Alto Ingredients Inc (ALTO) 2019 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Pacific Ethanol, Inc.


  • First Quarter 2019 Financial Results Conference Call.

    2019 年第一季度財務業績電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this conference call is being recorded.


  • I would now like to introduce your host for today's conference, Ms. Moriah Shilton, Ma'am, you may begin.

    我現在想介紹一下今天會議的主持人,Moriah Shilton 女士,女士,您可以開始了。

  • Moriah Shilton - SVP

    Moriah Shilton - SVP

  • Thank you, Lauren, and thank you all for joining us today for the Pacific Ethanol First Quarter 2019 Results Conference Call.

    謝謝你,勞倫,感謝大家今天加入我們參加太平洋乙醇公司 2019 年第一季度業績電話會議。

  • On the call today are Neil Koehler, President and CEO; and Bryon McGregor, CFO.

    今天的電話會議是總裁兼首席執行官 Neil Koehler;和首席財務官布賴恩·麥格雷戈。

  • Neil will begin with a review of business highlights.


  • Bryon will provide a summary of the financial and operating results.


  • And then Neil will return to discuss Pacific Ethanol's outlook and open the call for questions.

    然後 Neil 將返回討論 Pacific Ethanol 的前景並開始提問。

  • Pacific Ethanol issued a press release yesterday providing details of the company's quarterly results.

    Pacific Ethanol 昨天發布了一份新聞稿,提供了公司季度業績的詳細信息。

  • The company also prepared a presentation for today's call that is available on the company's website at

    該公司還為今天的電話會議準備了一份演示文稿,該演示文稿可在公司網站 上查閱。

  • A telephone replay of today's call will be available till May 9. The details of which are included in yesterday's earnings press release.

    今天電話的重播將持續到 5 月 9 日。詳細信息包含在昨天的收益新聞稿中。

  • A webcast replay will also be available at Pacific Ethanol's website.

    Pacific Ethanol 的網站也將提供網絡重播。

  • Please note that the information in this call speaks only as of today, May 2. And therefore, you are advised that the time-sensitive information may no longer be accurate at the time of any replay.

    請注意,本次電話會議中的信息僅在今天(5 月 2 日)時發表。因此,請注意,在任何重播時,時間敏感信息可能不再準確。

  • Please refer to the company's safe harbor statement on Slide 2 of the presentation available online, which says that some of the comments in this presentation constitute forward-looking statements and considerations that involve a number of risks and uncertainties.

    請參閱公司在網上提供的幻燈片 2 上的安全港聲明,該聲明表示,本演示文稿中的一些評論構成前瞻性陳述和考慮因素,涉及許多風險和不確定性。

  • The actual future results of Pacific Ethanol could differ materially from those statements.

    Pacific Ethanol 的實際未來結果可能與這些陳述存在重大差異。

  • Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, events, risks and other factors previously and from time-to-time disclosed in Pacific Ethanol's filings with the SEC.

    可能導致或促成此類差異的因素包括但不限於太平洋乙醇公司向 SEC 提交的文件中先前和不時披露的事件、風險和其他因素。

  • Except as required by applicable law, the company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements.


  • In management's prepared remarks, non-GAAP measures will be referenced.


  • Management uses these non-GAAP measures to monitor the financial performance of operations, and believes these measures will assist investors in assessing the company's performance for the period being reported.


  • The company defines adjusted EBITDA as unaudited net income or loss attributed to Pacific Ethanol before interest expense, provision or benefit for income taxes, asset impairments, purchase accounting adjustments, fair value adjustments and depreciation and amortization expense.

    該公司將調整後的 EBITDA 定義為在利息費用、所得稅準備金或福利、資產減值、採購會計調整、公允價值調整以及折舊和攤銷費用之前歸屬於太平洋乙醇的未經審計的淨收入或損失。

  • To support the company's review of non-GAAP information later in this call, a reconciling table was included in yesterday's press release.


  • It is now my pleasure to introduce Neil Koehler, President and CEO.

    現在,我很高興介紹總裁兼首席執行官 Neil Koehler。

  • Neil?


  • Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Thank you, Moriah, and thank you everyone for joining us today.


  • As discussed on our year-end call, we're pursuing a number of strategic initiatives.


  • In late March, we amended credit related agreements with certain lenders to provide us with additional flexibility and liquidity as we continue our review of potential sale of production assets, reduction of our debt levels, further strengthening of our cash and liquidity, and opportunities for strategic partnerships and capital raising.

