福特汽車 (F) 2012 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Ford third-quarter earnings conference call.


  • My name is Chanel and I will be your operator for today.


  • At this time all participants are in listen-only mode.


  • Later we will conduct a question-and-answer session.


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • As a reminder, this conference is being recorded for replay purposes.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Mr. George Sharp, Executive Director Investor Relations.


  • Please proceed.


  • George Sharp - Executive Director of IR

    George Sharp - Executive Director of IR

  • Thank you, Chanel, and good morning, ladies and gentlemen.


  • Welcome to all of you who are joining us today either by phone or webcast.


  • On behalf of the entire Ford management team, I would like to thank you for taking the time to be with us this morning so we can provide you with additional details of our third-quarter financial results.


  • Of course our thoughts are with everyone impacted by Hurricane Sandy.


  • We considered delaying this call but after much consideration we concluded that given our large and diverse worldwide investor base, changing the timing right before the planned date could cause significant confusion.


  • Therefore, presenting today are Alan Mulally, President and CEO of Ford Motor Company, and Bob Shanks, Chief Financial Officer.

    因此,今天出席會議的有福特汽車公司總裁兼執行長艾倫·穆拉利 (Alan Mulally) 和財務長鮑勃·尚克斯 (Bob Shanks)。

  • Also in attendance are Stephen Odell, Chairman and CEO of Ford Europe; Stuart Rowley, Corporate Controller; Neil Schloss, Corporate Treasurer; Paul Andonian, Director of Accounting; and Mike Seneski, Ford Credit CFO.

    出席會議的還有福特歐洲公司董事長兼執行長 Stephen Odell; Stuart Rowley,公司財務總監;尼爾‧施洛斯 (Neil Schloss),公司財務長; Paul Andonian,會計總監;和福特信貸財務長 Mike Seneski。

  • Now before we begin, I need to cover a few items.


  • Copies of this morning's press release and the presentation slides that we will be using have been posted on Ford's investor and media website for your reference.


  • The financial results discussed today are presented on a preliminary basis.


  • Final data will be included in our Form 10-Q that will be filed shortly.

    最終數據將包含在我們即將提交的 10-Q 表格中。

  • The financial results presented are on a GAAP basis and in some cases on a non-GAAP basis.


  • The non-GAAP financial measures discussed in this call are reconciled to the US GAAP equivalent as part of the appendix to the slide deck.


  • Finally, today's presentation includes some forward-looking statements about our expectations for Ford's future performance.


  • Of course, actual results could differ materially from those suggested by our comments today.


  • The most significant factors that could affect future results are summarized at the end of this presentation.


  • These risk factors and other key information are detailed in our SEC filings including our annual, quarterly, and current reports.

    這些風險因素和其他關鍵資訊在我們向 SEC 提交的文件中進行了詳細說明,包括我們的年度報告、季度報告和當前報告。

  • With that, I would now like to turn the presentation over to Ford's President and CEO, Alan Mulally.

    現在,我想將演講轉交給福特總裁兼執行長艾倫·穆拉利 (Alan Mulally)。

  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • Thank you, George, and good morning to everyone.


  • Before starting, we would like to express to all of those affected by the massive storm that struck the East Coast that our thoughts and our prayers are with you all.


  • For those of you in the region who are joining us today from your home, wherever you may be, thank you.


  • We hope that everyone who may have been unable to dial into today's announcement will utilize the replay on our website at their convenience.


  • In addition, our investor relations team stands ready to assist investors with their questions.


  • Let's begin by turning to slide 3 please.

    讓我們開始看投影片 3。

  • To start, we achieved record total Company and Automotive pretax results for the third quarter with the total Company results also representing our 13th consecutive quarterly pretax profit.

    首先,我們在第三季度取得了創紀錄的公司和汽車稅前總業績,公司總業績也代表了我們連續第 13 個季度實現稅前利潤。

  • In addition, we generated positive Automotive operating-related cash flow and ended the period with strong liquidity.


  • The results were achieved at wholesale volumes and total Company revenue that were lower than a year ago.


  • North America achieved its highest quarterly pretax profit and operating margin since at least 2000, when we began reflecting it as a separate business unit.

    北美實現了至少自 2000 年以來最高的季度稅前利潤和營業利潤率,當時我們開始將其作為一個單獨的業務部門進行反映。

  • Ford Credit results were once again solid and South America and Asia Pacific were profitable.


  • Europe as expected incurred a substantial loss.


  • Last week we announced our strategy and plans to accelerate the transformation of our business in Europe, projecting a return to profitability by mid-decade.


  • Although the external environment continues to be dynamic and uncertain, we are continuing to implement our ONE Ford plan across the entire business and working towards our mid-decade outlook.

    儘管外部環境仍然充滿活力和不確定性,但我們將繼續在整個業務範圍內實施「ONE Ford」計劃,並努力實現我們的十年中期展望。

  • Let's look more closely now at the financial highlights of the quarter.


  • Slide 4 summarizes our business results compared with year ago for the third quarter and the first nine months of the year.

    投影片 4 總結了我們第三季和今年前九個月的業務表現與去年同期相比。

  • Third-quarter wholesale volume was 1.3 million units, down 17,000 units compared with a year ago.


  • Revenue was $32.1 billion, down $1 billion.

    營收為 321 億美元,減少 10 億美元。

  • Pretax profit, which excludes special items, was $2.2 billion, $200 million higher than a year ago.

    不包括特殊項目的稅前利潤為 22 億美元,比一年前增加 2 億美元。

  • Earnings were $0.40 per share, $0.06 higher than last year's earnings per share adjusted for tax valuation allowance release.

    每股收益為 0.40 美元,比去年根據稅收估價津貼發布調整後的每股收益高出 0.06 美元。

  • Net income attributable to Ford including favorable pretax special items of $83 million was $1.6 billion or $0.41 per share.

    包括 8,300 萬美元的優惠稅前特殊項目在內,福特應佔淨利為 16 億美元,即每股 0.41 美元。

  • Both were about the same as last year.


  • Automotive operating-related cash flow was $700 million, the 10th consecutive quarter of positive performance.

    汽車營運相關現金流為 7 億美元,連續第 10 季實現正成長。

  • We ended the quarter with $24.1 billion of automotive gross cash exceeding debt by $9.9 billion.

    本季結束時,我們的汽車總現金為 241 億美元,超過債務 99 億美元。

  • This is a net cash improvement of $1.8 billion compared with a year ago.

    與一年前相比,淨現金增加了 18 億美元。

  • In the first nine months, vehicle wholesales and revenue declined from year ago.


  • First nine months pretax profit was $6.3 billion, a $1.4 billion decrease.

    前 9 個月稅前利潤為 63 億美元,減少 14 億美元。

  • Net income was $4.1 billion, a $2.5 billion decrease.

    淨利潤為 41 億美元,減少 25 億美元。

  • Slide 5 summarizes our third-quarter business highlights including the launch of seven new vehicles across three regions.

    投影片 5 總結了我們第三季的業務亮點,包括在三個地區推出七款新車。

  • The all-new Transit Custom was voted International Van of the Year and the Ranger Pickup, not shown in the slide but launched earlier this year, was the only vehicle in its class to be awarded a Five Star Euro NCAP safety rating.

    全新 Transit Custom 被評為年度國際貨車,而今年稍早推出的 Ranger 皮卡(幻燈片中未展示)是同類產品中唯一獲得歐洲 NCAP 五星級安全評級的車輛。

  • Ford Focus was the world's best-selling single car nameplate through the first half of the year based on IHS Automotive Data.

    根據 IHS 汽車數據,福特福克斯是今年上半年全球最暢銷的單一汽車品牌。

  • In North America, we assumed control of the Auto Alliance Manufacturing Facility in Michigan and renamed it Flat Rock Assembly Plant.

    在北美,我們接管了位於密西根州的汽車聯盟製造工廠,並將其更名為 Flat Rock 組裝廠。

  • Flat Rock will be the US production home of the all-new Fusion, leading to the addition of a second shift and the creation of 1200 new jobs.

    Flat Rock 將成為全新 Fusion 的美國生產基地,從而增加第二個班次並創造 1200 個新工作機會。

  • In late September, the Canadian Auto Workers ratified a new four-year agreement for our 4500 unionized workers in Oakville and Windsor, Ontario.

    9 月下旬,加拿大汽車工人協會為安大略省奧克維爾和溫莎的 4500 名工會工人批准了一項新的四年協議。

  • This improves our competitiveness, provides operational flexibility, and creates jobs.


  • In China, we broke ground at two new manufacturing facilities, Chongqing #3 and Hangzhou, which will take Ford's production capacity to 1.2 million passenger cars by mid-decade.

    在中國,我們的兩個新製造工廠(重慶第三工廠和杭州工廠)破土動工,到本世紀中期,福特的乘用車產能將達到 120 萬輛。

  • And in the third quarter, we achieved our highest quarterly market share in Asia Pacific and Africa as well as in China.


  • This was driven by strong sales of Focus and the Ranger pickup.

    這是由福克斯和 Ranger 皮卡的強勁銷售推動的。

  • Finally, we announced in late August that we will launch Lincoln in China in 2014.


  • Now I will turn it over to Bob Shanks, who will take us through more details of our financial results.


  • Bob?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Thanks, Alan, and good morning, everyone.


  • Let's start with slide 7, which walks our pretax operating results to net income.

    讓我們從幻燈片 7 開始,它將我們的稅前營運績效轉化為淨利潤。

  • As Alan mentioned, total Company pretax operating profit was about $2.2 billion.

    正如艾倫所提到的,公司稅前營業利潤總額約為 22 億美元。

  • Pretax special items of a positive $83 million reflect a one-time gain on consolidation of the AutoAlliance International joint venture, offset partially by personnel and dealer actions.

    稅前特殊項目為 8,300 萬美元,反映了 AutoAlliance International 合資企業合併帶來的一次性收益,但部分被人員和經銷商行動所抵消。

  • Additional detail is shown on Appendix 3.

    更多詳細資訊請參閱附錄 3。

  • The provision for income taxes was $613 million and net income attributable to Ford was about $1.6 billion.

    所得稅撥備為 6.13 億美元,歸屬於福特的淨利潤約為 16 億美元。

  • The provision is about $400 million higher than a year ago simply due to the fact that we no longer have in place most of the valuation allowance against our deferred tax assets.

    該撥備比一年前高出約 4 億美元,僅僅是因為我們不再對我們的遞延稅資產提供大部分估值備抵。

  • Recall that this was largely eliminated in the fourth quarter last year.


  • Although not shown, our operating effective tax rate was lower in the third quarter compared with the prior two quarters reflecting one-time tax items.


  • Consistent with prior guidance, we expect our full-year operating effective tax rate to be similar to 2011.

    與先前的指引一致,我們預計全年營運有效稅率將與 2011 年相似。

  • Let's now turn on slide 8 to our pretax results by sector.

    現在讓我們開啟第 8 張投影片,查看按部門劃分的稅前業績。

  • Total Company third-quarter pretax profit of $2.2 billion consists of $1.8 billion for the Automotive sector and $388 million for Financial Services.

    該公司第三季稅前利潤總額為 22 億美元,其中汽車業的 18 億美元和金融服務業的 3.88 億美元。

  • As shown in the memo, total Company pretax profit was $219 million higher in 2011, reflecting higher profit on the Automotive sector offset partially by Financial Services.

