Alto Ingredients Inc (ALTO) 2007 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, ladies and gentlemen.


  • We thank you very much for your patience and welcome to the first quarter 2007 Pacific Ethanol Incorporated earnings conference call.

    我們非常感謝您的耐心等待,並歡迎您參加 2007 年第一季度太平洋乙醇公司財報電話會議。

  • My name is Bill and I'll be your conference coordinator for today.


  • [Operator Instructions] As a reminder, today's conference is being recorded for replay purposes.

    [操作員說明] 作為提醒,今天的會議正在錄製以供重播。

  • I would now like to turn the call over to your host for today's presentation, Mr.


  • Gregory Pettit of Hill and Knowlton.

    Hill and Knowlton 的格雷戈里·佩蒂特。

  • Please proceed, sir.


  • Gregory Pettit - SVP Director Financial Communications

    Gregory Pettit - SVP Director Financial Communications

  • Good morning and thank you for attending.


  • I'm here this morning with CEO, Neil Koehler, and COO, John Miller.

    今天早上我和首席執行官 Neil Koehler 和首席運營官 John Miller 在這裡。

  • First let me get through some Safe Harbor language and then we'll get started.


  • With the exception of historical information, the matters discussed in this conference call are forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties.


  • The actual future results of Pacific Ethanol could differ from those statements.

    Pacific Ethanol 的實際未來結果可能與這些陳述不同。

  • Factors that could cause or contribute to such differences include, but are not limited to, the ability of Pacific Ethanol to successfully and timely complete in a cost-effective manner construction of its four ethanol plants under construction, the ability of Pacific Ethanol to obtain all necessary financing to complete the construction of its other planned ethanol production facilities, the ability of Pacific Ethanol to timely complete its ethanol plant build-out program and to successfully capitalize on its internal growth initiatives, the ability of Pacific Ethanol to operate its plants at their plant production capacities, the price of ethanol relative to the price of gasoline and the factors contained in the risk factors section of Pacific Ethanol's Form 10K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 12, 2007.

    可能導致或促成此類差異的因素包括但不限於 Pacific Ethanol 以具有成本效益的方式成功並及時完成其在建的四個乙醇工廠的建設的能力、Pacific Ethanol 獲得所有完成其他計劃中的乙醇生產設施建設所需的資金,Pacific Ethanol 及時完成其乙醇工廠擴建計劃並成功利用其內部增長計劃的能力,Pacific Ethanol 在其工廠運營其工廠的能力工廠生產能力、相對於汽油價格的乙醇價格以及太平洋乙醇公司於 2007 年 3 月 12 日向證券交易委員會提交的 10K 表的風險因素部分中包含的因素。

  • And with that, I'll turn the call over to Neil Koehler.

    有了這個,我會把電話轉給 Neil Koehler。

  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Thank you, Gregory, and welcome everyone to Pacific Ethanol's investor call to discuss our 2007 first quarter financial results.

    謝謝您,Gregory,並歡迎大家參加 Pacific Ethanol 的投資者電話會議,討論我們 2007 年第一季度的財務業績。

  • We are very pleased this morning to report strong operating results for the quarter.


  • Our net income grew to $3 million on record revenues of nearly $100 million, compared to a loss of $600,000 on sales of $38 million in the first quarter of 2006.

    我們的淨收入增長到 300 萬美元,創紀錄的收入接近 1 億美元,而 2006 年第一季度的銷售額為 3800 萬美元,虧損 60 萬美元。

  • We sold a record 37.5 million gallons of ethanol in the quarter.

    我們在本季度售出了創紀錄的 3750 萬加侖乙醇。

  • Our gross profit was a record $15 million and our EBITDA for the quarter was a record $4.8 million.

    我們的毛利潤達到創紀錄的 1500 萬美元,本季度的 EBITDA 達到創紀錄的 480 萬美元。

  • Growth and revenues, the net income in the quarter was due both to the continued expansion of our ethanol marketing business and the contribution of profitable production operations in Madera, California, and Windsor, Colorado.


  • Our team did a remarkable job of both managing volatile commodity conditions in our operating business and continuing solid execution on our growth strategy to be the leader in destination ethanol production and marketing.


  • Our Boardman, Oregon ethanol plant is on track to be operational by the middle of this year and we have commenced construction on facilities in Burley, Idaho, Stockton, California and Calpatria, California in the Imperial Valley.


  • All of these facilities will be operational by the middle of 2008.

    所有這些設施將於 2008 年年中投入使用。

  • Beyond these projects, we have a full pipeline of opportunities to meet our objective of 420 million gallons of annual capacity by the end of 2010.

    除了這些項目之外,我們還有一整套機會來實現到 2010 年底達到 4.2 億加侖年產能的目標。

  • This quarter we continue to build our executive team.


  • We were proud last week to announce the appointment of Doug Jeffries as our new CFO.

    上週,我們自豪地宣布任命 Doug Jeffries 為我們的新首席財務官。

  • Doug's experience as Chief Accounting Officer at eBay and prior public company CFO and controller experience brings exceptional financial expertise to our company as we continue our rapid growth.

    Doug 在 eBay 擔任首席會計官的經歷以及之前的上市公司首席財務官和財務總監的經驗為我們公司帶來了卓越的財務專業知識,因為我們將繼續快速發展。

  • I want to thank John Miller for his yeoman's work as Acting CFO, while we carefully considered our choice for the new CFO.

    我要感謝約翰·米勒(John Miller)作為代理首席財務官所做的工作,同時我們仔細考慮了我們對新首席財務官的選擇。

  • Under his watch, our financial group has met the challenge of timely and accurate financial reporting.


  • During the quarter, we also filled a number of other key positions in the company and we have a financial controls and reporting organization that is well-qualified and highly motivated to manage the profitable growth of our company.


  • We are very excited about the opportunities ahead as we respond to the rapidly increasing demand for renewable fuels to meet the energy, economic and environmental needs of our country.


  • With that, I'd like to now turn it over to John to run through the financial and operating details of our first quarter.


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • Thank you, Neil, and good morning everyone.


  • Even though I said on the call last quarter that someone else would be sitting here with Neil today, I am back.


  • I am very pleased to be here.


  • This quarter we have accomplished a great deal.


  • Our business activities produced solid results and we made excellent progress on our business processes.


  • Also, I am delighted that we recently announced that Doug Jeffries will be joining us soon.

    此外,我很高興我們最近宣布 Doug Jeffries 將很快加入我們。

  • I'd like to start with the summary on Slide 1 after the title slide and underscore Neil's comment about execution.

    我想從標題幻燈片後的幻燈片 1 的摘要開始,並強調 Neil 關於執行的評論。

  • We concluded a number of transactions throughout last year.


  • Those transactions were very important because they were key in providing the foundation for the current stage of our strategic plan.


  • The first quarter was one in which the focus on execution was intense and the financial highlights covered here this morning are evidence of that focus.


  • First, we will review the income statement, then look at EBITDA, then review our commodity pricing and, finally, review our balance sheet.

    首先,我們將查看損益表,然後查看 EBITDA,然後查看我們的商品定價,最後查看我們的資產負債表。

  • Then, I'd like to make a couple of comments on other operations and construction status.


  • Moving to the income statement on Slide 2, net income for the quarter was $2.975 million, which after our preferred dividend, resulted in a diluted earnings per share of $0.05, compared to a loss of $612,000 in Q1 of '06.

    轉到幻燈片 2 的損益表,本季度的淨收入為 297.5 萬美元,在我們的優先股利之後,每股攤薄收益為 0.05 美元,而 06 年第一季度虧損 612,000 美元。

  • The quarter sales increased to $99 million, a jump of 160% over sales for Q1 '06 and a 23% sequential increase over sales during the fourth quarter of '06.

    本季度銷售額增至 9900 萬美元,比 06 年第一季度的銷售額增長 160%,比 06 年第四季度的銷售額連續增長 23%。

  • Total gross profit increased to $15.3 million, which is 16% of sales, up from $11.7 million in Q4, which was 15% of sales and up from $2.3 million in Q1 '06, which was 6% of sales.

