Aurora Innovation Inc (AUR) 2024 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Greetings and welcome to Aurora Innovation's fourth-quarter 2024 business review call.

    問候並歡迎參加 Aurora Innovation 2024 年第四季業務審查電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions).


  • As a reminder, this conference is being recorded.


  • It is now my pleasure to introduce Stacy Feit.

    現在我很高興介紹 Stacy Feit。

  • Thank you, Stacy.


  • You may begin.


  • Stacy Feit - President - Investor Relations

    Stacy Feit - President - Investor Relations

  • Thanks Julian.


  • Good afternoon, everyone and welcome to our fourth quarter 2024 business review call.

    大家下午好,歡迎參加我們 2024 年第四季的業務審查電話會議。

  • We announced our results earlier this afternoon.


  • Our shareholder letter and a presentation to accompany this call are available on our Investor Relations website at The shareholder letter was also furnished with our form 8-K filed today with the SEC.

    我們的股東信函和本次電話會議的簡報可在我們的投資者關係網站 上找到。我們今天向美國證券交易委員會提交的 8-K 表格中也附上了這封給股東的信函。

  • On the call with me today are Chris Urmson, Cofounder and CEO and David Maday, CFO.

    今天與我一起參加電話會議的有聯合創始人兼首席執行官 Chris Urmson 和首席財務官 David Maday。

  • Chris will provide an update on the progress we have made across the key pillars of our business, and David will recap our fourth quarter and full year financial results.

    克里斯 (Chris) 將介紹我們在業務主要支柱方面取得的進展,而大衛 (David) 將回顧我們第四季度和全年的財務業績。

  • We will then open the call to Q&A.


  • A recording of this conference call will be available on our Investor Relations website at shortly after this call has ended.

    本次電話會議的錄音將在會議結束後不久在我們的投資者關係網站 上提供。

  • I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that during the call, we will be making forward-looking statements.


  • This includes statements relating to our future financial and operating performance and our financial outlook and guidance, including expected revenue for the 2025 fiscal year.

    這包括與我們未來財務和經營業績以及財務前景和指引有關的聲明,包括 2025 財年的預期收入。

  • Our ability to reduce costs and general expectations beyond that year.


  • The safety benefits of our technology and product, the achievement of certain milestones around and realization of the potential benefits of the development, manufacturing, scaling, and commercialization of the Aurora Driver and related services, including relationships and anticipated benefits with partners and customers, and on the time frame we may expect or at all, the market opportunity.

    我們的技術和產品的安全優勢、Aurora Driver 和相關服務的開發、製造、擴展和商業化方面某些里程碑的實現和潛在優勢的實現,包括與合作夥伴和客戶的關係和預期收益,以及我們可能預期的時間範圍或根本的市場機會。

  • Our product's ability to reduce fuel use and emissions, the expected future market size, our expected market share, the efficiency of our validation process, our remote assistance efficiency for driverless operations, and profitability of our products and services, regulatory tailwinds and framework in which we operate, expected cash runway, and overall future prospects.


  • These statements are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected or implied during this call.


  • In particular, those described in our risk factors, including in our annual report on form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the SEC, as well as the current uncertainty and unpredictability in our business, the markets, and economy.

    特別是我們的風險因素中所述的因素,包括我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日的 10-K 表年度報告中所述的因素,以及我們業務、市場和經濟當前的不確定性和不可預測性。

  • Additional information will also be set forth in our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2024.

    其他資訊也將載於我們截至 2024 年 12 月 31 日的 10-K 表年度報告中。

  • You should not rely on our forward-looking statements as predictions of future events.


  • All forward-looking statements that we make on this call are based on assumptions and beliefs as of the date hereof, and Aurora disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required by law.

    我們在本次電話會議上所做的所有前瞻性陳述均基於截至本電話會議之日的假設和信念,除非法律要求,否則 Aurora 不承擔更新任何前瞻性聲明的義務。

  • Our discussion today may include non-GAAP financial measures.


  • These non-GAAP measures should be considered in addition to and not as a substitute for, or in isolation from our GAAP results.

    這些非 GAAP 指標應作為我們的 GAAP 結果的補充而非替代或孤立存在。

  • Information regarding our non-GAAP financial results, including a reconciliation of our historical GAAP to non-GAAP results, may be found in our shareholder letter, which was furnished with our form 8-K filed today with the SEC and may also be found on our Investor Relations website.

    有關我們的非公認會計準則財務業績的信息,包括我們的歷史公認會計準則與非公認會計準則結果的對賬表,可在我們的股東信函中找到,該信函隨我們今天向美國證券交易委員會提交的 8-K 表格一起提供,也可在我們的投資者關係網站上找到。

  • With that, I will now turn the call over to Chris.


  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Thank you, Stacy.


  • Reflecting on 2024 and the start of 2025, it has been a monumental time at Aurora as we near the culmination of years of innovation and preparation for our commercial launch planned in April.

    回顧 2024 年和 2025 年初,對 Aurora 來說這是一個具有里程碑意義的時刻,因為我們多年的創新和準備工作即將完成,並將於 4 月正式投入商業運營。

  • The word Aurora means the dawn, and we're standing at the dawn of a new era in transportation, one defined by greater safety, mobility, and efficiency.

    Aurora 這個字的意思是黎明,我們正站在交通新時代的黎明,這個新時代的特徵是更高的安全性、機動性和效率。

  • Our focused strategy grounded in safety, positioned for scale, and enabled by financial discipline continues to differentiate Aurora as the leader in autonomous trucking.

    我們的重點策略以安全為基礎,以規模為定位,並以財務紀律為支撐,繼續使 Aurora 成為自動駕駛卡車領域的領導者。

  • We have made tremendous technological progress.


  • We're approaching closure of the safety case for the Dallas to Houston launch lane with ARM reaching 99%, and we've also been approaching our targeted 100% API loads commercial launch estimate since mid-October.

    我們即將完成達拉斯至休士頓發射通道的安全案例審結,ARM 已達到 99%,而且自 10 月中旬以來,我們也一直在接近目標 100% API 負載商業發射估計。

  • On the financial front, we've consistently demonstrated strong financial discipline, managed our cash use under budget.


  • We also further strengthened our liquidity position with a successful capital raise last summer, ensuring we have the resources necessary to fund the initial phase of our scaling strategy.


  • And at the start of this year, we announced a three-way partnership between Aurora, NVIDIA, and Continental, solidifying another key enabler to successfully deploy its scale.

    今年年初,我們宣布了 Aurora、NVIDIA 和 Continental 之間的三方合作,鞏固了成功部署規模的另一個關鍵推動因素。

  • Our industry is also fortunate to have a supportive regulatory environment.


  • Today, driverless deployment in the US is already allowed by the federal government.


  • And at the state level, under existing laws and regulations, autonomous trucks can be deployed in the vast majority of US states, including our Texas launch market.


  • We are also optimistic that the new Presidential administration's enthusiasm for innovation, safety, and a nationwide framework for self-driving vehicles could further support this favourable regulatory environment for driverless deployment in the US.


  • With nearly all the pieces in place, Aurora is poised for an extraordinary year ahead.

    目前,幾乎所有準備就緒,Aurora 已準備好迎接非凡的一年。

  • Our Analyst and Investor Day in March 2024 marked a defining moment for the investors who have supported our development journey.

    2024 年 3 月的分析師和投資者日對於支持我們發展歷程的投資者來說是一個決定性的時刻。

  • We gave them a chance to experience driverless truck rides and a first look at how our driverless trucks navigate advanced road scenarios at our test track.


