Applovin Corp (APP) 2022 Q3 法說會逐字稿


AppLovin 首席執行官 Adam Farrar 接受 BTIG 的 William Lampen 採訪。他們討論了 AppLovin 對改進核心技術的關注,以及他們投資於 Wurl、Array 和 Vessel 等新項目的計劃。 Farrar 強調 AppLovin 是有利可圖的,考慮到他們提供的市場機會,他們的新舉措並不重要。

正文首先討論了 AppLovin 對改進其核心技術的關注。該公司目前正在重建其一些核心系統。然後,本文討論了 AppLovin 投資於 Wurl、Array 和 Vessel 等新項目的計劃。 Farrar 強調 AppLovin 是有利可圖的,考慮到他們提供的市場機會,他們的新舉措並不重要。

然後本文討論了應用安裝廣告市場以及它是如何減速的。作者詢問廣告業務是否是消費者在手機遊戲上花費的滯後指標,是否有跡象表明市場何時觸底。作者最後說,他們正在繼續投資他們的業務。 AppLovin 是一家技術公司,它為移動開發者提供一個平台來推廣他們的應用程序並從中獲利。該公司成立於 2012 年,總部位於加利福尼亞州帕洛阿爾托。在 AppLovin 截至 2022 年 9 月 30 日的第三季度財報電話會議上,首席執行官 Adam Foroughi 和總裁兼首席財務官 Herald Chen 討論了公司的業績。 AppLovin 的季度表現強勁,收入同比增長 36% 至 2.47 億美元。該公司的淨收入也增加了,達到 5200 萬美元。

AppLovin 將繼續投資於其平台並擴大其覆蓋範圍。該公司最近收購了提供物理場所洞察力的數據公司 SafeGraph,並且還在將其應用商店 AppLovin Max 擴展到新市場。 AppLovin 已做好在移動應用市場持續增長的準備。

AppLovin 專注於留住核心團隊、吸引新人才、改進核心技術以及投資新舉措。該公司還對現金具有戰略意義,著眼於股票回購併試圖吸引新的投資者。 AppLovin 有望在 2022 年產生超過 10 億美元的 EBITDA,這將使他們即使在困難的市場中也能投資於機會。移動遊戲行業的規模和穩定性使公司對其長期前景充滿信心。


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  • Ryan Gee

    Ryan Gee

  • Hello. Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to AppLovin's earnings call for the third quarter ended September 30, 2022. Joining me today to discuss our results are our Co-Founder, CEO and Chairperson Adam Foroughi; and our President and Chief Financial Officer, Herald Chen. Please note our SEC filings as well as our shareholder letter discussing our third quarter performance, are available at

    你好。大家下午好。歡迎參加 AppLovin 截至 2022 年 9 月 30 日的第三季度財報電話會議。今天與我一起討論我們業績的有我們的聯合創始人、首席執行官兼主席 Adam Foroughi;以及我們的總裁兼首席財務官 Herald Chen。請注意我們提交給美國證券交易委員會的文件以及討論我們第三季度業績的股東信函,可在 上獲取。

  • During today's call, we may be making forward-looking statements regarding future events, expectations regarding the market, the future financial performance of the company and our strategic review of our apps portfolio. These statements are based on our current assumptions and beliefs, and we assume no obligation to update them, except as required by law. Actual results may differ materially from the results predicted. We encourage you to review the risk factors in our most recently filed Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2022, and in our Form 10-Q for the third quarter, which we expect to file later this week.

    在今天的電話會議中,我們可能會就未來事件、市場預期、公司未來財務業績以及我們對應用程序組合的戰略審查做出前瞻性陳述。這些陳述基於我們當前的假設和信念,我們不承擔更新它們的義務,除非法律要求。實際結果可能與預測結果大相徑庭。我們鼓勵您查看我們最近提交的截至 2022 年 6 月 30 日的財政季度的 10-Q 表和我們預計將於本週晚些時候提交的第三季度的 10-Q 表中的風險因素。

  • We will also be discussing non-GAAP financial measures. Reconciliations of our GAAP and non-GAAP financial measures are included in our shareholder letter available on our Investor Relations website. Please be sure to review the GAAP measures and the reconciliations as the non-GAAP measures are not intended to be a substitute for or superior to our GAAP results.

    我們還將討論非公認會計原則的財務措施。我們的 GAAP 和非 GAAP 財務措施的對賬包含在我們的投資者關係網站上提供的股東信中。請務必查看 GAAP 措施和對賬,因為非 GAAP 措施並非旨在替代或優於我們的 GAAP 結果。

  • Be advised this conference call is being recorded, and a replay will be available on our IR website.

    請注意,此次電話會議正在錄音中,我們的 IR 網站上將提供重播。

  • I'd now like to turn it over to Adam for some opening remarks, then we'll open it up for Q&A. Please go ahead, Adam.


  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Thanks all for joining us today. As this market continues to be difficult, it's easy to get disappointed, but you're not going to hear any disappointment from me today. I've been building businesses for nearly 2 decades now. And one thing I know is it takes years, not quarters to build a great business. We have several things to be excited about at AppLovin today. First, in '22, we're going to generate over $1 billion of EBITDA, growing nearly 50% over '21. We're going to convert a majority of this to cash. Our ability to generate so much cash allows us to patiently address our market and go after the business opportunities in front of us even in a difficult market.

    感謝大家今天加入我們。由於這個市場仍然很困難,很容易感到失望,但今天你不會聽到我的任何失望。我已經建立企業近 2 年了。我知道的一件事是,建立一個偉大的企業需要數年,而不是幾個季度。今天,AppLovin 有幾件事情讓我們感到興奮。首先,在 22 年,我們將產生超過 10 億美元的 EBITDA,比 21 年增長近 50%。我們將把其中的大部分轉換為現金。我們產生如此多現金的能力使我們能夠耐心地應對我們的市場,即使在困難的市場中也能抓住擺在我們面前的商機。

  • Second, our business is incredibly stable. It's easy to look at our industry and realize how difficult it is right now, but it's really easy also to forget how big a sector we're in. Everyone's got a mobile device. Most people are playing mobile games. Many people are playing mobile games every single day. The size and stability of our category as well as our market-leading technologies give us a lot of confidence in our business long term.


  • So what are we focused on at AppLovin today that gives us a lot of confidence that as we go through this economic downturn and come out, we're going to be a stronger business for it. First and most importantly, we're focused on retaining our core team. Many of our key contributors have been at the company for many years. I've had the pleasure of working with each and every one of you. We're going to continue to invest at AppLovin to make it a great place to work at. Second, we're really focused on attracting new talent. Over the last decade, there's been a talent crunch in Silicon Valley. More recently, we're getting resumes from incredibly qualified individuals better than we've ever seen before. The opportunity to attract new talent and pair with our existing and exceptional team gets us very excited.

    因此,我們今天在 AppLovin 關注的重點是什麼,這讓我們充滿信心,相信隨著我們度過這次經濟衰退並走出困境,我們將成為一家更強大的企業。首先也是最重要的,我們專注於留住我們的核心團隊。我們的許多主要貢獻者已經在公司工作了很多年。我很高興與你們每一個人一起工作。我們將繼續對 AppLovin 進行投資,使其成為一個理想的工作場所。其次,我們真正專注於吸引新人才。在過去的十年裡,矽谷出現了人才短缺。最近,我們收到了前所未有的優秀人才的簡歷。吸引新人才並與我們現有的優秀團隊合作的機會讓我們非常興奮。

  • Third, we're working tirelessly to improve our core technologies. We see a path to doing so. And if we're successful, it will allow us to create growth that we can control. Fourth, we're still investing in new initiatives, and we're very excited about these. They utilize our core technologies and core competencies and will enable us to go into bigger market opportunities. If we're successful here, we'll create immense upside for both our shareholders and team. And lastly, we'll continue to be strategic with our cash. We'll look at share buybacks. We'll also use this moment in time to try to attract new investors, shareholders that are going to be focused on our long-term vision, just as we are.


