福特汽車 (F) 2014 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Ford first-quarter earnings conference call.


  • My name is Tawanda and I will be your coordinator for today.


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • As a reminder, this conference is being recorded for replay purposes.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Mr. George Sharp, Executive Director of Investor Relations.


  • Please proceed, sir.


  • George Sharp - Executive Director, IR

    George Sharp - Executive Director, IR

  • Thank you, Tawanda and good morning.


  • Welcome to everyone joining us today either by phone or by webcast.


  • On behalf of the entire Ford management team, I would like to thank you for taking the time to be with us this morning so we can provide you with additional details of our first-quarter 2014 financial results.

    我謹代表整個福特管理團隊感謝您今天早上抽出時間與我們在一起,以便我們能夠向您提供 2014 年第一季財務業績的更多詳細資訊。

  • Presenting today are Alan Mulally, President and CEO of Ford and Bob Shanks, Chief Financial Officer.

    今天出席會議的有福特公司總裁兼執行長艾倫·穆拉利 (Alan Mulally) 和財務長鮑勃·尚克斯 (Bob Shanks)。

  • Also participating are Mark Fields, Chief Operating Officer; Stuart Rowley, Corporate Controller; Neil Schloss, Corporate Treasurer; Paul Andonian, Director of Accounting; Mike Seneski, Ford Credit CFO.

    營運長 Mark Fields 也出席了會議; Stuart Rowley,公司財務總監;尼爾‧施洛斯 (Neil Schloss),公司財務長; Paul Andonian,會計總監;麥克‧塞內斯基 (Mike Seneski),福特信貸財務長。

  • Copies of this morning's press release and presentation slides are available on Ford's investor and media website.


  • Please note that the financial results discussed today are preliminary and include references to non-GAAP financial measures.


  • Final data will be included in our Form 10-Q and any non-GAAP financial measures are reconciled to the US GAAP equivalent in the appendix of the slide deck.

    最終數據將包含在我們的 10-Q 表格中,任何非 GAAP 財務指標都會與幻燈片附錄中的美國 GAAP 同等指標進行調整。

  • Finally, today's presentation includes some forward-looking statements about our expectations for Ford's future performance.


  • Of course, actual results could be different.


  • The most significant factors that could affect future results are summarized at the end of this presentation and detailed in our SEC filings.

    本簡報末尾總結了可能影響未來結果的最重要因素,並在我們向 SEC 提交的文件中詳細介紹了這些因素。

  • With that, I'd now like to turn the presentation over to Alan.


  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • Thank you, George and good morning to everyone.


  • We are pleased to have the opportunity today to review our first-quarter 2014 business performance as we continue to move forward with the implementation of our ONE Ford plan.

    我們很高興今天有機會回顧我們 2014 年第一季的業務表現,同時我們繼續推進 ONE 福特計畫的實施。

  • Let's get started and turn to the first slide please.


  • Our ONE Ford plan shown here continues to guide everything that we do.

    這裡展示的「ONE Ford」計畫將繼續指導我們所做的一切。

  • We continue to aggressively restructure the business to operate profitably at the current demand and the changing model mix, accelerate development of the new products our customers want and value, finance our plan and improve our balance sheet and work together effectively as one team leveraging our global assets.


  • Our commitment remains to serve customers in all markets with a full family of best-in-class vehicles -- small, medium and large; cars, utilities and trucks -- delivering profitable growth for all.


  • Now let's turn to slide 2 and review a summary of our first-quarter accomplishments.

    現在讓我們轉向投影片 2,回顧一下我們第一季的成就。

  • The Company achieved its 19th consecutive profitable quarter in the first quarter with a positive operating-related cash flow and continued strong liquidity.

    公司第一季實現了連續第 19 個季度獲利,經營相關現金流為正,流動性持續強勁。

  • Once again, the top line grew with wholesale volume up 6% from a year ago and Company revenue improving about 1%.

    營收再次成長,批發量較上年同期成長 6%,公司營收成長約 1%。

  • We saw higher marketshare in Asia Pacific where we achieved a record share in China.


  • Among our business units, Asia Pacific reported a record quarterly profit.


  • North America, Middle East & Africa were profitable and Ford Credit once again delivered solid results.


  • Europe reduced its loss substantially compared with last year, but South America incurred a larger loss.


  • This year will feature the most product launches in our history and we remain on track with the 23 global product launches we announced late last year.

    今年將推出我們歷史上最多的產品,並且我們仍將繼續保持去年底宣布的 23 個全球產品發布的勢頭。

  • Overall, the Company's results were solid, but the quarter was impacted adversely by several significant factors that are not representative of the underlying run rate of our business.


  • Based on our solid start, we continue to expect the Company's full-year pretax profit to range from $7 billion to $8 billion.

    基於我們良好的開局,我們繼續預計公司全年稅前利潤將在 70 億美元至 80 億美元之間。

  • Our outlook for automotive revenue, operating margin and operating-related cash flow also remains unchanged.


  • Before turning to the financial details, let's recap some of our other achievements from the first quarter.


  • As shown on slide 3, we revealed several concepts and products in the first quarter, including the all-new 2015 F-150, the Figo and Ka four-door concepts, the new 2015 Focus five door and wagon and the new 2015 Expedition and Lincoln Navigator.

    如幻燈片3 所示,我們在第一季發布了多款概念車和產品,包括全新2015 年F-150、Figo 和Ka 四門概念車、新款2015 年Focus 五門和旅行車以及新款2015 年Expedition 和林肯領航員。

  • We accelerated the momentum of our our global Transit line with the launch of the two ton Transit in Europe, the Transit Connect in US and Canada and the Transit Custom in Australia.

    隨著在歐洲推出兩噸級 Transit、在美國和加拿大推出 Transit Connect 以及在澳洲推出 Transit Custom,我們加快了全球 Transit 系列的發展勢頭。

  • In Asia Pacific, we expanded the production of EcoSport to Thailand making it the fourth plant globally to build the all new urban SUV.

    在亞太地區,我們將 EcoSport 的生產擴大到泰國,使其成為全球第四家生產全新城市 SUV 的工廠。

  • We announced an investment of $168 million at the Ohio assembly plant for production of the all-new 2016 F-650 and F-750 medium duty trucks beginning in spring of 2015.

    我們宣佈在俄亥俄州組裝廠投資 1.68 億美元,用於從 2015 年春季開始生產全新 2016 年 F-650 和 F-750 中型卡車。

  • Also in the US, we announced an investment of $580 million and an additional 650 jobs to build a new 2.7 liter EcoBoost engine at Lima engine plant in Ohio to increase production of Super Duty at Kentucky Truck.

    同樣在美國,我們宣布投資 5.8 億美元並新增 650 個工作崗位,在俄亥俄州利馬發動機工廠生產新型 2.7 升 EcoBoost 發動機,以提高肯塔基卡車 Super Duty 的產量。

  • We also announced new automated driving research projects with MIT and Stanford University, as well as expansion of our research and engineering center in Nanjing, China.


  • And finally, in January, we increased our quarterly dividend by 25%, the second increase since restoring the dividend in January of 2012.

    最後,1 月份,我們將季度股息提高了 25%,這是自 2012 年 1 月恢復股息以來的第二次上調。

  • Now, Bob Shanks will take you through the detail of our first-quarter financial results.


  • Bob?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Thanks, Alan and good morning, everyone.


  • Starting at the top on slide 4, first-quarter wholesale volume was 1.6 million units, up 92,000 units from a year ago and revenue was $35.9 billion, up $300 million.

    從幻燈片 4 頂部開始,第一季批發量為 160 萬台,比去年同期增加 92,000 台,收入為 359 億美元,增加 3 億美元。

  • Pretax profit was $1.4 billion, excluding special items, $765 million lower than a year ago.

    不包括特殊項目的稅前利潤為 14 億美元,比去年同期減少 7.65 億美元。

  • After-tax earnings per share at $0.25 were $0.16 lower.

    每股稅後收益為 0.25 美元,比去年同期低 0.16 美元。

  • Net income attributable to Ford, including pretax special item charges of $122 million, was $989 million, which was $622 million lower than a year ago.

    福特歸屬淨利潤為 9.89 億美元,其中包括 1.22 億美元的稅前特殊項目費用,比去年同期減少 6.22 億美元。

  • Earnings were $0.24 a share, down $0.16.

    每股收益為 0.24 美元,下降 0.16 美元。

  • The pretax special item charges of $122 million are for separation-related actions, primarily in Europe to support our transformation plan.

    1.22 億美元的稅前特殊項目費用用於與離職相關的行動,主要是在歐洲支持我們的轉型計畫。

  • You can find additional detail in Appendix 3.

    您可以在附錄 3 中找到更多詳細資訊。

  • Automotive operating-related cash flow was $1.2 billion, our 16th consecutive quarter of positive performance.

    汽車營運相關現金流為 12 億美元,這是我們連續第 16 個季度實現積極業績。

  • And automotive gross cash was $25.2 billion, exceeding debt by $9.5 billion.

    汽車業現金總額為 252 億美元,超過債務 95 億美元。

  • Our first-quarter operating effective tax rate, which isn't shown, was 38%.

    我們第一季的營運有效稅率(未顯示)為 38%。

  • Consistent with prior guidance, we expect our full-year operating effective tax rate to be about 35%.

    與先前的指引一致,我們預計全年營運有效稅率約為 35%。

  • As shown on slide 5, both of our sectors, automotive and financial services, contributed to the Company's first-quarter pretax profit.

    如幻燈片 5 所示,汽車和金融服務這兩個行業都為公司第一季的稅前利潤做出了貢獻。

  • As shown in the memo, the year-over-year decline in Company first-quarter pretax profit is explained primarily by the automotive sector.


  • Within automotive, lower results in North and South America were offset partially by an improvement of nearly $600 million from the other automotive regions.

    在汽車領域,北美和南美的業績下降被其他汽車地區近 6 億美元的成長所部分抵消。

  • Compared with fourth quarter 2013, Company pretax profit was $63 million higher, more than explained by financial services.

    與 2013 年第四季相比,公司稅前利潤增加了 6,300 萬美元,這超出了金融服務的解釋。

  • The key market factors and financial metrics for our automotive business in the first quarter are shown on slide 6. Beginning this quarter, we will report global and total regional industry SAAR and marketshare data to improve transparency and reflect the markets covered by each of our automotive business units.

