福特汽車 (F) 2018 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day.


  • My name is Jason, and I will be your conference operator today.


  • At this time, I would like to welcome everyone to the Ford Motor Company first quarter earnings conference call.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • I would now like to turn the call over to our host, Lynn Antipas Tyson, Executive Director of Investor Relations.

    我現在想把電話轉給我們的主持人,投資者關係執行董事 Lynn Antipas Tyson。

  • Ma'am, you may begin.


  • Lynn Antipas Tyson - Executive Director of IR

    Lynn Antipas Tyson - Executive Director of IR

  • Thank you, Jason.


  • Welcome, everyone, to Ford Motor Company's First Quarter 2018 Earnings Call.

    歡迎大家參加福特汽車公司 2018 年第一季度財報電話會議。

  • Presenting today are Jim Hackett, our President and CEO; and Bob Shanks, our Chief Financial Officer.

    今天的演講嘉賓是我們的總裁兼首席執行官 Jim Hackett;和我們的首席財務官 Bob Shanks。

  • Also joining us are Marcy Klevorn, Executive Vice President and President of Mobility; Joe Hinrichs, Executive Vice President and President, Global Operations; Jim Farley, Executive Vice President and President, Global Markets; and Brian Schaaf, CFO, Ford Credit.

    加入我們的還有執行副總裁兼移動業務總裁 Marcy Klevorn; Joe Hinrichs,執行副總裁兼全球運營總裁; Jim Farley,執行副總裁兼全球市場總裁;和福特信貸首席財務官 Brian Schaaf。

  • Jim will begin with a brief review of the quarter and then cover a review of our strategy and updated financial targets.

    Jim 將首先簡要回顧本季度,然後回顧我們的戰略和更新的財務目標。

  • Bob will then review the quarterly results in more detail.

    然後 Bob 將更詳細地查看季度結果。

  • After Bob's section, we'll open the call up for questions and following Q&A, Jim will have a few closing remarks.

    在 Bob 的部分之後,我們將打開問題電話,在 Q&A 之後,Jim 將有一些結束語。

  • Our results discussed today include some non-GAAP references.

    我們今天討論的結果包括一些非 GAAP 參考。

  • These are reconciled to the most comparable U.S. GAAP measure in the appendix of our earnings deck, which can be found, along with the rest of our earnings materials, at shareholder.ford.com.

    這些與我們收益甲板附錄中最具可比性的美國公認會計原則衡量標准進行了核對,該附錄與我們的其他收益材料一起,可在 sharepoint.ford.com 上找到。

  • Today's discussions include some forward-looking statements about our expectations for future performance.


  • Actual results may vary, and the most significant factors are included in our presentation.


  • Also all comparisons are year-over-year unless noted otherwise.


  • Company EBIT and EPS are on an adjusted basis and product mix is on a volume-weighted basis.


  • Now let me turn the call over to Jim.


  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Lynn, and thanks, everyone, for joining us.


  • Our goal today is to provide an update on fitness, share with you our strategic approach to creating value and detail our updated performance targets.


  • I said last October that the transformation of Ford had to start with getting the business fit.

    我去年 10 月說過,福特的轉型必須從讓業務適應開始。

  • In fact, this preceded the ever-important strategic questions.


  • We are improving our speed, decision making and execution and today, we're ready to dimension this for you.


  • I'm really proud of the work of our team and even more excited about the value we believe these actions will create for our stakeholders.


  • But simply put, the items I want to detail for you are at the center of our value creation efforts.


  • One, through our fitness and strategy work, we have gained clarity on where we need to focus.


  • And this includes answering questions on what do we do with the businesses not earning their cost of capital and identifying which underlying processes need to be modernized.


  • Two, we have also gained clarity on our vehicle portfolio and where we want to play.


  • And in parallel, we'll leverage a suite of propulsion systems, think of these as the internal combustion system, hybrids and battery electric vehicles, to give customers what they want regardless of fuel prices.


  • And three, I'm also pleased to share that our work to support our vision for smart vehicles in the smart world is starting to gel and showing the potential to create long-term value.


  • And we'll share more today on this emergent work.


  • Okay.


  • Next, I would like to briefly review our first quarter results so please turn to Page 2. Looking at the quarter, we delivered a solid company EBIT and year-over-year improvement in company operating cash flow.

    接下來,我想簡要回顧一下我們的第一季度業績,請轉至第 2 頁。縱觀本季度,我們實現了穩健的公司息稅前利潤和公司經營現金流的同比改善。

  • Our balance sheet remains strong with $38 billion in liquidity.

    我們的資產負債表保持強勁,擁有 380 億美元的流動性。

  • We also made several important acquisitions.


  • We purchased Autonomic, which is already leading development of our Transportation Mobility Cloud.

    我們購買了 Autonomic,它已經引領了我們交通出行雲的開發。

  • And we acquired TransLoc, a provider of transit system software for cities.

    我們還收購了城市交通系統軟件提供商 TransLoc。

  • Both acquisitions are critical to advancing our mobility strategy.


  • In the quarter, we also strengthened our collaboration with Mahindra Group, and we're working to jointly develop new SUVs and electric vehicles for customers in India and emerging markets.

    在本季度,我們還加強了與馬恆達集團的合作,我們正在努力為印度和新興市場的客戶共同開發新的 SUV 和電動汽車。

  • And in this quarter, we've also been building momentum from a product perspective.


  • We made investments in manufacturing to meet the surging demand in North America for our new Lincoln Navigator and Ford Expedition.


  • These trucks are selling extremely well.


  • We also introduced the EcoSport in the fast-growing sub-compact SUV segment.

    我們還在快速增長的次緊湊型 SUV 細分市場中引入了 EcoSport。

  • We reinforced our leadership in trucks and SUVs with the launch of the first-ever Ranger Raptor in Asia Pacific.

    我們在亞太地區推出了首款 Ranger Raptor,鞏固了我們在卡車和 SUV 領域的領先地位。

  • This is a high-performance pickup unique to just Ford Motor Company.


  • We established our first proving ground for our autonomous vehicle business.


  • This is through a collaboration with Miami-Dade County in Florida and partners such as Domino's and Postmates.

    這是通過與佛羅里達州邁阿密戴德縣以及 Domino's 和 Postmates 等合作夥伴的合作完成的。

  • With them, we launched a series of pilot programs to build a business that moves goods efficiently and profitably in those congested urban areas.


  • I'm proud to tell you that we're on track together with Argo AI to deliver a commercial-grade, self-driving vehicle at scale in 2021 for the movement of people and the movement of goods.

    我很自豪地告訴你,我們正在與 Argo AI 合作,在 2021 年大規模交付商用級自動駕駛汽車,用於人員流動和貨物流動。

  • Finally in the U.K., we expanded our footprint in mobility and launched our Chariot commuter shuttle services in London.

    最後在英國,我們擴大了我們在移動領域的足跡,並在倫敦推出了我們的 Chariot 通勤班車服務。

  • This marks Chariot's first expansion outside the U.S.

    這標誌著 Chariot 在美國以外的首次擴張。

  • Well, now, please turn to Page 3, and let's dive into the highlights of our fitness and its impact on our overall business.

    好吧,現在,請轉到第 3 頁,讓我們深入了解我們的健身亮點及其對我們整體業務的影響。

  • Over our plan period, which covers 2019 through 2022, we're telling you today that we've identified $11.5 billion of cumulative cost and efficiency opportunities.

    在我們從 2019 年到 2022 年的計劃期內,我們今天告訴您,我們已經確定了 115 億美元的累積成本和效率機會。

  • This is incremental to the $14 billion in reduced material and engineering costs we outlined last October.

    這是我們去年 10 月概述的 140 億美元材料和工程成本降低的增量。

  • We've also identified opportunities to reduce the capital intensity of our business model by a cumulative $5 billion over that same time frame in 2019 through 2022.

    我們還發現了在 2019 年至 2022 年的同一時間範圍內將我們業務模式的資本密集度累計降低 50 億美元的機會。

  • By applying just the results of our fitness review over our plan period, we have some great news.


  • We now expect our EBIT margin and our return on invested capital to bottom out this year in 2018.

    我們現在預計我們的息稅前利潤率和投資資本回報率將在 2018 年觸底。

  • We also expect to meet our 8% EBIT target in 2020.

    我們還預計在 2020 年實現 8% 的息稅前利潤目標。

  • This is a full 2 years earlier than our previous target of 2022.

    這比我們之前的 2022 年目標提前了整整 2 年。

  • And we're going to achieve a return on invested capital in the high teens now by 2020.

    到 2020 年,我們將在青少年時期實現投資資本回報。

  • This reduction in capital -- I apologize for this.


  • This reduction in capital intensity means that we now expect our annual CapEx spend to peak this year at $7.5 billion and then decline.

