Calliditas Therapeutics AB (CALT) 2023 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • Thank you very much, and welcome to the Q4 2023 presentation.

    非常感謝,歡迎來到 2023 年第四季的演示。

  • I'd like to draw your attention, first of all, to the disclaimer notice as usual, which covers forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 as amended.

    首先,我想提請您注意免責聲明,其中涵蓋了 1995 年《私人證券訴訟改革法案》修訂版含義內的前瞻性陳述。

  • And I refer you to public filings, including those containing risk factors.


  • Next page, please.


  • So with regards to Q4, and to start just with some highlights, so obviously the key event for this quarter was December 20, the FDA granted us full approval of TARPEYO based on the submission of the full Phase 3 data set, which we filed in June 2023.

    因此,關於第四季度,首先從一些亮點開始,顯然本季的關鍵事件是12 月20 日,FDA 根據我們提交的完整3 期數據集授予了我們TARPEYO 的完全批准,該數據集是我們在2019年提交的。2023 年 6 月。

  • The Phase 3 trial showed a highly statistically significant outcome on the primary endpoint of eGFR with a p-value of less than 0.0001. Additional supportive data obviously is being presented on conferences and in other place in terms of slope analysis, three mils per minute per year in favor of TARPEYO versus placebo, a statistically significant impact on microhematuria and biomarkers such as IgA1.

    3 期試驗顯示 eGFR 主要終點具有高度統計顯著性,p 值小於 0.0001。顯然,在會議和其他地方的斜率分析方面,正在提供額外的支持性數據,每年每分鐘3 密耳,有利於TARPEYO 與安慰劑相比,對微量血尿和IgA1 等生物標誌物具有統計上的顯著影響。

  • The new indication that we have received reflects reduction of loss of kidney function and is now also indicated for the entire IgAN population at risk of disease progression.

    我們收到的新適應症反映了腎功能喪失的減少,現在也適用於處於疾病進展風險的整個 IgAN 族群。

  • Other things that occurred in the quarter was obviously, we also received conditional approval of Nefecon in China, which was granted in November.

    本季發生的其他事情很明顯,我們還獲得了 Nefecon 在中國的有條件批准,該批准於 11 月獲得。

  • And this approval, we believe, provides access to a very large market opportunity as IgAN is not a rare disease in China, but actually fairly common with estimates of up to 5 million patients.

    我們相信,這項批准提供了一個非常大的市場機會,因為 IgAN 在中國並不是一種罕見疾病,但實際上相當常見,估計患者人數高達 500 萬人。

  • And we're very excited about being able to for a partner for medicines to launch commercially at this year.


  • In the quarter, there was also initiation of a Phase 2 trial in Alport syndrome, and this is being done with setanaxib.

    本季度,也啟動了 Alport 症候群的 2 期試驗,該試驗是用 setanaxib 進行的。

  • This is the lead compound from our pipeline platform consisting of NOX inhibitors, a novel platform with setanaxib being the first ever candidate in clinical trials.

    這是我們的 NOX 抑制劑組成的管道平台的先導化合物,這是一個新穎的平台,setanaxib 是臨床試驗中的第一個候選藥物。

  • So Alport syndrome is a rare kidney disease, and today, there are no approved medications.


  • And so we're very excited about being able to hopefully repeat our success in the IgAN space of being the first company to hopefully bring an approved medication to those patients suffering from this rare disease.

    因此,我們非常高興能夠在 IgAN 領域重複我們的成功,成為第一家為患有這種罕見疾病的患者提供核准藥物的公司。

  • Also in the quarter, the USPTO issued a Notice of Allowance for a new patent covering TARPEYO in the US and that provides a run rate until 2043.

    同樣在本季度,美國專利商標局 (USPTO) 在美國發布了一項涵蓋 TARPEYO 的新專利授權通知,並提供了 2043 年之前的運作率。

  • And this was issued in December of last year.


  • We also, towards the end of the year, we financed an existing credit line that we had with Athyrium Capital.

    我們也在年底時為 Athyrium Capital 的現有信貸額度提供了資金。

  • And we added a small amount of additional capital to our balance sheet in terms of just under $20 million.

    我們在資產負債表上增加了少量額外資本,金額略低於 2,000 萬美元。

  • And actually, this allowed us to continue to have a interest rate only -- interest payment only kind of period for another several years.


  • So if we can turn the page, please.


  • So talking a little bit more about the commercial highlights.


  • And this obviously on the commercial side, we saw a very strong quarter from TARPEYO, reflected by strong growth, both in terms of enrollments and new prescribers.

    顯然在商業方面,我們看到 TARPEYO 的季度表現非常強勁,這反映在註冊人數和新處方者方面的強勁增長。

  • So actually, we saw a 51% increase in enrollments over Q3 and new prescribers also grew by over 50%.

    事實上,我們看到註冊人數比第三季增加了 51%,新開處方者也增加了 50% 以上。

  • And we believe that this is reflecting of the growing familiarity with the Phase 3 data, especially the convincing eGFR data as well as good results and positive patient experiences from nephrologists using the product in real life.

    我們相信,這反映了人們對 3 期數據的日益熟悉,尤其是令人信服的 eGFR 數據,以及腎臟科醫生在現實生活中使用該產品的良好結果和積極的患者體驗。

  • Q4 saw total revenues of $42.4 million or SEK452 million, out of which TARPEYO represented $32.6 million, which is at 22% growth over Q3 and more than 100% growth over Q4 2022.

    第四季總營收為 4,240 萬美元,即 4.52 億瑞典克朗,其中 TARPEYO 營收為 3,260 萬美元,比第三季成長 22%,比 2022 年第四季成長超過 100%。

  • We also achieved positive cash flow from operations in Q4, and this was a target we had set for ourselves earlier in the year, and we are indeed very excited to have successfully achieved that in the year of 2023.

    我們在第四季度也實現了營運現金流為正,這是我們今年稍早為自己設定的目標,我們確實非常高興能夠在 2023 年成功實現這一目標。

  • So looking forward a little bit into the first half of 2024, we do expect that there might be some initial disconnect between the new label language and the existing payer rules, which obviously are based on the old label.

    因此,展望 2024 年上半年,我們確實預期新標籤語言和現有付款人規則之間可能會出現一些最初的脫節,而現有付款人規則顯然是基於舊標籤的。

  • As I'm sure you understand, this is a new labe, this would have to go through the same kind of process in a P&T committees as when we originally launched the product a couple of years ago.

    我相信您明白,這是一個新標籤,必須在 P&T 委員會中經歷與我們幾年前最初推出產品時相同的流程。

  • And so until those P&T committees have taken place and the rules have been amended following the new label, that we are just seeing that they might take a longer period of time to actually convert enrollments into revenues as there might be some market access friction during that period of time.

    因此,在這些 P&T 委員會成立並根據新標籤修改規則之前,我們只是看到他們可能需要更長的時間才能將註冊人數真正轉化為收入,因為在此期間可能會出現一些市場准入摩擦一段的時間。

  • In terms of the -- we're also, obviously, we're very excited about TARPEYO being selected as a potential blockbuster drug to watch by clarity.

    顯然,我們也對 TARPEYO 被選為值得關注的潛在重磅藥物感到非常興奮。

  • And we believe that the disease modifying profile of TARPEYO will continue to drive significant demand from nephrologists and become a fundamental part of standard of care in IgAN.

    我們相信,TARPEYO 的疾病緩解特性將繼續推動腎臟病專家的巨大需求,並成為 IgAN 護理標準的基本組成部分。

  • We're also looking forward to actually a potential full EMA approval of Kinpeygo in the first half of this year.

    我們也期待今年上半年 Kinpeygo 可能會獲得 EMA 的全面批准。

  • And obviously, we know that our partner, STADA, is working on rolling out the product in across other kind of geographies in Europe as we speak.

    顯然,我們知道我們的合作夥伴 STADA 正在努力在歐洲其他地區推出該產品。

  • And with regards to other ex US markets, where, as I've already mentioned, we are looking forward to our partner, Everest Medicines, rolling out their commercial launch, which they have targeted for Q2 of this year.

    至於美國以外的其他市場,正如我已經提到的,我們期待我們的合作夥伴 Everest Medicines 推出其商業產品,他們的目標是今年第二季。

  • Next page, please.


  • So some post-period events.


  • So as I already mentioned, we received a notice of allowance for any pain for TARPEYO.

    正如我已經提到的,我們收到了一份關於 TARPEYO 任何疼痛的津貼通知。

  • This was subsequently issued and entered into the Orange Book in February of this year, and we believe that this significantly enhances product protection for TARPEYO beyond 2029.

