Arista Networks Inc (ANET) 2019 Q4 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Welcome to the Fourth Quarter 2019 Arista Networks Financial Results Earnings Conference Call.

    歡迎參加 Arista Networks 2019 年第四季財務業績電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this conference is being recorded and will be available for replay from the Investor Relations section at the Arista website following this call.

    (操作員說明)謹此提醒,本次會議正在錄製中,並可在本次電話會議後在 Arista 網站的投資者關係部分重播。

  • I will now turn the call over to Mr. Curtis Mckee, Director of Corporate and Investor Development.

    我現在將把電話轉給企業和投資者發展總監 Curtis Mckee 先生。

  • Sir, you may begin.


  • Curtis McKee - Head of Corporate & Investor Development

    Curtis McKee - Head of Corporate & Investor Development

  • Thank you, operator.


  • Good afternoon, everyone, and thank you for joining us.


  • With me on today's call are Jayshree Ullal, Arista Networks President and Chief Executive Officer; Ita Brennan, Arista's Chief Financial Officer.

    參加今天電話會議的有 Arista Networks 總裁兼執行長 Jayshree Ullal;伊塔‧布倫南 (Ita Brennan),Arista 財務長。

  • This afternoon, Arista Networks issued a press release announcing the results for its fiscal fourth quarter ending December 31, 2019.

    今天下午,Arista Networks 發布新聞稿,宣布截至 2019 年 12 月 31 日的第四財季業績。

  • If you'd like a copy of this release, you can access it online on the company's website.


  • During the course of this conference call, Arista Networks' management will make forward-looking statements, including those relating to our financial outlook for the first quarter of the 2020 fiscal year, longer-term financial outlooks, industry innovation, our market opportunity, the benefits of recent acquisitions and the impact of litigation, which are subject to the risks and uncertainties that we discuss in detail in our documents filed with the SEC.

    在本次電話會議期間,Arista Networks 管理層將做出前瞻性聲明,包括與我們 2020 財年第一季的財務前景、長期財務前景、行業創新、我們的市場機會、最近收購的好處以及訴訟的影響,這些都受到我們在向SEC 提交的文件中詳細討論的風險和不確定性的影響。

  • Specifically, in our most recent Form 10-Q and Form 10-K, and which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by these statements.

    具體來說,在我們最新的 10-Q 表格和 10-K 表格中,這可能會導致實際結果與這些聲明中預期的結果有重大差異。

  • These forward-looking statements apply as of today, and you should not rely on them as representing our views in the future.


  • We undertake no obligation to update these statements after this call.


  • Also, please note that certain financial measures we use on this call are expressed on a non-GAAP basis and have been adjusted to exclude certain charges.


  • We have provided reconciliations of these non-GAAP financial measures to GAAP financial measures in our earnings press release.


  • And with that, I'll turn it over to Jayshree.

    有了這個,我會把它交給 Jayshree。

  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Thank you, Curtis, and welcome to your first Arista earnings call, and thank you, everyone, for joining us this afternoon for our fourth quarter 2019 earnings call.

    謝謝 Curtis,歡迎參加您的第一次 Arista 財報電話會議,感謝大家今天下午參加我們的 2019 年第四季財報電話會議。

  • We delivered a non-GAAP revenue of $552.5 million, with a non-GAAP earnings per share of $2.29.

    我們的非 GAAP 收入為 5.525 億美元,非 GAAP 每股收益為 2.29 美元。

  • Services contributed approximately 19% of the revenue consistent with the typically higher renewals at the year-end.

    服務貢獻了約 19% 的收入,這與年底通常較高的續約量一致。

  • Our non-GAAP gross margins was 65.2%, influenced by a strong performance of the enterprise vertical and associated software-attached products.

    我們的非 GAAP 毛利率為 65.2%,這得益於企業垂直產品和相關軟體附加產品的強勁表現。

  • Overall, our 2019 gross margin came in at 64.7%.

    整體而言,我們 2019 年的毛利率為 64.7%。

  • We registered a record number of million dollar customers in Q4 as a direct result of our enterprise momentum.


  • By the end of 2019, we have acquired over 6,300 customers cumulatively, with Microsoft at 23% of total revenue and Facebook at 16.6%.


  • In Q4 2019 and actually much throughout the year, cloud titans was the largest vertical.

    在 2019 年第四季度,實際上在全年的大部分時間裡,雲端巨頭都是最大的垂直產業。

  • The enterprise segment is now consistently the second largest and strongest segment followed by the financials in third place, Tier 2 cloud specialty providers in fourth and service providers in fifth place.


  • Both service providers and Tier 2 cloud providers have been slow for us.


  • Arista, as you know -- in terms of geography, 2019 international contribution was 24%, with the Americas at 76%.

    Arista,如您所知,就地域而言,2019 年國際貢獻率為 24%,其中美洲為 76%。

  • In terms of new products in 2019, Arista, as you know, delivered a banner year of disruptive products, redefining networking with a highly differentiated software stack, management and flagship platforms.

    就 2019 年的新產品而言,如您所知,Arista 交付了顛覆性產品的標誌性一年,透過高度差異化的軟體堆疊、管理和旗艦平台重新定義了網路。

  • The 7280 and 7500 series, especially have become the gold standard in 100-gigabit spine networking.

    尤其是 7280 和 7500 系列已成為 100 Gb 主幹網路的黃金標準。

  • We also introduced substantial 400-gigabit innovations with 10 new platforms.

    我們也推出了 10 個新平台的重大 400 Gb 創新技術。

  • We launched a new portfolio of cognitive campus edge products for wired, Power over Ethernet switches and wireless, including Wi-Fi 6. Our inherent software flexibility brings federated management and control planes across multiple merchant silicon data planes, and this is one of our key differentiators.

    我們推出了新的認知園區邊緣產品組合,適用於有線、乙太網路供電交換器和無線,包括Wi-Fi 6。我們固有的軟體靈活性帶來了跨多個商業矽資料平面的共同管理和控制平面,這是我們的關鍵之一差異化因素。

  • We continued our systematic innovations in cloud EOS and CloudVision features.


  • In particular, we have doubled our CloudVision customers delivering real-time streaming telemetry availability, scale, automation with change control as well as third-party interoperability.

    特別是,我們的 CloudVision 客戶數量增加了一倍,提供即時串流遙測可用性、規模、變更控制自動化以及第三方互通性。

  • We are pleased with the increased acceptance of total software bookings, both in subscription and perpetual licenses now approaching 5% of total revenue annually.

    我們很高興看到軟體預訂總額的接受度不斷提高,無論是訂閱還是永久許可證,目前已接近每年總收入的 5%。

  • We began Q1 2020 with the close of our third acquisition, Big Switch Networks, an SDN pioneer founded almost a decade ago.

    2020 年第一季度,我們完成了第三次收購 Big Switch Networks,這是一家近十年前成立的 SDN 先驅。

  • This is a strategic step for us in bringing a strong combination of engineering expertise, deeper entry into the network packet broker market and increased software multi-cloud visibility.


  • As you know, we've always been focused on software-driven networking as a mission in Arista.

    如您所知,我們始終將軟體驅動的網路作為 Arista 的使命。

  • With Big Switch, we are expanding that mission to a more deep analytics trend complementing our switch-based DANZ or data analyzer platforms with Big Switch's deeper monitoring fabric across public, private and hybrid clouds.

    透過 Big Switch,我們將這項使命擴展到更深入的分析趨勢,透過 Big Switch 跨公有雲、私有雲和混合雲的更深層監控結構來補充我們基於交換器的 DANZ 或數據分析器平台。

  • Both companies also share a unique visionary status with data center networking in the Gartner Magic Quadrant.

    兩家公司在 Gartner 魔力像限中的資料中心網路方面也享有獨特的遠見地位。

  • We welcome the BCN team -- BSN team into Arista family and really look forward to a strengthened partnership, not only with them but with Dell Technologies as well as the approximately 300 customers we're getting to know better.

    我們歡迎 BCN 團隊 - BSN 團隊加入 Arista 家族,並真誠地期待加強合作夥伴關係,不僅與他們,而且與 Dell Technologies 以及我們逐漸了解的約 300 家客戶。

  • While the Big Switch acquisition is not material, we do expect this to contribute to our software strength and bookings, and our goal is to become accretive in calendar 2021.

    雖然收購 Big Switch 並不重要,但我們確實預計這將有助於增強我們的軟體實力和預訂量,我們的目標是在 2021 年實現增值。

  • As we wrap 2019, I really do believe that Arista is in the clear forefront of making cloud area networking more and more mainstream.

    在 2019 年即將結束之際,我確實相信 Arista 處於使雲端區域網路越來越主流的明顯前沿。

  • We see that networking and the future of it is not silos or boxes with multiple operating systems and spaghetti OS', but a new uniform, software-driven place in the cloud architecture.


  • We are proud of our market leadership with the #1 spot in 100-gigabit Ethernet switching and ready for 400-gigabit migration ahead of us.

    我們為自己的市場領導地位感到自豪,在 100 吉比特乙太網路交換領域排名第一,並為 400 吉比特遷移做好準備。

  • We are experiencing trials that are going well with several customers.


  • We are poised to achieve our first $100 million target for the first 4 quarters of campus revenue as well.

