Bentley Systems Inc (BSY) 2024 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Editor


  • Portions of this transcript marked (audio in progress) indicate audio problems.


  • The missing text will be supplied if a replay becomes available.


  • Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

    Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

  • (audio in progress) To each of you once again for your interest in BSY.

    (音頻正在進行)再次感謝你們每個人對 BSY 的關注。

  • Compared with the remit of CEO, Nicholas; and CFO, Werner, who will follow today, my perspectives as Executive Chair by rights would tend more towards qualitative and longer-term considerations.

    與執行長尼古拉斯的職權範圍相比;以及今天將出席的財務長沃納 (Werner),作為執行主席,我的觀點理所當然地更傾向於定性和長期的考慮。

  • The progress we're reporting for this inaugural quarter after completion of our generational succession underscores my confidence in raising our sites in these respects.


  • Hopefully, you will have viewed these worthwhile and concise keynotes presented at our annual conference in Vancouver last month.


  • And if not yet, please do follow the links here.


  • In any case, I defer to Nicholas to summarize the directions and developments which he and his team shared, I thought more effectively than ever.


  • I likewise recommend the supporting going digital award finalist project presentations, each a compelling case story describing and quantifying how our digital advancements together are helping to surmount the infrastructure engineering resource capacity gap.


  • My own role this year was in selecting the very deserving founders' honorees for this year and recording presentations to explain why, which you can find here.


  • 20 -- Q3's progress toward our targeted ARR growth trajectory for the year goes beyond the commendable quantitative gains, which Nicholas and Werner will cover.

    20—第三季在我們實現年度目標 ARR 成長軌跡方面取得的進展超出了值得稱讚的數量增長,Nicholas 和 Werner 將對此進行介紹。

  • As we charted in this year's early going, as the proportions under E365 and then subject to annual floors and ceilings, deliberately increase year-over-year ARR growth will naturally ramp somewhat more throughout each calendar year.

    正如我們在今年年初所繪製的,由於 E365 下的比例受到年度下限和上限的影響,故意增加的年度 ARR 增長率自然會在每個日曆年有所增加。

  • Usually now for multiple years, we and our enterprise accounts have constructively agreed to contain and exchange the potential extremes of their consumption volatility for a predictable and mutually satisfactory range of visibility.


  • The purposeful advantage of this for us and investors is that in each successive quarter now, we benefit from greater visibility and linearity in ARR growth both within the quarter and over foreseeable future years.

    對於我們和投資者來說,這樣做的好處是,現在在每個季度中,我們都可以從本季度以及可預見的未來幾年中更大的 ARR 成長可見性和線性中受益。

  • In effect, we have traded off some potential for quantitative upside extremes for greater qualitative continuity of our annual ARR growth.

    實際上,我們犧牲了一些量化上行極端的潛力,以換取年度 ARR 成長的更大的定性連續性。

  • Balanced against this risk truncation in our traditional paid per user business is our new and promising but intrinsically lumpy asset analytics business in asset analytics were paid annually per asset, but we've got to secure major enterprise procurements, adding to asset analytics volatility, this is our priority for ongoing but less predictable programmatic acquisitions.


  • In covering today my Executive Chair responsibility for capital allocation, I will come back shortly to review our uses of cash for such acquisitions.


  • But to get there, we should start with our sources of cash flow, also characterized by rather unique visibility.


  • This shows BSY's operating profit performance over our four-year history as a public company.

    這顯示了 BSY 作為上市公司四年歷史上的營業利潤表現。

  • Because our management is held to improving margins on an annual basis, what's plotted for each quarter is the last 12 months adjusted operating income after stock-based compensation as our majority share owning Board regards SBC as fungible with cash compensation.

    由於我們的管理階層致力於每年提高利潤率,因此每季繪製的是過去 12 個月扣除股票薪酬後的調整後營業收入,因為我們持有多數股權的董事會認為 SBC 可以與現金薪酬取代。

  • Over this public lifetime, we have maintained a compounded annual growth rate of 15% in AOI less SBC, subject to minor variance primarily early during the pandemic with unanticipated savings in travel and events.

    在公司上市期間,我們的 AOI 減去 SBC 一直保持著 15% 的複合年增長率,僅在疫情初期由於差旅和活動方面的意外節省而出現了微小的變化。

  • Our accounting profit visibility is an outlier compared to the volatility of our software peers and is bound to be ever more so by virtue of our consumption-oriented business model.


  • Our visibility is because essentially, we do not book revenues that we haven't billed annually in advance and the great majority of our rev recognition is strictly on pace with consumption.


  • Thus, with subscriptions now 91% of our revenues and over 70% and increasing of our subscriptions revenue booked ratably as if pre-606 and virtually no multiyear bookings our annual profit growth rate corresponds straightforwardly to our consistent ARR growth rate plus the proportionate rate of consistent annual expansion in margins.

    因此,目前訂閱收入占我們收入的 91%,訂閱收入的 70% 以上(且呈成長趨勢),按比例預訂,就像 606 之前一樣,而且幾乎沒有多年預訂,我們的年度利潤增長率直接對應於我們一致的 ARR 增長率加上利潤率一致的年度擴張比例。

  • Last quarter, I rather offhandedly said what you see is what we get about the direct-ish relationship between our operating profits and cash flows.


  • Here's how this looks quantitatively over our public company history, again accumulating the last 12 months through each quarter to abstract from seasonality.

    這是我們上市公司歷史上的量化表現,再次透過每季累積過去 12 個月的數據,以抽象化季節性。

  • While we have experienced some temporary collections timing offsets as in '22 Q4, our free cash flow has also tended to compound rather reliably.

    雖然我們經歷了一些暫時的收款時間抵銷(如 22 年第四季),但我們的自由現金流也趨於相當可靠地複合。

  • Of course, in conventional terms of conversion rates, free cash flow wouldn't be expected to exceed operating profit.


  • That appears to be generally the case here only because for us, operating profit is reckoned after the costs of noncash SPC.

    這裡的情況似乎普遍如此,因為對我們來說,營業利潤是在非現金 SPC 成本之後計算的。

  • For our majority share owning Board cash flow could only be regarded as discretionarily free after setting aside an amount equal to stock-based compensation for equity purchases to offset what would otherwise be dilution and as is, in fact, our intended regular practice at BSY.

    對於我們持有多數股權的董事會來說,只有在撥出相當於股票薪酬的金額用於股權購買以抵消原本稀釋的現金後,現金流才可視為可自由支配,事實上,這也是 BSY 的常規做法。

  • Not surprisingly, here you see that our truly free cash flow or FCF, less SBC tracks rather consistently with our operating profit.

    毫不奇怪,在這裡您可以看到我們的真正自由現金流或 FCF(減去 SBC)與我們的營業利潤相當一致。

  • And indeed, throughout our four years as a public company, we have maintained a compounded annual growth rate in less SBC of likewise 15%.

    事實上,在我們作為上市公司的四年期間,我們的 SBC 一直保持著 15% 的複合年增長率。

  • This emphasis as much on consistency and sustainability and quality of earnings metrics as we are even further distinguished by visibility over volatility, is an enduring objective and capability of BSY -- and it happens that there is a reason to consider this trajectory of FCS less SBC to be currently relevant for our capital allocation.

    我們不僅強調收益指標的一致性、可持續性和質量,還進一步強調了可見性而非波動性,這是 BSY 的持久目標和能力——而且我們有理由認為,目前 FCS 減去 SBC 的軌跡與我們的資本配置相關。

  • This metric has been highlighted to us as perhaps the most plausible valuation basis for a predictably growing and compounding company like ours.


  • The immediate implication is for our almost $690 million of convertible debt, which will mature and need to be refinanced in January 2026 if not converted into about 11 million newly issued shares, which are already included in our diluted share count at just over $64 per share.

    直接的影響是我們近 6.9 億美元的可轉換債務將於 2026 年 1 月到期,如果不轉換為約 1100 萬股新發行的股票,則需要進行再融資,這些股票已經包含在我們的稀釋股數中,每股價格略高於 64 美元。

  • So now it behooves us to factor into our capital planning, the potential path of our stock price.


  • If you research this, I think you will find that if for the coming five quarters, our FCF less SBC would continue to grow at this established 15% CAGR, then our stock would crest the conversion price if it's valuation multiple of FCF, less SBC would merely be at least at the current median among our design software peers.