    資本密集度的降低意味著我們現在預計我們的年度資本支出將在今年達到 75 億美元的峰值,然後下降。

  • By 2022, we expect to deliver balanced CapEx spend and depreciation and amortization.

    到 2022 年,我們預計將實現平衡的資本支出支出以及折舊和攤銷。

  • They'll be aligned with each other.


  • Now these targets do assume continued healthy economic conditions.


  • Now if there is a down cycle, we believe a more fit Ford will drive a more resilient business model.


  • Okay, turn to Slide 4. Following the work of the past 11 months, we can now give you a more clear view of how we plan to improve our returns.

    好的,轉到幻燈片 4。在過去 11 個月的工作之後,我們現在可以讓您更清楚地了解我們計劃如何提高回報率。

  • We believe this reflects a profound refocus of our business.


  • In this chart, we used our actual 2017 EBIT results to plot the parts of our business based on margins and returns, so let me take your eyes to the green bubble in the northeast corner.

    在這張圖表中,我們使用了 2017 年的實際 EBIT 結果來繪製基於利潤率和回報的業務部分,所以讓我帶你看看東北角的綠色氣泡。

  • This represents the areas of our business that deliver 8%-plus EBIT and 10%-plus ROIC.

    這代表了我們提供 8% 以上 EBIT 和 10% 以上 ROIC 的業務領域。

  • I mean, this part of our business alone generates $14 billion of profit, an operating margin of 16% and a return on invested capital of 40%.

    我的意思是,僅我們這部分業務就產生了 140 億美元的利潤,16% 的營業利潤率和 40% 的投資資本回報率。

  • This is a tremendous business and we have a lot to work with in this category.


  • Now if you'll apply even modest valuation assumptions to this portion of our business, there's about a 50% upside to our current stock price.

    現在,如果你對我們這部分業務應用哪怕是適度的估值假設,我們目前的股價就有大約 50% 的上漲空間。

  • But however, 3 parts of our business dilute our overall returns.

    但是,我們業務的 3 個部分稀釋了我們的整體回報。

  • The yellow bubble reflects marginally profitable areas that don't return the cost of capital.


  • They don't -- they're lower margin and they don't return the cost of capital.


  • The low-performing areas that have neither the right margin or the returns are shown in the bottom left in the red.


  • And investments we're making in the new products for future growth are depicted by the gray circle in the middle.


  • They're just getting started.


  • So here's the key point.


  • We're going to feed the healthy part of our business and deal decisively with the areas that destroy value.


  • Where we can raise the returns of certain underperforming parts of our business via the fitness initiative you hear us talk about or an alternative business model, we will.


  • And then we'll disposition the rest.


  • Okay, turn to Page 5. And I want to take a deeper look now at fitness.

    好的,轉到第 5 頁。我現在想更深入地了解健身。

  • As I've mentioned, we identified $11.5 billion of costs and efficiency opportunities that will drive improved EBIT margin.

    正如我所提到的,我們確定了 115 億美元的成本和效率機會,這些機會將推動 EBIT 利潤率的提高。

  • We expect to capture about 1/3 of this by 2020.

    我們預計到 2020 年將占到其中的 1/3。

  • There's some good examples of where this will come from.


  • In marketing and sales, we've identified 3 key areas.

    在營銷和銷售方面,我們確定了 3 個關鍵領域。

  • On the fixed marketing side, we can better improve our digital capabilities and improve our return on investment on media.


  • In addition, via regionalization and personalization, we can better optimize our yield management in our incentives program.


  • Within engineering, we're moving to 5 flexible architectures that underpin our vehicles with a modular catalog strategy covering 70% of the value of the vehicle.

    在工程方面,我們正在轉向 5 種靈活的架構,這些架構通過涵蓋 70% 車輛價值的模塊化目錄策略來支撐我們的車輛。

  • These changes will reduce the time from sketch to production by 20% and deliver significant new cost savings.

    這些變化將從草圖到生產的時間縮短 20%,並顯著節省新的成本。

  • Also, they will contribute to complexity reduction in orderable configurations.


  • This will deliver savings throughout the enterprise, from the supply base to manufacturing and to our dealers.


  • In manufacturing, we're redesigning our freight network using big data, and we developed much more aggressive labor targets for our next-generation vehicles.


  • If you will, turn to Page 6. Our fitness work has also allowed us to reduce the capital intensity of our business by $5 billion over our plan horizon, 2019-2022.

    如果願意,請轉到第 6 頁。我們的健身工作還使我們能夠在 2019-2022 年的計劃範圍內將業務的資本密集度降低 50 億美元。

  • We had expected to invest $34 billion and that's now dropped to $29 billion.

    我們原本預計投資 340 億美元,現在已降至 290 億美元。

  • For example, we've identified opportunities to drive capital reduction through reuse of equipment and tools in our plants, as well as additional benefits from the move to the common modules that I mentioned earlier.


  • Well, to put this all together, I want to share with you the framework on Page 7 that we're using to drive a more competitive, higher-return and resilient business.

    好吧,總而言之,我想在第 7 頁與您分享我們用來推動更具競爭力、更高回報和彈性業務的框架。

  • Our industry is undergoing a complete redesign of what we think of as the historic transportation system and the role of automakers and everyone else in that system.


  • This redesign will reshape how our customers live, work and move, how business is transacted, how cities are managed, how urban congestion and pollution are controlled.


  • At Ford, we want to do more than compete in this new world.


  • We intend to lead its design.


  • Enabling human progress through freedom of movement has always been central to our mission, and it's the reason we have been successful for 115 years.

    通過行動自由促進人類進步一直是我們使命的核心,這也是我們 115 年來取得成功的原因。

  • We'll remain true to our heritage as we transform our business model to capitalize on the trends I just described, by making smart choices, by building smart vehicles that integrate the best technology and providing -- and by providing customers with the most trusted mobility platform and services in the industry.

    在我們轉變業務模式以利用我剛才描述的趨勢時,我們將繼續忠於我們的傳統,通過做出明智的選擇,通過製造集成了最佳技術和提供的智能車輛 - 並通過為客戶提供最值得信賴的移動性行業平台和服務。

  • We are on an incredibly exciting journey to redefine the automotive industry.


  • And as we said, it starts with making these smart choices.


  • One of those is our first choice to have a winning portfolio.


  • As I've mentioned, we will focus on products and markets where we know we can win.


  • Let me share a specific example.


  • By 2020, almost 90% of our Ford portfolio in North America will be trucks, utilities and commercial vehicles, including, of course, their electrified versions.

    到 2020 年,我們在北美的福特產品組合中近 90% 將是卡車、公用事業和商用車,當然也包括它們的電動版。

  • Given declining customer demand and their product -- excuse me, and product profitability, we will not invest in next generations of traditional Ford sedans for North America.


  • Over the next few years, our Ford car portfolio in North America will transition to 2 vehicles: our best-selling Mustang and an exciting all-new Focus Active crossover coming out next year.

    在接下來的幾年裡,我們在北美的福特汽車產品組合將過渡到 2 款車型:我們最暢銷的 Mustang 和明年推出的令人興奮的全新 Focus Active 跨界車。

  • Our second choice is a full commitment to new propulsion, including adding hybrid electrics to high-volume, profitable vehicles like the F-150, the Mustang, the Explorer and the new Bronco.

    我們的第二選擇是對新推進系統的全面承諾,包括為 F-150、Mustang、Explorer 和新 Bronco 等大容量、盈利的車輛添加混合動力。

  • Our battery electric vehicle rollout starts in 2020 with a performance utility, and we'll have 16 battery electric vehicles by 2022.

    我們的電池電動汽車將於 2020 年開始推出性能實用程序,到 2022 年,我們將擁有 16 輛電池電動汽車。

  • In our endeavor to make electric vehicles more desirable, we'll deliver vehicles with the capability, performance and interior design that customers need and want without the traditional fuel economy penalty they used to see.


  • Our third choice is autonomous technology.


  • We're going to develop a profitable autonomous vehicle service that offers the most trusted and human-centered, ride-hailing and goods delivery experience.


  • Our partners at Argo AI have been -- have assembled an incredible collection of talent and expertise.

    我們在 Argo AI 的合作夥伴已經聚集了令人難以置信的人才和專業知識。

  • I can't really exaggerate that.


  • This is a great group of people, and we're working hand-in-hand with them to build a great AV business model.

    這是一群偉大的人,我們正在與他們攜手合作,建立一個偉大的 AV 商業模式。

  • Our final choice is the mobility experience.


  • Now this is about creating and scaling our mobility platform and services that will drive a new, what we're calling sticky revenue and profit streams for us.


  • But we see ourselves not just as a provider of mobile solutions but also as an orchestrator of digital connections from vehicle to street, to business to home.


  • That's going to be an exciting proposition.


  • It's all enabled by fitness, as I said.


