Big Lots Inc (BIG) 2023 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Alvin Concepcion - Vice President, Investor Relations

    Alvin Concepcion - Vice President, Investor Relations

  • Good morning.


  • This is Alvin Concepcion, Vice President of Investor Relations at Big Lots.

    我是 Alvin Concepcion,Big Lot 投資者關係副總裁。

  • Welcome to the Big Lots fourth quarter conference call.

    歡迎參加 Big Lot 第四季電話會議。

  • (Event Instructions) As a reminder, this conference is being recorded.


  • On the call with me today are Bruce Thorn, President and Chief Executive Officer; and Jonathan Ramsden, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial and Administrative Officer.

    今天與我通話的是總裁兼執行長 Bruce Thorn;喬納森·拉姆斯登(Jonathan Ramsden),執行副總裁、首席財務和行政官。

  • For starting today's call, we would like to remind you that any forward-looking statements made on the call involve risks and uncertainties that are subject to the company's Safe Harbor provisions as stated in the company's press release and SEC filings, and that actual results can differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.

    在今天的電話會議開始前,我們想提醒您,電話會議中所做的任何前瞻性陳述都涉及風險和不確定性,這些風險和不確定性受公司新聞稿和SEC 文件中所述的公司安全港條款的約束,實際結果可能會受到影響。與前瞻性陳述中描述的內容有重大差異。

  • I would also like to point out, the commentary today is focused on adjusted non-GAAP results.


  • Reconciliations of GAAP to non-GAAP adjusted results are available in today's press release.

    今天的新聞稿中提供了 GAAP 與非 GAAP 調整後結果的調整表。

  • The fourth quarter earnings release presentation and financial information is available at The question and answer session will follow the prepared remarks.

    第四季收益發布演示和財務資訊可在 上取得。問答環節將在準備好的發言之後進行。

  • I will now turn the call over to Bruce.


  • Bruce Thorn - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Bruce Thorn - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us.


  • I'm pleased to report another quarter of sequential improvement in comps and gross margin rate while continuing to take out costs for the third quarter in a row, we did what we said we would do.


  • And despite a challenging macroeconomic environment and well-documented weather challenges in January, we finished the year in a much better place than where we started.


  • That said, there's a lot of work to do in 2024, and we are moving aggressively to accelerate our transformation return to positive comparable sales and continue to improve our gross margin rate over the course of the year.

    也就是說,2024 年還有很多工作要做,我們正在積極採取行動,加速實現可比較銷售額正向轉型,並在這一年中繼續提高毛利率。

  • Now onto the fourth quarter results and outlook.


  • Overall, we made significant progress on the five key actions that underlie our strategy, which drove our improved operating results.


  • We are confident that continued progress in the five key actions will pave the way for our much improved gross margin in 2024.

    我們相信,五項關鍵行動的持續進展將為我們在 2024 年大幅提高毛利率鋪平道路。

  • As a reminder, these five actions our two owned bargains to communicate unmistakable value to increase store relevance to win customers for life with our omnichannel efforts and to drive productivity.


  • There are three key messages I want to convey this morning.


  • First, progress on our five key actions enabled us to deliver adjusted operating profit growth in Q4, marking the first quarter of adjusted operating profit in two years.


  • We also delivered on our key guidance metrics.


  • Comp sales improved sequentially versus Q3 and within the quarter with January better than November and December.

    與第三季相比,同季銷售量較上季有所改善,其中 1 月的銷售量優於 11 月和 12 月。

  • Despite the weather challenges in the month, we also had significant year-over-year improvement in the gross margin rate, along with adjusted SG&A well below last year, particularly after taking into account the extra week in the quarter.


  • These results were driven by a combination of higher penetration of bargains, more newness in our assortment, freight reductions, ongoing cost reduction and productivity efforts, more effective promotions and a more normalized level of markdowns.


  • Second, we expect quarterly year-over-year gross margin improvements to continue in 2024 and see a path to positive comparable sales as the year progresses.

    其次,我們預計 2024 年季度毛利率將繼續改善,並預計隨著時間的推移,可比銷售額將實現正值。

  • These improvements will be driven by our five key actions, which will continue to gain momentum and will enter their next phase.


  • This includes realizing most of the $200 million-plus of bottom line opportunities through Project Springboard.

    這包括透過 Project Springboard 實現 2 億多美元利潤機會中的大部分。

  • We also expect to significantly grow our bargains penetration to 75% of our sales, and within that have an expanded assortment of extreme bargains.

    我們也預期我們的特價商品滲透率將顯著提高到銷售額的 75%,並且其中的特價商品種類會有所增加。

  • These extreme bargains create a more exciting treasure hunt experience, which will keep our customers coming back to our stores and help drive comparable sales growth to grow our assortment of IQstream bargains.

    這些超值特價商品創造了更令人興奮的尋寶體驗,這將使我們的顧客再次光臨我們的商店,並有助於推動可比銷售增長,從而擴大我們的 IQstream 特價商品種類。

  • We have been resourcing the business with the right talent and infrastructure needed to accelerate our extreme value sourcing efforts.


  • We're starting to gain customer traction through our IQstream bargain offers and have already amassed a steady build of deal flow in our new extreme value pipeline by leaning in further on our heritage of providing unmistakable value to customers, we will solidify our position as America's discount homestore.

    我們開始透過 IQstream 討價還價吸引客戶,並且透過進一步發揚我們為客戶提供明確價值的傳統,我們已經在新的極端價值管道中積累了穩定的交易流,我們將鞏固我們作為美國折扣家居店。

  • Third, our efforts to aggressively manage costs, inventory, and capital expenditures as well as monetize owned assets, have enabled us to maintain liquidity through a challenging period.


  • We took out over $140 million of SG&A during the year, cut CapEx by almost 60% year over year, reduced inventory by nearly $200 million, and monetized assets worth over $300 million.

    年內,我們支出了超過 1.4 億美元的銷售管理費用,比去年同期削減了近 60% 的資本支出,減少了近 2 億美元的庫存,並將價值超過 3 億美元的資產貨幣化。

  • Our net liquidity at the end of the fourth quarter was $254 million and we generated significant free cash flow in the fourth quarter, enabling us to reduce our ABL balance.

