Helen of Troy Ltd (HELE) 2005 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning and welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Helen of Troy fourth quarter and year-end earnings conference call for fiscal 2005.

    早上好,歡迎女士們先生們參加海倫特洛伊第四季度和 2005 財年年終收益電話會議。

  • At this time, I would like to inform you that all participants are in a listen-only mode.


  • At the request of the company, we will open the conference up for questions and answers after the presentation and today's call is being recorded.


  • Our speakers for this morning's conference call are Gerald Rubin, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President;

    今天上午電話會議的發言人是董事長、首席執行官兼總裁 Gerald Rubin;

  • Christopher Carameros, Executive Vice President;

    執行副總裁 Christopher Carameros;

  • Thomas Benson, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer and Robert Spear, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer.

    高級副總裁兼首席財務官 Thomas Benson 和高級副總裁兼首席信息官 Robert Spear。

  • I will now turn the conference over to Mr. Spear.


  • Please go ahead.


  • Robert Spear - SVP, CIO

    Robert Spear - SVP, CIO

  • Thank you.


  • Good morning everyone and welcome to Helen of Troy's fourth quarter and year-end earnings conference call for fiscal 2005.

    大家早上好,歡迎來到 Helen of Troy 的 2005 財年第四季度和年終收益電話會議。

  • The agenda for this morning's conference call will be as follows.


  • We will have a brief forward-looking statement review followed by Mr. Rubin who will discuss our fourth quarter earnings release and related results of operations for Helen of Troy, followed by a financial review of our income statement and balance sheet for the quarter by Tom Benson, our Chief Financial Officer and finally, we will open up the floor for questions and answers for those of you with any further questions.


  • First I will review the Safe Harbor statement.


  • This conference call may contain certain forward-looking statements that are based on management's current expectations with respect to future events of financial performance.


  • A number of risks or uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from those historical or anticipated results.


  • Generally the words anticipates, believes, expects and other similar words identify forward-looking statements.


  • The Company cautions listeners not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


  • Forward-looking statements are subject to risks that could cause such statements to differ materially from actual results.


  • Factors that could cause actual results to differ from those anticipated which are described in the Company's Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the fiscal year ended February 28, 2005.

    可能導致實際結果與公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的截至 2005 年 2 月 28 日的財政年度的 10-K 表格中描述的預期結果不同的因素。

  • Before I turn the conference call over to our Chairman Mr. Rubin, I would like to inform all interested parties that a copy of today's earnings release has been posted to our web site at www.hotus.com.

    在我將電話會議轉交給我們的董事長 Rubin 先生之前,我想通知所有感興趣的各方,今天的收益發布副本已發佈到我們的網站 www.hotus.com 上。

  • The release can be accessed by selecting the investor relations tab on our homepage and then the news tab.


  • I will now turn the call over to Mr. Gerald Rubin, Chairman, CEO and President of Helen of Troy.


  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • Good morning everybody and welcome to our fourth quarter and year-end conference call.


  • Helen of Troy Limited today reported record sales and earnings for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ending February 28, 2005.

    Helen of Troy Limited 今天報告了截至 2005 年 2 月 28 日的第四季度和財政年度創紀錄的銷售額和收益。

  • Fourth quarter sales increased 13% to 127,617,000 from 113 million in the same period of the prior year.

    第四季度銷售額從去年同期的 1.13 億增長 13% 至 127,617,000。

  • Net earnings for the fourth quarter were $12 million, or $0.37 per diluted share versus 7.5 million or $0.23 per diluted share for the earlier quarter, an increase in net earnings of 59%.

    第四季度淨收益為 1200 萬美元,或每股攤薄收益 0.37 美元,而上一季度為 750 萬美元,或每股攤薄收益 0.23 美元,淨收益增長 59%。

  • Full year net sales increased 22% to $581,549,000 (ph) from 475 million in the prior year.

    全年淨銷售額從去年的 4.75 億美元增長 22% 至 581,549,000 美元。

  • Net earnings for the year was 76,450,000 or $2.35 per diluted share compared with $60,522,000 or $1.94 per diluted share in the prior year, an increase in net earnings for the year of 26%.

    本年度淨收益為 76,450,000 美元或每股攤薄收益 2.35 美元,上年為 60,522,000 美元或每股攤薄收益 1.94 美元,同比增長 26%。

  • We have just completed another record sales and earnings fourth quarter and fiscal year and we currently anticipate another record year in fiscal 2006.

    我們剛剛在第四季度和財政年度完成了另一個創紀錄的銷售和收益,我們目前預計 2006 財政年度將再創新高。

  • The corporate initiatives for Helen of Troy in fiscal 2006 are as follows -- OXO International, growth of our existing products in new categories and the completion of the OXO integration into Helen of Troy's operation; build upon Helen of Troy's Idelle Labs product categories of grooming, skin and hair care brands; build upon our European and Latin American appliance business; pursue strategic acquisitions in Personal Care and Houseware categories and leverage investment and capacity and infrastructure through available synergies.

    Helen of Troy 在 2006 財年的企業計劃如下:OXO International、我們現有產品在新類別中的增長以及 OXO 與 Helen of Troy 運營的整合;以 Helen of Troy 的 Idelle Labs 美容、護膚和護髮品牌產品類別為基礎;以我們的歐洲和拉丁美洲家電業務為基礎;在個人護理和家庭用品類別中進行戰略收購,並通過可用的協同效應來利用投資、產能和基礎設施。

  • As was previously announced, Helen of Troy is building a 1.2 million square foot distribution center in Southaven, Mississippi which will expand our eastern United States distribution capacity to accommodate the distribution needs of our Company's recently acquired OXO International business.

    正如之前宣布的那樣,Helen of Troy 正在密西西比州 Southaven 建設一個 120 萬平方英尺的配送中心,這將擴大我們在美國東部的配送能力,以滿足我們公司最近收購的 OXO International 業務的配送需求。

  • The state-of-the-art warehouse and distribution center will increase the Company's presence in Southaven, Mississippi to 1.2 million square feet from 619,000 square feet.

    最先進的倉庫和配送中心將使公司在密西西比州南海文的佔地面積從 619,000 平方英尺增加到 120 萬平方英尺。

  • This new distribution center will replace our facility and will also provide for projected increased sales and for anticipated strategic acquisitions.


  • Sales for the full fiscal year 2006 are expected to be in a range of 615 million to 640 million, an increase of 6 to 10%.

    2006 年整個財政年度的銷售額預計在 6.15 億至 6.4 億之間,增長 6% 至 10%。

  • Full fiscal year diluted earnings per share are expected to be in the range of $2.50 to $2.60, an increase of 6 to 11% over the prior year's diluted earnings of $2.35.

    整個財政年度攤薄後每股收益預計在 2.50 美元至 2.60 美元之間,比上一年攤薄後每股收益 2.35 美元增長 6% 至 11%。

  • Helen of Troy had a good year in spite of a soft retail environment.

    儘管零售環境疲軟,但特洛伊的海倫 (Helen of Troy) 還是度過了美好的一年。

  • Operating earnings were 17.5%.

