Avadel Pharmaceuticals PLC (AVDL) 2023 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Greetings, and welcome to Avadel Pharmaceuticals's fourth quarter and full-year 2023 earnings call.

    您好,歡迎參加 Avadel Pharmaceuticals 的第四季和 2023 年全年財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this conference is being recorded.


  • It is now my pleasure to introduce Austin Murtagh with Stern Investor Relations.


  • You may begin.


  • Austin Murtagh - Investor Relations

    Austin Murtagh - Investor Relations

  • Good morning, and thank you for joining us on our conference call to discuss Avadel's fourth quarter and full-year 2023 earnings.

    早安,感謝您參加我們的電話會議,討論 Avadel 的第四季度和 2023 年全年收益。

  • As a reminder, before we begin, the following presentation includes several matters that constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

    提醒一下,在我們開始之前,以下演示包括構成 1995 年《私人證券訴訟改革法案》含義內的前瞻性陳述的若干事項。

  • This includes statements related to expectations regarding revenue, operating expenses, and operating breakeven.


  • Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in such forward-looking statements.


  • These risks and uncertainties are described in Avadel's public filings under the Exchange Act, included in the Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, which was filed on February 29, 2024, and subsequent SEC filings.

    這些風險和不確定性在Avadel 根據《交易法》提交的公開文件中進行了描述,其中包含於2024 年2 月29 日提交的截至2023 年12 月31 日的年度10-K 表格以及隨後向SEC提交的文件。

  • Except as required by law, Avadel undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements contained in this presentation to reflect new information, future events, or otherwise.

    除法律要求外,Avadel 不承擔更新或修改本簡報中包含的任何前瞻性聲明以反映新資訊、未來事件或其他情況的義務。

  • For purposes of this conference call, the company made the decision to provide certain leading launch indicators as of January 31, 2024, in order to provide a more current snapshot of its launch progress, and in consideration of the update the company provided in early January.

    出於本次電話會議的目的,該公司決定提供截至 2024 年 1 月 31 日的某些領先發布指標,以便提供其發布進度的最新快照,並考慮到該公司 1 月初提供的更新。

  • Avadel undertakes no obligation to provide intra-quarter results in future quarters.

    Avadel 不承擔在未來幾季提供季度內業績的義務。

  • On the call today are Greg Divis, Chief Executive Officer; Richard Kim, Chief Commercial Officer; and Tom McHugh, Chief Financial Officer.

    今天參加電話會議的是執行長 Greg Divis;理查金,首席商務官;和財務長湯姆·麥克休。

  • At this time, I'll turn the call over to Greg.


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Austin.


  • Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us for a company update and to review Avadel's fourth quarter and full-year 2023 results.

    大家早安,感謝您接受我們的公司更新並回顧 Avadel 的第四季度和 2023 年全年業績。

  • Following my brief opening remarks, Richard will provide an update on our launch progress, including our key metrics through January 31.

    在我簡短的開場白之後,Richard 將提供我們發布進度的最新信息,包括截至 1 月 31 日的關鍵指標。

  • Tom will then review our Q4 financial results and provide some commentary regarding 2024.

    然後,Tom 將回顧我們第四季度的財務業績,並提供一些有關 2024 年的評論。

  • We will conclude with a question-and-answer session.


  • As most of you are likely aware, it's been a busy several days for Avadel, especially last week with the ongoing patent trial in Delaware where closing arguments were heard this past Friday and we are now awaiting the jury's decision.

    你們大多數人可能都知道,這幾天對Avadel 來說是忙碌的幾天,尤其是上週特拉華州正在進行的專利審判,上週五聽取了結案陳詞,我們現在正在等待陪審團的決定。

  • So before we dive into the commercial and business updates announced in our press release this morning, I would like to take a moment to provide some general commentary as it relates to the current and still active patent dispute.


  • Regardless of the outcome, we don't expect the pending jury decision in the patent trial to impact our ongoing commercial launch or our belief in the potential of LUMRYZ.

    無論結果如何,我們預計陪審團在專利審判中的裁決將不會影響我們正在進行的商業發布或我們對 LUMRYZ 潛力的信心。

  • Given this is an active litigation, we will not provide any further commentary or answer any questions on the trial, the underlying dispute, or the pending decision at this time.


  • However, as we have with all key matters, we will provide an update when the trial concludes and we appreciate your understanding on this point.


  • 2023 was truly a monumental year for Avadel.

    2023 年對 Avadel 來說確實是具有里程碑意義的一年。

  • With final FDA approval, we were able to bring LUMRYZ through the narcolepsy community and execute our initial launch plan, both of which have been transformational for the company and that we have worked towards for many years.

    憑藉 FDA 的最終批准,我們能夠將 LUMRYZ 引入嗜睡症社區並執行我們最初的上市計劃,這兩項計劃對公司來說都是變革性的,也是我們多年來一直努力的目標。

  • In addition to the unmatched achievement of launching LUMRYZ within approximately one month of final FDA approval, since launch last June, LUMRYZ has seen strong uptake among patients and prescribers, which has been supported by the positive feedback we've received from the broader narcolepsy community.

    除了在FDA 最終批准後大約一個月內推出LUMRYZ 所取得的無與倫比的成就外,自去年6 月推出以來,LUMRYZ 已在患者和處方者中得到了強烈的接受,這得到了我們從更廣泛的嗜睡症社群收到的正向回饋的支持。

  • Our early launch momentum throughout 2023 has continued into this year as demonstrated by progress being made across physicians, patients, and payers, all of which Richard will provide further details on shortly.

    我們在 2023 年早期推出的勢頭一直持續到今年,醫生、患者和付款人之間的進展證明了這一點,理查德將很快提供所有這些進展的詳細信息。

  • Our team's nearly decade-long dedication to advancing LUMRYZ and to the sleep medicine space overall has allowed us to build a foundation for continued growth and the potential expansion of LUMRYZ.

    我們的團隊近十年來致力於推進 LUMRYZ 和整個睡眠醫學領域,這使我們能夠為 LUMRYZ 的持續成長和潛在擴張奠定基礎。

  • And as such, our priorities as a company remain very crystal clear.


  • First and foremost, continues to be our focus on executing our launch strategy and delivering on the promise and the potential of LUMRYZ across the multibillion-dollar oxybate market opportunity.

    首先也是最重要的,我們仍然專注於執行我們的上市策略,並在數十億美元的羥丁酸市場機會中兌現 LUMRYZ 的承諾和潛力。

  • We are proud of the momentum we are building and all we have accomplished thus far.


  • And this is evidenced by the $19.5 million in LUMRYZ net revenue in the fourth quarter, and the $28 million for the seven months ended December 31, 2023.

    LUMRYZ 第四季淨收入為 1,950 萬美元,截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日的七個月淨收入為 2,800 萬美元,就證明了這一點。

  • Our second and near-term opportunity is our potential expansion into the pediatric narcolepsy population.


  • The FDA accepted our supplemental New Drug Application for LUMRYZ for the treatment of cataplexy, or excessive daytime sleepiness in patients between the ages of 7 to 17 with narcolepsy, and provided us an action date of September 7, 2024.

    FDA 接受了我們的 LUMRYZ 補充新藥申請,用於治療 7 至 17 歲發作性睡病患者的猝倒或白天過度嗜睡,並向我們提供了 2024 年 9 月 7 日的行動日期。

  • We believe approval in the pediatric population will allow LUMRYZ to provide further positive impact to the narcolepsy community and caregivers at large.

