達美航空 (DAL) 2016 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning, everyone.


  • Welcome to the Delta Air Lines March quarter 2016 financial results conference.

    歡迎參加達美航空 2016 年 3 月季度財務業績會議。

  • My name is Kelly Anne, and I'll be your coordinator for today.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • As a reminder, today's call is being recorded.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Miss Jill Sullivan Greer, Vice President of Investor Relations.


  • Please go ahead, Jill.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • Thanks, Kelly Anne.


  • Good morning, everyone, and thanks for joining us for our March quarter call.


  • Joining us from Atlanta today are Ed Bastian, our incoming CEO, Glen Hauenstein, our incoming President, and Paul Jacobson, our CFO.

    今天從亞特蘭大加入我們的有新任執行長 Ed Bastian、新任總裁格倫‧豪恩斯坦 (Glen Hauenstein) 和財務長保羅‧雅各布森 (Paul Jacobson)。

  • We also have the entire leadership team with us in the room with us for Q&A.


  • Ed will open the call, Glen will then address our revenue performance and Paul will follow and discuss cost performance and cash flow.


  • To get in as many questions as possible during the Q&A, please limit yourself to one question and a brief follow up.


  • Today's discussion contains forward-looking statements that represent our beliefs or expectations about future events.


  • All forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements.


  • Some of the factors that may cause such differences are described in Delta's SEC filings.

    達美航空向 SEC 提交的文件中描述了可能導致此類差異的一些因素。

  • We'll also discuss non-GAAP financial measures.


  • All results exclude special items, unless otherwise noted.


  • You can find the reconciliation of our non-GAAP measures on the Investor Relations page at IR.delta.com.

    您可以在 IR.delta.com 的投資者關係頁面上找到我們的非 GAAP 指標的調整表。

  • With that, I'll turn it over to Ed.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Thanks, Jill.


  • Good morning, and thanks to everyone for joining us.


  • This morning, we reported a $1.56 billion pre-tax profit, our 12th consecutive record quarterly result, as the business continues to benefit from low fuel prices and solid demand.

    今天早上,我們公佈了 15.6 億美元的稅前利潤,這是我們連續第 12 個創紀錄的季度業績,因為該業務繼續受益於低燃油價格和強勁的需求。

  • We held our top line roughly flat and realized substantial fuel savings, which allowed us to expand operating margins by nearly 10 points to 18.5% and generate $1.4 billion in operating cash flows.

    我們的營收基本上持平,並實現了大量燃油節省,這使我們能夠將營業利潤率擴大近 10 個百分點,達到 18.5%,並產生 14 億美元的營業現金流。

  • These are nothing short of outstanding results in what is typically our seasonally weakest quarter of the year, where we also saw additional pressure from the tragic events that occurred in Brussels in late March.

    在通常是我們一年中季節性最弱的季度中,這些結果無疑是出色​​的,我們也看到了 3 月下旬布魯塞爾發生的悲劇帶來的額外壓力。

  • Operationally, we again led the global industry with a 99.4% completion factor and an on-time arrival rate of 86.5%.

    在營運方面,我們以 99.4% 的完工率和 86.5% 的準時到達率再次領先全球產業。

  • We had 49 perfect main line completion days, and six additional days where the only canceled flights in our network were to Brussels.

    我們有 49 天主線完美完成,還有另外 6 天,我們網路中唯一取消的航班是飛往布魯塞爾的航班。

  • It's now more rare to have a day with a cancellation than not on our main line product.


  • We also had eight days of no cancellations across the entire delta system, both main line and regional carriers, what we call brand perfect days, and we are focusing more and more on the system level performance and working hard to improve on this basis.


  • With these results, the Delta team proved yet again they are the very best in the industry.


  • I'm proud to announce we accrued $272 million in profit sharing this quarter on top of the $23 million in shared rewards they earned.

    我很自豪地宣布,除了他們獲得的 2,300 萬美元的共享獎勵之外,本季我們還獲得了 2.72 億美元的利潤分享。

  • I want to thank the Delta team for a terrific quarter.


  • It's an honor to be able to lead this great company and serve all of you.


  • I would like to take a moment to thank Richard for his leadership and vision in transforming Delta.


  • Richard has been a great partner and mentor for me for the past decade.


  • And while he'll be enjoying a well-earned retirement, he will always be a trusted friend and advisor and we all benefit from his leadership as the Executive Chairman of our Board.


  • Our strategy is working, and our team is fully in place.


  • We've got Gil West, our Chief Operating Officer, who leads the best team of operators in the industry.

    我們的營運長吉爾·韋斯特 (Gil West) 領導著業內最好的營運商團隊。

  • Glen Hauenstein, our new President, has led our network in revenue transformation over the last decade.

    我們的新任總裁格倫·豪恩斯坦 (Glen Hauenstein) 在過去十年中領導了我們網絡的收入轉型。

  • Steve Sear has taken us to five consecutive Business Travel News victories as Head of our Sales Organization.

    作為我們的銷售組織負責人,史蒂夫·西爾 (Steve Sear) 帶領我們連續五次贏得《商務旅行新聞》的勝利。

  • Paul, Joanne, Peter, Kevin, the list goes on.


  • Our bench is deep, and we're going to keep building on our momentum.


  • While we continue to post record profits, we are very aware that fuel prices remain volatile and have increased nearly 60% from the lows earlier this year.

    雖然我們繼續創造創紀錄的利潤,但我們非常清楚燃油價格仍然波動,並且已比今年稍早的低點上漲了近 60%。

  • For this reason, we are determined to get our business back on the path of positive unit revenues, because this is how we ensure that the margins and cash flows that we are producing are sustainable through good times and bad.


  • Glen will be describing our actions along this course.


  • As we look ahead at Delta, we have tremendous momentum in the business.


  • While lower for longer fuel prices have added some painful uncertainty to our timeline on getting back to unit revenue growth, they are also driving roughly $3 billion of fuel savings this year.

    雖然燃油價格持續走低給我們恢復單位收入成長的時間表增加了一些痛苦的不確定性,但今年它們也節省了約 30 億美元的燃油。

  • And we are committed to pushing as much of that fuel savings to the bottom line as possible.


  • We estimate that we retained 50% of fuel savings in the first quarter on an ex-hedge basis.

    我們估計,在對沖前基礎上,我們在第一季保留了 50% 的燃油節省。

  • On a net hedge basis, our fuel savings retention was 75%.

    在淨對沖基礎上,我們的燃油節省保留率為 75%。

  • We're using the cash flow generated by these record earnings to invest in long-term profitable growth opportunities for the business, improving the balance sheet by paying down debt, and funding the pension, and continuing to return cash to owners.


  • As we have done for the past several years, we plan to update you on our long-term plan and capital deployment strategy at our upcoming spring analyst meeting which will be held this year on May the 16.

    正如我們過去幾年所做的那樣,我們計劃在今年 5 月 16 日舉行的春季分析師會議上向您介紹我們的長期計劃和資本部署策略的最新情況。

  • I've been asked many times over the last couple months as I take over as CEO as to what my priorities will be as we look to the future.


  • Our goal as a team will be to continue to invest in the initiatives that are producing a durable, sustainable and industry-leading foundation at Delta.


  • First, our top priority is running a safe, reliable and customer-focused operation.


  • This is at the very core of what we do, and is producing meaningful improvements in customer satisfaction.


  • It also translates into our industry-leading RASM premium and more efficient cost structure, both of which contribute to more sustainable margins over the long term.

    它還轉化為我們領先業界的 RASM 溢價和更有效率的成本結構,這兩者都有助於實現更永續的長期利潤。

  • Second is enhancing our brand premium.


  • We said before that our product is not a commodity.


  • In order to earn a premium price from customers, we need to produce a premium product and a brand that drives loyalty.


  • That starts with thoughtful service and reliable operations, but also includes consistent innovation across the entire travel experience.


  • Third, you'll see us continue on the path towards globalization.


  • Whether through initiatives like headquartering our trans-Atlantic operations in Amsterdam, or through our equity stakes in Virgin Atlantic, China, Eastern, Aeromexico and GOL we see the international marketplace as the source of long-term, profitable growth opportunities.

    無論是透過將跨大西洋業務總部設在阿姆斯特丹等舉措,還是透過在維珍航空、中國航空、東方航空、墨西哥航空和 GOL 的股權,我們都將國際市場視為長期獲利成長機會的來源。

  • Our goal is to be the best US global airline.