    總毛利增加到 1530 萬美元,佔銷售額的 16%,高於第四季度的 1170 萬美元,佔銷售額的 15%,高於 06 年第一季度的 230 萬美元,佔銷售額的 6%。

  • Please take a look at Slide 3 for our steady and significant sales increases are illustrated over the past five quarters.

    請查看幻燈片 3,了解我們在過去五個季度中穩定而顯著的銷售額增長。

  • Slide 4 illustrates the strong and growing gross margin resulting from our strategy, a well-executed marketing program supported by a destination model for ethanol production.

    幻燈片 4 展示了我們的戰略帶來的強勁且不斷增長的毛利率,這是一項執行良好的營銷計劃,由乙醇生產的目的地模型支持。

  • Going back to the income statement for a moment, our total SG&A for Q1 '07 was $9.5 million, down from $11.4 million in Q4 '06, but still too high in our view.

    回到損益表,我們 07 年第一季度的 SG&A 總額為 950 萬美元,低於 06 年第四季度的 1140 萬美元,但在我們看來仍然太高了。

  • $1.7 million of that total relates to cost items that we do not expect to recur in subsequent quarters and we plan to see sequential declines through the balance of the year for SG&A as percentage of revenues.

    其中 170 萬美元與我們預計不會在隨後幾個季度再次發生的成本項目有關,我們計劃在今年餘下時間看到 SG&A 佔收入百分比的連續下降。

  • Among those items included in the current quarter's SG&A are one-time cost related to building sound financial and accounting capabilities.

    在本季度的 SG&A 中包括的項目包括與建立健全的財務和會計能力相關的一次性成本。

  • As you know, late last year we were faced with replacing our CFO and getting our business processes certified for Section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley.

    如您所知,去年年底,我們面臨更換首席財務官的問題,並讓我們的業務流程獲得薩班斯-奧克斯利法案 404 條款的認證。

  • Then in January, we opened our Sacramento headquarters and decided to move our accounting activities as expeditiously as practical.

    然後在 1 月,我們開設了薩克拉門托總部,並決定盡可能快地轉移我們的會計活動。

  • The plan was to find a CFO, revamp the work processes, close '06 as a large accelerated filer, close Q1 '07 from Fresno and then close Q2 '07 from Sacramento.

    計劃是尋找一名首席財務官,改進工作流程,以大型加速申報者的身份關閉 06 年,從弗雷斯諾關閉 07 年第一季度,然後從薩克拉門托關閉 07 年第二季度。

  • The first group of these tasks are complete and we are on target for the last step, that is, closing Q2 from Sacramento.


  • To do this, we used, and are continuing to use to some extent, consultants and temporary staff to bridge between people and locations and also to develop processes for SOX certification.

    為此,我們使用並在一定程度上繼續使用顧問和臨時員工在人員和地點之間架起橋樑,並開發 SOX 認證流程。

  • The non-recurring cost of that in Q1 is about $900,000 and we expect that to be about $400,000 in Q2.

    第一季度的非經常性成本約為 900,000 美元,我們預計第二季度約為 400,000 美元。

  • So, to summarize one-time costs during the quarter, in the category of SG&A, we have some one-time expenses related to the SOX 404 certification and the move.

    因此,總結本季度的一次性成本,在 SG&A 類別中,我們有一些與 SOX 404 認證和遷移相關的一次性費用。

  • The expense in Q1 was about $900,000 and we project about $400,000 in Q2.

    第一季度的費用約為 900,000 美元,我們預計第二季度約為 400,000 美元。

  • We do not expect any further expenses related to those items beyond what might be deemed ordinary accounting expense.


  • In addition, also in the SG&A category, we had accelerated amortization of an intangible of $1.5 million related to the Front Range acquisition.

    此外,同樣在 SG&A 類別中,我們加快了與 Front Range 收購相關的 150 萬美元無形資產的攤銷。

  • It is essentially the backlog that we bought with the business.


  • We will have that amount recur in Q2 and then it will be fully amortized.


  • In the other income/expense category, we had a portion of the TD Banknorth loan fees which went into other income/expense.

    在其他收入/支出類別中,我們有一部分 TD Banknorth 貸款費用用於其他收入/支出。

  • The amount was approximately $783,000.

    金額約為 783,000 美元。

  • This is a one-time event.


  • It will not carry into Q2.


  • Looking at Slide 5, the key point in this slide is that we were showing EBITDA for our business activities and our interest in Front Range.

    看看幻燈片 5,這張幻燈片的關鍵點是我們展示了我們的業務活動的 EBITDA 以及我們對 Front Range 的興趣。

  • As a reminder, for Front Range, after we consolidate the financial results into our statements, we then back out the interests of the other owners from our net income.

    提醒一下,對於 Front Range,在我們將財務結果合併到我們的報表中之後,我們會從我們的淨收入中扣除其他所有者的利益。

  • So, what we are showing on this page is EBITDA for just our business activities.

    因此,我們在此頁面上顯示的只是我們業務活動的 EBITDA。

  • We exclude the amounts related to the other ownership interests.


  • Referring to Slide 6, we illustrate in the graph the steady growth of our gallons sold as a result of our marketing strategy.

    參考幻燈片 6,我們在圖表中說明了由於我們的營銷策略而銷售的加侖量的穩定增長。

  • Total gallons sold increased to 37.5 million from 31.7 million in Q4 '06, and 19.8 million in Q1 '06.

    總銷量從 06 年第四季度的 3170 萬加侖和 06 年第一季度的 1980 萬加侖增加到 3750 萬加侖。

  • Referring to Slide 7, the gallons we produced rose 63% to 13.5 million gallons, from 8.3 million gallons in the fourth quarter, which reflects principally a full quarter's production at both our Madera plant and our share of the Front Range facility.

    參考幻燈片 7,我們生產的加侖量從第四季度的 830 萬加侖增長了 63% 至 1350 萬加侖,這主要反映了我們馬德拉工廠和 Front Range 工廠份額的整個季度的產量。

  • We expect production to remain fairly stable until our Columbia plant in Boardman, Oregon contributes to production in Q3.


  • Commodity margin per production was $1.43 per gallon, compared with $1.45 last quarter, even as our average corn price rose 59% in the period.

    儘管我們的平均玉米價格在此期間上漲了 59%,但每件產品的商品利潤率為每加侖 1.43 美元,而上一季度為 1.45 美元。

  • Our average sales price of ethanol was up 4% to $2.34 per gallon, from $2.26 in Q4, and up 23% over the $1.92 per gallon average we achieved in the same quarter of last year.

    我們的乙醇平均銷售價格從第四季度的 2.26 美元上漲 4% 至每加侖 2.34 美元,比去年同一季度實現的每加侖 1.92 美元的平均價格上漲 23%。

  • Our average delivered price of corn was $3.69 a bushel, an average basis of $0.59, or seep out equivalent of $3.10, which is nearly 23% lower than the $4.01 all end market price during the quarter.

    我們的玉米平均交割價為每蒲式耳 3.69 美元,平均基差為 0.59 美元,或相當於 3.10 美元,比本季度 4.01 美元的所有終端市場價格低近 23%。

  • Our co-product return was 30.9%, which is down from 33.4%, which represents a lag in the effect of WDG prices in cracking corn prices.

    我們的聯產品回報率為 30.9%,低於 33.4%,這表明 WDG 價格對玉米價格的影響滯後。

  • In the next slide, Slide 8, I have one item to point out on the balance sheet.

    在下一張幻燈片(幻燈片 8)中,我要在資產負債表上指出一個項目。

  • Our total assets increased about $100 million from December 31 to March 31.

    從 12 月 31 日到 3 月 31 日,我們的總資產增加了約 1 億美元。

  • This is due to a $76 million increase in restricted funds which are from the multi-plant financing and $52 million in PP&E, offset by a decrease of $30 million in current assets which is primarily cash.

    這是由於來自多工廠融資的限制性資金增加了 7600 萬美元,以及 PP&E 增加了 5200 萬美元,被主要是現金的流動資產減少了 3000 萬美元所抵消。

  • That concludes our discussion of the financial results for this quarter.


  • On another subject, as those of you who have followed us for the past several quarters know, management has been focused on improving our internal controls.


  • We have made great strides in improving work processes and in preparing for a successful mid-year test program.


  • It is our objective that we go into our 2007 year end with all internal systems in place.

