Helen of Troy Ltd (HELE) 2024 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Greetings.


  • Welcome to the Helen of Troy third-quarter fiscal 2024 earnings conference call.

    歡迎參加 Helen of Troy 2024 財年第三季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this conference is being recorded.


  • I'll now turn the conference over to Jack Jancin, Senior Vice President of Corporate Business Development.

    我現在將會議交給企業業務開發資深副總裁傑克‧詹辛 (Jack Jancin)。

  • Mr. Jancin, you may now begin your presentation.

    Jancin 先生,您現在可以開始您的演講了。

  • Jack Jancin - SVP, Corporate Business Development

    Jack Jancin - SVP, Corporate Business Development

  • Thank you, operator.


  • Good morning, everyone, and welcome to Helen of Troy's third-quarter Fiscal-2024 earnings conference call.

    大家早安,歡迎參加 Helen of Troy 的 2024 財年第三季財報電話會議。

  • The agenda for the call this morning is as follows.


  • I'll begin with a brief discussion of forward-looking statements.


  • Mr. Julien Mininberg, the company's CEO; and Ms. Noel Geoffroy, the company's COO, will comment on financial performance for the quarter and current trends.

    公司執行長 Julien Mininberg 先生;該公司營運長 Noel Geoffroy 女士將評論本季的財務表現和當前趨勢。

  • Then Mr. Brian Grass, the company's CFO, will review the financials in more detail and our financial outlook for the remainder of the fiscal 2024.

    然後,公司財務長 Brian Grass 先生將更詳細地審查財務狀況以及我們對 2024 財年剩餘時間的財務前景。

  • Following this, we will take questions you have for us today.


  • This conference call may contain certain forward-looking statements that are based on management's current expectation with respect to future events or financial performance.


  • Generally, the words anticipates, believes, expects, and other words similar are words identifying forward-looking statements.


  • Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause anticipated results to differ materially from the actual results.


  • This conference call may also include information that may be considered non-GAAP financial information.


  • These non-GAAP measures are not an alternative to GAAP financial information and may be calculated differently than the non-GAAP financial information disclosed by other parties.

    這些非 GAAP 指標不能取代 GAAP 財務信息,且計算方式可能與其他方揭露的非 GAAP 財務資訊不同。

  • The company cautions listeners not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or non-GAAP information.


  • Before I turn the call over to Mr. Mininberg, I would like to inform all interested parties that a copy of today's earnings release has been posted to the investor relations section of the company's website at ww.helenoftroy.com. The earnings release contains tables that reconcile non-GAAP financial measures to their corresponding GAAP-based measures.

    在我將電話轉給 Mininberg 先生之前,我想通知所有有興趣的各方,今天的收益報告副本已發佈到公司網站 www.helenoftroy.com 的投資者關係部分。收益發布包含將非公認會計準則財務指標與其相應的基於公認會計準則的指標進行協調的表格。

  • The release can be obtained by selecting the investor relations tab on the company's homepage and then the press releases tab.


  • I will now turn the call over to Mr. Mininberg.


  • Julien Mininberg - President & CEO

    Julien Mininberg - President & CEO

  • Thank you, Jack.


  • Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us.


  • This morning, we reported results that came in slightly above our expectations.


  • I'm pleased with the recent consistency of our results and believe we are on track to achieve our full-year financial objectives.


  • For the past several quarters, our organization has made significant progress across the initiatives we announced at the beginning of fiscal '24 as well as the comprehensive work streams we have been executing under Pegasus.

    在過去的幾個季度中,我們的組織在 24 財年年初宣布的舉措以及我們在 Pegasus 下執行的全面工作流程方面取得了重大進展。

  • This outstanding work has helped enable our results in fiscal '24 and help set us up for future growth.

    這項出色的工作幫助我們實現了 24 財年的業績,並幫助我們為未來的成長奠定了基礎。

  • Today marks my last earnings call with you as CEO of Helen of Troy.

    今天是我作為 Helen of Troy 執行長最後一次與您召開財報電話會議。

  • As previously announced, after 10 years in my current role, 20 years in C-level roles, and 34 years in the global consumer products industry, I will be retiring on March 1, and Noel Geoffroy will become only the third CEO since the company's founding in 1968.

    正如之前宣布的,在我擔任現任職務10 年、擔任C 級職位20 年以及在全球消費品行業工作34 年之後,我將於3 月1 日退休,Noel Geoffroy 將成為公司自成立以來的第三位執行長。成立於1968年。

  • Noel is an outstanding leader.


  • In addition to her work as COO, she has been working very closely with our global leadership team and the rest of our organization to develop and implement the Elevate for Growth strategy detailed in our Investor Day last October.

    除了擔任營運長之外,她還與我們的全球領導團隊和組織其他部門密切合作,制定和實施去年 10 月投資者日詳細介紹的提升成長策略。

  • As I look back on the past decade, leading the company's transformation has been an honor.


  • I'm very proud of what we have achieved.


  • When I became CEO in 2014, we challenged ourselves to increase sales of Helen of Troy by 50%, and we asked ourselves what it would take to double adjusted earnings per share.

    當我在 2014 年成為執行長時,我們向自己提出了挑戰,要將 Helen of Troy 的銷售額增加 50%,我們問自己需要什麼才能使調整後的每股收益翻倍。

  • We far exceeded those goals, not only on the business results, but also by significantly strengthening our brand portfolio through strategic acquisition and divestiture and further building our existing brands into consumer-preferred solutions that are trusted, purchased, used, and adored.


  • We also established a set of highly capable global shared services that drive efficiency and effectiveness.


  • Our relentless focus over the past decade has been on executing the transformation with excellence, creating and delivering countless innovations, designed each to delight consumers, and continuously improving our capabilities as a unified global operating company.


  • I am most proud of the powerful culture we created.


  • It helps make the company an employer of choice.


  • From all corners of Helen of Troy, our global associates work every single day to do together what none can do alone.


  • We take enormous pleasure in serving millions of consumers and retailers around the world.


  • I would like to thank our people for their enduring passion, engagement, and ownership mindset.


  • I am inspired by their never-ending devotion to drive the company, its brands, and its timeless values.


  • They are the secret sauce of Helen of Troy.


  • Before I turn the call over to Noel, I would like to leave you with one more thought.


  • I remain confident that the best is still to come.


  • Noel is the right next CEO, the Elevate for Growth strategy has just the right balance of newness and continuity, and the organization is fully committed to delivering its stretching yet achievable goals.


  • To close, I would like to thank you, our investors and analysts.


  • I have enjoyed getting to know so many of you throughout my tenure.


  • I learned from you, and I worked hard to use your input to make myself and our company significantly stronger and better.


  • With that, on to Noel.


  • Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

    Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

  • Thank you, Julien, and congratulations on your distinguished career.


  • Your leadership over the last 10 years has transformed Helen of Troy from a holding company into a focused operating company and a leader in consumer devices and consumables with an outstanding brand portfolio and a highly capable global organization.

    在您過去 10 年的領導下,Helen of Troy 從一家控股公司轉變為專注於營運的公司以及消費設備和消費品領域的領導者,擁有出色的品牌組合和強大的全球組織。

  • Building on its 50-plus year heritage, you repositioned Helen of Troy to create significant value and set a foundation for a bright future.

    在其 50 多年的傳統基礎上,您重新定位了特洛伊的海倫,以創造重大價值並為光明的未來奠定基礎。

  • Above all, you led with genuine care and appreciation for all stakeholders, creating a powerful culture and an enduring legacy.


  • The entire organization will miss you, and we wish you all the very best in your retirement.


  • Now let's turn to our third-quarter business results and outlook for the remainder of the year.


  • As Julien highlighted, our third-quarter consolidated net sales and adjusted EPS were slightly better than the outlook we provided in October.

    正如 Julien 所強調的那樣,我們第三季的合併淨銷售額和調整後每股收益略好於我們 10 月提供的前景。

  • We are pleased to be in a position to end the fiscal year within the ranges of our original full-year outlook for net sales, adjusted EPS, and free cash flow.