  • I will never forget walking up to the track with our investors and analysts, seeing the trucks speed by entirely driverless.


  • At that moment, Aurora's vision became clear for everyone.


  • As we approach the final steps of development, we are just months away from starting our commercial journey and making our vision a reality.


  • We plan to launch our first driverless trucks hauling customer loads between Dallas and Houston in April.


  • In order to commence driverless operations, we must first close the safety case for the Dallas to Houston launch lane.


  • Our safety case framework is a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to confirming that our self-driving vehicles are acceptably safe to operate on public roads.


  • We quantify our progress toward closing our Dallas to Houston launch lane safety case through the ARM, a weighted measure of completeness across all claims of the safety case for our launch lane.

    我們透過 ARM 量化了達拉斯至休士頓發射航線安全案例的進展,ARM 是對我們的發射航線安全案例所有索賠的完整性的加權度量。

  • We remain the only company in the industry that has provided this level of transparency.


  • As of the end of January, ARM was 99%, up from 97% at the end of October, driven by the closure of a number of software claims.

    截至 1 月底,ARM 為 99%,高於 10 月底的 97%,這得益於多起軟體索賠的結案。

  • We have made meaningful progress on final behaviour refinement and validation and expect to complete the remaining elements of our safety case over the next several weeks.


  • Let us take a look at a rare surface street scenario we just recently encountered in Houston.


  • In the video on page 5 of our presentation, the aurora driver comes upon a large funeral procession, an unpredictable and complex scenario.

    在我們簡報第 5 頁的影片中,極光司機遇到了一支大型葬禮隊伍,這是一個難以預測的複雜場景。

  • As the truck approaches the intersection, the Aurora driver detects a police motorcycle directing traffic at an uncontrolled intersection, which could potentially block the truck's lane.

    當卡車接近十字路口時,Aurora 司機發現一輛警用摩托車正在無人控制的十字路口指揮交通,這可能會阻塞卡車的車道。

  • It slows its speed as it prepares to stop and requests input from a remote assistance specialist.


  • Importantly, given our system architecture and strict security protocols, our trucks cannot be operated by remote system specialists.


  • All driving tasks can only be executed on board.


  • Within seconds, the remote assistant specialist sees the police officers just blocking cross traffic and not the truck's lane and confirms the Aurora driver should proceed with the detection of the active police motorcycle at sufficient distance and rapid remote assistance response, the Aurora driver powered truck was able to continue on its journey without stopping.

    幾秒鐘之內,遠程助理專家就發現警察只是阻擋了交叉路口,而不是卡車的車道,並確認 Aurora 司機應該繼續在足夠的距離內檢測正在行駛的警用摩托車,在快速的遠程協助響應下,Aurora 司機駕駛的卡車能夠繼續行駛而無需停下來。

  • Adeptly handing scenarios like this helps reinforce our confidence that the Aurora driver will behave appropriately even in the rarest surface street scenarios.

    熟練地處理此類情況有助於增強我們的信心,讓我們相信即使在最罕見的街道路面情況下,Aurora 駕駛員也會表現得當。

  • And the successful interaction with our remote assistance specialists underscores the power of the complete system's performance.


  • Turning to rare construction scenarios, the Aurora driver is also delivering impressive performance.

    對於罕見的施工場景,Aurora 驅動程式也提供了令人印象深刻的性能。

  • In the video on page 6, an Aurora driver powered truck encounters an upcoming construction zone warning.

    在第 6 頁的影片中,一輛由 Aurora 驅動的卡車遇到了即將到來的施工區域警告。

  • It Lane changes to the left to prepare for the lane closure ahead and then seamlessly navigates a highly complex traffic crossover.


  • As you will see, this type of configuration redirects traffic to the opposite side of the road, bypassing the work zone with lanes separated by barriers and marked with cones.


  • This is a great example of truly skillful performance of known construction zones.


  • Once fully clear of the construction zone, the aurora driver returns to its preferred right-hand lane and continues its journey.


  • Strong performance in these types of scenarios support our solid API results.

    這些類型的場景中的強勁表現支持了我們可靠的 API 結果。

  • API is another key metric we use to assess the Aurora driver's performance and commercial readiness.

    API 是我們用來評估 Aurora 驅動程式的效能和商業準備程度的另一個關鍵指標。

  • The indicator penalizes the use of on-site support, which will be the most expensive support provided to enable the Aurora driver.

    該指標對現場支援的使用進行了懲罰,這將是為啟用 Aurora 驅動程式而提供的最昂貴的支援。

  • We're focused on driving up the percentage of commercial loads that did not require any form of on-site support which we refer to as 100% API loads.

    我們致力於提高不需要任何形式的現場支援的商業負載的百分比,我們稱之為 100% API 負載。

  • As a reminder, we do not anticipate that aggregate API will ever reach 100% even at launch.

    提醒一下,我們預計即使在發佈時總體 API 也不會達到 100%。

  • Because certain situations will always require on-site support.


  • However, we believe the percentage of 100% API loads is a strong indicator.

    然而,我們認為 100% API 負載的百分比是一個強而有力的指標。

  • Of our progress and expect this metric to reach approximately 90% by commercial launch.

    我們的進展預計到商業發佈時這項指標將達到約 90%。

  • We've been approaching 90% since mid-October, specific to the fourth quarter, excluding the first two weeks, 88% of loads at 100% API, with many weeks exceeding our commercial launch estimate of 90%.

    自 10 月中旬以來,我們的利用率一直接近 90%,具體到第四季度,除前兩週外,88% 的負載達到 100% API,其中許多週都超過了我們商業發布預估的 90%。

  • This puts us in a strong position for our planned launch in April.


  • During launch, we expect to operate up to 10 trucks commercially, starting with one driverless truck and then transitioning the balanced driverless operation.

    在發布期間,我們預計將商業運營最多 10 輛卡車,從一輛無人駕駛卡車開始,然後過渡到平衡的無人駕駛運營。

  • We're deliberately starting with this crawl walk run approach as our early efforts will be focused on exercising the full product suite to ensure a seamless launch while demonstrating the value proposition for our customers and continuing to build trust with all of our stakeholders.


  • In the second half of 2025, we'll focus on expanding our product capabilities to include night driving and rainy conditions, beginning our lane expansion strategy with driverless operations on the Fort Worth to El Paso Lane with further extension to Phoenix and increasing capacity of tens of trucks by the end of the year.

    2025 年下半年,我們將專注於擴展產品功能,涵蓋夜間駕駛和雨天條件,開始實施車道擴展戰略,在沃斯堡至埃爾帕索車道上進行無人駕駛運營,並進一步延伸至菲尼克斯,到年底增加數十輛卡車的運力。

  • Growing demand for autonomous trucking underscores the critical role the Aurora driver will play in addressing industry challenges as freight volumes continue to increase and shipping distance expands.

    隨著貨運量不斷增加和運輸距離不斷擴大,對自動駕駛卡車的需求不斷增長,凸顯了 Aurora 司機在應對行業挑戰中將發揮的關鍵作用。

  • The Auroara driver is uniquely positioned to help solve staffing shortages and enable more productive and efficient transport.

    Auroara 司機具有獨特的優勢,可以幫助解決人員短缺問題並實現更有效率的運輸。

  • Aurora driver powered trucks operating at high levels of autonomy are already achieving best in class fuel efficiency, 15% above the industry average.