    我們的目標是在所有內部系統都到位的情況下進入 2007 年年底。

  • Our 10Q, which will be published later today, itemizes a good deal of detail on our progress, so I will limit our discussion in this area to answering any questions you might have on the subject.

    我們將於今天晚些時候發布的 10Q 詳細列出了我們進展的大量細節,因此我將限制我們在這方面的討論,以回答您可能對該主題提出的任何問題。

  • I'd like to put my operations hat on for a moment and update you on the ethanol and co-products operations.


  • First, and most importantly, we continue to operate safely.


  • Our workforce at our Madera plant has not had an LTA, lost time accident, and we are now at 326 days and counting.

    我們在馬德拉工廠的員工沒有發生 LTA 和誤工事故,現在我們已經工作了 326 天,而且還在不斷增加。

  • We are very pleased with their dedication and their efforts to maintain a safe workplace.


  • Next, our Madera plant recently passed a performance test proving it is capable of operating at a 40 million gallon per year rate.

    接下來,我們的馬德拉工廠最近通過了一項性能測試,證明它能夠以每年 4000 萬加侖的速度運行。

  • Both our Madera and the Front Range facility operated about nameplate levels during the first quarter of the year.

    今年第一季度,我們的 Madera 和 Front Range 工廠都在銘牌水平上運營。

  • At our Columbia facility in Boardman, we are now in the final phases of construction and, if all goes according to plan, we will be grinding corn in the middle of June and making alcohol by the end of the month.

    在我們位於博德曼的哥倫比亞工廠,我們現在正處於建設的最後階段,如果一切按計劃進行,我們將在 6 月中旬研磨玉米,並在月底前生產酒精。

  • Our operating team has been hired and is commencing formal training next week.


  • Slide 9 has a current picture of the site along with visual updates on the other construction projects.

    幻燈片 9 展示了該網站的當前圖片以及其他建設項目的視覺更新。

  • Magic Valley in Burley, Idaho will be ready to go in the first quarter of 2008 and Imperial and Stockton will follow in the second quarter of the year.

    愛達荷州伯利的魔術谷將於 2008 年第一季度準備就緒,帝國和斯托克頓將在今年第二季度跟進。

  • And with that, I will hand the microphone back to Neil.


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • John, thank you.


  • Before opening up the lines for Q&A, I wanted to spend just a few moments discussing our business strategy and touch on a key public policy initiative here in California.


  • We will continue to expand on our differentiated strategy of producing and marketing renewable fuels and high value feed in the largest market for these products.


  • Our destination strategy we believe sustains a low cost position and a high value market position for our company.


  • Our continued investment in both production and distribution assets in the heart of the largest gasoline market in the world is a key to our company's success.


  • But, it's also a critical component of adding new infrastructure necessary to accommodate new demand for renewable fuels across the markets.


  • It is our strong belief that the urgent need to reduce net CO2 emissions from transportation is a large driver in significantly increasing the demand for renewable fuels in this country and worldwide.


  • In the near term, displacing gasoline with ethanol is the single most effective way to reduce net CO2 emissions from transportation fuels.


  • A key objective of our company is to be the leader in low carbon renewable fuel production.


  • Our destination strategy reduces our fossil fuel energy inputs by 30%, since we sell all of our co-product feed locally at the wet feed, avoiding the drying of this product, which is necessary for shipment over longer distances.

    我們的目的地戰略將我們的化石燃料能源投入減少了 30%,因為我們在當地以濕飼料銷售我們所有的副產品飼料,避免了這種產品的干燥,這是長距離運輸所必需的。

  • We are exploring conversion technology utilizing bio-mass to generate process steam and electricity for our four ethanol facilities and to ultimately allow for the conversion of this bio-mass into ethanol.


  • This approach offers the multiple benefits of lower carbon fuel production, lower cost and a bridge to cellulose ethanol production in the future.


  • We believe that low carbon fuel production will give us a significant competitive advantage in the marketplace.


  • California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has by executive order mandated a minimum 10% reduction in CO2 emissions from transportation by the year 2020, with credit given to early action.

    加利福尼亞州州長阿諾德施瓦辛格已通過行政命令要求到 2020 年將交通運輸中的二氧化碳排放量至少減少 10%,這歸功於早期行動。

  • This is truly a transformational policy that is a model for climate change initiatives elsewhere.


  • Increasing the amount of ethanol use in California will give immediate and substantial CO2 credits for California refiners to comply with this order.


  • It is the demonstrated and certifiable positive lifecycle energy balance of ethanol that delivers net CO2 reductions from ethanol use.


  • This policy, combined with the compelling blend economics of ethanol, should resulting the migration from 6 to 10% ethanol blends in California over the next 12 months.

    這項政策,再加上令人信服的乙醇混合經濟性,應該會在未來 12 個月內導致加利福尼亞州的乙醇混合物從 6% 遷移到 10%。

  • This change alone would result in 700 million gallons per year of new ethanol demand in California.

    僅這一變化就將導致加州每年新增 7 億加侖的乙醇需求。

  • We are also seeing substantial new growth in ethanol demand in other Western states where we offer it.


  • On a national basis, we see the ethanol market naturally growing to a 10% blend in the entire gasoline pool.

    在全國范圍內,我們看到乙醇市場自然增長到整個汽油池中 10% 的混合物。

  • That translates into annual demand for nearly 15 billion gallons of ethanol.

    這意味著每年對近 150 億加侖乙醇的需求量。

  • There are now active discussions between fuel providers, automakers and policymakers around increasing ethanol blends beyond 10%, up to 20% for use in all cars, which would create an annual demand for ethanol of 30 billion gallons.

    現在,燃料供應商、汽車製造商和政策制定者之間正在積極討論將乙醇混合物的比例提高到 10% 以上,在所有汽車中使用到 20%,這將產生 300 億加侖的乙醇年需求量。

  • Considering constraints on gasoline refining capacity and continued increase in worldwide demand for transportation fuels, we remain very optimistic on the strong growth in ethanol demand over the years to come.


  • And with that, Bill, John and I would be happy to answer any questions.


  • Operator


  • Thank you very much, sir.


  • [Operator Instructions] And our first question comes from the line of Mike Judd of Greenwich Consultants.

    [操作員說明] 我們的第一個問題來自 Greenwich Consultants 的 Mike Judd。

  • Please proceed.


  • Mike Judd - Analyst

    Mike Judd - Analyst

  • Congratulations on a good quarter.


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Thank you, Mike.


  • Mike Judd - Analyst

    Mike Judd - Analyst

  • You were kind enough to give us the equity volumes, but, unfortunately I was a little slow in writing down the numbers.


  • Could you repeat those please for last quarter and this quarter?


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • Yes, we would be happy to do that.


  • So, this quarter the total sales of 37.5 million gallons of which 13.5 were from production operations.

    因此,本季度總銷售額為 3750 萬加侖,其中 13.5 加侖來自生產運營。

  • That's our share of Front Range, plus 100% of Madera and 24 million of third party sales.

    這是我們在 Front Range 中的份額,加上 100% 的 Madera 和 2400 萬的第三方銷售額。

  • Mike Judd - Analyst

    Mike Judd - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • What was it last quarter again?


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • I don't have- - I believe it was- -


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Hang on, we've got the number here.


  • We can look it up and I can give it back to you.


  • Mike Judd - Analyst

    Mike Judd - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And while we're on, just switching to a separate subject.


  • It appears that you guys did a pretty good job in getting higher prices for the distillers' grants.


  • I know you gave us something where we could basically calculate it, but I just want to make sure my calculations are right.


  • Do you have an actual average DDS price for the quarter?

    您是否有該季度的實際平均 DDS 價格?

  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • We do.


  • On a dry distiller's grade basis, it would work out to roughly $125 per ton.

    以乾蒸餾器的等級為基礎,它的價格約為每噸 125 美元。

  • It's a wet distillers grade product that's roughly between 30, 35% solids and our average price in the quarter was approximately $45 per ton.

    這是一種濕蒸餾級產品,固體含量大約在 30% 到 35% 之間,我們本季度的平均價格約為每噸 45 美元。

  • Mike Judd - Analyst

    Mike Judd - Analyst

  • Okay, great.


  • Thanks for the help.