    如備忘錄所示,2011 年公司稅前利潤總額增加了 2.19 億美元,反映出汽車產業利潤的增加被金融服務部分抵銷。

  • Compared with the second quarter 2012, total Company pretax profit increased by $334 million, more than explained by higher Automotive results.

    與 2012 年第二季相比,公司稅前利潤總額增加了 3.34 億美元,這超出了汽車業務業績的成長。

  • Slide 9 highlights the key market factors and financial metrics for our total Automotive business.

    幻燈片 9 重點介紹了我們整個汽車業務的關鍵市場因素和財務指標。

  • In the third quarter, wholesale volume and revenue decreased slightly compared with the year ago period, more than explained by Europe.


  • Pretax profit was about $1.8 billion and operating margin was 6.3%.

    稅前利潤約 18 億美元,營業利益率為 6.3%。

  • As shown in the memo below the chart, total Automotive first nine months pretax profit was $5 billion with an operating margin of 5.9%, both lower than a year ago.

    如圖表下方的備忘錄所示,汽車業前 9 個月的稅前利潤總額為 50 億美元,營業利益率為 5.9%,均低於去年同期。

  • Volume and revenue also were lower.


  • Slide 10 summarizes the $0.5 billion increase in total Automotive third-quarter pretax profit from 2011 by causal factor.

    投影片 10 以因果因素總結了汽車產業第三季稅前利潤總額較 2011 年增加 5 億美元的情況。

  • The increase is explained primarily by higher net pricing and lower contribution costs offset partially by higher structural costs and unfavorable exchange.


  • During the quarter, we incurred a favorable absolute commodity hedge adjustment of about $100 million.

    本季度,我們進行了約 1 億美元的有利的絕對商品對沖調整。

  • In the third quarter 2011, the absolute hedge adjustment was about $350 million negative.


  • The difference in the adjustments between these two periods is the primary factor driving improved contribution costs in the present quarter compared with the year ago.


  • As shown in the memo, pretax profit increased by $400 million compared with second quarter, reflecting higher net pricing and lower cost, offset partially by lower volume.

    如備忘錄所示,與第二季度相比,稅前利潤增加了 4 億美元,反映出更高的淨定價和更低的成本,但部分被銷售下降所抵消。

  • More details on the quarter-to-quarter change are included in Appendix 6.

    有關季度變化的更多詳細資訊請參閱附錄 6。

  • Slide 11 shows third-quarter pretax results for each of our Automotive operations as well as Other Automotive.

    幻燈片 11 顯示了我們每個汽車業務以及其他汽車業務的第三季稅前業績。

  • Automotive sector profit of $1.8 billion is more than explained by North America.

    汽車產業 18 億美元的利潤超出了北美地區的解釋。

  • South America and Asia Pacific Africa were also profitable while Europe incurred a loss of $468 million.

    南美洲和亞太非洲也獲利,而歐洲則虧損 4.68 億美元。

  • The loss in Other Automotive mainly reflects net interest expense.


  • For the full year, we expect net interest expense to be about $500 million, consistent with the low end of our prior guidance.

    我們預計全年淨利息支出約為 5 億美元,與我們先前指引的下限一致。

  • Let's turn now to slide 12 and our Automotive business in North America.

    現在讓我們轉向幻燈片 12 和我們在北美的汽車業務。

  • Third-quarter wholesale volume and revenue were up 3% and 8% respectively.

    第三季批發量和營收分別成長 3% 和 8%。

  • Pretax profit was $2.3 billion and operating margin was 12%.

    稅前利潤為 23 億美元,營業利益率為 12%。

  • This was the third consecutive quarter that North America's profit exceeded $2 billion and its operating margin exceeded 10%.


  • US industry SAAR increased from 12.7 million to 14.7 million units while our US total market share was 14.8%, 1.5 percentage points lower than a year ago.


  • As shown in the memo below the chart, North America first nine months pretax profit was $6.5 billion with an operating margin of 11.2%, both higher than a year ago.

    如圖下備忘錄所示,北美前 9 個月稅前利潤為 65 億美元,營業利益率為 11.2%,均高於去年同期。

  • Volume and revenue also were higher.


  • It is worth noting that the first nine months pretax profit exceeded last year's full-year profit.


  • Slide 13 shows the $700 million increase in North America third-quarter pretax results compared with 2011 by causal factor.

    投影片 13 顯示北美第三季稅前業績與 2011 年相比增加了 7 億美元(以因果因素計算)。

  • The increase is more than explained by favorable volume and mix, higher net pricing, and lower contribution costs, mainly favorable commodity hedging effects.


  • Higher structural costs and unfavorable exchange are partial offsets.


  • As shown in the memo, pretax profit increased by $300 million compared with second quarter explained by higher net pricing and lower contribution costs offset partially by lower volume.

    如備忘錄所示,與第二季度相比,稅前利潤增加了 3 億美元,原因是淨定價較高,貢獻成本較低,但銷售下降部分抵消了這一影響。

  • Our full-year outlook for North America is unchanged.


  • We expect significantly higher pretax profit and operating margin compared with 2011 as consumers continue to respond to our strong product lineup while we maintain our competitive cost structure as we grow our business.

    我們預計,與2011 年相比,稅前利潤和營業利潤率將顯著提高,因為消費者繼續對我們強大的產品陣容做出反應,同時我們在業務發展的過程中保持有競爭力的成本結構。

  • Slide 14 shows our US market share.

    幻燈片 14 顯示了我們的美國市場份額。

  • Our total market share in the third quarter at 14.8% was down 1.5 percentage points from the same period last year.


  • The lower total share primarily reflects the impact of discontinued products such as the Ranger and Crown Victoria as well as lower full-sized pickup segmentation changes.

    總份額下降主要反映了 Ranger 和 Crown Victoria 等停產產品的影響以及全尺寸皮卡細分市場變化的下降。

  • F-Series share of the full-sized pickup segment was higher compared with last year.

    與去年相比,F 系列在全尺寸皮卡市場的份額有所提高。

  • Our retail share of the US retail industry at 12.9% was unchanged from second quarter.

    我們在美國零售業的零售市佔率為 12.9%,與第二季持平。

  • During the quarter, we added a third shift to our Louisville Assembly Plant where we produce the new Escape.

    本季度,我們在路易斯維爾組裝廠增加了第三個班次,在那裡生產新款 Escape。

  • This is the last major action in our plan to add 400,000 units of annual incremental capacity by the end of the year.


  • Let's turn now to South America on slide 15.

    現在讓我們轉向幻燈片 15 上的南美洲。

  • Third-quarter wholesale volume and revenue decreased by 12% and 23% respectively.


  • In addition to the lower volume, unfavorable exchange was a factor affecting the net revenue decline.


  • Pretax profit was $9 million with an operating margin of 0.4 percentage points.

    稅前利潤為 900 萬美元,營業利潤率為 0.4 個百分點。

  • South America industry SAAR increased from 5.4 million units to 5.8 million units while our share declined 8.4%, reflecting low availability of recently launched products.

    南美洲產業的 SAAR 從 540 萬台增加到 580 萬台,而我們的份額下降了 8.4%,反映出最近推出的產品的可用性較低。

  • As shown in the memo below the chart, South America first nine months pretax profit was $68 million, substantially lower than a year ago.

    如圖表下方的備忘錄所示,南美洲前 9 個月的稅前利潤為 6,800 萬美元,大幅低於去年同期。

  • Volume and revenue also were down compared with last year.


  • Slide 16 shows the $267 million decrease in South America third-quarter pretax results compared with 2011 by causal factor.

    投影片 16 顯示南美洲第三季稅前業績與 2011 年相比減少了 2.67 億美元。

  • The decrease is explained primarily by unfavorable exchange, mainly a weaker Brazilian real, unfavorable volume and mix, and higher costs.


  • Volume was affected in the quarter by the launch ramp up of new products and production reductions in Venezuela related to currency restriction.


  • Although net pricing was higher, it was constrained compared with prior years by a more intense competitive environment.


  • As shown in the memo, pretax profit was about the same in second quarter.


  • We continue to expect South America to be profitable for the full year but substantially lower than 2011, which is consistent with prior guidance.

    我們仍然預計南美洲全年將實現盈利,但將大幅低於 2011 年,這與先前的指引一致。

  • Now let's talk about Europe beginning here on slide 17.

    現在讓我們從投影片 17 開始討論歐洲。

  • Third-quarter wholesale volume and revenue declined 17% and 26% respectively reflecting primarily lower industry sales and market share along with corresponding dealer stock adjustments.

    第三季批發量和收入分別下降 17% 和 26%,主要反映行業銷售和市場份額下降以及相應的經銷商庫存調整。

  • Exchange was also a contributing factor adversely affecting net revenue.


  • Pretax results were a $468 million loss.

    稅前業績虧損 4.68 億美元。

  • Industry SAAR for the 19 markets we track in Europe decreased by 9% to 13.7 million units.

    我們追蹤的歐洲 19 個市場的產業 SAAR 下降了 9%,至 1,370 萬台。

  • Our market share at 7.8% was down 0.7 percentage points, reflecting primarily a reduction of low-margin demo sales and dealer self-registrations, what are also called short-cycle sales, as well as fewer sales to rental fleets.

    我們的市佔率為 7.8%,下降了 0.7 個百分點,主要反映了低利潤演示銷售和經銷商自行註冊(也稱為短週期銷售)的減少,以及租賃車隊銷售的減少。

  • As shown in the memo below the chart, the Europe first nine months loss was $1 billion compared with a profit a year ago.

    正如圖表下方的備忘錄所示,與一年前的利潤相比,歐洲前 9 個月的虧損為 10 億美元。

  • Volume and revenue both declined compared with 2011.

    與 2011 年相比,銷量和收入均有所下降。

  • Slide 18 shows the $162 million decline in third-quarter pretax results for Europe compared with 2011 by causal factor.

    投影片 18 顯示歐洲第三季稅前業績與 2011 年相比下降了 1.62 億美元。

  • The decline is more than explained by lower volume including lower industry, lower share, and unfavorable dealer stock changes.


  • Lower cost and favorable exchange are partial offsets.


  • As shown in the memo, pretax profit declined $64 million compared with second quarter more than explained by lower volume.

    正如備忘錄所示,與第二季度相比,稅前利潤下降了 6,400 萬美元,原因是銷量下降。

  • It is noteworthy that despite a very difficult pricing environment, Ford Europe achieved positive net pricing on both a year-over-year and quarter-to-quarter basis as we continue to focus on profitability at the expense of lower margin sales.


  • Last week we announced our strategy and plans to restore our operations in Europe and profitability by mid-decade.


  • Sure here on slide 19 is our strategy, one that's based on three equally important fundamentals of our business.

    當然,第 19 張投影片是我們的策略,該策略基於我們業務的三個同樣重要的基本原則。

  • First, an unprecedented product and technology acceleration delivering a model lineup that will be among the freshest in the region to drive both revenue and margin improvement.


  • Secondly, a comprehensive series of initiatives to strengthen and further our Ford brand, emphasizing class-leading quality, fuel efficiency, safety, smart technology, and value.


  • And finally, a more efficient cost base including a more optimized manufacturing footprint that significantly improves our utilization.


  • All three elements of our strategy are facilitated by leveraging the global asset of the ONE Ford plan.