    第四季末我們的淨流動性為 2.54 億美元,第四季產生了大量自由現金流,使我們能夠減少 ABL 餘額。

  • As we look into 2024, we continue to evaluate additional financing options as a normal part of prudently managing our business.

    展望 2024 年,我們將繼續評估額外的融資方案,作為審慎管理業務的正常組成部分。

  • While near term conditions may remain challenging, we look forward to returning the company to health and prosperity and believe we are taking the right actions to do that.


  • I'd like now to circle back to highlight some of the recent progress we've made on the five key actions, which will continue to drive momentum in our business as it relates to our first key action owning bargains, our mix of bargains, which are close-out items, opportunistic buys and other source products where we believe we have a significant comparable price advantages was nearly 60% of sales in Q4, far exceeding our goal of over one-third by the end of the year.


  • We achieved this by procuring products from over-inventoried and distressed retailers and vendors and through new factory direct sourcing partners domestically and overseas.


  • Our next phase is to grow bargains to 75% of our sales and within that have an expanded assortment of extreme bargains.

    我們的下一階段是將特價商品增加到銷售額的 75%,並在其中擴大極端特價商品的種類。

  • We're early in our journey on offering more extreme bargains, but we've already had strong sell through on some of our food offerings such as coffee and cereal as well as in haircare, bedding, laundry and cookware.


  • We are pushing hard on sourcing more extreme bargains across our categories.


  • For example, we have recently procured a large branded consumables closeout, which hit our stores in late January, we have made buys from several branded furniture and home furnishings manufacturers as well, which will add more newness and excitement at exceptional prices.


  • Our extreme value sourcing team is working in concert with the entire merchandising team, integrating new extreme value procurement channels, allowing us to source fresh deals more directly while minimizing our use of intermediaries.


  • In fact, we recently purchased a full inventory of Hearthsong toys valued at more than $22 million through a foreclosure sale without the use of an intermediary.

    事實上,我們最近透過取消抵押品贖回權出售購買了價值超過 2,200 萬美元的全套 Hearthsong 玩具,而沒有使用中間商。

  • For the first time, our stores will carry heart songs collection of high-quality toys, which will offer at extreme bargain prices ranging from 50% to 70% less than original retail.

    我們的店將首次推出心歌系列高品質玩具,價格比原零售價便宜 50% 至 70%。

  • This acquisition has been instrumental in accelerating the extreme value sourcing and cross organizational execution process for scale as we continue to build out our extreme value sourcing team, institutionalized new processes and flex our open-to-buy.


  • We are quickly expanding our relationship with vendors, both new and existing and reclaiming our seat at the extreme value table.


  • We're also seeing a steady build of deal flow in our new extreme value pipeline as it relates to our second key action communicating unmistakable value.


  • Our recent marketing efforts continue to show promise.


  • Customers are recognizing more each day the value of the Barnes we offer as a result of our emphasis on comparable value for bargains offers increased penetration of bargains in our end caps and drive aisle and successful campaigns such as Black Friday is every Friday, your deal your day, and our friends and family event, our net customer value perception score improved nearly 11% year over year in Q4 to accelerate our efforts.

    客戶每天都更加認識到我們提供的Barnes 的價值,因為我們強調討價還價的可比價值,從而提高了我們的端蓋和車道中的討價還價滲透率,並且每個星期五都有成功的活動,例如黑色星期五,您的交易是您的日,以及我們的朋友和家人活動,我們的淨客戶價值感知得分在第四季度同比提高了近 11%,以加快我們的努力。

  • To drive traffic and improve our price perception, we launched a campaign in February called bargains to brag about which is designed to reclaim our bargain heritage and emphasizes our best values in furniture, décor, and pantry items through exciting new creative cross across Sam, we are leveraging new promotional tools and processes.

    為了增加流量並改善我們的價格認知,我們在二月份發起了一項名為“討價還價”的活動,旨在通過Sam 令人興奮的新創意交叉來恢復我們的討價還價傳統,並強調我們在家具、裝飾和食品儲藏室物品方面的最佳價值。 ,我們正在利用新的促銷工具和流程。

  • We implemented last year to help us eliminate nonproductive promotions and target our promotional spend, where we will see the greatest return.


  • And we expect to continue to accelerate this progress into 2024 as it relates to our third key action, we continue to focus on increasing store relevance.

    我們預計到 2024 年將繼續加快這一進程,因為這與我們的第三個關鍵行動有關,我們將繼續專注於提高商店相關性。

  • Our ongoing efforts to flex our assortment to capture customer demand are showing encouraging results as a reminder, we've been flexing our assortment by increasing inventory in top-performing categories in stores as well as taking inventory out of bottom performing categories and stores, creating whitespace opportunities such as in pet and optimizing our space with more productive SKUs, particularly in food and consumables.

    我們不斷努力調整我們的品類以滿足客戶需求,結果令人鼓舞,我們一直在通過增加商店中表現最好的類別的庫存以及從表現最差的類別和商店中剔除庫存來調整我們的品類,從而創造了空白機會,例如寵物領域,以及透過更有效率的 SKU 來優化我們的空間,特別是在食品和消費品領域。

  • It also means introducing more bargains, newness and trend-right product in our assortment across all categories.


  • We've been focused on less depth and more breadth in our assortment.


  • So our customers will have to act more quickly and shop more frequently to get these great value products, while they're out there.


  • New products as a share of total SKUs were up pick up year over year in Q4.

    第四季新產品佔總 SKU 的比例年減。

  • This is helping as newness had a great bargain, helped drive improvement in our furniture business.


  • As we look forward, 70% of our lawn and garden assortment is new items.

    展望未來,我們的草坪和花園品種中有 70% 是新產品。

  • We've been testing expanded decorative storage and bath accessories, and we've already locked in great deals for Christmas with 75% of those items being there.

