Applovin Corp (APP) 2021 Q3 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Greetings, and welcome to the AppLovin Third Quarter 2021 Earnings Conference Call.

    您好,歡迎參加 AppLovin 2021 年第三季度收益電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this conference is being recorded.


  • It is now my pleasure to introduce your host, Mr. Ryan Gee, Head of Investor Relations and Strategic Finance for AppLovin.

    現在我很高興向您介紹您的主持人,AppLovin 投資者關係和戰略財務主管 Ryan Gee 先生。

  • Thank you.


  • Mr. Gee, you may begin.


  • Ryan Gee

    Ryan Gee

  • Thank you, Jason, and welcome, everyone, to AppLovin earnings call for the quarter ended September 30, 2021.

    謝謝 Jason,歡迎大家參加截至 2021 年 9 月 30 日的季度 AppLovin 財報電話會議。

  • Joining me today to discuss our results are our Co-Founder, CEO and Chairperson, Adam Foroughi; and our President and Chief Financial Officer, Herald Chen.

    今天和我一起討論我們的結果的是我們的聯合創始人、首席執行官兼主席 Adam Foroughi;以及我們的總裁兼首席財務官 Herald Chen。

  • Please note our SEC filings, earnings release and shareholder letter discussing our 3Q performance are available at

    請注意我們的 SEC 文件、收益發布和討論我們第三季度業績的股東信函,可在 上查閱。

  • During today's call, we may be making forward-looking statements regarding future events and the future financial performance of the company.


  • These statements are based on assumptions and beliefs and we assume no obligation to update them.


  • Actual results may differ materially from the results predicted.


  • Please review the risk factors in our most recently filed Form 10-Q as well as elsewhere in our SEC filings for further clarification.

    請查看我們最近提交的表格 10-Q 以及我們提交給 SEC 的其他文件中的風險因素,以進一步澄清。

  • We will also be discussing non-GAAP financial measures.


  • Reconciliations of our GAAP and non-GAAP financial measures are included in our earnings press release, shareholder letter and our 10-Q.

    我們的 GAAP 和非 GAAP 財務指標的對賬包含在我們的收益新聞稿、股東信函和我們的 10-Q 中。

  • Please be sure to review these reconciliations as the non-GAAP measures are not intended to be a substitute for or superior to our GAAP results.

    請務必查看這些對賬,因為非 GAAP 措施並非旨在替代或優於我們的 GAAP 結果。

  • A reminder, this conference call is being recorded.


  • and a replay will be available on our IR website shortly.

    很快就會在我們的 IR 網站上提供重播。

  • With that, I will now turn it over to our CEO, Adam Foroughi.

    有了這個,我現在將把它交給我們的首席執行官 Adam Foroughi。

  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Thanks, Ryan.


  • Our headline results and our shareholder letter outlined our strong Q3 performance.


  • So I'm going to keep my comments brief to allow more time for Q&A.


  • I want to emphasize 3 things that really speak to the platform we are building and how our differentiated model is driving our success.


  • First, consider how fast we are growing.


  • Our software platform revenue just grew 385% year-over-year to $193 million.

    我們的軟件平台收入僅同比增長 385% 至 1.93 億美元。

  • Our growth has been accelerating for 4 quarters in a row now, largely organic.


  • We quadrupled our new SPECs and our net dollar-based retention was 255%.

    我們將新的 SPEC 翻了兩番,基於美元的淨留存率為 255%。

  • Second, consider the massive opportunity still ahead of us.


  • As the market absorbed IDFA changes, most advertising platforms saw modest sequential gains.

    隨著市場對 IDFA 變化的吸收,大多數廣告平台的環比漲幅不大。

  • Yet our software business grew 32% quarter-over-quarter.

    然而,我們的軟件業務環比增長了 32%。

  • We were growing fast before platform changes and continue to do so after, which is a testament to the strength of our team and our technologies.


  • Our customers are performance-driven.


  • That means our growth and our scale is a direct reflection of the strong performance of our integrated platform.


  • Our exceptional growth rate is continued proof of the advantages created by our business model and machine learning platform, AXON.

    我們卓越的增長率繼續證明了我們的商業模式和機器學習平台 AXON 所創造的優勢。

  • You may not realize it, but AXON is only a year old, and we've seen rapid acceleration in customer performance and adoption.

    您可能沒有意識到,但 AXON 才成立一年,我們已經看到客戶性能和採用率的快速提升。

  • That's why we're so excited about our future.


  • We think we have a path to grow our software business for 30% plus year-over-year for many years to come.

    我們認為,在未來的許多年裡,我們的軟件業務將同比增長 30% 以上。

  • Now there's clearly a lot of execution ahead.


  • But just imagine what it would take for us to grow like that for the next decade.


  • It would only take adding 20% more SPECs a year and growing the $1 per SPEC 10% per year.

    每年只需增加 20% 的 SPEC,並將每個 SPEC 的 1 美元每年增長 10%。

  • Today, we have 280 SPECs on AppDiscovery and MAX accounting for $587,000 per quarter each of GAAP reported software revenue.

    今天,我們有 280 個關於 AppDiscovery 和 MAX 的 SPEC,每季度 GAAP 報告的軟件收入為 587,000 美元。

  • The count of SPECs just grew 18% versus Q2 and our dollar per SPEC just grew 13% versus Q2.

    SPEC 數量與第二季度相比僅增長了 18%,我們每 SPEC 的美元與第二季度相比僅增長了 13%。

  • We just brought on a sales force for the first time.


  • We have just begun selling our platform, AXON.

