Dropbox Inc (DBX) 2020 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for standing by, and welcome to the First Quarter 2020 Dropbox Earnings Conference Call.

    女士們,先生們,感謝您的支持,歡迎參加 2020 年第一季度 Dropbox 收益電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Please be advised that today's conference is being recorded.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • It is now my pleasure to introduce Head of Investor Relations, Darren Yip.

    現在我很高興向大家介紹投資者關係主管Darren Yip。

  • Darren Yip - Head of IR

    Darren Yip - Head of IR

  • Thank you.


  • Good afternoon, and welcome to Dropbox's First Quarter 2020 Earnings Call.

    下午好,歡迎參加 Dropbox 2020 年第一季度財報電話會議。

  • Today, Dropbox will discuss the quarterly financial results that were distributed earlier.

    今天,Dropbox 將討論早些時候發布的季度財務業績。

  • Statements on this call include forward-looking statements, including the potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and related public health responses on our business, financial results and the economy, statements relating to the expected performance of our business, future financial results, including expectations regarding future profitability and our ability to generate and sustain positive free cash flow, our ability to extend our platform by developing new products or features, our strategy as well as the ability of our key employees to execute on our strategy, long-term growth and overall future prospects.

    本次電話會議上的陳述包括前瞻性陳述,包括 COVID-19 大流行和相關公共衛生應對措施對我們的業務、財務業績和經濟的潛在影響、與我們業務的預期業績、未來財務業績相關的陳述,包括對未來盈利能力的預期以及我們產生和維持正自由現金流的能力、我們通過開發新產品或功能來擴展我們平台的能力、我們的戰略以及我們的關鍵員工執行我們的戰略的能力、長期增長和整體的未來前景。

  • These statements are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those projected or implied during this call.


  • In particular, those described in our risk factors included in our Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019, and the risk factors that will be included in our Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2020.

    特別是,我們在截至 2019 年 12 月 31 日止年度的 10-K 表格中包含的風險因素中描述的風險因素,以及將在截至 2020 年 3 月 31 日止季度的 10-Q 表格中包含的風險因素。

  • You should not rely on our forward-looking statements as predictions of future events.


  • All forward-looking statements that we make on this call are based on assumptions and beliefs as of today, and we undertake no obligation to update them except as required by law.


  • Our discussion today will include non-GAAP financial measures.


  • These non-GAAP measures should be considered in addition to, and not as a substitute for or in isolation from, our GAAP results.


  • A reconciliation of our GAAP to non-GAAP results may be found in our earnings release, which was furnished with our Form 8-K filed today with the SEC and may also be found in the supplemental investor materials posted on our Investor Relations website at investors.dropbox.com.

    我們的 GAAP 與非 GAAP 結果的對賬可以在我們的收益發布中找到,該發布與我們今天向 SEC 提交的 8-K 表格一起提供,也可以在我們的投資者關係網站上發布的補充投資者材料中找到.dropbox.com。

  • I would now like to turn the call over to Dropbox' Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Drew Houston.

    我現在想把電話轉給 Dropbox 的聯合創始人兼首席執行官 Drew Houston。

  • Drew?


  • Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

    Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

  • Thanks, Darren.


  • Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to our Q1 earnings call.


  • Thank you for taking the time to join us today, especially under the current circumstances.


  • On the call with me is Ajay Vashee, our Chief Financial Officer.

    與我通話的是我們的首席財務官 Ajay Vashee。

  • Olivia Nottebohm, our Chief Operating Officer, will also join us during Q&A.

    我們的首席運營官 Olivia Nottebohm 也將加入我們的問答環節。

  • The 3 of us are dialing in remotely from our homes, so please forgive us for any sound quality issues or background noise over the next hour.


  • Today, I'll provide an update on the top of funnel and engagement trends we're seeing as a result of COVID-19 and talk to business and product highlights from the last quarter.

    今天,我將提供有關 COVID-19 導致的漏斗和參與趨勢的最新信息,並討論上一季度的業務和產品亮點。

  • Ajay will review our Q1 financial results, touch on our go-to-market strategy and provide guidance for Q2 and fiscal 2020.

    Ajay 將審查我們的第一季度財務業績,探討我們的上市戰略,並為第二季度和 2020 財年提供指導。

  • First, I want to provide some perspective on how the team here at Dropbox is responding to COVID-19.

    首先,我想就 Dropbox 團隊如何應對 COVID-19 提供一些觀點。

  • I'm really proud of how quickly our employees have adapted to working effectively in this challenging environment.


  • We continue to hold regular, company-wide town hall meetings across our global offices, and productivity has remained high even as the vast majority of us have shifted to working remotely while reorienting our product road map to adapt to emerging customer demand.


  • In addition, our infrastructure teams have been hard at work to ensure we continue to operate without any service interruptions or issues and are able to support higher utilization during this time.


  • I want to thank the team for staying focused on serving our customers and to continuing to provide them with the tools they need to get work done.


  • In times like these, the ability for teams to easily access and work together on content takes on an even greater significance.


  • We launched the new Dropbox last year to address unmet needs around distributed teamwork and collaboration.

    我們去年推出了新的 Dropbox,以解決分佈式團隊合作和協作方面未滿足的需求。

  • It's a smart workspace to organize users' content, connect their tools and bring teams together, helping users stay in sync and reducing the friction of working remotely.


  • We believe the accelerated transition to remote work that's underway will have lasting effects that will favor companies like ours in the long run and create added demand for our products.


  • And we're starting to see that in our top of funnel metrics.


  • Over the last few months, we've seen an increase in free trial starts across both our team and individual plans.


  • Since mid-March, daily Dropbox Business team trials increased by approximately 40% over pre-COVID levels at the outset of the year, with higher levels of engagement and collaborative activity.

    自 3 月中旬以來,Dropbox Business 團隊的每日試用比年初的 COVID 之前水平增加了約 40%,參與度和協作活動水平更高。

  • Similarly, daily trial starts to our Plus individual plan increased over 25% over these same periods.

    同樣,我們的 Plus 個人計劃的每日試用期在這些時期增加了 25% 以上。

  • We'll be closely monitoring these newer cohorts for conversion trends and business contribution in the coming weeks and months.


  • In addition to the higher demand we've seen in our top of funnel, we've also seen increased adoption of our new desktop app.


  • Now available to all users, early adoption of our new desktop app has grown to over 350,000 of our over 450,000 Dropbox Business teams.

    現在可供所有用戶使用,我們的新桌面應用程序的早期採用率已經增長到我們超過 450,000 個 Dropbox Business 團隊中的超過 350,000 個。

  • And over the past couple of months, weekly active users on the new desktop app has increased by approximately 60%.

    在過去的幾個月裡,新桌面應用程序的每週活躍用戶增加了大約 60%。

  • We've also seen significantly higher usage of HelloSign in recent months and with the number of signature requests of 3x from average levels across January and February.

    最近幾個月,我們還看到 HelloSign 的使用量顯著增加,簽名請求數量是 1 月和 2 月平均水平的 3 倍。

  • And HelloWorks, our fully customizable document workflow solution, has seen an uptick in new COVID-19 related use cases.

    HelloWorks 是我們完全可定制的文檔工作流解決方案,在新的 COVID-19 相關用例中有所增加。

  • Lenders have leveraged the product to send out tens of thousands of small business loan relief applications and a New York-based urgent care facility relied on HelloWorks to process nearly 2,000 patient intake forms in April alone.

    貸方利用該產品發送了數以萬計的小企業貸款減免申請,僅在 4 月份,一家位於紐約的緊急護理機構就依靠 HelloWorks 處理了近 2,000 份患者入院表格。

  • Increased interest in Dropbox has also come from higher education institutions that have shifted to a remote learning model.

    對 Dropbox 的興趣增加還來自已轉向遠程學習模式的高等教育機構。

  • Demand for our products from universities is increasing and professors are using Dropbox Paper as a tool to make educational content more accessible and collaborative for students.

    大學對我們產品的需求不斷增加,教授們正在使用 Dropbox Paper 作為一種工具,讓學生更容易訪問和協作教育內容。

  • In Q1, we also launched a program to donate free Dropbox licenses to NGOs battling COVID-19 as well as K-12 teachers.