  • And finally, we'll maintain the balanced approach for all of our stakeholders, our employees, our owners, and the customers and communities we serve share in Delta's success.


  • This strategy has driven tremendous value for all our stakeholders, and is the foundation for sustainable performance over the long term.


  • I'm excited about the future of Delta Air Lines, and honored to lead the very best team of airline professionals in the world.


  • I thank our investors for the trust they place us in, and assure you we are working hard to be great stewards of your investment.


  • With that, I'm happy to turn the call over to my good friend, Glen Hauenstein.

    至此,我很高興將電話轉給我的好朋友 Glen Hauenstein。

  • - President

    - President

  • Thank you, Ed, and good morning, everyone.


  • I would like to start by expressing my deep gratitude to the Delta team for all of their hard work.


  • Taking great care of our customers every day has resulted in another record quarterly performance.


  • I am honored and humbled to be taking on the role of President at this very exciting time for our company.


  • There are enormous opportunities ahead for our business, and I look forward to driving our continued success to get it.


  • Our revenues for the quarter were roughly flat to last year.


  • Including $125 million headwind from currency, a $5 million impact from the recent events in Brussels.

    其中包括 1.25 億美元的貨幣逆風,以及最近布魯塞爾事件造成的 500 萬美元的影響。

  • We also maintain our top line performance, despite a 40% decline in market fuel prices.

    儘管市場燃油價格下降了 40%,但我們仍保持了營收表現。

  • Our corporate demand remains solid, with volume growth of 2% this quarter.

    我們的企業需求依然強勁,本季銷售成長 2%。

  • We saw increases across most sectors, including healthcare, financial services and technology.


  • However, the improvement in volumes is being more than offset by lower yields.


  • The outlook for corporate demand remains favorable.


  • With 82% of respondents to our latest corporate travel manager survey projecting their overall travel spend will be maintained or increased for the rest of the year.

    在我們最新的企業差旅經理調查中,82% 的受訪者預計他們的整體差旅支出將在今年剩餘時間內保持不變或增加。

  • This is consistent with outlooks from previous surveys.


  • We continue to see good performance with our branded fare initiatives.


  • Total merchandising revenues grew over 30% for the quarter, led by comfort plus growth of 45% and first class revenue growth of 12%.

    本季商品總收入成長超過 30%,其中舒適加艙收入成長 45%,頭等艙收入成長 12%。

  • Basic economy drove roughly $20 million in incremental revenue, and we began our broad city-level expansion initiative during the quarter.

    基礎經濟帶動了約 2000 萬美元的增量收入,我們在本季開始了廣泛的城市級擴張計畫。

  • Our partnership with American Express produced $80 million in incremental value this quarter, and we expect $265 million in incremental value for the year.

    本季我們與美國運通的合作創造了 8,000 萬美元的增量價值,我們預計今年的增量價值將達到 2.65 億美元。

  • Year to date, new card acquisitions at record levels and up substantially from 2015, spend on our cards is up double digits.

    今年迄今為止,新卡購買量達到創紀錄的水平,並且比 2015 年大幅增加,我們的卡片支出增加了兩位數。

  • We continue to work with our great partners at AmEx to produce innovative programmed offerings for our customers, and continue to grow our portfolio.


  • Our passenger unit revenues declined 4.6%, with roughly 2 points of the decline attributable to currency.

    我們的客運單位收入下降了 4.6%,其中約 2 個百分點的下降歸因於貨幣。

  • This result was at the low end of our initial guidance, as we continued to see choppiness in the domestic [close] and yield environment during the quarter.


  • Focusing on our domestic business, unit revenues declined 5% on 6% more capacity with 1 point of that growth attributable to Leap Day.

    重點關注我們的國內業務,單位收入下降 5%,產能增加 6%,其中 1 個百分點的成長歸因於 Leap Day。

  • All of our domestic hubs improved margins in the quarter, with the best performances in Salt Lake City, Atlanta and Minneapolis.


  • Our investments in markets like New York and Seattle are continuing to pay off, as we drove margin expansion in excess of the domestic average in both of these cities.


  • Our international business is still facing headwinds from foreign exchange and lower fuel surcharges, as well as economic and geopolitical challenges in certain regions.


  • All of which we continue to address with capacity actions.


  • The trans-Atlantic entity saw a unit revenue decline of 6% on a 3.5% reduction in capacity.

    由於運力減少 3.5%,這家跨大西洋實體的單位收入下降了 6%。

  • Driven by a 4 point headwind from currency and pressure on yields, as industry capacity grew in the high single digits during the normally slow season.

    受到貨幣 4 個百分點的逆風和收益率壓力的推動,行業產能在通常淡季期間以高個位數增長。

  • In our core European markets, the US point of sale demand was strong and recovered quickly following the events in Brussels.


  • On the flipside, European point of sale demand has been softer, largely due to the weaker Euro.


  • We are pleased with our performance in London, and we continue to benefit from a deeper integration with Virgin Atlantic and the network changes we made together in 2015.

    我們對倫敦的表現感到滿意,我們將繼續受益於與維珍航空的更深入整合以及我們在 2015 年共同做出的網路變革。

  • Paris unit revenues improved year over year, as travel to the region rebounded following the events of last November.

    巴黎地區的單位收入較去年同期有所增長,原因是去年 11 月事件後前往該地區的遊客數量有所回升。

  • In Latin America, unit revenues were down 9%, with 5% of the decline attributable to currency, largely driven by the Brazilian real.

    在拉丁美洲,單位收入下降了 9%,其中 5% 的下降歸因於貨幣,主要由巴西雷亞爾推動。

  • Mexico and Caribbean markets performed well during the quarter, and have remained resilient throughout the peak spring travel period.


  • The eco related cancellations had a very small impact on Latin America.


  • Our Brazil capacity has been reduced by nearly 30% from peak levels, while our modest capacity growth has been well absorbed in Mexico and the Caribbean.

    我們的巴西產能較高峰減少了近 30%,而我們適度的產能成長已被墨西哥和加勒比地區吸收良好。

  • In the Pacific, PRASM declines are moderating, with unit revenues down 5%, including roughly 8 points of impact from FX and fuel surcharges.

    在太平洋地區,PRASM 的下降正在放緩,單位收入下降了 5%,其中包括外匯和燃油附加費約 8 個百分點的影響。

  • The yen was a $35 million headwind in the quarter, $30 million of which was driven by lower year-on-year hedge gains.

    本季日圓匯率下跌 3,500 萬美元,其中 3,000 萬美元是由於對沖收益年減所致。

  • While the recent appreciation of the yen is a positive for our business, we will see roughly a 4 point headwind to trans-Pacific RASM from lower hedge gains through the remainder of the year.

    雖然近期日圓升值對我們的業務有利,但我們將看到今年剩餘時間內對沖收益下降對跨太平洋 RASM 帶來約 4 個百分點的阻力。

  • Capacity to the Pacific declined 9% this quarter, primarily driven by Japan.

    本季飛往太平洋地區的運能下降了 9%,這主要是由日本造成的。

  • This is part of our continuing Pacific restructuring, which includes the ongoing retirement of our 747 fleet.

    這是我們太平洋地區持續重組的一部分,其中包括我們 747 機隊的持續退休。

  • Our China business continues to mature, as do our partnerships with China Eastern and China Southern.


  • Today, between 15% and 20% of our customers are traveling beyond Shanghai and Beijing to our Partner's networks.

    如今,我們有 15% 到 20% 的客戶從上海和北京前往我們合作夥伴的網路。

  • We expect that number to steadily increase over time.


  • Demand in China and the broader Pacific held up well for the first quarter, although yields remained under pressure due to high levels of industry capacity growth in the region.


  • Looking ahead, we are forecasting that second quarter unit revenues will be down 2.5% to 4.5%, a sequential improvement from our first quarter revenue results, on a 2% year-on-year capacity increase.

    展望未來,我們預計第二季單位營收將下降 2.5% 至 4.5%,較第一季營收結果較上季改善,而產能較去年同期成長 2%。

  • While we are not there yet, we understand the importance of getting back to positive RASMs.

    雖然我們還沒有做到這一點,但我們了解恢復積極的 RASM 的重要性。

  • Volatility and closer yields and challenges in Europe may mean we achieve our goal a few months later than we previously had expected, but we continued to target reaching the inflection point this year.


