster than I can type.


  • When I look at the custodial revenue in my model for the quarter, it looks like it was down a touch sequentially while a lot of the KPIs that underpin that -- yes, again, I'm hoping I didn't fat-finger my model here.

    當我查看本季度模型中的託管收入時,它似乎連續下降了一些,而支撐這一點的許多關鍵績效指標 - 是的,再次,我希望我沒有誤判我的收入模型在這裡。

  • Could you just break down what metrics that drove the sequential decline in custodial revenue?


  • We're given the company's strong performance and also the KPIs.

    我們獲得了該公司強勁的業績和 KPI。

  • I would have expected that to be up.


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, so let me give a partial response and then ask Jim to lay it along.


  • I believe, George, that one of the things that will be important for everyone this quarter to remember is that we have, as we outlined in an 8-K around our Investor Day and then discussed it in Investor Day, we've made a few changes in how we -- in revenue classification within the three buckets of revenue on our income statement.

    喬治,我相信,本季度每個人都應該記住的重要一件事是,正如我們在投資者日的 8-K 中概述的那樣,然後在投資者日討論了這一點,我們已經制定了我們在損益表的三類收入中進行收入分類的方式幾乎沒有變化。

  • And I believe that what you may be looking at is a little bit of an apples-to-oranges as a result of that because one of the things that we've done is -- I think appropriately so, given its growth, is we're treating the revenue that we generate from the service of managing invested assets as what it is, which is a service.


  • And conversely, a benefit of doing that is that now the custodial line is more purely two things.


  • It's revenue generated from yield on HSA cash and revenue generated from yield on client health funds.

    它的收入來自 HSA 現金收益和客戶健康基金收益。

  • And so that's a big piece of what you're describing, I believe.


  • Jim, you want to elaborate on that or on any other factors?


  • James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • No, that's precisely what it's going to be.


  • And so you'll -- and for the benefit of everyone on the call, the details of the shifting components in the prior periods will be outlined in a footnote in the 10-K, which we'll hope to get on file as soon as possible in the next few days or so hopefully.

    因此,為了每個參加電話會議的人的利益,之前各時期的變化組成部分的詳細信息將在 10-K 的腳註中概述,我們希望盡快將其歸檔希望在接下來的幾天左右盡可能地進行。

  • George Hill - Analyst

    George Hill - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • And Jon, you got -- Jon and Jim, you guys detailed that, and I should have remembered that as I was working my way through the model.


  • And then I guess if I could just do a quick follow-up.


  • The enhanced rates progress -- on the enhanced rates product, I guess would just love any comments that you have about like the selling season as you push forward and continued demand around that.


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, we -- well, actually, Jim, do you want to comment on this?


  • James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • Sorry, you broke up a little bit there, but the question is about enhanced progress of moving toward growing the enhanced rate mix?


  • George Hill - Analyst

    George Hill - Analyst

  • Yeah, that was it.


  • James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, yeah.


  • So that -- yeah, I think what we've outlined, nothing has really changed in the strategy.


  • So we'll get a little bit of a more of a step function bump up in that percentage because of the upcoming BenefitWallet placements.

    因此,由於即將推出的 BenefitWallet 安置,我們將在該百分比中獲得更多的階梯函數提升。

  • So getting a big slug of dollars that we can more than 80% place in enhanced rates is the expectation.

    因此,獲得大量美元,我們可以將 80% 以上的資金用於提高利率,這是我們的預期。

  • And then the same, the organic growth in the business is also being contributed almost 80%-plus into enhanced rates.

    同樣,業務的有機成長也貢獻了近 80% 以上的成長率。

  • So you're going to see that number come up and we've shared our goal is in that same three-year timeframe where we're trying to double non-GAAP net income per share.


  • We're also trying to increase the percentage or the mix of cash, HSA cash, and enhanced rates from 30% up to 60%.

    我們也嘗試將現金、HSA 現金和優惠利率的比例或組合從 30% 提高到 60%。

  • So will it be nice and even quarterly growth?


  • No.


  • But will -- that's the objective to get from 30% to 60% in the next three years.

    但我們的目標是在未來三年內將這一比例從 30% 提高到 60%。

  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, George.


  • George Hill - Analyst

    George Hill - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • That was super helpful.


  • Operator


  • Stan Berenshteyn, Wells Fargo.


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Hey, Stan.


  • Stan Berenshteyn - Analyst

    Stan Berenshteyn - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Thanks for answering my questions.


  • Maybe sticking with the enhanced rates.


  • It looks like annuities are holding up a bit better than five-year treasuries.


  • Just curious, what spread are you seeing over five-year treasuries as you're locking in these enhanced rate products right now?


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Jim?


  • James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • Again, also at an Investor Day, we outlined our average expected spread is five-year T plus 75 basis points on average.

    同樣在投資者日,我們概述了我們的平均預期利差為五年期國庫券加平均 75 個基點。

  • So are some a little higher, some a little lower.


  • But these spreads don't actually change, right?


  • When we have a partner, we negotiate the formula.


  • And so we're not shopping in the retail market each time we place these assets.


  • Stan Berenshteyn - Analyst

    Stan Berenshteyn - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Helpful.


  • And maybe for the follow-up.


  • At the Investor Day, there was definitely some excitement over the chat-based communications that you're pushing forward with members.


  • I'm just curious, what percentage of inbound member comes are text-based now?


  • And how has that changed over same time last year?


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • Let me first say that I think the long-term vision is that chat is just one mechanism for this stuff.


  • There's -- and by long term, I don't mean the Jetsons, I mean, over our strategic horizon here.


  • The -- although I guess now the Jetsons would be in the past, I don't know.


  • But -- so I'm going to answer your question in terms of both chat and other automated forms of handling calls.


  • And so that number is still relatively low in terms of true automation ignoring just IVR type stuff.

    因此,就真正的自動化而言,忽略 IVR 類型的內容,這個數字仍然相對較低。

  • But low might be -- we're up to 15% to 20%.

    但可能很低——我們達到了 15% 到 20%。

  • And in addition, we've also, in the last couple of months here, rolled out a similar functionality for our client services center that handles inbounds from our clients as well as many of our brokers that we deal with.