  • For perspective, the midpoint of our current outlook for net sales and adjusted EPS is essentially the same as what we provided at the beginning of the fiscal year, and we have maintained our outlook for free cash flow.


  • We also expect continued expansion of our gross margin and further improvement to our debt position.


  • Brian will elaborate further during his remarks.


  • In addition, our Pegasus initiatives remain on track and are enabling improved efficiency and effectiveness in fiscal '24.

    此外,我們的 Pegasus 計畫仍在正軌上,並在 24 財年實現了效率和效益的提高。

  • Third-quarter net sales declined 1.6%, an improvement versus the decline of [2% to 4%] in the outlook we provided in October.

    第三季淨銷售額下降 1.6%,與我們 10 月預測的下降 [2% 至 4%] 相比有所改善。

  • Adjusted diluted EPS was $2.79 or 1.3% increase over the same period last year and also slightly ahead of our expectations.

    調整後攤薄每股收益為 2.79 美元,比去年同期成長 1.3%,也略高於我們的預期。

  • During the quarter, we further expanded our gross margin by over 200 basis points, controlled expenses while still investing in our strategic initiatives, and built on the strong cash flow generation we have been delivering over the past five quarters with a further $66 million of free cash flow.

    本季度,我們的毛利率進一步擴大了200 多個基點,在控制開支的同時仍然投資於我們的戰略計劃,並以我們在過去五個季度交付的強勁現金流為基礎,另外還提供了6600 萬美元的免費資金。現金週轉。

  • This is a solid outcome in what continues to be a challenging macro consumer environment and is a testament to the initiatives we have chosen, the talent and dedication of our global associates, and the strength of our brand.


  • Macro trends have remained broadly consistent since we spoke to you in October.


  • Persistent inflation and reduced household savings continue to require consumers to make tough choices on all types of spending.


  • While overall consumer confidence has recently improved and the pace of inflation has slowed somewhat, consumers remain prudent with their money and continue to prioritize spending on travel and other entertainment experiences.


  • We saw this trend play out with holiday performance for our brand portfolio.


  • Osprey and OXO performed well overall, Hydro Flask performed well online, and our hair tools performed below expectations.

    Osprey 和 OXO 整體表現良好,Hydro Flask 在線上表現良好,我們的美髮工具表現低於預期。

  • As this consumer environment has evolved, so have we.


  • We spoke earlier this year about the ways we are expanding our product assortment to incremental channels and price points to improve our availability and relevance in this environment.


  • I'm pleased with the progress with these efforts as we see benefits from expanded distribution, new product offerings, and organizational changes.


  • As we prepare for fiscal '25, our entire organization is working to advance the ambitious set of initiatives and goals that we announced as part of our Elevate for Growth strategic plan at our October Investor Day.

    在我們為 25 財年做準備時,我們整個組織正在努力推進一系列雄心勃勃的舉措和目標,這些舉措和目標是我們在 10 月投資者日宣布的作為「提升增長」戰略計劃的一部分。

  • Turning now to our segments.


  • Home and outdoor net sales grew 3.1% over the prior year period, driven by strong club channel sales, new product introductions, and expanded distribution and sell-through.

    受強勁的俱樂部通路銷售、新產品推出以及擴大的分銷和銷售的推動,家庭和戶外淨銷售額比上年同期增長 3.1%。

  • Starting with OXO.

    從 OXO 開始。

  • The brand was a standout in the quarter.


  • Excluding the impact of the Bed Bath & Beyond bankruptcy, overall point of sales is strongly positive during the three-month period and OXO grew market share in the core kitchen utensils segment.

    排除 Bed Bath & Beyond 破產的影響,三個月期間整體銷售點強勁,OXO 在核心廚房用具領域的市場份額有所增長。

  • Brick-and-mortar growth was primarily driven by our club programs as well as expanded distribution of OXO with several of our major retail partners in the bath, kitchen organization, and gadget categories.

    實體店的成長主要是由我們的俱樂部計劃以及我們與浴室、廚房組織和小工具類別的幾個主要零售合作夥伴擴大 OXO 分銷所推動的。

  • Our product offerings also performed very well online, growing double digits over the same period last year, driven by success in the electrics and infant and toddler categories.


  • OXO also benefited from strong sales across brick and mortar and online as consumers turn their attention to holiday entertaining.

    隨著消費者將注意力轉向假日娛樂,OXO 也受益於實體店和網路上的強勁銷售。

  • Turning to Hydro Flask.


  • As anticipated, consumer demand in the insulated beverageware category continued to shift from bottles to tumblers.


  • We benefited from a full quarter of our new travel tumbler, including the launch of some new on-trend colors.


  • As mentioned previously, we progressively rolled out our tumbler line to retailers in September and October and continue to be pleased with both our consumer and retailer reception.

    如前所述,我們在 9 月和 10 月逐步向零售商推出了隨行杯系列,並繼續對消費者和零售商的接待感到滿意。

  • Online sales for Hydro Flask were up driven by demand for our travel tumblers as well as some accelerated holiday

    Hydro Flask 的線上銷售因旅行杯的需求以及一些加速假期的推動而成長

  • [login].


  • We also saw increased demand for personalization through our MyHydro website.

    我們也看到 MyHydro 網站對個人化的需求不斷增加。

  • Moving now to Osprey.


  • The brand continues to benefit from new innovations that meet consumers' desires to get out and travel.


  • Strong demand and a better inventory position compared to the prior year periods drove sales of Osprey travel packs, travel wheeled packs, and lifestyle packs.

    與去年同期相比,強勁的需求和更好的庫存狀況推動了 Osprey 旅行包、旅行輪包和生活方式包的銷售。

  • New innovations such as Osprey Sojourn travel series redesign for fall 2023 provide luggage and travel packs for adventure-seeking travelers.

    2023 年秋季重新設計的 Osprey Sojourn 旅行系列等創新產品為尋求冒險的旅客提供行李箱和旅行包。

  • The all-new Aoede collection of lifestyle packs have also been doing well, offering Osprey's take on best-in-class comfort and urban sophistication.

    全新 Aoede 系列生活風格包也表現出色,提供了 Osprey 一流的舒適度和都市精緻感。

  • Internationally, the brand continued to perform very well with growth in key regions of Great Britain, Germany, and France, driven by strong travel demand, brand strength, and a robust product lineup.


  • Stepping back, Osprey's growth continues to exceed our expectations and acquisition assumptions.

    退一步來說,Osprey 的成長繼續超出我們的預期和收購假設。

  • Switching gears now to our beauty and wellness segment, net sales declined 4.9%, primarily driven by lower sales of hair appliances as well as a softer start to the cough, cold, and flu season versus prior year, which impact sales of our humidification and thermometry products.

    現在轉向我們的美容和健康領域,淨銷售額下降了 4.9%,主要是由於美髮器具的銷量下降以及咳嗽、感冒和流感季節的開局較去年較緩,這影響了我們的加濕器和測溫產品。

  • While we have seen an increase in incidents since mid-November, cumulative incidence for the illness season was below year ago for the third quarter and in December.

    雖然自 11 月中旬以來事件有所增加,但第三季和 12 月疾病季節的累積發病率低於去年同期。

  • Despite recent news reports citing increased cough, cold, flu, and COVID incidents, our outlook now assumes the season will be below historical averages.


  • Ultimately, the impact on our results will depend on the severity and timing of the illness season and the resulting retailer inventory replenishment.


  • Looking at our beauty portfolio specifically, while our hair appliances declined versus year ago, we gained market share on our key brands in mass retailers with our expanded assortment.


  • In addition, Drybar and Curlsmith [prestige] liquids continued to grow behind strong innovation pipeline.

    此外,Drybar 和 Curlsmith [prestige] 液體在強大的創新管道的支持下繼續增長。

  • Drybar's Big Brew hair thickening cream saw strong performance by delivering on the highly desired consumer benefit of thicker-looking hair.

    Drybar 的 Big Brew 頭髮增稠霜表現出色,能夠提供消費者高度期望的濃密頭髮效果。

  • Curlsmith anti-frizz collections quickly became one of our best sellers and a consumer favorite by addressing the number one unmet need among textured hair consumers.