    隨後於今年 2 月發布並進入橙皮書,我們相信這將顯著增強 2029 年以後對 TARPEYO 的產品保護。

  • We also appointed Maria Törnsén as President, North America.

    我們也任命 Maria Törnsén 為北美區總裁。

  • She brings very strong commercial rare disease experience to this position with a background from Shire, Sanofi, Genzyme and Sarepta.

    她擁有 Shire、Sanofi、Genzyme 和 Sarepta 的背景,為該職位帶來了非常豐富的罕見疾病商業經驗。

  • We are very excited to welcoming her to the team and I'm sure that you will hear more from her over the year as she settles into the position.


  • Next page, please.


  • So obviously, we are covering Q4, but actually 2023 as a whole has really been an incredibly eventful and successful year, which saw so many pivotal events for the company.

    顯然,我們正在報導第四季度,但實際上 2023 年作為一個整體確實是非常重要和成功的一年,公司發生了許多關鍵事件。

  • This obviously included the successful readout of NeflgArd Phase 3 clinical trial, the filing for approval with both FDA and EMA, the publication of the data in The Lancet, the interim readout of setanaxib data from head and neck cancer where we're hoping to readout that full dataset in the first half of this year, as I mentioned, obviously, the patents and the China conditional approval and ultimately, obviously, the full approval of TARPEYO by the FDA.

    這顯然包括 NeflgArd 3 期臨床試驗的成功讀出、向 FDA 和 EMA 提交批准申請、在《柳葉刀》上發表數據、臨時讀出頭頸癌的 setanaxib 數據,我們希望讀出這些數據今年上半年的完整數據集,正如我所提到的,顯然,專利和中國有條件批准,以及最終TARPEYO 獲得FDA 的全面批准。

  • So we are extremely excited of what we have achieved this year, and we are looking forward to an equally exciting, if not more exciting 2024 when we will see -- we bring -- we started the year with a full approval in the IgAN population at risk of disease progression with a new indication reflecting the strong eGFR data.

    因此,我們對今年所取得的成就感到非常興奮,我們期待 2024 年同樣令人興奮,甚至更令人興奮,屆時我們將看到——我們帶來——我們在新年伊始獲得 IgAN 人群的全面認可處於疾病進展風險的新適應症反映了強大的eGFR 數據。

  • So with that, I'm going to hand over to Richard Philipson, our CMO.

    因此,我將把工作交給我們的首席行銷長理查德·菲利普森 (Richard Philipson)。

  • Richard Philipson - Chief Medical Officer

    Richard Philipson - Chief Medical Officer

  • Thanks very much, Renée.


  • So I'd like to take a moment just to look back to the end of last year.


  • And we're delighted to have had a strong presence at the American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting in Philadelphia in November 2023.

    我們很高興能夠在 2023 年 11 月在費城舉行的美國腎臟病學會年會上強勢亮相。

  • We had a total of seven posters and an oral presentation.


  • And additionally, a commercially sponsored product theater presented by Dr. Jim Tomlin.


  • And this together demonstrates our commitment to IgAN nephropathy and rare kidney diseases.

    這共同體現了我們對 IgAN 腎病和罕見腎病的承諾。

  • So I'd now like to take a moment to highlight some of the data and analyses that were presented at ASN.

    因此,我現在想花點時間重點介紹 ASN 上展示的一些數據和分析。

  • Next slide.


  • So firstly, Professor Richard Lafayette presents the analyses on NeflgArd Phase 3 trial, that's ASN.

    首先,Richard Lafayette 教授介紹了 NeflgArd 3 期試驗的分析,即 ASN。

  • The focus of the presentation was the time to 30% reduction in eGFR or kidney failure, which was the secondary endpoints of the trial.

    演示的重點是 eGFR 降低 30% 或腎衰竭的時間,這是該試驗的次要終點。

  • The time to this composite endpoint was significantly delayed with a 55% reduction in the risk of achieving this event in patients treated with Nefecon compared to placebo.

    與安慰劑相比,接受 Nefecon 治療的患者達到此複合終點的時間顯著延遲,而實現此事件的風險降低了 55%。

  • It's particularly noteworthy that this outcome was consistent irrespective of baseline UPCR.

    特別值得注意的是,無論 UPCR 基線如何,這一結果都是一致的。

  • Next slide.


  • Another presentation at ASN was a modeled analysis of clinical outcomes in patients in the NeflgArd trial compared with a matched registry cohort receiving supportive care only.

    ASN 上的另一個演講是對 NeflgArd 試驗中患者的臨床結果與僅接受支持性護理的匹配註冊隊列進行比較的模型分析。

  • We used the NeflgArd two-year eGFR total slope outcome to calculate a hazard ratio for the clinical outcome of kidney failure, eGFR less than 15 mils per minute all sustained doubling a serum [craftness] using the income meta-analysis as reference.

    我們使用 NeflgArd 兩年 eGFR 總斜率結果來計算腎衰竭臨床結果的風險比,eGFR 低於每分鐘 15 密耳,均持續使血清加倍[製程],並使用收入薈萃分析作為參考。

  • This modeled analysis showed a predicted median delayed the clinical outcomes of 12.8 years when comparing Nefecon with placebo.

    此模型分析顯示,將 Nefecon 與安慰劑進行比較時,預測的中位數臨床結果延遲了 12.8 年。

  • Furthermore, the model's analysis predicted that approximately 50% fewer patients would reach the clinical outcome within 10 years, again, when comparing Nefecon with placebo.

    此外,該模型的分析預測,在將 Nefecon 與安慰劑進行比較時,10 年內達到臨床結果的患者數量將減少約 50%。

  • Next slide.


  • We also presented biomarker analyses confirming previous findings from the Phase 2b Nefecon trial.

    我們也提供了生物標記分析,證實了 Nefecon 2b 期試驗的先前發現。

  • As you know, circulating immune complexes containing poorly (inaudible) IgA when deposited in the (inaudible) elicits an inflammatory response and drives the decline in kidney function seen in patients with IgA nephropathy.

    如您所知,含有不良(聽不清楚)IgA 的循環免疫複合物沉積在(聽不清楚)中時會引發發炎反應,並導致 IgA 腎病患者的腎功能下降。

  • We have shown in samples taken from 160 patients in NeflgArd trial that Nefecon significantly reduced levels of circulating immune complexes throughout the treatment period compared to placebos, supporting the disease-modifying effect of the treatment.

    我們在 NeflgArd 試驗中從 160 名患者採集的樣本中發現,與安慰劑相比,Nefecon 在整個治療期間顯著降低了循環免疫複合物的水平,支持了該治療的疾病緩解作用。

  • These biomarker observations are in line with what we saw clinically with respect to microhematuria by significantly fewer patients treated with Nefecon had microhematuria during observational follow-up compared to patients who had received placebo.

    這些生物標記觀察結果與我們在微量血尿方面的臨床觀察結果一致,與接受安慰劑的患者相比,接受 Nefecon 治療的患者在觀察追蹤期間出現微量血尿的患者明顯較少。

  • So I'd now like to hand over to Maria, our President of North America.


  • Maria Törnsén - President, North America.

    Maria Törnsén - President, North America.

  • Thank you very much, Richard.


  • Next slide, please.


  • So as Renée mentioned earlier, our Q4 represented a very strong performance in terms of enrollment forms.

    正如 Renée 之前提到的,我們的第四季在報名表方面表現非常強勁。

  • We had our best quarter since launch and saw a significant increase in number of new enrollments received by our patient services hub TARPEYO touch points.

    我們經歷了自推出以來最好的季度,我們的患者服務中心 TARPEYO 接觸點收到的新註冊人數顯著增加。

  • During the quarter, we had 555 new enrollments, bringing the total for 2023 to over 1,700.

    本季度,我們新增了 555 名註冊學生,使 2023 年的註冊總數超過 1,700 名。

  • During the quarter, we also had more than 300 new prescribers who made the decision to prescribe TARPEYO for the first time.

    本季度,我們還有 300 多名新處方醫生首次決定開立 TARPEYO 處方。

  • Since launch, we now have over 1,600 health care providers who have prescribed TARPEYO.

    自推出以來,我們現在已經有超過 1,600 名醫療保健提供者開出了 TARPEYO 處方。

  • As we have communicated in previous quarters, we have very good payer coverage and more than 90% of US lives are covered.

    正如我們在前幾個季度所傳達的那樣,我們擁有非常好的付款人覆蓋範圍,超過 90% 的美國人的生活都得到了覆蓋。

  • And we are also reporting quarterly net sales of USD32.6 million.

    我們也報告季度淨銷售額為 3260 萬美元。

  • Next slide, please.


