超越肉類 (BYND) 2024 Q1 法說會逐字稿


講者介紹了來自 Beyond Meat 的 Ethan Brown 和 Lubi Kutua,他們討論了未經審計的 2024 年第一季度收益和公司業績。他們重點介紹了今年的收入、支出和舉措,包括新產品發布和定價變化。




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  • Operator


  • Welcome to the Beyond Meat 2024 first quarter conference call.

    歡迎參加 Beyond Meat 2024 年第一季電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) Please note this event is being recorded.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Paul Shepherd, Vice President, FP&A and Investor Relations Please go ahead.

    現在我想將會議交給 FP&A 和投資者關係副總裁 Paul Shepherd 請繼續。

  • Paul Shepherd - VP of FP&A and Investor Relations

    Paul Shepherd - VP of FP&A and Investor Relations

  • Thank you.


  • Hello, everyone, and thank you for your participation on today's call.


  • Joining me are Ethan Brown, Founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer and Lubi Kutua, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.

    與我一起的還有創辦人、總裁兼執行長 Ethan Brown 和財務長兼財務主管 Lubi Kutua。

  • By now, everyone should have access to our first quarter 2024 earnings press release filed today after market close.

    到目前為止,每個人都應該可以訪問我們今天收盤後提交的 2024 年第一季財報新聞稿。

  • This document is available in the Investor Relations section of Beyond Meat's website at www.beyondmeat.com.

    本文件可在 Beyond Meat 網站 www.beyondmeat.com 的投資者關係部分取得。

  • Before we begin, please note that all the information presented today is unaudited and during the course of this call, management may make forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws.


  • These statements are based on management's current expectations and beliefs and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in these forward looking statement.


  • Forward-looking statements in our earnings release, along with the comments on this call, are made only as of today and will not be updated as actual events unfold.


  • We refer you to today's press release, our quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 30, 2024 to be filed with the SEC and our annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, along with other filings with the SEC for a detailed discussion of the risks that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements made today.

    請參閱今天的新聞稿、我們將向 SEC 提交的截至 2024 年 3 月 30 日的季度的 10-Q 表格季度報告以及截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日的財年的 10-K 表格年度報告,以及與向美國證券交易委員會提交的其他文件一起詳細討論可能導致實際結果與今天做出的任何前瞻性聲明中明示或暗示的結果存在重大差異的風險。

  • Please also note that on today's call, management may reference adjusted EBITDA, adjusted loss from operations and adjusted net loss, which are non-GAAP financial measures.

    另請注意,在今天的電話會議上,管理層可能會參考調整後的 EBITDA、調整後的營運虧損和調整後的淨虧損,這些都是非 GAAP 財務指標。

  • While we believe these non-GAAP financial measures provide useful information for investors, any reference to this information is not intended to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for the financial information presented in accordance with GAAP.


  • Please refer to today's press release for a reconciliation of these non-GAAP financial measures for their most comparable GAAP measures.


  • And with that, I would now like to turn the call over to Ethan Brown.


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you, Paul, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • I'll begin with a brief overview of our Q1 2024 performance, after which I'll provide updates on the five priorities outlined on our previous earnings call and how we are building toward our goal of sustainable operations and return to growth.

    我將首先簡要概述我們 2024 年第一季的業績,然後提供有關我們之前的財報電話會議中概述的五個優先事項的最新信息,以及我們如何實現可持續運營和恢復增長的目標。

  • Total net revenue above the top end of our $70 million to $75 million guidance range at $75.6 million, an 18% decline from Q1 and the previous year.

    高於我們 7,000 萬至 7,500 萬美元指引範圍上限的總淨收入為 7,560 萬美元,比第一季和上一年下降 18%。

  • Gross margin was 4.9% higher than each of the three previous quarters, but a reduction from 6.7% in Q1 2023.

    毛利率比前三個季度均成長 4.9%,但較 2023 年第一季的 6.7% 有所下降。

  • While we are pleased to return to positive gross profit for gross margin this quarter, this fell short of our expectations due to among other factors, trade discounts running a bit higher than plan transitional and start-up costs related to bringing production in-house as we continue to consolidate our network and incremental accelerated depreciation of certain fixed asset disposals.


  • As this positive swing in margin occurred prior to the enactment of our price increases, the first tranche of which began rolling out last month and prior to completion of our network consolidation work as well as being impacted by the aforementioned accelerated depreciation.


  • We are optimistic regarding margin improvement across the balance of the year.


  • Operating expenses in Q1 were $57.1 million.

    第一季的營運支出為 5,710 萬美元。

  • It's $6.8 million reduction year-over-year.

    年比減少 680 萬美元。

  • This operating expense total includes a $7.5 million accrual for consumer class action settlements which without operating expenses would have been $49.6 million, a reduction of $14.3 million year-over-year.

    這項營運費用總額包括 750 萬美元的消費者集體訴訟和解費用,如果沒有營運費用,則為 4,960 萬美元,年減 1,430 萬美元。

  • This reduction in operating expense helped reduce our loss from operations to $53.5 million in Q1 '24 compared to $57.7 million in the year ago period.

    營運費用的減少有助於我們將 24 年第一季的營運損失減少至 5,350 萬美元,而去年同期為 5,770 萬美元。

  • Adjusted loss from operations was $46 million, reflecting the exclusion of the $7.5 million accrual for the consumer class action settlement.

    調整後的營運損失為 4,600 萬美元,其中不包括消費者集體訴訟和解中應計的 750 萬美元。

  • We will continue to drive efficiencies throughout the organization supported further operating expense reductions throughout 2024.

    我們將繼續提高整個組織的效率,並支持 2024 年進一步削減營運費用。

  • Turning to our balance sheet and cash flow, Inventory fell to $122.5 million, down by $7.8 million from Q4 2023 and down by almost $100 million from Q1 2023.

    談到我們的資產負債表和現金流,庫存降至 1.225 億美元,比 2023 年第四季減少 780 萬美元,比 2023 年第一季減少近 1 億美元。

  • And our cash consumption of $32.5 million in Q1 2024 was down significantly from $49 million in the same period in 2023.

    2024 年第一季我們的現金消耗為 3,250 萬美元,較 2023 年同期的 4,900 萬美元大幅下降。

  • I should note that while inventories fell, the first quarter does represent a period of inventory build as we prepare for higher demand during our peak selling quarters.


  • This sales, which included inventories for the Beyond Burger four and Beyond Beef launch, meant that we parked more cash and finished goods inventory this quarter than we did in Q4 2023.

    此次銷售包括 Beyond Burger 4 和 Beyond Beef 推出的庫存,這意味著我們本季儲備的現金和成品庫存比 2023 年第四季更多。

  • Coming off of this first quarter of the year and looking across 2024, we remain focused on driving further reductions in cash consumption.

    結束今年第一季並展望 2024 年,我們仍然專注於推動現金消耗的進一步減少。

  • With that brief overview, I will now run more fully through the progress we're making against each of our product priorities for 2024.

    透過這個簡短的概述,我現在將更全面地介紹我們針對 2024 年每個產品優先事項所取得的進展。

  • Well Lubi will follow with more detail on our overall financial performance in Q1 2024.

    Lubi 將詳細介紹我們 2024 年第一季的整體財務表現。

  • First, getting near.


  • The first quarter of 2024 provides a clear proof point that our operations continue to get leaner and more efficient.

    2024 年第一季清楚證明我們的營運持續變得更加精簡和有效率。

  • We realized a positive gross margin despite a lower revenue base while reducing operating expenses, inventory and cash consumption relative to the same period in 2023.