    Curlsmith 防毛躁系列解決了質感頭髮消費者中第一大未滿足的需求,迅速成為我們最暢銷的產品之一和消費者的最愛。

  • In our wellness portfolio, Braun grew double digit driven by strong demand in our key international markets.


  • This growth also translated to higher market share, helped by our improved supply position to better meet the growing demand.


  • Towards the end of the third quarter, we leaned into online marketing and e-commerce support for our Vicks brand and saw a double-digit pickup in demand.

    到第三季末,我們開始為 Vicks 品牌提供線上行銷和電子商務支持,並看到需求出現了兩位數的成長。

  • As the branded market leader in the US, Vicks humidifiers, vapor steam, and vapor pads are well positioned to serve retailers and consumers if the illness incidents accelerates.


  • In water filtration, PUR increased market share for both faucet mounts and pitcher system behind increased demand in e-commerce and key brick-and-mortar customers.

    在水過濾領域,隨著電子商務和主要實體客戶需求的增加,PUR 增加了水龍頭支架和水壺系統的市場份額。

  • Looking at our international business, sales were better than we expected, largely due to outperformance in EMEA from Braun and Osprey.


  • As mentioned, Braun benefited from increased supply and Osprey enjoyed strong demand from continued growth in travel.


  • Before I turn the call over to Brian, I want to share that our organization is energized and motivated to finish this fiscal year strong as we advance into the Elevate for Growth Era.


  • As detailed in our recent Investor Day, the multi-year Elevate for Growth strategic plan built on successful themes while also introducing several new strategies that I am optimistic will help us elevate to the next level.


  • One of the strategies is to be consumer obsessed in all that we do.


  • As I shared in October, we are in the process of sharpening our brand equities to ensure our target consumer and brand positioning definitions are clear, distinctive, and inspiring.

    正如我在 10 月分享的那樣,我們正在強化我們的品牌資產,以確保我們的目標消費者和品牌定位定義清晰、獨特且鼓舞人心。

  • This is the foundation that we believe will lead to elevated brand activation and pipelines.


  • I'm pleased with the progress and engagement I'm seeing across our organization in this critical work.


  • We believe this combined with the fuel generated by Pegasus will allow us to deploy even more investment dollars into our brands, supported by more focused data-driven investment choices.

    我們相信,這與 Pegasus 產生的燃料相結合,將使我們能夠在更集中的數據驅動投資選擇的支持下,為我們的品牌部署更多的投資資金。

  • We also intend to continue to expand our distribution, making our brands more available and more visible where our shoppers are shopping.


  • We will also continue to lean into next-level centralization of shared services so that we leverage our functional expertise in all that we do.


  • I believe the best is yet to come for Helen of Troy and the Elevate for Growth era.


  • With that, I would like to hand the call over to Brian.


  • Brian Grass - CFO

    Brian Grass - CFO

  • Thank you, Noel.


  • Happy new year, everyone.


  • I'm pleased to report third quarter results that exceeded our expectations.


  • We achieved better than expected net sales, further strengthened gross margin, grew adjusted EPS, and generated strong cash from operations.


  • That puts us ahead of schedule at this point in the year.


  • Our adjusted EBITDA margin was largely flat, despite higher marketing and annual incentive compensation expense and lower operating leverage compared to the same period last year.

    儘管與去年同期相比,行銷和年度激勵補償費用較高,營運槓桿較低,但我們調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率基本上持平。

  • Our adjusted EPS of $2.79 exceeded expectations, even as we overcame a charge of approximately $0.05 related to the Rite Aid bankruptcy during the quarter.

    儘管我們克服了本季與 Rite Aid 破產相關的約 0.05 美元的費用,但我們調整後的每股收益為 2.79 美元,超出了預期。

  • Our Pegasus initiatives remain on track, and we use fuel from Pegasus to make incremental growth investments during the quarter.

    我們的 Pegasus 計劃仍在按計劃進行,我們使用 Pegasus 的燃料在本季度進行增量成長投資。

  • Consolidated net sales decreased 1.6%, which is favorable to [4% to 2%] decline we provided in our outlook in October.

    綜合淨銷售額下降 1.6%,這有利於我們在 10 月的展望中預測下降 [4% 至 2%]。

  • As a reminder, our outlook continues to include the estimated year-over-year declines from SKU rationalization in the Bed Bath & Beyond bankruptcy of approximately 3.4% combined.

    提醒一下,我們的展望繼續包括 Bed Bath & Beyond 破產事件中 SKU 合理化所帶來的預期年減,合計約為 3.4%。

  • Gross profit margin improved 210 basis points to 48% compared to 45.9% in the same period last year, largely in line with our expectations for the quarter.

    毛利率較去年同期的 45.9% 提高 210 個基點至 48%,基本上符合我們對該季度的預期。

  • Year-over-year improvement was due to lower inbound freight costs, the favorable impact of SKU rationalization in beauty and wellness, and a more favorable customer mix within home and outdoor.

    同比改善的原因在於入境貨運成本降低、美容和健康領域 SKU 合理化的有利影響以及家庭和戶外領域更有利的客戶組合。

  • These factors were partially offset by a less favorable product mix within beauty and wellness and a less favorable sales mix overall.


  • GAAP operating margin for the quarter was 19.5% compared to 13.8% in the same period last year.

    本季 GAAP 營業利益率為 19.5%,去年同期為 13.8%。

  • GAAP operating margin includes a gain of $34.2 million from the sale of our El Paso facility that was completed during the quarter as compared to a gain of $9.7 million from insurance recoveries included in the same period last year.

    GAAP 營業利潤包括本季完成的埃爾帕索工廠出售帶來的 3,420 萬美元收益,而去年同期的保險賠償收益為 970 萬美元。

  • On an adjusted basis, operating margin declined 30 basis points to 16.3%.

    調整後的營業利益率下降 30 個基點至 16.3%。

  • Decrease primarily reflects higher annual incentive compensation and marketing expense, the Rite Aid bankruptcy charge, lower operating leverage, a less favorable sales mix overall, and higher distribution expense as we fine tune our new state-of-the-art distribution facility and fully integrated into our network in fiscal '25.

    減少主要反映了年度激勵薪酬和行銷費用的增加、Rite Aid 破產費用、營運槓桿的降低、整體銷售組合的不利以及分銷費用的增加,因為我們對新的最先進的分銷設施進行了微調,並完全整合在 25 財年進入我們的網絡。

  • These factors were partially offset by lower inbound and outbound freight costs, lower salary and wage costs primarily due to our Pegasus roll reductions, the favorable impact of SKU rationalization in beauty and wellness, and a more favorable customer mix within home and outdoor.

    這些因素被較低的進出境貨運成本、較低的工資和工資成本(主要是由於我們的 Pegasus 卷減少)、美容和健康 SKU 合理化的有利影響以及家庭和戶外更有利的客戶組合所部分抵消。

  • On a segment basis, home and outdoor adjusted operating margin decreased 50 basis points to 16.9%, driven by higher distribution and depreciation expense related to our new distribution facility, increased marketing expense and increased inventory reserve expense, and higher annual incentive compensation expense.

    按部門劃分,家庭和戶外調整後營業利潤率下降 50 個基點至 16.9%,原因是與我們的新分銷設施相關的分銷和折舊費用增加、營銷費用和庫存儲備費用增加以及年度激勵補償費用增加。

  • These factors were partially offset by lower inbound and outbound freight costs, lower commodity costs, lower salary and wage costs driven by Pegasus and a more favorable customer mix.

    這些因素被進出境貨運成本降低、商品成本降低、Pegasus 驅動的工資和工資成本降低以及更有利的客戶組合所部分抵消。

  • Adjusted operating margin for beauty and wellness was in line with the prior year period at 16% despite lower operating leverage.

    儘管營運槓桿較低,但美容和健康業務調整後的營運利潤率仍為 16%,與去年同期持平。

  • The segment's adjusted operating margin reflects lower inbound and outbound freight costs, reduced inventory reserve expense, the favorable impact of SKU rationalization, decreased distribution expense, and lower salary and wage costs driven by Pegasus.