    我們策略的所有三個要素都是透過利用 ONE 福特計劃的全球資產來促進的。

  • Shown here on slide 20 is a summary of the plans that we announced focused on the three elements of our overall strategy -- an aggressive new product rollout with 15 global vehicles launched within five years along with the introduction of a broad array of smart technologies, new initiatives to continue strengthening the Ford brand including strategic de-stocking of dealer inventories, actions that we expect to largely conclude in the fourth quarter, and finally, a plan to close three facilities and relocate production for a more efficient manufacturing footprint.

    投影片 20 中顯示的是我們宣布的計畫摘要,重點關注我們整體策略的三個要素——積極推出新產品,五年內在全球推出 15 款汽車,同時引入廣泛的智慧技術,繼續強化福特品牌的新舉措包括策略性去經銷商庫存、我們預計在第四季度基本完成的行動,以及最後一項關閉三個工廠並重新安置生產以提高製造足跡的計劃。

  • This also includes leveraging ONE Ford operations outside Europe for some of our products.

    這也包括利用歐洲以外的 ONE Ford 業務來生產我們的一些產品。

  • Our plans reduce our installed vehicle assembly capacity excluding Russia by 18% or 355,000 units.

    我們計劃將俄羅斯以外的車輛組裝產能減少 18%,即 355,000 輛。

  • It affects 13% of our European workforce and it yields gross cost savings annually of $450 million to $500 million once completed.

    它影響了我們 13% 的歐洲勞動力,一旦完成,每年可節省 4.5 億至 5 億美元的總成本。

  • Some of these actions are subject to an information and consultation process with employee representatives in Belgium.


  • We continue to achieve -- to project, rather, profitability in Europe by mid-decade and are targeting a long-term operating margin of 6% to 8% and as is our normal process, we will continuously monitor the current reality we are facing and consistent with our ONE Ford plan, assess further opportunities to strengthen our business for profitable growth.

    我們將繼續實現——更確切地說,到十年中期在歐洲實現盈利,並將長期營業利潤率目標定為 6% 至 8%,按照我們的正常流程,我們將持續監控我們當前面臨的現實並根據我們的ONE 福特計劃,評估進一步加強我們業務以實現盈利增長的機會。

  • As a result of the deteriorating environment in Europe as well as elements of our own transformation plan, we now expect Ford Europe's pretax loss for 2012 to exceed $1.5 billion.


  • Now let's turn to Asia-Pacific Africa on slide 21.

    現在讓我們轉向幻燈片 21 上的亞太非洲地區。

  • Third-quarter wholesale volume and revenue improved 21% and 13% respectively compared with a year ago.


  • Pretax profit was $45 million and operating margin was 1.7%.

    稅前利潤為 4,500 萬美元,營業利潤率為 1.7%。

  • Industry SAAR increased from 30.6 million units to 32.7 million units and our share increased from 2.7% to 3.1% as we began to benefit from increased capacity and strong sales of the recently launched Focus in China as well as from the Ranger pickup.


  • This was our highest quarterly market share for the region as well as for China.


  • As shown in the memo below the chart, the Asia-Pacific Africa first nine months loss was $116 million compared with a $9 million loss a year ago.

    正如圖表下方的備忘錄所示,亞太非洲地區前 9 個月的虧損為 1.16 億美元,而一年前則虧損 900 萬美元。

  • Volume and revenue were higher than the year-ago period.


  • Slide 22 show the $88 million improvement in Asia-Pacific Africa third-quarter pretax results compared with 2011 by causal factor.

    投影片 22 顯示,以因果因素計算,亞太非洲地區第三季稅前業績較 2011 年提高了 8,800 萬美元。

  • The improvement is explained primarily by favorable volume and mix, higher net pricing, and favorable exchange.


  • A partial offset is higher costs associated with new products and investments to support higher volumes and future growth.


  • As shown in the memo, Asia-Pacific Africa's pretax results improved compared with second quarter explained primarily by favorable market factors.


  • For the full year, we expect Asia-Pacific Africa's results to be a loss roughly in line with 2011.

    就全年而言,我們預計亞太非洲地區的業績將與 2011 年大致持平。

  • Slide 23 covers 2012's third- and fourth-quarter production.

    幻燈片 23 涵蓋了 2012 年第三季和第四季的產量。

  • In the third quarter, total Company production was about 1.4 million units, 24,000 units higher than a year ago.


  • This is on the other hand 45,000 units below our guidance, reflecting primarily part supply issues on several of our products.

    另一方面,這比我們的指導值低 45,000 台,主要反映了我們幾種產品的零件供應問題。

  • We expect total Company fourth-quarter production to be about 1.5 million units, up 112,000 units from a year ago reflecting higher volume in all regions except Europe.

    我們預計公司第四季總產量約為 150 萬台,比去年同期增加 112,000 台,反映出除歐洲以外的所有地區的產量增加。

  • Lower production levels in Europe reflect lower industry as well as the strategic de-stocking initiative to generate ongoing benefits for ourselves, our dealers, and our customers.


  • Compared with third quarter, fourth-quarter production is over 100,000 units higher reflecting our seasonal operating pattern as well as added capacity in North America and Asia-Pacific Africa.

    與第三季相比,第四季產量增加了 10 萬多輛,反映了我們的季節性營運模式以及北美和亞太非洲產能的增加。

  • Let's turn now to slide 24 and review our Automotive gross cash and operating-related cash flow.

    現在讓我們轉到幻燈片 24 並回顧我們的汽車總現金和營運相關現金流。

  • We ended the quarter with $24.1 billion in Automotive gross cash, an increase of $400 million from the end of second quarter.

    本季末,我們的汽車業務總現金為 241 億美元,比第二季末增加了 4 億美元。

  • Automotive operating related cash flow was $700 million positive reflecting Automotive profit offset partially by net spending and changes in working capital.

    汽車營運相關現金流為 7 億美元,反映出汽車利潤被淨支出和營運資本變動部分抵銷。

  • Our cash flow before financing-related changes and dividend was $1.3 billion including $300 million in receipts from our Financial Services sector and cash received from the consolidation of AutoAlliance International.

    在與融資相關的變動和股息之前,我們的現金流量為 13 億美元,其中包括來自金融服務部門的 3 億美元收入以及透過合併 AutoAlliance International 收到的現金。

  • During the quarter, we contributed $600 million to our worldwide funded pension plans in line with our previously disclosed long-term strategy to derisk our funded pension plan.

    本季度,我們根據先前揭露的降低基金退休金計畫風險的長期策略,向全球基金退休金計畫捐款了 6 億美元。

  • This includes $0.5 billion of discretionary payments to our US funded plan.

    這包括向我們的美國資助計劃酌情支付的 5 億美元。

  • Dividends paid in the quarter totaled $200 million and in the first nine months, our operating-related cash flow was $2.4 billion and gross cash improved $1.2 billion.

    本季支付的股利總額為 2 億美元,前 9 個月,我們與營運相關的現金流為 24 億美元,現金總額增加了 12 億美元。

  • Slide 25 summarizes our Automotive sector cash and debt position at the end of the third quarter.

    投影片 25 總結了我們汽車產業第三季末的現金和債務狀況。

  • Automotive debt at the end of the quarter was $14.2 billion, unchanged from second quarter.

    本季末汽車債務為 142 億美元,與第二季持平。

  • In August, we completed the final draw down of low-cost loans for advanced technologies and we began repayment of the loans in September.


  • We ended the quarter with net cash of $9.9 billion and Automotive liquidity of $34.4 billion, both increased when compared with second quarter.

    本季末,我們的淨現金為 99 億美元,汽車流動性為 344 億美元,均較第二季增加。

  • Turning now to Ford Credit, slide 26 shows the $188 million decrease in third-quarter pretax results compared with a year ago by causal factor.

    現在轉向福特信貸,投影片 26 顯示第三季稅前業績與去年同期相比因因果因素減少了 1.88 億美元。

  • The results are more than explained by fewer lease terminations which resulted in fewer vehicles sold at a gain; lower financing margin as higher yielding assets originated in prior years ran off; and the non-recurrence of credit loss reserve reduction.


  • As shown in the memo, Ford Credit's pretax profit decreased by $45 million compared with second quarter.


  • Ford Credit remains a strategic asset for Ford, delivering high levels of quality and customer satisfaction with operating efficiencies that are among the best.


  • For full year 2012, Ford Credit now projects full-year pretax profit of about $1.6 billion and total distributions to its parent of about $600 million.

    福特信貸目前預計 2012 年全年稅前利潤約為 16 億美元,向母公司的分配總額約為 6 億美元。

  • For full year 2012, Ford Credit continues to project managed receivables at year-end to be in the range of $85 billion to $90 billion.

    2012 年全年,福特信貸繼續預計年底管理應收帳款將在 850 億美元至 900 億美元之間。

  • With that, I would now like to turn it back to Alan, who will cover the business environment and our 2012 planning assumptions.

    說到這裡,我現在想把話題轉回艾倫,他將介紹商業環境和我們 2012 年的規劃假設。

  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • Thank you, Bob.


  • Summarized on slide 28 is our view of the business environment.

    投影片 28 總結了我們對商業環境的看法。

  • Overall we now expect 2012 global GDP growth to be in the range of 2% to 2.5%.

    總體而言,我們目前預計 2012 年全球 GDP 成長率將在 2% 至 2.5% 之間。

  • Global industry sales are projected to be around 80 million units, up nearly 5% from 2011.

    全球產業銷量預計約 8,000 萬台,較 2011 年成長近 5%。

  • US economic growth is expected to be in the 2% range this year with industry sales supported by replacement demand given the older age of the vehicles on the road.

    鑑於道路上車輛的老化,預計今年美國經濟成長將在 2% 左右,行業銷售將受到更換需求的支撐。

  • In Brazil, easing fiscal and monetary policies such as sales tax reductions and policy interest-rate cuts to historic lows are setting the stage for renewed economic growth.


  • In Europe, we expect severe conditions to continue especially in countries undergoing fiscal austerity programs.


  • Recent policy moves are positive steps but not yet enough to resolve this crisis and fully restore business and consumer confidence.


  • In Asia-Pacific and Africa, China and India have experienced slowing economic growth which has prompted some policy easing including interest-rate cuts, liquidity injections, and increased government spending.


  • More policy actions are necessary to stabilize economic growth and facilitate recoveries in these countries.


  • Overall despite the challenges, we expect global economic growth to continue in 2012.

    總體而言,儘管面臨挑戰,我們預計 2012 年全球經濟將持續成長。

  • Slide 29 summarizes our first nine months results and our planning assumptions and key operational metrics in 2012.

    投影片 29 總結了我們前 9 個月的表現以及 2012 年的規劃假設和關鍵營運指標。

  • Our industry projection for Europe is unchanged and we now protect US industry at about 14.7 million units.

    我們對歐洲的產業預測保持不變,現在我們保護美國產業約 1,470 萬台。

  • As guided previously, we expect US and Europe full-year market share to be lower compared with 2011 and quality is mixed.

    如同先前的預測,我們預計美國和歐洲全年市佔率將低於 2011 年,且品質參差不齊。

  • We continue to expect Automotive pretax profit and operating margin to be about equal to or lower than 2011.

    我們繼續預期汽車業稅前利潤和營業利潤率將大致等於或低於 2011 年。

  • This includes our continued expectation of an increase in Automotive structural costs of less than $2 billion.

