Five9 Inc (FIVN) 2024 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Emily Greenstein - IR

    Emily Greenstein - IR

  • (audio in progress) Future financial performance and cash position of the company; expected improvements in financial and related metrics; expected ARR from certain customers; certain expected revenue mix shifts, customer growth; anticipated customer benefits from our solution, including from AI; the extent of the anticipated TAM expansion and our ability to take advantage of any such expansion; our AI revenue opportunities and current estimations regarding same; company growth; enhancements to and development of our solution; market size and trends; our expectations regarding macroeconomic conditions; company market position, initiatives, and expectations; technology and product initiatives, including investment in R&D and other future events or results are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

    (音訊正在播放)公司未來的財務表現和現金狀況;預計財務和相關指標將有所改善;來自某些客戶的預期 ARR;某些預期的收入組合變化、客戶成長;預期客戶將從我們的解決方案中獲得的利益,包括來自人工智慧的利益;預期 TAM 擴張的程度以及我們利用此類擴張的能力;我們的人工智慧收入機會以及目前對此的估計;公司成長;我們解決方案的增強和開發;市場規模和趨勢;我們對宏觀經濟狀況的預期;公司的市場地位、措施和期望;技術和產品計劃,包括對研發的投資和其他未來事件或結果都是 1995 年私人證券訴訟改革法案所定義的前瞻性陳述。

  • Such statements are simply predictions, should not be unduly relied upon by investors, actual events or results may differ materially, and the company undertakes no obligation to update the information in such statements.


  • These statements are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties that could adversely affect Five9's future results and cause these forward-looking statements to be inaccurate, including the impact of adverse economic conditions, including the impact of macroeconomic challenges, including continuing inflation, uncertainty regarding consumer spending, high interest rates, fluctuations in currency exchange rates, lower growth rates within our installed base of customers, and the other risks discussed under the caption Risk Factors and Elsewhere in Five9's annual and quarterly reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    這些聲明受到重大風險和不確定因素的影響,可能會對 Five9 的未來結果產生不利影響並導致這些前瞻性聲明不准確,包括不利經濟條件的影響,可能會對 Five9 的未來結果產生不利影響並導致這些前瞻性聲明不准確,包括不利經濟條件的影響,包括宏觀經濟挑戰的影響,包括持續的通貨膨脹、消費者支出的不確定性、高利率、貨幣匯率波動、客戶群的標題下降,以及 Five9 向美國證券交易委員會提交的年度和季度報告中其他風險因素的年度和季度報告。

  • In addition, management will make reference to non-GAAP financial measures during this call.


  • A discussion of why we use non-GAAP financial measures and information regarding reconciliation of our GAAP versus non-GAAP results and guidance is currently available in our press release issued earlier this afternoon as well as in the appendix of our investor deck that can be found in the investor relations section on Five9's website at

    有關我們使用非 GAAP 財務指標的原因以及有關我們的 GAAP 與非 GAAP 結果和指引的調節信息,目前已在我們今天下午早些時候發布的新聞稿中以及我們的投資者手冊附錄中提供,該手冊可在 Five9 網站 的投資者關係部分找到。

  • Also, please note that the information provided on this call speaks only to management's views as of today, February 20, 2025, and may no longer be accurate at the time of a replay.

    另請注意,本次電話會議中提供的資訊僅代表管理階層截至今天(2025 年 2 月 20 日)的觀點,重播時可能不再準確。

  • Lastly, a reminder that, unless otherwise indicated, financial figures discussed are non-GAAP.

    最後,提醒一下,除非另有說明,所討論的財務數據都是非 GAAP 的。

  • And now, I'd like to turn the call over to Five9's Chairman and CEO, Mike Burkland.

    現在,我想將電話轉給 Five9 的董事長兼執行長 Mike Burkland。

  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Emily.


  • And thanks, everyone, for joining our call this afternoon.


  • I'm pleased to share that we finished the year strong with annual revenue exceeding $1 billion.

    我很高興地告訴大家,我們以超過 10 億美元的年收入強勁結束了這一年。

  • This was driven by fourth-quarter revenue growth accelerating to 17% year over year, primarily due to our subscription revenue growing 19%.

    這是由於第四季營收成長加速至年增 17%,這主要是由於我們的訂閱收入成長了 19%。

  • Adjusted EBITDA margin for the fourth quarter reached a record 23%, helping drive record operating cash flow of $50 million, or 18% of revenue, and record-free cash flow of 33 million or 12% of revenue.

    第四季調整後 EBITDA 利潤率達到創紀錄的 23%,幫助推動創紀錄的 5,000 萬美元營業現金流(佔營收的 18%)以及創紀錄的 3,300 萬美元自由現金流(佔營收的 12%)。

  • As you all know, we take a balanced approach to delivering top-line growth and bottom-line profitability.


  • I'm highly encouraged by the execution and bookings momentum being delivered by our sales organization, especially in the $1 million-plus ARR part of our business.

    我們的銷售部門的執行和預訂勢頭令我深受鼓舞,特別是在我們業務中 100 萬美元以上的 ARR 部分。

  • Andy will provide more color on this in a moment.


  • Also, we recently held our global sales kickoff, and the passion, energy, and excitement were unparalleled as we all aligned on our formula to drive success for our customers and continue building upon our momentum in 2025 and beyond.

    此外,我們最近舉行了全球銷售啟動會,我們都一致同意為客戶帶來成功並在 2025 年及以後繼續保持良好勢頭,我們的熱情、活力和興奮是無與倫比的。

  • On today's call, I will spend much of my time covering our progress in AI and how we believe platforms like Five9 are uniquely positioned when it comes to AI for customer experience.

    在今天的電話會議上,我將花大量時間介紹我們在人工智慧方面的進展,以及我們認為 Five9 等平台在客戶體驗人工智慧方面的獨特優勢。

  • We continue to extend our leadership position in AI as demonstrated by our enterprise AI revenue growth accelerating to 46% in the fourth quarter.

    我們繼續擴大在人工智慧領域的領導地位,這一點從第四季度企業人工智慧收入成長加速至 46% 可以看出。

  • AI has now grown to 9% of enterprise subscription revenue.

    人工智慧目前已成長至企業訂閱收入的 9%。

  • We believe AI revenue momentum will continue as AI bookings for enterprise new logos grew nearly 50% year over year in Q4, again making up more than 20% of enterprise new logo ACV bookings with 100% attach rate on $1 million-plus ARR deals.

    我們相信,人工智慧收入動能將持續下去,因為第四季度企業新標誌的人工智慧預訂量年增近 50%,再次佔企業新標誌 ACV 預訂量的 20% 以上,100 萬美元以上的 ARR 交易的附加率為 100%。

  • We are also successfully penetrating our enterprise install base with AI bookings growing 50% year over year in Q4.

    我們也成功滲透到企業安裝基礎,第四季 AI 預訂量年增 50%。

  • And now I'd like to spend a few minutes talking about how we believe platforms like Five9 are uniquely positioned when it comes to AI for CX and why we are winning in AI and why we expect to continue winning.

    現在,我想花幾分鐘談談為什麼我們認為 Five9 等平台在 CX AI 領域具有獨特優勢,以及我們為何能在 AI 領域獲勝以及我們為何期望繼續獲勝。

  • Of course, you're all aware that we have a broad portfolio of AI solutions, but I'm going to focus today on self-service and AI agents.


  • As consumers, we all know AI agents will only be used by consumers if they are accurate and personalized.


  • When we say accurate, I think that's pretty obvious to everyone.


  • And when we say personalized, we mean that the AI agent knows enough about you as the consumer, such as who you are, what products and services you've purchased from the brand, the details of your recent interactions with that brand, including recent problems or issues you've had, and so on.


  • And brands are learning that if they want to offer AI-driven self-service, these AI agents need to be accurate and personalized.


  • And like I said, if they're not, consumers will not use them.


  • CCaaS platforms like Five9 are uniquely positioned to deliver these accurate and personalized AI agents.

    Five9 等 CCaaS 平台具有獨特的優勢,可以提供這些準確且個人化的 AI 代理。

  • This is our moat, and this is why we believe we will continue to win in AI for customer experience.


  • Let me explain further.


  • Four key ingredients are required to deliver this accurate and personalized self-service using GenAI.

    使用 GenAI 提供這種準確、個人化的自助服務需要四個關鍵要素。

  • First, you need access to LLMs.


  • Second, you need real-time contextual data about the consumer and the brand.


  • Third, you need historical interaction data specific to the consumer and their interactions with that brand.


  • And fourth, you need channels to connect consumers to that self-service application as well as provide an escalation path to a human agent when needed.


  • So let's take these one at a time.


  • The first ingredient, access to LLMs, has become commoditized now, and all vendors have the ability to use a mix of open-source and hyperscaler-provided models.

    第一個要素,即獲得 LLM 的途徑,現在已經商品化,並且所有供應商都可以使用開源模型和超大規模提供的模型的混合。

  • Five9, however, has been at the forefront of engine-agnostic AI for many years, ensuring that brands can easily change the underlying engine quickly to leverage the latest, greatest, and highest-performing models.

    然而,Five9 多年來一直處於與引擎無關的 AI 領域的前沿,確保品牌能夠輕鬆快速地更改底層引擎,以利用最新、最強大和性能最高的車型。

  • Our strategy of being engine agnostic continues to be validated with every new engine that emerges, and as everyone knows, this is happening almost on a weekly basis.


  • Additionally, we have a team of AI experts benchmarking these engines to ensure our customers can leverage the best engine for a given use case.