  • We're starting here and talking about 4 components: the first is the improved operating leverage; the second is the adaptive business model as evidenced by our Mahindra agreements, that's plural, there's more than one, be it build, partner or buy to generate the highest returns; and the third is improve capital efficiency; the fourth is our bedrock, a strong balance sheet.

    我們從這裡開始討論 4 個組成部分:第一個是提高的運營槓桿;第二個是我們的 Mahindra 協議所證明的適應性商業模式,這是複數的,有不止一個,無論是建立、合作還是購買,以產生最高的回報;三是提高資金效率;第四個是我們的基石,強大的資產負債表。

  • We work hard to maintain that.


  • So before I turn it over to Bob, I want to emphasize so there's no question.


  • We're committed to taking the appropriate actions to drive profitable growth and maximize returns of our business over the long term.


  • We do have a bias towards urgent action.


  • We aren't just exploring partnerships, we've now done them.


  • We aren't just talking about ideas, but we've made decisions.


  • We're going to host an Analyst Meeting in New York in September where we'll walk you through more details on our strategy.

    我們將於 9 月在紐約舉辦分析師會議,屆時我們將向您詳細介紹我們的戰略。

  • September 26 is when we're scheduling that.

    9 月 26 日是我們安排的時間。

  • In the coming months though, you'll see more announcements about the specific actions we're taking to transform Ford.


  • So let me turn it over to our Chief Financial Officer, Bob Shanks.

    所以讓我把它交給我們的首席財務官 Bob Shanks。

  • Bob?


  • Robert L. Shanks - Executive VP & CFO

    Robert L. Shanks - Executive VP & CFO

  • Thanks, Jim, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • I don't plan today to talk to specific slides.


  • Instead, I'm going to share some details of our first quarter results and our perspective on them, talk to our company guidance for the full year and provide additional texture on selected elements of the business that are consistent with our full year outlook.


  • As Jim mentioned, first quarter results were solid.


  • They were in line with our expectations and consistent with our outlook for the full year.


  • Company revenue at $42 billion was up 7%, driven by higher volume from consolidated operations, favorable exchange-related effects and higher net pricing.

    公司收入為 420 億美元,增長 7%,這得益於合併業務的銷量增加、有利的交易所相關影響和更高的淨定價。

  • Revenue was up across all parts of the business, except Middle East and Africa where it was flat, with Europe delivering the greatest increase.


  • And this was due to exchange and higher pricing on new products and to recover Brexit-related effects, with incentives holding flat year-over-year.


  • Wholesale volumes at 1.7 million units were up 2%, driven by lower volume at our unconsolidated China joint ventures.

    由於我們未合併的中國合資企業的銷量下降,批發量達到 170 萬台,增長了 2%。

  • Volumes at consolidated operations were up about 3%.

    合併業務的交易量增長了約 3%。

  • Industry SAARs were up globally and in each region, with the largest growth coming from Asia Pacific, and that was mainly China.

    全球和每個地區的行業 SAAR 均有所上升,其中增長最快的來自亞太地區,主要是中國。

  • Ford's global market share was 6.5%.

    福特的全球市場份額為 6.5%。

  • That was down 60 basis points year-over-year with declines in each region.

    這與去年同期相比下降了 60 個基點,每個地區都有所下降。

  • This reflects mainly lower market shares in China, the U.S. and the U.K.


  • Company EBIT was $2.2 billion, down $335 million from last year.

    公司息稅前利潤為 22 億美元,比去年減少 3.35 億美元。

  • This was driven by Automotive, which delivered an EBIT of $1.7 billion, down $443 million.

    這是由汽車部門推動的,其息稅前利潤為 17 億美元,下降了 4.43 億美元。

  • The Automotive's lower EBIT was caused by commodity cost increases of about $480 million, along with adverse exchange effects of about $240 million.

    汽車的 EBIT 較低是由於商品成本增加約 4.8 億美元,以及約 2.4 億美元的不利匯兌影響。

  • These effects were offset partially by higher net pricing, particularly in Europe, and higher volume from favorable stock changes in North America.


  • The North America stock changes reflect pipeline fill for the newly launched EcoSport and a stock build for Focus.

    北美庫存變化反映了新推出的 EcoSport 的管道填充和 Focus 的庫存增加。

  • The Focus build is to support sales after production concludes at Michigan assembly as we begin the transition of the facility for production of Ranger.

    當我們開始過渡生產 Ranger 的設施時,Focus 構建是為了在密歇根組裝結束後支持銷售。

  • Importantly, total costs, excluding commodities, was about flat compared to last year.


  • The increase in commodity cost was largely metals driven, in part by the market's reaction to potential increases in U.S. tariffs.


  • Nearly 1/2 of our full year exposure to commodity price changes is locked in as of quarter-end due to fixed contracts or hedges that we have in place.

    由於我們實施了固定合同或對沖,截至季度末,我們全年近 1/2 的商品價格變化風險被鎖定。

  • In Automotive, North America was the largest EBIT contributor, earning $1.9 billion, down $195 million.

    在汽車領域,北美是最大的 EBIT 貢獻者,收入為 19 億美元,減少了 1.95 億美元。

  • EBIT margin was 7.8%, which was down 1.1 points.

    息稅前利潤率為 7.8%,下降 1.1 個百分點。

  • And the year-over-year declines were more than explained by higher commodity cost.


  • Market factors, the combination of volume, mix and net pricing, were positive, and total cost was flat, excluding commodities.


  • For the full year, we're guiding to lower EBIT in North America due to higher commodity cost and higher spending-related expense to support growth.


  • We are committed to returning North America EBIT margin to the 10% level it achieved, on average, from 2012 to 2016 through fitness and making smart choices to play where we can win.

    我們致力於將北美的息稅前利潤率恢復到 2012 年至 2016 年平均達到的 10% 水平,通過健身和明智的選擇在我們可以取勝的地方進行比賽。

  • In addition to reallocating capital to strengthen our SUV and truck portfolio as Jim described, 51% of North America's portfolio on a volume-weighted basis will be new or significantly refreshed from the beginning of last year through 2019.

    除了按照 Jim 的描述重新分配資金以加強我們的 SUV 和卡車產品組合外,從去年年初到 2019 年,北美 51% 的產品組合(按體積加權計算)將是全新的或顯著更新。

  • The benefits of fitness actions will start to lift margins in North America next year.


  • Outside North America, in the Automotive segment, results were a combined loss of $203 million, with each region incurring a loss, except Europe.

    在北美以外的汽車部門,結果是合併虧損 2.03 億美元,除歐洲外,每個地區都出現虧損。

  • The combined loss was $248 million worse than a year ago, more than explained by Asia Pacific.

    綜合損失比一年前多 2.48 億美元,超過了亞太地區的解釋。

  • Asia Pacific's loss of $119 million was driven by a loss in Ford China.


  • While we earned China equity income of $138 million, this was more than offset by engineering costs incurred by Ford for future products, including for newly-localized entries, including Lincoln and next-generation Explorer as well as a loss for Lincoln as we continue to establish and grow the brand and the network.

    雖然我們在中國獲得了 1.38 億美元的股權收入,但這被福特為未來產品(包括林肯和下一代 Explorer 等新本地化產品)產生的工程成本以及林肯的虧損所抵消,因為我們繼續建立和發展品牌和網絡。

  • The China loss was offset partially by a profit in the rest of Asia Pacific.


  • This includes a substantial improvement in India, although it still incurred a small loss.


  • This improvement, of course, was achieved without the benefit we expect to see in the future from collaborating with Mahindra.

    當然,這種改進是在沒有我們期望在未來與 Mahindra 合作中看到的好處的情況下實現的。

  • We also benefited in the quarter from record first quarter sales in the Asia Pacific markets outside of China.


  • We expect to incur a loss in Asia Pacific again in the second quarter, with profits returning in the second half as we begin to launch 16 new products.

    我們預計第二季度亞太地區將再次出現虧損,隨著我們開始推出 16 種新產品,下半年利潤將恢復。

  • For the full year, EBIT will be lower, driven by our first half performance, with the run rate of the business strengthening through the fourth quarter.


  • Now as we announced in December, an aggressive product growth plan gets underway in Asia Pacific later this year with the new Escort and the all new Focus, resulting in 69% of the region's volume being all new or significantly refreshed from the beginning of '17 through 2019.

    正如我們在 12 月宣布的那樣,今年晚些時候將在亞太地區推出一項激進的產品增長計劃,推出新的 Escort 和全新的 Focus,導致該地區 69% 的銷量是全新的或從 17 年初開始大幅更新到 2019 年。

  • This is part of our announced plan to bring 50 new vehicles to China by 2025, including 8 all-new SUVs and at least 15 electrified vehicles from Ford and Lincoln.

    這是我們宣布的到 2025 年將 50 輛新車引入中國的計劃的一部分,其中包括 8 輛全新 SUV 和至少 15 輛福特和林肯的電動汽車。

  • In addition, of course, the new Zotye Ford JV will launch an all-new range of affordable all-electric vehicles.


