Flex Ltd (FLEX) 2004 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Excuse me, this is the Conference Coordinator.


  • I would like to thank everyone for holding for today’s conference call.


  • All lines will be in a listen-only mode until the question and answer session of today’s conference.


  • I would also like to inform everyone that the conference call is being recorded today.


  • If you have any objections you may disconnect.


  • Now at this time, I would like to turn it over to your speaker, Mr. Michael Marks, CEO of Flextronics.


  • Thank you, sir.


  • You may begin.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Thank you.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining the conference call to discuss the results of Flextronics’ first quarter ended June 30th, 2003.

    女士們、先生們,感謝你們參加電話會議,討論偉創力截至 2003 年 6 月 30 日的第一季度業績。

  • On the call with me today are Bob Dykes and Tom Smach.

    今天與我通話的是鮑勃·戴克斯 (Bob Dykes) 和湯姆·斯馬赫 (Tom Smach)。

  • To help communicate the data in this call you can also view our presentation on the internet.


  • Go to the investors section of our web site, and select earnings presentation.


  • You will need to click through the slides, and so I will give you the slide number I am referring to.


  • Slide two.


  • Please note that this conference call contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Federal Securities Laws, including statements related to our future growth, trends in our industry, expected charges and level of future restructuring requirements, expansion of and expected changes in our client base, end market demand, our ODM initiative, earnings leverage, and our anticipated operating results, financial position, cash flows, and profitability.

    請注意,本次電話會議包含聯邦證券法含義內的前瞻性陳述,包括與我們未來增長、行業趨勢、未來重組要求的預期費用和水平、我們客戶的擴展和預期變化相關的陳述基礎、終端市場需求、我們的 ODM 計劃、盈利槓桿以及我們的預期經營業績、財務狀況、現金流和盈利能力。

  • These statements are subject to attendant risks that can cause actual results to differ materially.


  • Information about these risks is noted in the earnings press release at the end of this presentation and in our SEC filings.

    有關這些風險的信息已在本演示文稿末尾的收益新聞稿和我們向 SEC 提交的文件中註明。

  • The term ‘pro forma’ used throughout today’s discussion excludes amortization, costs associated with the early retirement of debt and restructuring charges as applicable and set forth in the accompanying slides.


  • Reconciliations of pro forma results to GAAP results are included in Schedule 1 to the earnings release and in the investor section of our web site.

    預計業績與 GAAP 業績的對照表包含在收益發布的附表 1 以及我們網站的投資者部分中。

  • Slide three.


  • As announced in the press release, revenue in the quarter as $3.1b which was up sequentially from the March quarter, and was approximately the same as the first quarter last year.

    正如新聞稿中宣布的那樣,該季度的收入為 3.1b 美元,比 3 月份季度連續增長,與去年第一季度大致相同。

  • Pro forma net income was $20.4m or four cents per share for the quarter.

    該季度預計淨利潤為 2040 萬美元,即每股 4 美分。

  • As we discussed in the mid-quarter call, the operating results in the June quarter were almost identical to our results in the March quarter except for an additional $4m in net interest expense resulting primarily from the addition of long-term debt during the quarter.

    正如我們在季度中期電話會議中討論的那樣,6 月份季度的運營業績幾乎與 3 月份季度的業績相同,除了主要由於該季度增加長期債務而導致的額外 400 萬美元淨利息支出。

  • After including after-tax amortization expense of $7.9m, restructuring costs of 293.5m, and debt retirement costs of $8.7m we incurred a loss of $289.7m on a GAAP basis which is a 56 cent loss on a diluted per share basis.

    計入 790 萬美元的稅後攤銷費用、2.935 億美元的重組成本和 870 萬美元的債務清償成本後,按照 GAAP 計算,我們虧損了 2.897 億美元,攤薄後每股虧損 56 美分。

  • I will address these charges in more detail later in the call.


  • Slide four.


  • On a sequential basis gross margin declined 10 basis points to 5.3 percent.

    毛利率環比下降 10 個基點至 5.3%。

  • As expected, the weakening U.S. dollar had a slight adverse impact on our operating margins.


  • Gross margin was the same as it was in the first quarter a year ago, and SG&A decreased 10 basis points to 3.7 percent of sales in the June quarter.

    毛利率與去年第一季度持平,SG&A 下降 10 個基點,佔 6 月份季度銷售額的 3.7%。

  • Slide five.


  • As has been the case through much of this downturn, our balance sheet management continues to be quite good.


  • At the end of the quarter we had $860m in cash.

    截至本季度末,我們擁有 8.6 億美元現金。

  • Total debt increased by $349m during the quarter, primarily as a result of issuing $400m of new 6.5 percent senior subordinated notes offset by the early retirement of $150m of 8-3/4 percent senior subordinated notes.

    本季度總債務增加了 3.49 億美元,主要是由於發行了 4 億美元新的 6.5% 高級次級票據,並被提前收回的 1.5 億美元 8-3/4% 高級次級票據所抵消。

  • Our leverage ratio of 25 percent at quarter end and liquidity increased to more than $1.7b which is one of the strongest in our sector after adjusting for near-term maturities.

    季度末我們的槓桿率為 25%,流動性增加至超過 1.7b 美元,在對近期到期日進行調整後,這是我們行業中最強的之一。

  • Slide six.


  • Inventory management was also very good with turns of 10.3 times which is our best performance other than the December quarter of last year which would normally be the highest performance during the year due to the seasonal strength in that quarter.

    庫存管理也非常好,周轉率為 10.3 倍,這是我們除去年 12 月季度之外的最佳表現,由於該季度的季節性優勢,去年季度通常是年內最高的表現。

  • On slide six you can see the improvement in inventory turns over the past couple of years, with seven turns in June of 2001, improving to 9.2 turns last June, and now to 10.3 this past quarter.

    在第六張幻燈片上,您可以看到過去幾年庫存周轉率的改善,2001 年 6 月庫存周轉率為 7,去年 6 月提高到 9.2,現在上個季度提高到 10.3。

  • We continue to strive for 12 inventory turns and believe we can accomplish it this year.

    我們繼續爭取 12 次庫存周轉,並相信今年可以實現這一目標。

  • Not including the finished goods inventory from our Logistics business which we did not have two years ago our turns in the June quarter would have been over 12 times.

    不包括兩年前我們沒有的物流業務的成品庫存,我們在 6 月季度的周轉率將超過 12 倍。

  • Slide seven.


  • Depreciation and amortization was $91m, and net capital expenditures were $32m in the quarter.

    本季度折舊和攤銷為 9100 萬美元,淨資本支出為 3200 萬美元。

  • During the quarter cash flow from operations was just over $246m.

    本季度運營現金流略高於 2.46 億美元。

  • Slide eight.


  • We continue to deliver an industry leading cash conversion cycle which came in at 25 days for the quarter.

    我們繼續提供行業領先的現金轉換週期,本季度為 25 天。

  • In addition to excellent inventory turns DSO was a very respectable 43 days while accounts payable declined to 54 days.

    除了出色的庫存周轉率之外,DSO 的周轉期也達到了 43 天,而應付賬款周轉期則下降至 54 天。

  • Slide nine.


  • Customers continued to move their production to the lowest cost locations, and as a result Asia and Central Europe have been growing rapidly.


  • Slide 10.

    幻燈片 10。

  • For the current quarter Sony Ericsson represented approximately 12 percent of revenues, and Hewlett-Packard represented approximately 11 percent of revenues.

    本季度索尼愛立信約佔收入的 12%,惠普約佔收入的 11%。

  • Our top 10 customers accounted for approximately 61 percent of revenues in the quarter .

    我們的十大客戶約佔本季度收入的 61%。

  • Slide 11.

    幻燈片 11。

  • In discussing the results for the quarter let me first talk about end markets which everyone asks about, and then discuss the restructuring activities.


  • I will then comment on our prospects going forward.


  • As I indicated earlier in this call and as we’ve been [suggesting] in previous conference calls the end markets have clearly stabilized.


  • The June quarter was almost identical to the March quarter with the exception of interest expense, and to us that is what we mean by stable.


  • The quarter was predictable and came in right where we expected.


  • Clearly we believe the downturn is behind us.


  • Now the question for all of us is if there is an upturn underway, or whether this is still to come?


  • Our view is that demand is slightly improving but not in a big way.


  • Restructuring activities and cost reductions are continuing, and there is still pressure on margins.


  • But there are many new products being developed, and customers are focused on their markets improving in coming quarters.


  • You may have read ‘The Wall Street Journal’ article earlier this week, which highlighted improving cash flow out in the European telecom carriers.


  • We believe this will translate into increased spending on telecom infrastructure which will benefit the entire technology industry.


  • But while the impact is not immediate and we don’t anticipate any change to the up side in our own numbers we do believe that in the next few quarters we will begin to see some customers increasing their demand.


  • As we have discussed in previous conference calls we continue to believe that our business will return to more normal operating characteristics with improved margins over the next two to four quarters.


  • The EMS industry continues to be restructured and we believe that will work its way to conclusion in this timeframe.

    EMS 行業繼續進行重組,我們相信這將在這段時間內完成。

  • Slide 12.

    幻燈片 12。

  • This brings to our own restructuring activities which fall into a couple of categories.


  • By far the largest portion is related to Multek.

