Fluence Energy Inc (FLNC) 2024 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, and thank you for standing by.


  • Welcome to the Fluence Energy first-quarter 2024 earnings conference call.

    歡迎參加 Fluence Energy 2024 年第一季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) Please be advised that today's conference is being recorded.


  • I would now like to hand the conference over to your speaker today, Lex May, Vice President, Finance and Investor Relations.

    現在我想將會議交給今天的發言人,財務和投資者關係副總裁 Lex May。

  • Please go ahead.


  • Lex May - Head of IR

    Lex May - Head of IR

  • Thank you.


  • Good morning, and welcome to Fluence Energy's first-quarter 2024 earnings conference call.

    早上好,歡迎參加 Fluence Energy 2024 年第一季財報電話會議。

  • A copy of our earnings presentation, press release, and supplementary metric sheet covering financial results, along with supporting statements and schedules, including reconciliations and disclosures regarding non-GAAP financial measures, are posted on the Investor Relations section of our website at fluenceenergy.com.

    我們的收益報告、新聞稿和涵蓋財務績效的補充指標表的副本,以及支持性報表和時間表,包括有關非公認會計準則財務指標的調節和披露,均發佈在我們網站fluenceenergy.com 的投資者關係部分。

  • Joining me on this morning's call are Julian Nebreda, our President and Chief Executive Officer; Ahmed Pasha, our Chief Financial Officer; and Rebecca Boll, our Chief Product Officer.

    與我一起參加今天早上電話會議的是我們的總裁兼執行長 Julian Nebreda;艾哈邁德帕夏,我們的財務長;以及我們的首席產品長麗貝卡‧波爾 (Rebecca Boll)。

  • During the course of this call, Fluence management may make certain forward-looking statements regarding various matters relating to our business and company that are not historical facts.

    在本次電話會議期間,Fluence 管理階層可能會就與我們的業務和公司相關的各種事項做出某些非歷史事實的前瞻性陳述。

  • Such statements are based upon the current expectations and certain assumptions and are, therefore, subject to certain risks and uncertainties.


  • Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially.


  • Please refer to our SEC filings for our forward-looking statements and for more information regarding certain risks and uncertainties that could impact our future results.

    請參閱我們向 SEC 提交的文件,以了解我們的前瞻性聲明以及有關可能影響我們未來業績的某些風險和不確定性的更多資訊。

  • You are cautioned to not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of today.


  • Also, please note that the company undertakes no duty to update or revise forward-looking statements for new information.


  • This call will also reference non-GAAP measures that we view as important in assessing the performance of our business.


  • A reconciliation of these non-GAAP measures to the most comparable GAAP measure is available in our earnings materials on the company's investor relations website.


  • Following our prepared comments, we will conduct a question-and-answer session with our team.


  • During this time, to give more participants an opportunity to speak on this call, please limit yourself to one initial question and one follow-up.


  • Thank you very much.


  • I'll now turn the call over to Julian.


  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Lex.


  • I would like to extend a warm welcome to our investors, analysts, and employees participating on today's call.


  • I will provide a brief update on our business and then review progress on our strategic objectives.


  • Ahmed will then give more details on our financial performance and outlook.


  • Beginning on slide 4 with the key highlights.

    從投影片 4 開始,介紹主要亮點。

  • I'm pleased to report that we are off to a good start for fiscal '24 and continue to benefit from our robust energy storage market.

    我很高興地向大家報告,我們在 24 財年有了一個良好的開端,並繼續受益於我們強勁的儲能市場。

  • In the first quarter, we recognized $364 million of revenue.

    第一季度,我們確認了 3.64 億美元的收入。

  • Furthermore, we delivered our second consecutive quarter of double-digit gross margins.


  • Our adjusted EBITDA for the first quarter was approximately negative $80 million, in line with our expectations and improving from negative $26 million in the first Q of '23.

    我們第一季調整後的 EBITDA 約為負 8,000 萬美元,符合我們的預期,並且比 2023 年第一季的負 2,600 萬美元有所改善。

  • Additionally, we recognized a record $1.1 billion of new orders.

    此外,我們也確認了創紀錄的 11 億美元新訂單。

  • This is broken down by our solution business contracted, 2.7 gigawatt hours; our services business adding 2.3 gigawatt hours; and our digital business adding 400 megawatt hours of new contract.

    按我們簽約的解決方案業務細分,2.7 吉瓦時;我們的服務業務增加了 2.3 吉瓦時;我們的數位業務新增了 400 兆瓦時的合約。

  • Furthermore, our signed contract backlog as of December 31 increased $800 million to $3.7 billion, the highest level in our history.

    此外,截至 12 月 31 日,我們已簽署的合約儲備增加了 8 億美元,達到 37 億美元,這是我們歷史上的最高水準。

  • Additionally, our pipeline increased $400 million to $13.4 billion, which gives us confidence to achieve our growth goals in 2024 and beyond.

    此外,我們的管道增加了 4 億美元,達到 134 億美元,這讓我們有信心實現 2024 年及以後的成長目標。

  • Our service and digital businesses, which together represent our recurring revenue streams, continue to gain share.


  • We ended the quarter with 3.3 gigawatts of service assets under management.

    本季結束時,我們管理 3.3 吉瓦的服務資產。

  • Importantly, our deployed service attachment rate, which is based on our community-backed services contracts relative to our deployed storage, remains above 90%.

    重要的是,我們部署的服務附加率(基於與我們部署的儲存相關的社區支援的服務合約)仍然保持在 90% 以上。

  • We had a strong quarter in our digital business, adding 400 megawatts to our backlog.

    我們的數位業務在本季表現強勁,積壓訂單量增加了 400 兆瓦。

  • More importantly, our digital assets under management increased to 17 gigawatts as of December 31 from 15.5 gigawatts at September 30.

    更重要的是,截至 12 月 31 日,我們管理的數位資產從 9 月 30 日的 15.5 吉瓦增加到 17 吉瓦。

  • In summary, our combined services and digital annual recurring revenue, or ARR, was approximately $64 million as of December 31 and is on track for our guidance of approximately $80 million by the end of fiscal year '24.

    總之,截至 12 月 31 日,我們的綜合服務和數位年度經常性收入 (ARR) 約為 6,400 萬美元,並預計在 24 財年末實現約 8,000 萬美元的目標。

  • Turning to slide 5.

    轉到投影片 5。

  • I'd like to discuss our progress on the five strategic objectives that guide our decisions and actions.


  • They are also important markers for investors to monitor and measure our performance.


  • First, on delivering profitable growth.


  • This quarter, we continued to grow our backlog as we added $1.1 billion of projects that we expect to yield double-digit gross margin.

    本季度,我們的積壓訂單持續增加,新增了 11 億美元的項目,預計毛利率將達到兩位數。

  • Our disciplined approach to offer competitive solutions to customers keeps us on track to deliver on our financial objectives.


  • Second, we will continue to develop products and solutions that our customers need.


  • As such, I'm pleased to report that we are on track for our battery module manufacturing to begin production in the summer of '24, gradually ramping up over the subsequent quarters.

    因此,我很高興地報告,我們的電池模組製造預計將在 2024 年夏季開始生產,並在接下來的幾個季度逐步提高產量。

  • This battery module manufacturing will enable us to provide a product that meets the US domestic content requirements for battery energy storage, which I will touch on more in a moment.


  • Third, to our scale and global outreach, we have established a supply chain as one of our key strategic competitive advantage.


  • Our diversity of suppliers is a key component of this and enables us to take advantage of favorable terms and battery prices, which I will discuss in more detail shortly.


  • Fourth, we will use Fluence Digital as a competitive differentiator and a margin driver.

    第四,我們將利用 Fluence Digital 作為競爭優勢和利潤驅動因素。

  • I'm pleased to report that we have strong digital customer retention, with 21 digital contracts renewal during the quarter and zero customer attrition.

    我很高興地向大家報告,我們擁有強大的數位客戶保留率,本季度續簽了 21 份數字合同,客戶流失率為零。

  • And our fifth objective is to work better.


  • I'm proud to state that, in November, Fluence became an official signatory member of the UN Global Compact ahead of the expected timeline outlined in our 2023 Sustainability Report.

    我很自豪地宣布,去年 11 月,Fluence 早於我們 2023 年永續發展報告中概述的預期時間表,成為聯合國全球契約的正式簽署成員。

  • Turning to slide 6.

