蘋果 (AAPL) 2013 Q1 法說會逐字稿


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  • Operator


  • Good day, everyone, and welcome to this Apple Incorporated first quarter fiscal-year 2013 earnings release conference call.

    大家好,歡迎參加 Apple Incorporated 2013 財年第一季度財報電話會議。

  • Today's call is being recorded.


  • At this time for opening remarks and introductions, I would like to turn the call over to Nancy Paxton, Senior Director of Investor Relations.

    在此進行開幕致辭和介紹時,我想將電話轉給投資者關係高級總監 Nancy Paxton。

  • Please go ahead, ma'am.


  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • Thank you.


  • Good afternoon, and thanks to everyone for joining us today.


  • Speaking today are Apple CEO Tim Cook, and CFO Peter Oppenheimer, and they will be joined by Treasurer Gary Wipfler for the Q&A session with analysts.


  • Please note that some of the information you'll hear during our discussion today will consist of forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, those regarding revenue, gross margin, operating expenses, Other income and expense, stock-based compensation expense, taxes, and future products.


  • Actual results or trends could differ materially from our forecast.


  • For more information, please refer to the risk factors discussed in Apple's Form 10-K for 2012, and the Form 8-K filed with the SEC today, along with the attached press release.

    如需更多信息,請參閱 Apple 2012 年 10-K 表格和今天向 SEC 提交的 8-K 表格以及隨附的新聞稿中討論的風險因素。

  • Apple assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or information, which speak as of their respective dates.

    Apple 不承擔更新任何前瞻性陳述或信息的義務,這些陳述或信息截至其各自日期。

  • I'd now like to turn the call over to Tim Cook for introductory remarks.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Thanks, Nancy, and good afternoon, everyone, and thank you for joining us.


  • We are incredibly pleased to report an extraordinary quarter, with $54.5 billion in revenue, and new records for iPhone and iPad sales.

    我們非常高興地報告一個非同尋常的季度,收入為 545 億美元,iPhone 和 iPad 的銷售創下新紀錄。

  • No technology company has ever reported these kind of results.


  • Apple is in one of the most prolific periods of innovation in new products in its history.


  • Just in the last few months, we've introduced new products in every category that we made.


  • Each one of these reflects our dedication to making the very best products in the world.


  • At Apple, we think about the smallest details, and we're unwilling to cut corners in delivering the best customer experience in the world.

    在 Apple,我們會考慮最小的細節,我們不願意在提供世界上最好的客戶體驗方面偷工減料。

  • This relentless commitment to innovation and excellence is the reason our customers choose to buy our products, and this will always be the driving force behind Apple.

    這種對創新和卓越的不懈承諾是我們的客戶選擇購買我們產品的原因,這將永遠是 Apple 背後的驅動力。

  • Apple today is over 80,000-people strong, and we are one team working together to surprise and delight our customers.

    今天的 Apple 擁有超過 80,000 名員工,我們是一個團隊,共同努力為我們的客戶帶來驚喜和喜悅。

  • Part of my job is to preserve our culture and drive it forward so we remain the world's most innovative company.


  • People join Apple to do the very best work of their lives, and there's no greater reward than seeing how customers love to use our products.

    人們加入 Apple 是為了完成他們一生中最好的工作,沒有比看到客戶喜歡使用我們的產品更大的回報了。

  • We continue to believe that our fundamentals, our remarkable people, our clear and focused strategy, our new product pipeline, our booming ecosystem, and more than 400 Apple retail stores, will serve us well in the coming months and years ahead.

    我們仍然相信,我們的基本面、卓越的員工、清晰而專注的戰略、新產品線、蓬勃發展的生態系統以及 400 多家 Apple 零售店,將在未來幾個月和幾年內為我們提供良好的服務。

  • Tomorrow marks the anniversary of a revolution.


  • On January 24, 1984, Steve introduced the first Macintosh right here at a shareholder meeting in Cupertino.

    1984 年 1 月 24 日,史蒂夫在庫比蒂諾的股東大會上介紹了第一台 Macintosh。

  • On the evening news that night, they said it was supposed to be one of the easiest computers to use, and thanks to the new mouse, you hardly had to touch the keyboard.


  • We've come a long way since 1984, but we rely on the same spirit and drive that brought the original Mac and other revolutionary products like the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad into the world.

    自 1984 年以來,我們已經取得了長足的進步,但我們依賴於將最初的 Mac 和其他革命性產品(如 iPod、iPhone 和 iPad)推向世界的相同精神和動力。

  • You're going to hear a lot of impressive numbers during this call, but they're not the only way that we measure success at Apple.