    營業收入為 17.5%。

  • There is nobody in our peer group making anywhere as (ph) near 17.5%.

    在我們的同齡人群體中,沒有人的 (ph) 接近 17.5%。

  • This is the first year in Helen of Troy to make over $100 million operating profit.

    這是海倫特洛伊的第一年營業利潤超過 1 億美元。

  • It was $102 million versus 86 million the year before, an 18% increase, a new milestone for Helen of Troy.

    這是 1.02 億美元,而前一年為 8600 萬美元,增長了 18%,這是海倫的新里程碑。

  • Our operating income for fiscal 2005 was four times what it was in fiscal 2001, just four years ago, and our stockholder equity in the last four years has doubled since fiscal 2001.

    我們 2005 財年的營業收入是四年前的 2001 財年的四倍,而過去四年我們的股東權益自 2001 財年以來翻了一番。

  • I would like to thank all of the employees of Helen of Troy for their hard work in making our last year a record in sales and earnings.

    我要感謝 Helen of Troy 的所有員工,感謝他們的辛勤工作,使我們去年的銷售額和收入創下新紀錄。

  • I would now like to turn this conference call over to Tom Benson, our CFO, for financial highlights.

    我現在想將此電話會議轉交給我們的首席財務官湯姆·本森 (Tom Benson),以了解財務重點。

  • Thomas Benson - CFO

    Thomas Benson - CFO

  • Thank you, Gerry, and good morning everyone.


  • First I will talk about the fourth quarter results and then I will make comments on the fiscal year and financial position.


  • We had a 13% sales increase in the fourth quarter, but as previously reported, we are disappointed in our Personal Care segment sales in January and February.

    我們在第四季度的銷售額增長了 13%,但正如之前報導的那樣,我們對 1 月和 2 月的個人護理部門銷售額感到失望。

  • Net sales for the fourth quarter 2005 were 127.6 million versus 112.9 million in the fourth quarter 2004.

    2005 年第四季度的淨銷售額為 1.276 億美元,而 2004 年第四季度為 1.129 億美元。

  • This represents an increase of 14.7 million or a 13% increase.

    這意味著增加了 1470 萬或 13%。

  • Our net earnings from continuing operations decreased 26%.

    我們來自持續經營業務的淨收益下降了 26%。

  • Net earnings from continuing operations were $12 million in the fourth quarter 2005 versus $16.3 million in the fourth quarter 2004.

    2005 年第四季度來自持續經營業務的淨收益為 1200 萬美元,而 2004 年第四季度為 1630 萬美元。

  • This is a decrease of 4.3 million, a 26% decrease.

    這減少了 430 萬,減少了 26%。

  • Let me address the key question on everyone has -- why did sales increase 13% and net earnings from continuing operations decreased 26%.

    讓我來回答每個人都有的關鍵問題——為什麼銷售額增長了 13%,而來自持續經營的淨收益下降了 26%。

  • There are four key items, each of which will be discussed in more detail during my presentation.


  • First, gross profit percentage increased to 46% for the fourth quarter 2005 compared to 45.4% in the fourth quarter 2004.

    首先,毛利率從 2004 年第四季度的 45.4% 上升到 2005 年第四季度的 46%。

  • SG&A expenses increased to 34.2% of net sales in the fourth quarter 2005 compared to 27.5% of net sales in the fourth quarter 2004.

    SG&A 費用在 2005 年第四季度占淨銷售額的 34.2%,而 2004 年第四季度占淨銷售額的 27.5%。

  • Interest expense was $2.1 million higher in the fourth quarter 2005 compared to the fourth quarter 2004 due to the additional debt levels primarily resulting from the OXO acquisition.

    與 2004 年第四季度相比,2005 年第四季度的利息支出增加了 210 萬美元,這主要是由於收購 OXO 導致的額外債務水平。

  • Income tax expense was a $402,000 benefit for the fourth quarter 2005 compared to 2.8 million in expense in the fourth quarter 2004.

    2005 年第四季度的所得稅費用為 402,000 美元,而 2004 年第四季度為 280 萬美元。

  • We had a benefit because we decreased our tax accruals, just over $2 million, due to the favorable settlement reached with the Internal Revenue Service for fiscal years 2000 to 2002.

    由於與國稅局就 2000 至 2002 財政年度達成的有利和解,我們減少了超過 200 萬美元的應計稅款,從而使我們受益匪淺。

  • Net earnings (technical difficulty) operations grew by 59%.

    淨收益(技術難度)業務增長了 59%。

  • The net earnings were $12 million in the fourth quarter 2005 versus 7.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2004.

    2005 年第四季度的淨收益為 1200 萬美元,而 2004 年第四季度為 750 萬美元。

  • This is an increase of $4.4 million, 59%.

    這增加了 440 萬美元,增幅為 59%。

  • Diluted earnings per share from continuing operations decreased 26% to $0.37 compared to $0.50 in the fourth quarter of 2004.

    與 2004 年第四季度的 0.50 美元相比,來自持續經營業務的每股攤薄收益下降了 26% 至 0.37 美元。

  • Diluted earnings per share after discontinued operations increased 61% to $0.37 compared to $0.23 in the fourth quarter of 2004.

    與 2004 年第四季度的 0.23 美元相比,終止經營後的每股攤薄收益增加了 61%,達到 0.37 美元。

  • The Company's net sales in the fourth quarter were up 14.7 million, 13% as mentioned earlier.

    如前所述,公司第四季度的淨銷售額增長了 1470 萬美元,增幅為 13%。

  • By segment, we have two segments.


  • The first segment is the Personal Care segment.


  • Their sales were 100,479,000 in the fourth quarter 2005 versus 112.9 million in the fourth quarter 2004.

    他們在 2005 年第四季度的銷售額為 100,479,000 輛,而 2004 年第四季度為 1.129 億輛。

  • This is a decrease of $12.4 million, 11%.

    這減少了 1240 萬美元,下降了 11%。

  • Our Housewares segment, which is the OXO business, had sales of 27.1 million in the fourth quarter 2005 and we had no sales in the prior year quarter because we acquired OXO in June of 2004.

    我們的家庭用品部門,即 OXO 業務,在 2005 年第四季度的銷售額為 2710 萬美元,而我們在去年同期沒有銷售額,因為我們在 2004 年 6 月收購了 OXO。

  • In total, again sales were 127.6 million versus 12.9 million, 14.7% million, increase 13%.

    總的來說,銷售額為 1.276 億對 1290 萬,增長 14.7%,增長 13%。

  • Strong sales in October and November resulted in less retail reorders in the quarter.

    10 月和 11 月的強勁銷售導致本季度零售再訂單減少。

  • Gross profit for the fourth quarter was $58.7 million, 46% compared to 51.3 million, 45.4% in the fourth quarter of 2004.

    第四季度的毛利潤為 5870 萬美元,與 2004 年第四季度的 5130 萬美元和 45.4% 相比增長了 46%。

  • Gross profit margins are up due to the mix of sales to more profitable newly introduced products with enhanced features in the Personal Care appliances and the benefit of the addition of the OXO Housewares segment that has a higher gross profit.