  • These factors were offset by an increase in annual incentive compensation expense, higher marketing expense, the Rite Aid bankruptcy charge, and a less favorable product mix.

    這些因素被年度激勵補償費用的增加、行銷費用的增加、Rite Aid 破產費用以及不太有利的產品組合所抵消。

  • Net income was $75.9 million or $3.19 per diluted share.

    淨利潤為 7,590 萬美元,即稀釋後每股收益 3.19 美元。

  • Non-GAAP adjusted diluted EPS grew 1.5% to $2.79 per share, primarily due to a decrease in the adjusted effective tax rate, lower diluted shares outstanding, and the decrease in interest expense, partially offset by lower adjusted operating income.

    非 GAAP 調整後稀釋每股盈餘成長 1.5%,至每股 2.79 美元,主要是由於調整後有效稅率下降、稀釋後流通股數量減少以及利息費用減少,但部分被調整後營業收入下降所抵銷。

  • As previously disclosed during the third quarter, we closed on the sale of our El Paso distribution and office facility for total proceeds of $51 million.

    正如先前在第三季披露的那樣,我們完成了埃爾帕索分銷和辦公設施的出售,總收益為 5,100 萬美元。

  • During the third quarter, we recognized a pre-tax gain on the sale of approximately $34.2 million in SG&A, of which approximately $18 million was recognized in beauty and wellness and $16.2 million in home and outdoor.

    在第三季度,我們確認了約 3,420 萬美元的 SG&A 銷售稅前收益,其中約 1,800 萬美元在美容和健康領域確認,1,620 萬美元在家庭和戶外領域確認。

  • We continued to generate strong cash flow with cash from operations of $75 million in the third quarter.

    我們持續產生強勁的現金流,第三季營運現金流達 7,500 萬美元。

  • Year-to-date cash flow from operations was $233 million, which is an improvement of $183 million year over year.

    年初至今,營運現金流為 2.33 億美元,年增 1.83 億美元。

  • We ended the quarter with total debt $736 million, sequential decrease of $109 million compared to the end of the second quarter, and a $345 million decrease compared to the same period last year.

    本季末,我們的債務總額為 7.36 億美元,比第二季末季減 1.09 億美元,比去年同期減少 3.45 億美元。

  • Our net leverage ratio was 2.34 times compared to 2.68 times at the end of the second quarter and 3.1 times at the same time last year.


  • Turning to our full-year outlook for fiscal '24, we are fine tuning our range for net sales and adjusted diluted EPS.

    談到我們對 24 財年的全年展望,我們正在微調淨銷售額和調整後稀釋每股盈餘的範圍。

  • We're also raising our outlook for GAAP-diluted EPS to reflect lower expected restructuring charges and narrowing the range to align with the adjusted diluted EPS expectations.

    我們還提高了對 GAAP 稀釋每股收益的預期,以反映較低的預期重組費用,並縮小範圍以與調整後的稀釋每股收益預期保持一致。

  • We are maintaining our outlook for free cash flow, reflecting slightly lower cash from operations, offset by slightly lower capital expenditures, and maintaining our ending net leverage ratio expectations.


  • Finally, we are lowering our adjusted EBITDA outlook to reflect lower adjusted operating income and a lower depreciation [add-back] than originally expected.

    最後,我們下調了調整後的 EBITDA 前景,以反映調整後的營業收入和折舊[回加]低於最初預期。

  • The lower adjusted operating income reflects a slightly less favorable sales mix and the impact of incremental growth investments as compared to our original expectations.


  • Our outlook factors in our year-to-date performance as well as our view of continued pressure and uncertainty on consumer spending are softer than expected holiday sales season and lower illness incidents than the prior year, which was in line with pre-COVID historical averages.


  • Finally, we believe retail inventory as a whole is at healthy levels, so we continue to expect that sell-in will more closely match sell through during the remainder of fiscal '24.

    最後,我們認為零售庫存整體處於健康水平,因此我們繼續預期 24 財年剩餘時間內的銷售量將更接近銷售量。

  • We now expect consolidated net sales between $1.975 billion and $2 billion in fiscal '24, which continues to reflect the combined unfavorable year-over-year impacts of SKU rationalization and the bankruptcy of Bed Bath & Beyond of approximately 3.4%, as I referred to earlier.

    我們現在預計 24 財年的合併淨銷售額將在 19.75 億美元至 20 億美元之間,這繼續反映了 SKU 合理化和 Bed Bath & Beyond 破產帶來的不利同比影響約 3.4%,正如我所提到的早些時候。

  • This compares to our previous range of $1.965 billion to $2.015 billion.

    相較之下,我們之前的區間為 19.65 億美元至 20.15 億美元。

  • In terms of our net sales outlook by segment for the full fiscal year, we now expect a home and outdoor decline of 1.5% to 0.5% and a beauty and wellness decline of 7.5% to 5.9%.

    就整個財年各細分市場的淨銷售額展望而言,我們目前預計家居和戶外用品將下降 1.5% 至 0.5%,美容和健康用品將下降 7.5% 至 5.9%。

  • We now expect GAAP-diluted EPS of $6.67 to $7.5 for the full year compared to our previous expectation of $6.36 to $7.3. We are narrowing our outlook range for non-GAAP adjusted diluted EPS to $8.60 to $8.85 compared to our previous expectation of $8.50 to $9.

    我們現在預計全年 GAAP 攤薄後每股收益為 6.67 美元至 7.5 美元,而先前的預期為 6.36 美元至 7.3 美元。我們將非 GAAP 調整後稀釋每股收益的預期範圍縮小至 8.60 美元至 8.85 美元,而先前的預期為 8.50 美元至 9 美元。

  • Moving on to our tax outlook.


  • We now expect a GAAP effective tax rate range of 20% to 19% for the full fiscal year and are maintaining our expectations for a non-GAAP adjusted effective tax rate range of 14.5% to 13.5%.

    我們目前預計整個財年的 GAAP 有效稅率範圍為 20% 至 19%,並維持我們對非 GAAP 調整後有效稅率範圍 14.5% 至 13.5% 的預期。

  • We now expect capital asset expenditures of between $40 million and $45 million for fiscal '24 compared to our previous expectation of $45 million to $50 million.

    我們現在預計 24 財年的資本資產支出將在 4,000 萬至 4,500 萬美元之間,而我們先前的預期為 4,500 萬至 5,000 萬美元。

  • We continue to expect free cash flow to be in the range of $250 million to $270 million, reflecting slightly lower cash flow from operations and slightly lower capital expenditures as just mentioned.

    我們仍預期自由現金流將在 2.5 億至 2.7 億美元之間,這反映出營運現金流略有下降,資本支出也略有下降。

  • We now expect adjusted EBITDA of $330 million to $335 million, which implies growth of 0.8% to 2.3% compared to our previous expectation of 3.2% to 6.3% growth.

    我們目前預計調整後 EBITDA 為 3.3 億至 3.35 億美元,這意味著成長 0.8% 至 2.3%,而我們先前的預期為 3.2% 至 6.3%。

  • We are maintaining our net leverage ratio outlook of 2 times to 1.85 times by the end of fiscal '24.

    我們維持 2024 財年末淨槓桿率預期為 2 倍至 1.85 倍。

  • In closing, I'm pleased with our results year to date, which position us to end the year within the ranges of our original full-year outlook for net sales, adjusted EPS, free cash flow, and end-of-year debt leverage.


  • More specifically, the midpoint of our revised outlook for net sales and adjusted EPS is essentially the same as provided at the beginning of the fiscal year and we have fully maintained our outlook for free cash flow and ending debt leverage.


  • I'm also pleased with our sequential improvement on year-over-year sales and gross profit performance throughout the year.


  • Our teams are doing a great job of continuing to navigate a pressure consumer environment as well as the structural headwinds of higher annual incentive compensation, depreciation, and interest expense.


  • Year to date, we have improved our gross profit margin by 340 basis points, largely maintained our adjusted EBITDA margin despite structural headwinds and lower operating leverage, generated $203 million of free cash flow, improved balance sheet productivity, accelerated debt repayment, and return capital to shareholders.