  • Operator


  • Thank you very much, sir.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, your next question comes from the line of [Ronan Walsdorf] of Cowen and Company.

    女士們先生們,你們的下一個問題來自 Cowen and Company 的 [Ronan Walsdorf]。

  • Please proceed.


  • Ronan Walsdorf - Analyst

    Ronan Walsdorf - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Congrats on a strong quarter.


  • I just wanted to try to understand a little bit better how to be modeling SG&A through the remainder of the year.

    我只是想嘗試更好地了解如何在今年剩下的時間里為 SG&A 建模。

  • I appreciate the clarification around some of these one-time, non-recurring costs.


  • But if you could give us a sense of what your, what the ramp may be, what the sort of normalized level is.


  • Then I just have quick follow up.


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • In the last call, we talked about our SG&A not exceeding last year's levels during the coming year.

    在上次電話會議中,我們談到來年我們的 SG&A 不超過去年的水平。

  • And we are staying with that projection.


  • We would exclude from that the amortization of the costs related to the Front Range acquisition.

    我們將排除與 Front Range 收購相關的成本攤銷。

  • So, both one-time costs in the first quarter of $1.5 million and in the second quarter of the same amount would be in addition to last year's SG&A level.

    因此,第一季度 150 萬美元的一次性成本和第二季度相同金額的一次性成本都將超出去年的 SG&A 水平。

  • Ronan Walsdorf - Analyst

    Ronan Walsdorf - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then, you're talking about the Schwarzenegger initiative and there are others obviously at the federal level to push biofuels.


  • Are you seeing, what are you seeing from Detroit or from the Japanese or German automakers as far as their appetite to bring to market flex-fuel vehicles?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • We are seeing some discussions at Toyota and certainly there have been other discussions with the foreign automakers.


  • But, clearly, it is the U.S.


  • domestic automakers who have led the way on flex-fuel vehicles.


  • But, as the fuel becomes more prevalent in the marketplace and the demand for the vehicles becomes more prevalent, we certainly believe that all automakers will respond.


  • Ronan Walsdorf - Analyst

    Ronan Walsdorf - Analyst

  • Thanks very much.


  • Operator


  • Thank you very much, sir.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, your next question comes from the line of Phillip [Chen] of [Arbor] Capital.

    女士們,先生們,你們的下一個問題來自 [Arbor] Capital 的 Phillip [Chen]。

  • Please proceed.


  • Phillip Chen - Analyst

    Phillip Chen - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Good morning.


  • Phillip Chen - Analyst

    Phillip Chen - Analyst

  • Wanted to get a sense of, or what kind of growth you anticipate for Kinergy's operations in the remainder of '07?

    想了解一下,或者您預計 Kinergy 在 07 年剩餘時間內的運營會出現什麼樣的增長?

  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • We don't give any particular guidance on that, so we really can't discuss that in any detail other than to look at the past record of growth and we continue to expand in all the markets that we are operating and we expect growth, both from our production, as well as our marketing operations.


  • Phillip Chen - Analyst

    Phillip Chen - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And the other question I had was, could you provide us some more color as to your initiatives to develop cellulosic ethanol?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Yes.


  • We as a company are extremely careful about not making commitments until we have a plan and are ready to announce specific initiatives.


  • And we do not have any specific initiatives to announce today, but we can say that we, like others, are deeply engaged in exploring all of the opportunities out there.


  • We are in discussions with technology providers, strategic partners, that can help us understand the opportunities in cellulose and we are in the research and development of the appropriate strategy going forward.


  • Phillip Chen - Analyst

    Phillip Chen - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And earlier in the call you had mentioned that you were using biomass to develop process heat, as well as electricity.


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Correct.


  • Phillip Chen - Analyst

    Phillip Chen - Analyst

  • To what degree have you implemented those technologies and, if not, what kind of horizon to you see?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Well, we have not yet implemented those technologies.


  • So, what we have done to be a first mover in the market was developed a strategy around a cookie cutter plant that we could put down in all these various locations that we are simultaneously building in.


  • And that involved natural gas boilers for the production of the steam and buying electricity off the grid.


  • So, what we are looking at in a couple of locations is to come back in and install biomass combustion and look at that as a way to produce the steam and potentially electricity as well.


  • So, we believe that would be an initiative that we would be implementing in 2008 at one or more of our facilities.

    因此,我們相信這將是我們將在 2008 年在我們的一個或多個工廠實施的一項舉措。

  • Phillip Chen - Analyst

    Phillip Chen - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you very much.


  • Operator


  • Thank you very much, sir.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, your next question comes from the line of Preeti Dubey of Thomas Weisel Partners.

    女士們先生們,你們的下一個問題來自 Thomas Weisel Partners 的 Preeti Dubey。

  • Please proceed.


  • Preeti Dubey - Analyst

    Preeti Dubey - Analyst

  • Yes, hi.


  • I'm trying to understand what are trying to do in 2008.

    我試圖了解 2008 年要做什麼。

  • So, in 2008, when you have a lot of your own production come in, would you be focusing on third party sales as much as you are doing right now?

    那麼,在 2008 年,當你有很多自己的產品進來時,你會像現在一樣專注於第三方銷售嗎?

  • Or, should we see a shift of more towards own production marketing vis--vis for a third party?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • It is our objective to continue to expand the marketing of ethanol, along with our production.


  • And I think if you go back to my comment on the, what we consider to be, the inevitable move here in California from a 7 or 6% blend to a 10% and 700 million gallons of new demand.

    而且我認為,如果您回到我對我們認為是加利福尼亞州不可避免地從 7% 或 6% 的混合物轉變為 10% 和 7 億加侖的新需求的評論。

  • And you look at even with our 2010 plan to be producing 420 million gallons.

    即使按照我們 2010 年生產 4.2 億加侖的計劃,你也會看到。

  • That's just a little more than half of the incremental new demand.


  • So, we see tremendous opportunities for growth in the market and growth in our marketing business along with our production.


  • And we also are honored to have commitments to market ethanol for a number of other producers and so we will continue to expand those relationships as well.


  • Preeti Dubey - Analyst

    Preeti Dubey - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And the other question I have is more of a clarification.


  • I'm trying to get, when I calculate your total ethanol [Inaudible], which I do by multiplying 37.5 times the average ethanol price, the difference that I get between the reported the number and the ethanol sales is about 11.5 million.

    我試圖得到,當我計算你的總乙醇[聽不清],我乘以平均乙醇價格的 37.5 倍,我得到的報告數字和乙醇銷售量之間的差異約為 1150 萬。

  • Is that all due to co-product sales or is there something else also included in it?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • You know, I'm not sure I understand that question.


  • Could you rephrase it?


  • Preeti Dubey - Analyst

    Preeti Dubey - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I'm trying to understand what exactly were your sales for co-product in the quarter and what I'm trying to do here is I think the difference between the sales figure that you have reported, which is 99.2 million and I subtract from it the total ethanol sales, which is 37.5 million gallons times 2.34 for a gallon.

    我試圖了解您在本季度的副產品銷售額到底是多少,而我在這裡要做的是我認為您報告的銷售數字之間的差異是 9920 萬,我從中減去乙醇總銷量為 3750 萬加侖乘以 2.34 加侖。

  • And the difference that I get is about $11 million.

    我得到的差額約為 1100 萬美元。

  • And I'm trying to understand, is that all due to co-product sales or is there something else also?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • No, it's all co-product sales.


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • Well, there is about $2.5 million worth of corn sales.

    好吧,玉米銷售額約為 250 萬美元。

  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • That's correct.


  • Preeti Dubey - Analyst

    Preeti Dubey - Analyst

  • Okay, that's the- -


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • So, it's about 7.5 of co-product, or WBG, and about 2.5 million of corn.

    因此,它大約是 7.5 個副產品或 WBG,以及大約 250 萬個玉米。

  • Preeti Dubey - Analyst

    Preeti Dubey - Analyst

  • That's the missing link.


  • Thank you.


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • So, that's a good point John brings up, which I think shows also how we have leveraged our position in these feed markets to sell not only the wet distillers grain, but we have been also in the business of providing rolled corn to the dairy market here in California.


  • So, we are a seller of corn, processed corn, to the dairies, along with our wet distillers product.