  • And which I frankly did not expect would be a big hit but has been used rather aggressively.


  • So -- and that number has increased from, let's say, roughly 1,000 basis points over the last year, so 10%.

    所以——這個數字比去年增加了約 1,000 個基點,即 10%。

  • And we're going to try and drive it further and faster.


  • And the keys to doing that in our view are: one, is to continue to use the technology for what it's great at, which is improving the quality of the dialogue.


  • And the main way we do that is by continuing to train the technology on actual experiences back with our VOC data as well as with the -- all of the data in our existing systems.

    我們做到這一點的主要方法是繼續根據我們的 VOC 資料以及現有系統中的所有資料的實際經驗來訓練技術。

  • The second way that we expand this is by, as I suggested a moment ago, expanding beyond the chat format.


  • So we are -- we actually just went live in the last couple of days here with our first iteration of work on the voice side.


  • I wish I could explain the details of it, but I can't.


  • I do know that it's using a wonderful product from our partner Google, and Google is a customer of ours and also a great partner on this work, but -- and that it leverages our existing cloud infrastructure.

    我確實知道它使用的是我們的合作夥伴谷歌的出色產品,谷歌是我們的客戶,也是這項工作的出色合作夥伴,但是 - 它利用了我們現有的雲端基礎設施。

  • But -- so we think this number can continue to grow.


  • And the results, in our view, can be three things.


  • One is obviously lower costs.


  • But the second is not only a better experience for our members and clients, but actually a better experience for our agents who -- the agents that are part of this, ultimately, while it obviously reduces the total number, the agents who are there can be better paid and really use their skills.


  • And then lastly, looked at from the perspective of our partner ecosystem, I think we mentioned this on a call -- on Investor Day, there are opportunities for both customization and personalization of messaging with items that are of interest to our partners.


  • And that can be as simple as branding, but sometimes -- but I think more importantly, you can get to areas like doing more personalization of what you're talking about than any human could ever do.

    這可以像品牌一樣簡單,但有時 - 但我認為更重要的是,你可以進入諸如對你所談論的內容進行比任何人都可以做的更多個性化的領域。

  • And so I feel great about the fact that we stepped out on this a little bit before there was a buzzword called AI or truthfully -- or generative AI, at least or at least before I even knew it was generative AI.


  • But we're in a great spot, and we're leveraging our partners at Microsoft on the infrastructure side.

    但我們處於有利位置,並且我們正在基礎設施方面利用 Microsoft 的合作夥伴。

  • And then obviously, with this new data on the application side of Google and doing some really unique stuff.


  • Stan Berenshteyn - Analyst

    Stan Berenshteyn - Analyst

  • Thanks, Jon.


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Glen Santangelo, Jefferies.


  • Glen Santangelo - Analyst

    Glen Santangelo - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • Listen, I -- obviously, a lot of good news to talk about on the custodial revenue side, but I was hoping we could maybe dig in a little bit to the service and interchange revenues, with service revenues being down a little bit relative to the account growth that you had last year.

    聽著,我 - 顯然,在託管收入方面有很多好消息要談論,但我希望我們可以稍微挖掘一下服務和交換收入,服務收入相對於您去年的帳戶增長。

  • I'm curious if you could talk about the pricing environment in terms of what you saw this selling season.


  • Then on the interchange side, I don't know if there's anything related to Change Healthcare and that issue that may have impacted the quarter, and I'll stop there.

    然後在交換方面,我不知道是否有任何與 Change Healthcare 相關的事情以及可能影響本季的問題,我就到此為止。

  • Thanks.


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Jim, why don't you hit the first part of Glen's question, I'll hit the second part.


  • James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • So on the service side, what you're seeing is a couple of things.


  • So yeah, certainly, the market competition remains the same, right?


  • Nothing has changed there.


  • So we face competition on large market RFPs, and we're going to continue to face a little bit of pricing headwinds on a per product average revenue per user on the service line.

    因此,我們面臨著大型市場 RFP 的競爭,我們將繼續面臨服務線上每個產品每個用戶平均收入的一些定價阻力。

  • The other piece you're seeing is the end of the National Emergency that like I mentioned in my comments.


  • So you think of that as an FSA account that we have with a member that's open for several years because of the extension.

    因此,您可以將其視為我們與會員建立的 FSA 帳戶,由於延期,該帳戶可以開放數年。

  • You might have a '23, a '22, and '21, and a '20 year open.


  • We count that as one account, but we're getting revenue for each of those years.


  • So with all of those National Emergency items coming to an end in Q4, you don't see the accounts go away, but the revenue per account does go away in that case.


  • And then the last piece is just mix shift, right?


  • HSA is a low service fee product relative to CDBs.

    相對於 CDB,HSA 是服務費較低的產品。

  • So as we continue to grow HSAs faster than CDBs, we will see blended average revenue per total accounts come down.

    因此,隨著 HSA 的成長速度繼續快於 CDB,我們將看到每個總帳戶的混合平均收入下降。

  • So you have a multiple headwind there on price.


  • Aside from all of the pricing impacts, service revenue does grow with accounts.


  • So acknowledge that that's a little more challenging to forecast.


  • But that's -- we think of service and interchange together as our service revenue streams, they do grow with accounts.


  • The piece we call service has that little extra headwind of pricing pressure and mix shift.


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • And I was -- with regard to the question on change, which I prefer to call often for reasons that should be obvious, but nonetheless, we'll use change here.


  • We have not seen any -- on the revenue side, interchange flow side, we have not seen any impact in the first quarter thus far.


  • We certainly took a look at particularly the last couple of days of February when this started out.


  • And so, so far, I think so good on that front.


  • And -- but in addition, I will say that since a lot of the public discourse and appropriately so here has been about the speed with which providers are getting paid and pharmacies are getting paid, and therefore, being able to get people access to medications and med services.

    而且 - 但除此之外,我要說的是,由於大量的公眾討論和適當的情況,這裡一直是關於提供者獲得報酬和藥房獲得報酬的速度,因此,能夠讓人們獲得藥物和醫療服務。

  • We have not had any disruption in the payments that we issue, and that includes the fact that we utilize change as our partner for what we call virtual cards.


