Eagle Materials Inc (EXP) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, everyone, and welcome to Eagle Materials Second Quarter of Fiscal 2024 Earnings Conference Call. This call is being recorded.

    大家好,歡迎參加 Eagle Materials 2024 財年第二季財報電話會議。此通話正在錄音。

  • At this time, I would like to turn the call over to Eagle's President and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Michael Haack. Mr. Haack, please go ahead, sir.

    現在,我想將電話轉給 Eagle 總裁兼執行長 Michael Haack 先生。哈克先生,請繼續,先生。

  • Michael R. Haack - CEO, President & Director

    Michael R. Haack - CEO, President & Director

  • Thank you, MJ. Good morning. Welcome to Eagle Materials conference call for our second quarter of fiscal year 2024. This is Michael Haack. Joining me today are Craig Kesler, our Chief Financial Officer; and Alex Haddock, Vice President of Investor Relations, Strategy and Corporate Development. There will be a slide presentation made in connection with this call. To access it, please go to eaglematerials.com and click on the link to the webcast.

    謝謝你,喬丹。早安.歡迎參加 Eagle Materials 2024 財政年度第二季電話會議。我是 Michael Haack。今天加入我的是我們的財務長 Craig Kesler;以及投資者關係、策略和企業發展副總裁 Alex Haddock。將進行與本次電話會議相關的投影片簡報。要存取它,請訪問 eaglematerials.com 並點擊網路廣播的連結。

  • While you're accessing the slides, please note that the first slide covers our cautionary disclosure regarding forward-looking statements made during this call. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause results to differ from those discussed during the call. For further information, please refer to this disclosure, which is also included at the end of our press release.


  • Let me start off by saying that I'm excited to highlight another quarter of record operating and financial performance for Eagle Materials. In the second quarter of fiscal 2024, Eagle generated record revenue of $622 million, up 3%. Eagle expanded gross margins to 33.6%, up 150 basis points, and we achieved record net earnings per diluted share of $4.26, up 15%.

    首先我要說的是,我很高興地強調 Eagle Materials 又一個季度創紀錄的營運和財務表現。 2024 財年第二季度,Eagle 創造了創紀錄的營收 6.22 億美元,成長 3%。 Eagle 將毛利率擴大到 33.6%,提高了 150 個基點,我們實現了創紀錄的稀釋後每股淨利潤 4.26 美元,增長了 15%。

  • A key reason for our superior margin performance is our commitment to our long-term sustainability of our plants, our businesses and our employees. On the employee front, I want to highlight an event that we conducted this past quarter, one that I always look forward to attending and participating in. Our Seventh Annual Health, Safety and Environment Conference. This conference brings together our operations and HSE leaders from across all of Eagle. We have an open and honest discussion about where Eagle is currently and where we will be going with regards to HSE.

    我們實現卓越利潤率的關鍵原因是我們對工廠、業務和員工的長期永續發展的承諾。在員工方面,我想強調我們在上個季度舉辦的一項活動,我一直期待著出席和參與這項活動。我們的第七屆年度健康、安全和環境會議。這次會議匯集了來自 Eagle 各地的營運和 HSE 領導者。我們就 Eagle 目前的狀況以及 HSE 方面的發展方向進行了公開、誠實的討論。

  • From the focus and dedication of our people, Eagle has been able to continue to be an industry leader in keeping our employees safe as measured by our total recordable incident rate, reduce emissions through our focused implementation of PLC cement, reduce water usage through the redesign of our systems to ensure that they are closed loop and focus our efforts through best practice sharing and leading indicators to eliminate more serious injuries as demonstrated in our lost time injury rate.

    憑藉我們員工的專注和奉獻,Eagle 能夠繼續成為行業領導者,以我們的總可記錄事故率來衡量,確保我們員工的安全,透過重點實施 PLC 水泥減少排放,透過重新設計減少用水量我們的系統,以確保它們是閉環的,並透過最佳實踐共享和領先指標來集中我們的努力,以消除更嚴重的傷害,如我們的損失時間傷害率所示。

  • I'll now turn to more specifics on our operational and financial performance for this quarter, starting with the Heavy Materials businesses. Revenue increased 10% versus the prior year second quarter. Within our footprint, public highway and infrastructure awards continue to outpace the national average.

    我現在將詳細介紹本季的營運和財務業績,首先是重材料業務。第二季營收較去年同期成長 10%。在我們的足跡中,公共高速公路和基礎設施獎項繼續超過全國平均水平。

  • Similarly, announced manufacturing construction projects of semiconductors, EV batteries, clean energy and heavy industrial projects have been benefiting the markets we serve. These announced projects totaled almost $500 billion nationwide since 2021.