  • The fourth quarter contained some significant events for Calliditas.


  • As noted earlier, on December 20, we received full approval for TARPEYO from the FDA.

    如前所述,12 月 20 日,我們獲得了 FDA 對 TARPEYO 的全面批准。

  • Our full approval label reflects the reduction of kidney loss in adults with IgAN at risk of disease progression.

    我們的全面批准標籤反映了患有 IgAN 且有疾病進展風險的成人患者腎丟失的減少。

  • TARPEYO is the first and only product to receive this indication for the treatment of IgAN and our new label is based on the data that was published earlier in 2023 in the Lancet.

    TARPEYO 是第一個也是唯一一個獲得 IgAN 治療適應症的產品,我們的新標籤是基於 2023 年早些時候在《柳葉刀》上發表的數據。

  • As a reminder, our Phase 3 trial met the primary eGFR endpoint and demonstrated highly statistical significance.

    提醒一下,我們的 3 期試驗達到了主要 eGFR 終點,並表現出高度的統計顯著性。

  • Having a full approval label increases our addressable market and in order to meet the growing market opportunity, we also made the decision to expand our commercial and medical organizations in Q3.


  • Today, we have over -- we have 70 rare disease account managers who are responsible for the sales of TARPEYO.

    今天,我們有超過 70 位罕見疾病客戶經理負責 TARPEYO 的銷售。

  • And we have also expanded other field functions such as reimbursement managers and thought leader liaisons, bringing our total field-based organization to around 100 employees.

    我們也擴展了其他現場職能,例如報銷經理和思想領袖聯絡人,使我們的現場組織總數達到約 100 名員工。

  • Already prior to the full approval, we had 90% payer coverage for TARPEYO.

    在獲得全面批准之前,我們的 TARPEYO 付款人覆蓋率已達 90%。

  • And with the new label in hand, our expanded payer and reimbursement team are engaging with US payers to ensure policies are updated to reflect the new indication.


  • Next slide, please.


  • We are very excited about the opportunity ahead of us.


  • We have already seen the very positive reaction the Phase 3 data has had on nephrologists when introduced to the strong clinical results of TARPEYO.

    當腎臟科醫師了解到 TARPEYO 的強大臨床結果時,我們已經看到了 3 期數據引起的非常積極的反應。

  • We now have an opportunity to promote our full approval label with an increased presence across sales, reimbursement, marketing, and medical affairs.


  • While we anticipate the strong data to result in more enrollments, we do expect it will take some time for payers to update their policies, so the impact of the new label will be fully realized in the second half of 2024.

    雖然我們預計強勁的數據將帶來更多的註冊人數,但我們確實預計付款人需要一些時間來更新其政策,因此新標籤的影響將在 2024 年下半年充分體現。

  • We are also anticipating a seasonal impact to Q1 due to the open enrollment process, which is typical for this time of the year.


  • In 2024, we are also expecting an update to the KDIGO treatment practice guidelines.

    2024 年,我們也期待 KDIGO 治療實務指引的更新。

  • These guidelines have the potential to broaden the definition of the at-risk population and also support the use of TARPEYO as the only fully approved drug with impact on eGFR.

    這些指南有可能擴大高風險族群的定義,並支持使用 TARPEYO 作為唯一完全批准的對 eGFR 產生影響的藥物。

  • Today, we are already seeing that the majority of patients who reached nine-month treatment continue on TARPEYO.

    今天,我們已經看到大多數接受九個月治療的患者繼續接受 TARPEYO 治療。

  • And in the first half of 2024, we're expecting new data from our open label expansion call.

    在 2024 年上半年,我們預計會從我們的開放標籤擴展呼叫中獲得新資料。

  • The open label expansion dataset will provide us with additional clinical information on the potential benefit of a repeat course of nine months of treatment with TARPEYO.

    開放標籤擴展資料集將為我們提供更多臨床信息,說明 TARPEYO 重複 9 個月療程的潛在益處。

  • And with that, I will hand it over to our CFO, Fredrik Johansson, for the financials.

    接下來,我將把財務事宜交給我們的財務長弗雷德里克·約翰遜 (Fredrik Johansson)。

  • Fredrik Johansson - CFO

    Fredrik Johansson - CFO

  • Thank you, Maria, and good afternoon and good morning, everyone.


  • I will now present to you the financial review for the fourth quarter of 2023.


  • And as always, all numbers presented to you are in million SEK, unless otherwise stated.


  • To start with, we report SEK451.6 million in net revenues for the quarter.

    首先,我們報告本季淨收入為 4.516 億瑞典克朗。

  • For the same quarter last year, we reported net revenues of SEK429 million

    去年同一季度,我們報告的淨收入為 4.29 億瑞典克朗

  • Please note that in the correct comparison quarter last year, milestones of SEK257.9 million were included, predominantly from the out-license of Nefecon to doctors for Japan.

    請注意,在去年的正確比較季度中,包括了 2.579 億瑞典克朗的里程碑,主要來自 Nefecon 向日本醫生的向外許可。

  • For 2023, we report SEK1,206.9 million in net revenues for the full year.

    2023 年,我們報告全年淨收入為 12.069 億瑞典克朗。

  • For last year, we reported net revenues of SEK802.9 million.

    去年,我們報告的淨收入為 8.029 億瑞典克朗。

  • TARPEYO on net product sales for the quarter amounted to SEK347.3 million or $32.6 million, which is a reported increase of 108% from the same quarter previous year and over 20% growth quarter over quarter.

    TARPEYO 本季產品淨銷售額達 3.473 億瑞典克朗(3,260 萬美元),據報導比去年同期成長 108%,較上季成長超過 20%。

  • For the full year of '23, TARPEYO net product sales amounted to SEK1,075 million or $101.4 million, which is a reported increase of 189% from the full year of '22.

    2023 年全年,TARPEYO 產品淨銷售額達到 10.75 億瑞典克朗或 1.014 億美元,報告道比 22 年全年成長 189%。

  • The remaining SEK104.3 million in revenues in the quarter are related to partnerships, primarily from milestone fees from Everest Medicines in connection with the China approval and also with contribution from royalties from STADA for Europe.

    本季剩餘的 1.043 億瑞典克朗收入與合作夥伴關係有關,主要來自 Everest Medicines 與中國批准相關的里程碑費用,以及歐洲 STADA 的特許權使用費。

  • Our total operating expenses for the quarter amounted to SEK387.5 million compared to SEK388.7 million for the same quarter last year.

    本季我們的總營運費用為 3.875 億瑞典克朗,去年同期為 3.887 億瑞典克朗。

  • For the full year of '23, our total operating expenses amounted to SEK1,519.5 million compared to SEK1,209.6 million for the full year of '22.

    23 年全年,我們的總營運費用為 15.195 億瑞典克朗,而 22 年全年為 12.096 億瑞典克朗。

  • The cost for research and development increased by SEK4.4 million in the quarter to SEK106.7 million compared with SEK102.2 million for the same quarter previous year.

    本季研發成本增加了 440 萬瑞典克朗,達到 1.067 億瑞典克朗,去年同期為 1.022 億瑞典克朗。

  • And we continue to primarily invest in our pipeline where we have three expected data readouts this year, including the readout in head and neck Phase 2 trial, which is expected in the first half of this year.


  • The cost for sales and marketing increased by SEK6.7 million in the quarter to SEK198.5 million compared to SEK191.9 million for the same quarter previous year.

    本季銷售和行銷成本增加了 670 萬瑞典克朗,達到 1.985 億瑞典克朗,去年同期為 1.919 億瑞典克朗。

  • The increase is primarily related to sales and marketing of TARPEYO in the US where we, during the quarter, continued our preparations to be prepared for the TARPEYO full approval that we received in the end of the quarter.

    這一成長主要與 TARPEYO 在美國的銷售和行銷有關,我們在本季繼續為本季末獲得 TARPEYO 的全面批准做好準備。

  • We are very pleased that we made an operating profit in the quarter of SEK41.8 million compared to SEK32.5 million for the same quarter last year.

    我們很高興本季實現營業利潤 4,180 萬瑞典克朗,去年同期為 3,250 萬瑞典克朗。

  • We are also very pleased that we were cash flow positive from operating activities in the quarter, where cash from operating activities was SEK22.8 million compared to SEK230 million for the same quarter previous year.

    我們也非常高興的是,本季經營活動產生的現金流量為正,其中經營活動產生的現金為 2,280 萬瑞典克朗,去年同期為 2.3 億瑞典克朗。

  • In the fourth quarter, we refinanced our credit facility with a EUR92 million loan from material capital to extend the interest-only period to the end of 2026, we paid back the EUR68 million Kreos loan whilst the new credit was agreed and the cash flow from financing activities in the quarter was SEK208.5 million and already originates from the net of the loan activities.