    儘管收入基礎較低,但與 2023 年同期相比,我們實現了正毛利率,同時減少了營運費用、庫存和現金消耗。

  • Our continued emphasis on leaning out our operations also entails tightening our focus with regard to product portfolio, markets, consumer targets, claims and messaging, which leads me to our second priority Beyond IV.

    我們對精實營運的持續重視也需要加強我們對產品組合、市場、消費者目標、聲明和資訊的關注,這讓我想到了 Beyond IV 的第二個優先事項。

  • In February, we unveiled Beyond Burger IV and Beyond Beef IV and across April, these products began rolling out in grocery stores, nationwide, including Walmart and Kroger.

    二月份,我們推出了 Beyond Burger IV 和 Beyond Beef IV,四月份,這些產品開始在全國雜貨店推出,包括沃爾瑪和克羅格。

  • Through this fourth generation projects, which we expect will be fully distributed by Memorial Day, which is the leap forward on continuous improvement journey, that is our Rapid and Relentless Innovation Program.


  • As you'll recall, we iterate our product lines to cross border Galactic properties in a framework we refer to as SAAT for flavor aroma appearance and texture while driving improvements in nutrition costs and other considerations.

    您可能還記得,我們​​在一個我們稱為 SAAT 的框架中迭代我們的產品線,以跨界銀河屬性,以實現風味、香氣、外觀和質地,同時推動營養成本和其他考慮因素的改善。

  • And Beyond core platform, as discussed previously, we placed considerable emphasis on unlocking further health gain.


  • To this end, we work intensively with leading medical and nutrition experts as we built this next generation.


  • Together with this network, our team, in my view, delivered a homerun and improves sensory experience of the nutritional build so impressive that it goes to market with a host of important validations.


  • These include becoming the first plant-based meat brand to be recognized by the American Diabetes Association, evidence-based nutritional guidelines supports better choices for Life program.


  • Being featured in the collection of heart-healthy recipes certified by the American Heart Association's Heart Check program as well as an upcoming American Heart Association and beyond this cookbook, earning good housekeeping coveted nutritionist approved MLO, which assesses food products based on specific nutritional criteria as well as taste, simplicity and transparency.


  • And finally, becoming the first plant-based meat products to be clean projects certified.


  • As that has been the case with other disruptive innovations from history, innovation center today, commonplace everyday items, one of the biggest challenges overhead has faced is orchestrated misinformation regarding our product line.


  • As Beyond Burger IV and Beyond Beef IV approaches full distribution.

    Beyond Burger IV 和 Beyond Beef IV 即將全面分銷。

  • We will launch our 2024 marketing program, which highlights their strongly validated helpfulness built with protein from yellow peas, Red lentils, brown rice and followed teams together with heart-healthy avocado oil.

    我們將啟動 2024 年行銷計劃,重點強調其由黃豌豆、紅扁豆、糙米中的蛋白質和有益心臟健康的酪梨油製成的經過嚴格驗證的有益功效。

  • Beyond Burger IV and Beyond Beef IV provides consumers with 21 grams of clean protein with only two brands separate is that for service.

    Beyond Burger IV 和 Beyond Beef IV 為消費者提供 21 克清潔蛋白質,兩個品牌的服務僅是分開的。

  • As the Beyond IV platform rolls out to more stores, we are pleased with the positive, though still anecdotal feedback is receiving from consumers as well as members of the health and wellness community, including nutritionists and dietitians.

    隨著 Beyond IV 平台向更多商店推出,我們對消費者以及健康和保健社區成員(包括營養師和營養師)收到的正面回饋感到滿意,儘管這些回饋仍然是軼事。

  • And while consumer time today with a lengthy review of what has been a very gratifying initial introduction, but will instead share perhaps one of my favorite headlines thus far.


  • This from good housekeeping, which simply states are registered dietitians can't start talking about Beyond Meat's newest launch.

    這是因為良好的內務管理,簡單地說註冊營養師不能開始談論 Beyond Meat 的最新產品。

  • This headline is particularly important to me.


  • That represents our promise that we build plant-based meats that are not only delicious, but serve an important role in human health.


  • This and other similar views are also important because they help create strong relevance for large swath of consumers.


  • Whether quantified is roughly 160 million Americans who have some type of cardiovascular disease.

    是否量化的是大約有 1.6 億美國人患有某種類型的心血管疾病。

  • The 97 million Americans were prediabetic or the 38 million Americans who are diabetic or the 25 million Americans who have high cholesterol.

    9700 萬美國人處於糖尿病前期,3800 萬美國人患有糖尿病,2500 萬美國人患有高膽固醇。

  • We believe as do the nutritionists institutions and dietitians standing behind Beyond IV and we offer consumers the delicious yet powerful choice that can help them and their loved ones live healthier lives.

    我們相信 Beyond IV 背後的營養學家機構和營養師也相信,我們為消費者提供美味而強大的選擇,可以幫助他們和他們的親人過上更健康的生活。

  • The aforementioned 2024 marketing campaign, which we are rolling out imminently will bring this message to life across a variety of media throughout the summer grilling season and beyond.

    我們即將推出的上述 2024 年行銷活動將在整個夏季燒烤季節及以後透過各種媒體傳達這一訊息。

  • Moving on for products, I should note that we announced a newly renovated and expanded line of three different Beyond crumbles original, feisty and Italian style.

    說到產品,我應該指出的是,我們宣布了一個新裝修和擴展的產品線,包括三種不同的 Beyond crumbles 原創、活躍和義大利風格。

  • These tasty bite-size crumbles go from frozen to finished just a few minutes and provide a delicious and healthy protein option throughout the day.


  • Beyond crumbles at 12 grams of protein per serving less than one gram assess reduced fat and no cholesterol.

    除了每份 12 克蛋白質含量低於 1 克之外,還可以評估減少脂肪且不含膽固醇。

  • These are intended to join Beyond steak in the frozen now and as with Beyond steak, the Beyond prevalent assessments certified by the American Heart Association Heart Check program, the American Diabetes Association's better choices for Life program.

    這些產品將立即加入冷凍的 Beyond 牛排中,與 Beyond 牛排一樣,Beyond 牛排經過美國心臟協會心臟檢查計劃(美國糖尿病協會更好的生活選擇計劃)認證的流行評估。

  • Moving forward, we expect to be introducing yet another delicious product set to this heart-healthy lineup later this year.


  • I'll turn now to our third priority, implementing changes to our US trade pricing programs beginning in Q2, which we believe will meaningfully impact gross margin.


  • Our overarching goal is to restore margins to previous levels achieved in 2019 and 2020 over time.

    我們的首要目標是隨著時間的推移將利潤率恢復到 2019 年和 2020 年實現的水平。

  • As we report, we've just passed through the second major tranche and majority of our pricing actions for the year.


  • These measures reflect a series of tiered pricing changes following a thorough analysis regarding elasticities in our frozen and fresh product offering and the introduction of Beyond IV additional premium ingredients among other factors.

    這些措施反映了在對我們的冷凍和新鮮產品供應的彈性進行全面分析以及引入 Beyond IV 額外優質成分等因素後進行的一系列分級定價變化。

  • Fourth, we are nearing completion of the difficult task of consolidating our production network.


  • Though our decision regarding the degree of consolidation reflects various factors depending on the co-manufacturing partner, we expect this comprehensive action to substantially contribute to margin as we emphasize the term production to benefit from better asset utilization, overhead absorption, production and logistics efficiencies, while also providing for better management of logistics and quality control.


  • Finally, fifth, we are investing in our European business and related strategic partners.