    轉到投影片 6。

  • We continue to see strong growth in demand for utility-scale energy storage systems.


  • Over the past 12 months, we've seen lithium carbonate prices decline over 80%.

    在過去的 12 個月裡,我們看到碳酸鋰的價格下跌了 80% 以上。

  • This has, in turn, led to a decrease in battery prices, which has improved customer economics and allowed for more projects to be penciled in.


  • It has been reflected in the growth of our backlog, which now sits at a record level of $3.7 billion, which is an increase of approximately $800 million from the fourth quarter.

    這已反映在我們積壓訂單的成長上,目前積壓訂單達到創紀錄的 37 億美元,比第四季增加了約 8 億美元。

  • This is also the ninth consecutive quarter in which we added more ordering tech to backlog than revenue that was recognized out of backlog, further illustrating the growth in demand.


  • Additionally, this $3.7 billion does not include some of our signs since the end of the quarter, such as our 650-megawatt-hour Morse Lake project in Australia.

    此外,這 37 億美元不包括我們自本季末以來的一些標誌,例如我們在澳洲的 650 兆瓦時莫爾斯湖計畫。

  • More importantly, 100% of our backlog is at fixed battery prices with both suppliers and customers, with no commodity price exposure, thus giving us strong visibility into revenue and margin for this project.

    更重要的是,我們 100% 的積壓訂單都是按供應商和客戶的固定電池價格確定的,沒有商品價格風險,使我們能夠清楚地了解該項目的收入和利潤。

  • Additionally, approximately 80% of our fiscal '24 revenue guidance midpoint is already covered by our current backlog attributable to fiscal '24, plus revenue already recognizing the first quarter.

    此外,我們的 24 財年收入指引中點的大約 80% 已經包含在我們目前的 24 財年積壓訂單中,加上已確認的第一季營收。

  • These two data points provide us with high confidence that we will be able to achieve our guidance ranges for revenue and adjusted EBITDA for fiscal '24.

    這兩個數據點讓我們充滿信心,相信我們將能夠實現 24 財年收入和調整後 EBITDA 的指導範圍。

  • Based on the conversations we are having with our customers and potential customers, we are expecting to see continuous strong revenue growth in fiscal '25 of approximately 35% to 40% from fiscal '24.

    根據我們與客戶和潛在客戶的對話,我們預計 25 財年的營收將比 24 財年持續強勁成長約 35% 至 40%。

  • Our 2025 outlook is supported by our pipeline, which sits at approximately $13.4 billion and grew $400 million from the last quarter.

    我們的 2025 年前景得到了我們的管道的支持,管道規模約為 134 億美元,較上季度增加了 4 億美元。

  • As we have communicated in prior calls, our expectations for pipeline conversion is at approximately 50% over the next 24 months.

    正如我們在先前的電話會議中所傳達的,我們對未來 24 個月內管道轉換的預期約為 50%。

  • Turning to slide 7, over the past couple of years, we have taken major steps to diversify and improve the resilience of our supply chains.

    轉向投影片 7,在過去幾年中,我們採取了重大措施來實現供應鏈多元化並提高供應鏈的彈性。

  • Our supply chain strategy is centered around four key elements.


  • The first is diversity of battery suppliers.


  • Currently, we utilize five battery suppliers located in China, South Korea, Sweden, and the United States.


  • This ensures we have multiple geographies to pull from, which support our growth while mitigating disruptions.


  • We will also note that building a stable and reliable US supply chain is critical for the industry.


  • And as I will discuss, we are taking significant steps to establish a US-based supply chain this year.


  • Second, to capitalize on growing demand for our products, we have secured multi-year guaranteed battery capacity from these suppliers.


  • This covers our needs for fiscal '24 and fiscal '25 and provides flexibility for upside in demand.

    這滿足了我們對 24 財年和 25 財年的需求,並為需求上升提供了靈活性。

  • These capacity agreements are subject to market price adjustments.


  • Additionally, we also use a price discovery mechanism involving multiple battery suppliers to ensure we are constantly delivering the most competitive prices to our customers.


  • And finally, these capacity agreements come with minimal take or pay obligations.


  • Third, to capture the incentives laid out by the IRA, we will be manufacturing our own battery modules in the US, which represents two-thirds of our global business.

    第三,為了獲得 IRA 制定的激勵措施,我們將在美國製造自己的電池模組,這占我們全球業務的三分之二。

  • It also enables us to introduce our proprietary battery management system, the software that runs the controls at the battery cell level and the initial point of control in a battery storage system.


  • Additionally, it enables us to further commoditize our supply chains by facilitating the integration of multiple battery vendors.


  • We are currently on schedule for our battery module manufacturing to begin this summer.


  • In doing so, we expect to qualify for the domestic content tax credit under Section 45X.

    在此過程中,我們預計將有資格獲得第 45X 條規定的國內成分稅收抵免。

  • The fourth element of our strategy is an asset-light regional supply chain.


  • This involves using two major contract manufacturers for system integration: one in Vietnam and one in Utah.


  • We will look to continue to regionalize our asset-light model in other areas, such as Europe and India.


  • This strategy provides us with enhanced flexibility and agility, particularly in scaling, and positions Fluence for a high return on invested capital as we do not incur the capital costs associated with building or maintaining our own production facility.

    這項策略為我們提供了增強的靈活性和敏捷性,特別是在擴展方面,並使 Fluence 獲得高投資資本回報,因為我們不會產生與建造或維護自己的生產設施相關的資本成本。

  • When we look around the world, we are using various shipping routes for our projects.


  • To that end, I would like to make a few comments in relation to the recent disruptions in the Red Sea.


  • Only approximately 50% of our global shipments were expected to use the Red Sea route.

    預計我們的全球貨運量中只有約 50% 將使用紅海航線。

  • The rerouting of these shipments adds around two weeks to our shipping schedule, time we have been able to accommodate with our effective customer delivery commitment.


  • Finally, the incremental costs we are experiencing in shipping were able to transfer to our customers in their entirety in accordance with our contracts.


  • In any event, our logistics team is working very diligently to reduce as much as possible these increases in costs.


  • Overall, these four elements are the cornerstone of our supply chain strategy, which provides flexibility, competitiveness, and high certainty for our customers.


  • We will look to build on these as we continue to strengthen our global supply chain.


  • Turning to slide 8.

    轉到投影片 8。

  • We are well positioned to recognize multiple benefits from the IRA, which is already boosting demand for energy storage.

    我們完全能夠認識到 IRA 的多重好處,它已經刺激了能源儲存的需求。

  • These benefits fall in two categories.


  • Under the first category, our customers have the potential to receive up to a 50% tax credit for their project's capital costs, which significantly improves project economics and attractiveness.

    在第一類下,我們的客戶有可能獲得高達 50% 的專案資本成本稅收抵免,這將顯著提高專案的經濟性和吸引力。

  • These incentives to our customers include a base ITC, or investment tax credit, as well as bonus incentives for deploying in an energy community and using domestic content.

    這些對我們客戶的激勵措施包括基本 ITC 或投資稅收抵免,以及在能源社群中部署和使用國內內容的獎金激勵措施。

  • The second category of incentives under the IRA includes those provisions that directly benefit Fluence.

    IRA 下的第二類激勵措施包括直接有利於 Fluence 的條款。

  • By producing battery modules in the US, as I just discussed, we expect to qualify for a production tax credit of $10 per kilowatt hour of battery modules produced under Section 45X.

    正如我剛才所討論的,透過在美國生產電池模組,我們預計根據第 45X 條生產的電池模組將有資格獲得每千瓦時 10 美元的生產稅收抵免。

  • These two categories of incentives provide for our products to be more competitive and enables us to benefit from increased scale, more volumes, and operating leverage.


  • Turning to slide 9.

    轉到投影片 9。

  • I'm proud to report that, in November, Fluence became an official signatory member of the United Nations Global Compact.

    我很自豪地報告,11 月,Fluence 成為聯合國全球契約的正式簽署成員。

  • Being accepted as a signatory member is an important step on our sustainability journey of building a strong ESG program based on a structured framework data and active engagement.

    被接納為簽署成員是我們在結構化框架資料和積極參與的基礎上建立強大的 ESG 計劃的可持續發展之旅中的重要一步。

  • Fluence has joined more than 20,000 companies and organizations around the world that have signed the UN Global Compact and are committed to responsible corporate citizenship and sustainability.