  • So these are payments to physicians.


  • The virtual card systems that changed.


  • We're not impacted by this incident.


  • And so we continue to be able to pay -- get our providers paid and get our members reimbursed and get our pharmacies paid, and that seems like a good thing.


  • And maybe I'll just as long as you raise the topic, I'll say one other thing about it, which is that from a security perspective while Optum United change have not come forth with much clarity with regard to the underlying vulnerability that was the source of this, we have -- there's been a lot of discussion in the intelligence community about -- in the cyber intelligence community about what it might be.

    也許只要你提出這個話題,我就會說另一件事,那就是從安全角度來看,雖然 Optum United 的變化還沒有很清楚地說明潛在的漏洞,關於其來源,我們在情報界進行了很多討論,在網路情報界關於它可能是什麼。

  • And I suppose one benefit of that is that it's identified a number of what would have otherwise been zero-day vulnerabilities, and our team has been very active in as those come out in that world, and we monitor those through our own resources and third parties.


  • As we monitor those items, we identify whether they are threat to their own systems.


  • And if there are any threats with their own systems, we take action.


  • But at the end of the day, it's yet another reminder of the fact that there's a reason why we spend more on cybersecurity than we do on marketing.


  • It's both the right thing to do, and it's an appropriate thing to do.


  • And if you're going to be a market leader, you're going to have to step up to that, particularly in an industry where you have both health and financial data in your systems.


  • Glen Santangelo - Analyst

    Glen Santangelo - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks for the details.


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • See you Thursday.


  • Operator


  • Greg Peters, Raymond James.


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Hey, Greg.


  • Gregory Peters - Analyst

    Gregory Peters - Analyst

  • Hey.


  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • I think this is a good segue.


  • So you just were talking about cybersecurity and it's -- your focus on that, and it's been important.


  • I wanted to pivot to credit risk, not only with your depository but also your enhanced yield partners.


  • And the reason why is because you're seeing some continuing challenges inside some of the bank companies.


  • And then secondly, there's this persistent concern about commercial real estate exposures.


  • And when -- I'm just curious how you evaluate your partners, both on the depository enhanced yield in the context of these types of external risks that we read about?


  • It seems like almost every day.


  • James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • You want me to start with that one, Jon?


  • Look, yeah, look, I mean, I think this is the purpose of our -- we have a custodial cash committee within the company and the Board also provides oversight of the activities of that custodial cash committee, right?


  • This is what we do.


  • We try to diversify the portfolio of partners that we work with, and we do monitor the activity of each of those partners.


  • On the bank deposit side, we're not placing -- these deposits are not treated as mass deposits of health equity into the member bags.


  • They're treated as many small deposits that are fully FDIC insured by the federal government.

    它們被視為由聯邦政府完全由聯邦存款保險公司 (FDIC) 承保的許多小額存款。

  • So they add up to $2,000 here and there adds up to a large deposit with the bank.

    因此,他們在這裡和那裡總共存入了 2,000 美元,這就是銀行的一大筆存款。

  • And then on the insurance side, I think as we've talked about, right, we are at the start of this program working with highly rated, the bluest of blue-chip insurance company partners here.


  • And we are adding another criteria there of being a small percentage of their -- of any of our insurance partners' balance sheet, right?


  • It's not just diversifying the dollars across our partners.


  • We are trying to make sure that we're a very small part of the liabilities of said insurance company.


  • But yes, I acknowledge that as we mix shift towards more insurance partner, our ability to risk manage becomes marginally heightened there as we don't have the FDIC pass-through.

    但是,是的,我承認,隨著我們向更多的保險合作夥伴轉變,我們的風險管理能力會略有增強,因為我們沒有 FDIC 的傳遞。

  • Gregory Peters - Analyst

    Gregory Peters - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • This is great.


  • James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Did we get back Jon?


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, I'm back.


  • James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Okay.


  • Thanks.


  • Sorry, Greg.


  • Go ahead.


  • Gregory Peters - Analyst

    Gregory Peters - Analyst

  • That's all right.


  • Jon, did you want to add anything?


  • Or should I just plow into my follow-up question?


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Plow ahead, sir.


  • Gregory Peters - Analyst

    Gregory Peters - Analyst

  • All right.


  • So BenefitWallet is the integration is underway.

    BenefitWallet 的整合正在進行中。

  • So again, when you're dealing with M&A and you guys have a track record of this, there's always surprises and interesting challenges.


  • Has anything popped up on your radar that you want to call out that has been unusual so far?


  • I know you've identified the expectation of when we get -- expect to transfer everything over.


  • But just curious if it's meeting plans or where there's been some deviations.


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • I think by and large, Greg, so far so good.


  • As you know, and others may not, I know you do.


  • But one of the things we did with this transaction is that we structured it such that we're not acquiring any technology systems or the like.


  • And that has a number of benefits.


  • First of all, it significantly reduces the possibility of surprises.


  • But in addition, it also reduces things like temporary cybersecurity threat environments, those things.


  • And it's been a good model for us for smaller transactions.


  • This will be the largest of -- not only -- in fact, this will be the largest HSA transfer, I believe, ever done, but certainly the largest of this type.

    這將是最大的——不僅是——事實上,我相信這將是有史以來最大的 HSA 轉移,而且肯定是此類轉移中最大的一次。

  • And so, so far, so good.


  • What we will do is once the transaction is complete, as we do with other transactions, we'll give you a precise reporting of accounts, assets, or precisely on work.


  • But we'll give you a final tally of accounts and assets so that you're able to understand the distinction between organic and these kinds of acquisitions.


  • There was -- if you look back, we talked about where these numbers might end up, but also the agreement itself contemplates the possibility of them being slightly higher or slightly lower, depending on any number of factors.


  • And so you'll be able to get a pretty clear view of how this thing ends up and that will be that.


  • But so far, the team, and Brad, Mike Reske, Kelly King, and the whole team at HealthEquity as well as BenefitWallet, the conduit team there have done a great job of moving this thing forward and we're really excited about the fact that we now begin to welcome members as we've begun to do in the last couple of weeks as each of these tranches is getting the 10-K or 8-K I should say.

