阿美特克 (AME) 2024 Q2 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Thank you for standing by.


  • My name is Meg and I will be your conference operator today.


  • At this time, I would like to welcome everyone to the AMETEK, Inc. second quarter earnings conference call.

    現在,我歡迎大家參加 AMETEK, Inc. 第二季財報電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions)


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Mr. Kevin Coleman, Vice President of Investor Relations and Treasurer.


  • Please go ahead.


  • Kevin Coleman - VP IR & Treasurer

    Kevin Coleman - VP IR & Treasurer

  • Thank you, Meg.


  • Good morning, and thank you for joining us for AMETEK's second quarter 2024 earnings conference call.

    早安,感謝您參加 AMETEK 2024 年第二季財報電話會議。

  • With me today are Dave Zapico, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer; and Dalip Puri, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

    今天與我在一起的有董事長兼執行長戴夫‧札皮科 (Dave Zapico);執行副總裁兼財務長 Dalip Puri。

  • During the course of today's call, we will be making forward-looking statements, which are subject to change based on various risk factors and uncertainties and that may cause actual results to differ significantly from expectations.


  • A detailed discussion of the risks and uncertainties that may affect our future results is contained in AMETEK's filings with the SEC.

    AMETEK 向 SEC 提交的文件中詳細討論了可能影響我們未來業績的風險和不確定性。

  • AMETEK disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements.


  • Any references made on this call to 2023 or 2024 or 2024 results guidance will be on an adjusted basis, excluding after tax, acquisition-related intangible amortization, and excluding a pretax $29.2 million or $0.10 diluted share charge in the first quarter for integration costs related to the Paragon Medical acquisition.

    本次電話會議中對2023 年、2024 年或2024 年業績指引的任何提及都將在調整後的基礎上進行,不包括稅後、與收購相關的無形攤銷,也不包括第一季度與整合成本相關的稅前2,920 萬美元或0.10 美元稀釋股份費用Paragon Medical 收購。

  • Reconciliations between GAAP and adjusted measures can be found in our press release and on the Investors section of our website.


  • We'll begin today's call with prepared remarks, and then we'll open it up for questions.


  • I'll now turn the meeting over to Dave.


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Thank you, Kevin, and good morning, everyone.


  • AMETEK delivered solid results with a strong operating performance in the second quarter against the backdrop of a more subdued global growth environment.


  • In the quarter, we experienced continued headwinds from inventory destocking across our OEM customer base, leading to lower-than-expected sales volumes.

    本季度,我們的 OEM 客戶群持續面臨庫存去庫存的不利影響,導致銷售低於預期。

  • Additionally, we are seeing signs of customers turning more cautious leading to some temporary delays in project spending.


  • Despite these headwinds, our businesses delivered strong operating performance in the quarter, we saw the growth in cash flow and earnings, and robust core margin expansion reflecting the strength and flexibility of the AMETEK operating model.


  • We expect the inventory destocking and more cautious customer behavior to continue in the back half of the year.


  • As a result, we are adjusting our outlook for the remainder of the year.


  • We remain confident in our ability to successfully navigate these near-term headwinds.


  • As we've done in the past, we will expand our focus on operational efficiencies and continue to invest back in our businesses, utilize our strong balance sheet to deploy capital on strategic acquisitions, and ensure we position AMETEK for continued long-term growth.

    正如我們過去所做的那樣,我們將更加重視營運效率,並繼續投資於我們的業務,利用我們強大的資產負債表在策略性收購上部署資本,並確保 AMETEK 能夠實現持續的長期成長。

  • Now let me turn to our second quarter financial results.


  • Sales in the second quarter were $1.73 billion, up 5% from the same period in 2023.

    第二季銷售額為 17.3 億美元,較 2023 年同期成長 5%。

  • Organic sales were down 2%.

    有機銷售額下降 2%。

  • Acquisitions added 8 points in the quarter and foreign currency was a slight headwind.

    該季度的收購增加了 8 個百分點,而外匯是一個輕微的阻力。

  • AMETEK's operational performance in the quarter was excellent with robust margin expansion.


  • Operating income in the quarter was a record $448 million, a 7% increase over the second quarter of 2023.

    該季度營業收入達到創紀錄的 4.48 億美元,比 2023 年第二季成長 7%。

  • Operating margins were 25.8% in the quarter, up 40 basis points from the prior year.

    本季營業利益率為 25.8%,較上年同期成長 40 個基點。

  • Excluding the dilutive impact from acquisitions, core margins were up a sizable 180 basis points in the quarter.

    排除收購帶來的攤薄影響,本季核心利潤率大幅成長 180 個基點。

  • EBITDA in the quarter was a record $545 million, up 10% over prior year with EBITDA margins in impressive 31.4%.

    本季 EBITDA 達到創紀錄的 5.45 億美元,比去年同期成長 10%,EBITDA 利潤率高達 31.4%,令人印象深刻。

  • Cash flow in the quarter was excellent, reflecting our operating capability and asset-light business model.


  • Operating cash flow in the quarter was up 14% to $381 million with free cash flow up 17% and free cash flow conversion of 107%.

    本季營運現金流量成長 14%,達到 3.81 億美元,自由現金流成長 17%,自由現金流轉換率為 107%。

  • This operating performance led to earnings of $1.66 per diluted share, up 6% versus the second quarter of 2023 and above our guidance range of $1.63 to $1.65 per share.

    這項經營業績導致每股攤薄收益為 1.66 美元,較 2023 年第二季成長 6%,高於我們每股 1.63 美元至 1.65 美元的指引範圍。

  • Now let me provide some additional details at the operating group level.


  • First, the Electronic Instruments Group.


  • EIG delivered strong operating performance with outstanding margin expansion.

    EIG 實現了強勁的經營業績和出色的利潤率擴張。

  • EIG sales were $1.15 billion, a 2% increase from the second quarter of last year.

    EIG 銷售額為 11.5 億美元,比去年第二季成長 2%。

  • Organic sales were flat and acquisitions contributed two points.


  • Growth was strongest within our aerospace and defense and CAMECA businesses in the quarter.

    本季我們的航空航太和國防以及 CAMECA 業務成長最為強勁。

  • EIG operating income was $350 million, up 14% versus the prior year, and operating margins were at 30.3%, up 320 basis points from the prior year.

    EIG 營業收入為 3.5 億美元,較上年成長 14%,營業利益率為 30.3%,較上年成長 320 個基點。

  • Our EIG businesses are operating at a very high level with excellent operating margins.

    我們的 EIG 業務營運水準非常高,營業利潤率極佳。

  • They remain well-positioned to benefit from a number of important long-term secular growth drivers, given their increasing exposures to attractive markets across process, aerospace, power and energy markets.


  • The Electric Mechanical Group continues to navigate the impacts of inventory normalization across our automation and engineered solutions businesses.


