Alto Ingredients Inc (ALTO) 2018 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Pacific Ethanol, Inc.


  • First Quarter 2018 Financial Results Conference Call.

    2018 年第一季度財務業績電話會議。

  • (Operator Instructions) As a reminder, this call is being recorded.


  • I would now like to turn the conference over to Kirsten Chapman from LHA Investor Relations.

    我現在想將會議轉交給 LHA 投資者關係部的 Kirsten Chapman。

  • Ma'am, you may begin.


  • Kirsten F. Chapman - MD and Principal

    Kirsten F. Chapman - MD and Principal

  • Thank you, Ashley, and thank you all for joining us today for the Pacific Ethanol First Quarter 2018 Results Conference Call.

    謝謝阿什利,感謝大家今天加入我們參加太平洋乙醇公司 2018 年第一季度業績電話會議。

  • On the call today are Neil Koehler, President and CEO; and Bryon McGregor, CFO.

    今天的電話會議是總裁兼首席執行官 Neil Koehler;和首席財務官布賴恩·麥格雷戈。

  • Neil will begin with a review of the business highlights, and Bryon will provide a summary of the financial and operating results.

    Neil 將首先回顧業務亮點,Bryon 將提供財務和運營結果的摘要。

  • Then, Neil will return to discuss Pacific Ethanol's outlook and open the call for questions.

    然後,Neil 將返回討論 Pacific Ethanol 的前景並開始提問。

  • Pacific Ethanol issued a press release yesterday providing details for the company's quarterly results.

    Pacific Ethanol 昨天發布了一份新聞稿,提供了公司季度業績的詳細信息。

  • The company also prepared a presentation for today's call that is available on the company's website at

    該公司還為今天的電話會議準備了一份演示文稿,該演示文稿可在公司網站 上查閱。

  • If you have any questions, please call LHA at (415) 433-3777.

    如果您有任何問題,請致電 (415) 433-3777 聯繫 LHA。

  • A telephone replay of today's call will be available through May 16, the details of which are included in yesterday's press release.

    今天的電話重播將持續到 5 月 16 日,詳細信息包含在昨天的新聞稿中。

  • A webcast replay will also be available at Pacific Ethanol's website.

    Pacific Ethanol 的網站也將提供網絡重播。

  • Please note that information in this call speaks only as of today, May 9. And therefore, you are advised that time-sensitive information may no longer be accurate at the time of any replay.

    請注意,本次電話會議中的信息僅在今天 5 月 9 日發布。因此,請注意,在任何重播時,時間敏感信息可能不再準確。

  • Please refer to the company's safe harbor statement on Slide 2 of the presentation available online, which says that some of the comments in this presentation constitute forward-looking statements and considerations that involve a number of risks and uncertainties.

    請參閱公司在網上提供的幻燈片 2 上的安全港聲明,該聲明表示,本演示文稿中的一些評論構成前瞻性陳述和考慮因素,涉及許多風險和不確定性。

  • The actual future results of Pacific Ethanol could differ materially from those statements.

    Pacific Ethanol 的實際未來結果可能與這些陳述存在重大差異。

  • Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, events, risks and other factors previously and from time to time disclosed in Pacific Ethanol's filings with the SEC.

    可能導致或促成此類差異的因素包括但不限於以前和不時在 Pacific Ethanol 向 SEC 提交的文件中披露的事件、風險和其他因素。

  • Except as required by applicable law, the company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements.


  • In management's prepared remarks, non-GAAP measures will be referenced.


  • Management uses these non-GAAP measures to monitor the financial performance of operations and believes these measures will assist investors in assessing the company's performance for the periods being reported.


  • The company defines adjusted EBITDA as unaudited net income or loss attributable to Pacific Ethanol before interest expense, provision or benefit for income taxes, asset impairments, purchase accounting adjustments, fair value adjustments and depreciation and amortization expense.

    該公司將調整後的 EBITDA 定義為在利息費用、所得稅準備金或福利、資產減值、採購會計調整、公允價值調整以及折舊和攤銷費用之前歸屬於太平洋乙醇的未經審計的淨收入或損失。

  • To support the company's review of non-GAAP information later in this call, a reconciling table was included in yesterday's press release.


  • It is now my pleasure to introduce Neil.


  • Please go ahead, Neil.


  • Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Thanks, Kirsten, and thank you, everyone, for joining us today.


  • For the first quarter, net sales were $400 million, up 4% from last year's first quarter.

    第一季度,淨銷售額為 4 億美元,比去年第一季度增長 4%。

  • Total gallons sold were 233 million.

    總銷量為 2.33 億加侖。

  • Production gallons sold were 141 million.

    銷售的生產加侖為 1.41 億。

  • Net loss available to common shareholders was $8.2 million, and adjusted EBITDA was a positive $5.7 million, improving $4.7 million and $7.6 million, respectively, in comparison to last year.

    普通股股東可獲得的淨虧損為 820 萬美元,調整後的 EBITDA 為正 570 萬美元,與去年相比分別增加 470 萬美元和 760 萬美元。

  • Production margins in the ethanol industry during the first quarter improved slightly from the fourth quarter of 2017 but remained compressed as ethanol inventories reached a historic high in early March.

    第一季度乙醇行業的生產利潤率較 2017 年第四季度略有改善,但由於乙醇庫存在 3 月初達到歷史高位,因此仍處於壓縮狀態。

  • Industry fundamentals have improved as inventory levels have declined by 9% since early March and are about 5% below inventory levels at this time last year.

    由於庫存水平自 3 月初以來下降了 9%,並且比去年同期的庫存水平低約 5%,行業基本面有所改善。

  • Gasoline demand is up around 3% year-over-year as we approach the high-demand summer driving season, and ethanol exports have been strong with a quarterly record of 522 million gallons exported in the first quarter.

    隨著夏季駕駛需求旺季的臨近,汽油需求同比增長約 3%,乙醇出口強勁,第一季度出口量達到創紀錄的 5.22 億加侖。

  • Ethanol production rates are running only 1% year-to-year -- year-to-date over last year.