    同樣,已宣布的半導體、電動汽車電池、清潔能源和重工業項目的製造建設項目也使我們所服務的市場受益。自 2021 年以來,全國宣布的這些項目總計近 5,000 億美元。

  • On the supply side, U.S. manufactured cement supply continues to be outpaced by demand. Total capacity has fallen since 2010 when further regulations were enacted known as NESHAP, making new plant construction and capacity expansion challenging.

    在供應方面,美國製造的水泥供應持續超過需求。自 2010 年頒布了名為 NSHAP 的進一步法規以來,總產能一直在下降,這使得新工廠建設和產能擴張面臨挑戰。

  • This creates the ingredients for a strong pricing environment. Thus, we implemented a second round of cement price increases in early July across half our markets and we have begun announcing the next round of increases for January of next year.

    這為強勁的定價環境創造了要素。因此,我們在 7 月初在半數市場實施了第二輪水泥提價,並已開始宣布明年 1 月的下一輪漲價。

  • This quarter, we also made meaningful progress in our conversion to Portland Limestone Cement, or PLC, surpassing 60% across our system. PLC makes our clinker go further and it is an important lever at our disposal for lowering the carbon intensity of our footprint. So we are excited about the opportunities PLC provides us.

    本季度,我們在向波特蘭石灰石水泥 (PLC) 的轉換方面也取得了有意義的進展,整個系統的轉換率超過了 60%。 PLC 讓我們的熟料走得更遠,它是我們降低足跡碳強度的重要槓桿。因此,我們對 PLC 為我們提供的機會感到興奮。

  • I'd be remiss if I did not add a little color around Texas Lehigh JV operation since it was mentioned in the last quarterly earnings call. I'm happy to say that we have made substantial progress on our kiln system and the plant is performing much better. We still recognize that there is some more work to do, but I'm very pleased with the progress to date.


  • In regards to the mid- and longer-term outlook for cement, concrete and aggregates, we have multiyear visibility into demand and the volume picture for cement remains robust across our end markets. Both public and private nonresidential construction, particularly within manufacturing projects continue to see strong spending.


  • With the layering of federal infrastructure dollars, there is a meaningful runway for construction projects for years to come. There is often a long tail of demand from these projects as well as communities and other local infrastructure must be built out.


  • Moving to the supply side outlook for the heavy side of our business. We have very stringent permitting requirements in our industry. Because of this, we do not perceive any significant new plant builds or expansions in our markets that would materially change the supply picture. Since we are so constrained on manufacturing capacity, the sold-out markets around the coastal areas will have to turn to imported cement in order to meet the demand.


  • To this extent, we have continued the integration of our recently acquired cement import terminal in Northern California to supplement our supply chain on the West Coast. Our manufactured cement footprint is made up of U.S. Heartland network that will remain largely insulated from imports given the high delivered cost to our markets. Because of these dynamics, we are optimistic about our short, mid- and long-term outlook for our heavy side businesses.


  • Now let me turn to our quarterly performance on the light side. For Gypsum Wallboard, sales volume declined 6%, while the average Gypsum Wallboard net sales price was flat with the prior year. It has been encouraging to see shipments, orders and pricing maintain their resiliency to date. Since housing is the most critical end market for us, we recognize the rise in interest rates and unclear path of consumer spending, may mean the environment sees choppy in the short term.

    現在讓我談談我們的季度業績。石膏牆板銷售量下降 6%,而石膏牆板平均淨銷售價格與前一年持平。迄今為止,出貨量、訂單和定價保持彈性,令人鼓舞。由於住房是我們最重要的終端市場,我們意識到利率上升和消費者支出路徑不明朗,可能意味著短期內環境會出現波動。

  • Looking at the mid- and long-term demand outlook for Gypsum Wallboard business, we operate in markets in the Sunbelt in the South. In this market, single-family housing starts have held up relatively well. Similarly, single-family permits in the South coincided with homebuilder orders, given the limited supply of existing homes for sale should translate in the wallboard consumption in 2024.

    考慮石膏牆板業務的中長期需求前景,我們在南方陽光地帶的市場開展業務。在這個市場上,單戶住宅開工情況相對較好。同樣,南方的單戶住宅許可證與住宅建築商的訂單同時發生,因為現有待售房屋供應有限,這應該會轉化為 2024 年牆板的消費量。

  • Looking longer term, we see the structural underbuilt of housing in the U.S. getting worse before it gets better as rate lock-ins keep people in their current homes for longer, creating a tailwind for our businesses as new homes are built for existing homes undergo repair and remodel projects.