    高度自動化的 Aurora 自動駕駛卡車已經實現了同類最佳的燃油效率,比行業平均高出 15%。

  • This is not just a marginal improvement.


  • It is a clear example of how autonomy can deliver tangible value in fuel saving and sustainability.


  • As we work with customers and more deeply integrate the Aurora driver with their operations, we see the potential to reduce fuel use and emissions by up to 32%.

    隨著我們與客戶合作並將 Aurora 驅動程式與他們的營運更深入地結合起來,我們看到了將燃料使用和排放減少高達 32% 的潛力。

  • As we discussed in our sustainability white paper published last year.


  • This will help the industry reduce emissions and bring down operating costs.


  • This is just one example of how the aurora driver is meeting today's challenges and shaping the future of freight transport.


  • With a mutual focus on sustainable operations guided by safety, Aurora and Volvo Autonomous Solutions, or VAS, continue to make significant progress in our partnership.

    Aurora 和沃爾沃自動駕駛解決方案(VAS)共同專注於以安全為導向的可持續運營,在合作中不斷取得重大進展。

  • During the fourth quarter together with Vas, we launched pilot operations with DHL supply chain with the purpose-built Volvo VNL Autonomous powered by the Aurora driver.

    第四季度,我們與 Vas 合作,使用由 Aurora 駕駛員驅動的專用沃爾沃 VNL Autonomous 與 DHL 供應鏈一起啟動了試點運營。

  • We are initially hauling DHL freight on 2 lanes, Dallas to Houston and Fort Worth to El Paso.

    我們最初在兩條線路上運輸 DHL 貨物,從達拉斯到休士頓,從沃斯堡到埃爾帕索。

  • We also continue to autonomously haul freight for our other pilot customers, including FedEx Werner, Schneider, Herschbach, Uber Freight, and others.

    我們也繼續為其他試點客戶自動運送貨物,包括 FedEx Werner、Schneider、Herschbach、Uber Freight 等。

  • Cumulative to date, we have autonomously delivered under the supervision of vehicle operators more than 9,500 loads, driving over 2.6 million commercial miles with nearly 100% on-time performance for our pilot customers.

    截至目前為止,我們在車輛操作員的監督下已累計自主運送了超過 9,500 批貨物,行駛了超過 260 萬英里的商業里程,幾乎 100% 的準時率為我們的試點客戶。

  • We're also excited to have recently executed an MOU with J.B Hunt.

    我們也很高興最近與 J.B Hunt 簽署了一份諒解備忘錄。

  • As we prepare for a commercial launch, we continue to run our partner success program, which gives customers the opportunity to more deeply evaluate and assess the Aurora driver's performance as a final step to move forward with driverless operations.

    當我們準備進行商業發佈時,我們將繼續運行合作夥伴成功計劃,這使客戶有機會更深入地評估和評估 Aurora 駕駛員的表現,作為推進無人駕駛營運的最後一步。

  • Herschbach recently evaluated our system, leveraging the expertise of some of their most seasoned professional drivers who collectively represent over 75 years of on-road experience.

    Herschbach 最近對我們的系統進行了評估,利用了他們一些最有經驗的專業司機的專業知識,這些司機總共擁有超過 75 年的道路駕駛經驗。

  • These drivers have flogged millions of miles and have seen everything the road can throw at them, so understandably they came into the program with a bit of scepticism.


  • But during their rides they were blown away by the Aurora driver's performance, and in turn Herschbach is ready to go driverless when we are ready.

    但在試駕過程中,他們被 Aurora 駕駛者的表現所震撼,而當我們準備好時,Herschbach 也準備採用無人駕駛技術。

  • For me it was awesome to hear how experienced truck drivers get it about what this technology can mean for their industry.


  • You can hear from these drivers firsthand in the video on page 8 of our presentation.

    您可以在我們簡報第 8 頁的影片中直接聽取這些司機的發言。

  • Their shared belief in how autonomous and traditional trucks can work hand in hand to improve road safety and transform freight transportation is a true testament to Aurora's mission.

    他們共同堅信自動駕駛卡車和傳統卡車能夠攜手改善道路安全並改變貨運運輸,這真正證明了 Aurora 的使命。

  • Since our founding, our objective has been to deploy self-driving technology at scale.


  • Our OEM and tier 1 partnerships with Volvo Trucks, PACAR, and Continental are unmatched in the industry, and we believe Position Aurora is the only company capable of deploying autonomous trucking at scale.

    我們與沃爾沃卡車、PACAR 和大陸集團建立的 OEM 和一級合作夥伴關係在業內無與倫比,我們相信 Position Aurora 是唯一一家能夠大規模部署自動駕駛卡車的公司。

  • As I mentioned at the beginning of the call in January, we further enhanced this ecosystem with a three-way partnership between Aurora, and Video and NVIDIA, my apologies, and Continental, solidifying another key enabler to successfully deploy at scale.

    正如我在 1 月電話會議開始時提到的那樣,我們透過 Aurora、Video、NVIDIA(抱歉,還有 Continental)之間的三方合作進一步增強了這個生態系統,鞏固了另一個成功大規模部署的關鍵推動因素。

  • NVIDIA's Drive Thor system on a chip will be integrated into the Aurora Driver hardware kit that Continental plans to mass manufacture starting in 2027.

    NVIDIA 的 Drive Thor 系統單晶片將整合到大陸集團計劃從 2027 年開始批量生產的 Aurora Driver 硬體套件中。

  • Production samples of Drive Thor are coming in the first half of 2025 to start testing.

    Drive Thor 的生產樣品將於 2025 年上半年推出並開始測試。

  • Drive Thor will be the core of the primary computer for the Aurora driver, which we are developing with Continental, who will manufacture it.

    Drive Thor 將成為 Aurora 驅動器主電腦的核心,由我們與大陸集團共同開發,並由大陸集團製造。

  • We also continue to make meaningful progress on other aspects of this generation of the hardware kit.


  • During the fourth quarter, we completed the integration of our first light on a chip into a single photonics engine.


  • Notably, the prototype's performance is meeting our requirements for our next generation LIDAR.


  • And in January, Continental and Aurora achieved another partnership milestone and are now beginning a sample builds and firmware development.

    今年 1 月,大陸集團和 Aurora 又實現了合作的另一個里程碑,目前正在開始樣品建造和韌體開發。

  • The significant progress we're making toward this generation of hardware is critical as it will unlock true scale on the order of tens of thousands of trucks.


  • While we work toward continental startup production in 2027, our third-generation commercial kit, we also continue to advance our second-generation commercial hardware kit.

    在我們致力於 2027 年在大陸啟動第三代商用套件的生產的同時,我們也持續推動第二代商用硬體套件的開發。

  • We plan to introduce this kit later this year to support our ambitions to scale to hundreds of millions of miles travelled autonomously.


  • This generation brings exciting performance gains and importantly, we expect it to drive a step function reduction in our hardware costs, which is a critical element on our path to self-funding.


  • During the 4th quarter, we received a samples from our contract manufacturer Fibernet and have integrated this prototype kit into its first vehicle for testing.

    在第四季度,我們收到了合約製造商 Fibernet 的樣品,並將該原型套件整合到其第一輛車輛中進行測試。

  • Aurora has always been a mission-driven company with an immensely capable team, bold enough to dream big and skilled enough to make those dreams a reality.