    到目前為止,最大的一部分與 Multek 有關。

  • As we’ve clearly indicated previously, we have been committed to getting Multek to breakeven before yearend, and with that in mind we decided to close the U.S. and Mexico Facilities as those capabilities exist in Germany and China, respectively.

    正如我們之前明確指出的那樣,我們一直致力於讓 Multek 在年底前實現收支平衡,考慮到這一點,我們決定關閉美國和墨西哥工廠,因為這些能力分別存在於德國和中國。

  • As a consequence of the poor condition of this industry in which most suppliers are losing money we also were required by generally accepted accounting principles to record a charge for the impairment of the long lived assets in our remaining Multek operations.

    由於該行業狀況不佳,大多數供應商都在虧損,因此根據公認的會計原則,我們還需要記錄我們剩餘的 Multek 業務中的長期資產減值費用。

  • During the June quarter we recognized a total after-tax restructuring charge of $230m for Multek.

    在六月季度,我們確認 Multek 的稅後重組費用總額為 2.3 億美元。

  • While the restructuring charge is large it is important to note the underlying statistics and the resulting impact on Multek’s operations.

    雖然重組費用很大,但重要的是要注意基本統計數據以及由此對 Multek 運營產生的影響。

  • We are reducing Multek’s global headcount by approximately 500, or only about 10 percent of the total employee base.

    我們將 Multek 的全球員工人數減少約 500 人,僅佔員工總數的 10% 左右。

  • In addition, Multek’s revenues will be reduced by about seven percent, while total available capacity is being reduced by about 15 percent.

    此外,Multek 的收入將減少約 7%,而總可用產能將減少約 15%。

  • With this major restructuring underway there’s a lot of good news here.


  • Our equipment and facilities now consist of a small operation in Brazil, one of the few remaining world class high end facilities in Germany, and five facilities in China.


  • This leaves Multek with about 70 percent of the global capacity in China with very advanced capabilities for that region of the world.

    這使得 Multek 在中國擁有全球約 70% 的產能,為世界該地區提供非常先進的能力。

  • We believe this is an enviable footprint.


  • We have recently won some very good new business in Germany, and expect to be nearly [full] in China by the end of this year.


  • With our own demand from ODM products and with the stable base of customers using these facilities we can now operate at approximately breakeven.

    憑藉我們對 ODM 產品的需求以及使用這些設施的穩定客戶群,我們現在可以實現大致盈虧平衡的運營。

  • The second part of the restructuring charge we recognized is an after-tax impairment charge of $45.8m for [non-printed] circuit board related assets.

    我們確認的重組費用的第二部分是[非印刷]電路板相關資產的稅後減值費用 4580 萬美元。

  • All of this charge is non-cash as it relates mostly to buildings that we will be selling for less than their net book values.


  • I would like to point out that we have many buildings on our books at below fair market value, particularly in our very valuable industrial parks which are not written up according to accounting rules.


  • And lastly, we recorded an after-tax restructuring charge of $17.7m for the consolidation of facilities that could have remained open as most of them were generating positive cash flows, but we decided there were more economies of scale and better earnings leverage in combining certain operations.

    最後,我們記錄了 1770 萬美元的稅後重組費用,用於整合設施,這些設施本來可以保持開放,因為大多數設施都產生正現金流,但我們認為,將某些設施合併起來可以產生更大的規模經濟和更好的盈利槓桿。操作。

  • We expect to do a little more of this during the remainder of this fiscal year.


  • I want to highlight that these restructuring charges were not taken as the results of closing money losing operations or deteriorating business conditions.


  • These restructuring charges are a result of strategic decisions to optimize the operating efficiencies provided by our global footprint to reduce the overall risk profile of the company, and to provide for additional margin up sides in the future.


  • To summarize, we recognize that total after-tax restructuring charge in the June quarter of $293m, of which only approximately $21m is cash.

    總而言之,我們認識到 6 月份季度的稅後重組費用總額為 2.93 億美元,其中只有約 2100 萬美元是現金。

  • Of the total restructuring charge recognized in June $230m relates to Multek.

    6 月份確認的重組費用總額中有 2.3 億美元與 Multek 相關。

  • Because the accounting rules have changed with regard to the timing of recognizing restructuring charges and because we will do some final optimizing with facilities we expect to recognize additional charges over the next three quarters that total approximately $85m.

    由於會計規則在確認重組費用的時間方面發生了變化,並且由於我們將對設施進行一些最終優化,因此我們預計將在未來三個季度確認總計約 8500 萬美元的額外費用。

  • In addition to the $293m restructuring charge we also recognize $8.7m of after-tax unusual charges associated with the early retirement of the $150m in debt.

    除了 2.93 億美元的重組費用外,我們還確認了與提前償還 1.5 億美元債務相關的 870 萬美元的稅後異常費用。

  • Slide 13.

    幻燈片 13。

  • Now let me talk about our ODM activities, which along with the restructuring should lead us to significant improvement in future periods.

    現在讓我談談我們的 ODM 活動,這些活動與重組一起應該會讓我們在未來的時期取得顯著的進步。

  • During the September quarter we will deliver our first cell phones on an ODM basis in both GSM and PDMA versions.

    在九月季度,我們將以 ODM 方式交付第一批 GSM 和 PDMA 版本的手機。

  • We are having quite some success in this arena.


  • Customers and suppliers like what we are doing and are committing to long-term relationships.


  • During this quarter we hope to provide more detail about these activities.


  • When we host our Annual Analysts Meeting in the Fall we will show many of the products we are working on, some of which fall into other product categories besides handheld.


  • While we are still in investing mode we believe that the types of revenue and profits in this business that we have previously talked about are very possible.


  • We believe that this business should be profitable by the end of this year, and can make meaningful contributions to our performance next fiscal year.


  • Slide 14.

    幻燈片 14。

  • In March Goldman Sachs and [REIT] [ph] business information published a global survey of OEMs that ranked Flextronics the ‘number one EMS company in customer satisfaction.’ Then in June we were elected Microsoft’s ‘vendor of the year.’ We are extremely proud of this, but it is also extremely important.

    3 月份,高盛和 [REIT] [ph] 商業信息發布了一項針對 OEM 的全球調查,將 Flextronics 評為“客戶滿意度排名第一的 EMS 公司”。然後在 6 月份,我們被選為 Microsoft 的“年度供應商”。對此感到自豪,但也極其重要。

  • Customer satisfaction is the lifeblood of any service industry.


  • Notwithstanding the difficult recent industry dynamics we are extremely proud that Flextronics’ employees continue to provide customers with the highest quality of service in the EMS industry.

    儘管最近的行業動態困難重重,但偉創力的員工繼續為客戶提供 EMS 行業最高質量的服務,對此我們感到非常自豪。

  • Slide 15.

    幻燈片 15。

  • Now let me say a few words about our outlook going forward.


  • As I have indicated, our business is stable and we continue to generate cash.


  • As you know, we continued to invest aggressively over the last several years to expand our portfolio of value added services.


  • We are making excellent progress in a number of very important initiatives, and we expect to see results from these efforts this fiscal year.


  • Our company is in fine financial shape, and is well respected in the industry and by our customer base.


  • For the next two quarters we believe the range of our estimates in revenue and profits is consistent with previous statements and Street consensus.


  • I would note that many analysts have not adjusted their estimates for the increased interest resulting from the incremental debt we issued last year.


  • We suggest you do so for the remainder of the year which is a reduction in earnings of one cent per share per quarter.

    我們建議您在今年剩餘時間內這樣做,即每季度每股收益減少 1 美分。

  • As a reminder, this is extra interest we are incurring to put some 10-year capital on our balance sheet at historically low interest rates.

    提醒一下,這是我們以歷史低利率將一些 10 年期資本存入資產負債表而產生的額外利息。

  • So our expectation for the September quarter is for revenue of $3.3b to $3.5b which may be a bit higher than the range many of the analysts have, and pro forma earnings of 6 to 8 cents per share.

    因此,我們對 9 月份季度的收入預期為 3.3b 至 3.5b 美元,這可能略高於許多分析師的預期範圍,預計每股收益為 6 至 8 美分。

  • For December reasonable expectations at this point are for revenues of $3.5b to $3.9b, and pro forma earnings of 11 to 15 cents per share.

    對於 12 月份,目前的合理預期是收入為 3.5b 至 3.9b 美元,預計每股收益為 11 至 15 美分。

  • Obviously, it’s a bit wider range as we get farther out, but our pipeline is strong and we don’t see any reason to change expectations at this point.


  • Of course, while customers are feeling more optimistic about the second half of this year we think caution is still appropriate.


  • I would also like to address the impact of the charges we have taken in the June quarter and the additional restructuring which is planned for the next two or three quarters.


  • We are essentially eliminating a few additional facilities that are operating at around breakeven.


  • When we close them we get a charge without an immediate improvement in earnings.


  • We do reduce our down side immediately.


  • On the other hand, if we can transition that business to another facility it does have a positive impact on margins, and in most cases this is what we should be able to do.


  • But that, obviously, takes a couple of quarters to implement.


  • Our guidance for the next two quarters is for pro forma earnings per share of about what we had last year.


  • And, as you know, we are committed to getting back to around 20 percent or more of the year-over-year pro forma earnings improvement.

