燃料電池能源 (FCEL) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


FuelCell Energy 公佈了 2024 年第二季的積極財務業績,收入成長、商業勝利和策略合作夥伴關係。他們專注於成本管理、資本配置以及在全球能源轉型中尋求成長機會。

該公司公佈的總收入為 2,240 萬美元,淨虧損為 3,770 萬美元,調整後 EBITDA 為負 2,650 萬美元。他們對沼氣計畫、碳捕獲技術以及燃料電池電動車市場的潛在機會持樂觀態度。



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  • Operator


  • Good morning. My name is Audra, and I will be your conference operator today. At this time, I would like to welcome everyone to the FuelCell Energy second quarter of fiscal 2024 financial results conference call. Today's conference is being recorded. All line have been placed on mute to prevent any background noise.

    早安.我叫奧德拉,今天我將擔任你們的會議操作員。此時此刻,我歡迎大家參加 FuelCell Energy 2024 財年第二季財務業績電話會議。今天的會議正在錄製中。所有線路均已靜音,以防止任何背景噪音。

  • After the speakers' remarks, there will be a question and answer session. If you would like to ask a question during this time, simply press the star key followed by the number one on your telephone. If you would like to withdraw your question, press star one. At this time, I would like to turn the conference over to Tom Gelston, Senior Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations. Please go ahead.

    演講者發言後,將進行問答環節。如果您想在此期間提問,只需按電話上的星號鍵,然後按數字 1 即可。如果您想撤回問題,請按星號一。現在,我想將會議交給財務和投資者關係高級副總裁湯姆·蓋爾斯頓 (Tom Gelston)。請繼續。

  • Tom Gelston - Vice President - Investor Relations

    Tom Gelston - Vice President - Investor Relations

  • Thank you, and good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us on the call today. As a reminder, this call is being recorded. This morning, FuelCell Energy released our financial results for the second quarter of 2024 and our earnings press release and our quarterly report on Form 10 - are available in the Investors section of our website at www.fuelcellenergy.com.

    謝謝大家,大家早安,謝謝您今天加入我們的電話會議。提醒一下,此通話正在錄音。今天早上,FuelCell Energy 發布了 2024 年第二季度的財務業績,我們的收益新聞稿和表格 10 季度報告 - 可在我們網站 www.fuelcellenergy.com 的投資者部分獲取。

  • Consistent with our practice. In addition to this call and our earnings press release, we have posted a slide presentation on our website. This webcast is being recorded and will be available for replay on our website approximately two hours after we conclude the call.


  • Before we begin, please note that some of the information that you will hear or be provided with today will consist of forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Such statements express our expectations, beliefs and intentions regarding the future and include, without limitation statements with respect to our anticipated financial results, our plans and expectations regarding the continuing development and commercialization and financing of our fuel cell technology and our business plans and strategies.

    在我們開始之前,請注意,您今天將聽到或收到的一些資訊將包含 1934 年《證券交易法》含義內的前瞻性陳述。但不限於我們的預期財務表現、我們對燃料電池技術的持續開發、商業化和融資的計劃和期望以及我們的業務計劃和策略。

  • Our actual future results could differ materially from those described in or implied by such forward-looking statements because of a number of risk factors and uncertainties. More information regarding such risks and uncertainties is available in the safe harbor statement in the slide presentation and in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, particularly the risk factors section of our most recently filed annual report on Form 10-K and any subsequently filed quarterly reports on Form 10-Q.

    由於許多風險因素和不確定性,我們未來的實際結果可能與此類前瞻性陳述中所描述或暗示的結果有重大差異。有關此類風險和不確定性的更多信息,請參閱幻燈片演示中的安全港聲明以及我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件,特別是我們最近提交的10-K 表格年度報告以及隨後提交的任何報告中的風險因素部分。

  • During the course of this call, we will be discussing certain non-GAAP financial measures, and we refer you to our website and to our earnings press release and the appendix of the slide presentation for the reconciliation of those measures to GAAP financial measures. Our earnings press release and a copy of today's webcast presentation are available on our website under Investors.

    在本次電話會議期間,我們將討論某些非 GAAP 財務指標,我們建議您造訪我們的網站、我們的收益新聞稿以及投影片簡報的附錄,以了解這些指標與 GAAP 財務指標的協調情況。我們的收益新聞稿和今天的網路廣播簡報的副本可在我們的網站「投資者」下找到。

  • For our call today, I'm joined by Jason Few FuelCell Energy's President and Chief Executive Officer; and Mike Bishop, FuelCell Energy's Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer. Following our prepared remarks, we will be available to take your questions and be joined by other members of the leadership team.

    參加今天的電話會議的還有 FuelCell Energy 總裁兼執行長 Jason Few;以及 FuelCell Energy 執行副總裁、財務長兼財務主管 Mike Bishop。在我們準備好的發言之後,我們將可以回答您的問題,並由領導團隊的其他成員加入。

  • I would now like to hand the call over to Jason for opening remarks. Jason?


  • Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you, Tom, and good morning, everyone. Thank you for joining us on our call today. I'm very pleased with our results for the second quarter as we continue to execute on our Powerhouse business strategy. Our revenue climb sequentially compared to our first quarter, but as expected, decreased compared to the prior year period due to the fact that there were no module exchanges this quarter, while there were eight module exchanges in the prior year period.


  • Our on-balance sheet 62.8 megawatt generation portfolio achieved 67% revenue growth year-over-year, which included a full quarter of revenue from three projects that began operation in the first quarter. During and subsequent to the quarter end, we had some significant commercial wins, and we've also announced an update an extension of our joint development agreement with ExxonMobil's low carbon solution business.

    我們的表內 62.8 兆瓦發電組合實現了 67% 的收入同比增長,其中包括第一季開始運營的三個項目的整個季度收入。在季度末及之後,我們取得了一些重大的商業勝利,我們也宣布更新並延長與埃克森美孚低碳解決方案業務的聯合開發協議。

  • Additionally, we've made progress on cost management and continued our disciplined approach to capital allocation, enabling us to continue our focus on pursuing growth while managing our expenses related to scale, R&D and CapEx.


  • A number of important data points are included on slide 3, but we think our overall success is most evident through our technological solutions for an collaboration with some of the world's largest global companies, including our work with ExxonMobil, Toyota, Pfizer, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories or CNL and IBM to name a few.

    幻燈片3 中包含了許多重要的數據點,但我們認為,我們的整體成功最明顯的是我們與一些世界上最大的跨國公司合作的技術解決方案,包括我們與埃克森美孚、豐田、輝瑞、加拿大核子實驗室的合作或 CNL 和 IBM 等。

  • All of us at FuelCell Energy are very proud to be global leaders in electrochemical technology, all in support of our purpose to enable a world empowered by clean energy. We are working to achieve this purpose by deploying our proprietary fuel cell technology platforms for energy delivery and emissions management around the world to accomplish two fundamental technological applications, decarbonizing power and industry and producing hydrogen.