    我們相信,在兒科族群中獲得批准將使 LUMRYZ 能夠為發作性睡病社區和廣大護理人員帶來進一步的正面影響。

  • We have heard directly from parents about the challenges associated with the middle of the night dosing, and the burden of twice nightly dosing regimen may create for the entire family.


  • We believe LUMRYZ, if approved for the pediatric population, can offer the potential of reducing that treatment burden, while also providing an effective treatment for children living with narcolepsy.

    我們相信,LUMRYZ 如果被批准用於兒科族群,可以減輕治療負擔,同時也為患有發作性睡病的兒童提供有效的治療。

  • We look forward to the potential approval and launch later this year.


  • The next growth opportunity we're pursuing is LUMRYZ for the treatment of idiopathic hypersomnia, or IH.

    我們正在尋求的下一個成長機會是用於治療特發性睡眠過多(IH)的 LUMRYZ。

  • When speaking with key opinion leaders in the field, there is a significant need for the use of once-at-bedtime LUMRYZ for many suffering from the deep sleep inertia associated with IH.

    在與該領域的主要意見領袖交談時,發現許多患有與 IH 相關的深度睡眠慣性的人非常需要在睡前使用一次 LUMRYZ。

  • With a current estimated uniquely diagnosed IH patient population of greater than 30,000, we believe LUMRYZ, if approved for the IH indication, will be an important addition to the treatment options for those suffering from this rare sleep disorder, while also providing potentially meaningful upside to the future value of LUMRYZ.

    目前估計獨特診斷的 IH 患者人數超過 30,000 人,我們相信 LUMRYZ 如果被批准用於 IH 適應症,將成為患有這種罕見睡眠障礙的患者的治療選擇的一個重要補充,同時也為LUMRYZ 的未來價值。

  • We are currently well advanced in the planning stages to initiate a multicenter randomized controlled trial for IH in the second half of this calendar year, and we intend to provide updates as we reach various important milestones, including when our first patient is enrolled.

    目前,我們在計劃階段已取得進展,將於今年下半年啟動 IH 多中心隨機對照試驗,我們打算在達到各個重要里程碑時提供最新信息,包括當我們的第一位患者入組時。

  • And lastly, we're continuing the preclinical development work of a potential no- or low-sodium once-at-bedtime oxybate formulation with a target product profile that is bioequivalent to LUMRYZ.

    最後,我們正在繼續潛在的無鈉或低鈉睡前一次羥丁酯製劑的臨床前開發工作,其目標產品特徵與 LUMRYZ 生物等效。

  • And we intend to provide those updates as appropriate as well.


  • In closing, we ended this year in a strong position with a healthy balance sheet to support our operations and our continued growth.


  • Coupled with the progress already made this year, we believe we're well positioned to expand our reach and impact within the sleep medicine space, and most importantly, continue executing the launch of LUMRYZ.

    加上今年已經取得的進展,我們相信我們已經做好了充分準備,可以擴大我們在睡眠醫學領域的影響力和影響力,最重要的是,繼續推出 LUMRYZ。

  • I am proud of the significant accomplishments and progress our team has delivered over the past year, and remain highly confident that we will continue that during the year ahead.


  • We believe we are well positioned to advance LUMRYZ to command a meaningful share of the multibillion dollar oxybate market, and maintain our view that LUMRYZ offers a greater than $1 billion potential market opportunity.

    我們相信,我們有能力推動 LUMRYZ 在數十億美元的羥丁酸鹽市場中佔據有意義的份額,並維持我們的觀點,即 LUMRYZ 提供了超過 10 億美元的潛在市場機會。

  • With that, I'll turn the call over to Richard for details on our commercial progress.


  • Richard?


  • Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

    Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

  • Hey, thanks, Greg, and good morning, everyone.


  • I'm excited to share our launch progress and provide some insight into the trends we saw develop as we ended 2023 and early into this year.

    我很高興與大家分享我們的發布進展,並就 2023 年底和今年年初我們所看到的發展趨勢提供一些見解。

  • Now, taking a step back and looking at what we achieved this past year, we are so proud to be part of a team that has been able to bring a life changing treatment to the narcolepsy community.


  • The positive feedback we hear from both people with narcolepsy and healthcare providers every day continues to be an inspiration for us.


  • Greg touched on this earlier, but our LUMRYZ commercial results continue to be strong since we launched last June, and we remain laser focused on keeping the momentum growing in 2024.

    Greg 早些時候談到了這一點,但自去年 6 月推出以來,我們的 LUMRYZ 商業業績繼續強勁,我們仍然專注於在 2024 年保持成長勢頭。

  • Starting with patients, RYZUP enrollments are an important indicator of early launch demand, as it is really the first step in the process for patients to receive their LUMRYZ prescription.

    從患者開始,RYZUP 註冊量是早期啟動需求的重要指標,因為這實際上是患者接受 LUMRYZ 處方過程的第一步。

  • We previously stated that as of December 31, there were over 1,900 patients enrollment to RYZUP.

    我們先前曾表示,截至 12 月 31 日,已有 1,900 多名患者註冊加入 RYZUP。

  • Since that time, we've continued to see strong demand with now greater than 2,200 patient enrollments through the end of January.

    自那時起,我們持續看到強勁的需求,截至 1 月底已有超過 2,200 名患者註冊。

  • Turning to patients who have initiated therapy, as of December 31, there were 1,000 patients who had initiated the LUMRYZ treatment and that number grew to greater than 1,200 by the end of January.

    至於已開始治療的患者,截至 12 月 31 日,已有 1,000 名患者開始 LUMRYZ 治療,到 1 月底,這一數字已增至 1,200 多人。

  • Typically, the start of the year can be more complicated to initiate new therapies, so we were pleased to see that we did not lose any momentum in getting new LUMRYZ patients started.

    通常,年初啟動新療法可能會更加複雜,因此我們很高興看到我們在啟動新的 LUMRYZ 患者方面沒有失去任何動力。

  • Importantly, the majority of these patients are commercially reimbursed.


  • When we look at our available RYZUP data, we continue to see all three patient segments switch patients from first-generation oxybates, patients who previously tried and discontinued a first-generation oxybate, and oxybate-naive patients being well represented.

    當我們查看可用的RYZUP 數據時,我們繼續看到所有三個患者群體都從第一代oxybates 轉換為患者、之前嘗試過並停用第一代oxybate 的患者以及未使用過oxybate 的患者都有很好的代表性。

  • We are seeing the majority of initiations come from patients switching from a first-generation oxybate, with more patients coming from the twice nightly mixed salts product, compared to the twice nightly sodium oxybate products.


  • For new to oxybate patients, we saw an increase in their overall representation of all RYZUP patients in Q4 compared to Q3.

    對於新使用 oxybate 的患者,我們發現與第三季相比,第四季度所有 RYZUP 患者的整體代表性增加。

  • We're also excited that in the next few weeks we will be rolling out our LUMRYZ brand ambassador program, where people with narcolepsy will begin to tell their stories of how LUMRYZ has transformed their lives.

    我們也很高興在接下來的幾週內推出 LUMRYZ 品牌大使計劃,嗜睡症患者將開始講述 LUMRYZ 如何改變他們的生活的故事。

  • These stories and messages will come out through various forms of media to get these personal messages about LUMRYZ out to the narcolepsy community.