    而且,如您所知,我們致力於將預計盈利同比改善恢復到 20% 左右或更多。

  • We believe that we will achieve those kinds of numbers beginning in the March quarter, and as we move into next fiscal year.


  • If our ODM activities pan out as we hope or if there is a more generalized recovery in the end markets we should do even better.

    如果我們的 ODM 活動如我們所希望的那樣成功,或者終端市場出現更普遍的複蘇,我們應該做得更好。

  • Slide 16.

    幻燈片 16。

  • There are real risks of operating in this business that investors should appreciate, and we have laid out some examples here.


  • Please pay particular attention to this slide in light of current market conditions.


  • With that, let me turn the conference over to the Operator to poll for questions.


  • Please limit yourself to one question and one follow-up.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. (Caller Instructions.)

    謝謝。 (來電者指示。)

  • Your first question comes from Lou Miscioscia of Lehman Brothers.


  • Lou Miscioscia - Analyst

    Lou Miscioscia - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Michael, could you go into, I guess, obviously the ODM strategy a little bit more?

    Michael,我想您能詳細介紹一下 ODM 策略嗎?

  • I was out on your web site today, and you have a PDA watch which seemed pretty interesting.

    我今天訪問了你們的網站,你們有一款 PDA 手錶,看起來很有趣。

  • Probably that came from Casio.


  • But I see [inaudible] recently acquired a company that’s going to work in the low end server area.


  • And I guess my initial thought is that that might still be a type of product where IP was important to the company.


  • But after talking to a couple of OEMs today that might actually be an area that there’s some interest and demand for.


  • So can you just, besides the cell phones, can you just go into some of the areas where you’re doing things?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Yeah, I can, Lou.


  • The PDA watch that you talked about was actually a product that we did in conjunction with Fossil, which is a watch company, and not part of the Casio relationship.


  • A pretty cool product, also.


  • Yeah, this is probably the crux of the matter, I think, for the EMS industry in the longer term.

    是的,我認為,從長遠來看,這可能是 EMS 行業問題的癥結所在。

  • Clearly, we at Flextronics have been talking about this for some time.


  • The – over the 10 years that I’ve been the CEO of this company I mean we have continued to transition our business from a very low value added company up to various additions of services.

    在我擔任這家公司首席執行官的 10 年裡,我的意思是,我們不斷將我們的業務從一家附加值非常低的公司轉型為提供各種附加服務。

  • Which I think everybody knows about.


  • I don’t need to recount them here.


  • But in the last couple of years, you know, we’ve added the Logistics business and design services.


  • To me it’s exceptionally clear that the future of our business and our industry is going to be design related.


  • It’s – the reason for it is, you know, we’re going through this huge restructuring of the industry.


  • A very painful process.


  • And I’ve looked at all of our competitors, everybody is taking charges, you know, more or less every quarter.


  • And I do believe we’re near the end of this for the whole industry, not just for Flextronics.


  • The next few quarters, you know, that ends.


  • And what you have at the end of that time is an industry that’s been restructured to where virtually all of the high volume electronics products in the world will be manufactured in low cost locations.


  • So you’ve had margins under pressure, and prices – sorry, and manufacturing that’s moved into the low cost areas.


  • When that’s over there’s no place left to lower costs for customers.


  • You can’t lower costs any more from a margin perspective.


  • I think everybody understands that the margins are going to have to go up in our industry.


  • And you can’t lower costs any more by moving products to low cost countries because we’ll already be there.


  • Which leaves, besides the Logistics arena, it really only leaves design as an areas where we can really implement cost savings.


  • And that’s what’s driving everybody to this place.


  • And so what I believe, I think that [SCI’s] [ph] acquisition makes perfect sense to me.

    因此,我相信,我認為收購 [SCI] [ph] 對我來說非常有意義。

  • I mean it’s in an area where they have a huge amount of their business, just like our original ODM, our initial ODM activities were in the handheld area where we’re particularly strong.

    我的意思是,這是他們擁有大量業務的領域,就像我們最初的 ODM 一樣,我們最初的 ODM 活動是在我們特別強大的手持設備領域。

  • And I think that five years from today we’re going to look back on this period of time and go ‘that was completely obvious.’


  • So if you look at SCI’s server move, I mean I think that all, virtually every segment of the industries in which we operate, the low ends are beginning to move towards an ODM model.

    因此,如果你看看 SCI 的服務器遷移,我的意思是,我認為我們所經營的行業的幾乎所有細分市場、低端產品都開始轉向 ODM 模式。

  • And the rate at which this happens, and the rate at which ODM activities move-up into more complicated product that’s a little bit more open to interpretation.

    以及這種情況發生的速度,以及 ODM 活動升級為更複雜的產品的速度,這些產品更容易解釋。

  • I mean we have our own view of that, and I’m sure SCI and our other competitors have their own views of that.

    我的意思是我們對此有自己的看法,我相信 SCI 和我們的其他競爭對手對此也有自己的看法。

  • But I think that it’s perfectly obvious.


  • And so we view, in final answer to your question, we view that over the next five years there will be no products that we manufacture that we don’t touch from a design standpoint.


  • And some of those will be pure, we design everything, and some of them will be products we jointly design, and some of them will be products where we do subsets of the product and our customer takes the primary responsibility.


  • And if I’m right about that none of the EMS companies will be successful if they don’t move down the same path, and that’s what I think will happen.

    如果我的觀點是對的,如果 EMS 公司不走同樣的道路,那麼它們就不會成功,而這就是我認為將會發生的事情。

  • Lou Miscioscia - Analyst

    Lou Miscioscia - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • One quick follow-up, if you can, I guess, look at through the next two quarters for which you gave revenue guidance can you break-down how much of that is just, I guess, business re-ramping up with cell phones, [ex boxing to printers], and how much is, I guess, is new wins?

    我想,如果您可以快速跟進一下您給出的收入指導的未來兩個季度,您能否詳細說明其中有多少只是,我想,手機業務的重新增長, [從拳擊到打印機],我猜,新的勝利是多少?

  • And then, also, can you also throw-out how the pipeline looks for new wins as I guess we look out to the next calendar year?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Yeah, sure.


  • Actually, it’s – you know, the revenue forecasts are fairly similar to what we did last year.


  • And that is a mix as you can imagine between new product coming on.


  • And actually, we’ve added quite a few customers.


  • Let’s come back to that in a second.


  • But you also have it offset by, you know, pretty quickly dropping revenues in a number of areas, which are not, you know, not business deterioration just cost reduction.


  • And so if you look at what’s happening to the end pricing of cell phones, for example, you know this year’s cell phones cost less than last year’s cell phones.


  • And so, you know, you have to make-up that revenue, some of which is being done by volume from those customers but most of which is actually being brought in by new customers.


  • You know, XBox, you know, the same thing.


  • You know, the costs are dropping.


  • And so XBox, I think, it’s a very public company.

    所以我認為 Xbox 是一家非常公開的公司。

  • We’re thrilled with our relationship.


  • You know, they gave us the ‘Vendor of the Year Award,’ and all of that’s going great.


  • But clearly, the cost basis of those products has dropped quite a bit in the last year, even though their unit volume is going up, and it’s actually being quite a successful product.


  • And so what you see is relatively flat revenue year-over-year but that’s being made-up by increased business from a number of customers.


  • I thought about going through some customer stuff this call, and decided not to.


  • I think what I’ll do is give you some more discussion around customers at the mid-quarter call.


  • The reason is that, you know, we’ve added eight or 10 really nice new customers.


  • And, you know, relationships that we think will be meaningful over time.


  • But a lot of these programs are, you know, $10m, $20m, $40m to get started.

    但很多項目的啟動成本為 1000 萬美元、2000 萬美元、4000 萬美元。

  • And I didn’t really want to hype all that stuff because, you know, a lot of times I read about, you know, how many new customers there are.


  • And I don’t want to make a big deal about that.


  • I do want to say, though, that, you know, you can see our revenues going up.


  • And I actually think our revenues in the September quarter will be a little bit more than we had previously indicated.


  • And we’re obviously doing a good job winning customers to make that happen.


  • There’s also, what I didn’t say in the script, there’s also, you know, a number of fairly big projects we’re working on.


  • You know, $500m to $1b.

    你知道,5 億美元到 10 億美元。

  • And, you know, we won’t win them all, but we’ll probably win some.


  • I mean they are complicated transactions.


  • There’s still lots of companies out there that have factories.


  • Look at all of the restructuring we’re going through, and the other EMS companies, you know, our OEM and customers still have a lot of factories they wish they didn’t have.

    看看我們正在經歷的所有重組,以及其他 EMS 公司,你知道,我們的 OEM 和客戶仍然擁有很多他們希望沒有的工廠。

  • And there continues to be a lot of discussions about how we can help our customers in that arena.


  • So I think you’ll see at least one meaningful transaction in the next couple of quarters from us.


  • And I think the pipeline is quite healthy.


  • Lou Miscioscia - Analyst

    Lou Miscioscia - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Thank you.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • You bet.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from [Alex Blanton] [ph] of [Ingalls and Schneider] [ph].

    您的下一個問題來自 [Ingalls 和 Schneider] [ph] 的 [Alex Blanton] [ph]。

  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • Hi, Michael.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Hi, Alex.


  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • Could you break-down that – I think you mentioned $232m …

    你能詳細解釋一下嗎——我想你提到了 2.32 億美元……

  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Yeah, Multek was about $230m.