  • Preeti Dubey - Analyst

    Preeti Dubey - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you very much, ma'am.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, your next question comes from the line of Paul Resnik of Dutton Associates.

    女士們先生們,你們的下一個問題來自 Dutton Associates 的 Paul Resnik。

  • Please proceed.


  • Paul Resnik - Analyst

    Paul Resnik - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Hi, Paul.


  • Paul Resnik - Analyst

    Paul Resnik - Analyst

  • Two questions.


  • One, any trend you see in rail costs you see at this point for the corn shipment?


  • Neil Koehler; The trend in transportation costs generally with higher fuel and higher demand on all of the modes of transportation, the rates are going higher.


  • As it relates to the relative increases between unitrains of corn and single manifest cars of ethanol and distillers grain, the increases in the more efficient shipments of unitrains have gone up at a slower rate than the single cars and actually at a slower rate than even the unitrains of ethanol.


  • So, just another supporting factor in the spread analysis, which is essentially at the heart of our transportation advantage, bringing corn to our facilities in the unitrains shipments.


  • We have seen those rates go up at a slower rate than other increases.


  • Very good.


  • And secondly, with the high price of corn, have you had an opportunity to access increased corn production in local markets?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • We are having conversations on a daily basis with farmers in the Western United States.


  • So, it is really a matter of price, as you point out, and we are seeing a great deal of interest in our local markets and we do believe that we will have incremental corn from local growers.


  • I think on a macro basis, you can look at the planning and tension report.


  • On a nationwide basis we saw increases in corn acreage of 15%.

    在全國范圍內,我們看到玉米種植面積增加了 15%。

  • In California that number was 20%.

    在加利福尼亞,這個數字是 20%。

  • So, the market is responding.


  • We're seeing corn being produced in areas, incrementally produced in areas outside of the traditional corn belt.


  • And that is one more option for us and gives us, you know, we believe additional opportunity to leverage our destination position to lower our cost of corn.


  • Operator


  • Thank you very much, sir.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, your next question comes from the line of Jonathan Lichter of Sidoti and Company.

    女士們先生們,您的下一個問題來自 Sidoti and Company 的 Jonathan Lichter。

  • Please proceed.


  • Jonathan Lichter - Analyst

    Jonathan Lichter - Analyst

  • Can you give us- -


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Good morning.


  • Jonathan Lichter - Analyst

    Jonathan Lichter - Analyst

  • Good morning.


  • Can you give us a sense of if you will still have favorable corn hedges in Q2 and beyond?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • We have a very active risk management program and clearly that showed the benefit to our company in this quarter.


  • We will continue and have a number of positions on corn on for the subsequent periods.


  • If you look at our 10Q filing of this afternoon, we do report both on a dollar basis and a volume basis our corn position on a go-forward basis.

    如果你看一下我們今天下午提交的 10 季度報告,我們確實會以美元和數量為基礎報告我們的玉米頭寸。

  • And to summarize those numbers and actually do the implied math that would be required by looking at that, we have, as of the end of March, between the Front Range and the Madera facilities, we had a total of 12 million bushels of corn that had been fixed-price.

    總結這些數字,並通過查看這些數字實際進行隱含的數學運算,截至 3 月底,在 Front Range 和 Madera 工廠之間,我們總共有 1200 萬蒲式耳玉米一直是固定價格。

  • For the subsequent periods at an average CBOT equivalent price of about $3.57 a bushel.

    在隨後的時期內,CBOT 平均等價價格約為每蒲式耳 3.57 美元。

  • Jonathan Lichter - Analyst

    Jonathan Lichter - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks.


  • And one question on, you mentioned the possibility of blends beyond, I guess, 10% blends.

    還有一個問題,你提到了混合的可能性,我猜是 10% 的混合。

  • Can you comment on the GM Vice Chairman, I think it was last month, mentioned that current engines couldn't really handle anything beyond E10.

    你能評論一下通用汽車副主席嗎,我想是上個月提到的,目前的發動機無法真正處理 E10 以外的任何事情。

  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Certainly that has been the position of the automakers, but I can say that of late we have had conversations with GM and other automakers about what might be an appropriate blend beyond 10%.

    當然,這一直是汽車製造商的立場,但我可以說,最近我們與通用汽車和其他汽車製造商就什麼可能是超過 10% 的適當混合進行了對話。

  • And I would point out, just from the underwriter laboratory's position on the fuel dispenser equipment, it's all currently registered up to 15%.

    我要指出,僅從保險商實驗室在燃油加油機設備上的立場來看,目前註冊率都高達 15%。

  • In Brazil, they run cars that are very similar to the cars on the road here, up to 25%.

    在巴西,他們駕駛的汽車與這裡的道路上的汽車非常相似,高達 25%。

  • It is certainly our belief and we think that through testing that is going on between the industry and State of Minnesota and the car manufacturers today, that we will see some results here in the next number of months on that pilot program that will demonstrate that all cars can run on, certainly blends up to 15%, and we believe that up to 20% is possible as well.

    這當然是我們的信念,並且我們認為,通過行業和明尼蘇達州以及今天的汽車製造商之間正在進行的測試,我們將在接下來的幾個月中看到該試點計劃的一些結果,這將證明所有汽車可以繼續行駛,當然混合高達 15%,我們相信高達 20% 也是可能的。

  • But we certainly think an intermediate plan certainly, 11%, 12, up to 15, would be very viable in today's cars.

    但我們當然認為中間計劃肯定是 11%、12 到 15,在今天的汽車中是非常可行的。

  • It would take the EPA from a legal standpoint to allow anything more than 10% to be a legal fuel, which it's not today.

    從法律的角度來看,EPA 將允許任何超過 10% 的燃料成為合法燃料,而今天不是這樣。

  • Jonathan Lichter - Analyst

    Jonathan Lichter - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you very much, sir.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, your next question comes from the line of Ian Horowitz of Soleil Securities.

    女士們先生們,你們的下一個問題來自 Soleil Securities 的 Ian Horowitz。

  • Please proceed.


  • Ian Horowitz - Analyst

    Ian Horowitz - Analyst

  • Good morning, Neil, John.


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Good morning, Ian.


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • Good morning.


  • Ian Horowitz - Analyst

    Ian Horowitz - Analyst

  • Congratulations, guys, by the way.


  • Couple of questions.


  • I think the first one would just be kind of maybe your macro thoughts on ethanol to CARBOB gained some real spread compression year over the first quarter.

    我認為第一個可能只是你對乙醇到 CARBOB 的宏觀想法在第一季度獲得了一些真正的利差壓縮。

  • A, what's your thought on why that happened?


  • What do you think is a much more reasonable spread between the two products?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Well in terms of CARBOB, what we see in California, and this really gives significant additional underlying value to ethanol, that wholesale gasoline prices in California historically always run above the rest of the country.

    就我們在加利福尼亞看到的 CARBOB 而言,這確實為乙醇提供了顯著的額外潛在價值,即加利福尼亞的批發汽油價格在歷史上總是高於全國其他地區。

  • And in the last number of months, really over the last year, that spread has even grown to be much larger.


  • $0.15 to $0.20 premiums in the past have been typical, but we've seen $0.25, $0.30 as being more typical in the last quarter or two with that spread blowing out as high as $0.60.

    過去 0.15 美元至 0.20 美元的保費是典型的,但我們已經看到 0.25 美元、0.30 美元在最後一兩個季度更為典型,價差高達 0.60 美元。

  • So, that just gives ethanol, which has its own supply and demand economics, that much more value in the markets that we are in.


  • On a macro basis, looking at whether it's CARBOB or RBOB, the spread between ethanol and gasoline certainly has eroded of late.

    從宏觀上看,無論是 CARBOB 還是 RBOB,乙醇和汽油之間的價差最近肯定已經縮小。

  • But I would point out that that is a very recent phenomenon.


  • As recently as a couple of months ago, we were trading at and above the historically normal spreads, call it $0.40, $0.50 a gallon, over gasoline.

    就在幾個月前,我們的交易價格處於歷史正常點差之上,稱之為 0.40 美元,每加侖 0.50 美元,高於汽油。

  • What we've seen in the last number of weeks is a very rapid run-up in price of gasoline and not atypical, we've seen a lag on ethanol.