    我們汽車業務第一季的關鍵市場因素和財務指標如幻燈片6 所示。從本季度開始,我們將報告全球和整個區域行業SAAR 和市場份額數據,以提高透明度並反映我們每個汽車業務覆蓋的市場業務部門。

  • As you can see on the far left and as already mentioned, wholesale volume increased by 6% compared with a year ago.

    正如您在最左邊看到的那樣,正如已經提到的,批發量與一年前相比增加了 6%。

  • Automotive revenue on the other hand was unchanged.


  • The higher volume is more than explained by higher industry volumes in all regions except South America, improved marketshare in Asia Pacific and the favorable change in dealer stocks.


  • Global industry SAAR is estimated at 86.5 million units, up over 3% from a year ago.

    全球產業 SAAR 預計為 8,650 萬台,比去年同期成長 3% 以上。

  • Ford global marketshare is estimated at 6.9%, unchanged from a year ago.

    福特全球市佔率預估為 6.9%,與去年同期持平。

  • Operating margin was 3.4%, down 1.8 percentage points from a year ago and automotive pretax profit was $919 million, down $724 million.

    營業利益率為 3.4%,較去年同期下降 1.8 個百分點,汽車業稅前利潤為 9.19 億美元,較去年同期下降 7.24 億美元。

  • Lower results in North and South America more than explain the change in both metrics.


  • As mentioned, the first-quarter results include several significant adverse factors that we do not consider to be representative of the underlying run rate of our business.


  • They are shown here on slide 7. In North America, these factors total about $500 million.

    它們如幻燈片 7 所示。在北美,這些因素總計約 5 億美元。

  • They include a $400 million increase in warranty reserves for field service actions, which include safety recalls and other product campaigns related to 2008 through 2013 models, as well as expense for 2001 through 2005 model vehicles.

    其中包括為現場服務行動增加 4 億美元的保固準備金,其中包括安全召回和與 2008 年至 2013 年車型相關的其他產品活動,以及 2001 年至 2005 年車型的費用。

  • We also experienced premium freight and labor costs of about $100 million during the quarter related to the harsh winter weather in the US, which disrupted our operations as well as those of many of our suppliers.

    本季我們也經歷了約 1 億美元的高額運費和勞動力成本,這與美國冬季的嚴酷天氣有關,這擾亂了我們以及許多供應商的營運。

  • In South America, we saw significant currency devaluations across our major markets during the quarter.


  • These are shown in Appendix 12.

    這些內容如附錄 12 所示。

  • In addition to the operating effect of these exchange rate movements, we've recorded charges of about $400 million related to the one-time balance sheet impact of these changes.

    除了這些匯率變動對營運的影響之外,我們還記錄了約 4 億美元的費用,這些費用與這些變化對資產負債表的一次性影響有關。

  • Included is $310 million related to the Venezuelan Bolivar.

    其中包括與委內瑞拉玻利瓦爾相關的 3.1 億美元。

  • In total, these factors reduced pretax profit by about $900 million or the equivalent of $0.17 per share.

    總的來說,這些因素使稅前利潤減少了約 9 億美元,相當於每股 0.17 美元。

  • They also account for a year-over-year decline in Company pretax profit of $700 million as shown in the memo.

    如備忘錄所示,他們也認為公司稅前利潤比去年同期下降了 7 億美元。

  • While similar factors could occur in the future, it is unusual for items like these to occur in this magnitude in the same quarter.


  • Isolating these factors provides a better understanding of what we believe to be the underlying run rate of the Company and our North and South America business units.


  • Slide 8 shows the factors that contributed to the $724 million decline in automotive first-quarter pretax profit, including the items just reviewed on the prior slide.

    投影片 8 顯示了導致汽車第一季稅前利潤下降 7.24 億美元的因素,包括上一張投影片中剛剛回顧的項目。

  • The year-over-year decline in automotive pretax profit can be explained fully by the warranty and premium weather-related costs in North America and the balance sheet exchange effects in South America.


  • All other factors effectively offset one another.


  • Slide 9 shows the first-quarter pretax results for each of our automotive operations, as well as other automotive.

    幻燈片 9 顯示了我們每個汽車業務以及其他汽車業務的第一季稅前業績。

  • Effective with this quarter, we are reporting results for Middle East & Africa, our new business unit that was formed to facilitate an increase focus on this important growth region.


  • To allow comparison, we have revised prior-year financials and physicals for each of our other business units to align with this new reporting structure.


  • Total automotive sector bottom-line reporting, of course, is not impacted by this change.


  • You can find detail on the revisions in Appendices 14 through 16.

    您可以在附錄 14 至 16 中找到有關修訂的詳細資訊。

  • As you can see, North America reported a solid first-quarter result notwithstanding the factors discussed earlier while Asia Pacific's profit was a record for any quarter.


  • Europe cut its loss by more than half from year ago and by nearly two-thirds from fourth quarter 2013.

    歐洲的虧損比去年同期減少了一半以上,比 2013 年第四季減少了近三分之二。

  • The automotive operations outside North America improved $265 million from a year ago notwithstanding the larger loss in South America mainly due to the factors discussed earlier.

    北美以外的汽車業務較上年同期增長了 2.65 億美元,儘管南美地區的虧損較大(主要是由於前面討論的因素)。

  • The change in other automotive from a year ago was more than explained by an unfavorable fair value adjustment of our investment in Mazda.


  • For the full year, we now expect net interest expense to be about $700 million, a $100 million improvement from our prior guidance reflecting higher interest income.

    我們現在預計全年淨利息支出約為 7 億美元,比我們先前的指導增加了 1 億美元,反映出利息收入的增加。

  • Now I'll look at each of the regions within the automotive sector starting on slide 10 with North America.

    現在,我將從投影片 10 中的北美開始,介紹汽車產業的各個地區。

  • North America's first-quarter pretax profit continued to be driven by robust industry sales, our strong product lineup, continued discipline in matching production to demand and a lean cost structure even as we continue to invest for future growth.


  • North America wholesale volume and revenue declined 2% and 5% respectively in the first quarter.

    第一季北美批發量和營收分別下降 2% 和 5%。

  • The volume decrease is more than explained by lower marketshare.


  • This was offset in part by higher industry sales, including a US SAAR of 16 million units that was 400,000 units higher than a year ago and a favorable change in dealer stocks.

    這在一定程度上被較高的行業銷量所抵消,其中包括美國 SAAR 為 1,600 萬輛,比一年前增加了 40 萬輛,以及經銷商庫存的有利變化。

  • The decline in revenue mainly reflects the lower wholesale volume, as well as unfavorable mix, lower net pricing and the adverse effect of a weaker Canadian dollar.


  • North America operating margin was 7.3%, down 3.8 percentage points from last year and pretax profit was $1.5 billion, about $900 million lower than last year's record profit.


  • The adverse impact of $500 million associated with the warranty reserve and weather-related premium cost, as noted earlier, is worth 2.5 percentage points of operating margin.

    如前所述,與保固準備金和與天氣相關的保費成本相關的 5 億美元的不利影響相當於營業利潤率的 2.5 個百分點。

  • On slide 11, we show the factors that contributed to North America's first-quarter decline in pretax profit from last year.

    在投影片 11 中,我們展示了導致北美第一季稅前利潤較去年下降的因素。

  • The deterioration is more than explained by unfavorable market factors and higher cost.


  • The unfavorable volume and mix is explained primarily by planned reductions and daily rental sales and lower small car share, as well as unfavorable series mix and option take rates ahead of the launch of our new products.


  • Net pricing is lower mainly due to Fusion and Escape, which had very low levels of incentives a year ago due to the launch of these models.

    淨定價較低主要是由於 Fusion 和 Escape 一年前由於推出這些型號而獲得的激勵水平非常低。

  • The higher costs are more than explained by the unfavorable $500 million related to the factors previously discussed.

    與前面討論的因素相關的 5 億美元不利成本足以解釋成本上升的原因。

  • As shown in the memo, pretax profit was lower than in fourth quarter 2013, more than explained by unfavorable market factors, including higher incentive spending, unfavorable product mix and lower industry volume.

    如備忘錄所示,稅前利潤低於 2013 年第四季度,主要原因是不利的市場因素,包括激勵性支出增加、不利的產品組合和產業銷售下降。

  • Ford's US marketshare trends are shown on slide 12.

    福特的美國市佔率趨勢如投影片 12 所示。

  • Starting with the left chart, our total US marketshare was 15.3% in the first quarter, down 6/10 of a percentage point from a year ago, reflecting planned reductions in daily rental sales and lower small car retail share.

    從左圖開始,第一季我們的美國市場總份額為 15.3%,比去年同期下降 6/10 個百分點,反映出計劃中的日租銷售減少和小型車零售份額下降。

  • Total F-Series share was unchanged from a year ago.

    F 系列的總份額與一年前持平。

  • Compared with the fourth quarter, our marketshare was down 1/10 of a percentage point.


  • As shown in the right chart, our retail marketshare of the retail industry was 13.5% in the first quarter, down 5/10 of a percentage point from last year explained primarily by lower small car segmentation and share performance, as well as F-Series.


  • F-Series results reflect our disciplined approach to incentive spending as we manage inventory ahead of the launch of the new F-150.

    F 系列績效反映了我們在推出新款 F-150 之前管理庫存時嚴格的激勵支出方法。

  • Compared with the fourth quarter, our retail marketshare was down 2/10 of a percentage point with losses on F-Series offset partially by Fusion and Escape.

    與第四季度相比,我們的零售市佔率下降了 2/10 個百分點,其中 F 系列的損失被 Fusion 和 Escape 部分抵消。

  • F-Series results reflect our disciplined incentive strategy, as well as seasonal full-size pickup segmentation trends.

    F 系列的業績反映了我們嚴格的激勵策略以及季節性全尺寸皮卡細分趨勢。

  • Turning to our full-year guidance for North America, we continue to expect pretax profit to be lower than last year and operating margin to range from 8% to 9%.

    談到我們對北美的全年指引,我們仍然預計稅前利潤將低於去年,營業利潤率將在 8% 至 9% 之間。

  • Now let's turn to slide 13 and review South America where we are continuing to execute our strategy of expanding our product lineup and progressively replacing legacy products with global ONE Ford offerings.