    Fluence 已與全球 20,000 多家公司和組織簽署了聯合國全球契約,並致力於負責任的企業公民和永續發展。

  • We are excited to collaborate with like-minded companies, non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders through the Global Compact network to exchange best practices and drive positive change.


  • Now, I would like to make a few remarks regarding the article published in late December regarding the Diablo project in California that highlighted a contract claim filed against us by the project owner, alleging that we did not have a valid construction license in California.

    現在,我想就 12 月底發表的有關加州 Diablo 專案的文章發表幾點評論,該文章強調了專案業主向我們提出的合約索賠,聲稱我們在加州沒有有效的施工許可證。

  • This contract claim was filed in response to our claim for $37 million in unpaid amounts and related damages.

    該合約索賠是為了回應我們對 3700 萬美元未付款項和相關損害的索賠而提出的。

  • As we have said already, we believe these contract claims are without merit.


  • We intend to get paid for our work on the project.


  • The legal proceedings are ongoing.


  • In the meantime, I wanted to highlight that the Diablo project is performing very well and has delivered availability or uptime above its contractual requirement during 2023.

    同時,我想強調的是,Diablo 專案表現非常出色,並且在 2023 年交付的可用性或正常運行時間超出了合約要求。

  • In conclusion, I am pleased with the achievements of the first quarter.


  • Although we are mindful there is still work to be done, we will look to continue this momentum as we progress through 2024.

    儘管我們意識到仍有工作要做,但我們希望在 2024 年取得進展時繼續保持這一勢頭。

  • I will now turn the call over to Ahmed.


  • Ahmed Pasha - Chief Financial Officer

    Ahmed Pasha - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Julian, and good morning, everyone.


  • Before we dive into the results, I am very pleased to be here at Fluence, and I would like to share my perspective on my first month at Fluence.

    在我們深入研究結果之前,我很高興來到 Fluence,我想分享我在 Fluence 第一個月的看法。

  • On a macro level, Fluence is well positioned to capitalize on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as energy storage benefits from declining input prices and an ever-increasing focus on grid stability.

    從宏觀層面來看,Fluence 處於有利地位,可以充分利用這一千載難逢的機會,因為能源儲存受益於投入價格的下降和對電網穩定性的日益關注。

  • I have learned much about the company, the people, and the culture.


  • I have been impressed by the team's laser focus on offering competitive solutions to customers while adhering to a disciplined approach to growing our top and bottom lines.


  • I am looking forward to maintaining this financial discipline and stewardship of our strong balance sheet, while delivering attractive returns to our shareholders.


  • This morning, I will review our first-quarter results and 2024 guidance, which we have reaffirmed across all metrics.

    今天早上,我將回顧我們的第一季業績和 2024 年指導,我們在所有指標上都重申了這一點。

  • Beginning with our first-quarter 2024 results on slide 11.

    從幻燈片 11 上的 2024 年第一季業績開始。

  • We generated $364 million in revenue, 70% of which was in the first in the US and largely in line with our expectations.

    我們創造了 3.64 億美元的收入,其中 70% 在美國第一,基本上符合我們的預期。

  • This was an increase of 17% from the first quarter last year.

    這比去年第一季增長了 17%。

  • As we discussed on our previous quarterly call, we expect to realize 30% of fiscal 2024 revenue in the first half, and our first-quarter results reflect this mix.

    正如我們在先前的季度電話會議中討論的那樣,我們預計將在上半年實現 2024 財年收入的 30%,我們第一季的業績也反映了這一情況。

  • Turning to adjusted gross profit.


  • For the quarter, we generated approximately $38 million, or an adjusted gross margin of approximately 10.5%, versus 4.2% in the first quarter of last year.

    本季度,我們實現了約 3,800 萬美元的收入,調整後毛利率約為 10.5%,而去年第一季為 4.2%。

  • It also represents the second consecutive quarter in which we posted double-digit gross margins.


  • Our operating expenses were $62 million, in line with expectations and consistent with the first quarter of last year, representing 17% of the quarterly revenue.

    我們的營運費用為 6,200 萬美元,符合預期並與去年第一季一致,佔季度收入的 17%。

  • Adjusted EBITDA for the quarter was negative $18 million, versus negative $26 million in the first quarter of last year.

    本季調整後 EBITDA 為負 1,800 萬美元,而去年第一季為負 2,600 萬美元。

  • Negative adjusted EBITDA reflects our revenue weighting towards the second half and operating costs that are relatively flat on a quarterly basis, as I just discussed.

    正如我剛才所討論的,調整後的 EBITDA 為負反映了我們下半年的營收比重和季度營運成本相對持平。

  • Overall, we believe these results reflect our disciplined approach to grow our top line and improve our bottom line to deliver on our financial commitments.


  • So turning to slide 12, I am pleased to report that we ended the first quarter with $477 million of cash.

    轉向幻燈片 12,我很高興地報告說,第一季末我們擁有 4.77 億美元的現金。

  • This represents an increase of $14 million from the fourth quarter and is the third consecutive quarter that we increased our total cash position.

    這比第四季增加了 1,400 萬美元,也是我們連續第三季增加現金部位總額。

  • From a liquidity perspective, we are in excellent position to capitalize on the growing energy storage market.


  • In addition to our cash position, we have access to approximately $130 million in credit facilities.

    除了我們的現金部位外,我們還可以獲得約 1.3 億美元的信貸額度。

  • This includes $75 million available under our recently signed $400 million asset-backed lending facility, or ABL facility.

    其中包括我們最近簽署的 4 億美元資產支持貸款工具(ABL 工具)下提供的 7,500 萬美元。

  • Availability in this ABL facility is dependent on the level of collateral available to secure, which is mostly our US inventory.

    該 ABL 設施的可用性取決於可用抵押品的水平,這主要是我們在美國的庫存。

  • Thus, as our inventory balance increases, so should our borrowing capacity, which provides us another lever to manage our working capital needs.


  • In summary, we have total liquidity of more than $600 million, which is sufficient to meet our current business needs.


  • Moving to slide 13.

    轉到投影片 13。

  • As Julian noted, we are reaffirming our guidance for fiscal 2024 of revenue between $2.7 billion and $3.3 billion.

    正如朱利安指出的那樣,我們重申 2024 財年收入在 27 億美元至 33 億美元之間的指引。

  • To that end, we have approximately 80% of the midpoint of our annual revenue guidance covered by our backlog, plus revenue recognized in the first quarter.

    為此,我們的積壓訂單涵蓋了年度收入指引中點的大約 80%,加上第一季確認的收入。

  • This provides us confidence that we are on the path to achieving our fiscal '24 guidance range.

    這讓我們相信我們正在實現 24 財年指導範圍。

  • From a margin perspective, we continue to anticipate fiscal 2024 adjusted gross margins of between 10% and 12%, which is in line with our first-quarter results.

    從利潤率角度來看,我們繼續預期 2024 財年調整後毛利率將在 10% 至 12% 之間,這與我們第一季的業績一致。

  • Additionally, we are reaffirming adjusted EBITDA guidance of $50 million to $80 million.

    此外,我們重申調整後的 EBITDA 指引為 5,000 萬至 8,000 萬美元。

  • Furthermore, we are on track to achieving ARR of approximately $80 million by the end of fiscal 2024.

    此外,我們預計在 2024 財年末實現約 8,000 萬美元的 ARR。

  • I would also remind that we continue to expect fiscal 2024 revenue split of 30% in the first half and 70% in the second half, which implies fiscal Q2 revenue of approximately $530 million.

    我還想提醒一下,我們仍然預計 2024 財年上半年的收入分配為 30%,下半年的收入分配為 70%,這意味著第二財季的收入約為 5.3 億美元。

  • For Q2, we expect adjusted EBITDA to be negative because annual operating costs have a more even weighting by quarter than revenue.

    對於第二季度,我們預計調整後的 EBITDA 將為負,因為年度營運成本按季度的權重比收入的權重更均勻。

  • Consistent with our full-year guidance, we expect second half '24 adjusted EBITDA to improve significantly relative to the first half as we realize 70% of annual revenue during that time period.