    我們一直在測試擴展的裝飾性儲物和浴室配件,並且我們已經鎖定了聖誕節的超值優惠,其中 75% 的商品都在其中。

  • Improvement in store execution is also critical to increasing our relevance and there are still many opportunities to retain customers and drive more frequency through our five key actions through the leadership of Kristen Cox, our Chief Stores Officer, who joined in December.

    商店執行力的改進對於提高我們的相關性也至關重要,在去年12 月加入的首席商店官克里斯汀·考克斯(Kristen Cox) 的領導下,我們仍有很多機會留住客戶並通過我們的五項關鍵行動提高頻率。

  • We've identified ways to continue to evolve our store base to better showcase our value in-store and online, make it easy for our customers, research and shop for products they want and inspire customers to browse and buy with better visual merchandising, such as building furniture vignettes to showcase the full room and creating flexibility in aisles and end caps for promotions and fresh product.


  • We're focused on establishing more consistency in the look and feel of stores, improving store productivity, attracting top talent and keeping the team inspired in order to make the store experience better for our customers.


  • As it relates to our fourth key action.


  • We've been improving customer experience to help us win customers for life with our omnichannel efforts.


  • Our goal is to win customers for life by attracting them retaining them and growing the shopping frequency with us.


  • Our omnichannel platform is a crucial enabler of this, and it differentiates us from our off-price peers.


  • We are constantly looking at customer feedback and finding ways to address areas of improvement.


  • In particular, we are focused on improving sales productivity and improving the profitability of the e-commerce channel.


  • We continue to enhance our platform with special attention to our big ticket furniture and seasonal products to influence her home shopping journey more positively.


  • In the coming quarters, our customers will be able to browse more of our products online and our store associates will be armed with new tools to help customers place in-store orders for a more seamless Endless Aisle experience.

    在接下來的幾個季度中,我們的客戶將能夠在線上瀏覽我們的更多產品,我們的店員將配備新工具來幫助客戶在店內下訂單,以獲得更無縫的 Endless Aisle 體驗。

  • In Q4, we were excited to launch our first mobile app for customers, allowing them to get their everyday products more quickly and easily.


  • We extended our reach through the addition of UberEATS to our suite of marketplace partners during the holiday season.

    在假期期間,我們透過將 UberEATS 添加到我們的一系列市場合作夥伴中來擴大我們的覆蓋範圍。

  • New capabilities and partnerships are helping us engage new and younger customers with our brands.


  • These four actions will be important traffic drivers in the future.


  • The fifth key action is to drive productivity through structural cost reductions, inventory turns and CapEx efficiency.


  • As I mentioned, we're well on track with these efforts, and Jonathan will speak more about what we are doing to drive productivity in a few minutes.


  • So to sum it up, our five key actions are gaining momentum and have enabled us to, again sequentially improve results in the fourth quarter.


  • We are excited to return to comp sales growth as 2024 progresses, driven by continued progress on these key actions and to significantly improve our gross margin in every quarter versus last year.

    我們很高興隨著 2024 年的進展,在這些關鍵行動的持續進展的推動下,公司銷售恢復成長,並且每季的毛利率均較去年顯著提高。

  • I now will make a few comments on specific category performance in the quarter, seasonal comps modestly improved relative to Q3 on a year-over-year basis, aided by solid sales of Christmas items and extreme bargain features sequentially improved sell through rate aided by our efforts to flex assortment, combined with a material reduction in promotional activity versus last year and seasonal give a major boost to our overall gross margin rate.


  • Our furniture and soft Home categories improved sequentially relative to Q3 on a year-over-year basis and furniture, we saw significant improvement in Q4 comps, which is a good sign about our comeback in that category.


  • Pull-through performed well with low double digit comp sales growth, driven by better in-stocks and newness in Broyhill items as well as lapping the impact from the abrupt closure of what was previously our largest furniture supplier, which created significant headwinds for us beginning in Q4 last year, improvement in furniture provided a positive halo effect on soft home sales, along with value offerings and new assortments in areas such as accents to core and modern styles.

    由於庫存增加和 Broyhill 商品的新穎性,以及我們之前最大的家具供應商突然關閉的影響,這給我們帶來了巨大的阻力,拉動表現良好,銷售額增長較低,達到兩位數。去年第四季度,家具的改進以及核心和現代風格等領域的價值產品和新品種對軟家居銷售產生了積極的光環效應。

  • Hard home had a modest deceleration relative to Q3 on a year-over-year basis due to gaps in our inventory assortment and too few bargain offerings we have since brought in a new lead for the Hard Home department with off-price experience to make us more competitive in this category by bringing in more bargains and improving our inventory.


  • Therefore, we expect comp sales to improve in the category as 2024 progresses in food and consumables comped modestly improve sequentially relative to Q3 on a year-over-year basis, we are focused on accelerating the penetration of IQstream bargains, particularly in the food category, which should drive more significant improvements going forward.

    因此,我們預計,隨著 2024 年食品和消費品銷售相對於第三季度同比略有改善,該類別的銷售將有所改善,我們專注於加速 IQstream 特價產品的滲透,特別是在食品類別中,這應該會推動未來更顯著的改進。

  • For the quarter, pet was again a standout performer with positive comp growth aided by the expansion of our assortment in the fall.


  • Before handing over to Jonathan, I'd like to take a moment to once again thank our associates for working hard to improve customer satisfaction this year, despite all the challenges.


  • I'd also like to thank our vendors for their incredible partnership on our journey to bring more exciting products and great bargains for our customers, and we look forward to seeing them at our vendor summit in July 2024 won't be without its own challenges.

    我還要感謝我們的供應商在我們為客戶帶來更多令人興奮的產品和超值優惠的過程中所提供的令人難以置信的合作夥伴關係,我們期待在2024 年7 月的供應商峰會上見到他們,也將帶來挑戰。

  • There will be uncertainties with an election year, fluctuations in interest rates and potential for supply chain disruptions, such as the Red Sea.


  • That said, we will focus on what we can control and continue to manage the business appropriately.


  • I'm confident that we have the right team in place to accelerate the turnaround in our business in 2024.