  • So, it's- -

    所以是- -

  • Ian Horowitz - Analyst

    Ian Horowitz - Analyst

  • Do you think it's a lag rather than a disconnect?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • That certainly is our belief.


  • When you have very high gasoline prices, I guess we would expect if they were to sustain at levels in the $2 and $2.50 range on wholesale gasoline, that you might see a larger spread, because it still generates a very solid operating margin for ethanol producers and gives refiners some additional incentive to open up new blend markets in the Southeast and other areas that will be critically important to the continued growth in the marketplace.

    當汽油價格非常高時,我想我們預計,如果批發汽油價格維持在 2 美元和 2.50 美元之間,您可能會看到更大的價差,因為它仍然為乙醇生產商帶來非常可觀的營業利潤並為煉油廠提供一些額外的動力,以在東南部和其他地區開闢新的混合市場,這對市場的持續增長至關重要。

  • But, no, we do not see that there has been, in some way, some sort of shift that we have a new relationship between ethanol and gasoline.


  • But that will have a lot to do with what the absolute price of gasoline is on a go-forward basis.


  • Ian Horowitz - Analyst

    Ian Horowitz - Analyst

  • Right.


  • Okay.


  • And then, talk to me a little bit, Stockton and your other California facility, as well as Madera.


  • I mean, they all make sense in terms of the local market.


  • But, talk to me a little bit about your thoughts on Burley and Madera.


  • Are you looking to sell directly into those local markets?


  • Or is there a logistical backend to this that you can be considering?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Well, certainly, Burley would be the one plant where we're already engaged in market development.

    嗯,當然,Burley 將是我們已經從事市場開發的唯一一家工廠。

  • We can sell 100% of the ethanol we produce in Idaho in Idaho.

    我們可以在愛達荷州出售我們在愛達荷州生產的 100% 的乙醇。

  • If the state were blending 10% ethanol, it would be a market for ethanol that would exceed 100 million gallons.

    如果該州混合 10% 的乙醇,這將是一個超過 1 億加侖的乙醇市場。

  • We are working with the fuel, the oil companies, in Idaho to put in place the infrastructure that will allow 10% ethanol blending.

    我們正在與愛達荷州的燃料公司、石油公司合作,以建立允許 10% 乙醇混合的基礎設施。

  • Ian Horowitz - Analyst

    Ian Horowitz - Analyst

  • Does Idaho have a blending requirement now?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • There is not a blending requirement, no.


  • There is actually a state tax incentive for blenders, so that gives some additional impetus for the growth in the market.


  • So, Idaho is the one plant where we modeled it.


  • We will sell probably 50% in the Idaho market, but then it is a very good staging point for shipments into Salt Lake, which is also a very close market, and into Las Vegas market, potentially Northern California and the Northwest.

    我們可能會在愛達荷州市場出售 50% 的股份,但這是一個非常好的中轉站,可以將貨物運往鹽湖城,這也是一個非常接近的市場,並運往拉斯維加斯市場,可能是北加州和西北部。

  • So, there will be some shipment of ethanol from our Idaho facility by rail.


  • But we certainly have the opportunity to sell all of it locally as the infrastructure is developed.


  • All the wet distillers grain will be sold locally in what is the Magic Valley there, the largest dairy shed in the region.


  • Madera is sold locally.


  • Virtually all of Madera is sold into Fresno California by the blending facility there in Fresno for that surrounding region.


  • Ian Horowitz - Analyst

    Ian Horowitz - Analyst

  • And Boardman?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Boardman, 100% of the ethanol we are presuming will be sold in, there's a local market, Pasco, is a blending facility, and the balance would go to Portland.

    Boardman,我們假設 100% 的乙醇將在其中銷售,當地市場 Pasco 是一個混合設施,其餘的將流向波特蘭。

  • Ian Horowitz - Analyst

    Ian Horowitz - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then, now what do you think, last summer we had some serious issues in California with temperature and being able to offload product and you guys were able to take a little bit of advantage of that because of your, with the Kinergy side, with your local production and delivery.

    然後,現在你怎麼看,去年夏天我們在加利福尼亞遇到了一些嚴重的溫度問題,並且能夠卸載產品,你們能夠利用這一點,因為你們,在 Kinergy 方面,與您當地的生產和交付。

  • Do you think that everyone's kind of working on figuring out this issue for the July/August timeframe in California?

    你認為每個人都在努力解決加州 7 月/ 8 月時間範圍內的這個問題嗎?

  • Or is that still an exposure there, to high temperatures?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • No, I don't see that as a high exposure.


  • I see the issue in California and generally in the marketplace as demand is increasing, need for infrastructure.


  • The industry and certainly Midwest producers have done a great job of improving the efficiencies of delivery, moving to unitrains of ethanol in the market.


  • We at the marketing company have been adding to the infrastructure to make sure the ethanol is where it needs to be when it needs to be for the blending with the gasoline.


  • So, we see improvements, both on the origin and the destination, improving the logistics.


  • But certainly it is a key advantage of ours with our Kinergy marketing company to be truck-delivered provider of ethanol to the final point of wholesale distribution.

    但可以肯定的是,我們的 Kinergy 營銷公司的一個關鍵優勢是成為乙醇的卡車運輸供應商,直至批發分銷的最終點。

  • So, when there are moments in time, as there will continue to be, railcars are not where they need to be when they need to be, we are there as a very reliable supplier.


  • On short notice we can deliver ethanol to blending racks anywhere in our marketplace.


  • Ian Horowitz - Analyst

    Ian Horowitz - Analyst

  • And then, can you give in the queue, or are you willing to give kind of an estimate of geographic breakdown on your corn pull?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • On our corn what?


  • Ian Horowitz - Analyst

    Ian Horowitz - Analyst

  • On your corn supply?


  • Where it's coming from?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • It again is an advantage of ours that we operate on two railroads at our various plants.


  • And we can pull corn from virtually anywhere it is grown.


  • So, that moves around in time, depending upon where we can get the lowest cost, source of corn.


  • Ian Horowitz - Analyst

    Ian Horowitz - Analyst

  • Do you have any breakout for what you did for the first quarter?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • No, we don't.


  • Ian Horowitz - Analyst

    Ian Horowitz - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks.


  • I'll get back in queue.


  • Congratulations.


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you very much, sir.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, your next question comes from the line of Pavel Molchanov of Raymond James.

    女士們先生們,你們的下一個問題來自 Raymond James 的 Pavel Molchanov。

  • Please proceed.


  • Cory - Analyst

    Cory - Analyst

  • Hi, guys.


  • This is actually [Cory].


  • I'm filling in for Pavel.


  • Great quarter, by the way.


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Thank you.


  • Cory - Analyst

    Cory - Analyst

  • Kind of touching back on the previous question, you were able to achieve that premier pricing over CBOT in the past two quarters and I'm wondering if you can see this trend continuing and really on a company-specific basis, if you could throw a little more color into it?

    稍微回顧一下上一個問題,在過去兩個季度中,您能夠實現高於 CBOT 的最高定價,我想知道您是否可以看到這種趨勢持續下去,並且真的是在特定於公司的基礎上,如果您可以拋出一個多一點顏色進去嗎?

  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Well, we don't give any specific guidance, because obviously we can't tell the future.


  • But we manage our risk exposure to the best of our abilities and so we have taken some significant positions on forward corn and we do that in conjunction primarily with positions that we take on selling ethanol and we then are able to lock a margin that we find to be acceptable.


  • So, that's the strategy.


  • What corn does from here, it's certainly a very volatile environment.


  • We've seen just in the last week moves where it's gone up $0.10 a bushel in a day and down $0.10 the next.

    我們剛剛在上週看到價格在一天內上漲 0.10 美元/蒲式耳,隨後又下跌 0.10 美元。

  • Our position right now on cost is slightly better than market, but if we were to see some significant falloff in corn prices here over the next period, then obviously it would be a different situation.


  • Conversely, if corn goes right back up, we'll be in a very advantaged position.


  • So, it's hard to call.


  • What we really do is look at it from a margin management standpoint and what the markets then do on a daily spot basis is not as important as what we've been able to lock in terms of a gross margin.


  • Cory - Analyst

    Cory - Analyst

  • Sure.


  • And as far as ethanol sales, as well.