    是的,Multek 的價值約為 2.3 億美元。

  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • It was $230m?


  • You said $232m.

    你說的是 2.32 億美元。

  • And how does that break-down – what was the goodwill part?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Actually, none of it was goodwill.


  • There was an asset impairment charge.


  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • Asset impairment, okay.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Right.


  • And what that is is taking the value, you know, the value of the assets which are primarily real estate and equipment and writing those down to a market value.


  • And the accounting issue here is that if you have a – it’s actually required by GAAP.


  • And what it basically says is that if you cannot generate a profit in the foreseeable future on the asset values you have to write-down the value of those assets, which is really what we did.


  • It’s a non-cash charge.


  • And what the impact has there is it reduces depreciation and it reduces losses.


  • So that’s really what happens here.


  • You have a lower asset base.


  • Now your depreciation is less.


  • And instead of having a loss then, you know, I mean that goes into income.


  • The end result is really no change in cash flow from that.


  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • But these were plants that were closed, right?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • No, no, no.


  • This is two things.


  • And so we closed two factories.


  • We closed one in the United States and one in Mexico.


  • And so those are completely gone, and they’re severed.


  • The reason that this is such a low cash charge is that the majority of the impairment was in Germany, Brazil, and China.


  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • Oh, okay.


  • And so it was …


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • And in the go forward operations, and that’s why we wind-up now at approximately a breakeven situation.


  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • All right.


  • And so, what was the U.S. Plant?


  • Irvine?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • No, it was Roseville.


  • Irvine was closed a few quarters ago.


  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • I’m losing track here!


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Yeah!


  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • Roseville and Mexico.


  • And that was part of the charge?


  • You’re taking a loss on that, right?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • That’s correct.


  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • And then you had an impairment charge on the rest?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • That’s correct.


  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • And have you broken that down between how much was the impairment and how much was the other?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • No, but the – you know, a lot of it is the impairment charge.


  • You can see that the charge is $230m and [tax] on that was less than $20m.

    您可以看到費用為 2.3 億美元,而[稅費] 不到 2000 萬美元。

  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • There was a lot of impairment here.


  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And secondly, and you bring up the point of depreciation going down.


  • Capex was $50m – I mean depreciation was $50m more than capex during the quarter, 82 versus 32.

    資本支出為 5000 萬美元——我的意思是本季度的折舊比資本支出多了 5000 萬美元,分別為 82 比 32。

  • And last time you talked to us in the mid-quarter call you related that to future improvements in pricing.


  • You said …

    你說 …

  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • [Profit.]


  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • And prices first, and then in profit by saying that as you take equipment out of production your depreciation drops, that adds to profit.


  • But also, your capacity drops and so your capacity utilization goes up and you’re in a better position to raise prices?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • That’s correct, that’s right.


  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • Could you update us on what that looks like right now?


  • I think you said that it might be two to four quarters before general pricing improvement in the industry?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Yeah.


  • I can …

    我可以 …

  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • Is that still the case?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Yes, and thanks for correcting me about that, Alex.


  • You’re exactly right.


  • And so two different issues.


  • When I interrupted there, and excuse me for that, about the profits.


  • There’s something I want to point out.


  • Our capex as a company has been pretty reliable between $30m and $50m per quarter lately.

    作為一家公司,我們的資本支出最近在每季度 3000 萬美元到 5000 萬美元之間相當可靠。

  • And it’s actually been going down.


  • You see the $32m this quarter.

    您會看到本季度的收入為 3200 萬美元。

  • We have that very much under control, which is really a good thing.


  • The difference between capex and depreciation, you know, which as you correctly point out is around $50m, if we continue to play this out quarter-over-quarter and we continue to spend $30m in capex and depreciate $80m, you know, little by little that depreciation will [asentonically] [ph] arrive at $30m.

    你知道,資本支出和折舊之間的差異約為 5000 萬美元,如果我們繼續按季度進行計算,我們繼續在資本支出上花費 3000 萬美元,並折舊 8000 萬美元,你知道,漸漸地,折舊將[自動][ph]達到3000萬美元。

  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • And then you get, you know, quite a bit of additional earnings power.


  • The second issue is what – I think you’re exactly right – our, and of course, we chose to close a few more factories this quarter, you know, on the assembly side.


  • And we’ve indicated we’ll close a few more, but not much more.


  • And part of the reason we’re doing that, if you’ll recall when I talked about it at mid-quarter and I can update you on that, part of what we are doing here is if we have a facility that’s operating at breakeven, and it’s got five [surface mount lines] and we’re more or less out of equipment, which I indicated continues to be the case.


  • Now you get two gains by closing that facility.


  • You obviously have a negative impact of the charge, which we’re all getting tired of, and I am sure you guys are, we certainly are.


  • But we have that on the negative side, and on the positive side you get two gains.


  • One is you can transfer this business to another factory where you have better utilization, and the exact same business, priced the exact same way, gives you better margins.


  • And so these things that we’re doing now will have an impact in the next fiscal year.


  • But the other benefit you get is that you take those surface mount lines now to where you maybe had surface mount lines in the factory, move the products till they’re running at 60 percent.

    但您獲得的另一個好處是,您現在可以將這些表面貼裝生產線帶到工廠中可能有表面貼裝生產線的地方,移動產品直到它們以 60% 的速度運行。

  • And so you don’t need any more lines in those places to do the same business.


  • We free-up that equipment to move it into places where we’re going.


  • But typically, those lines are coming out of factories, you know, that we’re closing in the higher cost locations, and going into Eastern Europe or into Asia where things are really booming.


  • And so, that gives us an opportunity to grow our revenue base without spending any capex, so that’s a second benefit.


  • The third benefit is the one that you indicated too, which is that our facilities, you know, are becoming more utilized from a capacity standpoint we are more willing, I should say to only do the business at higher prices.


  • The ability to raise prices is more of an industry of that.


  • I mean you have, you know, not very good capacity utilization still in some of our competitors who are offering very low prices.


  • And our factories can be filled and theirs are half filled, and then, you know, pricing is still going to be down.


  • But it does put us in a position where our utilization is high but we’re not willing to make an investments for new equipment in order to do business at breakeven.


  • There’s no value to it, and so we can cut that out, and we’re doing that.


  • I mean there’s business opportunities that we just don’t bid on now because there’s no reason to go buy new equipment for it.


  • And I think that’s fundamentally healthier for us than to chase business at very low margins, and have to go continue to invest in the business.


  • And so I like our position on that with respect to most of the other competitors in the business.


  • So it’s kind of a longwinded answer but I hope I can separate those different issues for you.


  • Alex Blanton - Analyst

    Alex Blanton - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • You bet.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Your next question comes from [Stephen Savas] [ph] of Goldman Sachs.

    您的下一個問題來自高盛的 [Stephen Savas] [ph]。

  • Stephen Savas - Analyst

    Stephen Savas - Analyst

  • Good afternoon.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Hi, Stephen.


  • Stephen Savas - Analyst

    Stephen Savas - Analyst

  • I guess just a clarification, I guess, on the ODM business.

    我想這只是對 ODM 業務的澄清。

  • I think in your prepared remarks you had said that you’d be profitable in the ODM business by yearend.

    我認為您在準備好的發言中曾說過,到年底您將在 ODM 業務中實現盈利。

  • First, is that calendar or fiscal yearend?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • That’s fiscal.


  • Stephen Savas - Analyst

    Stephen Savas - Analyst

  • Okay, and that sounds a little bit sooner than what you had been thinking I think after the March quarter where you thought there might be a two cent loss or so per quarter for the first half of calendar ’04.

    好吧,這聽起來比你想像的要早一些,我認為在 3 月份的季度之後,你認為 04 年上半年每季度可能會出現 2 美分左右的損失。

  • Is that improvement just because contracting has been going, you know, quite well and better than you expected?


  • Are you changing anything on the investment front in the business?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • No, we’re not changing anything on the investment front.


  • And, you know, you have your numbers right.


  • You know, it’s costing us $10m or $12m a quarter right now.

    你知道,目前我們每個季度的成本為 1000 萬美元或 1200 萬美元。

  • We, I think, back when I first, I [raised it], we originally expected to spend about $5m a quarter, and now we’re spending a little bit more.

    我想,當我第一次[提出這個問題]時,我們最初預計每季度支出約 500 萬美元,現在我們的支出增加了一點。

  • And that’s because we thought the opportunities were really better than we had hoped they would be.


  • And clearly, we’re driving very hard to get the margins up in this company.


  • We think this is a big avenue for it.


  • And so you’ve got this figured right, which is that, you know, the business, the margins are turning out to be about what we had hoped that they would be.


  • And the business opportunity is at least as good as we had hoped it would be.


  • You know, I am not – and the guidance we’ve given a number, and we’re not really assuming we’ll be profitable in the March quarter.


  • But we do believe that that’s doable.


  • And if that happens then our numbers will be better than we’ve provided in the guidance.


  • And so I think the conservative number is two cents a quarter for the first calendar half of 2004, but our current look is that it’s likely to be better than that.

    因此,我認為 2004 年上半年的保守數字是每季度 2 美分,但我們目前的看法是,它可能會比這個數字更好。

  • Stephen Savas - Analyst

    Stephen Savas - Analyst

  • Okay, that’s great.