    Aurora 一直是一家以使命為導向的公司,擁有一支能力超群的團隊,他們敢於夢想,並且擁有足夠的技能將這些夢想變為現實。

  • We are on the cusp of our planned commercial launch, a pivotal step toward realizing our mission, and our team is more focused and energized than ever.


  • With a team like ours, the impossible becomes achievable.


  • Our extraordinary progress would not be possible without the unwavering commitment from our team, partners, and investors.


  • Thank you for your trust.


  • We believe 2025 will be a defining year for Aurora as we begin to reshape the future of freight.

    我們相信,2025 年將成為 Aurora 決定性的一年,因為我們將開始重塑貨運的未來。

  • With that, I will now pass it over to David.


  • We will review our financial results.


  • David Maday - Chief Financial Officer

    David Maday - Chief Financial Officer

  • Thank you, Chris.


  • Let us discuss our financial results.


  • We have provided a summary on page 13 of the slide deck for reference.

    我們在投影片第 13 頁提供了摘要,以供參考。

  • During the fourth quarter of 2024, we continued to demonstrate strong fiscal discipline.

    2024 年第四季度,我們持續展現嚴格的財政紀律。

  • Fourth quarter 2024 operating expenses, including stock-based compensation, totalled $199 million.

    2024 年第四季的營運費用(包括股票薪酬)總計 1.99 億美元。

  • Excluding stock-based compensation, operating expenses totalled $164 million.

    除股票薪酬外,營業費用總計 1.64 億美元。

  • Within operating expenses, our R&D expenses, excluding stock-based compensation, totalled $142 million.

    在營運費用中,我們的研發費用(不包括股票薪酬)總計 1.42 億美元。

  • This amount includes $714,000 in pilot revenue, which we record as contra R&D expense. 2024 pilot revenue of $2.8 million increased 59% year over year.

    該金額包括 714,000 美元的試點收入,我們將其記錄為備抵研發費用。 2024年試點收入為280萬美元,較去年同期成長59%。

  • SG&A expenses, excluding stock-based compensation, were $22 million.

    銷售、一般及行政開支(不包括股票薪酬)為 2,200 萬美元。

  • We used approximately $142 million and $611 million respectively in operating cash during the fourth quarter in fiscal 2024.

    我們在 2024 財年第四季分別使用了約 1.42 億美元和 6.11 億美元的營運現金。

  • Capital expenditures totalled $8 million and $0.34 million dollars respectively during the fourth quarter and fiscal 2024.

    第四季和 2024 財年的資本支出總計分別為 800 萬美元和 34 萬美元。

  • This cash spend was below our externally communicated target for both the quarter and the year, reflecting our continued commitment to fiscal prudence.


  • We ended the year with a very strong balance sheet, including over $1.2 billion in cash and short-term investments.

    我們以非常強勁的資產負債表結束了這一財年,其中包括超過 12 億美元的現金和短期投資。

  • Given efficiencies we found in the business and cash preservation decisions we have made, we now expect this liquidity to support our planned commercial launch and fund our operations into the second half of 2026.

    鑑於我們在業務和現金保留決策中發現的效率,我們現在預計這些流動資金將支持我們計劃中的商業發布,並為我們在 2026 年下半年的營運提供資金。

  • In 2025, we expect quarterly cash use to be within the $175 million to $185 million average range.

    到 2025 年,我們預計季度現金使用量將在 1.75 億美元至 1.85 億美元的平均範圍內。

  • This accounts for an increase in capital expenditures and continued development of our new hardware programs as we prepare to scale our business.


  • At commercial launch, we will begin recognizing revenue.


  • This will include driverless revenue as well as continued pilot revenue, which up to this point has been recorded as contra R&D expense.


  • With our deliberate approach to launch, we expect our 2025 revenue to be modest in the mid-single digit millions for modelling purposes, we expect revenue to build sequentially throughout the year.

    由於我們採取了慎重的發布方式,我們預計 2025 年的收入將達到中等個位數,出於建模目的,我們預計收入將在全年逐步增加。

  • Revenue recognition associated with our driverless launch will be a meaningful milestone for Aurora but will have a negligible impact on our overall financials during our launch year.

    與我們的無人駕駛技術發布相關的收入確認將成為 Aurora 的重要里程碑,但對我們在發布當年的整體財務狀況的影響可以忽略不計。

  • Our focus in 2025 will be on expanding our driverless operations to prove the promise of the Aurora driver technology.

    2025 年,我們的重點將是擴大無人駕駛業務,以證明 Aurora 駕駛技術的前景。

  • In addition, our team will be focused on key cost reduction levers, including the introduction of our next generation hardware kit to support achieving our initial scaling cost reduction initiatives.


  • With that, we'll now open the call to Q&A.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • We will now be conducting a question-and-answer session.


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • George Gianarikas, Canaccord Genuity

    Canaccord Genuity 的 George Gianarikas

  • George Gianarikas - Analyst

    George Gianarikas - Analyst

  • Hi, good afternoon, everyone, and thank you for taking my questions.


  • So, I'd like to be optimistic and maybe look past the April commercial launch and just try to glean some incremental insights from you and how comfortable you feel about scaling, this is sort of a multi-part question.

    因此,我希望保持樂觀,也許可以回顧一下 4 月份的商業發布,並嘗試從您那裡收集一些漸進的見解,以及您對擴展的感覺如何,這是一個多部分的問題。

  • First, maybe some, tell us about the confidence you have in lane scaling through, especially as you mentioned, the operational remote assistance, specialists that you have to deploy in one of the examples that you shared and also from a hardware perspective, particularly as you mentioned NVIDIA, can you maybe can you break down a little bit in a little bit more detail some of the cost reductions you can achieve from a hardware perspective as you sort of scale the operation.

    首先,請告訴我們您對擴大通道規模的信心,特別是正如您所提到的,營運遠端協助,您必須在您分享的一個例子中部署的專家,以及從硬體角度來看,特別是正如您提到的 NVIDIA,您能否更詳細地分解一下,在擴大營運規模時,從硬體角度可以實現的一些成本降低。

  • Thank you.


  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Yeah, happy to you, George.


  • Thanks for the question.


  • So, on the lane scaling side of this, I am very optimistic, right.


  • Part of the reason or part of the thesis behind going after the trucking application is that the self-similarity of the freeway network in the United States is high, meaning that one bit of freeway looks very similar to another bit of freeway.


  • So, if you can drive in one place, you should be able to drive in another.


  • And we are seeing that in practice.


  • Last quarter, we shared an update on our ability to rapidly map the route between El Paso and Phoenix and then operate at a comparable level of performance to what we are seeing other places.


  • So, we expect that to roll out relatively quickly and as we look to '25, I think we'll see some evidence of that through the course of this year.


  • One of the things I would highlight is that as I look at this problem, each new lane will become actually easier to roll out.


  • So, as we get across the line for the first lane, Dallas to Houston, that is where we have built all of the core competence for driving.


  • And then as we move to a new lane, there is a small set of incremental new capabilities that are needed that we layer on top of what we already have, and we have talked in the past about the fact that Fort Worth El Paso, the big difference really.


  • Is that you have to operate through a customs Border Patrol station, and we do that today.


  • We just need to validate that work, and that is a modest amount of work compared to what we have accomplished over the last several quarters.


  • So really optimistic and confident in our ability to do that.


  • On the hardware side, we have laid out a strategy where we are initially we are going to launch with our first commercial, first hardware generation as commercial.


  • We have that in hand.


  • And we can produce that up to small tens of units, right.