    第四季度,我們用物質資本提供的9,200 萬歐元貸款為我們的信貸融資進行了再融資,將只付利息期限延長至2026 年底,我們償還了6,800 萬歐元的Kreos 貸款,同時新的信貸已達成一致,現金流來自本季的融資活動為 2.085 億瑞典克朗,已來自貸款活動淨額。

  • This leaves us with a net increase in cash in the quarter of SEK229 million.

    這使得我們本季的現金淨增加 2.29 億瑞典克朗。

  • And we continue to have a healthy cash position of SEK973.7 million were approximately $93.6 million at the end of the quarter.

    截至本季末,我們仍擁有 9.737 億瑞典克朗的健康現金狀況,約 9,360 萬美元。

  • In our year-end report today, we also provide an outlook for total net sales for this year.


  • We expect continued revenue growth this year, and we estimate our total net sales for 2024 to be between $150 million and $180 million.

    我們預計今年營收將持續成長,預計 2024 年淨銷售額總額將在 1.5 億美元至 1.8 億美元之間。

  • As the commercial revenue over time, we'll incorporate growing sales from both Europe and China.


  • We will provide an outlook on this basis going forward.


  • TARPEYO revenues will obviously make up the vast majority of the sales also this year.

    TARPEYO 的收入顯然也將佔今年銷售額的絕大多數。

  • And we do not expect potential milestone revenues from our partners to be material in comparison to product sales.


  • That was all from me.


  • And now back to you, Renée.


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • Thank you very much.


  • Next page, here we go.


  • So some key takeaways for the quarter.


  • So obviously, the full approval of TARPEYO in the US, reflecting a new label incorporating eGFR and with a much broader patient population was obviously the key event for this quarter.

    顯然,TARPEYO 在美國獲得全面批准,反映出納入 eGFR 的新標籤以及更廣泛的患者群體,顯然是本季的關鍵事件。

  • Data supporting this disease modification profile, the local mode of action, a long-term patient benefits of treatment with TARPEYO was, as you heard, shared in a recent nephrology conference.

    正如您所聽到的,支持這種疾病改變概況、局部作用模式、TARPEYO 治療的長期患者益處的數據在最近的腎臟科會議上分享了。

  • Q4 net TARPEYO revenues of SEK347 million, equivalent to $32.6 million and total net product revenues in excess of $100 million for the year.

    第四季 TARPEYO 淨收入為 3.47 億瑞典克朗,相當於 3,260 萬美元,全年產品淨收入總額超過 1 億美元。

  • And we also saw record enrollment numbers in the quarter, increasing quarter over quarter by more than 50%.

    我們也看到本季的入學人數創歷史新高,較上季成長超過 50%。

  • Fredrik mentioned the positive cash flow from operations and the strong cash position of $94 million.

    Fredrik 提到了來自營運的正現金流和 9,400 萬美元的強勁現金狀況。

  • And obviously, we've seen the positive momentum from the nephrology market focused on eGFR data, increased awareness of longitudinal data related to progression of IgAN patients and positive patient experiences, including the ability, obviously, for patients to have intermittent treatments rather than being forced into chronic medication.

    顯然,我們已經看到腎病學市場的積極勢頭,重點關注 eGFR 數據、對與 IgAN 患者進展相關的縱向數據的認識提高以及積極的患者體驗,包括患者接受間歇性治療而不是長期接受治療的能力。被迫長期服藥。

  • And we believe that this will be -- this disease -- profile TARPEYO will continue to drive significant demand from nephrologists and become the cornerstone of standard of care in IgAN.

    我們相信,這種疾病的概況 TARPEYO 將繼續推動腎臟病專家的巨大需求,並成為 IgAN 護理標準的基石。

  • The total revenue guidance for 2024 and reflecting strong growth expectations of the range of $150 million to $180 million really concludes the events of this quarter and obviously, looking into -- to this year, 2024.

    2024 年的總營收指引反映了 1.5 億至 1.8 億美元的強勁成長預期,這確實是本季事件的總結,顯然也是對今年 2024 年的展望。

  • So I want to just close out this Q4 presentation saying that we are super excited about what 2024 brings as being the category leader in a growing market with a patient-centric message.

    因此,我想在第四季度的演講結束時說,我們對 2024 年將成為不斷增長的市場中的類別領導者感到非常興奮,並傳達以患者為中心的信息。

  • And we believe that the new label will certainly continue to drive demand and clear patient benefits.


  • And so with that, I'd like to open up questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Maury Raycroft, Jefferies.


  • Maury Raycroft - Analyst

    Maury Raycroft - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning.


  • Thanks for taking my question and congrats on the progress.


  • I was wondering if you can talk about assumptions and key drivers behind your revenue guidance of $150 million to $180 million for the year and how the 555 patient start forms in Q4?

    我想知道您是否可以談談您今年 1.5 億至 1.8 億美元收入指引背後的假設和關鍵驅動因素,以及 555 名患者如何在第四季度開始形成?

  • And what you are seeing so far in the first quarter, how those numbers are factoring into your 2024 guidance?

    到目前為止,您在第一季看到了什麼,這些數字如何納入您的 2024 年指引?

  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • Sure.


  • So in terms of what we've done is we've kind of triangulated a couple of different ways to look at this.


  • Obviously, in terms of what we're expecting to see is basically kind of a little bit of a year of two halves, right?


  • So we are not -- we're not sure of how really kind of how quickly we can get through the kind of P&T committees of the payers and how quickly they will change the rules to really kind of comply with the -- to be aligned with the new label.

    因此,我們不確定我們能夠以多快的速度通過付款人的 P&T 委員會,以及他們將多快地改變規則以真正遵守 - 保持一致與新標籤。

  • So obviously, what we are expecting is that we might see some of that market access friction where actually physicians are writing prescriptions as per the label, but obviously, where payers are still applying the rules of the old label.


  • So that is something where I think that we are expecting to see strong growth in enrollments.


  • But we are expecting that that might take a longer period of time to actually convert those enrollments into revenues.


  • And this is something that is just a little bit of an unknown to us.


  • I think the second half, we are expecting the second half to be strong.


  • I think that -- and where these some of those market access switches should be resolved.


  • I think that in terms of another item that is a bit unknown for this year is obviously when the KDIGO guidelines are going to be available.

    我認為今年另一個有點未知的項目顯然是 KDIGO 指南何時發布。

  • So our assumption really here has been that there's been quite a lot of delays, it's unclear when they will actually be coming out.


  • And so our assumption really is that the KDIGO guidelines will not actually kind of come out until probably the second half of this year and maybe even in a fairly late in the year.

    因此,我們的假設是,KDIGO 指南實際上可能要到今年下半年甚至今年相當晚的時候才會發布。

  • So on that basis, we've also assumed that we're not going to really see any benefit necessarily from the new KDIGO guidelines coming out this year.

    因此,在此基礎上,我們也假設今年發布的新 KDIGO 指南不會真正帶來任何好處。

  • In terms of the -- the other thing that we've looked at is just really also looking at other launches and consensus expectations for other products in terms of the renal space.


  • And so we think that this kind of guidance and particularly considering that, obviously, those other renal launches also involve chronic treatment that this type of kind of span that we're in is very consistent with where those other launches either have taken place or where expectations are with regards to consensus for some of those other treatments this year.


  • So this is really kind of where we've taken our -- yes, the input for some of this guidance.


  • And so I think that we really want to make sure that we're on a very stable footing as to any kind of guidance that we're providing with regards to the franchise this year.


  • Maury Raycroft - Analyst

    Maury Raycroft - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And is there anything more you're saying about first quarter so far?


  • Is it as expected?


  • Or I guess any more color you can provide on that?


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • So I think what we're seeing is and we're expecting this is we are going to have that kind of first quarter seasonality in terms, but I would not expect kind of the Q1 to be particularly strong because of that, because of that impact that we saw last year.


  • And I think we're seeing it so far this year as well.


  • I think enrollments continue to be very encouraging.


  • And so again, I think we're seeing a lot of demand, and I think it's more of that structural issues with the US payer system, et cetera, and changing of insurance plans, et cetera.


  • That seems to be impacting some of that conversion.


  • But that's probably what I can say so far about the quarter.


  • Maury Raycroft - Analyst

    Maury Raycroft - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And maybe one other question for me and then I'll hop back in the queue.


  • For the P&T committees, to get the updated label through that process, is there anything you're doing to expedite the process?

    對於 P&T 委員會來說,為了透過這個流程獲得更新的標籤,你們正在採取哪些措施來加快這項流程?