    今年迄今為止,我們的毛利率提高了340 個基點,儘管存在結構性阻力和較低的營運槓桿,但基本上保持了調整後的EBITDA 利潤率,產生了2.03 億美元的自由現金流,提高了資產負債表生產力,加速了債務償還和資本返還給股東。

  • We continue to expect Pegasus to provide the fuel and operational improvements that allow us to achieve the objectives we outlined in our Investor Day, which are average annual growth rates of 3% to 4% for net sales, 30 to 40 basis points of adjusted EBITDA margin expansion, and at least 10% adjusted EPS growth.

    我們仍然期望 Pegasus 提供燃料和營運改進,使我們能夠實現我們在投資者日中概述的目標,即淨銷售額年均增長率為 3% 至 4%,調整後 EBITDA 增長 30 至 40 個基點利潤率擴張,調整後每股收益成長至少10%。

  • We look forward to providing our fiscal '25 outlook on our normal timing when we report our Q4 results in April.

    我們期待在 4 月報告第四季業績時按正常時間提供 25 財年展望。

  • And with that, I'll turn it back to the operator for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Bob Labick, CJS Securities.

    (操作員指示)Bob Labick,CJS 證券。

  • Bob Labick - Analyst

    Bob Labick - Analyst

  • I wanted to start off just by saying to Julien, congratulations once again on your retirement and the last earnings call.


  • It obviously has to be exciting.


  • And it's been such a pleasure to work together since you took over as CEO.


  • And we've learned a ton from you, and I want to congratulate you on the extreme success of Helen of Troy's transformation you led.


  • And we know the company is in good hands with Noel and Brian and everyone else.


  • So congratulations


  • (technical difficulty)


  • Julien Mininberg - President & CEO

    Julien Mininberg - President & CEO

  • Well, thank you very much, Bob.


  • Very kind of you.


  • And the company is in great hands, and I very much appreciate your comments.


  • Bob Labick - Analyst

    Bob Labick - Analyst

  • Absolutely.


  • So obviously, here in the last few months, you've already given us a ton of information with a great Analyst Day recently, already giving guidance.


  • So I was hoping for my questions, I wanted just to ask you for an update on Project Pegasus and milestones and expectations for fiscal '25.

    所以我希望大家能提出我的問題,我只是想請您了解 Pegasus 專案的最新情況以及 25 財年的里程碑和預期。

  • Maybe speaking a little about the regional marketing orientation, new sales opportunities, and win (technical difficulty) and I think next year is going to be kind of inflecting back to growth.


  • And so maybe talk about how we're set up in that regard.


  • Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

    Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

  • Yeah, sure.


  • Thanks, Bob.


  • So as we mentioned in our remarks, Project Pegasus remains on track.

    正如我們在評論中提到的,Pegasus 項目仍在按計劃進行。

  • And a couple of the areas that we touched on today, we've talked about the last couple of quarters are some of the savings opportunities that came from this year and a lot of those were due to the one work stream that was around the reorganization.


  • And as you mentioned, one of the things that I'm most excited about in those changes are not only the efficiency, but also the effectiveness that they bring.


  • And one of the biggest choices that we made as part of Pegasus in that regard was the North American regional market organization where we created kind of a single selling organization across the company where our folks calling on our various large customers see across the entire portfolio versus just one of the segments.

    作為Pegasus 的一部分,我們在這方面做出的最大選擇之一是北美區域市場組織,我們在整個公司內創建了一個單一的銷售組織,我們的人員拜訪我們的各種大客戶,可以看到整個產品組合只是其中一個部分。

  • And what that's really allowed them to do is one, build bigger joint business plans, more strategic relationships with those with those customers, but also identify some of the whitespace distribution opportunities, looking for those places where we might have distribution of certain of our products currently and others are not in distribution.


  • So we can kind of sell across the portfolio or they might identify places where the category is developed and were not developed, and we've got an opportunity to sell things in.


  • And we've already seen some success there.


  • We've gotten into the dollar channel with some of our water filtration products.


  • We've continued -- we've gotten into more mass channels with OXO that we've talked about.

    我們繼續——我們已經透過我們討論過的 OXO 進入了更多大眾管道。

  • And we'll continue to see more of that kind of growth that can be one of our key levers as we get into fiscal '25 as some of those planograms come up.

    當我們進入 25 財年時,隨著其中一些貨架圖的出現,我們將繼續看到更多這種增長,這可能成為我們的關鍵槓桿之一。

  • And so that's what the big part of sort of the efficiency that we saw in Pegasus in this year.

    這就是我們今年在 Pegasus 看到的效率的重要部分。

  • As we go into next year, that's really where the bulk or the majority, a bigger part of the savings come into play.


  • And that comes from some of the cost of goods initiatives that we saw.


  • And again, we feel very good about those initiatives that are on track.


  • And that becomes the fuel that we can use to reinvest back in the business, leveraging the new portfolio classification that we laid out, invest to grow, stronghold, and optimize.


  • So we really get a double benefit there.


  • We're able to invest the incremental fuel, but we're also doing it in a more focused way against the opportunities that we think are most appealing, best ROI, and most attractive.


  • Brian, I don't know if there's anything else you want to build up.


  • Brian Grass - CFO

    Brian Grass - CFO

  • No, I would just say that when we give our outlook for fiscal '25, we'll do our best to give you an idea of the kind of the cadence of Pegasus savings that we expect over the course of the year.

    不,我只是想說,當我們給出 25 財年的展望時,我們將盡力讓您了解我們在這一年中預期的 Pegasus 儲蓄節奏。

  • Bob Labick - Analyst

    Bob Labick - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • And then just to build on that a little bit.


  • Obviously, at the Analyst Day, you mentioned targeting investment in brands increasing from 6% to 9% and then in a targeted way you just discussed.


  • Has that started already or will that be kind of implemented as the savings come in throughout next year and beyond?


  • Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

    Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

  • It's a great question.


  • I would say as we commented, we already have started to lean in where we can.


  • There are a couple of places that we leaned in recently.


  • One was Hydro Flask travel tumbler over the holiday season where we offered personalization, complementary personalization for consumers that did quite well.

    其中之一是假期期間的 Hydro Flask 旅行杯,我們為消費者提供個人化、互補的個人化服務,效果非常好。

  • We also leaned into an opportunity we saw with Vicks on Amazon.

    我們也利用了在亞馬遜上看到的 Vicks 的機會。

  • Vicks is a very strong market-leader brand in brick and mortar, but a bit less a bit less developed online.

    Vicks 是實體店中非常強大的市場領導品牌,但在線上的發展稍差一些。

  • And so we really leaned in with some online marketing, online support, and saw double-digit increases in our performance there without seeing a dip in brick-and-mortar performance.


  • So those are some of the areas that as we identify them.


  • We've already started to lean into.


  • And we'll continue to do more of that as we build our fiscal '25 plans to share that for the coming quarter.

    我們將在製定 25 財年計畫時繼續做更多這樣的事情,以便在下一季分享這些內容。

  • Operator


  • Peter Grom, UBS.


  • Peter Grom - Analyst

    Peter Grom - Analyst

  • Thanks, operator, and good morning, everyone.


  • Julien, I want to say thank you for all the help, and I wish you nothing but the best in retirement.


  • So I wanted to ask about the top-line growth.


  • Obviously, with the return to growth continues to be delayed.


  • But even kind of going back to the October earnings, there seem to be a degree of confidence that we could still see a return to growth in the fourth quarter.

    但即使回到 10 月的收益,我們似乎仍然有一定程度的信心,認為我們仍然可以看到第四季度恢復成長。

  • And Noel, you touch on the environment hasn't really changed.


  • And I know we will get to '25 guidance in April, but I guess how does like you're seeing today in terms of consumer demand or retail ordering kind of inform your view on when we could actually see a return to growth?

    我知道我們將在 4 月獲得 25 年的指導,但我想您今天在消費者需求或零售訂購方面所看到的情況如何影響您對我們何時能夠真正看到成長的看法?

  • Brian Grass - CFO

    Brian Grass - CFO

  • This is Brian.