    現在,讓我們轉向幻燈片 13,回顧南美洲,我們將繼續執行擴大產品陣容並逐步以全球 ONE 福特產品取代傳統產品的策略。

  • Now, however, we are also dealing with slower GDP growth in our larger markets, weaker currencies, high inflation, along with political and social turmoil in some countries.


  • In the first quarter, wholesale volume and revenue decreased from a year ago by 8% and 18% respectively.


  • The lower volume is more than explained by a 200,000 unit decline from last year's SAAR of 5.9 million units.

    銷量下降的原因是與去年 590 萬台的 SAAR 相比減少了 20 萬台。

  • This includes the impact of import restrictions in Argentina and lower production in Venezuela resulting from limited availability of US dollars.


  • The revenue decline is explained primarily by unfavorable exchange and unfavorable volume and mix offset partially by higher net pricing.


  • Operating margin was negative 27%, down significantly and pretax loss was $510 million, a deterioration of $292 million.

    營業利潤率為負 27%,大幅下降,稅前虧損為 5.1 億美元,惡化了 2.92 億美元。

  • The balance sheet exchange effects discussed earlier account for about 75% of the quarterly loss.

    前面討論的資產負債表匯率影響約佔季度虧損的 75%。

  • On slide 14, we show the factors causing a decline in South America's first-quarter pretax results from a year ago.

    在投影片 14 中,我們展示了導致南美洲第一季稅前業績較去年同期下降的因素。

  • The decline is explained by unfavorable exchange, higher cost mainly associated with economics-related effects caused by high local inflation and lower volume mainly due to the weaker industry.


  • Although net pricing was substantial, including some pricing associated with new products, it was not enough to offset the currency and inflation-related effects.


  • As shown in the memo, pretax results deteriorated compared with fourth quarter of 2013 more than explained by unfavorable exchange.

    正如備忘錄所示,與 2013 年第四季相比,稅前業績惡化的原因不僅僅是不利的匯率。

  • For the full year, we now expect South America to incur a larger loss than in 2013.

    就全年而言,我們現在預計南美洲將遭受比 2013 年更大的損失。

  • Based on our present assumptions, we expect the rest of the year to be about breakeven to a small loss.


  • Let's turn now to Europe beginning on slide 15 where we continue to implement our transformation plan and remain on track to achieve profitability in 2015.

    現在讓我們從幻燈片 15 開始轉向歐洲,我們將繼續實施轉型計劃,並繼續在 2015 年實現盈利。

  • Europe's wholesale volume and revenue improved from a year ago, up 11% and 18% respectively.


  • The volume increases more than explained by higher industry volumes reflecting a SAAR of 14.5 million units for the Europe 20 market, up over 1 million units, as well as favorable changes in dealer stocks and higher marketshare for Europe 20.

    銷量的成長超出了行業銷量增加的解釋,反映出歐洲 20 國市場的 SAAR 為 1,450 萬輛,增加了超過 100 萬輛,以及經銷商庫存的有利變化和歐洲 20 國市場份額的提高。

  • The increase in revenue mainly reflects the higher volume and favorable exchange.


  • Europe's operating margin was a negative 2.5%, an improvement of 4 percentage points from a year ago and the pretax loss was $194 million, a $231 million improvement.


  • The first-quarter loss includes $76 million of restructuring costs.

    第一季虧損包括 7,600 萬美元的重組成本。

  • Slide 16 shows the factors that contributed to the improvement in Europe's first-quarter pretax results from a year ago.

    投影片 16 顯示了歐洲第一季稅前業績較去年同期有所改善的因素。

  • The improvement reflects lower cost, favorable market factors and favorable exchange.


  • This was offset partially by lower joint venture results and royalties in Russia and Turkey included in other.


  • As shown in the memo below the chart, pretax results improved compared with fourth quarter 2013 with both factors favorable.

    如圖表下方的備忘錄所示,稅前業績較 2013 年第四季有所改善,這兩個因素都有利。

  • Our European marketshare trends are shown on slide 17.

    我們的歐洲市佔率趨勢如幻燈片 17 所示。

  • Starting with the left chart, our total first-quarter marketshare for Europe 20 was 8%, up 3/10 of a percentage point from a year ago reflecting improved share from Mondeo and Kuga.

    從左圖開始,我們第一季在歐洲 20 國家的總市佔率為 8%,比去年同期成長了 3/10 個百分點,反映出蒙迪歐和 Kuga 份額的提高。

  • Although not shown on the chart, our commercial vehicle share also improved in the first quarter driven by the new Transit Connect as we continue to roll out our all new commercial vehicle range.

    儘管圖表中沒有顯示,但隨著我們繼續推出全新的商用車系列,在新的 Transit Connect 的推動下,我們的商用車份額在第一季也有所提高。

  • As shown on the right chart, or passenger car share of the retail segment of the five major European markets was 8.3% in the first quarter, down 1/10 of a percentage point from the same period last year.


  • Lower share reflects adverse segmentation changes offset partially by improved performance for Fiesta and Kuga.

    份額下降反映了不利的細分變化,部分被嘉年華和 Kuga 業績的改善所抵消。

  • We continue to focus on the quality of our marketshare and improving our sales channel mix achieving a higher share of the fleet segment in the first quarter.


  • We are very pleased with the start to the year by our operations in Europe and the progress the team continues to make in implementing our transformation plan notwithstanding external headwinds in Russia and Turkey.


  • As a result, our full-year guidance for Europe is unchanged.


  • We expect results to improve compared with 2013.

    我們預計業績將比 2013 年有所改善。

  • Let's now turn to Middle East & Africa on slide 18.

    現在讓我們轉向幻燈片 18 上的中東和非洲。

  • In the first quarter, we wholesaled 51,000 vehicles in the region, 3,000 fewer units than a year ago.

    第一季度,我們在該地區批發了 51,000 輛汽車,比去年同期減少了 3,000 輛。

  • Revenue was $1.2 billion, $100 million lower.

    營收為 12 億美元,減少 1 億美元。

  • The lower volume reflects lower dealer stock increases.


  • The lower revenue was more than explained by the lower volume and unfavorable exchange primarily due to a weaker South African rand.


  • Operating margin was 4.7%, up 1 percentage point from a year ago and pretax profit was $54 million, up $7 million.

    營業利益率為 4.7%,較去年同期上升 1 個百分點,稅前利潤為 5,400 萬美元,增加 700 萬美元。

  • Our full-year guidance for Middle East & Africa remains unchanged.


  • We expect results to be about breakeven.


  • Let's now review Asia Pacific on slide 19.

    現在讓我們回顧一下幻燈片 19 上的亞太地區。

  • Our strategy in Asia Pacific continues to be to grow aggressively with an expanding portfolio of ONE Ford products with manufacturing hubs in China, India and ASEAN.

    我們在亞太地區的策略是繼續積極發展,擴大 ONE Ford 產品組合,並在中國、印度和東協設有製造中心。

  • As shown on the left, first-quarter wholesale volume was up 32% and net revenue, which excludes our China joint ventures, grew 19%.

    如左圖所示,第一季批發量成長了 32%,淨收入(不包括我們的中國合資企業)成長了 19%。

  • Our China wholesale volume not shown was up 45% in the quarter.

    我們的中國批發量(未顯示)本季成長了 45%。

  • The higher volume in the region reflects mainly improved marketshare.


  • The higher industry volume also contributed.


  • We estimate the first-quarter SAAR for the region at 38.9 million units, up 1.9 million units from a year ago wholly explained by China.

    我們估計該地區第一季的年增率為 3,890 萬台,比去年同期增加 190 萬台,這完全是由中國造成的。

  • Our first-quarter marketshare was 3.4%, 7/10 of a percentage point higher than a year ago.

    我們第一季的市佔率為 3.4%,比去年同期提高了 7/10 個百分點。

  • This was driven by China where our marketshare improved 9/10 of a percentage point to a record 4.5% reflecting continued strong sales of EcoSport, Kuga and Mondeo.

    這是由中國推動的,我們的市佔率提高了 9/10 個百分點,達到創紀錄的 4.5%,反映出 EcoSport、Kuga 和 Mondeo 的持續強勁銷售。

  • Asia Pacific's higher revenue is more than explained by favorable mix and the higher volume.


  • Operating margin was 11.1%, up 12.4 percentage points from a year ago and pretax profit was $291 million, up $319 million.

    營業利益率為 11.1%,較去年同期上升 12.4 個百分點;稅前利潤為 2.91 億美元,較去年同期增加 3.19 億美元。

  • Strong results in China drove the region's record profit.


  • The improvement in Asia Pacific's first-quarter pretax profit from a year ago is explained on slide 20.

    第 20 張投影片解釋了亞太地區第一季稅前利潤較上年同期有所改善。

  • For the region, the improvement in profitability is more than explained by favorable volume and mix and the higher royalties from our joint ventures included in other.


  • Higher costs, including investment for future growth, were a partial offset.


  • As shown in the memo, Asia Pacific pretax results improved from fourth quarter 2013 explained primarily by lower cost.

    如備忘錄所示,亞太地區稅前業績較 2013 年第四季有所改善,主因是成本下降。

  • For the full year, we now expect Asia Pacific to earn a higher pretax profit than a year ago improved from our prior guidance of about even.


  • Let's turn now to Ford Credit, which remains key to our global growth strategy, providing world-class dealer and customer financial services, maintaining a strong balance sheet and producing solid profits and distributions.


  • Slide 21 shows the factors that contributed to the largely unchanged result from a year ago.

    投影片 21 顯示了導致結果與一年前基本持平的因素。

  • Higher volume reflecting increases in nearly all products globally was largely offset by unfavorable residual performance in North America.


  • As shown in the memo, pretax profit was higher than in fourth quarter 2013 explained primarily by favorable lease residual performance, as well as lower operating costs included in other.

    如備忘錄所示,稅前利潤高於 2013 年第四季度,主要是由於有利的租賃剩餘績效以及其他營運成本的降低。

  • These changes are consistent with normal seasonality.


  • For the full year, we now expect Ford Credit pretax profit to be about equal to higher than 2013.

    我們現在預計福特信貸全年的稅前利潤將與 2013 年持平或更高。

  • This reflects improved financing margin performance.


  • Our guidance for Ford Credit managed receivables, managed leverage and distributions to its parent is unchanged.


  • Next on slide 22 is our automotive gross cash and operating-related cash flow.