  • Is that kind of a regional thing as far as the premium receipt and all that?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Yes, I mean, if you look in a balanced market, the value of ethanol in our markets is going to be Midwest plus freight.


  • And so that is why you would expect an actual premium.


  • I would also point out that our competitors also sell a great deal of ethanol in California and other destination markets.


  • So, their price is partly reflecting that premium as well.


  • We then have an added premium where, when ethanol comes to California, for instance, it typically- - from the Midwest- - typically receives, comes into terminals where it's received by rail.

    然後,我們有一個額外的溢價,例如,當乙醇進入加利福尼亞時,它通常 - 來自中西部 - 通常接收,進入通過鐵路接收的終端。

  • But then it has to be double-handled and trucked back out to the final point of wholesale distribution.


  • Our model is that we don't double-handle the ethanol.


  • We bring corn in once to our plant.


  • We ship products, ethanol and distillers grain, out directly to the final point of distribution and consumption.


  • And that is also a cost advantage.


  • It's also a price premium because a lot of our ethanol is truck-delivered to these points of distribution, where we're able to build in that added value of avoiding the terminaling and secondary transportation in our markets.


  • Cory - Analyst

    Cory - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Thank you.


  • And one final question.


  • Looking at your marketing margins, it seems like they were a little above the historical norms, or at least what we were modeling.


  • Can you speak on any particular reason for this or how we can model this going forward?


  • Any trends you see?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • We don't offer any specific guidance on our margins and in fact I'm not sure where you're deriving margins from, since we don't break it out separately.


  • It is the case that, if you look at when we were a marketer only before we were a producer, our margins did exceed what would be considered more of a normal 1% margin.

    情況是這樣的,如果你在我們成為生產商之前只是一個營銷人員,我們的利潤確實超過了被認為是正常的 1% 的利潤率。

  • We've been able to take positions in the market at times, trade in and around our system to add some margin to that.


  • But, on a, the way we look at it, we have contractual commitments where we are limited to 1% margin and so we see that business in a steady state as a 1% margin business.

    但是,從我們的角度來看,我們有合同承諾,我們被限制在 1% 的利潤率,因此我們認為該業務處於穩定狀態,即 1% 的利潤率業務。

  • But certainly that can flex around that number based upon our ability to position ourselves in the marketplace.


  • Cory - Analyst

    Cory - Analyst

  • All right.


  • Thank you, guys.


  • Great quarter.


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Thanks.


  • Operator


  • Thank you very much, sir.


  • [Operator Instructions] Our next question comes as a follow up from Preeti Dubey of Thomas Weisel Partners.

    [操作員說明] 我們的下一個問題來自 Thomas Weisel Partners 的 Preeti Dubey。

  • Please proceed.


  • Preeti Dubey - Analyst

    Preeti Dubey - Analyst

  • Hi, actually, I just noticed that inventories were up quite a bit, about 17 million.

    嗨,實際上,我剛剛注意到庫存增加了很多,大約 1700 萬。

  • Is that all due to ethanol, which is being stored in one of your facilities?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • It actually would be combination of ethanol and corn.


  • So, we were, certainly with the price of corn being what it was in the quarter, we made an effort to maximize the amount of corn that we had stored by the end of the quarter.


  • So, there was a fair amount of that was corn.


  • There also, we ended the year based upon just sales at the end of the year, we ended with a very, very low ethanol inventory, so we returned to more normal, yet still relatively minimal, amounts of ethanol inventory on hand at the end of the quarter.


  • So, it was a combination of both ethanol and corn.


  • Preeti Dubey - Analyst

    Preeti Dubey - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And just one more question.


  • What's the reason for moving your headquarters to Sacramento?


  • I think that was in the press release.


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Well, if you look at Sacramento and you look at the Western region where we are currently focused, Sacramento is really the epicenter certainly of the agricultural and political heartbeat of California.


  • And it makes it a good place to be.


  • In that regard, it's very central.


  • It's a city that is larger than Fresno.


  • We're still very committed to the central valley of California and maintaining a strong regional office down there.


  • But, as we are growing rapidly and trying to attract additional talent, Sacramento becomes a very good place to be able to attract that talent.


  • Just from a logistics standpoint, with all of the travel that we do, both inside the company and with people visiting us, Sacramento with its transportation hub here, it's also a very good place to be.


  • So, we're involved in the policy and the regulatory work on literally a daily basis, so being right here in the seat of the state's capitol is very helpful as we work through all of the issues of the day.


  • Preeti Dubey - Analyst

    Preeti Dubey - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you very much, ma'am.


  • [Operator Instructions] Our next question comes from the line of Joe [Arsenio] from Arsenio Capital.

    [操作員說明] 我們的下一個問題來自 Arsenio Capital 的 Joe [Arsenio]。

  • Please proceed, sir.


  • Joe Arsenio - Analyst

    Joe Arsenio - Analyst

  • Yes, thanks.


  • In taking a look at the P&L, you have this entity that you reference as a non-controlling interest and variable interest entity.


  • And you subtract out, I guess, the profits that appropriate for that entity.


  • It's hard to detect how this moves proportionate to sales.


  • Are you in the position to describe that relationship?


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • No, we're not.


  • The accounting rules that drive the consolidation of the numbers are pretty well set.


  • We're following those.


  • The results that you see are the results of those guidelines.


  • So, we have a couple of ways of doing that.


  • The decision is driven by, again, the accounting rules.


  • We are following those and so what we do is consolidate all of the financial results of the entity into our results and then subtract out, as you say, the interest of the other parties and subtract that from our net income.


  • Joe Arsenio - Analyst

    Joe Arsenio - Analyst

  • And why is that interest of the other party described as variable?


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • It's the, oh, the variable interest entity?


  • Joe Arsenio - Analyst

    Joe Arsenio - Analyst

  • Correct.


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • That's a technical term related to the way that that is categorized.


  • This is a, there is a set of guidelines that dictate how an entity is categorized within the accounting arrangements.


  • I don't have the expertise to fully describe that to you.


  • We'd be happy to do it in a separate call.


  • But, there are guidelines under 1046 that you can refer to that will take you down the same path that we've been down for how we treat the Front Range interest and you'll see how the tests occur and what drives us to that particular conclusion.

    但是,您可以參考 1046 下的指導方針,這些指導方針將帶您走上與我們在對待 Front Range 利益的方式相同的道路上,您會看到測試是如何發生的,以及是什麼驅使我們去那個特定的結論。

  • Joe Arsenio - Analyst

    Joe Arsenio - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And will there be any more description of this relationship in the notes to your financials or some other way that we can try to pin down this relationship with the entity?


  • Because it's hard to deduce from what you've presented.


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • The transaction was fully described in the 10K at the end of the year and I think that's your best reference document.

    該交易在年底的 10K 中得到了充分的描述,我認為這是你最好的參考文件。

  • There's no, if there's no changes going ahead, and we don't anticipate that there will be, there won't be any notes in the Q.

    沒有,如果沒有變化,我們預計不會有,Q 中不會有任何音符。

  • Joe Arsenio - Analyst

    Joe Arsenio - Analyst

  • Okay, thank you.


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • You're welcome.


  • Operator


  • Thank you very much, sir.


  • [Operator Instructions] And we do have a follow up from Ian Horowitz of Soleil Securities.

    [操作員說明] 我們確實有來自 Soleil Securities 的 Ian Horowitz 的跟進。

  • Please proceed.


  • Ian Horowitz - Analyst

    Ian Horowitz - Analyst

  • Hey, Neil.


  • Any comments on bottlenecks at the EPC level or the equipment level?

    對 EPC 級別或設備級別的瓶頸有何評論?

  • Is anything getting easier or getting harder for you guys to work with?


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • On the equipment front we saw- - this is John.


  • I'll answer that question.


  • On the equipment front, we saw a pretty tight market last year.


  • It has opened up over the last few months we are noticing.


  • We, as we pointed out I think, we have pre-ordered the equipment for the sites that we're developing right now, or that we're constructing right now.


  • So, we're in good shape.


  • Our prices are locked in and we don't see any issues related to the projects that we're working on right now.


  • Ian Horowitz - Analyst

    Ian Horowitz - Analyst

  • That's on, you know, on a price issue and I totally understand that.