  • We continue to make progress with our quick service restaurant business in Europe and the UK, even as the quarters year-over-year numbers were impacted by the lapping of product load-in and promotional activities in the year-ago period that did not repeat in Q1 2024, they consumption trends toward value items in certain geography, reflecting broader macroeconomic conditions.

    我們在歐洲和英國的快餐店業務繼續取得進展,儘管季度同比數字受到去年同期產品裝載和促銷活動的影響,但這些活動並未重複2024 年第一季度,他們在某些地區傾向於有價值的商品消費趨勢,反映了更廣泛的宏觀經濟狀況。

  • Looking forward, just today, McDonald's Germany kicked off its famous meals promotional campaign to all restaurants across Germany.


  • The campaign features to celebrity favorite meals built around plant or plant nuggets exclusively.


  • Traditionally, Q1, McDonald's expanded availability of the plant burger across the Baltic countries of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.


  • In Europe, more broadly we launched Beyond state for foodservice in the Netherlands and a retail in Belgium as well as expanded availability of the Beyond Burger at club stores across the UK.

    在歐洲,更廣泛地說,我們在荷蘭推出了 Beyond state 餐飲服務,在比利時推出了零售店,並在英國各地的俱樂部商店擴大了 Beyond Burger 的供應範圍。

  • Further, we are excited that we will soon be expanding our presence at retail in Germany, given our recent satisfaction of local shelf life for apartments and see continued opportunity for further distribution expansion in the EU and other international markets.


  • To conclude, we believe that 2024 is a pivotal year for change and progress for Beyond Meat.

    總而言之,我們認為 2024 年是 Beyond Meat 變革和進步的關鍵一年。

  • We began the year making solid strides along our 2024 strategy and correspondingly our path to sustainable operations and a return to growth.

    今年伊始,我們就沿著 2024 年策略以及相應的永續營運和復原成長之路邁出了堅實的步伐。

  • We believe that our determination to sharply reduce our operating expenses and cash use, consolidate our production network, implement pricing changes to help restore margins and launch our most significant renovation to date Beyond IV for purposes of reinforcing as well as raising the bar on the health benefits of our plant-based meats amid sustained misinformation campaigns are beginning to pay off.

    我們相信,我們決心大幅減少營運支出和現金使用,鞏固我們的生產網絡,實施定價調整以幫助恢復利潤,並啟動迄今為止最重大的改造Beyond IV,以加強和提高健康水平在持續的錯誤信息宣傳中,我們的植物性肉類的好處開始得到回報。

  • We expect to continue to harvest benefits from these actions across the balance of the year and beyond.


  • These powerful measures and their early dividends, coupled with our initiative to bolster our balance sheet this year, infuse us with cautious optimism as we look forward.


  • And with that, I'll turn the call over to Lubi to walk us through our Q1 financial results in greater detail as well as provide our outlook for 2024.

    接下來,我將把電話轉給 Lubi,讓我們更詳細地了解第一季的財務業績,並提供我們對 2024 年的展望。

  • Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

    Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

  • Thank you, Ethan, and good afternoon, everyone.


  • I'll begin by reviewing our first quarter financial results before providing an update on our 2024 outlook.

    我將首先回顧我們第一季的財務業績,然後提供 2024 年展望的最新資訊。

  • Net revenues decreased 18% to $75.6 million in the first quarter of 2024 compared to $92.2 million in the year ago period.

    2024 年第一季淨收入下降 18%,至 7,560 萬美元,去年同期為 9,220 萬美元。

  • The decrease in net revenues was driven by a 16.1% decrease in volume of products sold and to a lesser extent, a 2.3% decrease in net revenue per pound.

    淨收入下降的原因是產品銷售下降了 16.1%,其次是每磅淨收入下降了 2.3%。

  • Taking a closer look by channel, net revenues in our US retail and foodservice channels decreased by 16% and 16.2% respectively, primarily due to a decrease in the volume of products sold and reflecting continued macroeconomic and category-specific headwinds.

    按通路仔細觀察,我們美國零售和餐飲服務通路的淨收入分別下降了 16% 和 16.2%,這主要是由於產品銷售量的減少以及宏觀經濟和特定類別逆風的持續影響。

  • Net revenues in our international retail and foodservice channels decreased by 12% and 28.7%, respectively.

    國際零售和餐飲服務通路的淨收入分別下降 12% 和 28.7%。

  • Softness in our international retail channel, mainly reflected the lapping of large initial pipeline orders in Europe for our chicken innovation launches from a year ago as well as softer demand in the Canadian market for certain of our beef and pork items.


  • The year-over-year decline in our International Foodservice channel primarily reflected the lapping of strong sell-in of burger and chicken items to a large QSR customer in the year-ago period as well as generally softer demand in the UK.


  • With regard to the UK, recessionary pressures appear to be dampening demand both in our retail and foodservice channels.


  • Although we believe this to be a transitory effect.


  • It's also worth noting that while the EU and Canada remain our two largest markets in the international space by some margin.


  • We do have presences in Mexico, Australia and certain parts of Asia among other regions where we did experience some idiosyncrasies that also impacted our first quarter results, albeit to a lesser expense.


  • Turning to gross profit, gross profit in the first quarter of 2024 was $3.7 million, our gross margin of 4.9% compared to $6.2 million of gross margin of 6.7% in the year ago period.

    談到毛利,2024 年第一季的毛利為 370 萬美元,毛利率為 4.9%,而去年同期毛利率為 620 萬美元,毛利率為 6.7%。

  • The year-over-year change in gross profit and gross margin reflected higher manufacturing costs, including depreciation, higher materials costs and reduced net revenue per pound, partially offset by lower inventory reserves and lower logistics costs per pound.


  • Within manufacturing costs, although we realized solid benefits from our network consolidation efforts, we did also see transitional costs such as temporary labor and increased overtime in our own facilities as we brought in substantially higher production volumes in a short period of time.


  • However, we saw encouraging sequential trends within the quarter and expect our meaningful insourcing of production volume.


  • It pays dividends in terms of reduce costs and improved quality in the coming periods.


  • Operating expenses were $57.1 million in the first quarter of 2024 compared to $63.9 million in the year ago period.

    2024 年第一季的營運費用為 5,710 萬美元,而去年同期為 6,390 萬美元。

  • The decrease in operating expenses was primarily due to reduced non-production headcount expenses, lower marketing expenses and reduced selling expenses, partially offset by an increase in general and administrative expenses.


  • General and administrative expenses included a $7.5 million accrual for a consumer class action settlement associated with certain lawsuits that originated in 2022.

    一般和管理費用包括與 2022 年發起的某些訴訟相關的消費者集體訴訟和解費用 750 萬美元。

  • Of the aforementioned settlement about and subject court approvals, we anticipate making a cash payment of approximately $250,000 in 2024 and the remainder in 2025.

    在上述關於並須經法院批准的和解中,我們預計於 2024 年支付約 25 萬美元的現金,並於 2025 年支付剩餘部分。

  • Overall loss from operations was $53.5 million in the first quarter of 2024 compared to $57.7 million in the year ago period.

    2024 年第一季的整體營運虧損為 5,350 萬美元,而去年同期為 5,770 萬美元。

  • Adjusted loss from operations, which excludes the aforementioned class-action settlement accrual was $46 million in the first quarter of 2024.

    2024 年第一季調整後的營運虧損(不包括上述集體訴訟和解費用)為 4,600 萬美元。

  • Net loss was $54.4 million or $0.84 per common share in the first quarter of 2024 compared to net loss of $59 million or $0.92 per common share in the year-ago period.