  • I mean, I might look at it maybe a little bit differently than you.


  • I think if you drew a line between our -- or plotted our points of sales performance over the course of the year, I think there's a steady progression towards growth.


  • And it kind of ends with the fourth quarter and at the high end of our expectation at very slight growth for the fourth quarter.


  • So I actually think it's a very consistent and reliable, I would say, path towards growth and very much in line with our expectations.


  • We did adjust our range on the high end down slightly and up on the bottom end of the range slightly for the fourth quarter.


  • And I would just view that as a fine tuning and narrowing and we explained the reasons why we did that.


  • I mean we had a slightly softer holiday season, and we're projecting now, at this point, lower overall illness for the full whole flu season versus an in-line level of incidents in the same period last year.


  • So in my mind, nothing really much has changed from outlook that we gave in Q3.


  • And I still feel we're very much on track and we are targeting growth for fiscal '25.

    我仍然認為我們已經步入正軌,我們的目標是 25 財年的成長。

  • I can't tell you exactly what that looks like until we do all the work that we're doing, that goes into that.


  • But very much targeted and we feel it's achievable over time or we wouldn't have provided our long-term outlook that has growth.


  • Peter Grom - Analyst

    Peter Grom - Analyst

  • That's super helpful, Brian.


  • I guess just maybe a quick follow-up on the cough, cold, flu commentary.


  • Obviously, maybe gotten off to a slower start.


  • But can you maybe help us understand how much of a -- like when you think about the marginal changes to guidance.


  • I mean, how much of the weaker season is having on the outlook?


  • And I guess should illness incident does pick up, which at least it seems like around the [half], could this be a source of upside versus your guidance from here?


  • Just trying to understand the degree of visibility kind of where we are today as it pertains to cough, cold, and flu.


  • Thanks.


  • Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

    Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

  • Yeah.


  • Sure, Peter.


  • Yes.


  • What I would say is what we look at is the data as it comes in.


  • And both November and December were meaningfully below the prior year in terms of the illness levels.

    就疾病水準而言,11 月和 12 月均明顯低於去年。

  • And as you noted -- and I noted in my prepared remarks, we feel like we're hearing about it in the news quite a bit.


  • And it is in the news quite a bit, that there is no doubt about that.


  • But the reality is in literally all cases, including COVID, which we're hearing a lot about, it's below prior year levels.


  • Now if that changes and things accelerate, that could be an upside to our fourth quarter.


  • But it all depends on the severity, and it depends on the timing of that because we've got to-- it's got to happen fairly quickly in order for it to make a meaningful impact to our fourth quarter.


  • And that's why we made the adjustment that we did in our outlook.


  • Operator


  • Olivia Tong, Raymond James.


  • Olivia Tong - Analyst

    Olivia Tong - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks.


  • Good morning and best of luck, Julien, with all that you have planned going forward, and it's been great working with you.


  • Julien Mininberg - President & CEO

    Julien Mininberg - President & CEO

  • Thank you.


  • Olivia Tong - Analyst

    Olivia Tong - Analyst

  • My first question is really around sort of visibility.


  • You mentioned in the commentary towards Peter about the sort of steady improvement through the year.


  • We kind of look at this and sort of think about this year's performance versus last year.


  • And there have been obviously a couple of different fits and starts with respect to that.


  • But maybe just boiling down in terms of your view on visibility as you head into -- as you finish up this year and head into next year, you mentioned that retail inventory are in a better place in terms of sell-in versus sell-through, do you think the destocking is done as you think about next year?


  • And some of the innovation plans for next year.


  • And reflect on the tumbler launch, where you are with respect to that.


  • If you could just talk a little bit about some of the building blocks there, that would be helpful as we think about finish -- and put attainable in this year and embarking on next year.


  • Thanks.


  • Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

    Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

  • Yeah.


  • So as we think about fiscal '25, it's really a Tier 1 of Elevate for Growth.

    因此,當我們考慮 25 財年時,它實際上是成長提升的一級。

  • And so when -- we're in the process of pulling together those plans now.


  • We had some pre-budget meetings in December.

    12 月我們召開了一些預算前會議。

  • And then we'll continue that process later this month and February before we kind of provide our full look for next year.


  • But the things that are on my mind are very similar to what we discussed in the October Investor Day.


  • The first, as I mentioned in my prepared remarks, kind of really clear sharpened brand equities to set the foundation.


  • And then this new portfolio classification strategy that we talked about so that we can really focus our investment and our resources against those opportunities that we think have the best ROI and the best chance for driving growth fueled by the incremental investment that we will put behind it through Project Pegasus, that will really start to kick in.

    然後我們討論了這個新的投資組合分類策略,以便我們能夠真正將我們的投資和資源集中在那些我們認為具有最佳投資回報率和由我們將投入的增量投資推動的增長的最佳機會的機會上透過 Pegasus 計劃,這將真正開始發揮作用。

  • As I mentioned, we kicked in a little bit of it this year that a lot of the Project Pegasus efficiency this year offset some of the headwinds that Brian talked about the AIP, the interest expense, et cetera.

    正如我所提到的,我們今年做了一些工作,今年 Pegasus 計畫的效率很大一部分抵消了 Brian 談到的 AIP、利息支出等方面的一些不利因素。

  • So next year, we really have more opportunity to invest back into the business.


  • And then another key lever that I mentioned to Bob earlier is the expanded distribution.


  • We've seen a couple of those wins that have already come in this fiscal year, but I expect more of that kind of whitespace distribution closing to be a significant lever for us in fiscal '25.

    我們已經看到了本財年已經取得的一些勝利,但我預計更多此類空白分配的結束將成為我們 25 財年的重要槓桿。

  • So those would be some of the things that I think are going to be important drivers.


  • Of course, we also have an innovation pipeline as we do each in every year.


  • We'll bring out some great new products as well.


  • So all of those aspects are what doing the confidence that Brian and I have on what we shared at the Investor Day kind of year one of Elevate for Growth in fiscal '25.

    因此,所有這些方面都讓 Brian 和我對我們在 25 財年第一年的投資者日分享的內容充滿信心。

  • Do you want to build on, Brian?


  • Brian Grass - CFO

    Brian Grass - CFO

  • No.


  • It's good.


  • Olivia Tong - Analyst

    Olivia Tong - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And then I know at Analyst Day, you had mentioned some -- you made some discussion on M&A looking at divesting, also looking at acquiring.


  • If you could give us an update on that.


  • And then also, would you -- your debt, obviously, the leverage profile has improved through the year.


  • Would you look at buying something before selling something?


  • Or is your preference to sort of match those as much as possible?


  • Brian Grass - CFO

    Brian Grass - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Olivia, this is Brian.


  • I'd say there's activity going on in both of the areas I've mentioned.


  • Of course, activity doesn't always mean that there's something imminent or anything like that.


  • But I would say we're putting effort behind both potential divestiture and potential acquisition.


  • And I agree with the comments about the leverage ratio coming down.


  • I don't think we would need to do divestiture at this point before we consider doing acquisition.


  • I think acquisition is available to us.


  • And sometimes these processes take quite a bit of time to execute.


  • And so we have even more time really, honestly, to delever before getting to the end of the transaction.


  • And the other comment I'll make is I think in this environment, some people might view interest rates as being a barrier to completing acquisition.


  • And while we have to be aware of interest rates on our end, I think we look at things maybe a little bit more strategically.


  • And I kind of actually even view the environment with lower multiples because of interest rates as more of an opportunity than a barrier.


  • I think it gives us the opportunity to find quality assets at low valuations.


  • And so we're really looking to maybe trying to take advantage of that and get something for good value.


  • Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

    Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

  • And the only build I would make is our approach to acquisition remains consistent.


  • The discipline, the criteria that we use, the better together is key.


  • So as Brian said, we have gotten our debt to a place where we can be even more interested in what is out there.


  • And we continue to look for what's available, but also things that we might be interested in that may not be on the market like we did with Osprey to see if there's something that we think is a great strategic fit.

    我們繼續尋找可用的東西,但也尋找我們可能感興趣但可能不在市場上的東西,就像我們對 Osprey 所做的那樣,看看是否有我們認為非常適合戰略的東西。

  • Operator


  • Linda Bolton Weiser, D.A. Davidson.