    如果你對此進行研究,我想你會發現,如果在未來五個季度中,我們的 FCF 減去 SBC 繼續以既定的 15% 複合年增長率增長,那麼如果我們的股票估值倍數 FCF 減去 SBC 僅僅至少達到我們設計軟體同行中的當前中位數,那麼我們的股票將達到轉換價格的頂峰。

  • So while conversion of the 2026 convertibles is legitimately possible, of course, we have judiciously prepared for potential debt refinancing by putting in place last month and improved and expanded new five-year syndicated bank credit facility with revolver capacity of $1.3 billion plus further available $500 million accordion.

    因此,雖然 2026 年可轉換債券的轉換是合法可能的,但當然,我們已經明智地為潛在的債務再融資做好了準備,上個月我們已經建立並改善並擴大了新的五年期銀團銀行信貸額度,其循環信貸容量為 13 億美元,另外還有 5 億美元的可用循環信貸額度。

  • Our predictable and compounding annual cash flows supports debt capacity, which enables us to be agile in responding to the rare opportunities for platform acquisitions such as of Seequent and Power Line Systems, which continue to drive increasing investment returns.

    我們可預測且複合的年度現金流支持了債務能力,這使我們能夠靈活應對平台收購的難得機會,例如 Seequent 和 Power Line Systems 等,這將繼續推動投資回報的成長。

  • As you see, our capital allocation since these platform acquisitions has prioritized delevering to what is probably now near optimum leverage levels given our cash flow consistency.


  • There is no platform acquisition in prospect, but we think the headroom in the new facility prepares us amply should an opportunity arise.


  • At all times, our capital allocation priorities, along with affording our modest dividend and the equity repurchases to offset stock-based compensation, contemplate relatively consistent expenditures for smaller programmatic acquisitions.


  • Here, you see our public tenure programmatic acquisition expenditures smooth on a trailing-year basis through '24 Q2.

    在這裡,您可以看到,截至 2024 年第二季度,我們的公共權利項目收購支出在過去一年中保持穩定。

  • The pace had trailed off over the last 1.5 years, primarily reflecting a change in our acquisition assessments and priorities coinciding with our generational succession.


  • This is now fully signified by our acquisition during '24 Q3 of Cesium which, by the way, serves to bring last 12-month expenditures back to our established range in very low nine figures annually.

    我們在 2024 年第三季收購 Cesium 充分證明了這一點,順便說一句,這有助於將過去 12 個月的支出拉回到我們既定的範圍內,每年支出約為 9 位數。

  • I couldn't be more pleased with the acquisition of Cesium.

    我對收購 Cesium 感到非常高興。

  • From their start, Cesium has been our neighboring company in many respects.

    從一開始,Cesium 在許多方面就是我們的鄰居。

  • I leave to Nicolas and others to articulate as they did at our year and Infrastructure 2024 Conference.

    我讓 Nicolas 和其他人像我們今年和基礎設施 2024 會議上那樣進行闡述。

  • The compounding technical and commercial synergies with our iTwin platform around 3D geospatial immersion for infrastructure digital twins.

    我們的 iTwin 平台圍繞著基礎設施數位孿生的 3D 地理空間沉浸式體驗產生複合技術和商業協同效應。

  • For me and my brothers, suffice it to say that internalizing and infusing CZM's naturally more youthful ethos with its corresponding track record of continued vigorous success against world-class compensation to institutionalize its open-source platform and open standards is a resounding accompaniment and reinforcement to the truly generational succession at BSY, which now extends to our new Chief Platform Officer, Cesium Founder and CEO, Patrick Cosi.

    對於我和我的兄弟來說,可以說,內化和注入 CZM 自然更年輕的精神,以及其在世界級薪酬方面持續取得的巨大成功,使其開源平台和開放標準制度化,是對 BSY 真正代際傳承的有力支持和強化,現在這種傳承已經延伸到我們新任首席平台官、Cesium 創始人兼首席執行官 Patrick Cosi。

  • I think it would sufficiently substantiate uniqueness -- for Arcade, which only recently exceeded 50 colleagues to have become indispensable for the top-notch open Geospatial consortium, which among things, spans and unifies the world government requirements, and for Google, as to its own price list and ubiquitous geospatial content as well as for developers of tens of thousands of geospatial and digital twin application projects, including all of ours at BSI and all those with iTwin reflecting this breadth and even though its ARR is still relatively insignificant on our scale, the pace of open source early adopters individually upgrading to paid subscriptions seems to compare satisfactorily in relation to other ultimate open platform software winners at the same level of maturity.

    我認為這足以證明其獨特性——對於 Arcade 來說,它最近才超過 50 名同事,已成為頂級開放地理空間聯盟不可或缺的一部分,該聯盟涵蓋並統一了世界政府的要求;對於谷歌來說,它有自己的價目表和無處不在的地理空間內容,以及數以萬計的地理空間和數字孿生應用項目的開發者,包括我們在 BSI 項目的所有 iRR 在這個項目上的產品相對微不足道,但與相同成熟度等級的其他最終開放平台軟體贏家相比,開源早期採用者單獨升級到付費訂閱的速度似乎令人滿意。

  • But may be again unique in having also proven its substantial enterprise pedigree.


  • From the standpoint of our strategic investment, what seems utterly persuasive is the industrial strength endorsement of heavy construction equipment market leader, Komatsu's global enterprise adoption of Cesium Cobas undertook an exhaustive search for a platform software to anchor their strategic initiatives for the domain, which is very relevant to BSY and to our accounts and aspirations of earthmoving digital trends.

    從我們的戰略投資角度來看,重型建築設備市場領導者小松對 Cesium Cobas 的工業實力認可似乎極具說服力,該公司對 Cesium 進行了全面的搜索,以尋找一個平台軟體來鞏固其在該領域的戰略舉措,這與 BSY 以及我們對土方數字趨勢的描述和願望非常相關。

  • CCM-based heavy construction simulation products are already in the Japanese market through Komatsu's full-scale earth brain joint venture which includes NTT and Sony.


  • This will increase our foothold in the huge Japanese market for infrastructure engineering with 3D construction now an explicit Japanese government priority and where to date, we have been conspicuously underrepresented.

    這將增強我們在日本龐大的基礎設施工程市場的立足點,3D 建築現已成為日本政府的明確優先事項,而迄今為止,我們在該領域的代表性明顯不足。

  • But finally, I think an equal case for our substantial investment can be made from a financial investor perspective as well.


  • In addition to validating and accelerating commercial as well as technical maturity, substantial incremental revenue from Komatsu's ongoing licensing and commission development has enabled Cesium to become and to remain cash flow neutral seemingly a rarity at such an aspirational stage.

    除了驗證和加速商業和技術成熟度之外,小松持續的授權和佣金開發帶來的大量增量收入使 Cesium 能夠保持現金流中性,這在如此理想的階段似乎是罕見的。

  • Going forward, while our platform investments and organizations are emerging, R&D synergies are abundant.


  • In particular, Cesium will underlie integrated immersive visualization across our asset analytics portfolio, and I expect its widespread penetration to open up new entry points for instant on digital twins.

    特別是,Cesium 將成為我們資產分析組合中整合沉浸式視覺化的基礎,我預計它的廣泛滲透將為即時數位孿生開闢新的切入點。

  • Most significantly for me, this qualitatively different acquisition raises our sites as to the substantial incremental opportunities which Nicolas and his executive generation have, I think, astutely identified and prioritized for AI-driven digital twins to sustain resilient infrastructure asset performance.

    對我來說,最重要的是,這次質的飛躍的收購提升了我們對大量增量機會的關注,我認為,Nicolas 和他的高管團隊精明地發現並優先考慮了人工智能驅動的數位孿生,以維持彈性基礎設施資產的性能。

  • And now to review '24 Q3's commendably productive first 100 days along this arc of progress over to Nicholas.

    現在來回顧一下 24 Q3 在尼古拉斯的帶領下取得的令人稱讚的豐碩成果的前 100 天。

  • Thank you.


  • Nicholas Cumins - Chief Executive Officer

    Nicholas Cumins - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Greg.


  • In early October, infrastructure leaders met in Vancouver for our Annual Year Infrastructure Conference and going digital awards.


  • This event is without a doubt a highlight of the year for Bentley.


  • The extraordinary work that our users accomplish with our software is both inspiring and humbling.


  • Their project stories bringing to focus how we connect with our purpose to advance infrastructure for better quality of life.


  • It just so happened that YII coincided with my 100th day as CEO.

    恰巧,YII 恰逢我擔任 CEO 的第 100 天。

  • During my first 100 days, we unveiled ambitious strategic moves that will help propel our future growth while delivering strong quarterly results.