    我們剛剛開始銷售我們的平台 AXON。

  • Our performance is exceptional for our existing clients, and we have a huge opportunity to attract new ones.


  • It isn't hard to imagine us being a $10 billion software business in 10 years.

    不難想像,我們將在 10 年內成為價值 100 億美元的軟件企業。

  • And remember, all the incremental dollars are almost all margin.


  • Lastly, consider the potential combination of MAX and MoPub.

    最後,考慮 MAX 和 MoPub 的潛在組合。

  • MAX is already one of the largest and fastest-growing ad exchanges, powering around $5 billion in media spend.

    MAX 已經是最大、增長最快的廣告交易平台之一,為大約 50 億美元的媒體支出提供支持。

  • A year ago, 10,000 apps were using MAX as a software platform to manage their ad monetization.

    一年前,有 10,000 個應用程序使用 MAX 作為軟件平台來管理其廣告獲利。

  • As of the end of Q3, that number is almost 30,000 and growing rapidly.

    截至第三季度末,這個數字接近 30,000,並且增長迅速。

  • We believe our unified platform should surpass $15 billion in advertiser spend across all industry bidders entering 2023.

    我們相信,到 2023 年,我們的統一平台在所有行業競標者中的廣告客戶支出將超過 150 億美元。

  • This would make our exchange one of the largest advertising ecosystems in the world.


  • With that, I'll hand it off to Herald to walk you through our financial details.


  • Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

    Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

  • Thanks, Adam, and thanks to everyone for taking the time to join us today.


  • As you can hear from Adam, we're extremely pleased with the performance of the business in the quarter, continuing on the strong momentum we saw in the first half of the year.


  • And we feel like we're very well positioned for growth in the fourth quarter next year and beyond.


  • In Q3 year-over-year, we did grow total revenue 90% and EBITDA more than doubled year-over-year.

    在第三季度,我們的總收入確實增長了 90%,EBITDA 同比增長了一倍以上。

  • We were able to drive 26% EBITDA margins and have another rule out number that's well in the 3 digits.

    我們能夠推動 26% 的 EBITDA 利潤率,並獲得另一個 3 位數的排除數字。

  • As Adam noted, our software performance was exceptional, and I wanted to highlight a few more details that you'll find in our shareholder letter.


  • Even when excluding Adjust, our software platform revenue quadrupled versus last year, and increased organically by 316%.

    即使不包括 Adjust,我們的軟件平台收入也比去年翻了兩番,有機增長了 316%。

  • It's due to the efficacy of our software solutions that's clear to the market, adding both the number of SPECs that we added as well as increasing the take rate we are getting from each one of those SPECs.

    這是由於我們的軟件解決方案的功效對市場很清楚,增加了我們添加的 SPEC 的數量以及提高了我們從每個 SPEC 中獲得的獲取率。

  • Software now represents 27% of our overall revenue.

    軟件現在占我們總收入的 27%。

  • And as our software grows, that drives margins and cash flow that can be reinvested in our business.


  • On the app side, the portfolio grew 56% year-over-year, a very solid performance, and our maps increase quarter-over-quarter as well.

    在應用程序方面,產品組合同比增長 56%,表現非常穩健,我們的地圖也環比增長。

  • While this is a strong performance from an application standpoint, this really helps to generate more scaled first-party data, which is a key component of our AXON machine learning engine, which, as you know, powers our software platform.

    雖然從應用程序的角度來看,這是一個強大的性能,但這確實有助於生成更多規模的第一方數據,這是我們 AXON 機器學習引擎的關鍵組件,如您所知,它為我們的軟件平台提供動力。

  • Note, this extra cash flow that we've been generating from software allows us to reinvest in our business across the board, including studio development capacity and investments in Q3 where we're investing behind a robust slate of future titles.


  • As Adam mentioned, we continue to see positive tailwinds in our business and are excited about our expanding market and strategic and financial position soon entering '22.

    正如亞當所說,我們繼續看到我們業務的積極順風,並對我們即將進入 22 年的不斷擴大的市場以及戰略和財務狀況感到興奮。

  • As we talked about in the second quarter, our outlook for software is to reach over $1 billion of revenue in fiscal '22.

    正如我們在第二季度所談到的,我們對軟件的展望是在 22 財年實現超過 10 億美元的收入。

  • That's over a 60% year-over-year growth over our $600 million target also offered in the second quarter.

    這比我們在第二季度提出的 6 億美元目標同比增長 60% 以上。

  • Now on top of that, with the pending acquisition of MoPub, that would add an incremental $240 million to $260 million of revenue run rate exiting '22 and would have very minimal costs at about $40 million.

    現在最重要的是,隨著對 MoPub 的收購,這將增加 2.4 億美元至 2.6 億美元的收入運行率,退出 22 年,並且成本非常低,約為 4000 萬美元。

  • As discussed, we're waiting for regulatory approval to determine the timing of the close of that transaction.


  • Before we take your questions, Adam and I are pleased to also announce that Alyssa Harvey Dawson has joined our Board of Directors.

    在我們回答您的問題之前,亞當和我很高興地宣布 Alyssa Harvey Dawson 已加入我們的董事會。

  • Lisa is currently the Chief Legal Officer at Gusto, a modern HR software platform.

    Lisa 目前是現代人力資源軟件平台 Gusto 的首席法務官。

  • Her deep experience in past roles across tech and consumer verticals will be highly accretive to our Board.


  • We're also pleased to announce that our Board member, Cathy Sun, joined AppLovin full time this past summer to help lead new initiatives.