  • We have a good line of safety getting there in domestic, encouraged by the recent yield trends, which are now beginning to turn positive after being down for roughly a year.


  • In addition, our domestic capacity growth moderates with each successive quarter during the year.


  • In Latin and the Pacific, our capacity actions and restructuring efforts will continue to benefit us, while currency headwinds are also easing.


  • We continue to expect unit revenues to inflect in both entities in the summer timeframe.


  • In the trans-Atlantic, which accounts for 15% to 20% of our revenues, is where we have the greatest challenge.

    跨大西洋航線占我們收入的 15% 到 20%,是我們面臨的最大挑戰。

  • Yields remain under pressure, as industry capacity growth continues to add strict demand.


  • Peak season volumes from US to Europe remained very strong, and will drive record profits this summer, given the low fuel prices.


  • and one positive is that we will get a big help from currency as it turns from a headwind into a tailwind beginning in the next quarter.


  • In closing, I would like to reiterate that we are focused on taking the necessary actions to get to positive RASM in 2016 and ahead of our network competitors.

    最後,我想重申,我們致力於採取必要行動,在 2016 年實現積極的 RASM,並領先於我們的網路競爭對手。

  • If for no other reason than to get Ed off my back.


  • We will have a line of site to achieving our goal in domestic, the Pacific and Latin America, and are addressing the headwinds we face in Europe.


  • And we will act quickly to move all the levers in our business, including capacity if we do not see sufficient progress in the coming months.


  • With that, I would like to turn it over to my good friend Paul.


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Thanks, Glen.


  • And good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us today.


  • While lower fuel costs are providing huge benefits for our business, there's a lot of uncertainty in the global environment and we know fuel won't stay low permanently.


  • As a result, we remain focused on staying disciplined with our costs.


  • Total operating expenses for the quarter, however, were down more than $1 billion as this decline in fuel costs offset wage increases, as well as higher profit sharing expense which doubled versus last year at this quarter.

    然而,本季的總營運費用減少了 10 億美元以上,因為燃料成本的下降抵消了薪資的成長,以及本季與去年相比翻倍的利潤分享費用的增加。

  • Non-fuel CASM increased 4.5% including profit sharing, better than our initial expectation, with roughly half of that increase coming from higher profit sharing in the quarter.

    非燃料 CASM 成長 4.5%(包括利潤分享),優於我們最初的預期,其中約一半的成長來自本季更高的利潤分享。

  • As you may recall, our cost growth is more weighted toward the front half of the year, given the timing of last year's wage increases, and this quarter is the peak.


  • During the quarter, we retired ten older main line aircraft, including nine 757s and one 767-300.

    本季度,我們退役了 10 架較舊的幹線飛機,其中包括 9 架 757 和一架 767-300。

  • We removed six 50-seaters from our schedule also during the quarter.

    我們也在本季從我們的日程安排中刪除了 6 個 50 座位的座位。

  • We continue to expect our refleeting efforts to drive another $350 million of savings in 2016.

    我們仍然期望我們的改造工作能夠在 2016 年再節省 3.5 億美元。

  • Our maintenance initiatives benefited us by $90 million in the quarter, and we continue to target a $400 million benefit for the full year.

    我們的維護計劃在本季為我們帶來了 9,000 萬美元的收益,我們繼續制定全年收益 4 億美元的目標。

  • For the second quarter, we expect non-fuel CASM, including profit sharing, to increase roughly 2%, as our productivity and other cost initiatives help offset higher wages and product and service investments.

    對於第二季度,我們預計非燃料 CASM(包括利潤分享)將成長約 2%,因為我們的生產力和其他成本措施有助於抵消更高的薪資以及產品和服務投資。

  • CASM growth in the second quarter will be well below 1Q levels, as we lap last year's April 1 wage increase.

    第二季 CASM 成長將遠低於第一季水平,因為我們超過了去年 4 月 1 日的薪資成長。

  • We remain on track to keep non-fuel costs ex-profit sharing below 2% for the full year.

    我們仍有望將全年非燃料成本除稅前利潤分享率維持在 2% 以下。

  • Moving on to fuel, our total fuel expense declined by $1.5 billion, due to lower market fuel prices and lower year-over-year hedge losses.

    說到燃料,由於市場燃料價格下降和年比對沖損失減少,我們的總燃料費用下降了 15 億美元。

  • Our all-in fuel price was $1.33 per gallon, down 55% from the prior year.

    我們的總燃油價格為每加侖 1.33 美元,比上年下降 55%。

  • The refinery lost a modest $28 million in the quarter.

    該煉油廠本季小幅虧損 2,800 萬美元。

  • While lower crack spreads are a headwind for the refinery, they are obviously a significant net benefit for Delta as a whole.


  • Looking ahead, we expect an all-in June quarter fuel price of $1.48 to $1.53, which is down 40% from prior year.

    展望未來,我們預計 6 月季度燃油價格為 1.48 美元至 1.53 美元,比去年同期下降 40%。

  • We continue to have no open hedges going forward, and anticipate hedge losses of approximately $200 million in each of the remaining quarters this year.

    我們未來仍然沒有公開對沖,預計今年剩餘每季的對沖損失約為 2 億美元。

  • With the combination of the fuel tailwind, our non-fuel cost discipline and the sequential improvement in RASM performance Glen discussed, we expect another record quarter in June.

    結合格倫所討論的燃料順風、我們的非燃料成本紀律以及 RASM 績效的連續改善,我們預計 6 月將再創歷史新季度。

  • With an operating margin of 21% to 23%, a roughly 5-point improvement from the prior year.

    營業利益率為 21% 至 23%,比上年提高約 5 個百分點。

  • On cash flow, we are using our strong cash generation to appropriately balance the long-term investments we are making in the business, while continuing to return cash to our owners and derisking the balance sheet.


  • As Ed mentioned, we generated $1.35 billion of operating cash flow in the quarter.

    正如 Ed 所提到的,我們本季產生了 13.5 億美元的營運現金流。

  • This was net of $1.5 billion in profit sharing payouts to employees for 2015, and an $825 million cash contribution to the pension plan.

    這已扣除 2015 年向員工支付的 15 億美元利潤分享支出以及退休金計畫的 8.25 億美元現金繳款。

  • We also contributed $350 million in Delta stock to the pension during the quarter.

    本季我們也向退休金繳納了價值 3.5 億美元的達美航空股票。

  • With the additional $100 million in cash we put in the plans this month, we have contributed $1.3 billion in cash and stock since the beginning of the year.

    加上本月計畫中額外投入的 1 億美元現金,今年以來我們已投入了 13 億美元的現金和股票。

  • This completes our funding for 2016.

    至此我們 2016 年的融資就完成了。

  • We reinvested $870 million back into the business during the quarter.

    本季我們向業務再投資了 8.7 億美元。

  • As you may recall, we expect higher capital spending in the first half of the year due to the timing of aircraft spend, and will spend roughly $1 billion again in the second quarter.

    您可能還記得,由於飛機支出的時機,我們預計今年上半年的資本支出將會增加,並且第二季將再次支出約 10 億美元。

  • Additionally this year, we expect our Aeromexico tender offer to close in the third quarter.


  • In the March quarter, we returned $880 million to shareholders, including the $350 million accelerated share repurchase we completed to offset the dilution from the contribution to the pension plan.

    在第三季度,我們向股東返還了 8.8 億美元,其中包括我們完成的 3.5 億美元加速股票回購,以抵銷退休金計畫繳款帶來的稀釋。

  • Adjusted net debt at the end of March was $7 billion, up slightly from year end due to the timing of cash flows, including pension funding and profit sharing, and the decision we made to stay on track for a run rate for buybacks during the quarter.

    3 月底調整後的淨債務為 70 億美元,比年底略有增加,原因是現金流的時間安排,包括退休金資金和利潤分享,以及我們決定維持本季回購運作率。

  • We expect our adjusted net debt to be below $6 billion by year end with our cash flow.

    我們預計到年底,我們的調整後淨債務連同現金流將低於 60 億美元。

  • We have made significant progress on delevering our business over the last decade, and we are pleased to have this recognized with an upgrade by Moody's to investment grade during the quarter.


  • In closing, I would like to thank and congratulate the entire Delta team.