    在這次電話會議中,你會聽到很多令人印象深刻的數字,但它們並不是我們衡量 Apple 成功的唯一方法。

  • The most important thing to us is that our customers love our products.


  • Not just buy them, but love them.


  • Everyone here is laser-focused on creating an unprecedented customer experience.


  • We've now sold well over 0.5 billion iOS devices, including a staggering 10 per second last quarter alone.

    我們現在已經售出了超過 5 億台 iOS 設備,其中僅上個季度就達到了驚人的每秒 10 台。

  • We couldn't have achieved these milestones without the very best products in the world, and unmatched execution by our engineering, operations, and sales teams to deliver so many innovative and beautifully designed products.


  • It's simply phenomenal.


  • Everyone at Apple has their eyes on the future, a future driven by the incredible hard work and dedication by the most talented and creative team on earth, who all share a common purpose of continuing to create the world's best products, and in doing so, enrich the lives of our customers.

    Apple 的每個人都著眼於未來,這個未來是由地球上最有才華和最有創造力的團隊難以置信的辛勤工作和奉獻驅動的,他們都有一個共同的目標,那就是繼續創造世界上最好的產品,並且在這樣做的過程中,豐富我們客戶的生活。

  • Today, we are proud to share with you our latest results.


  • Peter will review the highlights of our Q1 earnings, and I'll be back for the Q&A.


  • Peter?


  • - VP - Finance & CFO

    - VP - Finance & CFO

  • Thanks, Tim.


  • We're very pleased to report the results of Apple's first fiscal quarter.

    我們非常高興地報告 Apple 第一財季的業績。

  • We established new all-time quarterly records for iPhone and iPad sales, significantly broadened our ecosystem, and generated Apple's highest quarterly revenue and net income ever.

    我們創造了 iPhone 和 iPad 銷售的新季度季度記錄,顯著拓寬了我們的生態系統,並創造了 Apple 有史以來最高的季度收入和淨收入。

  • Revenue for the quarter was $54.5 billion compared to $46.3 billion in the year-ago quarter, an increase of $8.2 billion year over year.

    本季度收入為 545 億美元,而去年同期為 463 億美元,同比增長 82 億美元。

  • As a reminder, our first quarter this fiscal year spanned 13 weeks, whereas the first quarter last year included a 14th week.

    提醒一下,我們本財年的第一季度跨越 13 週,而去年第一季度包括第 14 週。

  • As such, average weekly revenue was $4.2 billion in the current-year quarter compared to $3.3 billion in the year-ago quarter, an increase of 27%.

    因此,本季度平均每週收入為 42 億美元,而去年同期為 33 億美元,增長了 27%。

  • The strong year-over-year growth was fueled by record iPhone, iPad, and iTunes sales.

    強勁的同比增長得益於 iPhone、iPad 和 iTunes 創紀錄的銷量。

  • Operating margin was $17.2 billion, representing 31.6% of revenue.

    營業利潤率為 172 億美元,佔收入的 31.6%。

  • Net income was a record $13.1 billion, just ahead of the amount generated in last year's 14-week quarter, and translated to diluted earnings per share of $13.81.

    淨收入達到創紀錄的 131 億美元,略高於去年 14 周季度的收入,並轉化為每股攤薄收益 13.81 美元。

  • Beginning this fiscal year, we are reorganizing the presentation of our results to provide greater transparency.


  • First, we have established the new operating segment of Greater China, given the very significant contribution of that region to our overall business.


  • We define Greater China to include Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.


  • Second, for segment reporting purposes, we are allocating certain manufacturing costs and variances, including costs related to product tooling and manufacturing process equipment to our operating segments, instead of including these expenditures in corporate expenses, as we've done in the past.


  • We've recast our operating income for each quarter in fiscal 2011 and 2012 to reflect this change, and have provided a reconciliation on Apple.com/investor.

    我們重新計算了 2011 財年和 2012 財年每個季度的營業收入以反映這一變化,並在 Apple.com/investor 上提供了對賬。

  • These changes have no impact on overall reported operating income.


  • And third, we have realigned the presentation of product information in our summary data schedule to provide greater visibility to revenue by product category.


  • Under this new format, revenue from iPhone, iPad, Mac, and iPod sales is presented exclusive of related service and accessory revenue.