    FuelCell Energy 的所有人都非常自豪能夠成為電化學技術的全球領導者,所有人都支持我們實現清潔能源驅動世界的目標。我們正在努力實現這一目標,透過在世界各地部署我們專有的燃料電池技術平台進行能源輸送和排放管理,以實現兩項基本技術應用:電力和工業脫碳以及氫氣生產。

  • Turning to key messages for the quarter. As you know, we have a long-standing relationship with ExxonMobil technology and engineering company or EMTEC, which provide technical support to ExxonMobil's Low Carbon Solutions business.


  • In April, we extended our joint development agreement through the end of 2026, allowing development work on carbon capture technology to continue. We also continue to progress our pilot project at Esso Nederland BV manufacturing complex in Rotterdam, Netherlands. I will share more details in a few moments and how we are working with Exxon's low carbon solution business.

    今年 4 月,我們將聯合開發協議延長至 2026 年底,使碳捕獲技術的開發工作得以持續進行。我們也在荷蘭鹿特丹的 Esso Nederland BV 製造基地繼續推進試點計畫。我稍後將分享更多細節以及我們如何與埃克森美孚的低碳解決方案業務合作。

  • Second, we've had a number of commercial wins substantially increase in our backlog during fiscal 2024, the most significant commercial win in South Korea, a market where we have made expanding our reach with applications like electrolysis time to power and CO2 recovery and carbon capture a top priority after the end of the second quarter, we announced an agreement to supply Gyeonggi Green Energy or GGE in South Korea, with 42 upgraded replacement FuelCel modules.

    其次,我們在 2024 財年的積壓訂單中取得了許多商業勝利,其中最重要的商業勝利是在韓國,我們透過電解發電時間、二氧化碳回收和碳等應用擴大了我們的業務範圍。 ,我們宣布了一項協議,向韓國京畿道綠色能源(GGE)供應42 個升級後的更換FuelCel 模組。

  • In connection with the sale of these modules. We also entered into a new seven year service agreement under which FuelCell Energy will support GGEs, Hwaseong Balan industry complex, which is the world's largest fuel cell power platform installed at a single site.

    與這些模組的銷售有關。我們還簽訂了一項新的七年服務協議,根據該協議,FuelCell Energy 將支援 GGE、Hwaseong Balan 工業園區,這是安裝在單一地點的世界上最大的燃料電池發電平台。

  • In total, this transaction adds approximately $160 million to our backlog and represents an incredibly important milestone for our company and a market that has embraced fuel cell technology as essential to its energy infrastructure.

    總的來說,這筆交易為我們的積壓訂單增加了約 1.6 億美元,對於我們公司和將燃料電池技術視為其能源基礎設施至關重要的市場來說,這是一個極其重要的里程碑。

  • We look forward to continuing our relationship with GGE, providing them with excellent service and continuing to expand our business in South Korea. During the quarter, we also announced the deal for our carbonate fuel cell technology, which will be used in a bio generation project developed by Ameresco for the Sacramento area Sewer district to convert on-site biofuels into clean electricity.

    我們期待繼續與 GGE 保持合作關係,為他們提供優質服務並繼續拓展我們在韓國的業務。本季度,我們還宣布了碳酸鹽燃料電池技術的交易,該技術將用於 Ameresco 為薩克拉門托地區下水道區開發的生物發電項目,將現場生物燃料轉化為清潔電力。

  • The project will be powered by one of our 2.8 megawatt carbonate fuel cell platforms, which produces carbon neutral electricity and usable heat from biogas and has the potential for future production of renewable green hydrogen, similar to our Port of long beach Toyota installation.

    該項目將由我們的2.8 兆瓦碳酸鹽燃料電池平台之一提供動力,該平台可從沼氣中產生碳中性電力和可用熱量,並具有未來生產可再生綠色氫的潛力,類似於我們在豐田長灘港的安裝。

  • We also entered into an agreement to provide comprehensive maintenance services for the fuel cell system, which will ensure that Sacramento sewer can focus on its mission of protecting public health and the environment. While delivering renewable power from the cleanest technology available.


  • Fourth, we are taking proactive steps to maintain the strength of our balance sheet and as we grow, we will do so in a cost-effective way following a disciplined approach to managing capital investment by establishing investment triggers linked to key milestones.


  • We have taken concrete steps this quarter to manage costs for managing the pace of our solid oxide expansion through changes in the structure of our engineering team to managing R&D and CapEx with the goal of positioning ourselves for long-term financial success. We are making critical investments to position FuelCell Energy for future growth while taking a highly disciplined approach to maintaining cash and liquidity.

    本季我們採取了具體措施來管理成本,透過改變工程團隊的結構來管理我們的固體氧化物擴張步伐,以管理研發和資本支出,以實現長期財務成功。我們正在進行關鍵投資,以確保 FuelCell Energy 未來的成長,同時採取嚴格的方法來維持現金和流動性。

  • Finally, we continue to evaluate potential options to benefit from global energy transition policies. In US, these include the legacy investment tax credit program as well as incentives under 45Q for carbon capture 48C for the development and construction of clean energy manufacturing and the potential benefits from the new hydrogen production tax credit as we await final guidance from the IRS and US treasury related to 45V add to this the numerous supportive policies around the world, and we believe that FuelCell Energy is positioned well to take advantage of available opportunities.

    最後,我們繼續評估從全球能源轉型政策中受益的潛在選擇。在美國,這些包括傳統的投資稅收抵免計劃以及45Q 下用於清潔能源製造開發和建設的碳捕獲48C 的激勵措施,以及新的氫氣生產稅收抵免的潛在好處,因為我們正在等待美國國稅局的最終指導和美國財政部與 45V 相關的政策加上世界各地的眾多支持政策,我們相信 FuelCell Energy 處於有利位置,可以充分利用現有機會。

  • Next, turning to the extension of the JDA and our work with Exxon's low-carbon business on slide 6, the extension of the JDA through the end of 2026 represents a significant milestone for our company in order to reach this stage, the technology met several key technical performance criteria, which is a major accomplishment for the talented scientists and engineers from both of our companies.

    接下來,轉向JDA 的擴展以及我們與埃克森美孚低碳業務的合作(幻燈片6),JDA 的擴展至2026 年底對於我們公司來說是一個重要的里程碑,為了達到這一階段,該技術滿足了幾個要求關鍵技術性能標準,這是我們兩家公司才華橫溢的科學家和工程師的重大成就。

  • This success also reinforces our view that there are significant commercial possibilities to extend the value and opportunity for our carbon and technology by delivering what we believe will be superior carbon capture technology at a lower cost.


  • The extension of the JDA is designed to allow FuelCell Energy and Exxon's low-carbon business to pursue multiple commercial opportunities, the carbon capture enhancements to our core technology jointly developed with Exxon to be demonstrated in Rotterdam features an optimized design for large-scale installations.

    JDA的擴展旨在讓FuelCell Energy和埃克森美孚的低碳業務能夠尋求多種商業機會,我們與埃克森美孚聯合開發的核心技術的碳捕獲增強功能將在鹿特丹展示,其特點是針對大規模安裝的最佳化設計。

  • Through this updated agreement, FuelCell Energy has the opportunity to pursue carbon capture opportunities using our current generation of carbonate modules by incorporating carbon capture improvements derived from our joint development work, we can move more quickly to provide access to this superior technology and our existing platform targeting 250 KTA or kilo tonnes per annum as an opportunity to demonstrate the technology capabilities earlier, while we complete the work to demonstrate large industrial scale, carbon capture at SO2 Esso's in Rotterdam.