  • In September, as Greg mentioned, we acquired Cesium the foundational open platform for creating 3D geospatial applications.

    正如 Greg 所提到的,9 月份,我們收購了創建 3D 地理空間應用程式的基礎開放平台 Cesium。

  • Since we launched iTwin more than five years ago, -- we have learned that a 3D geospecial view is the most intuitive way for users to search for query and visualize information about infrastructure networks and assets.

    自從五年多前推出 iTwin 以來,我們了解到 3D 地理特殊視圖是用戶搜尋查詢和視覺化基礎設施網路和資產資訊的最直觀的方式。

  • Combining Cesium and iTwin technologies enable developers to create astonishing user experiences that help infrastructure professionals make better informed decisions in full 3D geospatial context.

    結合 Cesium 和 iTwin 技術,開發人員可以創造令人驚嘆的使用者體驗,幫助基礎設施專業人員在完整的 3D 地理空間環境中做出更明智的決策。

  • Cesium's Founder and CEO, Patrick Cosi, has joined Bentley as our Chief Platform Officer, and he is leading the development of the combined Cesium and iTwin platform offerings.

    Cesium 的創辦人兼執行長 Patrick Cosi 已加入 Bentley 擔任我們的首席平台官,並領導 Cesium 和 iTwin 平台組合產品的開發。

  • At we announced a strategic partnership with Google to bring Google's unmatched geospatial data and capabilities into Bentley software.

    我們宣布與 Google 建立策略合作夥伴關係,將 Google 無與倫比的地理空間資料和功能引入 Bentley 軟體。

  • The partnership complements our acquisition of Cesium, and it is worth noting that Google uses the 3D TARS open standard created by Cesium.

    此次合作是對我們收購 Cesium 的補充,值得注意的是,Google使用了 Cesium 創建的 3D TARS 開放標準。

  • Users will be able to incorporate Google's photo real estate 3D TARS into their digital workflows to enhance our users' experiences even further.

    用戶將能夠將 Google 的照片房地產 3D TARS 納入他們的數位工作流程中,以進一步增強用戶的體驗。

  • Bentley Asset Analytics was another strategic announcements we made at YII.

    Bentley Asset Analytics 是我們在 YII 發布的另一個策略公告。

  • As you recall, we previewed this exciting opportunity on (inaudible) calls earlier this year.


  • We are bringing together existing products and solutions with new innovations and acquisitions into a new product portfolio that leverages AI to get insights into the condition of existing infrastructure assets.


  • We want to empower engineering firms, among others, to leverage these capabilities and extend their expertise into asset operations.


  • We also continue to advance our Bentley open applications with the interaction of the plus generation of applications that are digital twin native, AI-powered and run on the desktop while offering the benefits of cloud.

    我們還將繼續推進我們的 Bentley 開放應用程序,透過與新一代應用程式的交互,這些應用程式是數位孿生原生的、由人工智慧驅動的、在桌面上運行的,同時提供雲端的優勢。

  • For example, running on multiple operating systems and remaining current with automatic updates.


  • These applications enable data-centric workflows while allowing engineers to generate a file in the format of their choosing if and when they need to.


  • OpenSite Plus for civil site engineering is the first of this new generation, which will complement existing Bentley open applications for the foreseeable future.

    適用於土木工程的 OpenSite Plus 是新一代產品中的第一款產品,它將在可預見的未來對現有的 Bentley 開放應用程式進行補充。

  • It is also our first application that leverages AI for design, for example, to suggest alternative layouts and automate drawing production.


  • These recent moves and initiatives accelerate our vision of open data AI ecosystems for the built and natural environment.


  • The future of infrastructure engineering is open because infrastructure projects are complex.


  • None of the infrastructure leaders we talk to believe in an approach where all their data is centralized in one place.


  • None of them wants to be locked into a single vendor's proprietary system.


  • They are all looking to combine data from a wide variety of sources to understand infrastructure in its full context to make better informed decisions.


  • Our job at Bentley is to make it as easy as possible for them to leverage the value of their data no matter how or where it was created.

    在 Bentley,我們的工作是讓他們盡可能輕鬆地利用資料的價值,無論資料是如何或在哪裡創建的。

  • We are well positioned to answer the industry's call for openness, which has been a core principle since our founding 40 years ago.


  • Now to our business performance for the quarter.


  • We continue to execute at a high level and market sentiment remain very positive.


  • We delivered broad-based AR performance across sectors and geographies.

    我們提供了跨行業和跨地區的廣泛 AR 性能。

  • We were pleased once again with the contributions from our E365 and Virtuous IT growth initiatives.

    我們再次對 E365 和 Virtuous IT 成長計畫所做的貢獻感到滿意。

  • The two headwinds in the quarter remained China, in particular, for ARR and cohesive, our digital integrator business, with respect to professional services revenues for IBM Maximo Services.

    本季的兩大不利因素仍然是中國,特別是對於 ARR 和我們的數位整合商業務而言,就 IBM Maximo Services 的專業服務收入而言。

  • We continue to deliver very strong profitability and cash flow.


  • Moving to AR growth, our key metric of business performance year-over-year.

    轉向 AR 成長,這是我們衡量年度業務績效的關鍵指標。

  • In Q3, this accelerated to 12% as we had anticipated directionally.

    在第三季度,這一比例加速至 12%,正如我們預期的那樣。

  • We expect AR growth to continue to benefit from E365 renewals in Q4 based on the impact of floors and ceilings.

    根據地板和天花板的影響,我們預計 AR 成長將繼續受益於第四季的 E365 更新。

  • Excluding the impact of China, AR growth was 12.5%.


  • China now represents about 2.5% of our total ARR.


  • Moving to our growth by commercial models.


  • Our E365 programs remain a major growth driver with continued upgrades of accounts from the Select subscription program and application mix accretion, upsell or cross-sell with an existing E365 accounts.

    我們的 E365 計劃仍然是主要的成長動力,透過精選訂閱方案的帳戶持續升級和應用程式組合累積,以及透過現有的 E365 帳戶進行追加銷售或交叉銷售。

  • In Q3, new logos contributed 3.5 percentage points of AR growth with SMB continuing to be the main driver.

    第三季度,新標誌為 AR 成長貢獻了 3.5 個百分點,中小企業繼續成為主要推動力。

  • We classify SMB accounts as those with less than $100,000 of ARR per year.

    我們將 SMB 帳戶歸類為每年 ARR 低於 100,000 美元的帳戶。

  • The outlook for SMB business remains as promising as ever.


  • Our Virtuosity subscriptions targeted primarily at SMB through our online store, continue to add a significant number of new logos in Q3, the 11th straight quarter of more than 600 new logos.

    我們的 Virtuosity 訂閱主要透過我們的線上商店面向中小企業,在第三季度繼續增加大量新標識,這是連續第 11 個季度增加超過 600 個新標識。

  • Moving to industry dynamics, which continue to be robust.


  • In the most recent ACEC quarterly survey, the main theme is consistent with previous quarters.

    在最近的 ACEC 季度調查中,主要主題與前幾季一致。

  • US engineering firms across sectors expect higher backlogs 12 months from now.

    美國各行業的工程公司預計未來 12 個月的積壓訂單將會增加。

  • They also continue to express optimism regarding the design and engineering sector and their own firm's overall finances and there was a notable uptick for the outlook of the US economy.


  • Looking at our performance by infrastructure sector in Q3.


  • Public works utilities continue to be the main growth driver for the company benefiting from robust global infrastructure spending across transportation, water utilities, and electric grid.


  • Seequent's biggest growth driver year-to-date continues to be civil.

    今年迄今為止,Seequent 最大的成長動力依然來自民用業務。

  • At this year's YII it was very clear that we are only at the very beginning of how Seequent can help our users with subsurface modeling within the civil space.

    在今年的 YII 上,我們清楚地看到了 Seequent 如何幫助我們的用戶在土木空間內進行地下建模才剛剛起步。

  • Resources growth was solid despite new mine investments remaining soft.


  • The industrial and the commercial facility sectors continue to have modest growth.


  • Moving on to regions.


  • Americas delivered strong growth once again driven by North America, with Latin America performing at a high level.


  • In the US, only 40% of IIJA funding that is $480 billion has been announced to date with much less awarded.

    在美國,迄今為止,IIJA 的資助金額(4,800 億美元)中只有 40% 已經宣布實施,實際落實的金額則少得多。

  • The majority of the funding announced has been for transportation.


  • Performance remained steady in EMEA in Q3 with Middle East, again (technical difficulty) highlights.