    在這種新格式下,來自 iPhone、iPad、Mac 和 iPod 的銷售收入不包括相關服務和配件收入。

  • All revenue from iTunes, standalone Apple, and third-party software and services is presented as a single line item, and revenue from all Apple and third-party accessory sales is presented as a single line item.

    來自 iTunes、獨立 Apple 以及第三方軟件和服務的所有收入都作為一個項目列報,所有 Apple 和第三方配件銷售的收入作為一個項目列列。

  • We believe this presentation provides a logical grouping of revenue sources, and also provides greater transparency into our results.


  • As for the details of this quarter, I'd like to begin with iPhone.

    至於本季度的細節,我想先從 iPhone 說起。

  • We were very pleased to sell 47.8 million iPhones, compared to 37 million in the year-ago quarter, an increase of over 10 million iPhones.

    我們很高興售出了 4780 萬部 iPhone,而去年同期為 3700 萬部,增加了超過 1000 萬部。

  • This represents a rate of almost 3.7 million iPhones per week in the current-year quarter, compared to 2.6 million per week in the year-ago quarter.

    這代表了本季度每週近 370 萬部 iPhone 的速度,而去年同期為每週 260 萬部。

  • That's an average increase of 39% per week, consistent with IDC's latest published forecast for the global smartphone market in the December quarter.

    這平均每週增長 39%,與 IDC 最新公佈的 12 月季度全球智能手機市場預測一致。

  • And on a sequential basis, iPhone sales grew 78% over the September quarter's results.

    iPhone 銷量環比增長 78%。

  • That's over 3.5 times IDC's latest published projection for sequential growth of the overall market, resulting in iPhone market share growth.

    這是 IDC 最新公佈的整體市場連續增長預測的 3.5 倍以上,從而導致 iPhone 市場份額增長。

  • We experienced strong iPhone growth in each of our geographic segments, most notably Greater China, where iPhone sales more than doubled year over year.

    我們在每個地理區域都經歷了強勁的 iPhone 增長,尤其是大中華區,iPhone 銷量同比增長了一倍以上。

  • In the US, Kantar Worldpanel ComTech estimates that iPhone's share of smartphone sales increased from 45% in the year-ago quarter to over 51% in the current-year quarter.

    在美國,Kantar Worldpanel ComTech 估計,iPhone 在智能手機銷量中的份額從去年同期的 45% 增加到本季度的 51% 以上。

  • iPhone sales were driven by the tremendous popularity of iPhone 5, which we are extremely proud to have launched in 100 countries by the end of December, resulting in the fastest iPhone rollout ever.

    iPhone 的銷售受到 iPhone 5 的巨大普及推動,我們非常自豪地在 12 月底之前在 100 個國家/地區推出了 iPhone,從而實現了有史以來最快的 iPhone 推出。

  • We ended the quarter with about 10.6 million iPhones in channel inventory, a sequential increase of about 1.5 million iPhones, and ended the quarter within our targeted range of four to six weeks of iPhone channel inventory on a look-forward basis.

    本季度末,我們的渠道庫存約為 1060 萬部 iPhone,環比增加了約 150 萬部,並且本季度末在我們預期的四到六週 iPhone 渠道庫存的目標範圍內。

  • While other mobile devices and operating systems face increasing security risks and fragmented inconsistent user experiences, iPhone and iOS continue to deliver an exceptional experience that people love.

    儘管其他移動設備和操作系統面臨著越來越多的安全風險和零散且不一致的用戶體驗,但 iPhone 和 iOS 繼續提供人們喜愛的卓越體驗。

  • They also provide a secure and trusted ecosystem that IT departments require.

    它們還提供了 IT 部門所需的安全且值得信賴的生態系統。

  • iPhone continues to be embraced by government agencies, and businesses across the globe.

    iPhone 繼續受到全球政府機構和企業的青睞。

  • Many US government agencies are issuing iPhones by the thousands as part of their new mobile strategies.

    作為其新的移動戰略的一部分,許多美國政府機構正在發行數以千計的 iPhone。

  • Some examples include NASA, the National Oceanic Atmospheric Association, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the Transportation Security Administration.


  • We are also seeing continued iPhone growth in business across the board, from companies replacing existing smartphone deployments to businesses adding first-time smartphone users.

    我們還看到 iPhone 業務全面持續增長,從替換現有智能手機部署的公司到增加首次使用智能手機用戶的企業。

  • Companies around the world like Neiman Marcus, Skanska, and Volvo, are issuing iPhones to their employees to improve interactions with customers, and give workers access to essential corporate data.