    2024 年第一季的淨虧損為 5,440 萬美元,即每股普通股 0.84 美元,而去年同期的淨虧損為 5,900 萬美元,即每股普通股 0.92 美元。

  • Adjusted net loss was $46.9 million was $0.72 per common share in the first quarter of 2024.

    2024 年第一季調整後淨虧損為 4,690 萬美元,每股普通股虧損 0.72 美元。

  • Adjusted EBITDA was a loss of $32.9 million in the first quarter of 2024 compared to an adjusted EBITDA loss of $45.8 million in the year-ago period.

    2024 年第一季調整後 EBITDA 虧損 3,290 萬美元,而去年同期調整後 EBITDA 虧損 4,580 萬美元。

  • While we still have a lot of work to do this represents our smallest adjusted EBITDA loss going back to the second quarter of 2021.

    雖然我們還有很多工作要做,但這代表了我們自 2021 年第二季以來調整後 EBITDA 損失最小。

  • Turning now to our balance sheet and cash flow highlights, our cash and cash equivalents balance, including restricted cash, it was $173.5 million and total debt outstanding was $1.1 billion as of March 30, 2024.

    現在轉向我們的資產負債表和現金流亮點,截至 2024 年 3 月 30 日,我們的現金和現金等價物餘額(包括限制性現金)為 1.735 億美元,未償債務總額為 11 億美元。

  • Net cash used in operating activities was $32.2 million in the quarter ended March 30, 2024, compared to $42.2 million in the year ago period.

    截至 2024 年 3 月 30 日的季度,經營活動使用的現金淨額為 3,220 萬美元,去年同期為 4,220 萬美元。

  • Capital expenditures totaled $1.2 million in the quarter ended March 30, 2024, compared to $5.3 million in the year ago period.

    截至 2024 年 3 月 30 日的季度資本支出總額為 120 萬美元,而去年同期為 530 萬美元。

  • Finally, I'll conclude my remarks by commenting on our 2024 full year outlook, which we are largely reaffirming as follows.

    最後,我將透過評論我們的 2024 年全年展望來結束我的發言,我們基本上重申如下。

  • Net revenues are expected to be in the range of $315 million to $345 million for the full year.

    預計全年淨收入將在 3.15 億美元至 3.45 億美元之間。

  • Net revenues for the second quarter of 2024 are expected to be in the range of $85 million to $90 million.

    2024 年第二季的淨收入預計在 8,500 萬美元至 9,000 萬美元之間。

  • Gross margin is expected to be in the mid to high 10s range for the full year 2024 and is expected to be higher in the second half of the year relative to the first half.

    預計 2024 年全年毛利率將在 10 左右左右,下半年毛利率預計將高於上半年。

  • Operating expenses, excluding the $7.5 million consumer class-action settlement are expected to be in the range of $170 million to $190 million weighted, slightly more towards the first half of the year.

    扣除 750 萬美元的消費者集體訴訟和解金後,營運費用預計將在 1.7 億美元至 1.9 億美元之間,較上半年略有增加。

  • Lastly, capital expenditures are expected to be in the range of $15 million to $25 million.

    最後,資本支出預計在 1500 萬至 2500 萬美元之間。

  • And with that, I'll turn the call back over to the operator to open it up for your questions.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • We will now begin the question and answer session.


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Alexia Howard, Bernstein.


  • Alexia Howard - Analyst

    Alexia Howard - Analyst

  • Good evening, everyone.


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Hi, Alexia, hey there.


  • Alexia Howard - Analyst

    Alexia Howard - Analyst

  • Hi, so I guess really my main question is around the confidence that you have in the sales outlook.


  • It feels as the last quarter, the pricing was down quite a bit and the volumes improved in this time.


  • Obviously, we've seen a big sequential increase on the pricing side, but the volumes have deteriorated.


  • So as you look out, what gives you the confidence to be able to reiterate on the full year guidance for improves over the summer during grilling season and so on.


  • Thank you.


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • No, thank you for the question.


  • So I think we were rolling out toward the end of the first quarter, some of the most early shipments of the Beyond IV products.

    因此,我認為我們將在第一季末推出 Beyond IV 產品的一些最早出貨的產品。

  • So those are hitting stores now and we expect to be in full distribution by Memorial Day.


  • And so a lot of the focus for us as a company has been on that reset.


  • I've spoken about this many times.


  • If you look at what has led to the deceleration of growth in the entire plant-based meat category, we believe it is perception around the health benefits of the products, which were quite strong.


  • If you think about 2020, for example, were -- survey results suggested they were that it was 50% or more of Americans felt that plant-based meat was healthy for them, whereas in 2022, that number was down at 38%.

    例如,如果你想想 2020 年,調查結果表明,50% 或更多的美國人認為植物性肉類對他們來說是健康的,而到 2022 年,這個數字下降到 38%。

  • And my strong belief is that it declined further in subsequent years.


  • And so we wanted to tackle that directly and tried to make our products as unassailable on the health side as they are on the climate and environment minimum welfare side of things.


  • And so over this three year period of working with doctors, nutritionists, and dietitians, we did that in my view and this product that is now reaching full distribution later this month.


  • It has been so well received by the not only medical community, but the nutrition and British dietitian community that we have high confidence that it addresses the number one issue in the category.


  • And so if you think about the type of endorsements that I went through on the script there whether it's American Heart Association recipe program, whether it's American Diabetes Association, whether it's the clean label project certification, or Good Housekeeping Seal of nutrition, all of these things are signaling mechanism to the consumer that regardless of the misinformation out there, the orchestrated campaigns to suggest this and healthy.


  • You can trust that this product has the health benefits that you'd expect it to have.


  • And so that's a very different scenario than the one we were facing a year ago.


  • Where there was just so much negative noise that was being jammed up about the category.


  • And although we had studies where the work with Stanford, we did not have this kind of overarching framework of endorsement and support from nutrition and health and wellness community.


  • And if I could look at some of the earliest reviews of these products, whether it's Good Morning America saying we've raised the bar in nutrition and plant-based meat or eat this, not that, we were featured as one of the best new grocery products at '24, prevention magazine put us certainly the number one product for plant-based meat.

    如果我能看一下這些產品的一些最早的評論,無論是《早安美國》說我們提高了營養和植物性肉類的標準,還是吃這個,而不是那個,我們都被評為最好的新產品之一《24 年食品雜貨預防雜誌》無疑將我們列為植物性肉類的第一大產品。

  • Eating Well, I think had done a really great review by nutritionists are registered dietitians around how this is a heart-healthy option and particularly relevant people who are struggling with cardiovascular issues, which by the way, is $160 million Americans I mentioned in my prepared remarks than women's health, selecting it as their number one favorite rather team favorites from plant-based meat.

    吃得好,我認為營養師和註冊營養師對這是一種有益於心臟健康的選擇,特別是那些與心血管問題作鬥爭的相關人士做了非常好的評論,順便說一句,我在我的準備中提到了1.6 億美元的美國人評論比女性健康更重要,選擇它作為他們的第一最愛,而不是植物性肉類的團隊最愛。

  • So it took a lot of time, a lot of disciplinary effort, but we wanted to fix that fundamental perception issue around the category.


  • And so as we roll out in this pivotal year, we've taken all the steps that I went through in her remarks, whether it was bringing operating expenses down, feel continuing to bring our cost of goods down across the balance of this year, whether it's the price increase we're taking.


  • We are stabilizing the business and then rolling out this very significant product.


  • So we think for that reason that we will see some acceleration across the balance of the year.


