花旗銀行 (C) 2004 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good morning and welcome to the second-quarter 2004 earnings review featuring Citigroup's CEO, Chuck Prince and CFO, Todd Thomson.

    早安,歡迎來到花旗集團執行長 Chuck Prince 和財務長 Todd Thomson 主持的 2004 年第二季財報回顧。

  • Today's call will be hosted by Art Tillsley (ph), Vice President, Investor Relations.

    今天的電話會議將由投資者關係副總裁 Art Tillsley(博士)主持。

  • We ask that you hold all questions until the completion of the formal remarks at which time you will be given instructions for the question-and-answer session.


  • Mr. Tillsley, you may began.


  • Art Tillsley - VP of IR

    Art Tillsley - VP of IR

  • Good morning everyone and thank you for joining us to walk through our second-quarter 2004 earnings results.

    大家早安,感謝您與我們一起回顧我們 2004 年第二季的獲利結果。

  • We have Chuck Prince with us and Todd Thomson.


  • Chuck will begin with some remarks and then Todd will take us through the presentation and then they both will be happy to take questions after the presentation.


  • With that, let me turn over to Chuck.


  • Chuck Prince - CEO

    Chuck Prince - CEO

  • Thank you Art and let me echo your thanks and welcome to the people on the call.


  • Thank you for joining us.


  • We are here to talk about our earnings and before Todd goes through the detailed presentation which you all have, I thought I would just offer few comments on my perspective on the quarter.


  • Obviously the big one-time event for the quarter was the WorldCom settlement and litigation reserve.


  • That is something which frankly hurts a little bit.


  • I wish we didn't have to do that.


  • That is a lot of money.


  • But one of my jobs personally is to make sure we're clearing the decks for future growth.


  • And so while it feels bad to have to pay out dollars of that magnitude, it feels very good to clear the decks and put those issues behind us.


  • I think to the extent we have issues from the past, one of those focal points for this management team is to put them behind us and move on.


  • We also have a one-timer of the Samba sale and I think the sales of some of these non-strategic investments, whether it was Samba or the announcement of the reduction of the holding in Nikko or Fubon, this little garage sale or spring cleaning or whatever label you would like to put on it is something I think you can continue to see from this management team.

    我們還有一次 Samba 出售,我認為其中一些非戰略投資的出售,無論是 Samba 還是宣布減持 Nikko 或 Fubon,這個小型車庫出售或春季大掃除或您想貼上的任何標籤,我認為您可以繼續從這個管理團隊中看到。

  • Things that don't fit core operations and especially things where the returns on the investment do not satisfy our criteria.


  • I think you're going to see those things moved out of the organization.


  • If you put aside the one-timers, the underlying business dynamics are very good.


  • We had 9 percent revenue growth excluding all of these factors.

    排除所有這些因素,我們的收入成長了 9%。

  • We have positive operating leverage which you know I talk about all the time as important for the Company, and I especially want to call out the performance of our International Group.


  • International is really one of the distinguishing competitive characteristics for Citigroup; no one else has our franchise and if you look at the income growth for the International Retail bank of 50 percent or the income growth for International cards of 49 percent, all organic -- all reflecting the investments we've made and continue to make, the GTS growth and income of 45 percent, largely International focus for that business right now.

    國際化確實是花旗集團的顯著競爭特徵之一。沒有其他人擁有我們的特許經營權,如果你看看國際零售銀行50% 的收入增長或國際卡49% 的收入增長,所有這些都是有機的——所有這些都反映了我們已經進行和繼續進行的投資, GTS 的成長和收入為 45%,目前該業務主要受到國際關注。

  • These are spectacular returns and things that we're very proud of and very focused on growing.


  • Asia and particular, as you've heard me speak in the past is a personal interest of mine -- I've been there a lot and I'm very proud of what we are doing in Asia.


  • We obviously also have a great credit environment.


  • We're proud of that.


  • We take credit for that.


  • How we manage our credit exposures is part of how we manage the Company.


  • It's not just a rising tide lifts all boats.


  • This is something where our credit officers made very specific decisions and where the benefit of those smart decisions are showing up in our results now.


  • Within the 7 percent operating expense growth are some very significant investments for the future.

    在 7% 的營運費用成長中,有一些對未來非常重要的投資。

  • One of the key aspects of our management of the Company is to focus on organic growth and to focus on the kind of acquisitions that extend the platform we have in a strategic way.


  • And whether that's principle mortgage or whether that's the Lava Trading, or our continuing investments in technology and people, Todd is going to talk about that in a minute;


  • I'm very proud of the investments we're making that is going to result in growth in the future.


  • I will just close with two things; first, we have total equity in trust preferred of $104 billion.

    我將以兩件事作為結束;首先,我們優先信託的總股本為 1,040 億美元。

  • And if you exclude the special items, we once again earned 21.9 percent, more than 20 percent return on equity.

    如果排除特殊項目,我們再次獲得 21.9%,超過 20% 的股本回報率。

  • That is something that no other Company in the world, I believe, can say and we say a quarter after quarter.


  • The last though from me is I just want to say I feel very positive about the way the company is moving, the kinds of things we are doing, the momentum I see in the business even in the face of some sluggish markets.


  • I think we are really investing for growth in the future which is going to pan out.


  • And so with that, Todd, I turn it over to you to go through the detailed discussion please.


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • Thanks Chuck and the first thing I want to say is you notice that this call is hosted by Art Tillsley, who is doing a fabulous job filling in for Sheri Ptashek.

    謝謝 Chuck,我想說的第一件事是你注意到這個電話會議是由 Art Tillsley 主持的,他正在出色地替代 Sheri Ptashek。

  • Or Sheri Sabarino (ph) now.

    或現在的 Sheri Sabarino(博士)。

  • Sheri is at home with her baby, Caroline, so I just want to say that for the first time in 18 quarters, Sheri, take a rest.

    Sheri 和她的孩子 Caroline 在家,所以我只想說,這是 18 個季度以來的第一次,Sheri,休息一下。

  • And Caroline, welcome.


  • I'm sure Caroline is on the call.


  • Let me start with how I see the quarters performance at the top of the wave, if you will.


  • Obviously the two big events, but underlying that, very strong business performance; 9 percent revenue growth, 7 percent expense growth.

    顯然是這兩件大事,但背後卻是非常強勁的業務表現;收入成長 9%,支出成長 7%。

  • We continue to invest in our businesses at this time of the cycle.


  • Our investments in technology and marketing and building new branches and hiring new salespeople is up 25 percent from a year ago.

    我們在技術和行銷以及建立新分支機構和僱用新銷售人員方面的投資比一年前增加了 25%。

  • And so positive operating leverage despite these large investments.


  • It is the best credit environment we've seen in years on the corporate side and the consumer side with all the forward indicators also showing positive trends.


  • So that bodes well for the second half of the year.


  • And very strong customer volume growth just about across the board in each one of our businesses.


  • Client trading has softened as we got into this quarter from last quarter so the transactional volumes are down a bit.


  • And on the good news that the investment baking backlog has improved all quarter and currently stands at its highest level that we've seen all year.


  • The economic and market context for these results; the U.S. recovery continues to take hold.


  • We had a bit of a moderating of that we see beginning in May and continuing in June.

    我們看到,從 5 月開始,到 6 月,這種情況會有所緩和。

  • But still strong performance.


  • Its due for supply management, non manufacturing business index has had a 15 consecutive month of expansion in the manufacturing index; its 13th consecutive month expansion so the U.S. economy continues to do well.

    受供應管理影響,非製造業商業指數已連續15個月領先製造業指數;連續第 13 個月擴張,顯示美國經濟持續表現良好。

  • Asia continues to do very well, so GDP growth there is strong.


  • Again, driven by China but you are seeing that kick into Japan, kick in to Korea and some of the other countries around in Asia.


  • Latin America economic growth is on track and most of the economies there continue to recover.


  • The UK is strong, and the Euro zone is really the only place in the world that is just bumping along if you will, with Germany continue to be weak.