    我相信我們擁有合適的團隊來加速 2024 年業務的轉變。

  • I will now pass it over to Jonathan and I will return in a few moments to make some closing comments before taking your questions.


  • Jonathan Ramsden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Administrative Officer

    Jonathan Ramsden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Administrative Officer

  • Good morning, everyone.


  • I we'd like to once again thank the entire team here at Big Lots for their efforts throughout 2023, which despite challenges was a year in which we made significant underlying progress for the fourth quarter.

    我們要再次感謝 Big Lot 的整個團隊在 2023 年所做的努力,儘管面臨挑戰,但我們在第四季度取得了重大的基礎進展。

  • As Bruce noted, we were pleased to once again deliver what we said we would we are confident that the five key actions and the excellent progress we are making on Project Springboard will continue this forward momentum in 2024, we expect quarterly year-over-year improvements to continue through the year with the path to positive comps as the year progresses and significant gross margin rate improvement in every quarter versus last year.

    正如Bruce 所指出的那樣,我們很高興再次兌現我們所說的承諾,我們相信,我們在Springboard 項目上所採取的五項關鍵行動和取得的出色進展將在2024 年繼續保持這一前進勢頭,我們預計每季同比增長隨著今年的進展,我們將繼續實現積極的業績成長,並且每季的毛利率都比去年顯著提高。

  • I will now provide some more detail on our Q4 results, which I will discuss on an add on an adjusted basis, excluding distribution center closure costs, impairment charges, gains on the sale of real estate and related expenses fees related to Project SpringBoard and an income tax benefit related to the valuation allowance recorded earlier in 2023.

    我現在將提供有關我們第四季度業績的更多詳細信息,我將在調整後的基礎上進行補充討論,不包括配送中心關閉成本、減值費用、房地產銷售收益以及與SpringBoard 項目相關的相關費用和 2023 年早些時候記錄的估價津貼相關的所得稅優惠。

  • Fourth quarter summary can be found on page 9 of our quarterly results presentation.

    第四季摘要可在我們季度業績簡報的第 9 頁上找到。

  • As expected, comp sales trends improved sequential sequentially relative to the third quarter, driven by more favorable comparisons and improvements in our Furniture and Soft Home businesses.


  • Q4 net sales were $1.43 billion, a 7.2% decrease compared to $1.54 billion a year ago, driven by a comparable sales decrease of 8.6%, which was in line with our guidance range.

    第四季淨銷售額為 14.3 億美元,與去年同期的 15.4 億美元相比下降 7.2%,這是由於可比銷售額下降 8.6%,這符合我們的指導範圍。

  • In spite of the weather challenges in January, we posted a sequential improvement in comp sales in January relative to November and December due in part to momentum in our furniture and soft home business as well as easier prior-year comparisons as we lap the adverse impact from product shortages due to the closure of United Furniture, which primarily affected January in the fourth quarter of last year.

    儘管1 月份面臨天氣挑戰,但與11 月和12 月相比,我們1 月份的可比銷售額連續改善,部分原因是我們的家具和軟家居業務的勢頭以及我們在克服不利影響時更容易與上年進行比較聯合家具關閉導致產品短缺,主要影響去年第四季的1月份。

  • The impact of the 53rd week benefited our Q4 sales by approximately $67 million and contributed approximately 430 basis points to our sales growth.

    第 53 週的影響使我們第四季的銷售額增加了約 6,700 萬美元,並為我們的銷售成長貢獻了約 430 個基點。

  • This was offset by a net reduction in store count, which had an unfavorable impact of approximately 290 basis points.

    這被商店數量的淨減少所抵消,淨減少產生了約 290 個基點的不利影響。

  • Our fourth quarter adjusted net loss was $8.3 million, resulting in adjusted diluted loss per share for the quarter of $0.28. Gross margin rate for the quarter was 38.0%, up 170 basis points to last year and in line with our guidance with the improvement versus last year, driven primarily by a reduced level of markdowns, particularly in seasonal items and lower freight costs.

    我們在第四季調整後淨虧損為 830 萬美元,導致該季度調整後稀釋每股虧損為 0.28 美元。本季毛利率為 38.0%,比去年增長 170 個基點,符合我們的指引,與去年相比有所改善,這主要是由於降價水準減少(特別是季節性商品)和貨運成本降低所致。

  • Turning to adjusted SG&A, total expenses for the quarter including depreciation were $543.4 million, down 3.5% versus $563.2 million last year, in line with our guidance of down low single digits.

    就調整後的銷售、管理及行政費用而言,包括折舊在內的本季總支出為 5.434 億美元,比去年的 5.632 億美元下降 3.5%,符合我們下調低個位數的指引。

  • SG&A include rent of approximately $8 million resulting from our recent sale leaseback, which also had the effect of reducing depreciation expense by around $1 million.

    SG&A 包括我們最近的售後回租產生的約 800 萬美元的租金,這也減少了約 100 萬美元的折舊費用。

  • SG&A also included additional expenses for the 53rd week Adjusting for these impacts, underlying SG&A was down high single digits.

    SG&A 還包括第 53 週的額外費用,調整這些影響後,基本 SG&A 下降了高個位數。

  • Our strong performance on expenses was driven across multiple line items and included initial benefits from Project Springboard.

    我們在支出方面的強勁表現是由多個項目推動的,其中包括來自 Project Springboard 的初步收益。

  • Adjusted operating margin for the quarter was slightly positive.


  • Interest expense for the quarter was $10.8 million, up from $7.4 million in the fourth quarter last year due to higher average amounts drawn on our credit facility and higher interest rates year over year.

    本季的利息支出為 1,080 萬美元,高於去年第四季的 740 萬美元,原因是我們的信貸額度平均提取金額較高,且利率同比較高。

  • Adjusted income tax for the quarter was a benefit of $1.5 million.

    該季度調整後的所得稅收益為 150 萬美元。

  • The tax benefit in the fourth quarter was primarily the result of the release of tax reserves due to expirations of statutes of limitation.


  • Recall that in the second quarter we recorded a valuation allowance against deferred tax assets resulting from the company being in a three-year cumulative loss position at the end of the quarter.


