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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to the video conference of Companhia Paranaense de Energia - COPEL to discuss the results for the first quarter of 2024.
歡迎參加 Companhia Paranaense de Energia - COPEL 視訊會議,討論 2024 年第一季的表現。
The video conference is being recorded and the replay can be accessed at the company's website ri.copel.com. The respective presentation is also available for download.
視訊會議正在錄製中,您可以在公司網站 ri.copel.com 上存取重播。對應的簡報也可供下載。
(Operator Instructions)
Before proceeding, we'll stress that forward-looking statements are based on beliefs and assumptions of Copel's management and on information currently available to the company.
在繼續之前,我們要強調,前瞻性陳述是基於 Copel 管理層的信念和假設以及公司目前可獲得的資訊。
Forward-looking statements may involve risks and uncertainties as they relate to future events and therefore depend on circumstances that may or may not occur.
Investors, analysts, and journalists, please consider that events related to the macroeconomic environment, industry conditions and other factors may cause results to differ materially from those expressed in such, forward looking statements.
With us today for this video conference.
Mr. Daniel Slaviero, CEO of Copel, Mr. Adriano Rudek de Moura, CFO of Copel, as well as officers of the subsidiaries will also be available for the Q&A session.
Copel 執行長 Daniel Slaviero 先生、Copel 財務長 Adriano Rudek de Moura 先生以及子公司的管理階層也將參加問答環節。
I now would like to turn the floor to Mr. Slaviero, will start the presentation.
Please, Mr. Slaviero, the floor's yours.
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
Good morning, everyone.
I would like to thank you very much for being here with us in this video conference.
I would like to start this call kind of solidarity to the people of Rio Grande do Sul for the unprecedented tragedy that is striking the state.
We acknowledge their restless work of our colleagues from the industry and also the whole population in the area to overcome this very difficult situation.
Now talking about our quarter results, we did have another period of sound achievements, especially the best quarter and the history of our distributing company with 34.4% of efficiency in the last 12 months.
現在談論我們的季度業績,我們確實又取得了良好的業績,尤其是最好的季度和我們的分銷公司在過去 12 個月內效率達到 34.4% 的歷史。
Congratulations to Max and the colleagues.
This is an amazing result for this quarter and Copel distribution and Copel consolidated results adjusted EBITDA was BRL1.4 billion Net income, a little over BRL500 million.
這是本季的驚人結果,Copel 分配和 Copel 綜合業績調整後 EBITDA 為 14 億雷亞爾淨利潤,略高於 5 億雷亞爾。
Moura will go into the details on this results shortly.
And I will be concentrating myself in the status of the changes that are happening in the company since we turned it into a corporation.
You have seen and you are following that up with us that the pillars of this new stage of the company are people operating efficiency and capital allocation.
And this has been as stressed since our roadshow and in Investor Day, and I'm going to go into each one of these fronts and what we have been doing in each one of them.
And now our shareholders' meeting of April 22, we have approved one of the most powerful tools to attract and retain talents.
現在,我們在 4 月 22 日舉行的股東大會上,批准了吸引和留住人才的最有力工具之一。
The long-term incentive plan, as the name itself says it, this is the best way of aligning the administration's interest.
What the objects of value generation and the long term and especially to foster a meritocracy culture and a high performance culture that is we want to foster that ownership feeling among the employees of the company.
This will also allow us to attract new and needed competencies for the challenges in the industry.
I would like to say also that in this meeting, we brought in two new members to our Board of Directors, Pedro Sales, and Viviane Martins and also to new members for the fiscal committee.
我還想說,在這次會議上,我們為董事會引入了兩名新成員:Pedro Sales 和 Viviane Martins,以及財務委員會的新成員。
And what time this will flow to all the other levels of the organization?
For operating efficiency, we have seen significant gains for supply and we move on with our works on ZBB.
在營運效率方面,我們看到供應量顯著增加,我們繼續在 ZBB 上開展工作。
And the second stage of the ZBB will be disclosed in the full results also in our Copel Day in November of this year.
ZBB 第二階段的完整結果也將於今年 11 月的 Copel Day 公佈。
How about the energy trading strategy?
We were able to seize good prices with the market volatility that happened over the first quarter.
And we are very much focused and paying attention to new opportunities that might arise in the next few months.
But we still have a positive expectation here with about the price recovery, especially starting in 2026 on what we saw in the first quarter is a clear a new reality that will be facing in this industry with a significant increase of price volatility.
但我們仍然對價格復甦抱持正面的預期,特別是從 2026 年開始,我們在第一季度看到的情況是,該行業將面臨一個明顯的新現實,即價格波動性顯著增加。
And it will be on the hands of companies to seize these moments to then execute their strategies.
And we are going to be safe, faithful, and consistent.
So this strategy and the long-term plans for the company for value generation, of course.
Now going into digitization, in March, we closed the deal with Google and will be migrating our IT services to Google Cloud.
現在進入數位化階段,我們在 3 月與 Google 完成了交易,並將我們的 IT 服務遷移到 Google Cloud。
This is a strategic measure to scale gains by the means of data analysis tools, but AI machine learning, allowing us to have more competitiveness and agility in developing our businesses.