  • On the other hand, solutions that are built on proprietary models will not be able to leverage these new innovations that are rapidly coming to market.


  • Therefore, we believe Five9's approach allows our customers to future-proof their AI decision.

    因此,我們相信 Five9 的方法可以讓我們的客戶為他們的 AI 決策做好面向未來的準備。

  • And when it comes to our competitive moat, it's clear that the layer above these engines is what matters.


  • And that layer includes our AI applications that require business logic, that require workflows, that require important data, and integrations to backend systems.

    此層包括需要業務邏輯、需要工作流程、需要重要資料以及與後端系統整合的 AI 應用程式。

  • The second ingredient, contextual data, is what is fed into the LLM in real time and provides true context around an interaction.

    第二個要素是背景數據,它是即時輸入到 LLM 的數據,可以提供有關互動的真實背景。

  • This includes customer-specific details as well as brand-specific knowledge, both of which are often distributed across many back-end systems.


  • Unlike AI point solutions that require costly one-off integrations to access contextual data in real time, our platform typically is integrated into more than 20 back-end systems during the initial customer deployment.

    與需要昂貴的一次性整合才能即時存取情境資料的 AI 點解決方案不同,我們的平台通常在初始客戶部署期間整合到 20 多個後端系統中。

  • This means that when a brand adopts AI with Five9, they can immediately leverage our seamless integrations, which are designed to reduce cost, accelerate time to value, and deliver accurate and personalized experiences at scale.

    這意味著,當品牌採用 Five9 的 AI 時,他們可以立即利用我們的無縫集成,旨在降低成本、加快價值實現時間並大規模提供準確和個性化的體驗。

  • The third ingredient is historical interaction data, for which Five9 is the system of record.

    第三個要素是歷史互動數據,Five9 是其記錄系統。

  • Historical interaction data is comprised of voice calls, texts, emails, web chats, and social interactions between a consumer and that brand, including interactions handled by human agents, as well as handled by AI agents.


  • This historical interaction data is a significant requirement for personalization.


  • In other words, the AI agent knows not only who you are and what products and services you've purchased, but it also knows every detail of your prior interactions with that brand, including what problems or issues you had.


  • The fourth ingredient is channels, such as voice, text, email, web chat, and social.


  • You need these channels to connect consumers to an AI agent as well as provide a seamless escalation path to a human agent when needed.

    您需要這些管道將消費者與 AI 代理連接起來,並在需要時為人工代理提供無縫的升級路徑。

  • The market demands AI agents that work across all these channels.


  • However, providing the voice channel globally at scale with reliability is a huge barrier to entry.


  • We have invested hundreds of millions of dollars over two decades to build that globally connected platform optimized for CX across these channels.

    二十年來,我們投資了數億美元來建立針對這些管道上的 CX 進行最佳化的全球互聯平台。

  • AI point solution vendors entering the contact center market have not made that significant investment, nor are they likely to, which is why they prefer to integrate to our platform.

    進入聯絡中心市場的 AI 點解決方案供應商尚未進行那麼重大的投資,也不太可能這樣做,這就是他們更願意整合到我們的平台的原因。

  • We believe these AI point solutions, as well as other third party AI, will continue to integrate to our platform to gain access to these channels from us.


  • That positions our platform as a control point in the AI-driven CX ecosystem, enabling us to monetize that access, which we are successfully doing through voice stream and transcript stream.

    這將我們的平台定位為 AI 驅動的 CX 生態系統中的控制點,使我們能夠將該訪問貨幣化,我們已經透過語音流和轉錄流成功做到了這一點。

  • So to summarize, the last three of these four key ingredients are unique to platforms like Five9.

    總而言之,這四個關鍵要素中的最後三個是 Five9 等平台所獨有的。

  • In addition, our AI experts act as a force multiplier, working closely with our customers to tailor an AI blueprint for their business and help them deploy our AI solutions to deliver real business impact.


  • We not only have the talent to ensure success, but we also provide products like AI Insights to identify high ROI opportunities to deploy AI to enhance CX and drive operational efficiency, as well as our studio products that provide the ability to build these self-service applications, workflows, integrations, and business logic.

    我們不僅擁有確保成功的人才,而且還提供 AI Insights 等產品來識別高投資回報率機會,以部署 AI 來增強 CX 並提高營運效率,以及提供構建這些自助服務應用程式、工作流程、整合和業務邏輯的能力的工作室產品。

  • And as a result, we believe our comprehensive AI suite combined with our deep AI expertise will enable us to continue winning in AI.


  • Our differentiated approach to AI is being validated by the industry, where we were once again ranked as having the best AI solutions in the semi-annual Baird survey that was recently conducted in December.

    我們對人工智慧的差異化方法正在得到業界的認可,在最近於 12 月進行的半年度 Baird 調查中,我們再次被評為擁有最佳人工智慧解決方案。

  • Additionally, industry analysts continue to recognize our innovation, with Five9 recently winning the 2024 Aragon Research Innovation Award for AI Contact Centers.

    此外,產業分析師繼續認可我們的創新,Five9 最近贏得了 2024 年阿拉貢人工智慧聯絡中心研究創新獎。

  • Five9 was positioned as the most strategic vendor, reinforcing our leadership in AI-driven CX and our long-term vision for the CX market.

    Five9 被定位為最具戰略意義的供應商,鞏固了我們在人工智慧驅動的 CX 領域的領導地位以及我們對 CX 市場的長期願景。

  • Now I'd like to touch on the momentum we are seeing with our ecosystem of partners.


  • Our partners have been an important part of our success here at Five9.

    我們的合作夥伴是 Five9 成功的重要組成部分。

  • We have significant opportunities in 2025 to continue our momentum following announcements we've made over the last few months with partners such as Salesforce, ServiceNow Microsoft, Verint, and Google.

    繼過去幾個月我們與 Salesforce、ServiceNow、Microsoft、Verint 和 Google 等合作夥伴宣布合作後,我們在 2025 年有很大機會延續這一發展勢頭。

  • The partnership between Salesforce and Five9 continues to gain momentum, driving alignment across go-to-market strategies, product innovation, and customer acquisition.

    Salesforce 和 Five9 之間的合作持續獲得發展勢頭,推動市場進入策略、產品創新和客戶獲取方面的協調。

  • Salesforce and Five9 share a vision where AI agents and human agents work together to elevate customer experiences.

    Salesforce 和 Five9 擁有共同的願景,即 AI 代理和人類代理人共同努力提升客戶體驗。

  • We are strengthening the integration between Five9 and AgentForce to develop industry-specific AI agents, including patient-scheduling agent and a collections agent.

    我們正在加強 Five9 和 AgentForce 之間的整合,以開發行業特定的 AI 代理,包括患者安排代理和收款代理。

  • Furthermore, we are harnessing customer interaction data such as real-time voice across sales, service, and marketing clouds to create a seamless and unified customer journey for brands.


  • In numerous recent wins, we've been able to work with Salesforce to deliver a unified CRM and CCaaS platform for customers to deliver AI-elevated CX in industries including telecommunications, financial services, software, life science, and other industries.

    在最近的眾多合作中,我們與 Salesforce 合作,為客戶提供統一的 CRM 和 CCaaS 平台,為電信、金融服務、軟體、生命科學和其他產業等提供 AI 提升的 CX。

  • In November, Five9 and ServiceNow jointly announced an expanded partnership to bring AI-powered solutions for unified employee experiences and customer experiences.

    11 月,Five9 和 ServiceNow 共同宣布擴大合作夥伴關係,以提供人工智慧解決方案,實現統一的員工體驗和客戶體驗。

  • By enhancing our integration, we're streamlining self-service and assisted service, creating more efficient support processes that reduce cost, boost agent productivity, and elevate customer satisfaction.


  • Via this expanded integration, Five9 and ServiceNow are redefining the next generation of CX, expanding beyond our history of ITSM integration and into integrated CRM experiences.

    透過這種擴展的集成,Five9 和 ServiceNow 正在重新定義下一代 CX,超越我們 ITSM 整合的歷史並擴展到整合 CRM 體驗。

  • Customers gain single-agent experiences for voice and digital interactions and a unified routing engine to streamline engagement.


  • Additionally, in December, we announced the latest release of our Microsoft Teams UC integration, Enterprises are constantly bringing the unified employee communications platforms closer to the customer services platforms to enhance employee efficiency and productivity.

    此外,12 月,我們宣布了最新版本的 Microsoft Teams UC 集成,企業不斷將統一的員工通訊平台與客戶服務平台拉近,以提高員工效率和生產力。

  • Five9's integration with Microsoft Teams brings this to life and enhances employee productivity by delivering our game-changing, bi-directional presence between Five9 agents and Microsoft Teams users to simultaneously view each other's real-time availability.

    Five9 與 Microsoft Teams 的整合使這一點成為現實,並透過在 Five9 代理程式和 Microsoft Teams 使用者之間提供改變遊戲規則的雙向存在來同時查看彼此的即時可用性,從而提高了員工的工作效率。

  • This empowers agents and experts to collaborate internally with confidence.


  • And we are pleased with the momentum we're seeing as we have had several new customer wins during the fourth quarter using this enhanced integration.


  • And with Verint, we've made a key announcement in late Q3 regarding our strengthened partnership announcing a new native cloud-to-cloud platform integration, which includes Variant bots.

    我們與 Verint 在第三季末發布了一項重要聲明,宣布加強合作夥伴關係,推出全新的原生雲端到雲端平台集成,其中包括 Variant 機器人。

  • During the fourth quarter, we saw an acceleration of opportunities, validating demand for our integrated value proposition.