    這包括我們持續預期汽車結構成本增幅將低於 20 億美元。

  • We continue to expect Automotive operating-related cash flow to be positive for the full year including capital spending of about $5 billion in line with past guidance.

    我們仍預計全年汽車營運相關現金流將為正,其中資本支出約為 50 億美元,與過去的指引一致。

  • We still expect total Company pretax profit to be strong but lower than 2011.

    我們仍預期公司稅前利潤總額將強勁,但低於 2011 年。

  • This includes a profit of $1.6 billion for Ford Credit.

    其中包括福特信貸公司 16 億美元的利潤。

  • Finally, slide 30 summarizes our ONE Ford plan, which is unchanged.

    最後,投影片 30 總結了我們的 ONE Ford 計劃,該計劃沒有變化。

  • We will continue to aggressively restructure the business to operate profitably at the current demand and the changing model mix, accelerate development of new products our customers want and value, finance our plan and improve our balance sheet, and work together effectively as one team leveraging our global assets.


  • We have delivered strong profits in the first nine months driven by outstanding results in North America and solid performance by Ford Credit.


  • We also announced significant actions to transform our European business, projecting that Ford Europe will return to profitability by mid-decade.


  • We see the results of our ONE Ford plan taking hold in Asia-Pacific and Africa with market share increasing as investments in new facilities and products gain traction.

    我們看到「ONE 福特」計畫在亞太和非洲取得了成效,隨著新設施和產品投資的成長,市場份額不斷增加。

  • We also are executing our ONE Ford plan in South America, expanding our product portfolio with new global products while looking at the areas of our business to improve operating results.

    我們也在南美洲執行我們的 ONE Ford 計劃,透過新的全球產品擴大我們的產品組合,同時著眼於我們的業務領域以改善經營績效。

  • Our plan will continue to be our guide as we work to sustain our strong North American operation, grow our important Ford Credit business, and decisively address the diverse challenges and exciting opportunities we have in all the other parts of the world.


  • We have made tremendous progress in recent years by executing the fundamentals of our ONE Ford plan and there are significant benefits ahead as we leverage our global assets.

    近年來,透過執行 ONE Ford 計劃的基本原則,我們取得了巨大進步,隨著我們利用我們的全球資產,未來將帶來巨大的好處。

  • We will continue to work toward our mid-decade guidance and remain confident in our plan and our ability to deliver profitable growth for all.


  • Now we would be happy to take your questions.


  • George Sharp - Executive Director of IR

    George Sharp - Executive Director of IR

  • Thanks, Alan.


  • Now we will open the lines for about a 45-minute Q&A session.

    現在我們將開放約 45 分鐘的問答環節。

  • We will begin with questions from the investment community, then take questions from the media.


  • In order to allow as many questions as possible within this timeframe, please keep your questions brief.


  • Chanel, can we have the first question please?


  • Operator


  • Chris Ceraso, Credit Suisse.


  • Chris Ceraso - Analyst

    Chris Ceraso - Analyst

  • Thanks, good morning.


  • Maybe on Europe, you mentioned that you were going to be doing some destocking in Q4.


  • Can you give us an idea where inventories stand today either in terms of the number of units or days supply and where you are targeting that to be?


  • Is this something that you feel like you can get done in Q4 or is the destock going to carry into Q1 of next year?


  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • You bet, Bob?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Actually the inventory has been managed very, very effectively by the Ford Europe team throughout the entire downturn.


  • So we go into -- we came into the quarter with very healthy levels of days supply and in fact we ended days supply in the quarter at, let's see, it was about 39 days supply.

    因此,當我們進入本季度時,供應天數非常健康,事實上,我們在本季度結束了供應天數,讓我們看看,供應天數約為 39 天。

  • We would normally run the business at about 50, but in the third quarter, it always runs down because of the summer plant shutdowns.

    我們通常會在 50 左右開展業務,但到了第三季度,由於夏季工廠停工,業務總是減少。

  • Then what would normally do, Chris, is we would build the stock back up in the fourth quarter, back up to about that 50 days supply or so.

    克里斯,通常我們會在第四季度恢復庫存,恢復到大約 50 天的供應量左右。

  • We are not going to do that.


  • We are going to effectively pass on that and leave the days supply at about 40 or so and that's what we would like to target on a go-forward basis because we think there are benefits as we mentioned in the comments to everyone involved.

    我們將有效地傳遞這一點,並將日供應量保持在40 左右左右,這就是我們未來的目標,因為我們認為正如我們在向所有相關人員發表的評論中提到的那樣,這是有好處的。

  • And so as result of that, we will take a hit in the fourth quarter probably to the tune of around $300 million because we do that but we think it puts the business in a much, much healthier position going forward and so that's what we will do.

    因此,我們將在第四季度受到大約 3 億美元的打擊,因為我們這樣做了,但我們認為這會讓業務在未來處於一個更健康的位置,所以這就是我們將要做的。

  • Chris Ceraso - Analyst

    Chris Ceraso - Analyst

  • Okay, that makes sense.


  • The $450 million to $500 million that you anticipate from savings of the restructuring there, when does that kick in?

    您預計重組可以節省 4.5 億至 5 億美元,什麼時候開始生效?

  • Is that second-half 2013 or not until 2014 or when does that start?

    是 2013 年下半年還是 2014 年或何時開始?

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Obviously it's associated with the facility reductions and the way that's going to work is the UK facilities are projected to close around the middle of 2013 and those were the smaller of the three facilities that we talked about closing.

    顯然,這與設施削減有關,英國的設施預計將於 2013 年中期關閉,而這些設施是我們談到關閉的三個設施中規模較小的一個。

  • Genk, which is the larger one, won't close until the latter part of 2014, so you will see not that much in 2013 and frankly, a little bit more in 2014 as you get the full year effect of the UK actions.

    亨克是規模較大的一個,要到2014 年下半年才會關閉,所以2013 年你不會看到那麼多,坦白說,2014 年會多一點,因為你會看到英國行動的全年影響。

  • But then Genk doesn't occur and start to generate the associated savings until the latter part of 2014.

    但直到 2014 年下半年,Genk 才出現並開始產生相關的節省。

  • Chris Ceraso - Analyst

    Chris Ceraso - Analyst

  • Then on the accelerated depreciation, is that something that will run through normal course of results or are you going to call that out as a special item?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • No, that will go through operating results.


  • It is the same way that we handled -- the same types of financial effects in North America.


  • The only thing at the moment that we have identified that would go through special items would be the costs associated with the separations.


  • Chris Ceraso - Analyst

    Chris Ceraso - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Itay Michaeli, Citi.


  • Itay Michaeli - Analyst

    Itay Michaeli - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Good morning, everyone, and congratulations.


  • Just want to talk on the fourth-quarter outlook.


  • Given the wide range of losses potentially in Europe, are you expecting North America to be lower sequentially?


  • It looks like Q3 kind of broke the seasonal trend and was higher sequentially.


  • I'd like to get a better sense of the walk given that you do have some tailwinds from products and pricing but also the typical seasonal behavior with some of the inventory actions in December, just want to get a better sense of the North America walk.

    我想更好地了解這次步行,因為您確實有一些來自產品和定價的順風車,而且還有典型的季節性行為以及 12 月份的一些庫存行動,只是想更好地了解北美步行。

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • We expect in the fourth quarter, Itay, that we will have a lower Company result, which is not unusual because we always have, as you mentioned, that seasonal cost increase going from Q3 to Q4.


  • And then on top of that, as we were just discussing with Chris, we will have the effects in Europe, so we would expect to have a somewhat higher loss there as well.


  • So I think you will see those normal factors kick in and we will have a good quarter, it just won't be as strong as the current quarter.


  • Itay Michaeli - Analyst

    Itay Michaeli - Analyst

  • Is that sequentially lower outlook also applicable to North America or is it possible that Europe could really account for most of it, just given the guidance for the full year is a European loss of above $1.5 billion, which I guess could mean maybe up to $2 billion?

    這種連續下調的前景是否也適用於北美,或者歐洲是否真的可以佔其中的大部分,僅考慮到全年的指導,歐洲的損失將超過15 億美元,我猜這可能意味著可能高達2美元十億?

  • But just want to get a sense of what you are expecting specifically for North America directionally?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • At the moment, we would expect North America to be down, largely driven by the seasonal cost changes.


  • Itay Michaeli - Analyst

    Itay Michaeli - Analyst

  • Great, then just as a follow-up, on the mid-decade outlook in Europe, you did mention that you expect market share to be a little bit higher.


  • I was hoping you can quantify that a bit.


  • And then also if you can maybe talk about what you are expecting the European contribution margin to look like by mid-decade relative to perhaps 2006, 2007, just want a historical comparison of what the mid-decade contribution margin that you are expecting in the plan looks like relative to years past?

    然後,如果您可以談談您預計歐洲十年中期相對於 2006 年、2007 年的貢獻邊際會是什麼樣子,只是想對您期望的十年中期貢獻邊際進行歷史比較相對於過去幾年的計劃看起來怎麼樣?

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Just a couple's comments there.


  • One is we do expect the share to grow.


  • In fact, this is a growth plan for Europe not only because we expect the industry to come back but we expect to grow our share.


  • In addition as you know, our share is the 19 markets that we traditionally track as Europe but we have got very aggressive plans in Eastern Europe and Russia as well and those are actually quite robust growth markets in the regions.

    此外,如您所知,我們的份額是我們傳統上追蹤的歐洲 19 個市場,但我們在東歐和俄羅斯也有非常積極的計劃,這些市場實際上是這些地區相當強勁的成長市場。

  • So that will be a good story going forward.


  • But in terms of share, we expect the share to grow largely driven by all the products that we talked about last week, but in particular the commercial vehicles.


  • We're dramatically expanding the commercial lineup, introducing the people carriers in addition to the normal commercial vehicles.


  • And in addition, what we're doing is we're focusing much more on sort of the retail and the commercial fleet channels at the expense of the lower margin rental and demo sale channels that we actually saw some progress on in the third quarter.


  • So that will be kind of what is taking place in terms of share.


  • It will grow and we expect the mix of the share to change, which actually leads to the other point that you made around the margin.


  • We do expect the margin to improve as we move towards mid-decade.


  • That will be because of the change in focus in terms of the business channel mix but also the product mix should improve.


  • Commercial vehicles are quite profitable for us.


  • We also talked about a number of -- I guess I would call them higher revenue, higher margin products that we will also be bringing in that should strengthen the brand.


  • And in addition to that, what we'd expect to happen is that the overall industry as the industry comes back a bit from the very low levels that we are at, somewhat modestly I would admit, but we would expect that the discounting would peel back a little bit from where it is today and all that will generate a higher contribution margin.


  • Itay Michaeli - Analyst

    Itay Michaeli - Analyst

  • That's great.


  • Just lastly back to North America, just a question on the sustainability of margins the next maybe 12 to 18 months.

    最後回到北美,只是關於未來 12 到 18 個月利潤率永續性的問題。

  • You have some great product launches coming, commodity costs appear to have eased and the housing recovery can certainly help your pickup truck mix.


  • But assuming consumers continue to respond well to your product, is there anything that's occurring this year on the margin side that makes it sort of nonrecurring or more difficult to continue under those assumptions the next 12 to 18 months?