    透過這項更新的協議,FuelCell Energy 有機會利用我們當前一代的碳酸鹽模組,透過納入我們聯合開發工作中的碳捕獲改進來尋求碳捕獲機會,我們可以更快地採取行動,提供對這一先進技術和我們現有平台的訪問我們以每年 250 KTA 或千噸為目標,以此為契機儘早展示技術能力,同時我們完成在鹿特丹的 SO2 Esso 工廠展示大規模工業規模碳捕集的工作。

  • We believe the ability to incorporate improvements developed under the JDA into FuelCell Energy's current generation modules will enhance the capabilities of our power hydrogen and carbon recovery solutions and provide the ability to offer more attractive near term carbon capture solutions to our customers.

    我們相信,將 JDA 開發的改進納入 FuelCell Energy 當前發電模組的能力將增強我們的動力氫和碳回收解決方案的能力,並能夠為我們的客戶提供更具吸引力的近期碳捕獲解決方案。

  • Additionally, FuelCell Energy and ExxonMobil are continuing to progress discussions for a commercial framework aimed at enabling deployment of the carbonate fuel cell technology for carbon capture through Exxon's Low Carbon Solutions business and FuelCell Energy.

    此外,FuelCell Energy 和埃克森美孚正在繼續就商業框架進行討論,旨在透過埃克森的低碳解決方案業務和 FuelCell Energy 部署用於碳捕獲的碳酸鹽燃料電池技術。

  • Turning to slide 7, We are excited about the promising potential of this technology to capture CO2 emissions from industrial and commercial exhaust streams with the goal of helping to solve one of the world's biggest environmental challenges.

    轉向幻燈片 7,我們對這項技術在捕獲工業和商業廢氣流中的二氧化碳排放方面的巨大潛力感到興奮,目標是幫助解決世界上最大的環境挑戰之一。

  • The Esso Rotterdam pilot project is co-funded by the European Union under the emissions trading systems, Innovation Fund and by the Netherlands, enterprise agency by means of a demonstration Energy and Climate Innovation DEI plus brand.

    鹿特丹埃索試點計畫由歐盟排放交易系統創新基金和荷蘭企業機構透過示範能源和氣候創新 DEI plus 品牌共同資助。

  • This manufacturing site will be the first place in the world to pilot this differentiated multi feature technology that capture CO2 emissions from industrial sources while simultaneously generating electricity and hydrogen, the ability to deliver these valuable code products is targeted to improve the economics of carbon capture, lower the barrier to broader adoption of carbon capture in this marketplace and deliver decarbonized electricity and hydrogen.


  • Next, as you'll see on slide 8, we have entered into an exciting new relationship with Ameresco to use our carbonate FuelCell technology in a bio generation project. Four, the Sacramento area Sewer district. Wastewater treatment is a particularly attractive application for our platforms, and California remains an important geography for our company.

    接下來,正如您將在幻燈片 8 中看到的,我們與 Ameresco 建立了令人興奮的新關係,在生物發電專案中使用我們的碳酸鹽燃料電池技術。四、薩克拉門托地區下水道區。廢水處理對於我們的平台來說是一個特別有吸引力的應用,而加州仍然是我們公司的重要地理位置。

  • Some of the inherent benefits in this application are our carbonate fuel cell platform runs directly on biogas, created on-site from the wastewater treatment process. Our proprietary dual cell cleanup system removes contaminants to maximize usable on-site biogas.


  • Waste heat generated by the fuel cell will be used to support the anaerobic process that creates biogas and fuel cells. Chemical reaction is virtually free of NOx, SOx and particulate matter emissions improving air quality for the community.


  • In California, FuelCell Energy's platforms have received key certification under the California Air Resource Board distributed generation standards, which allows the local Air Quality Management District to utilize a streamlined air permitting process, accelerating the installation of clean energy projects. The company pursues in the State.

    在加州,FuelCell Energy 的平台已獲得加州空氣資源委員會分散式發電標準的關鍵認證,使當地空氣品質管理區能夠利用簡化的空氣許可流程,加速清潔能源專案的安裝。公司追求國家。

  • The Sacramento sewer project represents our fourth biogas project in California with our other plants already installed in Riverside to Tulare, and San Bernardino.


  • Turning to slide 9. As we mentioned earlier in the call, subsequent to the end of the quarter, we signed a significant long-term service agreement to support GGEs Hwaseong Balan Industrial Complex. In addition to the $160 million This project adds to our backlog, our engagement with GGE also demonstrates our ability to rollout and service large-scale power projects.

    轉向幻燈片 9。除了該專案增加了我們的積壓工作 1.6 億美元之外,我們與 GGE 的合作也證明了我們推出和服務大型電力專案的能力。

  • A capability we think is unique to FuelCell Energy. Importantly, our carbonate technology is a proprietary and proven design today, FuelCell Energy operates eight large-scale platforms ranging from 11.2 megawatts to 58.8 megawatts and of these eight platforms, seven have been in operations for five years or more one rapidly growing need, particularly in the US is for new data center construction to support investment in AI.

    我們認為這是 FuelCell Energy 獨有的功能。重要的是,我們的碳酸鹽技術是當今經過驗證的專有設計,FuelCell Energy 運營著8 個大型平台,功率範圍從11.2 兆瓦到58.8 兆瓦,這8 個平台中,7 個已經運行了五年或更長時間,滿足快速成長的需求,特別是美國正在建造新的資料中心以支援人工智慧投資。

  • Strong demand for additional computing power has been set back by the limitations of the current power grid, which is unable to meet the energy demands of large AI data centers. Current projections for power usage show that this bottleneck is only expected to grow creating of substantial addressable market for the large-scale baseload power projects that are one of our unique strengths.


  • No other fuel-cell provider has implemented, run and supported large megawatt projects at our same scale, making FuelCell Energy uniquely positioned to meet the immediate and future needs tied to the data center growth.

    沒有其他燃料電池供應商實施、運行和支援與我們相同規模的大型兆瓦項目,這使得 FuelCell Energy 具有獨特的優勢,可以滿足與資料中心成長相關的當前和未來需求。

  • We have demonstrated our large-scale platform capabilities at sites in the US and Asia, providing customers and prospective customers with the operating data to support a FuelCell Energy purchase decision. In addition, we have delivered platforms integrated with absorption chilling thus fully taking advantage of our ability to deliver steam.


  • Our thermal energy ideal for cooling data centers. Data centers require continuous power, and our continuous baseload platforms provide the reliability and resiliency data centers need.


  • Finally, we have a proven track record in microgrid applications which are crucial for data centers. We are actively pursuing opportunities in this sector and believe our business is uniquely suited to capitalize on this secular trend.


  • And now I would like to turn the call over to our CFO, Mike Bishop.