  • Not only for another record quarter, but also for achieving our long-held goal of returning as an investment grade company.


  • These accomplishments would not have been possible without your determination, dedication and hard work each and every day.


  • Jill, back to you.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • Kelly Anne, we are now ready for questions from the analysts.


  • If you could give instructions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • We'll move first to Duane Pfennigwerth with Evercore ISI.

    我們將首先轉向 Evercore ISI 的 Duane Pfennigwerth。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hey, guys, good morning.


  • Thanks for the time.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Morning, Duane.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • As we look towards the inflection to positive revenue later this year and you touched on some of this, can you just expand your thoughts on domestic versus international?


  • And which international region you might expect that first?


  • Specifically Latin America there's been a lot of capacity cuts.


  • Are you any more instructive on getting back to positive unit revenue in that region?


  • - President

    - President

  • Duane, this is Glen.


  • I think we are very constructive because not only do we have some positive chutes in Brazil, both first time and many years our close end bookings have actually provided positive momentum as opposed to negative momentum.


  • So we're coming off a very low base in Brazil.


  • And as we start to lapse the currency changes, I think we are positioned well with that capacity down towards an inflection point later this year.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • And so would that be your guess in terms of getting back to positive RASM first?

    那麼這就是您對首先回到積極的 RASM 的猜測嗎?

  • - President

    - President

  • No.


  • I think we are already in positive RASM territory in some of our entities, including Mexico, now in Japan, and domestic.

    我認為我們的一些實體已經處於積極的 RASM 領域,包括墨西哥、現在的日本和國內。

  • I think we have a good line of sight for peak summer.


  • So I think we have a lot of the network that's doing better that's being offset by some very dramatic decreases in certain geographic areas, including Brazil.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks for that color.


  • And then, Paul, could you update us on your latest thinking regarding CapEx for this year and next?


  • How do we think about your narrow body refleeting needs relative to that $3 billion core CapEx level that you've outlined?

    相對於您概述的 30 億美元核心資本支出水平,我們如何看待您的窄體反射需求?

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Good morning, Duane.


  • I think as we've talked about, we're looking at balancing capital against our cash flows, and approximately $3 billion remains our goal.

    我認為正如我們所討論的,我們正在考慮平衡資本與現金流,大約 30 億美元仍然是我們的目標。

  • We've got needs over the next five to seven years as we think about older narrow bodies, particularly MD-88s, and we remain committed to doing that while achieving our EPS goals, while achieving our cash flow goals, and our balanced capital allocation.

    當我們考慮較舊的窄體飛機,特別是MD-88 時,我們在未來五到七年內有需求,我們仍然致力於這樣做,同時實現我們的每股收益目標,同時實現我們的現金流目標和平衡的資本配置。

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Duane, this is Ed.


  • Let me add a little bit more to Paul's comments.


  • Our 2016 CapEx guidance remains in line with what we gave you in expectations, there's no changes there.

    我們的 2016 年資本支出指導仍然與我們給您的預期一致,沒有任何變化。

  • And we are in good shape as we look out on our international wide bodies.


  • So there's nothing on that horizon that's changing.


  • The focus we're in the midst of currently is the domestic fleet renewal over the next five years.


  • It's not a short-term need.


  • It's a medium-term need.


  • Because the MD-88s do need to retire, and we have roughly 115 of them currently.

    因為 MD-88 確實需要退役,而我們目前大約有 115 架。

  • And we also need to continue to need to upgauge our regional flying to the main line, which we've had a lot of success in and there's much more to go.


  • And I think we can do it cost effectively.


  • There's been a lot of media reports.


  • We have nothing to report at this time.


  • There's no decisions taken, so I will not comment on any media reports.


  • What I do hope is that we'll have more information to report and give you that medium-term outlook when we meet together next month in New York at the spring analyst meeting.


  • But the one thing you can remain convinced of here at Delta is that we will stay disciplined on capital deployment as always.


  • That will never change.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • We'll hear next from Savi Syth with Raymond James.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Good morning.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Just on the domestic capacity, I know in the first quarter you had the increase related to the extra day, but it's still up about 5.5, 6%.

    就國內運力而言,我知道第一季與額外一天相關的成長,但仍成長了約 5.5%、6%。

  • And then if you look at the second quarter, and I might be reading the schedules wrong, but it's showing maybe 4% to 5%.

    然後如果你看看第二季度,我可能讀錯了時間表,但它顯示的可能是 4% 到 5%。

  • So I was wondering, does that -- are you still thinking 1% to 3% growth for domestic market, in which case maybe second half you see growth of 1% to 2%?

    所以我想知道,您是否仍然認為國內市場成長 1% 至 3%,在這種情況下,下半年您可能會看到 1% 至 2% 的成長?

  • Is that still the thinking?


  • - President

    - President

  • That is still the thinking, and we do have deceleration of that growth throughout the year.


  • Thanks to Gil and the team, one of the other good benefits we had in the first quarter was a much higher completion factor than we had the previous (technical difficulty).


  • That was included in the higher numbers for this quarter as well as the Leap Day, so we do see that number decelerating throughout the year.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Understood.


  • And then just on the fleet question, just wondering if you're still finding attractive rates for aircraft to part out and even midlife aircraft replacement?


  • Or as you look to your narrow body replacement, are you focusing more on newer aircraft to keep that bar bell average age going?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Savi, as I said, we have nothing to report on any speculation in the media, and we'll wait till we have something to tell you so we can lay out what we're doing.


  • But yes, absolutely.


  • We continue to see good opportunities in the part-out space.


  • And Gil and his team have created a new entity called Delta Material Services where we're going in and saving literally hundreds of millions of dollars in our tech ops and maintenance costs.

    吉爾和他的團隊創建了一個名為 Delta Material Services 的新實體,我們將進入該實體,並在技術運營和維護成本方面節省數億美元。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • All right, great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • And from Cowen & Company, we'll move to Helane Becker.

    我們將從 Cowen & Company 搬到 Helane Becker。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks very much, operator.


  • Hello, everybody.


  • Thank you for the time.


  • So I was wondering if you could explain a little more, flesh out a little more, the trans-Atlantic comment about over capacity in the market?


  • And I'm asking that within the context of the fact that there are three large JVs that seem to be able to adjust capacity.


  • So are you seeing other entities outside of the JVs increase capacity?


  • And as part of that, are you seeing them backfilling what you are taking out?


  • So maybe you could just flesh that out a little more for me?


  • - President

    - President

  • Sure, Helane.


  • It's Glen.


  • One of the big contributors, of course, are the ME 3 because they are included in our trans-Atlantic capacity.

    當然,最大的貢獻者之一是 ME 3,因為它們包含在我們的跨大西洋運力中。

  • So for example, here in Atlanta, we have Turkish Airlines starting nonstop services into Istanbul this spring.


  • We also have Qatar flying from here to Doha in the spring.


  • The Atlanta to Doha market is less than five people a day.


  • So they are going to need to fill up on some flow.


  • We don't think they will be successful, but those are -- that's capacity that we face here locally that I think describes the type of capacity that's in the trans-Atlantic.


  • And on the other side in Europe itself, you have some of the growth from the ultra low cost carriers that are attempting now to fly in the trans-Atlantic, such as Norwegian, as well as some of the majors, like Air Canada.


  • So when you add all that together, you get a trans-Atlantic capacity increase that is in the high single digits, low double digit through the peak summer season.


  • Given the economic outlook for the United States and for Europe, we think demand will grow in the 4% or 5% range, and so there is more capacity than can be absorbed by the increase in natural demand.

    考慮到美國和歐洲的經濟前景,我們認為需求將成長 4% 或 5%,因此產能超出了自然需求成長所能吸收的範圍。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • So just to follow up on that, are you seeing then pricing being more aggressive in that market?


  • And are you concerned that if oil prices continue to move up, it will pressure margins?


  • - President

    - President

  • I think those are always our concerns.


  • I think that the demand set is strong, particularly ex-US, and it's been a little bit weaker ex-Europe.


  • But if these elevated levels stay and fuel goes up and economies don't grow, I think that would be an indication that the industry would need to fill capacity in order to maintain margins.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you, Glen.


  • I appreciate your help.


  • - President

    - President

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • We'll move next to Joseph DeNardi with Stifel.

    我們將與 Stifel 一起移至約瑟夫·德納爾迪 (Joseph DeNardi) 旁邊。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Good morning.