    Neiman Marcus、Skanska 和 Volvo 等世界各地的公司都在向員工發放 iPhone,以改善與客戶的互動,並讓員工能夠訪問重要的公司數據。

  • Turning to iPad, we were thrilled to sell 22.9 million iPads during the quarter, compared to 15.4 million in the year-ago quarter.

    談到 iPad,我們很高興在本季度售出了 2290 萬台 iPad,而去年同期為 1540 萬台。

  • That translates to over 1.7 million iPads per week in the current-year quarter compared to 1.1 million per week in the year-ago quarter, an average increase of 60% per week, ahead of IDC's latest published estimate of 56% growth for the tablet market.

    這意味著本季度每周有超過 170 萬台 iPad,而去年同期為每週 110 萬台,平均每週增長 60%,高於 IDC 最新公佈的平板電腦增長 56% 的估計。市場。

  • Customers are loving the fourth-generation iPad, with its faster performance and spectacular Retina display.

    客戶喜愛第四代 iPad,它具有更快的性能和壯觀的 Retina 顯示屏。

  • And the iPad Mini has been a tremendous hit, offering the full iPad experience in an incredible design that you can hold in one hand.

    iPad Mini 大受歡迎,它以令人難以置信的設計提供完整的 iPad 體驗,您可以單手握持。

  • In addition to the tremendous response from consumers, iPad continues to be the tablet of choice for businesses and government agencies, transforming the way their employees work.

    除了消費者的巨大反響,iPad 仍然是企業和政府機構的首選平板電腦,改變了員工的工作方式。

  • Financial institutions like Barclays, Nomura Securities, and Bank of Beijing are deploying iPads to enable employees to better service customers, and work securely with financial portfolios and products.

    巴克萊、野村證券和北京銀行等金融機構正在部署 iPad,以使員工能夠更好地為客戶服務,並安全地使用金融投資組合和產品。

  • In particular, Barclays' rollout of over 8,000 iPads has generated tremendous employee engagement and feedback, making it the most successful IT deployment in Barclays' history.

    特別是,巴克萊推出的 8,000 多台 iPad 產生了巨大的員工參與度和反饋,使其成為巴克萊歷史上最成功的 IT 部署。

  • State and local governments in the United States are also rapidly adopting iPad.

    美國的州和地方政府也在迅速採用 iPad。

  • Court systems, county inspectors, and law enforcement agencies use iPad to streamline processes, and replace huge amounts of paper.

    法院系統、縣檢查員和執法機構使用 iPad 來簡化流程並替換大量紙張。

  • And state legislatures in Virginia, Texas, and West Virginia are all using iPads to give lawmakers instant access to government documents and information.

    弗吉尼亞州、德克薩斯州和西弗吉尼亞州的州立法機構都在使用 iPad 讓立法者即時訪問政府文件和信息。

  • Outside the US, 10,000 iPads are being deployed as part of broad adoption of a local government workflow solution in Sweden, and over 5,000 iPads have been purchased by the government in the Netherlands for the Dutch Tax Authority and the Dutch Court System.

    在美國以外,10,000 台 iPad 正在部署,作為瑞典當地政府工作流程解決方案廣泛採用的一部分,荷蘭政府已為荷蘭稅務局和荷蘭法院系統購買了 5,000 多台 iPad。

  • We began and ended the quarter with about 3.4 million iPads in channel inventory.

    我們在本季度開始和結束時的渠道庫存約為 340 萬台 iPad。

  • That left us below our target range of four to six weeks of iPad channel inventory on a look-forward basis.

    這使我們低於我們預期的四到六週 iPad 渠道庫存的目標範圍。

  • Turning to Mac, we sold 4.1 million units in the quarter compared to 5.2 million in the year-ago quarter.

    談到 Mac,我們在本季度售出了 410 萬台,而去年同期為 520 萬台。

  • That's an average of about 312,000 Macs per week in the current-year quarter, compared to 371,000 per week in the year-ago quarter, a decline of 16%.

    本季度平均每週約 312,000 台 Mac,而去年同期為每週 371,000 台,下降了 16%。

  • IDC estimates the global personal computer market contracted by 6% during the December quarter.

    IDC 估計,全球個人電腦市場在 12 月季度收縮了 6%。

  • We introduced the new 13-inch MacBook Pro Retina display, as well as our stunning new iMacs in October.