  • I’ll let other people ask questions.


  • Thanks.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • You bet.


  • Operator


  • Thank you, your next question comes from Michael Morris of Citi Group.


  • Michael Morris - Analyst

    Michael Morris - Analyst

  • Yes, thank you.


  • Good afternoon.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Hi.


  • Michael Morris - Analyst

    Michael Morris - Analyst

  • Michael, it’s a somewhat multi-part question about Multek.

    Michael,這是一個關於 Multek 的多部分問題。

  • Now that you have closed the facility in the United States and Mexico have you lost any technology or capabilities that you otherwise possessed had you retained those facilities?


  • Could you talk a little bit about the capabilities that you have in China, not necessarily prototyping or so forth, but really your average competencies in China?


  • And I don’t know if you can give us the investor capital base in Multek after the closures?

    我不知道您能否向我們提供關閉後 Multek 的投資者資本基礎?

  • That’s my first question which is actually multi-part.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Okay, sure.


  • Yeah, for the Mexico Facilities for us was a relatively low capability factory.


  • And there was for sure nothing we could do in Mexico that we can’t do in China.


  • We had invested in the Mexico Facility under the assumption which later turned out to be erroneous that customers were going to want to have an outlet for circuit board manufacturing in North America.


  • You know, on even sort of the middle-of-the-road technologies.


  • And that turns out just not to be the case.


  • You know, Mexico has also changed in that a lot of the volume products that were in Mexico, you know, have now moved to Asia themselves.


  • And so the demand there is – the demand has gone down.


  • And it just wasn’t adding to the long-term, and so we didn’t lose anything from a capability standpoint there.


  • And just reduced the facility [to try to fill].


  • Roseville had capabilities which break-down into three categories.


  • One is stuff that we can clearly do in China, and we’re going to.


  • Some of which could clearly be done in Germany, and I’ll come back to Germany in a second, which we plan to do.


  • The only capability that’s gone away all together is that we were doing some large form factor back planes in Roseville.


  • And we now no longer have that capability.


  • That was only, you know, probably less than $10m a year, and we just felt like that was not important enough to what we were doing to maintain that.

    你知道,每年可能還不到 1000 萬美元,我們只是覺得這對於我們為維持這一目標所做的努力來說還不夠重要。

  • And we still have the equipment in it, and some day if we think the demand is there we’ll install that in one of the other facilities.


  • But at the moment we just decided to get out of that part of the business.


  • Germany, and I’d like to make this point, you know for those of you who follow other printed circuit board companies, I’ll talk a little bit about Germany and China.


  • Our capability, and just remember in China we’ve been operating since about 1990.

    我們的能力,請記住,我們從 1990 年左右就開始在中國開展業務。

  • And we are really, really good in China.


  • And which is part of what’s driven all the stuff.


  • I mean you get to the place where you’re really good in China, and people want to do it there because it’s clearly cheaper.


  • And so now we’ve basically driven our business down to one facility in Germany and a number in China.


  • Germany is one of only half a dozen factories in the world that can really do very high end, complicated product.


  • And we’re only doing things in Germany we cannot do in China.


  • And truly the stuff we do in Germany cannot be done in China today.


  • And that’s, you know, high end server boards for HP, and IBM, and you know, Sun Microsystems boards, and Juniper.

    這就是 HP、IBM、Sun Microsystems 和 Juniper 的高端服務器主板。

  • And you know, really the high end stuff.


  • These are, you know, 24, 20 to 34, 36 layer boards that are not just a lot of layers but also real fine geometry’s, and real complex stuff, and all of that.

    你知道,這些是 24、20 到 34、36 層板,它們不僅有很多層,而且還有真正的精細幾何形狀、真正複雜的東西,等等。

  • Germany is still losing a little bit of money for us, and most of that is because of the exchange rate change which was unfortunate.


  • But we, when we got into doing these closures we talked to all of the customers and they really want Germany to exist because [Sanmena] [ph] has got a couple of facilities, [VS Systems] [ph] has one, we have one, and you know, [Merricks] [ph] has one, and then there’s a few Japanese facilities that can really do high end complicated work.

    但是,當我們開始進行這些關閉時,我們與所有客戶進行了交談,他們真的希望德國存在,因為 [Sanmena] [ph] 有幾個設施,[VS Systems] [ph] 有一個,我們有一個,你知道,[Merricks] [ph] 有一個,然後有一些日本設施可以真正完成高端複雜的工作。

  • And that’s part of the reason we’ve got more business in Germany because these customers want to make sure that that capability survives, and we’re real pleased about it.


  • In China we do things from cell phone boards which are very complicated boards but just small form factor up through, you know, a reasonably high layer count, pretty complex stuff.


  • It is our belief longer term, and those of you who follow the various end markets, it’s going to take very little demand up side from these high end guys.


  • Cisco, and IBM, and HP, and Sun, and all of these companies before there’s really not going to be enough capacity here.


  • In the down time a lot of people have moved from this product to China, and we believe that as volume becomes more, as demand goes up that a lot of this product is going to get shifted out of China.


  • And the reason for that is there’s a lot of capacity in China but it’s new capacity, these are hard things to do, they’re much easier to do when you don’t have a lot of volume.


  • But if you start to run a lot of volume you begin to come into uniformity and consistency that can really bring down an expensive product.


  • So our own belief is that Germany will fill-up, you know, pretty quickly.


  • There’s a little bit of up turn demand there.


  • And that we’ll be in quite good shape.


  • And so that’s why we didn’t close any more, and that’s why we’re not selling the business, that’s why we like having what we’ve got left.


  • Michael Morris - Analyst

    Michael Morris - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Let me just stay on the design thread for my second question, you mentioned that you thought that was the way of the future.


  • And I think you know we agree with that.


  • One of the regions that is implicated, I think, is India.


  • And I was wondering if you could perhaps give us your thoughts on that market as a potential place for you to install some of your design work or design services?


  • And then I guess, secondarily, if many of your competitors in the North American market also become ODMs or start to offer these kinds of services do you think there’s a risk that that becomes just table stakes for your customers?

    其次,我想,如果您在北美市場的許多競爭對手也成為 ODM 或開始提供此類服務,您是否認為這存在成為您客戶的賭注的風險?

  • And they come to expect it as part of the service, and it gets harder to get paid for that?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Yeah, two very good questions.


  • Let me answer that first one first.


  • And so, you know, India is actually an increasing EMS market, which isn’t the question that you asked.

    所以,你知道,印度實際上是一個不斷增長的 EMS 市場,這不是你問的問題。

  • But we’re actually growing our business there, and [inaudible] some of our competitors.


  • That seems to be somewhat of an emerging market, finally after the 10 years I’ve been here, and everybody has been talking about it.

    這似乎是一個新興市場,我在這里呆了 10 年,終於,每個人都在談論它。

  • We actually are expanding our operations there somewhat.


  • From a design standpoint we do a little bit of work in India.


  • It is not a major site for us today.


  • It’s – I saw that [inaudible] is opening a site there.

    這是 – 我看到 [聽不清] 正在那裡開設一個網站。

  • I think everybody knows that India is a marketplace that has good, solid, low cost, particularly software engineering.


  • And we’re looking at that market.


  • As we’re developing our design services we don’t – I don’t have an answer yet to your question.


  • I am not dodging it, because we are spending a lot of time right now.


  • I am personally spending a lot of time looking at the places.


  • Because we have design capabilities and design services today in probably eight countries.


  • And they have very different characteristics, and very different capabilities.


  • And we’re going to try to over time make that, you know, fewer larger centers.


  • And in fact, we’re doing it on the manufacturing side.


  • But different cultures have different styles about design, and it’s quite a bit different than it is on the manufacturing side.


  • And so I would say today we do not plan a major design thrust into India.


  • We do a lot of software right now in South Africa, which surprised me, is a very stable and relatively low cost location.


  • It’s got very good capabilities there, our group.


  • And so it’s hard to [inaudible] with some stuff in India over time.


  • But that’s not a big thrust at the moment.


  • In terms of the margins.


  • I think not, actually.


  • In terms of market pressure about design.


  • Design services per se, in other words, the amount of dollars that you can charge for an hour of work.


  • You know, that already is somewhat of a commodity [inaudible] in the sense that everybody buys their services in dollars per hour.


  • And so from that standpoint there can be some pressures.


  • But on the other hand, one of the reasons we like design, and one of the reasons we’re becoming so aggressive in it is that it’s much more differnenterable.


  • I mean, you know, look at end product companies.


  • I mean some companies have great products, and other companies don’t.


  • And that has to do with your process of design.


  • With, you know, how you think about the products.


  • What I think you’re going to find more than all of a sudden this becomes a commodity-like service is that you’ll see over time the EMS companies evolving to providing design services in the areas where they are strong.

    我想你會發現,這會突然變成一種類似商品的服務,隨著時間的推移,你會看到 EMS 公司不斷發展,在他們擅長的領域提供設計服務。

  • And while the tier one EMS companies, they’re all very large companies, there’s still some definition around what we’re all really good at.

    雖然一級 EMS 公司都是非常大的公司,但我們真正擅長的領域仍然存在一些定義。

  • You know, we’re really good at handheld stuff, and everybody knows that.


  • It’s a big part of our business.


  • We’ve been in the business a lot.