  • Michael Bishop - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Treasurer

    Michael Bishop - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Treasurer

  • Thank you, Jason, and good morning to everybody on the call today. Let's begin by reviewing the financial highlights for the quarter as shown on slide 11. For the second quarter of fiscal year 2024, we reported total revenues of $22.4 million compared to revenues of $38.3 million in the prior year quarter.

    謝謝傑森,今天與會的每個人早安。讓我們先回顧一下投影片 11 中所示的本季的財務亮點。

  • In the second quarter of fiscal year 2024 we reported a net loss of $37.7 million compared to a net loss of $33.9 million in the second quarter of fiscal year 2023. The resulting net loss per share attributable to common stockholders in the second quarter of fiscal year 2024 was negative $0.07 compared to negative $0.09 in the second quarter of fiscal year 2023, the net loss per common share benefited from the higher number of weighted average shares outstanding due to share issuances since April 30, 2023.

    2024 財年第二季度,我們報告的淨虧損為3,770 萬美元,而2023 財年第二季的淨虧損為3,390 萬美元。虧損與2023 財年第二季的負0.09 美元相比,2024 年每股淨虧損為負0.07 美元,每股普通股淨虧損得益於自2023 年4 月30 日以來因股票發行而導致的已發行加權平均股數量增加。

  • Adjusted EBITDA totaled negative $26.5 million in the second quarter of fiscal year 2024 compared to adjusted EBITDA of negative $26 million in the second quarter of fiscal year 2023. Please see the discussion of non-GAAP financial measures, including adjusted EBITDA in the appendix at the end of our earnings release.

    2024 財年第二季調整後 EBITDA 總額為負 2,650 萬美元,而 2023 財年第二季調整後 EBITDA 為負 2,600 萬美元。的財報發布結束。

  • Finally, we reported a strong total cash and short-term investment position of approximately $313.2 million consisting of cash, cash equivalents, restricted cash and investments in US treasuries as of April 30, 2024.

    最後,我們報告稱,截至 2024 年 4 月 30 日,現金和短期投資頭寸總額約為 3.132 億美元,包括現金、現金等價物、限制性現金和美國國債投資。

  • Next on slide 12, you will see additional details on our financial performance and backlog in the graph. On the left hand side of the slide revenues broken down by category. Service agreement revenues decreased to $1.4 million for the second quarter of fiscal year 2024 from $26.2 million in the prior year period.

    接下來在投影片 12 上,您將在圖表中看到有關我們財務表現和積壓工作的更多詳細資訊。幻燈片左側按類別細分收入。 2024 財年第二季的服務協議收入從去年同期的 2,620 萬美元減少至 140 萬美元。

  • The decrease in service agreement revenues was primarily driven by the fact there were no module exchanges during the second quarter of fiscal year 2024, service agreement revenues recognized during the prior year quarter were primarily driven by module exchanges at the plants owned by Korea, Southern Power company in Korea.

    服務協議收入下降的主要原因是 2024 財年第二季度沒有進行組件更換,上一季確認的服務協議收入主要是由韓國南方電力旗下工廠的組件更換推動的韓國公司。

  • Generation revenues increased 67% to $14.1 million from $8.4 million, primarily driven by revenue from the Toyota and Derby projects, which began operations in the first quarter of fiscal 2024. Advanced technology contract revenues increased to $6.9 million from $3.7 million compared to the prior year quarter, advanced technology contract revenues recognized under our JDA with EMTEC were approximately $0.1 million lower and revenue recognized under government contracts and other contracts were approximately $3.3 million higher.

    發電收入成長了67%,從840 萬美元增至1,410 萬美元,主要受到豐田和德比項目收入的推動,這些項目於2024 財年第一季度開始運營。增至690 萬美元第二季度,根據我們與 EMTEC 的 JDA 確認的先進技術合約收入減少了約 10 萬美元,根據政府合約和其他合約確認的收入增加了約 330 萬美元。

  • Advanced technology contract revenues for the second quarter of fiscal 2024 also include revenues arising from the purchase order previously received from Esso Netherlands BV or Esso, an affiliate of EMTEC and ExxonMobil Corporation.


  • Looking at the right hand side of the slide, I will walk through the changes in gross loss, profit and operating expenses. Gross loss for the second quarter of fiscal 2024 totaled $7.1 million compared to a gross loss of $6.1 million in the comparable prior year quarter.

    看投影片的右側,我將介紹總虧損、利潤和營運費用的變化。 2024 財年第二季的毛虧損總計 710 萬美元,而去年同期的毛虧損為 610 萬美元。

  • The gross loss is in part as a result of unfavorable margins for generation, which included expense, construction and gas costs related to the Toyota project of $2.6 million at a mark to market net loss of $2.3 million related to natural gas purchase contracts in the three months ended April 30, 2024.

    總虧損部分是由於不利的發電利潤率造成的,其中包括與豐田項目相關的260 萬美元的費用、建築和天然氣成本,以及與三個國家的天然氣採購合約相關的按市場價格計算的淨虧損230萬美元。

  • The gross loss in the comparable prior year period primarily resulted from lower generation margins due to $4.5 million of expense, construction and gas costs related to the Toyota project, partially offset by higher service margins related to module exchanges.

    上年同期的毛虧損主要是由於與豐田項目相關的 450 萬美元費用、建築和天然氣成本導致發電利潤率較低,但部分被與模組更換相關的服務利潤率較高所抵消。

  • Operating expenses for the second quarter of fiscal 2024 increased to $34.3 million from $29.8 million in the second quarter of fiscal 2023.

    2024 財年第二季的營運支出從 2023 財年第二季的 2,980 萬美元增至 3,430 萬美元。

  • Research and development expenses increased to $16.6 million during the second quarter of fiscal 2024 compared to $14.7 million in the prior year period. The increase in research and development expenses reflects increased spending on labor and materials and our ongoing commercial development efforts, including increased headcount related to our solid oxide power generation and electrolysis platforms and carbon separation and carbon recovery solutions.

    2024 財年第二季的研發費用增加至 1,660 萬美元,而去年同期為 1,470 萬美元。研發費用的增加反映了勞動力和材料支出的增加以及我們正在進行的商業開發努力,包括與我們的固體氧化物發電和電解平台以及碳分離和碳回收解決方案相關的人員數量的增加。

  • On the bottom right of the slide, you will see that backlog increased to $1.06 billion as of April 30, 2024, compared to $1.02 billion as of April 30, 2023. This change was primarily a result of the service agreement with Gyeonggi Green Energy Company Limited entered into during fiscal year ended October 31, 2023, increases in advanced technology contract backlog as a result of the purchase order received from Esso during the first quarter of fiscal year 2024 and additional advanced technology contract backlog related to Amendment Number five to the JDA between the company and EMTEC entered into in April 2024, partially offset by revenue recognition under generation service and advanced technology agreements since April 30, 2023.

    在投影片的右下角,您將看到截至2024 年4 月30 日,積壓訂單增加至10.6 億美元,而截至2023 年4 月30 日,積壓訂單為10.2 億美元。京畿道綠色能源公司簽訂的服務協議所致有限責任公司在截至2023 年10 月31 日的財年期間簽訂的合約積壓量因2024 財年第一季從埃索收到的採購訂單而增加,以及與JDA 第五號修正案相關的額外先進技術合約積壓量該公司與EMTEC 於2024 年4 月簽訂的協議,部分被自2023 年4 月30 日以來發電服務和先進技術協議下的收入確認所抵消。

  • Subsequent to the end of the quarter, we announced that we have entered into a long-term service agreement with GGE, pursuant to which we will provide GGE with 42, 1.4 megawatt upgraded replacement carbon and fuel cell modules.