    乙醇生產率同比僅增長 1% - 與去年同期相比。

  • Production margins, while still quite volatile, have improved thus far in the second quarter.


  • Part of the industry's margin volatility arose from escalating trade positioning between China and the U.S., which resulted in additional tariffs placed on U.S. ethanol shipped to China at the beginning of April, halting for now new export business to China.

    該行業利潤率波動的部分原因是中美之間不斷升級的貿易頭寸,導致 4 月初對運往中國的美國乙醇徵收額外關稅,暫時停止了對中國的新出口業務。

  • China had returned in the earlier part of the first quarter as a significant buyer of U.S. ethanol, supporting its announced 10% blending requirements by 2020.

    中國在第一季度早些時候重新成為美國乙醇的重要買家,支持其宣布的到 2020 年 10% 的混合要求。

  • Nonetheless, we remain optimistic that the improved ethanol supply and demand balances will result in continued margin improvement as we enter peak demand season.


  • We believe that long-term market fundamentals remain strong.


  • The very compelling blending economics, octane value and carbon-reducing benefits of ethanol will drive higher blend rates in both the U.S. and international markets.


  • We are actively working with the entire industry to achieve RVP parity for higher ethanol blends.

    我們正在積極與整個行業合作,以實現更高乙醇混合物的 RVP 平價。

  • We have gained support from the Trump administration to remove the arbitrary restrictions on the blending of E15 in many markets during the summer.

    我們已獲得特朗普政府的支持,以取消夏季在許多市場對 E15 混合的任意限制。

  • In the summer months, it will encourage year-round increases in the blending of E15.

    在夏季,它將鼓勵 E15 的混合全年增加。

  • This was reaffirmed as recently as yesterday at a White House meeting.


  • We firmly believe the EPA has the legal authority to make this change and anticipate that rulemaking will be initiated in the near future.

    我們堅信 EPA 擁有做出這一改變的法律權力,並預計將在不久的將來啟動規則制定。

  • International demand for U.S. ethanol set records in 2017, and 2018 is on a pace to exceed that.

    國際對美國乙醇的需求在 2017 年創下紀錄,2018 年有望超過這一數字。

  • Increasingly, more countries are importing ethanol from the U.S. as it is a low-cost source of high octane and low-carbon transportation fuel.


  • Most recently, Japan announced its intention to allow U.S. ethanol to meet up to 44% of a total estimated annual demand of 217 million gallons of ethanol used to make ETBE or the equivalent of approximately 100 million gallons of U.S.-produced ethanol annually.

    最近,日本宣布打算讓美國乙醇滿足用於製造 ETBE 的 2.17 億加侖乙醇的估計年總需求量的 44%,或相當於美國每年生產的約 1 億加侖乙醇。

  • Carbon values in our California and Oregon markets are gaining strength.


  • This results in continued and growing premiums for our lower-carbon ethanol.


  • In California, we are seeing prices above $150 per metric ton of carbon.

    在加利福尼亞,我們看到每公噸碳的價格超過 150 美元。

  • Earlier this year, the California Air Resources Board announced changes to extend and increase carbon reduction requirements by refiners through 2030, requiring them to reduce carbon levels to 20% below 2010 levels.

    今年早些時候,加州空氣資源委員會宣布將煉油廠的碳減排要求延長和提高到 2030 年,要求他們將碳水平降低到比 2010 年水平低 20%。

  • Carbon prices have risen steadily over the last year, more than double where they were in 2017.

    碳價格在去年穩步上漲,是 2017 年的兩倍多。

  • Further, we are also seeing improved carbon prices in Oregon, with carbon values now reaching above $60 per metric ton for our lower-carbon intensity-rated ethanol produced at our Oregon facility.

    此外,我們還看到俄勒岡州的碳價格有所提高,我們在俄勒岡工廠生產的低碳強度等級乙醇的碳值現在達到每公噸 60 美元以上。

  • During this period of tight production margins, our focus remains on implementing initiatives and investing in our assets to reduce our cost, improve our yields and carbon scores and build our long-term value.


  • We are engaged in several plant-level capital projects with near-term paybacks, increasing output of high-value products like corn oil, corn gluten meal and yeast, and working with our ingredient suppliers to reduce cost and increase ethanol yields.


  • Our July 2017 acquisition of ICP provided us with important increased product diversification by way of high-quality alcohol products that support stronger margins and lessen our exposure to commodity price fluctuations in the fuel ethanol markets.

    我們在 2017 年 7 月收購 ICP,通過高品質酒精產品為我們提供了重要的產品多樣化,這些產品支持更高的利潤率並減少了我們在燃料乙醇市場中商品價格波動的風險。

  • The integration of ICP is on track to achieve our goal of $4.5 million in annualized cost synergies.

    ICP 的整合有望實現我們 450 萬美元的年度成本協同效應目標。

  • The 3.5 megawatt cogeneration project at our Stockton, California facility has not yet achieved continued commercial operations.

    我們位於加利福尼亞州斯托克頓的 3.5 兆瓦熱電聯產項目尚未實現持續商業運營。

  • The 2 generating units have performed intermittently since February and remained under the care of the manufacturer, who's working diligently to achieve final completion.

    2 台發電機組自 2 月份以來一直在間歇運行,一直在製造商的照料下,他們正在努力工作以實現最終完工。

  • We expect the systems to be fully operational at a target performance level at the beginning of the third quarter.


  • In terms of our previously announced plant improvement initiatives, the installation of the solar power system at Madera is progressing, and we expect to be in full electricity production starting in the third quarter.


  • This should reduce our utility cost by approximately $1 million annually.

    這將使我們的公用事業成本每年減少約 100 萬美元。

  • Airgas has begun construction of a CO2 plant at our Stockton facility, which is expected to be online and producing revenue for us in the fourth quarter.

    Airgas 已開始在我們的斯托克頓工廠建設二氧化碳工廠,預計該工廠將在第四季度上線並為我們帶來收入。

  • Finally, we continue to produce commercial levels of cellulosic ethanol at our Stockton plant.


  • However, due to delays in EPA approval of our cellulosic ethanol pathways for our Madera and Magic Valley plants, we have paused cellulosic ethanol production there.