    與我們的全年指引一致,我們預計 24 年下半年調整後的 EBITDA 將較上半年顯著改善,因為我們在此期間實現了年收入的 70%。

  • Finally, looking ahead to 2025, we continue to believe that we will achieve 35% to 40% year-over-year top-line revenue growth driven by our robust pipeline and record backlog of signed contracts.

    最後,展望 2025 年,我們仍然相信,在我們強勁的管道和創紀錄的已簽約合約積壓的推動下,我們將實現 35% 至 40% 的營收同比增長。

  • With that, let me turn the call back to Julian for his closing remarks.


  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Ahmed.


  • Turning to slide 14, and in conclusion, I want to emphasize the key takeaways from this quarter results.

    轉向投影片 14,最後,我想強調本季業績的關鍵要點。

  • First, we had a record-setting order intake and a record backlog of $3.7 billion.

    首先,我們的訂單量創歷史新高,積壓訂單達到創紀錄的 37 億美元。

  • We have locked in battery supply at fixed prices for all our projects in our backlog, thus providing us strong visibility to achieving our guidance.


  • Second, we have a sustainable and resilient supply chain that is a key component of our competitiveness.


  • Third, we are on track to begin our module manufacturing this summer.


  • Together with our customers, we believe we are in a prime position to capitalize on various incentives under the IRA.

    我們相信,我們與客戶一起處於有利地位,可以充分利用 IRA 下的各種激勵措施。

  • Fourth, the falling battery price environment serves as a tailwind for us, and it allows more energy storage projects to be penciled in by our customers.


  • All of these factors provide us confidence in our ability to successfully deliver on our fiscal '24 and '25 objectives.

    所有這些因素都讓我們對成功實現 '24 和 '25 財年目標的能力充滿信心。

  • This concludes my prepared remarks.


  • Operator, we are now ready to take questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) George Gianarikas, Canaccord Genuity.

    (操作員說明)George Gianarikas,Canaccord Genuity。

  • George Gianarikas - Analyst

    George Gianarikas - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • So maybe just first, I'd like to ask about the orders, the $1.1 billion in orders.

    所以也許首先我想問一下訂單的情況,11 億美元的訂單。

  • Can you help us understand the geographic profile?


  • And also, are those orders consistent with your gross margin profile of mid-teens over the long term?


  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • The geographic profile is in line with what we have said: two-thirds in the US and one-third internationally.


  • And they are -- double-digit margins for that order intake, so in line with what we have communicated to the market.


  • George Gianarikas - Analyst

    George Gianarikas - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And then just as a follow-up here, as you look at the M&A landscape, we've talked about Vortilla in the past.

    然後,作為後續行動,當您審視併購情況時,我們過去討論過 Vortilla。

  • They're still undergoing their strategic review.


  • Do you feel compelled at all to change the profile of Fluence?

    您是否覺得有必要改變 Fluence 的形象?

  • You have a nice cash balance.


  • And if you look across the landscape, are you looking to potentially expand footprints or your software profile by making acquisitions?


  • Thank you.


  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • No, yeah, so we have said we -- we're very happy with our corporate business position in terms of very, very strong sales channel.


  • And you can see it not only in our backlog, but also in our pipeline.


  • Our technology, we have a very clear roadmap that is going well and we're very happy with.


  • And so generally, I don't see any need for acquisitions at this stage.


  • We're not looking at any.


  • We're clearly in the market, ensuring to understand what the -- how the environment looks.


  • But there's no need to do any acquisitions to support any of our business structure at this stage.


  • George Gianarikas - Analyst

    George Gianarikas - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Brian Lee, Goldman Sachs.


  • Brian Lee - Analyst

    Brian Lee - Analyst

  • Hey, Julian, good morning.


  • Good morning, everyone.


  • Thanks for taking the questions.


  • I had two numbers-related one.


  • First, on legacy backlog, I think, entering the year, you guys had talked about something like $150 million of still low-margin, no-margin legacy backlog you needed to work off this year.

    首先,關於遺留積壓,我認為,進入今年,你們談到了今年需要處理的 1.5 億美元仍然低利潤、無利潤的遺留積壓。

  • And I believe most of it was going to get deployed in Q1.


  • So if that's right, it implies the gross margins on the non-legacy business was mid to the high-teens or something in that range since you reported 10.5% for the quarter.

    因此,如果這是正確的,則表示非遺留業務的毛利率處於中高位或在該範圍內的水平,因為您報告的本季毛利率為 10.5%。

  • So I guess, wondering if that's right, if the backlog legacy is all gone.


  • And then how should we be thinking about gross margin for the rest of the year, given the implicit higher level for the non-legacy stuff?


  • It seems like the 10% to 12% annual guide for gross margin seems a bit conservative.


  • And then I had a follow up.


  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • All the legacy has is now gone.


  • But the actual number for the first quarter of the legacy contracts that we had in the -- that we recognized revenue in the first quarter, closer to $50 million, not $150 million.

    但我們在第一季確認的遺留合約的實際數量接近 5000 萬美元,而不是 1.5 億美元。

  • So I'll give you -- I think that we are in line with our 10% to 12% margins that we communicated for the year, and this quarter proves that if you take into account the $50 million of legacy contracts, which are essentially a roughly breakeven.

    所以我會給你——我認為我們今年的利潤率是 10% 到 12%,這個季度證明了這一點,如果你考慮到 5000 萬美元的遺留合同,這些合同基本上是大致達到收支平衡。

  • But no more legacy going forward, and the actual number for this quarter was $50 million.

    但未來不會再有更多的遺產,本季的實際數字為 5,000 萬美元。

  • Brian Lee - Analyst

    Brian Lee - Analyst

  • Okay, that's fair.


  • Then if I take the $50 million, it seems like you're closer to the mid-teens, but still within that range.

    那麼如果我拿 5000 萬美元,看起來你就更接近十幾歲了,但仍在這個範圍內。

  • Understood.


  • And then, there's been a lot of questions, Julian, about lower battery prices.


  • We see what's happening with lithium carbonate.


  • I think you made a comment on slide 12 or 13 that your fiscal '24 battery supply and prices are locked in.

    我認為您在投影片 12 或 13 上發表了評論,表示您的 24 財年電池供應和價格已鎖定。

  • So does that mean -- I know there's the index-based adjustments for your customers.


  • Is there anything in your fiscal '24 backlog to be deployed that can still get adjusted on price?

    您的 24 財年積壓訂單中是否有任何仍可進行價格調整的內容?

  • Or is that all for future -- outside of fiscal '24 backlog that maybe still has some of those index-linked adjustments that could take place?


  • I'm just trying to understand how locked and loaded the backlog dollar value is for this year versus what potentially could maybe move around next year if battery prices keep going lower.


  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, good.


  • So let me walk you through where we are.


  • So we use RMI, as you know.

    所以我們使用 RMI,如您所知。

  • So that's an important part of how we manage our risk.


  • The RMI supports our projects from the time we start negotiating with our customers to the point when we issue the purchase order, when we buy the batteries, when we make a downpayment to our battery suppliers, and get an actual commitment from the battery suppliers.

    從我們開始與客戶談判到我們發出採購訂單、購買電池、向電池供應商支付首付款並獲得電池供應商的實際承諾,RMI 一直支持我們的專案。

  • So what do we have in our backlog today?


  • So what we have said, what we have in our backlog is that we have fixed all our battery prices in all our backlog, all of it, the $3.8 billion.

    所以我們所說的,我們的積壓訂單中的內容是,我們已經固定了所有積壓訂單中的所有電池價格,所有這些,38 億美元。

  • We already fixed it with our suppliers and with our customers.


  • So our current backlog does not have any commodity risk on either direction, any exposure to the suppliers moving up or down or the customer moving up or down.


  • That means that, for '24, as we have said also, 80% of our revenue for '24 is already in our backlog.

    這意味著,對於 '24,正如我們所說,我們 '24 的收入的 80% 已經在積壓中。

  • So that 80% is very much already fixed.

    所以 80% 已經基本確定了。

  • And the battery prices will not move that 80%.

    而且電池價格不會變動 80%。

  • However, we have 20% to hold, 20% that will be subject to contracts that are in very late stage of negotiation that will be coming in the next couple of months and where the current offers we have outside or what we are negotiating with our customers is based on current prices.

    然而,我們還有20% 的股份可供持有,其中20% 的股份將受到處於談判後期階段的合約的約束,這些合約將在接下來的幾個月內簽訂,以及我們目前對外提供的報價或我們正在與我們的客戶談判的合約。客戶以當前價格為準。

  • So we feel very, very comfortable and secure that we will meet our guidance for the year.