  • With regard to the mid- and long-term supply outlook for our light side businesses, we have spoken many times of the effect of the lack of synthetic gypsum is having on the ability to add capacity to the industry.


  • Let me provide an example. Looking at the prior 2 cycles in 1995 through 2000 and 2000 through 2008, represented 2 significant housing demand cycles in the U.S. In both those periods, the wallboard industry added significant new capacity through the cycle and beyond the demand peak. This cycle has played out much differently. The industry has added no new capacity in over a decade even as pricing has reached record levels. This is indicative of the effect of raw material shortages are having on the broader industry.

    讓我舉個例子。從1995 年至2000 年和2000 年至2008 年的前兩個週期來看,代表了美國的兩個重要的住房需求週期。在這兩個時期,牆板產業在整個週期和需求高峰之後都增加了大量的新產能。這個週期的表現截然不同。儘管定價已達到創紀錄水平,但該行業十多年來沒有增加任何新產能。這表明原材料短缺正在對更廣泛的行業產生影響。

  • It needs to be noted that about half the industry supply is designed to utilize synthetic gypsum, because of this, the effective economic viability of the industry capacity is likely lower than nameplate figures imply. Eagle Materials benefits from the surety of raw material supply for all of our wallboard plants insulating us from the cost curve and the capacity pressures facing much of the wallboard industry.

    需要指出的是,大約一半的行業供應旨在利用合成石膏,因此,行業產能的有效經濟可行性可能低於銘牌數字所暗示的水平。 Eagle Materials 受益於我們所有牆板工廠原料供應的保證,使我們免受成本曲線和大部分牆板行業面臨的產能壓力的影響。

  • In fact, the demand-supply dynamics benefiting our Wallboard businesses resemble many of the qualities that make our cement and aggregates businesses so attractive as well.


  • Closing out on our business performance through the first half of our fiscal year, I'd like to mention how well we continue to execute our capital allocation playbook.


  • Eagle Materials cash flow generation is a key reason why the business is so attractive through cycles. Given our businesses are in a cyclical industries, we focus on cycle management, and on maintaining financial flexibility to create long-term value for our shareholders.

    Eagle Materials 現金流的產生是該業務在周期中如此有吸引力的關鍵原因。鑑於我們的業務屬於週期性產業,我們專注於週期管理,並保持財務靈活性,為股東創造長期價值。

  • Our priorities remain the same, to continue to grow our businesses and improve our low-cost competitive positions through acquisitions and organic investments that meet our strict strategic and financial return criteria. And when those opportunities don't materialize, we use our share repurchase program to return cash to shareholders in a meaningful way. Last quarter, we returned $86 million of cash to shareholders through share repurchases and dividends. We also used our strong cash flow to strengthen our balance sheet, our leverage ratio ended the quarter at 1.3x.

    我們的優先事項保持不變,即透過滿足我們嚴格的策略和財務回報標準的收購和有機投資,繼續發展我們的業務並提高我們的低成本競爭地位。當這些機會沒有實現時,我們會利用股票回購計畫以有意義的方式向股東返還現金。上季度,我們透過股票回購和股利向股東返還了 8,600 萬美元現金。我們也利用強勁的現金流來強化我們的資產負債表,本季末我們的槓桿率為 1.3 倍。

  • With that, I'll turn it over to Craig to go through our financial results in more detail.


  • D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

    D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

  • Thank you, Michael. Second quarter revenue was a record $622 million, an increase of 3% from the prior year. The increase reflects higher cement sales prices and contribution from the recently acquired cement import terminal in Stockton, California, partially offset by lower wallboard and paperboard sales volume.

    謝謝你,麥可。第二季營收達到創紀錄的 6.22 億美元,較上年成長 3%。這一增長反映了水泥銷售價格的上漲以及最近收購的加州斯托克頓水泥進口碼頭的貢獻,但部分被牆板和紙板銷售下降所抵消。

  • Excluding the Stockton acquisition, revenue was up 1%. Again, this past quarter, we generated record earnings per share. Second quarter earnings per share was $4.26, a 15% increase from the prior year. The increase was driven by higher earnings at a 5% reduction in fully diluted shares due to our share buyback program.