    我們也準備好實現前 4 季校園收入第一個 1 億美元的目標。

  • Our go-to-market strength continues to be an important investment area for us, as we have doubled the sales and systems engineering capacity over the past 2 years.


  • With the promotion of Chris Schmidt to Senior Vice President of Worldwide Sales; and Ashwin Kohli to Senior Vice President of Customer Engineering, reporting to Anshul Sadana, the transition to their new roles has been seamless following the departure of Manny Rivelo to a PE firm in conjunction with his executive advisory role to us.

    Chris Schmidt 晉升為全球銷售資深副總裁;和 Ashwin Kohli 擔任客戶工程高級副總裁,並向 Anshul Sadana 匯報,在 Manny Rivelo 離職到一家私募股權公司並擔任我們的執行顧問後,他們向新角色的過渡是無縫的。

  • Both Chris and Ashwin have long tenure with us and epitomize the Arista ways.

    Chris 和 Ashwin 都在我們公司工作了很長時間,是 Arista 方式的縮影。

  • As I've traveled the world, including hundreds of customers we touch, it is clear to me that we're winning strategic enterprise franchises across high-tech, media, banking, health care, insurance and retail sectors, to name a few.


  • Larger enterprise are increasingly frustrated and anxiously seeking better quality and architectural leverage to cloud-based principles.


  • Our programmability with software and quality with the lowest critical vulnerabilities in the networking industry is a refreshing and welcome change to them.


  • Arista is gaining strategic relevance, almost doubling our million dollar customers within the past 3 years.

    Arista 正在獲得策略相關性,在過去 3 年內我們的百萬美元客戶數量幾乎翻了一番。

  • I expect this momentum to continue and happen across all the noncloud verticals.


  • With that, I'll turn it over to Ita for more financial specifics.

    這樣,我會將其轉交給 Ita 以了解更多財務細節。

  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

  • Thanks, Jayshree, and good afternoon.


  • This analysis of our Q4 and full year 2019 results and our guidance for Q1 2020 are based on non-GAAP and excludes all noncash stock-based compensation impacts, certain acquisition-related charges and other nonrecurring items.

    我們對 2019 年第四季和全年業績的分析以及對 2020 年第一季的指導基於非公認會計準則,不包括所有非現金股票薪酬影響、某些收購相關費用和其他非經常性項目。

  • A full reconciliation of our selected GAAP to non-GAAP results is provided in our earnings release.

    我們的收益報告中提供了我們選擇的 GAAP 與非 GAAP 績效的全面對帳。

  • Total revenues in Q4 were $552.5 million, down 7% year-over-year and above the midpoint of our guidance of $540 million to $560 million.

    第四季總營收為 5.525 億美元,年減 7%,高於我們 5.4 億美元至 5.6 億美元指引的中位數。

  • Service revenues represented approximately 19% of total revenue, up from 15.2% last quarter, reflecting typical fourth quarter service renewal seasonality in conjunction with the lower product revenue number.

    服務收入約佔總收入的 19%,高於上季的 15.2%,反映了典型的第四季服務更新季節性以及較低的產品收入數字。

  • International revenues for the quarter came in at $137.7 million or 25% of total revenue, up from 19% in the third quarter.

    該季度國際營收為 1.377 億美元,佔總營收的 25%,高於第三季的 19%。

  • Looking to the year, international revenues accounted for 24% of total revenue, down from 28% in the prior year.


  • This shift in geographical mix for the year was largely driven by heavier U.S. deployments by our cloud titan customers.


  • Overall, gross margin in Q4 was 65.2%, above the upper end of our guidance range of 63% to 65% and up from 64.4% last quarter.

    整體而言,第四季的毛利率為 65.2%,高於我們指導範圍 63% 至 65% 的上限,也高於上季的 64.4%。

  • This reflected a lighter cloud titan contribution in the period, combined with good performance from our enterprise and financial verticals.


  • Operating expenses for the quarter were $154.3 million or 27.9% of revenue, down from last quarter at $163 million.

    本季營運費用為 1.543 億美元,佔營收的 27.9%,低於上季的 1.63 億美元。

  • R&D spending came in at $96.2 million or 17.4% of revenue, down from $105.3 million last quarter.

    研發支出為 9,620 萬美元,佔營收的 17.4%,低於上季的 1.053 億美元。

  • This decline largely reflected lower engineering and prototype costs in the period.


  • Sales and marketing expense was $46.4 million or 8.4% of revenue, with increased head count, somewhat offset by reductions in other sales costs.

    銷售和行銷費用為 4,640 萬美元,佔收入的 8.4%,員工數量有所增加,但在一定程度上被其他銷售成本的減少所抵消。

  • Our G&A costs were consistent with last quarter at approximately $12 million or 2.1% of revenue.

    我們的一般管理費用與上季持平,約 1,200 萬美元,佔營收的 2.1%。

  • Our operating income for the quarter was $205.8 million or 37.3% of revenue.

    我們本季的營業收入為 2.058 億美元,佔營收的 37.3%。

  • Other income and expense for the quarter was a favorable $11.2 million, and our effective tax rate was approximately 15.5%.

    本季的其他收入和支出為 1,120 萬美元,有效稅率約為 15.5%。

  • This lower tax rate reflected the release of some uncertain tax position-related reserves following final agreement with the relevant tax authorities.


  • Please note, however, that we do expect to see some upward pressure on the effective tax rate over time as various tax jurisdictions continue to modify their tax rules.


  • This resulted in net income for the quarter of $183.4 million or 33.2% of revenue.

    這使得該季度的淨利潤達到 1.834 億美元,佔營收的 33.2%。

  • Our diluted share number for the quarter was 80.26 million shares, resulting in a diluted earnings per share number for the quarter of $2.29, up 1.8% from the prior year.

    我們本季的稀釋後股票數量為 8,026 萬股,導致本季稀釋後每股收益為 2.29 美元,比上一年增長 1.8%。

  • Now turning to the balance sheet.


  • Cash, cash equivalents and investments ended the quarter at approximately $2.7 billion.

    本季末現金、現金等價物和投資約 27 億美元。

  • We repurchased $51.5 million of our common stock during the quarter at a weighted average price of $189 per share.

    本季我們以每股 189 美元的加權平均價格回購了 5,150 萬美元的普通股。

  • This brings our total repurchases for the year to $266 million over 3 quarters.

    這使得我們今年三個季度的回購總額達到 2.66 億美元。

  • As a reminder, our Board of Directors has authorized a 3-year $1 billion stock repurchase program commencing in Q2 '19.

    謹此提醒,我們的董事會已授權從 19 年第二季開始實施為期 3 年、價值 10 億美元的股票回購計畫。

  • The program allows us to repurchase shares of our common stock opportunistically and is funded from operating cash flows.


  • We generated $327 million of cash from operations in the fourth quarter, affecting strong net income performance and a decrease in working capital requirements of approximately $115.4 million.

    我們第四季的營運產生了 3.27 億美元的現金,影響了強勁的淨利潤表現,營運資本需求減少了約 1.154 億美元。

  • DSOs came in at 65 days, up from 63 days in Q3, reflecting the timing of billings in the period.

    DSO 的周期為 65 天,高於第三季的 63 天,反映了該期間的計費時間。

  • Inventory turns were 2.9x, down from 3.1 last quarter.

    庫存週轉率為 2.9 倍,低於上季的 3.1 倍。

  • Inventory increased to $244 million in the quarter, up from $240 million in the prior period.

    本季庫存增加至 2.44 億美元,高於上一季的 2.4 億美元。

  • Our total deferred revenue balance was $575 million, up from $529 million in Q3.

    我們的遞延收入餘額總額為 5.75 億美元,高於第三季的 5.29 億美元。

  • As a reminder, our deferred revenue balance is now almost exclusively services related with any significant product deferred revenue amounts having been recognized to the income statement in the first half of the year.


  • As Jayshree mentioned, we had 2 greater than 10% customers in the year, Microsoft at 23% and Facebook at 16.6%.

    正如 Jayshree 所提到的,我們今年有 2 個超過 10% 的客戶,微軟為 23%,Facebook 為 16.6%。

  • If you exclude the recognition of product deferred revenue referenced above, Facebook would have represented approximately 12% of revenue for the year.

    若排除上述產品遞延收入的確認,Facebook 將佔當年收入的約 12%。

  • Accounts payable days were 44 days, up from 31 days in Q3, reflecting the timing of inventory receipts and payments.

    應付帳款天數為 44 天,高於第三季的 31 天,反映了庫存收付的時間。

  • Capital expenditures for the quarter were $2.4 million.

    該季度的資本支出為 240 萬美元。

  • Now turning to our outlook for the first quarter and beyond.


  • While we're not in a position at this point to provide full year guidance, we wanted to reiterate the various puts and takes discussed on our last call.


  • 2019 has been a challenging year for our cloud business with significant volatility and an overall muted demand picture.

    2019 年對我們的雲端業務來說是充滿挑戰的一年,波動劇烈,整體需求低迷。

  • As we look forward to 2020, we believe this trend continues with demand from this part of the business being flat to down on a year-over-year basis.

    展望 2020 年,我們相信這一趨勢將持續下去,這部分業務的需求與去年同期持平甚至下降。

  • This trend, combined with tough year-over-year revenue comparisons due to the recognition of $118 million of product deferred revenue in the first half of 2019, will likely result in a meaningful decline in cloud revenue for 2020.