  • The market today presents a low multiple entry point into our company. What's interesting about that is we generate a ton of cash, so it gives us a good base, and we're also going after very, very big opportunities. If we're successful in executing around our vision over the coming years, we're going to create outsized returns, private market like returns. That opportunity gets us really excited. In fact, we're working harder today at AppLovin than we've ever worked before because of that upside.

    今天的市場為我們公司提供了一個較低的多重切入點。有趣的是我們產生了大量現金,因此它為我們提供了良好的基礎,而且我們也在追求非常非常大的機會。如果我們在未來幾年成功地圍繞我們的願景執行,我們將創造超額回報,類似於私人市場的回報。這個機會讓我們非常興奮。事實上,由於這一優勢,我們今天在 AppLovin 的工作比以往任何時候都更加努力。

  • I'll now hand you off to Herald.


  • Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

    Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

  • Thanks, Adam. And as we outlined in our shareholder letter, given the challenging backdrop, we are very much focused on what we control. Firstly, bolstering our leadership positions in our core markets and our core products; and second, using this cash flow that Adam mentioned, to really invest behind initiatives that are focused on increasing the durability of our business, ultimately leading to long-term growth, which will then lead to enterprise value creation.


  • Shifting to the third quarter. Starting with the software business, we grew that 59% year-over-year. And based on our guidance from the second quarter, as expected, it was generally flat to the third quarter. EBITDA grew 49% year-over-year and achieved a 62% margin in the third quarter. We had 538 SPECs, a record in the quarter, and that also had an NDRR, net dollar revenue retention of 166%. On the app side, which is a midstream or change, operational changes as we previously discussed, the revenue was down 24% year-over-year, but EBITDA, which is where we're focused, was up 12% to a 17% margin. So on a combined basis, the total revenue was down slightly year-over-year, but EBITDA was up 35% to $258 million, $1 billion run rate and achieved an EBITDA margin of 36%.

    轉移到第三季度。從軟件業務開始,我們同比增長了 59%。根據我們對第二季度的指導,正如預期的那樣,與第三季度基本持平。 EBITDA 同比增長 49%,第三季度利潤率為 62%。我們有 538 個 SPEC,創下本季度的記錄,還有 NDRR,淨美元收入保留率為 166%。在應用程序方面,這是我們之前討論的中游或變化,運營變化,收入同比下降 24%,但我們關注的 EBITDA 增長 12% 至 17%利潤。因此,綜合來看,總收入同比略有下降,但 EBITDA 增長 35% 至 2.58 億美元,運行率為 10 億美元,EBITDA 利潤率為 36%。

  • Then shifting to our outlook for Q4. We see Q4 coming in fairly similarly to what we achieved in Q3. And if that's the case, then the year, we'll end up at $2.8 billion with a margin structure around 37% to 38% adjusted EBITDA. The components of that we see would be software being over $1 billion in revenue with a mid-60s EBITDA margin. And on the application side, we would see a $1.7-plus billion revenue stream with a margin structure in the mid-teens. Of note, going forward, we will only be providing our forward quarter guidance and will not be providing a full year guidance in the future.

    然後轉向我們對第四季度的展望。我們看到第四季度的表現與第三季度的表現非常相似。如果是這樣的話,那麼今年,我們最終將達到 28 億美元,利潤率結構約為 37% 至 38% 的調整後 EBITDA。我們看到的組成部分將是收入超過 10 億美元、EBITDA 利潤率在 60 年代中期的軟件。在應用程序方面,我們將看到超過 1.7 億美元的收入流,利潤率結構在十幾歲左右。值得注意的是,展望未來,我們將僅提供我們的前瞻性季度指導,而不會在未來提供全年指導。

  • Then talking about cash flow in a little more detail. We do plan on generating $1 billion of EBITDA this year. We also plan on finishing the year with over $1 billion of cash on our balance sheet. And as you all know, we're able to convert a high percentage of the EBITDA to free cash flow, given our very limited amount of CapEx. And as Adam described, we're able to then reinvest those dollars and have the financial flexibility and the patience to invest in projects, not trying to chase quarter-to-quarter growth on things that don't yield long-term return, but really invest behind our team, our talent and our tech to ensure that we're in a great spot going forward.

    然後更詳細地討論現金流。我們確實計劃在今年產生 10 億美元的 EBITDA。我們還計劃以資產負債表上超過 10 億美元的現金結束這一年。眾所周知,鑑於我們的資本支出非常有限,我們能夠將大部分 EBITDA 轉換為自由現金流。正如亞當所描述的那樣,我們能夠將這些資金進行再投資,並擁有財務靈活性和耐心來投資項目,而不是試圖在不會產生長期回報的事物上追逐季度增長,而是真正投資於我們的團隊、我們的人才和我們的技術,以確保我們在未來處於有利地位。

  • We also have $400 million of availability -- over $400 million of availability on our stock repurchase plan. And given the stock market environment today and the rerating of risk as well as our highly leverageable operating structure, where if we do have growth in our high margin, high cash flow business, we think the combination of today's stock valuations and stock multiples, combined with the ability to have high operating levers when we return to growth, those dollars fall into the bottom line. We think for shareholders and for us in considering stock buybacks could be a very attractive return.

    我們還有 4 億美元的可用性——我們的股票回購計劃的可用性超過 4 億美元。鑑於今天的股市環境和風險的重新評估以及我們高槓桿率的運營結構,如果我們的高利潤率、高現金流業務確實有增長,我們認為今天的股票估值和股票倍數的結合,加起來當我們恢復增長時能夠擁有高運營槓桿,這些美元就會落入底線。我們認為對於股東和我們在考慮股票回購時可能是一個非常有吸引力的回報。

  • And with that, I'll turn it back to Ryan to go through Q&A. Thank you.

    有了這個,我會把它轉回給 Ryan 進行問答。謝謝你。

  • Ryan Gee

    Ryan Gee

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • So the first question that we're going to take is from Tim Nollen from Macquarie.


  • Timothy Wilson Nollen - Senior Media Analyst

    Timothy Wilson Nollen - Senior Media Analyst

  • Could I dig in a little bit to the Software Platform side, please? You've said previously that given the integration of MoPub and the great scale you've got there, all the integrations you've got on the mediation platform, that game makers will simply have to continue advertising to promote use of their games and you've got such a great market position there. It does, however, look like the growth is slowing. Just wondering if you could maybe update us on your thought process as to how game developers are going about their advertising or where they are pulling? And is there any increased risk from some of these being small game developers and therefore, in a financial crunch like this, high interest rates, maybe they're running into some sort of near-term funding problems of their own, and that might lead to them pulling back on spending.

    請問我可以深入了解一下軟件平台方面嗎?你之前說過,考慮到 MoPub 的集成和你在那裡的巨大規模,你在中介平台上的所有集成,遊戲製造商將只需要繼續做廣告來推廣他們的遊戲的使用,而你在那裡擁有如此巨大的市場地位。然而,看起來增長正在放緩。只是想知道您是否可以向我們更新您關於遊戲開發者如何進行廣告或他們在哪里拉動的思考過程?其中一些是小型遊戲開發商是否會增加風險,因此,在像這樣的金融危機中,高利率,也許他們自己會遇到某種近期的資金問題,這可能會導致讓他們縮減開支。

  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Thanks, Tim. So a couple of things packed in there that I'm going to address. First, we're on our mediation platform and also AppDiscovery platform, we're market leaders. The MAX platform, that's our mediation solution probably has the vast majority of all the ad inventory in the gaming sector running through it.