    但是,假設消費者繼續對您的產品反應良好,那麼今年在利潤方面是否會發生任何事情,導致在未來 12 到 18 個月內,在這些假設下繼續出現某種情況,或者變得更加困難?

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • I think that's a very good point you just made.


  • I think it's important not only to look at the pretty spectacular results of North America in the quarter but to put it in the context of what they've done over the last three quarters.


  • So they have been incredibly consistent in generating a profit of over $2 billion the last three quarters and an operating margin in excess of 10%, which as you know is extremely strong.

    因此,他們在過去三個季度創造了超過 20 億美元的利潤,營業利潤率超過 10%,令人難以置信,正如你所知,這是非常強勁的。

  • As we go forward, we do expect North America generate very, very healthy margins going into next year and beyond but obviously it always depends upon the business environment and competitive activity.


  • But I think the business is in a good position and will do quite well in the future but I wouldn't get into any specific numbers at this point in time.


  • Itay Michaeli - Analyst

    Itay Michaeli - Analyst

  • Thanks so much, guys, and congrats again.


  • Operator


  • Peter Nesvold, Jefferies.


  • Peter Nesvold - Analyst

    Peter Nesvold - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • I was hoping to maybe bridge the European walk a little bit more or more specifically the guide.


  • I'm not trying to get too precise but just trying to understand if there's any messaging going on there?


  • So you said previously you expect losses in excess of $1.5 billion for the year.

    所以您之前說過預計今年的損失將超過 15 億美元。

  • You've lost $1 billion so far.

    到目前為止你已經損失了 10 億美元。

  • You said earlier $300 million comes from the inventory adjustment of 4Q, which sort of leaves $200 million plus of underlying losses in Europe.

    您之前說過 3 億美元來自第四季的庫存調整,這在歐洲留下了 2 億美元的潛在損失。

  • If it were $200 million I think we would probably all be pleasantly surprised because that would pretty dramatically narrow the loss from what we have experienced on a quarterly basis year-to-date.

    如果是 2 億美元,我想我們可能都會感到驚喜,因為這將大大縮小我們今年迄今所經歷的季度損失。

  • Is that sort of what you are suggesting or should it really be consistent underlying operating losses consistent with what we have seen on average the first three quarters of the year?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • What you would expect in the fourth quarter consistent with the guidance that we gave of a loss for the year that exceeds $1.5 billion is that we will have a larger loss in the fourth quarter than in any of the preceding three quarters.

    根據我們給出的全年虧損超過 15 億美元的指導,您對第四季度的預期是,我們第四季度的虧損將比前三個季度中的任何一個季度都要大。

  • What we were talking about is that that loss would normally have been less if we had rebuilt our stocks in the fourth quarter along the lines of what I was talking with I think it was Itay or Chris about.

    我們談論的是,如果我們按照我與 Itay 或 Chris 談論的方式在第四季度重建庫存,那麼損失通常會更少。

  • But we're not going to do that, so therefore, we kind of pass by on that what would have been a normal profit improvement in the quarter.


  • In addition, Peter, what we are going to see in the fourth quarter because we have announced the facility closures in the UK and Genk, we start the accelerated depreciation of those facilities and so that will add about $100 million in the fourth quarter of accelerated depreciation, which would affect the results as well.

    此外,彼得,我們將在第四季度看到什麼,因為我們已經宣布關閉英國和亨克的設施,我們開始加速這些設施的折舊,因此第四季度的加速折舊將增加約 1 億美元。折舊,也會影響結果。

  • Peter Nesvold - Analyst

    Peter Nesvold - Analyst

  • Okay, then forgive me if you addressed this.


  • I can go back to the transcript if you did -- on the European profit bridge, the contribution costs improved by about $248 million year-over-year in the quarter and about $236 million sequentially.

    如果您這樣做的話,我可以回到文字記錄 - 在歐洲利潤橋樑上,本季的貢獻成本比去年同期減少了約 2.48 億美元,環比減少了約 2.36 億美元。

  • What were the key drivers of that?


  • Is that something that you think can continue for the next several quarters?


  • Thanks.


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Of the year-over-year change, about $100 million of that was commodities including hedging effects and almost all of that was actually hedging effects, so that is clearly just one time.

    在同比變化中,大約 1 億美元是大宗商品,包括對沖效應,幾乎所有這些實際上都是對沖效應,所以這顯然只是一次。

  • It depends on what the mark-to-market rates will be at the end of the quarter.


  • We also had some favorable good news on material costs excluding the commodities driven largely by our cost reduction efforts.


  • And then we had lower freight and lower warranty costs.


  • In terms of the quarter-to-quarter, we had a similar improvement of about $236 million.

    就季度環比而言,我們也有類似的改善,約 2.36 億美元。

  • Again most of that was the commodities including hedging effects.


  • Peter Nesvold - Analyst

    Peter Nesvold - Analyst

  • Great, okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Adam Jonas, Morgan Stanley.


  • Adam Jonas - Analyst

    Adam Jonas - Analyst

  • Thanks, a couple questions.


  • Can you give us an update on the Fusion launch to date and in terms of specifically any start-up or ramp-up costs that might have impacted the third quarter or could impact the fourth quarter?

    您能否向我們介紹迄今為止 Fusion 發布的最新情況,以及可能影響第三季或第四季的啟動或啟動成本的具體情況?

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • The Fusion, the launch is still underway.

    Fusion 的發布仍在進行中。

  • We had some parts supply issues that we are working our way through but we're starting to get better supply of the product.


  • In terms of the market reception, it has been pretty phenomenal.


  • It's turning very, very quickly an average of only nine days in dealer stock on average so far.


  • We are seeing that we are attracting younger consumers so a significant portion of those are actually under 35 years of age.

    我們發現我們正在吸引年輕消費者,因此其中很大一部分實際上年齡在 35 歲以下。

  • It's the highest in that segment in terms of our performance.


  • And what we are also seeing is that we are getting very good demand from the coasts.


  • About 51% of our sales so far have been on the coasts versus about 44% for the outgoing models.

    到目前為止,我們約 51% 的銷售來自沿海地區,而即將停產的車型則佔 44%。

  • So we're kind of hitting on all cylinders in terms of how the consumers are responding.


  • So we are still working through the launch and progressing but supply little by little is improving and it appears like it's going to be quite a hit with the consumers.


  • Adam Jonas - Analyst

    Adam Jonas - Analyst

  • But in terms of costs, though, does the delay with supply -- did it put more pressure on 3Q or does it delay costs that are then going to be a greater burden on 4Q in North America?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • We had some launch costs in the third quarter associated with the acceleration of the plant.


  • As we move into the fourth quarter, you will start to see higher advertising and sales promotion as we start to spend for the product once it hits the dealer's showrooms.


  • Adam Jonas - Analyst

    Adam Jonas - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Did -- can you quantify any costs that the additional shifts had on the third quarter or could in the fourth quarter as well?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • I don't have a specific number but clearly as we've talked about, the increase for the full year of structural costs just under $2 billion, a portion of that is manufacturing costs and it is driven not only by launch but also driven by the added shifts not only here but in Asia Pacific, Africa as well.

    我沒有具體數字,但很明顯,正如我們所討論的,全年結構性成本的增長略低於 20 億美元,其中一部分是製造成本,它不僅是由發布推動的,還由不僅在這裡,亞太地區、非洲也發生了額外的變化。

  • Adam Jonas - Analyst

    Adam Jonas - Analyst

  • Okay, just moving to South America, the product availability issue obviously led to pretty big relative underperformance given the overall market growth.


  • Can you give us an idea going forward the cadence of improvement, when we could be at an all clear in terms of full availability where you could participate with the market?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Yes, I guess the first thing I would say about South America is if you look at the results back on slide 16, we are really getting hammered by exchange.

    是的,我想關於南美我要說的第一件事是,如果你看看幻燈片 16 上的結果,我們確實受到了交易所的打擊。

  • The Brazilian real in particular is much, much weaker than it was a year ago and we've seen this all year long.


  • And of that $223 million of adverse exchange, about $200 million of it was operating and most of that was the Brazilian real.

    在這 2.23 億美元的逆向交易中,大約有 2 億美元是在營運中,其中大部分是巴西雷亞爾。

  • So that's having a big impact on us and even though we've got some positive pricing, when you factor in the local economics that we're incurring, which are spread through our cost factors, we are just not getting the type of pricing recovery for all of that that we would have seen in the past because of the environment that we are in.


  • Having said that, there were two things that happened in the quarter that affected volume.


  • One is the ramp up of the EcoSport in Brazil, which is a very, very important product with good margin, and just as I mentioned with Fusion, that launch is progressing and we are getting better and better supply as we go now into the fourth quarter.

    One is the ramp up of the EcoSport in Brazil, which is a very, very important product with good margin, and just as I mentioned with Fusion, that launch is progressing and we are getting better and better supply as we go now into the fourth四分之一.

  • But it certainly wasn't -- was an issue for us in the third quarter.


  • Ranger is coming on stream.


  • That's produced in Argentina and that one also is improving in terms of supply, but was a bit of an issue in the third quarter.


  • And then the last thing that affected us as we mentioned, actually had much lower production in Venezuela than we normally would have because of issues of gaining access to dollars because of the currency restrictions in place in the market.


  • So we just didn't run the plant for a couple months.


  • Adam Jonas - Analyst

    Adam Jonas - Analyst

  • Thanks for that color.


  • Bob, just one last one on Europe.


  • Have you isolated the balance of the gross cost savings of $450 million to $500 million versus the projected increase in structural costs as you ramp up all the product?

    當您增加所有產品時,您是否已將 4.5 億至 5 億美元的總成本節省與預計的結構成本增加之間的平衡區分開來?

  • Is the balance of just those two items expected to be positive or neutral?


  • I'm just trying to get a sense or how much of the return to breakeven mid-decade is contingent on improved share, volume, market size.


  • Thanks, that's it.


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • I think that's a good question.


  • We clearly will see the benefits in our manufacturing costs that we talked about that we are also going to be growing the business, investing heavily in products.


  • We are growing in parts of Europe that I talked about earlier outside of the area that we talk about in terms of share in industry and so forth.


  • So I would expect as we go forward that our structural costs in the aggregate probably will increase as we continue to invest heavily in the business.


  • This is not a cost cut your way to profitability plan.


  • This is a growth plan partially around the industry coming back very modestly around a stronger brand, around a repositioning of the product lineup and an expansion of the product lineup and then of course, cost efficiencies, as I mentioned.


  • Adam Jonas - Analyst

    Adam Jonas - Analyst

  • Thanks, Bob.


  • Operator


  • Brian Johnson, Barclays.


  • Brian Johnson - Analyst

    Brian Johnson - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • I just want to focus on these strong North American results.


  • I think two or three questions.


  • First, given you have the longer-term guidance that you gave us a year or so ago around 8% to 10%, does this level of profitability -- recognizing it's just one quarter but year-to-date over 10% -- mean that you could go above that range for a while?

    首先,鑑於您大約一年前向我們提供的長期指導約為 8% 至 10%,這種盈利水平(認識到這只是一個季度,但今年迄今已超過 10%)是否意味著您可以暫時高於該範圍嗎?

  • Second question, if we look at more detailed, if we look at the warranty freight that was $300 million positive, was that a lack of spend this quarter versus last quarter or is that just a perhaps a one-time reduction?