    不包括斯托克頓收購,收入成長了 1%。上個季度,我們再次創造了創紀錄的每股盈餘。第二季每股收益為 4.26 美元,較上年增長 15%。這一增長是由於我們的股票回購計劃導致完全稀釋股票減少 5%,收益增加所致。

  • Turning now to our segment performance, highlight on the next slide. In our Heavy Materials sector, which includes our Cement and Concrete and Aggregates segments, revenue increased 10%, driven primarily by the increase in cement sales prices implemented earlier this year, and the contribution from the recently acquired cement import terminal in Northern California.

    現在轉向我們的細分市場表現,請在下一張投影片上重點介紹。在我們的重材料部門,包括水泥、混凝土和骨材部門,收入增加了 10%,這主要是由於今年稍早實施的水泥銷售價格上漲以及最近收購的北加州水泥進口碼頭的貢獻。

  • Operating earnings were up 19%, primarily because of increased cement prices. Given the strong market conditions that Michael discussed, we implemented a second round of cement price increases in early July, and our average cement price increased approximately $5 per ton or 3% sequentially. We've also recently announced cement price increases in most of our markets effective January 1, 2024.

    營業利潤成長 19%,主要是由於水泥價格上漲。鑑於麥可所討論的強勁市場狀況,我們在 7 月初實施了第二輪水泥價格上漲,我們的平均水泥價格環比上漲約每噸 5 美元,即 3%。我們最近也宣布從 2024 年 1 月 1 日起在大多數市場上調水泥價格。

  • Moving to the Light Materials sector on the next slide. Revenue in our Light Materials sector decreased 8%, reflecting lower wallboard and recycled paperboard sales volume, while wallboard sales prices were flat. Operating earnings in the sector declined 2% to $93 million, reflecting lower wallboard sales volume, partially offset by reduced input costs, primarily for recycled fiber and energy.

    轉到下一張投影片的輕質材料部門。輕質材料部門的收入下降了 8%,反映出牆板和再生紙板銷量下降,而牆板銷售價格持平。該行業的營業利潤下降 2%,至 9,300 萬美元,反映出牆板銷量下降,但部分被投入成本(主要是再生纖維和能源)的下降所抵消。

  • Looking now at our cash flow. We continue to generate strong cash flow and allocate capital in a disciplined way. During the first 6 months of our fiscal year, operating cash flow improved 4% to $313 million, while capital spending increased to $66 million, and we acquired the cement import terminal in Stockton for $55 million.

    現在看看我們的現金流。我們繼續產生強勁的現金流並以嚴格的方式分配資本。在本財年的前 6 個月,營運現金流成長了 4%,達到 3.13 億美元,而資本支出增加到 6,600 萬美元,我們以 5,500 萬美元收購了斯托克頓的水泥進口碼頭。

  • We also repurchased a total of 917,000 shares or 2.5% of our outstanding for $151 million in addition to paying our quarterly dividends, returning a total of $169 million to shareholders during the first half of our fiscal year. We have approximately 6.8 million shares remaining under our current repurchase authorization. Finally, we used our strong cash flow to strengthen our balance sheet.

    除了支付季度股息外,我們還以 1.51 億美元回購了總計 917,000 股股票,即已發行股票的 2.5%,並在上半財年向股東返還了總計 1.69 億美元。根據我們目前的回購授權,我們仍有約 680 萬股股票。最後,我們利用強勁的現金流來強化我們的資產負債表。

  • Let's look at our capital structure. At September 30, 2023, our net debt-to-cap ratio was 45%, and our net debt-to-EBITDA leverage ratio was 1.3x. We ended the quarter with $47 million of cash on hand. Total committed liquidity at the end of the quarter was approximately $627 million and we have no meaningful near-term debt maturities, giving us substantial financial flexibility.

    讓我們看看我們的資本結構。截至2023年9月30日,我們的淨負債與上限比率為45%,淨負債與EBITDA槓桿率為1.3倍。本季末,我們手頭現金為 4700 萬美元。本季末承諾的流動資金總額約為 6.27 億美元,我們沒有有意義的短期債務到期日,這給我們帶來了巨大的財務靈活性。

  • Thank you for attending today's call. MJ, we're ready to move to the question-and-answer session.

    感謝您參加今天的電話會議。 MJ,我們準備好進入問答環節了。

  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Today's first question comes from Trey Grooms with Stephens.

    (操作員說明)今天的第一個問題來自 Trey Grooms 和 Stephens。

  • Trey Grooms - MD & Analyst

    Trey Grooms - MD & Analyst

  • So we've seen volume down in wallboard now for, I guess, the last 2 quarters and no surprise, and I think it's actually holding in better than most would have thought. And Michael, you gave a little color on the demand outlook there, but understandably with the backdrop of higher rates, this clearly creates more uncertainty, at least around the residential backdrop here.