    3 月下旬,我們修改了與某些貸方的信貸相關協議,為我們提供額外的靈活性和流動性,因為我們繼續審查生產資產的潛在出售、降低我們的債務水平、進一步加強我們的現金和流動性,以及戰略機會夥伴關係和融資。

  • We continue to make progress on our plans and believe we're taking the appropriate steps to increase shareholder value, to benefit all our stakeholders and to provide greater financial flexibility to facilitate future growth opportunities.


  • We look forward to providing you substantive updates as they develop over the coming months.


  • The ethanol market overall is emerging from the bottom of a cycle that occurred in the fourth quarter of 2018 when the crush margin was at a historic low.

    整個乙醇市場正在從 2018 年第四季度發生的周期底部走出來,當時壓榨利潤率處於歷史低位。

  • The first quarter of 2019 results reflect this improvement, resulting in a promising start to the year.

    2019 年第一季度的業績反映了這一改善,為今年帶來了一個充滿希望的開端。

  • Our net sales of $356 million were up 6% sequentially.

    我們的淨銷售額為 3.56 億美元,環比增長 6%。

  • While loss available to common stockholders was [$13 point million], adjusted EBITDA was a positive $1.6 million for the first quarter.

    雖然普通股股東可獲得的損失為[13 萬美元],但第一季度調整後的 EBITDA 為正 160 萬美元。

  • These results represent a significant improvement over the fourth quarter.


  • When looking at the overall ethanol industry, we continue to believe the compelling cost octane and carbon benefits of ethanol will drive new demand in 2019 above 2018 levels.

    縱觀整個乙醇行業,我們仍然認為,乙醇引人注目的成本辛烷值和碳效益將推動 2019 年的新需求高於 2018 年的水平。

  • Two significant drivers of this expected growth are new exports and E15.

    這一預期增長的兩個重要驅動因素是新出口和 E15。

  • First, in the export markets, we look forward to resolution of trade disputes with China, which will open up a large new market for U.S. ethanol as China continues on the path to incorporating 10% ethanol blends into its gasoline supply.

    首先,在出口市場,我們期待與中國的貿易爭端得到解決,這將為美國乙醇開闢一個巨大的新市場,因為中國繼續將 10% 的乙醇混合物納入其汽油供應。

  • The steady retail adoption of E15 is reflected by a growing a number of large retailers who currently offer E15 at more than 1,700 stations across 30 states.

    越來越多的大型零售商目前在 30 個州的 1,700 多個車站提供 E15,這反映了 E15 的穩定零售採用。

  • Pre-blended E15 is now available at over 100 terminals in the United States.

    預混 E15 現在可在美國的 100 多個航站樓使用。

  • The EPA is expected to finalize a rule before June 1 that will facilitate the year round use of E15, which will result in incremental demand starting this summer, with material growth in the years to come.

    EPA 預計將在 6 月 1 日前敲定一項規則,該規則將促進 E15 的全年使用,這將導致從今年夏天開始的需求增加,並在未來幾年實現實質性增長。

  • Wholesale ethanol prices are currently trading at a $0.70 discount to wholesale gasoline prices, which also is helping drive both new domestic and export ethanol demand.

    乙醇批發價格目前比汽油批發價格低 0.70 美元,這也有助於推動新的國內和出口乙醇需求。

  • The supply/demand balance is tightening with seasonal increases in demand and lower inventory levels, resulting in improved production margins.


  • The West Coast carbon markets continue to create strong premiums for our lower carbon ethanol.


  • And with RIN prices now trading near 5-year lows, we see no rationale nor legal basis for the EPA to grant additional small refinery economic exemptions, which will support stronger domestic ethanol demand in 2019.

    由於 RIN 價格目前接近 5 年低點,我們認為 EPA 沒有理由或法律依據給予額外的小型煉油廠經濟豁免,這將支持 2019 年更強勁的國內乙醇需求。

  • Before I turn the call over to Bryon for a financial and operational review of our first quarter 2019 results, I'd like to note that the Airgas Co2 plant at our Stockton facility is commencing commercial operations now and is expected to contribute more than $1 million in EBITDA annualized.

    在我將電話轉給布賴恩對我們 2019 年第一季度業績進行財務和運營審查之前,我想指出,我們斯托克頓工廠的 Airgas Co2 工廠現已開始商業運營,預計將貢獻超過 100 萬美元EBITDA 年化。

  • Bryon?


  • Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

    Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

  • Thank you, Neil.


  • For the first quarter of 2019, net sales were $356 million, compared to $334 million in the fourth quarter.