  • Glen, just on the domestic side, just given the slowdown in capacity expected throughout the year, where are the investments being made now and what markets fund the capacity reduction through the year?


  • - President

    - President

  • I don't think it's necessarily capacity reduction, but it's a lapsing of the investments we made last year.


  • So as we get through the year, our capacity in Seattle grew dramatically last year, our capacity in New York grew significantly last year.


  • And as we get to that second half of the year, those capacity additions start lapping each other.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • And then Paul, just on some of the deferral and acceleration transactions you've made with the hedge book, I think that's complicated the cash flows this year and into next year.


  • So I'm just wondering if you could -- where the book stands right now, what the net cash flows and outflows are this year and next?

    所以我只是想知道你是否可以 - 目前賬面狀況如何,今年和明年的淨現金流量和流出量是多少?

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Good morning, Joe.


  • What we talked about was, if you recall at investor day, or I'm sorry, on the first quarter call, that we had locked out the book.


  • That's where we sit right now.


  • Our expense recognition mirrors those cash flows, so we would expect about $200 million a quarter.

    我們的費用確認反映了這些現金流,因此我們預計每個季度約為 2 億美元。

  • We do have some modest quarterly impact in 2017, but it's rather immaterial.

    2017 年我們確實受到了一些適度的季度影響,但這並不重要。

  • The crux of that though is, like we said, the book remains flat and there is no participation right now.


  • It's just sitting there.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • And Jamie Baker with JPMorgan has our next question.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Good morning, everybody.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Morning, Jamie.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • First one for whomever might want to take it.


  • The second quarter margin guide is healthy.


  • No question about that.


  • But whether or not we include fuel, there's traditionally been more improvement from the first quarter to the second.


  • Historically for Delta anywhere from, call it, 500 to 800 basis points.

    從歷史上看,達美航空的漲幅為 500 至 800 個基點。

  • So today's guide is obviously below that range.


  • Shouldn't a consolidated industry be showing a little bit more seasonality, not less, as we move into peak periods?


  • Any idea what might be contributing to this?


  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • Jamie, it's Paul.


  • I'll start and let anybody else chime in that wants to.


  • I think when you look at just where we are in this particular quarter to quarter, you've got a move in fuel that if you just look at the midpoint of our guide for 2Q against our 1Q actual has moved up almost $200 million for that impact.

    我認為,當您查看我們在這個特定季度與季度之間的情況時,您會發現燃料發生了變化,如果您僅查看我們第二季度指南的中點相對於第一季度實際值的情況,則已增加了近2 億美元影響。

  • And while RASM is improving sequentially, it's not keeping up with that pace in the very, very short-term.

    雖然 RASM 正在逐步改進,但在非常非常短期內它並沒有跟上這一步伐。

  • I don't think that's a judgment on consolidation.


  • I think it's just on the volatility of where we are.


  • Despite that move in fuel, we're sitting roughly at where we ended up at year end.


  • So I think there's a little bit of intra-quarter noise movement going on with [actual fair market gyrations].


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, that's helpful.


  • Second for Glen, I'm trying to better understand what happened in the last couple weeks with multi-segment itinerary construction domestically.


  • It's unclear whether or not Delta led the effort.


  • I guess that actually doesn't really matter as much as it seems that the reconstruction is potentially driving firmer RASM on multi-segment fares, the type that I would often use if I was jumping around the country on Delta.

    我想這實際上並不那麼重要,因為重建可能會推動多航段票價更嚴格的 RASM,如果我乘坐達美航空在全國各地旅行,我經常會使用這種類型。

  • Can you shed any background on this?


  • - President

    - President

  • Jamie, as always, we don't really comment on fares on this call.


  • So I would like to just -- did you have another question that we could answer?


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • No, but I'll end with this.


  • We are with you in believing you should be comped against high quality industrial transports.


  • But if you listen to the earnings calls from those companies this quarter or any other, most of them are going to talk openly about price and revenue.


  • So high quality industrial transports don't duck and weave on this topic.


  • So just something I would point out.


  • I'll pass the mic to somebody else.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Thank you, Jamie.


  • Operator


  • And from Wolfe Research, we'll go to Hunter Keay.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • I appreciate it.


  • Ed, I would be curious to know what you expect from Richard as his level of involvement as Chairman.


  • How much is enough?


  • How much is too much, I should say and how much is not enough?


  • And what are you expecting from him, and how much are you guys going to communicate maybe between board meetings?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Well, Hunter, I don't mean to speak for Richard, but Richard is going to become the Chairman of our Board in a few weeks.


  • And I expect Richard to fulfill the same function and role that our current Chairman, Dan Carp, has done very ably for the last seven or eight years.

    我希望理查德能夠履行我們現任主席丹·卡普(Dan Carp)在過去七八年中出色表現的同樣職能和角色。

  • Richard and I are obviously very close and we speak a lot.


  • And I would leave it at that.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And Glen, does your on-time performance give you the opportunity to maybe tighten some block times in order to facilitate maybe more connecting volumes?


  • And maybe this is a question for you or maybe for Paul or maybe for Gil, if he's there.


  • But if you do have some potential CASM pressures in the event that you trim some capacity, how much of that can be offset by tightening some of those block times?

    但如果你在削減一些容量時確實面臨一些潛在的 CASM 壓力,那麼透過收緊部分區塊時間可以抵消多少壓力?

  • Thanks for all the time, I appreciate it.


  • - EVP & COO

    - EVP & COO

  • This is Gil.


  • Thanks for the question.


  • There's a number of variables that drive on-time.


  • I would argue that execution is the biggest of those, so we're wholly focused around that.


  • Block time plays a role in it, of course.


  • But ground times also play a role.


  • We run the tightest ground times in the industry, and we try to bias ground time to the tightest for a number of reasons.


  • And block more or less average now with the industry.


  • Maybe a little bit higher.


  • But we also try to not just blanket block time.


  • We're more surgical about it, and I think that's the next level that we continue to drive.


  • But our connections are also a metric and a variable that we look at, and we run less than a 1% misconnect rate as well while balancing all of that.

    但我們的連結也是我們關注的一個指標和變量,在平衡所有這些的同時,我們的錯誤連接率也低於 1%。

  • - CFO

    - CFO

  • And Hunter, this is Paul.


  • I'll just add that we're not going to degrade the customer experience or put the customer experience at risk in chasing after a CASM goal, nor are we going to add capacity to manage costs.

    我只想補充一點,我們不會在追求 CASM 目標的過程中降低客戶體驗或讓客戶體驗面臨風險,也不會增加管理成本的能力。

  • Capacity is the responsibility of the commercial organization to match to demand and where we see that opportunity.


  • CASM has to be driven by productivity, and we're going to continue to do that.

    CASM 必須由生產力驅動,我們將繼續這樣做。

  • And if we're successful at that, it's not going to impact the customer, only enhance their experience.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • We'll move next to Darryl Genovesi with UBS.

    我們將接任瑞銀集團的達裡爾·吉諾維西 (Darryl Genovesi)。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hello, everyone.


  • Thanks for the time.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Hello, Darryl.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Not to beat a dead horse on CapEx, but I thought Paul mentioned a $3 billion number again.

    並不是說資本支出已經死了,但我認為保羅再次提到了 30 億美元的數字。

  • And I just wanted to be perfectly clear on one point, and is that are you recommitting to your $3 billion stated upper limit on CapEx regardless of which way the MD-80 replacement decision goes?

    我只想完全明確一點,無論 MD-80 更換決定如何進行,您是否都會重新承諾 30 億美元的資本支出上限?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Darryl, we talked about CapEx for 2016, and long term we mentioned that we've got some domestic fleet renewal needs and we don't have any update to that number.

    Darryl,我們談到了 2016 年的資本支出,從長遠來看,我們提到我們有一些國內機隊更新需求,但我們沒有對該數字進行任何更新。

  • But I think you need to wait to see if we make decisions along that line, and we'll keep you posted.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • And then bigger picture question for Ed or Glen, I appreciate it, and I'm sure most equity investors on this call probably appreciate your admirable goal of getting back to positive year-over-year unit revenue growth.


  • I guess what I'm less certain of is whether sustained unit revenue growth is actually achievable over the next few years with returns running as high as they are across the industry.


  • Which, to me, would appear likely to drive continued at least mid-single digit supply growth, which is what we've been seeing.