  • But given what we've seen from starts and completions on the residential side. To the extent that you can talk about it, how are you thinking about the wallboard volume outlook in the near term? And then at what point do you expect that we could start to see some stabilization there?


  • D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

    D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

  • Yes, Trey, you bring up a lot of interesting points. Look, the higher interest rate environment it will navigate through. And there's factors on the other side, most notably, a shortage of homes in many markets across the U.S. of existing homes which is a very different environment than we've seen in prior cycles.


  • It's also important to note where we operate in the southern part of the U.S. where activity has been more robust than other parts of the country. And I think that's our core market. And look, we continue to have homeowners requiring to live somewhere. So there are a lot of factors and -- we've seen homebuilder orders improved this quarter and again last quarter as well. So it's hard to predict right now, but we think we're positioned pretty well.


  • Trey Grooms - MD & Analyst

    Trey Grooms - MD & Analyst

  • Okay. And I guess with that, just kind of sticking with the demand picture. On the cement side, granted, there's maybe some more -- or quite a bit more visibility there into the demand picture, which sounds like it's still pretty good.


  • But as we look into maybe the calendar '24, with this kind of increased uncertainty again that's created by the rate situation. Is it your expectation that we should continue to stay in what is kind of a sold-out position or at least nearly sold-out position as we kind of look over the foreseeable future?


  • D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

    D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

  • Yes. As opposed to the wallboard industry, which is more residentially oriented, cement and aggregates demand is more driven by infrastructure spending. And obviously, with the multiyear highway bill that those funds are starting to really benefit of highway awards and that activity, that should more than offset the residential impact on the heavy side.


  • Not to mention, and Michael pointed to them out, several large kind of manufacturing/industrial type projects for battery plants, semiconductor facilities, that activity is at a multi-decade high. So that's what gives us some confidence around the outlook for the heavy side demand not just for '24, but beyond that, given those projects are multiyear in nature.

    更不用說,麥可指出,電池廠、半導體設施的幾個大型製造/工業類型項目的活動處於數十年來的最高水平。因此,考慮到這些項目本質上是多年期的,這讓我們對重側需求的前景充滿信心,不僅是對 24 年的需求,而且對以後的需求也是如此。

  • Trey Grooms - MD & Analyst

    Trey Grooms - MD & Analyst

  • Okay. And I've got to sneak one more in here, if I could. You mentioned you went out with a cement pricing announcement for early January. Any additional color you could give us on maybe magnitude or maybe how widespread these announcements are?


  • D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

    D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

  • Yes. It's across most of our markets, January 1, still evaluating all of our markets, but the announcements have ranged between $10 to $15 a ton.

    是的。 1 月 1 日,我們的大部分市場仍在評估我們所有的市場,但公告的價格範圍在每噸 10 美元到 15 美元之間。

  • Trey Grooms - MD & Analyst

    Trey Grooms - MD & Analyst

  • Perfect. I'll turn it over.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Stanley Elliott with Stifel.

    下一個問題來自 Stanley Elliott 和 Stifel。

  • Stanley Stoker Elliott - VP & Analyst

    Stanley Stoker Elliott - VP & Analyst

  • And congratulations. I was just curious, when you talk about the wallboard pricing has been so resilient. Is there a way to quantify kind of the differences that you're seeing in the East and the West? And you spoke a little bit about some of the synthetic piece. I was curious as to what that might be having an impact on it.


  • D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

    D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

  • Yes, Stanley, look, and Michael mentioned it, it's such a different environment this cycle than what we've seen in prior cycles where not only were you facing demand pressures but there has been a significant amount of new supply being added and most of that was centered around the availability of synthetic gypsum as the source of gypsum has declined significantly as we've reduced the power generation vehicle that's reduced that raw material.


  • And it's more predominant in the eastern half of the U.S., no doubt. But again, the western and southern part of the country is where a lot of the construction activity has been more robust. So it's a balance. And I'd say pricing has kind of held in pretty well nationally and different factors across the country for sure.


  • Stanley Stoker Elliott - VP & Analyst

    Stanley Stoker Elliott - VP & Analyst

  • And you talked a little bit about the balance sheet kind of 1.3x. You should be generating a bunch of cash on a go-forward basis. Help us again with kind of what's happening with the M&A pipeline, you've been active buying shares. Just curious a little -- if we get a little more color on plans around that? Or should we see the leverage continue to tick down with the thought of maybe something larger coming down the pipe? Just really more curious than anything.