    毛利率有所上升,原因是銷售利潤更高的新推出的產品,這些產品具有增強的個人護理電器功能,以及增加毛利更高的 OXO 家庭用品部門的好處。

  • Benefit of the strengthening of foreign currencies against the dollar, mostly the British pound and the euro, also helped gross margins by about $550,000 in the quarter.

    受益於外幣兌美元(主要是英鎊和歐元)走強,本季度的毛利率也提高了約 550,000 美元。

  • SG&A expenses.

    SG&A 費用。

  • For the fourth quarter, SG&A expenses increased as a percentage of sales.

    第四季度,SG&A 費用佔銷售額的百分比有所增加。

  • For the fourth quarter of fiscal 2005, SG&A was 43.7 million, which is 34.2% of net sales.

    2005 財年第四季度,SG&A 為 4370 萬美元,占淨銷售額的 34.2%。

  • That compares to 31 million or 27.5% of net sales in the prior year.

    相比之下,去年為 3100 萬,占淨銷售額的 27.5%。

  • This is an increase of $12.7 million or a 6.7 percentage point increase.

    這增加了 1270 萬美元或 6.7 個百分點。

  • Our personnel costs have increase due to recruiting additional top-quality personnel to manage our growing business, acquisitions -- our acquisition integrations, new products and brand revitalizations.


  • We should be able to leverage these costs as the business continues to grow both internally and through strategic acquisitions.


  • We incurred higher consulting in internal and external auditing costs associated with initial compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404.

    我們在與初步遵守薩班斯-奧克斯利法案 404 相關的內部和外部審計成本方面產生了更高的諮詢。

  • We expect to lower ongoing costs for Section 404 requirements and these costs to be spread throughout the year.

    我們希望降低 404 條款要求的持續成本,並將這些成本分攤到全年。

  • In fiscal 2005, most of these costs were incurred in the fourth quarter.

    在 2005 財年,這些成本中的大部分發生在第四季度。

  • We had higher depreciation and amortization costs in the fourth quarter of 2005 resulting from the OXO acquisition and placing into service in September of 2004 our new Oracle system.

    由於收購了 OXO 並於 2004 年 9 月投入使用我們的新 Oracle 系統,我們在 2005 年第四季度的折舊和攤銷成本較高。

  • We also incurred higher consulting fees during the fourth quarter of 2005 associated with our new Oracle system.

    2005 年第四季度,我們還因新的 Oracle 系統產生了更高的諮詢費用。

  • The consulting costs are decreasing as we gain more experience on the system.


  • SG&A has increased as a result of the OXO acquisition.

    由於收購 OXO,SG&A 有所增加。

  • During the fourth quarter of 2005, we had a $1.9 million foreign exchange loss versus a $400,000 gain in the fourth quarter of 2004.

    2005 年第四季度,我們有 190 萬美元的匯兌損失,而 2004 年第四季度則有 400,000 美元的收益。

  • We entered into cash flow hedges and the British pound and the euro to reduce the foreign currency exposures in our business.


  • In summary, our SG&A increase of 6.7 percentage points and 12.7 million is attributable to -- personnel costs, 1.5 million;

    總而言之,我們的 SG&A 增加了 6.7 個百分點和 1270 萬,原因是——人員成本,150 萬;

  • Sarbanes-Oxley 404, 700,000; depreciation and amortization, 900,000; consulting fees, 1.5 million.

    薩班斯-奧克斯利法案 404, 700,000;折舊和攤銷,900,000;諮詢費,150萬。

  • The SG&A associated with the OXO, the new business segment, 4.9 million.

    與新業務部門 OXO 相關的 SG&A 為 490 萬。

  • The net change in our foreign exchange impact is a $2.3 million hit in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2005, and then we had some other cost changes of about $900,000.

    2005 財年第四季度,我們外匯影響的淨變化為 230 萬美元,然後我們還有大約 900,000 美元的其他一些成本變化。

  • That totals to the $12.7 million increase in the SG&A.

    SG&A 總計增加了 1270 萬美元。

  • Operating income for the fourth quarter of 2005 was $15 million, 11.8%, versus 20.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2004.

    2005 年第四季度營業收入為 1500 萬美元,增幅為 11.8%,而 2004 年第四季度為 2030 萬美元。

  • This is a decrease of 5.3 million, or a 6.2 percentage point decrease.

    這減少了 530 萬,或減少了 6.2 個百分點。

  • The operating income decreased as a result of higher SG&A expenses as discussed above.

    如上所述,由於較高的 SG&A 費用,營業收入有所下降。

  • Interest expense in the fourth quarter of 2005 was 3.1 million, it's 2.5% of net sales compared to 1.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2004 which was 0.9% of net sales.

    2005 年第四季度的利息支出為 310 萬美元,占淨銷售額的 2.5%,而 2004 年第四季度為 110 萬美元,占淨銷售額的 0.9%。

  • The increase in interest expense is due to the additional debt resulting from acquisitions during the year.


  • Our income tax expense in the fourth quarter, the effective income tax rate was a 3.5% tax benefit in quarter 4 of 2005 compared to a 14.7 tax expense in quarter 4, 2004.

    我們第四季度的所得稅費用,2005 年第四季度的有效所得稅率為 3.5%,而 2004 年第四季度為 14.7%。

  • During the fourth quarter 2005, we decreased tax reserves just over $2 million as a result of settling the IRS tax audit for fiscal years 2000 through 2002.

    2005 年第四季度,由於解決了美國國稅局 2000 年至 2002 財年的稅務審計,我們減少了超過 200 萬美元的稅收儲備。

  • Without the tax reserve decrease, our effective tax rate would have been 14.2% in the fourth quarter of 2005.

    如果沒有減少稅收儲備,我們 2005 年第四季度的實際稅率將為 14.2%。

  • I will make a few brief comments about fiscal 2005 results compared to fiscal 2004.

    與 2004 財年相比,我將對 2005 財年的結果做一些簡短的評論。

  • We are pleased with our 22% fiscal year sales growth and net income from continuing operations.

    我們對我們 22% 的財政年度銷售額增長和來自持續經營業務的淨收入感到滿意。

  • The OXO acquisition continues to perform very well and has met all of our expectations.

    OXO 的收購繼續表現良好,達到了我們的所有預期。

  • Net sales for fiscal 2005 were 581.6 million compared to 474.9 million in fiscal 2004.

    2005 財年的淨銷售額為 5.816 億美元,而 2004 財年為 4.749 億美元。

  • This represents an increase of 106.7 million, 22.5% increase.

    這意味著增加了 1.067 億,增幅為 22.5%。

  • By segments, our Personal Care sales for fiscal 2005 were 501.4 million compared to 474.9 million in fiscal 2004.

    按部門劃分,我們 2005 財年的個人護理銷售額為 5.014 億,而 2004 財年為 4.749 億。

  • This represents an increase of 26.5 million, a 5.6% increase in Personal Care.

    這代表增加了 2650 萬,個人護理增加了 5.6%。

  • The OXO Housewares segment provided $80 million of sales for the nine months that we owned them in fiscal 2005.