  • You know, SCI does a lot of PCs, which we don’t.

    你知道,SCI 做很多 PC,而我們不做。

  • And so, you know, you look at their design move makes sense in the product area that they’re in.


  • In some ways I think it’s going to enable everybody to increase their margins because they’re going to provide more value – we’ll be able to provide more value to the customer, and therefore, get paid for it.


  • I mean it’s very hard to imagine that any of our competitors would have the same kind of design skills that we have in handheld.


  • We’re already charging ahead in that, and you know, rapidly outpacing from a capability standpoint our Taiwan competitors in handheld.


  • And it’s hard to imagine that any of our tier one competitors are going to get anywhere near as good as we are in that space.


  • And conversely, I think it would be inappropriate to suggest we’re going to be able to match our competitors over time in some of the areas where they really have a lot of experience.


  • And so, no, I think this is really an opportunity for the whole industry to become more healthy.


  • Michael Morris - Analyst

    Michael Morris - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks very much.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • You bet.


  • Operator


  • thank you.


  • Your next question comes from [Joseph Wolf] [ph] of Banc of America.


  • Joseph Wolf - Analyst

    Joseph Wolf - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Two questions regarding the restructuring.


  • One is with the shutdown of the facilities in North America did you take any business to Germany and China?


  • Or is that business now on the open market for the remaining PCV factories in the United States?

    或者,該業務現在是否已在美國剩餘 PCV 工廠的公開市場上開放?

  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • The Mexico operations we did not move, we really didn’t move anything.


  • Mexico is a low volume, high mix, you know, not very many dollars.


  • I don’t even know the dollars off hand.


  • But you know, we’re talking about just $10m or $12m.

    但你知道,我們談論的只是 1000 萬美元或 1200 萬美元。

  • And that business will wind-up somewhere else for sure.


  • The Roseville was also not very big.


  • I think, as I indicated, we’re only taking out about seven percent of our business.


  • It’s roughly a $300m business.

    這大約是一項價值 3 億美元的業務。

  • And so, you know, $10m or $12m out of Roseville, and about half of that we’ll transfer to our other facilities, and the other half will wind-up in the rest of the merchant market somewhere.

    所以,你知道,羅斯維爾的 1000 萬美元或 1200 萬美元,其中大約一半我們將轉移到我們的其他設施,另一半將最終進入商業市場的其他地方。

  • Joseph Wolf - Analyst

    Joseph Wolf - Analyst

  • And then my second question is part of the impairment seems to be a shut-down of facilities that seem to be operating at capacity but you’re making a strategic decision to shift.


  • Could you run through for us, Michael, your philosophy on whether that kind of restructuring should be a one-time charge?


  • Is this a facility which you didn’t want to have but were stuck with for some historical legacy, and it’s a real one-time write-down?


  • Or are these the kinds of things that are going to happen constantly?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Yeah, I think that’s a very good question.


  • And I know that a lot of – I mean I get asked that question a lot.


  • And, you know, with the restructuring having gone on for three years now I think that there’s a healthy amount of skepticism in the investment community about what this all means.


  • And I don’t – and I think that’s a healthy skepticism.


  • So let me break it down for you.


  • First of all, you said – we’re not closing any factories of capacity, absolutely not.


  • So one of the factories we closed during this period of time was our factory in Switzerland.


  • And you know, the Switzerland factory was a factory that was acquired some years ago by the igroup from Ascom, which was the telecommunications company there, and as was historical in that period of time, you know, companies, all of us were acquiring facilities and taking on that business when everything was onward and upward.

    你知道,瑞士工廠是幾年前 igroup 從 Ascom 收購的工廠,Ascom 是那裡的電信公司,正如那段時期的歷史一樣,你知道,公司,我們所有人都在收購設施當一切都在向前發展時,就接手這項業務。

  • And you know what’s happened to that, good management team, good factory, and all that stuff.


  • It’s been three or four years.


  • You know, it’s been making a little bit of money, and it’s still making a little bit of money.


  • But so the issue there is that we don’t see how to get more business into Switzerland ever, really.


  • I mean not that we couldn’t continue to drive it, but the major customer there was Ascom, and a lot of their products have become commodity.

    我的意思並不是說我們不能繼續推動它,而是那裡的主要客戶是 Ascom,他們的很多產品已經成為商品。

  • It moved off of the commodity markets, and all of that.


  • And so we looked at that as saying ‘well, we can continue to go along here and, you know, try to break-even, or something, but meanwhile we’ve got [surface mount lines], we’d have to buy in other places.


  • And so why not transition that business, and all of that.’ Which is what we’ve done, and there are a few more facilities in that category.


  • Not many, to be honest with you.


  • I mean, you know, we talk about another $80m or $85m of charges, but about half of that is just the rolling out the way accounting is done, of activities we’ve already taken in the June quarter.

    我的意思是,你知道,我們談論了另外 8000 萬美元或 8500 萬美元的費用,但其中大約一半只是我們在 6 月季度已經採取的活動中推出的會計處理方式。

  • And we just have to run them through the books as those charges take place.


  • And so it’s a relatively small number for of operations like this.


  • And so we had this discussion with our Board, because obviously – and I’m glad you asked this question because I wanted Lester to hear this from me directly.

    因此,我們與董事會進行了討論,因為顯然 - 我很高興你問這個問題,因為我希望萊斯特直接從我這裡聽到這個問題。

  • We could not do that stuff.


  • I mean I think, you know, your question is appropriate.


  • And you go along, we wouldn’t have those charges, and we would just go along with lower margin.


  • And then that wouldn’t be horrible.


  • But neither would it be great.


  • And then you run the risk that you’ve got these factories, and all of a sudden the customer with 20 or 30 percent goes out of business or their products get commodity and then you have to move.

    然後你就面臨這樣的風險:你擁有這些工廠,突然之間,擁有 20% 或 30% 股份的客戶倒閉了,或者他們的產品變成了商品,然後你就必須搬遷。

  • And then you’re stuck with losses.


  • And we just don’t want to have that anymore.


  • In terms of whether these are operating expenses or one-time charges, let me give you my view about that.


  • To a certain extent, not to be cavalier, it doesn’t matter from the following standpoint.


  • I mean we’re taking these charges, and so we clearly could decide not to.


  • We could have not done it with Multek.

    如果使用 Multek,我們可能無法做到這一點。

  • We could have gone along losing $10 or $15m a quarter, hoping that the market would eventually improve.

    我們本可以繼續每個季度虧損 10 或 1500 萬美元,希望市場最終會好轉。

  • And so we could have probably avoided all of these charges, plus the ones that we expect we’ll take the rest of this year.


  • The question you asked is is this – and so we’re all going through this.


  • And I think when it’s all said and done we’re going to look back and say ‘this is essentially a four year restructuring process for the whole industry.’ And there are two things here that I think are not repeatable, which is the crux of the matter.


  • One is no deal that I’ve seen happen in the last year or 18 months has the open-ended, you know, I’ll take your factory and you give me three years of business, and after that I am on my own.

    一個是我在過去一年或 18 個月內看到的任何交易都沒有開放式的,你知道,我會拿走你的工廠,你給我三年的生意,之後我就只能靠自己了。

  • I mean I haven’t seen anything like that.


  • Now everybody has got religion about this stuff, which is not to suggest that we won’t take on factories in the future, because we will.


  • But we will not take on factories that we don’t have cost coverage for the transition expenses, which most of them have.


  • Most of these factories, you know, you have to transition over a three to five-year timeframe.


  • And we’re just building in the costs of that so we don’t have to make more charges.


  • So that’s the first thing.


  • The second thing is we’re going to look back on this historically, and I think you can look back on it historically right now, and look at what’s happened to the manufacturing base in the electronics industry in the world.


  • And this is not just the EMS companies but the OEM companies.


  • So you have an $800b industry with tens of thousands of factories all around the globe.

    因此,你擁有一個價值 800 億美元的產業,在全球擁有數万家工廠。

  • And what you’re going to see is that the manufacturing base is moving out of higher – particularly the high volume base, I mean almost entirely the high volume base is moving out of countries where these companies got started and moving into the low cost regions of the world.


  • That’s happening because of price pressure, but more importantly it’s happening because it’s easier to do today.


  • You have information transfer, you have, you know, you have the internet.


  • It’s much easier to communicate around the world than it used to be.


  • And in some senses, not to be overly philosophical, but in some senses it’s like the textile industry, which over a long period of time transitioned from local factories in countries all around the world to what is clearly a low cost business.


  • That’s what’s going on here, and it’s not going to get repeated.


  • And so let’s take Multek.

    讓我們以 Multek 為例。

  • So now Multek, when Alex Blanton was correct in saying ‘I lose track here.’ I mean I understand that, because we’ve closed three different times, we’ve closed factories in the United States.

    所以現在 Multek,當 Alex Blanton 正確地說“我在這裡迷失了方向”時。我的意思是我理解這一點,因為我們已經關閉了三個不同的時間,我們已經關閉了在美國的工廠。

  • Now we don’t have any more factories – now we don’t have any printed circuit board factories in the United States, and we’re never going to build one again.


  • So that’s never going to get repeated.


  • And then you can say ‘well, is it going to get repeated in other [parts]?’ The only thing in that market we could do now is Germany.


  • And as I’ve indicated, that’s really a high, high capability, high complexity.