  • So just wondering, and maybe perhaps just focusing on the domestic market, assuming the current status quo of low single-digit GDP growth, fuel in the low to mid-$40s per barrel and then continued mid-single digit domestic supply growth across the industry.

    所以只是想知道,也許只是關注國內市場,假設目前國內生產總值低個位數增長的現狀,燃料價格在每桶 40 美元左右,然後整個國內供應持續中個位數增長行業。

  • How do you really establish any confidence that you can get to sustained unit revenue growth?


  • And understandably, demand is going to ebb and flow and maybe you can get there for a quarter or two.


  • But just any color on how you can get there and sustain there, given the return profile across the industry.


  • Thank you.


  • - President

    - President

  • If you look back over the last several years, we had seven years of unit revenue expansion, followed by it looks like about two years of contraction.


  • There will be about two years of contraction, which were caused really by the fuel price being cut in less than half.


  • And I think if you look at the correlation to fuel and unit revenues, over time, you'll see a very tight correlation in the longer term.


  • And so as you -- depending on what your fuel assumption is, if you see fuel bottoming at $27 in the December time period and then you see a gradual improvement, although longer, lower for longer, I think that ultimately will be reflected in ticket prices.

    因此,根據您的燃油假設,如果您看到 12 月期間燃油觸底於 27 美元,然後您會看到逐步改善,儘管時間更長,價格更低,但我認為最終將反映在機票上價格。

  • And that's one of the reasons I think we're relatively confident that we will get to a higher unit revenue in the back half of the year than we did in the first half of the year.


  • If you couple that with the foreign exchange is moving from a negative to a positive, I think that shows where we could get to.


  • Back to the domestic arena, I do think that most of this decline has been caused by the decrease in fuel.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Maybe just to play devil's advocate, understanding all of the historical metrics that you just laid out.


  • I don't think we have really ever seen a period of -- a sustained period of time where the airline industry was putting up a roughly 20% unlevered return like it is today.

    我認為我們還沒有真正經歷過一段時期——一段持續的時期,航空業像今天這樣實現了約 20% 的無槓桿回報。

  • So I think most would agree that that's well above the industry's cost of capital.


  • And looking across other industries, that type of excess return would typically lead to outsized growth, right.


  • So I guess I have a little trouble understanding how the industry goes about getting price and how Delta goes about getting price with that kind of return backdrop and the likely supply trends that it would drive.


  • - President

    - President

  • I just would comment, I think we have the very best revenue team in the business.


  • And I think that we are very confident that we have a path forward, and that there is more revenue for us to garner from particularly corporate as we continue to separate ourselves from the pack in terms of our products and services.


  • And really, that's what our future is about, is about getting paid for the high quality of services that buy in this national transportation network.


  • So if you spend some time here, we'll walk you through some of the initiatives in more great detail.


  • But we really do think that we are poised to separate from the pack here.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • And, Darryl, this is Ed.


  • Just to add to what Glen was saying, this is a different business and this is a different company.


  • And you also have to keep into account the level of cash that we're generating and putting back into product and services, and producing a product that customers want to buy.


  • And investing in segmentation technologies, and merchandising opportunities, and corporate volume, and the volumes have stayed strong throughout this period.


  • So I'm optimistic we'll continue to produce the results that we talk about, and we'll have -- it was a good question.


  • We'll talk more in the spring meeting about that.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks very much, guys.


  • Operator


  • We'll move next to Dan McKenzie with Buckingham Research.

    我們將接聽白金漢研究中心的 Dan McKenzie 的演講。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning.


  • Thanks.


  • Looking out this summer, Europe really strikes me as a wild card.


  • The best case scenario under our Brexit looks pretty dim.


  • So I'm guessing the unit revenue outlook for the second quarter doesn't factor into Brexit, but I believe the demand trends were weakening even before the Brussels attack.


  • So I'm wondering if you can provide some additional color about what's factored into the outlook exactly on this entity.


  • So perhaps a trend line of continued decay, and then just remind us what percent of the revenue is tied to the UK specifically?


  • - President

    - President

  • UK specifically is probably for us less than 3%, but demand trends for the summer, demand itself is strong.

    具體來說,英國對我們來說可能不到 3%,但夏季的需求趨勢,需求本身很強勁。

  • Yields are relatively weak, and a lot of that was because of the currency devaluation.


  • But now we are lapping that, so as we move forward from this point, we should see actually a tailwind from the Euro exchange rate.


  • So while your question indicates doom and gloom, we will confidently say that we will have record profits in the trans-Atlantic this summer, and that's with a high degree of confidence that our profits will be at historic highs in trans-Atlantic this summer.


  • And as we get to June and as we usually do, we'll assess what demand trends we see for the off season.


  • And then we will take the appropriate adjustments as necessary to ensure that we have the right level of capacity in for the fall and winter.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • That's good color.


  • Thanks, Glen.


  • Following up, the GBTA forecast for corporate travel spend was revised downward this week.

    隨後,GBTA 本週下調了商務旅遊支出預測。

  • So I'm wondering if you can provide some color around this revenue bucket for Delta.


  • Is the spend deteriorated somewhat, or are you expecting spend to perhaps trend a little bit more strongly this year?


  • Just wondering what color you can share along those lines.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Dan, this is Ed.


  • The GBTA report as I recall, I looked at it quickly the other night, indicated that demand continues to grow, volume continues to grow, and that's what we're seeing in our Corporate space.

    我記得那天晚上我快速瀏覽了 GBTA 報告,顯示需求持續成長,數量持續成長,這就是我們在企業領域看到的情況。

  • Our volumes were up in Q1 in our forecast through the summer, and the rest of the year is for volumes to continue to grow.


  • I think the numbers that they revised down was more reflective of the current pricing environment in which fares are lower than were previously anticipated in the close-in space.


  • But I think we're not seeing any trend lines to give us pause.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Very good.


  • Thanks, guys.


  • Operator


  • From Stephens, we'll hear from Jack Atkins.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Morning, guys.


  • Thanks for the (technical difficulty).


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Welcome.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • As it relates to rising fuel prices, I was just curious how quickly (technical difficulty) you'll be able to pass that through (technical difficulty) higher fares.


  • What sort of lag (technical difficulty) before that's reflected (technical difficulty) RASM?

    在反映(技術難度)RASM 之前有什麼樣的延遲(技術難度)?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Jack, you're breaking up.


  • We're having a real hard time hearing your question.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Sorry about that.


  • Is that any better?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Yes, it is.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • So as it relates to rising fuel prices, I'm curious how quickly you would be able to pass that through via higher PRASM.

    因此,由於它與不斷上漲的燃油價格有關,我很好奇您能夠以多快的速度通過更高的 PRASM 來解決這個問題。

  • What sort of lag would you anticipate with as fuel goes up before you'll be able to pass that through via PRASM?

    當燃料增加時,您預計會出現什麼樣的延遲,然後您才能通過 PRASM 通過該延遲?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • That's hard to speculate on.


  • Historically, there's been a lag and I think it's anywhere from one to two quarters before RASM and volume adjustments get made to keep track of rising fuel prices.

    從歷史上看,存在一定的滯後性,我認為在進行 RASM 和數量調整以追蹤燃油價格上漲之前,可能需要一到兩個季度的時間。

  • So the current environment is different than anything we've seen before at the same time, so it would be hard to speculate.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Then specifically with regard to the second quarter PRASM guide, what sort of FX impact is baked in there?

    那麼具體到第二季的 PRASM 指南,其中會產生什麼樣的外匯影響?

  • If you could share that, that would be helpful.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • I think it's 1 point.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Rajeev Lalwani with Morgan Stanley has our next question.

    摩根士丹利的 Rajeev Lalwani 有我們的下一個問題。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hello, gentlemen.


  • Thanks for the time.


  • Just as it relates to the June guide, are you assuming the March environment carries forward?


  • And then just coming back to business travel, have you noticed any change as far as policy shifts on the corporate side?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • On the policy side, no, we're not seeing any significant shifts.


  • And I would say the Q2 guide is roughly in line with the trend lines that we closed out the first quarter at.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • One other quick one.


  • I think, Glen, you mentioned earlier that you were seeing some encouraging trends on the domestic front.


  • Can you just talk a little bit more about what exactly that was and the implications for it?