    但到目前為止,該團隊、Brad、Mike Reske、Kelly King 以及 HealthEquity 的整個團隊以及 BenefitWallet、那裡的頻道團隊在推動這件事上做了出色的工作,我們對此感到非常興奮我們現在開始歡迎成員,就像我們在過去幾週開始做的那樣,我應該說,這些部分中的每一部分都獲得了10-K 或8-K。

  • Gregory Peters - Analyst

    Gregory Peters - Analyst

  • Thanks, guys.


  • Operator


  • Sean Dodge, RBC Capital Markets.


  • Sean Dodge - Analyst

    Sean Dodge - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • Thanks.


  • Maybe just coming at the pricing service fee question in a little bit different way.


  • If we look at revenue per customer, on one of the last calls, Jon, you talked about customer fields, so fields being fees per field.


  • As yields have increased, how much pushback or skin, I guess, if you had to give up on the fee side, maybe catalyze more by the higher yield and not necessarily from any change in the competitive landscape.


  • Has there been -- I guess, has there been a meaningful shift there.


  • And then over the longer run, should we think about average revenue per customer outside of cross-selling being pretty stable, where lower fees offset higher yields?


  • Or do you think there's some net gamer yields you don't necessarily have to give all of it back in fees, or some lower fees?


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • What your question suggest, Sean, is -- and it is an important observation is that there is some -- I'm an economist, so I'll say it this way.


  • There is some cross elasticity between what's happening with yields and in particular, what's happening with the spot market, right, and pricing pressure.


  • That's a natural thing, and it makes a lot of sense for -- from the perspective, particularly of larger customers.


  • But I actually think when you look at it, I've been somewhat underwhelmed, I'll say, by the extent to which there has been that kind of competitive pricing pressure.


  • I think the bigger issue is that is two issues.


  • One is that -- and as it relates to this year and one is more generally is that is the pace of, for lack of a better term, mix shift as Jim put it earlier, and that mix shift being towards HSA, which in terms of total revenue per customer is awesome, right.

    一個是——因為它與今年有關,更普遍的是,由於缺乏更好的術語,混合轉變的步伐,正如吉姆早些時候所說的那樣,而這種混合轉變是朝著HSA 方向發展,就而言每位客戶的總收入真是太棒了,對吧。

  • Our total margin per customer, however you want to think about it's awesome per account.


  • But if I focus solely on service revenues, right, it's a little bit of a downer because HSAs tend to have the lowest monthly fees.

    但如果我只專注於服務收入,對吧,這有點令人沮喪,因為 HSA 的月費往往是最低的。

  • And then there are a few other things.


  • Now you've got the fees from investments in there.


  • But they're going to be lower service fees, whereas conversely, for example, the highest service fee per account product is commuter, right, fantastic and as well as COBRA, right?


  • But I don't think anyone would say that COBRA is a big margin maker, right?

    但我認為沒有人會說 COBRA 是一個大利潤創造者,對嗎?

  • So -- and it's because you don't have a bunch of other revenue sources there.


  • And so I think that's really the biggest factor.


  • And so as you model this, I mean, there should be some correlation between the pace of relative growth of HSA versus the rest of our business in terms of accounts, right?

    因此,當您對此進行建模時,我的意思是,HSA 與我們其他業務在帳戶方面的相對增長速度之間應該存在某種相關性,對吧?

  • And the pressure that you might see on these -- for lack of a better term, unit services.

    您可能會在這些方面看到壓力 - 由於缺乏更好的術語,單位服務。

  • Second point is that I think now more unique to this year is that as we reported, we did very, very well with -- relative to our expectations this year with our new logo business and particularly with our enterprise.


  • And of course, enterprise where you get new logos is where you're going to be most competitive, particularly when those logos are coming with existing assets.


  • And so the fact that we did well on assets, right, is in part reflected your -- the other side of that coin is that you're going to be more competitive on your HSA fees for that business.

    因此,我們在資產方面表現良好的事實在一定程度上反映了您的情況——硬幣的另一面是,您在該業務的 HSA 費用方面將更具競爭力。

  • So that's a thing that's worth considering in particular for this year, but it doesn't move the needle that much.


  • I don't know.


  • I mean, expressed on a service fee for total account basis, maybe it's moved the needle 0.5%, I don't know.

    我的意思是,以總帳戶的服務費來表示,也許會增加 0.5%,我不知道。

  • And then the last point I'd make is a little bit into our strategic planning horizon, so thinking about beyond fiscal '25, it is very much our goal or a goal of ours to grow the non-custodial line.

    我要說的最後一點是我們的策略規劃視野,因此考慮到 25 財年之後,擴大非託管線在很大程度上是我們的目標或我們的目標。

  • Remember, we think about service revenue as inclusive of interchange.


  • And the reason we break out interchange from the rest of service revenue is just that it's big, it's material, right?


  • But if you look at that line as a whole or for that matter, exclude interchange if you want to, right, our goal is very much to see that line grow.


  • And the way that's going to happen is several fold.


  • The first is, as we talked about at the Investor Day, it's going to be about the growth of incremental services, right, as we talked about, both new and then turning that CDD growth from -- okay, now it's a -- we've got it to the place where notwithstanding the National Emergency type stuff.

    第一個是,正如我們在投資者日談到的那樣,這將是關於增量服務的增長,對,正如我們所談到的,既是新的,又是CDD 增長從——好吧,現在是——我們儘管發生了國家緊急狀態,但我們已經到達了這樣的地方。

  • It's a blast, maybe it's a one.


  • I don't know.


  • It's at least a [black] zero, but it's not a perfect number, that will be helpful, but also incremental services around data analytics and the like that we talked about at Investor Day.


  • So over time, we do want this thing to grow.


  • We're never going to shy away from the fact that the custodial businesses, the component of revenue is and should be a growth engine for the business, particularly as balances continue to grow and that we're able -- we've been able to and I think we're going to continue to be able to make it both more productive and less cyclical, but it's not like we're forgetting about the service revenue.


  • We're going to try and grow this over time.


  • Sean Dodge - Analyst

    Sean Dodge - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's helpful context.


  • Thanks, Jon.