  • And how do you assess progress along the way?


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • So yes, I mean, we, obviously, we started already to tried to communicate with a lot of the P&T committees just based on the publication in the Lancet.

    所以,是的,我的意思是,我們顯然已經開始嘗試根據《柳葉刀》上的出版物與許多 P&T 委員會進行溝通。

  • But in reality, obviously, no one is really going to schedule any kind of P&T committees until they know what the label looks like and that there is truly a new label to discuss.

    但實際上,顯然,在知道廠牌是什麼樣子並且真正有一個新廠牌可供討論之前,沒有人會真正安排任何類型的 P&T 委員會。

  • So obviously, there has been quite a lot of interactions prior to this to try to prepare for those meetings.


  • But none of these plans really have to kind of take meetings or do anything or plan anything until you actually have a final label in hand.


  • So obviously, we have, as Maria mentioned, we've added some resources in this area, and it's obviously something that we are considering to be a kind of a high importance for the organization, obviously, these first six months.


  • Maury Raycroft - Analyst

    Maury Raycroft - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Okay.


  • Thanks for taking my questions.


  • I'll hop back in the queue.


  • Operator


  • Vamil Divan, Guggenheim Securities.


  • Vamil Diwan - Analyst

    Vamil Diwan - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you so much for taking my questions.


  • So like I have two.


  • Just about the broader IgAN market and I'm wondering if you have any sort of updated thoughts, you obviously mentioned all the excitement at ASN.

    關於更廣泛的 IgAN 市場,我想知道您是否有任何更新的想法,您顯然提到了 ASN 上的所有興奮。

  • And I think just broadly speaking about more patients getting diagnosed and treated for IgAN now.

    我認為,從廣義上講,現在有更多的患者被診斷並接受 IgAN 治療。

  • So I'm curious if you have any sort of updated views on sort of the potential market size especially in the US or you want to speak globally for IgAN?

    因此,我很好奇您對潛在市場規模(尤其是美國)是否有任何最新看法,或者您想為 IgAN 在全球範圍內發言?

  • And then second, there's obviously noise from the emerging competition, sort of mid- to late-stage pipeline, specifically from the April Bath inhibitors.

    其次,明顯存在來自新興競爭的噪音,某種中後期管道,特別是來自 April Bath 抑制劑。

  • So I'm curious sort of if those are make it to the market over the next two to three years, how you see those sort of impacting TARPEYO's placement treatment paradigm, if at all?

    所以我很好奇,如果這些產品在未來兩到三年內進入市場,您如何看待這些影響 TARPEYO 的安置治療模式(如果有的話)?

  • Thank you.


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • Yes, sure.


  • So I think we are consistently just -- a little bit of a kind of a repeated message really, I guess, from our perspective.


  • But I think what we've seen consistently is that this obviously is not an acute disease, right?


  • It is a progressive disease and it does develop over a reasonably kind of a long period of time, doesn't have any kind of immediate mortality risks.


  • So I think on that basis, I think a large part of that kind of IgAN population has probably not been treated particularly aggressively or potentially not at all apart from really with ACEs and ARBs and other blood pressure related medications.

    因此,我認為在此基礎上,我認為除了 ACE 和 ARB 以及其他與血壓相關的藥物外,這類 IgAN 人群中的很大一部分可能沒有接受過特別積極的治療,或者可能根本沒有接受過治療。

  • So I do think that the longitudinal data as well as some of the clinical trial data showing placebo group deterioration, all the patients that actually have, that are on kind of blood pressure related medication or have already had reductions in proteinuria, which clearly do not seem to translate into kind of eGFR stabilization, I think that that data is continuing to kind of make its way through the nephrology community.

    因此,我確實認為,縱向數據以及一些臨床試驗數據顯示安慰劑組病情惡化,所有實際服用血壓相關藥物或蛋白尿已經減少的患者,這顯然並沒有減少。似乎轉化為eGFR 穩定,我認為該數據正在繼續在腎臟病學界傳播。

  • And I think there is a really kind of active dialogue in terms of how should this kind of potentially impact the treatment paradigm.


  • So I think that we are seeing a growing part of that market.


  • But again, I think this will probably be a market that will develop and grow -- continue to grow reach over time as some of these kind of -- as more data really kind of makes its way into kind of peer review journals.


  • And as I think nephrologists ultimately use some of these available medications and see actually what impact do these medications really have in real life.


  • So I think that it is a growing kind of market opportunity for sure.


  • But I think we still have a little bit of time until that's reached its peak, kind of potential.


  • In terms of the pipeline, so I guess it's always a little bit difficult to kind of make a lot of statements really on a small population in Phase 2b.

    就管道而言,我想在第 2b 階段針對少數群體做出大量聲明總是有點困難。

  • But I think that, obviously from a kind of mechanistic perspective, assuming that everything lines up and actually some of these results are reproducible.


  • And also obviously, safety data is critical for this.


  • I think that without really having that kind of whole picture of understanding what the product profile really looks like and therefore, not really understanding which patient population might be appropriate for that treatment.


  • It's quite a difficult question to answer.


  • But obviously, as part of your first question, it's also very difficult to know as these kind of treatments that are already available today, continue to penetrate the population.


  • It's also very difficult to know actually what is actually the unmet medical need going to be in this patient population in 2027.

    實際上也很難知道 2027 年該患者族群中未滿足的醫療需求到底是什麼。

  • But I think from a mechanistic perspective, I'm going to hand over to Richard to give his view from that perspective.


  • Richard Philipson - Chief Medical Officer

    Richard Philipson - Chief Medical Officer

  • Sure.


  • Thanks, Renée.


  • So I think -- it's some interesting question, but with Nefecon TARPEYO as we've spoken about many times, the treatment has been designed to target the past patches in the distal [ilium], and it's a B-cell modulator in that region.

    所以我認為——這是一個有趣的問題,但是正如我們多次談到的那樣,Nefecon TARPEYO 的治療旨在針對遠端 [髂骨] 中過去的斑塊,它是該區域的 B 細胞調節劑。

  • And it has low systemic bioavailability, around 90% of Nefecon is removed by the liver on first pass metabolism.


  • When we look at these other treatments, you mentioned the April Bliss mechanism.


  • I mean, these are systemic treatments which are acting on a difference hit, if you like, within the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy.

    我的意思是,如果您願意的話,這些是全身性治療,可以在 IgA 腎病的發病機制中發揮作用。

  • So taking those kinds of considerations into account and also noticing what Renée has already said about that we need to understand more about these treatments, they need to build up a greater understanding of the safety, et cetera.


  • But all of those things being equal, there isn't a fundamental reason why these treatments couldn't be given together given that they are acting different places at different levels within the pathogenesis of the disease.


  • Vamil Diwan - Analyst

    Vamil Diwan - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you very much for your insights.


  • Operator


  • Yigal Nochomovitz, Citi.


  • Carly Kenselaar - Analyst

    Carly Kenselaar - Analyst

  • I think this is Carly on for Yigal.


  • Thanks so much for taking our questions.


  • Maybe just a follow-up on some of your prior comments.


  • Curious if you can talk a little bit more about the characteristics of patients being prescribed TARPEYO with respect to baseline proteinuria.

    很好奇您能否多談談接受 TARPEYO 治療的患者在基線蛋白尿方面的特徵。

  • I know you mentioned the market access piece that you're working through, but curious if you're seeing any shift towards increasing intent to prescribe to patients with lower baseline proteinuria with the updated label?


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • Sure.


  • So I think in terms of what we've seen to date, I would say that obviously because of the label that we had up until December, clearly the language in the label said, generally, 1.5. So clearly doesn't -- it wasn't a cutoff.

    所以我認為,就我們迄今為止所看到的情況而言,我想說,這顯然是因為我們直到 12 月才擁有的標籤,標籤中的語言顯然通常是 1.5。顯然不是——這不是一個截止點。

  • And so clearly, we had prescribers and successfully also kind of obviously getting to patients below 1.5. But because of label, obviously, the overall -- there has clearly been a shift to the more kind of advanced patient population, more serious patient populations.

    很明顯,我們有處方者,也成功地為低於 1.5 的患者提供治療。但顯然,由於標籤的原因,總體而言,顯然已經轉向更高級的患者群體、更嚴重的患者群體。

  • I don't have a specific kind of breakdown of how that kind of works.


  • But I do know that obviously, it's a -- overall, it has been had that impact of having the shift.


  • The label, obviously, just became available in December.

    顯然,該標籤於 12 月才上市。

  • And so actually, we have internally -- obviously produced material, trained our sales force, et cetera.


  • So we're really just kind of have rolled that out fairly recently into the market.