    謝謝,蒂姆。因此,我將要解決其中的一些問題。首先,我們在我們的中介平台和 AppDiscovery 平台上,我們是市場領導者。 MAX 平台,這是我們的中介解決方案,可能在遊戲領域的所有廣告庫存中都有絕大多數通過它運行。

  • Now what's interesting about that is it gives us access to a diverse set of advertisers where we're not dependent on any individual one. And most companies this year have been going through their P&L and really cutting costs. So marketing and OpEx. So most companies are at a stable point now where you're seeing the gaming market not growing because of that because of the focus on cash flow but you've also had that happen.


  • And because we've got a lot of diversity and because the sector is so big and consumers are still engaging with mobile games as much as they've ever engaged before. And the biggest change was just this handicap of shift from growth investment to cash flow, and that's already been baked in. That gives us a lot of confidence in the stability of our business that I referenced in my comments a couple of minutes ago.


  • Ryan Gee

    Ryan Gee

  • Tim, did you have any follow-ups?


  • Timothy Wilson Nollen - Senior Media Analyst

    Timothy Wilson Nollen - Senior Media Analyst

  • No, I'll jump back in queue, let some others go in.


  • Ryan Gee

    Ryan Gee

  • Okay. We'll next go to Youssef Squali with Truist Securities.

    好的。接下來,我們將與 Truist Securities 一起前往 Youssef Squali。

  • Youssef Houssaini Squali - MD & Senior Analyst

    Youssef Houssaini Squali - MD & Senior Analyst

  • So I guess just as a follow-up to the comments about the stability in the business, Adam, I know you guys are not guiding, obviously, to 2023. But how are you guys thinking about the puts and takes. As you go through your own budgeting process, do you think at a base level that 2023 is a growth year or not? And then revenues from non-SPECs was down 34%. Can you just unpack that for us a little bit what drove that?

    所以我想作為關於業務穩定性的評論的後續行動,亞當,我知道你們顯然沒有指導到 2023 年。但是你們是如何考慮看跌期權的。當您進行自己的預算編制過程時,您是否認為 2023 年是增長年?然後來自非 SPEC 的收入下降了 34%。你能為我們解開它的包裝嗎?

  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • So I'll touch on the first point, and then we can come back to revenue from non-SPECs because frankly, I think that's just a very small percentage of our numbers. So it's going to be a volatile metric that doesn't, frankly, matter a whole lot. When you think about the business as it is, again, we're very strong in the market. We have very consistent business. So there's no share loss anywhere in our core technologies. They work really well for the mobile game developer.

    所以我會談到第一點,然後我們可以回到非 SPEC 的收入,因為坦率地說,我認為這只是我們數字的一小部分。所以這將是一個不穩定的指標,坦率地說,它並不重要。當您再次考慮業務時,我們在市場上非常強大。我們有非常一致的業務。因此,我們的核心技術沒有任何份額損失。它們非常適合移動遊戲開發商。

  • And the one thing that we can't control that gives us hesitation on having long-term guidance right now is this focus of cash flow amongst our advertiser base and frankly, any company in technology today and away from growth. That's been baked into a lot of businesses at this point. Most managers are savvy enough to now have made the changes there. We just don't know when that reverses out. When the economy is going to turn around, when there will be a shift back to growth and sort of when you get to the bottom of this economic downturn.


  • What we do know and that gives us confidence is we're already there and the business is very stable. We also know that our core technology has a lot of room to improve. That was another thing I touched on is that we're working really hard to improve it. And really, we have 2 paths to grow. One is advertisers are willing to invest more into growth and cash flow. So they're going to lower their goals and invest more dollars into our platform. The other is entirely in our control. It's improving the efficacy of our solution so that we're able to take the dollar spent. And even at a tighter set of goals, drive more scale to our advertising partners.


  • We see a path to doing that, and that's what we're working on today. Both of those things give us a lot of confidence that we're going to have a strong baseline where we are in terms of the cash that we're able to generate, and we have room to grow as well that both has 1 factor outside of our control and 1 factor entirely within our control.

    我們看到了實現這一目標的途徑,這就是我們今天正在努力的方向。這兩件事都給了我們很大的信心,我們將有一個強大的基線,就我們能夠產生的現金而言,我們還有增長空間,兩者都有一個外部因素我們的控制和 1 因素完全在我們的控制範圍內。

  • Youssef Houssaini Squali - MD & Senior Analyst

    Youssef Houssaini Squali - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Okay. But at a high level, though, no comment whether 2023 is a growth year for you guys or not. I guess you're saying it really depends on the overall macro environment?

    好的。但在高層次上,對於 2023 年是否是你們的增長年,沒有任何評論。我猜你是說這真的取決於整體宏觀環境?

  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • And our overall ability to improve our core technologies.


  • Youssef Houssaini Squali - MD & Senior Analyst

    Youssef Houssaini Squali - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Right. On the non-SPEC, the reason I was asking is to try to get a sense of whether you're seeing more of the weakness among the smaller kind of Software Platform clients were among the enterprise because the non-SPECs would tend to be the smaller ones, correct?


  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Yes. Honestly, we don't actually look at each individual business. None of these partners make up a big part of our business. It's just as a whole, we all know that every company is under a lot of pressure right now to cut costs. So there has been just cost-cutting and budgetary constraints across the advertising sector. That's impacted most businesses, whether small or big.


  • Ryan Gee

    Ryan Gee

  • We'll next go to Eric Sheridan, Goldman Sachs.

    接下來我們將介紹高盛的 Eric Sheridan。

  • Eric James Sheridan - Research Analyst

    Eric James Sheridan - Research Analyst

  • Maybe two, if I can. First, on the Software Platform. Intrigued by the comment you made in the letter about continuing to invest for the long term against potential new use cases. Away from the dynamic you find yourself in the market today, maybe sketch out a little bit about what you're sort of investing against for the longer term and how you see the Software Platform continuing to evolve. That would be number one.


  • And then number two, turning to the apps business. Felt like based on the letter, there was a fair bit of puts and takes in the quarter, the relevance of selling nonstrategic assets some investment being redirected in different elements. Can you talk a little bit about some of the headwinds and tailwinds just historically, that business faced as a result of those decisions in Q3 that impacted the absolute dollar amount we saw?


  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • I'll take the first question, Eric, and Herald will jump on the second. When it comes to our core business, we're pretty large scale at this point. We've talked about processing billions of dollars a year of advertising budget, and we're netting quite a bit, well over $1 billion a year of software revenue. And so at that level of scale, we built very good core technologies there. We also touched on a couple of letters ago about some investments in new initiatives. These have option value in our business. Frankly, like I said, I've been building businesses over a couple of decades. It takes years to be able to build the business to make an impact on a business as large scale as ours.

    我會回答第一個問題,Eric,Herald 會回答第二個問題。就我們的核心業務而言,我們目前的規模相當大。我們已經討論過每年處理數十億美元的廣告預算,而且我們每年淨賺的軟件收入超過 10 億美元。所以在這樣的規模水平上,我們在那裡建立了非常好的核心技術。我們之前還談到了幾封關於對新舉措的一些投資的信件。這些在我們的業務中具有期權價值。坦率地說,就像我說的,幾十年來我一直在建立業務。建立業務以對像我們這樣大規模的業務產生影響需要數年時間。

  • But what gives us confidence going after these is they use the same core technologies and core competencies as our main business. One of those is extending our advertising solution to CTV. We did an acquisition there with a team role that we're very excited about. They have core technologies that are differentiated. And as we get our ad technologies to be sophisticated enough to extend to CTV, which is a work in progress, there'll be a go-to-market there, too, and the 2 technologies will couple together.