  • Linda Bolton Weiser - Analyst

    Linda Bolton Weiser - Analyst

  • Yes, hello.


  • So I was wondering if you could comment on the hair appliance category.


  • So you mentioned you're kind of gaining market share, but maybe the whole category is not so good.


  • And it feels like Dyson is doing some nice innovation and things like that's probably at the higher end.


  • Can you just comment on Dyson's influence in the category and just what you think the category needs in order to get it kind of growing a little bit better?


  • Thanks.


  • Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

    Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

  • Yeah, sure.


  • Thanks.


  • Good to hear from you, Linda.


  • So here's what I would found on hair tools.


  • Europe.


  • When I look at the category in total, especially over the holiday period, the part of the category, that's kind of $199 and lower price points is not performing as well.

    當我查看整個類別時,尤其是在假期期間,該類別的一部分價格為 199 美元,而較低的價格點表現不佳。

  • It's the higher end, which is what you're calling out with -- or Dyson is playing.


  • That is performing better.


  • We play more in the $199 and below part of the category today.

    今天我們玩的更多是 199 美元及以下的類別。

  • A few items that may be above that, but for the most part, we're in that $199 and below.

    有一些商品可能會高於這個價格,但大多數情況下,我們的價格都在 199 美元及以下。

  • What we're seeing is, and I've mentioned this in a couple of the earnings calls, we work to broaden our assortment across this year in our hair tool to make sure that we have the full range.


  • So not just the higher end of that $199, but also some of the entry price point hair dryers, curling irons, straighteners, et cetera.

    因此,不僅有 199 美元的高端產品,還有一些入門價位的吹風機、捲髮棒、直髮器等。

  • And that has made a positive impact for us in sort of that mass class of trade where we're seeing share improvement now that we've gotten that assortment broadened again.


  • As we mentioned in the remarks, holiday for us on hair tools in particular was softer than we anticipated, and it really kind of came down to that category of the $199 and that's not performing as well in the holiday period.

    正如我們在評論中提到的,假期對我們來說,美髮工具的銷售比我們預期的要軟,而且它確實歸結為 199 美元的類別,並且在假期期間表現不佳。

  • In terms of what it's going to take.


  • It's going to take -- it's really the fundamentals.


  • It's really making sure that we've got great innovation that addresses consumers' needs, whether it's their pain points or whether it's the opportunities to save them time, get a better result, et cetera.


  • And the right claims and marketing to reach them, when and where they're most receptive.


  • And that's certainly part of the activity and plans that our team have as we move forward into fiscal '25 to continue to do that.

    這當然是我們團隊在進入 25 財年繼續這樣做的活動和計劃的一部分。

  • We've done that very well in the past, but volumizer was a winning success for us from an innovation standpoint.

    我們過去在這方面做得很好,但從創新的角度來看,volumizer 對我們來說是一次巨大的成功。

  • So we know how to do it.


  • We know how to understand consumers' needs and build those opportunities.


  • And that's exactly what the team is focused on doing.


  • Linda Bolton Weiser - Analyst

    Linda Bolton Weiser - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • And then I just wanted to ask, I mean, you talked quite a bit about the flu season and everything.


  • But certainly in China, they're going through a first post COVID flu season.


  • So it's been very severe in China.


  • And I understand you mentioned in the past, the Braun thermometers do very well online in China.


  • Is that a source of strength right now?


  • Or are you seeing growth in that part of your portfolio?


  • Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

    Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

  • We are, Linda.


  • You're exactly right.


  • We are seeing higher level of illness in China right now.


  • And our Braun business, which is quite developed outside of the US, in both Europe and Asia, and we are growing very nicely in the absolute based on just the trends that you're calling out as well as our share performance is growing in that part of the business.


  • An interesting phenomenon that we're seeing over there is during COVID, there was a really big run-up in the no-touch portion of thermometer that at that point, people were really kind of looking to get whatever thermometer they could.


  • And a lot of new types of thermometers were sold.


  • Since the pandemic has ended, consumers there have kind of come to the realization that they're a lot less accurate than the ear thermometers are.


  • And we're seeing a lot of backlash on that as we monitor social media, we monitor ratings and reviews, et cetera.


  • And they're coming, really coming to the ear thermometer driven by the accuracy.


  • And then you layer on top of that, the strength of the Braun brand and the trust that consumers have in it.


  • It's really making for a winning combination.


  • That's a very bright spot for sure, in the business.


  • Linda Bolton Weiser - Analyst

    Linda Bolton Weiser - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • And then just my last question is on Hydro Flask.

    我的最後一個問題是關於 Hydro Flask 的。

  • Just what is the root of why it is performing so much better online than in brick and mortar?


  • And then finally, I just want to say farewell as well, to Julien.


  • Julien, it's been a pleasure working with you.


  • I've learned so much and best of luck with everything.


  • Julien Mininberg - President & CEO

    Julien Mininberg - President & CEO

  • Thank you, Linda.


  • Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

    Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

  • So on Hydro Flask, here's what I would say.

    關於 Hydro Flask,我要說的是。

  • I mean, I think one of the reasons I think it performed better online than in brick-and-mortar is that the whole holiday trend went to online more than brick and mortar.


  • We were looking at some syndicated studies, et cetera.


  • And you really see brick and mortar traffic over the holidays down overall, down more in December than it was in November.

    你確實可以看到假期期間實體店客流量整體下降,12 月的下降幅度比 11 月還要多。

  • And so I think this was the holiday season that really skewed more online than in brick-and-mortar in most categories and in most cases.


  • And then as I mentioned, this was a place that we leaned into.


  • The travel tumbler did well.


  • We continue to see that shift from bottles to tumblers.


  • And so that was an area that we really leaned into both with retail partners online, but also on [R&D to C side], we saw really significant increases in the personalization over the holiday period on Hydro Flask.

    因此,這是我們與線上零售合作夥伴真正關注的一個領域,而且在 [C 端的研發] 方面,我們看到 Hydro Flask 的個人化在假期期間確實顯著增加。

  • And so I think that those extra offerings really made the online side of it perform well.


  • Operator


  • Susan Anderson, Canaccord Genuity.

    蘇珊安德森,Canaccord Genuity。

  • Alec Legg - Analyst

    Alec Legg - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Good morning.


  • Alec Legg on for Susan.

    亞歷克·萊格 (Alec Legg) 替補蘇珊 (Susan)。

  • First, we just wanted to share our congratulations as well to Julien and all of your successful work and your long career at Helen.

    首先,我們只想向 Julien 以及您在 Helen 的所有成功工作和長期職業生涯表示祝賀。

  • And Noel, we're also very excited to see you execute the next step of Helen of Troy's story.


  • My question, just on the gross margins in the quarter and longer term.


  • For this quarter, how much was driven by lower inbound freight versus the SKU rationalization?

    本季度,與 SKU 合理化相比,入境貨運量下降有多少推動力?

  • And then looking forward, how should we expect gross margins to play out between the two buckets?


  • Thank you.


  • Brian Grass - CFO

    Brian Grass - CFO

  • We've not really broken out or parse out publicly the specific impacts from SKU rat versus the other -- some of the other factors.

    我們還沒有真正公開地分解或解析 SKU 老鼠與其他因素(其他一些因素)的具體影響。

  • But there is a meaningful impact year over year, starting to get less and less since we [anniversary] quarters of inbound freight reduction.


  • So I would say more pronounced at the beginning of the year on that and then becoming less and less over the course of the year.


  • So probably still meaningful, but less meaningful than it had been in maybe Q1 and Q2.


  • SKU rat, very meaningful impact that we expect to continue to do in smaller degrees as we go forward.

    SKU 比率,非常有意義的影響,我們預計隨著我們的發展,這種影響將繼續以較小的程度產生。

  • This was a kind of a fresh look at it as we went through Project Pegasus.


  • And so I don't want people to expect the kind of revenue impact that we had going into this year from it.


  • But we did that because we could get the meaningful profit impact that you're now seeing gross profit margins.