  • And then that gives us '25 -- that gives you '25 in front of us.


  • And we have roughly $1.5 billion of revenue of '25 already in our backlog, so roughly 40% of next year's implied guidance we have given you.

    我們已經積壓了 25 年約 15 億美元的收入,因此我們已經給您提供了明年隱含指導的約 40%。

  • That is already in our backlog and it's already also fixed.


  • So when you looked at -- if you looked at it from the upside, 80% already in the backlog, fixed for 24; 20% subject to new contracts, which are already very late stage of negotiations, which reflect current battery prices.

    所以當你看時-如果你從好的方面看,80% 已經在積壓中,固定為 24; 20% 取決於新合同,這些合同已經處於談判的最後階段,反映了當前的電池價格。

  • And we feel very confident -- as I said, we feel very, very confident that we'll meet our numbers.


  • We are negotiating these numbers.


  • We're talking to our customers.


  • We know where we are.


  • Those will support our '24 revenue guidance.

    這些將支持我們的 24 年收入指引。

  • And then for '25, we're still clearly working on this. 40% is already in the books.

    到了 25 年,我們顯然仍在努力解決這個問題。 40%已經記錄在案了。

  • The 60% to go, when we looked at -- and then you can say, well, why do you feel confident about it?

    當我們看到 60% 的時候,你可以說,好吧,你為什麼對此充滿信心?

  • If you looked at our pipeline -- I'm sorry for the long answer, maybe -- we grew our pipeline by $400 million.

    如果你看看我們的管道——我很抱歉回答太長了,也許——我們的管道增加了 4 億美元。

  • Well, that means that the $1.1 billion we converted from our pipeline to backlog, we also covered.

    嗯,這意味著我們也涵蓋了從通路轉為積壓訂單的 11 億美元。

  • So in reality, we brought in into our pipeline, at current prices, $1.5 billion of new code.

    因此,實際上,以當前價格,我們在管道中引入了價值 15 億美元的新代碼。

  • So it gives us very, very clear in one quarter that the demand we're seeing in the market, the interest that is coming to this day, how much investors, customers, regulators feel comfortable with our technology, makes us very confident that we will meet our commitments for '24 and '25.


  • And I do understand that, sometimes, the financial markets are concerned about the potential downward pressure on revenue of battery prices.


  • But let me be very clear, this is a tremendous headwind for this industry.


  • The elasticity of the money is tremendous.


  • And that provides for a significant uptick in demand that significantly covers the potential downside of our revenue prices.


  • So very, very confident on '24. 80% on it, already fixed, clear line of sight within shooting range -- to use an army concept -- and for '24, for the other 20% in '25, 40% in the book, 60% to go, and with tremendous pipeline coming in that we feel that will more than cover all the problems on our channel.

    對 24 號非常非常有信心。 80% 在上面,已經固定,在射擊範圍內有清晰的視線——使用陸軍概念——24 年,25 年的另外 20%,書中的 40%,還有 60%,以及隨著大量的管道湧入,我們認為這將不僅僅是解決我們頻道上的所有問題。

  • Brian Lee - Analyst

    Brian Lee - Analyst

  • All right.


  • That's great.


  • I appreciate all that.


  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Sorry for that very long answer, Brian.


  • Brian Lee - Analyst

    Brian Lee - Analyst

  • No, crystal clear.


  • I think I got the message crystal clear.


  • Thanks a lot, guys.


  • Appreciate it.


  • Operator


  • Christine Cho, Barclays.


  • Christine Cho - Analyst

    Christine Cho - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Thank you for taking the question.


  • I just wanted a clarification question on the backlog.


  • As I understood it, if the customer had not issued notice to proceed but had booked, that was still subject to move.


  • And it sounded like you locked everything in for the backlog as it stands today.


  • But as you get incremental bookings, should we think that, on a go-forward basis, all of that will be locked in when it enters your backlog as well?


  • Or same thing, it's subject to move until they issue notice to proceed?


  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, very good point.


  • As I said, the RMI covers from the point we start negotiating with the customer to the point that the purchase order is issued, which is usually at the point of notice to proceed.

    正如我所說,RMI 涵蓋從我們開始與客戶談判到發出採購訂單的那一刻,這通常是在通知繼續進行時。

  • So the new order intake that we will get, there will be a point between the moment we sign the contract to the point we issue the notice to proceed where that potential risk is.


  • However, what we have seen and what we showed you is that timeframe has collapsed significantly and that we are now issuing notice to proceed very close, in most cases, to the point at which we are signing the contract.


  • So I will say that, generally, the risk for RMI in our backlog will continue to be a small number as we move forward.

    所以我想說的是,總的來說,隨著我們的前進,我們積壓的 RMI 風險將仍然很小。

  • There might be one or two projects that come in, where the customer wants to wait a little bit, and maybe that will happen.


  • But in general, I think most of the contracts we are signing, the customer wants to secure batteries immediately, take advantage of the good price, and move forward.


  • Christine Cho - Analyst

    Christine Cho - Analyst

  • Okay, got it.


  • And then can you give us an idea of how much of your backlog has EPC services tied to it, maybe percentage of the contracted volumes?

    然後您能否告訴我們您的積壓訂單中有多少與 EPC 服務相關,也許是合約量的百分比?

  • And as demand goes up, should we think that this percentage number moves up, down, consistent with incremental bookings?


  • And sorry, how different are the ASPs and margins today for new orders if you provide the EPC versus not?

    抱歉,如果您提供 EPC 與不提供 EPC,現在新訂單的平均售價和利潤率有何不同?

  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • The EPC are roughly around 30%.


  • A lot of -- it's very much market and project dependent, so we have -- to give you a sense, all our transmission projects, our ultra-stack projects have EPC.


  • Very complex projects that require significant coordination between all the elements, so those are EPCs.

    非常複雜的專案需要所有要素之間進行大量協調,因此這些專案就是 EPC。

  • Australia is a market for EPC.


  • The US is less.


  • So it depends a little bit where, what, how they -- where we're working.


  • As we see, we clearly are working on improving, continue moving forward on our ultra-stack projects.


  • Australia is a market that we're very excited with.


  • You might see that, as we bring more Australia and ultra-stack projects, those will be EPC.

    您可能會看到,隨著我們帶來更多澳洲和超堆疊項目,這些項目將是 EPC。

  • But generally, if you want to model this going forward, I think the 30% is a good proxy for it.

    但一般來說,如果你想對此進行建模,我認為 30% 是一個很好的代表。

  • As I said, it depends a little bit on the complexity of the projects and the markets we're working on.


  • And in terms of returns, I think they're within the 10% to 15%.

    就回報而言,我認為它們在 10% 到 15% 之間。

  • They'll not change.


  • Clearly, the more complex projects where we take more risk are closer to the upper band, as we have always said, and the ones that are simpler and less of a problem, out on lower side of that band.


  • And generally, you will say that most of the EPC projects are more complex, but I wouldn't necessarily -- it doesn't take us out of the range of 10% to 15%.

    一般來說,你會說大多數 EPC 專案都比較複雜,但我不一定——它不會讓我們超出 10% 到 15% 的範圍。

  • Christine Cho - Analyst

    Christine Cho - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Justin Clare, Roth MKM.


  • Justin Clare - Director, Research Analyst

    Justin Clare - Director, Research Analyst

  • Yeah, good morning.


  • Thanks for taking our questions here.


  • So first, I want to ask about the demands that you're seeing for batteries that would meet the domestic content requirements.


  • Have you signed contracts at this point for those domestic batteries?


  • And then is it possible to give us a sense for what the uplift in pricing might be?


  • And then, do you see potential for a margin uplift given that you're going to be one of the first to supply domestically produced batteries?


  • Could you get out of that 10% to 15% range?

    你能擺脫 10% 到 15% 的範圍嗎?

  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Strong demand, I'll say that not only with our current customers, we're also attracting new customers that are talking to John, our Americas CEO or President, who's really -- we see a lot of people interested and understanding and getting in.

    強烈的需求,我想說,不僅是我們現有的客戶,我們還吸引了正在與我們的美洲首席執行官或總裁約翰交談的新客戶,他真的- 我們看到很多人感興趣、理解並參與其中。

  • So that's the first thing, very strong demand.