  • In the quarter, EMG sales were a record $81 million, a 14% increase compared to the prior year, driven by contributions from the acquisition of Paragon Medical.

    在收購 Paragon Medical 的推動下,本季 EMG 銷售額達到創紀錄的 8,100 萬美元,比上年增長 14%。

  • Organic sales declined 6% due to weakness in our automation and engineered solutions businesses, more than offsetting solid growth across our EMG, aerospace, and defense businesses.

    由於我們的自動化和工程解決方案業務疲軟,有機銷售額下降了 6%,這遠遠抵消了我們 EMG、航空航太和國防業務的強勁成長。

  • Acquisitions contributed 20% in the quarter.

    本季收購貢獻了 20%。

  • Operating income for the second quarter was $123 million with operating margins at 21.2%, while core operating income margins were 25%.

    第二季營業收入為 1.23 億美元,營業利益率為 21.2%,核心營業利益率為 25%。

  • As we have noted for a number of quarters, OEM customers across a wide range of markets are reducing excess inventory built up during the supply chain prices.

    正如我們在多個季度所注意到的,各個市場的 OEM 客戶都在減少供應鏈價格過程中累積的過剩庫存。

  • While we had expected to see conditions approved in the second half of year, we now believe demand within this OEM customer base will remain subdued at current levels through the end of 2024.

    雖然我們預計條件將在下半年獲得批准,但我們現在認為,到 2024 年底,該 OEM 客戶群的需求仍將保持在當前水準。

  • This inventory normalization is also impacting our medical OEM businesses, including Paragon Medical, leading to near-term delays in orders and shipments.

    庫存正常化也影響了我們的醫療 OEM 業務,包括 Paragon Medical,導致近期訂單和延遲出貨。

  • Paragon remains very well-positioned for strong growth once the inventory correction is complete, given their leadership position across a number of high-growth MedTech market segments.

    鑑於 Paragon 在許多高成長的醫療技術細分市場中的領導地位,一旦庫存調整完成,Paragon 仍將保持強勁成長的有利地位。

  • Additionally, Paragon has won a new programs that we're currently investing in, which will drive incremental growth in 2025 and beyond.

    此外,Paragon 還贏得了我們目前正在投資的一項新計劃,該計劃將推動 2025 年及以後的增量成長。

  • As we noted last quarter, we're leveraging our proven integration capabilities to drive meaningful operational improvements to best position Paragon for long-term success.

    正如我們上季度所指出的,我們正在利用我們經過驗證的整合能力來推動有意義的營運改進,以使 Paragon 處於最佳位置,從而實現長期成功。

  • As the volumes return following destocking, we believe the business will be levered to deliver outstanding sales growth and profitability.


  • In summary, we are operating our businesses very well with 7% growth in operating income and 180 basis points of core margin expansion in the quarter.

    總而言之,我們的業務運作良好,本季營業收入成長了 7%,核心利潤率擴大了 180 個基點。

  • We continue to generate strong cash flow with 17% free cash flow growth in the quarter.

    我們持續產生強勁的現金流,本季自由現金流成長 17%。

  • And for full year, we expect free cash flow to net income conversion be between 110% and 120%.

    就全年而言,我們預計自由現金流與淨利潤的轉換率將在 110% 至 120% 之間。

  • The strength of AMETEK's operational excellence strategy is evident in our operating results.


  • We continue to drive efficiency improvements across our businesses by leveraging our global infrastructure and OpEx initiatives.


  • And this year, we now expect to generate $140 million in savings.

    今年,我們預計將節省 1.4 億美元。

  • We also remain committed to investing back into our businesses, and this year, we expect to invest an incremental $90 million in growth, largely focused on research, development and engineering and sales and marketing.

    我們也繼續致力於重新投資我們的業務,今年,我們預計將增加投資 9,000 萬美元用於成長,主要集中在研究、開發和工程以及銷售和行銷上。

  • The effectiveness of these investments is reflected in our vitality index, which was a strong 24% in the quarter.

    這些投資的有效性反映在我們的活力指數中,該指數在本季高達 24%。

  • Additionally, our strong free cash flow and flexible balance sheet provides us with ample financial capacity for strategic acquisitions.


  • Our pipeline of acquisition opportunities remain strong.


  • AMETEK is very well positioned to continue to expand our portfolio of highly differentiated businesses that both our organic growth investments and our acquisition strategy.


  • Now, turning to outlook for the remainder of the year.


  • With destocking expected to continue through the balance of the year, and some customers turning more cautious on project spending, we are adjusting our sales and earnings guidance for the full year.


  • Overall, sales are now expected to be up 5% to 7% versus the prior year, with organic sales expected to be flat to down low single digits.

    總體而言,目前銷售額預計將比上年增長 5% 至 7%,有機銷售額預計將持平或下降低個位數。

  • Diluted earnings per share for the year are now expected to be in the range of $6.70 to $6.80, up 5% to 7% compared to last year's results.

    目前預計今年稀釋後每股收益將在 6.70 美元至 6.80 美元之間,較去年業績成長 5% 至 7%。

  • This is less than a 1% reduction from our prior earnings guidance range of $6.74 to $6.86 as our proactive productivity actions, along with a lower expected fourth quarter tax rate helped offset the impact of the reduced sales forecast.

    這比我們之前 6.74 美元至 6.86 美元的盈利指導範圍減少了不到 1%,因為我們積極的生產力行動以及較低的第四季度預期稅率有助於抵消銷售預測下調的影響。

  • This guidance reflects second half sales and operating earnings, essentially in line with our first half results.


  • For the third quarter, we anticipate overall sales to be up mid-single digits, with earnings in the range of $1.60 to $1.62 per share, down 1% to 2% versus the prior year.

    對於第三季度,我們預計整體銷售額將成長中個位數,每股收益在 1.60 美元至 1.62 美元之間,較上年下降 1% 至 2%。

  • In summary, we are pleased with our business's strong operating performance in the second quarter.


  • We have a proven operating model and an experienced management team, and we remain confident in our ability to navigate the sluggish demand environment and deliver exceptional long-term results.


  • I will now turn it over to Dalip Puri, who will cover some of the financial details of the quarter, then we will be glad to take your questions.

    我現在將其交給 Dalip Puri,他將介紹本季度的一些財務細節,然後我們將很高興回答您的問題。

  • Dal?


  • Dalip Puri - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Dalip Puri - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Thank you, Dave, and good morning, everyone.


  • As Dave noted, AMTECH had a solid second quarter with excellent operating performance, leading to outstanding margin expansion and strong cash flows.

    正如 Dave 所指出的那樣,AMTECH 第二季度業績穩健,經營業績出色,實現了出色的利潤率擴張和強勁的現金流。

  • Now let me provide some additional financial highlights for the second quarter.


  • Second quarter general and administrative expenses were $25 million or 1.5% of sales, in line with last year's second quarter.