    2019 年第一季度,淨銷售額為 3.56 億美元,而第四季度為 3.34 億美元。

  • This sequential increase in sales is due in part to an over 5% improvement in our average sales price per gallon of ethanol as well as an over 21% increase in third-party gallons sold, more than offsetting our reduction in production gallons of almost 11%.

    銷售額的連續增長部分是由於我們每加侖乙醇的平均銷售價格提高了 5% 以上,以及第三方銷售的加侖量增加了 21% 以上,這抵消了我們近 11 加侖產量的減少。 %。

  • Our lower production output was intentional and consistent with prior guidance.


  • The increase in third-party gallons sold stems from our need to replace gallons not produced by our plants to fulfill first quarter contractual obligations.


  • Although cost of goods sold was up $3 million sequentially to $358 million, gross profit improved by over $[80] million, reflecting the combination of improved crush spreads, reduced input costs and lower operating expenses, including labor and repair and maintenance.

    儘管商品銷售成本環比增長 300 萬美元,達到 3.58 億美元,但毛利潤增加了超過 [80] 萬美元,這反映了壓榨價差的改善、投入成本的降低以及包括勞動力和維修保養在內的運營費用的降低。

  • We reduced SG&A expenses by approximately $1 million sequentially to $8.2 million, largely a reflection of reduced professional fees and other operating expenses.

    我們連續減少了約 100 萬美元的 SG&A 費用至 820 萬美元,這主要反映了專業費用和其他運營費用的減少。

  • Loss available to common stockholders was $13.2 million or $0.29 per share, a $19 million improvement when compared to the $32.3 million or $0.74 per share in the fourth quarter.

    普通股股東的損失為 1320 萬美元或每股 0.29 美元,與第四季度的 3230 萬美元或每股 0.74 美元相比,減少了 1900 萬美元。

  • Adjusted EBITDA was positive $1.6 million, also a significant improvement over the negative $18 million in the fourth quarter.

    調整後的 EBITDA 為正 160 萬美元,與第四季度的負 1800 萬美元相比也有了顯著改善。

  • Turning to our balance sheet.


  • At March 31, 2019, cash and cash equivalents were $21.8 million, compared to $26.6 million at December 31, 2018.

    截至 2019 年 3 月 31 日,現金和現金等價物為 2180 萬美元,而 2018 年 12 月 31 日為 2660 萬美元。

  • This decline is attributable to a combination of lingering tight margins, mandatory capital expenditures and amortizing debt payments.


  • Although cash may appear tighter, better advanced rates under Kinergy line of credit alone improved liquidity further by nearly $8 million.

    儘管現金可能看起來更緊張,但僅 Kinergy 信貸額度項下更好的高級利率就將流動性進一步提高了近 800 萬美元。

  • For the first quarter of 2019, our capital expenditures totaled $1.1 million, mostly attributable to ongoing repair and maintenance of our facilities.

    2019 年第一季度,我們的資本支出總計 110 萬美元,主要歸因於我們設施的持續維修和保養。

  • Consistent with prior guidance, planned capital expenditures for the year 2019 are expected to total $4 million, again, almost solely related to normal repair and maintenance of our facilities.

    與先前的指導一致,2019 年的計劃資本支出預計將達到 400 萬美元,這幾乎完全與我們設施的正常維修和維護有關。

  • Finally, of note, in the first quarter, we adopted a new accounting standard for leases under which operating leases are reflected on our balance sheet, adding $43.8 million in right-of-use assets and lease liabilities.

    最後,值得注意的是,在第一季度,我們採用了新的租賃會計準則,根據該準則,經營租賃反映在我們的資產負債表上,增加了 4380 萬美元的使用權資產和租賃負債。

  • The preponderance of these leases consist of our operating railcar and land leases.


  • The adoption of this new provision did not have a significant impact on our consolidated statement of operations.


  • Additional details will be provided in our Form 10-Q.

    更多詳細信息將在我們的 10-Q 表格中提供。

  • With that, I'll turn the call back to Neil.


  • Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Thank you, Bryon.


  • In summary, we believe conditions in the overall ethanol market will continue to improve, and 2019 domestic and export demand will surpass the record total output and export volumes set in 2018.

    綜上所述,我們認為整體乙醇市場狀況將繼續改善,2019 年國內和出口需求將超過 2018 年創下的總產量和出口量的紀錄。

  • We are pursuing several strategic initiatives to strengthen our balance sheet and provide us with greater financial flexibility to take advantage of the expected improved conditions.


  • We look forward to updating you on our progress in these areas.