    但讓我們有信心追求這些的是他們使用與我們的主營業務相同的核心技術和核心競爭力。其中之一是將我們的廣告解決方案擴展到 CTV。我們在那里以團隊角色進行了收購,我們對此感到非常興奮。他們擁有差異化的核心技術。隨著我們的廣告技術足夠複雜,可以擴展到 CTV,這是一項正在進行的工作,那裡也將進入市場,這兩種技術將結合在一起。

  • Initiatives like that, we're not baking into any of our forward outlook or a thought process around the short term in the business, but we think long term will create immense shareholder value and value for our team.


  • Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

    Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

  • Eric, on the app side, I think we're making very good progress against our initiatives to get our portfolio to the position we want to get in terms of both the margin and then in a position for growth. So I'd say, really, there's 3 things that have taken place there. One, was instead of just driving users to gain the data, we really cut back on the UA to make sure that we are driving strong ROAS. And as we know in this marketplace, ROAS is even more difficult to come by. And so we've managed that UA spend. So we're taking revenue hit in exchange for profitability.

    Eric,在應用程序方面,我認為我們在實現我們的計劃方面取得了非常好的進展,以使我們的投資組合在利潤率和增長方面達到我們想要的位置。所以我想說,真的,那裡發生了三件事。第一,我們不只是推動用戶獲取數據,而是真正削減了 UA 以確保我們推動強勁的 ROAS。正如我們在這個市場上所知道的,ROAS 更難獲得。因此,我們管理了 UA 支出。因此,我們用收入來換取盈利。

  • And then the second lever is just going through the portfolio and saying, well, which ones actually have the ability to drive real enterprise value for us in the long term. And there's some that frankly need more investment and more team, and there's others that really won't get there. And so we're in the process of winnowing through that, some of the studios we've just shut down or sold back to the founder. We're renegotiating some of the earnouts. And again, others were actually investing in quite a few new games.


  • So the third lever will then be ultimately when we get to portfolio that we want to own and grow forward. We think that will be a healthy portfolio. We hope to get there really by the end of this year is what we talked about. And then from there, it really depends if the market recovers in terms of valuations on whether or not we'd actually be able to monetize any significant portion of the portfolio. We may end up owning all of it, or with the right bid, we may end up selling all of it. But given the macroeconomic environment and where purchase multiples might be out there, our focus is very much on owning those assets for now, optimizing them and then figuring out what value creation could be had down the road. And it is a significant amount of value relative to our current enterprise value and would be very accretive and deleveraging to us, we think, with the right price for the right assets.


  • Ryan Gee

    Ryan Gee

  • We'll next go to William Lampen at BTIG. Clark, go ahead.

    接下來我們將前往 BTIG 的 William Lampen。克拉克,繼續。

  • William Lampen - Research Analyst

    William Lampen - Research Analyst

  • I've got two. Adam, you talked a couple of times about improving your own core technologies, and you alluded to that a couple of times sort of intra-quarter back in August and September. I wanted to see if maybe you could give us just a small window into sort of what you're working on, how that's progressing and sort of what's in focus. And then on diversification and appreciating that you guys are operating this business with more of a long-term mindset right now. And I think, as you said, like a private entity, are you comfortable investing more to help scale and drive growth for businesses like Wurl or perhaps also Array or Vessel next year. And maybe along those lines, has Apple's change around in-app NFT utility change the priority in terms of which of those new businesses, you do want to focus a little bit more on scaling and growing?

    我有兩個。亞當,你曾多次談到改進自己的核心技術,你曾在 8 月和 9 月的季度內提到過幾次。我想看看你是否可以給我們一個小窗口,讓我們了解你正在做的事情、進展情況以及關注的重點。然後在多元化和欣賞你們現在以更長期的心態經營這項業務。正如你所說,我認為,就像一個私人實體一樣,你是否願意投資更多來幫助擴大規模和推動明年 Wurl 或 Array 或 Vessel 等企業的增長。也許沿著這些思路,Apple 圍繞應用內 NFT 實用程序的改變是否改變了在哪些新業務方面的優先級,您是否希望更多地關注擴展和增長?

  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Thanks, Clark. I'll go the second first and then back to the first question. We're focused on investing in new initiatives but we know how to build businesses with a cash flow mindset from the very beginning. As a company at AppLovin and we were profitable our second month in operation. And every one of these new initiatives, we take that same approach into. We're excited about the opportunity. We leverage a lot of the resources that we already have in place and the incremental investments that we're making into them are not material given the market opportunity that they present us.

    謝謝,克拉克。我先講第二個,然後再回到第一個問題。我們專注於投資新計劃,但我們從一開始就知道如何以現金流的心態建立業務。作為 AppLovin 的一家公司,我們在運營的第二個月就實現了盈利。這些新舉措中的每一項,我們都採用相同的方法。我們對這個機會感到興奮。我們利用了我們已經擁有的大量資源,鑑於它們為我們提供的市場機會,我們對它們進行的增量投資並不重要。

  • We'll continue to approach any business opportunity that way. We think of them as startups and the GMs that we have running those businesses also think of them as the CEO of a start-up. And when you have a new business that you're trying to incubate and build, a lot of times, you want to do it organically, make sure the product market fit is there, not overinvest early, and then we will invest behind growth as we know that we have something that's hot. And at that point in time, we'll talk about these businesses because in theory, they'll be making an impact to our numbers, both revenue and cost.


  • And on the first question, when it comes to core technology, we always measure the error rate in our predictive engine. The whole model is predicated on being able to predict what are users going to download and engage with next and driving value to our advertisers. Value comes from revenue. So we've got to be very, very good at predicting a future event. And we know that there's error in our system. There's a lot of incremental changes that we, as a technology company, will do at all times. But very rarely, we'll go and rebuild a lot of our core system. We're doing both right now. And the last time we rebuilt a lot of our core systems to try to get an upgrade was actually the initial release of AXON, which was now, I think, about 2 years ago and obviously facilitated a ton of growth in our business. We're very excited about the potential of all of our investments in technology into our future.

    第一個問題,當涉及到核心技術時,我們總是在我們的預測引擎中測量錯誤率。整個模型的前提是能夠預測用戶接下來會下載什麼內容並與之互動,並為我們的廣告商帶來價值。價值來自收入。所以我們必須非常非常擅長預測未來的事件。我們知道我們的系統存在錯誤。作為一家技術公司,我們將隨時進行許多增量更改。但很少,我們會去重建很多我們的核心系統。我們現在都在做。上一次我們重建很多核心系統以嘗試升級實際上是 AXON 的初始版本,我認為現在是大約 2 年前,顯然促進了我們業務的大量增長。我們對我們所有的技術投資對我們未來的潛力感到非常興奮。

  • William Lampen - Research Analyst

    William Lampen - Research Analyst

  • That's really helpful. And if I could, maybe, Herald, just as a quick follow-up, you have north of $400 million in authorization for your buyback right now. I know that you have a lot of sort of attractive capital allocation opportunities in front of you. How does the sort of stock buyback option fit into the overall priority set right now?

    這真的很有幫助。如果我可以的話,也許,先驅報,作為一個快速的跟進,你現在有超過 4 億美元的回購授權。我知道你面前有很多有吸引力的資本配置機會。這種股票回購選項如何適合目前的總體優先級設置?

  • Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

    Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

  • Yes. Thanks, Clark. Look, it is a high priority for us to allocate our capital wisely, particularly when there's opportunities that arise. And in this market, maybe it's around stock, maybe there's other assets that have gotten a lot cheaper that we'd want to own or it's just hiring a lot of great people that we didn't have access to before. And so we're taking advantage of this time in making lemonade out of these lemons, and we're glad to have the EBITDA that we do and the cash balance sheet that we have. But certainly, at these stock prices and given all the upside opportunities we see in the free cash flow characteristics and just the cash-on-cash yield that we project out, we certainly are considering stock buyback and we think the sizing of $400 million. We'll have to figure out what's the right amount to use at what period of time.