    本季末後,我們宣布與 GGE 簽訂了長期服務協議,根據該協議,我們將為 GGE 提供 42 個 1.4 兆瓦的升級替換碳和燃料電池模組。

  • The total amount payable by GGE under this new long-term service agreement for the replacement fuel cell modules, balance of plant replacement components and service is approximately $160 million, which will be paid over time as replacement fuel cell modules are commissioned and the service obligations for such modules commence under the long-term service agreements. This $160 million agreement was added to the company's backlog in our third quarter as of May 28, 2024.

    根據這項新的長期服務協議,GGE 為更換燃料電池模組、工廠更換零件和服務的餘額應付的總金額約為 1.6 億美元,將隨著更換燃料電池模組的調試和服務義務而逐步支付此類模組根據長期服務協議開始。截至 2024 年 5 月 28 日,這份價值 1.6 億美元的協議已添加到該公司第三季的積壓訂單中。

  • Next on slide 13, we have an update on our cash and liquidity. During the quarter, we closed on a project debt financing transaction with Liberty Bank and Connecticut Green Bank for our two projects in Derby Connecticut, which recently began operations net funding to the company totaled approximately $11.5 million after deducting transaction fees and debt service reserves.

    接下來在投影片 13 上,我們更新了現金和流動性。本季度,我們與自由銀行和康涅狄格州綠色銀行就康涅狄格州德比的兩個項目完成了一項項目債務融資交易,該項目最近開始運營,扣除交易費用和償債準備金後,該公司的淨融資總額約1150 萬美元。

  • The term of the senior facility is 7 years and the subordinated credit facility is 14 years. The interest rate for the senior debt is fixed at 7.25% and the interest rate for the subordinated debt is fixed at 8%. During the three months ended April 30, 2024, approximately 6.5 million shares of our common stock were sold under the amended open market sale agreement at an average sale price of $0.98 per share, resulting in net proceeds for the company of approximately $5.9 million after deducting sales commissions and fees.

    優先信貸額度的期限為7年,次級信貸額度的期限為14年。優先債務利率固定為7.25%,次級債務利率固定為8%。截至2024 年4 月30 日的三個月內,根據修訂後的公開市場銷售協議,以每股0.98 美元的平均銷售價格出售了約650 萬股普通股,扣除後,公司的淨收益約為590萬美元銷售佣金和費用。

  • As of April 30, 2024, cash and cash equivalents, investments in US treasuries and restricted cash and cash equivalents totaled $313.2 million, this includes approximately $158.8 million of unrestricted cash and cash equivalents, $101.3 million of short-term investments in US treasuries and $53.1 million of restricted cash and cash equivalents.

    截至2024 年4 月30 日,現金和現金等價物、美國國債投資以及受限制現金和現金等價物總計3.132 億美元,其中包括約1.588 億美元非限制性現金和現金等價物、1.013 億美元美國國債短期投資和$53.1 百萬受限制現金及現金等價物。

  • Subsequent to quarter end, the company raised an additional $31.7 million through the sale of common stock under the company's amended open market sale agreement after deducting commissions and fees.

    季度末後,扣除佣金和費用後,該公司根據公司修訂後的公開市場銷售協議透過出售普通股籌集了 3,170 萬美元的額外資金。

  • Turning to slide 14, on our 2023 fourth quarter earnings call, we presented our targeted investment plan for fiscal year 2024. As Jason previously mentioned, we are committed to following a disciplined approach to managing our investments as we grow by establishing triggers linked to key milestones in keeping with this approach, some of our previously planned spending is now expected to shift into fiscal year 2025.

    轉向幻燈片14,在我們的2023 年第四季度財報電話會議上,我們提出了2024 財年的目標投資計劃。我們成長的過程中遵循嚴格的方法來管理我們的投資。

  • First, we are now expecting to make $45 million to $60 million in capital expenditures for property, plant and equipment in fiscal year 2024, down from the $60 million to $75 million we originally planned for the fiscal year, these updated capital amounts are in addition to capital expenditures and our commitments made by the company in fiscal year 2023 to upgrade our manufacturing facilities.

    首先,我們現在預計 2024 財年的財產、廠房和設備資本支出為 4,500 萬至 6,000 萬美元,低於我們最初計劃的本財年 6,000 萬至 7,500 萬美元,這些更新的資本金額是額外的資本支出以及公司在2023 財政年度做出的升級製造設施的承諾。

  • These priorities include expansion of solid oxide manufacturing capacity at our Calgary facility to 40 megawatts of solid oxide electrolysis cell production per year, which is now expected to be completed in calendar year 2025.

    這些優先事項包括將我們卡加利工廠的固體氧化物製造能力擴大到每年 40 兆瓦的固體氧化物電解槽產量,目前預計將於 2025 年完成。

  • The company is also exploring adding certain solid oxide manufacturing capabilities to its Torrington, Connecticut production facility. We are also investing in our Torrington manufacturing facility for molten carbonate, including adding capabilities for carbon recovery and carbon capture, manufacturing and testing, internally funded research and development expenses for fiscal year 2024 are now projected to be in the range of $60 million to $65 million, reflecting a decrease from our prior estimated expenses for fiscal year 2024.

    該公司還在探索在康乃狄克州托靈頓的生產設施中增加某些固體氧化物製造能力。我們也投資託林頓熔融碳酸鹽製造設施,包括增加碳回收和碳捕獲、製造和測試能力,2024 財年的內部資助研發費用目前預計在 6,000 萬至 65 美元之間百萬,反映出我們先前預計的2024 財年支出減少。

  • Priorities for R&D are to continue to accelerate the commercialization of our advanced technology solutions for distributed hydrogen, hydrogen-based, long-duration energy storage and hydrogen power generation. Lastly, we lowered the estimated investment in project assets in our generation portfolio to $10 million to $15 million for fiscal 2024 compared to the previously provided range of $15 million to $25 million as a result of the timing of the Trinity project, which is now expected to be constructed and commissioned in calendar year 2025.

    研發重點是繼續加速分散式氫、氫基長時儲能和氫發電先進技術解決方案的商業化。最後,由於 Trinity 專案的時間安排,我們將 2024 財年發電組合中專案資產的預計投資從先前提供的 1,500 萬美元至 2,500 萬美元的範圍降低至 1,000 萬美元至 1,500 萬美元,目前預計將於2025年建成並投入使用。

  • In summary, the adjustments described on this slide represent a reduction in planned spending of up to $30 million in fiscal year 2024, assuming the high end of the range, we will continue to pursue opportunities to reduce costs across our product platforms and business operations, while executing on our strategic growth initiatives. I will now turn the call back to Jason.