    第二個問題,如果我們更詳細地看一下,如果我們看看保固運費為 3 億美元,與上個季度相比,本季是否缺乏支出,或者這可能只是一次性減少?

  • And another detailed question.


  • If I take industry minus share, it's about $200 million of volume.

    如果我把產業減去份額,那麼銷量大約是 2 億美元。

  • You had about 17,000 wholesale as well as production difference.

    你們有大約 17,000 的批發和生產差異。

  • That implies incremental profits per units sold of $11,000, which is higher than you typically report.

    這意味著每售出單位的增量利潤為 11,000 美元,這比您通常報告的要高。

  • Was there something going on there?


  • Is that the kind of incremental unit profitability we could think about going forward?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Okay, if I can remember all that, I get a gold star.


  • Brian Johnson - Analyst

    Brian Johnson - Analyst

  • 8% to 10% guidance, warranty freight, incremental volume.

    8% 至 10% 指引、保固運費、增量。

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • We will do it in chunks.


  • I think that's a very good question and let me put it in context the third quarter.


  • The third quarter is a very, very clean result.


  • It's a very strong result but as always in every single quarter, and I always kind of mention this, quarters are variable because there's -- it's a big business and things move differently quarter-to-quarter.


  • In this particular quarter, I would just highlight I guess a couple of things.


  • One is we did benefit from the $100 million absolutely of the positive commodity hedging effects and so clearly that may or may not repeat.

    一是我們確實受益於 1 億美元的商品對沖效應,而且很明顯,這種情況可能會重複,也可能不會重複。

  • It depends on what the spot rates are at the end of the fourth quarter.


  • And then the other thing is that we had about maybe about $200 million of warranty adjustments associated with the 2012 model year coverages that were sort of a true up of -- now we've got more mature data as the model year is getting longer in tooth, we're able to go back and adjust reserves in a positive way, which doesn't mean that it's one time.

    另一件事是,我們有大約2 億美元的保固調整與2012 年車型年份的覆蓋範圍相關,這在某種程度上是真實的——現在,隨著車型年份越來越長,我們已經獲得了更成熟的數據。牙齒,我們能夠回去以積極的方式調整儲備,這並不意味著這是一次。

  • Actually it suggests that if we knew what we know -- if we knew in the past what we know now, we would have had probably better results in the first quarter, the second quarter.


  • So it's kind of a lumpy change that we're kind catching up on here in the third quarter.


  • And so if you take that plus that $100 million, maybe there's $300 million -- $100 million that clearly is just is what it is and $200 million that would have spread out over the previous quarters in which we were selling the 2012 model year vehicles if we knew what we know now.

    因此,如果你把這個加上 1 億美元,也許有 3 億美元——1 億美元顯然就是這樣,而 2 億美元將分散在我們銷售 2012 年款車輛的前幾季中,如果我們知道我們現在所知道的。

  • Going forward, I think North America is going to have very, very strong shares.


  • As we do look at next year, there's a few things to keep in mind.


  • One, it's likely that our pension expense is going to go up as we look at where our discount rates are likely to come out and that would have a negative impact on their results.


  • Secondly, there is some favorable adjustments in OPEB from the actions that we took in the restructuring of North America over the last five, six, seven years that essentially run out as we go into 2013, and so that will no longer be a benefit to them.

    其次,過去五、六、七年我們在北美重組中採取的行動對歐佩克進行了一些有利的調整,這些調整基本上在進入 2013 年時就耗盡了,因此這將不再對美國有利。他們。

  • Related to that, our depreciation and amortization next year no longer has any of the benefit of the impairment that we took on assets back in 2008 as part of the restructuring, so that kind of runs out.

    與此相關的是,我們明年的折舊和攤銷不再具有我們在 2008 年作為重組的一部分所承擔的資產減損帶來的任何好處,因此這種情況已經用完了。

  • All of those will be headwinds in the North American results as we move into next year as well.


  • Brian Johnson - Analyst

    Brian Johnson - Analyst

  • In terms of just my math on $200 million volume industry minus share gain divided by 17,000 wholesales?

    就我的計算而言,2 億美元的行業銷量減去份額收益除以 17,000 批發量?

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • In fact, one other thing I did not mention also as we look ahead and we've talked about this quite a bit, as we do start to sell more and more smaller vehicles as opposed to larger utilities and trucks, we would have an adverse sort of mix effect on the business as well from a margin standpoint.


  • Okay?


  • As we go down to the third question, which was what?


  • Oh yes, the other one, what you're seeing there on US industry and US share, that's just obviously the US.


  • We also had some volume changes in some of the other markets like Canada and Mexico and that's covered down in sort of mix and other.


  • And also it depends on the product mix too.


  • Brian Johnson - Analyst

    Brian Johnson - Analyst

  • But still is a very high number, 11,000, if you add in mix and other, it would be even higher.


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Yes, yes, there is some rounding in there as well but the margins in North America are very healthy as you know.


  • Brian Johnson - Analyst

    Brian Johnson - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • Operator


  • Colin Langan, UBS.


  • Colin Langan - Analyst

    Colin Langan - Analyst

  • Great, thanks for taking my question.


  • Could you have any -- give any color on getting South America back to profitability?


  • It used to be a double-digit business.


  • It sounds like FX has been a big headwind.

    聽起來 FX 一直是個很大的阻力。

  • How long does it take to address some of those issues?


  • Or is this now just a structural issue and we can't get back to that 10% that you had back several years ago?

    或者這現在只是一個結構性問題,我們無法回到幾年前的 10% 水平?

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • That's a good question.


  • There's probably a couple things to think about.


  • Going back to what I mentioned earlier, there has been a very quick and sharp weakening of the local currencies and if you take that $223 million we're seeing this quarter and annualize it, you're looking at like a $600 million impact for the full year.

    回到我之前提到的,當地貨幣出現了非常快速和急劇的貶值,如果你把我們本季看到的 2.23 億美元進行年化,你會發現對當地貨幣的影響約為 6 億美元。全年。

  • And if you think about last year, we made about $860 million, a lot of this is exchange-driven, some of which we are pricing for but as I mentioned earlier, not as much as we could have in the past.

    如果你想想去年,我們賺了大約 8.6 億美元,其中很大一部分是交易所驅動的,其中一些我們正在定價,但正如我之前提到的,沒有我們過去能賺的那麼多。

  • Now going forward, everyone is affected by this and you would think that over time the industry would try to restore margins and pricing opportunities would be there for us, but that's what we have yet to see.


  • The main thing that's going to help us going forward is basically the investments that we are putting into product because what we are doing is we're basically taking a product lineup that is largely legacy products going to all global products.


  • So for example, the Ranger that we just talked about, that's a global product that we just launched.


  • The EcoSport is a global product coming off of the Fiesta platform if you will and next year we will be launching that in China and in India.

    如果你願意的話,EcoSport 是一款源自 Fiesta 平台的全球產品,明年我們將在中國和印度推出產品。

  • So that is going to -- you're going to see that phenomenon across their portfolio and in fact, we expand the portfolio so the number of segments that we cover is going to go up substantially as well.


  • At the same time, we're going to continue to work on our operating efficiencies across the business and see if we can't recover some of that margin as I mentioned through pricing if competitors need to do the same.


  • Colin Langan - Analyst

    Colin Langan - Analyst

  • Okay, just one last question.


  • Commodity costs, it seems like they are still if I'm reading this right, they are still a bit of a headwind even though some of those prices have come down.


  • Should that improve over the next few quarters or is that still going to be a headwind?


  • And any color on how it may look for the full year as a headwind or tailwind?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • I wouldn't even try to forecast commodity costs.


  • If you look at the quarter on a year-over-year basis, putting aside the hedging, it's actually pretty flat.


  • It's almost all hedging effects that you are seeing so at least in the quarter, they were largely stable in terms of what we were kind of buying.


  • It was the commodity effect that we actually -- the hedging effect that we benefited from.


  • So as we move ahead into the next quarter, we will have to wait and see.


  • The spot rates are down.


  • Steel is lower.


  • Aluminum is lower.


  • Palladium and precious metals and so forth are lower so we will see if that is sustained as we go into the fourth quarter.


  • But as you know, those things change every single day so it is kind of hard to predict.


  • Colin Langan - Analyst

    Colin Langan - Analyst

  • But the commodity hedging, was that just the reversal of that $350 million headwind that you had last year or is that a completely separate issue?

    但是大宗商品對沖,這只是去年 3.5 億美元逆風的逆轉還是一個完全獨立的問題?

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • No, it was two things.


  • It was the non-recurrence of the $350 million bad news last year but then we picked up good news against the hedging we had an effect of $100 million absolute this year.

    去年 3.5 億美元的壞消息沒有再次出現,但隨後我們收到了好消息,而今年我們對沖的影響絕對是 1 億美元。

  • So on a year-over-year basis, we picked up about $450 million of good news on hedging.

    因此,與去年同期相比,我們獲得了約 4.5 億美元的對沖好消息。

  • If you put hedging to the side, just the basic commodity cost changes themselves were basically flat year-over-year.


  • Colin Langan - Analyst

    Colin Langan - Analyst

  • All right, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Patrick Archambault, Goldman Sachs.


  • Patrick, your line is open.


  • Rod Lache, Deutsche Bank.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Good morning, everyone.


  • Just a couple points of clarification first just on your comments on commodities.


  • Would you be able to say at this point -- if you were to assume the spot prices were to kind of prevail over the next several quarters, would you expect that the commodities would be a positive on a year-over-year basis as you look out to 2013 offsetting some of those structural cost increases?

    此時您能說嗎?如果您假設現貨價格在接下來的幾個季度中占主導地位,您是否預計大宗商品將同比上漲,因為您認為期待 2013 年抵消部分結構性成本增加嗎?

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • I wouldn't get into 2013 at this point.


  • I would just say as we look at going into the fourth quarter where we are sitting at the moment, it looks like it would actually be some headwinds going into the fourth quarter.


  • But I would be cautious about that because it really depends on where we are at the last day of the quarter in terms of what's going to happen on the hedging effects.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • I was also hoping you can clarify a little bit your comments on the structural cost outlook for Europe.


  • So we've got the $450 million to $500 million of savings.

    因此,我們節省了 4.5 億至 5 億美元。

  • You commented that structural costs go up, though, over time.


  • Are you suggesting that the costs will not decline on a net basis as you look out to 2014 or 2015 if the volume outlook comes to fruition?

    您是否認為,在您展望 2014 年或 2015 年時,如果銷售前景實現,成本不會以淨值下降?

  • Is there any way for us to frame that?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying that our structural costs in total probably would increase as we go out through 2015 net of this $450 million to $500 million as we continue to invest more in engineering, as we invest more in advertising sales promotion because you can understand in the environment that we are in, we're not spending hardly anything on advertising and sales promotion.

    是的,這正是我所說的,隨著我們繼續加大對工程的投資,加大對廣告促銷的投資,到2015 年扣除4.5 億至5 億美元後,我們的總結構成本可能會增加,因為你可以理解,在我們所處的環境中,我們幾乎沒有在廣告和促銷上花費任何錢。

  • And with the expanded portfolio that we are going to be putting into place, we clearly want to communicate that.


  • Jim Farley and Stephen Odell and the teams will be working also to strengthen the brand and so in the aggregate, it probably will go up but we will have substantial efficiencies coming from our footprint.

