本田技研 (HMC) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend our briefing today. We would now like to start Honda Motor Co. Ltd.'s financial results briefing for second quarter of fiscal year 2024.

    非常感謝您在百忙之中抽空參加我們今天的發表會。我們現在開始本田汽車有限公司 2024 財年第二季的財務業績簡報。

  • First of all, allow me to introduce the attendees today: Mr. Shinji Aoyama, Director, Executive Vice President and Representative Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer.


  • Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

    Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

  • Good to see you, everyone.


  • Operator


  • And Mr. Eiji Fujimura, Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer.

    還有執行長兼財務長 Eiji Fujimura 先生。

  • Eiji Fujimura - Executive Officer, CFO & Chief Officer for Corporate Management Operations

    Eiji Fujimura - Executive Officer, CFO & Chief Officer for Corporate Management Operations

  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • Operator


  • Mr. Aoyama will first present an overview of the financial results of first half of financial year 2024 and full year forecast, then Mr. Fujiwara will present the details for the results and the forecast. Over to you.

    青山先生將首先概述 2024 財年上半年的財務表現和全年預測,然後藤原先生將介紹業績和預測的詳細資訊。交給你了。

  • Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

    Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

  • Thank you very much for your usual understanding on Honda's business activities. I will explain the financial results of the second quarter of our FY 2024 and this full year forecast.

    非常感謝您平時對本田事業活動的體諒。我將解釋 2024 財年第二季的財務表現和全年預測。

  • Let me touch upon the highlights of the results. Regarding the cumulative results of the -- until second quarter FY 2024, we had high profits in motorcycle businesses, in addition to the significant improvements of our profitability in automotive businesses where production volume had recovered mainly in North America and delivered competitive products to customers.


  • The operating profit increased by JPY 243.1 billion to JPY 696.5 billion, and operating profit margin was 7.2%. Free cash flow of the operating companies, excluding that of the financial businesses, reached JPY 732.9 billion, well exceeding the level last year-on-year.


  • In terms of the business forecast of the FY 2024, although tough market environment exists in China and Asia, we will up-revise the previous forecast of sales revenue, operating profit and the profit for the period, reflecting additional strength in the profitable structures as well as the foreign currency impact.


  • For shareholders' returns, we plan to increase the dividend by JPY 24 from the highest-ever dividend of the JPY 150 until the share split to JPY 174. We announced share buybacks at the financial press conference on May 11, 2023. And the amount of the share buybacks as of October 31 was at JPY 163.5 billion, for the upper limit of JPY 200 billion.


  • Let me explain about the automobile business in the main markets. In the United States, demands are solid. Semiconductors have been secured and productions have recovered. Thus, with the highly competitive new models that were launched last year, the result marked significantly higher year-on-year.


  • In China, because of the impact by expanding the new energy vehicle market and intensifying price competition, the results ended below last year.


  • In terms of the sales outlook for the FY 2024, we anticipate incremental unit sales in Japan. Nevertheless, tough market environment in China will continue for some time now, so we would like to down-revise the previous forecast. However, overall, we will achieve higher results year-on-year.

    就 2024 財年的銷售前景而言,我們預計日本的銷售量將會增加。儘管如此,中國嚴峻的市場環境仍將持續一段時間,因此我們下調先前的預測。但總體而言,我們將取得同比更高的成績。

  • Speaking of our actions for electrification, we announced the launch of the new EVs: Acura ZDX and Honda Prologue early 2024. In North America, we agreed with BMW and Ford to establish a new company, ChargeScape, in order to provide energy services that will contribute to stable power grid network by utilizing EVs. In Japan, we concluded a memorandum of understanding with Mitsubishi Corporation in order to explore commercialization of energy management businesses.

    談到我們的電氣化行動,我們宣布將於 2024 年初推出新款電動車:謳歌 ZDX 和本田 Prologue。在北美,我們與寶馬和福特同意成立一家新公司 ChargeScape,以提供能源服務,利用電動車為穩定的電網做出貢獻。在日本,我們與三菱商事簽署了諒解備忘錄,探索能源管理業務的商業化。

  • Next, let me talk about the motorcycle businesses. In the first half of the fiscal year, overall motorcycle business performed higher year-on-year due to incremental unit sales, thanks to the solid demand in Indonesia and Europe. During 3 months of second quarter, we had more unit sales due to solid demand in Indonesia and Brazil. However, overall businesses fell short at the same time last year because of the unit sales decline due to economic slowdown and so on in Vietnam and China.

    接下來我就來談談摩托車業務。本財年上半年,由於印尼和歐洲的強勁需求,摩托車銷售增加,整體摩托車業務較去年同期表現較高。在第二季的 3 個月中,由於印尼和巴西的強勁需求,我們的銷量有所增加。然而,由於越南和中國經濟放緩等導致單位銷售下降,去年同期整體業務出現下滑。

  • Regarding sales expectations for FY 2024, reflecting decline in Vietnam and China, we will down-revise the previous forecast. On the whole, the business will be at the equivalent level year-on-year.

    關於 2024 財年的銷售預期,反映出越南和中國的下滑,我們將下調先前的預測。整體來看,業務將與去年同期持平。

  • Speaking of our actions for electrification. In the JAPAN MOBILITY SHOW the other day, we exhibited our SC e: Concept, which involves 2 sets of the Honda mobile power pack e for replacement batteries.

    談到我們的電氣化行動。在前幾天的JAPAN MOBILITY SHOW上,我們展出了我們的SC e: Concept,其中包括2組用於更換電池的本田行動電源組e。

  • Next, this is the outline of the first half of FY 2020. Despite impacts by warranty expenses, thanks to incremental unit sales and the pricing that reflects improved commercial values, the operating profit marked JPY 696.5 billion, up by JPY 243.1 billion year-on-year. Profit attributable to the owner of the parent during the first half, it was JPY 616.3 billion, up by JPY 277.7 billion.


  • This is the focus of the consolidated business performance of FY 2024. Despite a tough market environment in China and Asia as well as the increase of warranty expenses that occurred in the first half, reflecting the fortified earnings structure and ForEx impact, we have revised the operating profit expectations to JPY 1.2 trillion, up by JPY 200 billion.

    這是 2024 財年綜合業務業績的重點。儘管中國和亞洲的市場環境嚴峻,而且上半年保固費用有所增加,反映出盈利結構的強化和外匯影響,但我們還是修訂了營業利潤預期為1.2萬億日元,調高2,000億日圓。

  • Profit for the period attributable to the owners of the parent is expected to be JPY 930 billion, up by JPY 130 billion. Foreign currency assumption is set at JPY 140 for $1 in the second half as well as for the full year. Expectations of unit sales and P&L are shown on the slide.