    我們也很高興地宣布,我們的董事會成員 Cathy Sun 在去年夏天全職加入 AppLovin,以幫助領導新計劃。

  • Given her new role on the Board, she will be stepping down from the Board -- she has stepped down from our Board this past meeting.


  • With that, I'll turn it over to Ryan to help organize some questions.

    有了這個,我會把它交給 Ryan 來幫助組織一些問題。

  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from Youssef Squali from Truist Securities.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自 Truist Securities 的 Youssef Squali。

  • Youssef Houssaini Squali - MD & Senior Analyst

    Youssef Houssaini Squali - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Two quick questions.


  • First, maybe on the software platform revenues, explosive growth.


  • How should we think about growth in the fourth quarter and fiscal '22, particularly as you anniversary the launch of AXON in September, I guess.

    我猜我們應該如何考慮第四季度和 22 財年的增長,尤其是在 AXON 於 9 月推出週年紀念日之際。

  • You've already, I guess, anniversaried the $193 million run rate.

    我猜,你已經慶祝了 1.93 億美元的運行率。

  • The $1 billion target that you have for next year looks pretty reasonable.

    明年的 10 億美元目標看起來很合理。

  • Just wondering if there is -- if you see potential upside to that ex AdMob, of course.

    只是想知道是否存在 - 當然,如果您看到前 AdMob 的潛在優勢。

  • And then it looks like half or maybe 40 of the SPEC's net adds came from Adjust, which maybe speaks to the traction in upselling those clients to your solution.

    然後看起來 SPEC 的一半或 40 個淨增加來自 Adjust,這可能說明了向這些客戶追加銷售您的解決方案的吸引力。

  • The other half were, I think, net new which is kind of in line with what you guys did in the prior quarter, I think in Q2.


  • Is that the right interpretation and the right cadence we should think of as maybe we look forward or we look at the growth in that segment?


  • Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

    Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Thanks, Youssef.


  • Maybe I'll start, and Adam, you can add on and take it in reverse order.


  • Just in terms of the number of SPECs we do break it out for you in the shareholder letter, where we articulate that excluding Adjust, we had 280 SPECs on our AppLovin software, excluding Adjust.

    就 SPEC 的數量而言,我們確實在股東信中為您詳細說明了這一點,我們在其中明確指出,不包括 Adjust,我們的 AppLovin 軟件上有 280 個 SPEC,不包括 Adjust。

  • And in the second quarter, we had 237.

    在第二季度,我們有 237 個。

  • So that run rate, you're right, is about additional 40, excluding Adjust.

    所以你說得對,運行率大約是額外的 40,不包括調整。

  • Now Adjust, obviously, gives us access to their sales force, they're cross-selling our solutions.

    顯然,現在 Adjust 讓我們能夠接觸到他們的銷售團隊,他們正在交叉銷售我們的解決方案。

  • And in and of themselves, by the way, the Adjust product for attribution is growing and adding SPEC count as well.

    順便說一下,Adjust 歸因產品本身也在增長,並且也增加了 SPEC 數量。

  • That gets us to the total of 449.

    這使我們達到了 449 的總數。

  • So we're excited by that progress.


  • We're excited by that sales force.


  • Ultimately, if we're able to close MoPub, that obviously gives a lot more bandwidth in terms of team as well as technology to sell as well.

    最終,如果我們能夠關閉 MoPub,這顯然會在團隊和銷售技術方面提供更多帶寬。

  • So I think that's a good run rate for us to continue to execute against that 40-plus SPECs for AppLovin alone.

    所以我認為這對我們來說是一個很好的運行率,可以繼續針對 AppLovin 的 40 多個 SPEC 執行。

  • It will start to get more confusing, though as we do cross-sell.


  • It will be harder to determine.


  • Was it really just an AppLovin customer.

    它真的只是 AppLovin 的客戶嗎?

  • As you know, we have over 8,000 customers on our platform, but only the 449 that are at the SPEC level today.

    如您所知,我們的平台上有 8,000 多個客戶,但目前只有 449 個處於 SPEC 級別。

  • So there's a lot of existing customers that may not be viewed as new, but will become SPEC over time.

    因此,有很多現有客戶可能不會被視為新客戶,但隨著時間的推移將成為 SPEC。

  • And with your question with regard to software, we gave the guidance in the second quarter on software for the first time.


  • We don't intend to update that guidance today.


  • But as Adam said, we are extremely excited by the quarter-over-quarter growth rate where we had the 18% increase and 13% increase in price quantity, respectively.

    但正如亞當所說,我們對環比增長率感到非常興奮,我們的價格分別增長了 18% 和 13%。

  • And we think that momentum will continue as Adjust sales force continues to ramp, our technology and our machine learning engine continues to improve.

    我們認為隨著 Adjust 銷售隊伍的不斷壯大、我們的技術和機器學習引擎的不斷改進,這種勢頭將繼續下去。

  • And with scale, machine learning engines also improve.


  • So as we add on to the platform, there is a virtuous cycle to that improvement.


  • And then hopefully, with MoPub in '22 some time, that we'll be able to accelerate it from there.

    然後希望,隨著 MoPub 在 22 年的某個時間,我們將能夠從那裡加速它。

  • I think our plan will be to update guidance in general, including talking about our software number, when we report the fourth quarter numbers early next year.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Stephen Ju from Credit Suisse.

    下一個問題來自瑞士信貸的 Stephen Ju。

  • Stephen D. Ju - Director

    Stephen D. Ju - Director

  • Okay.


  • So Adam, big picture.


  • I think at last quarter's shareholder letter, you disclosed that you helped your clients install about 2 billion apps in the first half of the year.