  • Now turning to Europe, we earned an EBIT of $119 million, which was $90 million lower than a year ago.

    現在轉向歐洲,我們的息稅前利潤為 1.19 億美元,比一年前減少了 9000 萬美元。

  • We delivered strong net pricing increases in the quarter, but this was more than offset by lower volume and unfavorable mix, adverse exchange due to sterling and higher commodity cost.


  • The adverse volume and mix were due mainly to a weaker industry and lower Ford market share in the U.K. as well as lower demand for diesel passenger vehicle derivatives in the region.


  • For the full year, we expect EBIT in Europe to improve from 2018 -- 2017 levels due to a heavy mix of new products, which should drive strongly higher net pricing.

    對於全年,我們預計歐洲的息稅前利潤將從 2018 年至 2017 年的水平有所改善,這是由於新產品的大量組合,這將推動淨定價大幅上漲。

  • From the end of last year through 2019, Europe will benefit from an 88% volume-weighted mix of all new or significantly new products.

    從去年底到 2019 年,歐洲將受益於所有新產品或顯著新產品的 88% 的體積加權組合。

  • Now at our Mobility segment, we incurred a loss of $102 million, which was driven by autonomous vehicle development cost.

    現在在我們的移動部門,我們蒙受了 1.02 億美元的虧損,這是由自動駕駛汽車開發成本驅動的。

  • Results benefited from a onetime gain on investments in Smart Mobility of about $58 million.

    結果受益於智能移動投資的一次性收益約 5800 萬美元。

  • The quarterly loss was $38 million worse than last year, more than explained by increased investment in autonomy.

    季度虧損比去年多 3800 萬美元,這主要是因為對自動駕駛的投資增加。

  • Now if you adjust for the onetime gain, the quarterly loss would have been $160 million.

    現在,如果你根據一次性收益進行調整,季度虧損將是 1.6 億美元。

  • This would be a reasonably good quarterly run rate this year for the Mobility segment, with about half of the projected full year loss due to investments in Smart Mobility and the remainder for AV development.


  • Turning to Ford Credit.


  • We saw a very strong quarter with Ford Credit earning $641 million, $160 million higher than a year ago.

    我們看到一個非常強勁的季度,福特信貸的收入為 6.41 億美元,比一年前增加了 1.6 億美元。

  • The improvement was broad-based, including growth in receivables globally.


  • In the quarter, Ford Credit's portfolio remained robust with healthy U.S. consumer credit metrics, including an improved loss-to-receivables ratio.


  • Auction values improved versus a year ago by about 1% at constant mix.

    在恆定組合下,拍賣價值與一年前相比提高了約 1%。

  • We now expect full year average auction values to decline just 1% to 2%.

    我們現在預計全年平均拍賣價值將僅下降 1% 至 2%。

  • At the end of the quarter, Ford Credit's managed leverage was 8.4, in line with our target of 8:1 to 9:1.

    本季度末,福特信貸的管理槓桿為 8.4,符合我們 8:1 至 9:1 的目標。

  • For the foreseeable future, we plan to maintain Ford Credit's managed receivable levels at about the same level as at the end of the quarter.


  • Our focus is to maintain a strong risk profile for Ford and Ford Credit, balancing receivables, funding requirements, liquidity, profitability and distributions.


  • This will allow us to continue supporting auto sales while preserving capacity for future mobility initiatives.


  • It also will enable relatively consistent distributions to Ford, approximately equal to Ford Credit's annual net income.


  • For the full year, we expect Ford Credit's EBT to be flat to lower than last year as we continue to plan for lower financing margins due to rising interest rates.

    全年,我們預計福特信貸的 EBT 將持平至低於去年,因為我們繼續計劃由於利率上升而降低融資利潤率。

  • And while we expect auction values to trend better than our initial expectations, as I just noted, we do expect them to be down slightly year-over-year.


  • Now turning to the company's EBIT margin.


  • We delivered 5.2%, which was down 1.2 percentage points from a year ago, and that reflected the performance in Asia Pacific, North America and Europe.

    我們實現了 5.2%,比一年前下降了 1.2 個百分點,這反映了亞太地區、北美和歐洲的表現。

  • Adjusted EPS in the quarter was $0.43.

    本季度調整後的每股收益為 0.43 美元。

  • That was up $0.03, driven by a lower adjusted effective tax rate.

    由於調整後的有效稅率較低,因此上漲了 0.03 美元。

  • The adjusted effective tax rate was 9%, which includes a $235 million benefit for capital loss carryforwards.

    調整後的有效稅率為 9%,其中包括 2.35 億美元的資本損失結轉收益。

  • Net income was $1.7 billion, $144 million or 9% higher than a year ago, more than explained by a lower effective tax rate.

    淨收入為 17 億美元,比一年前增加 1.44 億美元或 9%,這完全可以用較低的有效稅率來解釋。

  • Company operating cash flow came in at $3 billion, which was up $1 billion from a year ago due to higher distributions from Ford Credit.

    由於福特信貸的更高分配,公司運營現金流為 30 億美元,比一年前增加了 10 億美元。

  • Ford's balance sheet, as Jim mentioned, remains strong with cash and marketable securities totaling $27.6 billion and ample liquidity of more than $38 billion.

    正如吉姆所說,福特的資產負債表依然強勁,現金和有價證券總額達 276 億美元,流動性充足,超過 380 億美元。

  • Now looking at the full year, our company guidance reflects company revenue to be up modestly; company adjusted EPS to be in the range of $1.45 to $1.70; company operating cash flow to be positive and about the same as a year ago; pension contributions of about $0.5 billion; capital spending of about $7.5 billion; and an adjusted effective tax rate of about 15%.

    從全年來看,我們的公司指引反映公司收入小幅增長;公司調整後每股收益在 1.45 美元至 1.70 美元之間;公司經營現金流為正,與一年前大致相同;約5億美元的養老金繳款;資本支出約 75 億美元;調整後的有效稅率約為 15%。

  • As Jim mentioned, we expect 2018 to be the trough for company EBIT, EBIT margin and ROIC and the peak for capital spending.

    正如 Jim 所說,我們預計 2018 年將是公司 EBIT、EBIT 利潤率和 ROIC 的低谷,以及資本支出的高峰。

  • So with that, let's now turn it back to the operator who will get us started on our Q&A session.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) And your first question comes from Adam Jonas of Morgan Stanley.

    (操作員說明)您的第一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Adam Jonas。

  • Adam Michael Jonas - MD

    Adam Michael Jonas - MD

  • Jim, first question is a Ford question.


  • You made reference to potential disposition of underperforming businesses.


  • Could this potentially entail exiting a geographic region?


  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • Well, the short answer is we'll restructure as necessary and we'll be decisive.


  • The decisions have lots of implications for stakeholders, so we're not ready to talk specifics at this time.


  • Adam Michael Jonas - MD

    Adam Michael Jonas - MD

  • Okay.


  • But it sounds like it's on the table -- all options on table.


  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes, yes, yes, I want to affirm that.


  • Adam Michael Jonas - MD

    Adam Michael Jonas - MD

  • Jim, my follow-up question's a bit more macro but relates to Ford indirectly.


  • I'll let others ask about restructuring.


  • What is your position, Jim, on raising the U.S. federal gas tax if the proceeds went to funding improvements in U.S. transport infrastructure?


  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • That's a creative idea.


  • And the way I've been thinking about the transportation system in the future is that if we cut and paste the old system, as we do the kinds of things we're talking about to modernize our infrastructure, we're not going to make the progress that we really need to deal with the congestion and capacity issues in big cities.


  • So we definitely have to, in the future, think about a model where we're using this cloud structure and these smart vehicles to improve that.


  • I haven't really thought about how we fund that totally.


  • But what we can see in the models that we're talking about with this cloud structure is there's revenue for cities in a model like that.


  • Operator


  • And your next question comes from Rod Lache of Deutsche Bank.

    您的下一個問題來自德意志銀行的 Rod Lache。

  • Rod Avraham Lache - MD and Senior Analyst

    Rod Avraham Lache - MD and Senior Analyst

  • I wanted to also probe your comment about raising the profitability that you mentioned on Slide 4. There were 3 buckets: the fitness improvements, alternative business models and the dispositions.

    我還想探討您在幻燈片 4 中提到的關於提高盈利能力的評論。有 3 個桶:健身改進、替代商業模式和處置。

  • Can you elaborate a little bit on what the alternatives might be, when we might see those deals, how long it would take to get savings from those?


  • And maybe, I know you're not really talking about whether these are regions or anything specific, but how big could these actions be?


  • Are we talking about alternatives and dispositions for businesses that are a few billion in revenue?


  • Or are you reassessing tens of billions of revenue?