    母公司所有者應佔期間利潤預計為 9,300 億日元,增加 1,300 億日元。下半年和全年的外幣假設設定為 1 美元兌換 140 日圓。幻燈片上顯示了銷量和損益的預期。

  • Interim dividend for FY '24 is expected to be JPY 87 per share. And the dividend for the full year will be JPY 174, up by JPY 24 from the previous forecast of JPY 150. That was based on the criteria before the share splitting.

    24 財年中期股利預計為每股 87 日圓。全年股利為174日圓,比先前預測的150日圓增加了24日圓。這是基於股權分拆前的標準。

  • Next, Mr. Fujimura will explain details of the financial results and forecast.


  • Eiji Fujimura - Executive Officer, CFO & Chief Officer for Corporate Management Operations

    Eiji Fujimura - Executive Officer, CFO & Chief Officer for Corporate Management Operations

  • Okay, then, allow me to start the explanation. To begin with Honda Group's unit sales for the first half of fiscal year 2024, in motorcycle operations, unit sales grew year-on-year, mainly in Europe, to 9,262,000 units. Automobile sales came to 1,934,000 units, mainly due to growth in North America. And in power products operations, unit sales came to 1,826,000 units, mainly due to the decline in North America.

    好吧,那麼,請容許我開始解釋。首先從本田集團2024財年上半年的銷售來看,在摩托車業務中,銷售量較去年同期成長(主要在歐洲),達到9,262,000輛。汽車銷量達到 1,934,000 輛,主要得益於北美地區的成長。而在電力產品業務方面,銷售量達到1,826,000台,主要是因為北美地區的銷售量下降。

  • Next, I would like to explain the factor analysis of pretax profit for first half year compared to the same period last year. Operating profit grew by JPY 243.1 billion compared to the same period last year. To give you a factor analysis of the operating profit, impact from sales was an increase of JPY 219.2 billion due to unit sales growth in automobiles. Selling price and cost factors was an increase of JPY 205.7 billion due to effect of pricing, in line with the enhanced product value and lower prices of precious metals and other raw materials.

    以下我將就上半年稅前利潤與去年同期的因素分析進行說明。營業利潤比去年同期成長2,431億日圓。從營業利潤的因素分析來看,由於汽車銷售的成長,銷售額增加了2,192億日圓。由於定價的影響,銷售價格和成本因素增加了 2,057 億日元,這與產品價值的提高以及貴金屬和其他原材料的價格下降相一致。

  • Expenses gave us a negative impact of JPY 214.3 billion due to an increase in warranty expenses and other expenditures. R&D expenses led to a profit decline of JPY 30 billion and currency effect resulted in a positive impact of JPY 62.4 billion. Pretax profit led to an increase of JPY 363.4 billion, resulting in -- resulting from the valuation gains of foreign currency denominated bonds and interest received.

    由於保固費用和其他支出的增加,費用給我們帶來了 2,143 億日圓的負面影響。研發費用導致利潤下降300億日圓,貨幣效應帶來624億日圓的正面影響。稅前利潤增加 3,634 億日元,源自外幣計價債券的估值收益和收到的利息。

  • Next, to explain the sales revenues and operating profit by business segment. Operating profit was JPY 253.3 billion for motorcycles, JPY 301.3 billion for automobiles, JPY 137.0 billion for operating profit from financial services, and JPY 4.8 billion for power products business and other operations.


  • Next, I will cover the cash flow situation. Free cash flow of the operating entities, excluding financial operations, for the first half of fiscal year '24 came to JPY 732.9 billion. And the end-of-term balance of net cash at the end of first half came to JPY 3,356.6 billion.

    接下來我會介紹一下現金流狀況。 24財年上半財年,營運實體的自由現金流(不包括金融業務)達7,329億日圓。上半年末淨現金餘額為33,566億日圓。

  • Next, I would like to talk about the forecast for fiscal year 2024. Firstly, speaking of Honda Group's unit sales, compared to the previous forecast, in motorcycle operations, considering the decline mainly in Asia, forecast is for 18,080,000 (sic) [18,800,000] units; in automobiles, 4.1 million units, considering the decline mainly in Asia; and in power products, 3.85 million units, in view of the decline mainly in North America.

    接下來,我想談談2024財年的預測。首先,說到本田集團的銷量,與之前的預測相比,在摩托車業務中,考慮到主要在亞洲的下滑,預測為18,080,000(原文如此)[18,800,000 ] 單位;汽車方面,410萬輛,考慮到下降主要在亞洲;而在電源產品方面,則為385萬台,因為下降主要是在北美地區。

  • Next, I would like to explain the factor analysis of pretax profit compared to the actual results from last year. First, operating profit is forecast at JPY 419.2 billion, up from last year's results. To explain the contributing factors, impact from sales is forecast at positive JPY 371.6 billion due to growth in unit sales of automobiles. Selling price and cost impact is positive JPY 394.0 billion due to effect from our pricing, in line with enhanced product value as well as lower raw material prices.

    接下來我想解釋一下稅前利潤與去年實際結果相比的因素分析。首先,營業利潤預計為 4,192 億日元,高於去年的業績。為了解釋其影響因素,由於汽車銷售的成長,預計銷售額的影響將達到 3,716 億日圓。由於我們定價的影響,與產品價值的提高以及原材料價格的下降相一致,銷售價格和成本的影響為 3,940 億日元。

  • Expenses impact is expected to be negative of JPY 321.4 billion due to warranty-related expenses and increase in selling expenses. R&D expense impact is negative JPY 51.1 billion. And currency effect is forecast at positive JPY 26.0 billion. Pretax profit is forecast at JPY 515.4 billion higher, considering the decline of JPY 42.4 billion in equity in earnings of affiliates due to a decline in automobile unit sales in China and gains of JPY 138.6 billion from higher interest received.

    由於保固相關費用和銷售費用增加,預計費用影響將為負 3,214 億日圓。研發費用影響為負 511 億日圓。貨幣效應預計為 260 億日圓。考慮到中國汽車銷量下降導致關聯公司權益收益下降 424 億日元,以及收到的利息增加帶來的收益 1,386 億日元,稅前利潤預計將增加 5,154 億日元。

  • Next, I will explain the contributing factors in comparison with the previous forecast. Operating profit is forecast at up JPY 200 billion compared to the previous forecast. To give you the breakdown, impact from sales is a negative of JPY 69.0 billion due to unit sales decline. Impact from selling price and cost is a positive of JPY 129.0 billion due to effective pricing, in line with enhanced product value and lower prices of precious metals and other raw materials. Impact from expenses is a negative of JPY 163.0 billion due to increased warranty expenses. Impact from R&D expenses is a positive of JPY 9.0 billion. And currency effect is expected at JPY 294.0 billion.