    在第一季度,我們還啟動了一項計劃,向與 COVID-19 作戰的非政府組織以及 K-12 教師捐贈免費的 Dropbox 許可證。

  • And we're continuing to support our local hospitals and medical professionals on the front lines.


  • We want to do everything we can to help critical efforts like these.


  • Turning to our quarterly results.


  • In Q1, we continued to see strength across our business.


  • Revenue grew 19% year-over-year on a constant currency basis, driven by paying users growth and ARPU expansion.

    在付費用戶增長和 ARPU 擴張的推動下,按固定匯率計算,收入同比增長 19%。

  • We also achieved record operating margins and reached GAAP profitability for the first time.

    我們還實現了創紀錄的營業利潤率,並首次達到了 GAAP 盈利能力。

  • These results underscore the strength of our global collaboration platform, our efficient go-to-market strategy and our operational discipline.


  • Let's move on to some of the product highlights from the quarter.


  • We're always focused on building a great experience for our users.


  • This quarter, we added notable features to our deep integration with Zoom, allowing users to do even more without ever leaving Dropbox.

    本季度,我們在與 Zoom 的深度集成中添加了一些值得注意的功能,讓用戶無需離開 Dropbox 就可以做更多事情。

  • Now users can record a Zoom meeting and save it along with a transcript directly to Dropbox.

    現在,用戶可以錄製 Zoom 會議並將其與成績單一起直接保存到 Dropbox。

  • From there, they can securely share the transcript and recording with team members and keep them in the loop when they can't make it to a meeting.


  • And since transcript files are indexed using our full text search feature, they'll show up when user search for any phrase mentioned during a videoconference.


  • Given that many of our collective users are now working remotely, this has proven to be a timely product release.


  • Heading into April, we saw a 20x increase in usage of our Zoom integration compared to February levels.

    進入 4 月份,與 2 月份的水平相比,我們看到 Zoom 集成的使用量增加了 20 倍。

  • This quarter, we also launched a number of improvements to the admin experience.


  • Empowering IT is an important focus area for us as we drive adoption of Dropbox within business teams.

    在我們推動業務團隊採用 Dropbox 時,增強 IT 能力是我們的一個重要重點領域。

  • In Q1, we introduced an updated insights dashboard.


  • This refreshed dashboard, part of the Dropbox Business admin console, enables IT to easily review user activity and take relevant action as needed.

    這個刷新的儀表板是 Dropbox Business 管理控制台的一部分,使 IT 能夠輕鬆查看用戶活動並根據需要採取相關措施。

  • The new dashboard allows admins to see which outside domains their team is sharing with and how often, generate at-a-glance stats on-paid license utilization, pending invites, active members and suspended members and monitor sharing activity for compliance.


  • In Q1, we also launched new admin and security features into HelloSign enterprise.

    在第一季度,我們還在 HelloSign 企業版中推出了新的管理和安全功能。

  • Customers to this SKU can now streamline multi-team management with centralized visibility and delegation controls, providing oversight over documents, templates, branding and usage.

    該 SKU 的客戶現在可以通過集中的可見性和委派控制來簡化多團隊管理,從而對文檔、模板、品牌和使用進行監督。

  • These capabilities empower IT to stay in control as utilization scales.

    這些功能使 IT 能夠隨著利用率的擴展而保持控制。

  • Enterprise features like these have already helped HelloSign land one of its largest deals to date.

    諸如此類的企業功能已經幫助 HelloSign 達成了迄今為止最大的交易之一。

  • We're excited to announce that another leading on-demand services platform joined a growing number of delivery companies, including Instacart, who are leveraging HelloSign.

    我們很高興地宣布,另一個領先的按需服務平台加入了越來越多的交付公司,包括正在利用 HelloSign 的 Instacart。

  • The customer will deploy HelloSign enterprise plus to create a faster and more seamless onboarding experience for restaurants and will drive improved eSignature workflows across several business functions.

    客戶將部署 HelloSign 企業版,為餐廳創造更快、更無縫的入職體驗,並將推動跨多個業務功能改進電子簽名工作流程。

  • Together, our new Dropbox Business insights dashboard and the advanced admin and security features we introduced for HelloSign help to streamline the admin experience as teams scale their deployments of Dropbox.

    我們新的 Dropbox Business 洞察儀表板以及我們為 HelloSign 引入的高級管理和安全功能有助於在團隊擴展 Dropbox 部署時簡化管理體驗。

  • In addition to improving our native admin functionality, we've been investing in key partnerships to bring Dropbox Business teams tools to manage and secure a best-of-breed SaaS environment.

    除了改進我們的原生管理功能外,我們還一直在投資建立重要的合作夥伴關係,以便為 Dropbox Business 團隊提供工具來管理和保護一流的 SaaS 環境。

  • Our Advanced Team & Content Controls Add-On, launched in partnership with BetterCloud, empowers IT admins with even greater control over data protection, enhanced visibility and auditability and automated user life cycle management.

    我們與 BetterCloud 合作推出的高級團隊和內容控制插件使 IT 管理員能夠更好地控制數據保護、增強的可見性和可審計性以及自動化的用戶生命週期管理。

  • In Q1, we closed 9 outbound deals where the Advanced Team & Content Controls Add-On was cited as a key differentiator.

    在第一季度,我們完成了 9 項對外交易,其中高級團隊和內容控制插件被認為是關鍵差異化因素。

  • This included a Dropbox enterprise win to displace a competitor at a physician group with over 5,000 employees across 200 locations, specializing in emergency medicine and acute care.

    其中包括 Dropbox 贏得企業的勝利,取代了一家在 200 個地點擁有 5,000 多名員工的醫師集團的競爭對手,該集團專門從事急診醫學和急症護理。

  • With our Advanced Team & Content Controls Add-On, Dropbox addresses the customer's need for a HIPAA-compliant tool to enable collaboration among highly distributed workforce.

    通過我們的高級團隊和內容控制插件,Dropbox 滿足了客戶對符合 HIPAA 標準的工具的需求,以實現高度分散的員工之間的協作。

  • To wrap things up, Q1 was a strong quarter for us amidst a rapidly shifting global environment.


  • The record trial volumes and customer engagement trends have been encouraging, but we remain cognizant that there are likely headwinds ahead for the broader economy.


  • At Dropbox, we remain committed to our customers, and we'll continue to focus on enhancing the capabilities of our products to facilitate distributed and remote work.

    在 Dropbox,我們始終致力於為客戶服務,我們將繼續專注於增強我們產品的功能,以促進分佈式和遠程工作。

  • Our efforts to improve the experience for IT admins will help teams efficiently and securely expand their deployments, and our latest integrations and partnerships help our users bring all their different tools together so that they can focus on their work wherever they may be.

    我們為改善 IT 管理員體驗所做的努力將幫助團隊高效、安全地擴展他們的部署,我們最新的集成和合作夥伴關係幫助我們的用戶將他們所有不同的工具整合在一起,這樣他們就可以隨時隨地專注於他們的工作。

  • I'll now turn it over to Ajay, our CFO, to walk through our financial results.

    我現在將把它交給我們的首席財務官 Ajay 來介紹我們的財務業績。

  • Ajay V. Vashee - CFO

    Ajay V. Vashee - CFO

  • Thank you, Drew.


  • Our Q1 results demonstrate our strong execution and focus on delivering a healthy balance of top line growth and profitability.


  • Total revenue for the quarter was up 18% year-over-year at $455 million.

    本季度總收入同比增長 18%,達到 4.55 億美元。

  • On a constant currency basis, year-over-year growth would have been 19%.

    按固定匯率計算,同比增長率為 19%。

  • ARR for the quarter was $1.864 billion, up 16% from the year ago period.

    本季度的 ARR 為 18.64 億美元,同比增長 16%。

  • On a constant currency basis, ARR grew $53 million quarter-over-quarter and 17% year-over-year.

    按固定匯率計算,ARR 環比增長 5300 萬美元,同比增長 17%。

  • I'd note that in Q1 of every year, we update the FX rates used to calculate ARR.

    我注意到,在每年的第一季度,我們都會更新用於計算 ARR 的外匯匯率。

  • We ended Q1 with 14.6 million paying users, and ARPU was $126.30 in the period.