  • With that, Lauren, I'd like to open the call for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from Eric Stine with Craig-Hallum.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自 Craig-Hallum 的 Eric Stine。

  • Eric Andrew Stine - Senior Research Analyst

    Eric Andrew Stine - Senior Research Analyst

  • So just thinking about the overall industry and I know as of late there has been modest market improvement.


  • Just curious, well, first of all, how you envision your production or utilization levels here in Q2 and going forward?


  • And where you see the industry?


  • Do you think that the industry is going to be more thoughtful about this?


  • Or as you get into summer driving season where potentially production comes back faster than it probably should?


  • Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Well, that's always a challenge.


  • I do think that the industry has -- on a relative historical basis has been more thoughtful.

    我確實認為該行業 - 在相對歷史的基礎上更加深思熟慮。

  • We have seen inventories decline by about 7% from what was a record high in March, and we're seeing the demand increasing.

    我們看到庫存比 3 月份的創紀錄高位下降了約 7%,而且我們看到需求在增加。

  • So where we sit today, supply and demand, as I mentioned in the prepared marks is better balanced.


  • And it's -- it is a market that still could use a catalyst, and China would be that catalyst in getting this final rule on E15 done, becomes a catalyst, because we do need that incremental demand.

    這是一個仍然可以使用催化劑的市場,中國將成為完成 E15 最終規則的催化劑,成為催化劑,因為我們確實需要這種增量需求。

  • Production, this last week running at about 15.7 billion.

    上週的產量約為 157 億。

  • That's substantially less than the total capacity of the industry, which has shown that it can be closer to 17 billion.

    這大大低於該行業的總產能,後者表明它可以接近 170 億。

  • So we are seeing some level of restraint.


  • We as a company are doing the same, our run rates in the quarter we just reported on were about 83%.

    作為一家公司,我們也在做同樣的事情,我們剛剛報告的季度的運行率約為 83%。

  • We've come up slightly from that, but now continue to run at lower levels and then have made up our contractual obligations by buying additional gallons from our third-party sources.


  • So that's -- it's shown the strength of our production marketing model being able to do that.

    這就是 - 它顯示了我們的生產營銷模式能夠做到這一點的實力。

  • And when others need to sell ethanol, we can be there to help, buy it, and support markets.


  • So we're cautiously optimistic that with the catalyst of additional export demand from China, and E15, and some, as you say, thoughtful consideration on the part of producers that we will see a better margin environment as the year progresses.

    因此,我們謹慎樂觀地認為,隨著中國和 E15 的額外出口需求的推動,以及正如您所說,生產商方面的一些深思熟慮的考慮,隨著時間的推移,我們將看到更好的利潤率環境。

  • Eric Andrew Stine - Senior Research Analyst

    Eric Andrew Stine - Senior Research Analyst

  • Got it.


  • And then just thinking about the overall market also, I mean, obviously Q1, there were some pretty big pockets of severe weather, but it doesn't seem like it really had that much of an impact or a lasting impact on production.


  • It was more on logistics of ethanol and corn?


  • Just curious in that light how you see the West Coast premium?


  • I know that was in part a driver of results this quarter.


  • I mean, it seems like it's come back in a little bit.


  • It's still elevated.


  • I mean, do you see that persisting for some time?


  • Or do you see that kind of returning to normal levels here in the near future?


  • Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Well, that's hard to clearly project, but I think certainly the history would be more normal, so something in that $0.20, $0.20 plus, we're running about $0.30 premium to the West Coast today.

    嗯,這很難明確預測,但我認為歷史肯定會更正常,所以在 0.20 美元、0.20 美元以上,我們今天比西海岸溢價約 0.30 美元。

  • I think as you see the carbon requirements increase that that will support higher spreads as we get a tighter supply/demand balance on ethanol that can participate in those markets.


  • So that is helpful.


  • Yes, it helped us in Q1.


  • But that was offset by same sort of premiums on corn.


  • We've seen those come in and we've seen the ethanol premiums stay out, so that's actually been helpful to us.


  • But I think our expectation would be that we could see these premiums hold at slightly better than average, but they probably, if anything, will come in a bit.


  • Eric Andrew Stine - Senior Research Analyst

    Eric Andrew Stine - Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Got it.


  • And then last one from me, just on the strategic process.


  • And I know you may be limited as to what you can say.


  • But if you're able to, any commentary on interest levels or confidence in terms of timing.


  • I think you could kind of target it as a 6-month process, so maybe in the August time frame.

    我認為您可以將其定為 6 個月的過程,所以可能在 8 月的時間範圍內。

  • Just any thoughts around that would be helpful?


  • Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Yes, we have a number of initiatives and a number of interested parties that we're speaking to on these initiatives and are optimistic that we will meet our targets and that achieve our objectives.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our next question comes from Sameer Joshi with H.C. Wainwright.

    (操作員說明)我們的下一個問題來自與 H.C. 的 Sameer Joshi。溫賴特。

  • Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

    Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

  • In terms of the gross margin improvement quarter-over-quarter, was it driven more by increased third-party gallons or was it driven more by the crush spread?


  • Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • It was a combination of both.


  • And I think, again, that is the advantage of our models where margins were generally negative in the industry, across the board, where we could reduce production and then go out and buy in at a small margin that was better than losing money on our own gallons.


  • So that was helpful.


  • But we definitely did see an improvement in the overall crush margin.


  • And then the third factor was the cost cutting that we did.


  • So I think it's really a combination of all three of those.


  • Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

    Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

  • Okay.


  • I noticed that the crush spreads are actually slightly lower as of today compared to what they were at the end of the quarter.


  • Do you see the same?


  • Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Yes, we do.


  • It has certainly come off a few pennies here.


  • And, again, we were a little surprised that there wasn't a more positive reaction to this week's report with the production down and inventories down slightly as well.


  • So it's definitely the market that's hard to evaluate from week-to-week.


  • But we do believe that the fundamentals do support a better margin environment going forward.


  • Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

    Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

  • Yes.


  • And with the gas prices where they are, that certainly should help as well in adoption of the ethanol.


  • But as far as E15 goes, the final ruling I know is expected before June, but what are the chances and what are the remaining steps before that can be implemented?

    但就 E15 而言,我所知道的最終裁決預計會在 6 月之前進行,但在此之前執行的機會和剩餘步驟是什麼?

  • Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Well the comment period ended on Monday.


  • And so it's up to the EPA now to consider the myriad of comments they received and to promulgate a final rule as you said before June 1. They've been very consistent in their public statements that that is their objective and intent.

    因此,現在要由 EPA 來考慮他們收到的無數意見,並如您在 6 月 1 日之前所說的那樣頒布最終規則。他們在公開聲明中一直非常一致地表明這是他們的目標和意圖。

  • And we will take them at their word on that.


  • And then its -- we're already seeing retailers starting to gear up and introduce E15 where they have not before because of the lack of ability to keep it in the stations year around.

    然後它 - 我們已經看到零售商開始加速並推出他們以前沒有的 E15,因為缺乏將它全年保持在車站的能力。

  • We're not looking for this to be a watershed moment this summer.


  • It's going to be slow and steady.


  • But it will accelerate and where, if you look at this, the overall market, I mean, we do believe that over time, this market for good reasons, economic and environmental, carbon-based will -- economic development helps through the farmers, will migrate to these higher blends and that's a 7-plus billion gallon market opportunity.

    但它會加速,如果你看一下整個市場,我的意思是,我們確實相信,隨著時間的推移,這個市場有充分的理由,經濟和環境,基於碳的意願——經濟發展通過農民幫助,將遷移到這些更高的混合物,這是一個超過 7 億加侖的市場機會。

  • If E15 becomes 1 billion or 2 billion over the next 2, 3 years, that is achievable.

    如果 E15 在未來 2、3 年內達到 10 億或 20 億,那是可以實現的。

  • And obviously, it would be very significant to the industry.


  • Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

    Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

  • Okay.


  • And then just last one on SG&A.

    然後是 SG&A 的最後一個。

  • It's good to see the improvements there.


  • Has -- does this also include the effect of lower legal costs that you had before?

    有 - 這是否還包括您以前擁有的較低法律費用的影響?

  • Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

    Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

  • Yes.


  • It does, Sameer.


  • It is difficult to measure exactly, and it's actually why we haven't given much guidance, but if you want to be somewhere around -- somewhere between the numbers that we reported for Q1, and our kind of run rate of $9 million, probably not a bad number to be at.

    很難準確衡量,這實際上是我們沒有給出太多指導的原因,但如果你想在某個地方——介於我們報告的第一季度數字和我們那種 900 萬美元的運行率之間,可能不錯的數字。

  • Operator


  • Thank you.


  • And I'm not showing any further questions at this time.


  • I'd now like to turn the call back to management for any closing remarks.


  • Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Co-Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Thank you, Lauren, and thank you all for joining us today on the call.


  • We appreciate the interest and support of the company.


  • And have a great day.


  • And we'll speak to you soon.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in today's conference.


  • This does conclude today's program, and you may all disconnect.


  • Everyone, have a great day.