  • So in general, the economic environment has been very positive for our business.


  • Trends in the capital markets, trading volume was down from March to April and down then again from April to May.


  • And then down from May to June.


  • So you can see that in terms of transactional volumes, we've hit a bit of a softening period here.


  • We will see how that goes over the next quarter or two.


  • Spreads expanded a bit as people recognized a bit more risk in the market.


  • And you're starting to see this adjustment in mutual fund flows where you saw $40 billion of net in flows to equity funds and net outflows out of fixed incomes.

    你開始看到共同基金流量的這種調整,你看到 400 億美元的淨流入股票基金和固定收益的淨流出。

  • So beginning to see that transition as we would expect.


  • And obviously interest rates moved up in the quarter although by the time we got to the end of the quarter they didn't move up as nearly as much as they were simply volatile during the quarter.


  • In that context, if I can move to really the first data page or page 2 in the presentation.

    在這種情況下,如果我可以真正移動到簡報中的第一個資料頁或第 2 頁。

  • Our GAAP performance was revenues of $22 billion, up 15 percent.

    我們的 GAAP 業績為營收 220 億美元,成長 15%。

  • That's a record or if you take out the Samba gain, a near record revenue for the Company.

    這是一個創紀錄的收入,或者如果除去 Samba 的收益,這將是公司收入的接近創紀錄的收入。

  • That income of 1.1 billion in EPS is 22 cents.

    11 億美元的 EPS 收入為 22 美分。

  • That obviously includes all these two significant one-time events during the quarter.


  • If you take those out, then income was up 24 percent.

    如果把這些去掉,那麼收入就會增加 24%。

  • We had record quarterly earnings in 4 of our 9 businesses.

    我們的 9 項業務中有 4 項的季度獲利創歷史新高。

  • We had double-digit income growth in 7 of our 9 businesses, so again very strong underlying performance business by business.

    我們的 9 項業務中有 7 項實現了兩位數的收入成長,因此各個業務的基本業績再次非常強勁。

  • We had double-digit income growth in 5 of our 6 regions, so not only business by business, but region by region we are seeing quite a strong performance.

    我們在 6 個地區中的 5 個地區實現了兩位數的收入成長,因此不僅逐一業務,而且逐個地區地我們都看到了相當強勁的表現。

  • And a very strong credit environment both on the consumer side and corporate side in we will talk more about that.


  • Number one global debt and equity underwriter for the 11th consecutive quarter.

    連續 11 個季度排名第一的全球債務和股票承銷商。

  • I'm going to talk about the WorldCom reserves and what they meant on the financial next as well as the Samba sale.


  • We also continued to reallocate our capital to what we think (technical difficulty) more strategic uses.


  • So you fell out of our minority stake in the Samba Financial Group in Saudi Arabia; that generated a gain.


  • We also announced our intention although we have not done any action on that during this quarter, during the second-quarter.


  • We've announced our intention to reduce our Nikko Cordial stake to 12 percent and our intention to exit our stake in Fubon Financial.

    我們宣布有意將 Nikko Cordial 股份減持至 12%,並有意退出富邦金控股份。

  • Reallocating that to things like the acquisition of Lava Trading which we announced; like the acquisition of present Principal Residential Mortgage which closed on July 1; like the acquisition of KorAm which began to generate positive earnings for the Company this quarter.

    將其重新分配到我們宣布的收購 Lava Trading 等事情上;例如 7 月 1 日完成的對現有 Primary Residential Mortgage 的收購;例如收購 KorAm,本季開始為公司帶來正收益。

  • We also got regulatory approval to begin our life insurance joint venture in China which we hope can be as successful as our one in Japan has recently been.


  • Moving to the next page and just make sure that everybody understands -- the large moving parts here in terms of the Litigation Reserve as well as the sale of Samba.

    翻到下一頁,確保每個人都理解——這裡涉及訴訟儲備金以及 Samba 出售等重大變動部分。

  • Litigation Reserve again previously announced these same numbers that you saw previously; $4.95 billion after-tax or reduction to our net income, 95 cents a share, and that was booked in our GCIB other line.

    訴訟儲備金之前再次公佈了您之前看到的相同數字;稅後淨收入為 49.5 億美元,即每股 95 美分,已計入我們的 GCIB 其他業務。

  • The gain on Samba Financial, this was both a consumer and a corporate business.

    Samba Financial 的收益既是消費者業務也是企業業務。

  • It was in our EMEA organization, so our European Middle East and Africa organization.

    它是在我們的 EMEA 組織中,也就是我們的歐洲中東和非洲組織中。

  • The gain on an after-tax basis on that sale was $756 million or 15 cents a share and that was equally split.

    此次出售的稅後收益為 7.56 億美元,即每股 15 美分,平分收益。

  • That gain is equally split and shows up in the consumer other line and the GCIB other line and it shows up in the EMEA region.

    此收益平均分配並顯示在消費者其他產品線和 GCIB 其他產品線中,並顯示在 EMEA 地區。

  • And then we also announced the Citi Financial Federal Reserve in force so that had previously reserved.


  • So no P&L impacts in this case.


  • So the total impact of these items was 80 cents per share or about $4.2 billion.

    因此,這些項目的總影響為每股 80 美分,即約 42 億美元。

  • In our legal reserves that we announced before now stand at -- for these particular items, now stand at $6.7 billion to deal with the future issues.

    我們先前宣布的針對這些特定項目的法定儲備金目前為 67 億美元,以應對未來的問題。

  • Page 4 is our overall income statement.

    第 4 頁是我們的整體損益表。

  • Revenues on an adjusted basis ex Samba, $21.1 billion.

    調整後的收入(不包括 Samba)為 211 億美元。

  • That is the second highest we've ever had, just shy of what we did last quarter, up 9 percent from a year ago.

    這是我們有史以來第二高的水平,略低於上個季度的水平,比一年前增長了 9%。

  • And about $43 billion for the first half of the year, up 12 percent, so very strong underlying business momentum on the revenue line for the Company.

    今年上半年的營收約為 430 億美元,成長 12%,因此公司營收線的基礎業務勢頭非常強勁。

  • Expenses up 7 percent on an adjusted basis and again that's including all the additional investments that we're making at this point.

    調整後的費用增加了 7%,這也包括我們目前正在進行的所有額外投資。

  • Up 9 percent year to date, the first half of the year so again good operating leverage so far this year for the Company despite these investments we're making.

    今年上半年迄今成長了 9%,因此儘管我們正在進行這些投資,但今年到目前為止,公司的營運槓桿再次良好。

  • You can see that credit costs in claims are down 21 percent this quarter, down 8 percent for the year.

    您可以看到本季索賠中的信貸成本下降了 21%,全年下降了 8%。

  • So a lot of leverage that we're getting in our income statement from the favorable credit environment and again the forward indicators looked good as well so we expect continued good performance on credit, both consumer and corporate.


  • On a net income basis $5.3 billion, after-tax adjustable for these two issues.

    根據這兩個問題,稅後淨利為 53 億美元。

  • That's more than we've ever made before so again, the underlying business delivered record performance this quarter, up 24 percent and $10.6 billion for the first half of the year income after-tax of $10.6 billion, up 26 percent.

    這比我們以前取得的成績還要多,因此,基礎業務本季創下了創紀錄的業績,增長了 24%,上半年實現了 106 億美元的稅後收入 106 億美元,增長了 26%。

  • On an EPS basis, $1.02 this quarter, up 23 percent and a little over two bucks for the first half of the year, up 25 percent.

    以每股盈餘計算,本季為 1.02 美元,成長 23%,上半年為 2 美元多一點,成長 25%。

  • Our tax rate again was obviously affected by the large charge in the U.S., so if you adjust for that and adjust Samba gain, our tax rate for this quarter was 32.6 percent and 31.8 percent for the first half of the year.

    我們的稅率顯然再次受到美國高額費用的影響,因此如果對此進行調整併調整 Samba 收益,我們本季的稅率為 32.6%,上半年為 31.8%。

  • We talked about it by segment on the next page.