    接下來,我將與先前的預測相比,解釋一下影響因素。營業利潤預計比先前的預測增加 2,000 億日圓。細分來看,由於銷售量下降,銷售額產生了 690 億日圓的負面影響。由於有效定價,銷售價格和成本的影響為 1,290 億日元,這與產品價值的提高以及貴金屬和其他原材料價格的下降相一致。由於保固費用增加,費用影響為 1,630 億日圓。研發費用的正面影響為 90 億日圓。貨幣效應預計為 2,940 億日圓。

  • For pretax profit, our forecast is up JPY 210.0 billion, considering the decline in equity and earnings of affiliates of JPY 110.0 billion due to decline in automobile unit sales in China and increase of JPY 120.0 billion from higher interest received. Lastly, the forecast for capital expenditures, depreciation and amortization and R&D expenditures for fiscal year '24 is as shown.

    對於稅前利潤,我們的預測上調 2100 億日元,考慮到由於中國汽車銷量下降導致關聯公司股本和盈利下降 1100 億日元,以及因收到的利息增加而增加 1200 億日元。最後,24財年的資本支出、折舊和攤提以及研發支出的預測如下所示。

  • This completes my explanation. Thank you very much for your attention.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Thank you very much for your attention. Now I'd like to take the questions from the floor. And we have already provided the Zoom network for the questions from the media. And because of the interest of time, please limit your questions to 2 questions per 1 person. Thank you for your cooperation. (Operator Instructions)

    非常感謝您的關注。現在我想回答大家的提問。我們已經為媒體的提問提供了Zoom網路。並且由於時間關係,請將您的問題限制為每 1 人 2 個問題。謝謝您的合作。 (操作員說明)

  • The first question, from Yomiuri Shimbun Newspaper, [Mr. Nakamura], please?


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • [Nakamura] from Yomiuri Newspaper. I have 2 questions. First one is our semiconductor procurement, the situations, please. In Japan, China, North America, in the different regions, what is the status of the semiconductor procurement? And what is the outlook for the future about semiconductor?

    [中村]讀賣新聞。我有 2 個問題。第一個是我們的半導體採購,請介紹一下狀況。日本、中國、北美,不同地區的半導體採購狀況如何?半導體的未來前景如何?

  • Second question is the sales reduction, decline in China. What do you think is the reason for that? And do you have any idea to recover the sales after the third quarter onward, please?


  • Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

    Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

  • Thank you for the question. So let's start with the semiconductor procurement. On the whole, recently, we have made great improvements on that. This fiscal year, specifically in the second half, we have no problems, almost no problems today. In this first half, we had a little bit of the issues remaining. However, as of now, we have no such problems in China, Japan and United States.


  • The differences in the regions, actually, there's none, at all. No regional differences. Last year -- last fiscal year, we started direct conversation with the semiconductor suppliers. And for most of the semiconductors, we have our alternative sources and so on. And thanks to those efforts, we have made good improvements recently.


  • And then last year-end, we had a priority of our semiconductor procurement in North America so that we can support the production and sales in North America. And that was actually what happened as well.


  • And for this fiscal year, in China, market is a little bit slowing down. Our businesses there is slowing a little bit. And we now decide to use the semiconductor parts for the Japanese marketing stand. With that, we can increase the number of the sales volume in Japan.


  • And going forward, in this spring, at TSMC, and we had a decision to have a strategic collaboration, and we also have other collaborative relationship with the other semiconductor suppliers. We now have a software-defined trend, and demand for the semiconductors will be higher going forward. So that what we like to do is to be ready to catch up with that.


  • And second question is sales decline in China. And there are 2 factors behind here. And one is, as you know, tax deduction measures like for NEV, New Energy Vehicles. With that, the NEV sales is expanding in China. And Honda has ICE -- or have hybrid. Those are our multiple lineup there. Because of that, we have some difficult situation. However, though it is only a bit of a decline in the ICE market, it is very specific market of ICE, in fact, like a big category SUV, we're not winning by other companies. We have some struggles there.


  • But as we are turning to the BEV focus more. And from 2024, we are going to launch 4 models of BEV as soon as we can catch up with the market. Thank you very much.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Thank you very much, [Mr. Nakamura]. The next question is from [Mr. Noguchi] from NHK, please.

    非常感謝您,[先生]中村]。下一個問題是來自[先生]。野口]來自 NHK,有請。

  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • This is [Noguchi] from NHK. For the results, financial results for the first half, I believe they look very good in terms of numbers. So I'd like to ask for your ideas on wage raise. It might be a little bit earlier to ask about this, but I'd like to ask you about your thoughts on raising wages.

    我是 NHK 的[野口]。對於業績,上半年的財務業績,我相信從數字來看它們看起來非常好。所以想請教大家對於加薪的想法。雖然現在問這個問題可能有點早,但我想問一下你對加薪的想法。

  • Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

    Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

  • Okay. About raising our wages, wage hike, we need to, of course, think about this in terms of the global context. But for example, if you look at the States, U.S. market, the UAW issue was there. And then we, ourselves, of course, would like to take appropriate actions.


  • If you think about the wages in Japan, last fiscal year -- or sorry, this -- the salary base of the regular wage hike, we did it at the beginning of this fiscal year. But for next fiscal year as well, we would like to take proactive actions considering the government's guideline as well. And then we would like to think proactively towards raising wages possibly.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Anything to add, Mr. Fujimura?


  • Eiji Fujimura - Executive Officer, CFO & Chief Officer for Corporate Management Operations

    Eiji Fujimura - Executive Officer, CFO & Chief Officer for Corporate Management Operations

  • Well, as mentioned, if you think about Japan, I believe you must have asked about the situation in Japan. But if you think about the recent inflation that is happening also in Japan, we need to consider that. And also because our business performance has been growing, and then of course, going forward, we will see new business -- well, we'll go through this transformation to electric business, electrification of vehicles. So that will be our second transformation, which is supported by human resources. That's been per CEO's idea.


  • So for this year, fiscal year's salary raise, and then going forward as well, we would like to have very earnest discussions. We have had earnest discussions between labor and management, and that's why we are here. And then so for -- going forward, we'd like to continue this trend, but still the spring offensive timing is still far ahead. So we will continue our discussion with the union. So we will -- and then we will think about investing into human resources or human assets.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Thank you very much, [Mr. Noguchi]. Next question, from Nihon Keizai Shimbun, [Mr. Okinaga], please.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Nikkei Shimbun Newspaper, [Okinaga]. I have 2 questions. First one, the up-revision of the forecast group results and recent China is now down-revised instead. And in terms of the sales revenue, for instance, factory restructuring or the other measures and so on. Do you have any idea about that? And second question -- maybe we can start with the question one.