    我們在第一季度結束時擁有 1460 萬付費用戶,該期間的 ARPU 為 126.30 美元。

  • ARR reflects our strategy to methodically convert our highest value users to drive sustainable monetization and retention.

    ARR 反映了我們有條不紊地轉換我們的最高價值用戶以推動可持續貨幣化和保留的戰略。

  • Let me highlight a few ways we're executing on this strategy.


  • Over the past several months, we've enhanced our mobile onboarding flows for users who sign up for a Dropbox Plus trial to drive higher levels of engagement and conversion to our platform.

    在過去的幾個月中,我們為註冊 Dropbox Plus 試用版的用戶改進了移動設備入門流程,以提高我們平台的參與度和轉化率。

  • Our data science team identified certain actions that mobile users can take in the first few weeks of their trial, such as sharing links to content, which increased their propensity to convert into a paying subscriber.


  • With these insights in mind, our engineering teams have been revamping our onboarding prompts to encourage users on a Plus trial to take these types of actions, thereby helping to drive notable improvements in our mobile trial conversion rate.

    考慮到這些見解,我們的工程團隊一直在改進我們的入職提示,以鼓勵 Plus 試用版的用戶採取這些類型的操作,從而幫助我們顯著提高移動試用版的轉化率。

  • This is an investment we're particularly excited about in light of the elevated trial volume that Drew spoke to earlier.


  • Let's move on to some of our customer highlights.


  • In Q1, we had a number of wins across a range of verticals, including health care, technology, education and insurance.


  • We're excited to announce that Usborne Publishing is now a Dropbox Business customer.

    我們很高興地宣布 Usborne Publishing 現已成為 Dropbox Business 客戶。

  • Usborne Publishing is a leading U.K.-based publisher of children's books that turned to Dropbox as part of its accelerated shift to a remote work strategy due to COVID-19.

    Usborne Publishing 是英國領先的兒童圖書出版商,由於 COVID-19,該出版商轉向 Dropbox 作為其加速轉向遠程工作戰略的一部分。

  • With the onset of the virus in the U.K., the company needed to enable employees on the production and creative teams who were dependent on on-premise file servers to work from home with a tool that they could deploy quickly.


  • In less than a week, Dropbox Business was purchased and provisioned to all employees.

    在不到一周的時間裡,Dropbox Business 被購買並提供給所有員工。

  • Usborne cited Dropbox's widespread usage in the media industry and key integrations with Adobe products as being critical to their decision to adopt our platform.

    Usborne 稱 Dropbox 在媒體行業的廣泛使用以及與 Adobe 產品的關鍵集成對於他們決定採用我們的平台至關重要。

  • In addition, we're pleased to announce that the University of Oregon is now a Dropbox customer.

    此外,我們很高興地宣布俄勒岡大學現已成為 Dropbox 客戶。

  • Dropbox will be made available to all faculty, staff and students at Oregon's flagship public university.

    Dropbox 將提供給俄勒岡州旗艦公立大學的所有教職員工和學生。

  • Our products were already widely adopted across the university's faculty with particularly high usage among research professors who leverage Dropbox to collaborate with colleagues at other institutions.

    我們的產品已經在該大學的教職員工中廣泛採用,在利用 Dropbox 與其他機構的同事協作的研究教授中使用率特別高。

  • With this purchase, the University of Oregon will now be able to administer all Dropbox usage centrally using the IT controls available to enterprise customers.

    通過此次購買,俄勒岡大學現在將能夠使用企業客戶可用的 IT 控件集中管理所有 Dropbox 使用情況。

  • Our support of FERPA, HITECH and HIPAA protocols was key to becoming a trusted partner to the university.

    我們對 FERPA、HITECH 和 HIPAA 協議的支持是成為大學值得信賴的合作夥伴的關鍵。

  • Before I move on to the rest of the P&L, I want to note that unless otherwise indicated, all income statement measures that follow are non-GAAP and exclude stock-based compensation, amortization of purchased intangibles and certain expenses related to the acquisition of HelloSign.

    在我繼續討論損益表的其餘部分之前,我想指出,除非另有說明,否則以下所有損益表衡量標準都是非公認會計原則,不包括基於股票的薪酬、購買的無形資產的攤銷以及與收購 HelloSign 相關的某些費用.

  • Our non-GAAP net income also excludes net gains and losses on equity investments.


  • A reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP results may be found in our earnings release, which was furnished with our Form 8-K filed today with the SEC and in the supplemental investor materials posted on our Investor Relations website.

    GAAP 與非 GAAP 結果的對賬可以在我們今天向 SEC 提交的表格 8-K 以及我們的投資者關係網站上發布的補充投資者材料中找到。

  • Moving to the P&L.


  • Gross margin for the quarter was 78%, an increase of 3 percentage points compared to the first quarter of 2019.

    本季度毛利率為 78%,較 2019 年一季度增長 3 個百分點。

  • The increase in gross margin was driven by unit cost efficiency gains with our infrastructure hardware, including lower depreciation as a share of revenue.


  • We continue to expect fiscal 2020 gross margin to be approximately 1.5 points higher than 2019.

    我們繼續預計 2020 財年的毛利率將比 2019 年高出約 1.5 個百分點。

  • Moving to operating expenses.


  • First quarter R&D expense was $140 million or 31% of revenue compared to 30% in Q1 a year ago.

    第一季度研發費用為 1.4 億美元,佔收入的 31%,而一年前第一季度為 30%。

  • The increase as a percentage of revenue was primarily driven by higher head count as well as investments in new product development and testing.


  • S&M expense was $96 million in the first quarter or 21% of revenue compared to 24% in Q1 a year ago.

    第一季度的 S&M 費用為 9600 萬美元,佔收入的 21%,而去年第一季度為 24%。

  • The decrease was due to greater efficiencies in marketing-related spend relative to Q1 of 2019.

    下降的原因是與 2019 年第一季度相比,營銷相關支出的效率更高。

  • G&A expense was $47 million or 10% of revenue compared to 11% of revenue in Q1 a year ago.

    G&A 費用為 4700 萬美元,佔收入的 10%,而一年前第一季度佔收入的 11%。

  • The decrease was due to lower non-income-based taxes.


  • Taken together, we earned $73 million in operating profit in the first quarter.

    總而言之,我們第一季度的營業利潤為 7300 萬美元。

  • This translates to a record 16.1% operating margin which is a 6 percentage point improvement from Q1 of 2019.

    這意味著營業利潤率達到創紀錄的 16.1%,比 2019 年第一季度提高了 6 個百分點。

  • Net income for the quarter was $70 million, up from $42 million a year ago.

    本季度的淨收入為 7000 萬美元,高於一年前的 4200 萬美元。

  • Diluted EPS was $0.17 per share, based on 419 million diluted weighted average shares outstanding, up from $0.10 in Q1 a year ago.

    稀釋後每股收益為 0.17 美元,基於 4.19 億股稀釋加權平均流通股,高於一年前第一季度的 0.10 美元。

  • As Drew noted earlier, Q1 was also our first quarter of GAAP profitability, an important milestone for us.

    正如 Drew 之前指出的,第一季度也是我們第一季度的 GAAP 盈利能力,這對我們來說是一個重要的里程碑。

  • While we may see some fluctuations quarter-to-quarter based on timing of spend, we expect to be GAAP-profitable for the fiscal year.

    雖然我們可能會根據支出時間看到一些季度與季度之間的波動,但我們預計本財年將實現 GAAP 盈利。

  • Moving on to cash balance and cash flow.


  • We ended Q1 with cash and short-term investments of $1.101 billion.

    我們以 11.01 億美元的現金和短期投資結束了第一季度。

  • Cash flow from operations was $53 million in the quarter.

    本季度運營現金流為 5300 萬美元。

  • Capital expenditures were $28 million, yielding free cash flow of $25 million or 6% of revenue.

    資本支出為 2800 萬美元,產生 2500 萬美元的自由現金流或收入的 6%。

  • CapEx in Q1 included $21 million of spend on our new headquarters, of which $8 million was offset by tenant improvement allowances.

    第一季度的資本支出包括我們新總部的 2100 萬美元支出,其中 800 萬美元被租戶改善津貼所抵消。

  • In Q1, we also incurred the first payout of deal consideration holdback related to our acquisition of HelloSign.