  • But, from a physical issue, I mean, are these, is there still a bottleneck delivering these pieces of equipment out to the facilities?


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • I think- - in terms of the availability of the equipment?


  • Ian Horowitz - Analyst

    Ian Horowitz - Analyst

  • Yes.


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • Availability has improved slightly over the last few months.


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Ian, this is Neil.


  • There's no question there's long lead times on these, on key pieces of equipment.


  • But we fully anticipated that.


  • And again, it's part of our strategy is to have expertise internally that manages these processes.


  • And we feel that we've done a very good job of making sure that any of those items that we order them far enough in advance to not interrupt our schedule.


  • And we've been able to manage that successfully.


  • Ian Horowitz - Analyst

    Ian Horowitz - Analyst

  • And managing construction plugs has been fairly easy with Delta T?

    使用 Delta T 管理建築插頭相當容易?

  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • It has been.


  • The format that we've taken is one where we manage a lot of the aspects of the project ourselves.


  • So, we worked with Delta T for example.

    因此,我們以 Delta T 為例。

  • We work with our constructors.


  • We work with other key suppliers on an individual basis.


  • And we pull that package together.


  • And using that format, we have been able to deal with both the equipment supply and the timelines that we're up against.


  • So, we have been able- - Oregon, I think is a good example.

    所以,我們已經能夠- - 俄勒岡州,我認為是一個很好的例子。

  • We started that project when things were fairly tight.


  • We have with our construction team, which has really proven themselves here in the last few months, been able to do work-arounds on a number of issues.


  • We're able to stay on budget and on schedule for that project.


  • Ian Horowitz - Analyst

    Ian Horowitz - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Great.


  • Thanks, guys.


  • Operator


  • Thank you very much, sir.


  • Ladies and gentlemen, your next question comes from the line of Michael [Cohen] of Pacific American Securities.

    女士們先生們,你們的下一個問題來自 Pacific American Securities 的 Michael [Cohen]。

  • Please proceed.


  • Michael Cohen - Analyst

    Michael Cohen - Analyst

  • Congratulations, guys.


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Thanks.


  • Michael Cohen - Analyst

    Michael Cohen - Analyst

  • Thanks.


  • Neil, I was wondering, when the Columbia plant comes online mid-year, do you expect non-produced sales through Kinergy to decline to kind of take up that kind of shock?

    尼爾,我想知道,當哥倫比亞工廠在年中上線時,您是否預計 Kinergy 的非生產銷售會下降以承受這種衝擊?

  • Or do you think that non-produced sales will stay pretty flat?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • It is certainly our objective to look at that plant and other plants as incremental to our overall marketing program.


  • So, no, we do not expect them to decline.


  • Michael Cohen - Analyst

    Michael Cohen - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And I was wondering if you could talk a little bit about your ethanol sales contracts.


  • Do they tend to be for a specific term and is there a period when there's large expirations?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • I will answer that question in sort of a market general sort of way.


  • We don't give specific information on our contracts, either term or price, customers, et cetera.


  • But it is fairly typical in the market that there are terms of from spot to six months, occasionally 12 months, where we have seen- - it's somewhat ironic- - but on the one hand, there is definitely a longer term commitment on the part of the oil industry to continuing and expanding the use of ethanol.

    但在市場上,從即期到六個月,有時是 12 個月,這是相當典型的,我們已經看到 - 這有點諷刺 - 但一方面,這部分肯定有更長期的承諾石油工業繼續擴大乙醇的使用。

  • But given the volatility in markets for both ethanol and gasoline, if anything, the time frame of the contracts has actually contracted to where they are shorter term and there is- - it used to be very typically, you would have these two 6-month blocks of time where the bulk of the contracts were done, the October through March and April through September periods.

    但是考慮到乙醇和汽油市場的波動,如果有的話,合同的時間框架實際上已經收縮到它們的短期內並且存在 - 它過去非常典型,你會有這兩個 6 個月完成大部分合同的時間段,即 10 月至 3 月和 4 月至 9 月期間。

  • And I would say that, while there still are those periods, that it is broken up and we have a much more diverse set of buying and selling habits out there.


  • We also have a much more diverse set of pricing mechanisms.


  • Typically, fixed price contracts were the flavor of the day a number of years ago.


  • Today, it's a mix of fixed and then index pricing, both to gasoline and to ethanol postings.


  • Michael Cohen - Analyst

    Michael Cohen - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And you sell your distiller grains wet.


  • I was wondering, have you ever quantified the savings that you get by being able to sell them wet as opposed to having to put all of the energy into drying it?


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Yes, that's a very good question and it's obviously very central to our competitive advantage.


  • It all depends on the price of energy, which is an interesting hedge, because as natural gas prices go up, that cost advantage actually becomes greater.


  • So, if you look at, take today's range, $7, $8 and then MMBTU and we use 30% less BTUs in our process than if you were drying the distillers grain.

    所以,如果你看看今天的範圍,7 美元,8 美元,然後是 MMBTU,我們在我們的過程中使用的 BTU 比你乾燥酒糟時少 30%。

  • That equates on an ethanol per gallon basis of roughly $0.06, $0.07 per gallon of energy savings.

    這相當於每加侖乙醇大約 0.06 美元,每加侖節能 0.07 美元。

  • Michael Cohen - Analyst

    Michael Cohen - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And my last question is, I'm trying to figure out how to model SG&A and it's been down significantly this quarter compared to the last.

    我的最後一個問題是,我正試圖弄清楚如何對 SG&A 進行建模,與上一季度相比,這個季度已經顯著下降。

  • And I was wondering if you could talk why your SG&A was lower.

    我想知道您是否可以談談為什麼您的 SG&A 較低。

  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • The primary reason that it was lower was that there was, we had a non-cash expense in Q4 of '06 related to compensation.

    它較低的主要原因是,我們在 06 年第四季度有一筆與薪酬相關的非現金支出。

  • So, it was, Q4 '06 was larger than, spiked up due to that reason.

    因此,由於這個原因,06 年第 4 季度比飆升。

  • Michael Cohen - Analyst

    Michael Cohen - Analyst

  • Is that something we'll always see in Q4?


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • No, you will not.


  • That was a one-time event.


  • What we are doing now is amortizing that cost over each quarter as we have done in Q1.


  • So, Q1 reflected the run rate, so to speak, absent the one-time costs that I pointed out earlier.


  • Michael Cohen - Analyst

    Michael Cohen - Analyst

  • So, Q2, you don't see anything that would be a significant change really from Q1, probably pretty quiet?


  • John Miller - COO

    John Miller - COO

  • Other than we have some ongoing costs related to the move and to our Sarbanes-Oxley testing, which we projected at about $400,000.

    除了我們有一些與搬遷和薩班斯-奧克斯利法案測試相關的持續成本,我們預計約為 400,000 美元。

  • Other than that, we are pretty much at a steady run rate.


  • Michael Cohen - Analyst

    Michael Cohen - Analyst

  • Small bump.


  • Okay, thank you.


  • Operator


  • Thank you very much, sir.


  • [Operator Instructions] At this time, we have no further questions in queue.

    [操作員說明] 目前,我們沒有其他問題在排隊。

  • I'd like to turn the call back over to our speakers for any closing remarks they may have.


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Great.


  • Thank you, Bill.


  • I want to just quickly to get back to Mike Judd's question on Q4 of '06.

    我想盡快回到 Mike Judd 在 06 年第四季度提出的問題。

  • We pulled those numbers up.


  • We had total sales of 32 million gallons, of which 7 were from production and 25 were from marketing.

    我們的總銷售額為 3200 萬加侖,其中 7 來自生產,25 來自營銷。

  • That was the startup mode at Madera.

    這就是 Madera 的啟動模式。

  • So, that's why the number was less in the fourth quarter than first quarter.


  • And with that, I would like to thank everybody for participating.


  • I would like to thank shareholders for supporting our company, thank our employees for their continued dedicated work.


  • And look forward to speaking with you all again next quarter.


  • Operator


  • Thank you very much, sir.


  • Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your participation in today's conference call.


  • This concludes your presentation and you may now disconnect.


  • Have a good day.


  • Neil Koehler - CEO and President

    Neil Koehler - CEO and President

  • Thank you.


  • 11