  • In terms of a margin, so we have said that, what you implied, we believe we have a first-mover advantage here, and that that first-mover advantage should allow us to capture some additional margin.


  • However, this is early in the game.


  • We're still negotiating with our customers.


  • We have to wait.


  • If I tell you here a number, my customers will use it against me.


  • So we are working with our customers to ensure that they can meet the higher returns, and then we can capture some additional margin because they're doing much better than anybody else on those projects.


  • And that's what we're working with them on.


  • And as this thing settles down and we see those projects -- those contracts coming in, and our customers secure about the returns they're getting, I think we will communicate to you what potential upside we might get.


  • But for now, I prefer not to talk about it.


  • And then up today, we have not signed any domestic content contracts, even though they are in very late stage.


  • Just to give you a point, which I think is important, the domestic content projects are 2025 revenue.


  • They're not going to be supporting '24 revenue.


  • Our supply -- our module manufacturing starts in the summer, and then it will pick up during the quarter.


  • And we will start receiving domestic-manufactured batteries in the last quarter of this year.


  • But we need to integrate them and then move them into the -- deliver to our customers.


  • So we won't see any revenue in this year from domestic content.


  • Justin Clare - Director, Research Analyst

    Justin Clare - Director, Research Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Okay.


  • And then just following up on that, just wondering how much of your Utah manufacturing capacity could be supplied with domestically produced cells, given your agreement with AESC.

    然後繼續跟進,只是想知道,根據您與 AESC 的協議,您在猶他州的製造能力中有多少可以由國產電池提供。

  • Could you fully utilize that facility to produce domestic content or cells that meet the requirements?


  • How are you thinking about that?


  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • That's the idea that we will have -- we could freely utilize our current capacity.


  • And as I think we have communicated to you, that capacity can be easily doubled if we need to.


  • Justin Clare - Director, Research Analyst

    Justin Clare - Director, Research Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Andrew Percoco, Morgan Stanley.


  • Andrew Percoco - Analyst

    Andrew Percoco - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning.


  • Thanks so much for taking the question.


  • I did just want to go back to some of your commentary on the Red Sea.


  • It sounds like you haven't seen an impact to margins from the freight rates yet.


  • But I'm just curious, do all of your contracts exposed to the Red Sea have freight adjusters, or could there be some potential margin risk if freight rates don't come back down?


  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • All our contracts, irrespective of whether they're going through the Red Sea or any other route, have freight adjustments, logistic adjustments.


  • So all these costs are passed on, so we should not see any effect on our margins coming out of the Red Sea issues.


  • Andrew Percoco - Analyst

    Andrew Percoco - Analyst

  • Okay, that's super helpful.


  • And then my second question is a little bit more thematic.


  • But there's been a lot of attention paid to AI data center power needs and it's a big theme right now.


  • And I think the view is energy storage is a pretty critical component when thinking about powering that load with reliable clean electricity.


  • So can you maybe just provide some insights into your conversations that you're having with maybe some of these customers and what the timeline might look like for Fluence for this opportunity?

    那麼,您能否提供一些您與其中一些客戶的對話的見解以及 Fluence 抓住這一機會的時間表?

  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • I mean, yeah, this is something we have looked at.


  • We work with Google on a project.

    我們與 Google 合作一個專案。

  • However, to be very sincere today, we're so busy with the utility-scale projects and that we are not -- we haven't really worked a lot on it recently.


  • But we did have a project to test it with them.


  • It went well.


  • But it's something that we have not actually -- in the recent quarters, something that we have not worked on.


  • But one of those opportunities we're going to the point on battery cost reductions, where this lowering of prices will start making these projects very attractive.


  • It will make it a lot more attractive than what they were when we looked at it, I think, roughly a year ago.


  • So I think this is the type of thing that when we talked about it, it's elastic -- on demand elasticity, sorry for that, that comes in.


  • And it becomes one-off.


  • You put the price to such a point and you turn the lights on, and all this demand comes in.


  • And that's my point to all of you on the tremendous tailwind of battery prices in our technology and how business cases start being penciled in and it becomes very, very attractive.


  • Andrew Percoco - Analyst

    Andrew Percoco - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • That's helpful.


  • And I guess maybe just one more follow-up on that.


  • When you had that pilot project when you did that demonstration with Google, was there anything on the software side or battery chemistry side that they were looking for to be changed versus your traditional utility customer?


  • Rebecca Boll - Senior Vice President, Chief Product Officer

    Rebecca Boll - Senior Vice President, Chief Product Officer

  • This is Rebecca.


  • On the battery side, no, the chemistry is the same.


  • The physical delivery of the product was the same.


  • Based on the size of what we're delivering for Google, there were some changes on the software side for the application space that that was working in.

    根據我們為 Google 提供的服務的規模,我們在軟體方面對正在運行的應用程式空間進行了一些更改。

  • Andrew Percoco - Analyst

    Andrew Percoco - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Julien Dumoulin-Smith, Bank of America.


  • Julien Dumoulin-Smith - Analyst

    Julien Dumoulin-Smith - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning, Julian, team, Ahmed.


  • Congrats again.


  • Pleasure.


  • Just coming back to the top of the Q&A roster here on the gross margin piece.


  • I just want to come back to this a little bit.


  • I mean, you guys obviously have this 10% to 15% and then 10% to 12% here in the near term.

    我的意思是,你們顯然在短期內擁有 10% 到 15%,然後是 10% 到 12%。

  • Starting off the year the way that you did with revenues really poised to scale through the year.


  • Again, I get there's not an OpEx operating leverage piece here, but I mean, to what extent can we expect those gross margins to scale as revenues and the size of these projects can be conceivably -- continue to expand into the bulk of the year here?


  • I mean, is there an argument to be trending higher within even that 10% to 12% range?

    我的意思是,即使在 10% 到 12% 的範圍內,是否有理由認為其趨勢會更高?

  • Ahmed Pasha - Chief Financial Officer

    Ahmed Pasha - Chief Financial Officer

  • No, I think our guidance -- hey, Julian, thanks for your comments -- compliments.

    不,我認為我們的指導 - 嘿,朱利安,謝謝你的評論 - 恭維。

  • I think in terms of the gross margin, I think our guidance was 10% to 12%.

    我認為就毛利率而言,我們的指導是 10% 到 12%。

  • I think we feel pretty good about that range going through the rest of the year.


  • So I think it will be north of where we had realized in the first quarter, but I think we feel pretty good where we will end up in terms of our range for the full year.


  • Julien Dumoulin-Smith - Analyst

    Julien Dumoulin-Smith - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Excellent.


  • And then, Julian, you mentioned this earlier on the domestic contents, your ability to potentially, I think you said something, double AESC contributions here potentially if need be.

    然後,朱利安,您之前在國內內容中提到過這一點,我認為您有能力在需要時將 AESC 貢獻加倍。

  • I mean, just looking at the trade backdrop here, can you comment a little bit about what the -- what your ability to pivot is depending on any future shift in trade policy landscape here?


  • I'm really curious about your ability to shift even more so back to domestic product.


  • Especially if the ESS market demands it, what is your ability to bring that to market as you think about providing further disclosures through the year and scaling up, if you will?

    特別是如果 ESS 市場需要它,當您考慮在全年提供進一步的揭露並擴大規模(如果您願意)時,您將其推向市場的能力如何?

  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, I mean, this is a '25 issue more than '24.

    是的,我的意思是,這是 25 年的問題,而不是 24 年的問題。

  • As you know, this line will come back -- will come online, or these sales will come up online.


  • We are working with our suppliers to ensure that we have access to the additional demand, to the additional production capabilities, and have a first right of refusal on the production as we move forward.


  • This is a multi-year contract.


  • So this is what I can tell you.


  • We haven't really disclosed the volumes and stuff that we're working with, but the way we envision this project is a long-term relationship where we are able to take advantage of their increasing production as it continues moving forward.


  • That's the way I would put it.


  • So in case -- I guess your question is indirectly, Julien, maybe I'm sorry that I'm implying, is that what happens is that trade issues and then this production becomes even more value.


  • Well, we believe that we are putting that into consideration the way we, at least for a period of time, to be able to scale up if this becomes a lot more attractive than what it is today due to potential trade disruptions.


  • Julien Dumoulin-Smith - Analyst

    Julien Dumoulin-Smith - Analyst

  • Right.