    在第一季度,我們還首次支付了與收購 HelloSign 相關的交易對價保留。

  • Excluding the headquarter spend net of TIAs of $13 million and payout of HelloSign deal consideration holdback of $16 million, free cash flow would have been $54 million or 12% of revenue.

    扣除 1300 萬美元的 TIA 淨支出和 1600 萬美元的 HelloSign 交易對價保留支出,自由現金流為 5400 萬美元或收入的 12%。

  • In Q1, we also added $35 million to our finance lease funds for data center equipment.

    在第一季度,我們還為數據中心設備的融資租賃資金增加了 3500 萬美元。

  • We expect additions to our finance lease funds to be approximately 8% of revenue in 2020.

    我們預計 2020 年我們的融資租賃資金將佔收入的 8% 左右。

  • Now let's turn to our guidance.


  • Since our IPO 2 years ago, we've maintained a consistent guidance philosophy, that being to guide to what we have a certain degree of visibility into and revise our outlook over time as we build more signal on business trends and initiatives in our pipeline.

    自 2 年前首次公開募股以來,我們一直保持一致的指導理念,即隨著我們在管道中建立更多關於業務趨勢和計劃的信號,指導我們對某種程度的可見性並隨著時間的推移修改我們的前景。

  • And while our near-term revenue and earnings remain quite predictable given our subscription-based model, COVID-19 introduces some uncertainty across the second half of the year.

    儘管鑑於我們基於訂閱的模型,我們的近期收入和收益仍然相當可預測,但 COVID-19 在下半年引入了一些不確定性。

  • Our business has been resilient over the past few months, and we believe our product portfolio uniquely positions us to support the global shift to remote work and remote learning that's underway.


  • As Drew mentioned earlier, we're seeing some encouraging top of funnel trends related to both team and individual trial volumes, although it's still early on this front.

    正如 Drew 之前提到的,我們看到了與團隊和個人試驗量相關的一些令人鼓舞的漏斗趨勢頂部,儘管這仍處於早期階段。

  • On the other hand, the weakening of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar as well as lower interest rates could negatively impact our revenue and free cash flow for the remainder of the year if they persist at current levels.


  • And like every other SaaS business today, we need to remain mindful of the broader macroeconomic risks and unpredictability that the second half of the year may bring.

    與當今所有其他 SaaS 業務一樣,我們需要時刻注意下半年可能帶來的更廣泛的宏觀經濟風險和不可預測性。

  • With that, let's move on.


  • For the second quarter of 2020, we expect revenue to be in the range of $463 million to $466 million.

    對於 2020 年第二季度,我們預計收入將在 4.63 億美元至 4.66 億美元之間。

  • On a constant currency basis, we estimate that revenue would be approximately $5 million higher.

    在固定貨幣基礎上,我們估計收入將增加約 500 萬美元。

  • We expect non-GAAP operating margin to be in the range of 16.5% to 17.5% and diluted weighted average shares outstanding to be in the range of 417 million to 420 million, based on our trailing 30-day average share price.

    根據我們過去 30 天的平均股價,我們預計非公認會計準則營業利潤率將在 16.5% 至 17.5% 之間,稀釋加權平均流通股在 4.17 億至 4.2 億股之間。

  • For the full year 2020, we are revising our revenue guidance range, which was previously $1.890 billion to $1.905 billion to $1.880 billion to $1.900 billion to account for FX headwinds introduced by COVID-19.

    對於 2020 年全年,我們正在修訂我們的收入指導範圍,該範圍之前為 18.9 億美元至 19.05 億美元至 18.80 億美元至 19.00 億美元,以應對 COVID-19 帶來的外匯逆風。

  • On a constant currency basis, we estimate that revenue would be approximately $16 million higher for a range of $1.896 billion to $1.916 billion, which is largely consistent with our guidance on last quarter's earnings call.

    在固定貨幣基礎上,我們估計收入將增加約 1600 萬美元,介於 18.96 億美元至 19.16 億美元之間,這與我們對上一季度財報電話會議的指導基本一致。

  • We continue to expect non-GAAP operating margins to be in the range of 17.5% to 18%.

    我們繼續預計非美國通用會計準則營業利潤率將在 17.5% 至 18% 之間。

  • We are revising our free cash flow guidance range, which was previously $475 million to $485 million, to $460 million to $470 million to account for FX headwinds and lower interest rates as a result of COVID-19.

    我們正在修改我們的自由現金流指導範圍,該範圍之前為 4.75 億美元至 4.85 億美元,至 4.6 億美元至 4.7 億美元,以應對因 COVID-19 導致的外匯逆風和較低的利率。

  • This range includes onetime spend related to the build-out of our new corporate headquarters as well as the payout of deal consideration holdback related to our acquisition of HelloSign.

    該範圍包括與我們新公司總部擴建相關的一次性支出以及與我們收購 HelloSign 相關的交易對價滯留的支出。

  • Excluding these items, free cash flow would be $510 million to $520 million.

    不包括這些項目,自由現金流為 5.1 億至 5.2 億美元。

  • Net of FX and interest-related adjustments, our free cash flow guidance would have remained consistent with the figures we provided on last quarter's earnings call or approximately $15 million higher.

    扣除外彙和利息相關調整後,我們的自由現金流指引將與我們在上一季度財報電話會議上提供的數據保持一致,或增加約 1500 萬美元。

  • Finally, we expect 2020 diluted weighted average shares outstanding to be in the range of 419 million to 422 million based on our trailing 30-day average share price.

    最後,根據我們過去 30 天的平均股價,我們預計 2020 年攤薄加權平均流通股在 4.19 億至 4.22 億股之間。

  • Moving forward, we remain focused on supporting our employees and customers during these unprecedented times.


  • We also remain committed to delivering long-term shareholder value.


  • Like every other company, we're closely monitoring the evolving macroeconomic environment.


  • And while Dropbox is certainly not immune to external pressures, we do feel that we're uniquely positioned.

    雖然 Dropbox 肯定不能免受外部壓力的影響,但我們確實覺得我們處於獨特的位置。

  • We're operating an efficient, self-serve driven business, which underpins our strong free cash flow generation.


  • This has enabled us to build a healthy balance sheet with over $1 billion in cash and short-term investments.

    這使我們能夠建立一個健康的資產負債表,擁有超過 10 億美元的現金和短期投資。

  • Looking ahead, while we'll certainly continue investing in our business, we're also committed to driving efficiencies and higher levels of productivity across the company to execute to the long-term targets we outlined on last quarter's call.


  • We remain focused on generating over $1 billion of annual free cash flow by 2024 and achieving our long-term operating margin target of 28% to 30%.

    我們仍然專注於到 2024 年產生超過 10 億美元的年度自由現金流,並實現我們 28% 至 30% 的長期營業利潤率目標。

  • As always, our goal is to deliver a healthy balance of growth and profitability, and we're excited about the opportunity ahead.


  • I'll now turn it back to Drew for closing remarks.

    我現在把它轉回 Drew 來做結束語。

  • Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

    Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

  • Thank you, Ajay.


  • In conclusion, I'm proud of our execution in what's been a challenging environment.


  • We're in a solid position with a suite of products that facilitate remote and distributed work, a profitable self-serve business model and a healthy balance sheet.


  • On behalf of our management team, I'd like to take a moment to thank our customers, partners and the entire Dropbox team.

    我謹代表我們的管理團隊感謝我們的客戶、合作夥伴和整個 Dropbox 團隊。

  • With that, I'd like to open up the call for Q&A.


  • Operator?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • And our first question comes from the line of Alex Zukin with RBC Capital Markets.

    我們的第一個問題來自加拿大皇家銀行資本市場的 Alex Zukin。

  • Aleksandr J. Zukin - MD of Software Equity Research & Analyst

    Aleksandr J. Zukin - MD of Software Equity Research & Analyst

  • Maybe just the first one around the benefits or the tailwinds that you're seeing from work from home.


  • You mentioned the top of funnel.


  • I'd love to hear kind of anecdotally what you're seeing from existing customers, expanding seat counts.


  • And ultimately, what have you seen maybe thus far in Q2 and the month of April with respect to those conversion rates?

    最終,到目前為止,您在第二季度和 4 月份看到的關於這些轉化率的情況可能是什麼?

  • And then I got one quick follow-up.


  • Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

    Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

  • Sure.


  • Alex, this is Drew.


  • So we've certainly seen higher demand at the top of the funnel, engagement is up.


  • And as I mentioned, our -- the new desktop app, the engagement -- weekly actives are up 60% in the last couple of months.

    正如我所提到的,我們的——新的桌面應用程序,參與度——在過去幾個月裡每週活躍度增加了 60%。

  • And then conversions have held up so far and churn has been stable so far.


  • That said, we're monitoring everything pretty closely, given the macroeconomic environment and unpredictability that the second half may bring.


  • But more broadly, we think this is a huge opportunity because right now, we've been all forced to work from home in the most like unplanned and dramatic way possible and I think there's a lot of room for improvement in that experience.


  • And Dropbox has always helped people to work from wherever they are.

    Dropbox 一直幫助人們隨時隨地工作。

  • And right now everyone needs that.


  • But we've been very focused on how do we do more for our users in -- or how do we design that experience to be really great.


  • And we've certainly seen a lot of elements of our strategy with our Slack and Zoom integrations.

    我們當然已經通過 Slack 和 Zoom 集成看到了我們戰略的許多要素。

  • And our Zoom integration engagement being up 2,000%, for example, as being good validation of that strategy.

    例如,我們的 Zoom 集成參與度提高了 2,000%,這很好地驗證了該策略。

  • But really, just making sure that our road map is as aligned as possible to get after the opportunity is our biggest focus.


  • Aleksandr J. Zukin - MD of Software Equity Research & Analyst

    Aleksandr J. Zukin - MD of Software Equity Research & Analyst

  • Perfect.


  • And then maybe just -- you mentioned, Drew, churn and maybe just also for Ajay.

    然後也許只是 - 你提到了,德魯,流失,也許也只是為了阿傑。

  • Just can you talk about what you're seeing in terms of churn or net retention trends by the various cohorts where you expect them to maybe end up or trough?


  • And then how should we think about just exposure to either SMB trends or maybe troubled industries?


  • Ajay V. Vashee - CFO

    Ajay V. Vashee - CFO

  • Sure.


  • This is Ajay.


  • Happy to jump in there.


  • And then, Drew, feel free to add any context that you'd like to.


  • As Drew mentioned, our business has been very resilient to date.

    正如 Drew 所說,迄今為止,我們的業務一直非常有彈性。

  • Churn was stable for us from Q4 of '19, Q1 of '20, and that continues to be the case today.

    從 19 年第 4 季度到 20 年第 1 季度,客戶流失對我們來說是穩定的,今天仍然如此。

  • And this is really because the majority of our subscribers are knowledge workers, and we play a really important role in managing business-critical content for them.


  • That being said, we'll be keeping a close eye on retention in newer cohorts where we're seeing elevated trial volumes.


  • Still very early for us on that dimension because a lot of these cohorts, Alex, as you can imagine, have signed up over the past months.


  • So I'm just a little bit beyond that.


  • And so it's still pretty early there.


  • And we do need to keep an eye like every other company on the potential impact from broader macroeconomic trends on existing subscribers, but we are being proactive about where we're investing.


  • As Drew said, we've been adapting our product road map for the year to really support this accelerated shift to distributed work.

    正如 Drew 所說,我們今年一直在調整我們的產品路線圖,以真正支持這種加速向分佈式工作的轉變。

  • And so for example, we're proactively investing in levers to improve and mitigate churn rates across the second half of the year into the future.


  • We're implementing new more flexible cancellation flows to facilitate higher rates of retention.


  • So we're investing everywhere that it makes sense for us to right now.


  • But so far, things have been stable for us across both individuals and teams.


  • Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

    Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

  • And I -- and just building on that, we're really focused on helping our customers adapt to the remote work environment and ensure they're getting the most out of the platform.


  • And then, as Ajay said, we're taking other measures to proactively address churn and offering support and selective financial relief to ensure that customers can manage.

    然後,正如 Ajay 所說,我們正在採取其他措施來主動解決客戶流失問題,並提供支持和選擇性的財務救濟,以確保客戶能夠管理。

  • But overall, we find that our customer base even in SMBs, like knowledge workers have been -- who've been working from home have been less disrupted than average.


  • And Dropbox is often essential to their business operations as opposed to discretionary because all businesses, all people need to collaborate around content especially and that continues to be true when you're working from home.

    而且 Dropbox 通常對他們的業務運營至關重要,而不是任意的,因為所有企業、所有人都需要圍繞內容進行協作,尤其是當您在家工作時,這仍然是正確的。

  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of Jason Ader with William Blair.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Jason Ader 和 William Blair。

  • Jason Noah Ader - Partner & Co-Group Head of Technology, Media and Communications

    Jason Noah Ader - Partner & Co-Group Head of Technology, Media and Communications

  • Thanks for the greater detail on the top of funnel metrics.


  • Definitely helpful to get some of that and interested to hear your thoughts on kind of historical analytics around that.


  • But my question is -- probably the question I get most from investors.


  • How big a market is there for Dropbox Spaces long term, given the dominance of Microsoft Teams that's emerging and the fact that they've got a lot of the same smart workspace features and bundle the app in Office 365.

    考慮到新興的 Microsoft Teams 的主導地位以及他們擁有許多相同的智能工作區功能並將應用程序捆綁在 Office 365 中的事實,Dropbox Spaces 的長期市場有多大。

  • Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

    Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

  • Sure.


  • So I mean we see a big opportunity for us because when you look at our customers' workflows, they need to collaborate on content and then, that's usually a parallel or complementary experience to their messaging tool.


  • So when people are using something like Teams and Slack -- Teams or Slack, often what they're talking about is content of this Dropbox.

    因此,當人們使用 Teams 和 Slack 之類的東西時——Teams 或 Slack,他們談論的通常是這個 Dropbox 的內容。

  • These are complementary -- these tend to be complementary experiences.


  • And I think with the proliferation of all the different apps, more and more customers are turning to Dropbox for a platform-agnostic solution that pulls it all together because the bundled offerings tend to favor the tools within the suite and -- but our customers may be using something like Office, but they're often also using G Suite, and they're using tools like Slack and Zoom and so on.

    而且我認為隨著所有不同應用程序的激增,越來越多的客戶轉向 Dropbox 尋求一個與平台無關的解決方案,因為捆綁的產品傾向於支持套件中的工具,而且 - 但我們的客戶可能他們在使用 Office 之類的東西,但他們也經常使用 G Suite,而且他們使用的是 Slack 和 Zoom 等工具。

  • And more and more, we need a way to tie it all together.


  • So the opportunity for Dropbox Spaces is, I mean, really every knowledge worker, every business, every team needs to collaborate around content.

    因此,Dropbox Spaces 的機會實際上是每個知識工作者、每個企業、每個團隊都需要圍繞內容進行協作。

  • And I think more and more, we're going to have a need to organize our work in a way that's a bit of a different and complementary experience to messaging.


  • The channel for chat is just one part of the experience.


  • And we see the content workflows as really being our strength.


  • Jason Noah Ader - Partner & Co-Group Head of Technology, Media and Communications

    Jason Noah Ader - Partner & Co-Group Head of Technology, Media and Communications

  • But don't you think -- Drew, don't you think the Teams is trying to -- I mean has a similar vision in terms of smart workspace in terms of not just chat and messaging?


  • Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

    Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

  • Yes.


  • Although I think there are challenges of that model with the kind of synchronous messaging or chat model as you scale.


  • I don't think in 5 years, we'll look back and think, hey, the secret to productivity is putting people in like 50 different chat rooms simultaneously all day.

    我不認為 5 年後,我們回首往事會想,嘿,生產力的秘訣是讓人們整天同時在 50 個不同的聊天室中。

  • I think it becomes a very noisy and distracting environment at scale.


  • By all means, chat will be -- chat remains and will always be like an important ingredient.


  • But I think the challenge is, like if you go on vacation for a couple of days, you come back and have to read hundreds of pages of transcript to figure out what's going on.


  • And so I think there's going to be -- or there's already and will continue to be an increasing need to organize work and have a more focused place to go that can pull together all the different tools you're using.


  • And I don't see Teams or the messaging apps doing that.

    而且我沒有看到 Teams 或消息傳遞應用程序這樣做。

  • And certainly...