  • And the rest of the stuff is already in low cost areas, and so I just don’t see any more moves there.


  • And so our view with Flextronics about this, as painful as it’s been, as painful as it is to announce the charges, as painful as it is to take them, as difficult as it is on the employees and the morale of our company, our position is just take it to the long-term sustainable thing and learn what we’ve learned and don’t make these mistakes again.

    因此,我們對 Flextronics 的看法是,儘管宣布這些指控是痛苦的,儘管接受這些指控也是痛苦的,儘管這對我們公司的員工和士氣造成了困難,但我們的士氣也受到了影響。我們的立場就是把它放在長期可持續的事情上,學習我們所學到的東西,不要再犯這些錯誤。

  • And I think that our – I think the whole industry looks that way.


  • And so I think what you’re going to see here is more announcements of charges and stuff from the basic industry through the next two to four quarters, as I’ve said, and then it’s going to drop to the noise level.


  • And certainly that’s our commitment.


  • Joseph Wolf - Analyst

    Joseph Wolf - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Your next question comes from Thomas Hopkins of Bear Stearns.


  • Thomas Hopkins - Analyst

    Thomas Hopkins - Analyst

  • Yes, good afternoon, Michael.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Hi.


  • Thomas Hopkins - Analyst

    Thomas Hopkins - Analyst

  • A different kind of take on all of this.


  • I think what investors are really interested in is how much money, and what’s the earnings power of Flextronics, and what’s the earnings power now of Multek with this reduction in the United States and in Mexico?

    我認為投資者真正感興趣的是多少錢,偉創力的盈利能力有多大,隨著美國和墨西哥的降價,Multek 現在的盈利能力有多大?

  • One of the reasons for buying the stock is that you have may more leverage than the other EMS companies and up turn.

    購買股票的原因之一是你可能比其他 EMS 公司擁有更多的槓桿和上升趨勢。

  • If Multek is being reduced that takes away from the story a little bit, although you still have the plastics and enclosure businesses which have higher operating leverage.

    如果 Multek 的規模被減少,那麼故事的內容就有點模糊了,儘管您仍然擁有運營槓桿較高的塑料和外殼業務。

  • So just in terms of revenues and say operating income what can Multek earn right now?

    那麼就收入而言,就營業收入而言,Multek 現在能賺多少錢?

  • And what could it earn if we had a recovery in 2004 and 2005?

    如果我們在 2004 年和 2005 年實現復甦,它能賺到什麼?

  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Okay, good question.


  • I can give you some information about that.


  • And so, you know, we’ll operate at a loss here in the September quarter because, you know, we still have to transition the stuff and do the other things, and we should be around breakeven in the December quarter.

    因此,您知道,我們將在 9 月份季度出現虧損,因為我們仍然需要過渡這些內容並做其他事情,並且我們應該在 12 月份季度實現盈虧平衡。

  • At today’s pricing which is the real big issue, at today’s pricing we don’t think we’ve impacted the numbers by a lot.


  • Let me give you just some sort of rough numbers.


  • We only took capacity out by 15 percent.

    我們只削減了 15% 的產能。

  • And so, you know, we probably, before we did this probably could have earned at today’s pricing $10m to $15m.

    所以,你知道,在我們這樣做之前,按照今天的定價,我們可能可以賺到 1000 萬到 1500 萬美元。

  • And now that’s probably $5m to $10m.

    現在這可能是 500 萬到 1000 萬美元。

  • And it’s not a noticeable difference.


  • The big issue in the circuit board business is when does pricing go up, because you’ve got to remember that the prices we have in our factories today are about half what they were three years ago.


  • But, you know, by dollars per square foot.


  • And so the amount of capacity we’ve taken out will not have a meaningful impact on our up side.


  • The biggest impact on up side is when supply and demand in that industry gets rationalized, and you know, there’s no reason we still can’t make $20m or $25m if we ever get a price increase.

    對上行的最大影響是當該行業的供需趨於合理化時,而且你知道,如果我們的價格上漲,我們仍然沒有理由不能賺取 2000 萬美元或 2500 萬美元。

  • But for the moment we’re just trying to get ourselves into really no more down side.


  • And I think that’s what we’ve done.


  • The other good news is, you know, a $300m ‘ish’ you know for revenues out of our $14b is not a meaningful revenue number.

    另一個好消息是,你知道,我們 140 億美元的收入中“大約”3 億美元並不是一個有意義的收入數字。

  • And, you know, we kind of got tired of talking about that.


  • You know, breakeven, it’s not a meaningful number there.


  • I’m not concerned that we won’t get some up side here because we are going to use it for ODM products.

    我不擔心我們不會在這裡獲得一些優勢,因為我們將把它用於 ODM 產品。

  • It is a strategically valuable asset to us.


  • The enclosures business for us is many times larger.


  • And you also might remember that we have made a foray into power supplies and we’re going to build-up that area also, which we think has some of the same kind of leverage for us and a big opportunity.


  • And so I think this will be fine.


  • I don’t think we’ve had a meaningful reduction in the opportunity to make money going forward.


  • Thomas Hopkins - Analyst

    Thomas Hopkins - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • And then the follow-up.


  • For you to, you know, do some of these numbers and earn some money in the September and really in the December quarter you obviously need to see some good movement or volume in handsets, and we obviously typically see the seasonal up tick in December versus September.

    對於你來說,你知道,做一些這些數字並在 9 月份賺一些錢,實際上在 12 月份的季度,你顯然需要看到手機的一些良好的變動或數量,我們顯然通常會看到 12 月份與 12 月份相比的季節性上漲。九月。

  • With SARS inventories obviously got backed up globally in the handset market, especially at the low end.


  • What are you seeing in terms of orders, in terms of inventories, in terms of what your customers are saying?


  • Obviously, August is a blind spot, and then you have to do everything in September, but I mean it’s kind of, you know, with the exposure you have here it’s obviously critical to the next four months.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Yeah, actually, July is a bit of a blind spot, too.


  • When you have the European customers we do July and August are just a bit of a drag because everybody goes away.


  • You know, it’s a very stable business for us.


  • We, you know, you’ve seen some pretty dramatic share shifts.


  • I mean every quarter these guys all announce their numbers, and you know, Nokia takes some share, Motorola takes some or loses some, and Sony Ericsson has been dropping and now it’s picked up a little bit, as you see.


  • And, you know, we have enough business across enough customers in this category that we're a reasonable proxy for the overall market which is not a rapidly growing market.


  • But it’s a very solid and stable market.


  • And so we don’t think that there’s going to be anything meaningful in our numbers one way or the other in terms of what we’re forecasting for the rest of the year.


  • I mean it will, maybe – I mean because we don’t have orders for the rest of the year from these guys.


  • And so, you know, maybe that one or the other of our guys will buy more or less, and another one will compensate for it.


  • But we feel pretty comfortable that this will be, you know, a 400m to 450m unit overall market.

    但我們對這將是一個 400m 至 450m 的整體市場感到非常滿意。

  • And we’ll get our proper share of that, and so pretty stable stuff.


  • Thomas Hopkins - Analyst

    Thomas Hopkins - Analyst

  • Any concern that any of your key customers have too much inventory for this time of the year?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Not really.


  • I really don’t.


  • I mean we, you know, if they have too much we would see it in the near term orders.


  • I mean because customers if they don’t have long lead-times on the orders, I mean we wouldn’t have the orders for September that we’ve got if they had inventory problems.


  • It’s complicated, it’s very difficult for me to give a very good flavor for all of this when I am on a call like this because inventory is one thing but there’s, you know, there’s also product shift.


  • You know, colors coming rapidly, and so some companies are out of position because their colored stuff isn’t as cheap as it should be, and they have too much inventory of black and white.


  • Or, you know, there’s some growth in the smart phone marketplace now.


  • And so it’s just very complicated to break all of that down.


  • But if you average it all, from Flextronics’ standpoint which is really all I can comment on, I don’t see any particular risk.


  • Thomas Hopkins - Analyst

    Thomas Hopkins - Analyst

  • Did Siemens add incrementally any revenue in the quarter from that ramp in that new contract?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • They did.


  • Siemens is a bigger customer today than they’ve been in previous quarters and in previous years.


  • Thomas Hopkins - Analyst

    Thomas Hopkins - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • In force.


  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Scott Craig of Morgan Stanley.


  • Scott Craig - Analyst

    Scott Craig - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Michael, on the restructuring for a second again.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Sure.


  • Scott Craig - Analyst

    Scott Craig - Analyst

  • If Multek came back to breakeven then I can assume roughly that the Multek charge is going to have savings of around $40m, $50m on an annual basis, correct?

    如果 Multek 恢復盈虧平衡,那麼我可以粗略地假設 Multek 費用每年將節省約 4000 萬美元、5000 萬美元,對嗎?

  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • That’s correct.


  • Scott Craig - Analyst

    Scott Craig - Analyst

  • And then when you look at the other charges can you maybe outline what you think you’ll save on those including the $85m charge that you’re going to realize over the next couple of quarters?

    然後,當您查看其他費用時,您是否可以概述一下您認為您會節省哪些費用,包括您將在接下來的幾個季度實現的 8500 萬美元費用?

  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Yeah, let me try and break it down.


  • Most of the rest of the charges, you know, there was a small charge which was just related to retiring $150m of debt.