And now to conclude, with a pillar of capital allocation.
Just yesterday, we have communicated the market, the beginning of the stage of non-binding proposes to divest, before divestments of as small size generation assets.
We have 13 of them totaling a 118 megawatts, 119 megawatts.
我們有 13 個,總計 118 兆瓦、119 兆瓦。
The process is part of the value generation strategy of Copel, and it aims to improve operating efficiency of DET portfolio as well as the optimization of capital allocation.
And it will also allow us to reuse qualified professionals, trained professionals that will be then reallocated to different challenges, considering also the ones that will be leaving the company and the voluntary severance program.
And what is most important here and this initiative more than the money itself in terms of the disposal of these assets.
That shows the consistency of Copel's execution according to its commitments and its plans and the commitment with investors.
這表明 Copel 根據其承諾和計劃以及對投資者的承諾執行的一致性。
And this is what we have said in our Investors' Day.
And what we see that what's happening over the months prove that we have been very much consistent, focused and disciplined and the execution of value generation.
And this initiative will allow Copel to dedicate itself to its major assets, major generating plans.
這項舉措將使 Copel 能夠專注於其主要資產和主要發電計劃。
I also want to provide you with an update about the divestment process for Compagas.
我還想向您提供有關 Compagas 撤資流程的最新資訊。
We have ended the deadline to receive proposals.
Now we are in the stage of analyzing and negotiation of these proposals.
And obviously for confidentiality issues, we cannot go into the details here.
But we are really now in this stage of analyzing and negotiating these proposals.
It's important to stress what we have already said in our prior calls, the priority is not the deadline or the time, but rather the maximization of value of a premium asset.
Our renewed concession up to 2054 and the fourth largest economy in the country, which is Paranaense.
我們續約的特許權有效期至 2054 年,是巴拉那州第四大經濟體。
So we want to have the right value for this asset.
As far as innovation is concerned, our corporate venture capital fund, it has done its second investment now in those part of next trend energy, a marketplace with integration between distributed generation and consumers that simplifies the access to clean energy by using a digital platform and also connects consumers to the renewable energy projects by a subscription program.
We are very excited about the synergies that we can have between the trading company of Copel and Nextron.
我們對 Copel 貿易公司和 Nextron 之間的協同效應感到非常興奮。
This is a partnership that Copel is really up dedicated to.
這是 Copel 真正致力於的合作關係。
And to conclude my presentation here, we are very excited about these first months of 2024.
最後,我們對 2024 年的頭幾個月感到非常興奮。
We know that we are in the right direction to deliver that promised results to all Copel's stakeholders.
我們知道,我們正朝著正確的方向向 Copel 的所有利害關係人交付承諾的結果。
Now Moura will give you more details on the numbers for the first quarter and then we will be back in the Q&A session.
Adriano Rudek de Moura - Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer, Member of the Executive Board
Adriano Rudek de Moura - Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer, Member of the Executive Board
Thank you, Daniel.
Good morning, everyone.
Thank you very much for participating here in this video conference.
I also would like to show solidarity to the people of Rio Grande do Sul for the devastating impact of that tragedy that we are seeing there.
I'm talking about the quarterly results.
We are very happy to deliver another quarter with sound financial results, robust cash generation and consistent improvements in operating efficiency and all are challenges despite of the challenges that the industry is facing with a typical climatic event volatility in energy prices, restrictions, and the wind farms dispatches.
That is all challenges that are being mitigated here at Copel with an efficient execution in our value generation plan, as Daniel has already mentioned.
正如丹尼爾已經提到的,這就是 Copel 透過高效執行我們的價值生成計劃來緩解的所有挑戰。
Now the financial KPIs in a consolidated fashion, the adjusted EBITDA is in line with our expectations.
Here, we had an exceptional result of Copel Dis, which hit a record of BRL636 million in the quarter, 25% higher than the first quarter '23 that and it up offsetting partially the reduction of GET's results, which was affected by lower energy prices and also the frustration of wind farms generation, including the dispatch restrictions by ONS.
在這裡,我們看到了 Copel Dis 的出色業績,該季度創下了 6.36 億雷亞爾的記錄,比 23 年第一季度高出 25%,部分抵消了 GET 業績因能源價格下跌而下降的影響還有風電場發電的挫折,包括國家統計局的調度限制。
And despite of the EBITDA reduction, the net income in comparison to the prior quarter was also benefited by the improvement in the net financial result of over six -- BRL6 million because of the maintenance of -- we maintain resources in the primary offer of BRL2 billion that are awaiting payment of concession, renewal concession of plans submitted for the second half of the year and also by reduction of interest and inflation.
儘管 EBITDA 減少,但與上一季相比,淨利潤也受益於淨財務業績的改善,超過 6 雷亞爾——600 萬雷亞爾,因為我們維持了 2 雷亞爾的主要報價中的資源十億美元正在等待支付優惠、延長下半年提交的計劃的優惠以及降低利息和通貨膨脹。
And there was also a robust operating cash generation of over BRL1.3 billion.