    是的。謝謝,克拉克。看,明智地分配資本是我們的重中之重,尤其是在出現機會時。在這個市場上,也許是股票,也許還有其他資產變得更便宜,我們想要擁有,或者它只是僱傭了很多我們以前無法接觸到的優秀人才。所以我們利用這段時間用這些檸檬製作檸檬水,我們很高興擁有我們所做的 EBITDA 和我們擁有的現金資產負債表。但可以肯定的是,在這些股價下,考慮到我們在自由現金流特徵中看到的所有上行機會,以及我們預測的現金收益率,我們當然正在考慮股票回購,我們認為規模為 4 億美元。我們必須弄清楚在什麼時間段使用什麼量是合適的。

  • Ryan Gee

    Ryan Gee

  • We'll next go to Matt Cost at Morgan Stanley.

    接下來我們將介紹摩根士丹利的 Matt Cost。

  • Matthew Andrew Cost - Research Analyst

    Matthew Andrew Cost - Research Analyst

  • So it seems like the overall app install ad market has been decelerating over the course of 2022 but has not reached the level that we've seen mobile gaming and consumer spending on mobile gaming reach where you've got market year-on-year decline. So is it a fair statement that maybe the ad business here is a lagging indicator to what consumers are spending on mobile games? And does that create maybe more risk for next year, which you're reacting to? That's question one. Question 2 is, are there any indications or data points that you'll be looking for? I know you can't predict the future, but that you will be looking for to try to assess when the market has bottomed and maybe you'll be looking for opportunities to push harder on investment at that point?

    因此,整個應用安裝廣告市場似乎在 2022 年期間一直在減速,但還沒有達到我們看到的移動遊戲和消費者在移動遊戲上的支出達到市場同比下降的水平.那麼,這裡的廣告業務可能是消費者在手機遊戲上花費的滯後指標,這是一個公平的說法嗎?這是否會為明年帶來更多風險,您對此有何反應?那是問題一。問題 2 是,您是否需要尋找任何跡像或數據點?我知道你無法預測未來,但你會試圖評估市場何時觸底,也許你會在那個時候尋找機會加大投資力度?

  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Yes. So I'll take the second first again, just top of mind. Look, we're investing in our business as it is. We run a high-margin business because we've got a lean team, we've got an exceptional team that creates a lot of output. We've been run entrepreneurial since the get-go. So there's no shortage of investment against things that we see as opportunities. We've got new initiatives that we're investing into. We've got a technological (inaudible) that we're investing into. And we're organizing a lot of the acquisitions that we've made over the last couple of years to be more advantageous for our business going forward.


  • So we've not stopped investing and we'll continue to invest both in growth opportunities that we see in front of us right now and those that we come up with in the future. Nothing about the market is going to change that because we do generate enough cash to be opportunistic enough to be able to invest in things that we deem worthwhile even in today's market.


  • Now when it comes to the market itself, mobile gaming has been declining. People are still consuming the same amount of mobile games, though. The big change, there's been 2 changes. One is, as we've talked about, macroeconomically, a lot of companies are focused on cash flow and away from revenue growth. That's just a requirement. That's already baked into the advertising ecosystem. The other change that came obviously in our sector right around the same time as the economy fell off is that IDFA change. And traditionally, mobile gaming companies were able to spend a lot of their revenue back in the user acquisition, namely on some big social properties to be able to grow. Those buys had the best return on ad spend. They were highly targeted, and they were able to use those profits to subsidize future growth.

    現在談到市場本身,手機遊戲一直在下降。不過,人們仍在消費相同數量的手機遊戲。最大的變化,有2個變化。一是,正如我們已經談到的,從宏觀經濟角度來看,很多公司都專注於現金流,而不是收入增長。這只是一個要求。這已經融入了廣告生態系統。與經濟下滑同時發生在我們行業的另一個明顯變化是 IDFA 變化。傳統上,移動遊戲公司能夠將大量收入用於獲取用戶,即用於一些能夠增長的大型社交資產。這些購買的廣告支出回報率最高。他們的針對性很強,他們能夠利用這些利潤來補貼未來的增長。

  • Take that away, and you have 2 things that really hit the category. And both those happen at the same time. So you can't really decouple them. Both are also baked into the business. Our business, we're fortunate enough to have a massive penetration in the market we operate in. Our mediation product is market leading and our AppDiscovery product is market-leading. And we've got no dependency on any single advertiser.

    把它拿走,你就有兩件事真正符合這個類別。而這兩者同時發生。所以你不能真正將它們解耦。兩者也都融入了業務。我們的業務,我們很幸運能夠在我們經營的市場中進行大規模滲透。我們的中介產品是市場領先的,我們的 AppDiscovery 產品是市場領先的。而且我們不依賴任何單一的廣告商。

  • The nice thing about mobile gaming is that it is a very commoditized industry when it comes to advertising. All of our mobile gaming categories have multiple gaming companies that all look very similar to the naked eye. They certainly have different products. But if you think about some of our biggest advertisers, they make solitaire games or they make puzzle games, and there's 100 other ones of them that look the same, and most of them are marketing on our platform. So even if a couple of them start struggling as businesses, the other ones just fill in the gap. Therefore, we look at our businesses in a very stable place, and we don't see much more deteriorating going forward.

    手機遊戲的好處在於,它在廣告方面是一個非常商品化的行業。我們所有的手機遊戲類別都有多家遊戲公司,它們都與肉眼非常相似。他們當然有不同的產品。但如果你想想我們的一些最大的廣告商,他們製作單人紙牌遊戲或益智遊戲,其中還有 100 款看起來相同,而且大部分都在我們的平台上進行營銷。因此,即使他們中的一些人開始在企業中掙扎,其他人也只是填補了空白。因此,我們以非常穩定的方式看待我們的業務,並且我們認為未來不會出現更多惡化。

  • Matthew Andrew Cost - Research Analyst

    Matthew Andrew Cost - Research Analyst

  • So would it be fair to assume then that your quarter ahead guidance does not contemplate material further deterioration?


  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Yes, I think we said, stable.


  • Ryan Gee

    Ryan Gee

  • We'll take our next question from Stephen Ju at Credit Suisse.

    我們將向瑞士信貸的 Stephen Ju 提出我們的下一個問題。

  • Stephen D. Ju - Director

    Stephen D. Ju - Director

  • All right. So Adam, to dig into the AXON topic a little bit more. I think you've previously talked about how it has helped you guys drive I think it was a 500% improvement in the accuracy of what ads you are showing. So have those improvements been fairly steady over the last couple of years? Or do they tend to show up in large steps as you think about what kind of effective CPI improvements you could drive over the longer term? And also if you can update us on where you are in the transition of the mediation solution from, I guess, the more waterfall to real-time bidding?

    好的。因此,Adam,進一步深入研究 AXON 主題。我認為您之前曾談到它如何幫助你們駕駛我認為您展示的廣告的準確性提高了 500%。那麼這些改進在過去幾年中是否相當穩定?或者,當您考慮可以在長期內推動什麼樣的有效 CPI 改進時,它們是否傾向於以大的步驟出現?此外,如果您能向我們介紹您在調解解決方案的過渡過程中的最新情況,我猜是從瀑布式到實時出價?

  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Yes. So on the first, obviously, when we rolled out the AXON upgrade, there were huge step-ups of growth. And when you roll out a core technology like that, it has to get adopted by all your advertisers. So we have very predictable growth that was in the double digits, I think, around 30% for 4 subsequent quarters. That accuracy came from the upgrade in the engine. Then we've had incremental changes every step of the way. A material upgrade to the engine really is a step function opportunity, whereas your incremental upgrades end up just baked into your numbers. This isn't to do with CPI though. It's not that we were able to improve the accuracy and drive up CPI. Our goal is to say advertisers have their goals. Our advertisers are willing to spend today in our platform of whatever return on ad spend goals they've set, the amount that they're willing to spend.