  • On a pricing that did not go into effect until this April 5, was first tranche and then May 5 roughly was the second tranche.

    直到今年 4 月 5 日才生效的定價是第一批,然後大約在 5 月 5 日是第二批。

  • So that wouldn't have impacted our results in the first quarter.


  • Alexia Howard - Analyst

    Alexia Howard - Analyst

  • In that case, may I follow up and ask whether you're seeing any preliminary pricing density as you introduce those price increases over the last month?


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • We have it's too early to tell.


  • I mean, I think we were pleased with some of the -- some of what we've seen so far, but it's just too early, too early to tell.


  • But it is that the picture is somewhat clouded, right?


  • Because not only are we introducing new pricing, but we're also introducing a new premium product.


  • So there's just different diverse consumer.


  • So we'll wait and see, but we're optimistic.


  • Alexia Howard - Analyst

    Alexia Howard - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • I'll pass it on.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Ben Theurer, Barclays.


  • Ben Theurer - Analyst

    Ben Theurer - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • Hey, good afternoon, Ethan and Lubi.


  • So first of all, just wanted to follow up a little bit on that, like the initiatives, as you've laid out in order to just focus on the new products like a little bit of a premiumization on getting the right price points.


  • So it felt like that in the quarter, prices were still on average, slightly down.


  • So can you help us understand how we should think about the cadence of the new product flowing into results and how that price points potentially going to move as you have like this more differentiated approach as to pricing.


  • So how should we think about the cadence here for the coming quarters?


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes, we won't get a full benefit from that in this quarter, although you will see definitely some benefit from it because it again is just reaching full distribution and the pricing went through in those two tranches of it makes it.


  • So I think you can expect this quarter to see meaningful increase in net revenue per pound, in the US.


  • And then, of course, we also have some activities elsewhere that are also, I think, going to be accretive to us from a margin perspective globally.


  • Ben Theurer - Analyst

    Ben Theurer - Analyst

  • Okay, and then just a quick follow-up as to the performance internationally which used to be the stronger market but felt a little softer this time just on and on and on a year-over-year basis, was there anything in particular that you could point us to what happened in the international markets that drove, particularly with volume decline?


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, I think we are -- we remain very bullish about Europe, about some of other international markets, Canada, et cetera.


  • To main factors, I'll address retail first, we did sell in quite a bit of a new product in the first quarter of '23 in Europe.

    對於主要因素,我將首先解決零售問題,23 年第一季我們確實在歐洲銷售了相當多的新產品。

  • That's our chicken product, and we're lapping that in Q1 of '24.

    這是我們的雞肉產品,我們將在 24 年第一季進行生產。

  • And in the second -- we do have some exposure to both.


  • Obviously, the UK, is a good and healthy market for us from an overall demand perspective as well as Canada.


  • But in both cases, you see some recessionary factors in place there and consumer trading around looking more for value at the moment.


  • So those two issues on the retail side, I think led to -- led some of the lumpiness in that story.


  • I think on the International Foodservice side, somewhat similar in the sense that we were lapping a year ago, sell-in of chicken to one of our largest QSR as well as some additional burger sales loading.


  • And then in a to the market that as mentioned, UK and Canada, overall slower sales, and some of our QSRs, another sort of related to our category, onto those two factors.

    然後,正如前面提到的,英國和加拿大的市場總體銷售放緩,我們的一些 QSR(與我們的類別相關的另一種)涉及這兩個因素。

  • And I think some of it is typically on the QSR side really can be explained by timing.

    我認為其中一些通常發生在 QSR 方面,確實可以透過時間來解釋。

  • We did see a pretty decent level of orders at the end of the fourth quarter of '23.

    在 2023 年第四季末,我們確實看到了相當不錯的訂單水平。

  • And we did see some pretty healthy orders coming in as we started the second quarter here so.


  • Had those moves, a few weeks, one or -- one or the other direction.


  • I think we've been a little bit different story.


  • Ben Theurer - Analyst

    Ben Theurer - Analyst

  • Okay, perfect.


  • Thank you very much, Ethan.


  • Operator


  • Adam Samuelson, Goldman Sachs.


  • Adam Samuelson - Analyst

    Adam Samuelson - Analyst

  • Yes, thank you.


  • Good afternoon, everyone.


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Hi, there.


  • Adam Samuelson - Analyst

    Adam Samuelson - Analyst

  • Hi, so it's a movie.


  • I was hoping to maybe get a little bit more color on the phasing of pricing and gross margins between the first half and the second half.


  • Just trying to think about full year getting to the mid to high 10s when we're at 4% in the first quarter, our 5% for sure, excuse me.

    只是想一下,當我們第一季的成長率為 4% 時,全年成長率將達到 10% 左右,我們肯定是 5%,請原諒。

  • And then revenues first half, second half look to be about equally split and dollars wise based on the second quarter guidance.


  • And so as we think about getting to that mid to high 10s for the -- for the back half, it would seem to imply the back half gross margins are comfortably north of 20% kind of implied in that outlook.

    因此,當我們考慮下半年達到中高 10 的水平時,這似乎意味著後半段的毛利率輕鬆超過該前景所暗示的 20%。

  • And if that's correct, can you just help us think about the magnitude of kind of pricing uplift that that helps push it there versus the magnitude of unit cost reductions in COGS that would improve the gross margins?


  • It seems like there's anticipated contributions from both.


  • Thanks.


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • Thanks you.


  • This great question and you're absolutely right.


  • We do see obviously some significant benefit from the pricing increase.


  • But I think also and so much work has gone into this.


  • I do want to pause on it for a minute, the consolidation of our network, and we did it for a number of reasons and some case quality, in some case, the cost and things of that nature.


  • But we wanted to begin the year with a lot more of the production under our own roof and we were able to do that.


  • There were some significant transitory costs in there from a transitioning perspective, whether it was temporary labor or overtime, some logistics, some start-up costs, and things of that nature.


  • That did bring the overall margin for the quarter down.


  • But if you look at the overhead absorption, we expect to see across the balance of the year as well, the efficiencies of being under one or two roads and then also reduced logistics and things of that nature.


  • You can begin to see quite a significant spread occurring between the price that we're charging and the cost of our production.


  • So we do feel good about it for the balance of the year.


  • The amount of throughput that's flowing through our facilities right now is pretty impressive relative to where it was.


  • So it's a lot of work, but it's the right thing.


  • And if you look at the steps we're taking, I think one of the reasons I'm so optimistic about where we're headed is that business is getting leaner from an operations perspective.


  • If you look it took $14 million out year-over-year, if you once adjust with the settlement.

    如果你對和解協議進行調整的話,你會發現同比損失了 1400 萬美元。

  • We continue to bring down the overall size of the network and we're going to realize very significant, I think cost savings on a COGS basis for that raising price, there you're going to get additional margin.


  • The new products that are coming out, address very squarely we could have just proliferate SKUs could have just relaunched this product in that product, but we wanted to address the fundamental issue going all of the category as the category leader.

    即將推出的新產品非常直接地解決了我們可能只是激增的 SKU 可能只是在該產品中重新推出該產品,但我們希望解決所有類別作為類別領導者的根本問題。

  • I think we've done that.


  • And by the way, that's opening up some new markets for us as we work with American Heart Association and others to address some of the disease states that are out there.


  • So all of these things to me are addressing the fundamental issues around the business and going to allow us this year to have the type of return to growth, whether it happened as you know, 12 months from now, 16 months now I can't say, but that we've been anticipating and so net-net, I feel very good about where the businesses and we're going to make these changes across balance of the year.