  • So it's a bit early to kind of know to what extent, if at all, there has been any real impact from the label at this point in time.


  • Carly Kenselaar - Analyst

    Carly Kenselaar - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Got it.


  • That's helpful.


  • And then we wanted to ask about the Phase 2 data coming up for setanaxib in head and neck cancer.

    然後我們想詢問 setanaxib 在頭頸癌的 2 期數據。

  • Just curious to know a little bit more about what you're looking to see in that dataset and what you think would be an attractive profile for potential partners for that program?


  • Thank you.


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • So I'm going to hand over to Richard to just describe a little bit about what we what the data readout is going to contain.


  • And then I'll give you a sense of what I think might be helpful.


  • Richard Philipson - Chief Medical Officer

    Richard Philipson - Chief Medical Officer

  • So just as a reminder, this is a double-blind, randomized controlled trial where we're doing setanaxib or placebo on top of pembrolizumab in patients with sort of recurrent or metastatic head and neck cancer.


  • And we expect to have the results, as Renée said, a little later in this half.


  • And the primary endpoint in that study is change in tumor size.


  • And we think this is a most important endpoint in this study that this stage of development, it's a little bit more sensitive than just looking at response rates, for example.


  • Although we will also be looking at response rates, we will have data on progression-free survival and we also hope to have transcriptomic data available at the same time as well.


  • So that will give us a very comprehensive view of the impacts -- of the clinical impacts of the treatment and also the impact of the treatment at a tumor biology level.


  • And clearly, what we want to see, a significant reduction in tumor size in patients who are receiving setanaxib on top of pembrolizumab as patients who are receiving placebo on top of pembrolizumab.


  • But -- we're going to -- it's not -- we think it's a well-designed trial.

    但是 - 我們將 - 它不是 - 我們認為這是一個精心設計的試驗。

  • There's an appropriate number of patients in the study.


  • I think we need to take also -- I've talked about the primary endpoint, but we really need to take all of the endpoints to account and look at the impact of the treatment on the tumor biology as well when we're understanding the benefits of the treatment.


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • Yes.


  • And I would just add to that, obviously, this patient population has a very poor outlook.


  • I mean, these are kind of relapse metastatic kind of patients with head and neck cancer.


  • And first-line treatment, really pembrolizumab has a very, very limited response rate of 15% to 20%.

    作為一線治療,帕博利珠單抗的緩解率非常非常有限,只有 15% 到 20%。

  • So in terms of talking to KOLs and getting some input from them, obviously, even kind of an increase of up to the kind of high 20s would certainly be considered clinically very relevant.

    因此,在與 KOL 交談並從他們那裡獲得一些意見方面,顯然,即使是增加到 20 多歲,也肯定會被認為在臨床上非常相關。

  • So I think that the -- so I think both, as Richard mentioned as well as kind of progression free survival, I think that would kind of be the taken together is really I think what people would be looking for in terms of this being kind of a highly successful study.


  • Rami Katkhuda - Analyst

    Rami Katkhuda - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • Rami Katkhuda, LifeSci Capital.

    Rami Katkhuda,生命科學資本。

  • Rami Katkhuda - Analyst

    Rami Katkhuda - Analyst

  • Hey, guys, congrats on the updates and thanks for taking my questions as well.


  • Two quick ones from me.


  • First, the language on the label for Kinpeygo is a bit more strict than what we saw with the accelerated approval of the asset in the States.

    首先,Kinpeygo 標籤上的語言比我們在美國加速批准該資產時看到的語言要嚴格一些。

  • I guess, do you expect there to be a difference in label language for a full approval as well?


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • So you're absolutely correct.


  • And I think it's always difficult to know how the regulators are going to kind of actually assess the same data.


  • They don't always see eye to eye, they don't always agree.


  • But certainly, our our hope would clearly be that the label in Kinpeygo is very much -- very similar to, if not the same, as the label in the US.

    但當然,我們顯然希望 Kinpeygo 的標籤與美國的標籤非常相似,甚至非常相似。

  • Rami Katkhuda - Analyst

    Rami Katkhuda - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Got it.


  • And then I guess, if the open-label extension data is positive as well, is there potential for the recommended duration of therapy language to kind of be removed from the TARPEYO label?

    然後我想,如果開放標籤擴展資料也是正面的,那麼建議的治療持續時間語言是否有可能從 TARPEYO 標籤中刪除?

  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • So I think that obviously is something that we have been discussing and I think we'll continue to discuss, I mean, when we know when the right time is to maybe kind of go and have some interactions with the regulators, both based on kind of real-world data that we are observing as well as some of the data from our clinical trials and potential data in other kind of Phase 4 studies.

    因此,我認為這顯然是我們一直在討論的事情,我認為我們將繼續討論,我的意思是,當我們知道什麼時候是合適的時機時,可能會與監管機構進行一些互動,兩者都基於類型我們正在觀察的真實世界數據以及我們的臨床試驗的一些數據和其他類型的 4 期研究的潛在數據。

  • So there is certainly something that we are keeping in mind as to when we have the appropriate amount of data or the type of data we think is relevant, we certainly intend to go and have additional interactions with the regulator.


  • Rami Katkhuda - Analyst

    Rami Katkhuda - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • I guess do you guys know what percentage of patients currently are on treatment for less than or greater than nine months?


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • No.


  • You mean, line in -- like, overall?


  • No, I don't actually.


  • No.


  • Rami Katkhuda - Analyst

    Rami Katkhuda - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • No worries.


  • Thank you again.


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Annabel Samimy, Stifel.


  • Annabel Samimy - Analyst

    Annabel Samimy - Analyst

  • Hi, thanks for taking my question.


  • I had a couple here.


  • In terms of enrollments you saw, a nice pickup.


  • Do you have any sense, the extent to which, you know, the pickup in enrollments was from the new prescribers versus your older prescribers who had just seen the eGFR data?

    您是否知道,新處方醫生與剛看到 eGFR 數據的舊處方醫生相比,註冊人數的增加在多大程度上?

  • And I guess, with the data, how much can we see the enrollments pickup from there?


  • I understand that it may not necessarily translate into sales, but perhaps enrollments continue.


  • So that's our first question.


  • And then the second question is related to the magnitude of KDIGO guidelines.

    第二個問題與 KDIGO 指南的重要性有關。

  • Are there any analogs that you can sort of more quantify what the impact of KDIGO could have on an uptick in sales there?

    是否有任何類比可以更量化 KDIGO 對那裡銷售成長的影響?

  • Is it just still primarily -- the payers that are the gatekeepers here, and that's pretty much it, who we have to count on.


  • So I guess those are my questions and I have a follow-up after that also.


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • Okay.


  • So I actually don't have at hand the kind of breakdown of the enrollments in terms of new kind of prescribers versus existing.


  • But because obviously, there's always the possibility that new prescribers would have prescribed for more than one patient.


  • So obviously that this is -- but I guess the best estimate really would be that out of 555 enrollments, at least, if there were 300 of those, would be kind of from new prescribers.

    顯然,這是——但我想最好的估計是,在 555 名註冊患者中,至少,如果有 300 名,將來自新的處方醫生。

  • The remaining kind of 200, the easy assumption is that these are kind of repeat prescribers.

    剩下的 200 種,簡單的假設就是這些都是重複開處方的人。

  • But again, I can't guarantee that.


  • But I think that would kind of be my best estimate at this point in time.


  • In terms of the magnitude impact that KDIGO, I mean, I think that that obviously could be quite sizable because obviously today, what's been discussed or at least the different conferences, the podiums, et cetera, is, and it's based on this longitudinal data is, is one gram an appropriate definition to use in the guidelines to define patients at risk of disease progression.

    就 KDIGO 的影響程度而言,我的意思是,我認為這顯然可能相當大,因為顯然今天所討論的內容或至少是不同的會議、講台等,並且它基於這些縱向數據是,一克是否是指南中用於定義處於疾病進展風險的患者的適當定義。

  • And I think what's been discussed and debated again in this forum is that maybe that should be reduced.


  • So if that level is reduced to 0.75 or 0.5, then obviously, that would have a very significant potential impact on the addressable population, that would be on-label.

    因此,如果該水平降低到 0.75 或 0.5,那麼顯然,這將對可尋址人群產生非常重大的潛在影響,這將是標籤上的。

  • So I do think that it is a kind of a very -- it could be a very significant trigger.


  • Again, probably not an immediate impact again, but certainly, it could it could have a very significant impact on the overall addressable market.


  • Annabel Samimy - Analyst

    Annabel Samimy - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And if I can get a little bit more into the week.


  • So I guess we've spoken to a couple of KOLs.