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Sean Dodge - Analyst

    Sean Dodge - Analyst

  • Thanks, Jon.


  • Operator


  • Allen Lutz, Bank of America.


  • James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • I don't know -- sorry, are we going to see Sean tomorrow?


  • We're going to hear from Jon.


  • I think we are.


  • Is that my imagination?


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • That's your imagination.


  • James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Well, we should be.


  • We should be.


  • I'm sorry, Jon.


  • Allen Lutz - Analyst

    Allen Lutz - Analyst

  • Good afternoon and thanks for taking the question.


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Allen.


  • Allen Lutz - Analyst

    Allen Lutz - Analyst

  • I guess for Jon or Jim here, the technology and development spend has increased pretty dramatically over the past two years.


  • But if you look at this past quarter, it was flat year over year.


  • And at Investor Day, you talked about a lot of the investments you're making in digital CBB cards, cost transparency, cybersecurity.

    在投資者日上,您談到了在數位 CBB 卡、成本透明度和網路安全方面進行的大量投資。

  • So I guess as we think about this fourth quarter number here and we think about what's embedded in the fiscal 2025 guidance, do you expect the technology and development spend to be more flattish?

    因此,我想,當我們思考第四季度的數字以及 2025 財年指導中包含的內容時,您是否預計技術和開發支出會更加平穩?

  • Or is that going to continue the growth trajectory it has over the past 24 months.

    或者說,這會繼續保持過去 24 個月的成長軌跡嗎?

  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, fire away.


  • James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes, sure.


  • I can take that.


  • Yes.


  • So no, you should definitely not assume that the second debt spend is going to be flat.


  • I think what we've talked about in the past and Jon has talked about before my time here is that we're reaching -- we were reaching the peak last fiscal year of the spending as a percentage of revenue.


  • So we're a little above 22%, kind of 22%-ish now.

    所以我們的比例略高於 22%,現在大概是 22% 左右。

  • So we should start seeing more efficiency.


  • But no, we're going to continue to invest.


  • We're going to continue to invest in the business.


  • So the idea is efficiency at the margin level, not trying to flatten the raw dollars of tech and dev spend.


  • Allen Lutz - Analyst

    Allen Lutz - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Richard Putnam - Investor Relations

    Richard Putnam - Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Allen.


  • MJ, you have another question?


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Maybe we lost MJ.


  • Does that happen?


  • Without MJ, we got nothing.


  • Richard Putnam - Investor Relations

    Richard Putnam - Investor Relations

  • Yeah, I can't bring up the question.


  • MJ have to do that.


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • I think funny though.


  • This call is very adventurous so far, everybody.


  • So there's a lot of -- someone's transcribing me saying this right now, aren't they?


  • Richard Putnam - Investor Relations

    Richard Putnam - Investor Relations

  • Yeah.


  • Operator


  • Stephanie Davis, Barclays.


  • Stephanie Davis - Analyst

    Stephanie Davis - Analyst

  • Maybe MJ didn't put me on because she knows how sticky you guys are answering all my questions.

    也許 MJ 沒有讓我參加,因為她知道你們對我所有問題的回答有多黏。

  • Operator


  • I think


  • (inaudible).


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • You got us to Miami, my hometown.


  • Stephanie got us to within like literally my hometown of well, I guess, in my case, Miami Beach, which is where we were.


  • So that was -- we were like 50 blocks or something from where I was on can't do better than that.

    所以那就是——我們距離我所在的地方大約有 50 個街區之類的地方,沒有比這更好的了。

  • Stephanie Davis - Analyst

    Stephanie Davis - Analyst

  • Congrats on the quarter, but for the man, Jon, I have a question.


  • When I think about your recent Investor Day versus the last Investor Day you had, there was way less CDB talk.


  • And I'm looking at your CDB line, and we're actually seeing account growth they got this year.

    我正在查看你們的 CDB 線路,我們實際上看到了他們今年的帳戶成長。

  • So I love a little bit of a look back on how that industrial logic of marrying HSAs and CDBs played out.

    因此,我喜歡回顧一下 HSA 和 CDB 結合的工業邏輯是如何發揮作用的。

  • And when we think about the future, do you think we get to the same level of accounts we saw during the wage transaction?


  • Or where does this -- where does that line go?


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you.


  • I really appreciate that question, actually.


  • I mean, (technical difficulty) but this one Yes, I do.


  • Because you noticed something that as we looked at Investor Day and things like -- sometimes things just happen as you go through it and you don't quite notice them, and this is one of them.


  • And so here's my thought.


  • First, the core logic was not -- we are going to -- like we have leg one and now we're going to have leg two like that sort of thing.


  • It was that acquiring the CDB business at scale gave us the opportunity to grow our HSA business in two ways: one, by playing on more fields and two, by -- that we weren't able to play on before; and two, of course, by giving us clients to cross-sell to.

    大規模收購 CDB 業務讓我們有機會透過兩種方式發展我們的 HSA 業務:一是涉足更多領域,二是我們以前無法涉足的領域;當然,第二是透過為我們提供交叉銷售的客戶。

  • And all evidence is that that happened.


  • And the easiest way to see that is that when you look at HSA at either gross HSA openings or net adds, whatever you want to look at, right, when you look at our sales numbers, right, notwithstanding the fact that the HSA market is still growing by the same amount year over year instead of capturing roughly 20% of that growth as we were pre-waged, right?

    看到這一點的最簡單方法是,當您以 HSA 總空缺或淨增加來查看 HSA 時,無論您想查看什麼,對吧,當您查看我們的銷售數據時,對吧,儘管 HSA 市場是每年仍以相同的速度增長,而不是像我們預付工資時那樣獲得大約20% 的增長,對嗎?

  • Now we're capturing -- and we'll see -- I noted that Stephanie put out there, we're going to have our market announcement like five minutes before this earnings call.


  • So I'm guessing maybe they listen to the earnings call, and they use some of this information and like a couple of weeks, they have their thing, but they're wonderful people and I shouldn't tease that way.


  • But let's say, from an account perspective, we're capturing one-third of the market and maybe in the aggregate, 30%.

    但假設從客戶角度來看,我們佔了三分之一的市場份額,也許總共佔了 30%。

  • And so like it works.