  • And finally, we're so excited to announce Five9's global availability on Google Cloud Marketplace, including the full Five9 AI-powered CX platform, plus the release of a standalone Five9 AI agent designed for Google Cloud.

    最後,我們非常高興地宣布 Five9 將在 Google Cloud Marketplace 上全球發售,包括完整的 Five9 AI 驅動的 CX 平台,以及專為 Google Cloud 設計的獨立 Five9 AI 代理的發布。

  • Businesses can now quickly activate Five9 seamlessly through Google Cloud Marketplace, a universal catalog of enterprise-grade, pre-validated solutions that run on or integrate with Google Cloud.

    企業現在可以透過 Google Cloud Marketplace 快速無縫地啟動 Five9,Google Cloud Marketplace 是一個在 Google Cloud 上運行或與 Google Cloud 整合的企業級、預先驗證的解決方案的通用目錄。

  • This simplifies the procurement, billing, and deployment of our joint solution to deliver AI-elevated CX.

    這簡化了我們的聯合解決方案的採購、計費和部署,以提供 AI 提升的 CX。

  • Our innovative solutions, which leverage Google Cloud technology, can enable organizations to create exceptional customer experiences while leveraging their Google Cloud credits to drive loyalty and business success.

    我們的創新解決方案利用 Google Cloud 技術,可以幫助組織創造卓越的客戶體驗,同時利用他們的 Google Cloud 積分來推動忠誠度和業務成功。

  • We're excited about this new route to market and look forward to bringing on more mutual customers with Google.

    我們對這條新的市場途徑感到非常興奮,並期待與 Google 帶來更多共同客戶。

  • In summary, our record results and strong traction in our AI business continue to demonstrate the power of our platform in enabling brands to elevate their CX in this rapidly evolving world of AI.

    總而言之,我們在人工智慧業務中創紀錄的業績和強勁的吸引力繼續證明了我們平台的強大力量,使品牌能夠在這個快速發展的人工智慧世界中提升其 CX。

  • At Five9, we've always been ahead of the curve.

    在 Five9,我們始終走在時代的前端。

  • Just as we paved the way for the cloud revolution in CX, we are now leading the charge in delivering the new CX powered by our suite of AI solutions.

    正如我們為 CX 的雲端革命鋪平了道路一樣,我們現在正引領由我們的 AI 解決方案套件驅動的全新 CX 交付。

  • I also want to take a moment to thank our amazing team of Five9-ers whose relentless dedication and passion empower us to continue to lead this market.

    我還想花點時間感謝我們出色的 Five9 團隊,他們的不懈奉獻和熱情使我們能夠繼續引領這個市場。

  • We believe we are well-positioned with our AI-powered platform and trusted AI experts to continue driving durable long-term growth, and we look forward to building on our momentum in 2025.

    我們相信,憑藉我們的人工智慧平台和值得信賴的人工智慧專家,我們有能力繼續推動長期持久的成長,我們期待在 2025 年繼續保持這一勢頭。

  • Before I turn it over to Andy, I'd like to comment on one more topic.


  • As many of you have probably seen, earlier today we issued a press release announcing Barry's retirement as CFO, effective March 31, as well as his providing assistance with the transition for six months.

    大家可能已經看到了,今天早些時候,我們發布了一份新聞稿,宣布巴里將於 3 月 31 日起退休擔任首席財務官,同時他將在六個月內提供過渡協助。

  • Barry, I just want to express my deepest gratitude to you for your exceptional leadership, partnership, and unwavering commitment to Five9 these last 13 years.

    巴里,我只想向您表達最深切的謝意,感謝你過去 13 年裡對 Five9 的卓越領導、合作和堅定承諾。

  • You have played a pivotal role in shaping our company's growth, financial strength, and company culture.


  • Your contributions have been invaluable.


  • It has been an honor to work alongside you, Barry.


  • And on behalf of the entire Five9 team, I wish you the very best in your well-earned retirement.

    我代表整個 Five9 團隊,祝福您在退休後生活一切順利。

  • I'm also pleased to announce the appointment of Brian Lee, our long-term EVP of Finance, to the role of Interim CFO.

    我還很高興地宣布任命我們的長期財務執行副總裁 Brian Lee 為臨時財務長。

  • Brian will be joining us on the call today.

    布萊恩 (Brian) 今天將參加我們的電話會議。

  • As many of you know, he has gained an extremely deep understanding of our business over the last 11 years.

    大家可能都知道,過去 11 年裡,他對我們的業務有了極為深入的了解。

  • Having worked closely with Brian during his tenure here at Five9, I'm excited to have him step in as Interim CFO, and I'm confident in his ability to excel.

    在 Brian 任職 Five9 期間,我曾與他密切合作,我很高興他能擔任臨時財務官,而且我對他出色的能力充滿信心。

  • We will be kicking off a CFO search with Brian as an internal candidate.

    我們將啟動財務長搜尋,以 Brian 作為內部候選人。

  • And with that, I will now turn it over to our COO, Andy Dignan.

    現在,我將把話題交給我們的營運長安迪‧迪格南 (Andy Dignan)。

  • Andy, please go ahead.


  • Andy Dignan - Chief Operating Officer

    Andy Dignan - Chief Operating Officer

  • Thank you, Mike.


  • And good afternoon, everyone.


  • As Mike mentioned, we had another strong quarter of sequential bookings growth that exceeded expectations.


  • We are pleased with the early results we are seeing from the realignment of our resources and enhancements to our sales motion.


  • For instance, we had strong enterprise new logo bookings in Q4, driven by the highest number of $1 million-plus ARR new logo wins in any quarter of 2024.

    例如,我們在第四季度獲得了強勁的企業新標誌預訂量,這得益於 2024 年任何一個季度中 100 萬美元以上的 ARR 新標誌中標數量最多。

  • Additionally, Q4 install-based bookings came in at the highest level we've seen in eight quarters.


  • We also continued to experience heightened levels of RFP volume in the fourth quarter.

    我們在第四季的 RFP 數量也持續增加。

  • And our pipeline remains robust as we enter 2025, in part driven by our Acqueon pipeline increasing 4x sequentially.

    進入 2025 年,我們的產品線仍然保持強勁,部分原因是我們的 Acqueon 產品線連續成長 4 倍。

  • And now, as we normally do, I'll share some of the examples of key wins for the quarter.


  • The first example is a leading real estate investment company focused on healthcare infrastructure, senior housing operators, post-acute care providers, and health systems.


  • Their contact center manages urgent service requests from existing residents and various inquiries from potential residents.


  • They were limited by their on-premise system as they struggled with operational inefficiencies and quality.


  • They chose Five9 for our industry-leading omnichannel capabilities across voice, text, chat, and email, as well as our agent assist to transcribe summaries into the CRM and AI insights to gain visibility into interaction trends, identify opportunities, deliver high ROI AI-powered outcomes.

    他們選擇 Five9 是因為我們擁有業界領先的語音、文字、聊天和電子郵件全通路功能,以及我們的代理商協助將摘要轉錄到 CRM 和 AI 洞察中,以了解互動趨勢、發現機會、提供高投資回報率的 AI 驅動成果。

  • We anticipate this initial order to result in over 3.1 million in ARR to Five9.

    我們預計該初始訂單將為 Five9 帶來超過 310 萬的 ARR。

  • Now the second example is a non-profit health system with nine hospitals and hundreds of primary specialty and urgent care clinics.


  • They had been using a premise-based solution, which was very limited.


  • They chose Five9 for our comprehensive platform that includes our Acqueon solution, allowing the healthcare provider to manage voice, chat, and email, and improve the experience for agents and patients through our key integrations, including Epic, ServiceNow, and Salesforce.

    他們選擇 Five9 是因為我們的綜合平台包含 Acqueon 解決方案,讓醫療保健提供者管理語音、聊天和電子郵件,並透過我們的關鍵整合(包括 Epic、ServiceNow 和 Salesforce)改善代理商和患者的體驗。

  • Additionally, they leverage our quality assurance and automated scheduling through our WEM powered by Verint, while Five9 Agent Assist transcribes conversations and standardizes responses.

    此外,他們還透過由 Verint 提供支援的 WEM 利用我們的品質保證和自動調度,而 Five9 Agent Assist 可以轉錄對話並標準化回應。

  • We anticipate this initial order to result in approximately $3 million in ARR to Five9.

    我們預計該初始訂單將為 Five9 帶來約 300 萬美元的 ARR。

  • The third example is one of the largest credit union service organizations in the country that selected Five9 to replace multiple on-premise solutions that were causing inefficiencies, missed SLAs, and poor CX.

    第三個例子是全國最大的信用合作社服務機構之一,它選擇了 Five9 來取代導致效率低下、錯過 SLA 和 CX 不佳的多個內部部署解決方案。

  • By consolidating onto Five9, they now benefit from streamlined operations, seamless integration with multiple third-party systems, and our WEM solution powered by Verint.

    透過整合到 Five9,他們現在可以受益於精簡的營運、與多個第三方系統的無縫整合以及由 Verint 提供支援的 WEM 解決方案。

  • Additionally, they adopted our IBA platform to enable self-service for account inquiries, fund transfers, payments, and more.


  • We anticipate this initial order to result in approximately $2.4 million in ARR to Five9.

    我們預計該初始訂單將為 Five9 帶來約 240 萬美元的 ARR。

  • Now I'd like to highlight a Q4 expansion and one of our largest customers, a parcel delivery company where we expanded into a new business unit that was running on an on-premise solution.


  • This business unit provides customer support for global documentation, taxation, customs, and regulatory requirements.


  • This was implemented in live within 60 days and represents over $1.2 million in additional ARR to Five9.