    我認為在上個季度的股東信中,您透露您在上半年幫助您的客戶安裝了大約 20 億個應用程序。

  • So if we are on track to make that 4 billion installs for all of this year, on an audience that you have of around like 2 million people, that's like 2 installs per user per year, which seems like a lot of white space for you to run into.

    因此,如果我們有望在今年全年實現 40 億次安裝,在您擁有大約 200 萬人的受眾上,這就像每個用戶每年 2 次安裝,這對您來說似乎有很多空白碰到。

  • So you talked a lot about like the dollar growth that you can drive, but talk about the pieces that are coming together for you to make more efficient use of your ad impressions that you're showing now.


  • So we can think about taking the installs from maybe $4 billion this year to maybe $15 billion, $16 billion, $20 billion over some time frame?

    所以我們可以考慮在一段時間內將安裝量從今年的 40 億美元提高到 150 億美元、160 億美元、200 億美元?

  • Or your growth is not going to be as volume-driven, but what can help you drive higher effective pricing over time?


  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Thanks, Stephen.


  • And really, this ties back to some of the stuff I was saying in the lead-in.


  • But we're really excited about the many year outlook on the software business because AXON is just a year old, and it's really easy to forget that in our business.

    但我們對軟件業務的多年前景感到非常興奮,因為 AXON 剛剛成立一年,在我們的業務中很容易忘記這一點。

  • And machine learning platforms get much more precise over time as they accumulate more data and more opportunity.


  • When we started the platform a year ago, we only had in the hundreds of SPECs.

    一年前我們啟動該平台時,我們只有數百個 SPEC。

  • Now we have 280.


  • Imagine a machine learning software that had 1. It couldn't personalize or match-make very accurately in terms of what it was going to show a customer.

    想像一個機器學習軟件,它有 1。它不能非常準確地個性化或匹配它要向客戶展示的內容。

  • Well, we have 280 customers that are spending a substantial amount with us and getting exceptional performance.

    好吧,我們有 280 名客戶在我們身上花費了大量資金並獲得了卓越的表現。

  • So what we're most excited about is bringing more customers online will give the platform the capacity to become more personalized in the offering, and then that will drive up pricing because it will also drive up competition.


  • We think that can lead to an immense amount of growth over the next decade.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Tim Nollen from Macquarie.

    下一個問題來自麥格理的 Tim Nollen。

  • Timothy Wilson Nollen - Senior Media Analyst

    Timothy Wilson Nollen - Senior Media Analyst

  • Just like to ask a question on MoPub, please.

    只是想在 MoPub 上提問。

  • If you could talk a bit more about the scale benefits that it really brings you.


  • It seems like kind of an obvious thing to say that scale is important especially on the ad mediation side.


  • But just maybe a bit more color on how that really helps you.


  • And then its growth rate seems to have been fairly slow coming into your acquisition.


  • I wonder how much you can help accelerate it or it can help accelerate your growth?


  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Thanks, Tim.


  • MoPub itself as a platform has been in the market for about a decade.

    MoPub 本身作為一個平台已經上市了大約十年。

  • They built out a lot of tools.


  • They cater to a much broader set of demand.


  • Tools that are successful tools for agencies and brands to bring demand into the mobile marketplace as well as a robust set of DSPs.

    這些工具是代理商和品牌將需求帶入移動市場的成功工具,也是一組強大的 DSP。

  • Pretty much every DSP in mobile was working with their marketplace.

    幾乎每個移動 DSP 都在與他們的市場合作。

  • When we launched MAX 3 years ago, we took a different approach and built a lightweight platform that was really automated and pure for the mobile game developer.

    當我們 3 年前推出 MAX 時,我們採取了不同的方法,構建了一個輕量級的平台,該平台對移動遊戲開發者來說真正自動化和純粹。

  • And MAX, as we've noted, has grown immensely.

    正如我們所指出的,MAX 已經取得了巨大的增長。

  • It's processing around $5 billion of advertising spend a year right now on the platform.

    它現在每年在該平台上處理大約 50 億美元的廣告支出。

  • What we didn't do was layer on this incremental functionality that would bring even more demand into the ecosystem.


  • By bringing MoPub supply in, we'll expand the supply to get to a point of late next year what we think is a target of over $15 billion of ad spend, which makes it one of the largest platforms in the world.

    通過引入 MoPub 供應,我們將擴大供應,到明年年底達到我們認為超過 150 億美元的廣告支出目標,這使其成為世界上最大的平台之一。

  • When you have a platform that big, it attracts demand.


  • And we'll be combining in the unified solution the MoPub product set to go attract that demand over.

    我們將在統一的解決方案中結合 MoPub 產品集來吸引這種需求。

  • And we think once that happens, the whole platform will accelerate in growth.


  • Timothy Wilson Nollen - Senior Media Analyst

    Timothy Wilson Nollen - Senior Media Analyst

  • And does it expand you much beyond the gaming vertical into other sectors as well?


  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • 100%.


  • MoPub works with both games and non-games.

    MoPub 適用於遊戲和非遊戲。

  • And a lot of these technologies and products that they've built for a broader set of demand appeal to non-gaming just as much as gaming.


  • So we're going to go after the entire mobile app ecosystem with this integration and unified solution.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Alexia Quadrani from JPMorgan.

    下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Alexia Quadrani。

  • Alexia Skouras Quadrani - MD and Senior Analyst

    Alexia Skouras Quadrani - MD and Senior Analyst

  • Adam, I wonder if you could just provide an update on how the IDFA changes impacted your software and content businesses through the quarter.