    OXO 家庭用品部門在 2005 財年擁有的九個月中提供了 8000 萬美元的銷售額。

  • Overall, we had a 22.5% sales increase.

    總體而言,我們的銷售額增長了 22.5%。

  • Gross profit percent increased to 47.2% in fiscal 2005 compared to 45.7% in fiscal 2004.

    與 2004 財年的 45.7% 相比,2005 財年的毛利潤百分比增至 47.2%。

  • Operating income increased 16.2 million, an 18.9% increase over fiscal 2004.

    營業收入增加了 1620 萬美元,比 2004 財年增加了 18.9%。

  • Income from continuing operations increased 7.1%.

    來自持續經營業務的收入增長了 7.1%。

  • In fiscal 2005, we had 76.7 million of income from continuing operations compared to 71.6 million in fiscal 2004.

    2005 財年,我們的持續經營收入為 7670 萬美元,而 2004 財年為 7160 萬美元。

  • This is an increase of 5.1 million, a 7.1% increase.

    這增加了 510 萬,增幅為 7.1%。

  • Diluted earnings per share from continuing operations increased 3% to $2.36 per diluted share.

    來自持續經營業務的每股攤薄收益增長 3% 至每股攤薄收益 2.36 美元。

  • Diluted earnings per share after discontinued operations increased 21% to $2.35 per diluted share.

    終止經營後每股攤薄收益增長 21% 至每股攤薄收益 2.35 美元。

  • Our financial position continues to remain strong.


  • During fiscal 2005, we generated 45 million of cash from operating activities after investing over 70 million in accounts receivable and inventory to support our business growth and acquisitions and purchasing over 25 million of tax reserve certificates.

    在 2005 財年,我們在應收賬款和存貨上投資了超過 7000 萬美元以支持我們的業務增長,並收購和購買了超過 2500 萬美元的儲稅券,從而從經營活動中獲得了 4500 萬美元的現金。

  • We closed the year with 22 million in cash and no borrowings on our 75 million revolving line of credit.

    我們以 2200 萬現金結束了這一年,並且我們的 7500 萬循環信貸額度沒有借款。

  • We purchased OXO for 273 million and spent 12 million on the purchase of the Skin Milk and TimeBlock brands.

    我們2.73億收購了OXO,又花了1200萬收購了Skin Milk和TimeBlock品牌。

  • Our debt outstanding increased 215 million year-end over year-end, our shareholders equity increased 70 million to 421 million.


  • I will now turn it over to Gerry for some additional comments.

    我現在將其轉交給 Gerry 以徵求一些補充意見。

  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • I would like to open the floor for anybody that has any questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • Sean Daly (ph), Daly (ph) Holdings.

    Sean Daly (ph), Daly (ph) Holdings。

  • Sean Daly - Analyst

    Sean Daly - Analyst

  • You're talking about some great results here and some great metrics that you use, but the stock is at a 52-week low at half the PE ratio of other stocks in the group and down 3.5 points as we speak.

    你在這裡談論一些很好的結果和你使用的一些很好的指標,但該股處於 52 週低點,市盈率是該集團其他股票的一半,在我們說話時下跌了 3.5 個百分點。

  • And I'm wondering at what point the Board and Gerry decides that to maximize shareholder value might be a sale of the Company, returning some cash to shareholders or Gerry taking a compensation that's stock performance-based.


  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • The Board has always considered buybacks and I'm sure that based on the price, they will consider it again.


  • As you know, we have purchased over the years millions of shares.


  • Currently, we have authorization to buy up to 3 million shares and I think we have already bought about 1.5 million shares.

    目前,我們有權購買最多 300 萬股,我認為我們已經購買了大約 150 萬股。

  • So that's certainly -- there is some availability there to purchase shares.


  • As far as the stock price, and I wish I could control that, as you mentioned, we are selling and half the PE of other people in our peer group, so I assume that makes it a great buy.


  • I guess if we had a different name, we would probably be selling for twice the price.


  • So I guess that's (multiple speakers) for everybody.


  • Sean Daly - Analyst

    Sean Daly - Analyst

  • One of the comments that people bring up is your compensation package as a detriment to the performance of the stock.


  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • Okay, you had mentioned about the stock performance, you know, being benefited by the stock performance.


  • Currently, we do not have any stock options available.


  • As you probably all know, I haven't taken any stock options for almost two years because there's not available because the stockholders the last two years have voted down any options for employees.


  • So that's where we stand right now.


  • And as far as my compensation package, it's all related to earnings and was not only approved by the Board of Directors but was voted on by the shareholders of the Company.


  • So in order to change it from a cash to a stock performance, there has to be options and at the present time, there are no options and as I mentioned, I haven't gotten any in two years.


  • Sean Daly - Analyst

    Sean Daly - Analyst

  • Okay, and do you think the Board will be more aggressive with the stock repurchase with the stock at this depressed level?


  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • Very possible.


  • We will have to see when we meet next.


  • Sean Daly - Analyst

    Sean Daly - Analyst

  • Alright, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Doug Lane, Avondale Partners.

    埃文代爾合夥公司的道格·萊恩 (Doug Lane)。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • A couple of questions here, just kicking around.


  • Can you -- do you happen to know how much SkinMilk and TimeBlock accounted for in sales in fiscal '05?

    您能否——您是否碰巧知道 SkinMilk 和 TimeBlock 在 05 財年的銷售額中所佔的比例?

  • Thomas Benson - CFO

    Thomas Benson - CFO

  • I don't have a number off the top of my head, but when our public reporting comes out on Monday, our 10-K, we do disclose core sales and non-core sales, so it would be in there.

    我腦子裡沒有數字,但是當我們的公開報告在周一發佈時,我們的 10-K,我們確實披露了核心銷售額和非核心銷售額,所以它會在那裡。

  • It may not be those specific ones, but it will talk about how much new acquisitions brought.


  • And it's easy to back out the OXO one because it's a separate segment.

    而且很容易退出 OXO ,因為它是一個單獨的部分。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • (indiscernible) so what I'm left with is essentially SkinMilk and TimeBlock?

    (音頻不清晰)所以我剩下的基本上是 SkinMilk 和 TimeBlock?

  • Thomas Benson - CFO

    Thomas Benson - CFO

  • Correct.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • And what kind of an annual sales number have you budgeted for those brands in '06?

    06 年這些品牌的年銷售額預算是多少?

  • Christopher Carameros - EVP

    Christopher Carameros - EVP

  • About 8 to $9 million.

    大約 8 到 900 萬美元。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Moving on, can you comment Tom on the AR's here, the accounts receivables are up 50% on a 13% increase in sales?

    繼續,你能評論湯姆在這裡的 AR,應收賬款增長了 50%,銷售額增長了 13%?

  • Thomas Benson - CFO

    Thomas Benson - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Our accounts receivable, our days outstanding have increased a little bit year-over-year.


  • Part of it Doug is our business is growing, we're having greater growth in our international business and the international business, that has longer terms than our domestic business.