    吉姆法利 (Jim Farley) 和史蒂芬奧德爾 (Stephen Odell) 以及團隊也將致力於加強品牌,因此總體而言,它可能會上升,但我們的足跡將帶來巨大的效率。

  • We've got Stephen Odell on line so maybe Stephen could comment.


  • Stephen Odell - GVP, Chairman & CEO, Ford Europe

    Stephen Odell - GVP, Chairman & CEO, Ford Europe

  • I think one of the key points -- this is Stephen -- that has been made about the destocking although it's a one-time profit impact, it really gives us some better choices.


  • It enables us to, one, reduce dealer costs and at a time when dealers could be finding it difficult to fund inventory, it means that that cost comes down plus of course we've got Ford Credit providing support to our dealer body across Europe that means those costs come down.


  • But it also allows us to look at our channel mix differently because we've got leaner inventory.


  • We don't have to respond perhaps as we have in the past to short-term business.


  • That itself is a benefit to the residual value which in of itself benefiting cycle.


  • But clearly as we have more products come on board and the industry starts to improve albeit modestly, there is an opportunity for us to communicate not just more but more effectively and really there we can leverage the things that we have learned from our ONE Ford plan in North America.

    但顯然,隨著我們有更多產品上市,行業開始改善(儘管幅度不大),我們有機會進行更多、更有效的溝通,而且我們確實可以利用從 ONE 福特計劃中學到的東西在北美。

  • Because actually quality, green, safe, and smart -- the same elements that our customers are interested all around the world will leverage that learning in Europe as well.


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Rod, I would just add that we are taking a lot of the learnings from North America to Europe but it is important to understand Europe isn't North America.


  • Europe is a much -- going into this -- a much, much leaner organization.


  • It clearly has excess capacity which we are addressing but if you look at the other areas of the business, it's very lean.


  • So as we come out of this and we invest in product and we want to grow the business, we will see the efficiencies from addressing the excess capacity but we actually want and need to invest in other areas of the business to drive the topline both in terms of volume and net revenue.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Okay, maybe just switching gears here to North America, your wholesales year-to-date are about 58,000 units lower than your production.

    好吧,也許只是把話題轉向北美,今年迄今為止你們的批發量比你們的產量低了大約 58,000 件。

  • Are those units in inventory at this point -- is that related to some of these launch issues that you commented on?


  • Are the launch issues largely behind you at this point so that just availability of launch products starts to help market shares as we go out over the next quarter or two?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • In general, that's correct.


  • Rod Lache - Analyst

    Rod Lache - Analyst

  • Lastly, you initiated a dividend about this time last year.


  • Is there a point in the year when you typically at the Board level kind of reassess the dividend policy?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • We review our policy regularly as part of ongoing reviews of our cap strategy and as we have said, our strategy is to pay an appropriate level of after-tax earnings that allows us to maintain a dividend during a downturn and we are kind of comfortable with where we are right now but always reassessing and at the moment don't have anything else to say on it.


  • Operator


  • Patrick Archambault, Goldman Sachs.


  • Patrick Archambault - Analyst

    Patrick Archambault - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Sorry I got cut off there, but two questions from me.


  • Number one, just another one on South America.


  • I think at one point there was an issue with the trade agreement between Brazil and Mexico that was preventing you from sort of maximizing your throughput I think of the Mexico plant which I think had stuff that was destined for Brazil.


  • Can you just update us on that?


  • And then my second question is on the variable cost side in Europe, one would have expected the implementation of global platforms would have obviously brought variable cost savings every year as you refresh but now you have sort of moved things around and I think delayed the Mondeo.


  • And so is that something that is going to take a little bit of a pause or do you expect to continue to see variable cost improvement even into next year from global platforms in Europe?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • First on South America, the results all year have been affected by the government policy changes in addition to the issues that I referenced earlier not only in Venezuela but also in Argentina on currency access.


  • Yes, we have been affected.


  • The team is responding as quickly as they can to that in terms of what happened between Brazil and Mexico.


  • They essentially suspended the Free Trade Agreement, and have in place now quotas which are lower than what free demand would have been and so that is having an effect in the short-term.


  • We also have the same situation occurring now between Argentina and Mexico where I think we are still working to try to put in place an agreement that could result in something like a quota but at the moment, we just have higher tariffs that have been put in place by both parties since the Argentineans decided to suspend the Free Trade Agreement.


  • So that is still a bit of a work in progress.


  • When you think about global platforms, all the business units are beneficiaries of our strategy around global platforms.


  • Europe of course, most of the products that Europe has were the products that ultimately became global products elsewhere.


  • So in terms of benefits for them, they clearly have been a great beneficiary of that not only on variable costs but equally so on the investments in terms of engineering and also in terms of to some extent, the investments we put into the facilities and we expect that to continue going forward and to be one of the contributors to the turnaround in Europe.


  • Stephen Odell - GVP, Chairman & CEO, Ford Europe

    Stephen Odell - GVP, Chairman & CEO, Ford Europe

  • Just to add to that, if I may -- this is Stephen -- even with delay of Mondeo, which we have said is out in 2014, the vast majority of our products in Europe will be global.

    補充一點,如果可以的話——我是史蒂芬——即使蒙迪歐的推出有所延遲(我們說過蒙迪歐將於 2014 年上市),我們在歐洲的絕大多數產品都將面向全球。

  • In fact, one of the reasons we showed the products in Amsterdam was to give people a physical representation of the products that were coming rather than 15 vehicles within five years and just talk about it.

    事實上,我們在阿姆斯特丹展示這些產品的原因之一是讓人們直觀地了解即將推出的產品,而不是五年內展示 15 輛車然後只是談論它。

  • We physically showed the products that were there and coming and the vast majority of course are global.


  • The actual volume of course of CD products in Europe, whilst very important to us, is on the relatively small side.

    歐洲 CD 產品的實際數量雖然對我們來說非常重要,但相對較小。

  • So we believe we can compensate for it and of course when the new Mondeo and the new S-MAX and the new Galaxy come through, then we will continue to leverage the ONE Ford platform.


  • Patrick Archambault - Analyst

    Patrick Archambault - Analyst

  • Okay, that's very clear.


  • Thanks for taking my questions.


  • Operator


  • Now we will take media questions.


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • Alisa Priddle, Detroit Free Press.


  • Alisa Priddle - Media

    Alisa Priddle - Media

  • Good morning, gentlemen.


  • I just wanted to check.


  • Obviously North America has been the big driver in all of this.


  • I am just wondering -- in I guess a perfect world, how much contribution do you want from North America versus the other regions?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Well, you would want everybody generating -- our guidance is that we would like to achieve an 8% to 9% operating margin for the total Company.

    嗯,你會希望每個人都產生——我們的指導是,我們希望整個公司的營業利潤率達到 8% 到 9%。

  • We have said that we would like to have North America at sort of 8% to 10%.

    我們說過,我們希望北美市場的市佔率能達到 8% 到 10%。

  • So given the size of North America relative to the others, you would like to see North America representing 55%, 60% of a Company that's generating an 8% to 9% operating margin.

    因此,考慮到北美地區相對於其他地區的規模,您希望看到北美地區占公司營業利潤率 8% 至 9% 的公司的 55% 至 60%。

  • Clearly it's more than explaining all the profits but that simply reflects the opportunities ahead of us in transforming our business in Europe, addressing the issues in South America that we were just talking about, and then getting Asia Pacific to the point where it is meaningfully contributing to the bottom line.


  • We are confident that in all three of those areas, that we are on track to do that.


  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • This is Alan.


  • Just an additional comment to Bob's, one of the neat things about the ONE Ford plan is that balance between the service geographically to the customers is also in addition to the balance on the portfolio of products.

    對鮑伯的補充一點是,ONE Ford 計畫的妙處之一是,除了產品組合的平衡之外,還為顧客提供的地理服務之間的平衡。

  • And of course the neat thing about the United States is the transformation to include all the small and medium-sized vehicles along with our strength and leadership in the larger vehicles.


  • And when you add that with a balance of serving the customers and as you know Asia-Pacific is going to be a very significant contributor in addition to America's and to Europe, but I think it's that balance of the service around the world but also the complete family of vehicles.


  • I think you are seeing the leadership of that transformation here in North America.


  • Alisa Priddle - Media

    Alisa Priddle - Media

  • Okay, Bob, I just wanted to clarify one thing.


  • You had said earlier about -- this is the third quarter in a row with over $2 billion and an operating margin of 10%.

    您之前曾說過,這是連續第三個季度營收超過 20 億美元,營業利潤率為 10%。

  • Were you talking total Company or just North America or were you talking net income or --?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • I was talking about North America, so on a pretax operating basis, they've made more than $2 billion first, second, and third quarter and on an operating margin basis, they have exceeded 10% in the first, second, and third quarters.

    我說的是北美,所以在稅前營運基礎上,他們第一、第二和第三季的利潤超過了20 億美元,而在營運利潤率基礎上,他們在第一、第二和第三季度超過了10% 。

  • Alisa Priddle - Media

    Alisa Priddle - Media

  • Okay, thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Dee-Ann Durbin, The Associated Press.


  • Dee-Ann Durbin - Media

    Dee-Ann Durbin - Media

  • Alan, I was hoping that you could quickly discuss the Consumer Reports ranking yesterday.


  • I know we have heard time and time again from Ford that you are fixing the issues with MyFord Touch.

    我知道我們一次又一次從福特那裡聽說你們正在解決 MyFord Touch 的問題。

  • You are fixing the transmissions but it just still seems that consumers are giving you pretty hard knocks for those problems and I'm wondering what you are going to do?


  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • Good morning to you, Dee-Ann.


  • I think that clearly it's disappointing although we really do know the issues as you know and in some of them, especially the ones that are really contributing to the latest report, is led by not so much SYNC but the MyFord Touch on the information and entertainment side and also the new six-speed fuel efficient transmissions that we know what needs to be done on the redesign of those.

    我認為這顯然令人失望,儘管我們確實知道這些問題,如您所知,其中一些問題,特別是那些真正對最新報告做出貢獻的問題,不是由SYNC 主導,而是由資訊和娛樂方面的MyFord Touch 主導。側面以及新的六速燃油效率變速箱,我們知道需要對這些變速箱進行重新設計。

  • We have a number of the fixes already in on both.


  • We have more to come and as you know, it takes time to go through the product line.


  • So what the customers are saying and the feedback we've gotten with the new technology is really important to us and we're going to continue to continuously improve them going forward.


  • Dee-Ann Durbin - Media

    Dee-Ann Durbin - Media

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • Mike Ramsey, Wall Street.


  • Mike Ramsey - Media

    Mike Ramsey - Media

  • Good morning.


  • Nice job on the results.


  • I wanted to ask kind of a follow-up on Patrick's question.


  • How much is your integration of all of your platforms affecting -- can you quantify how much of the profit margin in North America is affected by the collapse of these global platforms or is it too early to have a big read through on that?


  • Because it just seems like your cost-cutting is one thing but -- and this seems like a longer-term thing and I am wondering how much that has come through on North America and how much it might then flow through the rest of the world?


  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • Absolutely, a really important question and I think it starts -- the first part of the answer to your question starts with the efficiency on developing the products, both in engineering and manufacturing.


  • And clearly North America and the rest of the businesses are really appreciating the benefit of that scale and the efficiency of developing the global platforms and you can really see that in the capital expenditure too, Mike.