    日經新聞,[沖繩]。我有 2 個問題。第一,上調了預測組的結果,最近的中國現在改為下調。還有在銷售收入方面,例如工廠重組或其他措施等等。你對此有什麼想法嗎?第二個問題──也許我們可以從第一個問題開始。

  • Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

    Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

  • Our first question, in China, we have our production capacity, 1.49 million car production capacity. That is what we have. As we announced before, we have 2 joint venture entities over there. And we have 120,000-unit capacity, BEV-specific production companies, in 2 places. And then that means we will have a 3.4 billion -- JPY 173 billion also. And we have, of course, discussions with the JV companies for the ICE production areas specifically, so that we could try to reduce the fixed cost of that ICE production, speaking of the restructuring plans and so forth for the factories.

    我們第一個問題,在中國,我們有我們的生產能力,149萬輛汽車的生產能力。這就是我們所擁有的。正如我們之前宣布的,我們在那裡有兩個合資實體。我們在兩個地方擁有 12 萬輛產能的 BEV 專用生產公司。那麼這意味著我們將擁有 34 億日元,也就是 1,730 億日元。當然,我們也特別與合資公司就ICE生產領域進行了討論,以便我們可以嘗試降低ICE生產的固定成本,談到工廠的重組計畫等。

  • And also incentives, as of now, ICE hybrid, those are our main business models. And we need to kind of support sales by using incentives. In this forecast we are sharing today, especially in the first half, we are going to support our current level of the incentives to continue to support the current ICE businesses.

    還有激勵措施,到目前為止,ICE 混合動力,這些是我們主要的商業模式。我們需要透過激勵措施來支持銷售。在我們今天分享的預測中,特別是在上半年,我們將支援當前水準的激勵措施,以繼續支持目前的 ICE 業務。

  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • And the U.S., the economy is good and its sales rising. However, you have a little bit of a down-revision. And what about -- we have delinquencies of those repayments, loans, what do you expect the economy in the second half onwards, including the yen depreciation.


  • Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

    Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

  • A part of the question will be supported by Fujimura-san. And in terms of the interest rate hike, of course, it's like an incentive kind of thing. American Honda Finance, a company has a business, and American Honda has the business in relation to the incentives. But until now, we have a credit score assessment, and the customers we have, have a good credit assessment to start with. And then because of that, we do not have a big impact as of now.


  • And trading values of the cars, index shows a bit of a downtrend of the prices of the used cars. However, the level is still higher than the conventional used car price level. And bad debts and so on, we have some provisions for that. However, it is not as much as it would impact on the statement of the finance to date. And also the residual values of the used cars, it does not have any impact on the P&L as of now. And maybe my colleague can support a bit.


  • Eiji Fujimura - Executive Officer, CFO & Chief Officer for Corporate Management Operations

    Eiji Fujimura - Executive Officer, CFO & Chief Officer for Corporate Management Operations

  • I have nothing to add, numbers maybe. After COVID, in the United States, we have support to the families and so on, subsidies to them. And relative to the delinquencies, the bad debts is actually a historic level that is very low at the moment and delinquency levels a little bit rising today. However, the bad debt rate is also rising a little bit.


  • However, still it is 0.5% of the bad debt levels. And in a way, this is the situation where the situation is returning back to the pre-COVID level. And it is a kind of course, low, sort of orientation to us. However, in a way, it is normalization, too.


  • During the COVID period, finance businesses, we had a JPY 300 billion or JPY 400 billion. And it was like a reversal of the loss cost or something. However, for that amount, for that part, JPY 250 billion operating profit actually generated from the finance businesses, and 2%, 3% of the credit will be financed. That is the kind of the businesses of finance. But what I can say is that it is being normalized.


  • And residual value losses in relation to the used car prices, and we have a setting of the residual price level. And it is still on the positive side. That positive range is a little bit squeezed. However, we are now getting back to the normalization mode. And for the residual value part, it will take a little bit more time to have the total normalization. So we have those plans and we factor in the financial business implication. However, nothing really of a concern.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Thank you very much, [Mr. Okinaga]. The next question is from Toyo Keizai, [Mr. Yokoyama], please.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • This is [Yokoyama] from Toyo Keizai. I have 2 questions as well. The first is about the financial results. So if you look at the first half and the second half, it looks like the second half is going to see lower operating profit. So I just want to see how you're viewing your numbers, the performance. So you downward-revise for North America and then China is getting sluggish. So I just want to see how you view this.

    這是東洋經濟的[橫山]。我也有 2 個問題。首先是關於財務業績。因此,如果你看看上半年和下半年,下半年的營業利潤似乎會較低。所以我只是想看看你如何看待你的數據和表現。因此,你下調了北美的預測,然後中國的表現變得疲軟。所以我只是想看看你如何看待這個問題。

  • And about the upward revision, so compared to the previous year, if you exclude the foreign currency effect, I guess your profit is going to get less. So in terms of real, real performance, let me know how you stand.


  • Second question is concerning this DM -- GM, sorry. You said that you will discontinue development of EV together with GM. So I'm just wondering what the kind of impact that would have on the strategy and then any countermeasure you have in your mind.

    第二個問題是關於這個 DM 的-GM,抱歉。您說過將與通用汽車一起停止電動車的開發。所以我只是想知道這會對策略產生什麼樣的影響,然後你想到的對策是什麼。

  • Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

    Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

  • Okay. Thank you for your questions. So about the details of the numbers, Mr. Fujimura would provide some additional information.


  • But if we look at the first half and the second half, I think this probably is happening every year, but second half is slightly -- we tend to look at the second half somewhat conservatively. But at the same time, as a fact, we cannot -- in terms of expenditures, we tend to have a, well, a bit of a bias on the second half, if you compare those 2 halves. That's true.


  • And then as you commented already, in North America, the downward revision in the North America, because regardless of semiconductors, in the first half, we didn't have a good supply situation in the first half. So maybe that was slightly over 20,000 units, it was a little bit over, and that happened in the first half. And so that's been incorporated into the first half.

    然後,正如您已經評論的那樣,在北美,北美的下調是因為無論半導體如何,上半年我們的供應情況都不好。所以可能略多於 20,000 台,有點多了,而且這發生在上半年。所以這已被納入上半場。

  • And then the sales and -- production and sales in the second half, if you look at the capacity in North America, it's almost at full capacity. So some of the parts shortage we had in the first half at the supplier, we cannot really recover that in the second half. And that's why it looks like that.


  • If you asked about the real performance, so you said exclude the currency effect in our explanation, actually. This one compared with the, let's say, comparing with the last year, or the same period last year, the currency effect is very limited. The ones -- the presentation you've seen, I'm sure you've seen it, the currency effect is only JPY 26 billion. So that is against the last year, last period.


  • And then particularly, if you look at the operating profit, it's a 53.7% increase, a lot of it is coming from automobile sales and -- production and sales expansion. And also, we were able to leave the sluggishness from the shortage of semiconductor. So because of that -- and then, of course, we had some temporary warranty cost. But we have been able to get to almost ROS of 5%. So we were at 4.7%.