  • Ajay V. Vashee - CFO

    Ajay V. Vashee - CFO

  • And just to bring some of the -- right.


  • Yes.


  • I think those are fantastic points here.


  • And just, Jason, to bring this back to the metrics for us.


  • We are seeing higher and higher levels of adoption and engagement around that desktop application, as Drew mentioned earlier.

    正如 Drew 之前提到的,我們看到該桌面應用程序的採用和參與度越來越高。

  • Now the majority of our business teams, over 350,000 of our 450,000-plus business teams, are engaging with that application, and we've seen that 60% increase in activity over the past couple of months.

    現在,我們的大多數業務團隊,即 450,000 多個業務團隊中的 350,000 多個,都在使用該應用程序,我們看到過去幾個月的活動增加了 60%。

  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of Mark Murphy with JPMorgan.

    我們的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Mark Murphy。

  • Mark Ronald Murphy - MD

    Mark Ronald Murphy - MD

  • Yes.


  • And congrats on the great resilience you're showing in the business model.


  • Drew, you mentioned solid uplift in the top of funnel metrics since mid-March.

    Drew,您提到自 3 月中旬以來漏斗指標頂部的穩步提升。

  • And I'm interested in how much of that activity do you think we'll look back on and say that it was onetime surge versus ongoing usage where they'll continue and take it into the workplace over time.


  • And then, Ajay, I wanted to ask you that your fiscal year guidance, it seems to be adjusting for FX and interest rates.


  • I was wondering if you could clarify what the assumption is for COVID-19 impact.

    我想知道您是否可以澄清對 COVID-19 影響的假設是什麼。

  • Or is it just that you see the tailwinds as offsetting?


  • Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

    Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

  • Sure.


  • I'll start.


  • I mean I think it's a little too early to tell to what extent this is a surge versus a permanent uplift.


  • Certainly, a huge percentage of the world is being forced into a remote work state for the first time.


  • But I think the effects of it will persist much -- or well beyond when we physically go back into the office.


  • And I think one of the things that you immediately find missing when you're working from home is being able to have that kind of contact of the people around you.


  • And suddenly, things that were relatively straightforward, like what's everybody up to, what important things happened on my team today, become pretty challenging when your only window into work is like a video conference or a messaging tool.


  • So we see a big opportunity to help -- the kinds of things we're working on are thinking about, well, how do I get a sense of everyone around me, how do I make it easier to figure out what's happening on my team without having to wade through hundreds of pages of chat messages, of email.


  • And even after we physically go back to work, the shift to distribute work as we -- distributed work is going to be permanent.


  • And I think there's going to be a silver lining to that, which is we're all going to have more flexibility because even if you're primarily going to the office, but if you go on commute, you being able to work from home and be equally productive, that would be a big benefit to a lot of people.


  • But the tools aren't really designed for that right now.


  • So that's really a big opportunity for us to expand what we do in terms of helping people with distributed work.


  • Ajay V. Vashee - CFO

    Ajay V. Vashee - CFO

  • And to answer the second part of your question on the guidance philosophy there.


  • I would reiterate a couple of points, Mark.


  • So one, given the resilience of the core business, to your point, we are largely maintaining our annual guidance, net of currency and interest rate movements introduced by COVID-19.

    因此,鑑於核心業務的彈性,就您而言,我們在很大程度上維持我們的年度指導,扣除 COVID-19 引入的貨幣和利率變動。

  • And we are seeing some encouraging top of funnel trends.


  • It is still early on that front.


  • We want to monitor those cohorts for both conversion and retention information data.


  • And we do remain mindful of the broader macroeconomic risks the second half of the year may bring.


  • And so there's certainly more that we will learn in the coming months, and we'll share an updated view of the second half of the year on our August call and that will incorporate more granular perspective on top of funnel trends, subscriber mix, some of those retention rates of existing and new cohorts as well as some more information on that realignment of our product road map to focus on really accelerating and enabling this move to distributed work for our customers.

    因此,在接下來的幾個月裡,我們肯定會學到更多東西,我們將在 8 月的電話會議上分享下半年的最新觀點,這將在漏斗趨勢、訂戶組合等方面納入更細緻的觀點現有和新隊列的保留率以及有關重新調整我們的產品路線圖的更多信息,以專注於真正加速和實現向客戶分佈式工作的轉變。

  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of Rishi Jaluria with D.A. Davidson.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Rishi Jaluria 和 D.A.戴維森。

  • Rishi Nitya Jaluria - Senior VP & Senior Research Analyst

    Rishi Nitya Jaluria - Senior VP & Senior Research Analyst

  • First, I wanted to ask, how should we be thinking about the consumer side of the business?


  • I know 80% of your customers are our business users or using Dropbox at work.

    我知道您 80% 的客戶是我們的業務用戶或在工作中使用 Dropbox。

  • But for that remaining 20% that's consumer, especially with unemployment up at, I think, 33 million or higher last I checked.

    但剩下的 20% 是消費者,尤其是在我上次檢查失業率達到 3300 萬或更高的情況下。

  • What are you seeing out of that?


  • How are you thinking about that?


  • And then I've got a follow-up.


  • Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

    Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

  • Well, I'd say we're -- as you pointed out, we certainly have a large audience.


  • We certainly have an audience of people who use Dropbox only or who use Dropbox primarily for personal use cases.

    我們當然有一些只使用 Dropbox 或主要將 Dropbox 用於個人用例的人。

  • But the vast majority, over time, we share around 80% of our users use Dropbox both for work use cases or blended home and work use case.

    但隨著時間的推移,絕大多數人都認為,大約 80% 的用戶將 Dropbox 用於工作用例或家庭和工作混合用例。

  • And so the big opportunity we see there -- we're less focused on the pure consumer use cases because I think given a lot of the dynamics you mentioned, I think it's a little more challenging.


  • That said, I think there's this -- I think there's this blurred line between home and work, that we're all particularly experiencing right now, now that we're working literally at a home.


  • We see Dropbox as having a particular strength in that boundary where you can go between your personal and work-life seamlessly, in a way that other tools don't offer because they only focus on personal or they only focus on work.

    我們認為 Dropbox 在這方面具有特殊優勢,您可以在個人生活和工作生活之間無縫切換,這是其他工具無法提供的,因為它們只關注個人或只關注工作。

  • And so a number of the things we're working on in terms of our personal launches have a use case in a work context as well.


  • And then that's been true of Dropbox historically.

    從歷史上看,Dropbox 也是如此。

  • So we prioritize these features that have both a personal and work use case.


  • Certainly, our primary focus is on work.


  • But I think when -- going after the pure consumer market is tougher from a business model perspective, and that's really not a big segment for us.


  • Rishi Nitya Jaluria - Senior VP & Senior Research Analyst

    Rishi Nitya Jaluria - Senior VP & Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Got it.


  • That's helpful.


  • And then I wanted to ask, what are you seeing in terms of buying behavior from customers any -- things like extended payment or contract renegotiations and maybe alongside that, what are you seeing in terms of deal duration?


  • Because, Ajay, I know, I believe it was a couple of quarters ago, you did mention that you were seeing more customers opting for monthly over annual.


  • Just wanted to understand what are you seeing in terms of those trends.


  • Olivia Nottebohm - COO

    Olivia Nottebohm - COO

  • Rishi, this is Olivia, and I'll take that question.

    Rishi,我是 Olivia,我會回答這個問題。

  • So we have had selective asks from certain customers, and we've considered each one thoughtfully, really gauging the moment of need for our customers and trying to make them successful.


  • And we're doing targeted extension of net payment terms, and we're changing our invoice frequency as well in certain situations.


  • These are all ARR-neutral mechanisms that we're doing to help assist our customers in this crisis.

    這些都是我們正在採取的 ARR 中性機制,以幫助我們的客戶應對這場危機。

  • And we also see the flip side of it.


  • So we also see situations where customers are moving quickly to respond and immediately need to be provisioned to extra seats and licenses.


  • And we do that instantaneously, and then we wait for the paperwork and the contracting to catch up.


  • So a hospital in Boston that needed an extra 100 additional seats to manage bed inventory.

    因此,波士頓的一家醫院需要額外增加 100 個座位來管理床位庫存。

  • We spun that up immediately, and then we'll be cashing it on the renewal cycle in a month when they do a true-up.