    接下來的投影片 22 是我們的汽車總現金和營運相關現金流。

  • Automotive gross cash at the end of the quarter was $25.2 billion, $400 million higher than year-end 2013.

    本季末汽車業現金總額為 252 億美元,比 2013 年底增加 4 億美元。

  • Automotive operating-related cash flow was $1.2 billion with favorable changes in working capital and automotive profit offset partially by unfavorable timing and other differences, as well as net spending.

    汽車營運相關現金流為 12 億美元,營運資本和汽車利潤的有利變化部分被不利的時機和其他差異以及淨支出所抵消。

  • During the quarter, we contributed $500 million to our global funded pension plans, down substantially from the last two years due to the recent improvements in the funded status of our plans.

    本季度,我們向全球資助退休金計畫貢獻了 5 億美元,由於我們計畫的資助狀況最近有所改善,這筆金額較過去兩年大幅下降。

  • Dividends paid in the quarter totaled about $500 million.

    本季支付的股息總額約為 5 億美元。

  • Slide 23 shows that automotive debt at the end of the quarter was $15.7 billion, unchanged from year-end 2013.

    投影片 23 顯示,本季末汽車債務為 157 億美元,與 2013 年底持平。

  • We ended the quarter with net cash of $9.5 billion and automotive liquidity of $36.6 billion, both $400 million higher than year-end 2013.

    截至本季末,我們的淨現金為 95 億美元,汽車流動性為 366 億美元,均比 2013 年底增加了 4 億美元。

  • Although not yet included in our total liquidity, we are in process of amending and extending our corporate revolving credit facility.


  • The facility, which is presently $10.7 billion, is expected to grow to about $12 billion.

    該設施目前價值 107 億美元,預計將成長至約 120 億美元。

  • This will provide the Company with additional liquidity as we expand our business globally and continues to show the great support we have from our global and growing bank group for the ONE Ford plan.

    隨著我們在全球範圍內拓展業務,這將為公司提供額外的流動性,並繼續展示我們的全球且不斷發展的銀行集團對 ONE Ford 計劃的大力支持。

  • Consistent with our capital and funding strategy, we plan to allocate $2 billion to Ford Credit to support its liquidity.

    根據我們的資本和融資策略,我們計劃向福特信貸撥款 20 億美元,以支持其流動性。

  • We expect to close this transaction later this month and will provide details in our first-quarter 10-Q filing.

    我們預計將於本月稍後完成這筆交易,並將在第一季 10 季報告中提供詳細資訊。

  • This concludes our review of the financial details of our first-quarter earnings.


  • So with that, I'd now like to turn it back to Alan who will take us through our outlook for the business environment, as well as our 2014 planning assumptions and key metrics.

    因此,現在我想請 Alan 來為我們介紹我們對商業環境的展望,以及我們 2014 年的規劃假設和關鍵指標。

  • Alan?


  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • Thank you, Bob.


  • Slide 24 summarizes our view of the business environment for 2014.

    投影片 24 總結了我們對 2014 年商業環境的看法。

  • We project global economic growth to be in the 2.5% to 3% range and global industry sales to be about 85 million to 90 million units.


  • US economic growth is projected to be in the 2.5% to 3% range with industry sales still supported by replacement demand as a result of the older age of vehicles on the road.

    美國經濟成長預計在 2.5% 至 3% 範圍內,由於道路上車輛老化,行業銷售仍受到更換需求的支撐。

  • Near-term conditions have shown signs of improvement after some weakness in January and February data.

    繼 1 月和 2 月數據疲軟之後,近期狀況已顯示出改善的跡象。

  • In South America, Brazil's economy is slowing due to high interest rates put in place to contain inflation while the situation in Argentina and Venezuela remains volatile with both economies facing unclear economic policy direction.


  • In Europe, an economic recovery is underway.


  • For 2014, we expect GDP growth of about 1% in the euro area and 2% to 2.5% in the UK.


  • The European Central Bank left its policy interest rate unchanged at 0.25% in April and indicated that it will keep rates low for an extended period.


  • The Bank of England also indicated it will keep rates low until economic growth reduces excess capacity in the UK economy.


  • And in Asia Pacific, China's economic growth is expected to be slightly below 7.5% with several challenges, including excess capacity and excess debt.


  • The government intends to be more focused on structural reforms and is willing to accept lower growth within a reasonable range of 7.5%.


  • Growth in India is expected to improve modestly to about 5% from last year as high inflation and high interest rates remain impediments to stronger growth.

    由於高通膨和高利率仍然阻礙更強勁的成長,印度的成長預計將比去年小幅提高至 5% 左右。

  • Overall, despite challenges in the emerging markets, we expect global economic growth to continue in 2014.

    總體而言,儘管新興市場面臨挑戰,我們預計 2014 年全球經濟將持續成長。

  • Slide 25 recaps the guidance disclosed earlier for all of our business units, as well as for net interest expense.

    投影片 25 回顧了先前揭露的針對我們所有業務部門以及淨利息支出的指引。

  • Other than South America, the guidance is improved or unchanged.


  • Our Company guidance for 2014 is detailed on slide 26.

    本公司 2014 年的指導詳見投影片 26。

  • We continue to expect full-year industry volume to range from 16 million to 17 million units in the US and China to range from 22.5 million to 24.5 million units.

    我們仍預期美國全年產業銷量將在 1,600 萬至 1,700 萬台之間,中國將在 2,250 萬台至 2,450 萬台之間。

  • We now expect Europe 20 markets to be in the 14 million to 15 million unit range reflecting improved economic growth prospects and replacement demand.

    我們現在預計歐洲 20 個市場的銷量將在 1,400 萬至 1,500 萬輛之間,反映出經濟成長前景和更換需求的改善。

  • In terms of our financial performance, we continue to expect automotive revenue to be about equal to 2013, automotive operating margin to be lower than 2013 and automotive operating-related cash flow to be substantially lower than 2013.

    就我們的財務表現而言,我們繼續預期汽車收入將與 2013 年持平,汽車營業利潤率將低於 2013 年,汽車營運相關現金流將大幅低於 2013 年。

  • This includes capital spending of about $7.5 billion to support new or significantly refreshed products and capacity actions.

    其中包括約 75 億美元的資本支出,用於支援新的或大幅更新的產品和產能行動。

  • We now expect Ford Credit pretax profit to be about equal to or higher than 2013 and we continue to expect Company pretax profit to be in the $7 billion to $8 billion range as we continue to create innovative products such as the all-new F-150.

    我們現在預計福特信貸的稅前利潤將大致等於或高於2013 年,並且隨著我們繼續創造創新產品(例如全新F-150),我們繼續預計公司稅前利潤將在70 億至80 億美元範圍內。

  • Overall, we expect 2014 to be a solid year for the Ford Motor Company and a critical next step forward in implementing our ONE Ford plan to continue delivering profitable growth for all.

    總體而言,我們預計 2014 年對福特汽車公司來說將是堅實的一年,也是實施「ONE 福特」計畫以繼續為所有人帶來獲利成長的關鍵的下一步。

  • In closing, our ONE Ford plan is built on a compelling vision, comprehensive strategy and relentless implementation.

    最後,我們的 ONE Ford 計劃建立在令人信服的願景、全面的策略和不懈的實施之上。

  • Our ONE Ford plan continues to deliver profitable growth around the world and we are absolutely focused on building great products, creating a stronger business and contributing to a better world.

    我們的 ONE 福特計劃繼續在全球範圍內實現盈利增長,我們絕對專注於打造卓越的產品、創造更強大的業務並為更美好的世界做出貢獻。

  • We delivered solid results in the first quarter despite several significant adverse factors that are not representative of the underlying run rate of our business and challenges in several important emerging markets.


  • We remain on track in implementing our plan for full-year 2014, including continued strength from North America, although down from recent years, as we launch three times the number of products as in 2013, a loss in South America as we adjust to the changing environment and continued risks in Argentina and Venezuela, successful execution of our transformational plan for Europe as we progress towards profitability in 2015 notwithstanding new challenges in Russia and Turkey, launch of our Middle East & Africa business unit, continued strong growth and profitability in Asia Pacific, consistent solid performance from our Ford Credit operation and positive automotive operating-related cash flow.

    我們仍按計劃實施2014 年全年計劃,其中包括北美市場的持續強勢,儘管與近幾年相比有所下降,因為我們推出的產品數量是2013 年的三倍,而南美市場則因我們適應市場的變化而出現虧損。阿根廷和委內瑞拉不斷變化的環境和持續存在的風險,儘管俄羅斯和土耳其面臨新的挑戰,但隨著我們在2015 年實現盈利,我們成功執行了歐洲轉型計劃,推出了中東和非洲業務部門,亞洲持續強勁增長和盈利太平洋地區,我們的福特信貸業務始終保持穩健的業績,並且與汽車業務相關的現金流積極。

  • Now we would be pleased to take your questions.


  • George?


  • George Sharp - Executive Director, IR

    George Sharp - Executive Director, IR

  • Thanks, Alan.


  • Now we will open up the lines for about a 45-minute Q&A session.

    現在我們將開放約 45 分鐘的問答環節。

  • We will begin with questions from the investment community and then take questions from the media.


  • Now in order to allow for as many participants as possible within this timeframe, please keep your questions brief and please avoid asking more than two.


  • Tawanda, can we have the first question?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • Adam Jonas, Morgan Stanley.


  • Adam Jonas - Analyst

    Adam Jonas - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning, everybody.


  • Two brief questions.


  • First, on the Asia Pacific margin, 11.1%, pretty astonishing result.

    首先,亞太地區的利潤率為 11.1%,這是相當驚人的結果。

  • I think that is about at least three times maybe the margin that the market expected.


  • Can I give you a chance right now to kind of say hold your horses, folks; please don't extrapolate this; consider the following headwinds that should keep us lower than that?


  • That is my first question.


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Okay, so I will say hold some of your horses.


  • We have improved our guidance so we do expect the region to contribute more positively than we did three months ago because the performance is strong and it is being driven by China and the great response that consumers are giving our products and our brands.


  • So it is going to do better.


  • I would not multiply it times four, which I think is the gist of the question, Adam.


  • And that is largely around the fact that we still have these six plants under construction.


  • Some of them will be coming onstream later this year.


  • I think two other ones come onstream in 2015.