  • We do not want to be a manufacturing shop.


  • We have talked in the past about the importance for us of focusing on what we do best in the world, and that is not making widgets.


  • We are really good at designing them, we are really good at integrating them.


  • And so that's where we brought into play our partnership with Fibernet, and you heard that we're already integrating the early artifacts from that partnership onto trucks and beginning to bring a process to that.

    這就是我們與 Fibernet 合作發揮作用的地方,您聽說我們已經將該合作的早期成果整合到卡車上並開始為其引入流程。

  • And that will support mid-level scaling, so getting it from 10s to small thousands.

    這將支援中級擴展,從 10 擴展到數千。

  • And then we have been planning ahead, as with the partnership with Continental, which truly gets us to automotive scale, right.


  • They understand the processes and they understand the manufacturing requirements and they know how to be part of the just in time manufacturing pipelines for our OEM have partners.

    他們了解流程,了解製造要求,並且知道如何成為我們 OEM 合作夥伴的準時製造流程的一部分。

  • And so, with the forethought that we put into building that partnership with Continental and the work we have done in building the partnership with Fibernet.

    因此,我們深思熟慮地與大陸航空建立合作夥伴關係,並努力與 Fibernet 建立合作夥伴關係。

  • I have a high degree of confidence in our ability to deliver the hardware necessary to build this business.


  • And with each of those, as you increase scale in production of a widget, the cost almost certainly comes down because of all of the investment in both the NRE of engineering and the manufacturing costs that you have to spread over the number of units that you produce.

    並且,隨著您增加小部件的生產規模,成本幾乎肯定會下降,因為您必須將所有投資分攤到您生產的單位數量上的工程 NRE 和製造成本中。

  • And so, as we look at this, we have a very high degree of confidence in the cost coming down.


  • We already have detailed numbers on that and seeing really good measure and we expect to certainly with the continental hardware can get to that very healthy margin business that we've talked about for a number of years.


  • So overall, when I look at the scalability from a software perspective and the ability to roll it across lanes, very high degree of confidence and equally high degree of confidence in our ability to deliver the hardware that will both support that business and do so at a price point that allows us to realize our objectives.


  • I apologize that maybe more than you were looking for.


  • George Gianarikas - Analyst

    George Gianarikas - Analyst

  • No, that's great.


  • Just a follow up on the NVIDIA partnership.

    這只是對 NVIDIA 合作夥伴關係的後續行動。

  • At CES there were a number of companies that talked about their NVIDIA partnerships.

    在 CES 上,有許多公司談論與 NVIDIA 的合作關係。

  • So maybe if you can go to a little bit of detail as to, and you did this at your analyst day, but as to how proprietary your hardware is relative to others that may be using the same GPU.

    因此,如果您可以詳細說明一下,並且在分析師日就這樣做了,但是相對於使用相同 GPU 的其他硬體而言,您的硬體的專有性如何。

  • Thank you.


  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Yeah, so the GPU is obviously, and, in this case, we are talking about an SOC, an integrated system on a chip from NVIDIA.

    是的,所以 GPU 顯然是,在這種情況下,我們談論的是 SOC,即 NVIDIA 的晶片整合系統。

  • That SOC, of course, is an off the shelf product.

    當然,該 SOC 是現成的產品。

  • What and it is an important part of our product, but the really magic in this application is how that is integrated in the system, how that is designed for manufacturability, reliability.


  • A scale whether it meets the performance requirements to deliver a safe product, and that is the magic that we bring, and Continental bring to complement the NVIDIA magic.

    衡量它是否符合交付安全產品的性能要求,這就是我們帶來的魔力,也是大陸集團為補充 NVIDIA 魔力而帶來的魔力。

  • So the thing itself not particularly unique, the way that we're using it and the value we're creating around it unique.


  • Stacy Feit - President - Investor Relations

    Stacy Feit - President - Investor Relations

  • Hey George, I just heard from someone via email that there was a bit of a cut off in a connection on our side and maybe there was a loss in the hearing.


  • Could you hear the answer?


  • I am not sure if, it may have.


  • George Gianarikas - Analyst

    George Gianarikas - Analyst

  • I heard the whole thing.


  • Stacy Feit - President - Investor Relations

    Stacy Feit - President - Investor Relations

  • Okay, great.


  • Thank you for confirming.


  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • And to whoever it got cut out with that, we apologize for that.


  • Operator


  • Andres Shepperd, Cantor Fitzgerald.

    安德烈斯謝潑德 (Andres Shepperd)、康托費茲傑拉 (Cantor Fitzgeral

  • Andres Shepperd - Analyst

    Andres Shepperd - Analyst

  • Hey everyone, good afternoon, congratulations, on the quarter and all of the, recent developments and thank you for taking our questions.


  • Maybe just to start off, regarding your commercialization strategy, I'm wondering if you can maybe flush out a bit more your crawl then walk then run approach so obviously starting with one.


  • Driverless truck and then ramping up the tens of trucks by the end of the year.


  • Just wondering what is the best way to think about Q3 and Q4 of this year in terms of those trucks in operation and also is there a certain number that you might be targeting for commercial loads and cumulative miles driven by your April date?

    我只是想知道,就運營的卡車而言,如何最好地考慮今年第三季度和第四季度的情況,以及您是否希望在 4 月份實現商業裝載量和累計行駛里程的特定數字?

  • Thank you.


  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Yeah, so maybe I will take the first part and talk a little bit about how we introduce it, and then I will let David talk more about the numbers.


  • So for us, the crawl walk run is really about acknowledging that this is a kind of a change, a step function change in transportation, and we want to make sure that we're able to bring stakeholders along on that journey as we close the safety case for Dallas to Houston, we're confident in our ability to operate multiple trucks on that lane, but other stakeholders kind of expect a natural progression.


  • And given that while it would be kind of well it will be an important moment and kind of a watershed moment in terms of delivering this technology, it won't have a material impact on our financials over the course of the next year.


  • So why not operate in a way that works well with local stakeholders and regulators and just kind of build up in a way that they'd expect and gives further confidence in our approach and collaborative nature.


  • So that's how we think about that, we'll start with one and then we'll build two, as you said, up to 10, and then by the end of the year, be at 10s of trucks is our expectation.


  • David Maday - Chief Financial Officer

    David Maday - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, and thanks Andres for the question.


  • Let me talk about the last part.


  • It may not be the message you want to hear, but I think for us, what Chris said is important for us it's about ensuring that we have a great product that delivers on the value that we've promised to our customers and working closely with our partners and our regulators.


  • So, for us, we're really focused in on one demonstrating that we have a commercial driverless product that everybody's going to love.


  • And the second thing is continuing to expand the technological areas where we can operate.


  • So going into nights, going into rains, going into new lanes, those for us are more important thresholds than the absolute number of miles that we drive because we really want to have a great product first and the miles are going to come naturally.


  • The other thing is that we also want to make sure that we get to our next generation hardware kit quickly, so we don't want to abnormally drive a ton of volume into the first-generation hardware kit, as we're waiting for the second.


  • So, for us it is a very deliberate approach.


  • We want to make sure that our customers are completely satisfied with the product we are delivering to our expectations and for us technology proof points we think in '25 is more valuable than a mileage guidance.

    我們希望確保我們的客戶對我們提供的產品完全滿意,並且對於我們來說,我們認為 25 年的技術證明點比里程指導更有價值。

  • Andres Shepperd - Analyst

    Andres Shepperd - Analyst

  • Wonderful.