    該計劃在 60 天內正式實施,為 Five9 帶來了超過 120 萬美元的額外 ARR。

  • With that, I'd like to turn it over to Barry to take you through the financials.

    現在,我想讓 Barry 向您介紹財務狀況。

  • But before doing so, I'd like to echo Mike's comments and extend my gratitude to you, Barry, for your leadership and your commitment to Five9.

    但在此之前,我想同意麥克的評論,並向你巴里表示感謝,感謝你的領導和對 Five9 的承諾。

  • Barry?


  • Barry Zwarenstein - Outgoing Chief Financial Officer

    Barry Zwarenstein - Outgoing Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Andy and Mike, for your kind words.


  • And thank you both for your leadership and support through my tenure at Five9.

    也感謝你們在我任職 Five9 期間的領導與支持。

  • It has been an incredible privilege to work alongside you and the outstanding Five9 team over the years.

    多年來,能夠與您和出色的 Five9 團隊一起工作是我的榮幸。

  • I have been working uninterrupted for 50 years, including 13 deeply rewarding years here at Five9.

    我已經連續工作了 50 年,其中包括在 Five9 工作的 13 年,收穫豐富。

  • That's a lot of early morning alarms, working through vacations, and time away from family.


  • Now it's time to rebalance and focus on my personal journey.


  • As I step away, I do so with immense confidence in Brian's leadership.


  • He is more than just a safe pair of hands.


  • He is a natural leader, a strategic thinker, and someone deeply respected both within the company and by many of you who have worked with him over the years.


  • Few understand Five9's financial engine better than he does.

    很少有人比他更了解 Five9 的財務引擎。

  • I will be cheering this remarkable company on from the sidelines as it seizes opportunities of an AI-driven future, backed by an exceptional leadership team and a culture that continues to inspire.


  • Thank you again for the incredible journey, and now to business.


  • We are pleased to report fourth-quarter revenue growth of 17% year over year, primarily driven by subscription revenue growing 19% year over year in Q4.

    我們很高興地報告第四季營收年增 17%,主要得益於第四季訂閱營收年增 19%。

  • Subscription revenue growth was driven by, first, as Andy mentioned, strong install-based bookings; second, continued strength of market, where our $211 million-plus ARR customers made up 56% of subscription revenue, growing 26% year on year; and third, by the significant traction we are seeing with our enterprise AI revenue, which grew 46% year over year.

    訂閱收入成長的推動因素首先是安迪提到的強勁的安裝預訂量;第二,市場持續保持強勁,我們 2.11 億美元以上的 ARR 客戶佔訂閱收入的 56%,較去年同期成長 26%;第三,我們的企業 AI 收入取得了顯著的成長,年增了 46%。

  • In the fourth quarter, subscription revenue made up 79% of revenue, while usage revenue accounted for 14%, and professional services made up the remaining 7%.


  • Enterprise revenues from subscription, usage and PS combined made up 89% of LTM revenue.

    來自訂閱、使用和 PS 的企業收入合計佔 LTM 收入的 89%。

  • Our commercial business, which represented the remaining 11%, grew in the low single digits on an LTM basis.

    我們的商業業務佔剩餘的 11%,以 LTM 計算,成長率為個位數。

  • Our LTM dollar-based retention rate remained the same as last quarter at 108%.

    我們的 LTM 美元保留率與上季保持不變,為 108%。

  • Turning now to profitability, we are pleased to again report strong margin expansions across the board, driven by the increase in revenue, scaling against fixed and semi-fixed costs, a full-quarter impact of the RiF, and an ongoing focus on tight expense control.

    現在談到獲利能力,我們很高興再次報告,利潤率全面強勁擴張,這得益於收入的增長、固定和半固定成本的擴大、RiF 對整個季度的影響,以及對嚴格費用控制的持續關注。

  • As a result, Q4 adjusted gross margins increased approximately 220 basis points year over year to 63.5%, and adjusted EBITDA margins increased approximately 290 basis points year over year to 23.1%, an all-time record.


  • I'd like to point out that stock-based compensation again decreased year over year from $50 million to $38 million, an improvement of 7 percentage points to 14% of revenue in the fourth quarter.

    我想指出的是,股票薪酬再次同比下降,從第四季度的 5,000 萬美元降至 3,800 萬美元,佔收入的比重上升了 7 個百分點,達到 14%。

  • As a result of both the improved adjusted EBITDA margin and significant improvement in stock-based compensation, we are very pleased to report GAAP operating income of $4.2 million and GAAP net income of $11.6 million in the fourth quarter.

    由於調整後的 EBITDA 利潤率提高和股票薪酬顯著改善,我們非常高興地報告第四季度的 GAAP 營業收入為 420 萬美元,GAAP 淨收入為 1,160 萬美元。

  • Fourth-quarter non-GAAP EPS was $0.79 per diluted share, up $0.18 year over year.

    第四季非公認會計準則每股收益為每股 0.79 美元,年增 0.18 美元。

  • And now for a closer look at the key full-year 2024 income statement metrics, as Mike mentioned, 2024 revenue exceeded $1 billion, growing 14.4% year over year. 2024 adjusted gross margin expanded by approximately 70 basis points year over year to 61.7%, while 2024 adjusted EBITDA margin expanded by approximately 50 basis points to 18.8%. 2024 non-GAAP EPS came in at $2.47, a year-over-year increase of $0.42 per diluted share.

    現在仔細看看 2024 年全年關鍵損益表指標,正如 Mike 所提到的,2024 年的營收超過 10 億美元,較去年同期成長 14.4%。 2024 年調整後毛利率較去年同期擴大約 70 個基點至 61.7%,而 2024 年調整後 EBITDA 利潤率較去年同期擴大約 50 個基點至 18.8%。 2024 年非 GAAP 每股盈餘為 2.47 美元,較去年同期增加每股收益 0.42 美元。

  • Now I'd like to share some cash flow highlights.


  • I'm pleased to report that LTM operating cash flow reached an all-time high at $143 million, or 14% of revenue.

    我很高興地報告,LTM 營運現金流達到了歷史最高水平,達到 1.43 億美元,佔收入的 14%。

  • This is primarily driven by a record-adjusted EBITDA and continued strength in DSO performance, which came in at 34 days.

    這主要得益於創紀錄的調整後 EBITDA 和持續強勁的 DSO 表現(達到 34 天)。

  • LTM free cash flow also came in strong at $79 million, or 8% of revenue.

    LTM 自由現金流也強勁成長,達到 7,900 萬美元,佔營收的 8%。

  • As Mike mentioned, our fourth-quarter operating and free cash flow both hit all-time records of 50 million and 33 million, respectively.

    正如麥克所提到的,我們第四季的營運現金流和自由現金流分別創下了 5,000 萬和 3,300 萬的歷史新高。

  • Before turning to guidance, I would like to comment on seat count.


  • As our business has evolved, the seat count metric we have been providing annually in the fourth quarter has become less relevant as a growing number of our products are no longer priced on a perceived basis.


  • Subscription revenue is the most meaningful metric for our business as it reflects the growth in customers coming onto our platform as well as the products they are purchasing.


  • We are mindful, though, that we need to close this reporting chapter properly, and we are therefore sharing that the average seat counts totaled 432,818 in the fourth quarter, including Acqueon.

    不過,我們謹記,我們需要妥善結束本報告篇章,因此我們分享第四季度包括 Acqueon 在內的平均席位總數為 432,818。

  • Going forward, we will not be providing our seat count metric given it is no longer a meaningful performance indicator.


  • One more item before guidance.


  • Given the CFO transition, we will not be hosting an Analyst Day in the first half of this year.


  • Please stay tuned for an update on timing.


  • Turning now to our full-year 2025 and first-quarter guidance, for the full year, we are guiding annual revenue to a midpoint of $1.14 billion, which is $11.5 million higher than the high-level outlook we provided last quarter.

    現在談談我們對 2025 年全年和第一季的預期,對於全年,我們預計年收入中位數為 11.4 億美元,比我們上個季度提供的高水準預期高出 1,150 萬美元。

  • This, of course, is a starting point, and we will update our outlook as the year progresses.


  • With regards to the bottom line, we are guiding 2025 non-GAAP EPS to a midpoint of $2.60 per diluted share, which is $0.08 higher than the high-level outlook we provided during our last earnings call.

    關於底線,我們預計 2025 年非 GAAP 每股盈餘中位數為每股稀釋 2.60 美元,比我們在上次財報電話會議上提供的高層預期高出 0.08 美元。

  • Please note that this guidance reflects our assumption that we will use cash to retire the remaining $434.4 million principal balance on our 2025 convertible notes, which will be maturing in June.

    請注意,該指引反映了我們的假設,即我們將使用現金償還 2025 年可轉換票據的剩餘 4.344 億美元本金餘額,該票據將於 6 月到期。

  • Also, we expect annual adjusted gross margins and adjusted EBITDA margins to improve further year over year.

    此外,我們預計年度調整後毛利率和調整後 EBITDA 利潤率將逐年進一步提高。

  • As for the first quarter, we are guiding revenue to a midpoint of $272 million.

    至於第一季度,我們預計營收中位數為 2.72 億美元。

  • This represents a 2% sequential decline, which is similar to our typical guidance pattern in the first quarter.

    這代表著連續下降 2%,與我們第一季的典型指導模式相似。

  • As for the remainder of the year, we expect a very small sequential growth in the second quarter and larger sequential increases in the second half.


  • We expect first quarter non-GAAP EPS to come in at $0.48 per diluted share at the midpoint, a decline of $0.31 sequentially.