    然而,由於 EPA 延遲批准我們的 Madera 和 Magic Valley 工廠的纖維素乙醇途徑,我們已暫停在那裡生產纖維素乙醇。

  • We expect the issue will be resolved soon.


  • With that, I will turn the call over to our CFO, Bryon McGregor.


  • Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

    Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

  • Thank you, Neil.


  • For the first quarter 2018 compared to the first quarter of 2017, net sales were $400 million, up from $386 million due to an increase of 6.5 million gallons sold and partially offset by a $0.05 per gallon decline in our average sales price per gallon.

    與 2017 年第一季度相比,2018 年第一季度的淨銷售額為 4 億美元,高於 3.86 億美元,原因是銷量增加了 650 萬加侖,部分被我們每加侖平均銷售價格下降 0.05 美元抵消。

  • Gallons sold for the quarter totaled $232.7 million, reflecting a 25.8 million gallon increase in production gallons, partially offset by a 19.3 million gallon decline in third-party gallons.

    本季度銷售的加侖總量為 2.327 億美元,反映出產量增加了 2580 萬加侖,部分被第三方加侖減少 1930 萬加侖所抵消。

  • The increase in production gallons sold is due primarily to the addition of ICP's production volumes and the reduction in third-party gallons.

    銷售的生產加侖數的增加主要是由於 ICP 產量的增加和第三方加侖數的減少。

  • This reduction resulted from our deliberate efforts to focus our third-party ethanol, where we have a strong third presence around our production assets.


  • Gross profit for the quarter was $3.4 million, a $9.1 million improvement, resulting from sales of higher-margin products and better California carbon credit values.

    本季度的毛利潤為 340 萬美元,增加了 910 萬美元,這是由於銷售利潤率更高的產品和加州碳信用值更好。

  • Despite this improvement, our operating margin was negatively impacted by $2.6 million in higher-than-expected repairs and maintenance expense at our Pekin, Illinois wet mill facility.

    儘管有所改善,但我們在伊利諾伊州北京的濕磨工廠的維修和維護費用高於預期,對我們的營業利潤率產生了負面影響,即 260 萬美元。

  • As previously noted, we have experienced larger-than-anticipated expenses since the second half of 2015 related initially to the repair and then to the replacement of the 2 package boilers that failed shortly prior to our acquisition of Aventine.

    如前所述,自 2015 年下半年以來,我們經歷了超出預期的費用,最初與維修有關,然後與我們收購 Aventine 前不久發生故障的 2 台成套鍋爐的更換有關。

  • The $2.6 million spent in Q1 were related to the installation and start-up of the 2 new boilers.

    第一季度花費的 260 萬美元與 2 台新鍋爐的安裝和啟動有關。

  • The installation is now complete, and we are in the process of demobilizing the 5 rental boilers that provided steam on an interim basis.

    安裝現已完成,我們正在拆除 5 台臨時提供蒸汽的租賃鍋爐。

  • Q2 cost of goods sold will include the final cost associated with these boilers and is expected to total approximately $2 million.

    第二季度的商品銷售成本將包括與這些鍋爐相關的最終成本,預計總額約為 200 萬美元。

  • With the boiler issues largely behind us, we look forward beginning Q3 to the elimination of the wet boiler expenses, which totaled $11 million in 2017.

    由於鍋爐問題已基本過去,我們期待從第三季度開始消除濕鍋爐費用,2017 年總計 1100 萬美元。

  • SG&A expenses were $9.3 million compared to $5.5 million and included expenses related to the operation of ICP that were not present in last year's quarter.

    SG&A 費用為 930 萬美元,而去年同期為 550 萬美元,其中包括與 ICP 運營相關的費用,這些費用在上一季度沒有出現。

  • As a reminder, the prior year also included $3.6 million in onetime gains from legal matters.

    提醒一下,上一年還包括從法律事務中獲得的 360 萬美元的一次性收益。

  • We continue to expect SG&A expenses of $34 million for the full year of 2018 as the first quarter usually contains expenses related to the 2017 year-end compliance and audit matters as well as higher payroll taxes that are expected to be lower in the remaining 3 quarters of 2018.

    我們繼續預計 2018 年全年的 SG&A 費用為 3400 萬美元,因為第一季度通常包含與 2017 年年底合規和審計事項相關的費用,以及預計剩餘 3 個季度會降低的更高工資稅2018 年。

  • Adjusted EBITDA was positive $5.7 million compared to negative $1.9 million in the year-ago period.

    調整後的 EBITDA 為正 570 萬美元,而去年同期為負 190 萬美元。

  • Turning to our balance sheet.


  • Cash and cash equivalents were $57.4 million at March 31, 2018, compared to $49.5 million at December 31, 2017.

    截至 2018 年 3 月 31 日,現金和現金等價物為 5740 萬美元,而 2017 年 12 月 31 日為 4950 萬美元。

  • For the first quarter of 2018, our capital expenditures totaled $4.4 million, primarily related to plant improvement initiatives, in line with guidance.

    2018 年第一季度,我們的資本支出總額為 440 萬美元,主要與工廠改進計劃有關,符合指導方針。

  • We continue to expect our 2018 capital expenditures will be level with our 2017 expenditures.

    我們繼續預計 2018 年的資本支出將與 2017 年的支出持平。

  • However, as noted in our previous call, we will adjust the amount based on industry economics and company performance.


  • With that, I'll turn the call back to Neil.


  • Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Thanks, Bryon.


  • As I stated at the beginning of the call, we believe 2018 will be stronger than 2017.

    正如我在電話會議開始時所說,我們相信 2018 年將比 2017 年更強勁。

  • The fundamentals of long-term growth and demand for ethanol supported by octane value and the carbon and cost-reducing benefits of ethanol remain firm.


  • Our goal is to capitalize on the demand and positive momentum in our markets, and we are keenly focused on extracting and maximizing value from all our assets through a combination of improved efficiencies and lower operating costs.


  • With that, Ashley, I'd like to open the call for questions.


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions) Our first question comes from Eric Stine of Craig-Hallum.