    所以我想我們已經和幾位 KOL 進行了交談。

  • One of the things that stood out is that the way they selected some patients were the ones that had clear inflammation or inflammatory markers where the ones that were more suitable for TARPEYO treatment versus any of the [Ros] inhibitor.

    值得注意的事情之一是,他們選擇一些具有明確發炎或發炎標記的患者的方式,其中與任何 [Ros] 抑制劑相比,這些患者更適合 TARPEYO 治療。

  • Do you have a sense of how many patients that have UPCRs below 1.5 or in an inflammatory state?

    您知道有多少患者 UPCR 低於 1.5 或處於發炎狀態嗎?

  • And the extent to which expanding that is going to really tap into that entire market or just a portion of the market or more inflammatory?


  • So maybe you can sort of address that a little bit.


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • I think that's actually a very kind of difficult question to kind of answer appropriately, actually, based on the information we have.


  • I mean, I would say that we know that's a very heterogeneous disease.


  • You can have patients that actually have decline of eGFR with virtually no proteinuria.

    患者的 eGFR 確實下降,但幾乎沒有蛋白尿。

  • And you can -- I think the only -- I mean, the relevant way, I guess of looking at this would probably be a biopsy.


  • But Richard, do you have any comments on that?


  • Richard Philipson - Chief Medical Officer

    Richard Philipson - Chief Medical Officer

  • Well, I think that -- and also I don't think in the sort of commercial prescriber setting, will not necessarily going to have available to us all the information relating to their kind of aspects of the patient's condition that you're referring to relating to kind of inflammatory status, et cetera.


  • So inflammatory biomarkers or levels of microhematuria, et cetera, that's not necessarily going to be information that we're collecting and have available to us.


  • So I think it would be difficult to really comment on that.


  • Annabel Samimy - Analyst

    Annabel Samimy - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And I guess one one last simple question.


  • Just to clarify, when you have discussions with payers, you said, they like the label in hand.


  • Do they not have access to this label at this point?


  • Is there another label out there they need to physically put in their hands to pay attention?


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • So I mean, obviously, the label language is now available, but obviously, they do not have to see anyone or meet anyone or have any meetings with regards to anything around the label unless you have a new label, which obviously they have to go through a new kind of P&T committee.

    所以我的意思是,顯然,標籤語言現在已經可用,但顯然,他們不必見任何人或會見任何人或就標籤周圍的任何事情舉行任何會議,除非你有一個新標籤,顯然他們必須去通過一種新型的P&T 委員會。

  • So it's really more of a matter of they have their own process that they go through, whether this is in new drug or a new label update or anything else that would drive them to have a P&T committee.

    因此,更重要的是他們有自己的流程,無論是新藥、新標籤更新或其他任何會促使他們成立 P&T 委員會的流程。

  • So it's really more a matter of -- they obviously have other things that they are also scheduled.


  • So when can they -- when will they agree to put this on their schedules.


  • So when will they actually agree to go through this.


  • Because there is a requirement for them to go through this kind of formal process and therefore, also then issue any kind of potential update or change of the rules that they apply based on this new label.


  • So it's really kind of the same as when we originally started is that you can always do things on a medical exception basis, right?


  • But obviously, it gets easier when you actually have gone through the P&T committees and there is a more standardized way for the payers to address a certain drug.

    但顯然,當您真正通過 P&T 委員會並且付款人有更標準化的方式來處理某種藥物時,事情就會變得更容易。

  • So which is why you can certainly always -- I mean, this will also depend a lot on on kind of how much energy and persistence do the in-treating physician have to go through potentially these kind of appeals processes until those rules have been amended, and that is just difficult to say.

    所以這就是為什麼你總是可以——我的意思是,這在很大程度上取決於治療醫生必須有多少精力和毅力來經歷這些潛在的上訴程序,直到這些規則被修改為止。 ,這很難說。

  • Annabel Samimy - Analyst

    Annabel Samimy - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Okay, great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Arthur He, H.C. Wainwright.


  • Arthur He - Analyst

    Arthur He - Analyst

  • Hello, good morning -- hey, Renée and team.

    你好,早安——嘿,Renee 和團隊。

  • Congrats on progress.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • So regarding this launch in China, could you give us some update or the preparedness on that part and remind us what's the Calliditas' role to support a launch?

    那麼關於這次在中國的發射,您能否給我們一些最新情況或這方面的準備情況,並提醒我們 Calliditas 在支持發射方面發揮什麼作用?

  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • Sure.


  • So obviously, the commercial launch will be carried out by Everest Medicines.

    顯然,商業發行將由 Everest Medicines 進行。

  • And actually, as you may be aware, I mean, they -- the CEO there actually has a very kind of substantial and significant experience from other commercial companies in China.


  • And so I think actually that the team that's been brought on board is actually quite impressive and seems to have a lot of experience in terms of launching products in China.


  • In terms of the the actual kind of activity, obviously, I think they have had -- they have been preparing for this for quite a long time.


  • And obviously, as we know, this is a much, much larger population than what we have here in Europe and the US.


  • I guess my best kind of view, went to went to Shanghai to kind of visit some of the nephrology units and some of the hospitals there, I mean, it's clear that a lot of these hospitals have large numbers of patients that they actually just kind of have on their roster.


  • And they're very well aware of this kind of the potential arrival of this medication.


  • So I think that it's really kind of a -- it seems to have a good expectation, I think.


  • The early-access program was very successful.


  • And as far as I'm aware, the company is really targeting a launch in Q2 of this year.


  • So obviously, we will not have any kind of direct involvement in that commercial launch.


  • Arthur He - Analyst

    Arthur He - Analyst

  • Thanks for that color.


  • And just a quick follow-up on the open-label study.


  • Could you give us more color on what exactly the dataset look like regarding the size and the data point?


  • Thanks.


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • So I guess that my understanding really isn't -- Richard, you can correct me if I'm wrong, but this really is just -- it's an open label study.


  • So everyone obviously is going to be on drug and inclusion criteria, we're very similar to the inclusion criteria for the Phase 3.


  • So slightly lower kind of eGFR levels, but actually, the proteinuria cutoff was the same.

    eGFR 水平略低,但實際上,蛋白尿截止值是相同的。

  • And so I believe it's about 120 -- 119 exact patients that have been enrolled into the trial.

    因此,我相信大約有 120 至 119 名患者已被納入該試驗。

  • And our expectation is obviously, because this data obviously has not been unblinded.


  • So even if it's an open label study, obviously, we do not know what kind of treatment the patients had prior to entering this open label.


  • But we would expect that the majority of these patients would be placebo patients as they still qualified as being kind of at risk.


  • But we would also expect that there is a group of patients who will have -- who will be retreated.


  • And our assumption is that that would be skewed towards those patients that probably had a more severe disease coming into the Phase 3 since, obviously, they might have had very significant improvements, both of kind of eGFR and proteinuria potentially.

    我們的假設是,這將偏向那些可能患有更嚴重疾病進入第三階段的患者,因為顯然,他們可能在 eGFR 和蛋白尿方面都有非常顯著的改善。

  • But obviously, we're still qualifying as being at risk after that kind of two-year period have been spending that in the Phase 3.


  • So that is real.


  • And in terms of the data, it's really kind of very similar data.


  • So it's really proteinuria, eGFR safety.

    所以這確實是蛋白尿、eGFR 安全性。

  • I mean, it's all kind of the similar dataset from that perspective.


  • Arthur He - Analyst

    Arthur He - Analyst

  • Thank you very much for taking my questions.


  • I will talk to you guys soon.


  • Operator


  • Christopher Uhde, SEB Enskilda.

    Christopher Uhde,SEB 恩斯基爾達。

  • Christopher Uhde - Analyst

    Christopher Uhde - Analyst

  • Hello.


  • Thanks for taking my questions.


  • I just have a few follow-ups.


  • So I think in terms of average duration of therapy, I think previously, I believe you said, it was around six to seven months, so far, people are more prescribing along the lines of systemic steroids in terms of that, are you seeing now that starting to improve since the data was presented and approval?


  • And then my second question, you gave a little bit of a flavor on retreatment for those who are already going nine months.


  • But do you have any indication so far on the average frequency for the patients overall who've been getting TARPEYO?

    但到目前為止,您是否有關於接受 TARPEYO 治療的患者整體平均頻率的任何跡象?

  • And I guess, then my third question is, so in terms of the returning prescribers, I'm not sure how much you can say given what you've said earlier, but are you getting a sense of whether the prescribers who prescribed previously are getting better at converting enrollments to treatments quickly, like navigating the reimbursement sort of [mays] better, if you will?


  • Thank you.


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • Thanks.


  • So in terms of average duration, what we did is we followed this kind of patient cohort.