    總而言之,這張投影片中所描述的調整意味著 2024 財年計畫支出最多減少 3,000 萬美元,假設該範圍的高端,我們將繼續尋求機會降低我們產品平台和業務營運的成本,同時執行我們的策略成長計劃。我現在將把電話轉回給傑森。

  • Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thanks, Mike. I hope you've all seen the progress we have made in the second quarter and have greater visibility and clarity into the drivers of our business. When we sell one of our products to a customer who realizes the value in our Clean Power Solutions, we win when we provide reliable power and services to these customers we win, when we turn our emerging technologies into new project sales, we win when we do all of this in a cost, disciplined manner, balancing our commitment to service and innovative research with our commitment to generating returns for investors, we win.


  • Our goal this year is to put more wins on the board this quarter showed many of these examples, and we look forward to providing more positive updates in the quarters ahead.


  • Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • I will now turn it over to the operator to begin Q&A.


  • Operator


  • Thank you. We will now begin the question-and-answer session. (Operator Instructions)

    謝謝。我們現在開始問答環節。 (操作員說明)

  • George Gianarikas, Canaccord Genuity.

    喬治‧賈納里卡斯 (George Gianarikas),Canaccord Genuity。

  • George Gianarikas - Analyst

    George Gianarikas - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning, everyone, and thank you for taking my questions.


  • Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • How are you this morning. Thank you for calling.


  • George Gianarikas - Analyst

    George Gianarikas - Analyst

  • Great, yourself?


  • Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Doing fantastic. Thank you.


  • George Gianarikas - Analyst

    George Gianarikas - Analyst

  • So I'd just like to focus on slide 14 for seconds of reducing spending by up to about $30 million. Did I hear correctly that you're expecting some of this project spend to extend into fiscal '25? And also you had mentioned in the past that you had this reversible solid oxide platform that you expect to start in 2027. Is that still on track? Thank you.

    因此,我只想專注於幻燈片 14 上幾秒鐘的支出削減最多約 3000 萬美元。我沒聽錯吧,您預計該專案的部分支出將延續到 25 財年?您過去也提到過,您擁有這個可逆固體氧化物平台,預計將於 2027 年啟動。謝謝。

  • Michael Bishop - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Treasurer

    Michael Bishop - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Treasurer

  • Good morning, George, this is Mike. I will take the first part of that question as far as our planned spend in fiscal 2024.

    早安,喬治,我是麥克。我將回答該問題的第一部分,即我們 2024 財年的計劃支出。

  • Yes, on slide 14, we did summarize the adjustments that we've made this fiscal year, reducing CapEx, reducing company-funded R&D expenditures and reducing project asset spending.

    是的,在投影片 14 上,我們確實總結了本財年所做的調整,包括減少資本支出、減少公司資助的研發支出和減少專案資產支出。

  • Specific to your question around project assets, the range we expected this year is $10 million to $15 million, previously, we were in the $15 million to $25 million range. That assumed that the Trinity Connecticut project would be completed in fiscal 2024. That project has now been extended into fiscal 2025, which is the reason for lowering that particular estimate.

    具體到你關於專案資產的問題,我們今年預計的範圍是 1000 萬美元到 1500 萬美元,之前我們的範圍是 1500 萬美元到 2500 萬美元。假設康乃狄克州三一計畫將於 2024 財年完成。

  • Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • And George, with respect to reversible solid oxide, it remains on our product roadmap. But as we've outlined in today's call, we're really pacing our spending based on how we see market adoption. We think with our technologies, we're well positioned today to be around a number of different opportunities, depending on how the market evolves, whether that's and using hydrogen as a long-duration energy storage, which we continue to believe is ultimately a more compelling solution than a mineral-based solution.


  • Rather, the opportunities emerge faster along the lines of carbon recovery or carbon capture. And the opportunity we see just increasing around distributed power generation as interconnection queues continue to extend out on grids, at least certainly domestically.


  • You see some of that happening in international markets as well. So we think our technology puts us all close to the proximity of where we see the market opportunities developing and our investments will be really guided by what we see happening from a market adoption standpoint.


  • George Gianarikas - Analyst

    George Gianarikas - Analyst

  • Thank you. And maybe as a follow-up. You had mentioned this new Ameresco partnership and the one particular wastewater treatment facility that you'll be deployed in.

    謝謝。也許作為後續行動。您提到了這項新的 Ameresco 合作夥伴關係以及您將部署的一個特定廢水處理設施。

  • Just any color around the pipeline there and the partnership with Ameresco and if there are additional facilities where you could see joint deployment? Thank you, and I'll step back.

    那裡的管道周圍有什麼顏色以及與 Ameresco 的合作關係嗎?謝謝你,我會退後一步。

  • Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes, so with the with Ameresco, this is our first project we've done with Ameresco, but it's certainly not our first bio gas direct bio gas project. And we think that this trend will continue to develop as an attractive opportunity for us as a company.

    是的,與 Ameresco 合作,這是我們與 Ameresco 合作的第一個項目,但這肯定不是我們的第一個沼氣直接沼氣項目。我們認為這種趨勢將繼續發展,對我們公司來說是一個有吸引力的機會。

  • We think that as you look across states and cities, all over America, as an example, and even in Europe, there is a continued push to move away from landfill waste which essentially means most of that waste is going to end up being part of some anaerobic digestion process and they're going to create fuel that needs to be utilized.


  • What gives us unique advantages that we're able to use that fuel directly on site, which also reduces the cost associated with that fuel because we don't need to get that the order pipeline quality, we can utilize that fuel and then utilize the thermal energy of our platform to actually accelerate the anaerobic digestion process.


  • So we have an expectation that this project with Ameresco will be a successful one as an EPC firm, we would anticipate that they would pursue other opportunities like the one at the Sacramento sewer district. And we think that the success of this project will give us an opportunity to participate in more of those as we move forward.

    因此,我們預計,作為一家 EPC 公司,與 Ameresco 合作的這個項目將會是一個成功的項目,我們預計他們會尋求其他機會,例如薩克拉門托下水道區的項目。我們認為,這個計畫的成功將為我們提供參與更多此類計畫的機會。

  • George Gianarikas - Analyst

    George Gianarikas - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Samuel James, UBS.


  • Samuel James - Analyst

    Samuel James - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning, guys. Could you provide some more detail on Tri-gen system. I see that partnerships, Toyota growing?

    嗨,早上好,夥計們。您能否提供有關 Tri-gen 系統的更多詳細資訊?我看到豐田的合作關係正在成長?

  • Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • So, good morning and thank you for the question, so our Tri-gen system is fully operational at the Port of Long Beach in California. And as you know, it provides three valuable streams to Toyota. We provide electricity we provide hydrogen and water. All three of those are used directly on site.

    那麼,早上好,謝謝您提出的問題,我們的 Tri-gen 系統已在加州長灘港全面投入運作。如您所知,它為豐田提供了三個有價值的來源。我們提供電力,我們提供氫氣和水。所有這三個都直接在現場使用。

  • We suspect that as Toyota continues to advance its efforts to distribute hydrogen-based fuel cell electric vehicles that create additional opportunities for that technology. We're excited to see a recent news story that Honda starting to build fuel cell electric vehicles here in the United States in Columbus, Ohio.