  • Asia Pacific also delivered strong growth across sectors with Southeast Asia and India standing out.


  • As expected, growth in India picked up following the elections as infrastructure funding remains a government priority.


  • China's performance continued to be impacted by the same headwinds, soft economic conditions, and shifting preferences by state-owned enterprise accounts for perpetual licenses and local software due to geopolitical tensions.


  • All in all, we are pleased with our performance year to date.


  • We continue to execute well, and our end market conditions remain favorable.


  • Before I turn it over to Werner, I want to thank our colleagues for delivering another successful quarter.


  • I also want to apologize that I will not be able to be with you for the Q&A portion of the call due to a family matter.


  • I look forward to speaking with many of you in the near future.


  • Over to you, Werner.


  • Werner Andre - Chief Financial Officer

    Werner Andre - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Nicholas.


  • We are pleased with another consistent and strong quarter.


  • I'll start with our revenue performance.


  • Subscription revenues grew 12% year-over-year for the quarter and year-to-date in reported and in constant currency.

    以報告和固定匯率計算,本季和年初至今的訂閱收入較去年同期成長 12%。

  • With the backdrop of favorable end market conditions, our E365 and SMB initiatives continue to be solid contributors to our subscription revenue growth.

    在有利的終端市場條件下,我們的 E365 和 SMB 計劃繼續為我們的訂閱收入成長做出堅實的貢獻。

  • On a year-to-date basis, subscription revenues now represent 91% of our total revenues, up from 88% in the prior year.

    從年初至今,訂閱收入占我們總收入的 91%,高於前一年的 88%。

  • Perpetual license revenues for the quarter were $11 million, down $0.5 million year over year.

    本季永久授權收入為 1,100 萬美元,年減 50 萬美元。

  • Perpetual license sales make up only 3% of our total revenues and will remain small relative to our recurring revenues.

    永久授權銷售僅占我們總收入的 3%,相對於我們的經常性收入而言,這一比例仍然很小。

  • Our professional services revenues for the quarter declined by $3 million, down 14% year-over-year or 15% in constant currency driven primarily by the previous discussed delays in IBM Maximo related implementation and upgrade work within our digital integrator cohesive.

    本季我們的專業服務收入下降了 300 萬美元,比去年同期下降了 14%,按固定匯率計算下降了 15%,這主要是由於先前討論過的 IBM Maximo 相關實施和升級工作延遲所致。

  • While we do see pipeline improvements and retain our readiness to execute.


  • We currently expect that we won't see meaningful revenue improvements until late in 2024 or early 2025.

    我們目前預計,直到 2024 年末或 2025 年初才會看到顯著的收入成長。

  • As we mentioned earlier this year, an opportunity introduced by the version upgrade delays we have observed this year is that we are now better positioned to also offer our accounts to transition from on-premise solutions to our hosted managed services for Maximo, facilitating eventual integration with our iTwin environment.

    正如我們今年早些時候提到的,我們今年觀察到的版本升級延遲帶來的一個機會是,我們現在可以更好地提供我們的帳戶從內部部署解決方案過渡到我們為 Maximo 託管的管理服務,從而促進最終與我們的 iTwin 環境的整合。

  • While our mainstay subscription revenues continue to exceed expectations, the reduction in cohesive professional services for Maximo curtailed our growth in total revenues, which were up 9% year-over-year for the quarter and year-to-date in reported and constant currency.

    雖然我們的主要訂閱收入繼續超出預期,但 Maximo 的凝聚性專業服務的減少抑制了我們的總收入增長,按報告和固定匯率計算,本季度和年初至今的總收入同比增長 9%。

  • Moving on to our recurring revenue performance.


  • Our last 12 months recurring revenues increased by 11% year-over-year in reported and in constant currency and represent 91% of our total last 12 months revenues.

    我們過去 12 個月的經常性收入按報告和固定匯率計算年增 11%,占我們過去 12 個月總收入的 91%。

  • Our last 12 months constant currency account retention rate remained at 99%, and our constant currency recurring revenue net retention rate rounded up to 109%.

    我們過去 12 個月的固定匯率帳戶留存率維持在 99%,而我們的固定匯率經常性收入淨留存率則達到 109%。

  • Moving on to our ARR growth.

    繼續討論我們的 ARR 成長。

  • We ended Q3 with ARR of $1.271 billion at quarter end spot rates with our E365 and SMB growth initiatives remaining the key growth drivers.

    以季末現貨價格計算,我們第三季的 ARR 為 12.71 億美元,其中,E365 和 SMB 成長計畫仍然是主要成長動力。

  • Our constant currency growth rate was 12% year-over-year or 12.5%, excluding China where we continue to experience ARR attrition.

    我們的固定匯率成長率為年增 12% 或 12.5%,不包括中國,因為我們在中國繼續經歷 ARR 流失。

  • China currently represents approximately 2.5% of ARR, down from approximately 3% a year ago.


  • The contribution from programmatic acquisitions to our year-over-year ARR growth rate is less than 50 basis points, while in the year ago period, onboarded ARR from programmatic acquisitions contributed in the range of 1%.

    程序化收購對我們年平均營收成長率的貢獻不到 50 個基點,而去年同期,程式化收購帶來的年平均營收貢獻在 1% 左右。

  • Excluding the impact of programmatic acquisitions, our organic year-over-year ARR growth performance was approximately 11.5% or 12% excluding China, both at least in line with the year ago period.

    排除程序化收購的影響,我們的有機 ARR 年成長表現約為 11.5% 或 12%(不含中國),均至少與去年同期持平。

  • On a sequential quarterly basis, our constant currency ARR growth rate was 3.2%, which exceeded our expectations and was driven by strong performance across geographies and sectors.

    按季度計算,我們的固定匯率 ARR 成長率為 3.2%,超出了我們的預期,這得益於各地區和各部門的強勁表現。

  • As a reminder, Q4 remains for us the biggest contract renewal quarter of the year. and thereby represents the quarter with our biggest ARR growth opportunity.

    提醒一下,第四季對我們來說仍然是今年合約續約最多的季度。因此,該季度是我們 ARR 成長機會最大的季度。

  • The increased percentage of our E365 accounts on consumption floors and ceilings further impacts our ARR growth seasonality and tends to align an increased portion of our ARR accretion related to E365 consumption with the annual contract renewal timing, which is also heavily weighted towards Q4.

    我們的 E365 帳戶在消費底線和上限上的百分比增加進一步影響了我們的 ARR 成長季節性,並且傾向於使與 E365 消費相關的 ARR 成長比例增加與年度合約續約時間保持一致,這也嚴重偏向第四季度。

  • Based on our AR performance trajectory throughout the first three quarters and expectations for the remainder of the year, we are trending above the midpoint of our 10.5% to 13% ARR growth outlook range for 2024.

    根據我們前三個季度的 AR 表現走勢和對今年剩餘時間的預期,我們預計將超過 2024 年 10.5% 至 13% ARR 成長預期範圍的中點。

  • Now moving to profitability performance.


  • Our GAAP operating income was $69 million for the third quarter and $241 million year to date.

    我們第三季的 GAAP 營業收入為 6,900 萬美元,今年迄今為 2.41 億美元。

  • We have previously discussed the impact on our GAAP operating results from amortization of purchased intangibles, deferred compensation plan liability revaluations, and acquisition expenses.

    我們之前討論過購買無形資產攤銷、遞延薪酬計畫負債重估和收購費用對我們的 GAAP 經營績效的影響。

  • Moving on to adjusted operating income, with stock-based compensation expense, our primary profitability and margin performance measure.


  • Adjusted operating income with stock-based compensation expense was $90 million for the quarter, up 4% year-over-year with a margin of 26.7%.

    本季調整後的營業收入(扣除股票薪酬費用)為 9,000 萬美元,年增 4%,利潤率為 26.7%。

  • Year-to-date, adjusted operating income with stock-based compensation expense was $297 million, up 19%, with a margin of 29.6%, up 240 basis points year over year.

    年初至今,扣除股票薪酬費用後的調整後營業收入為 2.97 億美元,成長 19%,利潤率為 29.6%,較去年同期成長 240 個基點。

  • As a reminder, our first half of 2024 was particularly profitable with our adjusted operating income, with stock-based compensation expense margin at 31.1%, up 430 basis points year over year.

    提醒一下,我們 2024 年上半年的調整後營業收入特別獲利,股票薪酬費用利潤率為 31.1%,較去年同期成長 430 個基點。

  • The first half of 2024 benefited from run rate savings associated with our strategic realignment program. and the higher gross margin from the mix shift from lower-margin professional services revenues to higher-margin subscription revenues.