  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • I'm going to ask Bob to help with the way that we're planning this.

    我要請 Bob 幫助我們制定這個計劃。

  • But I would just want to, I guess, emphasize, Rod, that the way you think about these low-performing businesses, it's been easy to identify what's wrong and what we need to do about it.


  • And I think the hammering, maybe, that has been around in our business is gone.


  • We're starting to understand what we need to do and making clear decisions there.


  • So the detail in terms of the construction, I'm going to let Bob...


  • Robert L. Shanks - Executive VP & CFO

    Robert L. Shanks - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes, let me start -- the first thing, I guess, I want to focus on is actually the upper right.


  • So I just want to reemphasize that the capital allocation process here is to generate incremental capital for the parts of the business where we're already strong and we know we can be even stronger and more profitable, generating even higher returns.


  • So that's the ultimate objective.


  • Now if you go to the lower left, Rod, the way I would think about it, let me just give you some specific examples.


  • The first thing I want to say is this is a snapshot in time, so it's not necessarily a view of the businesses over a longer period of time, and I'll give you a couple of examples.


  • So in there is most of the Lincoln brand.


  • As you know, that only launched in China 2.5 years ago or so.

    如您所知,它僅在 2.5 年前左右在中國推出。

  • It's grown dramatically.


  • It has a great reputation.


  • It's getting price points consistent with the Germans in the segments in which we compete.


  • But we're importing everything.


  • And of course -- and we're also growing the business from scratch.


  • So I've already mentioned to you that we're going to localize the first Lincoln products.


  • But imagine the transformation of the business model, able to get out from underneath these 25% duties, the long freight journey that it takes over there and the expense and so forth, and how that can start to change how that business model looks.

    但想像一下商業模式的轉變,能夠擺脫這 25% 的關稅,它在那裡承擔的長途貨運旅程和費用等等,以及如何開始改變商業模式的外觀。

  • Second example I'd give, we've talked about -- within that category is also small cars and essentially most of our MPV-type products.

    我要舉的第二個例子,我們已經討論過——在這個類別中也是小型車,基本上我們的大多數 MPV 型產品。

  • So we've already talked about what we're going to do in North America, so that's pretty straightforward.


  • That's just we're not going to invest where it doesn't make sense.


  • But a second example is the partnership with Mahindra.

    但第二個例子是與 Mahindra 的合作。

  • So is there a way in which we can participate, in this case, India, where actually cars, although increasingly SUVs or crossovers, are a big part of the business, but do so in a way that builds on someone who's already very successful.

    那麼有沒有一種我們可以參與的方式,在這種情況下,印度,實際上汽車,雖然越來越多的 SUV 或跨界車,是業務的重要組成部分,但這樣做的方式是建立在已經非常成功的人的基礎上。

  • Some of that may involve different segments because they're a really strong player in SUVs, but they're just really successful in general.

    其中一些可能涉及不同的細分市場,因為它們是 SUV 中非常強大的參與者,但總的來說它們確實非常成功。

  • As you heard us say, we're already improving.


  • Imagine where we might be able to go through a deeper, closer partnership with Mahindra.

    想像一下,我們可以在哪裡與 Mahindra 建立更深入、更緊密的合作關係。

  • And then, of course, there's always the fitness.


  • Fitness is going to raise all boats.


  • Some areas of that category would benefit from that.


  • So it's a combination of all those things but everything going back to the earlier response that Jim gave, everything, every tool in our toolkit is on the table in terms of addressing that part of our business.

    所以它是所有這些東西的組合,但一切都可以追溯到 Jim 之前給出的回應,我們工具包中的所有東西,每一個工具都在處理我們業務的這一部分時擺在桌面上。

  • Rod Avraham Lache - MD and Senior Analyst

    Rod Avraham Lache - MD and Senior Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Can you elaborate on the timing on when you would expect to disclose some of these alternative plans or deals or dispositions?


  • And maybe just as a follow-on, restructurings of structurally challenged businesses or plants and things like that could be pretty costly in this industry.


  • At this point, do you see all of this being accomplished with the $28 billion of cash that you have, the cash flow or any elaboration on -- aside from just framing what the savings target is, what is this going to cost?

    在這一點上,您是否看到所有這一切都是通過您擁有的 280 億美元現金、現金流或任何詳細說明來完成的——除了製定儲蓄目標之外,這將花費多少?

  • Robert L. Shanks - Executive VP & CFO

    Robert L. Shanks - Executive VP & CFO

  • Well, to your first question, and I don't want to be trite, I don't intend to be at all, but Jim did mention there are lots of ramifications and implications from the types of things that we ultimately will do, and that's a range of options that we have.


  • And so what we will do is we will share with you, when we can, the decisions that we've made so you can understand in sort of a progressive manner the progress that we're making in addressing that and moving the business forward.


  • In terms of restructuring, the first thing I would say is we do expect to continue to generate positive cash flow moving forward.


  • So it may be going out as we restructure, if, in fact, that's what we have to do at various points in time in various parts of the business, but it's [a combination] at the same time from the upper right, if you will, that's on this chart.


  • So it's not a zero-sum game.


  • The other thing that I would expect is that addressing this will take -- it's not as if it's all done tomorrow at one time.

    我期望的另一件事是解決這個問題需要 - 並不是說明天就可以一次性完成。

  • There'll be some element of time.


  • Just go back and look at the North American restructuring, which was the last really significant one, but even the one that we did in Europe in sort of '11, '12, '13.

    回過頭來看看北美的重組,這是最後一次真正重要的重組,甚至是我們在 11 年、12 年、13 年在歐洲所做的重組。

  • I mean, that was sort of over a period of time.


  • That's just the way it works out.


  • So I think that we certainly want to move fast and will do so, but that -- it just -- that's what it takes.

    所以我認為我們當然希望快速行動,並且會這樣做,但這 - 它只是 - 這就是它所需要的。

  • So I think the element of time probably helps us here as well.


  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • But again, Rod, the confidence I'd like to get across tonight is decisions aren't in pause or dwell.


  • So the planning is the work.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Colin Langan of UBS.

    您的下一個問題來自瑞銀的 Colin Langan。

  • Colin Langan - Director in the General Industrials Group and Analyst

    Colin Langan - Director in the General Industrials Group and Analyst

  • Just a follow-up on the comments about cars and cutting the majority of your cars in the U.S. Just to confirm that, they're in that red bubble on Slide 5 where they're losing money today?

    只是對有關汽車的評論的後續行動,並在美國削減了您的大部分汽車。只是為了確認這一點,他們在幻燈片 5 上的那個紅色泡沫中,他們今天正在賠錢?

  • Or any color on how large those losses are?


  • And any color on how should we expect -- are you going to close capacity?

    關於我們應該如何期待的任何顏色 - 你會關閉產能嗎?

  • Do you expect to fill that void with all SUVs?

    您是否希望用所有 SUV 來填補這一空白?

  • I don't know.


  • Any broad color there?


  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • So Colin, let me have Jim Farley talk about the portfolio implications, and then Joe Hinrichs will talk about the industrial system that supports [the same].

    所以 Colin,讓我讓 Jim Farley 談談投資組合的影響,然後 Joe Hinrichs 將談談支持 [相同] 的工業系統。

  • Jim?


  • James D. Farley - Executive VP & President of Global Markets

    James D. Farley - Executive VP & President of Global Markets

  • Sure.


  • So thanks for the question.


  • How we think about our lineup in North America especially is that we are developing incremental nameplates we don't have today and shifting the allocation of capital [in the] portfolio to utility body styles.


  • And there'll be a variety -- a growing variety of those products.


  • And to give you a flavor, we'll have more authentic off-roaders, building our Built Ford Tough background like Bronco and other new nameplates we don't sell today.

    為了給您帶來風味,我們將擁有更多真正的越野車,構建我們的 Built Ford Tough 背景,如 Bronco 和我們今天不銷售的其他新銘牌。

  • We will refresh our entire lineup of traditional crossovers and SUVs that everyone knows like Explorer and Escape.

    我們將更新我們眾所周知的傳統跨界車和 SUV 的整個陣容,例如 Explorer 和 Escape。

  • And then we're going to be introducing and taking capital and redeploying it for also new silhouettes, products that give customers the utility benefits without the penalty of the fuel economy.


  • And they'll be performance and active executed, so they'll be very emotional.


  • So what you'll see is a whole portfolio of vehicles that will be much higher performing in terms of returns, much better for our brands, so a stronger business.


  • And we will have a very diverse passenger car business.


  • It just won't be traditional silhouetted sedans that tend to be commoditized.


  • Joseph R. Hinrichs - Executive VP & President of Global Operations

    Joseph R. Hinrichs - Executive VP & President of Global Operations

  • So -- thanks, Jim.


  • When you look at the manufacturing question very quickly, we have a plan.


  • We have a very high utilization rate in our North American manufacturing plants today and we have a plan to utilize those plants.