  • And I think we reported this, I think, in Q2 of last year.


  • That actually showed it at that point in time that the average treatment duration was about eight months.


  • And so what we would be expecting, and I think we'll probably follow a cohort shortly and try and see what that looks like maybe towards the end of the year, a really -- kind of we would expect that to kind of be increasing at this point.


  • And the reason why would be increasing is obviously partly as you say there is that kind of habit, that kind of still sits.


  • And actually, I think it goes for almost all drugs.


  • And there is a sense of nephrologists that you tried something for six months and then see kind of what happens.


  • So I think that we would expect that to kind of continue to improve based on additional education, medical affairs, intervention, et cetera, to really explain the difference in terms of the local action, et cetera, of this particular drug.


  • So that would be our expectation.


  • In terms of retreatment, I think it is too early for us to kind of comment and integrate kind of detail on that.


  • We have seen kind of retreatment happening, but I think we're going to wait in terms of collecting some more information on that before we really comment on it.


  • In terms of returning prescribers, I wish that I could tell you that these kind of prescribers who prescribe before are getting better at it.


  • Unfortunately, I'm not sure that that's the case.


  • I think it just comes from the fact that this is a rare disease.


  • And so it might have been three or four months between them kind of prescribing it before and prescribing it now.


  • And unfortunately, there's been hundreds of patients in between that period of time for these nephrologists.


  • So I do -- I think it's unclear at this point in time how much better they're getting actually trying to submitting complete prescriptions.


  • But we are still hopeful that we're going to get there.


  • Christopher Uhde - Analyst

    Christopher Uhde - Analyst

  • Thank you so much.


  • Operator


  • Johan Unnérus, Redeye.


  • Johan Unnérus - Analyst

    Johan Unnérus - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks for taking our questions.


  • The first one, considering the enrollment and the unique subscribers and also the price increase, it seems like the guide is rather conservative.


  • Should we expect you to take a rather proactive approach during '24 and perhaps update the guide more actively?

    我們是否應該期望您在 24 年期間採取相當主動的方法,或許更積極地更新指南?

  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • Yes, that wouldn't be an impossibility.


  • I think that obviously, as we -- as some of these things become clear, both in terms of how quickly we can get through P&T committees, when the KDIGO guidelines may or may not kind of become available, et cetera.

    我認為,顯然,隨著我們 - 隨著其中一些事情變得清晰,無論是我們能夠以多快的速度通過 P&T 委員會,KDIGO 指南何時可能會或可能不會變得可用,等等。

  • And when it becomes a little bit more clear, then I think that could certainly imply that we would kind of provide more and more accurate guidance as time goes on.


  • Johan Unnérus - Analyst

    Johan Unnérus - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And that leads us to the second question.


  • What about the irregularities and time that these P&T committees tend to meet?

    這些 P&T 委員會開會的違規行為和時間又如何呢?

  • And will that happened several times here or when something is needed to be handled?


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • It does vary actually plan to plan.


  • I mean, some of the bigger plans are more kind of structured.


  • They may have like a quarterly meeting, et cetera, otherwise might have monthly meetings.


  • But yes, there is a certain cadence that they all have that, in which case, they will obviously do more than just one drug.


  • We will have several kind of cases that they will kind of address in one meeting, but it's not necessary, it's unusual that it would be ad hoc.


  • It's more kind of a structured process that is -- that they have agenda for either then on a kind of mainly kind of quarterly basis.


  • Johan Unnérus - Analyst

    Johan Unnérus - Analyst

  • So later in the first part -- during the first half, you should have some insight into this dynamic already?


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • Absolutely.


  • And as I said, this is clearly something that within the organization, we are very focused on.


  • And this is clearly something where we are working very actively at driving that process as much as we possibly can from the outside, but there's a limit of 52 to how much we can impact that, but there certainly is a lot of focus on it.


  • Johan Unnérus - Analyst

    Johan Unnérus - Analyst

  • And regarding the backlog relating to the private commercial pay.


  • As you said, this is not an acute illness, but it is a chronic illness and specialist will continue to monitor the patients.


  • The backlog is unlikely to disappear.


  • There are few, very few alternatives.


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • Certainly, yes, there are kind of -- there are few alternatives.


  • I think what you might find is that physicians get frustrated, they cancel it.


  • They kind of meet their patient the next time, a couple of months, they kind of submit again to try and have better better luck this time.


  • So I think it'll be a mixture of those physicians who will have it -- be a little bit more patient and be willing to kind of go through the authorization process and some of those other prescribers who then may kind of come back when they think that actually the rules have been updated.


  • So they don't have to kind of go through -- jump through the same hoops.


  • So I think it'll probably be a mix of those.


  • Johan Unnérus - Analyst

    Johan Unnérus - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And finally, if I may, regarding the OP study, some of these patients will be repeat patients as you clarified earlier, some of them will be slightly more severe stage.

    最後,請允許我介紹 OP 研究,正如您之前澄清的那樣,其中一些患者將是重複患者,其中一些患者的病情會稍微嚴重一些。

  • And earlier in this study, it's being noted the [consistence] that during the active period, the eGFR has been stabilized, what can we expect from this early study?

    在這項研究的早期,人們注意到[一致性],在活躍期,eGFR 已經穩定,我們可以從這項早期研究中期待什麼?

  • Of course, we have to wait for the actual results, but what should we expect?


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • I think from a mechanistic perspective, I mean, we wouldn't expect it to be any different in the open-label extension that we've seen, both in our Phase 2b and our Phase 3.

    我認為從機制的角度來看,我們不希望它在我們所看到的開放標籤擴展中有任何不同,無論是在我們的 2b 階段還是在我們的 3 階段。

  • So yes, we would expect to see a very similar outcome where actually when patients are on treatment, it does stabilize their kidney function.


  • Johan Unnérus - Analyst

    Johan Unnérus - Analyst

  • Very good.


  • Thank you.


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Suzanne van Voorthuizen, VLK.

    蘇珊娜‧範‧福爾特赫伊森 (Suzanne van Voorthuizen),VLK。

  • Suzanne van Voorthuizen - Analyst

    Suzanne van Voorthuizen - Analyst

  • Hi, team.


  • This is Suzanne.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • A small follow-up regarding the access friction that you mentioned faced in the first half.


  • Should we expect you to update the market on the progress that you make with the payers as part of the quarterly earnings update or given its importance, could there be some communication about that separately on important milestones?


  • And then I have another question after this one.


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • I think we'll probably report as part of the quarterly updates.


  • I think obviously, I mean, if there is something that we consider as being very important, then we can always -- I mean, we could always consider doing something, I hope.


  • But I guess my assumption would be that we would report on a quarterly basis as we have been.


  • Suzanne van Voorthuizen - Analyst

    Suzanne van Voorthuizen - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • All right.


  • And then maybe on Europe, can you provide some color on what the sales development look like for Kinpeygo and what was the 2023 sales in the following year?

    然後,也許在歐洲,您能否提供一些有關 Kinpeygo 的銷售發展以及下一年 2023 年銷售額的資訊?

  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • So I think we have our royalty numbers, but I don't know if we have anything.


  • Frederic, would we -- on a kind of


  • --


  • Fredrik Johansson - CFO

    Fredrik Johansson - CFO

  • Yes, we have the royalty number which we're separately reporting.


  • And overall for the full year, we reported approximately SEK40 million in royalties from Europe.

    全年總體而言,我們報告來自歐洲的特許權使用費約為 4000 萬瑞典克朗。

  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • Yes, I actually laid out -- STADA is obviously a very large company.

    是的,我確實說過- STADA 顯然是一家非常大的公司。

  • They don't necessarily break this out or kind of disclose any of these details.


  • So therefore, we don't really have access to those type of numbers.


  • But obviously, we are aware of the fact that they are they are gaining kind of approval and acceptances from a variety of European countries, UK obviously being the most recent one.


  • And it's my understanding that they're in kind of negotiations with at least four other geographic regions in Europe with the hope to obviously reach a Conclusion there also fairly shortly.


  • But that is the kind of insight that I have this time.


  • Suzanne van Voorthuizen - Analyst

    Suzanne van Voorthuizen - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • There are no more questions at this time.


  • So I hand the conference back to the speakers for any closing comments.


  • Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

    Renée Aguiar-Lucander - CEO

  • Thank you very much, and thank you very much for listening to this Q4 report from 2023, and we look forward to meeting you again and when we get to report our Q1, which is due in May of this year.

    非常感謝您,也非常感謝您收聽 2023 年第四季報告,我們期待再次與您見面,並期待我們報告第一季報告(預計將於今年 5 月發布)。

  • Thank you very much.