    (操作員說明)我們的第一個問題來自 Craig-Hallum 的 Eric Stine。

  • Eric Andrew Stine - Senior Research Analyst

    Eric Andrew Stine - Senior Research Analyst

  • So I just wanted to start.


  • Maybe I'll start with just the regulatory environment since it's pretty current from yesterday.


  • But -- so a lot of noise, obviously, on the E15 waiver -- or the RVP waiver, but also talks of potentially export volumes coming towards RINs.

    但是 - 顯然,在 E15 豁免或 RVP 豁免方面有很多噪音,而且還談到了潛在的 RIN 出口量。

  • Just curious how you think this whole thing plays out.


  • And those 2 items, I mean, how do you view that?


  • Is that -- are those 2 kind of a wash?


  • Or is that export volume potential -- potentially will be putting in place, does that hurt?


  • Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • It's a bad policy and a bad precedent.


  • I will say that from my understanding of the meetings yesterday, there was broad agreement and consensus as there has been for some time now that we need to move forward on RVP parity for higher blends.

    我會說,根據我對昨天會議的理解,已經達成了廣泛的共識和共識,因為一段時間以來,我們需要推進 RVP 平價以實現更高的混合。

  • As I stated in the prepared remarks, we do believe that, that rulemaking will be initiated soon.


  • There was no agreement on the attaching RINs to export volumes.

    沒有就出口量附加 RIN 達成一致。

  • And I can tell you that there is a broad consensus in the agricultural and biofuels community that, that is a nonsensical and terrible idea.


  • It's, first of all, not legal.


  • The RFS is very explicit about supporting domestic demand for renewable fuels, not exports.

    RFS 非常明確地支持國內對可再生燃料的需求,而不是出口。

  • Our exports are already the most competitively priced fuel component, an octane component in the market, and attaching the RIN essentially is an indirect subsidy to something that does not need to be subsidized and will also result, we believe, in retaliatory trade action, which will hurt farmers and hurt the ethanol industry.

    我們的出口產品已經是價格最具競爭力的燃料成分,是市場上的辛烷值成分,附加 RIN 本質上是對不需要補貼的東西的間接補貼,而且我們認為還會導致報復性貿易行動,這會傷害農民,傷害乙醇產業。

  • It's also true that if you're attaching RINs to export volume, that's going to take away the incentive to increase the demand for the higher blends, which the program is intended to do.

    同樣,如果您將 RIN 附加到出口量,這將消除增加對更高混合物的需求的動力,而該計劃旨在做到這一點。

  • So we are optimistic that the RVP will move forward.

    因此,我們對 RVP 將向前推進持樂觀態度。

  • We are also optimistic that the notion that we would attach RINs to export volumes is a nonstarter.

    我們也樂觀地認為,將 RIN 附加到出口量的想法是行不通的。

  • Eric Andrew Stine - Senior Research Analyst

    Eric Andrew Stine - Senior Research Analyst

  • Yes, that would seem pretty unlikely.


  • It seems pretty unlikely.


  • Maybe just turning to your corn purposes.


  • I mean, it seems -- and it seemed like you've consistently done this, where you outperformed on your purchases, potentially buying them forward.


  • Curious on that.


  • How far out you're typically able to go?


  • Or is it more of just a quarter -- a quarterly thing that you're able to put on?


  • Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • We try when the pricing reaches a point that we find to be attractive.


  • We will go out for some number of months at a time with forward basis purchases, and today is no exception.


  • We have some pretty decent positions on -- in the Midwest.


  • We've been a little more cautious out West.


  • There has been some freight issues that have -- and high demand for exports that for grain, corn and soybeans that has actually caused some spike in the freight costs and the basis for our West Coast plants.


  • So we have less coverage on there.


  • I think our patience is paying off.


  • We're starting to see the transportation ease and the basis in those premiums coming down.


  • So probably a little closer to market than we typically would be at this time of the year.


  • But we do believe that with farmers coming out of the fields after planting a great crop, that we should see an opportunity to pick up some additional attractively priced basis.


  • Eric Andrew Stine - Senior Research Analyst

    Eric Andrew Stine - Senior Research Analyst

  • Okay, got it.


  • Maybe just last one for me on distillers grains.


  • Obviously, first quarter pricing picked up nicely.


  • Just thoughts on maybe the trends there.


  • And just can you remind me how you're structured there?


  • If I remember correctly, you've got a decent amount under fixed contracts.


  • So maybe you're not fully seeing the impact and potentially you will down the road?


  • Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Yes, that's a fair assessment.


  • We do sell forward distillers grains and that market, as you mentioned, has been coming up very nicely.


  • And the spot values are at higher levels than the increments that we have contracted.


  • But we still also have quite a bit that's open.


  • So a combination of having some fixed positions, but we -- across the whole, a portfolio have more open than is contracted.

    因此,有一些固定頭寸的組合,但我們 - 總體而言,投資組合的開放程度高於合同規定的程度。

  • So we are benefiting from that.


  • Proteins are very strong, very tight.


  • Soybean meal has been a very expensive distillers grain, essentially right along with the other proteins.


  • And a year ago, we were selling distillers grains at a discount to corn.


  • We're now selling distillers grains at a nice premium to corn.


  • Our coproduct return, as you can see from our published results, has improved over the quarter.


  • It's also particularly beneficial at our wet mill, where we have a higher coproduct return to begin with and a higher focus on high-protein sales.


  • We're seeing some added benefit there as well.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Carter Driscoll of B. Riley.

    我們的下一個問題來自 B. Riley 的 Carter Driscoll。

  • Carter William Driscoll - VP & Equity Analyst

    Carter William Driscoll - VP & Equity Analyst

  • So just to follow-up, there's just a lot of noise yesterday coming out of the news, the media, even some contradictive -- contradictory comments coming out of various congressional parties in the White House.


  • I mean, Cruz tweeting a win-win and Trump very kind of cipherously saying it's going to be the last meeting on the RFS, what is your take?

    我的意思是,克魯茲在推特上發布了雙贏的消息,而特朗普非常謹慎地說這將是 RFS 的最後一次會議,你怎麼看?