    Adam,我想知道您是否可以提供有關 IDFA 更改如何在本季度影響您的軟件和內容業務的最新信息。

  • And then maybe I'll do a follow-up on MoPub.

    然後也許我會跟進 MoPub。

  • I'm wondering if you could just talk to the integration a bit.


  • How you'll onboard their apps on to MAX and maybe speak to any risk of client attrition during that time.

    您將如何將他們的應用程序加載到 MAX 上,以及在此期間可能會遇到任何客戶流失的風險。

  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Yes.


  • I'll go in reverse order, just so I could remember.


  • MAX, in marketplace discussions and talking about a unified MAX MoPub platform, the reception has been exceptionally positive, both in terms of advertisers and publishers.

    MAX,在市場討論和談論統一的 MAX MoPub 平台時,無論是廣告商還是出版商,反響都異常積極。

  • MoPub itself, as part of Twitter, wasn't a focused product.

    MoPub 本身,作為 Twitter 的一部分,並不是一個專注的產品。

  • It's been a long-term product that had a lot of retained customers for many years, but there hasn't been a lot of innovation in product investment the way we do when we're focused on a product that's core to our business.


  • And so as we've spoken to the publishers, there's a lot of excitement about the possibility of bringing the 2 platforms together, and tapping into the cement scale and incremental demand, which we think will create more competition, more publisher yield and more growth in the ecosystem for all parties that intersect with it.


  • On the first question, the IDFA impact in the marketplace, as you saw in our numbers and a lot of advertising platforms, advertising quarter-over-quarter was mostly muted in terms of growth.

    關於第一個問題,IDFA 對市場的影響,正如您在我們的數據和許多廣告平台中看到的那樣,就增長而言,季度環比的廣告大多處於低迷狀態。

  • So there is loss in terms of targeting that's possible with IDFA going away, and publisher CPMs did diminish on iOS.

    因此,隨著 IDFA 的消失,在定位方面可能會出現損失,而且 iOS 上的發布商每千次展示費用確實減少了。

  • That was offset on the publishing side with games on Android as demand shifted over there.

    隨著需求轉移,這在 Android 上的遊戲在發行方面被抵消了。

  • Now our platform, we have an advantage in the marketplace because of our scaled first-party data that fuels our AXON machine learning system.

    現在是我們的平台,我們在市場上擁有優勢,因為我們規模化的第一方數據為我們的 AXON 機器學習系統提供了動力。

  • And as prices came down and competition lessened, our platform stood stronger than others, and that's what allowed us to grow faster than others.


  • That, paired with the fact that we were already on a really fast growth trajectory because of AXON quarter-over-quarter for the last few quarters, and that continues to accelerate, led to the strong quarter.

    再加上由於 AXON 在過去幾個季度的季度環比增長,我們已經處於非常快速的增長軌道上,而且這種情況繼續加速,導致了強勁的季度。

  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Clark Lampen from BTIG.

    下一個問題來自 BTIG 的 Clark Lampen。

  • William Lampen - Research Analyst

    William Lampen - Research Analyst

  • I wanted to ask a follow-up on IDFA relative to the last question.

    關於最後一個問題,我想問一個關於 IDFA 的後續問題。

  • When we did some checks intra-quarter, one of the biggest sort of points of friction that we sort of came up with as you and peers were seemingly gaining share was the idea that developers were somewhat limited in terms of budget deployment because of scale and reach.


  • The MoPub deal seems to go a long way in sort of reducing that kind of friction.

    MoPub 交易似乎在減少這種摩擦方面大有幫助。

  • So I'm curious if we should expect maybe share gains to increase or compound -- or maybe spending to increase or compound from here.

    所以我很好奇我們是否應該期望股票收益可能會增加或複合 - 或者可能會從這裡增加或複合。

  • And then separately, on the consumer business, I wanted to see, given you guys just launched Bermuda Adventures at Belka,I wanted to see if you could give us an update on maybe what the pipeline looks like over the balance of this year and into next, and also whether there are specific games or studios where you're expecting to deliver new content that might help you recapture or grow the active player base?


  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • So on the first question, obviously, to grow our business as quickly as we are, it could be the possibility of technological enhancement, more customers or share gain.


  • We think we've gotten -- and we've executed across all 3 of those vectors.

    我們認為我們已經得到了——並且我們已經在所有 3 個向量中執行了。

  • And you almost have to be able to grow as much as we did quarter-over-quarter.


  • Companies that depend on identity lose more when the ID goes away, especially when that identity is built on third-party data.

    當 ID 消失時,依賴身份的公司損失更大,尤其是當身份建立在第三方數據上時。

  • Our identity and our data sets and models are built on our first-party data.


  • And so we ended up in a very advantaged position.


  • We're also starting from a very low point of penetration with customers.


  • When you talk about a business that's getting as big as ours as quickly as it is and only having 280 software platform enterprise clients, it leaves a lot of room for growth.

    當您談論一家像我們一樣迅速發展並且只有 280 個軟件平台企業客戶的企業時,它留下了很大的增長空間。

  • So we were already executing on all vectors coming in.


  • IDFA changes help decrease competition in the market.

    IDFA 的變化有助於減少市場競爭。

  • Our business model has advantages that are going to be hard for others to overcome, and we continue to accelerate through it.


  • Now the market is just greenfield for us, and there's going to be more customers that are going to come on our platform because as we unify MAX and MoPub supply, there are very few ad opportunities in the world at the scale of $15 billion a year of ad spend flowing through 1 single access point.