    這些故事和資訊將透過各種形式的媒體發布,以便將有關 LUMRYZ 的個人資訊傳播給嗜睡症社區。

  • Turning to healthcare providers, as of January 31, there were approximately 1,900 HCPs who are REM certified.

    至於醫療保健提供者,截至 1 月 31 日,大約有 1,900 名 HCP 獲得了 REM 認證。

  • As previously stated, although we covered the 4,500-plus HCPs who make up the entire oxybate prescribing universe, we have been spending more time with the 1,600 high-volume prescribers who make up 80% of the total oxybate market.

    如前所述,儘管我們涵蓋了構成整個羥丁酯處方領域的 4,500 多名 HCP,但我們仍將更多時間花在佔整個羥丁酯市場 80% 的 1,600 名大量處方者身上。

  • Of these prescribers, we have focused more of our early efforts on the almost 500 most experienced prescribers who account for 50% of the overall oxybate market.

    在這些處方者中,我們早期的工作更集中在近 500 名最有經驗的處方者身上,他們佔整個羥丁酸鹽市場的 50%。

  • And greater than 70% of these top tier HCPs have now written a prescription for LUMRYZ.

    目前,超過 70% 的頂級 HCP 已開出 LUMRYZ 處方。

  • Every week, we have been consistently adding more new and repeat writers.


  • Additionally, in the fourth quarter, we began our KOL-led speaker programs as they are a key tactic to drive HCP peer-to-peer LUMRYZ education.

    此外,我們在第四季度開始了由 KOL 主導的演講者計劃,因為它們是推動 HCP 點對點 LUMRYZ 教育的關鍵策略。

  • For product fulfillment, we continue to make strong progress demonstrated by the greater than 1,200 patients who have initiated therapy as of January 31.

    在產品履行方面,我們繼續取得強勁進展,截至 1 月 31 日已有​​超過 1,200 名患者開始接受治療。

  • As our overall reimbursement has grown significantly, we are focused on continuing to have more HCPs leverage RYZUP and our field reimbursement team to get more patients initiated onto LUMRYZ and support them longer term on their LUMRYZ journey.

    隨著我們的整體報銷顯著增長,我們致力於繼續讓更多 HCP 利用 RYZUP 和我們的現場報銷團隊,讓更多患者開始使用 LUMRYZ,並在 LUMRYZ 旅程中為他們提供長期支持。

  • In February, we saw continued improvement in progress with our trends.


  • That's a nice segue for me to provide an update on our payer progress.


  • We announced that with the signing of the MSR contract, we secured all three GPO contracts last year within the first seven months of launch.

    我們宣布,隨著 MSR 合約的簽署,我們去年在啟動後的前七個月內就獲得了所有三份 GPO 合約。

  • Now, to start 2024, LUMRYZ is now also covered by Anthem and the United Healthcare national formulary.

    現在,從 2024 年開始,LUMRYZ 也納入 Anthem 和 United Healthcare 國家處方集的涵蓋範圍。

  • LUMRYZ now has coverage policies with greater than 80% of commercially covered lives or over 140 million lives.

    LUMRYZ 現在的保單涵蓋了超過 80% 的商業承保人或超過 1.4 億人。

  • With the recent payer wins in hand, positive feedback from sleep specialists and people with narcolepsy, growing momentum and product fulfillment, and strong execution from our team, we believe we are well positioned for long term LUMRYZ growth, and ultimately for LUMRYZ to become the preferred oxybate for people with narcolepsy and HCPs.

    憑藉最近的付款人勝利、睡眠專家和發作性睡病患者的積極反饋、不斷增長的勢頭和產品實現以及我們團隊的強大執行力,我們相信我們已為LUMRYZ 的長期增長做好了準備,並最終使LUMRYZ 成為發作性睡病患者和 HCP 患者的首選羥丁酯。

  • With that, I look forward to providing more updates on future calls.


  • And now, I will turn the call over to Tom to discuss our financials.


  • Tom?


  • Thomas McHugh - Chief Financial Officer

    Thomas McHugh - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Richard.


  • Before we begin, I'll note that full financial results are available in the press release issued this morning and the 10-K that was filed last week.

    在我們開始之前,我要指出的是,完整的財務業績可在今天早上發布的新聞稿和上週提交的 10-K 中找到。

  • We are pleased to report that we generated $19.5 million in net revenue for the quarter ended December 31, 2023, and $28 million of revenue for the seven months ended December 31, 2023.

    我們很高興地報告,截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日的季度淨收入為 1,950 萬美元,截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日的七個月收入為 2,800 萬美元。

  • And as of December 31, we estimate that there was approximately one month of demand in the channel.

    截至 12 月 31 日,我們估計該通路約有 1 個月的需求。

  • Turning to operating expenses, we reported $43.7 million of total GAAP operating expenses for the fourth quarter of 2023, compared to $28.3 million (sic - see press release, "$23 million") in the fourth quarter of 2022.

    談到營運支出,我們報告 2023 年第四季的 GAAP 營運支出總額為 4,370 萬美元,而 2022 年第四季為 2,830 萬美元(原文如此 - 參見新聞稿,「2,300 萬美元」)。

  • Total operating expenses in the fourth quarter of 2023 includes $4.6 million of non-cash charges comprised of stock based compensation of $3.5 million and depreciation and amortization of $1.1 million.

    2023 年第四季的總營運支出包括 460 萬美元的非現金費用,其中包括 350 萬美元的股票薪酬和 110 萬美元的折舊和攤提。

  • After adjusting for these items, cash operating expenses were approximately $39 million for the quarter.

    在這些項目進行調整後,本季現金營運支出約為 3,900 萬美元。

  • For the full year of 2023, GAAP operating expenses were $165 million compared to $98.6 million in 2022.

    2023 年全年,公認會計準則營運費用為 1.65 億美元,而 2022 年為 9,860 萬美元。

  • Excluding stock based compensation of $15.8 million and depreciation and amortization of $4.3 million, cash operating expenses for the full year of 2023 were approximately $145 million.

    不包括 1,580 萬美元的股票薪酬以及 430 萬美元的折舊和攤銷,2023 年全年現金營運支出約為 1.45 億美元。

  • The increase in year-over-year operating expenses for both the fourth quarter and full year is primarily attributable to launch related costs, higher compensation costs related to increased headcount, and legal costs.


  • These were offset by lower R&D costs.


  • Prior to FDA approval on May 1, 2023, inventory expenses -- inventory purchases were expensed as R&D.

    在 FDA 於 2023 年 5 月 1 日批准之前,庫存費用——庫存採購被計為研發費用。

  • With respect to the balance sheet, as of December 31, we had $105 million of cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities, compared to $153 million at September 30, 2023.

    就資產負債表而言,截至12 月31 日,我們擁有1.05 億美元的現金、現金等價物和有價證券,而截至2023 年9 月30 日,我們的現金、現金等價物和有價證券為1.53 億美元。

  • The $48 million decrease in cash during the fourth quarter is primarily due to net cash used in operations of $26 million, which is net of cash received from sales of LUMRYZ, and $22 million to pay off the remainder of the convertible notes.

    第四季現金減少 4,800 萬美元,主要是由於營運中使用的淨現金為 2,600 萬美元,其中扣除了出售 LUMRYZ 收到的現金,以及用於償還剩餘可轉換票據的 2,200 萬美元。

  • As a result of paying off the notes, we are now effectively debt free.