此外,營運現金流也強勁,超過 13 億雷亞爾。
Excluding nonrecurring payment, we would have been BRL336 million of the first part of the arbitration agreement negotiated in January of this year.
如果不包括一次性付款,我們今年 1 月商定的仲裁協議第一部分的金額將達到 3.36 億雷亞爾。
And part of this improvement over BRL300 million comes from the positive variation of sectorial balances of Copel Dis.
超過 3 億雷亞爾的改善部分來自 Copel Dis 部門餘額的積極變化。
Thanks to the improvement in energy consumption in the fourth -- first quarter of 2024.
Next page, nonrecurring items here, we do not have anything relevant about the first quarter.
Remember that the results we show do not include the discontinued operations of UEGA and Compagas both in the results as well as in the balance sheet because they are posted as assets for sale once they are already discontinued.
請記住,我們顯示的結果不包括結果和資產負債表中 UEGA 和 Compagas 的已終止運營,因為一旦它們已經終止,它們就會作為待售資產過帳。
So EBITDA -- adjusted EBITDA for business here, we see the contribution of each one of the businesses in the comparison to the first quarter of 2023.
因此,EBITDA——調整後的業務 EBITDA,我們在與 2023 年第一季的比較中看到了每項業務的貢獻。
This grew 25%, BRL120 million higher, reaching BRL636 million, GET going down to BRL129 million, 23% reduction, both in the first quarter with BRL770 million.
成長 25%,增加 1.2 億雷亞爾,達到 6.36 億雷亞爾,GET 下降至 1.29 億雷亞爾,減少 23%,第一季均為 7.7 億雷亞爾。
And the main highlights here of -- starting by the regulatory efficiency was of over 34%.
這裡的主要亮點是——首先監管效率超過 34%。
The grid market grew over 10%, not including MMGD, which gets close to 8%.
電網市場成長超過 10%,其中不包括接近 8% 的 MMGD。
Also, there was a tariff adjustment of June of last year with an average effect and the Parcel B revenue of approximately 4%.
ADA went back to the normal levels of 0.6%, 0.7% over total revenue.
ADA 恢復到 0.6% 的正常水平,佔總收入的 0.7%。
Remember in the first quarter of last year, there was a reversal of BRL15 million in the total ADA, because of the disconnections resuming in the post pandemic period, which were restricted by state law and as was explained only at the end of 2022.
請記住,去年第一季度,ADA 總額出現了 1500 萬雷亞爾的逆轉,原因是大流行後時期恢復了斷電,這受到州法律的限制,直到 2022 年底才得到解釋。
And the electric system maintenance costs are -- is still there been impacted by atypical climatic events.
RR level has increased more than 20% compared to 1Q '23.
與 23 年第一季相比,RR 水準增加了 20% 以上。
We have almost BRL15 million more, but we are able to maintain the right level of DEC and FEC.
我們還有近 1500 萬雷亞爾,但我們能夠保持適當的 DEC 和 FEC 水平。
And here we are following that up of and closely and checking how we can mitigate that impact.
At GET, as I said, we have a performance reduction that was already expected, especially because of the contracting level.
正如我所說,在 GET,我們的性能下降已經在預料之中,特別是由於合約水準的原因。
And also, these are the main highlights here, the average price reduction and energy sale of over 20% in the free market and the end of some regulated environment contracted, specifically over the energy.
此外,這些也是這裡的主要亮點,自由市場中的平均價格下降和能源銷售超過 20%,以及一些監管環境收縮的結束,特別是在能源方面。
And the comparison of the quarter is the remuneration on assets and the transmission contracts were negatively impacted by the IPCA reduction, which affects the comparison of assets that are in the GET and also assets that are in our equity, the wind farm of frustration BRL50 million, especially because of the provisioning I'm coming from greater operative restriction of transmission.
本季的比較是資產報酬和輸電合約受到 IPCA 削減的負面影響,這影響了 GET 中的資產以及我們股權中的資產(受挫的風電場 5000 萬雷亞爾)的比較,特別是因為我的配置受到了更大的傳輸操作限制。
And also we have fully integrated operations of acquisitions of wind farms Aventura and Santa Rosa and Novo Mundo.
我們也全面整合了收購 Aventura 和 Santa Rosa 風電場以及 Novo Mundo 風電場的業務。
For PMSO, I already mentioned some components of cost of electric system maintenance base, which increased 20% ADA with a reversal of BRL15 million in the first quarter.
對於 PMSO,我已經提到了電力系統維護基礎成本的一些組成部分,第一季 ADA 增加了 20%,逆轉了 1500 萬雷亞爾。
Here we see a variation quarter-on-quarter of BRL56 million, and part of this increase of BRL97 million is posted as a provision and reversal.
在這裡,我們看到季度環比變化為 5,600 萬雷亞爾,其中 9,700 萬雷亞爾的成長部分作為撥備和沖銷過帳。
In the comparison of PMSO that was reported, there was a slight reduction of 1.6%, including indemnity that was paid of BRL138 million.