  • That is super helpful.


  • I appreciate all that color.


  • Maybe just as a quick follow up, so for 2025 you disclosed, you expect your quarterly cash used to be in the range of $175 million to $185 million.

    也許只是作為一個快速的跟進,所以對於您披露的 2025 年,您預計您的季度現金將在 1.75 億美元至 1.85 億美元之間。

  • I am wondering if you could maybe give us a bit more granularity as to how to think about CapEx specifically, for this year, CapEx was about $8 million in Q4 and 34 for the year.

    我想知道您是否可以給我們更詳細地介紹如何具體考慮資本支出,今年第四季的資本支出約為 800 萬美元,全年資本支出為 3,400 萬美元。

  • Just trying to figure out what is the best way to model it for this year.


  • Thank you.


  • David Maday - Chief Financial Officer

    David Maday - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, so I do not expect a substantial increase in CapEx.


  • There certainly will be some increases in CapEx, but I think overall, let me try to describe it in the OpEx, we have, all the necessary people and operations in place to scale a business.


  • We will have some.


  • Slight increases on OpEx as we bring on our new programs like our new hardware programs, but I think for both of those there are going to be, pretty modest increases.


  • I would expect to see a modest increase in the OpEx cost in the remainder that fills to that 175 to 185 to be in the CapEx.

    我預計剩餘部分的 OpEx 成本將略有增加,從而達到 175 到 185 的資本支出。

  • So, I think that should be pretty helpful for you for your modelling purposes.


  • Andres Shepperd - Analyst

    Andres Shepperd - Analyst

  • Very helpful indeed.


  • I appreciate all the color.


  • Congrats again on the quarter.


  • I will pass it on.


  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Thanks very much, Andreas.


  • I appreciate it.


  • Operator


  • Scott Group, Wolfe Research.


  • Scott Group - Analyst

    Scott Group - Analyst

  • Hey thanks, afternoon guys.


  • I am wondering anything specific you guys still need to accomplish in order to be ready for April.


  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Now, there's just bits of work around, sorry, thanks for the question, Scott.


  • As we look at this, we talked last time about just need to kind of close out the last set of things and there's just some work to do, not a whole lot, as we pointed out, we've moved ARM to 99% and that's reflective of, the small amount of work that's left to close the safety case and API is approaching the bar that we have set for 100% sure if API is approaching the bar that we set for being able to launch.

    當我們看這個問題時,我們上次談到只需要結束最後一組事情,只剩下一些工作要做,而不是很多,正如我們所指出的,我們已經將 ARM 移至 99%,這反映了為結束安全案例而剩下的少量工作,API 正在接近我們設定的標準,100% 確定 API 是否接近我們為能夠啟動而設定的標準。

  • So we're feeling really quite good about this.


  • We see that in the performance on the road and the quality of the experience, and so we are honestly, I am really pretty jazzed right now.


  • It is happening the way we kind of expected.


  • Scott Group - Analyst

    Scott Group - Analyst

  • Yeah And then I totally appreciate the answer about.


  • This year is not about number of miles and trucks and whatever that that makes sense.


  • But as I guess when do we start to see like a real ramp, meaning ending the year with tens of trucks, does that go to hundreds of trucks next year?


  • Is next year like a step function year or is it still more gradual in '26 and then the step function is a little bit later.

    明年是否會像階梯函數年一樣,還是在 26 年仍是漸進式的,然後階梯函數會稍晚一些。

  • David Maday - Chief Financial Officer

    David Maday - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, it has got, let me take a shot and then maybe Chris she can add on to it. '26 is going to be a step function here in terms of kind of metrics that you guys are more used to, seeing, oh, again, once we have confirmed, with and started our roll out and we have demonstrated that we've got a really reliable and great product.

    是的,有,讓我試一試,然後也許克里斯可以添加一些內容。 '26 將成為這裡的一個階梯函數,就你們更習慣的指標而言,再說一次,一旦我們確認並開始推出,我們就證明了我們有一個真正可靠和偉大的產品。

  • And then we'll continue to launch on lanes, as Chris mentioned, we'll be able to launch even more lanes in the subsequent years.


  • We expect to have a step function change and just how many trucks we're operating and how many miles we're driving, and the miles driven is going to increase not just based on the number of trucks that are out there, but the utilization of those trucks, right?


  • We expect to, in '26 really be able to demonstrate a substantial utilization increase versus what people are used to, so.

    我們預計,在 26 年,與人們習慣的相比,利用率將真正大幅提高。

  • We're going to do it both from utilization and truck, but you at '26 to us is that step function year in terms of really seeing solid financials, and I think we've mentioned before, one of our objectives is to demonstrate, positive gross profit in '26.

    我們將從利用率和卡車兩個方面來做到這一點,但對我們來說,26 年是真正看到穩健財務狀況的階梯式年份,我想我們之前提到過,我們的目標之一是展示 26 年的正毛利。

  • We are still working towards that.


  • That is not a guidance or affirmation at this point, but that is what we have talked about at our analyst and investor day last time, and that still is an objective of ours to be able to do that.


  • We have to have a step function in our the mileage that we're driving.


  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • And just to add to what David said, I really think about '25 as accelerating our advantage, right, that when we launch commercially, we'll have turned the crank the whole way round for the first time and the momentum starts to build as we close that out, we launch the next lane as we launch new capitals and features.

    補充一下 David 所說的話,我真的認為 25 年可以加速我們的優勢,對吧,當我們進行商業發佈時,我們將第一次完成整個過程,並且當我們結束這個過程時,勢頭開始增強,當我們推出新的首都和功能時,我們將推出下一個航線。

  • And it will get the team and the company into the rhythm of deploying the extensions of the product that we need to support our customers and support the scale that we need.


  • It'll allow us to definitively answer the questions that George led with today, where we have high confidence today, we've got early signal of it, but we'll really be able to put those questions to bed and be able to demonstrate the scalability of this into a market where, the technology and the product desperately needed.


  • So, we are, I like.


  • It is just an exciting and fun time here at the company, and I am really looking forward to it.


  • Scott Group - Analyst

    Scott Group - Analyst

  • And then maybe just one last one, when do you think you will start having, we'll start seeing deliveries of trucks to third parties.


  • Meaning not an Aurora owned truck but you know a customer owning it.

    意思是說,這不是 Aurora 擁有的卡車,但您知道有客戶擁有它。

  • David Maday - Chief Financial Officer

    David Maday - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, I think, so, at the very latest, when we have our hardware kit that's being produced by Continental, that is expected to be a line site install with our OEM partners that will go directly to customers.

    是的,我認為,最遲當我們擁有由大陸集團生產的硬體套件時,預計我們會與 OEM 合作夥伴一起進行現場安裝,然後直接發送給客戶。

  • There is a path to do it a little bit before then, but we are going to work.


  • That is going to be more customer specific.


  • And their specific use cases.


  • So, I would say the latest you will see a substantial, essentially all drivers of service delivering to customers in '27.


  • There will be a migration that happens slowly before then and that will be customer specific.


  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • And this is going to be on us, right, that as we roll out that second generation of commercial hardware at the end of this year.


  • As we are able to demonstrate to customers that this can go the places they need, that it does it at a level of performance in practice, not just in theory that they're expecting, it's going to become obvious that it's transformational, and I think for the customers who get that earlier, they'll begin to build an advantage through the experience they'll gain early on.


  • In this next phase of transportation, and that is going to perhaps drive earlier acquisition and adoption of the hardware.