  • I mean, I still feel like there's a lot of misinformation out in the marketplace today.


  • Obviously, the RFS has established loss, so there's the legal precedent there.

    顯然,RFS 已經確立了損失,所以那裡有法律先例。

  • Obviously, attaching RINs to the export market would throw it in disarray and probably cause RIN prices to plummet and really throw, I would argue, the export markets into, I guess, you said, potentially not make it the low-cost supplier that we are today.

    顯然,將 RIN 附加到出口市場會使其陷入混亂,並可能導致 RIN 價格暴跌,我認為,出口市場真的會進入,我猜,你說,可能不會使其成為我們的低成本供應商是今天。

  • Kind of just give me your thoughts about how you think this plays out and under what time frame.


  • Or how it gets resolved to the point that you can move more towards to parity, as you've been talking about, as the natural evolution in this marketplace.


  • Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Well, we have a President who has been consistently supportive of ethanol from before he was President.


  • Very strongly so during the campaign and has been consistently in support since then.


  • There's an EPA that has not necessarily have seen it that way and has been talking about things.

    有一個 EPA 不一定這麼看,並且一直在談論事情。

  • Last summer, Secretary Pruitt was talking about attaching RINs to export volumes.

    去年夏天,普魯伊特部長談到將 RIN 附加到出口量。

  • There have been way too many small refinery financial exemptions granted for companies that are under no financial hardship.


  • That's a problem that has not helped demand, that has not helped the clarity around moving this program forward and increasing the demand for renewable fuels.


  • These meetings do get frustrating because the politics are at a fairly high pitch, and we do see varying opinions.


  • What is clear to us is that -- as I was mentioning to Eric, was that there is broad consensus to move forward RVP parity.

    對我們來說很清楚的是——正如我向 Eric 提到的那樣,推進 RVP 平價已達成廣泛共識。

  • And there is no support on the agricultural and biofuel side for attaching RINs to export volumes nor was there an agreement from what we understand.

    農業和生物燃料方面沒有支持將 RIN 附加到出口量,也沒有我們理解的協議。

  • I was not at the meeting, but from the reports that we have gathered, there was no agreement on that point.


  • So that is just such a bad idea.


  • We can't imagine that, that would move forward.


  • The way this plays out is with the rulemaking.


  • There's issues in Congress and attempts to longer term look at how the RFS might be repositioned.

    國會存在問題,並試圖從長遠來看如何重新定位 RFS。

  • But as you said, it's existing law.


  • That is not changing anytime soon.


  • And the focus now is at the EPA and what they can do through their statutory authority on regulation.

    現在的重點是 EPA 以及他們可以通過其法定監管權限做些什麼。

  • And they have the regulatory authority to give RVP parity to higher blends.

    他們擁有監管權力,可以將 RVP 與更高的混合物相提並論。

  • They also believe they have the regulatory authority to do other things, like attaching RINs to export volumes, but that would have to go through a rulemaking process as well.

    他們還認為,他們擁有做其他事情的監管權力,例如將 RIN 附加到出口量,但這也必須通過規則制定過程。

  • So our hope and expectation is that there will be an RVP rulemaking that will move.

    因此,我們的希望和期望是,會有一個 RVP 規則制定會發生變化。

  • And it will not be moving with export RINs attached, and in our opinion, it might include some transparency on the RIN market.

    它不會在附加出口 RIN 的情況下移動,在我們看來,它可能包括 RIN 市場的一些透明度。

  • We have seen that market come off substantially to where RINs are trading at about $0.30 per RIN yesterday, near a 3-year low.

    我們已經看到市場大幅下跌至昨天 RIN 的交易價格約為每 RIN 0.30 美元,接近 3 年低點。

  • So don't really see that as the problem.


  • And as we've said before, and this industry very consistently said, is that the way to deal with RIN prices is to blend more ethanol because we sell ethanol today at close to a $0.60 discount to wholesale gasoline, and you get a free RIN attached to that screaming deal.

    正如我們之前所說,而且這個行業一直在說,處理 RIN 價格的方法是混合更多的乙醇,因為我們今天以比批發汽油低 0.60 美元的價格出售乙醇,而且您可以獲得免費的 RIN依附於那份驚天動地的交易。

  • So let's just get on with the blending of more ethanol, and the economy -- and the agricultural economy and the consumer and the environment will be better for it.


  • Carter William Driscoll - VP & Equity Analyst

    Carter William Driscoll - VP & Equity Analyst

  • Okay, all right.


  • Not to -- again, not to belabor this point, but the exemptions for the small refiners again seems to be also increasingly political.


  • In particular, if it then shifts back cost of compliance to the larger refiners, which are increasingly getting noisy about it, is there a potential resolution whether it comes in the form of either a legal challenge or maybe just Trump starting to stem the issue, recognizing it could potentially have some negative impact on just the whole structure of the delivery and booking of RINs?

    特別是,如果它將合規成本轉回給越來越多的大型煉油廠,那麼是否有一個潛在的解決方案,無論是以法律挑戰的形式還是特朗普開始遏制這個問題,是否認識到它可能會對 RIN 的交付和預訂的整個結構產生潛在的負面影響?

  • Because hearing word that some of the bigger players are getting concerned that what they have on their balance sheets for that RIN compliance is starting to be devalued.

    因為聽說一些較大的參與者開始擔心他們的資產負債表上的 RIN 合規性開始貶值。

  • Just trying to get your sense of how this issue gets resolved.


  • Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Yes.


  • It gets resolved by the -- Secretary Pruitt and the EPA not handing out small refinery exemptions like candy in a candy jar for companies that don't warrant it.


  • So we've seen -- and again, there's -- this is not public information.

    所以我們已經看到 - 再一次,有 - 這不是公開信息。

  • But what we can piece together, it looks like it could be as much as 1.6 billion gallons of obligation that have been exempted.

    但我們可以拼湊起來,看起來可能有多達 16 億加侖的義務被免除。

  • It doesn't necessarily mean that those gallons aren't being blended.


  • But if you piece the numbers together from the EPA data, it does appear that, that kind of demand has been lost relative to the RVOs.