  • So we felt like the juice is worth the squeeze.


  • Hopefully, going forward, the amount -- that impact that will have on revenue will be less than less, but we'll still be able to get some of that profit drive that you saw over the course of this year.


  • So hopefully, that gives you some directional answer to your question without specifics.


  • I would say they're both fairly meaningful in Q3.


  • Alec Legg - Analyst

    Alec Legg - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • That's pretty helpful.


  • And then on the top line, so sales came in ahead of guidance.


  • I guess was there anything that changed during the quarter that led to better top-line sales in the quarter and then also the narrowing of top line for the rest of the year?


  • Brian Grass - CFO

    Brian Grass - CFO

  • I'd say nothing specific.


  • I'd say just strong execution, taking advantage of our opportunities.


  • We mentioned two bright spots I would call out, Noel probably elaborate, is the areas where we leaned into from a marketing spend perspective, we really leaned into Hydro Flask and drove good online sales there with free engraving and some other activities, higher marketing spends, and things like that.

    我們提到了兩個亮點,諾埃爾可能會詳細闡述,那就是我們從行銷支出角度傾斜的領域,我們確實傾向於Hydro Flask,並透過免費雕刻和其他一些活動推動了良好的在線銷售,更高的行銷支出,諸如此類的事情。

  • And then on Vicks, we really leaned into the cold-flu season and really driving sales online.

    然後在 Vicks 上,我們確實迎合了感冒流感季節,並真正推動了在線銷售。

  • I'd say those are the two of the larger things that kind of drove slight overperformance in the quarter versus our expectation.


  • Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

    Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

  • Yes.


  • I called out the prepared remarks, OXO was a real standout in the quarter.

    我大聲說出準備好的言論,OXO 在本季確實表現出色。

  • If you take out the Bed Bath & Beyond bankruptcy, really strong point of sale across the board, growing share in that for kitchen utensil segment.

    如果你把 Bed Bath & Beyond 破產的情況排除掉,那麼它的銷售點確實非常強大,在廚房用具領域的份額不斷增長。

  • So OXO was a bright spot.

    所以 OXO 是一個亮點。

  • And Osprey continues to perform well.


  • We continue to see that strong travel demand, better inventory position than we had year ago, and really growth across all of the different portions of the business.


  • Obviously, there's the tech pack that is the heritage of the brand, but also nice growth in travel and duffel and lifestyle as we extend that brand across.


  • And then I mentioned international.


  • International was a bright spot, both with Braun and Osprey.


  • Operator


  • Rupesh Parikh, Oppenheimer.


  • Rupesh Parikh - Analyst

    Rupesh Parikh - Analyst

  • Good morning, and thanks for taking my question.


  • And also Julien, best of luck with your retirement.

    還有 Julien,祝你退休順利。

  • Julien Mininberg - President & CEO

    Julien Mininberg - President & CEO

  • Thank you, Rupesh.


  • Rupesh Parikh - Analyst

    Rupesh Parikh - Analyst

  • So just to follow up on this.


  • So the last question just on gross margin.


  • Brian, I'm not sure if you can give any updated expectations for how you think about gross margins in Q4.


  • Brian Grass - CFO

    Brian Grass - CFO

  • I would say you could expect similar to Q3, with slight maybe expansion off of Q3.


  • Rupesh Parikh - Analyst

    Rupesh Parikh - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's helpful.


  • And then as we think about gross margins, you're now in that 48%-plus range.

    然後,當我們考慮毛利率時,您現在處於 48% 以上的範圍內。

  • Is that a fair base that you can build off of going forward?


  • Is this like the new steady state to think of?


  • And then going forward, maybe there's still opportunity expansion from here.


  • Brian Grass - CFO

    Brian Grass - CFO

  • I think it's a fair base to build off of, assuming there's not significant exogenous changes in commodity or freight costs.


  • And then yeah, I think we've built off a bit with Pegasus savings that we're expecting in fiscal '25, which is largely cost that the [sold] focus.

    然後,是的,我認為我們已經透過 Pegasus 節省了一些資金,我們預計在 25 財年,這主要是[銷售]重點的成本。

  • Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

    Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

  • And the only build I would have on that is you also get kind of the brand portfolio classification benefit.


  • So as we put more invest to grow sales into the mix, that's also a help over time.


  • So remember, we've now that we've classified them, as we put the incremental Pegasus investment, we're going to focus it more on those brands that are in invest to grow and those are the higher margin brands in the portfolio.


  • Brian Grass - CFO

    Brian Grass - CFO

  • Yeah, that's a good point.


  • I would say for fiscal '24, we actually sort of underachieved on gross profit margin versus our expectations because we weren't able to achieve the mix that allows us or to the degree that the we would like, that Noel is talking about.

    我想說,對於 24 財年,我們的毛利率實際上沒有達到我們的預期,因為我們無法實現諾埃爾所說的允許我們或達到我們想要的程度的組合。

  • And we do see the opportunity to do that in fiscal year '25.

    我們確實看到了在 25 財年實現這一目標的機會。

  • So I would say our base wasn't quite where we wanted it to be for this fiscal year, but we feel like we can get it to where it needs to be going forward.


  • Rupesh Parikh - Analyst

    Rupesh Parikh - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And then I guess my follow-up question.


  • So as you look at the holiday season, in terms of trends, if you look at November, December.

    因此,當你觀察假期季節時,就趨勢而言,如果你觀察 11 月和 12 月。

  • Just curious the cadence of trends as you look at some of the POS data.

    只是好奇當您查看一些 POS 數據時趨勢的節奏。

  • And then from a promotional backdrop perspective, just curious how that played out versus your expectations.


  • Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

    Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

  • So holiday performance for us, Rupesh, I would say broadly was in line with what we're seeing in general consumer spending trends.


  • So OXO and Osprey performed well and that kind of matches the entertainment travel focus of where consumers are spending their discretionary dollars more than other places.

    因此,OXO 和 Osprey 表現良好,這與消費者比其他地方花費更多可自由支配資金的娛樂旅遊重點相匹配。

  • As we mentioned, Hydro Flask performed well online.

    正如我們所提到的,Hydro Flask 在線上表現良好。

  • And the hair tools performance was a little bit softer.


  • Those are probably the parts of our portfolio that are most holiday exposed.


  • We've obviously got the big illness on portion of our portfolio that we've touched on during the call today.


  • So not everything is holiday relevant, if you will.


  • What was the last part of your question?


  • Rupesh Parikh - Analyst

    Rupesh Parikh - Analyst

  • Just (multiple speakers) accurate.


  • Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

    Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

  • (inaudible)


  • Rupesh Parikh - Analyst

    Rupesh Parikh - Analyst

  • Yeah, just on promotional backdrop.


  • Yeah, promotional backdrop.


  • Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

    Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

  • I would say we didn't see anything hugely unusual.


  • What I would say across holiday in general is that it started earlier.


  • So we saw retailers starting to offer some of their better deal.


  • Not waiting all the way to Black Friday but starting to kind of lean into it a bit earlier in the season.


  • But not dramatically different levels of activity and discounts.


  • And as I look at our portfolio, not meaningfully different are deeper areas.


  • I've mentioned a couple of things that we did on Hydro Flask.

    我已經提到了我們在 Hydro Flask 上所做的幾件事。

  • It's a really competitive category.


  • We offer the free customization.


  • We have some of the kind of typical offers that we would have online.


  • We have an offer on some special items, special colors that we brought back and things like that.


  • But in general, not a dramatic difference year on year in what we did promotionally.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • At this time, we have reached the end of the question-and-answer session, and I'll turn the call over to Noel for closing remarks.


  • Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

    Noel Geoffroy - Chief Operating Officer

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • And thank you, everyone, for joining us today and for your continued interest in Helen of Troy.


  • We look forward to speaking with many of you over the next two days at ICR as well as virtually at the CJS conference on Wednesday.

    我們期待在接下來的兩天內在 ICR 以及週三的 CJS 會議上與你們中的許多人進行交流。

  • And I hope everyone has a great day.


  • Operator


  • This will conclude today's conference.


  • You may disconnect your lines at this time, and we thank you for your participation.