  • During 2024, we currently expect that cash operating expenses before consideration of cash receipts from sales of LUMRYZ will be in the range of $40 million to $45 million per quarter.

    2024 年期間,我們目前預計,在考慮 LUMRYZ 銷售現金收入之前的現金營運支出將在每季 4,000 萬至 4,500 萬美元之間。

  • We believe that net cash used for operations will be materially lower after taking into account expected cash receipts from continuing sales of LUMRYZ.

    我們認為,考慮到持續銷售 LUMRYZ 的預期現金收入後,用於營運的淨現金將大幅減少。

  • As we look ahead based on current trends, plans, and assumptions, we believe we can achieve operating breakeven when there are approximately 1,300 to 1,500 commercially reimbursed patients on therapy and that we can achieve this during 2024.

    當我們根據當前趨勢、計劃和假設展望未來時,我們相信,當大約有 1,300 至 1,500 名商業報銷患者接受治療時,我們可以實現營運盈虧平衡,並且我們可以在 2024 年實現這一目標。

  • In addition to the number of reimbursed patients on therapy, our expectations regarding breakeven take into account a number of other assumptions, including how quickly patient demand grows, net pricing of LUMRYZ, and operating expenses to support the launch of LUMRYZ.

    除了接受治療的報銷患者數量之外,我們對盈虧平衡的預期還考慮了許多其他假設,包括患者需求增長的速度、LUMRYZ 的淨定價以及支持 LUMRYZ 上市的營運費用。

  • Now, I'll wrap up with some commentary regarding 2024 revenue.

    現在,我將以一些有關 2024 年收入的評論作為結束語。

  • While we are not providing formal guidance at this point, we pay close attention to the sell-side estimates.


  • And at this time, we are comfortable with the current consensus of approximately $155 million for the full year, including the possibility the 2024 revenue could be higher if actual results for LUMRYZ, such as, the rate of increase in commercially reimbursed patients, the total number of reimbursed patients who are treated with LUMRYZ, and net pricing outperform the assumptions currently used by the sell-side.

    目前,我們對全年約 1.55 億美元的當前共識感到滿意,包括如果 LUMRYZ 的實際結果(例如商業報銷患者的增長率、總收入),2024 年收入可能會更高。 ,淨定價優於賣方目前使用的假設。

  • And, with that, I will turn the call back to Greg for closing remarks.


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Tom.


  • With the strong foundation our team has built and the tenacity in bringing LUMRYZ to the narcolepsy community, we are pleased to see the momentum we created last year has continued as we've entered 2024.

    憑藉我們團隊所建立的堅實基礎以及將 LUMRYZ 引入嗜睡症社區的毅力,我們很高興看到我們去年創造的勢頭在進入 2024 年時仍在繼續。

  • Our 2024 priorities are clear and we remain intently focused on our launch execution, while bridging to cash flow breakeven and the near-term expansion opportunities for Avadel with our lifecycle management strategy.

    我們 2024 年的優先事項很明確,我們仍然專注於我們的發布執行,同時透過我們的生命週期管理策略為 Avadel 實現現金流收支平衡和近期擴張機會。

  • We thank you for your support.


  • We look forward to providing future updates on our progress.


  • And with that, we will open the call for questions.


  • Operator?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) François Brisebois, Oppenheimer.

    (操作員指令)François Brisebois,Oppenheimer。

  • François Brisebois - Analyst

    François Brisebois - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Thanks for taking the question.


  • Richard, I think you mentioned over 70% of the top 500 prescribers, I think, represent like 50% of the Scripps here have prescribed LUMRYZ already.

    Richard,我想您提到了前 500 名處方醫生中超過 70% 的人,我想,代表了這裡 50% 的斯克里普斯人已經開了 LUMRYZ 處方。

  • Do you give any granularity as to if they're repeat prescribers, if they've done it with multiple patients?


  • Is there a percentage of that, or is there kind of a feel of a bullish start?


  • Any color there would be helpful.


  • Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

    Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • Hey, Frank, good morning.


  • Thanks for the question.


  • Yeah.


  • I think, overall, if we think about those top 500, they are the largest volume oxybate prescribers.

    我認為,總的來說,如果我們考慮一下前 500 家,他們是最大的羥丁處方者。

  • We're very pleased to sort of see the penetration that we've had and the majority of those folks have been repeat writers as well.


  • Now, some of them have adopted at different times along the journey here, but we have, like I said, broken over 70% within the vast majority of those being repeat writers at this time as well.

    現在,他們中的一些人在這段旅程的不同時期已經採用了,但正如我所說,我們此時也已經突破了絕大多數重複作家中的 70% 以上。

  • François Brisebois - Analyst

    François Brisebois - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • And then in terms of the -- I don't know -- does reimbursement have an impact here on how quickly someone gets the product in their -- patient gets the product in hand?


  • Is that evolving with time?


  • Or any color there at all would be helpful.


  • Thank you.


  • Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

    Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • Hi.


  • Greg, you want me to take that one?


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • Go ahead, Richard.


  • Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

    Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah, sure.


  • Thanks again, François.


  • So yeah, as far as reimbursement is concerned, yeah.


  • It does matter clearly for us.


  • What we generally see is, if patients are covered and they meet the prior authorization criteria, if not on a -- we sort of had given guidelines around about a month, but it's definitely been creeping under a month if you have coverage and you meet the PA criteria.


  • So that coverage does matter for us quite a bit here.


  • And we're seeing more of those patients now going through under that period where they do actually have coverage and they meet the criteria.


  • So those patients are now going through in well under a month period of time.


  • François Brisebois - Analyst

    François Brisebois - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Thank you, and congrats on the quarter, guys.


  • Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

    Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

  • Thanks, Franç.


  • Operator


  • Ami Fadia, Needham.


  • Ami Fadia - Analyst

    Ami Fadia - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Good morning.


  • Thanks for taking my question, and congrats on all the progress that you've made.


  • Maybe two questions from me.


  • Firstly, just with regards to Anthem.


  • What percent of the Zinc GPO volume is Anthem?

    Anthem 佔鋅 GPO 總量的百分之多少?

  • And maybe for United, what percent of MSR would that comprise?

    也許對於曼聯來說,這將佔 MSR 的百分之多少?

  • And maybe if you could sort of also comment on just general progress in terms of pull through at the individual formerly level across the three different GPOs, that would be helpful to understand.

    也許如果您也可以評論一下三個不同 GPO 在個人先前層級的整體進展,這將有助於理解。

  • And maybe, my second question is, what are you doing to continue to drive this growth at the top of the funnel in terms of adding more patients to RYZUP?

    也許,我的第二個問題是,在為 RYZUP 添加更多患者方面,您正在採取哪些措施來繼續推動漏斗頂部的成長?

  • And what are some of the objectives for 2024 with that regard?

    2024 年這方面的目標是什麼?

  • Thank you.


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Richard, do you want to take those?


  • Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

    Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah, sure.


  • Thanks, Ami, for the questions.


  • Yeah.


  • So yeah, first, we're super excited that we have those coverage decisions with both Anthem, United Healthcare, to your point, pushing us over 80% commercially covered lives.

    所以,是的,首先,我們非常興奮我們與 Anthem、United Healthcare 都做出了這些承保決定,正如您所說,這使我們的生命覆蓋率超過 80%。

  • Anthem and UHC are both pretty big for their respective GPOs.