    但是,如果您將 EPA 數據中的數字拼湊在一起,那麼相對於 RVO 而言,這種需求似乎已經消失了。

  • And that is demand that needs to come back to the ethanol industry and the agricultural economy and need to start by not exempting these refiners that don't warrant them.


  • There is legal challenges that have already been brought by Bio.


  • I think it's quite possible there could be other legal actions brought as well.


  • The Trump administration, and it was a topic of conversation at the -- from what we understand in the meeting yesterday, it's very well aware of this issue and how harmful it is to the agricultural economy.


  • Carter William Driscoll - VP & Equity Analyst

    Carter William Driscoll - VP & Equity Analyst

  • I appreciate all that color, Neil.


  • Shifting over, can you talk about the expectations of what is the EPA's issues with deploying at Madera and your other facility for cellulosic?

    換位思考一下,您能否談談 EPA 對在馬德拉和您的其他纖維素設施進行部署時遇到的問題的期望?

  • Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • It's hard to understand because a lot of the action out of the EPA has been a little hard to understand under Secretary Pruitt.

    這很難理解,因為在普魯伊特部長的領導下,EPA 的許多行動都有些難以理解。

  • But it appears that there is not a warm embrace of advanced biofuels, and so some concerns have been raised as to pathway applications.


  • We find that to be curious when our Stockton pathway application was approved and our Madera and Magic Valley are identical with the same Edeniq technology and protocols and approach.

    當我們的 Stockton 途徑申請獲得批准並且我們的 Madera 和 Magic Valley 與相同的 Edeniq 技術、協議和方法相同時,我們會感到好奇。

  • So we believe this is just a delay tactic to hold back the advancement of advanced biofuels.


  • We're not alone.


  • There are any number of corn fiber applications that have been held up.


  • In fact, any applications that are in the EPA today are on hold.

    事實上,今天在 EPA 中的任何申請都被擱置了。

  • Again, the White House has been made very aware of this.


  • There's been coalition letters and letters from bipartisan folks in Congress complaining about this.


  • And we are getting indications that, that log jam will be broken as well and these pathway applications will be moving forward in the near future.


  • Carter William Driscoll - VP & Equity Analyst

    Carter William Driscoll - VP & Equity Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Maybe a question for you, Bryon.


  • So if I understood correctly, you're going to switch out -- you're going to finally fully decommission the problematical boilers this quarter.

    因此,如果我理解正確,您將退出 - 本季度您將最終完全停用有問題的鍋爐。

  • It will be a hit to COGS this quarter, but it should be fully operating with the new replacement.

    本季度它將對 COGS 造成衝擊,但它應該可以在新的替代品下全面運行。

  • Is there any -- starting in 3Q, is there any recourse you have that has not been already pursued with -- maybe economically for the OEM that -- whose equipment it was that caused this ongoing problem?

    是否有任何 - 從第三季度開始,您是否有任何尚未追索的追索權 - 也許對於 OEM 來說經濟上 - 導致這個持續問題的設備是什麼?

  • Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

    Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

  • Yes.


  • So there's actually a lawsuit that's going on.


  • We're -- which we're in this deposition phase, and these things take time.

    我們 - 我們正處於這個沉積階段,這些事情需要時間。

  • But we feel like we have a very strong case, and we'll continue to pursue that.


  • And it's significant at this point.


  • It was a bit of a discovery as we went along.


  • So we first repaired them and discovered that, indeed, it was a manufacturing defect.


  • So we ultimately had to replace them not -- so as not to put people in danger in the site.


  • So it's definitely not something that we expected to do, but we look forward to having this behind us and be able to move on.


  • Carter William Driscoll - VP & Equity Analyst

    Carter William Driscoll - VP & Equity Analyst

  • Is there going to be an insurance claim outside of the lawsuit you're in?


  • Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

    Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

  • There is.


  • Yes, there is.


  • And there were proceeds we received initially against the initial event.


  • There was only one boiler that exploded, the other one was we brought down just as a -- for security purposes.


  • And when we opened it up, we were seeing the same decay and deterioration.


  • So that does not result in an event that would be insurable.


  • So one of the 2 boilers was covered, and we're in the process of finalizing discussions with our insurer on that.


  • But then having repaired them and then discover the same event, that is not an insurer event then either.


  • So really have to look more to the OEM to get this thing resolved appropriately.

    所以真的必須更多地向 OEM 尋求妥善解決這個問題。

  • Carter William Driscoll - VP & Equity Analyst

    Carter William Driscoll - VP & Equity Analyst

  • Got it, okay.


  • Maybe, Neil, so obviously, the trade rhetoric with -- or what's gone on back and forth with China look like a very promising market at least in the short term.


  • Now how do you see this playing out?


  • Maybe just characterize some of the opportunities and other export markets.


  • Obviously, you hit a record last year and a very promising start.


  • You're positioning from there your expectations of being able to incrementally ramp exports.


  • And then I just have one last follow-up.


  • Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Yes, exports are key.


  • I mean, it's always the incremental barrel in a commodity market that really drives your supply and demand balances and margin environment.


  • And in today's market, where we have a relatively flat, although slightly increasing with gasoline demand.


  • Domestic market growth has been in the exports.


  • And so while China only represented about 10% of total exports in Q1 coming from virtually nothing last year, so that was very promising, and looking like they were going to continue to grow.

    因此,雖然中國僅佔第一季度出口總額的 10% 左右,但去年幾乎一無所獲,所以這是非常有希望的,而且看起來它們將繼續增長。

  • With those gallons coming out of the market, that relatively modest increment has had an impact in the shorter term.


  • There are other countries that are stepping up, both new countries taking ethanol and existing countries.


  • There were courses like Brazil, who are taking record quantities, and Canada; increases in South Korea; India.


  • So we're seeing the growth.


  • I stated last quarter that we anticipated to see 1.6 billion to 1.8 billion gallons of export this year.

    我在上個季度說過,我們預計今年的出口量將達到 16 億至 18 億加侖。

  • I still think that's the right range.


  • If China comes back, it could be closer to the higher end of that.


  • But I would say the current expectation, that it's probably on the lower end of that.