    我們在 10 月份推出了全新的 13 英寸 MacBook Pro Retina 顯示屏,以及令人驚嘆的全新 iMac。

  • As we projected a quarter ago, we were significantly constrained with respect to the new iMacs, and were only able to ship them for the final month of the December quarter.

    正如我們在一個季度前預測的那樣,我們在新 iMac 方面受到很大限制,只能在 12 月季度的最後一個月發貨。

  • We believe our Mac sales would have been much higher, absent those constraints.

    我們相信,如果沒有這些限制,我們的 Mac 銷量會高得多。

  • We began and ended the quarter with between three and four weeks of Mac channel inventory on a look-forward basis, which is below our target range of four to five weeks.

    在本季度開始和結束時,Mac 渠道庫存在前瞻基礎上介於三到四周之間,低於我們四到五週的目標範圍。

  • Moving to iPod, we sold 12.7 million iPods compared to 15.4 million in the year-ago quarter.

    轉向 iPod,我們售出了 1270 萬台 iPod,而去年同期為 1540 萬台。

  • iPod Touch was a popular item in the holiday season, and continued to account for over 50% of all iPods sold during the December quarter.

    iPod Touch 是假日季節的熱門商品,在 12 月季度銷售的所有 iPod 中繼續佔 50% 以上。

  • iPod's share of the US market for MP3 players was over 70% in the December quarter, based on the latest data published by NPD, and iPod continued to be the top selling MP3 player in most countries we track, based on the latest data published by GfK.

    根據 NPD 發布的最新數據,iPod 在美國 MP3 播放器市場的份額在 12 月季度超過了 70%,根據 NPD 發布的最新數據,iPod 繼續成為我們追踪的大多數國家/地區最暢銷的 MP3 播放器GfK。

  • iTunes generated record results, with revenue of $2.1 billion in the quarter.

    iTunes 創造了創紀錄的業績,本季度收入為 21 億美元。

  • We established new all-time quarterly records for revenue from music, from movies, and from apps.


  • We significantly expanded the footprint of our ecosystem during the quarter, adding iTunes Music Stores in 56 countries, including Russia, Turkey, India, and South Africa.

    我們在本季度顯著擴大了生態系統的足跡,在 56 個國家/地區增加了 iTunes 音樂商店,包括俄羅斯、土耳其、印度和南非。

  • That brings us to a total of 119 countries where customers can choose from over 20 million songs to purchase and download.

    這將我們帶到了總共 119 個國家/地區,客戶可以從超過 2000 萬首歌曲中選擇購買和下載。

  • The App Store had a record-breaking December quarter, with over 2 billion downloads in the month of December alone.

    App Store 的 12 月季度創下了創紀錄的紀錄,僅在 12 月就下載了超過 20 億次。

  • The App Store now offers more than 775,000 apps to over 0.5 billion account holders in 155 countries, including over 300,000 native iPad apps.

    App Store 現在為 155 個國家的超過 5 億帳戶持有人提供超過 775,000 款應用程序,其中包括超過 300,000 款原生 iPad 應用程序。

  • Cumulative app downloads have now surpassed 40 billion, and we are delighted to have paid our app developers over $7 billion for sales of their incredible work.

    累計應用程序下載量現已超過 400 億次,我們很高興為我們的應用程序開發人員支付了超過 70 億美元的銷售額,以表彰他們出色的工作。

  • iCloud continues to grow at an amazing rate, now with 250 million accounts, and our customers love our iMessage service, sending a staggering 2 billion-plus iMessages per day.

    iCloud 繼續以驚人的速度增長,現在擁有 2.5 億個帳戶,我們的客戶喜歡我們的 iMessage 服務,每天發送超過 20 億條 iMessage。

  • I'd now like to turn to the Apple retail stores.


  • Revenue was at an all-time high of over $6.4 billion, with growth fueled primarily by record iPhone and iPad sales.

    收入創下歷史新高,超過 64 億美元,增長主要得益於創紀錄的 iPhone 和 iPad 銷量。

  • We opened a total of 11 new stores during the quarter, including 4 new stores in greater China.

    我們在本季度共開設了 11 家新店,其中包括大中華區的 4 家新店。

  • We exited the quarter with 401 stores, 150 of which are outside the United States.

    我們在本季度結束時擁有 401 家門店,其中 150 家在美國以外。

  • We also relocated or expanded 14 stores that had outgrown their former space during the quarter.

    我們還在本季度搬遷或擴建了 14 家已超出其原有空間的商店。

  • With an average of 396 stores open, average revenue per store was $16.3 million, or $1.25 million per store per week, compared to $1.22 million per store per week in the year-ago quarter.