  • As a result, going forward, we are now not able to record a tax benefit related to less loss carryforwards until we are in a three-year cumulative income position.


  • Total ending inventory at cost was down 17% last year and $953.3 million versus our down mid-teens guidance and driven by lower on-hand units and lower in-transit inventory.

    去年以成本計算的期末庫存總額比我們的指導值下降了 17%,達到 9.533 億美元,這是由於現有數量減少和在途庫存減少所致。

  • During the fourth quarter, we opened three new stores and closed 39 stores.

    第四季度,我們新開了 3 家門市,關閉了 39 家門市。

  • The openings were all projects we committed to some time back.


  • We ended Q4 with 1,392 stores and total selling square footage of $32.3 million.

    截至第四季度,我們擁有 1,392 家商店,總銷售面積為 3,230 萬美元。

  • CapEx for the quarter was $18 million compared to $32 million last year, resulting in approximately $63 million for the full year versus our guidance of $75 million and down almost 60% from last year.

    本季的資本支出為 1,800 萬美元,而去年為 3,200 萬美元,全年資本支出約為 6,300 萬美元,而我們的指引為 7,500 萬美元,比去年下降了近 60%。

  • Depreciation expense in the quarter was $34.1 million, down from $43.4 million last year.

    本季折舊費用為 3,410 萬美元,低於去年的 4,340 萬美元。

  • We ended the fourth quarter with $46.4 million of cash and cash equivalents similar to the third quarter.

    在第四季結束時,我們的現金和現金等價物為 4,640 萬美元,與第三季類似。

  • At the end of the fourth quarter, we had $406.3 million of long long-term debt reduction from $533 million in the third quarter.

    截至第四季末,我們的長期債務從第三季的 5.33 億美元減少了 4.063 億美元。

  • On a full year basis we had sales of [$4.7 billion, which was down 13.5%] on a comparable basis to 2022 with [140 basis points] of growth driven by the 53rd week, offset by a negative impact of [150 basis points] due to net store closures.

    與 2022 年相比,全年銷售額為 [47 億美元,下降 13.5%],第 53 週推動了 [140 個基點] 的增長,但被 [150 個基點] 的負面影響所抵消由於網店關閉。

  • Our full year adjusted operating loss of 7.3% was down 350 basis points to last year.

    我們全年調整後營運虧損為 7.3%,比去年下降了 350 個基點。

  • Adjusted operating loss of $342.7 million compared to 2022 adjusted operating loss of $210 million.

    調整後營運虧損為 3.427 億美元,而 2022 年調整後營運虧損為 2.1 億美元。

  • Although as noted, we achieved an adjusted operating profit and year-over-year improvement in Q4.


  • Turning to the outlook, we continue to expect sequential comp sales improvement in the first quarter into the negative mid-single digit range as our five key actions continue to gain traction and as we lap more favorable comparisons.


  • With regard to gross margin, we expect our first quarter gross margin rate to improve year-over-year and to be up between 200 basis points to 250 basis points sequentially, well ahead of the 170 basis point year-over-year improvement in Q4, driven by reduced markdown activity, lower freight costs, and cost reduction and productivity initiatives.

    毛利率方面,我們預計第一季毛利率將同比改善,環比提高 200 個基點至 250 個基點,遠超第四季度 170 個基點的同比改善,受到降價活動減少、貨運成本降低以及成本降低和生產力提高舉措的推動。

  • For Q1, we expect SG&A dollars to be down low single digits versus 2023.

    對於第一季度,我們預計 SG&A 美元將比 2023 年下降低個位數。

  • This includes approximately $8 million of rent expense related to the sale leaseback, which will be partially offset by lower depreciation of around $1 million.

    其中包括與售後回租相關的約 800 萬美元租金費用,該費用將被約 100 萬美元左右的較低折舊所部分抵消。

  • We expect interest expense to be approximately $13 million in Q1.

    我們預計第一季的利息支出約為 1300 萬美元。

  • With regard to CapEx, we expect 2024 to be in line with or somewhat below 2023 with necessary IT investments offsetting lower store openings.

    就資本支出而言,我們預計 2024 年將與 2023 年持平或略低於 2023 年,必要的 IT 投資將抵消門市開張率的下降。

  • We continue to expect for store openings in 2024, all of which will be in the third quarter.

    我們繼續預計 2024 年將有新店開業,所有這些都將在第三季進行。

  • Some of these projects were originally slated for 2023 and one is due to a relocation of a store where we are losing our leads.

    其中一些項目原定於 2023 年進行,其中一個項目是由於一家商店搬遷而導致我們失去了線索。

  • In general, only new store commitments remain on hold until our business situation improves.


  • We expect full year depreciation of around $136 million, including approximately $34 million in Q1.

    我們預計全年折舊約為 1.36 億美元,其中第一季折舊約為 3,400 萬美元。

  • We expect a share count of approximately 29.4 million for Q1.

    我們預計第一季的股票數量約為 2940 萬股。

  • We expect Q1 total inventory to be down low teens, representing a very favorable turn improvement as we continue our aggressive approach to managing inventory levels, about half of the inventory decline will be driven by lower average unit costs.


  • Again, all of our commentary on Q1 excludes the potential impact of impairment charges and other items, including distribution center closure costs, gains on the sale of real estate and related expenses, and consulting fees related to Project Springboard.

    同樣,我們對第一季的所有評論都排除了減損費用和其他項目的潛在影響,包括配送中心關閉成本、房地產銷售收益和相關費用,以及與 Project Springboard 相關的諮詢費用。

  • I'd now like to spend a few moments to provide more details on our cost reduction and productivity efforts.


  • In 2023, we delivered over $140 million of SG&A savings, including initial benefits from Project Springboard coming in well above target.

    2023 年,我們節省了超過 1.4 億美元的銷售管理費用,其中包括遠高於目標的 Springboard 專案的初步收益。

  • Overall, we are progressing in line with plan on Project Springboard and deliver $35 million in savings across gross margin and SG&A in the back half of 2023 above our initial estimate.