  • They had a 30% tariff last year, which really did eliminate most of the business with China.

    他們去年徵收了 30% 的關稅,這確實消除了與中國的大部分業務。

  • But given the very compelling price spread with gasoline and ethanol, we were able to clear the market even with that tariff.


  • But adding the additional 15% to take it to 45% in today's market is preventing any additional trade, plus the uncertainty as to how long it's going to be on.

    但是在今天的市場上增加額外的 15% 以使其達到 45% 會阻止任何額外的交易,以及它將持續多長時間的不確定性。

  • I do think that China, with their very ambitious program to blend 10% ethanol by 2020, that is the equivalent by then given their very dramatic increase in gasoline demand.

    我確實認為,中國有著雄心勃勃的計劃,即到 2020 年混合 10% 的乙醇,考慮到他們對汽油的需求急劇增加,到那時這相當於。

  • That will be the equivalent of about 4 billion gallons of ethanol.

    這相當於大約 40 億加侖乙醇。

  • They have domestic capacity for just 1 billion.

    他們的國內產能僅為 10 億。

  • So they're going to need, at some point, if they're going to stay on that program.


  • They will continue to need as they build their own ethanol production industry, which, obviously and laudably, is their objective.


  • They do have their own corn supplies.


  • But we think that in the interim, there's a great opportunity as we move to higher blends in the U.S. to continue to support China with exports.


  • When that starts, is it later this year, is it next, we think it's a matter of not if, but when.


  • Carter William Driscoll - VP & Equity Analyst

    Carter William Driscoll - VP & Equity Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Maybe just the last one for me.


  • Can you give me an update on your -- are you seeing any changes to the potential rollout or expansion, I should say, of E15 at the retail level?

    您能否向我提供有關您的最新信息 - 您是否看到 E15 在零售層面的潛在推出或擴展有任何變化?

  • And/or are you seeing any movement on the front to maybe have some incentive at the federal or state level to do so?


  • Or as the whole kind of RV parity, I don't want to say dispute, but just the machinations that have gone on in the last couple of weeks, has that put a dent in it at all?

    或者作為整個 RV 平價,我不想說爭議,但只是過去幾週發生的陰謀,這有什麼影響嗎?

  • Just trying to get a sense of what the retail environment is relative to kind of last quarter's expectations than the material changes.


  • Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Yes.


  • It's -- if it is happening, albeit slower than we all would like to see.

    它 - 如果它正在發生,儘管比我們都希望看到的要慢。

  • But there are close to 1,500 stations today or 1,400, some number such that, growing to closer 2,000 stations by the end of the year.

    但是今天有近 1,500 個站點或 1,400 個站點,其中一些數字到今年年底將增長到接近 2,000 個站點。

  • We believe there's incrementally 50 million to 75 million gallons of ethanol that are being blended in E15 and E85 today.

    我們相信,如今在 E15 和 E85 中混合的乙醇增量為 5000 萬至 7500 萬加侖。

  • So in a domestic market of 14.3 billion gallons, that's not much.

    所以在 143 億加侖的國內市場中,這並不算多。

  • But we think that, that doubles on a run rate by the end of this year.


  • And it's -- like I said before, it'll be a lot like E10 because there's no -- the incentive is there.

    而且它 - 就像我之前說的,它會很像 E10,因為沒有 - 激勵是存在的。

  • The price spread to $0.65 a gallon were cheaper than wholesale gasoline today.

    價格差到每加侖 0.65 美元,比今天的批發汽油便宜。

  • And gasoline is going up, oil is going up.


  • Even more important to be blending more domestic ethanol given what's going on with Iran and internationally to secure our own energy security.


  • We will see it grow when you have E15 at the retail level.

    當您在零售級別擁有 E15 時,我們將看到它的增長。

  • It's currently selling for close to $0.10 cheaper than the E10.

    它目前的售價比 E10 便宜近 0.10 美元。

  • And consumers are picking up on that, where E15 is being distributed.

    消費者正在接受這一點,E15 正在分發。

  • We're seeing very good volumes at those stores.


  • And even those that didn't necessarily want to blend E15 are starting to blend it.

    甚至那些不一定想要混合 E15 的人也開始混合它。

  • Minneapolis is kind of the Ground Zero right now for E15 with a very large penetration, and we're seeing it grow.

    明尼阿波利斯現在是 E15 的歸零地,具有非常大的滲透率,我們看到它在增長。

  • So it is something that we believe will accelerate.


  • And given both the octane needs, carbon reduction and cost benefits of the fuel, it is our firm belief that the market -- over time, the entire market will migrate towards the higher blends.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Sameer Joshi of H.C. Wainwright.

    我們的下一個問題來自 H.C. 的 Sameer Joshi。溫賴特。

  • Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

    Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

  • Most of my questions have been answered, but just a few clarifications.


  • The D3 RIN for Stockton, that remains in place, right?

    斯托克頓的 D3 RIN 仍然存在,對嗎?

  • There's no issue on that while you work through the Madera and Magic Valley issues?


  • Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • That is correct.


  • Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

    Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

  • Okay.


  • And sticking with Stockton, you mentioned that the cogen unit is working intermittently and that you expect it to start by -- in the second half.


  • Are there any plans for the second unit in -- under progress?


  • Or are those on hold at the moment?


  • Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Yes.


  • We have never initiated any additional plans until we had these fully operational and could verify the performance in terms of energy savings and also to confirm what carbon benefits there were as well.


  • It is something that we believe will have good application at other plants, Madera in California with -- where we have these very high electricity rates would be the next opportunity.


  • But for now, we're focused on getting these 2 units up and running and performing at expected levels in Stockton.


  • Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

    Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

  • Got it.


  • And then another clarification on the boiler issue.


  • You mentioned there will be a $2 million hit in the COGS in Q2.

    您提到第二季度的 COGS 將受到 200 萬美元的打擊。

  • How does it relate to the $4.4 million CapEx?

    它與 440 萬美元的資本支出有何關係?

  • Like, is it -- can you just clarify those things for me?


  • Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

    Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

  • Yes.


  • Because they're showing up as cost of goods sold by a few million versus CapEx.