與報告的 PMSO 相比,略有減少 1.6%,其中包括支付的賠償金 1.38 億雷亞爾。
That is nonrecurring because of the additional 1/3 for vacation paid in January of 2023.
這是非經常性的,因為 2023 年 1 月支付的假期額外增加了 1/3。
And therefore, this benefit has been excluded from the salary bases starting last year.
And we start to see a reduction during this year.
But if we did not consider these nonrecurring items and provisions and reversals, there was an increase in PMSO of approximately 4% and in line [P] excluding this indemnity impact, there was a salary adjustment in the ACT starting in October of 4.5%, which was partially offset by the reduction of 160 people that left us since the first quarter of '23.
但如果我們不考慮這些非經常性項目、準備金和沖銷,則 PMSO 增加了約 4%,並且根據 [P] 線排除了這種賠償影響,ACT 從 10 月開始進行了 4.5% 的薪資調整,自23 年第一季以來,我們減少了160 名員工,部分抵銷了這種影響。
Out of those 67 are already our voluntary severance program anticipated, which is counting on more than 1400 people leaving up to 14 -- August 14.
其中 67 人已經進入我們預期的自願遣散計劃,預計到 8 月 14 日,將有 1400 多人離開。
Now in terms of cost reduction plan, we are already at full speed at our ZBB second stage and we have a kick-off in February of this year that the company is fully engaged in this work.
We estimate its conclusion in October of this year and eventual efficiency improvements might happen and they should be approved and integrated to 2025 budget and obviously informed to the market in the next Copel Day.
我們預計今年 10 月得出結論,最終可能會實現效率提升,它們應該獲得批准並納入 2025 年預算,並在下一個科佩爾日明確告知市場。
Now about the initiatives to cost reduction and also improvements in efficiency in the first stage of ZBB, which we disclosed at Copel Day last year, they're already part of the individual targets of ICP and they are being monitored.
現在,關於ZBB第一階段降低成本和提高效率的舉措,我們在去年的Copel Day上披露了這些舉措,它們已經成為ICP單獨目標的一部分,並且正在受到監控。
Now moving on the investments program, we have a total amount forecasted of BRL2.4 billion with total folks and revealing RAB for Copel Dis starting in June of 2026.
現在繼續進行投資計劃,我們預計總金額為 24 億雷亞爾,並從 2026 年 6 月開始公佈 Copel Dis 的 RAB。
Both the physical and the financial plans are moving forward.
And this projection for 2024, we are not including the concession bonus for the beginning of the second half, which is of approximately BRL3.7 billion, and this could be updated by Selic since January '24 up to payment date.
對於 2024 年的預測,我們不包括下半年開始的特許經營獎金,約為 37 億雷亞爾,Selic 可能會自 24 月 24 日起更新至付款日期。
Now turning to the end of my presentation, we maintain the leverage at the level of two times, especially the funds of BRL2 billion in the primary offering that are available and cash for the concession bonus payment, as we mentioned.
現在,我的演講即將結束,我們將槓桿維持在兩倍的水平,特別是我們提到的,首次發行中可用的 20 億雷亞爾資金以及用於優惠獎金支付的現金。
Naturally, the concession payment and the CapEx level that have been approved for 2024 as well as the investments expectations for 2025 with focus in reviewing our RAB at DIS at the level of leverage should increase to [2.5] and
當然,已批准的 2024 年優惠付款和資本支出水平以及 2025 年的投資預期(重點是在槓桿水平上審查 DIS 的 RAB)應增加至 [2.5] 和
And now concluding, I would like to remind you that in the last shareholders' meeting, we have approved the dividend distribution in line with our policies and the payment of a remaining balance of BRL632 million, which will be paid off in June.
最後,我想提醒大家,在上次股東大會上,我們已經根據我們的政策批准了股息分配,並支付了剩餘的 6.32 億雷亞爾,將於 6 月支付。
Thank you very much for your participation, and we can now start the Q&A session.
Thank you all very much.
We will now start the Q&A session.
(Operator Instructions)
Ms. Maria Carolina Carneiro from Banco Safra.
Banco Safra 的 Maria Carolina Carneiro 女士。
Unidentified Company Representative
Unidentified Company Representative
We cannot hear you, Carol.
I think we may turn to the next question, and weâll come back to her later.
Mr. Andre Sampaio, Banco Santander.
Andre Sampaio - Analyst
Andre Sampaio - Analyst
Good morning, everyone.
I have two questions.
If you may start talking about DEC and FEC, we see that they are not as good.
如果您可以開始談論 DEC 和 FEC,我們發現它們並不那麼好。
And I would like to understand what is the plan for new climatic events, that more complex ones, so that this wonât happen again?
And really and also stress after the 5 years of the contract, how the new rules work after the fifth year in regards, the process and just to have that in mind.
And second, dividends, if you plan to switch to change anything in the policy?
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
Thank you, Andre.
And I will start by the second question and then Mauricio, you can talk about DEC or ELC Well, dividends, Andre, we move on with the payout line following are policies with that payout of 50% under normal and regular conditions.