  • Scott Group - Analyst

    Scott Group - Analyst

  • Thank you guys.


  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Thanks, Scott.


  • I appreciate it.


  • Operator


  • Jeff Osborne, TD Cowen.

    傑夫·奧斯本(Jeff Osborne),TD Cowen。

  • Jeff Osborne - Analyst

    Jeff Osborne - Analyst

  • Thank you, good evening.


  • Just a couple of questions on my side.


  • I was wondering how should investors, categorize or characterize success with the April launch and the months thereafter, recognizing you're not giving guidance as it relates to miles, but just as you were to look back maybe in the fall of '25, over the prior 4 or 6 months that you had been commercialized, how should we give you a report card, so to speak.

    我想知道投資者應該如何對 4 月份的發布以及此後幾個月的成功進行分類或描述,認識到您沒有提供與里程相關的指導,但就像您回顧 25 年秋季,回顧您商業化的前 4 到 6 個月一樣,我們應該如何給您一份成績單,可以這麼說。

  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Yeah, so I think there's a big binary step, which is there's trucks driving down the road with nobody in them, right, that when I think of, if I put my investor add on and shareholder add on, I think of what are the big risks for our business, or one of the big questions about our business.


  • One is, can you actually make the technology work at all?


  • The second is, can you deliver the product at a price point where it is profitable?


  • And then the third is, can you scale it to the degree that the business becomes self-sustaining and becomes the exciting opportunity that we all expect it will be.


  • And so, by the end of this year, we will hopefully have laid to rest the first question, right?


  • That is our full expectation.


  • There will be trucks on the road with nobody in them, and that yes, we can make this work.


  • Towards the end of the year you are going to get strong signal that we are able to scale this product.


  • We certainly will not be operating at a scale where the business is self-sustaining, but you'll be able to see that, okay, this is turning over, they're able to roll out lanes, the expansion works the way we expect, and then we'll start to get the first taste of the hardware that will enable the initial profitability is our expectation.


  • So, like it is going to be a fun year.


  • Jeff Osborne - Analyst

    Jeff Osborne - Analyst

  • Sounds like it.


  • Just two other quick ones.


  • How would you characterize the competitive landscape?


  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • It's ours to win.


  • Right, as we look at the landscape, we look at the partnerships we have, we look at the technology and team we have, we think we're well ahead of the competition, and accelerating, and that is just incredibly exciting when we think about it an opportunity where freight in the US is a $1 trillion market and we have the opportunity to win.

    是啊,當我們審視情況、審視我們擁有的合作夥伴關係、審視我們擁有的技術和團隊時,我們認為我們遠遠領先於競爭對手,並且正在加速發展,當我們想到這是一個價值 1 兆美元的市場,而我們有機會獲勝時,這真是令人興奮。

  • For ourselves, for our customers, a big piece of that, I feel very bullish about our position.


  • Jeff Osborne - Analyst

    Jeff Osborne - Analyst

  • Good to hear.


  • And the last one, there is a lot of questions on the cost reduction potential.


  • You have obviously talked about Fibernet here in '25 and '26 at the lower volumes and the continental longer term.

    您顯然已經談到了 25 年和 26 年 Fibernet 的較低容量以及大陸的長期容量。

  • Are there any other, one or two key variables that you would highlight that are initiatives for '25 that we should be monitoring as it relates to cost out plans?

    您是否還有其他一兩個關鍵變數需要強調,這些變數是我們應該監控的 25 年舉措,因為它與成本計劃有關?

  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • So as we've talked in the past about the core kind of economic drivers of cost in our business, we talk about the hardware cost and depreciation of that over the lifetime of the truck.


  • We talk about the cost of on-site support.


  • So anytime somebody has to go touch a truck in the road somewhere, that is expensive, and that is why we have been talking about this 100% API trip measure.

    因此,任何時候,如果有人要在路上碰到卡車,那都是很昂貴的,這就是我們一直在談論 100% API 行程措施的原因。

  • And then the third is the cost of remote support.


  • How often does a remote agent have to support the truck?


  • And then finally the cost of insuring these vehicles.


  • So when I take you to those in turn, we've laid out the path forward even on this call with the hardware and bring that cost down with remote onsite support as we continue to deliver the product, we expect the reliability of it to continue to increase.


  • And so, we're confident that as we move from our, just from a hardware perspective, moving from the hardware we've built in-house to the hardware that's built from a contract manufactured continental, we continue to expect increases in the reliability of that hardware.


  • And then on the remote support we've laid out in our business review or analyst Investor day last year what the shape of that curve looks like.


  • And what we said is that by in '26 we expect to get to a ratio of better than 10 to 1 for our, I think it was ,26 we said that for our operators end of '25, I apologize, end of 25 we expect to get to a point of better than 10 to 1 for the operator to truck ratio.

    我們所說的是,到 26 年,我們預計操作員與卡車的比例將超過 10 比 1,我想是的,26 年我們說,對於我們的操作員來說,到 25 年底,對不起,到 25 年底,我們預計操作員與卡車的比例將超過 10 比 1。

  • And then on insurance, we continue to believe that the insurance market is rational.


  • And that as we demonstrate the improved safety and thus reduced loss, that the pricing of that will, improve.


  • So overall, again, we understand what the key levers are to drive cost out of the delivering the product, and we are making good progress across all of them.


  • Thanks for the great question, Jeff, by the way.


  • Jeff Osborne - Analyst

    Jeff Osborne - Analyst

  • Appreciate the detailed response.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions).


  • Mark Delaney, Goldman Sachs Asset Management.


  • Mark Delaney - Analyst

    Mark Delaney - Analyst

  • Yeah, good afternoon.


  • Thanks so much for taking the questions.


  • Given the news and research out on Deep seek, I'm curious because if you think there are new training techniques that Aurora could adopt and more generally if you think there are ways for Aurora to materially reduce its AI training cost in the future.

    鑑於有關 Deep seek 的新聞和研究,我很好奇,因為您是否認為 Aurora 可以採用新的訓練技術,更普遍地說,您是否認為 Aurora 未來有辦法大幅降低其 AI 訓練成本。

  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Yeah, it's been interesting to watch some of the news around rapid distillation of these large models and kind of the implications of that.


  • One of the things that it really points to is something we've been saying for years, which is quality of data matters over quantity of data.


  • So, if you take, for example, this is not speaking directly to Deepseek, but the report of the out of Stanford where they replicated.

    因此,如果您舉個例子,這並不是直接針對 Deepseek 的,而是他們複製的史丹佛的報告。

  • The performance of 01 using a relatively low-cost small model by feeding it just 1000 examples of quality reasoning from I think it was from Gemini in this case and basically got 80% to 90% of the performance, right, much less they spent, I think the headline of the article was Trained 01 for $50 or something.

    01 的性能使用了相對低成本的小型模型,透過只輸入 1000 個高品質推理範例,我認為在這個例子中是來自 Gemini,基本上獲得了 80% 到 90% 的性能,對吧,他們花的錢少得多,我認為文章的標題是花費 50 美元左右訓練了 01。

  • And so, this points to, this concept that we've talked about for a long time of it's not about just the quantity of data, it's making sure you have the right data, making sure it's high quality, and it's really serving the need that you're trying to solve.


  • And that's been our approach from day one.


  • There's certainly other interesting elements of these large models that we're looking at, augmenting what we do already, but pretty bullish about it overall.