    您談到了 1.3 倍的資產負債表。你應該在未來的基礎上產生大量現金。再次幫助我們了解併購管道中發生的情況,您一直在積極購買股票。只是有點好奇——我們是否能在這方面的計劃上得到更多的色彩?或者我們應該看到槓桿率繼續下降,因為考慮到可能會有更大的事情發生?真的比什麼都好奇。

  • D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

    D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

  • Yes. Stanley, it's a great question. The capital allocation is an area where we spend a lot of time and focus because we are generating a high level of free cash flow. And as we've always said, maintaining the assets is paramount and a bedrock function of Eagle as is the capital structure management, which we put ourselves in a good position in both of those fronts.

    是的。史丹利,這是一個很好的問題。資本配置是我們花費大量時間和精力的領域,因為我們正在產生高水準的自由現金流。正如我們一直所說,維護資產至關重要,是 Eagle 的基本職能,資本結構管理也是如此,我們在這兩方面都處於有利地位。

  • And so the next use is to continue to grow the enterprise. As you know, we have very high strict criteria, both financially and strategically for that investment. And when those investments don't meet that criteria, we're happy to continue to return cash to shareholders.


  • We obviously saw value in the shares this past quarter, and continue to balance that capital allocation between those 2 opportunities, and it's dependent upon the balance of whether the investment in front of us meets those criteria or not. And that's kind of the way we've operated for a long time.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Brent Thielman with D.A. Davidson.

    下一個問題來自 D.A. 的 Brent Thielman。戴維森。

  • Brent Edward Thielman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Brent Edward Thielman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • I just wanted to come back to wallboard. I guess I'd just be curious if what you've seen sort of fiscal year-to-date considering your sort of conversations with customers, what you see around your regions and then we have these prevailing mortgage rates. I mean, does this still feel like sort of a down mid-single-digit environment for volume over the short term? Are you actually more optimistic than that?


  • D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

    D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

  • Yes, Brent, as we said in our prepared comments, look, I think you got to recognize the recent increase in interest rates. And traditionally, what that -- how that would impact home building. There's just some other factors today that are in place that are very different than as we pointed them out, the shortage of homes, existing homes that are at very, very low levels across the country. And you have this idea where you've got a significant amount of the mortgages that are outstanding that are sub-4%.

    是的,布倫特,正如我們在準備好的評論中所說,你看,我認為你必須認識到最近利率的上升。傳統上,這將如何影響住宅建設。今天還有一些其他因素與我們指出的非常不同,房屋短缺,全國現有房屋處於非常非常低的水平。你有這樣的想法,你有大量未償還抵押貸款,比例低於 4%。

  • And so folks just aren't moving like they once were and which just puts more pressure on the need to build new homes. And so it's hard to predict. We've kind of been running in this down mid-single digit. It would surprise me that you're in that range for a little while. But again, it's not -- it's very different than what we've seen in prior cycles.


  • Brent Edward Thielman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Brent Edward Thielman - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Understood. And Craig, the wallboard margins, I mean, considering some top line pressure in the business, we're comparably strong or a little better than last year. I wonder if you could just sort of flesh out a few of the variables there that are allowing you to keep margins up.


  • D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

    D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

  • Yes. Look, again, it's not a big volume oriented business. It's not a high fixed cost business. So down volumes doesn't hurt as much. And paper prices, which is a large input are down year-over-year. That continued to be a benefit, a nice tailwind as is energy.


  • So energy is down a couple of dollars a million versus where we were last year and seems to be continuing to track that direction. So what had been tailwind or headwinds a year ago have kind of turned around and help keep margins pretty flat.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Anthony Pettinari with Citi.

    下一個問題來自花旗銀行的安東尼‧佩蒂納裡 (Anthony Pettinari)。

  • Anthony James Pettinari - Director & US Paper, Packaging & Building Products Analyst

    Anthony James Pettinari - Director & US Paper, Packaging & Building Products Analyst

  • Can you talk a little bit more about the rationale for the Stockton terminal acquisition, what was attractive about that asset and how it supplements your system? And then just following up on Stanley's question on M&A. You had a lot of success with the Kosmos acquisition. Are there heavy-side assets out there that could potentially be attractive? Or are those just kind of so scarce to kind of once in a blue moon?

    您能否多談談收購斯托克頓碼頭的理由、該資產的吸引力以及它如何補充您的系統?然後跟進史丹利關於併購的問題。你們在收購 Kosmos 方面取得了巨大的成功。是否存在具有潛在吸引力的重資產?或者說,這些東西實在太稀缺了,簡直是千載難逢?