    這一趨勢,加上由於 2019 年上半年確認了 1.18 億美元的產品遞延收入而導致的同比收入比較困難,可能會導致 2020 年雲端收入大幅下降。

  • Enterprise and financials are expected to grow healthily, but are not yet large enough to fully offset the expected revenue decline from cloud.


  • Service provider and specialty cloud will likely remain sluggish for the year.


  • On the gross margin front, we would reiterate our overall gross margin outlook of 63% to 65%, the customer mix being the key driver.

    在毛利率方面,我們重申整體毛利率前景為 63% 至 65%,客戶組合是關鍵驅動因素。

  • Focusing specifically on Q1, we expect to trend lower in this range given a lighter revenue number and a typical first quarter weighting towards cloud.


  • We'll continue to manage investments in the business carefully with targeted growth in sales and R&D head count, balancing the need to expand our market coverage with prudent financial management.


  • We announced the acquisition of Big Switch Networks earlier today.

    今天早些時候,我們宣布收購 Big Switch Networks。

  • This represents an immaterial transaction who brings us some additional software capabilities and a strong engineering talent pool.


  • From a financial perspective, this is an software subscription business with upfront license revenue recognition and a fair amount of services deferred revenue.


  • We're beginning the business and accounting integration now, and the acquisition will be recorded in our financials for the first quarter.


  • We have included a small revenue contribution and 2 months of expenses for Big Switch in our guidance for the first quarter.

    我們在第一季的指導中納入了 Big Switch 的小額收入貢獻和 2 個月的費用。

  • We will provide additional clarity on the go-forward income statement impacts once we've completed the purchase accounting analysis.


  • Finally, our guidance for Q1 does not reflect any impact from the ongoing coronavirus outbreak in China.


  • While we do not have a significant direct manufacturing footprint in China, there may be some indirect supply chain impacts.


  • We will look to monitor and attempt to mitigate these as the situation unfolds.


  • With all of this as a backdrop, our guidance for the first quarter, which is based on non-GAAP results and excludes any noncash stock-based compensation impacts and other nonrecurring items is as follows: revenues of approximately $522 million to $532 million, gross margin of approximately 63%, operating margins of approximately 34%.

    以此為背景,我們對第一季的指導基於非 GAAP 業績,不包括任何非現金股票薪酬影響和其他非經常性項目,如下: 總收入約為 5.22 億至 5.32 億美元利潤率約為63% ,營業利益率約34%。

  • Our effective tax rate is expected to be approximately 21% with diluted shares of approximately 80.5 million shares.

    我們的有效稅率預計約為 21%,稀釋後股份約為 8,050 萬股。

  • I will now turn the call back to Curtis.


  • Curtis?


  • Curtis McKee - Head of Corporate & Investor Development

    Curtis McKee - Head of Corporate & Investor Development

  • Thank you, Ita.


  • We are now going to move to the Q&A portion of the Arista earnings call.

    我們現在將進入 Arista 財報電話會議的問答部分。

  • Due to time constraints, I'd like to request that everyone please limit themselves to a single question.


  • Thank you for your understanding.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Your first question comes from Pierre Ferragu with New Street Research.

    (操作員說明)您的第一個問題來自 New Street Research 的 Pierre Ferragu。

  • Pierre C. Ferragu - Global Team Head of Technology Infrastructure

    Pierre C. Ferragu - Global Team Head of Technology Infrastructure

  • I was wondering on like the outlook for your cloud titan clients, so we understand like flat to slightly down year-on-year, which means that we'll have a bit of recovery during the year, and I think it's surprising that it contrasts -- it's contrasting a lot with what we've heard from other suppliers on the compute side, on the memory side.


  • We've heard much -- we've seen much better numbers in the second half of last year and much more positive comments about the first half of this year.


  • So you don't seem to be on a similar cycle, things seems to be coming back slower for you guys.


  • And so any way you could help us understand that would be very helpful.


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Sure, Pierre.


  • I will take part of the question, and Anshul can elaborate.


  • The cloud CapEx spending has never correlated 1:1 with Arista's network numbers.

    雲端資本支出從未與 Arista 的網路數量呈現 1:1 的相關性。

  • And the reason is many because as you know, it's a very small part of their total CapEx.


  • It's almost negligible, the network piece.


  • And often, they make the compute and the storage decisions first and the network comes later.


  • So there's a lag.


  • So our visibility right now, as I've often told you, is 1 to 2 quarters.

    因此,正如我經常告訴你們的那樣,我們現在的能見度是 1 到 2 個季度。

  • And we can't say much about the whole year, let alone Q2 or second half.


  • So while we are making predictions based on our 2019, both the absorption of deferred revenue and the current understanding of their plans, things might change.

    因此,雖然我們根據 2019 年做出預測,但無論是遞延收入的吸收還是目前對其計劃的理解,情況都可能會改變。

  • We're reflecting what we know best as of now, especially when you look at our year-over-year comps for 2018 and '19.

    我們正在反映我們目前最了解的情況,尤其是當您查看我們 2018 年和 19 年的同比比較時。

  • Anshul says I did good enough, so he has nothing more to add.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Meta Marshall with Morgan Stanley.


  • Meta A. Marshall - VP

    Meta A. Marshall - VP

  • I just wanted to know if you could kind of give a little bit of an update on the campus business traction?


  • And just whether you had seen any kind of pause in purchasing activity due to macro?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Well, thank you, Meta, and thank you.


  • I think it's the first call for you with Arista.

    我想這是你第一次與 Arista 通話。

  • So welcome.


  • So as you know, our campus business is in its very early stages.


  • We only started shipping in Q3 2019.

    我們於 2019 年第三季才開始出貨。

  • We've had 2 full quarters now of campus.


  • And I'm very encouraged by the enthusiastic response from both our existing customers as well as new customer acquisition.


  • As I look at our million dollar customers, that I was talking about and the record number we have achieved, many of them have also been campus.


  • And so we -- I see that, at least from our little oasis or island, we're not really a macro bellwether.


  • We're more of a technology bellwether and the technology both on our PoE and Wi-Fi has been very well accepted, along with clients and CloudVision.

    我們更像是科技領頭羊,我們的 PoE 和 Wi-Fi 技術以及客戶和 CloudVision 都得到了很好的接受。

  • And Q4 was a very good indication of that.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Erik Suppiger with JMP Securities.

    您的下一個問題來自 JMP 證券的 Erik Suppiger。

  • Erik Loren Suppiger - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Erik Loren Suppiger - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • One, what are the priorities in terms of your integration with Big Switch?

    一,您與 Big Switch 整合的優先事項是什麼?

  • What are you going to be doing?


  • Which products are you going to be focusing on?


  • Then secondly, is there anything that we should be concerned about with China?


  • Did you see any evidence of impact from the virus issues going on there?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • So I'll take the first question, and Anshul, maybe you with your COO title, you know more about what's going on there.


  • So on the -- what's the priorities for the Big Switch?

    那麼,Big Switch 的優先事項是什麼?

  • Well, as I said, first of all, we were incredibly impressed by the engineering team.


  • So we have selected the best of the best, and they are very much part of -- the acquisition has closed, and I want to give a big shout-out to Marc Taxay and Ita for the hard work that went into that.

    因此,我們選擇了最好的人,他們是收購已經完成的重要組成部分,我想對 Marc Taxay 和 Ita 在此過程中所做的辛勤工作表示大力讚揚。

  • It's a 10-year old company, there's a lot of detail.


  • So the -- at the end of the close of the acquisition, we have absorbed approximately 75 employees, a large percentage of them in engineering.

    因此,在收購結束時,我們吸收了約 75 名員工,其中很大一部分從事工程工作。

  • And there are 2 product lines that Big Switch carries, the BMS, which is the monitoring product, which as I explained, is a perfect complement to DANZ.

    Big Switch 有 2 個產品線,BMS,即監控產品,正如我所解釋的,它是 DANZ 的完美補充。

  • DANZ is Arista's in-line integrated switching product, and BMS is just icing on the cake, it has deeper visibility, service nodes, recorder nodes and monitoring fabric, et cetera.


  • And then BCF, which is meant for more of a converged fabric.

    然後是 BCF,它更多的是用於融合結構。

  • And we fully expect that to be a very important piece, especially with our converged infrastructure partners like Dell Technologies.

    我們完全希望這將是一個非常重要的部分,特別是對於像 Dell Technologies 這樣的融合基礎設施合作夥伴來說。

  • So both products will be fully supported and carried through, but with different channels.


  • Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

    Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

  • To your question on China and supply chain with respect to coronavirus, as Ita mentioned, we don't do any direct manufacturing in China.

    關於你關於冠狀病毒的中國和供應鏈的問題,正如 Ita 所提到的,我們不在中國進行任何直接製造。

  • So it really comes down to second degree effects of our manufacturers, suppliers or their sub-supplies and the raw material coming from China.


  • So far, we haven't seen any big impact because it's just been a few weeks after the -- really a few days after the end of the Chinese New Year.


  • And our manufacturers are saying, maybe that's okay for the short term.


  • However, if the situation continues for a long period, and there's very little supply able of raw materials and -- over an extended time, then it can have impact in the future.


  • But it's too early to say anything right now.


  • And we expect more answers from the Chinese suppliers to the factories through the rest of the month and even in March.