我將從第二個問題開始,然後毛里西奧,你可以談談 DEC 或 ELC 好吧,股息,安德烈,我們繼續討論支付線,以下是在正常和常規條件下支付 50% 的保單。
But if any extraordinary effects are, especially regarding divestments.
If that happens, we will obviously, we'll evaluate and extraordinary payments as our policies already allow it.
So we are following the original plan and over 2024 anything deeper regarding the policy or a different capital structure that is adequate to this new stage.
因此,我們正在遵循最初的計劃,並在 2024 年之前製定任何更深入的政策或足以適應這一新階段的不同資本結構。
We intend to have this discussion over the year of 2025.
我們打算在 2025 年進行這項討論。
So our policies are very well adjusted.
It's very simple, easy to understand.
And that also allowed not only extraordinary payments up to 1.5% of leverage up to [2.7], 50% or 25% higher than that.
這不僅允許額外支付槓桿高達 [2.7] 的 1.5%,還可以比該水平高出 50% 或 25%。
And so extraordinary payments already allow us to have the flexibility in a way that the company does not have the inadequate.
The structures today with this leverage close to 2 is not really real one because we have BRL2 billion more in the follow-on and also the concession bonus payments, and we will have another funding closer to billing that we should be concluding in the beginning of the second half of the year.
今天的槓桿率接近2 的結構並不是真正的結構,因為我們後續還有20 億雷亞爾的資金以及優惠獎金支付,而且我們將有另一筆接近賬單的資金,我們應該在2019 年年初得出結論。
So I think this allows us to have flexibility according to the right levels to review and evaluate the possibility of extraordinary payments.
Now about DEC or ELC in the â since the end of last year, in the last quarter of 2023 and the first quarter of 2024, we have seen the effect of ANEEL, more intense storms and more frequent storms, heat waves.
This has affected the ELS and the EFC of all distributing companies in Brazil.
這影響了巴西所有分銷公司的 ELS 和 EFC。
But Copel is really following all the rules very much fighting by the limits established by ANEEL.
但 Copel 確實遵守了所有規則,並嚴格遵守 ANEEL 制定的限制。
We are always looking for an excellent â excellence standard in these climatic events, catering to clients, and also to follow up the extraordinary growth that we see in Parana.
We grew 5.8% in consolidated data here on the GDP versus the double of the average.
我們這裡的 GDP 綜合數據成長了 5.8%,是平均值的兩倍。
And Copel has executing all its investment in the past, and this is already bringing us positive results in the operation.
Copel 過去已經執行了所有投資,這已經為我們帶來了積極的營運成果。
So Max, if you can go into the details on what we have been doing in the ELC and EFC area and what do we have around that for concession contracts?
Max,您能否詳細介紹我們在 ELC 和 EFC 領域所做的工作以及我們在特許合約方面有哪些內容?
Mauricio Schulman - Independent Chairman of the Board
Mauricio Schulman - Independent Chairman of the Board
Good morning.
I think Daniel said it well, we are having a hard time with the climatic problems, not only here, but also, you've see in Rio Grande do Sul, what is happening there?
This is also This is also affecting us by the end of last year.
And in this first quarter, we are facing atypical number of storms and this has affected these indexes.
To react to that, we have this main investment that we are doing and the grid.
We are reassessing all of these issues, analyzing all the areas that were hit by these storms in a way to have a more robust grid, we are looking for new options for supplies.
So that the places that have been affected are not as damaged and also, we are working hard preventive maintenance.
This is reflecting in our expenses in the first quarter and we are trying to significantly increase preventive maintenance to avoid problems.
And a special highlight here has to do with plant suppression, cutting trees and trying to replace trees that are already too old and the trees that could fall over the grid and also in the rural area.
We are removing plants under the transmission lines.
So we are focusing and preventing problems to happen.
And therefore, and also if they happen, we can quickly react.
I can tell you that Copel is very much prepared to rebuild the networks if anything happens.
Now in the past, we did have this automatic exploration, but now we no longer have that.
And we are working with the regulating agency to see what are the penalties, but we do not, no longer have that with the first cycle.
So from now on, we have to follow all the discussion process with the regulatory agency, but we do not have the exploration process anymore.
But to conclude, Copel has its renewed contracts.
So all the rules are already stated.
So we are far from this macro discussion, but quality is a priority.
So regardless, if the contract is another one or if it's a contracted for new distribution companies in a quality abiding by the rules in the company, not only in the global ELC or EFC., but also to look at the whole picture and to be within the rules and the limits, this is our main priority here.
Andre Sampaio - Analyst
Andre Sampaio - Analyst
Thank you very much.
It's [Carolina Carneiro], there.
Mr. Daniel Travitzky from Banco Safra
Banco Safra 的 Daniel Travitzky 先生
Daniel Travitzky - Analyst
Daniel Travitzky - Analyst
Hello, everyone.
Good morning.
Thank you for this opportunity of taking my question.
I also have two questions.
Well, starting on energy trading, we saw that the company signed contracts at very interesting prices in the quarter.
I would like to understand your forward perspective.
And if you can also describe the dynamics in this quarter that resulted in these interesting prices.
And my second question is about the divestments in the smaller plants.