    我認為另外兩個項目將於 2015 年投產。

  • So as we get closer to launch of those facilities, the cost will increase.


  • We bring people on board, we start to train them before we start producing, that type of thing.


  • The other factor is we have got Lincoln launching later this year.


  • Of course, as we -- we are already incurring expense related to that, but as we get closer to the launch in the latter part of the year, there will be more expense associated with that.


  • So I think those are the caveats I would put on, but clearly the region is doing fabulously and we think it is going to have a great, great year.


  • And finally, what we have been talking about and it has been kind of eeking through a bit more quarter by quarter, you are starting to see the payoff of the big investments in the region.


  • Adam Jonas - Analyst

    Adam Jonas - Analyst

  • Yes, it is really moving the needle now.


  • All right, second question on the F-Series changeover, another chance for you to take this opportunity to tell us anything in the remaining quarters of the year outlook, particularly in the second half for your -- aside from the 13-weeks downtime and the cadence there you have already talked about -- that you might say, please, guys, this is complicated, big, big change for us, add a little more -- any chance we'd add any more caution in that second-half outlook in North America for us or not?

    好吧,關於 F 系列轉換的第二個問題,您還有機會藉此機會告訴我們今年剩餘季度的展望,特別是下半年的展望 - 除了 13 週的停機時間和你已經談到過的節奏— —你可能會說,拜託,夥計們,這對我們來說是複雜的、巨大的、巨大的變化,再加一點——我們有機會在下半場增加更多的謹慎北美的前景對我們是否有利?

  • Thanks.


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Well, let me give a couple comments first broadly and then Mark can comment further on F-Series.

    好吧,讓我先大致發表一些評論,然後馬克可以進一步評論 F 系列。

  • So one thing I would say, first at the Company level, we had a solid start for the year and I am sure we are going to get questions throughout the call on the slide 7 and the factors that we showed as being sort of standouts, if you will, in terms of the size and the fact that they are all sort of occurring in the quarter.

    所以我想說的一件事是,首先在公司層面,我們今年有一個良好的開端,我相信我們會在幻燈片 7 的整個電話會議中收到問題,以及我們表現出的突出因素,如果你願意的話,就規模以及它們都在本季發生的事實而言。

  • But we see the run rate of the business as being very healthy and very strong both in case of total Company.


  • North America, I'd even say in South America and you heard my comments about the balance of the year, clearly the first quarter is not indicative of what we expect in the balance of the year there.


  • So the run rate of the business is much healthier than what the initial view of the bottom line would see.


  • In fact, if anything, when you think about the emerging market issues, which are more intense than what we expected three months ago, we are absorbing that and still think the business is going to deliver what we expected and in fact, we are now starting to see elements of the business where we are changing the guidance upward.


  • So I just want to give you that sense of how we are kind of seeing the overall business.


  • In terms of calendarization of profits for the balance of the year, what I will say is that we expect the rest of the quarters to be substantially stronger than what we are seeing in the first quarter and of course, things will fluctuate from quarter to quarter, but they should all be better than what we are seeing in the first quarter.


  • And so, Mark, do you want to comment on F-Series?

    那麼,馬克,您想對 F 系列發表評論嗎?

  • Mark Fields - COO

    Mark Fields - COO

  • Yes.


  • Overall, Adam, the preparations for the launch are going well and the team is very energized; they are going through obviously a number of the production builds, but it is going on plan.


  • As we mentioned last quarter, we had three weeks of the downtime of the 13 in the first quarter.

    正如我們上季度提到的,第一季 13 週的停機時間中有三週。

  • And remember, we mentioned that inclusive of that 13 was the summer shutdown week so you can deduce what quarter that will be in.

    請記住,我們提到這 13 週是夏季停工週,因此您可以推斷該週將在哪個季度。

  • But clearly, as we said, we go to manufacturing launch in the fourth quarter, so you can pretty much surmise where a lot of the downtime is going to be as we get the plant ready to go.


  • But overall when you stand back and look at our F-Series business, even with the existing model, our share is about the same as the full year for last year.

    但總體而言,當您退後一步看看我們的 F 系列業務時,即使使用現有型號,我們的份額也與去年全年大致相同。

  • We continue to run the plants I think very efficiently.


  • Our transaction prices are actually holding up very well.


  • Actually our -- when you look at our transaction prices for our 2014 model year, they are probably at the top of the segment of the under 8,500.

    實際上,當您查看我們 2014 年車型的交易價格時,您會發現它們可能處於 8,500 輛以下細分市場的頂部。

  • So that business is going well.


  • We are also looking at potential production opportunities for the existing F-Series in the remainder of this year.

    我們也正在尋找今年剩餘時間內現有 F 系列的潛在生產機會。

  • We have more work to do.


  • That could help us potentially get to the upper half of the margin range that we have for North America, but we have some more work to do on that.


  • Operator


  • Brian Johnson, Barclays.


  • Brian Johnson - Analyst

    Brian Johnson - Analyst

  • Yes, I just want to focus on the China results and kind of two related questions.


  • One, can you give us the outlook for Asia Pacific ex-China and just directionally, is that getting better, about the same or worse?


  • And then secondly within China, how much of your success is from CUVs versus the car lineup?

    其次,在中國,你們的成功有多少是來自 CUV 與轎車系列?

  • How do you feel about your CUV position competitively?

    您對您的 CUV 競爭地位有何看法?

  • And as you kind of bring these plants on board, how are they going to be split between producing CUVs and cars?

    當你將這些工廠納入進來時,它們將如何在生產 CUV 和汽車之間進行分配?

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Okay, Brian, I will handle the first one and Mark will address the second one.


  • So as I mentioned in the remarks earlier, the quarter's results were driven by China and I think that is both in terms of the year-over-year results and an absolute.


  • The rest of Asia Pacific is not as strong.


  • It is not necessarily a drag on the business, but it is sort of in a different place I think in terms of where we are in putting in place the big global production hubs that we are working on in India and also in Thailand.


  • So I think we will see them start to contribute in a more positive way a little bit after, if you will, the results that we are seeing now with China.


  • Mark?


  • Mark Fields - COO

    Mark Fields - COO

  • Yes, on the second question, when you look at our share performance in China, as Bob mentioned upfront, it was actually -- it was a record for the quarter at 4.5%, which was up a point versus a year ago.


  • When you look at some of the elements driving that, to your point, when you look at the segment, the SUV/CUV segment in China, as an industry, it was up about 28%.

    當你看看推動這一趨勢的一些因素時,就你的觀點而言,當你看看中國的 SUV/CUV 細分市場作為一個行業時,它增長了約 28%。

  • Our sales were up almost 300% and the reason for that was all the products that we introduced last year, the EcoSport, we have the Explorer there, the Kuga, so we have a full lineup there.

    我們的銷售額成長了近 300%,原因是我們去年推出的所有產品,EcoSport,我們有 Explorer、Kuga,所以我們有完整的產品線。

  • And that has been a really important part of our growth in addition to the car side of the business, which we have done very well with.


  • And then when you look at the texture of that, a lot of our growth has been in the Tier 3 through 6 cities and that has been supported by our network expansion.


  • When you think of maybe some of the infrastructure around there, it lends itself well to SUVs and CUVs.

    當您想到周圍的一些基礎設施時,您會發現它非常適合 SUV 和 CUV。

  • And actually the type of demographics of the customer that we are getting is very encouraging in addition to the profile of the segmentation.


  • We are getting younger customers than the industry average and interestingly depending upon the model lines, 70% to 90% of the customers that are buying our vehicles, it's either a first-time purchase or in addition to the car in the household.

    我們的客戶比行業平均更年輕,有趣的是,根據車型系列,70% 到 90% 購買我們車輛的客戶要么是首次購買,要么是除了家裡的汽車之外。

  • So I think that bodes well for us going forward.


  • Brian Johnson - Analyst

    Brian Johnson - Analyst

  • Interesting.


  • So the CUV almost becomes the plus one car for the mass affluent in China?


  • Mark Fields - COO

    Mark Fields - COO

  • Well, we are also doing well and we continue to do well with our Focus.


  • As we said, our overall sales in the first quarter are up 45%, so we are doing well with Focus.

    正如我們所說,我們第一季的整體銷售額成長了 45%,因此我們的 Focus 表現良好。

  • Fusion is doing very well there and the Mondeo is actually doing very well.


  • Mondeo is the Fusion, so both of them.


  • It is a combination of both, but clearly our full family of SUVs and CUVs has really helped turbocharge that.

    它是兩者的結合,但顯然我們的全系列 SUV 和 CUV 確實幫助增強了這一點。

  • Brian Johnson - Analyst

    Brian Johnson - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • Operator


  • Colin Langan, UBS.


  • Colin Langan - Analyst

    Colin Langan - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • One, any color on why the recall cost was so large within the quarter and is it the nature of the repair?


  • Just any color on why it is such a large recall cost, is my first question.


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • I have been waiting for this.


  • Thanks, Colin.


  • I appreciate the question.


  • I really do.


  • Because this is a really important thing that we explain.


  • So let me go into a little bit of detail here.


  • So first of all this is a warranty reserve adjustment and I need to explain how we at Ford account for field service actions.


  • We use something that is called a pattern estimation model.


  • So what that means is that every time that we sell a vehicle, we actually accrue a bit of reserve, if you will, for field service actions that could happen in the future.


  • So nothing specific in terms of a particular issue or problem, but based on history we expect that something could happen.


  • So we reserve for that.


  • And then what we do as we go forth in time, go forward in time, we then sort of top that reserve up or we might take it down based on what we are seeing to changes in more recent history, if you will.


  • I think we go back to about 2008 right now, so we don't go all the way back, but kind of drop a year every year.

    我想我們現在可以回到 2008 年左右,所以我們不會一路倒退,而是每年都會下降。

  • And so it is just -- it's all based on history and what's actually happened.


  • So what we've seen, we have seen more recalls at Ford and across the whole industry in the last couple of years or so.


  • So as that has occurred, what we've had to do is we have had to continue to look at the reserves and adjust them and that is what is happening in this quarter.


  • It is based on a process that is disciplined, written in concrete.


  • There is nothing behind this beyond just the update of the data and letting the data tell us that we need to increase the reserves based on what has happened.


  • Now, a couple of other things to let you know is if we then have vehicles that are older, for example, than 2008 and something happens, what we do is we actually have the impact of that flow right through to the bottom line because we don't have any reserves in place.