  • So again, it is too early, but for now, we're okay.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Rod Hall with Goldman Sachs.


  • Roderick B. Hall - MD

    Roderick B. Hall - MD

  • And girls, I wanted to -- I guess, I wanted to -- or girls and guys is probably the right order for that actually.


  • I wanted to ask a couple of verticals question.


  • So Ita you had commented that cloud, you expect a meaningful decline.


  • And I don't know if you could give us any more feeling for what you mean by that?


  • We were thinking at kind of low double-digit sort of decline this year.


  • But I don't know if that sounds like more than that.


  • And then the other -- on the positive side of this equation, the service provider commentary, you said sluggish, we were thinking that would be declining this year, but it almost -- just want to clarify, do you think that, that -- are you expecting a little bit of growth there or stabilization there, kind of flattish revenue there?

    然後另一個 - 在這個等式的積極方面,服務提供者的評論,你說緩慢,我們認為今年會下降,但它幾乎 - 只是想澄清,你認為,那個 - - 您預計那裡會有一點增長或穩定,收入持平嗎?

  • And then a bigger picture question, Jayshree is, have you guys considered disclosing these verticals or some subset of them?

    然後是一個更大的問題,Jayshree 是,你們是否考慮過揭露這些垂直行業或其中的某些子集?

  • Is that something we could maybe look forward to at some point in the future, at least on an annual basis, so we can all track kind of what's happening under the covers in the verticals?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Okay.


  • Rod, I'll try and answer all -- as many of your questions.


  • The last one first.


  • So the answer is, we try to do our best by ranking them.


  • And I guess, you're looking for more granularity.


  • So we'll definitely take it under advisement, like we do anything you suggest, and maybe that's a data point for Analyst Day.


  • And going back to your cloud decline and service provider, flat to down, I think, definitely means flat to double-digit down.


  • We don't exactly know how much now because we're in the first quarter.


  • I think Anshul and the team will get much more visibility in maybe Analyst Day or second half because that's when we really get a good sense.


  • But Q1 is such a seasonal quarter.


  • We don't have enough data.


  • It's more an extension of Q4.


  • So ask us this question again in May or June.


  • And I think we'd have a lot more to say.


  • Service providers, yes, I think when Ita actually explained the definition of sluggish to me, which is, it's not that bad.

    服務提供者,是的,我認為當 Ita 實際上向我解釋了緩慢的定義時,也就是說,它並沒有那麼糟糕。

  • And I think the worst was last year.


  • So it's bottomed out and it can only get slightly better is our feeling, but we're not like holding our breath or anything, but we believe it can't get worse.


  • Roderick B. Hall - MD

    Roderick B. Hall - MD

  • But sluggish, would it be some range around 0 then Jayshree not like [declining further and that would be] a negative number.

    但緩慢的是,它是否會在 0 附近的某個範圍內,然後 Jayshree 不會像[進一步下降,這將是]一個負數。

  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • 0 plus or minus, yes.


  • Not minus.


  • Not minus.


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

  • Not declining further.


  • Rod, I think...


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Above 0.


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

  • It's our hope, right?


  • I mean it did decline a fair amount in 2019.

    我的意思是它在 2019 年確實下降了相當多的金額。

  • And we'd like to think that it starts to recover a little bit from there, but sluggish kind of implied slowly.


  • Roderick B. Hall - MD

    Roderick B. Hall - MD

  • Okay.


  • But that's better than I thought.


  • So I appreciate that.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from John Marchetti with Stifel.

    您的下一個問題來自 Stifel 的 John Marchetti。

  • John Warren Marchetti - MD & Senior Analyst

    John Warren Marchetti - MD & Senior Analyst

  • Just Jayshree, I just -- as we're getting closer to this, reaching the end of this sort of first $100 million on the campus side, and you've added a couple of pieces there.

    Jayshree,我只是——隨著我們越來越接近這個目標,校園方面的第一筆 1 億美元的資金即將結束,你已經在那裡添加了一些內容。

  • I'm just curious, as we look out the next couple of years, how maybe we should think about that business trending up towards a little bit more of a meaningful contribution to the overall growth rate?


  • And then Ita just real quick on the tax rate.


  • I just wanted to make sure that I heard it correctly that at least starting in '20, we should expect this lower rate to continue and that it may tick back up over time, but that we're at least expecting that lower tax rate to continue over the near term?

    我只是想確保我沒聽錯,至少從20 年開始,我們應該預期這種較低的稅率會持續下去,並且隨著時間的推移,它可能會回升,但我們至少預計較低的稅率會繼續下去。短期內繼續嗎?

  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

  • Yes.


  • Let me take the tax one first, maybe.


  • So the Q4 tax rate at the 15%, I mean, that's a once-off, right?

    所以第四季的稅率為 15%,我的意思是,這是一次性的,對嗎?

  • It's some very specific reserves that were released in the period.


  • As we go forward, we've been thinking about the structural tax rate somewhere around 21%.

    在我們前進的過程中,我們一直在考慮 21% 左右的結構性稅率。

  • That's what we guided for Q1.


  • There's probably more upward pressure than downward pressure on that over time.


  • So I think 21%, 21.5%, it's is in that range somewhere, but I think for now, you're in the 21% range for Q1.

    所以我認為 21%、21.5% 就在這個範圍內,但我認為目前第一季處於 21% 的範圍內。

  • And then maybe you see a couple of basis -- tens of basis points kind of increase over time, but it's -- it will take time.


  • That was more kind of a longer-term structure rate statement.


  • The 21% plus or minus hasn't really changed in the current time frame.

    21% 的正負值在目前時間範圍內並沒有真正改變。

  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • And John to take your question on the campus, we think being a new kid in the block when there's been a fairly mature market and a $10 billion TAM largely Cisco and maybe HPE Aruba, just for us to enter in and be taken seriously is the first order of business.

    約翰在校園裡回答你的問題,我們認為,當市場相當成熟、TAM 價值100 億美元(主要是思科,也許還有HPE Aruba)時,我們作為一個新來的人,只是讓我們進入並受到認真對待才是最重要的。第一件事。

  • And I have to say the enthusiasm for Arista, the software, the cognitive CloudVision has been very well received.

    我必須說,人們對 Arista、軟體、認知 CloudVision 的熱情非常受歡迎。

  • So I think delivering the first 4 quarters of $100 million will really establish a baseline for more growth.

    因此,我認為前 4 個季度實現 1 億美元的目標將真正為更多成長奠定基礎。

  • As I said at the last analyst meeting, I'd be very disappointed if we didn't have that more growth translate into doubling and doubling again.


  • So I'm -- my team would be looking to take that $100 million to $200 million and then to $400 million and then some.

    所以我——我的團隊會尋求 1 億至 2 億美元,然後是 4 億美元,然後更多。

  • But more on Analyst Day maybe on exactly how we do that and the details.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Jason Ader with William Blair.


  • Jason Noah Ader - Partner & Co-Group Head of Technology, Media and Communications

    Jason Noah Ader - Partner & Co-Group Head of Technology, Media and Communications

  • Jayshree, you guys have prided yourself from day 1 on a single OS.


  • Now with Big Switch, you're going to have a second OS.

    現在有了 Big Switch,您將擁有第二個作業系統。

  • So I'm just wondering how we should be thinking about the future of Big Switch's OS?

    所以我只是想知道我們應該如何考慮 Big Switch 作業系統的未來?

  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • No, that's a really good question, yes.


  • And we've actually done 3 acquisitions and had to deal with the OS twice before.

    事實上,我們之前已經進行了 3 次收購,並且必須兩次處理作業系統。

  • So before I answer your Big Switch question, let's take the other 2. Metamako very FPGA-centric, it was really for the high-frequency trading market, low latency.

    所以在我回答你的 Big Switch 問題之前,我們先來看看另一個 2. Metamako 非常以 FPGA 為中心,它確實是針對高頻交易市場的,低延遲。

  • The OS did not play a big role.


  • And when it does, it will be EOS, right?

    當它發生時,那就是 EOS,對吧?

  • Mojo, really a radio management Wi-Fi, we immediately integrated into CloudVision, and again, the OS was less important than the CloudVision integration to bring wired and wireless together.

    Mojo,實際上是一個無線電管理 Wi-Fi,我們立即整合到 CloudVision 中,同樣,作業系統並不比 CloudVision 整合更重要,因為它可以將有線和無線結合在一起。

  • Big Switch, we fully expect that same CloudVision integration with DANZ and BMS, the monitoring fabric.

    Big Switch,我們完全期望 CloudVision 能夠與 DANZ 和 BMS(監控結構)整合。

  • So the OS will be somewhat transparent and unification of in-line DANZ and a monitoring fabric will be much more important.

    因此,作業系統將在某種程度上透明,並且內聯 DANZ 和監控結構的統一將更加重要。

  • The Big Cloud Fabric is the unique product.

    Big Cloud Fabric 是獨一無二的產品。

  • And we believe the go-to-market channel there is not necessarily a typical Arista customer who's looking for EOS and CloudVision, but a technology partner like Dell Technologies or Nutanix that wants to integrate this with their servers and storage.

    我們相信,進入市場的管道不一定是尋求 EOS 和 CloudVision 的典型 Arista 客戶,而是像 Dell Technologies 或 Nutanix 這樣希望將其與其伺服器和儲存整合的技術合作夥伴。

  • So very much like SONiC or FBOSS, this is a converged infrastructure solution.