    第二季一般及管理費用為 2,500 萬美元,佔銷售額的 1.5%,與去年第二季持平。

  • For fiscal year 2024, general and administrative expenses are expected to be approximately 1.5% of sales.

    2024 財年,一般及管理費用預計約為銷售額的 1.5%。

  • Second quarter interest expense was $31 million, up $12 million from the second quarter of 2023 due to higher debt balances following the acquisition of Paragon Medical in December.

    由於去年 12 月收購 Paragon Medical 後債務餘額增加,第二季利息支出為 3,100 萬美元,較 2023 年第二季增加 1,200 萬美元。

  • Second quarter other expense was down approximately $4 million versus the prior period, due largely to higher pension income and higher investment income in the quarter.

    第二季其他費用較上一期減少約 400 萬美元,主要是由於本季退休金收入和投資收入增加。

  • The effective tax rate was 19%, up from 18.2% in the second quarter of 2023.

    有效稅率為 19%,高於 2023 年第二季的 18.2%。

  • For 2024, we now expect our effective tax rate to be between 17% and 18%, driven by a lower fourth quarter tax rate due to statute expiration.

    由於法規到期導致第四季稅率較低,我們現在預計 2024 年的有效稅率將在 17% 至 18% 之間。

  • As we have stated in the past, actual quarterly tax rates can differ dramatically, either positively or negatively from the full-year estimated rate.


  • Capital expenditures in the second quarter were $21 million, and we expect capital expenditures to be approximately $150 million for the full year or about 2% of sales.

    第二季的資本支出為 2,100 萬美元,我們預計全年資本支出約為 1.5 億美元,約佔銷售額的 2%。

  • Depreciation and amortization expense in the quarter was $99 million.

    該季度的折舊和攤銷費用為 9,900 萬美元。

  • In 2024, we expect depreciation and amortization to be approximately $400 million.

    2024 年,我們預計折舊和攤提約為 4 億美元。

  • This includes after-tax acquisition-related intangible amortization of approximately $190 million or $0.82 per diluted share.

    其中包括約 1.9 億美元的稅後收購相關無形攤銷,即稀釋後每股 0.82 美元。

  • Operating working capital in the second quarter was 18.6% of sales.


  • Operating cash flow was $381 million, up 14% versus the second quarter of 2023, while free cash flow was $360 million, up 17% over the prior year.

    營運現金流為 3.81 億美元,比 2023 年第二季成長 14%,自由現金流為 3.6 億美元,比上年成長 17%。

  • For the quarter, free cash flow conversion was a strong 107% of net income.

    本季度,自由現金流轉換佔淨利的 107%。

  • For the full year, we continue to expect strong free cash flow conversion in the range of 110% and 120% of net income.

    就全年而言,我們繼續預計自由現金流將在淨利潤的 110% 至 120% 之間實現強勁轉換。

  • Total debt at June 30 was $2.65 billion, down from $3.3 billion at the end of 2023.

    截至 6 月 30 日,債務總額為 26.5 億美元,低於 2023 年底的 33 億美元。

  • Offsetting this debt is cash and cash equivalents of $397 million.

    抵銷這筆債務的是 3.97 億美元的現金和現金等價物。

  • At the end of the second quarter, our gross debt to EBITDA ratio was 1.2 times, and our net debt to EBITDA ratio was 1 times.

    第二季末,我們的總負債與 EBITDA 比率為 1.2 倍,淨負債與 EBITDA 比率為 1 倍。

  • We have significant financial capacity and flexibility with $2.2 billion of cash and available credit facilities to support our greatest growth initiatives and to deploy on strategic acquisitions.

    我們擁有強大的財務能力和靈活性,擁有 22 億美元的現金和可用信貸額度來支持我們最大的成長計畫並部署策略性收購。

  • In summary, AMTECH had a solid second quarter of 2024, delivering strong results with robust margin expansion and excellent free cash flows.

    總而言之,AMTECH 2024 年第二季表現強勁,業績強勁,利潤率強勁擴張,自由現金流優異。

  • Our leading positions across attractive market segments, combined with our strong balance sheet and outstanding operating capabilities leaves us very well positioned to navigate the current environment and to deliver on our growth strategies.


  • Kevin?


  • Kevin Coleman - VP IR & Treasurer

    Kevin Coleman - VP IR & Treasurer

  • Thank you, Dalip.


  • Meg, can we please open the lines for questions?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Matt Summerville, D.A. Davidson.

    (操作員說明)Matt Summerville,D.A.戴維森。

  • Matt Summerville - Analyst

    Matt Summerville - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Good morning.


  • A couple of questions.


  • First, Dave, you seemed pretty convinced a quarter ago that the destocking phenomenon would wrap itself up by mid-year.


  • So I guess relative to 90 days ago, can you maybe talk a little bit about what's changed?

    所以我想相對於 90 天前,您能談談發生了什麼變化嗎?

  • What gives you confidence that we're only in for another six months of this?


  • And then maybe touch on what end markets and businesses are starting to be impacted by some of the project delays you referenced?


  • And then I have a follow-up.


  • Thank you.


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • Our outlook for the year has changed.


  • And as we noted in my prepared remarks, we now expect the improvements in the second half of the year are not going to happen as originally anticipated, and we talked about that earlier in the year.


  • We now expect our sales and operating performance in the second half will be similar to the growth that we -- the sales and operating performance in the first half.


  • So we're not going to see the increases that we had anticipated.


  • And this change results in about a four-point reduction in our sales outlook.


  • And to your question, where is it coming from?


  • Roughly three points of this reduction is our automation and engineered solutions subset, which is the businesses that we talked about being exposed to the OEM destocking.

    這種減少的大約三點是我們的自動化和工程解決方案子集,也就是我們談到的面臨 OEM 去庫存的業務。

  • And within that area, we have two points of reduction tied to our automation business and one point from the Paragon destock.

    在該領域內,我們有兩點與自動化業務相關,還有一點來自 Paragon 去庫存。

  • So that makes up about three to four-point reduction in our outlook.


  • Across our EIG businesses, we expect about one point of lower sales due to short-term project delays.

    在我們的 EIG 業務中,由於短期專案延誤,我們預計銷售額將下降約 1 個百分點。

  • And there, we're seeing customers are being just a bit more cautious given the cumulative impact of a wide range of economic, political and geopolitical factors.


  • But we feel these are temporary delays.


  • Our new funnel pipelines remain very solid, projects are not being canceled.


  • They're being delayed.


  • And given the expected lower sales, we reduced our earnings guidance by about $0.05 at the midpoint.

    考慮到銷售額的預期下降,我們將獲利指引中位數下調了約 0.05 美元。

  • Another couple of points.


  • I mean, we've really done a good job running the company.


  • It reflects when you take that sales decrease, it reflects about a 20% decremental margin on the expected lower sales.

    它反映了當您考慮銷售額下降時,它反映了預期銷售額下降約 20% 的遞減利潤。

  • And as Dalip mentioned, the tax rate will be lower in Q4.