  • So we think that that really begins to throw support for the trend around fuel cell electric vehicle transportation in light duty transportation, in addition to heavy duty transportation, where we think it makes a lot of sense as well because you don't pay the penalty for excess weight with batteries on a fuel cell electric vehicle on the heavy Class eight side. So we're working very closely with Toyota. We have a good relationship with Toyota and we suspect that we'll have opportunities to pursue other Tri-gen projects.

    因此,我們認為,這確實開始為輕型運輸和重型運輸中燃料電池電動汽車運輸的趨勢提供支持,我們認為這也很有意義,因為您無需支付罰款用於重型八級燃料電池電動汽車上電池的超重。因此,我們正在與豐田密切合作。我們與豐田有著良好的關係,我們懷疑我們將有機會開展其他 Tri-gen 項目。

  • Samuel James - Analyst

    Samuel James - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ryan Pfingst, B. Riley Securities.

    Ryan Pfingst,B. Riley 證券公司。

  • Ryan Pfingst - Analyst

    Ryan Pfingst - Analyst

  • Jason, you mentioned the data center opportunity. Are you in discussions with potential data center customers today. Just trying to get a sense of how advanced those conversations might be it.


  • Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Ryan, we are and I'm actually joined by Mark Feasel, our Chief Commercial Officer, so I'll have him maybe jump in and give you a sense of the kind of conversations that we're having. But we're very engaged in those conversations.

    瑞安(Ryan),我們的首席商務官馬克·費塞爾(Mark Feasel)實際上也加入了我的行列,所以我可能會讓他介入並讓您了解我們正在進行的對話。但我們非常積極地參與這些對話。

  • And the one thing that I would say like I like we mentioned in the prepared remarks, we think that positions us incredibly well, Ryan, for the data center opportunities that we have demonstrated our ability to deploy large scale platforms.


  • I mean, if you look at the GGE platform, that 58.8 megawatts, we have multiple 20 megawatt platforms in Korea as well. We have large platforms running here in the United States, and that differentiates us from any other fuel cell provider. And so as data centers are looking for on-site generation at large scale we feel like we're well positioned, but I'll have Mark give you few other insights on our customer conversations.

    我的意思是,如果你看看 GGE 平台,你會發現 58.8 兆瓦,我們在韓國也有多個 20 兆瓦平台。我們在美國擁有大型平台,這使我們有別於任何其他燃料電池提供者。因此,當資料中心正在尋求大規模的現場發電時,我們覺得我們處於有利位置,但我會讓馬克就我們的客戶對話向您提供一些其他見解。

  • Mark Feasel - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

    Mark Feasel - Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yes, Jason, thank you. So as you can imagine in having these conversations with data center customers. They're very interested in a number of different elements that have to do with how they can bring energy in a sustainable reliable way to this new load in addition to the well-publicized interconnection queues that are long in the ability for the grid to serve or not.


  • There's other kind of constraints that these customers face as well, such as air quality restrictions in certain areas. And so as Jason mentioned with respect to our work in California, our demonstrated ability to be able to operate large generation plants at scale and avoiding some of those criteria maintenance that can result in and long delayed implementations of energy is a very important advantage.


  • So we are in the midst of technical economic decisions conversations with many data center companies around the world and especially focused right here in North America.


  • Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • And Ryan, maybe I'll just have one other thing where as we think about advantages for us, obviously prove and demonstrate a large scale. Like I said, we've got platforms that are 50 megawatts, 20 megawatts that have been running for five years or more. So proven demonstrated capability to do large scale.

    瑞安,也許我還有另一件事,當我們考慮我們的優勢時,顯然要大規模地證明和展示。就像我說的,我們有 50 兆瓦、20 兆瓦的平台,已經運行了五年或更長時間。如此證明了大規模實施的能力。

  • Secondly, when you think about these edge data centers and the need to get data centers closer to where the consumption is actually taking place air permitting becomes a big issue.


  • Well, we have an advantage in air permitting because we don't combust fuel, so we're not admitting SOx, NOx and particulates.


  • Thirdly, when you think about edge data centers. We have another advantage because of noise, we don't have moving parts. So we operate at a very low decibel level. So we're able to deploy our platform in urban areas, another big advantages, the fact that we're a high temperature and that gives us an advantage to actually integrate with absorption chilling because all of these edge data centers need lots of cooling to operate those data centers.


  • And so if you think about just those things as just four examples of where we have proven advantage and demonstrated capabilities and then add to that. Maybe the fifth one is the fact that we have demonstrated success in microgrid applications.


  • So our ability to integrate with the data center and the grid and provide that level of redundancy, we think puts us in a really nice position to offer a very compelling solution to data center operators.


  • Ryan Pfingst - Analyst

    Ryan Pfingst - Analyst

  • Great. Yeah, I really appreciate all that color. Thank you, Mark as well. Just one more from me. Can you walk through the expected revenue cadence for the GGE agreement?

    偉大的。是的,我真的很欣賞這種顏色。也謝謝你,馬克。我還剩一張。您能否介紹一下 GGE 協議的預期營收節奏?

  • Michael Bishop - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Treasurer

    Michael Bishop - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Treasurer

  • Good morning, Ryan. This is Mike. So what, yes so high level GGE agreement is $160 million. What that agreement includes is replacement of the 42 fuel cell modules at the GGE site and then service for seven years as well as maintenance around the round the balance of plant.

    早安,瑞安。這是麥克。那又怎樣,是的,如此高階的 GGE 協議價值 1.6 億美元。該協議包括更換 GGE 站點的 42 個燃料電池模組,然後提供七年的服務以及對整個工廠進行維護。

  • So the way this will initially roll out is the first six replacement modules will be delivered in our fourth fiscal quarter. So we would expect revenue recognition related to those modules on in the fourth quarter.


  • And then from there the next 30 modules will be shipped and delivered during calendar 2025. And the final six modules will be delivered in the first half of 2026. So revenue recognition will essentially follow on the on those modules being delivered to the customer site.

    然後,接下來的 30 個模組將在 2025 年期間發貨和交付。

  • Got it, All very helpful. I'll turn it back.


  • Operator


  • Noel Parks, Touhy Brothers


  • Noel Parks - Analyst

    Noel Parks - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning. I just had a couple. I was interested in the R&D spending and you revised that it's our expectation for the year. And I just wonder if you could break out a little bit on weather, you know those increases are likely to be some project that nothing reads.


  • I'm sorry, the current spending rate is going to be on. It's more in the covenant product, solid oxide or carbon recovery. And you could sort of characterize examples of what some of the projects or initiatives that they've done our heads?


  • Michael Bishop - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Treasurer

    Michael Bishop - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Treasurer

  • Sure, Noel, this is Mike, I'll take that one. So yes, in our disclosures around company-funded R & D, we reduced the range from $60 million to $70 million, $60 million to $65 million. We're at about $32 million in the first half of the calendar or first half of the fiscal year excuse me. So essentially remaining flat the rest of the year. The investments that we're making in R&D at that line in our financial statements are really around our solid oxide solutions.