    我們預計第一季非 GAAP 每股盈餘中位數為每股攤薄 0.48 美元,季減 0.31 美元。

  • As a reminder, our first-quarter non-GAAP EPS is always the weakest of the year, and the $0.31 quarter-over-quarter decrease is similar to our typical guidance pattern in Q1.

    提醒一下,我們的第一季非 GAAP EPS 始終是一年中最弱的,環比下降 0.31 美元與我們第一季的典型指導模式相似。

  • For the remainder of the year, we expect non-GAAP EPS to increase slightly in Q2 and further improve in the second half.

    今年剩餘時間,我們預計非 GAAP 每股盈餘將在第二季小幅成長,並在下半年進一步改善。

  • Please refer to the presentation posted on our Investor Relations website for additional estimates, including share count, taxes and capital expenditures, as well as LTM enterprise subscription revenue.

    請參閱我們投資者關係網站上發布的簡報以了解更多估算,包括股份數量、稅金和資本支出以及 LTM 企業訂閱收入。

  • In summary, we are very pleased with our fourth-quarter performance.


  • We accelerated revenue growth and we demonstrated, as the metrics make clear, superb execution on our winning AI strategy.

    我們加快了收入成長,正如指標所表明的那樣,我們成功實施了 AI 策略,並取得了卓越的成績。

  • And we were efficient.


  • We achieved record highs for adjusted EBITDA, GAAP net income, and for operating and free cash flow.

    我們的調整後 EBITDA、GAAP 淨收入以及營運和自由現金流均創下歷史新高。

  • In 2025, we will remain laser-focused on driving higher profitability while investing surgically in key strategic areas to further position as a leader in AI for CX.

    2025 年,我們將繼續專注於提高獲利能力,同時對關鍵策略領域進行大力投資,進一步鞏固我們作為 CX AI 領域的領先地位。

  • Operator, please go ahead.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Ryan Macwilliams, Barclays.

    (操作員指示)巴克萊銀行的 Ryan Macwilliams。

  • Ryan Macwilliams - Analyst

    Ryan Macwilliams - Analyst

  • Excellent.


  • Barry, man, congrats on the career.


  • This is tough, but it's been great working with you.


  • And I'm going to have some Captain Crunch in your honor this weekend.

    這個週末我將為你準備一些 Captain Crunch。

  • And for that reason, I'll say my first question from Mike.


  • Mike, how have the conversations with your customers been since the election?


  • Has there been any changes?


  • Any changes to start this year?


  • And as you think about potential upside drivers for 2025, what gets you most excited?

    當您思考 2025 年的潛在上行驅力時,什麼讓您最興奮?

  • Is it potential improvements in cloud conversions for larger contact centers?


  • Is it AI upsells?


  • Is it adding more usage receipts?


  • What could improve in 2025?

    2025 年哪些方面會有所改善?

  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, great questions, Ryan.


  • Look, our conversations with customers continue to be very focused around leveraging AI, and frankly, we're investing a lot in enabling our go-to-market teams to be the AI experts and help guide our customers in this new world.


  • You know, our results are showing our progress with AI, not just technically, but in our business, right?


  • Up to 9% of our revenue mix, 46% growth in enterprise AI revenue.

    我們收入結構的 9% 來自於企業 AI 收入的成長,成長了 46%。

  • So it's a new world and the customers all want to talk about the new world, but you heard a lot of my comments were kind of nuts and bolts around self-service.


  • And we could spend a lot of time talking about agentic and other very advanced things that we're obviously delivering as an industry, but today our customers, they want to deliver self-service and they want to deliver it accurately. in a personalized way.


  • And that is so important to them.


  • And that's why I really spent a lot of time today talking about that.


  • In terms of upside drivers for us in 2025, obviously, look, AI is growing faster than the rest of our business, but our core business is growing very, very nicely.

    就我們 2025 年的上行動力而言,顯然,人工智慧的成長速度快於我們其他業務,但我們的核心業務成長非常非常好。

  • Subscription revenue is the key metric. 19% this last quarter.

    訂閱收入是關鍵指標。上個季度成長了 19%。

  • We're very excited about the pipeline we've got.


  • Andy and Matt and the rest of the sales organization are executing in just a great way.

    Andy、Matt 和銷售組織的其他成員都表現出色。

  • And I think we've still got upside on that, but we're just getting to that level where I feel like we're optimized, but I think we've still got a little headroom there too.


  • So I think there's upside there. as well as obviously we've talked about macro and the impact of a better macro is going to be significant as well.


  • But again, we're delivering this growth that we delivered in Q4 in arguably a sideways macro, a little bit better in Q4.


  • It was a little bit better and we'll talk about that, I'm sure.


  • Ryan Macwilliams - Analyst

    Ryan Macwilliams - Analyst

  • Appreciate the color.


  • Thanks, Mike.


  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Ryan.


  • Operator


  • DJ Hynes, Canaccord.

    DJ Hynes,Canaccord。

  • DJ Hynes - Analyst

    DJ Hynes - Analyst

  • Hey, guys.


  • First question is for Barry.


  • What are you going to do with all those ties?


  • Barry Zwarenstein - Outgoing Chief Financial Officer

    Barry Zwarenstein - Outgoing Chief Financial Officer

  • I saved the special one for today.


  • DJ Hynes - Analyst

    DJ Hynes - Analyst

  • Yes, good.


  • Hey, Mike, one for you.


  • So I think one of the questions that I think investors are wrestling with is, If it's not the CCaaS vendors whose AI or agents that end up winning in this space, maybe that business gets cut off at the pass by Salesforce or ServiceNow or whoever that third party might be.

    因此,我認為投資者正在思考的一個問題是,如果不是 CCaaS 供應商的 AI 或代理商最終在這個領域獲勝,那麼這項業務可能會被 Salesforce 或 ServiceNow 或任何第三方切斷。

  • Obviously, those other systems still need access to that contextual data that you highlighted as being so important today.


  • All that resides inside of Five9.

    Five9 內部的所有內容。

  • Can you talk about how you monetize that data access and what that could mean for your financial model, just given there's still some uncertainty about kind of who wins in the end with AI?


  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, really good question, DJ.


  • And again, you're spot on, right?


  • It's about contextual data.


  • AI is only as good as the data it has access to.


  • And our platform is a control point for a lot of that contextual data.


  • Not just information about the customer and about the brand, but also about recent interactions between that consumer and the brand.


  • It's absolutely critical to delivering AI-driven self-service, as I said in my remarks.


  • And the good news is, as you stated, look, we're a winner either way.


  • We are a great partner to Salesforce, a great partner to ServiceNow.

    我們是 Salesforce 的優秀合作夥伴,也是 ServiceNow 的優秀合作夥伴。

  • You know, we are in the market together, and look, we're in the business of winning the CCaaS platform.

    你知道,我們一起進入市場,看,我們的業務是贏得 CCaaS 平台。

  • We know that Salesforce, for example, is in the business of winning the CRM platform.

    例如,我們知道 Salesforce 的業務就是贏得 CRM 平台。

  • The question at hand is, who's AI?


  • Is the customer going to choose?


  • It's going to be a mix.


  • We're very convinced of that.


  • And the good news for us is, even if in a given use case for a given business unit, that organization wants to use Salesforce, for their AI.

    對我們來說,好消息是,即使在特定業務部門的特定用例中,該組織也希望將 Salesforce 用於其 AI。

  • The good news is they still need access for that AI to do its job.


  • They need access to all the contextual data in our platform, and that's why we're great partners.


  • They know they need us, and we're very welcoming to that relationship.


  • We want to do what's best for the customer.


  • At the end of the day, we monetize that through voice stream and transcript stream.


  • Think of that as a pipe or an API where Essentially, we're charging on a per-minute consumption basis.

    可以將其視為一個管道或 API,本質上我們按每分鐘的消費量收費。

  • That adds up to somewhere between $40 and $50 per month in recurring revenue to us just for that connection per AI agent, say, on that third party's part.

    這意味著,僅從第三方的角度來看,每個 AI 代理的連結就能為我們帶來每月 40 到 50 美元的經常性收入。

  • And again, that can actually scale up even higher than that on a monthly revenue basis for us if those AI agents are more efficient than, say, a human agent.


  • So I hope that's helpful.


  • DJ Hynes - Analyst

    DJ Hynes - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • No, it makes perfect sense.


  • Thank you, guys.


  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, DJ.


  • Operator


  • Michael Turrin, Wells Fargo.


  • Michael Turrin - Analyst

    Michael Turrin - Analyst

  • I'll echo.


  • Barry, congrats.


  • We'll all miss you sitting in front of the fern, but I appreciate you being here today.


  • I wanted to ask about 4Q specifically and just on seasonality, if there's anything you'd call out in terms of seasonal expansion or overall deal cadence of what you're seeing in enterprise. and as a second part, Barry, I'd be remiss if I didn't ask just on your prudent guidance if there's anything else you're contemplating given the transition there as well.


  • Thanks very much.


  • Barry Zwarenstein - Outgoing Chief Financial Officer

    Barry Zwarenstein - Outgoing Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes, so let me start with the fourth quarter.


  • We look at it by vertical, and it is clear that for the consumer in particular, but healthcare as well, it was better than we originally anticipated and better than last year.


  • I know that a number of you have rolled your eyes when we keep talking about the JPMorgan data, especially if you don't work at JPMorgan.


  • But at the end of the day, the numbers are clear.


  • If you look at Q3, the numbers are 1, 1, 2.

    如果你看 Q3,數字是 1、1、2。

  • That was a percentage increase in July, August, and September.