  • That having been said, I think we -- what I would have would have been did say at the time of the transaction having at least some amount of expertise in that business was that the CDB business itself was extraordinarily steady.

    話雖如此,我想我們——如果我在交易時至少擁有一定的業務專業知識的話,我會說 CDB 業務本身非常穩定。

  • And it turned out it wasn't.


  • And it wasn't primarily as a result of -- and I don't want to be cheeky about it.


  • I mean it's primarily as a result of -- I don't want to duck responsibility, but it's primarily the result of pandemic.


  • And even at the outset of the pandemic, as you'll recall, we didn't anticipate the level of unsteadiness of that business.


  • And so obviously, there's a commuter component that people talk about.


  • But in addition to that, there's the fact that the dependent care, which is part of the FSA piece, went -- kind of disappeared for a while and is still well below its prior levels.

    但除此之外,事實上,作為 FSA 一部分的家屬護理已經消失了一段時間,而且仍然遠低於之前的水平。

  • And then thanks to some of the recovery legislation, right?


  • We got a brief blip in COBRA that then went away.

    我們在 COBRA 中遇到了一個短暫的現象,然後就消失了。

  • And then in addition to that, we've got the fact that the ACA marketplaces are subsidized, and that subsidy appears like it's going to continue.

    除此之外,我們也了解到 ACA 市場有補貼,而且這種補貼似乎會持續下去。

  • And so actual COBRA relative to -- which is a portion of COBRA revenues came down.

    因此,實際 COBRA 相對於 COBRA 收入的一部分下降了。

  • And so like that's a lot of movement that we were not anticipating having to deal with.


  • And so as we look at it going forward, what we want to be doing, as I said in an earlier answer is we want to be growing the CDB business.

    因此,當我們展望未來時,正如我在先前的回答中所說,我們想要做的就是發展 CDB 業務。

  • We want to be taking market share.


  • And since the business as a whole is I'm going to put commuter side, whatever, let's assume it's where it is, right?


  • But broadly seeking, it's only going to grow at the way of workforce, which is like what percent -- we want to be growing at a quicker number, that means we're taking market share, right?


  • And I think we're well positioned to do that.


  • We have more scale than anyone else.


  • We're actually investing in the product because as a result of all of our investments, two examples being we are -- have -- and these are not future examples.


  • They have already happened.


  • We are rolling out -- we're in the midst of rolling out, we've got halfway through our chip cards and like people say chip card, what's a big deal.


  • Well, let's -- so far, no one else has done something where we have a sack card that is also a chip card that will actually also be available on mobile wallet.


  • What does that mean?


  • It means that you can have two or three of our products on the same card and there doesn't even have to be a card, right?


  • Now it's also not easy because it turns out that unlike regular chip cards, there's not as much standardization as the Mastercard and Visa people think there is out there in the retail world, and so there's some bumpiness there.


  • But it's a great product.


  • Second example is through the use of AI, we've got to a place where you can take, as you saw at Investor Day, take a picture of a receipt from public, can have whatever on there.


  • We can tell you what it is, and we can approve it right then.


  • And that's the biggest pinpoint with the largest of the CDB products, which is the FSA.

    這是 CDB 最大產品(即 FSA)的最大特點。

  • So I think it's reasonable to believe that we can get to a place where we're at single-digit growth in that product.


  • And -- so that's the plan.


  • We'll also look -- Stephanie, we will continue to look carefully at what do we need to own, what do we not need to own.


  • But it's always going to be in the context at least as far as I'm concerned, it's going to be in the context of strengthening our core business.


  • Everything we talked about at Investor Day in terms of new product, the health payment account product we talked about, which is a form of smoothing deductible costs for people who don't -- who do but also don't have the benefits of HSAs.

    我們在投資者日上談論的一切都是關於新產品,我們談論的健康支付帳戶產品,這是一種為那些沒有享受HSA 福利但又沒有享受到HSA 福利的人提供平滑免賠成本的一種形式。

  • It's always going to be in service of two things.


  • One is our core product, which is our custodial accounts and the second is the mission of helping people -- helping empower consumers and in doing so and saving them -- really saving and improving lives when we listen to what people say.


  • So that being the case, that's how we -- that's the framework through which we look at it.


  • And I think that's a reasonable view of what you should be expecting from us over time.


  • I would very much have expected to and liked to have gotten to that place quicker than we have.


  • It's easy for me to blame the pandemic, but we have some responsibility for that, too, including myself.


  • Stephanie Davis - Analyst

    Stephanie Davis - Analyst

  • No, that's helpful.


  • It shows it's more -- it's nothing you're not focusing on just that's not an area of innovation as much, which is more the focus for the forward.


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • What I think is if you look at -- for us -- let me say it this way, a piece of -- in order to achieve the three-year target that we laid out, this is one of the things that in all likelihood that we're going to achieve.


  • That is to say to go back to, I think it was Allen's question, I could be wrong, if I am, I apologize.


  • But regarding service revenue, one of the things we're going to have to achieve to get there is we're going to have to grow that service revenue.


  • We can grow service revenue by innovating new products and innovating and by growing our CDB space, and we can innovate within the CDB space similar.

    我們可以透過創新新產品和創新以及擴大我們的 CDB 空間來增加服務收入,我們也可以在 CDB 空間內進行類似的創新。

  • And given that, again, I don't think the hurdle is like super high, but I do think it's probably fair that it's also true that at the margin, these are not as profitable products, right?


  • So is it always going to be the first thing on a priority list?


  • No.


  • That's fair.


  • Richard Putnam - Investor Relations

    Richard Putnam - Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Stephanie.


  • Stephanie Davis - Analyst

    Stephanie Davis - Analyst

  • Can I sneak one for Jim?


  • Or is this -- I mean that was a long answer.


  • That most have happened


  • (multiple speakers)


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Sure.


  • Go for it.


  • Stephanie Davis - Analyst

    Stephanie Davis - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Let me annoy you with this one.


  • So you've given us a ton of clarity in our custodial revenue.


  • So if I look at the incremental EBITDA dollars in your guidance compared to your incremental custodial profit, there is a pretty big build in that even compared to prior years which doesn't really square with the whole shifting of R&D dollars as opposed to like adding new headcount.