    現在,還有其他幾件事要讓您知道的是,如果我們有比 2008 年更舊的車輛,並且發生了一些事情,我們所做的實際上是我們會直接影響到底線,因為我們沒有任何儲備。

  • Because we only hold them for, as I said, maybe six, seven, eight years.


  • If there is -- also another little tweak on this, if there is an action that exceeds, in the case of North America, $250 million of cost, we will let that go right to the bottom line.

    如果對此還有一個小小的調整,如果有一項行動超過(就北美而言)2.5 億美元的成本,我們將直接將其納入底線。

  • So we wouldn't adjust our reserves, if you will, on a go-forward basis for that action.


  • We just let it flow through to the bottom line.


  • And actually we had an instance of that at one point last year.


  • So this is simply a reserve adjustment.


  • It is accounting.


  • It is not cash.


  • It is not related to any particular problem that we know of or that we are concerned about.


  • It is just an anticipation that something could happen based on what we've seen in terms of patterns of data over the model years that we are talking about.


  • So based on that and letting our process work, we've increased the reserves in the quarter by about $400 million in total.

    因此,在此基礎上,並讓我們的流程發揮作用,我們在本季總共增加了約 4 億美元的準備金。

  • And most of that is related to what I've talked about in terms of just topping up the reserve.


  • So hopefully, everybody understands that and recognizes it is what it is, but it is not a problem per se.


  • Colin Langan - Analyst

    Colin Langan - Analyst

  • And how often is that calculation done?


  • Is that a quarterly analysis that you do or is that an annual?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Yes, this particular adjustment is we conduct what are called sort of deep dives twice a year.


  • It is in the first quarter and the third quarter.


  • So that is why it is happening in this quarter.


  • And if I go back, because I did go back to look at -- I expected that you guys might ask about what happened in the past.


  • I am looking at 2013, and we actually didn't have much that was taking place in 2013.

    我正在展望 2013 年,實際上 2013 年我們並沒有發生太多事情。

  • We had one quarter where we had some reserve adjustments going on, but coincidentally in that quarter we also had a supplier recovery on a particular action which sort of offset that.


  • So that is why we didn't call either the recovery or the reserve adjustment up, because they were sort of offsetting each other.


  • Colin Langan - Analyst

    Colin Langan - Analyst

  • One last question.


  • I believe in your comments, you said that North America margins should be in the 8% to 9% range.

    我相信您的評論,您說北美的利潤率應該在 8% 到 9% 的範圍內。

  • You are starting off at 7.3%, and there is a lot of launch costs in the second half of the year.

    起價為 7.3%,下半年的啟動成本很高。

  • Is that still the valid range to think about for the full year, or did I mishear that?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • No, absolutely.


  • Because when you think about the first quarter, we were at 7.3%, including all the things that we have just been talking about, the weather issues, the reserve adjustment.

    因為當你想到第一季時,我們的成長率為 7.3%,包括我們剛才談論的所有事情,天氣問題,準備金調整。

  • So if you think about the run rate of the business in the quarter, we were nearly at 10% in North America.

    因此,如果你考慮本季業務的營運率,我們在北美的運作率接近 10%。

  • As the year progresses, we have a lot of new products that will be coming in addition to the F-Series.

    隨著時間的推移,除了 F 系列之外,我們還將推出許多新產品。

  • Some of that will give us some favorable product mix.


  • This quarter, we had unfavorable series mix and options.


  • But that will start to be offset by favorable product mix as the year progresses.


  • The other thing I think that is different than where we were three months ago, we guided to the fact that we thought North America would have negative pricing for the year.


  • And certainly we see that in the quarter, but as we look ahead, I think we are starting to see the possibility of that being maybe more flat, maybe potentially somewhat positive because the overall environment has been a bit more positive, more disciplined across the industry in general than what we maybe thought would be the case three months ago.


  • Mark, anything to add?


  • Mark Fields - COO

    Mark Fields - COO

  • No, just mentioned earlier, as we look at that 8% to 9%, we are looking at additional production opportunities on the current F-Series, which, all things being equal, could actually push us up in the upper range of that, but we have some more work to do.

    不,剛才提到,當我們考慮 8% 到 9% 時,我們正在尋找當前 F 系列的額外生產機會,在所有條件相同的情況下,這實際上可以將我們推向上限,但我們還有更多工作要做。

  • Operator


  • Ryan Brinkman, JPMorgan.


  • Ryan Brinkman - Analyst

    Ryan Brinkman - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • There have been a couple already on China and Asia Pacific, but I would like to approach it from a little bit different of an angle.


  • Obviously, the results there are quite strong despite the impact of some pretty aggressive growth-related investments.


  • So I am curious what comments that you could make regarding the potential earnings power of this region a few years out after which presumably we could see some tapering of the growth investments.


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Well, we've said, I think, Ryan, for quite a long time that we thought towards mid-decade or so that the region would contribute very meaningfully, significantly to the bottom line of the Company and I think that is still our point of view.


  • We expect this to be one of the larger regions of the business going forward.


  • It is the largest region of the world in terms of industry and we are making great progress in participating in that.


  • We also have capacity increases that are still ahead of us.


  • We have more expansion of our product portfolio ahead of us.


  • As I mentioned earlier, we see India and Southeast Asia maybe lagging a bit behind where we are in China in terms of the maturity of our investments there.


  • So I think that is an opportunity down the road, so I think we feel like this will be a region that will definitely be a meaningful significant contributor to Ford's bottom line.


  • Ryan Brinkman - Analyst

    Ryan Brinkman - Analyst

  • Okay, great, thanks.


  • And then for my second and final question, I guess maybe just one on South America.


  • You continue to take really a lot of price down there and at the same time, some of the vehicle production forecasters, IHS, etc., they have recently slashed their expectations for sales and production in the back half of the year a lot, including for you guys.

    你繼續大幅下調價格,同時,一些汽車產量預測機構、IHS 等最近大幅下調了對下半年銷售和產量的預期,包括為了你們。

  • So I wonder if you think that it might be a concern as we transition to a potentially I guess softer demand environment, that it might become more difficult to continue to offset with price the inflationary currency pressures as well as you have been in recent years.


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Yes, I think it is different by market.


  • We are actually, at least up till now, we have been able to more or less, maybe it depends on timing of a quarter because we've seen such significant depreciation that sometimes you can't fully recapture that all in a quarter, but I think in the case of Venezuela and in the case of Argentina, we've seen better ability to, over a relatively reasonable period of time, to offset the effect of operating exchange weakness and/or local inflation.


  • I think it is different in Brazil; it is a much more competitive environment.


  • All that capacity, as you mentioned, that is coming in, it is making it I think a tougher place in order to capture -- to offset, if you will, the affects that I talked about.


  • I think the thing that is the positive for us though is the complete transformation of the portfolio, all the new products that are coming in, some still ahead of us because we are seeing an extremely favorable response from consumers both in terms of what it has done for us in share, but also our ability to get a really healthy price, a transaction price for those products.


  • But nonetheless, Brazil is -- we have been talking about this for some time of being a concern around the competitive environment and all the capacity coming in.


  • Ryan Brinkman - Analyst

    Ryan Brinkman - Analyst

  • (multiple speakers).


  • I appreciate all the color.


  • Mark Fields - COO

    Mark Fields - COO

  • The only other thing I'd add is to Bob's point about the product lineup and working on the revenue side.


  • As you can imagine, following our process of looking at the business environment, the team there is very focused on looking at -- optimizing our footprint that we have down there.


  • We are working on our logistical costs, which are very important, material cost reductions, seeing where we can accelerate localization actions and just overall structural cost improvements.


  • So we are working both sides of the profit equation for that part of the world.


  • Ryan Brinkman - Analyst

    Ryan Brinkman - Analyst

  • Very helpful.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Rod Lache, Deutsche Bank.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Good morning, everybody.


  • I was hoping -- just not to harp on this too much -- but the field service charge is a pretty big number.


  • Can you just elaborate on how much of it is related to adjusting the pattern estimation model, how much of it is discrete and how much is older vehicles?


  • You did mention that there were some 2001 to 2005 vehicles in there, which obviously is going to raise some questions in light of what some others are dealing with.

    您確實提到那裡有一些 2001 年至 2005 年的車輛,鑑於其他人正在處理的情況,這顯然會引發一些問題。

  • So what is the issue there and maybe if you could just say specifically what is the issue with the 2001 to 2005 models?

    那麼問題出在哪裡?也許您可以具體說明 2001 至 2005 年車型的問題是什麼?

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Yes, and they are all public.


  • We have about $400 million associated with the field service actions.

    我們有大約 4 億美元與現場服務行動相關。

  • Of that, about $350 million relates to the 2009 through 2013 model years -- is it 2008, 2009?

    其中,大約 3.5 億美元涉及 2009 年至 2013 年的車型——是 2008 年還是 2009 年?

  • 2008 through 2013 model years.

    2008 至 2013 年式。

  • We then have two issues that were for the older model years.


  • We have a Crown Vic -- I think it is a Crown Vic Grand Marquis lighting control module that was a recall that was for the 2003 through 2005 model years.

    我們有一個 Crown Vic——我認為這是一個 Crown Vic Grand Marquis 照明控制模組,是 2003 至 2005 車型年的召回產品。

  • That was about maybe about $30 million, $40 million and then we had an Escape subframe issue that was roughly $30 million and that was 2001 through 2004.

    那大約是 3000 萬美元、4000 萬美元,然後我們在 2001 年到 2004 年期間遇到了 Escape 副車架問題,大約花費了 3000 萬美元。

  • And then there was maybe about $10 million of just general offsets to all of that.

    然後可能還有大約 1000 萬美元的一般抵銷額。

  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Okay, so none of it (multiple speakers).


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Most of it is the reserve adjustments.


  • The other two are relatively small.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • So there is not like a review of historical vehicles or something like that that is unusual?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • No, no, no.


  • Those are simply -- we are always looking at data to understand where we have issues.


  • Those were things that clearly popped up and indicated that we had an issue and per our normal process addressed them ASAP.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And just two more things, just your material costs have been, in North America, a really big offset to the price and mix recently through the past three quarters in a row.


  • Obviously, it is dependent on timing of new launches.


  • Could you just give us some thoughts on how we should be thinking about price mix versus materials looking forward?