  • So that is one of the reasons.


  • Also, we did get a little bit behind on our collection efforts and clearing some of our deductions at the end of the year as we were getting more familiar with our new system and we have made very good progress on that over the last few months, so I see them improving.


  • Also in the third quarter, at the end of the third quarter, we have reached sales, especially later in the third quarter in November.

    同樣在第三季度,在第三季度末,我們達到了銷售額,尤其是在 11 月的第三季度末。

  • So some of those were still outstanding at year end.


  • Also I believe between the third quarter and the fourth quarter, the days outstanding went down some.


  • It went from 72 to 70.

    它從 72 增加到 70。

  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Yes, but they're still up 20 days from last year.

    是的,但他們仍然比去年多了 20 天。

  • There's not that big of a he spread between international and domestic, is there?


  • Thomas Benson - CFO

    Thomas Benson - CFO

  • I just explained some of it was the international and some of it we got a little behind on our collection efforts.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And staying with the systems, is OXO on the Oracle system now?

    繼續使用系統,OXO 現在是在 Oracle 系統上嗎?

  • Christopher Carameros - EVP

    Christopher Carameros - EVP

  • As part of what Gerry was saying in there, OXO was not in the system and we will not put that on the system until probably February of next year.

    作為 Gerry 在那裡所說的一部分,OXO 不在系統中,我們可能要到明年 2 月才會將其放入系統中。

  • And that's part of the reasons we analyze this in detail for the last three or four months, actually the last six months.


  • We were going to move it to El Paso and we decided to expand our Mississippi distribution for a variety of reasons.


  • One and most importantly, it's better location for freight and one of the things we've seen over the last 12 months is the freight costs have kind of risen in particular because of all of the higher fuel costs.

    一個也是最重要的一點是,它是更好的貨運地點,我們在過去 12 個月中看到的一件事是貨運成本有所上升,尤其是因為所有燃料成本都較高。

  • One of the things we're looking forward to is having that operation in Mississippi, which is right next to Memphis.


  • Secondly, we're going to move the Idelle SKUs, which are in El Paso, to Mississippi also and we should have a nice 2 or 3% reduction there.

    其次,我們將把位於埃爾帕索的 Idelle SKU 也轉移到密西西比州,我們應該在那裡減少 2% 或 3%。

  • One thing you should note is we were incurring a transition fee with World Kitchen over the next 12 months.

    您應該注意的一件事是,我們在接下來的 12 個月內向 World Kitchen 支付了一筆過渡費。

  • That transition fee is about 8% of sales for OXO, which we're forecasting at about $111 million for next year.

    該過渡費約為 OXO 銷售額的 8%,我們預計明年的銷售額約為 1.11 億美元。

  • In that transition fee, we think we have a substantial savings not this year but next year when we actually put it into our overhead base and systems base.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • That's very helpful.


  • When you mentioned increased personnel costs, what division was that in mostly?


  • Christopher Carameros - EVP

    Christopher Carameros - EVP

  • If you take a look at what we're going to be doing as far as looking forward to 2006 is we're looking at hiring more people in the OXO division and trying to staff up for a variety of different initiatives that we have.

    如果您看一下我們在 2006 年之前將要做的事情,那就是我們正在考慮在 OXO 部門僱用更多的人,並努力為我們擁有的各種不同的計劃配備人員。

  • And secondly, what you have in general is a process that we need to be able to bring OXO and some other potential acquisitions into our overhead base and we have to hire people in doing that before incurring the sales.

    其次,你所擁有的一般是一個過程,我們需要能夠將 OXO 和其他一些潛在的收購納入我們的間接基礎,我們必須在進行銷售之前僱用人員來做這件事。

  • So what you're seeing is an increase in overhead, anticipating OXO moving over and also anticipating having the capability to be able to do something.

    所以你看到的是開銷的增加,預計 OXO 會轉移,也預計有能力做某事。

  • One of the main thrusts, and I've said this a couple of times, is we would have never come in compliance with Sarbanes 404 without our new system.

    主要推動力之一,我已經說過幾次了,如果沒有我們的新系統,我們將永遠不會遵守 Sarbanes 404。

  • And when we did that system, it was saying that we have to be able to adopt that, out it on a worldwide basis and we will start getting the benefits of that system over the next six to 12 months.

    當我們建立這個系統時,它說我們必須能夠在全球範圍內採用它,我們將在未來 6 到 12 個月內開始從該系統中受益。

  • It takes you awhile to get going, it takes you awhile to learn it, but we think we can take some operational opportunity and hopefully reduce or SG&A not necessarily in the next six months but in the following six months down by at least 1% by operating better and having better information and be able to execute better within our existing infrastructure.

    這需要你一段時間才能開始,你需要一段時間來學習它,但我們認為我們可以抓住一些運營機會,並希望在未來六個月內減少或 SG&A,但在接下來的六個月內至少減少 1%更好地運營和擁有更好的信息,並能夠在我們現有的基礎設施中更好地執行。

  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • Part of this whole process is you have to adopt a Sarbanes 404 and it has to be documented as you well know and everything else, and we're fully expecting to release our compliance of 404.

    整個過程的一部分是您必須採用 Sarbanes 404,並且眾所周知,它必須記錄在案以及其他所有內容,我們完全期待發布我們的 404 合規性。

  • And I cannot tell you the amount of time that was spent by management and other people, but it's not in addition to some of the costs that Tom did (indiscernible) comply.

    我無法告訴你管理層和其他人花費了多少時間,但這並不是 Tom 確實(音頻不清晰)遵守的一些成本的補充。

  • And as you may well know, as we came in compliance within Sarbanes 404 in the last fourth quarter this last year on top of trying to put an Oracle system in together.

    正如您可能知道的那樣,去年第四季度我們在 Sarbanes 404 內合規,除了試圖將 Oracle 系統整合在一起。

  • So a lot of our time and attention has been focused on that.


  • And over the next -- we will not have that particular I guess burden upon our backs to focus in on, we can focus in more on some more of the business issues from my perspective.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • No, Chris, I understand the Sarb-Ox story is a familiar story to me.

    不,克里斯,我知道 Sarb-Ox 的故事對我來說很熟悉。

  • Lastly on the OXO SG&A at 4.9 million, Tom where is that versus expectations?

    最後,關於 490 萬的 OXO SG&A,湯姆,這與預期相比在哪裡?

  • Thomas Benson - CFO

    Thomas Benson - CFO

  • OXO is right in line with all of our expectations, from the top of sales down to the bottom contribution.

    OXO 符合我們所有的預期,從銷售額的最高點到最低的貢獻。

  • So we're very, very pleased with that acquisition.


  • Doug Lane - Analyst

    Doug Lane - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Keith Ritchie (ph), Delphi Management.

    基思里奇 (ph),德爾福管理層。

  • Keith Ritchie - Analyst

    Keith Ritchie - Analyst

  • I wondered if you could talk a little bit about the inventory.


  • It looks like the inventory was up a little bit and I wondered if you could -- I'm thinking here about the comment you made that sales were a little slower in Q4 because of ordering in Q3 and I wondered if you could talk about how much of the inventory increase is maybe acquisition related and how much was due to that sales effect?