    因此,對我來說,所有這些事情都在解決圍繞業務的基本問題,並使我們今年能夠恢復成長,無論它是否如你所知,從現在起12 個月後,現在16 個月後發生,我不能可以說,但我們一直在預期,所以我對企業和我們將在今年餘下的時間裡做出這些改變感到非常滿意。

  • Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

    Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

  • And Adam, I'll just add to that.


  • So I think it's a good question regarding what the margin trajectory looks like for the balance of the year, just given where we finished in Q1?


  • A couple of things, I'll say about Q1, and we mentioned this in the prepared remarks.


  • So first off, we have been -- we've talked about this for the last couple of earnings calls, sort of phasing out the -- some of the promotional activities that we were doing that were more on the aggressive side.


  • And what I will say is that we were encouraged to see that sequentially as we progress through the quarter.


  • Our level of trade spend came down pretty nicely.


  • The other thing, Ethan mention this in his prepared remarks is, there was some -- we identified some incremental assets in the quarter.


  • We're still really just kind of wrapping up the -- that most of the heavy lifting as it relates to our network consolidation efforts.


  • And there were some incremental fixed assets that we identified.


  • And so that drove some higher depreciation costs in Q1.


  • And then lastly, we mentioned this as well that there was some just on the direct labor side, right, some temporary labor and overtime and things like that that drove up our direct labor costs.


  • Most of those right should be substantially less of a drag in the balance of the year.


  • The other thing too is, as you know, pricing will become some we'll have the benefit of a full quarter's worth of pricing in the back half, right.


  • We'll start to see some of that benefit in Q2, but then it kicks in in a more meaningful way in the back half.


  • And I'll just remind you that as it relates to price not only are there was there pricing in terms of what we're doing from a list price perspective, but we've also rolled back up promotions and then all of the various efforts that we that we have going on in terms of the network consolidation, which should drive much better fixed cost absorption.


  • We're seeing logistics cost savings.


  • I think we're really encouraged to see the sequential progress that we saw in the first quarter in terms of our production costs.


  • And so we feel pretty good about our assumptions for the balance of the year.


  • And then you asked the question about the relative magnitude as it relates to pricing versus cost, I think price for sure is a significant component of it, but we are expecting to see some efficiencies from a cost perspective as well.


  • Adam Samuelson - Analyst

    Adam Samuelson - Analyst

  • Okay, that's all very helpful.


  • I'll pass it on.


  • Thank you.


  • Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

    Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Ken Goldman, JPMorgan.


  • Ken Goldman - Analyst

    Ken Goldman - Analyst

  • Hi, thank you.


  • I wanted to follow up on the line of questioning about pricing, few here, right.


  • One, how are your customers reacting on given that you're raising prices as your cost decline and the category is still struggling a little bit.


  • I guess the second one is how should we think about your competitors' reactions to your raising prices, what are you seeing or thinking you're going to see in the market?


  • And then the third is what's in your guidance?


  • I mean, I don't need an exact number, but just are you being conservative enough on price elasticity in the markets where you're taking those meaningful increases?


  • So I know that's a lot.


  • I just wanted to kind of dig in a little bit.


  • Thank you.


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sure.


  • So I think on the first question, what we are seeing from some customers roll this out, it's just too early to tell.


  • I mean, it's just hitting the shelf now.


  • We did have long discussions with a lot of the main retailers we work with around why we're doing this and with limited exception, most we're accepting.


  • And we're doing this at a time when we're also offering a more premium set of products.


  • And so I think that made the discussions a lot easier.


  • From a competitive perspective, we're largely following a lot of price increases and obviously in retail, more generally.


  • But also if you look at our largest competitor, they went through a similar process about a year before us.


  • So I don't you anticipate much in terms of kind of strategic interplay from them.


  • I mean they are also trying to do what we're trying to do, which is drive their business toward profitability.


  • So I don't think we're going to see a very strong discounting or something of that nature.


  • But I can't promise it.


  • And then on guidance, just what's in it, we will answer it.


  • Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

    Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

  • Yeah, we do think that we are being appropriately conservative.


  • We did a significant amount of work with an external consultant as we went through this price increase and we did various studies, consumer studies to tried to gauge what elasticity might look like.


  • We are baking into our estimates for the balance of this this year and elasticity, that's lower than one, but it's some -- but it's we feel like there's some conservatism baked into that.

    我們正在對今年的平衡和彈性進行調整,這低於一,但它是一些 - 但我們覺得其中存在一些保守主義。

  • Ken Goldman - Analyst

    Ken Goldman - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you for that.


  • And then I appreciate the help with guidance for 2Q sales.


  • Just thinking about the other factors in terms of -- I know there's been questions about the cadence of the gross margin.


  • How do we think about -- where would you like it to be generally?


  • I'll just ask it directly for the gross margin in 2Q and then an EBITDA, the Street's modeling, I think, negative $25 million for adjusted EBITDA.

    我會直接詢問第二季的毛利率,然後詢問 EBITDA,我認為華爾街的模型調整後的 EBITDA 為負 2500 萬美元。

  • Just how reasonable do you think that is in light of where you're pointing people to for the top line?


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • In terms of -- in terms of margin, I would say we would expect to see a pretty decent sequential improvement, obviously from Q1 to Q2.


  • The Q2 does tend to be our highest volume quarter as well.


  • Just as we're entering the grilling season and things like that.


  • So usually we will see some benefit from just fixed cost absorption, but then obviously with the price increases starting to kick in and as I mentioned, our freight rate has been coming down, we would expect to see a pretty meaningful sequential improvement.


  • And then in the back half, we also would expect to see probably you wouldn't see the same step as we would expect to see going from Q1 into Q2, but we would expect there would be some incremental improvement versus Q2 in the back half just as a result of the fact that we'll have additional -- will have a full quarter's benefit of the price increase is the main driver in both quarters in Q3 and Q4.


  • And then


  • (multiple speakers)


  • Ken Goldman - Analyst

    Ken Goldman - Analyst

  • Please go ahead.


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • I mean the question on EBITDA, could you just remind me what was the question there?

    我的意思是關於 EBITDA 的問題,你能提醒我那裡的問題是什麼嗎?

  • Ken Goldman - Analyst

    Ken Goldman - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • I am just trying to figure out a way to ask if this consensus number of negative $25 million is kind of in the ballpark of where you'd like us to be?

    我只是想找到一種方法來詢問負 2500 萬美元的共識數字是否在您希望我們達到的範圍內?

  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, we don't -- I don't want to provide specific guidance by quarter for EBITDA, so I'll leave it at that.

    是的,我們不想——我不想按季度提供 EBITDA 的具體指導,所以我就這樣吧。

  • Ken Goldman - Analyst

    Ken Goldman - Analyst

  • Yeah.


  • If I can ask a quick one, Lubi, I'm not sure take too much time, but the EBITDA guidance for the year.

    如果我能快速問一個問題,Lubi,我不確定會花太多時間,但今年的 EBITDA 指導。

  • Does that include or exclude the $7.5 million accrual?

    這包括還是排除 750 萬美元的應計費用?

  • Just to be clear.


  • Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

    Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

  • We didn't guide to EBITDA, but we did guide to operating expenses, and that excludes the $7.5 million.

    我們沒有指導 EBITDA,但我們指導了營運費用,其中不包括 750 萬美元。

  • Ken Goldman - Analyst

    Ken Goldman - Analyst

  • Right.


  • That's right.


  • Thank you.


  • I apologize.


  • Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

    Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

  • No problem.


  • Operator


  • Michael Lavery, Piper Sandler.