  • The Global Consumer segment continues very strong performance in really across each of the three areas; both cards and consumer finance as well as retail banking globally had strong performance, up 20 percent.

    全球消費者細分市場在這三個領域中的每一個領域都持續保持強勁的表現;全球信用卡和消費金融以及零售銀行業務均表現強勁,成長了 20%。

  • Corporate Investment Bank again adjusting for the litigation in Samba charge was a record quarter for them, up 31 percent.

    企業投資銀行再次針對 Samba 訴訟進行調整,該季度費用增加了 31%,創歷史新高。

  • Again, strong fixed income performance as well as a very strong increase in the performance of the advisory business, our M&A business, which did very well this quarter and very good credit.


  • Private Client, up 13 percent from a year ago.

    私人客戶,較去年同期成長 13%。

  • You can see in that business though that it is down from last quarter as the trading revenues of our Private Clients declined from last quarter.


  • Investment management -- I will talk about a little bit separately again.


  • You had the same issue on trading revenues and Private Bank as well as a charge we took in Argentina which I will explain.


  • And Proprietary investment activities we talked about last quarter as a situation where the environment was improving, we didn't actually see it in our income numbers last quarter but we expected to have stronger income going forward.


  • So a very strong performance, I would say actually an usually strong performance of $273 million this quarter.

    因此,這是一個非常強勁的業績,我想說,本季實際上是 2.73 億美元的強勁業績。

  • Corporate other is down as we are beginning to see as we expected the impact of higher rates on our treasury performance, corporate level.


  • And so again, the $5.38 (ph) billion of income.

    等等,53.8 億美元的收入。

  • For the first half, we see that it is actually very consistent performance for each of its segments.


  • For the first half, Consumer up 21 percent on adjusted basis;

    上半年,消費者經調整後成長 21%;

  • Corporate Investment Bank up 27 percent on adjusted basis;

    企業投資銀行業務經調整後上漲 27%;

  • Private Client had a very strong first quarter so they are up 30 percent from the year ago;

    私人客戶第一季表現非常強勁,比去年同期成長了 30%;

  • Investment Management up 15; and the Company overall on an EPS basis, up 25 percent with the underlying business performance.

    投資管理上升15;公司整體每股盈餘 (EPS) 成長了 25%,基本業務表現也隨之成長。

  • You can see in the circled chart on the right hand side, the lower one, that our international businesses are now again adjusting for the charge in the sale of 40 percent of our total income.

    您可以在右側下方的圓圈圖中看到,我們的國際業務現在再次針對占我們總收入 40% 的銷售費用進行調整。

  • So we continue to build that international business quite extensively.


  • On the next page, I just want to highlight a couple of the starred for each product.


  • Transaction services we've talked about the last few quarters as doing a terrific job of building their customer balances, we will talk more about that in a minute.


  • That is now beginning to show up in the income performance.


  • So Transaction services up 45 percent from a year ago making $261 million during the quarter.

    因此,本季交易服務營收比去年同期成長 45%,達到 2.61 億美元。

  • And that was partly as the result of the good credit environment and credit release there but mostly results of the strong revenue performance from increased customer volumes there.


  • Cards continued to do a very good job of integrating Home Depot as well as Sears and as well as international cards business which is up about 50 percent from a year ago.

    Cards 繼續出色地整合了 Home Depot 和 Sears 以及國際信用卡業務,比一年前成長了約 50%。

  • So investing still in that business internationally on an organic basis which had that terrific performance.


  • Capital markets and banking, at 28 percent.

    資本市場和銀行業,佔 28%。

  • We talked about that in terms of strong revenue growth but also very good credit performance.


  • The record number for retail banking, life insurance annuities, again, very strong underlying customer volume so working through what had been a difficult environment for life and annuities because of the low interest rate environment.


  • As interest rates begin to move up, we should see continued strong income performance out of that business.


  • Asset management -- I will talk in a little bit more detail in a minute but the quick summary there is that the asset management business itself is actually up 12 percent; the retirement services business which had a charge from Argentina was down and that's why you see a softness in the asset management growth from a year ago.

    資產管理—我將在一分鐘內更詳細地討論,但快速總結是資產管理業務本身實際上成長了 12%;阿根廷收費的退休服務業務有所下降,這就是為什麼你會看到資產管理成長較一年前疲軟。

  • On a regional basis, the real star for the quarter was Asia, up 50 percent; a strong performance both consumer and corporate.

    從地區來看,本季真正的明星是亞洲,成長了 50%;消費者和企業的強勁表現。

  • We had revenue growth in Asia of 24 percent and we're seeing extremely strong performance literally business by business and country by country in Asia.

    我們在亞洲的營收成長了 24%,我們看到亞洲各企業和各國的業績都極為強勁。

  • And Japan has stabilized and is up 13 percent from a year ago.

    日本已經穩定下來,比一年前成長了 13%。

  • Corporate performance has improved and the consumer performance has improved as well.


  • Now Japan -- you will remember a year ago we had a tax settlement with the authorities in Japan and that resulted in a release of $94 million after tax a year ago in Japan.

    現在是日本——你會記得一年前我們與日本當局達成了稅務和解,結果一年前日本稅後釋放了 9,400 萬美元。

  • And so if you adjusted for that, the Japan growth is actually quite strong.


  • We talked really for the past I guess three quarters -- about three or four quarters -- about the fact that it was time now to go back to investing for growth as we saw a turnaround in the economy.


  • We have been making those investments.


  • We make those investments in technology; we been making those investments in building new branches; we've been making those investments in terms of increased advertising and marketing, hiring new salespeople etc.


  • I just wanted to highlight 3 specific areas where we've been making those investments and you can start to see some of the results come through.

    我只是想強調我們一直在進行這些投資的 3 個具體領域,您可以開始看到一些成果。

  • First of all international cards.


  • International cards, we increased our advertising marketing spending by 45 percent from a year ago and that is a consistent increase that's been happening every quarter; places like Hong Kong and Malaysia and Singapore and Turkey.

    國際卡方面,我們的廣告行銷支出比一年前增加了 45%,每季都持續成長;香港、馬來西亞、新加坡和土耳其等地。

  • We've also spent a lot of time rethinking how we operate the business, rethinking of new products that we can develop, taking ideas of products from one market and applying those to another market, taking some of the technology in the underwriting skill and the marketing skill from the U.S. and applying that internationally.


  • The results of that has been an increase in managed receivables of almost 30 percent from a year ago.

    結果是管理的應收帳款比一年前增加了近 30%。

  • An increase in open accounts of 47 percent from a year ago.

    未結帳帳戶比一年前增加了 47%。

  • And a net income increase of about 50 percent from a year ago.


  • So beginning to see real payoffs from these investments that we are making.


  • In the middle bar there on page 8, the middle bar you can see international consumer finance performance and that business over the past year, we built 141 new branches in this business.


  • And those branches have been in places like India, which has been the single largest place we built branches but also Poland, the UK and Italy.


  • And as a result, we have seen income there grow by 63 percent from a year ago.

    結果,我們看到那裡的收入比一年前增加了 63%。

  • And then in the transaction services business we've had to invest to improve our technology so that we can provide a broader set of products to the customers and as a result of doing that, investing in global cash management processing platforms, investing in the Citi Direct online banking product for corporations, we have increased our cash customers for the Citi Direct business by 350 percent from 2001.

    然後在交易服務業務中,我們必須投資改進我們的技術,以便我們能夠為客戶提供更廣泛的產品,因此,投資全球現金管理處理平台,投資花旗銀行面向企業的直接網上銀行產品,我們的花旗直接業務現金客戶數量比2001 年增加了350%。

  • So just a couple of very specific areas we've identified we wanted to invest.


  • We started those investments a year or a year and half ago and we're now beginning to see real result in payoffs from that.


  • We can begin to see also on the next page, page 9, the kind of growth in customer balances we are continuing to get as a result of these types of investments whether it's 27 percent increase in managed receivables for the cards business globally; the 25 percent increase in assets (ph) under custody per transaction services; life insurance and annuity business volumes up 23 percent, relay across the board very strong performance.