    與 SONiC 或 FBOSS 非常相似,這是一個融合基礎設施解決方案。

  • Jason Noah Ader - Partner & Co-Group Head of Technology, Media and Communications

    Jason Noah Ader - Partner & Co-Group Head of Technology, Media and Communications

  • So is it right to think about that serving a part of a market that you probably never would have served, and therefore, you can reconcile it with the overall strategy?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • That's correct.


  • Again, it's early days, and we're still learning.


  • And both Doug Murray and Kyle, the co-founder, are teaching us as we speak.

    在我們講話時,聯合創始人道格·穆雷 (Doug Murray) 和凱爾 (Kyle) 都在教導我們。

  • But if we look at the over 300 customers, the overlap with our customers is only 1/3.


  • So 60%, 65% of the customers are new to us.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Brian Yun with Deutsche Bank.

    您的下一個問題來自德意志銀行的 Brian Yun。

  • Brian Yun - Data Networking Analyst

    Brian Yun - Data Networking Analyst

  • I wanted to ask about your 400-gig opportunity.

    我想問一下你們 400 場的機會。

  • Can you talk about expected market share for 400 gigs maybe just at a high level, especially versus your peers?

    您能否談談 400 場演出的預期市場份額可能只是處於較高水平,尤其是與您的同行相比?

  • I think it's fair to say that you're dominant in 100-gig at hyperscale clouds.

    我認為可以公平地說,你們在 100G 超大規模雲端中佔據主導地位。

  • But is the expectation to win the majority of 400-gig deals?

    但是否期望能贏得大部分 400 場演出的交易呢?

  • Or are you taking a more conservative view where your peers might see sizable wins as well?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Well, I think our peers should have seen sizable wins on 100-gig too, I don't know why they missed the boat.

    好吧,我認為我們的同行也應該在 100 場演出中看到相當大的勝利,我不知道他們為什麼錯過了機會。

  • But it's very unnatural for an incumbent to lose a speed transition.


  • So the fact that Arista became #1 is just -- never been done in the networking industry before.

    因此,Arista 成為第一的事實在網路產業中是前所未有的。

  • Now what we see with 400-gig overall time line is we have been consistent on that.

    現在我們看到 400 場演出的整體時間表是一致的。

  • We are seeing early trials, we expect mainstream deployments this year, particularly in the second half, and obviously, the cloud will play a big role, but it'll also be some of the high-end enterprises and service providers as well.


  • And so given the trials we're seeing, we don't expect material revenue of 400-gig until the second half of this year and really 2021.

    因此,考慮到我們所看到的試驗,我們預計直到今年下半年乃至 2021 年才會實現 400 場的物質收入。

  • And the other thing I'd point out is nobody just builds 400-gig in isolation.

    我要指出的另一件事是,沒有人會孤立地建造 400 場演出。

  • It always happens in conjunction and there are always mixing and matching 100-gig and 400-gig.

    它總是同時發生,並且總是混合和匹配 100 演出和 400 演出。

  • So Anshul, do you want to add to that?


  • Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

    Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

  • So Jayshree, 2 comments here.

    Jayshree,這裡有 2 則評論。

  • Brian, I know everyone's focused on 400-gig.

    Brian,我知道每個人都關注 400 場演出。

  • I do want to remind you and everyone else, 100-gig is actually growing in 2020.

    我確實想提醒您和其他所有人,2020 年 100 場演出實際上正在增​​長。

  • It's not going to replace just yet.


  • And there are many other equations coming soon as well, whether it's 8x50 going to 4x100 or 8x100 as well.

    還有許多其他方程式即將推出,無論是 8x50 到 4x100 還是 8x100。

  • It's not just a single transition that our customers are planning or working with us on the multiple 3 years generational road map as has been discussed.

    正如我們所討論的,我們的客戶正在規劃或與我們合作制定多個 3 年代路線圖,這不僅僅是一次過渡。

  • Lastly, there is some dependency on the DCI or backbone networks on availability of the other optic cloud scale and that's still expected to be second half, maybe even end of the year.

    最後,DCI 或骨幹網路對其他光雲規模的可用性有一定依賴性,預計仍將在下半年甚至年底實現。

  • And hence, any material deployments in that space will be in 2021.

    因此,該領域的任何材料部署都將在 2021 年進行。

  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • And Anshul, just to reiterate your point, the TAM for 100-gig is $4.5 billion.

    Anshul,重申您的觀點,100 場演出的 TAM 為 45 億美元。

  • I don't know the TAM for 400-gig will even hit a few hundred million this year.


  • Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

    Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

  • Pilot is not a TAM.

    飛行員不是 TAM。

  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Pilot is not a TAM, it's a pilot.

    Pilot 不是 TAM,而是飛行員。

  • Okay.


  • Good one-liner.


  • Operator


  • Our your next question comes from Ittai Kidron with Oppenheimer.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Ittai Kidron 和 Oppenheimer。

  • Ittai Kidron - MD

    Ittai Kidron - MD

  • Two questions for me.


  • I know Curtis tries to limit me to one, but I'll try to sneak one in.


  • Yes.


  • Regarding the acquisition of Big Switch, I do want to understand the relationship with Dell, and also if there's a revenue concentration for Big Switch?

    關於收購Big Switch,我確實想了解一下與戴爾的關係,以及Big Switch的收入是否集中?

  • If I remember correctly, Microsoft is a big customer for them.


  • So if we could discuss that.


  • And then on Dell, they also have other companies they work with in this space, Cumulus, if I remember correctly.


  • Help me understand how do you think the nature of that relationship is going to look like going forward?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • That's a good question.


  • First of all, we didn't see any significant revenue concentration and certainly not Microsoft, that could have been a past statistic, but not true now.


  • So there's obviously some big customers, and they have some top 10, but not specifically one that is a 10% concentration.

    所以顯然有一些大客戶,他們有一些前 10 名,但不是特別集中在 10% 的客戶。

  • So coming back to your question on how do we see this, we do see the partnership with Dell getting stronger.


  • How Big Switch was selling was really software-only disaggregated from hardware and a lot of the hardware was Dell switches.

    Big Switch 的銷售方式其實是從硬體分離出來的純軟體,而且許多硬體都是戴爾交換器。

  • We continue to plan to offer that model and strengthen our partnership with Dell and make that stronger.


  • So we are not changing the sales motion, and it complements what Arista is doing in the high-end enterprise and cloud titans very, very well.

    因此,我們不會改變銷售動作,它非常非常好地補充了 Arista 在高端企業和雲端巨頭中所做的事情。

  • So no change.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Amit Daryanani with Evercore.

    您的下一個問題來自 Evercore 的 Amit Daryanani。

  • Jyhhaw Liu - Research Analyst

    Jyhhaw Liu - Research Analyst

  • This is Irvin dialing in for Amit.


  • I also had a question about your campus switching business, it continues to do very well for you.


  • But can you perhaps help us understand what the margin profile for this business looks like versus your broader portfolio?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Okay.


  • I would generally say the margin is about the same.


  • But if you say versus our router portfolio as opposed to versus our switching portfolio.


  • Jyhhaw Liu - Research Analyst

    Jyhhaw Liu - Research Analyst

  • The broader portfolio.


  • Sorry, not router, but just broader.


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Okay.


  • The broader.


  • Okay, yes.


  • Not the same.


  • More pricing pressure in the campus always because the market is defined that way, but the margins aren't significantly different.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Ben Bollin with Cleveland Research.

    您的下一個問題來自克利夫蘭研究中心的 Ben Bollin。

  • Benjamin James Bollin - Senior Research Analyst

    Benjamin James Bollin - Senior Research Analyst

  • I wanted to go back to 400-gig.

    我想回到 400 場演出。

  • I was hoping you could talk a little bit about how you think the builds for 400-gig differ from what you saw in 100?

    我希望您能談談您認為 400 GB 的構建與您在 100 GB 中看到的構建有何不同?

  • And specifically, I'm interested in any thoughts you have on how your partners approach their own OS development efforts, any switch standardization efforts?


  • Just any high-level thoughts there?


  • And then how do you think the margin opportunity for 400?

    那麼您認為 400 的保證金機會如何?

  • How does that compare to what you saw with 100?

    這與您看到的 100 相比如何?

  • Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

    Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

  • Sure.


  • Ben, in terms of the 400-gig architecture and how our largest customers are leading the way there, the entire architecture needs to contemplate a server flow, let's say, at 100-gig being able to go through the network.

    Ben,就 400-gig 架構以​​及我們最大的客戶如何引領這一趨勢而言,整個架構需要考慮伺服器流,比方說,在 100-gig 時能夠通過網路。

  • So you have to upgrade it end-to-end.


  • You cannot just upgrade in silos and be done with it.


  • So for large-scale architectures, upgrading the backbone and the DCI networks is almost a necessary step one before you can do 400-gig in the broader leaf spine design.

    因此,對於大規模架構,升級主幹網路和 DCI 網路幾乎是必要的第一步,然後才能在更廣泛的葉主幹設計中實現 400 GB。

  • And that depend on ZR, other optics and so on, and -- but that's where the testing is going on already in the last trials that we are involved in today.

    這取決於 ZR、其他光學器件等等,而且——但這就是我們今天參與的最後試驗中已經進行的測試。

  • For AI, which are closed clusters, 400-gig is already starting to see a little bit of deployment, but these are still very small scale, simply a 32x400 gig type of design in our mini-leaf spine.