    因此,如果我看看您的指導中的增量EBITDA 美元與增量託管利潤相比,即使與前幾年相比,也有相當大的積累,這與研發美元的整體轉移並不真正相符,而不是像增加新的員工人數。

  • So is there anything beyond conservatism to call out there about why there would be maybe a lower conversion rate.


  • James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • So maybe a little more clarity because I didn't give you guidance on custodial profit dollars.


  • Stephanie Davis - Analyst

    Stephanie Davis - Analyst

  • But you have given us clarity on the custodial AUM, how it trends.


  • You've given us clarity on what graduating and you've also


  • (multiple speakers)


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Let me stop you there Stephanie.


  • I think one factor that is important to consider in this whole discussion is the other element of custodial, which is the CHF.


  • In CHF world, right, custodial revenue from CHF is going to decline this year, right?


  • Well that's because per if -- depending on what one believes, but for the forward SOFR curve playing an old forward curve that CNBC talked about all day, we're going to have lower short rates later in the year.

    好吧,那是因為如果——取決於人們的看法,但對於 CNBC 整天談論的舊遠期曲線,遠期 SOFR 曲線,我們將在今年晚些時候獲得更低的短期利率。

  • And that hasn't occurred yet, obviously, but that's reflected in our guide and so forth.


  • So that's the one area in which that short cash area is the one area where you'll see sensitivity.


  • I think that's -- I'm guessing that that is the biggest source of the variance that you're describing.


  • Stephanie Davis - Analyst

    Stephanie Davis - Analyst

  • Makes sense.


  • Thank you much.


  • Richard Putnam - Investor Relations

    Richard Putnam - Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Stephanie.


  • Operator


  • David Larsen, BTIG.


  • David Larsen - Analyst

    David Larsen - Analyst

  • Hey, congratulations on the quarter.


  • Can you talk a little bit about your Care Coordination software solution?


  • I think it's really interesting how you can compare prices at different providers and hospitals for different procedures that ties in perfectly with like the needs that high-deductible account members might have.


  • I think it ties in great with what health plans are trying to accomplish.


  • How many plans is that deployed to, please?


  • And just any thoughts on like the uptake rate of it and the impact you could have on total cost trend.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • So let me say first, and we tried to make this distinction at Investor Day.


  • This item is still in beta.


  • So it's a deployment today, it's very limited.


  • And I would describe it more as a feature in my mind than a product.


  • And the reason I say this is that, that business follows.


  • There are people who've tried to build businesses out of this, as you will know.


  • And for the most part, they have failed.


  • And if -- and certainly, in the public markets, they have not done well.


  • And the way we've approached it is the view that you can get 80% of the benefit with 20% of the stuff now that you have the benefits of ML for the business logic and generative AI for the US to some extent.

    我們的觀點是,既然你在某種程度上從美國的業務邏輯和生成人工智慧中受益,你就可以用 20% 的東西獲得 80% 的好處。

  • And so that's what we're really trying to do.


  • And we're going to try and do this across multiple applications.


  • And we're not -- I wouldn't -- I don't really think of it as a unique threat to the businesses that are in that space.


  • They're going to face that threat one way or the other, right?


  • And so our approach is to partner.


  • So this -- for example, I mean this solution is, as we said at Investor Day, it's not -- it's us being able to access some of that logic through APIs and the like and then also access some of the ML and AI services to make it as good as we can.

    因此,例如,我的意思是這個解決方案,正如我們在投資者日所說,它不是 - 我們能夠通過 API 等訪問一些邏輯,然後還訪問一些 ML 和 AI 服務盡我們所能做到最好。

  • So I guess I'll just say, one, this is something that's in beta; two, I would look at it as principally as a source of support for competitive differentiation versus it's going to be in the near term, its own revenue line.


  • We will, I think, ultimately have some kind of a broad analytics and services business that we'll talk about more, and we began to talk about it at Investor Day, but it's early for that.


  • And so I think the way I'd look at it is exactly as you said, which is it's -- I think it's just it's a good, strong feature, and it's an ability to deliver something that people want in a way that's easier for them to consume and that's ultimately less expensive than it's been delivered in the past, which is means then made more available.


  • To your -- the last part of your question, David, about the impact on broader health care trend.


  • Here's my view.


  • And again, I will say as someone who's been part of and observed the battles about all of the massive -- all the ways that people have that are supposedly going to bend trend, which, for the most part, haven't done swap over the years.


  • Here's an interesting fact.


  • When -- and I'm sorry for the long answer, but we did keep the earlier comments short in the prepared remarks.


  • When you -- if you look at health care as a percentage of US GDP in 2010, it was 17.2%, and the projection was that by now, it would be 24%.

    如果你看看 2010 年醫療保健占美國 GDP 的百分比,你會發現它是 17.2%,而現在的預測是 24%。

  • It's still 17%.


  • Nobody talked about that, but it's true.


  • What happened?


  • What changed?


  • It's not -- I mean the Affordable Care Act did a bunch of good things in my view.


  • But it did not do much to bend the cost curve.


  • That was not for the objective.


  • It enhanced access.


  • The biggest change that's occurred over that period of time has been two things.


  • One is the incremental involvement of consumers in health care.


  • And the second is the reduction in cost of many of the everyday type pharmaceuticals and procedures that we do in part because consumers are involved in part because of all of the push towards generics and the like, even as obviously, there are certain drugs that are expensive.


  • And so the way I look at it is, it's not that any of these tools per se bends the trend, it's that they all make the involvement of consumers more effective.


  • And that, in the whole is what has a positive effect on the trend among other things, right?


  • And so that's the way we look at it.


  • And when I look at our clients who have been most effective and tried the hardest to utilize tools effectively over the course of not one year or two years, but five years or 10 years or in the case of, I think, about one client that we've had now for 17 years.


  • It's not like special and it doesn't have only a young population, all that stuff, that high-tech type situation.


  • They've been successful at holding health care inflation to CPI and not just when CPI was 6%, right, or 8.4%, whatever it wasn't last year.