    現在市場對我們來說只是一片綠地,將會有更多的客戶來到我們的平台,因為隨著我們統一 MAX 和 MoPub 供應,世界上每年 150 億美元規模的廣告機會非常少流經 1 個單一接入點的廣告支出。

  • And our exchange will be that.


  • And so we're really excited about the future prospects of this business.


  • In terms of games and evergreen titles, we touched on this last quarter.


  • We do invest heavily in game development, and in particular, organic releases of games.


  • It's going to be a focus going forward.


  • In order to continue to facilitate growth in our software business, data is key and first-party data, as we've touched on, is really important.


  • So we do want to keep our content fresh.


  • Over the quarter, we launched 3 titles that took hefty investment.

    在本季度,我們推出了 3 款投入巨資的遊戲。

  • And what we call an evergreen title is one that we think will get to $100 million-plus a year revenue run rate and cost multiple millions of dollars to develop.

    我們所謂的常青遊戲是我們認為年收入超過 1 億美元、開發成本高達數百萬美元的遊戲。

  • We launched 3 of those in the quarter: ACE Defender, Bermuda Farm and Jackpot Master Slots.

    我們在本季度推出了其中的 3 個:ACE Defender、Bermuda Farm 和 Jackpot Master Slots。

  • All 3, we believe, over the next year, will go and achieve the $100 million a year run rate and will be titles that will engage players for years to come.

    我們相信,在接下來的一年裡,所有 3 款遊戲都將達到每年 1 億美元的運行速度,並且將成為未來幾年吸引玩家的遊戲。

  • As we continue to invest in our workforce, now 3,000 roughly creators around the world, we're really going to invest behind developing our own content, organically releasing them in a high amount of frequency and continuing to fuel growth on the app side and more fresh data coming in that we can then go monetize on our highly successful software platform.

    隨著我們繼續投資於我們的員工隊伍,現在全球大約有 3,000 名創作者,我們真的會投資開發我們自己的內容,以高頻率有機地發布它們,並繼續推動應用程序方面的增長等等新數據進來,然後我們可以在我們非常成功的軟件平台上獲利。

  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from David Pang from Stifel.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Stifel 的 David Pang。

  • David Pang - Associate

    David Pang - Associate

  • Can you talk about the composition of new enterprise clients?


  • Did you see an uptick of non-gaming clients in third quarter?


  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • The new enterprise clients, in large part still, are a lot of clients that are just spending more on our platform and tipping the threshold.


  • As you've got 250% roughly net dollar retention, a lot of those customers, as Herald touched on, 8,000 in the system, will continue to cross over into the threshold and grow because the solution is just working so well for even the smaller clients in our system.

    由於您獲得了 250% 的大約 250% 的淨美元保留率,正如 Herald 所提到的,系統中的 8,000 名客戶將繼續跨越門檻並增長,因為該解決方案對於即使是較小的我們系統中的客戶。

  • The Adjust cross-sell opportunity -- and really, instead of calling it that, I'd like to think of it as our sales force, is bringing new customers on board as well.

    Adjust 的交叉銷售機會——實際上,與其這麼稱呼它,我更願意將其視為我們的銷售團隊,它也在吸引新客戶。

  • And we didn't touch on this, but just one data point that's exciting for us is that non-gaming customers, quarter-over-quarter, Q3 versus Q2, grew almost 100%.

    我們沒有提及這一點,但只有一個令我們興奮的數據點是,第三季度與第二季度相比,非遊戲客戶季度環比增長了近 100%。

  • It was our fastest-growing vertical.


  • Now we don't break that out formally yet.


  • It's still too small in the overall grand scheme of all of our numbers, but it is a huge growth opportunity.


  • And as we bring that MoPub supply online, and integrate it with our MAX supply and create that amount of scale, both across gaming and non-gaming publishers, we think that non-gaming category is going to be very compelling.

    隨著我們將 MoPub 供應上線,並將其與我們的 MAX 供應整合,並在遊戲和非遊戲發行商之間創造出如此大的規模,我們認為非遊戲類別將非常引人注目。

  • We've also recently put out a couple of case studies to highlight new non-gaming customers coming on our platform and seeing a lot of success.


  • So going forward, we expect that to continue to be a growing part of our new SPECs coming online.

    因此,展望未來,我們希望這將繼續成為我們即將上線的新 SPEC 的一部分。

  • Operator


  • Next question comes from Ralph Schackart from William Blair.

    下一個問題來自 William Blair 的 Ralph Schackart。

  • Nicholas Beaumont Leibold - Associate

    Nicholas Beaumont Leibold - Associate

  • This is Nick Leibold on for Ralph Schackart.


  • I wanted to ask on the MAX mediation platform, more recently, Unity announced its in-app bidding offering.

    我想在 MAX 中介平台上提問,最近,Unity 宣布了其應用內競價服務。

  • And ironSource, announced its acquisition of Tapjoy.


  • And obviously, your MoPub acquisition has been talked about.

    很明顯,你的 MoPub 收購已經被討論過了。

  • So I was hoping you can maybe share your view on the competitive landscape within mobile ad tech with this recent consolidation.


  • Do you view the growth in consolidation of other mediation platforms as a threat?


  • Or is it a net benefit to the ecosystem?


  • And how much crossover is there on clients that are using both yours and ironSource and Unity's offering?

    同時使用您的和ironSource 和Unity 產品的客戶有多少交叉?

  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • So clients tend to only use one because these platforms are pretty robust and fairly complicated to integrate.


  • But we're a fan of there being more options for publishers.


  • The more options there are in the marketplace, the more innovation there is, both in terms of demand partners and in terms of publishing partners.


  • What we're focused on is delivering the best solution for publishers.