    Anthem 和 UHC 對於各自的 GPO 來說都相當大。

  • Anthem, probably in the neighborhood about 30% of the lives, and United Healthcare probably about similar for the MSR lives as well.

    Anthem 可能佔據了附近 30% 的生命,United Healthcare 可能也有類似的 MSR 生命。

  • So pretty significant large plans where we now have that coverage as well.


  • As far as the pull through is concerned, as per the previous question, we're definitely seeing now where there is a covered live and patients meet the prior authorization criteria, which is similar to most other oxybates; that those lives are being pulled through, those prescriptions are being pulled through quicker now as well, so the coverage does matter for us.


  • And we're seeing that pull through starting to increase our overall conversion rate across the team here as well.


  • Now to your last question as far as growth drivers for demand, we see several still when it comes to the HCPs.

    現在,關於需求成長驅動因素的最後一個問題,我們認為在 HCP 方面仍有一些成長驅動因素。

  • As we talked about before, there are HCPs who adopt at various stages along the adoption curve.

    正如我們之前談到的,有些 HCP 會在採用曲線的不同階段進行採用。

  • We began our speaker programs to have peer-to-peer education going on for those physicians going forward from the fourth quarter of last year.


  • I also just announced earlier that our larger patient initiatives will begin the next few weeks through our brand ambassadors for LUMRYZ, where they will share their stories about what LUMRYZ has done for them.

    我之前剛剛宣布,我們的更大的患者計劃將在接下來的幾週內通過我們的 LUMRYZ 品牌大使開始,他們將在那裡分享 LUMRYZ 為他們所做的事情的故事。

  • And we plan to get those out through various forms of media as well.


  • So it's really a two-pronged approach, which is to continue our efforts against the HCPs, and to also elevate the voice within the patient community as well.

    因此,這其實是雙管齊下的方法,一是繼續努力打擊 HCP,二是提高病患社群內的發言權。

  • Ami Fadia - Analyst

    Ami Fadia - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Andrew Tsai, Jefferies.


  • Andrew Tsai - Analyst

    Andrew Tsai - Analyst

  • Hey, good morning.


  • Congrats on the strong execution, and thanks for taking our questions.


  • So the first one is around conversion rates and discontinuation rates. 2,200 patients have cumulatively signed up.


  • It's a great number.


  • You've confirmed break even for this year.


  • So is it still fair to assume that most or the large majority of these sign-ups are bound to convert, suggesting discontinuation rates should still remain very favorable, maybe directionally well below 25%?

    那麼,假設大多數或絕大多數註冊用戶必然會發生轉化,這表明終止率仍然非常有利,可能遠低於 25%,這是否仍然公平?

  • And secondly, you're on a great trajectory with the strong monthly adds, the healthy conversion rates.


  • Again, you're blasting 2024 sell-side consensus numbers.

    再次,你在猛烈抨擊 2024 年賣方共識數字。

  • So obviously, the trajectory cannot last forever.


  • So when should the Street start to consider or model a change in the slope?


  • Thank you.


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Richard, do you want to maybe take the first, the conversion, and discontinuation rates?


  • Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

    Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

  • Sure.


  • I'll take those, and thanks for the questions, Andrew.


  • Yeah.


  • So yeah, we're very pleased with what the team has been doing through RYZUP and our field reimbursement team for conversion.

    所以,是的,我們對團隊透過 RYZUP 和我們的現場報銷團隊進行轉換所做的工作感到非常滿意。

  • We are seeing our overall conversion rate start to increase over time here as well, so -- and we're seeing both an improvement in the time, especially with patients who are covered with -- who meet the PA criteria.

    我們看到我們的整體轉換率也隨著時間的推移開始增加,因此,我們看到時間上都有所改善,特別是對於符合 PA 標準的患者。

  • But at the same time, we're not giving up on some of the enrollments that have been in our system for a longer period of time; sometimes, they just require a little bit more work.


  • But along with that, to your point, our discontinuation rate is below what we've seen historically for the twice nightly oxybates.


  • I think you had referenced 25%, which is about the benchmark of discontinuation for twice nightly is at one month.


  • So we are seeing our rate of discontinuation rates below the historical twice nightly claims historically.


  • So to your point, we see a nice build up getting more new patients on, and clearly we have a lot of efforts to appropriately keep patients on persistently over time as well.


  • Greg, I'll maybe pass a last question over back to you.


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • Just a couple of comments.


  • First, I think, as it relates to conversions and discontinuation rates, I think, with two full quarters into the launch, I think we've done incredibly well in both conversion to initiating on therapy and how we've effectively managed the discontinuation rates through all of our programs and services.


  • So, Richard's right.


  • We're really pleased where we sit, and certainly, we believe are beating the benchmark relative to the existing therapies in the marketplace.


  • As it relates to your comment about when should we guide the Street to change an expectation around the slope of the curve right from that standpoint, listen, we're not going to guide specifically around that, Andrew.


  • I appreciate the question, but I'll just remind everyone that, like, there is a large number of patients who have -- who are in our oxybate market opportunity.


  • That's upwards of 50,000 potential patients when you take in the currently existing treated patients across all forms of twice nightly oxybates, previously discontinued and new starts.

    如果您將目前接受過各種形式的每晚兩次羥丁治療的患者(之前已停止的和新開始的)接受治療的患者納入其中,那麼就有超過 50,000 名潛在患者。

  • We certainly expect to see us to continue to drive demand from all sources of those patients at this point in time.


  • So there's a large pie out there.


  • And our view is that we haven't hit the flattening of our slope at this point.


  • Andrew Tsai - Analyst

    Andrew Tsai - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thanks, again, and looking forward to seeing more good news.


  • Operator


  • David Amsellem, Piper Sandler.


  • David Amsellem - Analyst

    David Amsellem - Analyst

  • Hey, thanks.


  • So on the pediatric opportunity, can you talk about realistically how many patients you could capture or percentage of the market you think you can capture with a once-nightly modality?


  • So that's number one.


  • And then in IH, how are you thinking about that opportunity in terms of your ability to either expand the market?

    那麼在 IH 中,您如何看待這個機會,以及您擴展市場的能力?

  • Or do you think you get a lot of capture from patients who are on the low-sodium twice nightly oxybate product?


  • Just how you're thinking about those commercial dynamics in IH.

    您是如何看待 IH 中的商業動態的。

  • Thank you.


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • Thanks, David.


  • On pediatrics, depending upon your data source, there's different -- if you will, claims data sources, it would tell us that the actual oxybate utilization of pediatric patients relative to the total pie is anywhere from 3% to 5%.

    在兒科方面,根據您的資料來源,情況有所不同——資料來源聲稱,如果您願意的話,它會告訴我們,兒科患者的實際羥丁利用率相對於總數據在3% 到5% 之間。

  • So it's a relatively small patient population in the context of the full pie.


  • And part of that is because although onset of symptoms occurs between the ages, normally between the ages of 7 and 17, the diagnosis -- actually the proper diagnosis, doesn't occur to somewhere between 8 to 15 years later, which is something that certainly everyone hopes improves over time.

    部分原因是,雖然症狀發作發生在不同年齡之間,通常是在7 歲到17 歲之間,但診斷(實際上是正確的診斷)不會出現在8 到15 年後的某個地方,這是當然,每個人都希望隨著時間的推移有所改善。

  • So from us, it really has been -- it's much less about the total patient population that are pediatrics who are being treated and much more about really meeting the needs of that patient population and their families, right?