  • And your point is that 10% to 15%, as it stands today, there is fundamentally sort of upside as you disclose what the domestic content

    你的觀點是,按照目前的情況,10% 到 15%,當你披露國內內容時,從根本上來說是有好處的。

  • [ASP is].

    [ASP 是]。

  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • That's right.


  • That's our current view.


  • We'll talk more as we move forward and we sign these contracts and the competitive environment settles.


  • But essentially, just going back, it is -- our customers need to feel comfortable with their business cases and that they can capture more than what they usually capture and that we will capture part of what they use -- that upside that we're giving them.

    但本質上,回過頭來說,我們的客戶需要對他們的業務案例感到滿意,並且他們可以捕獲比他們通常捕獲的更多內容,而我們將捕獲他們使用的部分內容 - 我們正在這樣做的好處給他們。

  • So that's how all this works out.


  • And we're working with them on that process.


  • And as soon as that settles down in a way that feels comfortable, that is the way it's going to work for a period of time, we'll communicate to the financial markets what it is.


  • Julien Dumoulin-Smith - Analyst

    Julien Dumoulin-Smith - Analyst

  • Excellent.


  • Thank you, guys.


  • Good luck.


  • Speak to you soon.


  • Operator


  • Kashy Harrison, JPMorgan.


  • Kashy Harrison - Analyst

    Kashy Harrison - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • So first question is for 2024 guidance.

    第一個問題是關於 2024 年的指導。

  • You indicated that you have 80% already locked in, and you should be able to get to 100% shortly.

    您表示您已經鎖定了 80%,而且您應該很快就能達到 100%。

  • But I was just wondering if you could give a sense of how -- of where you were at this point last year.


  • Were you 80% booked last year as well?


  • Or were you 100% booked at this point for the prior year?

    或者您去年的這個時間點是否已 100% 被預訂?

  • And then just in general, how should we conceptually think about the amount of revenues that can be booked and captured within a year?


  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • So last year, if you looked at our -- what we had in the backlog last year, at the end of the first quarter, against where we ended in revenue, not where we were guiding us.


  • Remember, we guided up over the years, so that gives a little bit of -- we were roughly at 90%.

    請記住,我們多年來一直在引導,所以這給了一點——我們大約在 90%。

  • So 90% of our revenue for '23 was in our backlog at this stage.

    因此,我們 23 年 90% 的收入都在現階段的積壓中。

  • So we're a little bit behind compared to last year from that point of view.


  • However, looking at the late stage of development of our contracts and how we're going to -- where these contracts are, we have very, very high confidence that we will be able to secure the contracts we need to meet our guidance.


  • So that's the way it is.


  • And that's it.


  • We feel very, very good.


  • We have -- there are several contracts.


  • We have -- they're all -- we're very positive in all of them, and it should allow us to be at a point that we will meet our guidance for the year.


  • Ahmed Pasha - Chief Financial Officer

    Ahmed Pasha - Chief Financial Officer

  • Kashy, this is Ahmed.


  • And I think second part of your question was on the profile for the rest of the year.


  • I think, as I discussed in my comments, I mean, 70% of our revenue or annual revenue is in the second half, and it's more back-end loaded.

    我認為,正如我在評論中所討論的,我的意思是,我們 70% 的收入或年收入都在下半年,而且後端負載更多。

  • But that is frankly all based on our current contracts that we have, which are when we execute such a timing when we are delivering those contracts.


  • So it's more driven by the timing of the projects that we have in our pipeline or backlog.


  • Kashy Harrison - Analyst

    Kashy Harrison - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thanks for both of those responses.


  • And my follow-up question is just around the order intakes. $1.1 billion, clearly very impressive.

    我的後續問題與訂單量有關。 11億美元,顯然非常令人印象深刻。

  • If we look at last year and the prior year, it seems like your order -- there was some type of order seasonality, where the second quarter orders look about the same as the first quarter, then you have like a dip into 3Q, and then somewhat of a recovery into 4Q.


  • Is that directionally how we should -- without giving super explicit order guidance, I'm just wondering if that's directionally how we should think about seasonality for orders in your business moving forward?


  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • I mean, if you look back, every year is very different.


  • So I don't think there is a strong seasonality in our order intake.


  • So that's what -- it moves around.


  • So it's more of how things worked out.


  • And something that can be signed on December 15 or January 15 is quite -- has nothing to do with season.

    12 月 15 日或 1 月 15 日簽署的合約與賽季無關。

  • It's more of whether people want to take vacation to give you a sense of this quarter.


  • So I wouldn't give any -- we cannot give you a view on seasonality of product orders.


  • Kashy Harrison - Analyst

    Kashy Harrison - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Mark Strouse, JPMorgan.


  • Mark Strouse - Analyst

    Mark Strouse - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Good morning, everybody.


  • Thanks for taking our question.


  • I appreciate the color that you were giving earlier about no-margin risk from changes in pricing because your contracts with your suppliers and your customers are locked in.


  • Can you talk about the ability, though, of your customers to potentially cancel an order, especially if pricing goes lower enough?


  • And if so, can you give us what your average deposits that you're collecting on those contracts?


  • And then, on the other side, do you then have the ability to turn around and cancel any orders with suppliers?


  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • I mean, they are -- what we bring in our backlog are binding contract that the customer cannot get out with making us hold on any cancellation.


  • Today, to this day, we have never seen a cancellation of a contract in our backlog.


  • There's a reason for it.


  • We are very, very strict on what comes in.


  • Even though we have contracts that we have signed, which are not in our backlog until they meet the conditions to ensure that, if there's a cancellation, everybody's covered.


  • So we haven't seen a cancellation.


  • Nobody has turned down.


  • This project is very much ours.


  • So that's never been a risk, and the contract will make it difficult for the customer to get out if they go up significant financial penalties to ensure they meet and make us hold.


  • But as I said, that has never happened.


  • And your second question, sorry, on -- if you don't mind reminding me.


  • Mark Strouse - Analyst

    Mark Strouse - Analyst

  • Well, maybe it's not a risk now, but the second question was, if your customers canceled on you, would you have the ability to cancel with your suppliers?


  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • I mean, we put purchase orders.


  • We'll have penalties if we cancel with our suppliers.


  • But as I said, our customers will more compensate for that.


  • So that's the way we took it.


  • Ahmed Pasha - Chief Financial Officer

    Ahmed Pasha - Chief Financial Officer

  • So the only thing I would add to that is, Mark, I think our -- when we signed the contract, our counterparties signed the contract at the price that makes sense for them at that time.


  • So they look into -- take into account the economics of the project.


  • So I think that is what really drives their decision to continue, and then they make advanced payments because we generally get anywhere from 10% to 30% advance payments.

    所以我認為這才是真正促使他們決定繼續的原因,然後他們預付款,因為我們通常會收到 10% 到 30% 的預付款。

  • And I think those are the things and that you have to take into account, I think.


  • But overall, as Julian mentioned, we have never seen any contract getting canceled for the same reasons.


  • Mark Strouse - Analyst

    Mark Strouse - Analyst

  • Yeah, that makes sense.


  • Okay, thank you both.


  • One quick follow up, Ahmed.


  • On the last call, Monu gave some color about the timing of downpayments to AESC.

    在最後一次電話會議上,Monu 透露了一些有關向 AESC 支付首付款的時間表。

  • Was there any update there?


  • I'm sorry if I missed it.


  • Ahmed Pasha - Chief Financial Officer

    Ahmed Pasha - Chief Financial Officer

  • No, nothing changed.


  • I think we basically are on track.


  • No, nothing to report.


  • Mark Strouse - Analyst

    Mark Strouse - Analyst

  • Okay, excellent.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Tom Curran, Seaport Research Partners.


  • Tom Curran - Analyst

    Tom Curran - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • So under the EU climate law, the European Commission is working on an updated version of its national energy and climate plan that will establish decarbonization targets for 2040.

    因此,根據歐盟氣候法,歐盟委員會正在製定其國家能源和氣候計畫的更新版本,該計畫將製定 2040 年的脫碳目標。

  • Between an early draft that leaked into the media and then a subsequent official communication, the Commission has proposed a target for the power gen mix of 90% renewables, complemented by nuclear, and referred to grid scale energy storage as a key element in their words for achieving that.