    我們也可以在下一頁(第9 頁)開始看到,由於這些類型的投資,我們將繼續獲得客戶餘額的成長,無論是全球銀行卡業務的管理應收帳款成長27%,還是全球銀行卡業務的管理應收帳款成長27%?每次交易服務託管的資產 (ph) 增加 25%;壽險和年金業務量年增23%,接力全線表現十分強勁。

  • Asset management by the way, I should say is a little bit understated there.


  • We had $36 billion of assets that we were managed being on behalf of St. Paul's Travelers or actually on behalf of Travelers Group and with the acquisition of Travelers by St. Paul, they have brought the management of those back in house and we've had a termination of that contract.

    我們擁有 360 億美元的資產,我們代表 St. Paul's Travelers 或實際上代表 Travelers Group 進行管理,隨著 St. Paul 收購 Travelers,他們已將這些資產的管理權帶回公司內部,我們已經該合約已終止。

  • So if you adjust for that asset management, asset management are up 7 percent.

    因此,如果對資產管理進行調整,資產管理將成長 7%。

  • And corporate loans again, is an area where we tend to not look for a lot of growth in that business.


  • On page 10, superior returns.

    第 10 頁,超額報酬。

  • Our return on capital continues to be quite high, again on an adjusted basis, our business has earned well above our cost of equity in each of our businesses.


  • You can see proprietary investments which had been a lag in the previous season now its 30 percent on a return on risk capital and 28 percent on our return on invested capital.

    您可以看到上一季滯後的自營投資現在風險資本回報率為 30%,投資資本回報率為 28%。

  • We had an increase in our overall risk capital for the Company from the previous quarter, and that's a result of credit risk increasing as we closed the KorAm acquisition as well as increasing our consumer loan portfolio.

    與上一季相比,我們公司的整體風險資本有所增加,這是由於我們完成了對 KorAm 的收購以及增加了我們的消費貸款組合而導致的信用風險增加。

  • So that increased our credit risk.


  • Our market risk was actually down as a result of the Samba sale and operational risk increased as a result of the settlements that we announced during the quarter.

    由於 Samba 出售,我們的市場風險實際上有所下降,而我們在本季宣布的和解協議導致營運風險增加。

  • Let me spend a couple of minutes on some of the details by products, starting on page 11.

    讓我花幾分鐘時間介紹一下從第 11 頁開始的產品的一些詳細資訊。

  • First of all cards; in cards we've maintained our strategy which has been focused on changing the marketing proposition to that of identity theft for protection from bulk and (ph) transfers.


  • As a result of that, we've seen a very nice increase in the sales per active account of the cards business, so what is happening is people are pulling out, consumers are pulling out the Citigroup card, the Citibank card rather than their other cards because they recognize the better theft protection -- identity theft protection that we provide at Citi.


  • As well as we are seeing an increase in the applications for new cards and the interest in new cards so we think that is beginning to pay off.


  • At the same time, we are integrating Sears and Home Depot.


  • Its performing extremely well, the integration is happening in a way that's where it cost takeouts (ph) are happening more quickly and at a greater degree than what we had expected and credit is actually performing better than what we expected.


  • For those portfolios, those businesses are outperforming what we had expected so far, so that is going very well.


  • And of course the credit loss ratio in cards is continuing to improve and delinquencies continue to improve as well.


  • In retail banking, the bottom piece of the chart there you can see that we had a 15 percent overall increase in income and you can see a big difference between the 50 percent growth in International and the 2 percent growth in North America.

    在零售銀行業務中,在圖表的底部,您可以看到我們的整體收入成長了 15%,並且您可以看到國際業務 50% 的成長與北美 2% 的成長之間存在巨大差異。

  • In North America, there were a couple of specific issues there.


  • Although we had strong mortgage originations which are up 24 percent to $29 billion, so that was a very good positive.

    儘管我們的抵押貸款發放量強勁,成長了 24%,達到 290 億美元,但這是一個非常好的積極因素。

  • And we had core deposits in branches up 12 percent.

    我們分行的核心存款增加了 12%。

  • We had checking accounts up 20 percent, and we had consumer loan applications up 40 percent, so those are all very good things.

    我們的支票帳戶增加了 20%,消費貸款申請增加了 40%,所以這些都是非常好的事情。

  • At the same time we adopted during the quarter SAB 105 which cost us $35 million on the revenue line.

    同時,我們在本季採用了 SAB 105,這導致收入損失了 3500 萬美元。

  • That's an adjustment and we will have that income show or that revenue show up later on so it is a timing of that revenue.


  • We also had some ineffectiveness on our hedge and our consumer assets business that cost us $80 million as well.

    我們的對沖和消費資產業務也存在一些效率低的情況,也損失了 8,000 萬美元。

  • Internationally, really strong performance across the board.


  • Investment sales were up 21 percent, deposits were up 21 percent, so a very strong performance there.

    投資銷售成長了 21%,存款成長了 21%,表現非常強勁。

  • In Consumer Finance, again you can see a different story;


  • North America up 33 percent so a very nice turnaround in the growth of the North American business as we've begun to grow the loans.

    北美成長了 33%,隨著我們開始增加貸款,北美業務的成長出現了非常好的轉變。

  • Average loans were up 11 percent in the U.S., so a very strong performance there.

    美國的平均貸款成長了 11%,表現非常強勁。

  • And credit performance continues to improve as well and forward indicators look good.


  • And International, you can see it shows as down 23 percent but obviously that includes the $94 million after tax or reserve released in Japan from a year ago.

    至於國際,你可以看到它顯示下降了 23%,但顯然這包括日本一年前釋放的 9,400 萬美元的稅後或儲備金。

  • So if you adjust for that, International was up strongly as well.


  • So actually a very strong performance from consumer finance.


  • Corporate investment banking on the next page, our record quarterly earnings for capital markets and banking.


  • We continue to invest in the equities platform, (indiscernible) announced the acquisition of Lava Trading, continue to invest in derivative systems, continue to invest to work with hedge funds better.

    我們繼續投資股票平台,(音頻不清晰)宣布收購Lava Trading,繼續投資衍生性商品系統,繼續投資與對沖基金更好地合作。

  • We had record results in the fixed income markets business and foreign exchange trading commodities and securitization.


  • And just about record results in fixed income markets overall.


  • So a very strong performance there.


  • Equity markets were challenged for the quarter.


  • And that was a result of the fact that you saw a decrease in volatility in derivatives during the quarter.


  • You saw a decrease in trading in tax trading business, and we saw a decrease in customer foreign exchange trading in the equity markets business as well.


  • As a result of that, the equity markets income was down from last quarter substantially and down from the year ago.


  • The advisory business was up very nicely.


  • So we are having a very good performance in M&A.


  • We were up -- we had our share in M&A, announced M&A up strongly during the quarter.


  • The pipeline looks good on M&A equity underwriting and debt underwriting.


  • So we feel good about the future of the investment banking revenue as well.


  • Transaction services; we had record earnings there.


  • I talked a bit about that earlier.


  • Very strong growth in customer balances, very good cost control happening in the business, very good credit this quarter with a release of $74 million during the quarter.

    客戶餘額成長非常強勁,業務成本控制非常好,本季信用非常好,本季釋放了 7,400 萬美元。

  • We expect very good things in the future out of the business as well.


  • On the next page in terms of our investment banking marketshares, we've for the 11th consecutive quarter have been number 1 in global debt and equity underwriting.

    就我們的投資銀行市佔率而言,我們已連續 11 個季度在全球債務和股票承銷領域排名第一。

  • Maintain a number 1 position in long-term debt; maintain number 3 in global equity; and number 4 in announced and completed M&A.


  • You can see our share in announced M&A moved up strongly during the quarter.


  • The backlog as I mentioned before, strengthened throughout the quarter.


  • Its the highest it's been all year.