  • So I'm pleased with how the team is managing through these temporary demand changes.


  • I'm confident that we're positioned to see accelerated profit growth when the economic conditions change.


  • I think to your point, we missed the timing of the recovery and the inventory corrections will take a bit longer.


  • And as AMETEK does, we're adapting to the current situation, and we're going to manage our business appropriately.


  • And as I said, we've got really pleased how the team responded with 20% decrementals to the volume change.

    正如我所說,我們非常高興團隊對音量變化減少 20% 的反應。

  • Matt Summerville - Analyst

    Matt Summerville - Analyst

  • Thanks, David.


  • I would definitely agree on the decremental comment.


  • Can you also -- I think it's probably good from a timing standpoint in the call.


  • Can you kind of go ahead and do the -- around the horn you typically do across the businesses and how expectations have changed in some of the suburbs?


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • Sure, Matt.


  • I'll start with our largest subsegment, the process.


  • Sales for our Process businesses were up low single digits with solid growth across our energy businesses and our CAMECA business in the quarter.

    本季度,我們的流程業務銷售額實現低個位數成長,能源業務和 CAMECA 業務實現穩健成長。

  • As noted in my prepared remarks, we've seen customers, as we just talked about, turn more cautious.


  • We expect this to continue in the second half as we discussed, and we expect our process businesses to be flat to up low single digits versus the prior year.


  • Now I'll move to aerospace and defense and that business was up mid-single digits in the quarter.


  • Growth was strongest across our commercial aerospace businesses, while Defense experienced some shipment delays in the quarter.


  • For the full year, we continue to expect strong high single-digit organic sales growth for our A&D business with similar growth across both our commercial and defense businesses.

    就全年而言,我們繼續預期我們的 A&D 業務將實現強勁的高個位數有機銷售成長,我們的商業和國防業務也將出現類似的成長。

  • Next, I'll move to our power and industrial businesses.


  • And overall sales for our power and industrial businesses were up mid-single digits in the second quarter with contributions from recent acquisitions being offset by a low single-digit decrease in organic sales.


  • Similar to our process businesses, our power and industrial are seeing the same kind of customers of delaying some projects due to the broader macro uncertainties.


  • And for all of '24, we now expect organic sales for our process and industrial businesses to be flat compared to 2023.

    對於 2024 年全年,我們現在預計流程和工業業務的有機銷售額將與 2023 年持平。

  • And our final segment, automation and engineered Solutions.


  • Self-segment sales, they were up high teens on a percentage basis in the quarter.


  • This was driven by the contributions from the acquisition of Paragon Medical.

    這是由收購 Paragon Medical 的貢獻所推動的。

  • Organic sales in quarter were down approximately 10% due to the continued normalization of inventory levels across our OEM customer base.

    由於我們 OEM 客戶群的庫存水準持續正常化,本季的有機銷售額下降了約 10%。

  • We expected to see improvements in return to growth, as we talked about in the second half of the year.


  • And as we just mentioned, that's not going to happen.


  • Inventory normalization is going to continue through the end of the year.


  • And as a result, we expect organic sales for our automation and engineered solutions businesses to be down mid-single digits for the full year.


  • So that's a picture around the word at.

    這是圍繞單字 at 的圖片。

  • Matt Summerville - Analyst

    Matt Summerville - Analyst

  • Great.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Deane Dray, RBC Capital Markets.

    (操作員指令)Deane Dray,RBC 資本市場。

  • Deane Dray - Analyst

    Deane Dray - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Good morning, everyone.


  • Dave, would like to pick up where you left off with Matt.


  • And just some more color on the customers' sentiment here and the delayed project spending.


  • What reasons are they giving you?


  • Is it macro?


  • Are they having trouble getting financing?


  • Is it election worries?


  • Any way that you could characterize and frame for us about this degree of cautiousness?


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • I think the -- I think what we see from our customer base is they're just taking longer to approve projects.


  • And they're going further up the sign-off chain, to get signed off.


  • These are typically -- they're not even large projects.


  • And you see those resulting in delays.


  • I think it's a combination of the elections in the US, I think two-thirds of the worlds have elections this year.


  • So it's elections around the world.


  • It's the -- some financing related to the higher interest rate higher inflation.


  • I mean, it's the worst.


  • So just a lot of things that they're combining to affect people's decisions, and they're just delaying a bit, I mean the thing that's different than some other downturns is we still have very strong pipelines of new activity.


  • So thinking about past downturns, we've been through a bunch of these, I don't think there's been any where we have a strong new activity pipeline from our customers.


  • So the projects aren't being canceled.


  • There may be some delays in phasing some new products in and maybe it's taken longer to get the financing, although that's not primary feedback we're getting.


  • But I think it's this broader macro issue that's honestly a bit of smaller issue for us.


  • The bigger issue is the OEM destock.

    更大的問題是 OEM 去庫存。

  • So I think we had the pandemic.


  • And then we had the supply chain crisis.


  • And we're selling it in our automation and engineered solutions businesses differentiated components and subsystems to people that are typically smaller dollar value amounts to the entire system.


  • And when people bought inventory, because we're very specialized, and they wanted to keep shipping the products.


  • And now we're just dealing with a destocking process that's just taking a little longer than we thought.


  • And I think that


  • --


  • Deane Dray - Analyst

    Deane Dray - Analyst

  • Yea., Dave, that's really helpful.


  • I know I love the way you characterized it because in slowing, that's one of the first things you see customers do is they delay the spending more approvals and so that's pretty familiar.


  • Do you have any sense that it's snowballing from here?


  • Does it get as the quarter progressed?


  • It does type of behaviors increase?


  • Any monthly cadence would be helpful.


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • I think the monthly cadence in both sales and orders was our typical monthly cadence.


  • So otherwise, we typically step through a quarter with the first month being the lowest and the second month being a little bit higher than the third month being the highest month of the quarter.


  • That same process occurred.


  • But definitely, as the quarter went on, we saw some incremental weakness mainly in the project area.


  • Deane Dray - Analyst

    Deane Dray - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • All right.


  • Just last question on the destocking and when we look back on this period, that's been the biggest surprise how long it has persisted.


  • And you're not, by far, the only one.


  • We've seen this everywhere.


  • Anyone has anything to do with medical or life sciences supplies chain it has just taken more than 2x longer than anyone thought.


  • And just the question is for Paragon.

    這個問題是問 Paragon 的。

  • What's their visibility like?


  • You said they -- a percent of point was from their, destock -- What's their visibility versus your comparison of the rest of AMETEK businesses, where do they fit on that scale?


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah, because Paragon is mainly in one end market, and they're talking to their customers daily.

    是的,因為 Paragon 主要面向終端市場,他們每天都在與客戶交談。

  • I think there's better visibility.


  • And you can also talk to customers and get market information.