  • Ajay V. Vashee - CFO

    Ajay V. Vashee - CFO

  • Yes.


  • And I would just -- this is Ajay, I would just add that on some of that relief, Rishi, it's been offered to really a small number of customers, so a relatively immaterial impact on our business there.

    而且我只是 - 我是 Ajay,我只想補充一點,Rishi,它提供給了非常少數的客戶,因此對我們在那裡的業務產生了相對無關緊要的影響。

  • And as it relates to your question on duration to annual versus monthly, that's more pertinent to the self-serve business and primarily to our individual subscribers.


  • And there where we have seen some of this surge in demand, so this increase in volumes over the past few months, a lot of that surge has been monthly as people kind of rapidly acclimate to a remote work and distributed work environment.


  • But we're keeping a close eye on that.


  • It does change week-to-week.


  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of Heather Bellini with Goldman Sachs.

    我們的下一個問題來自高盛集團的 Heather Bellini。

  • Heather Anne Bellini - MD & Analyst

    Heather Anne Bellini - MD & Analyst

  • I just got a follow-up.


  • You mentioned some of those encouraging top of funnel trends, which is great to see.


  • Ajay, I just wanted to go back, it was probably 2 quarters ago and then you reiterated it again last quarter that you expected these lower net sub adds, the roughly 300,000 you added this quarter and the prior quarter.

    Ajay,我只是想回去,可能是 2 個季度前,然後您在上個季度再次重申,您預計這些較低的淨子增加,您在本季度和上一季度增加的大約 300,000。

  • And you had talked about that the primary reason was just given the anniversary of the pricing increase.


  • Is this something that we should assume is largely behind us at this point?


  • And so when you're thinking about your guidance, you're thinking that, that sub number inflects a little bit higher?


  • Or should we assume it stays the same?


  • And I guess the flip side would be just kind of any commentary around ARPU trends for 2Q.

    而且我想另一面只是關於第二季度 ARPU 趨勢的任何評論。

  • Ajay V. Vashee - CFO

    Ajay V. Vashee - CFO

  • Sure.


  • I will say like to start, as it relates to some of the increase in top of funnel demand, that is still very early in that a lot of those users are still in a trial state.


  • So they haven't yet converted into a paying user.


  • And so there's more that we'll learn there, more that we'll share there in future months and quarters.


  • But as you noted on our Q3 '19 earnings call, we did note that paying users growth will be slightly lower in subsequent quarters as a result of our Plus repricing and repackaging initiative.

    但正如您在 19 年第三季度財報電話會議上所指出的那樣,我們確實注意到,由於我們的 Plus 重新定價和重新包裝計劃,隨後幾個季度的付費用戶增長將略低。

  • And that's consistent with our expectations when we launched it.


  • And that initiative overall continues to be a tailwind to revenue.


  • And I would also note that profitably growing our total ARR base versus optimizing for a specific net new paying user number is our priority and where you'll see us focus resourcing and commentary going forward.

    而且我還要指出,與優化特定的淨新付費用戶數量相比,增加我們的總 ARR 基礎並從中獲利是我們的首要任務,您將看到我們將重點放在資源和評論上。

  • That being said, historically, the primary driver of revenue growth for us has been conversion volume.


  • And the secondary driver has been ARPU expansion.

    次要驅動因素是 ARPU 擴展。

  • And that balance will persist for us going forward across this year and into the future.


  • I think probably 1 data point I can share to give you a little bit more context, and I shared a little bit about this last quarter, is that the output of our conversion engine continues to be very consistent, that gross new conversion engine at 1 million gross new paying users per quarter, and those trends were consistent in Q1 as well.

    我想可能我可以分享 1 個數據點來為您提供更多背景信息,我分享了關於上個季度的一點點,即我們的轉換引擎的輸出仍然非常一致,新轉換引擎的總產量為 1每季度的新付費用戶總數為 100 萬,這些趨勢在第一季度也是一致的。

  • Operator


  • And our next question comes from the line of Sarah Hindlian-Bowler with Macquarie.

    我們的下一個問題來自麥格理的 Sarah Hindlian-Bowler。

  • Sarah Emily Hindlian-Bowler - Senior Analyst

    Sarah Emily Hindlian-Bowler - Senior Analyst

  • I just wanted to follow up on Alex's question at the start of the call.


  • I think one of the things that I'm grappling with, and I think others are as well, is trying to just get a gauge as to how exposed you are to some of the major industry verticals that are particularly just shuttered from COVID-19 right now, and we're trying to just balance how much demand you're seeing from work from home and school from home that's helping to offset that.

    我認為我正在努力解決的一件事,我認為其他人也是如此,就是試圖衡量你對一些主要垂直行業的暴露程度,這些垂直行業尤其是剛剛從 COVID-19 中關閉現在,我們正試圖平衡您從在家工作和在家上學看到的多少需求,這有助於抵消這一點。

  • So maybe a little bit more color on specific vertical exposure you have.


  • And then I have a follow-up for you.


  • I think this one is really better for Drew.


  • Just thinking about the incredible conversion you're seeing with the desktop app.


  • It's really impressive.


  • And so what are you guys doing to drive the number of teams users you're seeing up on that desktop app so quickly?


  • Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

    Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

  • Sure.


  • I can speak to both.


  • Olivia Nottebohm - COO

    Olivia Nottebohm - COO

  • Sure.


  • Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

    Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

  • Yes, I can speak to both at a very high level.


  • And Olivia, yes, please add to specific verticals.


  • I mean the first thing I'd say is we have a very -- customers of all sizes, we have a very diversified customer base, which I think is a strength for us.

    我的意思是我要說的第一件事是我們有一個非常 - 各種規模的客戶,我們有一個非常多元化的客戶群,我認為這對我們來說是一個優勢。

  • And as I said before, a lot of the sectors that are hardest hit are ones where you can't go back to work or where the demand is still evaporated and especially in segments like SMBs and knowledge workers, like kind of a sweet spot.


  • A lot of those folks can continue working.


  • And for them, Dropbox continues to be an essential tool.

    對他們來說,Dropbox 仍然是必不可少的工具。

  • So I think we're relatively less impacted than the typical company, although given the macro environment, this is something we're going to be monitoring closely, and we've shared what we see so far.


  • And then the second, how we're driving conversion.


  • What we're helping people, migrate people from kind of the classic use of Dropbox and navigating in the file system to showing them that they can have a much richer experience in the new desktop app, and that would include both the Dropbox tray, where we've got a lot of machine intelligence features and make it a lot easier to access content that -- or much easier to find the content that you're looking for, and then bringing a lot of the collaborative features into the core experience so that historically, when we were kind of just in the operating system, if I commented a file, you can -- commented on a file, you couldn't necessarily see that because that interface is provided by the operating system.

    我們正在幫助人們,將人們從 Dropbox 的經典使用和文件系統中導航遷移到向他們展示他們可以在新的桌面應用程序中獲得更豐富的體驗,這將包括 Dropbox 托盤,其中我們有很多機器智能功能,讓訪問內容變得更容易——或者更容易找到你正在尋找的內容,然後將許多協作功能引入核心體驗,所以從歷史上看,當我們只是在操作系統中時,如果我評論了一個文件,您可以- 評論一個文件,您不一定會看到,因為該界面是由操作系統提供的。

  • In our new experience, all of that is really built into the experience.


  • And if you want to -- and more.

    如果你想 - 等等。

  • So if you want to share something via Slack or use any number of our integrations, you can do that directly from the experience.

    因此,如果您想通過 Slack 分享某些內容或使用我們的任意數量的集成,您可以直接從體驗中做到這一點。

  • And the fact that we have a desktop app installed and can upgrade that way makes it a pretty seamless process.


  • And so we're always tuning how we introduce people in that experience, but we're happy with the progress of the rollout.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from the line of Pat Walravens with JMP Securities.

    我們的下一個問題來自 JMP Securities 的 Pat Walravens。

  • Mark Chen - Research Analyst

    Mark Chen - Research Analyst

  • This is Mark for Pat.


  • So you guys mentioned a little bit about the HelloSign strength.

    所以你們提到了一點關於 HelloSign 的力量。

  • I was wondering if you can give us a little more whether the strength is coming from SMB or enterprise.