  • And we put out a blog actually on the AppLovin blog yesterday that we linked to off the shareholder letter that shows you how fast MAX has been growing.

    我們昨天在 AppLovin 博客上發布了一個博客,我們鏈接到了股東信函,向您展示了 MAX 的增長速度。

  • We launched it 3 years ago.

    我們在 3 年前推出了它。

  • In 3 years, it's grown to be one of the largest platforms in the marketplace, and almost 30,000 apps have integrated this platform.

    在 3 年內,它已發展成為市場上最大的平台之一,並且有近 30,000 個應用程序集成了該平台。

  • And as I touched on, they don't usually use another one at the same time.


  • So you can think of it as almost exclusive integration.


  • The MoPub clients coming over will take that scale and create a lot more, roughly double, both in terms of apps, audience and dollars spent through the platform.

    即將到來的 MoPub 客戶將擴大規模並創造更多,大約翻倍,無論是在應用程序、受眾和通過該平台花費的美元方面。

  • And so we're really excited about the possibility of unifying the platforms, the products that we're going to be able to enable, and the gains that publishers and advertisers will see from all of that.


  • And so we're very focused on executing our vision going forward.


  • Operator


  • The next question comes from Brian Nowak from Morgan Stanley.

    下一個問題來自摩根士丹利的 Brian Nowak。

  • Matthew Andrew Cost - Research Analyst

    Matthew Andrew Cost - Research Analyst

  • It's Matt on for Brian.


  • It looks like there was about $180 million of acquisition in the quarter on the cash flow statement.

    在現金流量表上,該季度似乎有大約 1.8 億美元的收購。

  • I'm just wondering was there anything -- what was the composition of those acquisitions?


  • And was there any contribution to 3Q revenue from any business that you brought in?


  • And then just secondly, just looking at the composition of growth, it looks like spend for SPEC and SPEC were both off in 3Q.

    其次,從增長的構成來看,SPEC 和 SPEC 的支出似乎在第三季度都下降了。

  • Adam, you referred to kind of like a future formula for growth of growing at a 10% rate.

    亞當,你提到了一種未來以 10% 的速度增長的公式。

  • I know that wasn't guidance, but just how do you think about the drivers of growth on a per SPEC basis?

    我知道這不是指導,但您如何看待每個 SPEC 的增長驅動因素?

  • What are people spending more on?


  • Do they just use -- putting more wallet share into your products?


  • Are they using multiple products?


  • How does that go up over time?


  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Yes.


  • Let me answer the second one, the business question, and then Herald will touch on the usage of capital in the quarter.


  • The driving factors for dollars growing on SPECs in the platform are really it's very simple.

    平台中的 SPEC 增長的驅動因素實際上非常簡單。

  • It's just efficiency.


  • Customers are buying on our platform on a performance basis.


  • They're either buying targeting a specific return on ad spend or they're buying targeting a cost per subscriber, a cost per first food order, cost per purchaser.


  • But it is some function of a goal that they have that they go and target.


  • As customers spend more, they put more data into our system and our system gets more efficient.


  • As it gets more efficient, they want to put more dollars into the system.


  • So it just creates a very sticky product that gets them to have a desire to continue to invest more dollars into the platform.


  • And that's what you saw this quarter with just quarter-over-quarter, the same clients growing 13% in the dollars that they spent.

    這就是您在本季度看到的情況,僅季度環比,相同的客戶花費的美元增長了 13%。

  • Now again, we only have 280 SPECs in the system.

    現在再一次,我們在系統中只有 280 個 SPEC。

  • As we get more competition in the platform, if customers are getting the results that they want and competition goes up, inevitably, they're going to have to price more aggressively to continue to spend at a more accelerated clip.


  • And those 2 factors combined create a function that creates growth on both numbers.


  • And so that's what we're very excited about.


  • That's been a formula that's fueled at ecosystems that have become very big over time.


  • Consistently, as you add competition, you create growth.


  • And so that's the inflection point that we're at.


  • We've got the sales force.


  • We'll bring in the MoPub team as well, super sophisticated team.

    我們還將引入 MoPub 團隊,超級成熟的團隊。

  • They'll be able to sell to agencies and DSPs and a lot of app developers.

    他們將能夠向代理商和 DSP 以及許多應用程序開發人員銷售產品。

  • Our own team will be selling app developers.


  • And so we think as more clients come in, everything's is going to go up and to the right from here for many years to come.


  • And Herald can touch on the usage of cash.


  • Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

    Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Thanks, Adam, and thanks, Matt, for the question.


  • Look, overall, as everyone knows on the M&A side, we continue to be on the lookout for the right strategic acquisitions to drive long-term growth.


  • We know what we're looking for.


  • We know what assets are worth, and it allows us to move quickly with speed and certainty on what we want to own and then not waste time on things that don't fit our criteria.


  • As you know, on the gaming side, we've got a fairly comprehensive portfolio now and with a strong first-party data, however, we certainly want to augment that as we can.


  • And in the quarter, we did find of that number, there was 1 asset that was about $150 million of an asset app purchase.

    在本季度,我們確實發現了這個數字,有 1 項資產大約是 1.5 億美元的資產應用程序購買。

  • That was included -- another casual game app that fits well into our portfolio.

    其中包括 - 另一個非常適合我們產品組合的休閒遊戲應用程序。

  • That was the majority of the spend in the quarter.


  • But we'll continue to be on the hunt for those assets.


  • We're not super focused on adding apps, particularly given the elevated pricing in the market, but we'll certainly be looking.