  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • The inventory increased about 30%.


  • Our sales increased 22%, but we did not own OXO for the whole year.

    我們的銷售額增長了 22%,但我們全年都沒有持有 OXO。

  • Had we owned OXO for the whole year, our increase would have been about 30%, which is in-line with what our inventory increase is.

    如果我們全年都擁有 OXO,我們的增幅將約為 30%,這與我們的庫存增幅一致。

  • So--.

    所以 - 。

  • Keith Ritchie - Analyst

    Keith Ritchie - Analyst

  • So essentially it's all because of the acquisition?


  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • It's all because of the acquisition and increase and the sales growth, but basically because of the acquisition.


  • Keith Ritchie - Analyst

    Keith Ritchie - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks a lot.


  • Operator


  • Rommel Dionisio, Wedbush Morgan.


  • Rommel Dionisio - Analyst

    Rommel Dionisio - Analyst

  • Tom, I think in your prepared comments, you talked about brand revitalization efforts when discussing the SG&A part.

    湯姆,我認為在您準備好的評論中,您在討論 SG&A 部分時談到了品牌振興工作。

  • But I wasn't sure where that really breaks down.


  • In the line items you talked about on the SG&A, you didn't mention sort of increased advertising or anything like that.

    在你談到的關於 SG&A 的項目中,你沒有提到增加廣告或類似的事情。

  • I wonder if you could just address that point in terms of those brand revitalization efforts with regards to Idelle Labs (multiple speakers) products that you're launching?

    我想知道您是否可以就您推出的 Idelle Labs(多揚聲器)產品的品牌振興工作來解決這一點?

  • Christopher Carameros - EVP

    Christopher Carameros - EVP

  • I can speak to two things in particular.


  • One is to Brut.


  • If you've been open up (ph) some magazines lately, you will see a revitalization of the Brut brand name.

    如果您最近打開 (ph) 一些雜誌,您會看到 Brut 品牌名稱的複興。

  • We're trying to take Brut and kind of make it more relevant to the existing customer base out there.

    我們正在嘗試採用 Brut 並使其與現有客戶群更加相關。

  • More importantly also (indiscernible) and you'll see in our 10-Q with the NHRA drag racing and really tied into a sports program with our advertising.

    更重要的是(音頻不清晰),你會在我們的 10-Q 中看到 NHRA 飆車,並真正與我們的廣告聯繫在一起的體育節目。

  • But Brut is going to be -- we're actually taking that and launching some new SKUs.

    但 Brut 將會——我們實際上正在接受它並推出一些新的 SKU。

  • You will see in the stores some shaving SKUs that were pretty close into the SKUs they used to have in the past, getting some expansion there.

    您會在商店中看到一些剃須刀 SKU,這些 SKU 與他們過去擁有的 SKU 非常接近,並在那裡進行了一些擴展。

  • And also importantly is we're taking Brut and launching actually a relaunch in Mexico which we're very optimistic with because in Mexico, you may not realize but Brut was actually three different scents in the APDO (ph) area, emphasizing more in the antiperspirant area which they had had (ph) in the past.

    同樣重要的是,我們正在採用 Brut 並在墨西哥重新推出我們對此非常樂觀,因為在墨西哥,您可能沒有意識到,但 Brut 實際上是 APDO (ph) 區域中的三種不同氣味,更強調他們過去使用過的止汗區域 (ph)。

  • They were very optimistic about that Brut launch, which just happened I guess last week.

    他們對 Brut 的發布非常樂觀,我猜這是上周剛剛發生的。

  • And it actually comes in four different scents in the APO (ph) area and is going to do very well there.

    它實際上在 APO (ph) 區域有四種不同的氣味,並且在那裡會非常好。

  • And we're also going to take Brut and expand that back into Brazil.

    我們還將採用 Brut 並將其擴展回巴西。

  • I don't know if you've been watching the Brazilian economy lately, but they're having a very nice recovery and we're able to take Brut brand and relaunch Brut back into Brazil.

    我不知道你最近是否一直在關注巴西經濟,但他們的複蘇非常好,我們能夠採用 Brut 品牌並將 Brut 重新推出巴西。

  • It has been there in a very limited way.


  • It's a very strong brand name there and we're also optimistic that our Revlon brand within the appliance piece is going to do very well in Brazil also.


  • So the initiative that Jerry mentioned to you is taking that Brut brand not only in the U.S., but also taking it in the Western Hemisphere where we have it both into Latin America which we define as the Latin American countries, mostly in Brazil and also in Mexico and launching that.

    因此,Jerry 向您提到的舉措是,不僅在美國推廣 Brut 品牌,而且在西半球將其推廣到拉丁美洲,我們將其定義為拉丁美洲國家,主要在巴西和墨西哥並啟動它。

  • The second major relaunch we have is in Sea Breeze.


  • We took Sea Breeze, which have really had one or two SKUs at retail, it's going into four different SKUs in retail.

    我們採用了 Sea Breeze,它在零售中確實有一個或兩個 SKU,它將進入四個不同的零售 SKU。

  • We redid some of the packaging, did some of the improvements, some of the formulation and we think Sea Breeze is going to be a great brand and be able to make it more relevant to the younger crowd.

    我們重新設計了一些包裝,做了一些改進,做了一些配方,我們認為 Sea Breeze 將成為一個偉大的品牌,並能夠使其更適合年輕人群。

  • And there has also been national advertising in that also.


  • So you're seeing some pretty good advertising in Brut and Sea Breeze and those are our two biggest brands and pretty much they're all retail and mass today.

    所以你在 Brut 和 Sea Breeze 中看到了一些非常好的廣告,這是我們最大的兩個品牌,今天它們幾乎都是零售和大眾品牌。

  • So we're optimistic that we're getting placement in Sea Breeze.

    因此,我們對在 Sea Breeze 中獲得安置感到樂觀。

  • We had one or two SKUs before, we have four SKUs in the shelf in the Sea Breeze area.

    我們之前有一個或兩個 SKU,我們在海風區的貨架上有四個 SKU。

  • But those are the two big initiatives with advertising campaigns behind them in the next fiscal year.


  • Rommel Dionisio - Analyst

    Rommel Dionisio - Analyst

  • Is Sea Breeze on the shelf, Chris?


  • Christopher Carameros - EVP

    Christopher Carameros - EVP

  • Absolutely.


  • Rommel Dionisio - Analyst

    Rommel Dionisio - Analyst

  • Thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Steve Friedman (ph), Wachovia.

    (操作員說明)Steve Friedman (ph),Wachovia。

  • Steve Friedman - Analyst

    Steve Friedman - Analyst

  • Good morning, Gerry and all.


  • I don't know if you know or not, but maybe the first 15 or 20 minutes of the conference call I was unable to get on because there was a wrong number that was given on the conference call.

    我不知道你是否知道,但也許電話會議的前 15 或 20 分鐘我無法接通,因為電話會議上提供的號碼錯誤。

  • Were you aware of that and --?