    對於封閉集群的人工智慧來說,400G 已經開始看到一些部署,但這些規模仍然很小,只是我們迷你葉脊椎中的 32x400G 設計類型。

  • And there, we are working with our customers very well.


  • With core development, it may not be just the OS.


  • That problem, I think we've already addressed with our best customers and partners, but it's actually core development with the NIC and the FPGA and the GPU and so on, that is also happening already.

    我認為我們已經與我們最好的客戶和合作夥伴解決了這個問題,但實際上是 NIC、FPGA 和 GPU 等的核心開發,這也已經發生了。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Sami Badri with Crédit Suisse.

    您的下一個問題來自瑞士信貸銀行的薩米·巴德里(Sami Badri)。

  • Ahmed Sami Badri - Senior Analyst

    Ahmed Sami Badri - Senior Analyst

  • I had a question for you regarding Big Switch, and just the operating margin drag that the Big Switch acquisition is going to create in 2020?

    我有一個關於 Big Switch 的問題,以及 Big Switch 收購將在 2020 年造成的營運利潤率拖累?

  • And maybe I was hoping for some specifics on 2021 accretion that you mentioned.

    也許我希望了解您提到的 2021 年成長的一些具體情況。

  • Is this a 1Q, 2Q 2021 accretion?

    這是 2021 年第一季、第二季的成長嗎?

  • Or is this a back half of 2021 accretion that you are anticipating?

    或者這是您所預期的 2021 年下半年的成長?

  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • I'll answer the second question, and then Ita, if you could.

    我會回答第二個問題,然後是 Ita,如果可以的話。

  • I wouldn't call it too much of a drag, but maybe.


  • But in terms of when it will be accretive, the forecast we have challenged the team with is to be accretive by the end of 2021.

    但就何時實現增值而言,我們向團隊提出的預測是在 2021 年底實現增值。

  • Obviously, I'd like to see it sooner.


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

  • Yes.


  • I mean I think once we get out of Q1, Q1 was always going to be a quarter that was tight from a operating margin perspective just because where the revenue came in at and the mix of business that we have with cloud being heavier.


  • So you are seeing a lower kind of operating margin in Q1.


  • I think once we get out of Q1, we had talked on the last call about a 35% operating margin being kind of the target.

    我認為,一旦我們走出第一季度,我們在最後一次電話會議上就談到了 35% 的營業利潤率的目標。

  • And I think we can absorb Big Switch within that, right?

    我認為我們可以在其中吸收 Big Switch,對吧?

  • As we move through the year, and then we'll have more to say kind of on the top line on the next call once we sort out some of the purchase accounting and other stuff that we need to work through.


  • Ahmed Sami Badri - Senior Analyst

    Ahmed Sami Badri - Senior Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And just actually a clarification.


  • Is the $100 million run rate for campus, does that include any Big Switch contribution?

    校園的 1 億美元營運費用是否包含 Big Switch 的貢獻?

  • Or is that just the stuff ex Big Switch?

    或者這只是 Big Switch 之前的東西?

  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • No.


  • Big switch was not there in December 2019, right?

    2019 年 12 月還沒有 Big Switch,對嗎?

  • So I was talking about Q3 and Q4, we're well on our way to $100 million.

    所以我說的是第三季和第四季度,我們正在朝著 1 億美元的方向前進。

  • And I just want to clarify, it's not run rate, it's revenue.


  • So it's real revenue.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Tejas Venkatesh from UBS.

    您的下一個問題來自瑞銀 (UBS) 的 Tejas Venkatesh。

  • Thejeswi Banavathi Venkatesh - Associate Director and Analyst

    Thejeswi Banavathi Venkatesh - Associate Director and Analyst

  • It looks like Microsoft was only down 5% in 2019, a bit better than what you were expecting.

    看起來微軟在 2019 年只下跌了 5%,比你的預期好一些。

  • Given that in the past, you provided early color on what Microsoft could be as a percentage of revenue.


  • I was hoping, Jayshree, you could do that for 2020.

    我希望 Jayshree 你能在 2020 年做到這一點。

  • And then secondly...


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Tejas, I'd be a fool...


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

  • Nice try.


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Nice try, Tejas.


  • But I'd be a fool to do that right now or wouldn't you say after the surprises we had last year.


  • I'm teasing you.


  • Thejeswi Banavathi Venkatesh - Associate Director and Analyst

    Thejeswi Banavathi Venkatesh - Associate Director and Analyst

  • Well, this one went better.


  • But the second thing I wanted to ask about was, is Tier 2 cloud now less than 10% of revenue?

    但我想問的第二件事是,Tier 2 雲現在佔營收的比例是否低於 10%?

  • And is the visibility sort of improving, given that it was such a drag in 2019?

    鑑於 2019 年的情況如此糟糕,可見度是否有所改善?

  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • So that's a good question, Tejas.


  • None of our 5 verticals that I report are less than 10% revenue.

    我報告的 5 個垂直行業中沒有一個收入低於 10%。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Aaron Rakers with Wells Fargo.

    您的下一個問題來自富國銀行的 Aaron Rakers。

  • Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Analyst

    Aaron Christopher Rakers - MD of IT Hardware & Networking Equipment and Senior Analyst

  • I kind of want to build on that last kind of question is, as you look forward, I think last quarter, you alluded to that one of your large cloud titan customers were actually just flat out pausing with regard to their spending dynamic as it relates to maybe a server cycle, a variable kind of consideration.


  • As you think about your outlook today, how would you characterize if whether or not that's changed at all?


  • Has the slowdown become more pervasive across your cloud titan customers?


  • Just any kind of update on how you kind of roll up that cloud titan forecast this year relative to what you thought coming out of last quarter?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • That's a good question, Aaron.


  • So first of all, just to reiterate, all the surprises we received from that specific cloud titan remain and are being factored into the 2020 forecast.

    首先,重申一下,我們從該特定雲端巨頭收到的所有驚喜仍然存在,並且正在納入 2020 年的預測中。

  • So those numbers will be lower this year, right?


  • As for the other cloud titans, each one is unique.


  • So it's not necessarily feeding into the others.


  • So that is specific to that one.


  • And each one has their architecture, their time lines, their migrations, their specific CapEx plans.


  • So I wouldn't roll one into the other.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Paul Silverstein with Cowen.


  • Paul Jonas Silverstein - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Paul Jonas Silverstein - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Jayshree, I've got a similar question but from a different angle with respect to cloud.


  • So if we went back several quarters ago, you spoke about the dramatic pause.


  • And I think you also mentioned the fact that it wasn't just a question of when they would return but to what magnitude when they did.


  • So the question I now have for you is, I assume, by definition, your visibility for Microsoft and Facebook is not what it was at its peak, far from it.

    所以我現在要問你的問題是,我認為,根據定義,你對微軟和 Facebook 的知名度已經不再是巔峰時期了,遠非巔峰。

  • But what visibility -- how would you characterize that visibility today and looking downstream not just the next quarter or 2, but further out, do you have any visibility as to what those customers will look like a year from now, and not speaking about a quarterly period, but obviously, speaking from an annual standpoint, what the contributions will be.


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Paul, so if you go back consistently to our last 3 years, I think we've always said, we don't have more than a 1 to 2 quarter visibility on any of our cloud titans, and that hasn't changed.

    保羅,所以如果你一直回顧過去三年,我想我們總是說,我們對任何雲端巨頭的可見度都不超過 1 到 2 個季度,這一點並沒有改變。

  • So I wouldn't be able to give you annual visibility of what their spend this year versus next year would be.


  • I do think we get greater visibility in the second half of this year on how their next year will look like, but -- in terms of broad trends, but that answer hasn't changed despite the pause and puts and takes.


  • Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

    Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

  • If I can add to that, we don't have visibility into their surprises.


  • Paul Jonas Silverstein - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Paul Jonas Silverstein - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Fair enough.


  • Guys, on the enterprise, just very quickly, Jayshree, you kept referencing the million dollar plus deals.


  • You said it's almost doubled over the past 3 years.


  • Can you tell us how many million-dollar deals you have in enterprise?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • 100, many hundreds.


  • Paul Jonas Silverstein - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Paul Jonas Silverstein - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • Well, no, it can't be many hundreds because you'd be well beyond your $100 million target.

    嗯,不,不可能有數百個,因為這樣就遠遠超出了 1 億美元的目標。

  • I'm talking about campus specifically.


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Oh, you're only talking about campus.


  • Oh, I see.


  • I don't have that answer, but I was talking about overall enterprise, including campus.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Jeff Kvaal with Nomura Instinet.

    您的下一個問題來自 Nomura Instinet 的 Jeff Kvaal。

  • Jeffrey Thomas Kvaal - MD of Communications

    Jeffrey Thomas Kvaal - MD of Communications

  • We have been hearing from some of the larger OEMs that the server chipset availability is a little tighter than they might have hoped.

    我們從一些較大的 OEM 那裡得知,伺服器晶片組的可用性比他們希望的要緊一些。

  • I wouldn't have necessarily thought that there would be an implication for Arista a year ago.

    一年前我不一定會想到這會對 Arista 產生影響。

  • But given sort of the tenor or the conversation we had last quarter, I'm wondering if that is something that we should be monitoring just in case some of your other web scale customers can't get all the servers they want or some of the Tier 2 players can't get the servers they want, and that may then impinge upon your switch sales to them.