  • And then on the software side, as you can tell, in particular with the MoPub deal, we're looking for the right strategic opportunities there as well.

    然後在軟件方面,如您所知,特別是與 MoPub 的交易,我們也在尋找合適的戰略機會。

  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our next question is from Martin Yang from Oppenheimer & Company.

    (操作員說明)我們的下一個問題來自 Oppenheimer & Company 的 Martin Yang。

  • Zhihua Yang - Associate

    Zhihua Yang - Associate

  • A follow-up question on the previous analyst.


  • Can you maybe talk about how your scaled first-party data that are collected on the platform can inform your app development and the type of studios you choose to partner with?


  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • So our scaled first-party data is much more important to fuel the growth of our software side.


  • It helps inform the models on what the users are interested in and what other users that are similar to them are interested in.


  • And that's really what's fueling the success on the software side.


  • That first-party data doesn't inform what we do on the app development side.


  • Actually, for years, our goal on app development was to go partner with studios across every genre of mobile gaming that we believe we can grow.


  • And many of these studios were early in their growth cycle.


  • And so we went out, partnered with them, helped facilitate growth.


  • That scaled data across an interest category to us.


  • That data then feeds into our software engine, and that's fueled a lot of the growth.


  • We now are at a point where with numerous studios, almost 20 around the world and 3,000 creators, we've got expertise across every major mobile gaming category.

    我們現在擁有眾多工作室,在全球擁有近 20 家工作室和 3,000 名創作者,我們擁有涵蓋每個主要移動遊戲類別的專業知識。

  • So we're very excited about where we're at.


  • And now we're investing into taking the current games and continuing to expand them and creating new games and organically releasing them into the market.


  • And so long as we execute on that, we'll continue to have scaled data feeding into our engine that we're monetizing exceptionally well.


  • Zhihua Yang - Associate

    Zhihua Yang - Associate

  • Got it.


  • The second question is on whether or not there's any synergy between MoPub and Adjust that it will help you to approach non-gaming customers?

    第二個問題是 MoPub 和 Adjust 之間是否有協同作用,可以幫助您接觸非遊戲客戶?

  • Or are they just separate touch points to work with in the non-gaming customers?


  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • It gives us access to more potential clients, both for Adjust and AppDiscovery, and obviously, the unified mediation platform.

    它使我們能夠接觸到更多潛在客戶,包括 Adjust 和 AppDiscovery,顯然還有統一的中介平台。

  • The MoPub team is also very seasoned.

    MoPub 團隊也非常有經驗。

  • So they'll integrate with our team.


  • The Adjust sales force will integrate and will create a unified offering, both in terms of publisher sales and advertiser sales.

    Adjust 銷售團隊將整合併創建統一的產品,包括發布商銷售和廣告商銷售。

  • And we think just reach and access of market-leading solutions across attribution, growth and discovery and monetization will let us go get in front of every single major company in the space, which should facilitate more sales.


  • Operator


  • Our last question comes from Clark Lampen from BTIG.

    我們的最後一個問題來自 BTIG 的 Clark Lampen。

  • William Lampen - Research Analyst

    William Lampen - Research Analyst

  • I've got a hunch that you guys are going to punt this question into the stratosphere, but you dropped a bit of a breadcrumb with Cathy Sun coming on board before to help you explore some new initiatives for the business.

    我有一種預感,你們將把這個問題拋諸腦後,但在 Cathy Sun 加入幫助你們探索一些新的業務舉措之前,你們放棄了一些麵包屑。

  • I'm just curious if you might be willing to give us a general sense for what she's spending your time on now?


  • Or maybe asked differently, could you remind us what you guys think are the most attractive adjacent opportunities for the business today?


  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • We'll get there soon, Clark.


  • But right now, what you should think about is what are the assets that we have in place and what else can we do with them?


  • Because that's what guides our thought around new initiatives.


  • And we launched AXON machine learning edge in a year ago, and you've seen really dramatic growth on software.

    一年前,我們推出了 AXON 機器學習邊緣,您已經看到軟件的顯著增長。

  • We went from 200 a year ago to talking about 600-plus this year to over 1 billion next year and accelerating.

    我們從一年前的 200 個到今年的 600 多個,到明年超過 10 億個,並且還在加速增長。

  • And that software is working really well in a highly competitive ad ecosystem.


  • What else can that type of machine learning be applied to is something we will always ask ourselves, and that can guide us.


  • Another way we think about it is we go out and monetize mobile app inventory right now, predominantly using full-screen video ads.


  • Where are other places where the consumers that we have data on, and this first-party data, that we can go find those consumers and serve them video ads using our software engine to create scale and growth?


  • So that's another way to think about it in what we think about.


  • And then the third and most important maybe is our audience is around 200 million monthly actives playing our mobile games.

    然後第三個也是最重要的可能是我們的觀眾每月有大約 2 億活躍在玩我們的手機遊戲。

  • We've got 3,000 game developers building content for our platform.

    我們有 3,000 名遊戲開發者為我們的平台構建內容。

  • The audience of our own network is in the $2 billion -- 2 billion users a month.

    我們自己網絡的受眾是 20 億美元——每月 20 億用戶。

  • So it's a massively scaled audience of mobile game players, and then mobile game developers both building games for us and third-party clients of ours.


  • If we can use that reach, that audience, those games, to then go after some of the newer opportunities in terms of usage and gameplay and ownership to the consumer and things like metaverse and blockchain, that could also be interesting.


  • And so we think about all of these things.


  • We think we've got very exciting assets in place to really go after these opportunities.


  • And over the next couple of years, we hope you'll see us execute on many of the above.


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