  • So this the -- talk that we're seeing is really happening everywhere.


  • Just to refresh everybody's memory, Paragon manufactures single-use and consumable surgical instruments and implantable devices, orthopedic implantable devices, drug delivery systems, really attractive markets.

    只是為了刷新大家的記憶,Paragon 生產一次性和消耗性手術器械和植入設備、骨科植入設備、藥物傳輸系統,這些市場非常有吸引力。

  • At the same time this is going on, we're working on substantial efficiency improvements in the businesses.


  • We talked about that last quarter and this process is proceeding very well.


  • So this combination of the market growth that follows the destock, along with the new program wins and leaned out and efficient cost structure is really going to provide substantial sales and profit growth for Paragon in the years ahead.

    因此,去庫存後的市場成長,加上新計劃的成功以及精益求精和高效的成本結構的結合,確實將為 Paragon 在未來幾年帶來可觀的銷售額和利潤增長。

  • We have a similar business and similar markets and another part of AMETEK, and it's seeing the same kind of destock and Paragon won a tremendous amount of new programs.

    我們擁有相似的業務和相似的市場,以及 AMETEK 的另一部分,並且看到了相同的庫存減少,Paragon 贏得了大量新項目。

  • So we're still investing and driving those things in the market.


  • So I think when you take a step back, this is going to be a tremendous generator for our long-term shareholders, and we're very optimistic about the business.


  • It's unfortunate about the destock process, but we're in this game for the long run, and we're doing all the ready things for the business and we've got a new management team with some really talented people from AMETEK that are working with people that are from Paragon and they have a great plan to take the business forward.

    去庫存過程很不幸,但從長遠來看,我們正在參與這場遊戲,我們正在為業務做好所有準備工作,我們已經有了一個新的管理團隊,其中有一些來自AMETEK 的真正有才華的人正在工作與來自 Paragon 的人一起,他們有一個偉大的計劃來推動業務發展。

  • So we're really optimistic about how that business is going to perform for us long term.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Jamie Cook, Truist Securities.

    (操作員指示)Jamie Cook,Truist 證券公司。

  • Jamie Cook - Analyst

    Jamie Cook - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Nice quarter considering the environment.


  • I guess just my first question, can you talk to what price cost was in the quarter by segment and what your expectation is in an environment where organic growth is going to be flat to down single digit?


  • And then my follow-up question, it also struck me about the quarter over the past couple of quarters is the margins in EIG above 30% with mediocre growth.

    然後我的後續問題,過去幾季的季度讓我印象深刻的是,EIG 的利潤率超過 30%,成長平平。

  • So is there anything like, was there anything unusual to drive the operating margins there.


  • What's structural?


  • What's the risk that some of this goes away if pricing gets more difficult?


  • I'm just trying to understand the performance in EIG margins, the good performance, given a tough macro.

    我只是想了解 EIG 利潤率的表現,在宏觀形勢嚴峻的情況下,良好的表現。

  • Thank you.


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Good questions, Jamie, and I'll try to answer them both.


  • The first thing is you talked about pricing in the quarter.


  • And our pricing in Q2 was about 3.5 points price, and our inflation was about 2.5 points.

    我們第二季的定價約為 3.5 個點,通膨約為 2.5 個點。

  • So we had a positive benefit from that.


  • So the pricing environment is moderating a bit and the inflation is moderating a bit, but we're real pleased with that.


  • And it was across our portfolio and maybe a little bit more in EMG just a bit than EMG, but it was pretty much across the portfolio at a pretty consistent performance, and that's driven by our differentiated portfolio on the heavy level of investments.

    它存在於我們的投資組合中,可能在 EMG 中比 EMG 多一點,但它幾乎在整個投資組合中表現相當一致,這是由我們在大量投資上的差異化投資組合推動的。

  • We're putting in new products.


  • We talked about a vitality index of 24%.


  • We got newer products, fresh products in the market.


  • Our customers are buying them.


  • So -- and that's resulting in some good pricing.


  • And as I said, inflation is moderating.


  • And we think that general environment, the moderation of inflation, but our ability to continue to leverage our investments are going to continue throughout the year.


  • So no change there, very, very consistent and it's kind of the AMETEK portfolio is very differentiated and performed very well.

    所以沒有變化,非常非常一致,AMETEK 產品組合非常差異化並且表現得非常好。

  • In terms of the margins in EIG, if you think about -- we've got a similar performance in the first quarter and excellent operating quarter.

    就 EIG 的利潤率而言,如果你想一想,我們在第一季有類似的表現,並且營運季度表現出色。

  • We had 320 basis points up driven by high leverage, excellent price cost, strongly performing acquisitions and a really good product mix.

    在高槓桿、出色的價格成本、表現強勁的收購和非常好的產品組合的推動下,我們的股價上漲了 320 個基點。

  • And that was consistent from Q2 to Q3.


  • And we see that continuing for the rest of the year.


  • I mean we do have a -- comp in Q3 margins is a difficult one, because that was a high-margin quarter for us if you look back the past few years.

    我的意思是,我們確實有一個 - 第三季度利潤率的比較是一個困難的問題,因為如果你回顧過去幾年,那對我們來說是一個高利潤率的季度。

  • But in general, if you think about EIG, the margins are good and they're going to stay there, and that business is very well positioned.

    但總的來說,如果你考慮 EIG,你會發現利潤率很高,而且會保持在那裡,而且該業務的定位非常好。

  • And it's -- in our process, our power and industrial and our aerospace businesses, we've got excellent market positions.


  • And then just talking about the EMG part of the business, they had core margins of over 25%.

    就 EMG 業務而言,他們的核心利潤率超過 25%。

  • So they got some dilution there because of the acquisition and destocking and automation in our medical businesses.


  • But when we look at our businesses, they're running -- both segments are running very well generating excellent margins.


  • I think EIG has historically a bit of a higher margin entitlement, because they sell mainly to end users, and they get the aftermarket revenue stream and EMG is selling more to an OEM customer base, a little bit lower margin.

    我認為 EIG 歷來享有較高的利潤率,因為他們主要向最終用戶銷售,並且獲得售後市場收入流,而 EMG 則向 OEM 客戶群銷售更多產品,利潤率略低。

  • So they're in relation to each other.


  • And I see that continuing.


  • I'm not really concerned that those margins are going to fall off or anything like that.


  • So does that answer your question, Jamie?


  • Operator


  • Jeff Sprague, Vertical Research.


  • Jeff Sprague - Analyst

    Jeff Sprague - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Hope as going well, Dave.


  • Just on Paragon, I want to just make sure I have things dialed right here.

    就在 Paragon 上,我想確保我在這裡撥通了電話。

  • I think your comment about a point of headwind, right, is on a total AMETEK basis.

    我認為您對逆風點的評論是完全基於 AMETEK 的。

  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • Jeff Sprague - Analyst

    Jeff Sprague - Analyst

  • So that implies $40 million or $50 million.