    2024 年上半年受益於與我們的策略調整計畫相關的運作率節省。而較高的毛利率則來自於從利潤率較低的專業服務收入轉變為利潤率較高的訂閱收入的轉變。

  • While this put us in a strong position to deliver on our 100 basis points intended annual margin improvement.

    雖然這使我們處於有利地位,可以實現預期的 100 個基點的年度利潤率提高。

  • We do not undertake to maximize short-term profitability.


  • And over the full year, we instead prioritize investing in longer-term initiatives, such as AI and product development, and marketing.


  • We expect a greater amount of reinvestment in Q4, combined with our typical seasonal increase of OpEx in the fourth quarter due to larger promotional and event-related costs.


  • For the year, we continue to expect 100 basis points of margin expansion, in line with our annual outlook.

    對於今年,我們繼續預期利潤率將擴大 100 個基點,與我們的年度展望一致。

  • With respect to liquidity -- our operating cash flow was $86 million for the quarter and $354 million year to date.

    關於流動性——本季我們的營運現金流為 8,600 萬美元,年初至今為 3.54 億美元。

  • Our year-to-date operating cash flow benefited from our strong profitability and reflected a conversion from adjusted EBITDA of 96%.

    我們年初至今的經營現金流受益於強勁的獲利能力,並反映了 96% 的調整後 EBITDA 轉換。

  • Based on our strong cash collections, lower cash interest as a result of our deleveraging trajectory and lower deferred IT expenditures, partly offset by higher expected cash taxes from acquisition integration, we currently expect this year's cash flows from operations to gravitate towards an 85% conversion range, up from our previous estimate of approximately 80%.

    基於我們強勁的現金回款、去槓桿軌跡導致的現金利息降低以及遞延 IT 支出降低(部分抵消了收購整合帶來的更高預期現金稅),我們目前預計今年的營運現金流量將趨向於 85% 的轉換範圍,高於我們先前估計的約 80%。

  • With regards to capital allocation, during the first three quarters of the year, along with providing sufficiently for our growth initiatives, we deployed $129 million for acquisitions, which includes Cesium.

    關於資本配置,今年前三個季度,除了為我們的成長計畫提供足夠的資金外,我們還部署了 1.29 億美元用於收購,其中包括 Cesium。

  • We expect Cesium will have an immaterial impact to our financials for this year.


  • We also deployed $114 million towards bank debt reduction, reducing our outstanding senior debt to $168 million at the end of the quarter.

    我們也投入了 1.14 億美元用於減少銀行債務,使本季末未償還的優先債務減少至 1.68 億美元。

  • We further paid $54 million dividends and applied $57 million to share repurchases to offset dilution from stock-based compensation.

    我們進一步支付了 5,400 萬美元的股息,並投入 5,700 萬美元用於股票回購,以抵消股票薪酬造成的稀釋。

  • As of the end of Q3, our net senior debt leverage was 0.2 times.


  • And including our 2026 and 2027 convertible notes, full year stat, our net debt leverage was 2.9 times.

    包括我們的 2026 年和 2027 年可轉換票據,全年統計數據顯示,我們的淨債務槓桿率為 2.9 倍。

  • We have year-to-date delevered 0.6 times adjusted EBITDA.

    今年迄今,我們的調整後 EBITDA 已達到 0.6 倍。

  • In October 2024, we entered into a new five-year senior secured credit agreement, which provides us with a $1.3 billion revolving credit facility as well as an incremental $500 million accordion feature to increase the facility in the form of both revolving indebtedness and our incremental term loans.

    2024 年 10 月,我們簽訂了一項新的五年期高級擔保信貸協議,該協議為我們提供 13 億美元的循環信貸額度以及增量 5 億美元的可伸縮功能,以循環債務和增量定期貸款的形式增加信貸額度。

  • The new facility has broadly even more favorable interest spread terms than the superseded fix facility.


  • On a pro forma basis, as of September 30, 2024, the refinancing increased our available revolver capacity from $732 million under the old facility to $1.132 billion under the new facility and will provide us incremental flexibility to repay the 2026 convertible debt if not converted.

    按照預估基礎,截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日,再融資使我們的可用循環信貸額度從舊機制下的 7.32 億美元增加到新機制下的 11.32 億美元,並將為我們提供增量靈活性以償還 2026 年可轉換債務(若未轉換)。

  • From a rate exposure perspective, all of our debt is protected from high or rising interest rates to eat a very low fixed coupon interest on our convertible notes or our $200 million interest rate swap expiring in 2030.

    從利率風險敞口的角度來看,我們的所有債務都受到保護,免受高利率或利率上升的影響,以承擔可轉換票據或 2030 年到期的 2 億美元利率互換的極低固定票面利息。

  • We remain comfortable with our capital structure in terms of leverage, maturities, liquidity, and interest rate exposure.


  • And finally, to recap with regards to our outlook for the year.


  • Our Q3 financial performance puts us in a solid position to deliver above the midpoint of our 10.5% to 13% constant currency ARR growth range.

    我們的第三季財務業績使我們處於穩固的地位,能夠實現 10.5% 至 13% 的固定匯率 ARR 成長範圍中點以上的成長。

  • We're in a strong position to deliver on our 100 basis points intended annual margin improvement.

    我們有能力達成每年 100 個基點的利潤率改善目標。

  • We are raising our expectations for our full year cash flow conversion range from 80% to 85%.

    我們將全年現金流轉換率預期從 80% 提高到 85%。

  • However, while our recurring subscription revenues continue to exceed expectations year-to-date.


  • Total revenues are trending towards the low end of our outlook range due to weakness with on a nonrecurring professional services revenues caused by delays in maximum related implementation and upgrade work.


  • On this slide, you also see updates to our expectations for CapEx, interest expenses and cash interest as well as cash taxes.


  • With regards to foreign exchange rates, for the first three quarters of 2024.


  • The US dollar has only slightly weakened relative to the exchange rates assumed in our 2024 annual financial outlook resulting in approximately $1 million of incremental revenues from currency.

    相對於我們 2024 年年度財務展望中假設的匯率,美元僅略有貶值,導致貨幣收入增加約 100 萬美元。

  • If end of October exchange rates would prevail throughout the remainder of the year, then we would not expect a significant FX impact non-GAAP revenues relative to the exchange rates assumed in our 2024 financial outlook.

    如果 10 月底的匯率在整個年內都保持不變,那麼我們預計,相對於我們 2024 年財務展望中假設的匯率,非 GAAP 收入不會受到重大的外匯影響。

  • And with that, we are ready for Q&A.


  • Over to Eric.


  • Thank you.


  • Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

    Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

  • Thanks, Werner.


  • Today, for the Q&A portion of the call, we have Greg and Werner, of course; and also Julien our Chief Technology Officer, to help fill in for Nicholas.

    今天,電話會議的問答部分當然有 Greg 和 Werner 參加;還有我們的技術長朱利安(Julien),幫助尼可拉斯(Nicholas)填補空缺。

  • (Operator Instructions) Joe Vruwink, Robert Baird.

    (操作員指示)Joe Vruwink、Robert Baird。

  • Joe Vruwink - Analyst

    Joe Vruwink - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Thanks.


  • Good to see you all.


  • I want to ask about the -- your infrastructure conference.


  • There was a lot of detail about how Bentley is embedding iTwin capability across the product portfolio and sounds like the next phase of effort is AI capability across the portfolio.

    關於 Bentley 如何在整個產品組合中嵌入 iTwin 功能有很多細節,聽起來下一階段的努力是在整個產品組合中嵌入 AI 功能。

  • Should investors view these actions as strengthening the core products we all know today.


  • So you still have a big TAM that you can further penetrate.


  • Are these efforts meant to accelerate that and progress that or are you thinking about some of these things as actually bringing new products, new monetization opportunities and so it's going to be incremental to the products we all know today.


  • Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

    Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

  • Well, the asset analytics portfolio announced at year-end infrastructure is the incremental opportunity to charge per asset per year for AI-enabled twin sites, if you like, from (inaudible) Digital Twins.


  • But as to the -- our main state portfolio, I might ask Julien for his answer, and I want to thank Julien for helping fill in for Nicholas, who is attending a family bereavement today.


  • And Julien, perhaps you can talk about the intention with respect to the mainstay products.


  • Julien Moutte - Chief Technology Officer

    Julien Moutte - Chief Technology Officer

  • I'd be happy to.


  • So the answer to your question is both, right?