    總體而言,我們正在按照 Springboard 專案的計劃取得進展,並在 2023 年下半年實現毛利率和銷售、一般管理費用 (SG&A) 節省 3,500 萬美元,高於我們的初步估計。

  • We are targeting an incremental benefit of around $140 million in 2024 and further benefits in 2025 that will take us to and hopefully beyond our overall goal of at least $200 million of cumulative benefits.

    我們的目標是在 2024 年實現約 1.4 億美元的增量效益,並在 2025 年實現更多效益,這將使我們實現並有望超越至少 2 億美元累積效益的總體目標。

  • As a reminder, in total, we expect approximately 40% of Project Springboard benefits to come from COGS reduction, approximately 40% from other gross margin driving initiatives and approximately [20%] from SG&A.

    需要提醒的是,總體而言,我們預期 Springboard 專案的約 40% 收益將來自 COGS 降低,約 40% 來自其他毛利率驅動舉措,約 [20%] 來自 SG&A。

  • Turning to liquidity.


  • We ended the quarter with $254 million of net liquidity similar to Q3.

    本季結束時,我們的淨流動性為 2.54 億美元,與第三季類似。

  • As Bruce mentioned, we continue to evaluate further actions to bolster our liquidity as we navigate through what remains a challenging environment.


  • We have the ability to monetize up to $200 million of remaining owned assets, either through using them as collateral for additional financing or through outright sales in the case of certain assets.

    我們有能力將高達 2 億美元的剩餘自有資產貨幣化,可以透過將其用作額外融資的抵押品,也可以透過直接出售某些資產。

  • Turning back to our overall overall outlook, we believe we are in a strong position to return the Company to comp sales growth and significantly improved profitability over the course of the year as we continue to execute on our five key actions, we expect to continue to make progress in turning around our business, lowering our costs, managing capital and once again, finishing the year in a much better place than where we start.


  • I will now turn the call back over to Bruce.


  • Bruce Thorn - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Bruce Thorn - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Jonathan.


  • If we cut through all the noise in the market right now, one thing is clear, our momentum continues to improve and we once again delivered despite a challenging consumer environment.


  • The key drivers of our improvement have been and will continue to be the five key actions which will enable us to return to growth and profitability.


  • And until then, we will continue to focus on strengthening our balance sheet to allow us to weather the current macroeconomic challenges.


  • And now I'll turn the call back over to the moderator so that we can begin to address your questions.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Brad Thomas, KeyBanc Capital Markets.

    (操作員說明)Brad Thomas,KeyBanc 資本市場。

  • Brad Thomas - Analyst

    Brad Thomas - Analyst

  • Morning.


  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • I wanted to kick off with just a couple of questions on the outlook for sales bridge.


  • Bruce, you touched on this a good deal in your prepared remarks.


  • But as we think about the quarters ahead here, I was hoping you could talk a little bit more about the categories that you're the most optimistic about and helping to drive improvements in the results.


  • Bruce Thorn - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Bruce Thorn - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • We expect quarterly year-over-year improvements to continue driven by our five points forward, which are again to own bargains to communicate unmistakable value increase our store relevance, winning with winning customers for life through omnichannel and driving our productivity.


  • I think the the first and foremost, because the season we're in right now, our lawn and garden seasonal.


  • We've done a nice job bringing newness to that to that category. 70% of the product that we've got going in there right now is new.

    我們做得很好,為該類別帶來了新鮮感。我們現在銷售的產品中有 70% 是新產品。

  • It's priced, right, great bargains.


  • It's always done well.


  • We believe it's a good trade down opportunity.


  • I think our lawn and garden patio sets are the best out there and great value.


  • I also think having our furniture back in stock with Broyhill and Real Living is a key key aspect of all of our growth going into 2024, how we're seeing it actually we're seeing a Broyhill sectional sofa priced at $1,400 is one of our key items that selling right now, one of our top items that selling right now, which are which is really exciting for us.

    我還認為,讓我們的家具在Broyhill 和Real Living 恢復庫存是我們進入2024 年所有增長的關鍵方面,我們如何看待它實際上我們看到一款售價1,400 美元的Broyhill 組合沙發是我們的產品之一現在銷售的關鍵產品,我們現在銷售的熱門產品之一,這對我們來說真的很令人興奮。

  • And what's interesting about the growth of Broyhill and given that furniture back in line is that 16% of Broyhill customers are actually new to file and 49% of them return for a second purchase.

    布羅伊希爾 (Broyhill) 的成長和家具回歸線的有趣之處在於,16% 的布羅伊希爾 (Broyhill) 客戶實際上是新客戶,其中 49% 會再次購買。

  • So we're excited about that.


  • I'm also excited about the new products we have in Soft Home Hard Home.

    我也對我們在 Soft Home Hard Home 中推出的新產品感到興奮。

  • Hard Home in Q4 was a little bit depressed from key three.

    第四季的 Hard Home 從第三個關鍵點開始有點沮喪。

  • We've got a new leader in that area comes from the off-price world.


  • I'm excited about the new product.


  • She's bringing in all the bargains extreme bargains coming into that area.


  • And soft home is already starting to perform better and gets a halo effect as furniture continues to build and then in terms of the everyday essentials, food and consumables, we're getting a nice penetration of bargains and extreme bargains in those areas, which is exactly what our customers need in this tough economic environment.


  • So as we go through Q1, 2, and 3, and 4, we'll grow that penetration, which is going to give our customers more reason to visit us more frequently.


  • So I'm excited about the work the merchandising team is doing.


  • I'm excited about our IQstream bargain extreme value team, growing their meeting with the merchants growing every day.

    我對我們的 IQstream 討價還價極值團隊感到興奮,他們與商家的會面與日俱增。

  • Our pipeline of bargains.


  • Extreme bargains is growing every day.


  • In fact, our pipeline for Q1 already has over $100 million of original retail value that we'll be bringing to our customers so I'm excited about what the team has in store and the way that we are communicating it with our brand on bargains and brag about as exciting to test results showed very well.