    這意味著 4000 萬美元或 5000 萬美元。

  • So we're sort of talking about the business being down 8%, 9%, 10% for the year.

    所以我們談論的是今年的業務下降 ​​8%、9%、10%。

  • Is that basically where we're at?


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • I'd say you're between 10% and 15% is the Paragon.


  • You're right on.


  • Jeff Sprague - Analyst

    Jeff Sprague - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then just thinking about EMG, right, I mean the comps are getting fairly easy on a year-over-year basis, but really, the commentary is we should kind of think sequentially, revenues are quite similar to Q2?


  • Or do you actually see a little bit of a step up there?


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • That's a good question.


  • And when we step back and look at this.


  • First, I'll go to orders.


  • Our orders for the past couple of quarters have had small sequential improvements.


  • So like if you go back to Q4 of last year, you have Q1 of this year and now the quarter recently completed, the orders sequentially were up low single-digits each quarter.


  • So I feel like the orders have stabilized.


  • We had a minus 10% organic in Q1.

    第一季我們的有機率是負 10%。

  • The orders in Q2 organically were minus 4%.


  • And we think in the second half of the year, we're going to have a modest improvement versus the first half.


  • So it kind of feels like the business has really stabilized.


  • When you go to sales, we wanted to derisk the year because and it's really flat.


  • So even though you have a little bit of movement from quarter-to-quarter, and we have a benefit of a tax rate in in Q4, if you back that out and you look at sales the first half of the year versus sales in the second half of the year, then you look at operating profit above the tax line in the first half of the year versus operating profit in the second half of year, it's a 50-50 split.

    因此,即使每個季度之間有一點變化,並且我們在第四季度享受了稅率的好處,但如果你反駁這一點,看看上半年的銷售額與去年同期的銷售額下半年,然後你看看上半年稅線以上的營業利潤與下半年的營業利潤,這是50:50 的比例。

  • AMETEK traditionally is a 48-52 split.

    AMETEK 傳統上是 48-52 分割。

  • And that's why we think really derisked the year with that 50-50 split in the second half.

    這就是為什麼我們認為今年下半年 50-50 的比分確實沒有風險。

  • Now we still have some seasonality in our business.


  • Historically Q4 because the seasonality is always higher than Q3, and we have a typical seasonality there.


  • And again, as Dalip mentioned, we have the benefit of the tax rate in Q4.


  • But we really feel we derisked the year to reflect the current environment, and we think it's going to stay that way through the balance of the year.


  • Kevin Coleman - VP IR & Treasurer

    Kevin Coleman - VP IR & Treasurer

  • And then maybe we could just touch on that tax rate.


  • So on Soumen 19 again, and Q. three would imply, I don't know, 14 or 15 and in Q4.

    因此,再次提到搜門 19,而 Q.3 則意味著,我不知道,14 或 15,以及 Q4。

  • But the bigger question is just jumping off into 2025, do we stay at that 17 to 18 range?

    但更大的問題是,進入 2025 年,我們是否會保持在 17 到 18 的範圍內?

  • Or do we move back up into the 19 to 20 range in 2025?

    或者到 2025 年我們會回到 19 到 20 的範圍嗎?

  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yeah.


  • No, you see it right.


  • We moved back up in 2025 to our typical tax rate.

    我們於 2025 年恢復到正常稅率。

  • We haven't done our planning for 2025, but based on where we're sitting, that's what we would expect.

    我們還沒有製定 2025 年的計劃,但根據我們目前的情況,這就是我們的預期。

  • Operator


  • Scott Graham, Seaport Research.


  • Scott Graham - Analyst

    Scott Graham - Analyst

  • Likewise.


  • So I want to understand, so the reduction in sales guidance for the year, you indicated that it was essentially three points in EMG One point in EIG and you talked about project delays there.

    所以我想了解一下,今年銷售指導的減少,您表示這本質上是 EMG 中的三個點,EIG 中的一個點,並且您談到了專案延遲。

  • My question is, in your sort of around the horn, you indicated project delays in power.


  • And I was just wondering if there's any vulnerability to project delays spreading into process because you didn't decide anything there?


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • If I didn't cite it, I should have said the process and power seeing similar activities.


  • I mean, in the power segment, we have some power test and measurement businesses and they sell to multiple markets, including the government customers and there's a little delay there in projects, but we're very well positioned those are just delayed and process is a bit larger and it's more -- it's -- but it's kind of the same thing.


  • But that was only the change in sales from all of EIG and -- which is both process power.

    但這只是 EIG 所有銷售額的變化——這兩者都是工藝能力。

  • Scott Graham - Analyst

    Scott Graham - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • I want to maybe shift to defense because that's a pretty high-margin business for you guys.


  • Is that sort of push out of shipments?


  • Is that something that you'll see in the third quarter or the fourth quarter?


  • Is there anything more to discuss there?


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • No, I think that on the defense side, for our A&D business, we kept the guide for the year, the same, like plus high single digits.

    不,我認為在國防方面,對於我們的 A&D 業務,我們保留了今年的指南,同樣的,加上高個位數。

  • So what we saw in the second quarter was a very good commercial and had some defense delays.


  • But for full year, we're saying that defense and commercial is still going to be the same.


  • They're going to be up high single digits.


  • So there's -- doing very well there.


  • As you said, there's good margins in our A&D segment, and we feel confident in that segment.

    正如您所說,我們的 A&D 細分市場利潤豐厚,我們對該細分市場充滿信心。

  • Scott Graham - Analyst

    Scott Graham - Analyst

  • If I could just squeeze this last one in, Dave.


  • The net leverage of 1x, it's pretty low for you guys.


  • Just kind of wondering the pump, I assume, is pretty darn primed at this point.


  • How does the pipeline look or how are the sizes of the deals out there?


  • Maybe you can give us a little color.


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • The pipeline looks really good.


  • The size of the deals are throughout whole spectrum.


  • I mean there are smaller deals, mid-size and larger deals.


  • And as we talked about before, we'll probably buy a big business, for us as deployment of greater than $1 billion in capital every couple of years.

    正如我們之前談到的,我們可能會收購一家大企業,每幾年就會部署超過 10 億美元的資本。

  • And that's just because we're generating so much cash flow I think we really have the opportunity to differentiate our performance in this period.


  • What you really see is there's a lot of PE-owned sponsor businesses that are long in the tooth.


  • They're laying their ownership cycle, and they're struggling now because they have to go back and refinance their businesses at higher rates, and they're also trying to sell the business in a slowing environment.


  • But those are -- we have discussions going on, and there's a very, very large pipeline of opportunities that fit our businesses that we're having discussions with.


  • So I'm optimistic that the pipeline is going to be strong and the discussions we're having are good ones.


  • And you remember our capital allocation is very clear.


  • Our first priority is to deploy our free cash flow strategic acquisitions that remains a clear priority.