  • We've heard extensively from them about how disruptive waking up in the middle of the night is for parents, for the children, and for their families.


  • And so, for us, it's a really straightforward opportunity for us to advance to this patient segment and seek approval for it.


  • Again, so we do think there's an opportunity to potentially expand that treated patient pool at this stage.


  • But it's much more about just serving a community within the total narcolepsy patient community who really is looking for the opportunity to not wake up.


  • With regards to IH, again with over 30,000 uniquely diagnosed patients, and an upwards of another greater than 10,000 to 12,000 patients who we would describe as diagnosed with IH and narcolepsy and then you look at -- there's only one FDA approved drug, and you look at the penetration in that diagnosed patient population at under 10%, we think there is a significant opportunity in IH to help more patients that are being treated.

    關於IH,同樣有超過30,000 名獨特診斷的患者,以及超過10,000 至12,000 名以上的患者,我們將其描述為診斷為IH 和發作性睡病,然後你看——只有一種FDA 批准的藥物,而你看看診斷患者群體中低於 10% 的滲透率,我們認為 IH 有很大機會幫助更多正在接受治療的患者。

  • And again, when we hear from key opinion leaders and physicians at large, the first two things we hear from them after we talk about LUMRYZ and narcolepsy is when are you going to get pediatrics and when are you going to get IH -- when are you going to study in IH?

    再說一遍,當我們聽到關鍵意見領袖和廣大醫生的意見時,在我們談論LUMRYZ 和發作性睡病之後,我們從他們那裡聽到的頭兩件事是,你什麼時候要接受兒科檢查,什麼時候要接受IH-什麼時候你要去IH學習嗎?

  • And for IH, it really is about the fact that these patients suffer from really deep sleep inertia to the extent where they're sleeping 14-, 15-, 16-plus hours a day, and it's hard for them to wake up, right?

    對 IH 來說,這確實是因為這些患者患有真正的深度睡眠慣性,他們每天睡 14、15、16 小時以上,而且他們很難醒來,對吧?

  • It's hard for them to wake up.


  • And the opportunity to not be forced to do that in the middle of the night just offers a value proposition that is -- that I would say the community is very interested in with LUMRYZ.

    不必在半夜被迫這樣做的機會正好提供了一個價值主張,我想說社區對 LUMRYZ 非常感興趣。

  • So we're excited to initiate that study and update everyone on as we progress it and try to help those patients as well.


  • And we think it's another meaningful upside for the long term value of LUMRYZ, for sure.

    我們認為這對 LUMRYZ 的長期價值來說無疑是另一個有意義的好處。

  • David Amsellem - Analyst

    David Amsellem - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks, Greg.


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, David.


  • Operator


  • Ash Verma, UBS.


  • Ashwani Verma - Analyst

    Ashwani Verma - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Good morning.


  • Congrats from my side as well.


  • So I have two questions.


  • In terms of the switch patients, can you provide some color on how much of the use is coming from Xyrem versus Xywav?

    就轉換患者而言,您能否提供一些關於 Xyrem 與 Xywav 的使用比例的資訊?

  • A lot of us were surprised to see that Xywav narcolepsy patients are starting to flatten out in the most recent quarter.

    我們許多人都驚訝地發現 Xywav 發作性睡病患者在最近一個季度開始趨於平穩。

  • And then secondly, if you can briefly mention if you're seeing any off-label use on the IH side?

    其次,您能否簡單提及您是否發現 IH 方面有任何超說明書使用情況?

  • Thanks.


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Richard, do you want to


  • --?


  • Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

    Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah, no problem.


  • Thanks for the questions, Ash.


  • So yeah, as far as switch patients are concerned, we do see more coming from the mixed salts, or Xywav than we do from the twice nightly sodium oxybate segments overall as well.

    所以,是的,就轉換患者而言,我們確實看到混合鹽或 Xywav 的影響比每晚兩次羥丁酸鈉片段帶來的影響還要多。

  • Just a couple perspectives here.


  • When we did market research early on in the mixed salts launch, we saw that a lot of patients there tended to be earlier adopters of newer therapies.


  • And maybe we're seeing some of this here as well.


  • There are some -- there are more patients in the marketplace on the mixed salts version right now as well.


  • But, fundamentally, what we also hear is the amount of wet salts that are associated with the GHB really had no impact on the narcolepsy outcome.

    但從根本上說,我們也了解到,與 GHB 相關的濕鹽的量確實對發作性睡病的結果沒有影響。

  • So it's really not much surprise to us that we're seeing more patients switching from the mixed salts version than the twice nightly sodium oxybate versions as well.


  • And to answer your question about off-label usage, clearly, first and foremost, we don't promote any off-label usage, but we have seen requests for off-label usage for both pediatrics and for IH patients as well.

    為了回答您關於標籤外使用的問題,首先明確的是,我們不提倡任何標籤外使用,但我們也看到了兒科和 IH 患者的標籤外使用請求。

  • Ashwani Verma - Analyst

    Ashwani Verma - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Ash.


  • Operator


  • Myriam Belghiti, LifeSci Capital.

    Myriam Belghiti,生命科學資本。

  • Myriam Belghiti - Analyst

    Myriam Belghiti - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Good morning.


  • Just a quick question for me.


  • Can you comment on patient type signing up to the RYZUP program and if you see any differentiation than those that ultimately receive therapy?

    您能否評論一下註冊 RYZUP 計劃的患者類型以及您是否發現與最終接受治療的患者有什麼區別?

  • Is it a similar process for naive patients, discontinued patients, and such patients going through the RYZUP program?

    對於初次接受治療的患者、已停藥的患者以及正在接受 RYZUP 計劃的此類患者來說,是否有類似的過程?

  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Richard, do you want to take that?


  • Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

    Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yes.


  • Sure.


  • Thanks, Myriam.


  • So, yes.


  • Yes, the process is quite similar, because the way I describe the RYZUP enrollment, it's almost like a prescription.

    是的,這個過程非常相似,因為我描述 RYZUP 註冊的方式幾乎就像處方一樣。

  • And the only reason it isn't is because we have the three different specialty pharmacies within our network.


  • So the process is generally initiated by the provider.


  • And the amount of information that's required, depending on what type of patient you are is generally the same if you are a switch, with the exception of a box which indicates if you had former usage of an oxybate.


  • So yeah, we seem to be generally consistent across the board there as well.


  • And we're clearly very pleased to sort of see strong demand coming in through RYZUP as well.

    我們顯然非常高興看到 RYZUP 也帶來了強勁的需求。

  • Myriam Belghiti - Analyst

    Myriam Belghiti - Analyst

  • Okay, got it.


  • And then you spoke of a KOL-led speaker program today.

    然後您今天談到了由 KOL 主導的演講者計劃。

  • Can you provide a bit more detail on what that entails?


  • Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

    Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • We -- one of the things that's very important -- if you think about it beyond the terrific work that our medical team has done with publications and presentations at scientific medical congresses, it's pretty much been our voice carrying the word for LUMRYZ.

    我們——這是非常重要的事情之一——如果你考慮一下我們的醫療團隊在科學醫學大會上發表出版物和演講方面所做的出色工作,那麼幾乎就是我們的聲音在傳達 LUMRYZ 的聲音。

  • So we now have a speaker bureau, we have trained experts in narcolepsy across the country who are now doing speaker programs on our behalf.


  • We're generally speaking to other super providers and some of their colleagues within their offices and it's been really great to see.