I would like to understand, well, first your timing, and I would like to know for the future, what is under the radar for the divestment in addition to Compagas that you already mentioned, but what else would be on the companyâs focus.
我想了解,首先是您的時機,我想知道未來,除了您已經提到的 Compagas 之外,撤資還有哪些內容是在關注範圍內的,但公司的財務報表上還有哪些內容?
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
And trading, what we have seen in this first quarter, what sector and the industry should have started seeing since 2021.
至於交易,我們在第一季看到了什麼,自 2021 年以來哪些部門和行業應該開始看到。
And now more recently because of the climatic conditions and also a strong presence of the intermittent sources and also wind and solar.
Therefore, we have price volatility.
We have had BRL160 million or BRL170 million for the subsequent years.
在隨後的幾年中,我們有 1.6 億雷亞爾或 1.7 億雷亞爾。
You have seen that we were able to have over 100 megawatts and so that we could sign some contracts in that range.
您已經看到,我們能夠擁有超過 100 兆瓦的電力,因此我們可以簽署該範圍內的一些合約。
But this is our understanding.
We want to have an allocation of portfolio and risk.
We do not want to have everything at a lower rate, which is not a low rate, but it's not a significant either.
But we want to watch for the average price because it has a significant impact, of course, and this does have an impact Copel GET.
但我們想要關注平均價格,因為它當然會產生重大影響,而這確實會對 Copel GET 產生影響。
So this is our perspective in this dry period, but prices will be moving sideways.
We'll be executing our strategy for this period in a conservative fashion, but we'll be active in the market as well, especially when our clients portfolio allows it because it's important that we -- I think it's important to work proactively in serving our clients.
So we'll see now what's going to happen in the next well, what period and the La Nina intensity.
This will be important so that the prices levels should be consolidated.
But considering what we have already seen in the period and how the models will work the volatility for 2025 and 2026, I will -- I am sure that this will be more present, especially because we have seen less rain in the past few months and also a high probability that the rainfall might not be at the needed levels for the reservoirs.
但考慮到我們在此期間已經看到的情況以及模型將如何處理 2025 年和 2026 年的波動性,我相信這種情況會更加明顯,特別是因為過去幾個月降雨量減少了,而且降雨量也很有可能達不到水庫所需的水平。
And so this is something that we are mindful of.
So I will talk a little bit about the divestments, but if anyone has anything else to comment, feel free to do so.
Well, the divestments are more of an economic rationale, but they are also inefficiency rationale.
So we have the small size assets.
We packed to them in clusters, and we are going to the market to execute our strategy to be more efficient and also to better allocate our financial and human resources.
So this is a simplification strategy.
In another stage, as we said in the Investor Day, and we can evaluate that possibility or possible on crossings of assets or other opportunities that might arise, whether consolidated for us when we already have a major position or even divesting when we have minority conditions here.
That will depend on the marketâs dynamics and the opportunities that will arise.
It's about the simplification and optimization of our operating structure because a part of these employees are going to be reallocated to large plants.
They already know plants they have training, so they have the needed competence.
And we also have an investment plan.
And the priority is the capacity auction.
The public hearing period ended.
And Osorio, is very well positioned for a possible second project and Bertol and the whole team of new businesses is in the front line, so that we are ready with all the environmental licenses, pre-project and negotiations with partners and suppliers. [Bertol] and [Patterson], would you like to add anything about that strategy?
Osorio 為可能的第二個項目做好了充分準備,而 Bertol 和整個新業務團隊都處於第一線,因此我們已準備好所有環境許可、預項目以及與合作夥伴和供應商的談判。 [Bertol] 和 [Patterson],您想補充有關該策略的任何內容嗎?
Unidentified Company Representative
Unidentified Company Representative
No, I should say that we are more optimistic than what we were with the price improvement.
So we believe that the perspective is a little bit better than what it was in the end of last year.
About investments, these are 13 plants.
When SHPPs, UHP and also Figueira TPP.
當 SHPP、UHP 和 Figueira TPP 時。
And for some of them, we have -- will be able to increase efficiency by summing these assets.
And a final comment here Daniel, is that the this price perspective?
It is obviously we work with that with balance, not with euphoria.
You see all the projections, the -- an excess of supply, but you have to remember that a year ago, everyone thought that we're going to have the floor price and that for renowned competent companies that would have the floor price up to half of this period.
So no one is talking about that anymore.
Now you're talking about how much it's going to be and what was the level of prices will be and when they will stabilize.
So we had something that was minimally attractive.
But with this perspective that we mentioned, it will depend on the load and -- or the natural energy inflow and everything else that affected.
Thank you very much.
Ms. Maria Carolina Carneiro, Banco Safra.
瑪麗亞·卡羅萊納·卡內羅 (Maria Carolina Carneiro) 女士,薩夫拉銀行 (Banco Safra)。
Maria Carolina Carneiro - Analyst
Maria Carolina Carneiro - Analyst
I would like to know your opinion about the discussion of provisional measure that is moving on in the industry about the possible tariff reduction and how to reach it?
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
Hello, Carol.