  • Robert Spear - SVP, CIO

    Robert Spear - SVP, CIO

  • We were not aware of that, Steve.


  • Steve Friedman - Analyst

    Steve Friedman - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Well, the number was given, so I did miss the first 15 or 20 minutes of the call.

    好吧,號碼已經給了,所以我確實錯過了通話的前 15 或 20 分鐘。

  • So I guess some of my questions may and may not have been answered, but let me ask this.


  • On February 22, you announced your revised guidance on the fourth quarter and on the fiscal year we're in now, fiscal 2006.

    2 月 22 日,您宣布了對第四季度和我們現在所在的財政年度(即 2006 財政年度)的修訂指導。

  • And you revised the sales to 120 million.

    並且您將銷售額修改為 1.2 億。

  • You came in with 127 million, if I'm not correct.

    如果我沒記錯的話,你的收入是 1.27 億。

  • And your sales for the fiscal year we're in now, you had left at that time at 645 million to 660 million, a revision downwards on the earnings per share to 250 and 260 and the sales to 617.

    我們現在所在財政年度的銷售額,當時為 6.45 億至 6.6 億,每股收益下調至 250 和 260,銷售額下調至 617。

  • Can you or have you expanded on that or given the reasons?


  • If you have, as I said, I missed the early parts of the calls.


  • Is this mostly in the first quarter continue this year where you noted the slowdown?


  • Obviously, Wal-Mart has reported sluggish sales today and I was curious if you could tell where the brunt of the amount that you reduced is coming from?


  • Thomas Benson - CFO

    Thomas Benson - CFO

  • Thank you, Steve.


  • The sales that we are projecting for next year are 615 million to 640 million, not 617 million as you mentioned.

    我們預計明年的銷售額是 6.15 億至 6.4 億,而不是你提到的 6.17 億。

  • So we do have the spread there.


  • In a way --.

    在某種方式 - 。

  • Steve Friedman - Analyst

    Steve Friedman - Analyst

  • No, I mentioned 615 as the low point.

    不,我提到 615 是最低點。

  • But yes, you did have that range.


  • Thomas Benson - CFO

    Thomas Benson - CFO

  • But as you know as you mentioned, we have projected 120 million.

    但正如您所提到的,我們預計有 1.2 億。

  • We ended up with almost 128 million.

    我們最終得到了將近 1.28 億。

  • I guess we're just being a little conservative.


  • We believe that the sales of the Personal Care products we're forecasting to be pretty much flat in the first half, but we are forecasting a stronger second half.


  • If we do get the pickup in the first half, then we would certainly want to increase our sales expectations, but that is kind of the range that we see right now based on what we see out there.


  • Steve Friedman - Analyst

    Steve Friedman - Analyst

  • Well then as a follow-up to that, if your conservative estimate's at 250 to 260 for the year and your fiscal year just completed was 236, am I correct?

    那麼作為後續行動,如果您保守估計該年度為 250 到 260,而您剛剛完成的財政年度為 236,我是否正確?

  • Thomas Benson - CFO

    Thomas Benson - CFO

  • Yes, those correct.


  • Steve Friedman - Analyst

    Steve Friedman - Analyst

  • Well then just based on that, just looking at the rationale of the marketplace, it makes no sense where we're being valued at less than 10 times, 9.8 times actual earnings and about 8.5 times to 9 times forward earnings.

    那麼基於此,看看市場的基本原理,我們的估值低於 10 倍,實際收益的 9.8 倍和預期收益的 8.5 至 9 倍是沒有意義的。

  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • Well you know, I agree.


  • You missed one of the callers who called in and said that people in our peer group were selling for almost twice as much.


  • So I wish I could do something about the price (indiscernible).


  • Steve Friedman - Analyst

    Steve Friedman - Analyst

  • No, I --.


  • Christopher Carameros - EVP

    Christopher Carameros - EVP

  • We also settled the IRS issues.


  • There always seems to be issues out there that maybe some people what to have stock go up or down.


  • But I think that's a significant improvement in our overall division and we have that behind us on a very -- it used to be a $13 million deficiency and that's what all I heard about and we settled for a lot less and reversed some reserves and that's behind us.

    但我認為這對我們的整體部門來說是一個顯著的改善,我們在過去有 1300 萬美元的缺口,這就是我所聽到的,我們以少得多的價格安頓下來並撤銷了一些儲備金,這就是我們後面。

  • So I think that's a significant plus for us.


  • Steve Friedman - Analyst

    Steve Friedman - Analyst

  • I saw on the press release that was settled.


  • Was that something, are you able to reveal what that settlement was?


  • I know you reduced the reserves.


  • Christopher Carameros - EVP

    Christopher Carameros - EVP

  • Well we'll have it Monday in the 10-K and I think you'll -- it actually took it down from -- correct me if I'm wrong Tom -- from the 13 potential deficiency down to a $3 million deficiency.

    好吧,我們將在周一的 10-K 中得到它,我想你會——它實際上把它從——如果我錯了湯姆糾正我——從 13 個潛在的缺陷減少到 300 萬美元的缺陷。

  • Thomas Benson - CFO

    Thomas Benson - CFO

  • Correct.


  • Christopher Carameros - EVP

    Christopher Carameros - EVP

  • Which we already had paid in for and we already had accrued over-accrued for.


  • Steve Friedman - Analyst

    Steve Friedman - Analyst

  • Do you know how much that affected the quarter's earnings potentially?


  • Christopher Carameros - EVP

    Christopher Carameros - EVP

  • Tom would.


  • Thomas Benson - CFO

    Thomas Benson - CFO

  • It was -- the tax benefit, that reversal we made, was just over $2 million.

    這是——稅收優惠,我們所做的逆轉,剛剛超過 200 萬美元。

  • So if you divide it by 32.5, it's about $0.06.

    因此,如果將其除以 32.5,則約為 0.06 美元。

  • Steve Friedman - Analyst

    Steve Friedman - Analyst

  • Alright.


  • So once again as I said, we look at a tremendous opportunity in my opinion looking at the Company's stock over the years always as nothing goes in a straight line, but at 8.5 times projected earnings, and that's you would say from a conservative basis?

    因此,正如我所說,我們再次看到了一個巨大的機會,在我看來,多年來一直看著公司的股票,因為沒有什麼是直線發展的,但預計收益是 8.5 倍,你會說這是保守的嗎?

  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • We would like to think so.


  • I just got a note that -- from the phone company that said that there was so many people calling in that there was a call overload which made the phone company patch everybody else to another number.


  • Steve Friedman - Analyst

    Steve Friedman - Analyst

  • They did.


  • They gave another -- a straight 800 number instead of the 888 number that you had given.

    他們給了另一個——一個直接的 800 號碼,而不是你給的 888 號碼。

  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • We just got a note, it sounded like it was just a call overload.


  • Must have been a lot of people trying to call in.


  • Robert Spear - SVP, CIO

    Robert Spear - SVP, CIO

  • Had the right number, just they couldn't handle it all for some reason.


  • Steve Friedman - Analyst

    Steve Friedman - Analyst

  • Well, I was able to finally get on at about 17 minutes into the call, if you started at 10:00.