    特別是,如果你看一下營業利潤,你會發現它成長了 53.7%,其中很大一部分來自汽車銷售以及生產和銷售的擴張。而且,我們能夠擺脫半導體短缺造成的低迷。因此,當然,我們還有一些臨時保固費用。但我們的 ROS 幾乎達到了 5%。所以我們的比例是 4.7%。

  • So this is only -- we had some just temporary warranty expenses, but we were able to show a good expansion of automobiles now that the shortage of semiconductor has ended. So I guess that's the answer to your first question.


  • And then in terms of our assessment, so we are trying to get -- aim for 7% or higher ROS on 2026 fiscal year or later. And then this is a 6%, this JPY 1.2 trillion is 6%. But I think we are making progress in line with our plans.

    然後就我們的評估而言,我們正在努力實現 2026 財年或以後的 ROS 達到 7% 或更高的目標。然後這是一個6%,這個1.2兆日元是6%。但我認為我們正在按照我們的計劃取得進展。

  • And about the second question, the terminating the joint development with BEV together with GM, of course, there is impact to the strategy. However, we will launch it from Honda's global BEV, mainly in North America, starting from '26 -- fiscal year '26. We want to maximize the use of this platform. And then -- so I think we can avert any impact from this termination of this joint development.

    關於第二個問題,終止與通用汽車共同開發純電動車,當然對策略有影響。然而,我們將從本田的全球 BEV 中推出它,主要是在北美,從 26 年 - 26 財年開始。我們希望最大限度地利用這個平台。然後——所以我認為我們可以避免因終止聯合開發而產生的任何影響。

  • Any numbers you want to add to this?


  • Eiji Fujimura - Executive Officer, CFO & Chief Officer for Corporate Management Operations

    Eiji Fujimura - Executive Officer, CFO & Chief Officer for Corporate Management Operations

  • Okay. Okay. So the gap between second half and first half. Before that, I would like to explain to you how the numbers for the first half were put together. As Mr. Aoyama just explained, the volume expanded in automobiles in North America, in particular, that was conspicuous. That was in the range of plus 240,000 units. So I think this unit sales contributed greatly to operating profit.

    好的。好的。所以下半場和上半場的差距。在此之前,我想先向大家解釋一下上半場的數據是如何組合在一起的。正如青山先生剛才所解釋的那樣,尤其是北美地區的汽車銷售成長非常明顯。那是在+ 240,000 單位的範圍內。所以我認為這個單位銷售額對營業利潤貢獻很大。

  • For motorcycles, almost it was 60,000 units. So it was just a bit of increase. However, Vietnam, which is our most highest profit-generating market, even though they were in negative, Brazil, Thailand showed good growth. And then that was -- of course, we used to say that, if we stumble in Vietnam, it hurts a bit. But I think with other markets contributing, it has even out a lot for motorcycles. So that we have been able to earn some good profit in automobile as well. So we got JPY 760 billion, so, 6% -- 7.2% ROS.

    摩托車則接近6萬輛。所以只是增加了一點點。然而,越南是我們利潤最高的市場,儘管呈現負成長,巴西、泰國卻表現出良好的成長。當然,我們過去常說,如果我們在越南絆倒,就會有點痛。但我認為,在其他市場的貢獻下,摩托車的銷售也將增加。這樣我們在汽車領域也能賺到一些不錯的利潤。所以我們得到了 7600 億日元,即 6% - 7.2% ROS。

  • A bit of the disturbance was the warranty expenses for -- we had -- sorry, JPY 56 billion automobiles, and then we had a JPY 56 billion, another one, for automobile, so a total of close to JPY 120 billion for warranty claims. So that was a provision. So we inconvenienced our customers a lot.

    有點幹擾的是——我們有——抱歉,560 億日元的汽車的保固費用,然後我們還有 560 億日元的汽車保固費用,所以保固索賠的總金額接近 1200 億日元。所以這是一項規定。所以我們給顧客帶來了很多不便。

  • But I think if we eliminate this -- I think we should have been able to attain ROS of close to 8% for the first half. And against that first half, I think we should be able to take away JPY 700 billion, we take away from JPY 1.2 trillion. So that will be JPY 500 billion. So the volume will be higher.

    但我認為,如果我們消除這一點——我認為我們應該能夠在上半年實現接近 8% 的 ROS。相對於上半年,我認為我們應該可以拿走 7,000 億日元,我們拿走 1.2 兆日元。那麼這將是 5000 億日元。所以音量會比較大。

  • So even if we consider incentive, it would be a bit of a JPY 120 billion provision. And then the provision for the warranty, that would be -- that doesn't happen with the first half, it was for the second half. So JPY 100 billion. So that would be JPY 220 billion. But as a total, that comes down by JPY 220 billion. So there was a bit of a difference between like JPY 400 billion between first and second half.

    因此,即使我們考慮激勵措施,1200億日圓的撥款也只是一點點。然後是保固條款,這不會發生在上半年,而是發生在下半年。所以1000億日元。那麼這將是 2200 億日元。但總體而言,減少了 2,200 億日圓。因此上半年和下半年之間存在著 4,000 億日圓左右的差異。

  • But if you look at the currency, of course, the yen-dollar rate is the same. But with the other currencies versus the dollar, they are getting better. So we considered that into the second half.


  • And then also, this is mentioned separately, but to the Yachiyo Industry, we are doing a TOB -- we'll complete the TOB in second half against the Yachiyo Industry. And then the same thing as Honda Lock last year, we will have a bit of an impairment loss for the second half as a temporary charge. So with the Yachiyo impair loss on the currency, it will be like second half will be lower by JPY 100 billion or so.


  • And then so we still have the performance a bit of a difference is JPY 300 billion. This would be -- majority will be the expenses. And also through the supplier, because they have suffered from inflation, so for Japan and in the States, for some of the suppliers, we do provide some -- we are allowing them to raise the cost a little bit to survive through this.

    然後我們的表現仍然有一點差異,那就是 3000 億日圓。這將是——大部分將是費用。而且也透過供應商,因為他們遭受了通貨膨脹,所以對於日本和美國的一些供應商來說,我們確實提供了一些——我們允許他們稍微提高成本以渡過難關。

  • So that was a bit of a, well, disturbing noise. So you might have found it difficult to all put it together. But that's how our situation is.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Thank you very much, [Mr. Yokoyama]. Next question, from Asahi Shimbun Newspaper, [Mr. Wakai], please.


  • Mr. Wakai , he has exited from the network. Next person then, from Nikkan Jidosha Shimbun, [Mr. Misatori], please. Automotive Daily Japan.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • [Misatori] speaking, Nikkan Jidosha Shimbun. I have 2 questions. First one is numbers to confirm. From April to September, OP waterfall over last year and also forecast for the full year from that time. You have our ups and downs for the operating profits. And the impact by the prices, what is the breakdown about it? And also for the suppliers, you may have price passed on, transfer of those incremental prices. That's the question one.