  • Michael Lavery - Analyst

    Michael Lavery - Analyst

  • Thank you, good afternoon.


  • Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

    Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

  • Hi, good afternoon.


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Hi, there.


  • Michael Lavery - Analyst

    Michael Lavery - Analyst

  • Just curious if you could update us on sort of the state of the union for SKU rationalization and how much of that work is done or midstream versus Deltacom and obviously you've given the revenue guidance that wraps it all together.

    只是好奇您是否可以向我們介紹一下 SKU 合理化的聯盟狀況以及與 Deltacom 相比完成了多少工作,顯然您已經給出了將所有這些內容結合在一起的收入指導。

  • But how do we think about that as a piece of what we and what are the moving parts for revenues?


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • No, thanks for the question.


  • So obviously, we continue to complete the process of exiting jerky.


  • In terms of the overall emphasis and skews you're going to use, you'll see us very much lean into the Beyond IV platform this year, including launching a very I think it can be impactful and significant marketing campaign as we roll into more of it.

    就您將要使用的整體重點和偏向而言,您會看到我們今年非常傾向於 Beyond IV 平台,包括推出一項非常有影響力和重要的營銷活動,因為我們將推出更多內容它的。

  • But in terms of announcing any major skew reductions or things of that nature, we're not in a position to do that.


  • Michael Lavery - Analyst

    Michael Lavery - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's helpful.


  • And just maybe a little bit of a higher level.


  • Can you help us understand maybe if your target consumer has changed at all?


  • And I appreciate there's definitely some health and wellness seeking consumers, but certainly even quite a lot of them prioritize taste.


  • And I'd say historically, when you've talked about targeting mainstream consumers, it would seem like that's an even bigger priority and our survey work always points to that.


  • So I know you've called out some doctor and dietitian support for Beyond IV, but for the consumer who doesn't pay attention or care, is that just not kind of your audience the way that might have been in the past?

    所以我知道你已經呼籲一些醫生和營養師支持Beyond IV,但對於那些不關注或不關心的消費者來說,這是否不像過去那樣對你的觀眾友善?

  • Or how do we think about just the universe of consumers and how to excite them all?


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • No, it's a -- that's a great question.


  • My emphasis on the health side of things is simply because of the misinformation campaign.


  • We would not make these changes at the expense of test.


  • And in fact, the team was able to score higher on Century test would be on four platform versus Beyond III.

    事實上,該團隊在四個平台的 Century 測試中比 Beyond III 獲得了更高的分數。

  • As we do large testing is called CLT central location testing with consumers and don't move forward unless there's some statistically significant benefit that we see and so we did gain on the Century side as well as on the health side.

    當我們進行大型測試時,我們將其稱為 CLT 中心位置測試,除非我們看到一些統計上顯著的好處,否則我們不會繼續進行,因此我們確實在世紀方面和健康方面都取得了進展。

  • And the reason that that I'm so focused on making sure people understand the health benefits is one, we want to bring back in that very close in early adopter consumer that maybe has been scared away.


  • And so I think these changes are starting to do that and whether it's the inclusion of more premium ingredients.


  • We have red lentils, fiber being, CLP's and brown rice, for example, avocado oil, bringing the saturated fat down to just two grams.

    我們有紅扁豆、纖維、CLP 和糙米,例如酪梨油,將飽和脂肪降至僅兩克。

  • So you're sitting down having a barbecue.


  • You've got either an animal protein, that is 8.5 grams or so, a fatter and fatter, you have beyond which has two brands of heart-healthy, avocado oil and saturated fat.

    你要么吃動物蛋白,即 8.5 克左右,要么吃越來越多的脂肪,除此之外還有兩個品牌的有益心臟健康的鱷梨油和飽和脂肪。

  • And so it's not an either or we have to satisfy both.


  • And I think that that's the magic of Beyond Meat as we've done that in this case.

    我認為這就是 Beyond Meat 的魔力,因為我們在這個案例中做到了這一點。

  • And in doing that, not only do we bring back some of those consumers that maybe we're kind of discouraged from or taking, but we also do open ourselves up to be a real solution for consumers that whether they're I think if you saw the video we did with a doctor -- doctor hospital and they're talking about between the ages of 12 and 14, [2/3] of Americans used early signs of high cholesterol disease curve cholesterol disease, rather.


  • So whether this is about providing your family and your children with something that's going to benefit them over the long run, whether it's about addressing any concerns you have about your own health.


  • This is a really important solution for that, which is different than just saying, this taste just like meat.


  • And so we are going to emphasize that as we move forward and it opens up, obviously those much bigger categories that I talked about and it's necessary because there has been a very sophisticated campaign to suggest that our products are healthy.


  • And so we wanted to come back and as I said before, are in shopper data and just become even more clear on the health benefits.


  • I think at some point, the opposition to all of this will overstepped themselves and overstate their case because at the end of the day, what they're doing is discouraging people from making a choice that could really help them become healthier, right?


  • And at some point that cynical approach is going to become apparent.


  • And I think the more doctor’s nutritionists registered dietitians that come on board and support what we're trying to do to improve human health.


  • I think the more dangerous that tactic is.


  • Michael Lavery - Analyst

    Michael Lavery - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's helpful.


  • Operator


  • Andrew Strelzik, BMO.

    安德魯‧斯特雷齊克 (Andrew Strelzik),BMO。

  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Hi, this is Daniel on for Andrew Strelzik.

    大家好,我是安德魯‧斯特雷齊克 (Andrew Strelzik) 的丹尼爾。

  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • The release mentions ongoing further slowdown in plant-based meat category trends.


  • How do you juxtapose that with keeping the guidance?


  • What's like the


  • --


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah, I think this all goes back to what we've been looking at this trying to crack this not for three years or four years now, right?


  • And what's going to bring back growth, the category and we've done a ton of consumer research and analysis and just lived through it, right.


  • And so I think these products what this Beyond stake, whether it's which was again, was the number one new item in retail last year or that Beyond IV was rolling out now to really strong accolades from the right communities or that Beyond crumble just launched, we are addressing the fundamental issue with the category.

    因此,我認為這些產品是什麼 Beyond 股份,無論是哪一次,都是去年零售業的第一款新產品,或者 Beyond IV 現在推出並獲得了來自正確社區的強烈讚譽,或者 Beyond crumble 剛剛推出,我們正在解決該類別的根本問題。

  • And so we really do believe that will change the growth trajectory of the category and up Beyond Meat.


  • Second, if you look at Europe, right, and while there's some lumpiness in the data there.


  • Let's not forget that today McDonald's announced this very significant promotion around their famous meals at famous order program and the quote from the press release on that to me says a lot about where this whole category is moving and where Beyond Meat is moving.

    我們不要忘記,今天麥當勞宣布了一項非常重大的促銷活動,圍繞他們的名點餐計劃進行,新聞稿中的引述對我來說充分說明了整個品類的發展方向以及 Beyond Meat 的發展方向。

  • And so actually I get printed about I'm going to share a little bit of it.


  • It was two musicians similar to what they did here in the United States with folks like Travis, Scott, et cetera.


  • And I quote in the McDonald's press release was this like most people, Mcdonald's has been with us all their lives, the musicians speaking.


  • So it was a childhood dream, come true for us.


  • Mcdonald's assets, we wanted to create our own menus and burgers.


  • We both want to give up more, give up meat more and more often ourselves.


  • So we wanted to create menus that offer a real great alternative, right?


  • So you'll hear is McDonald's promoting the beyond the Beyond [Mcdonald] called the Beyond Mcdonald in this press release.