  • So we are encouraged or cautiously optimistic about if that backlog comes to fruition, that we will begin to see increased activity on the investment banking side as we get into the second half of the year.


  • Private Client Services continued to have the industry leading profit margins, 22 percent.


  • Revenues were up from a year ago but that was because fee-based revenues were up, transaction revenues have actually declined from last year and declined significantly from last quarter as you saw individual investors doing less trading than what we saw at the beginning at the year.


  • Fee based assets up $222 billion at this point.

    目前,收費資產增加了 2,220 億美元。

  • The business is performing quite well.


  • We expect to see a flat FC (ph) count going forward.

    我們預計未來 FC (ph) 計數將持平。

  • We've seen lower attrition than what we had anticipated.


  • We will focus on keeping the very good FCs that we have and selectively hiring to bring in only top-notch FCs into the business.


  • The next page, life insurance and annuities -- business volumes up 23 percent, retail annuities and net written premiums up 23 percent Life; net-written premiums up 47 percent. $1.1 billion in Japan variable annuity sales continue to see very good performance out of our Japanese business and expect good income growth out of this business going forward now that the fundamentals have turned around from the low interest rate -- loan and realized investment environment.

    下一頁是人壽保險和年金——業務量增長 23%,零售年金和淨承保保費增長 23%淨承保保費成長 47%。日本可變年金銷售額為 11 億美元,我們的日本業務繼續表現出色,並且由於基本面已從低利率貸款和實現的投資環境中轉變,預計該業務未來的收入將出現良好增長。

  • We had this increase despite taking from realized investment losses during this quarter.


  • Private Bank, a very similar story to what you saw in the Private Client business where fee-based revenues were performing well but transactional revenues were down 12 percent from a year ago and that was primarily in the International businesses.

    私人銀行,與您在私人客戶業務中看到的情況非常相似,其中基於費用的收入表現良好,但交易收入比一年前下降了 12%,而且主要是在國際業務中。

  • Our private bank in Asia Latin America and the Middle East and Africa had lower transaction revenues as customers reduced the amount of trading they were doing.


  • From the asset management business, overall revenues were up 9 percent.

    資產管理業務的整體收入成長了 9%。

  • We had good net flows in the business (technical difficulty) management assets under management again adjusted for the cap assets were up 7 percent and so the asset management business itself performed well, it was up 12 percent in income; however, the retirement services businesses was affected by a charge for net claims and some operating losses that were mandated in Argentina.


  • And that cost us $25 million after-tax for that business, for the retirement services business.

    退休服務業務的稅後成本為 2,500 萬美元。

  • We move to credit on the nest page on the consumer side really only a good story at this point.


  • Cards, credit, consumer finance credit and retail banking credit literally around the world is improving with the perhaps single exception of Germany, which we talked about before but we are beginning to see a turn in that on the forward-looking indicators.


  • If you look at deliquencies, the story is even stronger.


  • You see a very significant improvement in 90 days past due for retail banking for consumer finance and for cards and again we see this literally in every region of the world.

    您將看到零售銀行、消費金融和銀行卡的逾期 90 天有了非常顯著的改善,我們在世界每個地區都看到了這一點。

  • So a very strong performance going on in credit.


  • Bankruptcies in North America, which is something we watch very closely, has a fairly significant impact on credit losses were down 4 percent this quarter versus a year ago.

    我們密切關注的北美破產事件對信貸損失產生了相當大的影響,本季與去年同期相比下降了 4%。

  • So that's a very good sign.


  • In Japan, bankruptcies are down 54 percent from a year ago, so we believe that Japan has really turned the quarter in terms of its credit cost.

    在日本,破產率比一年前下降了 54%,因此我們相信日本的信貸成本確實在本季度實現了扭轉。

  • Germany is really the only place where credit issues continue.


  • We expect to see that turn as we get to the third and fourth quarter of this year.


  • The corporate side, if it could be any better, is actually an even better story than the consumer side.


  • You can see in terms of NCLs, we actually had a net recovery during the quarter, and cash basis loans decreased another $294 million from last quarter.

    你可以看到,就 NCL 而言,我們實際上在本季實現了淨復甦,現金基礎貸款比上季又減少了 2.94 億美元。

  • And that is despite the addition of $238 million for the KorAm acquisition, so you can see the underlying improvement of the portfolio was even stronger than what is shown on this page.

    儘管為 KorAm 收購增加了 2.38 億美元,但您可以看到投資組合的根本改善甚至比本頁顯示的還要強勁。

  • The troubled industries, the telecom, the power, the transportation in the troubled regions like Latin America have stabilized.


  • A lot of the debt restructurings have now been completed.


  • We are not seeing large numbers of new distressed situations.


  • From the peak, which was the second quarter of '03, our nonperforming loans have dropped 38 percent, about 1.5 billion from the second quarter of '03.

    從 03 年第二季的高峰開始,我們的不良貸款下降了 38%,比 03 年第二季下降了約 15 億。

  • So if these global credit trends stay positive and if the distressed debt markets continue to expand, (indiscernible) a good way for us to be able to exit some distressed debt situations, this nonperforming loan portfolio may actually decline further.


  • You can see that we had a $350 million general reserve release, and that occurred $276 million in capital markets in banking and $74 million in transaction services.

    您可以看到,我們釋放了 3.5 億美元的一般準備金,其中 2.76 億美元用於銀行資本市場,7,400 萬美元用於交易服務。

  • And then you can see by region how that was allocated, 200 million in Mexico, etc.

    然後你可以看到按地區是如何分配的,墨西哥有 2 億,等等。

  • Page 18 in terms of our capital.


  • As Chuck mentioned, total stockholders equity in trust preferred now at 104.5.

    正如 Chuck 所提到的,優先信託的股東權益總額現在為 104.5。

  • Our Tier 1 ratio despite taking the charge that we took this quarter remains above 8 percent.

    儘管我們承擔了本季的費用,但我們的一級比率仍然高於 8%。

  • Total capital ratio remains above 11 percent.


  • GAAP (ph) assets just short of 1.4 trillion.

    GAAP (ph) 資產接近 1.4 兆美元。

  • As you can see, our return on common equity again adjusted for the charge in the sale of Samba at over 20 percent once again this quarter.

    如您所看到的,本季我們的普通股回報率再次根據 Samba 出售費用進行調整,再次超過 20%。

  • Our priorities as we look out toward the second half of the year are things that I think you've already heard Chuck and I talk about on a fairly regular basis.


  • Number 1, revenue growth, organic revenue growth.


  • Strong growth in customer balances that we've seen so far this year, we want to continue.


  • Executing our strategic initiatives to make sure that the investments that we are making are paying off in increased revenue with customers.


  • Secondly, investing to improve our competitiveness, we've talked about a lot of this in equity trading and derivatives to the international branch expansion, etc.


  • Capital allocation, we've talked about the garage sale which is exiting the non-strategic investments, the investments like Samba where we have a minority share of a business, we can put that capital to better use elsewhere.


  • And so we are exiting those things and putting that capital to work in things like the investments in the equity trading business, things like buying Lava Trading, things like buying foreign financial like the Principal Residential Mortgage and like KorAm.

    因此,我們正在退出這些事情,並將這些資金投入到股權交易業務投資、購買 Lava Trading 等事情、購買外國金融機構(如 Primary Residential Mortgage 和 KorAm)等事情上。

  • Integration excellence, it kind of goes by the wayside now that people expect us to execute well on acquisitions.


  • That isn't always the way the industry performs, but it is certainly what we expect here.


  • And I don't want to minimize how difficult it is to make sure that we continue to integrate acquisitions in a way that drives real value for our shareholders.


  • So far, we've had a fabulous experience with Sears and Home Depot, both performing ahead of plan, with Washington Mutual Finance performing ahead of plan.

    到目前為止,我們在西爾斯(Sears) 和家得寶(Home Depot) 方面獲得了極好的體驗,兩家公司的業績都超出了計劃,華盛頓互惠金融(Washington Mutual Finance) 的業績也超出了計劃。

  • We expect the same for KorAm.