Well, what we know are the information that we have is from public data.
Our evaluation and the best scenario is that this provisional measure will not be approved.
It will expire.
That's our evaluation. but the Congress has its own dynamics and its own characteristics.
I would say that the main objectives that this provisional measure has about everything, it tackles, they will be partially or fully concluded during the working period of this provisional measure.
Therefore, we believe this will expire.
But all data that we have is the public data, and what we have is a very critical understanding about postponing subsidies.
There â itâs not needed for the current moment unnecessary for sources that are already mature.
So we cannot pressure tariffs anymore because of subsidies that are not right.
And Brazil has shown that this learning whether by wind farms and renewables in
Brazil has to be very careful when providing subsidies to sources, batteries and so on that we will see in the future, because once you provide a subsidy, once you grant a subsidies, itâs very difficult to take it out.
And also we are very careful about what we consider about excessive interference by the National Congress on now and things that should be -- on things that should be decided by the regulating agency.
Mr. Henrique Peretti, JPMorgan.
Henrique Peretti - Analyst
Henrique Peretti - Analyst
Thank you, and good morning.
You mentioned that the distributing company closed the first quarter, 34% higher than the regulatory EBITDA.
您提到分銷公司第一季的收盤價比監管 EBITDA 高出 34%。
I think this is your historical record and this is in the 12 months of yield.
So this should be inflated by have a few quarters.
But what would be the recurring level that you see of quite performance when we remove the extraordinary volumes?
Thank you.
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
Hello, Henrique, very good question, and you said it well.
This performance is very much related to a growth of 8%, 10% without GND, but 7.9%, basically 8% in consumption.
We are working up to the end of the cycle that is 2025 in 12 months, right, with over 20%.
我們正在努力在 12 個月後的 2025 年這個週期結束,對吧,超過 20%。
At the level that Copel is and with the level of strategy, efficiency, and technology, I think this is a figure that is around 20%.
This is the level that we consider to be adequate.
Well, you know it well, it happened this year after this tariff cycle ends.
Probably there is a reduction, then we will have a new cycle, a new investment strategy.
It will have especially dynamics that is still being analyzed and starting here, but we will have -- it's a special characteristic based on a company that had invested -- a robust investment.
So it has an initial drop, but it goes back to increasing and thanks to the efficiency and competence of our team.
Henrique Peretti - Analyst
Henrique Peretti - Analyst
Thank you very much.
Ms. Luiza Candiota, Itau BBA.
Luiza Candiota 女士,Itau BBA。
Luiza Candiota - Analyst
Luiza Candiota - Analyst
Good morning, everyone, and thank you for taking my question.
I missed part of the Q&A session, and I don't know if you have already talked about the next capacity auction, but I would like to have an update on the process to know if you believe that it's possible to have this auction in the third quarter at the end of August as forecasted, and which are of the main topics, is still to be developed and for fast at [AO] which would be the additional estimated CapEx to expand the capacity?
我錯過了部分問答環節,我不知道您是否已經談論過下一次容量拍賣,但我想了解一下流程的最新情況,以了解您是否認為有可能在預計8 月底第三季度的業績以及哪些主要主題仍有待開發,並且[AO] 預計用於擴大產能的額外資本支出將是多少?
And my second question about energy trading, we see that you sold an amount -- a significant amount for '24 and '25 seizing this window of opportunity in the first quarter.
我關於能源交易的第二個問題,我們看到你們賣出了一筆金額——對於 24 和 25 年第一季度抓住這個機會窗口來說,這是一筆很大的金額。
And I don't know if you already mentioned, but I would like to have more color on the average price of the contracts, if that was in line with the -- said that we have seen in this period.
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
Hello, Luiza.
I think we have already talked about the trading.
So the highlights of these opportunities are within our strategy.
This was a strategy that took advantage of this volatility and price increase, but also aiming at risk mitigation and portfolio.
So we still have some vision for â26 on -- then we have a moderately optimistic view here.
因此,我們對 26 月仍然有一些願景——那麼我們對此持適度樂觀的看法。
And we had annual sales and also strategies in the beginning of the year and the end of the year.
And we can conclude that this was in line with the
[D set].
And maybe in the afternoon or tomorrow, we can talk to you so that we do not need to go over the strategy all over again.
Now about the capacity, we believe that the capacity auction, it should happen in the second half of the year.
There is a good chance that it could be postponed in 30 days to 60 days, but we do understand that, but it should happen over the second half of the year.
很有可能會推遲 30 天到 60 天,但我們確實理解這一點,但應該會在今年下半年發生。
We are well positioned.
The CapEx, we do not have any civil construction works and the environmental area is ready is prepared.
We've just made minor adjustments.
So the CapEx perspective, we are not disclosing that for strategy -- strategic reasons, and it has to do with our competitiveness and our strategy.
Numbers two, about preparations and you can go -- can you go into the details to Luiza and everyone.
Well, on April 26, we had the conclusion of the documentation for the public hearing.
4 月 26 日,我們得出了公開聽證會文件的結論。
And so the auction should happen in the second half of the year, maybe September, but itâs going to be the second half of 2024.