  • And then for this last quarter, October, November, December, it was 3, 4, 4.

    而對於最後一個季度,即 10 月、11 月、12 月,數字分別是 3、4、4。

  • So for the first time in a long time, we've had actually positive real growth as opposed to just nominal growth.


  • And that showed up in the numbers.


  • Interestingly, in the consumer side, there was actually more use, both healthcare and consumer actually, there was more usage, telephony usage, that's why it went from 13% in total up to 14%.

    有趣的是,在消費者方面,實際上有更多的使用,實際上包括醫療保健和消費者,有更多的使用,電話使用,這就是為什麼它從總計 13% 上升到 14%。

  • You just can't hire an agent that quickly, you might have this longer hold time or whatever, you just can't fix that quickly.


  • And with respect to 2025, Look, we're not macroeconomists.

    對於 2025 年,你看,我們不是宏觀經濟學家。

  • We don't know exactly what's going to happen.


  • What we do know is that there's a lot of uncertainty out there.


  • January retail sales were the weakest in two years almost.


  • And you're talking about tariffs, you're talking about deportations, you're talking about wars and so on.


  • And we compensate for that by being more prudent.


  • And we've layered that prudence into 2025.

    我們已經將這種謹慎延續到 2025 年了。

  • And by the way, you should be hearing these financial answers in serials because the guy actually is doing it is Brian.


  • And lastly, we took an extra layer of proportion in the seasonality for the second half of the year because of this massive uncertainty we're facing.


  • Andy Dignan - Chief Operating Officer

    Andy Dignan - Chief Operating Officer

  • Okay.


  • You asked about expansion, and as you heard Mike talk about in our install-based bookings teams, we made some changes in Q2, and this is really starting to accelerate.


  • And so having the largest install-based bookings quarters in eight quarters with 50% year over year growth and AI driving that gives us a lot of confidence on the expansion side that the teams are really executing on what we're asking them to do.

    因此,我們擁有八個季度以來最大的基於安裝的預訂量,同比增長 50%,並且由人工智慧驅動,這讓我們在擴張方面充滿信心,相信團隊確實在按照我們的要求執行。

  • Michael Turrin - Analyst

    Michael Turrin - Analyst

  • Perfect.


  • Thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • Siti Panigrahi, Mizuho.

    瑞穗的 Siti Panigrahi。

  • Siti Panigrahi - Analyst

    Siti Panigrahi - Analyst

  • Thank you, and very congrats on your retirement.


  • Certainly, it was great working with you.


  • And Brian, congrats on your new role.


  • So Mike, I want to keep it at a high level.


  • I mean, we keep hearing about how AI is going to replace human agents.


  • Even we saw last year when Klarna announced that they're going to full-on on AI for customer support.

    我們甚至在去年就看到 Klarna 宣布他們將全力投入人工智慧來提供客戶支援。

  • And then we recently -- I don't know if you have seen.


  • They talked about reversing the course now to include even human agents.


  • So my question is, as AI is becoming more mainstream, what are you hearing from your customer when they are thinking about their AI strategy for customer service?


  • What's your view on seed reduction?


  • We should expect how that's upset by AI.


  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, thank you, Siti, a great question, and thank you for citing that quote by the Klarna CEO.

    是的,謝謝你,Siti,這是一個很好的問題,也謝謝你引用了 Klarna 執行長的那句話。

  • It's amazing how, look, we all get out ahead of ourselves sometimes when there are innovations like this, right?


  • And I'm not surprised at all.


  • We've been saying that, look, that was, and over-rotation, to say the least.


  • Our customers are doing what we've been saying for quite some time.


  • What they're trying to do is deflect to self-service on the margins some small percentage of their interactions 5%, 10% in the near term.

    他們試圖做的是,在短期內將一小部分互動轉向自助服務,例如 5%、10%。

  • Eventually, it'll be a little more than that if we're all successful in delivering agentic and personalized and accurate AI. which we're well on our way to doing.


  • But at the same time, our customers are being very calculated around how fast they try and push automation upon their consumer.


  • It's so important to deliver a great customer experience.


  • At the end of the day, we're still getting tremendous ROI, even if they're able to shave 5% of those interactions and put them through self-service.

    最終,即使他們能夠減少 5% 的互動並採用自助服務,我們仍然會獲得巨大的投資回報。

  • It's usually resulting in just less growth in human agents as opposed to a true reduction.


  • But sometimes, again, they're striving to get that labor arbitrage ROI in the long run for sure.


  • And we're helping them deliver that very tangible ROI.


  • So it's a real thing, but it's not anywhere near what I think people were concerned about.


  • Siti Panigrahi - Analyst

    Siti Panigrahi - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks for that color.


  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Siti.


  • Operator


  • Scott Berg, Needham.


  • Scott Berg - Analyst

    Scott Berg - Analyst

  • Hi, everyone.


  • First of all, can you hear me okay?


  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, we got you, Scott.


  • Scott Berg - Analyst

    Scott Berg - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Nothing like being in an airport lounge right now, but all good there.


  • So Mike, I wanted to just talk about the bookings, or maybe Andy wants to take this.


  • You seem pretty happy with the quarter bookings.


  • Are they as you're seeing pipelines and booking the activity actually hit, is it truly in kind of a normalized environment today relative to what you saw in Q2 and the improvement that you saw in Q3?


  • Just trying to help understand where we are in that trajectory, if that's still to come, or you think we're squarely there today?


  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • I'll start, and Andy, please chime in.


  • Scott, it's a very good question.


  • We've talked about this in the past, right?


  • Q2 was kind of the pinnacle of the AI fog, as I call it, the distraction factor, right?

    Q2 是人工智慧迷霧的頂峰,我稱之為幹擾因素,對嗎?

  • Where everybody was just really trying to figure out AI.


  • Q3 got better, Q4 got even better on top of that, and again, I wouldn't necessarily say we're all the way back to normal because there is still uncertainty.


  • There's still kind of this in the macro side of things.


  • Our bookings were strong on both net new and install base.


  • But again, I do believe in an even healthier macro, there's upside there.


  • Andy?


  • Andy Dignan - Chief Operating Officer

    Andy Dignan - Chief Operating Officer

  • Yes, I mean, the only thing I would add, Scott, would be just, yes, the execution of the team, right?


  • It's in terms of we got, we were focusing on mega deals and when I look at the largest number of million-dollar-plus ARR deals in 2024 and just look what the team's executing on, we're getting more of the dolphins, right?

    就我們所獲得的交易而言,我們專注於大型交易,當我看到 2024 年百萬美元以上的 ARR 交易數量最多,並且看看團隊正在執行什麼時,我們會得到更多的海豚,對吧?

  • More of the size of the customers that we, which is the engine of the company, which is the biggest part of the market.


  • And that's good to see.


  • Scott Berg - Analyst

    Scott Berg - Analyst

  • Got it helpful.


  • And then, Mike, in your pre-scripted comments, you'd spoken about some agents that you're building in conjunction with Salesforce in a couple of different areas.

    然後,Mike,在您預先準備好的評論中,您談到了您在幾個不同領域與 Salesforce 合作建立的一些代理商。

  • What does the monetization of that look like relative to your own agents?


  • Help us understand that economic model, it kind of looks like for Five9.

    幫助我們理解這個經濟模型,它看起來有點像 Five9。

  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, and it relates to my earlier comments, Scott.


  • Again, we're monetizing third-party AI in some of these cases.


  • But again, when it comes to Salesforce, a lot of times it's our AI, not theirs.

    但是,對於 Salesforce 來說,很多時候是我們的 AI,而不是他們的 AI。

  • Sometimes it's going to be their AI, but we monetize it if it is their AI. through transcript stream and voice stream.


  • And again, it's a win-win no matter what between Five9 and Salesforce.

    無論如何,Five9 和 Salesforce 之間都是雙贏的。

  • We like to say we're better together and we're out winning joint accounts, especially in some of these vertical markets like healthcare, where we're actually delivering vertical AI agents like patient scheduling agent, which AI agent, which is, again, If you think about it as a consumer, wouldn't it be great to be able to schedule a healthcare appointment with AI instead of a human agent?


  • That's a perfect transaction for AI to handle, and we're doing it with Salesforce through some deep integration.

    這是一個由 AI 來處理的完美交易,我們正在與 Salesforce 透過深度整合來實現這一目標。

  • It's pretty cool.


  • Scott Berg - Analyst

    Scott Berg - Analyst

  • Awesome.


  • Then lastly, Barry, it's been a really fun 10 years.


  • Thanks for all the old time.


  • Barry Zwarenstein - Outgoing Chief Financial Officer

    Barry Zwarenstein - Outgoing Chief Financial Officer

  • Thanks, Scott.


  • Operator


  • Peter Levine, Evercore.

    彼得‧萊文 (Peter Levine),Evercore。

  • Peter Levine - Analyst

    Peter Levine - Analyst

  • Thank you, guys, for my question.


  • I'll let go.


  • Congrats, Barry, on your retirement.


  • Maybe a two-part question.


  • What is on the AI trajectory the 9%, which is up from 7%, I think, Q4 of last year, maybe help us understand what's the trajectory of that look like?

    我認為,人工智慧發展軌跡上的 9% 比去年第四季的 7% 有所上升,這也許可以幫助我們了解其發展軌跡?

  • Is it steady state or is there an inflection point where we can really see that ramp?


  • And then the second question would be, Barry, you talked about seat count not being the right metric anymore.


  • Customers are moving more from a seat basis to more of a consumption token-based model.


  • So maybe help us understand, you guys used to talk about a metric where the seat price was 150 for the core, and then there was a three to 4x uplift.