  • And like we're going to see from Paragon next year, that's how we generate value.

    就像我們明年將從 Paragon 中看到的那樣,這就是我們創造價值的方式。

  • And priority two is opportunistic buybacks.


  • And as we've shown in the past, if we see a dislocation in our valuation, we're poised to act.


  • And our third priority is a consistently modestly increasing dividend.


  • So capital allocation doesn't change.


  • And with a net leverage of one, we're ideally positioned right now, and there's a lot activity going on.

    由於淨槓桿率為 1,我們目前處於理想位置,並且有許多活動正在進行中。

  • Does that answer your question, Scott?


  • Operator


  • Rob Wertheimer, Melius Research.

    羅布‧韋特海默,Melius 研究中心。

  • Rob Wertheimer - Analyst

    Rob Wertheimer - Analyst

  • I understand that the delays here and there that you're talking about aren't the biggest driver in the quarter.


  • But I'm still a little bit curious.


  • And so is the project delay often one where you're a small piece of the total project cost is one question.


  • And the second is probably pretty easy to answer, given the nature of your business.


  • But is there any pushback on price?


  • Do customers have any option to change out?


  • I mean is there any downshifting or anything like that?


  • I know it's unlikely just thought check around those dynamics.


  • Dalip Puri - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Dalip Puri - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yeah.


  • The project cost, I think, was your first question.


  • And you're right.


  • We are typically a small portion of the project and with good technology, a small part of a bigger project.


  • It's a nice place to be.


  • In terms of pricing, we have very differentiated technology.


  • And we're conscious of the value that we're adding.


  • What you'll typically see in most classic downturns is they may mix down.


  • They may buy our project, buy our product, but it will maybe have less, features, because we're pretty good position with the customer base and our positions in our niche portfolio.


  • We're not seeing that now.


  • And we're not seeing the activity pipeline change.


  • So I think on the -- we're typically smaller projects typically priced for value and we do a lot of investment in our portfolio.


  • So I think delays are more just related to the general macro that we talked about with Dean, about the elections and some of the uncertainty with the geopolitical issues but we went through the -- we're confident we're not losing share.


  • We're confident that our pipelines are very strong.


  • So it's a temporary delay.


  • Operator


  • Joseph Giordano, TD Cowen.


  • Joseph Giordano - Analyst

    Joseph Giordano - Analyst

  • Hi.


  • Good morning.


  • This is (technical difficulty) talk about the Paragon charges you took last quarter.

    這是(技術難度)談論您上個季度收取的 Paragon 費用。

  • Now that you're another quarter in, do you expect any additional charges?


  • I know there were just one-time, but just any update on that?


  • And when you might start seeing any impact from those charges?


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • I think -- we don't anticipate another charge.


  • I mean that doesn't mean we won't change our mind, but we don't anticipate any other charges that will be clear.


  • That's clear.


  • Yes, that activity is going on now.


  • So we're in process of improving that business, so fixing that business.


  • So making it run as efficiently as AMETEK does.

    因此使其能夠像 AMETEK 一樣高效運作。

  • And we have a team of Paragon people and a team of AMETEK people and a team of our operational excellence, talent across the business, all working on the project.

    我們擁有一支由 Paragon 人員組成的團隊、一支由 AMETEK 人員組成的團隊以及一支由我們卓越營運、跨業務人才組成的團隊,所有人都致力於這個專案。

  • And the response is very, very solid to it.


  • So I think that's ongoing and it will occur through the balance of this year.


  • I think next year, you'll start to see the benefits of it.


  • But the project, if you recall, goes up two or three years, as we continue to improve it.


  • So I think the, next year, you have a sizable improvement, because expect the volumes to come back from the -- destock, combined with the OpEx work that's going on combined with some new product introductions that we're heavily investing in the phase-in.


  • So it's unfortunate that we have this destock downturn right now, but we couldn't be happier with the business.


  • Joseph Giordano - Analyst

    Joseph Giordano - Analyst

  • Thank you for that.


  • And another question I had was on the 4Q ramp.


  • So I understand the normal cyclicality, there's usually a 4Q ramp.


  • But it does look like the implied guide implies the ramp is more than usual for historical.


  • Is there -- especially considering that you guys are not anticipating any easement in destocking for the latter half -- could you comment on what's driving that?


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • I kind of disagree with your conclusion.


  • I think there's a tax benefit in Q4.


  • And when you factor that in, we have a pretty -- I think the ramp is very similar to what it was last year.


  • So it's -- and we derisked Q3.


  • So as I said, the operating performance in the first half of the year is very similar to the operating performance in the second half year.


  • And you add to that a little bit of a tax benefit in Q4.


  • So I don't -- I think it's pretty typical from what we've done in the past.


  • Operator


  • Andrew Obin, Bank of America.


  • Andrew Obin - Analyst

    Andrew Obin - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Just going back to inventory, just how to think about it.


  • Are your OEM customers?

    您是 OEM 客戶嗎?

  • Are they bringing inventory levels back to pre-COVID levels or below pre-COVID levels?


  • I guess just trying better understand how to think about the destocking impact versus history?


  • And where do you think inventories will be on a going-forward basis relative to pre-COVID levels?


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • I think there -- it's different because there's a lot of customers and a lot of different market segments.


  • But in general, I think you're getting back to pre-COVID levels, there might be slightly higher because of some of the geopolitical things that happened and the supply chains becoming more regional and less dependent on Asia.


  • So it could be a bit higher.


  • But in general, I believe that the general statement across the customer base, they're trying to get back to something at the pre-COVID level.


  • They might be a bit higher for some of the other geopolitical issues going on.


  • Andrew Obin - Analyst

    Andrew Obin - Analyst

  • Got you.


  • And just -- maybe I missed it, but could you just cover major geographies?


  • What are we seeing North America versus Europe versus Asia versus China?


  • I apologize if I missed it.


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Sure, Andrew.


  • No, you didn't miss it.


  • We saw a modest growth in Europe in the second quarter, and we saw a low single-digit declines in both the US and Asia.


  • Go a step lower.


  • We had low single-digit in the US.


  • We actually had strong growth in our Materials Analysis division or A&D businesses but our automation business was down a bit.

    實際上,我們的材料分析部門或 A&D 業務成長強勁,但我們的自動化業務略有下降。

  • Europe was up low single-digit.


  • Again, weakness in our automation business, offset by strong growth in process.


  • And for Asia, we were down low single digits, pretty difficult comps in China.


  • China was down a bit.


  • But when you look at Asia, excluding China, it was flat.


  • So it's kind of a flat world.


  • But we are seeing some improvements in Europe.


  • Operator


  • Steve Barger, KeyBanc Capital Markets.

    Steve Barger,KeyBanc 資本市場。

  • Steve Barger - Analyst

    Steve Barger - Analyst

  • Dave, we're hearing a lot of optimism about the semiconductor cycle having a strong 2025 led by AI-related devices, of course, but also some leading-edge node transitions later next year.