  • And we have a product for Hermosillo to replace for when the Fusion balances out.

    我們有一個產品供 Hermosillo 替換,以供 Fusion 平衡時使用。

  • And as we have mentioned previously, the battery electric SUV we're launching in 2020 also will be built in Mexico.

    正如我們之前提到的,我們將於 2020 年推出的電池電動 SUV 也將在墨西哥製造。

  • So we have a really great plan with all the products that Jim talked about to leverage our manufacturing capacity moving forward.

    因此,我們對 Jim 談到的所有產品製定了一個非常好的計劃,以利用我們的製造能力向前發展。

  • Colin Langan - Director in the General Industrials Group and Analyst

    Colin Langan - Director in the General Industrials Group and Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And just last question.


  • Your original guidance was $1.6 billion in commodity and FX.

    你最初的指導是 16 億美元的商品和外匯。

  • I think it was $700 million in Q1.

    我認為第一季度是 7 億美元。

  • Is it on pace or did the steel tariffs unravel some of that?


  • Any broad color there if that's still the right number?


  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • I'm going to let Bob clear that up.


  • Robert L. Shanks - Executive VP & CFO

    Robert L. Shanks - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes, the -- based on where we are today, Colin, it looks like about $1.5 billion year-over-year for the full year.

    是的,根據我們今天的情況,科林,全年的年增長率約為 15 億美元。

  • So we had about $0.5 billion in the first quarter.

    所以我們在第一季度有大約 5 億美元。

  • So if you think about that on a year-over-year basis progressively as we move forward, it starts to moderate a bit, which you might expect because we've now had 2 years -- will be 2 years of pretty sharp increases.

    因此,如果您在我們前進的過程中逐年逐年考慮這一點,它會開始有所緩和,您可能會預料到,因為我們現在已經有 2 年 - 將是 2 年相當急劇的增長。

  • So that's our outlook right now.


  • Colin Langan - Director in the General Industrials Group and Analyst

    Colin Langan - Director in the General Industrials Group and Analyst

  • So the tariff, so that positive steel price increase was incorporated in your original number?


  • Robert L. Shanks - Executive VP & CFO

    Robert L. Shanks - Executive VP & CFO

  • No, the tariffs are not assumed in the $1.5 billion.

    不,15 億美元中沒有假設關稅。

  • I mean, we'll have to wait and see if that happens.


  • But we do believe that in the case of steel, that it has essentially already been priced in by the market.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Ryan Brinkman of JPMorgan.

    您的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Ryan Brinkman。

  • Ryan J. Brinkman - Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Ryan J. Brinkman - Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • Maybe just another one on sort of where you selectively compete.


  • Clearly, you made a bet -- strategic bet on Russia, or rather stuck with Russia when it was going through a very rough patch due to its long-term potential.


  • Obviously, markets like China, nobody is going to question given the tremendous long-term potential.


  • And India, I think, falls in that category.


  • And thinking about South America, how do you assess the sort of current tradeoff there in terms of the losses you're currently making relative to -- or maybe even the losses that you could make at this point in the cycle after implementing various different fitness initiatives?


  • How do you weigh that against your assessment of that region's long-term Automotive potential?


  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • I just want to, Ryan, make sure you know, Russia's been good for us.


  • We actually -- things have improved there.

    我們實際上 - 那裡的情況有所改善。

  • I don't want that to be left that we're stuck there.


  • I think we're -- it's been a "where to play" and I'm happy with that.


  • I think I'm going to let Jim talk about the balance of the question around South America.


  • James D. Farley - Executive VP & President of Global Markets

    James D. Farley - Executive VP & President of Global Markets

  • So if you think about our business units, North America's story is all about returning to 10%.

    所以如果你想想我們的業務部門,北美的故事就是要回到 10%。

  • And China's story, as you said, is all about growth.


  • We have all these great new products.


  • South America and Europe are improving businesses, but we are looking at our strategic plan.


  • And so what I think is important to say at this point for South America is we have made very significant and promising progress on our strategic plan there.


  • And we're approaching the task with the highest sense of urgency.


  • We have a lot of teams deployed, and they're working on a comprehensive review of the business.


  • Obviously, we have a lot of stakeholders so we'll have more to share, more details to share at a later date.


  • Our business is improving.


  • We're launching new products.


  • And in fact, Camacari is totally maxed out right now.

    事實上,Camacari 現在已經完全用盡了。

  • But we think we know that further -- much further, more fundamental actions are required in South America.


  • Ryan J. Brinkman - Senior Equity Research Analyst

    Ryan J. Brinkman - Senior Equity Research Analyst

  • And then just the last question for me.


  • Can you maybe give a couple-year walk in Asia Pacific?


  • Obviously, we can dissect it from your slide deck.


  • But what has been the primary contributing factor to the softer earnings there relative -- I think, 4Q, a few years ago, and there was a one-timer there, you made over $400 million, you made nearly $300 million in the fourth quarter of '16.

    但是,相對於那裡的收益疲軟的主要原因是什麼——我認為,幾年前的第四季度,那裡有一個一次性的,你賺了超過 4 億美元,你在第四季度賺了近 3 億美元16 年。

  • Maybe just how much of it do you see as cyclical or temporal in nature that you see a light at the end of the tunnel, like, for example, you're launching a lot of new products versus is there something else, something you feel like you need to target the higher end of the market or more selectively target?


  • You tell me, how do you turn that region around?


  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • I'm going to let Bob give you some of the detail.


  • I think you got near it towards the end of your question when you think of the age of the product, there's a whole refresh that's starting in China.


  • But Bob, why don't you fill in and answer that?


  • Robert L. Shanks - Executive VP & CFO

    Robert L. Shanks - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes, and then maybe if Jim has something to add afterwards.

    是的,然後如果 Jim 之後有什麼要補充的話。

  • So if you go back and look at what happened, I want to start first with outside of China because we had -- we were very challenged outside China if you go back 2 or 3 years ago.

    所以如果你回去看看發生了什麼,我想先從中國以外的地方開始,因為如果你在 2 或 3 年前回去,我們在中國以外的地方會遇到很大的挑戰。

  • We've seen a complete turnaround of that business through a lot of work and effort.


  • So that is a positive story.


  • What we've seen is weakness inside China, and I think it's around a number of different things.


  • One is the strength of the indigenous brands certainly had an impact, I think, on most players in the market as they became more mature, more developed and offered a tremendous number of new products that are very attractive.


  • We obviously were not able to keep our portfolio as fresh as it needed to be in that environment.


  • We also saw a downward negative pricing in part, in fact, in large part, driven by the indigenous brands that are coming up, and that certainly affected the portfolio.


  • We had a lot of cost reductions that we achieved in our China JVs to offset a portion of that.


  • But then incrementally, what we saw when the Chinese government revised its policy on the renminbi, it's -- it has, over time, depreciated versus the depreciation trend that it had been on, and that had an impact on the business, particularly given the imported elements as well as just the fact we have a very high net revenue exposure to the business.


  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • Jim, you might talk about what's coming in China with the new vehicles.


  • I think that's worth highlighting.


  • James D. Farley - Executive VP & President of Global Markets

    James D. Farley - Executive VP & President of Global Markets

  • So where we are right now in the first half of this year, we're at the absolute trough of our product cycle in China.


  • And over the next 24 months, we completely revitalized the lineup.

    在接下來的 24 個月裡,我們徹底重振了陣容。

  • As I said, it's a growth story.


  • And it's not just all products.


  • It's very specific products, especially utilities.


  • In fact, today at the Beijing Auto Show, we showed the new Escort and also our brand-new Focus, which is really a high-volume product.


  • We're going to fill in the entire lineup of SUVs on the higher end from there.

    我們將從那裡填補高端 SUV 的整個陣容。

  • So I'm really -- we're really excited about the opportunity that, that new launches gives us.

    所以我真的 - 我們對新發布給我們的機會感到非常興奮。

  • We're also localizing Lincoln, which is a really important part of our -- as well Explorer, a part -- a really important part of leveraging our profitability improvement.

    我們還將林肯本地化,這是我們的一個非常重要的部分 - 以及 Explorer 的一個部分 - 這是利用我們的盈利能力提高的一個非常重要的部分。

  • I also want to highlight though that we're -- the fitness exercises are very live for our China team.


  • Today, we launched the national distribution service division.


  • That's a really important thing.


  • We have a complex business with imported products and different divisions and different manufacturers there.


  • We've gone now gone to one company to market, distribute all of that product.


  • It's going to be a lot more efficient, a lot more effective.


  • And we also named our leaders for that business today, which are really experienced local team members.


  • So I think even how we go to market is going to be more efficient and much more sophisticated with this all new lineup.


  • And of course, we have Zotye right around the corner.


  • That's a big bet for us to compete in the very value-priced BEV business, which no doubt China will be the largest electrified market in the world.