  • And would you expect the strength continue after COVID?

    您是否期望在 COVID 之後繼續保持強勁勢頭?

  • Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

    Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

  • Well, I can start at a high level and others chime in.


  • Well, when you think about having to work from home, then you can see how eSignature, the demand for eSignature goes up.


  • And we've seen, for example, number of signature requests is up 3x across HelloSign products so that -- and we've seen a spike, a similar spike in new trial starts for HelloSign as we have with the core Dropbox product.

    例如,我們已經看到,HelloSign 產品的簽名請求數量增加了 3 倍,因此 - 我們看到了一個高峰,在 HelloSign 的新試用開始中出現了類似的高峰,就像我們在核心 Dropbox 產品中看到的那樣。

  • And so we think it's very helpful for the eSignature in general.


  • And then -- and I talked about the end user product, there's also a product called HelloWorks, which is a document workflow product that for example, a lot of the delivery services used to onboard their drivers and delivery services like Instacart have been using HelloWorks for a long time.

    然後——我談到了最終用戶產品,還有一個叫做 HelloWorks 的產品,它是一個文檔工作流產品,例如,許多用於裝載司機的交付服務和 Instacart 等交付服務一直在使用 HelloWorks需很長時間。

  • We had just added another major delivery platform and then we've seen a bunch of COVID-related use cases.

    我們剛剛添加了另一個主要的交付平台,然後我們看到了一堆與 COVID 相關的用例。

  • So as I said, the lenders using HelloSign to help people process relief or loan applications.

    正如我所說,貸方使用 HelloSign 來幫助人們處理救濟或貸款申請。

  • So I'd say it's been more on the end user side, but we've actually seen the pipeline -- we've been building pipeline in both.


  • Olivia Nottebohm - COO

    Olivia Nottebohm - COO

  • Yes.


  • Just to add to that, we see increase in trials across customer segments.


  • It's pretty consistent across the board, not surprisingly, obviously, given the new world that we're in, but it's nice to see the consistency of it.


  • Operator


  • And we have time for one more question, and that comes from the line of Zane Chrane with Bernstein Research.

    我們還有時間再提出一個問題,這個問題來自伯恩斯坦研究公司的讚恩·克蘭 (Zane Chrane) 的觀點。

  • Zane Brandon Chrane - Senior Analyst

    Zane Brandon Chrane - Senior Analyst

  • And I commend you guys on really great transparency in your 10-K, you had some really helpful data on the quarterly ARR over the past couple of years.

    我讚揚你們在 10-K 中非常透明,在過去幾年中,你們有一些關於季度 ARR 的非常有用的數據。

  • And when I look at how much incremental ARR you added this quarter relative to the paid user adds, it seems to suggest you've had a pretty substantial increase year-over-year in the effective average ARPU of the paid users you're adding.

    當我查看本季度相對於付費用戶添加的 ARR 增量時,似乎表明您正在添加的付費用戶的有效平均 ARPU 同比大幅增長.

  • So it seems like there's a couple of ways to interpret that.


  • On one hand, maybe you're bringing a lot more business customers at much higher prices, and that's driving up the effective average ARPU of those sub adds.

    一方面,也許你以更高的價格帶來了更多的商業客戶,這推動了這些子添加的有效平均 ARPU。

  • On the other hand, you could have attrition of the lower value consumers coming out that's driving it up just due to the mix shift.


  • How should we think about what's driving that and the relative difference between those 2 factors?


  • Or is there something else maybe I'm missing that could be driving that effective ARPU higher on net sub adds?

    或者是否還有其他可能我錯過的東西可以推動淨子添加的有效 ARPU 更高?

  • Ajay V. Vashee - CFO

    Ajay V. Vashee - CFO

  • Yes.


  • This is Ajay.


  • It's a great question and observation, I think reflective of our strategy at the company, and that's to focus on high-value conversion to drive profitable ARR growth.

    這是一個很好的問題和觀察,我認為反映了我們公司的戰略,那就是專注於高價值轉換以推動盈利的 ARR 增長。

  • And you're seeing that reflected in the metrics and in the numbers today.


  • I think what you're alluding to is something that we disclosed at IPO called gross new ASP, which is effectively the ARPU for our new paying users.

    我認為您所暗示的是我們在 IPO 中披露的稱為總新 ASP 的東西,這實際上是我們新付費用戶的 ARPU。

  • And we've pretty methodically increased gross new ASP over the past 2 years.

    在過去的 2 年裡,我們有條不紊地提高了新的 ASP 總額。

  • And it was the highest that it's ever been in this past quarter, and it meaningfully leads blended average ARPU.

    這是過去一個季度以來的最高值,並且有意義地領先於混合平均 ARPU。

  • And so the new paying users that we're converting are -- tend to convert at higher and higher rates every period to one of our premium plans.


  • So to one of our team plans or to our premium individual plan, Dropbox Professional.

    因此,對於我們的團隊計劃之一或我們的高級個人計劃 Dropbox Professional。

  • And so that attach rates increase for us every period.


  • And then there's also a tailwind from some of the pricing and packaging changes that we've made over the past few quarters and years.


  • Zane Brandon Chrane - Senior Analyst

    Zane Brandon Chrane - Senior Analyst

  • Very helpful.


  • Very helpful.


  • And just a follow-up on that -- go ahead.

    只是對此的後續行動- 繼續。

  • Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

    Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

  • I was just going to add, and I think both trends you -- or both of your hypotheses are true.

    我只是想補充一下,我認為你的兩種趨勢 - 或者你的兩個假設都是正確的。

  • I mean we're less focused on pure consumer use cases.


  • We're less focused on legacy use cases like cloud storage.


  • We're more focused on high-value use case.


  • So that's a good measure of adding higher value customers, and that's why we've been fortunately more focused on ARR in aggregate because we're trying to drive that mix shift intentionally.

    因此,這是增加更高價值客戶的一個很好的衡量標準,這就是為什麼我們幸運地更加關注總體 ARR,因為我們正試圖有意識地推動這種混合轉變。

  • Zane Brandon Chrane - Senior Analyst

    Zane Brandon Chrane - Senior Analyst

  • That's helpful.


  • And just a quick follow-up.


  • So should I interpret that to maybe mean that as the consumers become a smaller portion of the mix, you'll have enough new business customers coming in at higher prices that the year-over-year growth in net new ARR turns positive again?

    那麼我是否應該將其解釋為可能意味著隨著消費者在組合中所佔的比例越來越小,您將有足夠多的新商業客戶以更高的價格進入,以至於淨新 ARR 的同比增長再次轉為正數?

  • Ajay V. Vashee - CFO

    Ajay V. Vashee - CFO

  • So we don't guide to ARR.

    所以我們不指導 ARR。

  • I would look to our revenue growth for our revenue guidance for a sense of the growth that we expect.


  • But certainly, we're focused on driving some of those structural improvements to conversion volumes and the tailwinds that you see to ARPU are ones that we see persisting, both across the near and medium term, just given how much headroom we have there between gross ASP and ARPU and how much higher those new paying users are coming in at on an ASP perspective.

    但可以肯定的是,我們專注於推動轉化量的一些結構性改進,而您看到的 ARPU 順風是我們認為在短期和中期持續存在的順風,只是考慮到我們在總收入之間有多少淨空ASP 和 ARPU 以及從 ASP 角度來看這些新付費用戶的收入要高多少。

  • Zane Brandon Chrane - Senior Analyst

    Zane Brandon Chrane - Senior Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Congrats on a great quarter and best wishes for weathering this pandemic.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • I will now turn the call back over to CEO, Drew Houston, for any further remarks.

    我現在將把電話轉回給首席執行官 Drew Houston,以徵求任何進一步的意見。

  • Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

    Andrew W. Houston - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Chairman

  • All right.


  • Well, thank you, everyone, for joining us, and I want to thank my team one more time for their heroic efforts in continuing to run the business under some pretty extreme conditions and taking care of our customers.


  • And we're really proud of the progress we've been making.


  • And so we hope -- and for all of you, we hope you're all hanging in there and staying safe, and we'll see you next quarter.

    所以我們希望 - 對於你們所有人,我們希望你們都堅持並保持安全,我們下個季度再見。

  • Thanks.


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  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in today's conference.


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