  • And then on China, you mentioned again that you have a lot of plants, six plants that are in launch and you'd previously said that higher launch costs are going to be a factor this year, but this quarter it seems like your cost structure was actually improved.


  • So can you quantify the magnitude of the launch costs that you would anticipate for this year?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • In the case of North America, for the full year, we still would expect to see I think positive material cost overall.


  • We are seeing very good material cost reductions.


  • We will have as the new products are introduced increases related to them, but because they are launching, if you will, more second half, if you will, at least a lot of the volume on a year-over-year base, the effect will be probably more in 2015 than in this year.

    隨著新產品的推出,與它們相關的產品將會增加,但因為它們正在推出,如果你願意的話,下半年會更多,如果你願意的話,至少在同比基礎上增加很多數量,效果2015 年可能會比今年更多。

  • In the case of Asia Pacific, what we are seeing there is, as you said, the quarter doesn't indicate what we expect to see for the full year, but for the full year, we will see more cost come in and that will largely be around spending-related, manufacturing, more in terms of engineering and also advertising sales promotion as we launch and support the products.


  • And then our general admin and expense selling will go up.


  • Some of that related to Lincoln, some of it just related to the overall growth of the business that we need to put resources in place to support it.


  • So it is really across I guess I'm saying all parts of the business, but it is going to be sort of a growth quarter by quarter as the business expands.


  • Operator


  • Pat Archambault, Goldman Sachs.


  • Pat Archambault - Analyst

    Pat Archambault - Analyst

  • Yes, thank you.


  • Actually just sort of building on that last question on Europe, the losses were pared back more than I think a number of us had thought.


  • Can you just give us a sense of sequentially how some of the cost cadence plays out because I guess you still have the big Mondeo launch at Valencia, which I imagine is going to be sort of a headwind and any other factors obviously we are not thinking about as we sort of try and model that out?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Yes, I guess I would say, first of all, you know that there is sort of a pattern to profits in general in Europe.


  • Usually the first half is better than the second-half third quarter.


  • I don't think that was the case last year, but third quarter is usually a weaker quarter because of the extensive plant shutdowns that take place for holidays and so forth.


  • Of course, all of that, as you said, Pat, is dependent upon particular cadence of product launches that we have over the course of the year.


  • But, again, there, we have had some launches and we are launching actually some things right now in Europe, so I don't know that I'd call out any particular thing in terms of the cadence of our structural costs going forward.


  • I think probably the fluctuations up and down will be more around volume levels and I don't think I would call anything else out.


  • Pat Archambault - Analyst

    Pat Archambault - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That is helpful.


  • And one other one on South America.


  • Can you -- you might have said it, but can you kind of parse out what was sort of balance sheet remeasurement in Venezuela versus what was just kind of operating headwinds just from the lack of volume?


  • And maybe can you give us a sense of just what you are seeing on the ground there?


  • I mean it sounds like production is at a standstill.


  • I understand visibility is poor, but what are the prospects for that to improve in coming quarters?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • You are talking about Venezuela specifically?


  • Pat Archambault - Analyst

    Pat Archambault - Analyst

  • Yes, yes.


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • So maybe, Mark, can comment on that.


  • In terms of the balance sheet effects of the amount that we talked about on slide 7, $310 million of that is Venezuela specifically, about $70 million is related to Argentina.

    就我們在投影片 7 中討論的金額對資產負債表的影響而言,其中 3.1 億美元與委內瑞拉有關,約 7,000 萬美元與阿根廷有關。

  • And then on a year-over-year basis, you can see on slide 14 the year-over-year basis, the balance sheet effect was roughly half of what we are seeing in total and of that, a good portion of that --well, actually most of the overall effect is actually Argentina and Venezuela, a bit of Brazil.

    然後,在同比基礎上,你可以在幻燈片 14 上看到,在同比基礎上,資產負債表效應大約是我們所看到的總體效應的一半,其中很大一部分——嗯,實際上大部分的整體影響其實是阿根廷和委內瑞拉,還有一點巴西。

  • Mark Fields - COO

    Mark Fields - COO

  • Yes, from a volume standpoint and an industry standpoint in Venezuela, as we said last quarter, what we did in the fourth quarter of last year was literally cut our production by three quarters versus the running rate in the first three quarters of 2013 and what we mentioned is that is our assumption going forward the remainder of 2014.

    是的,從委內瑞拉的產量和行業角度來看,正如我們上個季度所說,我們去年第四季的產量實際上比 2013 年前三個季度的產量減少了四分之三。我們提到的是,這是我們對2014 年剩餘時間的假設。

  • And when you look at the industry development to put it in perspective, the first quarter of last year, the Venezuelan industry was about 113,000 units on a SAAR basis.

    從產業發展的角度來看,去年第一季度,以 SAAR 計算,委內瑞拉的汽車產業約為 113,000 輛。

  • This year, it is 12,000 units.

    今年是 12,000 台。

  • So I think we've baked those assumptions into our plan and we will continue to watch the environment there and also continue to support our Venezuelan customers at the same time minimize our exposures.


  • Operator


  • Itay Michaeli, Citi.


  • Itay Michaeli - Analyst

    Itay Michaeli - Analyst

  • Great, thank you.


  • Good morning.


  • Just going back to the warranty item in the quarter, Bob, why wouldn't that also potentially impact other regions if you are assessing sort of the overall experience just given the Company's global platforms and commonality?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Well, because in part some of the products may not be in some of the regions.


  • I mean we do the same reserve analysis everywhere.


  • You also have different suppliers.


  • In some cases, products are tailored to different designs, different powertrains.


  • So they are global, but there are differences region by region.


  • We also -- as we launch, we don't launch everything all at one time.


  • So as we launch in one region, then the next and the next and the next, we kind of learn from the first region and we kind of build those learnings into launch at the next region, including design changes and so forth.


  • So it is not all apples and apples, if you will.


  • Itay Michaeli - Analyst

    Itay Michaeli - Analyst

  • Sure.


  • Then just second question, hoping to gauge your temperature on the mid-decade 8% to 9% margin outlook.

    接下來是第二個問題,希望能了解您對十年中 8% 至 9% 利潤率前景的看法。

  • I know in December you labeled it at risk citing Europe.

    我知道您在 12 月以歐洲為由將其標記為處於危險之中。

  • It seems like Europe is probably going better, Asia is certainly going better, but South America going worse.


  • Just maybe give us an update of what you are thinking.


  • Is that more at risk, less at risk or roughly the same today than it was in December?

    今天的風險與 12 月相比是更大、更小還是大致相同?

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • I don't think at the moment I would say anything different.


  • Itay Michaeli - Analyst

    Itay Michaeli - Analyst

  • Okay, the same.


  • Okay, great, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, we will now take questions from the media.


  • Dee-Ann Durbin, Associated Press.


  • Dee-Ann Durbin - Media

    Dee-Ann Durbin - Media

  • Good morning, gentlemen.


  • Thanks for taking the call.


  • Alan, it's time for my quarterly question about your future.


  • There is some speculation out there obviously that the leadership change is going to happen earlier than the end of this year.


  • Can you comment on whether the plans have changed?


  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • Well, clearly, we don't comment on speculation and we have no change to the plan and I just might point out, as I think you well know, is that Bill and I have put a very high priority seven years ago that we would further develop our team worldwide and have a very robust leadership development and succession plan.


  • We are very, very pleased with the progress on that to date.


  • Thanks.


  • Dee-Ann Durbin - Media

    Dee-Ann Durbin - Media

  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • David Whiston, Morningstar.


  • David Whiston - Analyst

    David Whiston - Analyst

  • Thanks for getting me in.


  • A question on the credit line extension.


  • Is that primarily being done to increase the captives liquidity or are you also expecting some higher CapEx than planned or even returning more cash to shareholders down the road?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Yes, thanks for the question.


  • No, it is just basically as we get bigger and as we continue to expand and grow, we thought it was prudent for us to take advantage of actually very strong interest from our global banking group and also very healthy capital markets for us to increase and extend the credit facility.


  • The other thing that is kind of great about it is we are actually returning to sort of normal credit facility five-year terms.


  • I think it is the first time we have been there for quite a number of years with this change.


  • So we feel very positive about that too.


  • So that is it; that is what is behind it.


  • David Whiston - Analyst

    David Whiston - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And the incentive spending in North America, I know you have got some pretty tough comps in the US given how well you guys have been doing there, but this quarter unfavorable headwinds from volume and mix combined with the incentive spending, are you guys more just playing defense now for now until the next generation F-Series is out?

    至於北美的激勵支出,我知道考慮到你們在美國的表現,你們在美國的表現相當艱難,但本季銷量和組合方面的不利阻力與激勵支出相結合,你們是否更公正現在暫時處於防守狀態,直到下一代F 系列問世?

  • Mark Fields - COO

    Mark Fields - COO

  • Well, I think overall when you look at our incentive spend, we look at our incentive spend in conjunction with our overall margins and transaction prices and when you look at our transaction prices, they are at the top end of the industry and it kind of reinforces the margin that we have in North America.


  • Clearly, in a number of our products, they are kind of late in their lifecycle, so we are accounting for that.


  • And also at the same time as those new products come on, that will offer us opportunities once those products are launched.


  • That is kind of the way we are looking at it balanced and making sure we profitably grow and take care to that.


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • And David, I would just add that, in the quarter comparison, which is what you are seeing on the data today, a bit of that is, if you will, a difficult comp because last year we had just launched the Kuga and we had just launched the Fusion.

    大衛,我想補充一點,在季度比較中,這就是你今天在數據中看到的,如果你願意的話,其中有一點是一個困難的比較,因為去年我們剛剛推出了 Kuga,我們有剛剛推出了融合。

  • They were in very, very high demand.


  • We had very tight supplies and so incentive levels for those products were very, very low and those are high-volume products for us.


  • Now it is more normal, if you will.


  • David Whiston - Analyst

    David Whiston - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • Jeff Flock, Fox Business Network.


  • Jeff Flock - Media

    Jeff Flock - Media

  • Yes, good morning, gentlemen.


  • Mr. Mulally, just to confirm and to clarify what you said earlier, I'm sorry that I have to ask about this, but there you go.


  • Earlier, I believe you said you were going to stick to the plan in terms of succession and I think if I recall correctly, you said that you plan to serve through the end of 2014.