    但考慮到我們上個季度的基調或對話,我想知道我們是否應該監控這一點,以防萬一您的其他一些網絡規模客戶無法獲得他們想要的所有伺服器或某些伺服器2 級玩家無法獲得他們想要的伺服器,這可能會影響您對他們的交換器銷售。

  • Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

    Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

  • So just, it doesn't really impact us as much on a short-term variation over there, especially the cloud companies, they decouple supply chain planning for these issues and have 1 or 2 months of gaps anyway.

    所以,它對我們的短期變化影響不大,尤其是雲端公司,他們針對這些問題解耦了供應鏈規劃,無論如何都有 1 到 2 個月的間隙。

  • If it's a fluctuation of 1 or 2 months, it doesn't really impact us.


  • Jeffrey Thomas Kvaal - MD of Communications

    Jeffrey Thomas Kvaal - MD of Communications

  • Okay.


  • Then as a clarification, I think in the past, you've talked about the likelihood of coming back to year-over-year revenue growth in the fourth quarter of 2020.

    然後澄清一下,我想您過去曾談到 2020 年第四季營收恢復年比成長的可能性。

  • Is that still sort of a reasonable place for us to stick a yard mark?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Jeff, that's our hope.


  • We hope for that.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Alex Kurtz of KeyBanc Capital Markets.

    您的下一個問題來自 KeyBanc Capital Markets 的 Alex Kurtz。

  • Alexander Kurtz - Senior Research Analyst

    Alexander Kurtz - Senior Research Analyst

  • I just want to clarify the comment about the sluggishness for cloud service provider and service provider.


  • That sluggish comment, Jayshree, that was for both verticals?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

  • Combined.


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Combined, yes.


  • Alexander Kurtz - Senior Research Analyst

    Alexander Kurtz - Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Combined.


  • Okay.


  • Jayshree, last quarter, you outlined changes in how you thought the cloud service provider segment was considering on-prem versus on-prem infrastructure spend and maybe some of them moving back to cloud.


  • Can you just give us an update on how you see that vertical?


  • I know you outlined it here in the growth projection, but that was a change from prior views.


  • So I was just wondering if there's any...


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • That's correct.


  • Alexander Kurtz - Senior Research Analyst

    Alexander Kurtz - Senior Research Analyst

  • Update on that segment specifically?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Nothing's changed significantly.


  • Although some of the Tier 2 cloud providers have resumed some small spend and some of them are still valuating.


  • So...


  • Alexander Kurtz - Senior Research Analyst

    Alexander Kurtz - Senior Research Analyst

  • All right.


  • Okay.


  • So no longer -- you don't see it as a near-term secular opportunity right now from what you can see.


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • No.


  • Not in the first half.


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

  • No.


  • I think it's less of a -- not a drag.


  • I mean it was...


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Not a drag, but not an amazing upside either.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Tal Liani with Bank of America.


  • Tal Liani - MD and Head of Technology Supersector

    Tal Liani - MD and Head of Technology Supersector

  • I have 2 questions.

    我有 2 個問題。

  • First, if I remove Facebook, which I have -- sorry, Amazon -- sorry, Microsoft, which I have perfect numbers.


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Which one?


  • I'm confused.


  • Try it again.


  • Tal Liani - MD and Head of Technology Supersector

    Tal Liani - MD and Head of Technology Supersector

  • Eventually, I'm going to get to the right answer.


  • Yes.


  • So if I remove Microsoft, which I have perfect numbers for both years, and then I assume Facebook at 9% last year because that's the highest number below 10% versus what's this year, the growth is only 6%.

    因此,如果我去掉微軟(我在這兩年都有完美的數據),然後我假設Facebook 去年的增長率為9%,因為這是與今年相比低於10% 的最高數字,那麼增長率僅為6%。

  • If I assume for Facebook 5%, which again, it wasn't a 10% customer, so it has to be below that.

    如果我假設 Facebook 是 5%,那麼它又不是 10% 的客戶,所以它必須低於這個數字。

  • So if I assume anything below, the growth is even lower than 6%.

    因此,如果我假設以下任何情況,成長率甚至低於 6%。

  • So the question is, why aren't you growing faster with everyone else?


  • Forget Facebook and Microsoft, why don't we see faster growth like we used to do because we have always been doing this exercise without Microsoft, and the growth was always very strong.


  • And the second question, not related...


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Oh, hold on.


  • Can you -- Tal...


  • Curtis McKee - Head of Corporate & Investor Development

    Curtis McKee - Head of Corporate & Investor Development

  • Hold on, Tal.


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • We're still processing your first question because we're still trying to understand how you computed this.


  • Did you compute deferred revenue in your question?


  • Tal Liani - MD and Head of Technology Supersector

    Tal Liani - MD and Head of Technology Supersector

  • No.


  • I did not.


  • I just...


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

  • I mean part of the issue...


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Okay.


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

  • Yes.


  • Part of the issue going from 2019 to 2020, is that you have this deferred revenue, $118 million, which is like 5% of revenue effectively, right, both, right, that you have to backfill effectively in '20, right?

    從 2019 年到 2020 年的部分問題是,你有遞延收入,1.18 億美元,相當於有效收入的 5%,對,兩者都對,你必須在 20 年有效回填,對吧?

  • So that kind of -- that's a drag on the growth rate before you start, right?


  • So you have to adjust for that.


  • But even with that, what we're saying is that, that cloud vertical will be kind of flat to down from a demand perspective, right?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • Tal Liani - MD and Head of Technology Supersector

    Tal Liani - MD and Head of Technology Supersector

  • But the deferred related to Microsoft or Facebook or the deferred related to everyone else?

    但是,是與 Microsoft 或 Facebook 相關的延期,還是與其他所有人相關的延期?

  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

  • If you trace back in time, it was non-Microsoft, and obviously, it's a large number.


  • So I think you can figure out that it's a Facebook impact, right?

    所以我想你可以看出這是 Facebook 的影響,對嗎?

  • And we talked about that as a 16.6% with the deferred, probably 12% revenue without the deferred, right?

    我們談到,有遞延的收入為 16.6%,沒有遞延的收入可能為 12%,對吧?

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Simon Leopold with Raymond James.


  • Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

    Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

  • I got confused not only from Tal's question there.


  • Anyway, I wanted to ask you about the commentary several of the hyperscale providers made about extending the useful lives of their servers.


  • Wondering how that translates into your business for intra-data center switching?


  • And if this was an aspect that you were aware of when you had provided your forecast last quarter or whether the commentary we heard during this earnings season was also new to you.


  • Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

    Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

  • No.


  • Simon, when we did our earnings call last quarter, we very much stated what we had seen from at least one of the cloud titans where they were delaying the refresh, and now you've seen in market that some of the other cloud customers are doing this as well.


  • But we're not seeing this with the other Arista customers so far, even in the cloud space.

    但到目前為止,即使在雲端領域,我們還沒有在其他 Arista 客戶中看到這種情況。

  • So for us, it's limited to one customer.


  • We don't deal with the other larger company you're referring to as much, so we're not as exposed there.


  • But it's not a market-wide trend.


  • It's very specific to their architecture, the next-generation thereon and the sort of type of offloads they're looking for to decide which generation to select.


  • Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

    Simon Matthew Leopold - Research Analyst

  • And is there a way or some math to figure out how to translate if, say, they extend the life by 1 year.


  • So instead of 3-year replacement, they get a 4-year.

    因此,他們獲得的不是 3 年更換,而是 4 年更換。

  • Is there some arithmetic or rule of thumb to help us think about how to quantify the impact for you?


  • Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

    Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

  • We don't have it.


  • I'm quite sure someone on this call has a models around that.


  • But no, that's not something we try to forecast.


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Mostly a delay of a year in the spend.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Jim Suva with Citi Investment Research.


  • Jim Suva - Director

    Jim Suva - Director

  • I sincerely just have 1 question because I'm just a very simple guy and not as smart as others.


  • But whether it be Jayshree or Ita or Curtis, a quarter or 2 ago, you had talked about a cloud titan skipping a refresh cycle or elongating their purchasing.

    但無論是 Jayshree、Ita 還是 Curtis,一兩個季度前,您都曾談論過雲端巨頭跳過更新周期或延長採購時間。

  • Some of the commentary after that was, well, maybe they're using white box or maybe they found a better compute standard or a way to fit more through compression or duplexing or some other standard.


  • Now that we've had several months behind us, can you give us any visibility of -- do you feel more confident that it truly is just a delay?


  • Or are they looking at other solutions?


  • Or just kind of revisit that topic?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Yes.


  • So Jim, I think all the theories of those answers are not true.


  • I think the customer has been pretty straightforward with us, that they have always been using Arista as well as some internal development, and we've been working with them on the internal development.

    我認為客戶對我們的態度非常直接,他們一直在使用 Arista 以及一些內部開發,我們一直在與他們合作進行內部開發。

  • So we feel very comfortable that their forecast has changed, and they continue to be an important partner with us.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Samik Chatterjee from JPMorgan

    您的下一個問題來自摩根大通的 Samik Chatterjee

  • Samik Chatterjee - Analyst

    Samik Chatterjee - Analyst

  • I just wanted to kind of -- given kind of your commentary on the slower spending you're seeing from your customers, you obviously have a Q1 seasonality that's weaker than what you've seen historically.