  • Mark Delaney - Analyst

    Mark Delaney - Analyst

  • Very interesting, thanks for those thoughts, David, you said, your objective is to have a positive gross margin in 2026, but it's not guidance, and you talked about one of the key variables being around utilization and getting more miles, in 2026.

    非常有趣,謝謝你的想法,大衛,你說過,你的目標是在 2026 年實現正毛利率,但這不是指導,你談到的一個關鍵變數是利用率和在 2026 年獲得更多里程。

  • Maybe you talk about some of the other factors though, in particular an update around how pricing is trending in some of the commercial contracts and then how you think input costs and operations are, progressing toward, that positive gross margin target for next year.


  • David Maday - Chief Financial Officer

    David Maday - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, I think some of the things, like some of the key drivers in this, if you think about it, the gross margin and just look at and decompose the cost of goods sold on this, some of the elements that Chris said are really the major drivers of that.


  • And so, I won't repeat those perse, but I think the other thing is like how well do we operate if we're operating at terminals, how efficient are we at terminals?


  • So how fast can we get a truck onto the road?


  • How many people do we need to support that area?


  • And I think in If we look at how Aurora's approaches, there is a reason we started pilot operations 3 years ago, right?

    我認為,如果我們看看 Aurora 的方法,就會明白我們三年前開始試點營運是有原因的,對吧?

  • We are really, we have really learned a lot.


  • We've hired a lot of experts who understand how to get trucks on the road efficiently and effectively.


  • And that is what allows us, and it gives us the confidence to know that we are going to have relatively low cost, in terms of the terminal operations piece of it and that is really the only other element from the cost.


  • That that Chris has not already talked about that we want to keep a special close attention to.


  • When it comes to the revenue side, right, like the higher quality product we have, the more pricing potential we have, right?


  • I cannot predict the pricing of the overall market.


  • But I would expect that we are going to deliver a product that is safer, is more fuel efficient, and is more reliable, and I would expect our pricing power to be pretty high once we've demonstrated that.


  • And so, we're going to focus on what we can control, and those are having a great product that we can charge at the higher end of the pricing average and controlling our costs.


  • So, we have a path to get there.


  • There is a lot of hard work to do in the meantime, but certainly, I feel confident that this is the right team to do it.


  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • And I'll just add to what David said that we continue to believe that.


  • The human labour cost is really the pricing umbrella that we have for operating these trucks, right?


  • This is a super important job.


  • The cost of operating a truck or the cost of the driver operating the truck continues to go up as it should, given the risks and challenges these folks face, and that's going to be the next best alternative to the aurora driver up in these trucks.


  • So, we continue to believe that thesis too.


  • Mark Delaney - Analyst

    Mark Delaney - Analyst

  • That's helpful.


  • If I could just sneak one last one in the shareholder letter you spoke about the FMCSA ruling and how that did not go your way.


  • You did speak though about some workaround you mentioned operational one in in the near term.


  • I do not know if you could elaborate a bit more what exactly that means, and you also refer to a potential longer-term work around even if the law does not change and what that might look like.


  • Thanks.


  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Yeah, so for those who maybe aren't in on this is the FMCSA rejected our petition to allow trucks to have flashing lights on them to indicate when they're stopped on the side of the road, equivalent to the way that tow trucks do or emergency vehicles do.


  • It's also one of the more dangerous by the conventional way to do this is you put triangles out behind the truck.


  • It's one of the most dangerous things that truck drivers do is walk down a freeway putting triangles down.


  • We believe that the decision to reject this application was wrong, and we're petitioning the federal government to reassess this, and we're optimistic that with the new administration that there's a really good opportunity or good possibility that'll get changed.


  • That said that rejection has no impact on our ability to launch commercially.


  • We see both operational opportunities to mitigate this and technical approaches that allow us to operate in compliance with the law.


  • And you are not going to get more out of me on that sorry Mark okay.


  • Mark Delaney - Analyst

    Mark Delaney - Analyst

  • Okay got it well thanks for all those thoughts I'll pass it on.


  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Yeah, thanks very much for the question.


  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • Now our next question comes from David Vernon with the Bernstein.


  • Please proceed.


  • Justine Weiss - Analyst

    Justine Weiss - Analyst

  • Hi there, this is Justine Weiss speaking on behalf of David Vernon.


  • Thanks for taking the question.


  • So, if you look at slide 13, there are still a few areas where we know driverless operations and autonomous trucking are prohibited.

    因此,如果你看第 13 張幻燈片,你會發現仍然有幾個區域我們知道是禁止無人駕駛操作和自動駕駛卡車的。

  • So, I'm wondering if you've had conversations with regulators about potential for more sweeping regulation under this new administration that could make it easier for you to enter into these currently restricted markets.


  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Yeah, I think we approached this with two ways to think about it.


  • One is that I think the biggest lever we have is demonstrating the value in other states and helping that grow and impact our economy and that and see the safety benefits of it on the roadway, and then other states, I think we will want that.


  • We also do expect that there's a real chance that the new federal administration.


  • We will actually push for a nationwide standard for this, and that would help mitigate, the somewhat patchwork set of regulations we operate within across the United States.


  • And the reason why we have some optimism of that, for that is Transportation Secretary, Duffy.


  • In his remarks before Congress actually spent a fair bit of time talking about automated vehicles and talked about the importance of the technology for safety, but also for America to be a leader in this space and talked about the value he sees in there being a national framework for this.


  • So, we are optimistic that this administration will continue to be a strong supporter of the technology.


  • Justine Weiss - Analyst

    Justine Weiss - Analyst

  • That's great to hear.


  • And then I guess another question I am wondering about is how are things progressing with a shift towards single operators rather than two vehicle operators?


  • Like what percentage of single operator and how should that change by the end of 2025?

    例如單一業者的比例是多少,到 2025 年底這一比例將如何變化?

  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Yeah, well, I think the missions that are going to matter by the end of 2025 are going to be no vehicle operator, so I think that's going to be really exciting.

    是的,我認為到 2025 年底最重要的任務將是無需飛行器操作員,所以我認為這會非常令人興奮。

  • A lot of our testing will continue to be a blend of a single and dual operator, and it's really about the mission and making sure that we can operate the mission in question in a way that is thoughtful and safe on the roadway.


  • So, we actually do not even internally track the percentage of missions.


  • So unfortunately, I can't share a number on that, but it's really about, again, operational efficiency internally without impacting safety.


  • Justine Weiss - Analyst

    Justine Weiss - Analyst

  • Okay great thanks and then just one more if I could throw it in so you speak about increasing capacity to 10s of trucks by the end of the year so could you maybe help us frame the upper bound of what tens of trucks could actually look like what's the bear and bull case maybe on that?


  • David Maday - Chief Financial Officer

    David Maday - Chief Financial Officer

  • Yeah, I don't know that we have anything additional just seem to share on that right now.


  • I think again I would focus us on the sequential growth in the in the mid-single digit millions for revenue.


  • I think that's kind of a more important thing.


  • I think, for us we're again we're really focused in on the execution in the early stage, for us as we continue to launch more lanes, the demand for trucks is going to be really high, and we're going to have to fill that demand with our partners.


  • Justine Weiss - Analyst

    Justine Weiss - Analyst

  • Great thanks so much.


  • Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

    Christopher Urmson - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

  • Thanks for the question, Justine.


  • Operator


  • Thank you, and that was our final question and with that does conclude today's teleconference.


  • We thank you for your participation.


  • You may disconnect your lines at this time.