    [Misatori] 說,日刊自動車新聞。我有 2 個問題。第一個是需要確認的數字。從 4 月到 9 月,OP 瀑布超過去年,並預測了從那時起的全年。您有我們的營業利潤的起伏。那麼價格的影響,具體是怎麼樣的呢?對於供應商來說,您可能會傳遞價格,轉移這些增量價格。這就是問題一。

  • And second one is BEV. We have EV demand being a bit slowed down, and I can see that in Ford and other companies, and they seem to be squeezing a bit on the investment on the equipment. But you say that you're going to be ready to produce 2 million BEVs [or so], in 2030 or so. And I understand you have no change to those plans for the future. But do you have any idea to kind of stop and then decide to slow it down a little bit, for instance, because of those demands, Mr. Aoyama?

    第二個是純電動車。我們的電動車需求有點放緩,我可以在福特和其他公司看到這一點,他們似乎在設備投資上有所擠壓。但您說您將準備在 2030 年左右生產 200 萬輛純電動車。我知道您對未來的計劃沒有改變。但是,青山先生,您是否有任何想法停下來,然後決定放慢一點速度,例如,因為這些要求?

  • Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

    Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

  • So I'd like to start with the second question first. So I have no idea to decelerate our speed of the businesses. However, I wouldn't deny the businesses are slowing or softening. And especially in the U.S. market, the demand is a little bit soft now. And as compared to the past speed, the growth speed is a little bit slowing down. And we really watch carefully the market trend. And that is what we are doing usually, watching out.


  • And in 2030, 40% of the advanced countries or 2 million BEV, that is our plan. And 2035, 80%. We have no idea to change those plans. And in terms of the speed of the businesses, battery joint venture as well the new factories in North America, we have those years. And of course, the next things in mind as well, to try to form the ecosystem, finally, we'd like to steadily push forward those plans.

    到2030年,已開發國家的40%或200萬輛純電動車,這就是我們的計畫。到 2035 年,將達到 80%。我們不知道改變這些計劃。就業務、電池合資企業以及北美新工廠的速度而言,我們有那些年。當然,接下來的事情也是如此,試圖形成生態系統,最後,我們希望穩步推進這些計劃。

  • And the second question will be addressed by Fujimura-san.


  • Eiji Fujimura - Executive Officer, CFO & Chief Officer for Corporate Management Operations

    Eiji Fujimura - Executive Officer, CFO & Chief Officer for Corporate Management Operations

  • So our first half operating profits and our previous focus about it. And the JPY 1 trillion for the full year, and we don't disclose the first half, a portion of that. But I just share with you the image of the results and forecast and the JPY 700 billion that was the results.

    所以我們上半年的營業利潤和之前的關注點是一樣的。全年為 1 兆日元,我們沒有透露上半年的一部分。但我只是跟大家分享一下結果和預測的形像以及7000億日元的結果。

  • And as compared to the budget level, in terms of the absolute value level, we have about plus JPY 10 billion level has ended. And then breakdown inside is we have a yen depreciation, now we have JPY 140 instead of 125, and we have JPY 125 billion, in fact, by that. And warranty, we have about JPY 115 billion plus. And excluding everything else, it is almost offsetting everything around here.

    與預算水準相比,就絕對值水準而言,大約超過100億日圓的水準已經結束。然後內部細分是日元貶值,現在我們有 140 日元而不是 125 日元,事實上,我們有 1250 億日元。還有保修,我們大約有1150億日元以上。而排除其他一切,它幾乎抵消了這裡周圍的一切。

  • And practically speaking, in the North America, the next number, volume, the suppliers -- some suppliers couldn't catch up with the incremental production of the volume. That is a loss of 20,000, and also slowing down economy in China and Vietnam. We have a negative situation of the unit sales of the motorcycles, for instance. We have those decline of the unit volumes, and therefore -- motorcycles, as I said earlier, we have Japan, Europe, U.S., Brazil, we have the recovery to cover that. And we have about 40 million sales -- 40,000 sales and we have a JPY 50 billion negative.

    實際上,在北美,下一個數量、數量、供應商——一些供應商無法趕上該數量的增量生產。這意味著 20,000 人的損失,而且中國和越南的經濟也放緩了。例如,我們的摩托車銷量處於負成長狀態。我們的銷量有所下降,因此,摩托車,正如我之前所說,我們有日本、歐洲、美國、巴西,我們有復甦來彌補這一點。我們的銷量約為 4000 萬輛,即 40,000 輛,但我們有 500 億日元的虧損。

  • And we had a cost reduction and the price optimization, and raw material prices now getting more stable today. And other expenses are also squeezed too. And all in all, we are absorbing those JPY 50 billion, and that offsets, and plus JPY 10 billion the net -- with the depreciation of yen and so on. That is how that is kind of structured for the first half.

    我們降低了成本並優化了價格,原材料價格現在變得更加穩定。其他開支也受到擠壓。總而言之,我們正在吸收這 500 億日元,這可以抵消,再加上 100 億日元的淨額——日元貶值等等。這就是上半場的結構。

  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Thank you for the questions, [Mr. Misatori]. I'd like to ask [Mr. Kawasaki] from [Jiji Tsushen].


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • This is [Kawasaki]. I have 2 questions. First one is looking at the different OEMs, many have shown record high. So looking at your sales volume and then operating profit, net profit, if you have any record high, that's what I'd like to know. That's something, that's my first question.

    這是【川崎】。我有 2 個問題。第一個是觀察不同的原始設備製造商,許多原始設備製造商都創下了歷史新高。所以看看你們的銷量,然後是營業利潤、淨利潤,是否有任何歷史新高,這就是我想知道的。這是我的第一個問題。

  • And the other question is in the States, you have the GM Cruise, the autonomous vehicle. I believe in the States, you have some -- well, stopped, suspension of operation. Does that have any impact to your plans to start automated vehicle driving in Japan?

    另一個問題是在美國,有通用汽車 Cruise,自動駕駛汽車。我相信在美國,有一些——嗯,停止了,暫停了營運。這對您在日本啟動自動駕駛汽車的計劃有什麼影響嗎?

  • Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

    Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

  • Okay. For the first question, Mr. Fujimura will answer that one a little bit later. To answer your second question about the States, the Cruise suspension of that. The GM Cruise activity, their activity itself is nothing I can comment on. However, for us to do in Japan, for -- as we announced with the GM Cruise, General Motors and Honda, we're forming a joint venture and then starting commercial operation of taxi from beginning of 2026. But there has been no change to that plan at all so far.