    其餘的大部分費用,你知道,有一項小費用只是與償還 1.5 億美元的債務有關。

  • All of the rest that we took in this quarter were really the writedowns of buildings.


  • And buildings are depreciated over a long period of time and so it doesn’t have much impact.


  • And those were mostly buildings associated with facilities we’re closing, and we’re writing them down to market value because we’re going to wind-up selling them.


  • And so we’re just taking that cost right now, and so most of that stuff is just non-cash building related costs and don’t really have any, have a very minor impact on earnings because of 20-year or 30-year depreciation.

    所以我們現在只是考慮這個成本,所以大部分都是非現金建築相關成本,實際上沒有任何成本,因為 20 年或 30 年,對收益的影響非常小折舊。

  • Let me just on that take a moment to emphasize what I said in the conference call in the prepared remarks, which is we have a lot of real estate in this company that’s really valuable.


  • You know, we have these big industrial parks, we own most of the stuff.


  • And you know, we’ll writedown the stuff that is below market value but we obviously don’t write-up the stuff that’s below market, and if we adjusted all of the stuff to market value this would clearly be a big gain not a loss.


  • You know, we do get a little bit of overhead cost reduction from some of these, from some of the charges.


  • When you look at what we’re doing in terms of plant optimizing, in all of these numbers we’ve given you that’s about, you know, what is it, $17m in the June quarter and probably around $40m or $50m, you know, going forward.

    當你看看我們在工廠優化方面所做的事情時,在我們給你的所有這些數字中,你知道,這是什麼,六月季度的 1700 萬美元,可能約為 4000 萬美元或 5000 萬美元,你知道,繼續前進。

  • And that stuff, you know, it’s not that big of an event.


  • We do expect it will have some margin improvement in that.


  • You know, it’s hard to know what that is.


  • It’s probably an annual number of $5m to $10m, sort of on a rough number basis.

    粗略估計,每年的金額可能為 500 萬至 1000 萬美元。

  • It’s not that many factories, it’s not that much stuff we’re doing.


  • You know, what’s harder to quantify is the value of the equipment that we transfer and then don’t have to buy more equipment, and so it reduces our future cash requirements, as well.


  • Scott Craig - Analyst

    Scott Craig - Analyst

  • Okay, and then just a quick follow-up.


  • For the ODM model can you maybe outline what you think the ODM model on a revenue basis can breakeven at?

    對於 ODM 模式,您能否概述一下您認為 ODM 模式在收入基礎上可以實現盈虧平衡?

  • Thanks.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Yeah, let’s see, that’s a good question because we have a lot of movement.


  • But just rough numbers, you know, we’re saying that that’s an eight percent operating profit business.

    但只是粗略的數字,你知道,我們說的是營業利潤率為 8% 的業務。

  • And, you know, rough numbers, around $40m or $45m of expense.

    而且,你知道,粗略數字約為 4000 萬美元或 4500 萬美元的費用。

  • And so I can do the math in my head that fast, but you can do the math on where the breakeven is there.


  • Scott Craig - Analyst

    Scott Craig - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • I’ll take one more question.


  • Operator


  • Okay, your last question comes from [Patrick Carr] [ph] of UBS.

    好的,你的最後一個問題來自瑞銀集團的 [Patrick Carr] [ph]。

  • Patrick Carr - Analyst

    Patrick Carr - Analyst

  • Great, and under the wire!


  • Good evening.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Good evening!


  • Patrick Carr - Analyst

    Patrick Carr - Analyst

  • You talked a lot about the PCV business, but I wanted to talk about some of the other vertical businesses, enclosures particularly.

    您談了很多關於 PCV 業務的內容,但我想談談其他一些垂直業務,特別是機櫃業務。

  • Since you hadn’t been taking charges in there I would assume that the profitability there and the utilization rates are much higher?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Yes, let me – a couple of things there.


  • First of all, we took a lot of charges in the enclosure business in the early part of our restructuring.


  • We probably closed 30 factories.

    我們可能關閉了 30 家工廠。

  • I mean I don’t have the number off the top of my head, but a big number.


  • Because we, you know, we acquired all of the stuff, and we basically transitioned all of that to our industrial park.


  • And you know that’s essentially complete.


  • And so that business is solid.


  • It’s profitable, and better utilization.


  • Patrick Carr - Analyst

    Patrick Carr - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And, you know, you mentioned the power supplies.


  • I mean how does that fit within your kind of handheld expertise?


  • Or is that part of a different growth strategy moving forward?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Yeah, well the handheld is about 40, 35 to 40 percent of our business.

    是的,手持設備約占我們業務的 40%、35% 到 40%。

  • And the power supplies are primarily oriented at the other 60 percent.

    電源主要面向另外 60%。

  • Patrick Carr - Analyst

    Patrick Carr - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • And it’s the same kind of thing as with enclosures.


  • I mean you know we do a lot of enclosures for base stations, and for PCs, and for all kinds of stuff.


  • And power supplies are a big part of the cost outside of the main – I mean let’s take printer circuit boards, for example – I am sorry, let me take PCs as an example.


  • You know, we do a lot of PC enclosures and we don’t do motherboards.


  • And we don’t intend to do motherboards, because there’s a lot of good motherboard guys out there.


  • But we do intend to continue to do all the rest, and that’s enclosures, cables, riser cards, and power supplies.


  • And that’s one of the reasons, you know, we’re getting into the power supply business.


  • I think that’s a good profit opportunity and makes sense to do in the same campuses where we are doing our other work so that we can integrate that stuff for less money.


  • And so we’re optimistic about that part.


  • Patrick Carr - Analyst

    Patrick Carr - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then a final question, I guess I got the sense that you were, and you probably made some public comments to this recently about moving more into areas outside of the consumer and handheld area.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • That’s right.


  • Patrick Carr - Analyst

    Patrick Carr - Analyst

  • You know, could you give us a sense of what’s happened there recently?


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Yeah, I can.


  • And so actually, we’re making some pretty good progress there.


  • We have, you know, a number of new companies in the datacom, telecom space.


  • And as I said earlier in the call, I think we will try to give you some more flavor of this by name.


  • You know, the companies and some of the activities.


  • We have a number of earlier stage companies, newer companies, that are getting some real traction in both the datacom and the telecom markets.


  • These are companies that we’ve been doing, basically, sort of, you know, $5m or $10m of business annually with that are starting to look like $50m or $100m customers.

    這些公司基本上是我們每年營業額 500 萬美元或 1000 萬美元的公司,而這些公司的客戶開始看起來像是 5000 萬美元或 1 億美元的客戶。

  • And that’s really good for us.


  • And there’s a number of those.


  • You know, four or five of those.


  • And so I’ll try to give you a little bit more – I have to get permissions, and this and that, but I’ll try to do that before this quarter is over.

    因此,我會盡力為您提供更多信息 - 我必須獲得許可,等等,但我會盡力在本季度結束之前做到這一點。

  • And we’ve made good progress in some automotive initiatives, in some industrial companies, and so, you know, as I said a year ago this is real important to Flextronics that we get some more diversification there.


  • And we’re making big progress, we’re making good progress on it.


  • But the issue is you win a cell phone, or like from Siemens you get $500m of business.

    但問題是你贏得了一部手機,或者像從西門子獲得 5 億美元的業務一樣。

  • You know, you don’t get a $500m order from automotive, or from a new datacom or telecom entrant.

    您知道,您不會從汽車行業或新的數據通信或電信進入者那裡獲得 5 億美元的訂單。

  • You just don’t.


  • You know, you get $40m, even if it’s a big established company – and we’ve got some.

    你知道,你會得到 4000 萬美元,即使它是一家大公司——而我們已經有一些了。

  • They’ve given us $20m or $40m to start, and if that goes well that can become $100m, or $200m, or $300m.

    他們給了我們 2000 萬美元或 4000 萬美元的啟動資金,如果進展順利,可能會變成 1 億美元、2 億美元或 3 億美元。

  • But the handheld markets are just so big.


  • You know, we wouldn’t want to tend to dwarf them from a revenue standpoint, and not necessarily from a margin standpoint.


  • And so, yeah, we’re doing fine.


  • We have a good pipeline for this.


  • Won a lot of different stuff, and we’ll try and update you a little more specifically from a customer standpoint later in the quarter.


  • Patrick Carr - Analyst

    Patrick Carr - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • Michael Marks - CEO

    Michael Marks - CEO

  • Okay.


  • Just a couple of quick comments before we end here.


  • I mean these are all good questions.


  • I appreciate it.


  • This is obviously a time, what I wanted to give you a last minute feel for about Flextronics is that, you know, we’re coming near the end of all of this restructuring.


  • And we don’t like it any more than anybody else does as I indicated.


  • We are really gearing up here for a good year in our next fiscal year.


  • We’re trying to get all this stuff out of the way.


  • We got our design initiatives underway.


  • We should be shipping good quantities of this stuff as we get into the [end] of the calendar year, and certainly on into the next fiscal year.


  • You know, we’re going to optimize wherever we can, and we’re really driving our company towards a very strong year, next fiscal year.


  • And we’re getting more optimistic all the time that that’s doable.


  • And so that’s what you’re going to hear from us over the next few conference calls.


  • Thanks very much for dialing in.


  • Talk to you in the quarter.


  • Bye, now.