    事實上,我們第一季的產品線已經擁有超過1 億美元的原始零售價值,我們將把這些價值帶給我們的客戶,所以我對團隊的庫存以及我們與我們的品牌進行特價溝通的方式感到興奮和吹噓一樣令人興奮,測試結果顯示得非常好。

  • I think that's just going to build that campaign is going to get it out to the customers.


  • Jonathan Ramsden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Administrative Officer

    Jonathan Ramsden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Administrative Officer

  • Hey, Brad, I would just add, and we referenced this in prior calls, that if you look at our furniture business, where we ended 2024, it's down roughly 25% to just 2019.

    嘿,布拉德,我想補充一點,我們在之前的電話中提到過這一點,如果你看看我們的家具業務,截至2024 年,它下降了約25%,至2019 年僅下降了25 %。

  • And the units are actually down more because the AURs are up relative to 2019.

    事實上,這些單位的下降幅度更大,因為 AUR 相對 2019 年有所上升。

  • So we don't know exactly when that's all going to turnaround, but we do think that's going to become a major tailwind for us over time as our furniture business picks back up, driven by interest rate coming down and more people moving and so on.


  • We do think that's a big opportunity.


  • And in 2019, we didn't even have Broyhill.

    2019 年,我們甚至沒有布羅伊希爾。

  • Brad Thomas - Analyst

    Brad Thomas - Analyst

  • That's all very helpful.


  • Thank you.


  • And as a follow-up to that, and Jonathan, you just touched on this.


  • I was hoping we could talk about from ticket and traffic and what you've been seeing and how you expect that to evolve on a draw as drivers in 2024 from and then maybe as a visit specifically as it relates to that, how if at all, are you seeing some of the deflation starting to come up in some categories influence tickets?

    我希望我們能夠從門票和交通方面進行討論,以及您所看到的情況以及您期望在 2024 年作為車手抽籤中如何演變,然後可能作為與此相關的具體訪問,如果有的話會如何發展,您是否看到某些類別的通貨緊縮開始出現影響門票?

  • Jonathan Ramsden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Administrative Officer

    Jonathan Ramsden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Administrative Officer

  • Yeah, hey, Brad, you said, traffic was the primary driver of comp trend evolution during 2023 that the traffic counts and the overall comps were pretty strongly correlated.

    是的,嘿,布拉德,你說過,流量是 2023 年競爭趨勢演變的主要驅動力,流量計數和整體競爭非常密切相關。

  • But we do anticipate continued sequential improvement in traffic trends along with our overall comp trends through 2024.

    但我們確實預計到 2024 年,流量趨勢以及我們的整體競爭趨勢將持續改善。

  • And we expect that's going to be driven by extreme bargains and all the other initiatives that Bruce just enumerated, including the map, vocal marketing about unmistakable value.


  • So yes, we do foresee traffic continue to improve through 2024.

    所以,是的,我們確實預計到 2024 年流量將繼續改善。

  • Brad Thomas - Analyst

    Brad Thomas - Analyst

  • Great.


  • And is there anything notable from a inflation deflation happening within the mix right now and not maybe hit hard because you're changing out what you're selling hard to tell exactly what's happening like for like, but from what are you seeing from that perspective?


  • Jonathan Ramsden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Administrative Officer

    Jonathan Ramsden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Administrative Officer

  • Yeah, Brad, there's always a lot of mix impacts us make our overall AUR hubs to you to read.

    是的,Brad,我們總是有很多混合影響,我們將整體 AUR 中心提供給您閱讀。

  • And what I think is happening.


  • Importantly, our businesses, we're getting AUCs down significantly, which gives us more flexibility on AURs.

    重要的是,我們的業務 AUC 顯著下降,這使我們在 AUR 方面具有更大的靈活性。

  • So we're starting to see AUCs run significantly negative year over year in the first quarter.

    因此,我們開始看到第一季 AUC 同比大幅下降。

  • And we expect that to continue through the year as we leverage the projects bring more benefits and in fact, in fact accelerate those benefits.


  • So that gives us more latitude right around a while, but there's a lot of mix effects and having more extreme environments and closures in there also creates some noise around how to interpret any pure year over year change in AUR.

    因此,這在一段時間內給了我們更多的自由度,但有許多混合效應,並且有更極端的環境和封閉,也會在如何解釋 AUR 的任何純逐年變化方面產生一些噪音。

  • But I think the important point again is that we're getting a you see down on a year-over-year basis.


  • Bruce Thorn - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Bruce Thorn - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • I'd also add that the core home categories and furniture, we are able to restore the opening price points and maintain those augmenting it with extreme bargains and bargains.


  • And the opening price points are getting good sell-through.


  • Brad Thomas - Analyst

    Brad Thomas - Analyst

  • All very helpful.


  • Thank you so much.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Joe Feldman, Telsey Advisory Group.

    (操作員說明)Joe Feldman,特爾西諮詢小組。

  • Joe Feldman - Analyst

    Joe Feldman - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Good morning, guys.


  • Thanks for taking the questions on in June, we took a little bit more about the cadence of the year.


  • It seems like you're entering this year and a little bit better as you described.


  • And when you talk about getting kind of back to flat, should we think about that more or even positive, I should say positive comp?


  • Is that fourth quarter?


  • Is it earlier in the year?


  • Like what would the slope of the year look like to and maybe you could share some puts and takes related to that?


  • Jonathan Ramsden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Administrative Officer

    Jonathan Ramsden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Administrative Officer

  • Hey, Joe, I'll take the first pass at that and then Bruce may want to add some comments.


  • Yes, we expect continued sequential improvement in comps through the year.


  • And as we've said in our prepared remarks, we expect to turn positive during the year.


  • We're not calling when that will be, but we're obviously shooting to get there as quickly as we can see year-over-year improvements, again, driven by all the things that Bruce just referenced, including on the extreme stream bargains being a driver Project Springboard helps us on the top line.


  • We've got the United Furniture benefit that we're getting in the early part of the year.


  • And then all the other initiatives around the five points on what we see helping.


  • And then eventually, we expect to get some help from the macro.


  • But we're not counting on a significant change in the macro backdrop in 2024.