  • KorAm actually was modestly accretive to our earnings already for the second quarter, even though we only owed them for part of the quarter.


  • We expect it to go well.


  • The strike out there has been settled so we are very focused on making sure that integration goes well in addition.


  • But integration excellence has been a hallmark of this Company and we're focused on making sure that's the case going forward.


  • And then finally, superior shareholder returns driving continued double-digit earnings growth in EPS and maintaining the high dividend yield.


  • Outlook for the second half of the year, on page 20, Global Consumer business we see continued strong revenue momentum, especially internationally.

    下半年展望,第 20 頁,全球消費者業務,我們看到收入動能持續強勁,尤其是在國際市場。

  • But we see stable to most likely improving credit quality in the second half of the year and we expect to make continue to investments in advertising and marketing and new products and technology to continue to build the business and build new branches outside the U.S. and possibly in the U.S. as well.


  • In the corporate investment banking business, again, we expect stable to perhaps an improving credit environment, again at this point, all signs are positive.


  • We see an improved investment making backlog.


  • We are expecting to see a moderating fixed-income environment.


  • I've talked about the net flows now moving to be out of fixed income into equities and so we would expect that would continue.


  • We expect to see continued revenue moment and income momentum in the transaction services business.


  • Private Client looks like customer trading activity is moderating.


  • It did moderate in the second quarter.


  • I think that's continued as we see things in July.


  • And so we will have to see whether the retail investor goes back to a high level of trading or not but right now it's quite moderate.


  • But we continue to increase the client assets.


  • We've had $11 billion of positive net flows during the quarter.

    本季我們的淨流量為 110 億美元。

  • We'd expect to continue to grow the client assets and maintain our productive FC headcount.

    我們希望繼續增加客戶資產並維持我們高效的 FC 員工人數。

  • Investment management; the business volume growth in life and annuity is going to begin to pay off in increased income growth.


  • We expect from the private bank to continue to build the fee-based revenues, and we expect to continue to have positive or retail institutional flows in the asset management business but each of these businesses will be impacted by what happens with interest rates; by what happens with the equity markets; and by what happens with the trading investments by customers.


  • And in proprietary investment activities, we had an extremely strong performance this quarter.


  • We'd expect that to moderate a bit as we get into the second half of the year but we do see a continued favorable investment environment for investment activities.


  • With that, why don't we turn it over to any questions that people have on the call.


  • Operator



    (操作員說明)Guy Moszkowski。

  • Guy Moszkowski - Analyst

    Guy Moszkowski - Analyst

  • Merrill Lynch.


  • Good morning.


  • Question for you on the -- I want to try to relate the sort of operating leverage issue and the reserve drawdown to some extent.


  • And I appreciate that from a very topline perspective the operating leverage was indeed positive, the 9 percent revenue growth versus the 7 percent, but if you dig down into a number of the operating units, for example, in the various Global Consumer unit -- and a lot of those units you really did see that the expense growth was ahead of the revenue growth.

    我很欣賞,從最重要的角度來看,營運槓桿確實是正面的,收入成長了 9%,而收入成長了 7%,但如果你深入研究一些營運部門,例如,各個全球消費者部門——在許多單位中,您確實看到支出成長領先於收入成長。

  • And obviously much more than offset by the impact of the better credit quality and the reserve drawdown.


  • Is there a case to be made that some of the spending ahead of revenue is basically a sort of a reinvestment of limited time gains that you are getting from the reserve drawdown?


  • Or is there some pressure on the operating economics of the businesses that goes longer-term than that?


  • Chuck Prince - CEO

    Chuck Prince - CEO

  • I think it's actually Guy, neither one of those things.


  • I think what it is is we don't try to take a single approach to managing every one of our businesses.


  • We try to be thoughtful about those businesses where one should be investing more than others and those businesses where one doesn't need to invest that much at any particular moment in time.


  • So right now, especially in the international businesses and especially in the international consumer businesses, we have same for the past few quarters a very opportune time for investment.


  • And so we're not going to hold every single one of our businesses to a standard that says you need to grow revenue growth faster than expense growth.


  • In some of those areas, we are going to consciously make investments; we are going to increase the investment in marketing or build branches because that is what is going to drive future revenue growth for the Company.


  • And I think that is what you are seeing happen in a number of those businesses internationally.


  • I also want to say that the positive operating leverage is something that we focus on and we talk about it internally a lot and we are committed to it for the overall Company -- not necessarily business by business, but for the overall Company because I want to highlight also for things like the cards business for example is actually a connection between credit and revenue growth.


  • And so in an environment where credit is getting better, that means people are actually paying off their balances at a higher rate.


  • It means they are on time when they pay so their fee revenue for late fees goes down.


  • Those things both affect revenue.


  • At the same time, it improves credit so there's a dynamic there, and we are happy to have an improvement in credit even if it causes a bit of a moderating of revenue in those particular cases.


  • Guy Moszkowski - Analyst

    Guy Moszkowski - Analyst

  • Thanks, that was helpful.


  • Let me ask you a little bit about the decisions on some of the portfolio reshufflings so to speak in terms of first of all the announcement about Fubon and Nikko.


  • Can you talk a little bit more about why you decided that those were -- that those were investments that you should undo -- was it -- you alluded to one reason being returns, one reason being not a fit?


  • Maybe you can tell us specifically what those two -- a little bit about why and what you are doing alternatively in those two countries and then I had a question about Lava.

    也許你可以具體告訴我們這兩個國家是什麼 - 一點關於為什麼以及你在這兩個國家交替做的事情,然後我有一個關於熔岩的問題。

  • Chuck Prince - CEO

    Chuck Prince - CEO

  • This is Chuck.


  • I will take a crack at the Nikko and Fubon ones.

    我會嘗試一下 Nikko 和 Fubon 的。

  • In both cases, these were investments made at a time when we thought that a particular outcome would result from the investment.


  • In one case that occurred and the other case it didn't occur.


  • The Nikko investment was made at the same time that we entered into the joint venture with Nikko which is very robust and ongoing and is one of our proudest assets.

    對 Nikko 的投資是在我們與 Nikko 成立合資企業的同時進行的,該合資企業非常穩健且持續,是我們最引以為傲的資產之一。

  • At that point in time, the environment at Nikko was one which where the investment was very useful, I would say, from their standpoint.


  • At this point in time, it is not nearly as important from their standpoint.


  • It is not in any way connected to the joint venture.


  • And so from our standpoint, it not being as necessary or important to our partner and involving less than an adequate return, it was a simple matter of making a financial judgment on reducing that stake.


  • It has nothing at all to do with any diminished commitment to our joint venture with Nikko.

    這與我們對與 Nikko 合資企業的承諾的減少毫無關係。

  • That's as I say, very robust and very strong.


  • In terms of the Fubon relationship, that was entered into at a time when we thought we would with their help be expanding a P&C presence, primarily also some life but P&C presence primarily in a wide range of Southeast Asian countries.


  • And for a lot of reasons, that didn't work.


  • And so for the last year or two, maybe a little longer, that has simply been a pretty dormant investment, really leading nowhere.


  • And that is an easy one to make a decision on.


  • That one was in some ways a very simple decision to make.


  • Our commitment to the region obviously, we have a very strong investment in Taiwan where Fubon is based, a pre-existing investment in Taiwan and to the extent we think of Taiwan in some sense as a part of a Greater China strategy for the future, our investment in that Greater China strategy, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mainland, I think we are ahead of anybody else from a foreign standpoint in terms of our investment and commitment there.


  • And I personally as I say, have been out to that region almost once a month.


  • In terms of Japan, the Nikko investment obviously, as I say, doesn't have anything to do with a commitment to Japan.


  • We -- all of our businesses are represented there and that's an area we would expect to grow.


  • I hope that puts in some context that part of the garage sale.


  • Guy Moszkowski - Analyst

    Guy Moszkowski - Analyst

  • It does.


  • Thanks.


  • And then finally, just on Lava.