    好吧,如果你在 10:00 開始,我終於能夠在通話後大約 17 分鍾繼續通話。

  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • The calls are all archived, so you can certainly listen to it that way.


  • Steve Friedman - Analyst

    Steve Friedman - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Sean Daly (ph), Daly Holdings.

    (操作員說明)Sean Daly (ph),Daly Holdings。

  • Sean Daly - Analyst

    Sean Daly - Analyst

  • Just a follow-up on my comment and the gentleman prior to mine.


  • Has the Board considered forming a special committee to look at ways to maximize shareholder value?


  • Maybe it's not the best interest of shareholders for the Company to be a public company, given the consistently suppressed valuation?


  • Christopher Carameros - EVP

    Christopher Carameros - EVP

  • I'm a director, this is Chris Carameros, and we always look at ways to maximize shareholder value.

    我是一名董事,我是 Chris Carameros,我們一直在尋找最大化股東價值的方法。

  • Whether the market values your stock on one day at a particular price, we've also had a higher amount during the time.


  • I think we have a unique balance sheet and a unique operating ability to bring value to the shareholders in the long-term.


  • And to look it as shareholder value at one point in time is a little bit shortsighted in my (multiple speakers).


  • Sean Daly - Analyst

    Sean Daly - Analyst

  • I'm not looking at it today, but I'm looking at it -- year-to-date, the stock's down 30%.

    我今天不是在看它,而是在看它——年初至今,該股下跌了 30%。

  • Christopher Carameros - EVP

    Christopher Carameros - EVP

  • I don't disagree.


  • We had it as high as 37 during the year.

    我們在這一年裡有高達 37 個。

  • But I think as people will understand, one of the things that always I've heard that had caused people some uncertainty were tax issues out there.


  • As I just got through mentioning, the U.S. tax issue has just gotten resolved.


  • People need to digest and understand that.


  • I think they will see that the (multiple speakers).


  • Sean Daly - Analyst

    Sean Daly - Analyst

  • I don't think that's that big an issue because you don't have a very significant short interest and I don't hear a real short story on the Company.


  • I hear more of a lack of interest and a kind of continual tweaking down of numbers.


  • But it seems that there's lots and lots of room to do something for the shareholders.


  • Christopher Carameros - EVP

    Christopher Carameros - EVP

  • I know everybody is concerned about the price of stock, but there are companies out there that are in similar businesses that have projected to make $2.20, $2.30 for the year and sell for $48 to $50.

    我知道每個人都關心股票價格,但有些公司從事類似業務,預計年收入為 2.20 美元、2.30 美元,售價為 48 美元至 50 美元。

  • And if you will call me, I will give you names of companies that (multiple speakers) who have half the operating profit we have.


  • Sean Daly - Analyst

    Sean Daly - Analyst

  • That's my point.


  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • Our cash flow this year will probably be somewhere around $100 million or more.

    我們今年的現金流量可能在 1 億美元左右或更多。

  • Now I know we're building the new warehouse, but we're paying that out of cash because we don't have to.


  • Sean Daly - Analyst

    Sean Daly - Analyst

  • That's exactly my point and then perhaps maybe one of those companies with a highly valued common stock would be willing to acquire your company if it was for sale and then we would have the generous multiples that these other companies have as opposed to the depressed one that we currently have.


  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • I don't think there's any way that the Company is up for sale.


  • I think that it's up to the shareholders to see the value and value Helen of Troy just as they value other stocks.


  • If they think that Helen of Troy is only worth 8.5 times earnings, well I guess that's what it is.

    如果他們認為《特洛伊的海倫》的市盈率僅為 8.5 倍,那麼我猜就是這樣。

  • We just maybe have to do a better marketing job to tell our story because we're a Company of wonderful brands, we sell worldwide, we're going to do well over $600 million this year.

    我們可能需要做更好的營銷工作來講述我們的故事,因為我們是一家擁有優秀品牌的公司,我們在全球銷售,我們今年的銷售額將超過 6 億美元。

  • We are looking at acquisitions.


  • We're not building this 1.2 million square foot warehouse because we just want to fill it up with merchandise that we don't need.

    我們建造這個 120 萬平方英尺的倉庫並不是因為我們只是想用我們不需要的商品來裝滿它。

  • As you know, we're going from 600,000 to 1.2, so you can assume that business is going to get better or we don't need the warehouse.

    如您所知,我們將從 600,000 增加到 1.2,因此您可以假設業務會好轉或者我們不需要倉庫。

  • We're going to put OXO there and of course we're looking at acquisitions all of the time.

    我們打算把 OXO 放在那裡,當然我們一直在考慮收購。

  • Sean Daly - Analyst

    Sean Daly - Analyst

  • And I would encourage you to get out and tell this story.


  • You have some very bright analysts that follow the company but you only have, according to Bloomberg, four of them at this point and none of the major firms.


  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • Anything that you could do to help us out to get a major firm, we would appreciate it.


  • Anything you can do on your side.


  • Sean Daly - Analyst

    Sean Daly - Analyst

  • My phone number with the call on your caller system, and I would be glad to talk to about it off-line.


  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • I appreciate it, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Mimi Sokolowski, Sidoti & Co.

    Mimi Sokolowski, Sidoti & Co.

  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • Hi, I also missed part of the call.


  • Did you happen to disclose what the contribution from OXO was in the quarter?

    您是否碰巧透露了 OXO 在本季度的貢獻?

  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • Yes.


  • I think if you would listen in from the beginning, but certainly Tom could give you that number.


  • Thomas Benson - CFO

    Thomas Benson - CFO

  • This is Tom Benson.


  • What we did is we discussed the sales, we did not discuss any contribution or operating income.


  • When the K comes out next Monday, we have the segment reporting that's in that and you will be able to see information on OXO.

    下週一 K 出來時,我們有其中的細分報告,您將能夠看到有關 OXO 的信息。

  • For the year, OXO had 80,143,000 in sales and it had operating income of just over $25 million, and that was for nine months.

    當年,OXO 的銷售額為 80,143,000,營業收入剛剛超過 2,500 萬美元,而且是九個月的時間。

  • Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

    Mimi Sokolowski - Analyst

  • Alright.


  • I can figure that out then.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Gentleman, it appears there are no further questions.


  • I will now turn the conference back to Gerald Rubin for closing comments.

    我現在將會議轉回 Gerald Rubin 進行閉幕評論。

  • Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

    Gerald Rubin - Pres, CEO

  • Thank you all for participating.


  • I'm sorry if there was some confusion by the phone company, but since everything is archived I'm sure that you all can go back and listen from the beginning.


  • Thank you very much for your participation and we look forward to discussing our first quarter with you on our first next conference call.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to access the replay for this call, you may do so by dialing 888-203-1112 with a replay passcode of 391-9742.

    女士們,先生們,如果您想收聽此次通話的重播,可以撥打 888-203-1112,重播密碼為 391-9742。

  • This concludes our conference call for today.


  • Thank you all for participating and have a nice day.


  • All parties may now disconnect.