  • You can see the amount of product that we are doing compared to the past with the investment that we updated also.


  • I think going forward, we are at the front-end of really appreciating the value of the products when they go into manufacturing and into service, which as you know, we are at the relatively start of that around the world and of course led by North America.


  • So when you look at it, what's going on right now is the Focus, the Fusion, the Fiesta, the Escape, the C-MAX, the Transit, the Transit Connect, all of those are right at the front-end of moving to that world where nearly 80% of the volume will be off of those five platforms.

    所以當你看它時,現在發生的事情是福克斯、Fusion、Fiesta、Escape、C-MAX、Transit、Transit Connect,所有這些都處於轉向的前端。在這個世界中,近80% 的交易量將來自這五個平台。

  • And right now, they are off of nine platforms.


  • So I think we are seeing the efficiencies and we're very pleased about it on the development and I think we have a lot more benefit to see going forward as they go into production.


  • Especially aligning with our supply base.


  • Mike Ramsey - Media

    Mike Ramsey - Media

  • Okay, great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Robert Schoenberger, Plain Dealer.


  • Robert Schoenberger - Media

    Robert Schoenberger - Media

  • Looking at the profit margin for the quarter, I was somewhat surprised to see such a high number when the mix has been away from pickups and SUVs and some of the more profitable vehicles.

    看看本季的利潤率,在不包括皮卡和 SUV 以及一些利潤更高的車輛的情況下,看到如此高的數字讓我有些驚訝。

  • So are you just seeing enough of a margin in some of the newer cars and crossovers to make up for the lack of the F-Series?

    那麼,您是否看到一些較新的汽車和跨界車有足夠的利潤來彌補 F 系列的不足?

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • I think what you're seeing is a very, very healthy cost structure.


  • As I mentioned earlier, Robert, we can be breakeven at 10 million industry or slightly below that and the industry in the quarter on the SAAR basis was about 14.7 million, so we are getting good -- obviously we have healthy margins on F-Series but we are also seeing good margins across much of the lineup.

    正如我之前提到的,羅伯特,我們可以在1000 萬個行業或略低於這個數字的情況下實現盈虧平衡,而按SAAR 計算,本季度的行業約為1470 萬個,所以我們正在變得良好- 顯然我們在F 系列上擁有可觀的利潤率但我們也看到大部分產品線的利潤率都很高。

  • In fact if you look at the pricing in the quarter for the Company, we generated about $800 million of year-over-year good news on pricing and about half of that was in North America and the majority of that was actually in carryover vehicles, which shows the work that the team has been doing on strengthening the brand but also managing very effectively our production to our demand.

    事實上,如果你看看公司本季的定價,你會發現我們在定價方面產生了約 8 億美元的同比好消息,其中約一半來自北美,其中大部分實際上是結轉車輛,這表明了團隊在強化品牌方面所做的工作,同時也非常有效地管理我們的生產以滿足我們的需求。

  • So we're able to really get every single dollar out of each sale that we possibly can.


  • Robert Schoenberger - Media

    Robert Schoenberger - Media

  • And when -- you've talked about the mix improvement as well, is that mainly people choosing more contented versions of vehicles or are people choosing more Fusions over Fiesta, Focuses, more Focuses over Fiestas, that sort of mix?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • In the quarter on kind of a year-over-year basis, it was pretty much equally split between favorable performance in terms of the product mix of the vehicles and also favorable performance on a series and option mix basis.


  • So we clearly are seeing people as you suggested putting more on their vehicles but we are also seeing favorable product.


  • Robert Schoenberger - Media

    Robert Schoenberger - Media

  • Great, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Karl Henkel, Detroit News.


  • Karl Henkel - Media

    Karl Henkel - Media

  • Good morning.


  • I know you guys didn't want to get too speculative on the operating margin North America and what you I guess project, whether it can stay up above 10% for how long necessarily.

    我知道你們不想對北美地區的營業利潤率以及我的預測進行過多的猜測,即它是否能在 10% 以上保持多長時間。

  • But is that going to be expected to I guess make up such a huge portion of the overall operating margin, which I think it was 6.3% for the quarter or do you see some of the other regions I guess contributing a little bit more than that?

    但我想這會佔整體營業利潤率的很大一部分嗎?我認為本季度的營業利潤率為 6.3%,或者您是否看到其他一些地區的貢獻比這個更大一點? ?

  • Because 12% does seem like a really good but also really high number to continue.

    因為 12% 看起來確實是一個非常好的數字,但也非常高,值得繼續下去。

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Karl, that's a good question.


  • 12% is a very, very high number in our industry and that isn't a number that in general you would expect to be able to sustain over a longer period time.

    12% 在我們的行業中是一個非常非常高的數字,而且一般情況下您不會期望能夠長期維持這個數字。

  • But that's why we keep calling out the fact that North America has been able to do so well for three quarters in a row.


  • I would not expect them to have that level of margin in the fourth quarter for the reasons that we talked about.


  • They will still have a good margin and a healthy margin.


  • It wouldn't be quite that high, I don't think.


  • So as we go ahead, as I mentioned earlier, I think North America will continue to carry the load.


  • They will have a very healthy margin as we continue to work on transforming our business in Europe and strengthening South America and as we start to see Asia-Pacific more and more come back online in terms of delivering a stronger profit as it continues to grow.


  • As we get towards mid-decade on a trend basis, we would expect the Company on average to be generating an 8% to 9% margin and North America 8% to 10% but are we going to have quarters where they do better?

    當我們以趨勢為基礎進入十年中期時,我們預計公司平均將產生 8% 至 9% 的利潤率,北美為 8% 至 10%,但我們是否會有他們表現更好的季度?

  • Sure we will.


  • Karl Henkel - Media

    Karl Henkel - Media

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Todd Lassa, Motor Trend.


  • Todd Lassa - Media

    Todd Lassa - Media

  • Thanks, sorry.


  • My question is along the line of kind of the product mix, trucks versus small cars.


  • Just to kind of follow up on that, can you give any kind of indication of how the percentage of profit from small cars has improved or changed in the past five years, say how much of that you get from small cars versus F-Series now compared with five years ago?

    為了跟進這一點,您能否提供一些關於過去五年中小型汽車的利潤百分比如何提高或變化的信息,例如與 F 系列相比,您現在從小型汽車中獲得了多少利潤?與五年前相比?

  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • I think if you go back five or six years ago, we used to lose a tremendous amount of money on small cars and we made a whole lot of money on trucks and what we have seen over time is the truck margin has remained very, very strong, maybe a little bit less in an absolute sense than it used to be as we have had to address more and more stringent fuel economy requirements and that sort of thing.


  • But we have seen a dramatic improvement in the margins that we get on the rest of the portfolio.


  • That is what Alan was talking about earlier is that the secret to success in this business is serving customers everywhere and serving them in all segments and to do that and to be profitable consistently, you have got to make money on everything that you sell.


  • Does that mean you will make as much on a Focus as an F-Series?

    這是否意味著您在福克斯上的收入將與在 F 系列上的收入一樣多?

  • No, not in today's environment, but you still need to make something.


  • I think that has been one of the secrets in the turnaround of North America.


  • Todd Lassa - Media

    Todd Lassa - Media

  • How dependent is that regarding the small cars on not just the mix but how well equipped they are, say, a titanium level Focus versus a lower level?


  • Would a larger portion of base models put your profit in jeopardy?


  • Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

    Bob Shanks - EVP & CFO

  • Well, we make more on higher series products that we do on lower series.


  • Your supposition is correct there, but the thing that's interesting that we are seeing is as customers are becoming more conscious of fuel economy and it becoming a greater reason to buy, as they are buying more fuel-efficient vehicles, they are buying higher series because they're downsizing, if you will, but they don't want to downsize in terms of their feature comforts.


  • And so more and more are going towards the higher series, which of course helps our bottom line.


  • Todd Lassa - Media

    Todd Lassa - Media

  • Okay, thanks.


  • Operator


  • Tom Walsh, Detroit Free Press.


  • Tom Walsh - Media

    Tom Walsh - Media

  • Just one question and this goes back to the stark contrast which has been going on for many quarters, a couple of years now between North America and Europe.


  • I just wonder to the extent that from a macro standpoint you've got a US market with decent growth and definite pricing power versus the mess that Europe has become, how much of that do you attribute to policy actions or inactions in the United States and Europe?


  • How would you contrast that over the period since the 2008, 2009 crisis?

    您如何對比 2008 年和 2009 年危機以來的情況?

  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • Tom, it's Alan.


  • I will get Bob's thoughts too but I think it's a really important question.


  • The way you have asked it because clearly in the United States over the last few years, we have taken very dramatic action to size our production to the real demand to accelerate the development of the new products that people really do want and value to cover more of the market segments.


  • And so we know this is exactly the right thing to do and you can see the results today with this balanced portfolio and our productivity that goes along with that.


  • Clearly that's really what we announced last week with our plan to accelerate the transformation of our business in Europe.


  • I think this is the time to do it there.


  • No business is sustainable if it continues to lose money because you are just not able to continue to invest in the products and serve the customer.


  • So we know it works.


  • We know it's not just a cost story.


  • That's why as Bob pointed out that in addition to restructuring ourselves to utilize our facilities, we are also accelerating the development and the introduction of all the new vehicles based on our global family of Ford vehicles.


  • So it's improving the brand which we have done.


  • It's the new vehicles that people want and value as well as restructuring ourselves to operate profitably and use our capacity.


  • Bob?


  • Any additional?


  • Or Stephen, any other comments from your European thought?


  • Stephen Odell - GVP, Chairman & CEO, Ford Europe

    Stephen Odell - GVP, Chairman & CEO, Ford Europe

  • I think you summarized it very well, Alan.


  • It is I think and contrast the fact that during the global recession, the North American car industry took action to reduce surplus capacity and unfortunately during the global recession, Europe didn't.


  • Over a period time, that's just not sustainable.


  • Tom Walsh - Media

    Tom Walsh - Media

  • But I guess the larger point is from a policy standpoint of the governments, have we seen the kind of change in the European government's posture relative to what the US government did or allowed to happen?


  • Is there anything in the European policy area that gives hope that that is going to get any better?


  • Alan Mulally - President & CEO

    Alan Mulally - President & CEO

  • I sure think so.


  • We will get Stephen's thoughts, too, but look at how the discussion and the debate has really changed.


  • You can see very clearly with everybody now talking about what does it take to create a viable automobile industry in Europe?


  • The discussions now centered around having the business sized for the real demand, making the vehicles that people really do want and value and letting the market really decide.


  • So I think it's a very -- the discussion and the debate has moved to a very healthy place on what it really takes to create a long-term viable industry.


  • And as you know, as hard as this is and it is really hard, that's why we are moving so decisively because the most important thing you can do is to size your production to the real demand and provide the vehicles that people really do want.


  • Because if not, you don't have a chance to create an exciting growing Company.


  • But I think a lot of people are coming to that same point of view and I think it will result in actions to reduce the overcapacity in Europe for the good of everybody.


  • Tom Walsh - Media

    Tom Walsh - Media

  • Great, thanks.


  • George Sharp - Executive Director of IR

    George Sharp - Executive Director of IR

  • Thank you, everyone.


  • That concludes today's presentation.


  • We are glad that you were able to join us.