    Dave,我們聽到了很多關於半導體週期的樂觀情緒,當然,半導體週期將在 2025 年由人工智慧相關設備引領,當然,明年晚些時候也會出現一些前沿節點的轉變。

  • What are you seeing in that business?


  • And are you more levered to node transitions or unit volume increases?


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • I think right now, we're levered to both of them.


  • But in our second quarter, our semiconductor business was up, and it was up because we had strong growth in our CAMECA business, and you think about that business, they're doing next-generation defect detection.

    但在第二季度,我們的半導體業務有所成長,這是因為我們的 CAMECA 業務成長強勁,而且你想想該業務,他們正在做下一代缺陷檢測。

  • And it's kind of like you're going to want one of these CAMECA systems in just about every new fab.

    就好像您幾乎每個新晶圓廠都需要一套 CAMECA 系統。

  • And then we also have the strong benefits from our Zygo business.

    此外,我們也從 Zygo 業務中獲得了巨大的收益。

  • And there, we're one of the few businesses that can operate with technology in the EUV, the extreme EUV, and that's more of the transitioning to smaller nodes.

    在那裡,我們是少數能夠使用 EUV(極端 EUV)技術進行營運的企業之一,而這更多的是向更小的節點的過渡。

  • So right now, what you see is even though the market was down tremendously, there's a lot of R&D activity to get at the node transitions, to get us some of the -- to be able to detect defects at these smaller nodes.


  • So we're going very well there driven by the uniqueness of our product portfolio.


  • But then when the market picks up, we also have a good part of our business is tied to the -- just the rate production.


  • So, it feels pretty good for us in terms of moving into next year, Steve.


  • Steve Barger - Analyst

    Steve Barger - Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And activity over the past year for mature nodes in domestic Chinese manufacturers have been stronger than I think people expected.


  • Do you have exposure there?


  • And do you have an outlook for that market in the back half and next year?


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • We don't -- I don't have that level of resolution for next year.


  • We do sell into the Chinese market.


  • It's typically lower technology products, has been healthy this year.


  • Operator


  • Nigel Coe, Wolfe Research.


  • Nigel Coe - Analyst

    Nigel Coe - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Hi David, hi Dalip and Kevin.


  • Thanks for the question.


  • Just a few more details.


  • I know you got a lot of ground here.


  • But on Paragon, I just want to make sure I've got the right base for FY23.

    但在 Paragon 上,我只是想確保我為 2023 財年找到了正確的基礎。

  • I've got about $450 million, $460 million of revenues for FY23.

    2023 財年我的營收約為 4.5 億美元、4.6 億美元。

  • Is that about right?


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • A little bit higher for '23.


  • Nigel Coe - Analyst

    Nigel Coe - Analyst

  • A bit high of 23%.


  • Okay.


  • That's helpful.


  • So down 10% to 20% this year, I mean, what sort of cost measures are you taking?

    今年下降 10% 到 20%,我的意思是,你們採取了什麼樣的成本措施?

  • I know the charge you took in 1Q is much longer tail.

    我知道你在 1Q 所承受的電荷是更長的尾巴。

  • But what measures are you taking to sort of preserve the earnings there?


  • And -- where do we stand right now on the accretion for FY24?

    而且,我們現在對 2024 財年的成長處於什麼位置?

  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • I think the -- we're doing a lot of work on the cost structure.


  • They have excess capacity in plants -- so that work is going on right now.


  • And we took the charges also some expenses related to doing things that are non-accruable that we're spending.


  • And then more importantly, there's a lot of new product introductions that are going on that we're spending that -- spending on right now that are very, very solidly positioned for Paragon.

    更重要的是,我們正在推出許多新產品,我們現在的投資對 Paragon 來說非常非常穩固。

  • You talk about the accretion for this year, it's a couple of pennies and it's in the fourth quarter.


  • Nigel Coe - Analyst

    Nigel Coe - Analyst

  • Couple of pennies in the fourth quarter.


  • Yes.


  • Okay.


  • That's helpful.


  • Thanks, David.


  • And then on orders, I think you said 4% organic decline.

    然後關於訂單,我想你說過 4% 的有機下降。

  • I think that's better than the 8% you saw in the first quarter I'm calculating $1.6 billion of orders this quarter.

    我認為這比第一季 8% 的成長要好,我計算出本季的訂單金額為 16 億美元。

  • Is that in the right zone?


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • Yes.


  • If you look at overall orders, they were up 1.5% in the quarter.

    如果你看一下整體訂單,你會發現本季訂單增加了 1.5%。

  • Nigel Coe - Analyst

    Nigel Coe - Analyst

  • 1.5%, okay, that’s


  • --


  • David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

    David Zapico - Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer

  • The overall orders were up 1.5%.


  • Organic orders were down 4%.

    有機訂單下降 4%。

  • That's improved from what we saw in Q1 where we were down organically minus 10 and we saw a sequential improvement in orders in Q2.

    這比我們在第一季看到的情況有所改善,當時我們有機地下降了負 10,我們看到第二季的訂單連續改善。

  • So they're up low-single-digits from Q1.


  • So we're definitely seeing stability in orders.


  • And the cadence, June was the strongest.


  • Nigel Coe - Analyst

    Nigel Coe - Analyst

  • And then just a quick one on the 4Q tax rate issue and any quantification there?


  • Dalip Puri - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

    Dalip Puri - Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President

  • Yes.


  • I mean if you think about the way we're seeing our expected tax rate play out, Nigel, Q3, as we said, we're projecting our typical expected tax rate Q4, we're now projecting a lower expected tax rate in the range of 10% to 15%.

    我的意思是,如果你考慮一下我們的預期稅率的發揮方式,奈傑爾,第三季度,正如我們所說,我們正在預測第四季度的典型預期稅率,我們現在預計較低的預期稅率範圍為10% 至15%。

  • That lower effective tax rate in Q4 is primarily due to statute expirations.


  • So that brings our expected tax rate for the full year to 17% to 18%, which is expected to provide an earnings benefit in the range of $0.10 to $0.15 per share in Q4.

    因此,我們預計全年稅率為 17% 至 18%,預計將為第四季度每股帶來 0.10 美元至 0.15 美元的收益收益。

  • Operator


  • Since there are no more questions, I will now turn the conference back over to Mr. Kevin Coleman for closing remarks.


  • Please go ahead.


  • Kevin Coleman - VP IR & Treasurer

    Kevin Coleman - VP IR & Treasurer

  • Thank you, Meg.


  • And thanks, everyone, for joining our call today.


  • And as a reminder, a replay of the webcast can be accessed in the Investors section of ametek.com. Have a great day.

    提醒一下,可以在 ametek.com 的投資者部分存取網路廣播的重播。祝你有美好的一天。

  • Operator


  • This concludes the conference call.


  • You may now disconnect.