    所以也許可以幫助我們理解,你們曾經談論過一個指標,其中核心座位價格為 150 美元,然後上漲了 3 到 4 倍。

  • Is that still the case with a fully autonomous agent today, if the seat count metric necessarily isn't the right metric?


  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, let me start, Barry, and feel free to chime in.


  • Peter, great questions.


  • The trajectory out of our AI revenue is again, it was 46% year over year growth in AI revenue.

    我們的 AI 收入軌跡再次顯示,AI 收入年增 46%。

  • This is the enterprise part of our SMB or commercial business.

    這是我們的 SMB 或商業業務的企業部分。

  • There's not a lot of AI there.


  • So where AI exists for us is in our enterprise business.


  • It grew 46% year over year in terms of the trajectory.


  • That's up from, I believe, 40% last quarter.

    我認為,這一數字比上一季的 40% 有所上升。

  • And again, we talked about kind of our bookings as a leading indicator, and that's what I said.


  • I said, we feel very good about AI revenue growth in the future, given the bookings growth that we're seeing for AI.


  • Net New Attach, as well as in the install base.

    Net New Attach,以及安裝基礎。

  • So again, we're very pleased with the fact that it's growing in the mid-40s, and that's obviously growing a lot faster than the rest of our business, albeit it's only 9% today.

    因此,我們非常高興看到它的成長率達到 40% 左右,這顯然比我們其他業務的成長速度要快得多,儘管目前的成長率只有 9%。

  • But again, a growing percentage of the mix.


  • We're excited about that.


  • And Barry, if you want to start on the seat count side of things, I may add a little bit, but I'll let you.


  • Barry Zwarenstein - Outgoing Chief Financial Officer

    Barry Zwarenstein - Outgoing Chief Financial Officer

  • Well, it's very straightforward, Peter.


  • There's a huge ROI to our customers from this.


  • We're going to be able to charge for that on a consumption basis, as we currently are.


  • And the number that you cited, the 3x, when you do compare it to the historic CPACE, which is still, of course, the majority of our business, it is in the order of 3x, particularly on IVAs.

    您引用的數字是 3 倍,當您將其與歷史 CPACE 進行比較時,當然 CPACE 仍然是我們業務的主要部分,它的增長量大約是 3 倍,特別是在 IVA 方面。

  • But you heard Michael talk about the voice stream and transcript stream adding another $50. and there's more than enough to go around for our customer and for Five9.

    但你聽到麥可談到語音流和成績單流又增加了 50 美元。對於我們的客戶和 Five9 來說,這已經足夠了。

  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, I think you said it.


  • It's good.


  • Thank you, Peter.


  • Peter Levine - Analyst

    Peter Levine - Analyst

  • Thank you, guys.


  • Operator


  • Taylor McGinnis, UBS.


  • Taylor McGinnis - Analyst

    Taylor McGinnis - Analyst

  • Okay, can you guys hear me?


  • Perfect.


  • Barry, congrats on retirement.


  • Sad to see you go, but I'm very happy for you as you take that next chapter.


  • Thank you.


  • Barry, maybe for you and Brian too, when you talked a little bit about the usage trends earlier and it was clear like in the results that there definitely was a big acceleration in that piece.


  • So as we get into 1Q, can you just talk about the trends that you're seeing?


  • Are you seeing maybe a little bit of a reversal from what you saw in 4Q?


  • Can you remind us maybe what verticals have greater exposure in 1Q?


  • And maybe as like a second part to that question, how we should think about the trajectory of NRR from here?

    也許就像問題的第二部分一樣,我們應該如何看待 NRR 的發展軌跡?

  • Brian Lee - Interim Chief Financial Officer

    Brian Lee - Interim Chief Financial Officer

  • Got it.


  • So I'm happy to answer the first part and then I'll pass it on to Barry.


  • But before I do, Taylor, I just want to say to Barry, it's been truly an honor and a career highlight for me to have worked with you.


  • And I just want to thank you for everything you've done for Five9 and for me personally.

    我只想感謝您為 Five9 和我個人所做的一切。

  • And I hope you love retirement as much as you love being CFO of Five9.

    我希望您熱愛退休,就像熱愛擔任 Five9 的財務長一樣。

  • And so to get back to your question, Taylor, in terms of the Q1 guide, you'll see that we're implying a 2% quarter-over-quarter decline.

    回到你的問題,泰勒,就第一季指南而言,你會看到我們暗示環比下降 2%。

  • And that is right within the range of 0% to negative 4% that we typically guide to for Q1.

    這正好在我們通常預測的第一季 0% 到-4% 的範圍內。

  • But if you compare it to last year, you'll notice that we actually guided to sequential flatness quarter over quarter in Q1.


  • And that reflects what Barry said earlier.


  • We had a stronger than expected seasonal uptick in consumer and healthcare in Q4.


  • So we're expecting the downtick to be stronger than what we saw last year.


  • And there's actually one more component there from a tough comparison perspective.


  • So one of our biggest mega customers was going through a significant growth phase in the ramp throughout 2024, who've ended the ramp.

    因此,我們的一個最大的大客戶在 2024 年經歷了一個顯著的成長階段,但現在這個成長階段已經結束。

  • But if you kind of look at these multi-year ramps, it's usually small contributions in the beginning and much more in the latter part.


  • So that Q4 to Q1 transition last year compared to this year, it creates a little bit of a tough comparison.


  • So that's what's in the 2% guide, a quarter-to-quarter decline.

    這就是 2% 指南中所指的環比下降。

  • But I do want to emphasize the fact that you know we have a prudent guidance philosophy, and that hasn't changed.


  • Barry Zwarenstein - Outgoing Chief Financial Officer

    Barry Zwarenstein - Outgoing Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes, and in terms of the DBRR on the surface, it'll look like it's quite placid.

    是的,從 DBRR 表面來看,它看起來很平靜。

  • We've had three quarters at 108, but there's actually significant cross currents underway.

    我們已經有三個季度達到 108 個,但實際上正在發生重大的逆流。

  • On the headwind side, if you will, working against us is the fact that we have a sharper downtick that Brian just mentioned, but also on top of that, just the muted seasonal uptick that we're assuming for the time being.


  • On the positive side, we have the AI momentum.


  • We have the million-dollar-plus customers that have a dollar-based retention rate that is meaningfully higher than 1.8, which are growing faster.

    我們擁有百萬美元以上的客戶,其美元保留率明顯高於 1.8,而且成長速度更快。

  • They're growing this last quarter at 26%.

    上個季度他們的成長率達到了 26%。

  • I believe, yes.


  • And so we don't quite know how to handicap that.


  • What we can say is that whether it goes up slightly or down slightly over the upcoming quarters, that fluctuation is likely to be extremely minor.


  • And that's the best we can say at the moment.


  • Taylor McGinnis - Analyst

    Taylor McGinnis - Analyst

  • Perfect.


  • Thank you guys so much.


  • Operator


  • Meta Marshall, Morgan Stanley.

    摩根士丹利的 Meta Marshall。

  • Meta Marshall - Analyst

    Meta Marshall - Analyst

  • Great, thanks, and I'll echo the congrats, Barry.


  • A couple of questions.


  • You know, I know you guys kind of made an across-the-board riff that has been kind of flowing through results this year.


  • Just how do you think about kind of where investments, as you kind of ramp up again, will kind of be most focused particularly given the riff?


  • And then maybe just second, just any disruption from Dan's kind of upcoming departure, Dan Berglund's kind of upcoming departure?


  • Thanks.


  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, thanks, Meta.


  • I'll talk about Dan first.


  • Again, look, we promoted Matt to EVP of sales.


  • Andy has all of sales and go-to-market functions rolling up to him now, and as Both Matt and Andy have kind of solidified in their seats.

    現在,安迪 (Andy) 已承擔起所有的銷售和市場推廣職能,而馬特 (Matt) 和安迪 (Andy) 都已在自己的崗位上站穩腳跟。

  • Dan will be less involved in the day-to-day and moving to a consultant role.


  • And again, we've been extremely lucky to not have disruption.


  • We've been a team forever.


  • We're still a team.


  • And that's just kind of the Five9 way, and that's part of our culture.

    這就是 Five9 的方式,也是我們文化的一部分。

  • I would say very, very little disruption, if any.


  • And in terms of where we're investing, it is look, we believe in this market so much, and we obviously are going to continue to put the pedal down a little bit on R&D investments, specifically in AI, to extend our leadership position there.


  • It will probably not probably, but we are also pretty focused on Our go-to-market team and our sales capacity and our quota capacity.


  • Again, the way we grow our business, the way we've been growing for 17 years I've been here, is bookings growth, right?

    再說一遍,我們發展業務的方式,我在這裡 17 年裡我們一直發展的方式,就是預訂量增長,對嗎?

  • And the only there's a formula there.


  • Obviously, we got to grow the top of the funnel, but we have to increase our quota capacity along with that.


  • And we're very careful about not getting out ahead of ourselves, but you'll see us continue to add quota capacity through the year as well.


  • So it's really building product and selling product, and those will be the priority areas for us.


  • Meta Marshall - Analyst

    Meta Marshall - Analyst

  • Great, thanks.


  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Meta.


  • Operator


  • Jim Fish, Piper Sandler.


  • Quinton Gabrielli - Analyst

    Quinton Gabrielli - Analyst

  • Hey, guys, this is Quinton on for Jim Fish.

    嘿,大家好,我是 Quinton,代替 Jim Fish 發言。

  • Thanks for taking our question and also wanted to add our congrats to both Barry and Brian here.