  • We see that in the existing line of products the capabilities of digital trains are going to allow a stronger interoperability between the different applications of the portfolio.


  • And then this will create a foundation to apply AI to unlock new outcomes and new features in those products.


  • These products will be strengthened by those new capabilities, delivering additional value to our users but also the data continuum that is created between all of our product portfolio by this integration through our platform is also going to allow us to explore new offerings to those users potentially opening the opportunities for products and monetizations.


  • Joe Vruwink - Analyst

    Joe Vruwink - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

    Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

  • Matt Hedberg, RBC.

    馬特·赫德伯格(Matt Hedberg),RBC。

  • Matt Hedberg - Analyst

    Matt Hedberg - Analyst

  • Hey guys, good morning.


  • Sorry, I was trying to unmute myself.


  • I appreciate the time, as always.


  • Let's see.


  • So one question.


  • I'm wondering, you've had really consistent growth this year, and I know you're not offering '25 guidance yet, but I guess for any of you on the interview, when you think about growth drivers into next year, it seems like IIJA funding is still very early.

    我想知道,您今年是否真的實現了持續成長,而且我知道您還沒有提供 25 年的指導,但我想對於接受採訪的任何人來說,當您考慮明年的成長動力時,似乎 IIJA 的融資還為時過早。

  • I'm hearing some positive things from PLS out there as well as E365.

    我從 PLS 和 E365 那裡聽到了一些積極的消息。

  • And even it feels like maybe China headwinds could become less of headwinds next year.


  • Could you kind of talk about structurally how you think about growth next year in terms of some of the most important things that you're sort of prioritizing as we sort of like get closer to year end.


  • Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

    Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

  • Well, in general, I agree with you that we don't have reason to expect next year to look very different than this year in material terms, and the building blocks will remain the same for the coming year.


  • Certainly, the project backlog and momentum continues globally.


  • I'm not so sure about China.


  • But at least it has become less than eventually you would think would approach in (inaudible) as ARR becomes unfashionable there.

    但至少它已經變得比你想像的最終會接近(聽不清楚)要少,因為 ARR 在那裡已經不再流行了。

  • And our asset analytics, wildcard could take off yet further overall, these things are likely to balance out and we're -- we would expect generally a year next year that would continue to be and consistent with our expected long-term framework of low double-digit ARR growth.

    而我們的資產分析、通配符可能會進一步整體起飛,這些事情可能會保持平衡,我們預計明年總體上將繼續與我們預期的長期低兩位數 ARR 成長框架保持一致。

  • And of course, we can count on us adding 100 basis points of margin annually.

    當然,我們可以指望每年增加 100 個基點的利潤。

  • And we're generally enthusiastic because each quarter of this year has represented more visibility and greater linearity and unfolding just as we have thought.


  • And as Werner mentioned even a bit above what we thought for the third quarter.


  • And we don't see why next year should look rather the same as a year in the whole, and we're not able to talk about seasonality, we'll get to that as it comes to close.


  • Matt Hedberg - Analyst

    Matt Hedberg - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks, Greg.


  • Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

    Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

  • Yeah.


  • Thanks, Matt.


  • Siti Panigrahi, Mizuho.

    瑞穗的 Siti Panigrahi。

  • Siti, you might be on mute?


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Hi this is


  • (inaudible).


  • We're also thinking on the uncertainty past US elections, as you look forward, one of the things everybody has been talking about and even some of your peers have talked about it that inherent in elections, there is an uncertainty and pause in people's thoughts.


  • So we're curious in terms of how lifting that uncertainty trends going forward, do you see any -- any changes in people's sentiment over the next few months in terms of bringing new and large projects to market.


  • Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

    Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

  • Well, of course, in the US, we've had, in general, the greater visibility afforded by the IIJA multiple-year program.

    當然,在美國,我們總體上透過 IIJA 多年期計畫獲得了更大的知名度。

  • And by the way, its way of doing things is two-year advance appropriation.


  • So there is considerable visibility in that.


  • The infrastructure engineering community in the US, of course, studies government expenditures and likelihoods very closely and has had experience with the administration that will come in to come in here again to be inaugurated in the new year and has been rather unconcerned about changes and more concerned about doing more with less digital as they're at their resource capacity.


  • But as to the US elections generally, I would like to think that all substantial businesses would be excited about an administration coming in, whose priority is economic growth.


  • And the reason for infrastructure investment, of course, are resilient and economic growth.


  • And I think you're right that the -- from a federal government standpoint, the project mix is likely to change over the course of this administration, there'll be less of an emphasis on the transit on electric vehicles and so forth.


  • But overall, they're more likely to be, for instance, a block grant to the states to set their own priorities.


  • But the -- but infrastructure is a bipartisan priority in the US what is particularly exciting for us is the likelihood now, I would use that word both permitting reform that will finally accelerate the opportunity for energy and electric grid transmission investment that would benefit us.


  • But we have a broad portfolio.


  • So the changes in project mix are going to be taken -- we can take that


  • (inaudible).


  • Unidentified Participant

    Unidentified Participant

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

    Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

  • Clarke Jeffries, Piper Sandler.


  • Clarke Jeffries - Analyst

    Clarke Jeffries - Analyst

  • Hello.


  • Thanks for taking the question.


  • Given the dynamics around how ARR pans out for you and the contract structures that you've created for the visibility and predictability of the business I wanted to clarify on that net new ARR number, whether there was any meaningful contribution from Cesium.

    考慮到您的 ARR 表現動態以及您為業務可見性和可預測性而創建的合約結構,我想澄清一下淨新 ARR 數字,Cesium 是否有任何有意義的貢獻。

  • It sounds like there was some exceeding of expectations on sequential ARR growth and even some of the metrics that we have that are trailing 12 month in terms of expansion look promising, but wanted to get a little bit more of an unpacking of that net new ARR number is more indicative of contract structure or really encouraging bookings in this sort of 3Q.

    聽起來,ARR 的連續成長超出了預期,甚至我們過去 12 個月的擴張指標也看起來很有希望,但我們想更深入地分析一下淨新 ARR 數字,它更能說明合約結構,或者真正鼓勵第三季度的預訂。

  • Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

    Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

  • I want to respond to the word meaningful.


  • I think Bernard would say Cesium's onboarded ARR is not meaningful from a financial magnitude standpoint, especially it doesn't show up in ARR growth previously.

    我認為 Bernard 會說 Cesium 的入職 ARR 從財務規模的角度來看並不重要,尤其是它之前沒有出現在 ARR 成長中。

  • But I think it's meaningful from a strategic standpoint because of the hundreds of thousands of users of open-source platform, the pace of those opting into the paid Cesium ion version is pretty notable and satisfactory and it's on a good and steep curve.

    但我認為從策略角度來看這是有意義的,因為開源平台有數十萬用戶,選擇付費 Cesium ion 版本的速度非常顯著和令人滿意,並且呈現良好而陡峭的曲線。

  • And I think that's meaningful.


  • If you -- it's new for us to think about an open-source business and how it grows, but the ARR aspect of that is meaningful and portends well, although that doesn't -- it doesn't show up much in magnitude on our scale yet.

    如果您——對我們來說,思考開源業務及其發展方式是新鮮事物,但它的 ARR 方面很有意義,並且預示著好兆頭,儘管它還沒有在我們的規模上顯示出太大的規模。

  • Werner, we saying anything more than that?


  • Werner Andre - Chief Financial Officer

    Werner Andre - Chief Financial Officer

  • I think that's spot on.


  • What I want to point out is that our contract-based organic performance was at 11.5% and 12% ex China on a 3- and 12-month basis, which, as I mentioned like it is, at least at the level where it was a year ago and then this is bottom-up contract base and not impacted by onboarding from programmatic acquisitions.

    我想指出的是,我們基於合約的有機業績在 3 個月和 12 個月的基礎上分別為 11.5% 和 12%(中國除外),正如我剛才提到的,這至少與一年前的水平持平,而且這是自下而上的合約基礎,並沒有受到程序化收購的影響。

  • Clarke Jeffries - Analyst

    Clarke Jeffries - Analyst

  • Thank you very much.


  • Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

    Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

  • Thanks, Clarke.


  • Kristen Owen, Oppenheimer.


  • Kristen Owen - Analyst

    Kristen Owen - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning.


  • Thank you for taking the question.


  • Similar tack here, but I wanted to ask about what's driving the SMB growth, 11 quarters consecutively of 600-plus new logos?

    這裡的策略類似,但我想問的是推動中小企業成長的因素是什麼,連續 11 個季度出現 600 多個新標誌?