    我只是想 - 鑑於您對客戶支出放緩的評論,您顯然第一季的季節性比您歷史上看到的要弱。

  • As we look through the rest of the year, is it kind of fair to assume, given the visibility you have right now, that the seasonality through the remainder of the year will be weaker than what we saw in kind of normal years like 2018, for example?

    當我們展望今年剩餘時間時,考慮到目前的可見性,可以公平地假設今年剩餘時間的季節性將弱於我們在 2018 年等正常年份看到的情況,例如?

  • And are you still kind of comfortable reiterating the full year, I think, guide that you gave last time, which was for a modest decline in revenues?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Okay.


  • So Samik, I'm a little confused by your question.


  • We did not give -- are you talking about cloud customers or customers at large?


  • What's your question?


  • Samik Chatterjee - Analyst

    Samik Chatterjee - Analyst

  • For cloud customers.


  • Cloud customers.


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Cloud customers.


  • Okay, okay.


  • Now that makes sense.


  • Yes, yes.


  • So look, we feel the same way as we did last time, which is we had a lot of weakness in the spending, and it's reflected in our Q1.


  • I think we will know better about the rest of the year when we get to the second half more.


  • But as it stands, nothing's changed.


  • The CapEx that they will spend Arista fields in a very strong position to compete, differentiate and get the business.

    他們將在 Arista 領域投入資本支出,使其處於非常有利的競爭、差異化和獲得業務的地位。

  • So we're not losing market share.


  • We're winning the sockets but the rate of spend and adoption, we do believe will be a flat to down year this year.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from James Fish with Piper Sandler.


  • James Edward Fish - VP & Senior Research Analyst

    James Edward Fish - VP & Senior Research Analyst

  • Happy almost Valentine's Day.


  • Can you guys go over the linearity of the mix for customers over the course of the year and if it was back-half loaded at all?


  • And I just want to be clear, is cloud titan going to be flat to down double digits on top of the $118 million deferred headwind?

    我只是想澄清一下,除了 1.18 億美元的遞延逆風之外,雲端巨頭的業績是否會持平甚至下降兩位數?

  • Or is the flat to down double digits, inclusive of the headwind?


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

  • Right.


  • So the meaningful revenue decline and the double-digit are all referencing revenue, right?


  • So saying basically the revenue numbers will decline meaningfully, right?


  • That includes $118 million, right?

    其中包括 1.18 億美元,對吧?

  • When we talked about demand, and we said, that we expect it to be flat to down, that's not referencing that double-digit number, right?


  • That's a commentary that obviously will play out as we see where it goes, but it's not trying to say that it's a double-digit number.


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • And then to answer your question on Q4 linearity.

    然後回答您關於 Q4 線性度的問題。

  • I'm just looking at the chart Mark Foss is giving me.


  • It was pretty linear across the 3 months.

    這 3 個月內的情況非常線性。

  • We had a record million dollars of customers in Q4, and good spend across our top 50 customers.

    第四季度,我們擁有創紀錄的百萬美元客戶,前 50 名客戶的支出也不錯。

  • So nothing unusual except more campus.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Tim Long with Barclays.


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Tim, are you there?


  • Curtis McKee - Head of Corporate & Investor Development

    Curtis McKee - Head of Corporate & Investor Development

  • Tim?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Let's go to the next one.


  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Ryan Koontz with Rosenblatt Securities.

    您的下一個問題來自羅森布拉特證券公司的 Ryan Koontz。

  • Ryan Boyer Koontz - MD & Senior Research Analyst

    Ryan Boyer Koontz - MD & Senior Research Analyst

  • I was hoping if you could speak to your outlook for international.


  • Obviously, hyperscale has been a big piece of that, shipping to their international destinations.


  • But if you could speak to -- kind of is there any updates on strategy or channel development there that's going to supercharge that business for you?

    但是,如果您可以談談 - 是否有任何有關策略或管道開發的更新可以為您的業務帶來巨大的成長?

  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Anshul and the team have invested pretty significantly in international, especially, of course, the developed countries in Europe and Asia Pac.

    Anshul 和團隊在國際上進行了大量投資,當然尤其是歐洲和亞太地區的已開發國家。

  • We had a strong quarter.


  • And we're starting to see some important customer wins in the enterprise and even some small service providers.


  • We -- obviously, a much more channel led in international.


  • That's always been the case.


  • So that's been a strong area of experience for us.


  • And I actually want to add to that.


  • I think that's a strong area of growth.


  • Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

    Anshul Sadana - Senior VP & COO

  • Really, both in head count growth, we actually have a significant amount of heads added to international.


  • And on the channel side, the channel development plan we have is a separate one for U.S., separate one for EMEA and APAC as well with a different ecosystem, different set of partners and so on, and that's coming along reasonably well.


  • As Jayshree mentioned, the international locations are mostly fulfilled by channel, but now we are working with them to make it channel led as well.

    正如 Jayshree 所提到的,國際地點主要是透過管道來完成的,但現在我們正在與他們合作,使其也以管道為主導。

  • So if you remove clouds and so on, the rest of the organic international business is doing well.


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • And one other -- just one quick add to what Anshul said.


  • Generally, our customer logos are higher internationally than in the U.S. lower purchase of sale.


  • But out of the 6,300 cumulative customers have come internationally.

    但在累計 6,300 名客戶中,有來自國外的客戶。

  • Operator


  • Your next question comes from Tim Long with Barclays.


  • Timothy Patrick Long - MD and Senior Technology Hardware & Networking Analyst

    Timothy Patrick Long - MD and Senior Technology Hardware & Networking Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Sorry about that.


  • Yes, I just wanted to ask kind of 2 related questions.


  • First, could you talk a little bit -- there's been a lot of chatter about silicon diversification in the switching area.


  • So could you give us your views, obviously, with a big customer making an announcement and starting to talk about some traction there.


  • So what do you think the impact is there?


  • And related, what are you seeing just overall on white box these days?


  • Are you seeing any change to who's using it or how they're using it?


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • Okay.


  • Look, as you know, Arista has always been a big component of merchant silicon and ASICs, notwithstanding this new announcement have been around 30 years.

    如您所知,Arista 一直是商用晶片和 ASIC 的重要組成部分,儘管這項新公告已經發布了大約 30 年。

  • It's not -- ASICs by themselves are not new.

    其實,ASIC 本身並不新鮮。

  • We do see 3 dimensions.


  • First of all, is, from a best-of-breed silicon standpoint, we couldn't be more pleased with our -- the silicon we receive from Broadcom, both on the Trident and Tomahawk side, and Jericho, we have very high confidence.


  • It's a case where you can't just build one point product, you have to have a full road map, and we've always been ahead of vendor specific at ASICs, and we believe that will continue.

    在這種情況下,你不能只建立一個單點產品,你必須有一個完整的路線圖,而且我們在 ASIC 方面一直領先於特定供應商,我們相信這種情況將會持續下去。

  • In terms of software, silicon by itself is not so interesting if you can't build a system.


  • So obviously, EOS, we feel is the most competitive software differentiated across many merchant silicon devices.

    顯然,我們認為 EOS 是在許多商業矽設備中最具競爭力的軟體。

  • I think it's -- we supported over 18 silicon families, maybe more than that.

    我認為,我們支援超過 18 個晶片系列,甚至可能更多。

  • And so in general, we feel like that leaves only one other thing, which is Cisco selling chips.


  • And obviously, that's not our business.


  • They're going to be competing with Intel and Broadcom on that one.


  • Operator


  • Your last question comes from Tal Liani with Bank of America.


  • Tal Liani - MD and Head of Technology Supersector

    Tal Liani - MD and Head of Technology Supersector

  • By the way, I just want to comment something.


  • We'll take it offline, but we shouldn't remove the deferred, and I can explain later why.


  • The number is the number you could remove both sides.


  • But in any case, I wanted to ask about the gross margin.


  • Why is it declining sequentially next quarter?


  • I don't think anyone asked this question.


  • Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

    Jayshree V. Ullal - President, CEO & Director

  • No.


  • They didn't.


  • Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

    Ita M. Brennan - CFO , Senior VP & Principal Accounting Officer

  • Large customer mix, right?


  • We were a heavy enterprise and financials in Q4, and we'll be -- we're heavier cloud mix in Q1.


  • Q1 always has a heavier cloud mix because enterprise just takes time to ramp in the first quarter.


  • Curtis McKee - Head of Corporate & Investor Development

    Curtis McKee - Head of Corporate & Investor Development

  • Okay.


  • Well, this concludes the Arista Q4 2019 earnings call.

    好了,Arista 2019 年第四季財報電話會議到此結束。

  • Thank you for joining us today.


  • Please note that moving forward, our earnings calls will move to Tuesday, starting with the Q1 2020 call, which will take place on Tuesday, May 5. Lastly, we have posted a presentation, which provides additional information on our fiscal results, which you can access on our Investors section of our website.

    請注意,今後,我們的財報電話會議將移至週二,從5 月5 日週二舉行的2020 年第一季度電話會議開始。最後,我們發布了一份演示文稿,其中提供了有關我們財務業績的更多信息,您可以參考可以訪問我們網站的投資者部分。

  • Operator


  • Thank you for joining.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's call.


  • You may now disconnect.