因此,拍賣應該在今年下半年進行,也許是 9 月,但實際上會是 2024 年下半年。
For -- the conditions for Copel to participate in this auction are very good.
We already have the environmental license, so that we can move forward with the construction works.
So we have the basic project, the ordinance has been already published.
So we have everything ready, all the technical and legal conditions to be part of the auction.
The commercial deals are being done with the suppliers of turbines for that type of power of 400 megawatts.
商業交易正在與 400 兆瓦功率的渦輪機供應商進行。
So we are in very favourable conditions waiting for the auction to be set.
And as far as we know, we only have two products, wind and thermal, I'm sorry, and also hydro and thermal two products.
So and a good perspective here, and we also have evaluations for future capacity auctions and also expansion for capacity and power.
Mr. Gustavo Marcus, investor.
Gustavo Marcus - Investor
Gustavo Marcus - Investor
Will Copel increase the generation portfolio for solar and wind energy, reducing the hydro generation?
Copel 會增加太陽能和風能的發電組合,減少水力發電嗎?
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
Gustavo, in the short term, not this year and neither the next one.
We do not plan to invest in the expansion in these sources because of energy prices.
We are analyzing it but we have no projects, not in the greenfield neither in the ones that we have in the market, none of them meet the returns expected by the company at least in the short and medium term.
And medium term, Iâm saying here, itâs 24 months.
我在這裡說的中期是 24 個月。
On the other hand, we see more and more that the water source is needed as strategic and important for the industry.
So we have an agenda for the mid and long-term so that the water source attributes and this capacity auction is a first and initial movement here, but, and they are crucial to the energy security of the country, both hydro and thermal for our -- and also energy, sustainability, and security.
So the company, as always paying attention to that.
Our business is always analyzing it following up the marketâs movements, checking new opportunities.
But I would say that these sources and despite of being important it is strategic or not in our priority.
First, we have the capacity auction.
Also in the second half of the year, we have -- we'll have a transmission auction that might make sense.
So Copelâs strategy, considering it will be closed to Parana and south region, but these are opportunities that are still being analyzed here in our internal flow.
So our priority now is the execution of value-generation strategy to conclude the renewal to deliver the efficiency milestones to work on the divestments to conclude, Compagas and now these small generation assets.
因此,我們現在的首要任務是執行價值創造策略,以完成更新,實現效率里程碑,並致力於剝離 Compagas 以及現在的這些小型發電資產。
This is our strategic vision.
And then with the company, then 100% in line in this first stage, it will be able to analyze the allocation, any company that generates value and a perennial fashion also has to have a very well-balanced and safest strategy, and it has to be very much disciplined in its capital allocation.
Mr. Leonardo Gonzaga, BNDES.
Leonardo Gonzaga 先生,BNDES。
Leonardo Gonzaga - Analyst
Leonardo Gonzaga - Analyst
I would like to know if you already have a forecast for concession payments.
There are discussions about the possibility of tax paying on possible capital gains regarding the renewal of those or this is a topic that is no longer being discussed?
Thank you.
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
Let's divide here the answer for this question, okay.
We'll talk about taxes as well.
Well, with the auction capacity, that should happen and the beginning of the second half of the year, it's very clear that we will have other renewal contracts signed.
So around the same date, we are discussing that in the beginning of the second half of the year, we might have the signing of the contract and then the payment and then, Moura, if you can go into the details on the accounting of that.
Adriano Rudek de Moura - Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer, Member of the Executive Board
Adriano Rudek de Moura - Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer, Member of the Executive Board
Well, we are moving forward on this study of the tax impacts and this concession.
We should conclude this work in the next quarter.
We are working on a number of possibilities.
We have a strong opinion on what would be the best option.
We will be tracking this in order to conclude the process and present the results to the market in the next quarter.
Thank you very much.
The Q&A session has ended.
Now we would like to turn the floor to Mr. Daniel Slaviero for his final remarks.
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
Daniel Pimentel Slaviero - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Executive Board, Director
I think we tackled all relevant topics in the company, a quarter that is in line with market expectations.
Once again, bringing sound results for Copel Distribution and on the other hand, it's within our perspectives.
再次為 Copel Distribution 帶來良好的結果,另一方面,這也在我們的考慮之內。
Now to conclude, I would like to say that we are dedicated to our execution capacity and we are very much focused in value leverages, all our internal stakeholders and external stakeholders as well.
We are very much excited about this process and the change that the company is going through the internal opportunities, it's -- are also great for employees that remain with us.
We are having growth and recycling in the company.
So I thank you all very much, and we will be moving forward with this perfect execution and our commitment in delivering results and improving Copel's governance.
因此,我非常感謝你們所有人,我們將繼續以完美的執行和承諾來交付成果並改善 Copel 的治理。
Thank you all very much.
Companhia Paranaense de Energia Copel video conference has ended.
Companhia Paranaense de Energia Copel 視訊會議已結束。
Thank you all very much for your participation and have a nice day.
Statements in English on this transcript were spoken by an interpreter present on the live call.
The interpreter was provided by the company sponsoring this event.