Asure Software Inc (ASUR) 2007 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator

  • Good day ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the Fourth Quarter Asure Software Earnings Conference Call.

  • My name is Katina and I will be your coordinator for today.

  • At this time, all participants are in a listen-only mode.

  • And we will conduct a question-and-answer session toward the end of this conference.

  • I now would like to turn the call over to Ms.

  • Lisa Gunter of Asure Software.

  • Please proceed, ma'am.

  • - IR

  • Thank you, Katina.

  • Welcome, everyone, to Asure Software's conference call.

  • Before we start, I would like to mention that some of the statements made by management during this call might include projections, estimates, and other forward-looking information.

  • This will include any discussion of the Company's business outlook.

  • These particular forward-looking statements and all of the statements that may be made on this call that are not historical are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could affect their outcome.

  • You're urged to consider the risk factors relating to the Company's business contained in our latest periodic reports on file with the Securities & Exchange Commission.

  • These risk factors are important and they could cause actual results to differ materially.

  • This call is also being recorded on behalf of Asure Software and is copyrighted material.

  • It cannot be recorded or rebroadcast without the Company's express permission and your participation implies consent to the call's recording.

  • After we've completed our review of quarter, we'll open up the call for questions from the financial analyst community.

  • I would like to turn the call over to Richard Snyder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Asure Software.

  • - President - Chairman - CEO

  • Thank you, Lisa.

  • Good morning.

  • Thank you for joining us this morning and welcome to Asure Software's FY 'O7 fourth quarter conference call.

  • With me this morning is Jay Peterson, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

  • We will both give you some comments and analysis of our performance for the quarter and for the year and then answer your questions.

  • This fiscal year has had significant progress for the Company.

  • We were able to generate substantial returns from our intellectual property licensing program which effectively gave the Company the opportunity to transition to a new core business with excellent growth and much less volatility.

  • We were able to grow the NetSimplicity Software business 52% over the prior year showing that customers clearly value our solutions in the work force management space.

  • And providing a solid platform to build from in the future.

  • We continue to lower expenses in overhead to much better match, a smaller footprint.

  • Overall, it was a year of repositioning and preparing to launch a new mission.

  • As I mentioned to you in our last conference call in May, our vision is to be a leader in providing innovative, easy-to-use solutions in the work force management space.

  • The opportunity in the work force management space is extremely large.

  • In fact, in 2006, spending on this category was over $1 billion and the market is growing over 10% a year according to the Aberdeen Group.

  • This space includes advanced work force process automation, labor cost control and employee self-service.

  • Customers are seeking solutions in both small and medium-sized businesses as well as large enterprises.

  • This demand is being driven by companies' needs to be more competitive and to lower cost by replacing traditional manual intensive human resource and accounting functions with automated easy-to-use and self--service tools.

  • The NetSimplicity product line has been our opportunity to begin building a successful presence in this category.

  • We have tested demand for employee self-service in scheduling and asset tracking and it is strong.

  • We have a stable, extensible product built on

  • We have built an effective low-cost sales and marketing model and our efforts have resulted in an impressive roster of more than 2,000 customers.

  • I had also mentioned that we intend to grow not only organically through but also through acquisition as well.

  • This would allow us to scale to a much larger size and to be profitable as quickly as possible.

  • On September 13, just two weeks ago, I was pleased to announce the change of our name to Asure Software and the acquisition of IEmployee, an industry-leading provider of on-demand work force management solutions with International operations.

  • IEmployee's complimentary offerings will integrate well with NetSimplicity and its underlying technology is very appealing as it is an integrated suite of on-demand solutions that can be our foundation for significant growth as well as to augment future potential acquisitions.

  • This acquisition effectively doubles the size of our Software business today.

  • As Asure Software, we have a fresh start and a strategy to be a strong contender in the work force management market.

  • Offering deep domain expertise as a single source provider of these solutions ranging from HR benefits and time tracking to easy-to-use scheduling and asset management.

  • We will continue to focus our collective efforts on penetrating small to medium-sized organizations and divisions of large Enterprises.

  • Now, over to Jay.

  • - VP - CFO

  • Thank you, Dick.

  • Good morning.

  • This morning, I will are discuss the financial highlights from this past quarter for our NetSimplicity Software business.

  • The continued strength of our balance sheet and the recent growth in our working capital and cash and a brief financial overview of the IEmployee acquisition.

  • I will had conclude with high level guidance for the future.

  • Let me start off with the NetSimplicity Software business.

  • Our Software bookings, bookings and not revenue, increased this past quarter by 40% over the prior quarter and this is our best bookings performance to date.

  • In addition, Software revenues increased by 32% to $1.3 million.

  • And note as Dick said, this revenue performance is up 49% over the corresponding period one year ago.

  • Total Software revenue for the entire year grew by 52%.

  • In addition to growing bookings, we grew both Software backlog and license average selling price from prior quarter levels.

  • Since we acquired this Software business, we have seen nearly a four-fold increase in Software license ASPs.

  • Margins for NetSimplicity were 80% this past quarter.

  • Which was essentially flat with the prior quarter.

  • And this is our third consecutive quarter with our Software margins in the 80% range.

  • And we are forecasting our NetSimplicity margins to be in this approximate range on a go-forward basis.

  • Operating expenses for NetSimplicity were approximately $1.3 million, a 3% increase over the prior quarter.

  • In this 3% increase in spending corresponds with a 32% increase in revenue for the same period.

  • In this last quarter, we generated approximately $100,000 in cash for NetSimplicity versus a $300,000 investment in the prior quarter.