  • Maybe you can explain little bit more how you intend to integrate that business or not with your institutional equities business and what you saw there is that you thought would help that business?


  • Chuck Prince - CEO

    Chuck Prince - CEO

  • Well I will take a crack at it and ask Todd to supplement.


  • I think that we're going to run that as a pretty separate business within Citigroup, within the equities franchise.


  • So I think that it will maintain its existing characteristics and its existing excellence.


  • In terms of the strategic reasons for doing it, we've talked for a number of quarters now about an historic under investment in our equities business and our determination to reverse that.


  • I see this as leapfrogging a process of build which would otherwise have taken a much more substantial period of time.


  • And basically picking up not only the technology but the people in an established market position.


  • So I think it's subject to anything toggled (ph) like that, I think it was very good addition for us and a very strong commitment to our -- reinvestment in our equities franchise.


  • Todd, do you want to add to that?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • Yes, Guy, we really saw that as the best technology in direct market access trading software out there which we think the electronic trading market is going to grow from about 8 percent of total trading today to something more like 14 or 15 percent in the next couple of years.

    是的,蓋伊,我們確實看到了直接市場准入交易軟體中最好的技術,我們認為電子交易市場將從目前佔總交易量的 8% 左右增長到未來的 14% 或 15% 左右許多年。

  • We see that as an important technology.


  • We saw them as being the best at it.


  • We saw that as the growth need for the marketplace.


  • One of the issues with Lava Trading is that they have an open architecture system, in other words, as a trader you can choose to execute through a number of the different banks or brokers and we plan on keeping that system.

    Lava Trading 的問題之一是他們有一個開放的架構系統,換句話說,作為交易者,您可以選擇透過許多不同的銀行或經紀人執行交易,我們計劃保留該系統。

  • We are not looking to have everything then go through Citigroup as a result of us buying Lava Trading.

    我們不希望透過花旗集團購買 Lava Trading 來獲得所有的東西。

  • We want to keep that open architecture system.


  • We think that is an important part of the technology.


  • Frankly, we think that is where trading will be headed anyway.


  • But we can take advantage of their excellence in this technology and expand that into other areas for that and also help them invest to expand that type of technology to other areas of trading as well as to begin to move more to the buy side.


  • Guy Moszkowski - Analyst

    Guy Moszkowski - Analyst

  • Thank you very much, that is helpful.


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • By the way, Guy, I did read your note from yesterday or the day before on the pre-note on our earnings and I have to congratulate you on your theatrics and your analysis on our corporate investment banking revenues.


  • Good job.


  • Operator


  • Glenn Schorr - Analyst

    Glenn Schorr - Analyst

  • Glenn Schorr - Analyst

    Glenn Schorr - Analyst

  • UBS.


  • Question on balance sheet, Todd.


  • First memo on that -- what is the pickup in other assets -- anything particular?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • Give me one second to get the balance sheet out.


  • I love the fact that you've already got to page 30.

    我很高興你已經讀到第 30 頁了。

  • The other asset piece, we had a relatively low amount of securitization during the quarter in the credit card.


  • Most of what that is is the warehouse for securitization -- the growth in that is increased in our warehouse for credit card securitization that will then occur during the third quarter.


  • Glenn Schorr - Analyst

    Glenn Schorr - Analyst

  • I'm assuming that the pickup on the corporate loan side has to do with KorAm?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • With out that pickup, corporate loans would have been down slightly.


  • Glenn Schorr - Analyst

    Glenn Schorr - Analyst

  • Cool.


  • And then more importantly, leverage ratio down at 4.9 percent.


  • On the asset side growing, equity came in 3.5 billion even though you had a billion in net income.

    在資產方面不斷成長,儘管淨收入有 10 億,但股本卻達到了 35 億。

  • The difference is the accumulated other change in equity line?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • Yes.


  • Glenn Schorr - Analyst

    Glenn Schorr - Analyst

  • 3.3 billion.


  • Is that unrealized gains?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • That is the FAS 115 security.

    這就是 FAS 115 安全性。

  • So it's the -- things like our insurance assets and where we have -- where we have investment in securities that are not mark to market in the income statement that the balance sheet.


  • We essentially get a spread on that versus what our customers get and so those don't get marked with the income statement but the value of those move up-and-down with interest rates.


  • And there was also an impact on the equity from the weakening peso, which we don't completely hedge our equity in (indiscernible) so a lot of that is goodwill.


  • So we don't hedge the goodwill part of that.


  • So that reduced our goodwill but also obviously reduced our equity.


  • Glenn Schorr - Analyst

    Glenn Schorr - Analyst

  • On the FAS 115 security, if you look back on the insurance portfolio that you detailed -- it went down which is what you'd expect with rising rates but it still a positive unrealized gain?

    關於 FAS 115 證券,如果您回顧一下您詳細介紹的保險投資組合,它會下降,這是您對利率上升的預期,但它仍然是正的未實現收益?

  • Does this line capture just the net change and what else -- I'm not sure I understand what else is in there besides the insurance assets because I can see part of the insurance assets.


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • It captures the change in the insurance assets; it also captures any other securities that are counted that way.


  • So for example, in our treasury books, we have available for sale securities as well.


  • Glenn Schorr - Analyst

    Glenn Schorr - Analyst

  • The last question is, is there something we should think that at any point you have to act on?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • No.


  • Glenn Schorr - Analyst

    Glenn Schorr - Analyst

  • So this can sit and go up-and-down if you get more negative and there is no for sale, you can sit on it for maturity?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • I think that is right.


  • In fact, on the treasury side and for other insurance companies, I would expect that they will move into a negative position as interest rates continue to increase.


  • There are a lot of banks that were already at a flat or negative position last quarter.


  • Again I don't see that as a problem because we essentially get it spread between that and the other side of the equation which is the liability or asset side of the equation.


  • Those are matched up so we are getting a spread between the two.


  • What you are seeing here is the marked-to-market on the equity line of only one-half of that.


  • We don't mark the other half to market.


  • Glenn Schorr - Analyst

    Glenn Schorr - Analyst

  • Last thing and then I'm done.


  • Is the leverage ratio -- if you wanted to, you could take it up because of the pickup in trading assets and brokerage receivables, things like that.


  • You could obviously take it down just as quick.


  • How do you feel about 4.9 percent, I guess?

    我猜你對 4.9% 有什麼感覺?

  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • 4.9 is around where we'd like to be.

    4.9 大約是我們想要的水平。

  • We'd like to be in the 5 range.

    我們希望處於 5 的範圍內。

  • We may actually bring it down a little bit further.


  • If you look at our international competitors who are also active in investment banking and have, as you said, large mash books, large trading accounts.


  • They will run more in the 3 percent kind of a range.

    他們將在 3% 的範圍內運行更多。

  • So that's the reason it runs at what we call it a relatively low level.


  • We may bring it down a little bit further but it purely has to do with the -- frankly it is a bit of an outdated measure.


  • It purely has to do with GAAP assets where if you are running a large trading book, those GAAP assets don't relate to any particular risk.

    它純粹與 GAAP 資產有關,如果您經營大型交易帳戶,這些 GAAP 資產與任何特定風險無關。

  • Glenn Schorr - Analyst

    Glenn Schorr - Analyst

  • Regulators aren't up in arms?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • Yes.


  • Operator


  • Richard Strauss.


  • Richard Strauss - Analyst

    Richard Strauss - Analyst

  • Deutsche Bank.


  • Good morning.


  • Todd, your $2.5 billion fixed income result was certainly a very different result than Merrill which also had June in their quarter and they were down about 22 percent.

    托德,您 25 億美元的固定收益業績肯定與美林 (Merrill) 的業績有很大不同,美林 (Merrill) 的季度也有 6 月份,下降了約 22%。

  • It looks like they really kind of pulled off in terms of their risk profile.


  • It looks like your risk capital to the capital markets business actually went up quite a bit -- about $2.5 billion and last quarter it was flat although that's an average number.