  • What's contributing to the success of that product category.


  • And as it relates to Cesium if you view that platform maybe being a TAM expander or opening up to some new customers who were not previously familiar with Bentley Systems.

    就 Cesium 而言,如果您認為該平台可能是 TAM 擴充器,或向一些以前不熟悉 Bentley Systems 的新客戶開放。

  • Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

    Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

  • Actually, I hadn't thought about that connection much, Kristen, until hearing your question.


  • I suppose the Cesium subscribers since they come on at zero ARR to start with are the ultimate example of digital engagement.

    我認為 Cesium 訂閱者由於他們的 ARR 一開始為零,所以是數位參與的終極典範。

  • So digital engagement is quite the story with, as we say, virtuosity, our virtuosis subscriptions that we are primarily offering to SMB.


  • And every quarter, it's more digital, lower touch and so forth.


  • And it's just apparent that the market is deep in terms of SMB firms for us to regions they are more interested in investing in the direction of horizontal infrastructure, proficiency, and so forth.


  • And I think that has become rather institutionalized in our way of thinking.


  • But just more generally, I'm excited about our new management, our succession generationally succeeded management having a more open mind to such opportunities.


  • And for instance, Cesium is a bold acquisition both to go after, if you like, younger colleagues and a younger stage of take-up of digital trends as we're describing here that could add to our TAM because it's more -- it's a broader swath of the world.

    例如,Cesium 是一個大膽的收購,如果你願意的話,它既可以追逐年輕的同事,也可以追逐我們在這裡描述的數字趨勢的年輕階段,這可以增加我們的 TAM,因為它更廣泛地覆蓋了世界。

  • And I remember we hadn't focused on SMB or e-commerce at all prior to being public.


  • And I think we're getting our legs under ourselves now and Cesium to your point, reinforces that.

    我認為我們現在已經站穩了腳跟,而 Cesium 的觀點也強化了這一點。

  • Kristen Owen - Analyst

    Kristen Owen - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

    Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

  • Thanks, Kristen.


  • Jason Celino, KeyBanc.

    傑森·塞利諾 (Jason Celino),KeyBanc。

  • Jason Celino - Analyst

    Jason Celino - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Did I freeze there.


  • Can you see me?


  • Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

    Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

  • Well, we hear you fine, Jason.


  • Jason Celino - Analyst

    Jason Celino - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • Well, a few quarters ago, you sounded pretty optimistic about seeing some water infrastructure funding start to flow.


  • I think since then, we've seen a few new regulations by the EPA to drive utility operators to leverage more software upgrade facilities to filter out certain PFAs.

    我認為從那時起,我們已經看到美國環保署出台了一些新法規,推動公用事業營運商利用更多的軟體升級設施來過濾某些 PFA。

  • Have you seen an uptick in kind of water infrastructure demand because of this?


  • Or is this more of a longer-term opportunity?


  • Curious what you're seeing on the water side?


  • Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

    Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

  • Well, water is something that's going to be long term, more and more important than there is nothing political or partisan about it.


  • We have seen uptick in order but it's been global, to my knowledge, I don't know that it's any more so concentrated in the US of late.


  • And I wonder if you know, Julien or Werner?


  • But water is a on the high end of growth rates among our sectors.


  • And the good thing about that is there's no reason that, that should be a short-term phenomenon at all.


  • Werner Andre - Chief Financial Officer

    Werner Andre - Chief Financial Officer

  • It's correct.


  • It's more globally, as you said.


  • Jason Celino - Analyst

    Jason Celino - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Excellent.


  • Good stuff.


  • Thank you.


  • Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

    Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

  • Jay Vleeschhouwer, Griffin.


  • Jay Vleeschhouwer - Analyst

    Jay Vleeschhouwer - Analyst

  • Great, thank you.


  • Good morning.


  • I'd also like to follow up on some of what we talked about in Vancouver last month, specifically with how customers benchmarking or selection criteria may be changing -- in other words, are there new functionalities or capabilities that you need to demonstrate incrementally now as part of customer benchmarking or pilots that you're engaging in.


  • For example, the customers now begin, or might they begin to make their decisions horizontally based on your platform or do you think the decisions will be made based more on the stack, the applications and functionality level?


  • Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

    Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

  • Well, I'm going to answer that my impression, as Julien was suggesting, is that they're quite interested in this horizontal data accessibility of the platform and our understanding that their data is going to be their advantage with AI in training their tools for the future.


  • And this question of openness and commitment there is something there explicitly assessing.


  • And of course, we welcome that.


  • Julien, perhaps you've been involved in some of those questions in benchmarking and could add to my impression.


  • Julien Moutte - Chief Technology Officer

    Julien Moutte - Chief Technology Officer

  • Indeed, in the comments we heard from CEOs at different engineering firms, one of their top priority is data managements. and how to make sure that the data is made available to the engineers to achieve new outcomes using technologies, but that comes as a secondary problem that first needs to be -- the intelligent data management is at the top of their priority.


  • And this is one of the key reasons why we're insisting so much on our open approach to make sure that as they make decisions for their technical solutions and platforms that they decide to use a platform that is going to provide that intelligent data management while not standing in their way.


  • So the importance of integrating those capabilities into our products in a simple way but is not disruptive to their workflows and then allowing them to leverage that data for those future benefits.


  • So I think the openness is really a strong point, which we've heard in multiple conferences, which I guess you attended as well at Nextel, for instance, and I think we'll hear this more and more.

    因此,我認為開放性確實是一個亮點,我們在多個會議上都聽到過這一點,我想你們也參加了 Nextel 的會議,我認為我們會越來越多地聽到這一點。

  • Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

    Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

  • Michael Funk, Bank of America.

    美國銀行的麥可‧芬克(Michael Funk)。

  • Michael Funk - Analyst

    Michael Funk - Analyst

  • Hey guys, thank you again for the time this morning.


  • Greg, you opened up by talking about having better visibility, linearity into results.


  • And then you talked about kind of one part of the business and the contracts and the ceilings.


  • But does that clarity extend beyond that piece of the business?


  • I mean are there other priorities for you to improve visibility and revenue growth, improved linearity, whether divestitures, acquisitions, change in business model that you've contemplated?


  • Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

    Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

  • Well, the floors and ceilings in E365 are front of mind because that's now the majority of our ARR and the majority of E365 is the majority of ARR are about to be and the majority of that has the floors and ceilings.

    好吧,E365 中的底線和上限是首要考慮的問題,因為這是我們現在 ARR 的大部分,而 E365 的大部分就是即將成為的 ARR 的大部分,其中大部分都有底線和上限。

  • And each such negotiation, we and the account are considering the future.


  • And everyone's so enthusiastic about going digital, that pacing it in a way over multiple years makes sense for them and for us, it's really striking that stepping back from my vantage of so long at the helm here, never have we had the quality of visibility and linearity that we have now as a result of this.


  • But hang on, I sort of think that rather than say, well, how can we extend that to the rest of our business.


  • We're more inclined to say, okay, but think of our incentives each year.


  • We want to improve our margins by 100 basis points.


  • But subject to that, we want to grow as fast as we can.


  • And now that we have likewise improving our linearity and visibility every year.


  • Subject to that, how can we grow faster.


  • And that would speak to opportunities that were availing like the acquisition of Cesium like the asset analytics that it facilitates where we can get a tiger by the tail and win some of these big procurements for instance, on digital twins and asset analytics.

    這意味著我們可以利用一些機會,例如收購 Cesium,它提供的資產分析功能,讓我們可以抓住老虎的尾巴,贏得一些大型採購,例如數位孿生和資產分析。

  • And ideally, I know, as I mentioned, it brings in lumpiness and so forth, but we're balanced with the improved visibility of the mainstay business, perhaps that will be a good mix.


  • I would like to see our new management -- and I'm glad to see our new management, excited to see our new management going forward with some of these big opportunities, of which the Cesium acquisition is represented.

    我希望看到我們的新管理層——我很高興看到我們的新管理層,很高興看到我們的新管理層抓住一些重大機遇,其中 Cesium 的收購就是代表。

  • Michael Funk - Analyst

    Michael Funk - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • It's very helpful.


  • Greg, one more if I come in before actually all of you want to kick in.


  • But I don't want to imply that digitization asset-like management is a partisan issue, but it does seem as if Europe has led the way from my perspective, on moving forward digitization, asset life cycle management -- do you sense any daylight between the parties' views here in the United States on those priorities?


  • Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

    Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

  • Well, in general, as you might.


  • No, I look forward to greater private investment than infrastructure because going digital is the greater priority when there's private investment.