    是的。因此,很明顯,當我們推出 AXON 升級時,首先出現了巨大的增長。當你推出這樣的核心技術時,它必須被所有廣告商採用。所以我們有非常可預測的增長,我認為,在隨後的四個季度中,增長率約為 30%。這種準確性來自引擎的升級。然後我們在每一步都進行了增量更改。對引擎的材料升級確實是一個階梯函數機會,而您的增量升級最終只是融入了您的數字。但這與 CPI 無關。並不是說我們能夠提高準確性並推高 CPI。我們的目標是說廣告商有他們的目標。今天,我們的廣告商願意在我們的平台上花費他們設定的任何廣告支出目標回報,以及他們願意花費的金額。

  • We have a lot of excess budget that we're not able to fulfill today. So if we're able to improve the accuracy of our predictive engine, we'll be able to fulfill that excess budget and maintain advertiser rates similar to where they are. So that the advertiser is happy, and we're growing our business. And that's the opportunity that we're excited about. That's a performance business at its core.


  • So on the second question, in the move from mediation to real-time bidding, we've talked about this in the past. There were some early adopters of real-time bidding, and a lot of the market is going to move there over time. And there's just some technology companies that are still getting to the point of being able to support real-time bidding instance.


  • Now the biggest and most interesting partner there for us in the future is Google. There was an announcement a couple of months ago about their investment in real-time bidding. We're one of the launch partners for their efforts there. They're starting to see strong success there. We love that partnership. And together, if we can facilitate Google moving towards real-time bidding, it will really end up tilting the majority of the market over to it. We're excited about that. It will create efficiency gains for publishers, incremental revenue for the publisher that will then flow back into user acquisition. Obviously, we can charge for it. So it improves the business opportunity we have with the MAX products. And so we think there's a lot of gains to be had there over the coming quarters and years.

    現在對我們來說未來最大和最有趣的合作夥伴是谷歌。幾個月前有一個關於他們投資實時競價的公告。我們是他們在那裡努力的啟動合作夥伴之一。他們開始在那裡看到巨大的成功。我們喜歡這種夥伴關係。同時,如果我們能夠幫助谷歌轉向實時競價,它最終將真正讓大部分市場向它傾斜。我們對此感到興奮。它將為出版商創造效率收益,為出版商增加收入,然後將回流到用戶獲取中。顯然,我們可以為此收費。因此,它改善了我們使用 MAX 產品的商機。因此,我們認為在接下來的幾個季度和幾年中會有很多收益。

  • Stephen D. Ju - Director

    Stephen D. Ju - Director

  • And Herald, I think up to 40% of your revenue base is coming in from international given the strength of the U.S. dollar that had to have put the squeeze on revenue growth for you guys a little bit. So can you talk about the FX headwinds probably separated for perhaps the software business as well as apps?

    先驅報,我認為,鑑於美元的強勢不得不對你們的收入增長造成一點壓力,你們高達 40% 的收入基礎來自國際市場。那麼,您能否談談軟件業務和應用程序可能分開的外匯逆風?

  • Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

    Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

  • Yes, for us, a lot of the app side is transacted in dollars and through app stores. And so really more of the FX headwind is probably more macroeconomic and then if people are just transacting in a currency, then it's always translated into dollars for us. So we don't actually -- for our specific P&L, on the software side as well, we don't have like a big FX headwind on our P&L. It would be just if there was some currency translation of someone buying a good in a game itself, for example, you might see it there. But for us directly, it's not a big impact.


  • Ryan Gee

    Ryan Gee

  • Well, next go to Jason Bazinet with Citi. (Operator Instructions)

    好吧,接下來和花旗一起去 Jason Bazinet。 (操作員說明)

  • We'll next go to Omar Dessouky at Bank of America. (Operator Instructions)

    我們接下來要去美國銀行的 Omar Dessouky。 (操作員說明)

  • Omar Dessouky - Research Analyst

    Omar Dessouky - Research Analyst

  • Yes. So look, in terms of specifically these other big players in the market that have been dominant prior to IDFA. They're making a lot of investments into kind of privacy-enhancing technologies and infrastructure and presumably once they get around to completing that and have it available for general use, market share could kind of shift back to them. And I was wondering if you had any thoughts on how long -- like how many years that would take before some of these players like Facebook could get there?

    是的。所以看,特別是這些在 IDFA 之前一直佔據主導地位的市場上的其他大玩家。他們正在對某種增強隱私的技術和基礎設施進行大量投資,並且大概一旦他們完成這項工作並使其可用於一般用途,市場份額可能會轉移回他們手中。我想知道你是否對多長時間有任何想法——比如需要多少年才能讓像 Facebook 這樣的一些玩家到達那裡?

  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Yes. Thanks for the question, Omar. We can't comment on what other people are investing into or how long those investment efforts will take. But the reality of our sector is we want the pie to be growing. If the pie is growing, it means advertisers, these mobile gaming companies in general are able to reinvest more dollars into user acquisition. And we've got a strong share of that pie. We've always had a strong share of that pie. We had a very strong growing business.


  • Prior to the IDFA change, we didn't really change a whole lot. After the IDFA change and now we're just caught up in the macroeconomic cycle. But the reality is that IDFA change is a burden on the growth of the whole sector. We want our advertisers, including our own gaming studios to be able to invest on Facebook and other properties as successfully as they possibly can. The deployment of dollars in efficacious and ROAS-based advertising, creates this upside to the category that did fuel a decade of consistent growth.

    在 IDFA 更改之前,我們並沒有真正改變很多。在 IDFA 變更之後,現在我們剛剛陷入宏觀經濟周期。但現實情況是,IDFA 的變化是整個行業增長的負擔。我們希望我們的廣告商,包括我們自己的遊戲工作室,能夠盡可能成功地投資 Facebook 和其他資產。在有效和基於 ROAS 的廣告中部署美元,為確實推動了十年持續增長的類別創造了這種優勢。

  • Take that away and it creates a handicap. So we have no fear to that. We hope that all the technologies in the ecosystem continue to innovate and improve. We also, as a possible growth opportunity are hoping that Apple and the other -- and Google and other platforms bring more inventory online because as Apple continues to invest in their advertising efforts and they've talked about bringing more inventory online, it creates more places for these same advertisers to go invest and again, grow their business.


  • Because our business is performance-based, that never means that we lose budget. It just means that the businesses of our advertisers will improve, which then ends up allowing them to be more stable companies and reinvest back into our platform as well.


  • Omar Dessouky - Research Analyst

    Omar Dessouky - Research Analyst

  • Okay. So if I heard you right, it sounds like you're saying that a resurgence of those dominant companies pre-IDFA is actually more of like a tailwind and benefit for you guys rather than headwind...

    好的。所以,如果我沒聽錯的話,聽起來你是在說那些在 IDFA 之前占主導地位的公司的複蘇實際上更像是順風,對你們有益,而不是逆風……

  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Yes. We want a growing sector. In a growing sector and a predictably growing one where companies can reinvest their dollars, everyone is winning together. And we have market leadership technologies when it comes to monetization, mediation and growth. And so we've got a very strong base to our business. We were always totally fine, doing very well, growing consistently prior to the IDFA change and we'll see that afterwards if these companies do make their technologies more efficient again.

    是的。我們想要一個不斷增長的行業。在一個不斷增長的行業和一個可預測的增長行業,公司可以將他們的資金再投資,每個人都在共同獲勝。在貨幣化、中介和增長方面,我們擁有市場領先的技術。因此,我們的業務擁有非常強大的基礎。我們一直都很好,做得很好,在 IDFA 變更之前一直在增長,如果這些公司確實再次讓他們的技術變得更高效,我們會看到這一點。

  • Ryan Gee

    Ryan Gee

  • We'll next go to Franco Granda with D.A. Davidson.