    看起來你們資本市場業務的風險資本實際上增加了很多——大約 25 億美元,上個季度持平,儘管這是平均數字。

  • So I guess my question is where do you finish at the end of the quarter?


  • Maybe you could give us some sense there?


  • And what is your stance and what kind of opportunities are you seeing right now in -- specifically the thick markets?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • Let me answer the risk capital question first.


  • Really there were 2 big reasons why risk capital increased and capital markets and banking and the end -- although I don't have the end of quarter number here with me, it would be higher than the average number that you see there.


  • And the two reasons are; number 1, we bought KorAm so that brought risk capital at the end of the quarter that beat the average.

    這兩個原因是;第一,我們購買了 KorAm,以便在季度末帶來超過平均的風險資本。

  • Secondly, with the charge that we took, we have an increased calculation of our operational risk because of litigation charge.


  • And so that increased our operational risk for that business as well.


  • So those were the 2 biggest pieces.


  • We really didn't change much our risk-taking from the previous quarter in the fixed income business or frankly in the equity business.


  • Although we haven't finished some of the borrow calculations, my guess is they will be sort of flat to down from last quarter.


  • What we are seeing in the business, in the fixed income markets business, or capital markets business, is a bit of transition this quarter from the core trading and fixed income into more derivatives, more commodities.


  • We had very good commodities results; record commodities results, trading results this quarter.


  • So we are seeing a bit of the transition into some of the other areas of fixed income like tradings.


  • Richard Strauss - Analyst

    Richard Strauss - Analyst

  • Just a follow-up on an earlier question.


  • With regard to -- again I know was positive operating leverage year-over-year but there was some negative operating leverage on a sequential basis in some of the businesses, North America cards.


  • I just wanted to make sure this was reduced late fees?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • Yes, you've got reduced late fees that happened and you also have people paying off higher balances so you are you are getting a little bit lower revenue as a result of them paying off their balances more than what we have seen in the past.


  • And that tends to happen when you have a better credit environment.


  • It goes hand in hand with better credit.


  • That is really what was going on in cards.


  • But there are two other big areas; one was principal transactions which was down fairly significantly as a result of, as I mentioned before, derivatives volumes down as well as volatility down.


  • FX trading was down, so that was driving a low result in principal transactions.


  • And the other area was really client trading activity.


  • Both institutional and retail and you can see that flow through in our equities capital markets, equities trading line as well as the private client services business as well as the private bank.


  • Richard Strauss - Analyst

    Richard Strauss - Analyst

  • Also in North America retail banking I think you alluded to hedging and also the adoption of the accounting change.


  • So you will recover or regain that positive leverage you expect going forward?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • We would hope so.


  • Richard Strauss - Analyst

    Richard Strauss - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ronald Temple.


  • Ronald Temple - Analyst

    Ronald Temple - Analyst

  • Lazard Asset Management.


  • If I could follow on Glenn's question in terms of the other comprehensive income -- exactly how much of the $3.2 billion swing is related to insurance?

    如果我能繼續回答 Glenn 關於其他綜合收入的問題——32 億美元的波動中到底有多少與保險相關?

  • How much is related to your securities portfolio?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • Let me just take a look at this.


  • I would say that in percentage terms, it's about half a it is due to insurance, and of the other half, about half of that is due to the foreign exchange change.


  • And about the other half is in various treasury portfolios.


  • Ronald Temple - Analyst

    Ronald Temple - Analyst

  • In the proprietary investment activities you mentioned in the text that some element of that was a small sale of the St. Paul shares?


  • Can you quantify how much of that would be the St. Paul?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • We haven't done that externally yet but it was a relatively small amount of the shares in St. Paul's.


  • Ronald Temple - Analyst

    Ronald Temple - Analyst

  • Last but not least, on your interest repositioning, can you give us a sense just jogging ahead of the Q of what your sensitivity position is at this point or at the end of the quarter?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • At the end up last quarter we were about $600 million or so as we calculate the interest rate sensitivity.

    截至上季末,我們計算利率敏感性時約為 6 億美元左右。

  • And we would expect that to be in that range maybe a bit higher because as the interest rates move up, there is some dynamics in the mortgage business that naturally increase your reported sensitivity because of the (indiscernible) there.


  • It should be in that range or so -- maybe a bit higher than that.


  • Ronald Temple - Analyst

    Ronald Temple - Analyst

  • And one last question.


  • On terms of the unrealized loss or gain position on securities and derivatives portfolios, can you give us a sense of the size there?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • I'm sorry.


  • One more time?


  • Ronald Temple - Analyst

    Ronald Temple - Analyst

  • In terms of the unrealized loss or I assume its a loss -- on securities portfolio for Citi's securities portfolio inclusive of the derivatives -- can you give us a sense of the size of that?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • I don't have that.


  • My sense is that it's still in a slight positive.


  • Ronald Temple - Analyst

    Ronald Temple - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • The last question for today is from Erin Caddell.


  • Erin Caddell - Analyst

    Erin Caddell - Analyst

  • Blaylock & Partners.


  • Can you hear me?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • Good morning, Erin.


  • You were good on TV this morning.


  • Erin Caddell - Analyst

    Erin Caddell - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • I want to ask you a little bit more about levels of client engagement just seeing declines in commissions in Private Client and even in revenue and private banking.


  • What is your sense of what you are hearing from your clients in terms of their level of sensitivity to interest rates fears and geopolitical fears?


  • Is there something you see as maybe a one quarter -- the markets are tough for us or something larger going on or is it more that you are just moving people more aggressively and seeing these products as opposed to transaction based services?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • I think you hit it on the head there.


  • I think there are a couple of things going on.


  • One is, I think the industry -- not only us but others are moving our clients -- our clients are preferring to be in more fee-based arrangements as opposed to transaction arrangements and frankly it's a more sensible place to be.


  • So that is clearly occurring.


  • But that is a longer-term strategic issue that happening.


  • The shorter term issue is simply a fall off in trading and I think you got it right which is there was a lot of activity in the first quarter as people caught up from really sitting on the sidelines for the year before that.


  • And since then there has been a little bit of a reassessment of what they wanted to invest and you are seeing a transition from fixed income to equities.


  • Within equities, they are not quite sure where to go at this point.


  • They are sitting right now.


  • There are still large levels of cash out there.


  • People aren't quite sure whether it's too late to be in fixed income or safe to be in fixed income or whether they should be doing individual stocks and if so, where.


  • They are very worried about event risks, geopolitical risks.


  • They are worried about what might happen with the election here so there is a lot of those risks out there that cause people to decide not to do anything.


  • When they decide not to do anything that hurts our revenues in those types of businesses and I think that is what you have seen happen.


  • Erin Caddell - Analyst

    Erin Caddell - Analyst

  • Real quickly, is it possible to back out the revenue and/or net income from the St. Paul Travelers assets that are no longer there?


  • Just trying to track through from the assets that were moved away to the decline in revenue and earnings in asset management sequentially?


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • If you mean the business of Travelers that we used to own -- (multiple speakers)


  • Erin Caddell - Analyst

    Erin Caddell - Analyst

  • No, just the assets (multiple speakers) .


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • $36 billion of assets moved out.


  • Our fees for managing those were relatively small so there was -- I will call it round numbers sort of a $5 million fee kind of a deal during the quarter.

    我們管理這些費用的費用相對較少,因此本季發生了一筆 500 萬美元費用的交易——我將其稱為整數交易。

  • So not a huge amount but reduced the income in asset management by a bit.


  • Erin Caddell - Analyst

    Erin Caddell - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • That is really helpful.


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • You are welcome.


  • Chuck Prince - CEO

    Chuck Prince - CEO

  • Thank you very much everyone for joining us again.


  • I'm sure there are others that have more questions, but please feel free to call us in investor relations at any time.


  • And with that, this call is complete.


  • Thank you.


  • Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

    Todd Thomson - EVP of Finance, Operations & Strategy, & CFO

  • Thank you everybody.


  • Operator


  • This does conclude today's conference.


  • You may disconnect at this time.