  • Actively and not only having the one bill, but to build around it as well as serving the Beyond nuggets for their Chicken McNuggets.


  • So there's a lot of noise around the category.


  • It's very early days still.


  • I can point to at least half as announced to get to profitability.


  • So that as this thing turns, we remain the category captain and we're doing it.


  • All the fundamental things we're doing whether it's leaning out our operating costs, raising our prices to restore margin, reducing our cost of goods sold, to restore margin, continue to focus on getting the right products to the right, consumers, all of these things position us to continue to lead the category.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • That's really helpful.


  • One different question, just on what your outlook is on cash burn and what that cadence might look like, kind of what would drive you to raise more cash, if like, at what level?


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Sure.


  • So I'll answer that in a general sense then turn over to Lubi.

    所以我會從一般意義上回答這個問題,然後交給 Lubi。

  • Yeah, we continue to bring on an overall trajectory cash consumption down.


  • The first quarter of the year is obviously different for us because we end up partner in more cash.


  • I mentioned in my comments in inventory things of that nature.


  • But quarter-over-quarter, I think you'll continue to see a nice reduction across the balance of the year.


  • Then we are taking steps, as I mentioned, to bolster the balance sheet and so that should help as well.


  • Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

    Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

  • Yeah, not really much to add to that.


  • So we don't guide to sort of projected cash burn by quarter or anything like that, but as Ethan said, all of the measures that we're taking to really improve gross margin.


  • And we also said that we -- our operating expenses are expected to be more front loaded than back, like all of these measures, right, we expect will translate into reduced cash consumption in the latter part of the year.


  • So we would expect the rate of growth of cash consumption in the balance of the year to be lower.


  • But as Ethan also mentioned, and we've said before, we're sort of bolstering our balance sheet is still a top priority for us.


  • So that's something that we still anticipate we will complete this year.


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

    Lubi Kutua - Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer

  • Sure.


  • Operator


  • Peter Saleh, BTIG.


  • Peter Saleh - Analyst

    Peter Saleh - Analyst

  • Great, thanks for taking the question.


  • Ethan, I wanted to ask on the Beyond IV you give us a list of all the endorsements from the accredited health institutions back here this product.

    伊森,我想在 Beyond IV 上請您給我們一份該產品獲得認可的衛生機構的所有認可的清單。

  • So I'm just curious, how do you really get this word out in math?


  • It's really change perception.


  • Is there a way to showcase this at the point of sale or on the packaging or any other way to just think outside the box to get this message out to really enact kind of step change going forward here?


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Great question.


  • And it's something I talk all the time about internally here.


  • And so from the air [game] all the way down to what you see in the store.


  • What I want our marketing to be doing is to have each of these ambulance present front and center on product literature to the extent that we can on a product packaging.


  • And so you'll see some of that.


  • But whether it's the American Heart Association recipe certification program, whether it's the American Diabetes or Clean Label Certification, that housekeeping policy, those should be front and center for the consumer because it is a signaling mechanism that cuts through the noise.


  • We've worked so hard to formulate the products to achieve those.


  • I want everyone to understand that, right.


  • And so we are launching a very significant campaign in terms of the messaging around the helpfulness of the products, and that will be as we roll into Memorial Day.


  • We have a terrific agency working on that with us.


  • They've done some fabulous work that including a Super Bowl ad this year that I think most people would really say is a great piece of work.


  • So we're going to be launching that and we expect that to begin to change perception and to be back some of the false narrative.


  • So I went so hard after this and really wasn't something that was happened overnight.


  • We had a member of our team here create this ecosystem and she was able to pull in the right doctors, nutritionists and folks within this community that got so much support and almost ownership right over these changes we're making to the product.


  • So there's a lot of pride from that community in what we'll be able to accomplish here, and they're going to be vocal on our behalf.


  • And you can see that we make announcements.


  • You can see people tagging in and suggesting and does this great work and things of that nature.


  • So as we move forward, the campaign will be very clear in its messaging around these endorsements that we've very clear in its messaging around what type of health benefits it can drive.


  • And so we're looking forward to.


  • Peter Saleh - Analyst

    Peter Saleh - Analyst

  • So when you say front and center, are you talking about you can use these or we'll use these or plan on using these Emblem on the actual packaging so that consumers see it in the down the aisle.


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yes.


  • Some of the packaging has them directly on it and others will have to signal it through, point of sale materials and advertise and things of that nature.


  • Not all of them will be on the back, but more and more as we go forward, you'll see them on that, for example, the I believe the stake already has a certification on its ADA, some of our packaging as well.

    並非所有這些都會在背面,但隨著我們的前進,您會越來越多地在背面看到它們,例如,我相信股份已經在其 ADA 上獲得了認證,我們的一些包裝也是如此。

  • Clean label project is on some of our packaging.


  • So yeah, I mean, it will be we're trying to be as overt as possible.


  • Peter Saleh - Analyst

    Peter Saleh - Analyst

  • Excellent.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah.


  • Operator


  • Robert Moskow, TD Cowan.


  • Robert Moskow - Analyst

    Robert Moskow - Analyst

  • I guess two quick questions, Lubi, I think on the last call you said that for to bolster the balance sheet, you would look at a combination of possibilities either debt or equity.


  • Is that still the case?


  • And secondly, Ethan you've talked a lot about growing the category, have you done any internal testing in terms of the taste of your product versus your number one competitor.


  • Anecdotally, I've heard that some prefer the competitor versus yours, but I'm sure you've done a lot of testing on your own.


  • So how does your product compare with competition?


  • And what are the differences?


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • We'll be happy to issue a better crowd Rob,


  • Robert Moskow - Analyst

    Robert Moskow - Analyst

  • I would enjoy better crowd.


  • It's a little (multiple speakers) I'm just joking.


  • First of all, competitors, nice job, great.


  • They're a good company, enjoy competing with them.


  • So it's not a [shared] relationship at all.


  • They do a nice job.


  • We of course, that are very competitive and all that other stuff, I think this what's interesting is that the ground meat in a Patty form without seasoning, it actually tastes kind of okay, right.


  • It's not it's not a thing that blows away.


  • So when we do sensory testing right, you'd be surprised at how much both products really resemble or at least a score at parity with animal protein.


  • And so we do a lot of tests relative to our competition.


  • We feel good about the results.


  • We don't move forward if we don't put it that way.


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Yeah then, Rob, on your first question regarding the balance sheet.


  • Yeah, nothing has really changed since the last time we were on the call.


  • And so yes, we would consider all of those options that you mentioned.


  • Robert Moskow - Analyst

    Robert Moskow - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • sure.


  • Operator


  • This concludes our question-and-answer session.


  • I would like to turn the conference back over to Ethan Brown, CEO for any closing remarks.

    我想將會議轉回執行長伊森布朗 (Ethan Brown) 發表閉幕詞。

  • Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

    Ethan Brown - President, Chief Executive Officer, Director

  • Thank you.


  • Not to be repetitive, but just to be clear, we really do believe that we are at the early stages of a terrific and pivotal year for Beyond Meat.

    不想重複,但要明確的是,我們確實相信我們正處於 Beyond Meat 非凡且關鍵的一年的早期階段。

  • The leaning out of our operating expenses, the stabilization of pricing and the lowering of our cost of goods and the improvements we're seeing across margin there, addressing the number one issue in the category coming out with products that are not only winning on century, but also receiving such accolades from such important institutions around the health benefits.


  • We're doing the things you need to get through a period that is challenging and resume growth.


  • So I'm excited.


  • I think the team here is excited, and we're looking forward to reporting to the balance of the year, and we'll be in touch.


  • Thanks.