  • We did quite a few of these programs as we exited Q4 of last year.


  • We have executed many more of those programs in Q1 of this year.


  • And we're also doing things such as like national programs as broadcast programs as well.


  • So it's really a great opportunity to get a fair and balanced perspective out on LUMRYZ and the narcolepsy marketplace.

    因此,這確實是一個獲得公平、平衡的視角來了解 LUMRYZ 和嗜睡症市場的絕佳機會。

  • And the reception and the turnout has been really positive to see that many sort of sleep specialists that have come out to these programs.


  • So getting that peer-to-peer education out for HCPs we think is quite critical.

    因此,我們認為為 HCP 提供同儕教育非常重要。

  • And these speaker programs are a very important tactic for us to execute that.


  • Myriam Belghiti - Analyst

    Myriam Belghiti - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Got it.


  • Congrats again on the great year.


  • Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

    Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Chase Knickerbocker, Craig-Hallum.


  • Chase Knickerbocker - Analyst

    Chase Knickerbocker - Analyst

  • Good morning, guys.


  • Yeah.


  • Great update.


  • Share my congrats as well.


  • So, I just want to maybe better characterize those patients that sit in the RYZUP program for longer.

    因此,我只是想更好地描述那些參加 RYZUP 計劃時間較長的患者。

  • In some instances, it looks like much longer than the one month average you kind of mentioned.


  • So just generally, what are the characteristics of these patients that sit on the program?


  • And do they not just meet the -- do they just not meet the PA criteria?

    難道他們只是滿足——他們只是不符合 PA 標準嗎?

  • And then should we still think of conversion rate there reaching very high numbers, or some of these patients just going to sit on the program?


  • Thanks.


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Richard, do you want to take that?


  • Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

    Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah, sure.


  • Thanks, Chase.


  • Yeah.


  • So it's a great observation as far as some of these patients who have been in the process for longer.


  • To your point, the general characterization is -- they may not have met the prior authorization criteria, or in some cases, they weren't covered live.


  • What we've seen with the process is then it's a medical necessity or it's going through an appeal and a denial process.


  • Now, one of the things we're very proud of and what we built with our RYZUP team as well is the tenacity of the team there to not give up on these cases.

    現在,我們非常自豪的事情之一以及我們與 RYZUP 團隊一起建立的東西是團隊不放棄這些案例的堅韌。

  • So while on one hand we're very focused on faster turnaround time, especially for patients who meet all the criteria, to your point, we're also not giving up on these longer standing cases.


  • And generally, what we have seen is a pretty good success rate oftentimes after many rounds of appeals and denials going through where we still can get a large portion of these patients initiated onto reimbursed therapy as well.


  • So to that point where we see sometimes enrollments that started back six months ago who can ultimately get onto therapy as well.


  • So it's still relatively early for us to figure out what those success rates should look like.


  • But we are still seeing on a monthly basis, what we would call more aged RYZUP cases, who are successfully able to get the therapy sometime several months later.

    但我們仍然每月都會看到更多老年 RYZUP 病例,他們在幾個月後的某個時候成功獲得了治療。

  • Chase Knickerbocker - Analyst

    Chase Knickerbocker - Analyst

  • Thanks, Makes sense, Richard.


  • Thank you.


  • Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

    Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

  • All right.


  • No problem.


  • Thanks, Chase.


  • Operator


  • Marc Goodman, Leerink.


  • Rudy Li - Analyst

    Rudy Li - Analyst

  • Thanks for taking my question.


  • This is Rudy on the line for Marc.


  • Congrats on the strong results.


  • So I have question regarding the market dynamics.


  • Do you see the total oxy market continue to expand in the coming years?


  • I'm also curious about your thoughts on the opportunity of the oxy products.


  • And do you see any potential impact in the oxybate in NT1 versus NT2 and IH?

    您認為 NT1 與 NT2 和 IH 中的羥丁酸鹽有任何潛在影響嗎?

  • Thanks.


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Rudy.


  • Richard, do you want to take that as well?


  • Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

    Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • No.


  • Thanks, Rudy.


  • Yeah.


  • So as far as the market dynamics is concerned, yeah, prior to launch, we had done six different quant market research studies.


  • That really showed with the introduction of LUMRYZ that the oxybate market could expand with the new patient, starts somewhere in the neighborhood of 30% to 50%.

    隨著 LUMRYZ 的推出,這確實表明羥丁酸鹽市場可以隨著新患者的增加而擴大,從 30% 到 50% 左右開始。

  • It's hard for us to say right now, because some of the other data from other companies is no longer as visible as it used to be.


  • So what we're definitely seeing right now is a few things.


  • One is we're getting more people who had never prescribed an oxybate previously into the mix who prescribed.


  • And we're seeing obviously strong penetration within existing oxybate prescribers.


  • So we definitely believe we're seeing some of the dynamics of patients going beyond using LUMRYZ, where they maybe were more limited with twice on the oxybates.

    因此,我們絕對相信,我們看到患者的一些動態超出了使用 LUMRYZ 的範圍,他們可能在使用兩次羥丁酸鹽時受到更多限制。

  • And as far as I think your question around orexins are concerned, for us, we're very excited to see any new treatment modalities that could potentially come to the marketplace.


  • Obviously, those companies still have to go through the clinical and regulatory process as well.


  • The first one that we see is focusing more on NT1.

    我們看到的第一個更關注 NT1。

  • I guess, a couple of things that we see when it comes to orexins, they look to be really fabulous weight promoting agents, maybe a little less certain around their impact on sleep.


  • And clearly, there's a lot of questions around the overall benefit risk profile between efficacy and tolerability as well.


  • But the one thing we do know overall is this tends to be a polypharmacy marketplace.


  • It has been in the past, and it likely will be in the future as well.


  • So we believe that LUMRYZ is well positioned not only in NT2, but clearly because of the benefit that it has in NT1 as well.

    因此,我們相信 LUMRYZ 不僅在 NT2 中處於有利位置,而且顯然還因為它在 NT1 中也具有優勢。

  • So I think, we're still early on there as well.


  • But one thing that we always consider, oxybates are used today in about less than 10% of patients who are diagnosed and under care for narcolepsy.

    但我們始終考慮的一件事是,目前被診斷並接受治療的發作性睡病患者中約有不到 10% 使用羥丁酸鹽。

  • So we still see there's lots of room for oxybates to grow, as Greg had mentioned previously.


  • And we believe we're well positioned today and also as new therapies come out in the future as well.


  • Rudy Li - Analyst

    Rudy Li - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thanks, Rudy.


  • Operator


  • Matt Kaplan, Ladenburg Thalmann.


  • Matt Kaplan - Analyst

    Matt Kaplan - Analyst

  • Hi, good morning, guys.


  • Thanks for taking the questions.


  • I guess, maybe can you provide some more color in terms of what you're hearing with respect to how important the low sodium formulation is in the marketplace right now, and your strategy there as you move forward your formulation?


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Richard, do you want to talk about that?


  • Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

    Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah, I'll take the first part there, Matt.


  • Thanks.


  • So yeah, candidly, from our field, we hear a lot less objections about sodium content overall.


  • I'd say a couple of things.


  • First, we now have our team out there as well.


  • Secondarily, one of the key publications that our team uses is a publication that came out in 2020 where sleep experts from Stanford and UCLA looked at the history of twice nightly sodium oxybate.