    接下來我們將和 D.A. 一起去 Franco Granda。戴維森。

  • Franco Rafael Granda Penaherrera - Associate VP & Research Analyst

    Franco Rafael Granda Penaherrera - Associate VP & Research Analyst

  • Couple of questions here. I was wondering, how many studios are you down to at the moment? How many do you own? And how should we think about the performance-based payments for the studios given the lower expected revenues?


  • Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

    Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

  • Yes, we have about a dozen studios now, and we are -- as I think I mentioned before, in process of renegotiating some of those payments. The vast majority that have already been paid out. And some of those studios are obviously not performing and not going to hit their earnouts either. And so the projected earn-out payments are not terribly significant. We hope as we restructure them in a way that there's more alignment for the new world and the new expectations that they succeed and we succeed along the way. So they're very much going to be aligned with our success going forward.

    是的,我們現在有大約十幾個工作室,而且我們 - 正如我之前提到的那樣,正在重新談判其中一些付款。絕大多數已經付清了。其中一些工作室顯然沒有表現,也不會達到他們的收益。因此,預計的盈利支付並不是非常重要。我們希望在重組它們時,讓新世界和新的期望更加一致,即它們會成功,我們也會一路成功。因此,他們將與我們未來的成功保持一致。

  • Franco Rafael Granda Penaherrera - Associate VP & Research Analyst

    Franco Rafael Granda Penaherrera - Associate VP & Research Analyst

  • Awesome. And then can you speak to what the business at Wurl is like at the moment? Where do you expect it to end for the year relative to your expectations entering the year? And then maybe any color around customer engagements that could translate into revenue next year?

    驚人的。然後你能談談 Wurl 目前的業務情況嗎?相對於您對進入這一年的預期,您預計今年會在哪裡結束?然後也許圍繞客戶參與的任何顏色都可以轉化為明年的收入?

  • Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

    Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

  • Yes, we're excited to own Wurl. Obviously, it's a very big category. If you've been looking at some releases of companies that are involved in the CTV category, it seems to be the one place that there's some green shoots and some growth. So we're excited to be entering the category and assessing our best strategies there. Wurl in and of itself in terms of revenue still very -- relatively small but growthful. It's in the $30 million, $40 million, $50 million range in terms of where it's going to grow to in the near term. So not meaningful from our revenue standpoint but it is very strategic, given the inventory that they operate with, given all the partners that use them for the distribution of content. We think it's an interesting way to enter the category instead of us trying to do it from a standing start. And they've got a team of people that are thinking about it every single day.

    是的,我們很高興擁有 Wurl。顯然,這是一個非常大的類別。如果您一直在查看涉及 CTV 類別的公司的一些版本,它似乎是一個有一些萌芽和一些增長的地方。因此,我們很高興能夠進入該類別並評估我們在那裡的最佳策略。就收入而言,Wurl 本身仍然非常 - 相對較小但正在增長。就近期的增長幅度而言,它在 3000 萬美元、4000 萬美元、5000 萬美元的範圍內。所以從我們的收入角度來看沒有意義,但考慮到他們運營的庫存,考慮到所有使用它們來分發內容的合作夥伴,這非常具有戰略意義。我們認為這是一種有趣的進入類別的方式,而不是我們試圖從一開始就這樣做。他們有一群人每天都在思考這個問題。

  • And as Adam mentioned earlier, we're very much partnered up with them on the technology side, using our ad tech technology and their experience and expertise in the CTV category to figure out what our best plays are. But that's going to be a longer-term play for us. It is a big category. We want to figure out how to get it right. It's very dynamic. A lot of players in the space. And Wurl is going up and groups coming together. So it's something we're very focused on and excited about, but still pretty early.

    正如亞當之前提到的,我們在技術方面與他們非常合作,利用我們的廣告技術技術以及他們在 CTV 類別中的經驗和專業知識來確定我們最好的戲劇是什麼。但這對我們來說將是一個長期的遊戲。這是一個很大的類別。我們想弄清楚如何讓它正確。這是非常動態的。空間內有很多玩家。 Wurl 正在上升,團體聚集在一起。所以這是我們非常關注和興奮的事情,但還很早。

  • Ryan Gee

    Ryan Gee

  • We'll next go to Martin Yang with Oppenheimer.


  • Zhihua Yang - Associate

    Zhihua Yang - Associate

  • I want to dig in to the mechanics when a diversified publisher scale back UA and focus on ROAS. How -- assuming a customer's yours does the same as you treat your apps? And how does it impact your AppDiscovery and AppLovin Exchange, respectively?

    當多元化的出版商縮減 UA 並專注於 ROAS 時,我想深入研究機制。如何——假設一個客戶是你的,你對待你的應用程序的方式是一樣的?它對您的 AppDiscovery 和 AppLovin Exchange 分別有何影響?

  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Yes. So that's only directly impactful to us, Martin, on the AppDiscovery side, the ALX business is third-party demand sources that aggregate a lot of demand that may have the same or different models to us. But on the AppDiscovery product, if there's a customer to say, for instance, wants to spend $1,000 a day at 10% return on ad spend, willing to make $100 a day in the first 24 hours, our systems are very good at driving advertising for them that will yield that return.

    是的。所以這只會對我們產生直接影響,Martin,在 AppDiscovery 方面,ALX 業務是第三方需求源,它們聚合了大量可能對我們具有相同或不同模型的需求。但是在 AppDiscovery 產品上,如果有客戶說,例如,希望以 10% 的廣告支出回報率每天花費 1,000 美元,願意在前 24 小時內每天賺取 100 美元,那麼我們的系統非常擅長推動廣告對於那些將產生回報的人。

  • Now that may back into somewhere around, let's call it, a day 270 return on ad spend, where they break even on the $1,000 spent, and they may be looking at this economy and saying, we can't afford to wait 270 days anymore to breakeven on the dollar invested. So they pull back that date. What they would do is they'd go, we're willing to spend the same $1,000, but now get us 20% return on ad spend in the first 24 hours. And again, that in our system, it's all programmatic. So they changed the goal, it instantly will flow through the system and the advertising now will try to find users that will yield twice the return on ad spend that yesterday's budget and targets would have gone and yielded.

    現在這可能會回到某個地方,讓我們稱之為一天 270 天的廣告支出回報,他們在花費 1,000 美元時收支平衡,他們可能會看著這種經濟並說,我們不能再等待 270 天了對所投資的美元進行盈虧平衡。所以他們撤回了那個日期。他們會做的是,我們願意花同樣的 1,000 美元,但現在讓我們在前 24 小時內獲得 20% 的廣告支出回報。再說一次,在我們的系統中,這一切都是程序化的。所以他們改變了目標,它會立即流經系統,現在的廣告將試圖找到能夠產生兩倍於昨天預算和目標的廣告支出回報的用戶。

  • And so that's really the change that has flowed through the industry is that as advertisers have had to get tighter with the cash that they're able to invest on user acquisition, those just automatically flow through our system. Now also as this economy goes the other way and we get back to a growth period, hopefully at some point into the future, it will go the other way where they lower their goals and automatically will have a step up in the dollars that we can go spend on their behalf to drive them their new economic goals.


  • Zhihua Yang - Associate

    Zhihua Yang - Associate

  • One more follow-up on margins for Software Platform. So aside from your own investment decisions regarding OpEx and anything else that are in your control, what are the potential factors that could impact your Software Platform margin?

    軟件平台利潤率的另一項後續行動。因此,除了您自己關於 OpEx 的投資決策以及您可以控制的任何其他事項之外,還有哪些可能影響您的軟件平台利潤率的潛在因素?

  • Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

    Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

  • Martin, we report on a net revenue basis to start with. So we do take out the vagaries of having a gross to net in our net revenue. So below the line there, though, it's really the data center costs, which we talked about before, and we have our contract in place and that we have a very good handle on to know what that cost will be. Our team is in place. Yes, we were trying to add awesome talent that's available to us now. But we're not talking about dozens and dozens of people at a time. So I wouldn't see any real significant increase there. Our new initiatives, we are spending against already. So it is in the P&L and part of our operating expenses today.


  • Now if one of them catches fire, do we increase dramatically there? Potentially. But as Adam said, we've always been very cash flow focused and return focused. We'll do the right thing there. And by the way, likewise, on the app portfolio, and we've been targeting to get our margins up. But if there is a game that we see in the past, we've done that with Project Makeover and others. But if there's a game that we see that has a great return on ad spend, we will spend there to and possibly bring down margins on a quarterly basis as we scale our game. But on the software side, we have a high degree of confidence and visibility into that. Now mid-60s margin structure, including new initiatives.

    現在,如果其中一個著火了,我們會在那裡急劇增加嗎?潛在的。但正如亞當所說,我們一直非常關注現金流和回報。我們會在那裡做正確的事。順便說一句,同樣,在應用程序組合上,我們一直致力於提高利潤率。但是,如果我們過去看到過一款遊戲,我們已經通過 Project Makeover 和其他遊戲做到了這一點。但是,如果我們發現有一款遊戲的廣告支出回報率很高,那麼我們將在該遊戲上進行支出,並可能在我們擴大遊戲規模時按季度降低利潤率。但在軟件方面,我們對此充滿信心和可見性。現在是 60 年代中期的利潤率結構,包括新舉措。

  • And if our core technology ramps up, there's a significant amount of flow-through per incremental dollar to the bottom line given the fact that our infrastructure is basically fixed at this point as well as our team has paid for as well.


  • Ryan Gee

    Ryan Gee

  • We'll next go to Ralph Schackart with William Blair.


  • Ralph Edward Schackart - Partner & Technology Analyst

    Ralph Edward Schackart - Partner & Technology Analyst

  • I jumped on late, so I apologize if this has been asked. But can you maybe talk about sort of the softness that you saw in the quarter and maybe sort of the pace of that. And I think on the call, you had said that you feel that stuff is -- that the business has stabilized. Just trying to understand sort of the linear area of the pullback and sort of the comments around stabilization. That's the first one. And then I have a follow-up, please.

    我跳得很晚,所以如果有人問我,我很抱歉。但是你能不能談談你在本季度看到的那種柔軟度,或者那種節奏。而且我認為在電話會議上,您曾說過您覺得事情是 - 業務已經穩定下來。只是試圖了解回調的線性區域和圍繞穩定的評論。那是第一個。然後我有一個跟進,請。

  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Yes. Ralph, we referenced it in the last call, but we've been pretty stable since our last big step-up growth quarter. It's not that we're seeing any trends change late in the quarter at all since then. We signaled that we thought it would be relatively flat on the quarter, it was. We see the same thing going forward. Right now, we're in an ecosystem that sort of has priced in all of this difficulty on the macro side and difficulty on the targeting side. And so we see stability everywhere in this business at the moment, and that gives us a lot of comfort with where we're at.


  • Ralph Edward Schackart - Partner & Technology Analyst

    Ralph Edward Schackart - Partner & Technology Analyst

  • Okay. And then just a clarifying question from the shareholder letter talked about during Q3 within Apps business about the sale of nonstrategic assets, did you sell off something during the quarter?


  • Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

    Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

  • Yes, there was one that actually a very, very small asset that we sold back to the founders. They were trying to develop a new game that wasn't going to come to fruition so that they wanted to own the entity going forward. So it's a very, very small asset.


  • Ryan Gee

    Ryan Gee

  • We'll go ahead and take our last question from David Pang with Stifel.

    我們將繼續回答 David Pang 和 Stifel 的最後一個問題。

  • David Pang - Associate

    David Pang - Associate

  • Just wanted to see if you could provide an update on the DSPs that were transitioning from MoPub to MAX that you highlighted last quarter. And then for Herald, how are you thinking about leverage in general in a rising rate environment?

    只是想看看您是否可以提供有關從 MoPub 過渡到 MAX 的 DSP 的更新,您在上個季度強調了這一點。然後對於先驅報,您如何看待利率上升環境中的總體槓桿率?

  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • DSP side, we use the word stable again, super stable. We are cut over on pretty much all the MoPub DSPs at this point. Really, the shift is a year ago, there's a lot more brand dollars in the ecosystem. A lot of these DSPs are advantageous for us because they're hedged on our business. They go tap into brand dollars, which is not something we've traditionally focused on. And all of those big vendors are live on our platform. They're doing very well. They like the new infrastructure and system. MAX plus MoPub is over 2x bigger than what MoPub was for them. So in terms of the pipes being connected up to the DSPs were there, in terms of them being able to spend materially more than they were doing in the past, we're actually there as well because our business is so much bigger. But in the long term, there's really going to be an opportunity there as this economy recovers for these DSPs to flow more dollars to our system.

    DSP方面,我們再次使用穩定這個詞,超級穩定。此時,我們幾乎可以使用所有 MoPub DSP。真的,轉變是在一年前,生態系統中有更多的品牌美元。許多這些 DSP 對我們來說是有利的,因為它們對我們的業務進行了對沖。他們利用品牌資金,這不是我們傳統上關注的事情。所有這些大供應商都在我們的平台上。他們做得很好。他們喜歡新的基礎設施和系統。 MAX plus MoPub 比 MoPub 對他們來說大 2 倍以上。因此,就連接到 DSP 的管道而言,就它們能夠比過去花費更多的物質而言,我們實際上也在那裡,因為我們的業務要大得多。但從長遠來看,隨著經濟復甦,這些 DSP 將有機會向我們的系統注入更多資金。

  • Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

    Herald Y. Chen - President, CFO & Director

  • Yes, David, thanks for the question. Yes. So on the leverage side, we feel very comfortable with where we sit today. We're at just over 2x net leverage, which is very reasonable. We have 4 Bs in terms of the rating. So we feel comfortable there as well. Of course, interest rates have gone up significantly and something that we watch. We did hedge out for the year, some of the interest -- actually more than half of the interest fixed for the year. Our duration also is fairly strong. So we have maturities coming in '25 and '28. So we can live with our term loans. There's no maintenance covenants or anything like that on it as well. So it does provide us quite a bit of flexibility.

    是的,大衛,謝謝你的提問。是的。因此,在槓桿方面,我們對我們今天所處的位置感到非常自在。我們的淨槓桿率剛剛超過 2 倍,這是非常合理的。就評級而言,我們有 4 個 B。所以我們在那裡也感覺很舒服。當然,利率已經顯著上升,這是我們所關注的。我們確實對沖了這一年的一些利息——實際上超過了當年固定利息的一半。我們的持續時間也相當長。因此,我們將在 25 和 28 年到期。所以我們可以忍受我們的定期貸款。也沒有維護契約或類似的東西。所以它確實為我們提供了相當多的靈活性。

  • So we're very, very comfortable with the current leverage levels, and we still generate after interest cost, significant amount of free cash flow. As we described before, we have a relatively modest tax rate. Given a bunch of deductions, we have very little CapEx to us in there, just a little bit of lease expense. We are able to flow through a very strong percentage even with the amount of leverage we're carrying today.


  • Ryan Gee

    Ryan Gee

  • Okay. Well, thank you, everyone, for joining. That does conclude our call for today. We appreciate you hopping on, and we'll speak with you all next quarter.


  • Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

    Adam Arash Foroughi - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairperson

  • Thanks, everyone.