  • - President

    - President

  • Well, for many months and quarters now, we have had advanced domestic yields as they sit on the books for the out months in negative territory.


  • And as we get to peak summer of this year for the first time in quite a while, the events, bookings and advanced yield trends are favorable to the baseline euro of 12 months ago.

    隨著我們在相當長一段時間內首次迎來今年夏季的高峰,活動、預訂和先進的收益率趨勢有利於 12 個月前的基準歐元。

  • So that to us is optimistic, and now all we have to do is get through that whole booking cycle all the way down to day of departure and keep that in the positive territory.


  • When you're sitting out at 30, 60, 90 days with a minus 3% or a minus 4%, it's harder to make it up inside that.

    當你在 30 天、60 天、90 天的時間裡出現負 3% 或負 4% 的損失時,就很難在這段時間內彌補。

  • So that's the trajectory we're on, is seeing a much more favorable advance book than we've had in the past.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks for the time, and congrats on all the new roles.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • And from Deutsche Bank, Mike Linenberg.

    來自德意志銀行的 Mike Linenberg。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hello, everyone.


  • It's actually Richa Talwar on behalf of Mike.

    實際上是 Richa Talwar 代表 Mike。

  • Good morning.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Good morning.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • So first, we would be curious to hear Delta's stance on slot restrictions at Newark airport being lifted in October.

    首先,我們很想知道達美航空對 10 月取消紐瓦克機場起降時刻限制的立場。

  • Does that represent a growth opportunity for you?


  • And how do you think it will impact the New York market maybe more broadly and fit into your New York strategy?


  • - President

    - President

  • New York is a very congested area in terms of [capabilities], in terms of air space, in terms of -- and it's a very complex and incredibly expensive environment to operate in.


  • So while we are enthusiastic about Newark's slot restrictions being lifted, we are also realistic that that airport does not have an infinite number of or infinite capability to handle traffic.


  • So we will examine the options very carefully and see what it is we can do to improve our position in Newark, but I don't see a significant amount of growth for us in Newark.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Thanks.


  • And then second, regarding the financial difficulties your Brazilian Partner is going through, we know GOL has a number of fairly young aircraft that it's looking to restructure with lessors.

    其次,關於您的巴西合作夥伴正在經歷的財務困難,我們知道 GOL 有許多相當年輕的飛機,正在尋求與出租人進行重組。

  • And it's been reported that Delta is in the market right now, as you've commented multiple times for narrow body jets.


  • So is there a happy harmony on the table where you consider using some of their lift?


  • Is that an outcome you would consider?


  • Or are you really just opting for new aircraft or a different avenue as you consider your replacement needs?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • This is Ed.


  • We are working very closely with our good partners down in Brazil, and they are certainly going through a reduction of their fleet.


  • We haven't made any decisions yet as to whether there would be some of the aircraft that we would take either through addition to our fleet or through part-out opportunities.


  • So we're in dialogue with them.


  • We're not the only individuals at the table, because there's a number of lessors that are also talking about sending aircraft back to.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks for all that color.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • Kelly Anne, we've got one time for one more question from the analysts.


  • Operator


  • Okay.


  • That will be from Julie Yates with Credit Suisse.

    這是瑞士信貸銀行朱莉耶茨 (Julie Yates) 發來的。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Good morning, thank for taking my question.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Good morning, Julie.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Glen, is there any color you can provide geographically on domestic RASM, pockets of strength and weakness?

    Glen,您能提供關於國內 RASM 的地理分佈、優勢和劣勢的資訊嗎?

  • I think last year you called out three specific markets as driving the bulk of the weakness.


  • Is it still a similar story, or was the weakness in Q1 more widespread?


  • - President

    - President

  • I would say that we saw a deepening of the number of markets that were impacted by lower close-in fares.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Can you quantify that in terms of the number of top 10 markets that are now affected?


  • - President

    - President

  • Well, there -- I think what we could do is we could get back to you on that in terms of more specifics.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • - President

    - President

  • Because it is a much more widespread phenomenon than it was.


  • Last year it was really just in some very key business markets, and now is has broader implications.


  • The good news is is that the numbers haven't gotten worse, so they tend to balance out in demand.


  • But it is different than it was a year ago.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then just on the Q2 unit revenue guide of down 2.5% to down 4.5%, what's the underlying assumption for domestic versus international?

    然後,就第二季單位收入下降 2.5% 至 4.5% 的指導而言,國內與國際的基本假設是什麼?

  • And I'm curious if the sequential improvement is mostly a function of lapping the international headwinds like FX and surcharges, or if you expect domestic to materially improve from the down 4.8% given the comments you made on advanced bookings?

    我很好奇,連續的改善是否主要是因為克服了外匯和附加費等國際逆風,或者考慮到您對提前預訂的評論,您是否預計國內將從下降的 4.8% 中大幅改善?

  • - President

    - President

  • As we get through to peak summer, we do expect domestic to improve from where we are sitting in March.


  • May may be a choppy month, but I think June and July are looking very solid.


  • And we do get 1 point reduction, or a point and a half on the currency headwinds as well.

    我們確實減少了 1 個百分點,或者說貨幣逆風也減少了一個半點。

  • So I think we have some good visibility to peak summer.


  • Our second quarter isn't the peak for domestic.


  • July is really the peak, and that's really where we're headed to try and get up to positive RASM in domestic.

    7 月確實是高峰期,這確實是我們要努力在國內實現積極的 RASM 的地方。

  • We'll see if we can get there.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Thanks for fitting me in.


  • - President

    - President

  • Thanks, Julie.


  • - VP of IR

    - VP of IR

  • Thanks, Julie.


  • And that is going to conclude the analyst portion of the call.


  • I'll hand it over to Kevin Shinkle, our Chief Communications Officer.

    我會將其交給我們的首席通訊官 Kevin Shinkle。

  • - Chief Communications Officer

    - Chief Communications Officer

  • Welcome, everybody.


  • We'll have about 10 minutes to take questions from journalists, so please limit yourself to one question and one follow up.

    我們將有大約 10 分鐘的時間回答記者提問,因此請僅限於一個問題和一個跟進。

  • Kelly Anne, if you could please provide the instructions again on how to register to ask questions.

    凱莉安妮(Kelly Anne),如果可以的話,請再次提供有關如何註冊提問的說明。

  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • We'll move first to Dennis Schaal with Skift.

    我們將首先轉向 Skift 的丹尼斯·沙爾 (Dennis Schaal)。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hello, everyone.


  • I was wondering if you see any challenges for Delta in Alaska Air's merger with Virgin America?


  • And also, JetBlue announced this week that they are expanding Mint service into Seattle.

    此外,捷藍航空本週也宣布將 Mint 服務擴展到西雅圖。

  • How will these changes impact Delta?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Your question was how -- I didn't fully hear your question.


  • How does the Alaska/Virgin proposed merger impact Delta?


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Yes, as well as JetBlue expanding Mint service into Seattle?

    是的,還有捷藍航空將 Mint 服務擴展到西雅圖?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Seattle, we're doing quite well.


  • We continue to grow there.


  • We had a very good margin in the first quarter, and I think our outlook is strong there.


  • We're not going to comment on proposed transactions.


  • We'll react when we see what happens in the marketplace.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay, thanks.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • On the Mint product between Seattle and JFK and Boston, we currently have flatbeds on a single flight between, or two flights between New York and Seattle.

    目前,在西雅圖與甘迺迪機場和波士頓之間的 Mint 產品中,我們目前在紐約與西雅圖之間的單趟航班或兩趟航班上提供平板床。

  • And we are -- had already in the plans to make sure that we had a consistent product in terms of flatbed seats in key time channels between the two markets.


  • That's not all time channels.


  • But on the red eye, certainly, we will have a flatbed product in Seattle to New York.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Great.


  • The other--

    另一個 -

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • (Multiple speakers) in our plans before Mint announced this.

    (多位發言者)在 Mint 宣布這一點之前我們的計劃中。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • The other question was on basic economy.


  • I think you said that it drove $20 million in incremental revenue in the quarter.

    我想你說過它在本季帶來了 2000 萬美元的增量收入。

  • Are you happy with that number?


  • And are you not seeing significant dilution from passengers who would have otherwise purchased higher fares?


  • - President

    - President

  • Basic economy is really a -- it's designed for customers who solely are purchasing on price.