    他們成功地將醫療保健通膨控制在消費者物價指數(CPI) 水準上,而不僅僅是在消費者物價指數(CPI) 為6%(對,或8.4%)(無論去年不是這樣)的情況下。

  • And so you can do this.


  • And it's not going to be the magic that heals all of health care, but it's absolutely part of the toolbox.


  • And our job is to -- we didn't create this tool, but we can sharpen it.


  • And in doing so, we sharpen every other tool, whether that tool is wellness program, transparency type stuff, telemedicine, whatever it may be, generics.


  • What we do sharpens every one of those tools, and that's how we help bend the trend, which ultimately makes health care more affordable and by helping people understand it, make some better news.


  • Richard Putnam - Investor Relations

    Richard Putnam - Investor Relations

  • Thanks, David.


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • I feel like Richard is getting really mad at me now.


  • He's getting mad.


  • Answer way too long.


  • Operator


  • Mark Marcon, Baird.


  • Mark Marcon - Senior Research Analyst

    Mark Marcon - Senior Research Analyst

  • We got some really long questions.


  • I'm just kidding.


  • So just relative to BenefitWallet, any updates that you can provide there just in terms of the way of what you expect -- Conduent had a call.

    因此,相對於 BenefitWallet,您可以按照您期望的方式提供任何更新 - Conduent 接到了電話。

  • Is there any reason why you shouldn't be able to achieve the same level of profitability or the same interest rates on the funds that they've achieved?


  • Is there anything structurally different?


  • Or is there any portion of the BenefitWallet portfolio that isn't coming over to you?

    或者 BenefitWallet 投資組合中是否有任何部分沒有交給您?

  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • So I think I can give a short answer to this one.


  • To the last part of your question, yes, the answer is -- well, there are two parts: one is, the non-HSA component of the business so that they have some FSAs and the like, and they are not part of this transaction. and they will continue to be managed by Conduent's broader human resources outsourcing business.

    對於你問題的最後一部分,是的,答案是——嗯,有兩個部分:一個是業務的非 HSA 組成部分,因此他們有一些 FSA 等,但他們不屬於這個部分。他們將繼續由 Conduent 更廣泛的人力資源外包業務管理。

  • And then secondly, of course, as in all transactions, there will be some attrition, both in the midst of the transaction and some that minor shortly thereafter.


  • But that -- we'll try to account for that, and we certainly have tried to account there in our thinking.


  • As to the first part of your question, I do think it's important to note, and I have to admit I have not looked at the transcript of Conduent's call, but I know that the executive team there is very entertaining.


  • So I'm guessing it was more fun than ours.


  • But I would note that like many of our competitors, the way that Conduent -- or let me say it this way, genericized.

    但我要指出的是,就像我們的許多競爭對手一樣,Conduent 的方式——或者讓我這樣說,是通用化的。

  • Many of our competitors, the way that they -- their strategy for deployment of funds is that they are deployed in banks and importantly, they are deployed at short rates.


  • So that means much more variability.


  • And so if you look at fiscal, let's say, or I say, calendar '23, like that was an awesome strategy in calendar '23.

    因此,如果你看一下財政,比如說,或者我說,23 日曆,就像 23 日曆中的一個很棒的策略一樣。

  • And it continues to be an awesome strategy, right, until it isn't.


  • It would have been a very, very difficult strategy in, let's say, calendar '20.

    比如說,在 20 世紀,這將會是一個非常非常困難的策略。

  • So as , we deploy on the ladder, and we've taken a number of steps to make sure that's a smooth as possible.


  • So that will be different.


  • I would not -- I don't know what Conduent said off the top of my head with regard to this, but you should think about us as deploying these assets in accordance with the latter and process that Jim has described earlier on.

    我不會——我不知道 Conduent 對此有何看法,但您應該認為我們是根據吉姆之前描述的後者和流程來部署這些資產的。

  • Mark Marcon - Senior Research Analyst

    Mark Marcon - Senior Research Analyst

  • Great.


  • That's really helpful.


  • Thanks.


  • Richard Putnam - Investor Relations

    Richard Putnam - Investor Relations

  • Thanks, Mark.


  • Operator


  • Jack Wallace, Guggenheim.


  • Jack Wallace - Analyst

    Jack Wallace - Analyst

  • Hey, guys.


  • I'll keep this quick.


  • Jim, I think this one is going to be directed at you.


  • Just wanted to get a high-level puts and takes net of any of the reclassifications of it looks to be about a 50 basis point lift of the EBITDA guide for the year.

    只是想得到一個高水準的看跌期權和扣除任何重新分類的淨值,今年的 EBITDA 指南看起來大約有 50 個基點的提升。

  • Just wondering if that's mostly some of the benefits from the technology investments that Jon mentioned earlier if there's anything else we should be thinking about.


  • Thank you.


  • James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • No, nothing huge, right?


  • What we're trying to do is roll in the -- being a little bit ahead on sales, a little bit ahead on accounts and trying to factor in the comment that I made during the discussion about when markets are good, you see a little bit of shift towards investment from cash and just small adjustments down the cost line.


  • So yeah, 50 basis points I want to call within the rounding error there, but just providing you a little more precision and with more perfect information here.

    所以,是的,我想在舍入誤差內調用 50 個基點,但只是在這裡為您提供更精確一點和更完美的資訊。

  • Jack Wallace - Analyst

    Jack Wallace - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thank you.


  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Jack.


  • Operator


  • This concludes our question-and-answer session.


  • I'd like to turn the call back over to Jon Kessler for closing remarks.

    我想將電話轉回給喬恩·凱斯勒(Jon Kessler)做結束語。

  • Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

    Jon Kessler - President and Chief Executive Officer

  • Okay.


  • An hour and five minutes, not bad.


  • Thanks, everyone, for joining us.


  • We will be releasing our 10-K shortly, working hard to get that done for you, recognizing that there are some changes this year, and I'm sure it will be a real page turner.

    我們很快就會發布 10-K,並努力為您完成這項任務,認識到今年發生了一些變化,我相信這將是真正令人翻頁的。

  • So thanks all very much.


  • James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

    James Lucania - Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you all.


  • Operator


  • The conference has now concluded.


  • Thank you for your participation.


  • You may now disconnect your lines and have a nice day.