  • The CapEx shows up as where we would capitalize it, and then advertise it over its sustained life.


  • But because we already have the 2 boilers originally in our capital structure, we didn't write those off.


  • And so instead, we're now expensing the purchasing and installation of new units as cost of goods sold and repair and maintenance.


  • Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

    Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

  • Okay, understood.


  • And then just one last clarification on the interest payments.


  • I see your interest expense is around $4.4 million, $4.5 million this quarter, which is higher than -- sequentially than the previous quarters, whereas the debt has not gone up that much.

    我看到您的利息支出約為 440 萬美元,本季度為 450 萬美元,高於前幾個季度的順序,而債務並沒有增加那麼多。

  • Can you just give some clarity on that?


  • Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

    Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

  • Yes.


  • It just changes.


  • Well, there's 2 things.


  • One is the increases in LIBOR rates, and then -- I'm sorry?


  • Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

    Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

  • No.


  • I meant your LIBOR is different than the LIBOR gap.

    我的意思是您的 LIBOR 與 LIBOR 差距不同。

  • Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

    Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

  • Yes.


  • So it's primarily LIBOR, and then we canceled our Aurora -- Pacific Aurora facility.

    所以它主要是 LIBOR,然後我們取消了我們的 Aurora - Pacific Aurora 設施。

  • Just didn't need the facility.


  • And as a result, any charge that we had for the initiation of that as far as bank fees and the like were taken in as expense on that -- on the quarter.


  • Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

    Sameer S. Joshi - Associate

  • Okay.


  • And one last one for me on the OpEx front.


  • The $4.5 million savings from the integration of ICP, have those already been realized?

    整合 ICP 節省的 450 萬美元,是否已經實現?

  • Or when do you expect the complete realization of those savings?


  • Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

    Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

  • Yes, we're pretty close to that.


  • I would say that for modeling purposes, you should assume that we'll have them fully integrated and seeing the benefits of those in the second half of the year.


  • Operator


  • Our next question comes from Annapoorni of Roth Capital.

    我們的下一個問題來自 Roth Capital 的 Annapoorni。

  • Annapoorni Chandrasekarapuram Seshasayee - Associate

    Annapoorni Chandrasekarapuram Seshasayee - Associate

  • So just following up on the boiler upgrades.


  • I have multiple questions.


  • So just to understand that all the major expenses related to this are compete with Q2 and we can assume that there are no expense going into Q3 and onwards.


  • Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

    Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

  • That's correct.


  • Annapoorni Chandrasekarapuram Seshasayee - Associate

    Annapoorni Chandrasekarapuram Seshasayee - Associate

  • All right.


  • And can you talk a bit more about if there's a need for the catch-up maintenance and transition expenses related to '17 or ICP plans?

    您能否多談談是否需要與 '17 或 ICP 計劃相關的追趕維護和過渡費用?

  • And just trying to understand how we should look at the financial impact cost-wise going forward on these.


  • Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

    Bryon T. McGregor - CFO

  • I guess I'd say that we don't have any -- there's just normal maintenance on these facilities now going forward.


  • For the most part, these are -- the ICP facility and the Pekin wet mill are older facilities.

    在大多數情況下,這些是——ICP 設施和北京濕磨廠是較舊的設施。

  • So they do carry a slightly higher cost of goods sold and higher repair and maintenance requirement than do our newer facilities.


  • But that being said, we think that we've addressed the more significant items that needed to be repaired or replaced from the time that we made those acquisitions.


  • And so now we're more into the maintenance mode.


  • Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • So they're reflected in our budget, which, Bryon, in his remarks, reaffirmed that our capital budget for 2018 is covering all of that.

    因此,它們反映在我們的預算中,Bryon 在他的講話中重申,我們 2018 年的資本預算涵蓋了所有這些。

  • Annapoorni Chandrasekarapuram Seshasayee - Associate

    Annapoorni Chandrasekarapuram Seshasayee - Associate

  • All right.


  • And just looking at the bigger picture and the industry.


  • So it continues to be fragmented.


  • And from recent announcements, it doesn't look like consolidation is taking place any time soon.


  • So what are your thoughts on the industry dynamics?


  • And how that's going to impact the demand/supply in the industry going forward?


  • Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Well, from supply/demand, again, we feel that there are arbitrary restrictions on introducing higher blends.


  • We remove those.


  • Ethanol is such a compelling product to plan that we see an increase in the domestic demand in what is 40% of the world's gasoline market here in the United States.

    乙醇是如此引人注目的產品,以至於我們看到美國國內需求增加,佔世界汽油市場的 40%。

  • You're right about fragmentation.


  • You're right that consolidation is not happening at the moment.


  • We have seen quite a bit of consolidation over the last 5-plus years, but it has stalled out over the last couple.

    在過去 5 年多的時間裡,我們看到了相當多的整合,但在過去的幾年裡它已經停滯不前。

  • We do believe that, ultimately, we have an industry with 6 players controlling roughly 50% of the production, and it will be helpful for 6 players to control closer to 60% or 70%, and we think ultimately that is where we trend.

    我們確實相信,最終,我們有一個由 6 個參與者控制大約 50% 的生產的行業,這將有助於 6 個參與者控制接近 60% 或 70%,我們認為最終這就是我們的趨勢。

  • And -- but in the meantime, we do continue to have a fairly fragmented market that often doesn't act as rationally as you would hope.

    而且 - 但與此同時,我們確實繼續擁有一個相當分散的市場,通常不會像您希望的那樣理性行事。

  • Operator


  • And I'm not showing any further questions in queue at this time.


  • I would like to turn the call back to Neil Koehler for any closing remarks.

    我想將電話轉回 Neil Koehler 以獲取任何結束語。

  • Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

    Neil M. Koehler - Founder, CEO, President & Director

  • Thanks, Ashley, and thank you all for joining us today.


  • We appreciate your continued support of Pacific Ethanol and look forward to speaking with you all soon.

    感謝您對 Pacific Ethanol 的持續支持,並期待很快與大家交流。

  • Have a great day.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in today's conference.


  • This does conclude the program.


  • You may all disconnect.


  • Everyone, have a great day.