  • Michael R. Haack - CEO, President & Director

    Michael R. Haack - CEO, President & Director

  • Yes. So this is Michael. I appreciate the question. Yes, when we look at -- first, I'll take your second question first. We're always involved if any acquisition work come to light. We evaluate a bunch of stuff. But as Craig and I both mentioned, we have some strict financial performance criteria that are there.


  • But again, if anything were to come to light, we would be interested in it, one of our cash allocation criteria is to keep our existing assets and like new condition and grow through acquisition if something were to come available. We look at a lot of different businesses out there. And we only select the ones that really fit our network the best.


  • As for Stockton, if you look at the West Coast and everything where we stand, we have a business on that side. That import terminal really supports our business as we grow with our Nevada Cement opportunity. We were already bringing cement into California from Nevada.


  • And as Nevada continues to grow and some of the surrounding areas there continue to grow, we're finding -- we were a little light on supporting our customers. So we saw this as a great opportunity to bring in a product to support our customers and continue to grow in that market that supports one of our cement facilities there.


  • Anthony James Pettinari - Director & US Paper, Packaging & Building Products Analyst

    Anthony James Pettinari - Director & US Paper, Packaging & Building Products Analyst

  • Okay. That's very helpful. I'll turn it over.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Jerry Revich with Goldman Sachs.

    下一個問題來自高盛的傑瑞·雷維奇(Jerry Revich)。

  • Jatin Khanna - Research Analyst

    Jatin Khanna - Research Analyst

  • This is Jatin Khanna on behalf of Jerry Revich. How are you thinking about cement pricing for 2024 in light of the extreme volatility in diesel prices and overall inflation?

    我是賈汀·卡納 (Jatin Khanna),代表傑瑞·雷維奇 (Jerry Revich)。鑑於柴油價格和整體通膨的劇烈波動,您如何看待 2024 年的水泥定價?

  • D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

    D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

  • Just to be clear, diesel prices don't have as much of an impact on us in our cement business. And -- so we have announced price increases in cement for early January, as we said earlier, kind of between $10 and $15 a ton depending upon the market. And that's our announced plans at this point.

    需要明確的是,柴油價格對我們的水泥業務沒有太大影響。而且,我們已經宣布 1 月初水泥價格上漲,正如我們之前所說,根據市場情況,每噸價格上漲 10 至 15 美元。這就是我們目前宣布的計劃。

  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Adam Thalhimer with Thompson, Davis.


  • Adam Robert Thalhimer - Director of Research & Partner

    Adam Robert Thalhimer - Director of Research & Partner

  • Nice quarter. Craig, what was the exit price in Wallboard for Q2?

    不錯的季度。克雷格,Wallboard 第二季的退出價格是多少?

  • D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

    D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

  • It was pretty consistent with the quarterly average.


  • Adam Robert Thalhimer - Director of Research & Partner

    Adam Robert Thalhimer - Director of Research & Partner

  • Got it. And then cement volumes down 1% year-over-year, you cited weather. How are you thinking about the December quarter, you have an easy comp. You were down 13% last year. I don't remember what that was, probably weather. But how are you thinking about that comp and then kind of early 2024 cement volumes?

    知道了。然後,由於天氣原因,水泥產量比去年同期下降了 1%。您對 12 月季度的看法如何,您的薪資很簡單。去年你的股價下跌了 13%。我不記得那是什麼,可能是天氣。但您如何看待這項比較以及 2024 年初的水泥產量?

  • D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

    D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

  • Brent, yes, look, there's always weather in different quarters. But look, the underlying fundamental demand for cement continue to go in the right direction, whether that's infrastructure, the highway awards that continue to grow these large industrial facilities.


  • It's hard to predict quarter-to-quarter depending upon when certain things happen or project delays or whatnot. But we continue to see an environment where utilization rates should remain high across our network, and there's a good demand backdrop for us.


  • Adam Robert Thalhimer - Director of Research & Partner

    Adam Robert Thalhimer - Director of Research & Partner

  • Do you see any more variability than normal geographically?


  • D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

    D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

  • No, I don't think so. There's -- again, for us, it's interesting if you were to think through the prior cycle, we're nearly 3x the size that we were back then. We got exposure from Northern California, East Ohio, South Texas. So we very much more represent a national average today versus where we were a decade or so ago, where we were kind of a very -- smallest regional player. So we just operate more markets today than we ever had before.