    好的。第一個問題,藤村先生稍後會回答。回答你關於美國的第二個問題,即郵輪暫停。 GM Cruise活動,他們的活動本身我無法評論。然而,對於我們在日本要做的事情來說,正如我們與通用汽車、通用汽車和本田宣布的那樣,我們將組建一家合資企業,然後從 2026 年初開始出租車的商業運營。但沒有任何變化到目前為止,該計劃完全沒有實現。

  • However, having said that, in the States, the situation in the States would need to be monitored closely, and then we need to discuss them closely with Cruise and General Motors as well. But so far, our plan has not changed, well, including all the relation with the relevant authorities as well. That's what we would like to do.


  • Eiji Fujimura - Executive Officer, CFO & Chief Officer for Corporate Management Operations

    Eiji Fujimura - Executive Officer, CFO & Chief Officer for Corporate Management Operations

  • Okay. So you asked about the record high. So to give you the numbers from our answers from first half, operating profit, pretax profit and net profit, we've -- on all of those, we have shown the highest. And then of the JPY 20 trillion and then JPY 1,200 billion in profit, that's a record high, the same as pretax profit as well. That's for the full year forecast.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Thank you, [Mr. Kawasaki]. From the Reuters, please, Mr. Daniel Leussink.

    謝謝你,[先生。川崎]。請來自路透社的 Daniel Leussink 先生。

  • Daniel Leussink

    Daniel Leussink

  • Earlier -- it's kind of related to earlier question, the U.S. Cruise automated driving. Actually, they had to stop the services by the Cruise for some time. Do you think you that really owe the Cruise? And if you need them really, you probably -- you may have an idea for further investment in Cruise, like Cruise, in the difficulty of business management, maybe you can support financially to invest in Cruise, if needed? Do you have such idea in case?

    早些時候——這與之前的問題有關,即美國巡航自動駕駛。事實上,他們不得不停止遊輪服務一段時間。你認為你真的欠郵輪嗎?如果你真的需要他們,你可能——你可能有一個想法,要進一步投資 Cruise,就像 Cruise 一樣,在企業管理困難的情況下,也許你可以在經濟上支持投資 Cruise,如果需要的話?萬一你有這樣的想法呢?

  • Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

    Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

  • So for this question, whether or not we have that idea, as of now, we do not have such a practical specific idea. But of course, if there are changes of the business environment and conditions change and so on, if anything happens to Cruise, who we have a collaboration with, of course, there is room for consideration. We will listen to them. We will make appropriate decision as needed.


  • And as of now, we have -- for your question, of course, about whether or not we have that idea today, I should say no, we don't have any specific idea for the investment as of today.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Thank you very much for your question. The next question comes from Nikkei Business. [Mr. Iyama], please.

    非常感謝您的提問。下一個問題來自《日經商業》。 [先生。井山],請。

  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • This is related to your earlier question about the low price BEV, together with GM. Why did you reach this decision? If you could tell us the background how you reached this decision, that will be helpful.


  • And another thing is about capital expenditures. I believe you've increased it a little bit. So if you can tell us a little bit more about it.


  • Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

    Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

  • Okay, thank you. Why we decided to suspend development -- joint development with GM. Well, since we entered into agreement, we have done a lot of different studies. And as a result of that, both parties reached a decision that it will be better for both parties, win-win for both parties, if we don't do this together. That was the same for conclusion that we reached.


  • So if you asked why, we discussed and discussed. And we decided that looking at the current market and then looking at the potential or our approach to the reasonably priced BEV, we had differences about our -- in our thoughts.


  • Okay. About the additional capital expenditures. Compared to the previous forecast, we've increased, I guess that's what you're asking about. But this is because we've done some currency conversion. So compared to the last time, we raised it by plus JPY 40 billion, plus. So of course, we used to assume JPY 125 to $1, but now we changed it to JPY 140. So for investment outside of Japan, we converted back into yen. So this -- that's why the substance has not changed. So please, when you look at the chart showing the depreciation and R&D cost and capital expenditure, please look at it that way. Thank you.

    好的。關於額外的資本支出。與先前的預測相比,我們有所增加,我想這就是您所問的問題。但這是因為我們做了一些貨幣換算。因此,與上次相比,我們籌集了 400 億日元以上。當然,我們過去假設 125 日圓兌換 1 美元,但現在我們將其更改為 140 日圓。因此,對於日本以外的投資,我們將其轉換回日圓。所以這就是為什麼實質內容沒有改變。因此,當您查看顯示折舊、研發成本和資本支出的圖表時,請這樣看。謝謝。

  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Next question, Nikkei Asia, [Take-san], please.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • [Take] from Nikkei Asia. And I have a question about the motorcycle businesses. One is the sales focus in Asia. You said it is down-revised because of China and Vietnam. And could you elaborate on that, please? What is the -- what is happening in those countries that made you decide to revise your forecast? And according to your document, you have our main 5 markets information at present. If you have any notable situations about the countries too, please share with us, market trend today.

    [摘自] 日經亞洲。我有一個關於摩托車業務的問題。一是銷售重點在亞洲。你說因為中國和越南而下調了。能詳細說明一下嗎?這些國家正在發生什麼事情讓您決定修改您的預測?根據您的文件,您目前掌握了我們主要的5個市場資訊。如果您也有關於這些國家的任何值得注意的情況,請與我們分享今天的市場趨勢。

  • And second question is electrification and there was some exhibit on the MOBILITY show. And in the automobile areas, infrastructure is not really catching up with the electrification needs. And in the motorcycle businesses, in the emerging markets, what is the situation of the electrification there? And to deploy the electric motorcycle, what is your plan?

    第二個問題是電氣化,MOBILITY 展會上有一些展覽。而在汽車領域,基礎設施並沒有真正跟上電氣化的需求。而在摩托車產業,在新興市場,那裡的電動化情況如何?對於部署電動摩托車,您有什麼計劃?

  • Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

    Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

  • So for the question one, in Vietnam, this year, as around the spring time, the macro economy around export businesses soured. Because of that, the market on the whole in Vietnam is shrinking quite sharply. And actually, the situation has hit the bottom already. And maybe in the fourth quarter this fiscal year, we would expect some rebound, recovery. And the market in Vietnam is sort of anticipated in the south of Vietnam where the export business is the main business they rely on. And because of that businesses of export dropped, we have the situation.


  • On China, the ICE vehicles -- ICE motorcycles, excuse me. it is declining more than our expectations and incentives against competitors that is in place, but we couldn't achieve enough our share in the market. Because of that, we down-revised it. But motorcycle businesses, we have the decline of the business in China, Vietnam. However, we have already factored in those decline to have this 11.8 million unit sales of our focus.