  • In the UK, for instance, you refer to Europe, but the UK government is a new government that campaigned on limits to public spending, but now since taking off as I said, on the other hand, for infrastructure, for rebuilding Britain, we need to spend more, and we invite and encourage private investment.


  • I know it wouldn't seem that that's a natural bed feller with our new administration in the US but doing more with less, greater emphasis on digital, there is upside for us to learn in the US, and we look forward to the opportunity for such engagement at the new federal level in the US.


  • Michael Funk - Analyst

    Michael Funk - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you, all.


  • Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

    Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

  • Thanks, Michael.


  • Dylan Becker, William Blair.


  • Dylan Becker - Analyst

    Dylan Becker - Analyst

  • Hey, guys.


  • I appreciate the question here.


  • Maybe for Greg and Julien, as you think about kind of the expansion of the ecosystem and interoperability of the platform that we just talked about, would love to get your sense on how you're thinking about the evolution of kind of the partner channel and the opportunity there.

    也許對 Greg 和 Julien 來說,當您考慮我們剛才談到的生態系統的擴展和平台的互通性時,很想了解您對合作夥伴管道的發展及其機會的看法。

  • I know we've called out a few on the geospatial side.


  • But as you think about kind of the evolution of asset analytics, digital twins, partnerships feel like that could be a big enabler of leveraging kind of the data more effectively.


  • I would love to get your kind of general sense on that.


  • Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

    Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

  • Well, I would say how about Google as a partner crude on the one hand, tremendous cloud and AI capabilities, but they have this data that we can help to apply in this specialized realm from their standpoint of infrastructure engineering.


  • So the partner spectrum is really interesting.


  • And I'm very interested to have the engineering firms, as you know, are long term, become the digital integrators for the owner operators and part of our cohesive investment is to get smart about plan.


  • It's a long-term investment.


  • We don't have to speed it up least kind of slowed down this year a bit, and that's okay because it's long term.


  • And Julien, as far as the ecosystem openness and Cesium, Cesium has tentacles everywhere.

    Julien,就生態系開放性和 Cesium 而言,Cesium 的觸角已經遍布各地。

  • It's the household name in immersive geospatial 3D tiles and helps us with lots of more surfaces of contact.

    它是沉浸式地理空間 3D 圖塊中的家喻戶曉的品牌,可以幫助我們處理更多的接觸表面。

  • I think I believe that can help open up asset analytics opportunities, especially, but Julien, perhaps you've seen some of it.


  • Julien Moutte - Chief Technology Officer

    Julien Moutte - Chief Technology Officer

  • Yes, indeed.


  • And I think that the rich and live ecosystem of application developers that already exist around Cesium is going to open a lot of new opportunities for partnerships.

    我認為 Cesium 周圍已經存在的豐富而活躍的應用程式開發人員生態系統將為合作開闢許多新的機會。

  • Now the platforms as we're bringing them together, are going to power a lot of ISVs and vendors to develop with and around our existing portfolio.

    現在,我們整合的平台將為許多 ISV 和供應商提供支持,以利用並圍繞我們現有的產品組合進行開發。

  • And what we'll be looking at is trying to pick the meaningful partnerships we can do to bring new kind of data parts, new core capabilities to the portfolio and the platform that will then unlock new canal insights that we could then leverage with asset analytics, for instance, but also on power rich ecosystem to stride on top of our application and existing user base.


  • Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

    Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

  • Thanks, Dylan.


  • Joshua Tilton, Wolfe Research.

    喬舒亞·蒂爾頓(Joshua Tilton),沃爾夫研究公司。

  • Joshua Tilton - Analyst

    Joshua Tilton - Analyst

  • Thank you for sneaking in and I have been jumping around a bunch of print this morning, so I apologize that this has already been asked.


  • But Greg, I thought it was very interesting you talked about how your visibility you feel like it's never been better than it is today.


  • I want two follow-ups on that maybe.


  • The first is, does it continue to trend in the right direction?


  • And how do you think about that as SMBs become a larger portion of the business, where I would feel like maybe visibility around those businesses is lower.


  • And two, how would you characterize your customers visibility into their businesses over the next 12 months?

    第二,您如何描述未來 12 個月內客戶對其業務的可見性?

  • Are they equally as confident in their visibility as you are in yours?


  • Because I would argue that, that feels a little bit more important given the type of business model that you guys are


  • --


  • Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

    Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

  • Well, Josh, we still are primarily enterprise oriented, and literally the bulk of our revenue comes from accounts spending $250,000 a year or more.

    嗯,喬希,我們仍然主要面向企業,而且我們的大部分收入實際上來自於每年消費 25 萬美元或以上的帳戶。

  • And so under E365, the annual renewal now is a negotiation of that, how do you feel about the future.

    因此,根據 E365,現在的年度續約就是對此進行談判,您對未來有何感想?

  • So we are in hundreds of these enterprise scale negotiations per year.


  • And generally, they are in double-digit modes in terms of their expectations for what they think they should spend and will spend on digital tools increasing each year.


  • So they're willing to enter into an opportunity to limit how extreme that can be and in turn, grant us a floor.


  • So we do get lots of information that way about what their expectations are about the future, and it gives us the confidence we're expressing here today about next year and the foreseeable future.


  • You're right that, that doesn't take in the SMB.

    您說得對,這並不包括 SMB。

  • Here in SMB, I think there is greater volatility.


  • I'm sort of saying, Josh, I don't mind taking on some more volatility, given that the of our business has become through the E365 consumption in the floors and ceilings, a very visible, linear way of smoothing out quarters, although there may be a certain ramp because of the seasonal annual renewal quarter.

    我想說,喬希,我不介意承擔更多的波動,因為我們的業務已經通過 E365 在地板和天花板上的消耗變成了一種非常明顯的、線性的平滑季度的方式,儘管由於季節性年度更新季度,可能會出現一定的上升。

  • But other than that, over multiple years, we have greater visibility, and we can take on some risk there for now, for instance, in SMB and asset analytics and our new generationally succeeded management are doing that well already, I think, and both SMB and asset analytics are examples of that.


  • Going for things which can balance out our flywheel with potential for inflecting our growth rate upward.


  • We're doing the right things, I believe, in that respect.


  • Joshua Tilton - Analyst

    Joshua Tilton - Analyst

  • Super helpful.


  • And maybe just a very quick follow-up.


  • If I remember correctly, I think even you guys were a little skeptical, the SMB opportunity when it started.


  • Is that just out the door?


  • Are we full steam ahead?


  • And like does your focus internally like kind of shift with that view as well?


  • Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

    Gregory Bentley - Executive Chairman of the Board, President

  • The skepticism is out the door with me, Josh, I'm exaggerating a little bit, but I'm very committed to direct sales model having in our history, been 100% indirect at another point in time.

    喬什,我對此沒有任何懷疑,我有點誇張,但我非常致力於直銷模式,在我們的歷史上,曾經有過 100% 間接的銷售模式。

  • Remember, the direct sales model is one of the reasons we can be confident in our goal of adding 100 basis points to our operating margins each year because the cost of direct sales doesn't go up corresponding to our -- [in RR], if you like, has built an economic leverage and scaling up.

    請記住,直銷模式是我們對每年增加 100 個基點的營業利潤率這一目標充滿信心的原因之一,因為直銷成本並沒有相應上漲——[在 RR 中],如果你願意的話,已經建立了經濟槓桿和擴大規模。

  • But the opportunity now is the SMB business is also a direct sales business with digital engagement.


  • And so building out that tool set and apparatus and mechanism for self-service, we're just entirely enthused about that now.


  • And our pretty far along on it still lots more to do.


  • But we're dealing with engineers and firms small enough to buy something on their credit card and they're being engineers, they really don't want to talk to a salesperson.


  • They want to try it out, see it, exercise it and get some help which are virtuosity subscription provides expert assistance and so forth.


  • And it just turning out to be welcome and having been institutionalized and I'm glad I didn't hold us back in my -- it's another respect in which the fresh thinking is -- has reinvigorated our company, and I want more of it going forward.


  • Joshua Tilton - Analyst

    Joshua Tilton - Analyst

  • Super helpful.


  • Thank you.


  • Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

    Eric Boyer - Investor Relations Officer

  • Thanks for the questions.


  • That concludes our call today.


  • We thank each of you for your interest and time in Bentley Systems, and we look forward to updating you in the near future.

    我們感謝大家對 Bentley Systems 的關注和投入的時間,並期待在不久的將來向您提供最新資訊。

  • Thank you.