    這對我們來說是一個很大的賭注,可以在極具價值的 BEV 業務中競爭,中國無疑將成為世界上最大的電氣化市場。

  • So I think we're really well positioned over the next couple of years for growth and profit improvement in China.


  • Operator


  • And your next question comes from John Murphy from Bank of America.


  • John Joseph Murphy - MD and Lead United States Auto Analyst

    John Joseph Murphy - MD and Lead United States Auto Analyst

  • Just a first question for you, Jim.


  • I mean, as you're going through this process of reassessing the business, and it seems like you're sort of coming to a sort of formulation on your thought process here, as you think about scale in the business, there seems like there's a shift in the way we all have thought about this traditionally.


  • And some folks are backing away from pure economies of scale in their thought process and the way they're thinking about structuring their businesses.


  • I mean, both theoretically and practically, how do you think about it as you're assessing the business?


  • There's a lot of things that are tricky on transfer pricing that it's difficult to allocate cost correctly, so it's a -- both a theoretical and practical sort of exercise.


  • It's difficult to figure out.


  • So how are you thinking about that?


  • Is 6.5 million units something, plus or minus, you need to stick to?

    你需要堅持 650 萬個單位嗎?

  • Or could you go a lot smaller?


  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • Well, I -- let me start with the theoretical position that you asked about.


  • So the way I think about it, the way we are thinking about it, our whole team, is that to be a global company, you've got to have platform advantages.


  • Otherwise, you don't get any scale.


  • And so we do see platforms in the future still continuing.


  • I think probably as we're updating our thinking about ONE Ford, we realize that the parallel interest and emphasis around bringing -- about user-centered insights is that we can add to these platforms in regions, region-specific kind of characteristics of vehicles.

    我認為可能在我們更新對 ONE Ford 的想法時,我們意識到圍繞帶來以用戶為中心的見解的並行興趣和重點在於,我們可以在這些平台中添加特定區域的車輛特性.

  • And that -- just that little nuance can make a big difference in the way you achieve scale but you get share.


  • And if we were just exporting purely vehicles that were made for North America all around the world, I'm not sure that we -- as our -- would be confident in that as the go-forward strategy.


  • The good news about that is we don't disappoint any customers with a move like that.


  • We just have to prove that we're great at building platforms that can have scale.


  • I think the second part of it is that if that doesn't happen, then we've got to make the decisions that you're inferring we have to make.


  • And so that's what I meant by we're not [hammering in] about that.


  • We really tell ourselves what we have to believe is that we're going to get our cost of capital out to continue.


  • The third thing is that the nature of the technology and the role that it's playing clearly in the Western markets, in Europe, in North America, is going to be important -- as important -- more important than in China based on what my visits have exposed.


  • I mean, their desire to have electrification is well published, but their commitment to autonomy is going to be huge.


  • The reason is, as you've heard me talk often about this, is the only way we can get these cities in shape is to have the system being much more choreographed to work together.


  • It's not just a random person in a vehicle driving at any time of day expecting no friction in the way they're getting around, or goods being delivered in the center of London where the commercial vehicle only has 10% of the cube being used in the truck.

    這不僅僅是一個在一天中的任何時間駕駛車輛的隨機人,他們期望他們的出行方式沒有摩擦,或者貨物在倫敦市中心交付,而商用車只有 10% 的立方體被用於卡車。

  • This is all taking up space and reducing the problem.


  • So the technology is going to help us.


  • Well, I believe that there's scale in that kind of thinking as well.


  • It's a difficult thing to design that to work, and I think Ford is going to be able to do that.


  • Let me point out, by the way, that we're one of the very few companies that actually have the autonomous team and the vehicles teams working in tandem.


  • I mean, there's a lot of suppliers for autonomy out there and there's a lot of OEMs.


  • But we're only one of a handful of companies that are actually doing the work together, which we think is going to be an advantage.


  • John Joseph Murphy - MD and Lead United States Auto Analyst

    John Joseph Murphy - MD and Lead United States Auto Analyst

  • Okay, that's helpful.


  • And maybe sort of a more near-term practical question.


  • I mean, raws sound like they are becoming a bigger issue.


  • I mean, there's some inflation.


  • Who knows what's going to exactly happen with tariffs and inflation in the future?


  • But is there any possibility that you share more of this with suppliers?


  • I mean, prior to the downturn, the majority of raws were on the balance sheet or on sort of on the -- in the purview of the suppliers, and you guys took them on in the downturn.


  • So is there any way to maybe shift the balance of power back on raws, maybe hold on to steel but give everything else back to the suppliers?


  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • Well, that's -- let me just -- we ought to make the comment about the tariffs and the structure, which is that I've been able to talk to people in, let's just say, in the world that are in leadership positions in government and say that what we crave as business people are certainty and equilibrium.

    好吧,那就是 - 讓我只是 - 我們應該就關稅和結構發表評論,也就是說,我已經能夠與世界上處於領導地位的人交談政府並說我們作為商人渴望的是確定性和平衡。

  • So trade can thrive in a world where that's not in question.


  • And so we have -- like everyone, we're dealing with the sudden news, and I think we've done a great job internally of dealing with that.

    所以我們 - 像每個人一樣,我們正在處理突然的消息,我認為我們在內部處理這個問題方面做得很好。

  • But let me also take you to -- we're not going to be victims in this kind of thing.


  • So what we're doing with building this modular architecture that underpins the vehicles helps us, in addition to the last question about scale and the implications that you just asked about with suppliers.


  • But let me ask Joe to comment on the history.


  • I wasn't here in terms of what happened in the past and what might happen in the future.


  • Joe?


  • Joseph R. Hinrichs - Executive VP & President of Global Operations

    Joseph R. Hinrichs - Executive VP & President of Global Operations

  • Yes, Jim, thanks.


  • When you -- first of all, over time, as Bob has highlighted on a number of calls, our raw material cost kind of follow the curves in the market.


  • So we have some ups and downs based on where we are in the cycle.


  • But as you know, we negotiate our steel contracts on a quarterly basis.


  • We spread them out so we can see the -- we can average things out and don't have so much risk.


  • As far as the supply base goes, there are Tier 2s and et cetera.


  • Most of the time, they're bearing that risk.


  • And there are occasions where we will direct source it and we'll be a part of the Tier 2 sourcing for raw materials.

    在某些情況下,我們將直接採購它,我們將成為原材料 2 級採購的一部分。

  • But there is some, obviously, some of the risk and reward that goes in the supply base.


  • So just to remind everybody that we've gotten a good balance of the upside when the commodity markets were going the other direction.


  • But I don't see us changing our strategy dramatically with the supply base when it comes to raw materials.


  • We both kind of manage the risk and reward together.


  • But as Jim was saying, when you look at the architecture strategy and the lessons that we've learned on ONE Ford and the way Jim described it, there's value globally in using flexible architectures.

    但正如 Jim 所說,當您查看架構策略和我們在 ONE Ford 上學到的經驗教訓以及 Jim 描述它的方式時,使用靈活的架構在全球範圍內具有價值。

  • And we've talked about our 5 that we're going to use.

    我們已經討論了我們將要使用的 5。

  • Where we've learned is really the modules within the vehicle need flexibility to be able to offer differentiation for the regional markets.


  • And scale of the supply base occurs on the scale of the manufacturing plant locally, not on a global basis.


  • So for example, if you have a corner module, then you -- the demand, the cost and attributes may be different in China than they are in the U.S. but it may be the same vehicle architecture, but the module that we're going to use may be different for Asia than it is for the United States.


  • Whereas in the past, a lot of our global platform vehicles were global across their modules as well as the platform architecture.


  • So that's a very important nuance, maybe it's not a nuance, but a very important part of our new strategy, which is to offer a catalog of modules for each of the regions to pick from for their vehicles but still take advantage of the 5 core architectures that we'll use globally.

    所以這是一個非常重要的細微差別,也許它不是細微差別,而是我們新戰略的一個非常重要的部分,即為每個地區提供一個模塊目錄,供其車輛選擇,但仍然利用 5 核心我們將在全球範圍內使用的架構。

  • So we can get the advantage of the engineering scale at the platform level but take advantage of the local scale from a supply base and the country-specific attributes in the region.


  • John Joseph Murphy - MD and Lead United States Auto Analyst

    John Joseph Murphy - MD and Lead United States Auto Analyst

  • And just a real quick one on Ford Motor Credit.


  • I mean, the flattening out of the managed receivables, does that mean that you guys are really looking at just generating cash flow out of Ford Motor Credit and keeping the earnings relatively kind of consistently flat with where they are right now?


  • Or is there something else going on?


  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • Well, we're really happy with the credit performance.


  • Bob, you might talk about the capital structure and (inaudible).


  • Robert L. Shanks - Executive VP & CFO

    Robert L. Shanks - Executive VP & CFO

  • Yes.