    不,我不這麼認為。再說一次,對我們來說,如果你仔細考慮上一個週期,就會很有趣,我們的規模幾乎是當時的 3 倍。我們從北加州、東俄亥俄州、南德克薩斯州得到了曝光。因此,與大約十年前的情況相比,今天我們更代表了全國平均水平,當時我們是一個非常小的區域參與者。因此,我們今天經營的市場比以往任何時候都多。

  • Adam Robert Thalhimer - Director of Research & Partner

    Adam Robert Thalhimer - Director of Research & Partner

  • Got it. And then I'm trying to back into because the cement margins -- the cement margins remain exceptional. But I'm wondering, do you have any thoughts on cement cost per ton in the back half of the year?


  • D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

    D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

  • Yes. So yes, as you pointed out, our margin profile continues to do very well in that business. And as we've said, what the tailwinds a year ago were around energy, specifically fuel, those have abated. Certainly here in FY '24 as you start looking beyond FY '24 certainly, in fuel costs, which for us is today predominantly solid fuels have trended lower. So you should see some benefit there.

    是的。所以,是的,正如您所指出的,我們的利潤狀況在該業務中繼續表現良好。正如我們所說,一年前能源(特別是燃料)的順風已經減弱。當然,在 24 財年,當你開始關注 24 財年之後的燃料成本時,對我們來說,今天主要是固體燃料已經呈下降趨勢。所以你應該會看到一些好處。

  • Maintenance costs, we've seen inflation across parts and services, I would hope that, that might start to turn and go the other direction or at least become less inflationary. So it should be a reasonable environment for us.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Phil Ng with Jefferies.

    下一個問題來自 Phil Ng 和 Jefferies。

  • Unidentified Analyst

    Unidentified Analyst

  • This is actually Colin on for Phil. I just wanted to touch on Stockton terminal really quickly. It was a nice contributor to the Cement segment this quarter. Can you just help us think about the volume contribution from that plant going forward? Does it have the ability to ramp up from its fiscal 2Q contribution? Or is it at capacity at this point? And then any color as to how those margins look versus your wholly owned margins?


  • D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

    D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

  • Look, imported margins are going to be lower than your normal manufacturing margins. It's just a function of it's a distribution business versus manufacturing business, but it is operating with a good margin profile. And as we had expected, we pointed out in the earnings release, there is some kind of purchase price allocation still flowing through there this quarter, but that's largely behind us and a good amount of depreciation.


  • But in terms of the volume profile, I expect it to remain in this level in the immediate term. And there are some opportunities to expand that that we are exploring, but we've not made any decisions on that quite yet.


  • Unidentified Analyst

    Unidentified Analyst

  • Great. That's helpful. And just going to the wallboard side of the business, you've seen wallboard EBIT margins north of 40% for the fifth consecutive quarter now. I guess how sustainable is this level of margin just given the uncertain macro backdrop that we're in?

    偉大的。這很有幫助。就牆板業務而言,您會發現牆板息稅前利潤率已連續第五個季度超過 40%。我想考慮到我們所處的不確定的宏觀背景,這種利潤水平的可持續性如何?

  • D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

    D. Craig Kesler - Executive VP of Finance & Administration and CFO

  • Colin, look, it's a function of price and cost. And price, as we've said, has been much more resilient, pretty much flat and almost exactly flat year-over-year. And again, we just don't face some of the other uncertainties that we had in prior cycles. So not surprised to see pricing more resilient here.


  • And then on the cost side, as we pointed out, paper prices have stabilized here at least sequentially, gas prices for us, natural gas has remained pretty stable here, $3 or a little below that on an MMBtu basis. Those are the primary inputs into the manufacturing of wallboard and don't see any significant changes on the horizon as we sit here today. So those are the biggest factors, and they've been very supportive so far.

    然後在成本方面,正如我們所指出的,紙張價格至少連續穩定在這裡,對我們來說,天然氣價格在這裡保持相當穩定,按 MMBtu 計算,為 3 美元或略低於該價格。這些是牆板製造的主要投入,當我們今天坐在這裡時,並沒有看到任何重大變化。所以這些是最重要的因素,到目前為止他們一直都非常支持。

  • Unidentified Analyst

    Unidentified Analyst

  • Appreciate the color.


  • Operator


  • This concludes our question-and-answer session. I would now like to hand the call back over to Mr. Michael Haack for closing remarks.


  • Michael R. Haack - CEO, President & Director

    Michael R. Haack - CEO, President & Director

  • Thank you, MJ. I just want to say I appreciate everybody joining us for the call today, and we will talk to you in our early 2024.

    謝謝你,喬丹。我只想說,我感謝大家今天參加我們的電話會議,我們將在 2024 年初與您交談。

  • Operator


  • The conference has now concluded. Thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect.