    在中國,ICE車輛-ICE摩托車,請問。它的下降幅度超出了我們的預期和針對競爭對手的激勵措施,但我們無法在市場上獲得足夠的份額。因此,我們對其進行了向下修改。但是摩托車業務,我們在中國、越南的業務卻有所下降。然而,我們已經將這些下降因素考慮在內,從而將 1,180 萬輛的銷量作為我們的重點。

  • And then other notable events, trend. Maybe someone else talked about that before, but we have advanced level of countries, Japan, U.S., Europe and Brazil. Together, we are getting more profits there. And motorcycle business is kind of mainly coming from the Asian countries. But now those plus developed countries are getting us good businesses, and that is kind of the particular trend we are aware of.


  • And for the electrification of the motorcycles, already in China, there is a clear the emerging market of electrified motorcycles in China that's in place. But in the next months to 3 years, India will be more kind of notable motorcycle electrification market. And for the fiscal year 2027 or '28, we are going to try to hit 1 million of those records. And 2030, 3.5 million or above. That is the number of the units we are aiming at to.

    對於摩托車的電氣化,中國已經存在一個明顯的電動摩托車新興市場。但在未來幾個月到三年內,印度將成為更引人注目的摩托車電氣化市場。在 2027 或 28 財年,我們將嘗試打破其中 100 萬筆記錄。到2030年,將達到350萬或以上。這就是我們的目標單位數。

  • And earlier this fiscal year, we now have this new organization focusing on the electrification of power products, motorcycles, so on. And we have dedicated resources there for electrification to deploy those ideas. And then next year, in 2024, we already announced it though, EM1 e:, Mobile Power Pack e:-based mobility type vehicle to be deployed in Indonesia. And Mobile Power Pack e:-based other vehicles will be launched, and we will announce later on about the specific news about that later.

    本財年早些時候,我們成立了一個新的組織,專注於電力產品、摩托車等的電氣化。我們在那裡擁有專門的電氣化資源來部署這些想法。明年,也就是 2024 年,我們已經宣布,基於 EM1 e: 的行動電源組 e: 行動車輛將在印尼部署。而基於Mobile Power Pack e:的其他車型也會推出,具體消息我們稍後會公佈。

  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Thank you very much, [Ms. Take]. Sorry, but due to time limitation, we'd like to make the last -- this next question the last. [Mr. Ikeda] from Sankei Newspaper.

    非常感謝你,[女士]拿]。抱歉,由於時間限制,我們想把最後一個問題──下一個問題當作最後一個問題。 [先生。池田]來自產經新聞。

  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • This is [Ikeda] from Sankei Newspaper. I have 2 questions. The first one is about the automobile business. The operating profit ratio, how to read this, how to interpret this. It's 4.7% right now. So that's a big improvement. But is this just simply contributed by the sales volume growth? Or is it because of the vehicle mix that you are selling so that your most profitable models sold best or something like that?

    我是產經新聞的[池田]。我有 2 個問題。第一個是關於汽車業務。營業利益率,如何解讀,如何解釋。現在是4.7%。所以這是一個很大的進步。但這只是銷量成長的貢獻嗎?還是因為您銷售的車輛組合使得您最賺錢的車款銷售最好或類似的原因?

  • And then also for the second half later, the operating profit ratio, if you look at it from the industry standard, I don't think it's sufficient. But for your design and development and car manufacturing and then new models that should be launching into the future, what are your vision -- what is your vision for the profitability of automobiles? That's my first question.


  • The second question is, as mentioned already, for the Chinese business, do you have any structural reform? Of course, I guess you would need to do something about your ICE business. But what kind of time line are you thinking of for changing your business? Is that something you're going to start within this fiscal year? Is it that kind of short term? Or is it going to be something for later that you will be spending more time to do something, and then you need to reduce your fixed cost? So maybe some of the fixed equipment might have to be disposed of or you might have to do some adjustments to human resources. Would that have an impact on your business performance? If you could tell me about those ideas to the extent you can, that would be helpful.

    第二個問題是,剛才已經提到了,對於中國企業來說,你們有什麼結構性的改革嗎?當然,我想你需要對你的 ICE 業務做點什麼。但您認為改變業務的時間表是怎樣的?您將在本財年開始進行這項工作嗎?是這樣的短期嗎?還是以後你會花更多的時間做某件事,然後你需要減少固定成本?所以也許一些固定設備可能需要處理掉,或者你可能需要對人力資源做一些調整。這會對您的業務績效產生影響嗎?如果您能盡可能地告訴我這些想法,那將會很有幫助。

  • Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

    Shinji Aoyama - Executive VP, Representative Executive Officer, COO, Director & Risk Management Officer

  • Okay. Thank you very much for your questions. This 4.7% of the operating ratio, it's not that I'm satisfied. But we had some temporary warranty costs. So if we exclude that, I think we are above 5%, I believe.

    好的。非常感謝您的提問。這4.7%的開工率,我並不滿意。但我們有一些臨時保固費用。因此,如果我們排除這一點,我認為我們的比例高於 5%。

  • And then for 2027, we wanted to bring it to over 7%. And then so we wanted to have it higher than 5% already this fiscal year. So in that sense, I think we are getting to the level -- that we're getting close to the level we're trying to get. Of course, the volumes -- sales service volume contributed, but we have been doing something particularly for the North American market that we wanted to have a lean manufacturing management.

    然後到 2027 年,我們希望將其提高到 7% 以上。因此,我們希望本財年的成長率高於 5%。所以從這個意義上說,我認為我們正在達到這樣的水平——我們正在接近我們想要達到的水平。當然,銷售量——銷售服務量做出了貢獻,但我們一直在做一些特別針對北美市場的事情,我們希望擁有精實的製造管理。

  • So starting from model year '21 Civic, and then Accord and CRV, those midsized vehicles cost structure, that has improved. And then also, we have been able to do a good pricing in line with the product value. So the combination of those 2 led us to this current profit ratio.


  • And then going forward actually, it's -- if you ask us if we had a very profitable vehicle models, the product mix don't change really. We have a C segment, this CRV and Civic, and then we have D sedan, Accord. That's our best-selling volume cars. So that hasn't changed. However, in each of the models, we have been able to raise our marginal profit ratio. That's the situation. But as you've said, if you look at the -- across the industry, I'm aware that it's nothing really to be proud of.


  • Okay. Next, about the China business structure reform. We would like to start something at an early stage. We are keenly aware of that. However, having said that, we have a joint venture partner. So we need to discuss and then thoroughly, persistently discuss with the joint venture partners to come up with some plans for structural reform.


  • I don't have anything I can tell you specifically. Anything you want to add?


  • Eiji Fujimura - Executive Officer, CFO & Chief Officer for Corporate Management Operations

    Eiji Fujimura - Executive Officer, CFO & Chief Officer for Corporate Management Operations

  • No, I don't have anything to add here.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Okay. Thank you very much, [Mr. Ikeda].


  • Okay. So with this, we'd like to complete our financial results briefing session. About the financial results material, those are listed on the website. Thank you very much for your attention today.


  • [Statements in English on this transcript were spoken by an interpreter present on the live call.]