  • And I think our value proposition relative to the ultra low cost carriers is very, very strong.


  • We have great customer service, we have great operational reliability, great baggage delivery, and we already have a lot of things that on other ultra low cost carriers are not free, like we don't charge for space in overhead bins.


  • So if you're shopping for just solely price, we want to have a product that can compete effectively and provide the best services against carriers who are providing a much lower quality of service.


  • And I think that's what this is designed for.


  • And what we're seeing is when presented with the options, and really the way we get to the $20 million value is, those customers when they were informed of what this product was, shows something else.

    我們看到的是,當提供選項時,實際上我們獲得 2000 萬美元價值的方法是,當這些客戶被告知該產品是什麼時,他們會表現出其他的東西。

  • And that's really how we get to that $20 million value.

    這就是我們實現 2000 萬美元價值的真正方法。

  • Remember, it's really only in about 400 to 500 markets now.

    請記住,現在它實際上只在大約 400 到 500 個市場中存在。

  • We have over 20,000 domestic markets.


  • So our plan is over the next weeks and months, to continue to roll it out.


  • So we do have a great value proposition for people who are just looking for the lowest possible fare.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks a lot.


  • Operator


  • And from the Wall Street Journal, we'll hear from Susan Carey.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Good morning, gentlemen.


  • Could you remind me what your operating margin was in the end in the first quarter?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • The first quarter was 18.5%, Susan.

    第一季是 18.5%,蘇珊。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • And secondly, there's a little tussle going on between the EU and the US and Canada about possibly ending the visa waiver program.


  • Apparently it's not settled yet, but are you thinking ahead to a possible negative impact if US citizens have to apply for visas to go to France or something?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • We're not anticipating that, Susan.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Do you think it will be solved then?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • We're not -- we don't have enough information to have an informed opinion at this point, so I would say we're not making any plans.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • We'll move next to David Koenig with The Associated Press.

    接下來我們將請美聯社的大衛‧科尼格 (David Koenig) 發言。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Really you answered the question I was going to ask, which was about basic economy.


  • Just one other thing is the entry of American and United into that market this year, how is that going to -- do you expect how that will affect you?


  • - President

    - President

  • We really don't have the details yet on what American or United's product is, but I think we are consistent in saying whatever that product is, we want to have the best in class for it.


  • And we'll make adjustments as necessary to make sure that for people who are just traveling on price as the only decision-maker, that Delta always offers the best product offering.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I guess what I'm getting at, let's assume for argument's sake that American and United do something similar to what you've done.


  • Doesn't that just divide up whatever that market is, and might the $20 million in incremental revenue you saw in the first quarter be a high watermark?


  • - President

    - President

  • I don't think that's the case.


  • So we can take that offline and discuss it with you.


  • But I think it might be the opposite.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • And Michael Sasso with Bloomberg News has our next question.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Could you just elaborate a little bit on your discussions with GOL?

    您能否詳細說明一下您與 GOL 的討論情況?

  • Particularly you were talking about doing -- maybe taking back some jets from them.


  • What exactly -- what are the range of options that Delta is considering regarding GOL and its aircraft?

    達美航空正在考慮對 GOL 及其飛機採取哪些具體選擇?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Well, Michael, there's no decisions taken yet because GOL is still working through the impact with its lessors and creditors down there.

    好吧,邁克爾,尚未做出任何決定,因為 GOL 仍在與當地的出租人和債權人一起解決影響。

  • But GOL has been public that there is a considerable amount of their capacity that they are reducing.

    但 GOL 已公開表示,他們正在削減大量產能。

  • And we, as a number of stakeholders in GOL, are all looking at whether there's some opportunities to take some used aircraft into either to enter into service and induct or to part out.

    作為 GOL 的眾多利益相關者,我們都在考慮是否有機會將一些二手飛機投入使用並投入使用或退役。

  • There's opportunities in both spaces.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Any specific types of aircraft you might look at?


  • - President

    - President

  • They only fly 737s, so let's leave it there.

    他們隻飛 737,所以我們就留在那裡吧。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • All right.


  • Operator


  • And from TheStreet, we'll move to Ted Reed.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Glen, did you say that between Atlanta and Doha, there's only five O&D passengers a day?

    格倫,你是說亞特蘭大和多哈之間每天只有 5 名 O&D 乘客嗎?

  • I think you said that.


  • So do you have any routes like that?


  • And secondly, do you guys feel there's a resolution coming in this dispute with the Mideast carriers?


  • - President

    - President

  • Well, Ted, I would -- we don't have any markets that we fly halfway across the world that have less than 10 people (technical difficulty).

    好吧,Ted,我會——我們飛越半個地球的市場中,沒有一個少於 10 人的市場(技術難度)。

  • And I don't think you'll find many carriers in the world.


  • So I don't know what the latest is, maybe I'll turn that over to Peter and he can inform you of what the latest is in the (technical difficulty).


  • - EVP & Chief Legal Officer

    - EVP & Chief Legal Officer

  • I will tell you.


  • This is Peter.


  • This is our number one priority in Washington.


  • We have reason to believe that the US government is going to do the right thing.


  • And having said that, because this is fundamentally a diplomatic process, it will take some time.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • So nothing is imminent from the US government?


  • - EVP & Chief Legal Officer

    - EVP & Chief Legal Officer

  • Not that we're aware of.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Not that we're aware.


  • And, Ted, we do have some markets set we have four or five passengers on.


  • We call that Delta Private Jets.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Thank you.


  • - President

    - President

  • Thanks, Ted.


  • Operator


  • And Kelly Yamanouchi with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has our next question.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Hello, there.


  • I was just interested in finding out how the current environment and your outlook as it stands affects the pilot's contract negotiations as you go into mediation, and any timeframe that you might have for reaching a deal there?


  • - President

    - President

  • We're not going to comment publicly, Kelly, on the status of the negotiations.


  • We're at the table, we're working hard.


  • Our pilots are the best and we want our pilots to be paid the best, and that's our commitment to them.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • And from Reuters, we'll move to Jeffrey Dastin.

    我們將請路透社的傑弗裡·達斯汀 (Jeffrey Dastin) 發言。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Has Delta considered starting direct flights into China's interior now that more of its customers are traveling beyond Beijing and Shanghai?


  • - President

    - President

  • We have some great partners in China with China Eastern and China Southern.


  • And similar to how we transfer customers to our European partners AFKL and AZ, we think that the next few years is about continuing to develop those primary gateways into Beijing and Shanghai.

    與我們將客戶轉移到歐洲合作夥伴 AFKL 和 AZ 的方式類似,我們認為未來幾年將繼續開發這些通往北京和上海的主要門戶。

  • And as you may know, we've applied for new services starting this December from Los Angeles to Beijing, and that's going to be our focus for 2016 and 2017 is to work to get that route and initiate it successfully.

    正如您可能知道的,我們已經申請了從今年 12 月開始從洛杉磯到北京的新服務,這將是我們 2016 年和 2017 年的重點是努力獲得該航線並成功啟動。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • And a brief follow up regarding the region.


  • Does Delta have an update on talks to strengthen its partnership with Korean Air?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • We are always in discussions with our Partners to strengthen, and Korean Air is no exception.


  • And as the landscape in the Pacific continues to evolve and the geographies change, we think Korean is a very, very important partner for our success in that region in the future.


  • And I know they feel the same way about Delta.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • And we have time for one more question.


  • Operator


  • And that will be from Edward Russell with Flightglobal.

    這將由 Flightglobal 的愛德華·羅素 (Edward Russell) 提供。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • Could you comment on the Haneda daytime slots?


  • And does Delta plan to seek all of them if they are available in the proceeding later this year?


  • - President

    - President

  • As you may know, there are five daylight frequencies available to US carriers.


  • We are in the process of filing our route case, and that will become public here in the next couple weeks.


  • So before that happens, we probably would refrain from commenting on it.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • One follow up.


  • What will opening Haneda do to your Narita hub, considering your earlier comments on pulling down Narita?


  • - President

    - President

  • We have continued to deemphasize Narita over the last several years, and we will continue on that process.


  • Haneda probably accelerates that process by a little bit as we look through to the fall schedule period.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • All right, and thank you.


  • With that, we'll conclude our earnings conference call.


  • Thanks to everyone for listening.


  • Operator


  • Again, that will conclude today's conference.


  • We thank you all for joining us.