    其次,我們團隊使用的關鍵出版物之一是 2020 年出版的出版物,來自史丹佛大學和加州大學洛杉磯分校的睡眠專家研究了每晚兩次羥丁酸鈉的歷史。

  • And their conclusion was that there was really no difference in cardiovascular outcomes on patients on twice nightly sodium oxybate products at that time.


  • So I think, candidly, what's happened is science is being focused on here, and there's good published data that's able to be used.


  • And there is another company out there talking about the benefits of what a once bedtime therapy can do overall.


  • So we really haven't heard as much of that in the field.


  • There clearly are still some HCPs focusing on that.

    顯然仍有一些 HCP 關注這一點。

  • But I think, now, as patients are -- HCPs are getting experience with LUMRYZ and seeing the benefit of what it can offer to their patients, I think that's held a lot of weight with those offices as well.

    但我認為,現在,隨著患者 - HCP 正在獲得 LUMRYZ 的經驗,並看到它可以為患者提供的好處,我認為這些辦公室也很重視這一點。

  • And I know, Greg, if you want to talk about our lower sodium as well?


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • I think, in that regard, Matt, I think our view is that there are patients who have sodium sensitivities or other comorbidities that may require them to accommodate for that in their oxybate treatment choice.


  • And we want to make sure all those patients have an opportunity to be on a once at bedtime therapy option.


  • So that's why we continue to proceed with it.


  • And from that perspective, we think everyone should have that option.


  • Matt Kaplan - Analyst

    Matt Kaplan - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • That's helpful.


  • And then a second question.


  • In terms of the IH opportunity, you stated that you plan to launch your study second half this year.


  • Can you give us more detail in terms of the potential timeline there and of that program?


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • I think, it's a little bit premature to guide specifically on when we think enrollment will be completed or what not.


  • We clearly will initiate in the second half of this year and have every incentive to do that as early as we possibly can.


  • There's just a lot of work that has to go in in terms of starting up a trial, and we're well into that now, whether that's CRO selection, or site selection, and feasibility assessments at the site level, clinical supply, placebo manufacturing, all those sorts of things.

    在啟動試驗方面還有很多工作要做,我們現在已經著手進行,無論是 CRO 選擇,還是場地選擇,以及場地層面的可行性評估、臨床供應、安慰劑生產,所有這些事情。

  • So all of that is happening now.


  • So we're well on track from that perspective.


  • And so, we'll cover more.


  • We'll provide more context as we get into it for sure.


  • But the team has done an excellent job to ramp that up relatively quickly since the back end of last year, and we'll have more to talk about in the near future for sure.


  • Matt Kaplan - Analyst

    Matt Kaplan - Analyst

  • Sounds good.


  • Thanks a lot.


  • Operator


  • Oren Livnat, H.C. Wainwright.


  • Oren Livnat - Analyst

    Oren Livnat - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Congrats on the fast ramp here.


  • I have a couple.


  • First, I think, I'm tense in the queue here, and nobody's asked about the elephant in the room, so I will.


  • Can you talk about your statement up front about your confidence in that, whatever the jury decides, presumably any day now, your confidence in the potential of LUMRYZ?

    您能否先談談您對 LUMRYZ 潛力的信心,無論陪審團如何決定,大概是現在的任何一天?

  • Why are you confident about the outcomes?


  • And what do you think the scenarios could be going forward?


  • And also, do you have any update on timing around the APA lawsuit that are obviously publicly available or whatever color you might have on that front?

    另外,您是否有任何關於 APA 訴訟的時間安排方面的最新信息,這些信息顯然是公開的,或者您在這方面可能有什麼顏色?

  • And then I have a follow up.


  • Thanks.


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • So the answer to your first question, Oren, is really easy, which is we're just not going to comment on it at this stage.


  • That will become clear in the fairly near future from that standpoint, pending the jury's final decision.


  • So I would just ask you to be patient with us on that regard.


  • The status of the APA case, I think that hearing has been moved to April 9.


  • So that will take place on April 9 in the court in the District of Columbia.

    這將於 4 月 9 日在哥倫比亞特區的法院進行。

  • So


  • --


  • Oren Livnat - Analyst

    Oren Livnat - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And as I try to square your commentary and your ramp with Jazz's guidance, it seems like market growth must be an important variable there.


  • They say you're not growing the market that much yet.


  • I think, you've highlighted certainly that obviously most of your adds are from switchers, which is as expected.


  • But going forward through 2023 and -- or 2024 and beyond, how confident are you that you can grow the market more and accelerate that growth as your product's been out there longer with regards to bringing back prior discontinuers and whether those patients are identified to you or your customers and new diet patients being added?

    但展望 2023 年、或 2024 年及以後,您對如何擴大市場並加速增長有多大信心,因為您的產品已經上市了更長的時間,涉及恢復先前的停藥者以及這些患者是否已被識別或者您的客戶和新的飲食患者正在增加?

  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • Richard, do you want to start on that?


  • Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

    Richard Kim - Chief Commercial Officer

  • Yeah.


  • No.


  • Sure, Oren.


  • Like I said -- we said before, what we see already right now to your point is the previously discontinued segment is real, and we're seeing good representation of that within our RYZUP numbers and patients being shipped product already.

    就像我說的- 我們之前說過,我們現在已經看到的是,之前停產的細分市場是真實存在的,我們在RYZUP 數據中看到了很好的體現,並且已經向患者發貨了產品。

  • We're getting new prescribers who have never written for an oxybate previous to LUMRYZ being in the marketplace before as well.

    我們正在招募新的處方者,他們在 LUMRYZ 上市之前從未寫過羥丁藥物。

  • And here's the one thing that's also a little bit challenging right now.


  • We've candidly worked hard to sort of keep our data to ourselves.


  • So when other companies are looking at data from claims, they may not also be seeing the whole picture at this stage as well.


  • And what we see internally is some strong early signs that people are going beyond where twice nightly oxybates were being used previously -- previous to LUMRYZ being in the marketplace.

    我們在內部看到的是一些強烈的早期跡象,表明人們正在超越以前使用每晚兩次羥丁酸的情況——在 LUMRYZ 進入市場之前。

  • Oren Livnat - Analyst

    Oren Livnat - Analyst

  • That's helpful.


  • And just one last follow up.


  • Can you comment at all on, I guess, net pricing or gross to nets, I guess, in fourth quarter or annualized in general now going forward?


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Tom?


  • Thomas McHugh - Chief Financial Officer

    Thomas McHugh - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yes.


  • Hi, Oren.


  • Yes.


  • So we previously have guided to $120,000 net revenue per patient, per year.

    因此,我們先前指導每位患者每年的淨收入為 120,000 美元。

  • And as I've described in the past, we'll get there when we reach a critical mass, which I would define as more patients continuing on therapy than new patients coming on to therapy.


  • With that said, I think we're rapidly approaching that point, and looking forward to providing more updates on that in the future.


  • Oren Livnat - Analyst

    Oren Livnat - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Thanks.


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you.


  • Oren Livnat - Analyst

    Oren Livnat - Analyst

  • I'll follow up with you guys after.


  • Operator


  • I show no further questions at this time.


  • So this will conclude our Q&A session.


  • I would now like to turn the call back to Greg Divis for closing remarks.


  • Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

    Greg Divis - Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, and thanks, everyone, for your time for joining us today on our call.


  • And we wish you all a great day, and we certainly look forward to providing more updates here in the very near future.


  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • This concludes today's conference call.


  • Thank you for your participation.


  • You may now disconnect.