  • No, I mean, it's not an issue with Ford Credit at all.


  • It's extraordinarily healthy and does what it does at the highest level, as J.D. Power has indicated.

    正如 J.D. Power 所指出的那樣,它非常健康,並且在最高水平上做到了這一點。

  • It's really more around managing the overall risk profile for Ford.


  • Because as Ford Credit has gotten bigger and bigger and bigger, it does, even though, it, itself is in fantastic shape, just the nature of the business is that it represents a higher level of risk to Ford.


  • So we want to kind of better manage that.


  • So that's the reason, primarily, that we're going to cap them, at least for the foreseeable future.


  • The benefit -- and certainly, that wasn't the driver, the benefit of doing that is they don't have to take the profits, the cash they generate and then reinvest in its own growth.


  • So as a result of that, they're able to take the profitability and the cash it generates and return it back to Ford.


  • It certainly helps us.


  • And also it's -- we also have a mind towards making sure that we do set some capacity aside as Ford Credit to support a role that it might have in the world in terms of mobility opportunities.


  • So that's another factor that's behind that.


  • Operator


  • And our last question for the evening comes from David Tamberrino of Goldman Sachs.


  • David J. Tamberrino - Equity Analyst

    David J. Tamberrino - Equity Analyst

  • Just a follow-up question on the modular architectures and platforms that you're talking about.


  • Is this very similar to what VW and ultimately, GM have kind of gone down the path of?


  • Because if I'm not mistaken, there was some significant CapEx spend and development ahead of those platforms.


  • So I just want to marry that up with the maybe net incremental savings that you're looking at over this 2019-2022 period, and how much of that CapEx and spend has already been baked in or -- through 2017 through 2018 spend?

    因此,我只想將其與您在 2019-2022 年期間看到的可能的淨增量儲蓄結合起來,其中有多少資本支出和支出已經計入或 - 到 2017 年到 2018 年的支出?

  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • Let me sneak this in before I hand it to Joe, David, is that -- and we'll directly get at that, is the thing that I -- where I came from, the way I was raised is the nature of interpreting these customer demands and important kind of user insights and the translating of that is what started to differentiate the world-class companies from those that were just trying to get more cost efficiency.


  • It's -- the genius in this is using these architectures and giving customers exactly what they want in special ways.


  • So I want to make sure, as you're looking for this, this financial information, that it doesn't get stated that we're running to one end of the spectrum here.


  • It's -- the balance here is really important.

    這是 - 這裡的平衡非常重要。

  • But Joe, do you want to address that?


  • Joseph R. Hinrichs - Executive VP & President of Global Operations

    Joseph R. Hinrichs - Executive VP & President of Global Operations

  • Sure.


  • Thanks, David.


  • I mean, first off, as we started with, we see savings coming from this initiative over the next several years and significant savings both in the engineering spend but also in, as was highlighted, the capital expenditures related to that.


  • Importantly, that time reduction is not just about money, but it's also getting to market faster.


  • I mean, one of the learnings that we have in looking back over the last several years is Jim Farley and the markets teams have great ideas for products, and we needed -- we need to be able to bring those to market faster.

    我的意思是,回顧過去幾年,我們學到的東西之一是 Jim Farley,市場團隊對產品有很好的想法,我們需要 - 我們需要能夠更快地將這些想法推向市場。

  • So a very important part of this architecture and modular strategy is to be able to execute programs more quickly.


  • So are there lessons learned from our competitors?


  • Sure, we do benchmarking all the time, and we have learned things from our competitors.


  • But this is a unique solution for Ford, but you will see common elements across the industry because we all learn from each other and we do a lot of analysis of each other.


  • But I want to highlight, this time element's very important.


  • If you think of the discussions we've had around the portfolio age in the United States and China, for example, we can help avoid those situations, those curves of hills, if you will, and valleys, by being able to execute prior programs more quickly and by reducing the costs so therefore, we can afford to do more.


  • And that is a big part of the benefit of these initiatives.


  • David J. Tamberrino - Equity Analyst

    David J. Tamberrino - Equity Analyst

  • Understood.


  • And if I could just follow up on one more thing.


  • As you think about the long-term strategy here, and you obviously had some announcements for China today and going to a 1 distribution channel, how do you think your relationships with your JV partners could change over time, given the more relaxed stance to JV ownership trends that the regulators in China are opening up at this point?

    當您考慮這裡的長期戰略時,顯然您今天發布了一些針對中國的公告並進入 1 分銷渠道,您認為您與合資夥伴的關係會隨著時間的推移而發生變化,因為對合資企業的立場更為寬鬆中國監管機構在這一點上開放的所有權趨勢?

  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Thanks for that question.


  • Jim?


  • James D. Farley - Executive VP & President of Global Markets

    James D. Farley - Executive VP & President of Global Markets

  • Sure.


  • We don't -- we have our 2 JV partners.


  • We're entering a third now.


  • We're looking for approval for Zotye.


  • We don't see yet -- it's early days, but we don't see those changing.


  • They're very important.


  • We have a huge job to do to grow the business and improve our profitability in China.


  • And we will absolutely drive change in that business.


  • But I -- we don't see a fundamental change in our JV structure.

    但我 - 我們沒有看到我們的合資企業結構發生根本變化。

  • David J. Tamberrino - Equity Analyst

    David J. Tamberrino - Equity Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And then finally, because you are launching all these new products in China.


  • Just curious, what type of new technologies are being adopted and placed into those vehicles that's going to compete with some of the local brands that have very quickly put in incremental ADAS features and have really accelerated their product time lines to almost refreshing a new vehicle every year in order to capture incremental market share?


  • James D. Farley - Executive VP & President of Global Markets

    James D. Farley - Executive VP & President of Global Markets

  • Terrific question.


  • So all of our China products will be connected.


  • That's a very important part of our strategy as a company and there's no place more important than China.


  • We also are working with Alibaba on connectivity and in-car experience.


  • Would be good to get Marcy's input as well.


  • But I think we're really learning from that customer base world leadership in infotainment.


  • And I think the other -- last thing I want to mention is we've made a commitment company-wide, including China.


  • And I think it's very important for our China strategy for Co-Pilot360.

    我認為這對我們的 Co-Pilot360 中國戰略非常重要。

  • It's a whole -- I think absolutely, the most comprehensive ADAS-assisted driving suite in the business.

    這是一個整體——我認為絕對是業內最全面的 ADAS 輔助駕駛套件。

  • And that is going to be a big part of our technology story in China.


  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • Marcy, do you want to add something about the connectivity and the potential?


  • I guess, let's think of it China and broadly.


  • Marcy S. Klevorn - Executive VP & President of Mobility

    Marcy S. Klevorn - Executive VP & President of Mobility

  • Sure.


  • So we're actively talking to partners in China.


  • Actually, my team and myself are going out next week.


  • Stay tuned to hear more about some potential things that will happen there.


  • And we are working closely with Jim and Joe's team on the in-vehicle experience and making sure we understand the local needs so we can deliver the best services possible.

    我們正在與 Jim 和 Joe 的團隊在車載體驗方面密切合作,並確保我們了解當地的需求,以便我們能夠提供最好的服務。

  • And also working to launch our Transportation Mobility Cloud in China as well.


  • So we've got a lot going on, and it will all come together soon.


  • Operator


  • And that concludes today's Q&A portion.


  • I would now like to turn the call back over to Mr. Jim Hackett.

    我現在想將電話轉回給 Jim Hackett 先生。

  • James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

    James Patrick Hackett - President, CEO & Director

  • Well, thank you, everyone.


  • I want to just summarize a couple of things.


  • Just to remind you that in Ford's cadence, we picked this time in the fall to have a meeting with our investors.


  • That's not a target for some restructuring or something like that.


  • It's just the way we plan our calendar to come back to you.


  • And we'd give you more detail then.


  • It's going to be an exciting meeting.


  • I also want you to know that, as we said, we're committed to taking appropriate and decisive action to drive profitable growth.


  • We need to maximize the returns of our business over the long term.


  • We're going to be fit across the entire business.


  • I can't understate how well this has been going as we've launched this.


  • We've identified significant cost and efficiency opportunities, as well as you're hearing the opportunity to reduce capital intensity in our business.


  • The cycle that we're launching, we didn't want to disrupt.


  • So it's really all the things that are happening after the launches over the next year that we're able to start having an impact.


  • And we're allocating capital to our high-performing businesses and we're committed, as we've stated, to Rod's question, to either fix or disposition the rest.


  • And finally, we have a great team.


  • I'm really happy.


  • They're energized.


  • They're acting with this sense of urgency and commitment.


  • We're working really well together.


  • And just to state it simply, we're excited about the future here at Ford Motor Company.


  • So thanks for joining us today.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this does conclude today's conference call.


  • You may now disconnect.


  • Thank you for your participation.