    但我們預期 2024 年宏觀背景不會有重大變化。

  • Bruce Thorn - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Bruce Thorn - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • I'd add that, you know, when you think about '23, we set a goal for bargains to be 33% of our assortment, we exceeded that came into the year with 60%.

    我想補充一點,你知道,當你想到 23 年時,我們設定的目標是讓特價產品占我們產品種類的 33%,今年我們超出了這一目標,達到了 60%。

  • That's going to grow to over 75% in 2024.

    到 2024 年,這一比例將增長至 75% 以上。

  • We think as that grows through the year with a subset of that being extreme bargains, which are priced significantly below the price leaders out there.


  • That's going to add to it.


  • And we just launched this bargains to brag about campaign, which helps us now that we've worked so hard in sourcing the product.


  • We've got to get the word back out there that we're back in the in the bargain business, off-price business and owning the trips of furniture to décor and pantry that we're able to own.


  • So I think that's going to build over time.


  • The content was important to get right first now the marketing the messaging is key.


  • So that will build.


  • Joe Feldman - Analyst

    Joe Feldman - Analyst

  • Thank you, guys for that.


  • And actually, Bruce, on that front, that was the other part of the question I wanted to ask, can you define a little more like my understanding is the bargains is 20% to 25% less on everyday items and then your everyday prices and then extreme is 50% lesser or more than 50%?

    事實上,布魯斯,在這方面,這是我想問的問題的另一部分,你能否定義得更像我的理解,即日常用品便宜 20% 到 25%,然後你的日常價格和那麼極端是少50%還是多50%呢?

  • And I guess if that's the case, I guess I kind of always thought you guys were always 20% to 25% less than most of your products.

    我想如果是這樣的話,我想我一直認為你們的價格總是比你們的大多數產品低 20% 到 25%。

  • So maybe you can help us to rethink how you're defining bargains versus what previously was happening.


  • Bruce Thorn - President & Chief Executive Officer

    Bruce Thorn - President & Chief Executive Officer

  • It's a good question, Joe. I think the best way to look at this is that a typical bargain is going to be priced significantly below most retailers.


  • And it depends really on the category where they're competing and what the customer sees as a bargain.


  • And in some cases, it can be 20%.

    在某些情況下,可能是 20%。

  • In some cases, it could be 10% if you're in a if you're talking about food and consumables and tighter and tighter differentiations or comps and extreme bargain is going to be priced significantly below the price leaders everyday low price price leaders.

    在某些情況下,如果您談論的是食品和消費品,並且差異化或競爭越來越激烈,並且極端討價還價的價格將大大低於價格領先者的日常低價價格領先者,則可能是10% 。

  • And once again, that can vary by category back into redos and priced at one of those price leaders, you get a 10% or 20% on that.

    再說一次,這可能會因類別而異,重新進行重做並按價格領先者之一定價,您可以獲得 10% 或 20% 的折扣。

  • It's extreme bargain, whereas over in furniture, you the way we source direct or get it closed out from a factory overseas can be up to 50%.

    這是非常便宜的,而在家具方面,我們直接購買或從海外工廠關閉的方式可以高達 50%。

  • So it's I understand the guidelines that you're using, but it's really comes through in the customer's eyes is what she sees as a bargain and extreme bargain.


  • And obviously, we want to get as many IQstream bargains out there as possible.

    顯然,我們希望獲得盡可能多的 IQstream 優惠。

  • But the bargain business is good business, too, because both of them are accretive and drive productivity and the rules we use to measure them to ensure that we can get the right value to the customer and make good profit off of it is key for us, but that's the best way to look at it in the past.

    但討價還價業務也是好生意,因為它們都具有增值性並能提高生產力,而我們用來衡量它們的規則對我們來說至關重要,以確保我們能夠為客戶提供正確的價值並從中賺取豐厚的利潤。 ,但這是看待過去的最好方式。

  • If you recall in our prior to this leadership team that moved from close out, if you will, to everyday essentials and having a never out stock took a lot of the competition out of the Big Lots assortment.

    如果你還記得,在我們之前,這個領導團隊從清倉(如果你願意的話)轉向日常必需品,並且永遠不會缺貨,從而在 Big Lot 品種中贏得了很多競爭。

  • And so we strive to get that back back in 2019, you know, the closeout or extreme bargain or bargain even was under 10% penetration of the box.

    因此,我們努力在 2019 年恢復這一水平,你知道,清倉或極端討價還價或討價還價甚至低於 10% 的滲透率。

  • And now we're moving that in the right direction.


  • So that's the best way I can explain it for you.


  • Joe Feldman - Analyst

    Joe Feldman - Analyst

  • No, that's very helpful.


  • Thank you guys very much and good luck with this first quarter.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Scott Stringer, Wolfe Research.

    (操作員說明)Scott Stringer,Wolfe Research。

  • Scott Stringer - Analyst

    Scott Stringer - Analyst

  • Hey, guys, thanks for the time.


  • I was just had a quick question on if there's any gross margin difference between IQstream bar, Paragon product sales and the rest of the product sales.

    我剛剛有人問我 IQstream 棒、Paragon 產品銷售和其他產品銷售之間是否有毛利率差異。

  • I know you've talked about they're more focused on the consumable side.


  • So maybe just higher mix there as a potential headwind to margins, but accretive to gross profit dollars?


  • How should we just think about all that?


  • Thanks.


  • Jonathan Ramsden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Administrative Officer

    Jonathan Ramsden - Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Administrative Officer

  • Yeah, hey, Scott, the overall, we expect Q3 volumes to be accretive on a gross margin rate basis.


  • That's particularly the case in food and consumables for January across categories.


  • We expect that to be the case, we have plans, obviously by category for the year, which peak in sales margin and inventory turn assumptions.


  • And then we have a bar that when we're bringing close as we want to be improving those metrics, particularly around GM role, which is a key metric which we're using to evaluate close-outs as they become a bigger part of the part of the mix.


  • Scott Stringer - Analyst

    Scott Stringer - Analyst

  • That's super helpful.


  • That's all I have now.


  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


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