  • Our total operating expenses decreased by approximately $1 million for the quarter due to the conclusion of the 746 patent trial.

  • In addition, we decreased our total head count by 2 to a total of 42.

  • In terms of earnings, we were profitable for the fourth consecutive quarter and our earnings amounted to $0.08 a share versus a profit of $0.23 a share in the prior quarter.

  • And year-to-date, our earnings for the fiscal year have totaled over $12 million.

  • Let me now turn to the balance sheet.

  • Our cash balance increased by 34% to $35.1 million and this is the highest level in over 3 years.

  • And note that our working capital grew by approximately $2 million to $23 million and this is the largest working capital balance since the second quarter of fiscal year '04.

  • Our DSO this past quarter was a very healthy 10 days.

  • Our current ratio was 2.7 this past quarter.

  • And that's an increase from last quarter's 2.3.

  • Said a little differently, we have nearly $3 in cash and AR for every dollar in short-term liabilities.

  • Interest income this past quarter was just under $400,000.

  • Also, since the start of this fiscal year, we have more than doubled our shareholder's equity.

  • Let me now turn to a couple of comments, brief comments on the IEmployee acquisition that we announced several weeks ago.

  • The total consideration of $10.7 million consists of 5 million shares of Asure stock and the balance is to be paid in cash.

  • In addition, there is a $1.6 million escrow and that will be in place for 18 months.

  • Also, there is not any earn out in this transaction.

  • The trailing 12 months of revenue for IEmployee are approximately $5 million.

  • And they have been growing in excess of 25% a year.

  • They have a fast-based business model with 80% plus recurring revenue.

  • Their gross margins are approximately 80%.

  • Very similar to NetSimplicity and they have been profitable for the past two years and they are approximately a 15% bottom line net income business.

  • And one other point, the balance sheet that we are acquiring is a neutral balance sheet in that the current assets will be equal to the current liabilities.

  • Let me now turn to guidance.

  • I would like to provide guidance in four different areas.

  • First off, our overall spending excluding IEmployee will significantly decrease due to the conclusion of the 746 trial.

  • We will increase spending modestly in our NetSimplicity Software business this quarter.

  • And we believe we will generate $12 million in revenue this year and will generate cash in the second half of this fiscal year.

  • And the last guidance point is that we're forecasting that we'll maintain healthy cash balances and working capital for the foreseeable future.

  • And one last comment, Asure Software will be presenting at the upcoming Dutton Associates Conference in New York on November 13, and at that conference, we'll next be providing a corporate update on our progress.

  • I would now like to turn the call back over to Richard Snyder.

  • - President - Chairman - CEO

  • Thanks, Jay.

  • Let me just summarize a couple of key points.

  • If you can't tell, we're very excited about the future.

  • We've demonstrated success by generating cash in a strong balance sheet over the last year and tightly managing our expenses.

  • We have demonstrated success in the work force management market place by growing NetSimplicity 52% over the last year.

  • We have a clear strategy and a place in an attractive fast-growing market with a SaaS delivery model.

  • Now, we have essentially doubled the size of our Software business and we've demonstrated our commitment to this long-term operating business with the acquisition of an industry-leading company IEmployee.

  • Last but certainly not least, we have an experienced management team to lead this new plan.

  • I look forward to reporting our progress in the future conference calls.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Operator


  • Your first question will come from the line of Richard West representing J.

  • M.

  • Dutton Associates.

  • Please

  • - Analyst

  • Good morning.

  • - President - Chairman - CEO

  • Good morning, Richard.

  • - Analyst

  • Nice to see and listen to a Software company instead of that Court dependent company that you did so well with and so -- it ended differently, obviously.

  • - President - Chairman - CEO

  • Well, thank you.

  • - Analyst

  • I have a question.

  • Going forward, could you give us an idea of taking in IEmployee for your SG&A expenses.

  • Since the revenues are doubled, will they double on a quarterly basis going forward?

  • Could that be a guidance?

  • - VP - CFO

  • No, no, they will not double on a quarterly basis.

  • Richard, this is Jay.

  • This business will be accretive in terms of their contribution and one of the key areas with an acquisition is what synergies you can derive between the two businesses.

  • And that's an exercise we've already begun and will report more -- we'll report more on that over the next 90 to 180 days.

  • But our expenses will not double.

  • - Analyst

  • Ok.

  • And cashwise, you've really got a nice balance there.

  • All the way down to per share balance.

  • Going forward, you've indicated that modest increase in your Software capital spending.

  • Otherwise, it is just the normal accretive from IEmployee and then also the cash flow positive in the second half.

  • So, any ideas for the cash balance besides getting nice interest on our markets.

  • - VP - CFO

  • Yes, we've looked at several things, Richard.

  • One is that we believe there are some other products out there.

  • Other companies out there that could strengthen our suite of offerings.

  • So, we're not precluded in doing another transaction in the future.

  • And secondly, our board, in the past, has authorized over $1 million of additional share repurchase and it is possible that we will be in the market this current quarter.

  • - Analyst

  • That would be great because we got to get above that dollar number.

  • Thank you very much.

  • - VP - CFO

  • We believe we have the tools in which to accomplish that.

  • - Analyst

  • Thank you.

  • - President - Chairman - CEO

  • Thank you, Richard.

  • Operator

  • Please stand by.

  • There are no further questions at this time.

  • Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you for your participation in today's conference.

  • This concludes your presentation.

  • You may now disconnect.

  • Good day.