    在洩漏給媒體的早期草案和隨後的官方溝通之間,委員會提出了 90% 再生能源發電組合的目標,並以核電為補充,並將電網規模的能源儲存稱為關鍵要素。為了實現這一目標。

  • This news, following last year's adoption of accelerated permitting for standalone storage, suggests the EU really is placing increasing emphasis on storage support when it comes to policy.


  • What are you guys most excited about that either is gestating and seems to have good odds of becoming part of law or a new rule or incentive?


  • What are you most excited about that you have visibility on over either this year or, let's say, by the end of fiscal '25?

    今年或 25 財年末您能看到的最令您興奮的事情是什麼?

  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • I'll tell you what, the things we have seen in the last quarters are, clearly, the demand is very strong.


  • Also, I don't know if you saw the announcements, supply chain is moving into Germany or into Europe, let's put it.


  • North Pole announcing a big factory in Germany, other players announcing factories all around Europe.


  • So our localization of supply chain is coming now with a better environment for it, so that's a good sign.


  • And then our pipeline moving very strongly, especially Germany becoming a cost to a market that's very active.


  • The UK has always been market.


  • But then markets have not been that active now becoming more.


  • Italy came out with a six-hour capacity payment.


  • There are a few things happening around that makes us very, very excited.


  • I will tell you, if you ask me what I'm excited about, all of the above, everything.


  • I'm excited about the fact that we have the supply chain starting in CPN, but good.

    我很高興我們的供應鏈是從 CPN 開始的,但很好。

  • The fact so that -- we believe in the realization of supply chain, so that's great.


  • And now, there's a lot of more players and regulators supporting it, so great.


  • We see these changes in Italy and in some of the Nordic countries, that's great.


  • And then a lot of customers in Germany and the UK that we have been working on, contacting us to move forward.


  • So all of the above, I will say Europe is a fertile ground for battery storage.


  • Tom Curran - Analyst

    Tom Curran - Analyst

  • That's helpful.


  • It makes sense.


  • And then, Ahmed, on the balance sheet, you saw a big sequential increased inventory, which more than doubled to $564 million.

    然後,艾哈邁德,在資產負債表上,您會看到庫存連續大幅增加,增加了一倍多,達到 5.64 億美元。

  • Given the steep ramp in shipment and installation activity that you're preparing for as part of recognizing roughly 70% of fiscal '24 revenue over the second half, I suppose that it's at least partly self-explanatory, but could you just expound on that inventory surge and then give us an idea of how working capital as a source or use of CFFO should evolve quarter by quarter over fiscal '24?

    考慮到您正在準備的發貨和安裝活動急劇增加,作為確認下半年 24 財年收入的大約 70% 的一部分,我認為這至少部分是不言自明的,但您能否詳細說明一下庫存激增,然後讓我們了解作為CFFO 來源或使用的營運資金在24 財年期間應如何逐季發展?

  • Ahmed Pasha - Chief Financial Officer

    Ahmed Pasha - Chief Financial Officer

  • Sure.


  • I think in terms of -- yes, you're right.


  • I think our inventory balance has increased by a couple of hundred million dollars, I mean, this year.


  • I think this quarter, and that is primarily, I think, as we are ramping up our growth in revenue because, as I discussed, I mean, our revenue next quarter, second quarter will be not about $550 million.

    我認為這個季度,我認為,這主要是因為我們正在加快收入成長,因為正如我所討論的,我的意思是,我們下個季度、第二季度的收入將不會約為 5.5 億美元。

  • So that inventory balance is largely, I think, will be deployed to serve or recognize our revenue in Q2.


  • In terms of working capital needs, I think we discussed on our Q4 call, I think, in 2024, there will be, I think, about $100 million or so of additional working capital needs.

    在營運資金需求方面,我想我們在第四季度的電話會議上討論過,我認為,到 2024 年,將會有大約 1 億美元左右的額外營運資金需求。

  • But that is part of the plan, I think, that we will be funding through our existing liquidity.


  • So nothing changed from that perspective.


  • What we discussed in our Q4 call feel pretty good, given our liquidity is north of $600 million.

    鑑於我們的流動性超過 6 億美元,我們在第四季度電話會議中討論的內容感覺非常好。

  • So we can manage any short-term working capital needs if we have to.


  • Tom Curran - Analyst

    Tom Curran - Analyst

  • Great.


  • I appreciate the insights.


  • Operator


  • Ben Kallo, Baird.


  • Ben Kallo - Analyst

    Ben Kallo - Analyst

  • Hey, thanks for putting me in, guys.


  • Just two quick ones.


  • First, maybe this relates to notes to proceed.


  • But could you talk about any risk in project or sales timing based on interconnection delays or shortage of electricians or paper shortages?


  • And then my second question is just your appetite for offering your software to other battery providers, whether lithium ion or other types of storage providers.


  • Thank you.


  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • In terms of -- when you looked at our -- in terms of the risk of the delays in interconnection, essentially, it is an acute problem in the US, less of a problem generally in the other markets.


  • It's important to make that point.


  • The second one is that, what we have in our backlog already has -- the queue has been resolved.


  • Our customer has a clear line of sight of when they're going to connect, what they need to do, and by when.


  • So there could be delays, but the delays are usually weeks because something didn't get to a sign on time or things like that.


  • So not the delays we talked about.


  • So generally, I would say that our backlog is the risk on transmission delays in general, except for more of a civil works type of delays.


  • Then you do see, clearly, our pipeline, our ability to convert our pipeline into backlog, it is subject to our customers in the US, insurance that they can get on the queue and get those problems resolved.


  • We -- just see what happened this quarter.


  • We are not seeing a significantly -- when we look -- when we build our pipeline, we set days when we see that projects are going to be -- projects that we believe we're going to be able to sign them.


  • And we haven't seen a significant delay of -- that in any way affect our results or ability to meet our financial metrics.


  • There are projects here and there, ones that surprise you by how fast they move and ones that surprise you because they're a little late.


  • But I would say, when you put them in balance, they're generally not the same.


  • In terms of digital solutions, I think I will have to make two -- we have -- our BMS, our operating systems, which are integral to our hardware solutions.


  • And those are not -- that we're not going to sell that to anyone.


  • We don't offer to third parties.


  • This is ours.


  • We use it for ourselves, and it makes us different.


  • And it's one of our competitive barriers and our competitive capacity.


  • However, we do have our Fluence Digital offering, our Mosaic offering, which is a bidding app, and our Nispera offering, which is a performance management tool.

    然而,我們確實有 Fluence Digital 產品、Mosaic 產品(競價應用程式)和 Nispera 產品(績效管理工具)。

  • Those we do sell to third-party technology.


  • So there are competitors of us who, the owners of their technology, prefers to use our bidding app and prefer to use our performance management tools rather than whatever the other competitor is offering.


  • But I will say that only on those two points, on the OS and on the operating system and the BMS, it is integral to what we do, and we don't offer that to anyone else.

    但我要說的是,只有在作業系統、作業系統和 BMS 這兩點上,它才是我們所做工作的組成部分,而且我們不會向其他任何人提供這些服務。

  • Ben Kallo - Analyst

    Ben Kallo - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • And I would now like to hand the conference back over to Julian for any further remarks.


  • Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

    Julian Nebreda - President, Chief Executive Officer

  • Great.


  • Well, thank you so much, everybody, for your interest and questions.


  • We had a great quarter -- great order intake, revenue.


  • We knew from -- in line with what we expected, this is in line with where we were going.


  • I think an important point and something that you all brought to me last year, as a main point, is the double-digit gross margin.


  • This was a main discussion during '23, whether we were going to be able to do it.

    這是 23 年期間的一個主要討論,我們是否能夠做到這一點。

  • Now, we have two quarters of meeting double-digit gross margins.


  • I think this is the basis of which, as we ramp up on revenue, the basis of which we will be able to become -- to reach profitability for this quarter again.


  • So we're very confident on our '24 guidance and our ability to meet our $3 billion middle of the range earnings revenue guidance and our $50 million to $80 million in terms of adjusted EBITDA.

    因此,我們對 24 年的指導非常有信心,並且有能力實現 30 億美元的中等收入指引和 5,000 萬至 8,000 萬美元的調整後 EBITDA。

  • So very happy for what's going on.


  • Thank you so much, and talk to you.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's conference call.


  • Thank you for participating.


  • You may now disconnect.