    早些時候,我相信您說過您將堅持繼任計劃,而且我想如果我沒記錯的話,您說過您計劃任職到 2014 年底。

  • Does that then indicate that the plan is that you will serve through the end of 2014?

    這是否表示您的計劃是服務到 2014 年底?

  • Can you clarify that?


  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • Jeff, no change to the plan.


  • Jeff Flock - Media

    Jeff Flock - Media

  • Well, I appreciate that clarification and the rumors that you are going to coach the Detroit Lions, is that still a nonstarter?


  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • Yes, that is very interesting, but Bill has a great plan for the Lions.


  • Jeff Flock - Media

    Jeff Flock - Media

  • So just to confirm, no change to the plan that was announced earlier and the plan which was that you plan to serve through the end of 2014?

    那麼我想確認一下,先前宣布的計劃以及您計劃在 2014 年底之前提供服務的計劃沒有變化嗎?

  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • No change to the plan, Jeff.


  • Jeff Flock - Media

    Jeff Flock - Media

  • Copy that, sir.


  • Appreciate it.


  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • Thanks a lot.


  • Operator


  • Karl Henkel, Detroit News.


  • Karl Henkel - Media

    Karl Henkel - Media

  • Good morning, gentlemen.


  • One quick question, back to the warranty reserve.


  • Is there any way that you can kind of put that in context?


  • How big is that reserve and I guess being up $400 million versus Q1 of 2013 in that department, I guess what is a typical year-over-year increase when you look at the reserve directionally heading upward?

    該儲備金有多大,我猜該部門的儲備金比 2013 年第一季增加了 4 億美元,我想當你看到儲備金定向向上時,典型的同比增長是多少?

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Thanks, Karl, two responses there.


  • One, at the end of last year, our total warranty reserve, which would include for field service action of $3.9 billion for the Company and in terms of the second question, I mean this is an unusually large increase and as I mentioned earlier, if I go back and look at the four quarters of last year, we did not have something of this magnitude occur, so this is unusual.

    一,去年年底,我們的總保固儲備金,其中包括公司39 億美元的現場服務行動,就第二個問題而言,我的意思是這是一個異常大的增長,正如我之前提到的,如果我回顧去年的四個季度,我們沒有發生如此大規模的事情,所以這是不尋常的。

  • That is exactly why we are calling it out so that everybody understands the run rate of the business because you wouldn't expect something like this to happen quarter in and quarter out.


  • Karl Henkel - Media

    Karl Henkel - Media

  • I guess is there any significant impact, as a follow-up, on just the global sales growth for Ford over the last few years and looking into the future having a significant impact on that number increasing further or am I kind of looking into that too much?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • You mean related to the warranty reserve increase?


  • Karl Henkel - Media

    Karl Henkel - Media

  • Yes.


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • I don't think so because, again, I think what you are seeing across the whole industry is all OEMs responding very, very quickly in general to the issues that they see.


  • Vehicles have a lot more technology in them.


  • They are far more complex.


  • I just think that -- it just seems to be more of a general industry phenomenon and unfortunately, because we don't like product recalls on field service actions, unfortunately that has been our history as well over the last couple of years, but it is really an industry phenomenon.


  • Mark Fields - COO

    Mark Fields - COO

  • And also, Karl, if you look from our perspective, we are really pleased with the quality levels we are seeing.


  • Clearly all-time record highs in some parts of the world and even here in the US, we are starting to see some encouraging quality data, which hopefully will then lead through to better performance based on the reserves we set up.


  • But, as we said, we are very committed to delivering best-in-class quality to our customers and everybody is focused on that and encouraging (technical difficulty).


  • Karl Henkel - Media

    Karl Henkel - Media

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Mike Ramsey, Wall Street Journal.


  • Mike Ramsey - Media

    Mike Ramsey - Media

  • Hi, good morning.


  • Karl kind of stole some of my thunder, but -- so if I say that the warranty reserve is reflective of a larger number of recalls over the last several years, not just for Ford, but also for the industry, is that an accurate statement?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Well, the warranty reserves are going up because of our experience.


  • What I am trying to say is that our experience though is not necessarily unique, if you will, to the automotive industry.


  • You are seeing more and more companies, a higher number of recalls, a higher number of units being affected and that is an industry phenomenon, but what drives our warranty reserves is our experience.


  • Mike Ramsey - Media

    Mike Ramsey - Media

  • And just as a follow-up, I think, gosh, it was 2007, wasn't there the inverse of this that was beneficial?

    作為後續行動,我想,天哪,那是 2007 年,不是有相反的好處嗎?

  • There was a big readjustment of warranty reserves sometime, I think it was 2007.

    保固儲備金有一次大幅調整,我想是 2007 年。

  • Am I crazy or does anyone remember this?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Yes, I think that is -- it could have been because one of the things that, as I mentioned, we only hold these reserves for about six or seven years.


  • So when that oldest year, if you will, is ready to run off as we move into the next calendar year, if there is anything left in that reserve that hasn't been used, we release it.


  • So it is possible that that could have happened back in 2007, somewhere in that timeframe.

    因此,這有可能發生在 2007 年的某個時間段內。

  • I actually remember something like that as well, Mike, but I know we've had situations like that.


  • Mike Ramsey - Media

    Mike Ramsey - Media

  • Okay.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • Operator


  • Alisa Priddle, Detroit Free Press.


  • Alisa Priddle - Media

    Alisa Priddle - Media

  • Good morning, gentlemen.


  • Just first a question for Mark.


  • If you could just clarify, when you say you want to get more production of current F-150s, so are you talking about running more overtime in plants or changing the changeover schedule or what kinds of things are you looking at?

    如果您能澄清一下,當您說您希望提高現有 F-150 的產量時,您是在談論工廠加班時間增加還是改變換班時間表,或者您正在考慮哪些事情?

  • Mark Fields - COO

    Mark Fields - COO

  • We are working very closely with our supply base in terms of seeing if they can support some additional production opportunities and that may mean running more overtime at some of our -- whether it is Dearborn Truck as we run out the existing model and get ready for the new one or in Kansas City where, as you know, we are not launching that plant till next year.


  • So yes, it is so far encouraging, more work to do, but it involves the whole team and the good news, Alisa, is it is really based on market demand and as we said, if you look at the month of March, it's another month where we sold over 70,000 F-Series, so the demand is out there.

    所以,是的,到目前為止,這是令人鼓舞的,還有更多的工作要做,但它涉及整個團隊,好消息是,Alisa,它確實是基於市場需求的,正如我們所說,如果你看一下3 月份,就會發現又一個月,我們就賣出了超過 70,000 輛 F 系列,所以需求就在那裡。

  • Customers really like the product, the existing product and we are going to try to get as many as we can to them.


  • Alisa Priddle - Media

    Alisa Priddle - Media

  • Okay.


  • So you are not talking about changing any of the dates of changeover?


  • Mark Fields - COO

    Mark Fields - COO

  • No.


  • Alisa Priddle - Media

    Alisa Priddle - Media

  • Those are locked in.


  • Mark Fields - COO

    Mark Fields - COO

  • Those are locked in.


  • We are making more out of the time we do have.


  • Alisa Priddle - Media

    Alisa Priddle - Media

  • And then, Alan, so it sounds like you will still be with us on the next earnings call.


  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • No change, Alisa.


  • Thank you.


  • Alisa Priddle - Media

    Alisa Priddle - Media

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • John Murphy, Bank of America.


  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • Good morning, guys.


  • Just two quick questions for you.


  • First, when you guys were on slide 12 and talking about the drivers of a slight marketshare deterioration, you mentioned daily rent and small cars declining.

    首先,當你們在幻燈片 12 上談論市場份額略有下降的驅動因素時,你們提到了日租金和小型汽車的下降。

  • It seems like that is kind of a trend that has been happening, but also something you might be doing more actively as your larger vehicles are getting more fuel-efficient and particularly as we think forward to the launch of the F-150 where you guys have alluded to the fact that it will be net accretive to your CAFE measurements and standalone on its own.

    這似乎是一種已經發生的趨勢,但隨著大型車輛變得更加省油,特別是當我們期待推出 F-150 時,你們可能會更積極地做一些事情。已經提到過,它將對您的CAFE 測量產生淨增值,並且可以獨立運作。

  • Are we sort of seeing the precursor in the potential for you to deemphasize the not so profitable small car business as we go forward?


  • Mark Fields - COO

    Mark Fields - COO

  • Absolutely not.


  • We are focused on delivering what customers want and it has not really driven -- those are kind of not the way we are thinking about it.


  • We are thinking very much from a customer and a market end standpoint.


  • As you know, we are doing well with our car lineup, we are doing well with our truck lineup and we are going to go wherever the customer demands with that full family of vehicles.


  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • But if they demand larger more fuel-efficient vehicles and not many small cars, you will go that direction, you will go where the market goes?


  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • Well, we are always going to match capacity to demand in the context of running a good business and a profitably growing business.


  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then a second question, you guys mentioned $2 billion of the new credit facility would be allocated to Ford Motor Credit.

    第二個問題,你們提到新信用額度中的 20 億美元將分配給福特汽車信貸公司。

  • Just curious what that is relative to history and are we seeing more capital being allocated to Ford Motor Credit so you can grow that business significantly sort of similar to where it was historically?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • No, we haven't done that before and we are doing that so that we can allow them to diversify their overall funding structure.


  • So it is just a better balance sheet for Ford Credit and supports their own overall funding structure.


  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • So it is less of a reliance on the securitization market and more of a reliance on your on-balance sheet financing though?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • It is also to support -- we had something called FCAR in the past, which we are actually moving away from and we are going to replace that with more unsecured debt and this is just part of supporting that.

    這也是為了支持——我們過去有一個叫做 FCAR 的東西,我們實際上正在放棄它,我們將用更多的無擔保債務取代它,這只是支持它的一部分。

  • John Murphy - Analyst

    John Murphy - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes the question-and-answer session.


  • I would now like to turn the conference back over to Mr. George Sharp for closing remarks.


  • George Sharp - Executive Director, IR

    George Sharp - Executive Director, IR

  • Well, thank you, everyone.


  • That wraps up today's presentation.


  • We are really glad that you were able to join us.


  • Operator


  • Thank you for joining today's conference.


  • That concludes the presentation.


  • You may now disconnect and have a great day.