    當然,諾埃爾,這是麥克,我就選那個。所以,是的,在我們關於公司資助研發的揭露中,我們將範圍從 6,000 萬美元減少到 7,000 萬美元,從 6,000 萬美元減少到 6,500 萬美元。抱歉,今年上半年或本財年上半年我們的收入約為 3,200 萬美元。因此,今年剩餘時間基本上保持穩定。我們財務報表中這一行的研發投資實際上是圍繞著我們的固體氧化物解決方案進行的。

  • So this is solid oxide power gen as well as hydrogen based long-duration energy storage and electrolysis for producing hydrogen around on carbon capture that you mentioned. That's a funded project of that's coming with our joint development agreement with Exxon as well as the recent purchase order that we entered into around the Rotterdam project. So that's flowing through advanced technologies and the company is getting paid for that particular work.


  • Noel Parks - Analyst

    Noel Parks - Analyst

  • Okay, great. And I is just kind of a housekeeping question, and I noticed the depreciation sequentially was a bit higher this quarter. I wondered if that was just the timing thing related to either onboarding are rolling off or from cost out of out of inventory?


  • Michael Bishop - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Treasurer

    Michael Bishop - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Treasurer

  • Yes, depreciation did pick up and that's a result of newer projects coming online. So we are we previously announced the two dairy projects came online in the first fiscal quarter as did the Toyota project. So you're now starting to see the depreciation from those projects coming through the financial statements.


  • Noel Parks - Analyst

    Noel Parks - Analyst

  • Got it. Thanks a lot.


  • Michael Bishop - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Treasurer

    Michael Bishop - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Treasurer

  • Yup, no problem.


  • Operator


  • Jeffrey Campbell, Seaport Research Partners.


  • Jeffrey Campbell - Analyst

    Jeffrey Campbell - Analyst

  • Good morning, and I want to go back to slides 6 and just if we could expand a little bit on the fuel cell ability to utilize this technology. I'm referring to the carbon capture stuff in small to mid-scale applications through the agreement term.

    早安,我想回到投影片 6,看看我們是否可以稍微擴展一下燃料電池利用這項技術的能力。我指的是協議條款中中小型應用中的碳捕獲材料。

  • And I'm not meaning to be majority of it anyway. I'm just wondering, is this sort of a theoretical concept at this point? Or do you we already have a design for a smaller application? Do you have is there an active marketing effort going on here? Maybe what type of application, you think they would have the results sooner than later?


  • And also would if something comes through, is that going to be abating for manufacturing capability in some of the other areas that you've noted. Thanks.


  • Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you for your question. Great question, so the work that we've done over the last few years with Exxon has been around technology optimization focused on carbon capture in the work that we've done to actually pursue larger scale opportunities, we've fundamentally have changed kind of the format of our footprint of the design and so today, we're for kind of acute shaped vertical design in the work that we're doing with Exxon, we're going to be a horizontal design platform.


  • But the cell technology itself that goes into both of those platforms. We have the ability to leverage them in our current design, and we'll certainly leverage it in our go forward design on applications that are just focused on carbon capture.


  • So as we work do the work to get to the demonstration project in the Netherlands with Exxon at the Esso plan, we have the ability to take that cell design without changing our existing format or footprint and integrate that cell design into our existing platform, enhancing its carbon capture capabilities.


  • We have previously demonstrated the ability to capture carbon in our existing design. But one of the things that we wanted to make sure that we did when we put it in at, we put it into a carbon capture application is that we also maintain the power density.


  • This will give us the ability to do that, both in our existing design and in the designs strictly focused on carbon capture, so it is not theoretical. It is something that we are actively engaged in as a company. Our sales team is actively engaged in opportunities with customers around the ability to leverage our existing design for carbon capture in addition to the work that we're doing against a carbon recovery.


  • So what are the kind of applications that you could utilize this technology for or we've talked a lot about the food and beverage application opportunity where we can capture carbon, let's say, from a boiler at a food processing plant capture that carbon we can clean that carbon up and then give it right back to the customer, for example, to use in the processing of those proteins.


  • As an example, you could take that exact same example and take a customer with an industrial boiler and we can capture that carbon. And if we were doing this somewhere in a market where you've got CO2 pipelines, we can put that CO2 on a pipeline and that CO2 can be sequestered or used in other applications. So these are real opportunities that we're pursuing.


  • If you think about other areas where you now have with EPA rules around the good neighbor rule and the need for companies to capture carbon. Those also up open opportunities for us to utilize our existing platform, integrating our enhanced cell technology to go after those kind of opportunities.

    如果您考慮目前 EPA 圍繞睦鄰規則制定的其他領域以及企業捕獲碳的需要。這些也為我們利用現有平台、整合我們增強的細胞技術來抓住這些機會提供了開放的機會。

  • Jeffrey Campbell - Analyst

    Jeffrey Campbell - Analyst

  • Great. And if I could just follow that up. The follow-on is do you see this I mean, on paper, the small-scale versus the large for Esso looks like parallel path. Did you feel like from the conversations you're having right now?


  • There are people that are out there that may be willing to commit to a smaller mid-scale application before the Exxon facility is up and running in 2026? Or is there sort of the sense that everybody just kind of waiting to see how the thing performs at the large scale and then that will be the validation to get some of these smaller scale applications moving? Thanks.

    在埃克森美孚設施於 2026 年建成並運作之前,是否有人願意致力於較小的中型應用?或者是否有一種感覺,每個人都在等待看到該事物在大規模上的表現,然後這將是讓這些較小規模的應用程式移動的驗證?謝謝。

  • Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, that's a great question. As we anticipate that customers will move forward in advance of that sooner, Exxon deal creation project being implemented and fully running it project time line. So we do not see that as a barrier to pursuing carbon capture opportunities on the smaller scale.


  • And in fact, you know, we think that there's customers on the smaller scale that we'll likely be able to move maybe faster than some of these very large scale projects where there's a number of other things that you have to work through in terms of the CO2 itself and just the volume and what you're going to do with it. And as you get into carbon capture, you're then talking about Class two permits or Class six permits to be able to sequester the carbon. And so we think the smaller-scale projects have an opportunity to move to move faster, get off the starting line a little bit quicker.


  • Jeffrey Campbell - Analyst

    Jeffrey Campbell - Analyst

  • Great. I appreciate the color. Thank you.


  • Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • And that concludes our Q&A session. I will now turn the conference back over to Jason Few for closing remarks.

    我們的問答環節到此結束。現在,我將把會議轉回傑森費夫(Jason Few)進行閉幕致詞。

  • Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Jason Few - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you, Audra. Really appreciate appreciated and thank you all for joining us today. The results of the second quarter are indicative of our Powerhouse business strategy to grow significant market opportunities, scale our existing platform to support growth and innovate for the future. We remain laser focused on this strategy, which has allowed us to collaborate on developing technologies with some of the largest companies in the world.

    謝謝你,奧德拉。非常感謝大家今天加入我們。第二季的業績顯示了我們的 Powerhouse 業務策略,即增加重要的市場機會、擴展現有平台以支援未來的成長和創新。我們仍然高度關注這項策略,這使我們能夠與世界上一些最大的公司合作開發技術。

  • Thank you again for joining us today on our call. Have a great day.