    感謝您回答我們的問題,我也想在這裡向 Barry 和 Brian 表示祝賀。

  • Mike or Andy, maybe questions for either of you.

    麥克 (Mike) 或安迪 (Andy),也許有人想問你們兩個問題。

  • Avaya recently announced a change to their platform that kind of forces some customers away.

    Avaya 最近宣布對其平台進行更改,這在某種程度上迫使一些客戶離開。

  • I know it's still really early here, but as you've kind of seen this announcement, any change in the pipeline or customers coming to you, basically any early indication of the donation that you expect from that competitor, or is this just they've been donating for a while and so you expect that to be more steady from here?


  • Thanks.


  • I can take that.


  • Andy Dignan - Chief Operating Officer

    Andy Dignan - Chief Operating Officer

  • Yes, I mean, obviously, they've been donating for a while, to use your term.


  • But yes, we obviously noticed that.


  • We do have a lot of good processes in place to make these migrations from Avaya pretty straightforward.

    我們確實已經制定了許多良好的流程,使得從 Avaya 進行的這些遷移變得非常簡單。

  • Now it was their Avaya experience platform public, right, for 200 seats and below.

    現在是他們的 Avaya 體驗平台公開,對,200 個座位及以下。

  • So kind of one piece of the puzzle.


  • And yes, we're focused on that part of the market.


  • What I would be interested in seeing would be as customers that are higher than 200 seats, right, which is another big engine for us, Do they see sort of a lack of commitment for the future from that?

    我感興趣的是,對於擁有超過 200 個座位的客戶來說,這也是我們的另一個重要動力,他們是否因此而看到了對未來缺乏承諾?

  • So something we're keeping an eye on and we're focused on and we're good at those migrations.


  • And yes, we'll keep an eye on it.


  • Quinton Gabrielli - Analyst

    Quinton Gabrielli - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Tom Blakey, Cantor.


  • Tom Blakey - Analyst

    Tom Blakey - Analyst

  • Thank you for taking the call.


  • And Barry, congratulations.


  • It's been great working and dining with you.


  • And best wishes to you and your family.


  • Just maybe a two-parter.


  • First, we've been hearing from yourself throughout last year and from some of your peers about slowdown and close rates and elongated sales cycles related to the increased complexity of large deals and layering in AI and making these things harder to implement.


  • I'd love to get your update there and what you're seeing, Andy and Mike, in terms of visibility on those types of deals.


  • And then, Barry, on the model and these partnerships.


  • We're picking this up from our checks too.


  • Congratulations on this new channel.


  • I'd love any color if you can maybe extend the type of color you normally give us in terms of what you believe partnerships could be over time and any impact of the model.


  • To meet his question about investing, maybe there could be some leverage here or leveraging these huge partners.


  • That'd be helpful.


  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, I'll start with the last question, Tom.


  • Look, the partnership ecosystem is driving a lot of our business already.


  • We expect that to continue to increase.


  • When you think about that Google Cloud Marketplace announcement that we made, that's a game changer for us.

    當你想到我們發布的 Google Cloud Marketplace 公告時,這對我們來說是一個改變遊戲規則的事情。

  • And again, something that opens up new avenues and an easier procurement process and into the Google customer base.

    這也為 Google 客戶群開闢了新的途徑和更簡單的採購流程。

  • And these are the types of partnerships, quite frankly, that to me are so important to us to continue to move the needle in terms of our penetration into this market.


  • So again, whether it's deeper integration with Salesforce or ServiceNow or continuations with Variant or its Google Cloud Marketplace announcement.

    再次強調,無論是與 Salesforce 或 ServiceNow 的更深層整合,或是與 Variant 或其 Google Cloud Marketplace 公告的延續。

  • We're going to continue to leverage the ecosystem in this new world of CX.

    我們將繼續利用這個新的 CX 世界中的生態系統。

  • It's a wonderful time to be in this space, and it's a big driver of our growth in the future.


  • And again, we'll continue to aim to find additional leverage points like this. that allow us to get, again, just like I said, leverage, right?


  • And again, we're going to continue to build out our quota capacity, but we're also going to continue to get leverage from partners in the channel.


  • Andy Dignan - Chief Operating Officer

    Andy Dignan - Chief Operating Officer

  • And then, Tom, the other part of the question was, are we still seeing elongated sales cycles?


  • Mike talked about the AI fog being lifted, and we're seeing a little bit of that.


  • We're cautiously optimistic about that, and obviously macro as well.


  • But when I look at the sales cycles, our teams are doing an excellent job really focusing on the ROI part of AI, which is we launched our AI blueprint.


  • So leveraging our teams to go in and really identify those ROI use cases that helps in these customers that are going in.

    因此,利用我們的團隊來真正識別那些可以幫助這些客戶的 ROI 用例。

  • I'm going to make my CX decision, but the AI part of it is going to really drive it.

    我將做出我的 CX 決策,但其中的 AI 部分將真正推動它。

  • And so I think we're executing well there.


  • And again, cautiously optimistic that those very, very long sales cycles shorten.


  • Tom Blakey - Analyst

    Tom Blakey - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Andy Dignan - Chief Operating Officer

    Andy Dignan - Chief Operating Officer

  • Thanks, Tom.


  • Operator


  • Michael Funk, Bank of America.

    美國銀行的麥可‧芬克(Michael Funk)。

  • Michael Funk - Analyst

    Michael Funk - Analyst

  • Yes, great.


  • Thank you for fitting me in.


  • And Barry, congratulations to you.


  • Mike, I wanted to dig into a comment you made with prepared remarks about your AI strategy relative to some of the proprietary models that are out there, how that advantages Five9.

    麥克,我想深入探討你在準備好的評論中提到的你的人工智慧策略相對於現有的一些專有模型如何為 Five9 帶來優勢。

  • Any more color on how that does advantage you during negotiations, during the RFP process?

    您能詳細說明一下這在談判和 RFP 過程中會為您帶來什麼好處嗎?

  • I think I know what you're talking about, but love to hear more detail on how that differentiates.


  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes, great question, Michael.


  • And again, our engine agnostic strategy from literally day one, even before we acquired Inference, is playing out so nicely, no pun intended.

    再說一次,從第一天起,甚至在我們收購 Inference 之前,我們的引擎不可知策略就發揮得非常好,這不是雙關語。

  • And I really mean that, there was nothing intended there.


  • We started out I think with the right strategy.


  • Others are now following this strategy.


  • So again, everyone's going to have access to these LLMs.


  • That's not going to be a differentiator.


  • What is a differentiator is everything that we built on top of those engines.


  • And the good news for us is we didn't waste a lot of time and energy trying to build our own engines.


  • Again, able to leverage the latest and greatest for our customers to leverage the latest and greatest engines as they come to market.


  • We just plug them in.


  • It's easy to do through our AI Studio framework.

    透過我們的 AI Studio 框架可以輕鬆實現。

  • And it is a real advantage in, again, in the RFP process.

    這在 RFP 流程中再次體現出真正的優勢。

  • We get a lot of questions around our AI strategy, including the architecture of it, including which engines we're leveraging, and customers really do appreciate the way we've approached it, and we're winning because of that.


  • Michael Funk - Analyst

    Michael Funk - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you, Mike.


  • Operator


  • Arjun Bhatia, William Blair.


  • Arjun Bhatia - Analyst

    Arjun Bhatia - Analyst

  • Perfect.


  • Thank you, guys.


  • Barry, since this is your last call here, one for you to end it maybe.


  • I think this is maybe the most optimistic I've heard you sounding on some of the forward-looking trends like bookings, AI traction, pipeline, et cetera, in several quarters here, and yet the guidance for next year I think still suggests sub-10% growth.

    我認為這可能是我聽過的您對幾個季度的預訂量、人工智慧牽引力、管道等一些前瞻性趨勢最樂觀的評價,但我認為明年的指引仍然表明增長率低於 10%。

  • When we're trying to reconcile those two, can you just give us a sense for where there is kind of the most conservatism?


  • I know you mentioned Q4 seasonality, but how are you thinking about turn-ups?


  • How are you thinking about cloud migrations, AI bookings converting into revenue?

    您如何看待雲端遷移、AI 預訂轉化為收入?

  • If you could just give us a little bit more detail there, that would be super helpful.


  • Thank you.


  • Brian Lee - Interim Chief Financial Officer

    Brian Lee - Interim Chief Financial Officer

  • And I'm happy to answer that.


  • So Arjun, the way we think about the annual guide, I want to point out first, when we had our earnings call emphasize the point that our guidance philosophy is always prudent, and that has not changed.


  • And Barry mentioned the seasonal uptake in Q4.


  • We have to be prudent.


  • There's a lot of uncertainty out there in terms of macro, so we have to be prudent that there's another layer of conservatism there in the back half of 2025 for seasonal assumptions.

    宏觀方面存在著許多不確定性,因此我們必須謹慎,因為 2025 年下半年的季節性假設還會出現另一層保守性。

  • And of course, the mega customer ramp that I talked about, that would be a tough comparison.


  • So at the end of the day, It's prudent, and it's a starting point, and we'll continue to update you as the year progresses.


  • Arjun Bhatia - Analyst

    Arjun Bhatia - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Perfect.


  • Thank you.


  • Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    Michael Burkland - Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Arjun.


  • All right.


  • Well, thanks, everyone, for joining us.


  • Barry, we're going to miss you.


  • Congratulations, and thank you.


  • But thank you to all of you for joining us, and we'll look forward to keeping you updated as we progress through the year.


  • And thanks again.


  • Operator


  • That concludes today's call.


  • Thank you, everyone, and have a good evening.