    平均有 396 家門店開業,每家門店的平均收入為 1630 萬美元,即每家門店每週 125 萬美元,而去年同期為每家門店每週 122 萬美元。

  • Retail segment income was $1.6 billion.

    零售部門收入為 16 億美元。

  • We hosted a record 121 million visitors to our stores during the quarter, compared to 110 million in the year-ago quarter.

    本季度我們的門店接待了創紀錄的 1.21 億訪客,而去年同期為 1.1 億。

  • That translates to 23,000 visitors per store per week, a 7% increase year over year.

    這意味著每家商店每周有 23,000 名訪客,同比增長 7%。

  • Total Company gross margin was 38.6%, which was about 260 basis points higher than our guidance.

    公司總毛利率為 38.6%,比我們的預期高出約 260 個基點。

  • About 50% of this difference was driven by lower product and transitory costs that we reflected in our guidance, while the remainder resulted from a higher mix of iPhones, a weaker US dollar, and leverage on the higher revenue.

    這種差異中約有 50% 是由我們在指導中反映的較低的產品和過渡成本推動的,而其餘的則是由於 iPhone 的組合增加、美元走軟以及對較高收入的影響。

  • Operating expenses were $3.9 billion, and included $460 million in stock-based compensation expense.

    運營費用為 39 億美元,其中包括 4.6 億美元的股票薪酬費用。

  • OI&E was $462 million, and the tax rate for the quarter was 26%.

    OI&E 為 4.62 億美元,本季度的稅率為 26%。

  • Turning to cash, our cash plus short-term and long-term marketable securities totaled $137.1 billion at the end of the December quarter, compared to $121 billion at the end of the September quarter, a sequential increase of almost $16 billion.

    現金方面,截至 12 月季度末,我們的現金加上短期和長期有價證券總計 1371 億美元,而 9 月季度末為 1210 億美元,環比增長近 160 億美元。

  • The increase in cash was net of $2.5 billion in dividends paid, and $2 billion in an upfront payment in conjunction with our accelerated share repurchase program.

    現金的增加扣除了已支付的 25 億美元股息,以及與我們加速股票回購計劃相關的 20 億美元預付款。

  • Over $94 billion of our total cash was offshore at the end of the December quarter.

    截至 12 月季度末,我們總現金中有超過 940 億美元在離岸。

  • Cash flow from operations was a record $23.4 billion, growing by almost $6 billion year over year, a 33% increase.

    運營現金流達到創紀錄的 234 億美元,同比增長近 60 億美元,增長 33%。

  • Our Board of Directors has declared a dividend of $2.65 per common share, payable on February 14, 2013 to shareholders of record as of the close of business on February 11, 2013.

    我們的董事會已宣布派發每股普通股 2.65 美元的股息,將於 2013 年 2 月 14 日支付給截至 2013 年 2 月 11 日營業結束時登記在冊的股東。

  • As we move ahead into the March quarter, I'd like to review our outlook, which includes the types of forward-looking information that Nancy referred to at the beginning of the call.


  • In addition to the reporting changes that I've already mentioned, to further increase transparency into our business, we are changing our approach to how we provide guidance.


  • In recent years, our guidance reflected a conservative point estimate of results every quarter that we had reasonable confidence in achieving.


  • Going forward, we plan to provide a range of guidance that reflects our belief of what we are likely to achieve.


  • While we cannot forecast with complete accuracy, we believe we are likely to report within the range of guidance we provide.


  • Therefore, for the March quarter, we are providing revenue guidance of between $41 billion and $43 billion, compared to $39.2 billion in the year-ago quarter.

    因此,對於 3 月季度,我們提供 410 億美元至 430 億美元的收入指導,而去年同期為 392 億美元。

  • We expect gross margin to be between 37.5% and 38.5%, reflecting approximately $90 million related to stock-based compensation expense.

    我們預計毛利率將在 37.5% 至 38.5% 之間,反映出與股票薪酬費用相關的約 9000 萬美元。

  • We expect OpEx to be between $3.8 billion and $3.9 billion, including about $480 million related to stock-based compensation.

    我們預計運營支出將在 38 億美元至 39 億美元之間,其中包括與股票薪酬相關的約 4.8 億美元。

  • We expect OI&E to be about $350 million, and we expect the tax rate to be about 26%.

    我們預計 OI&E 約為 3.5 億美元,我們預計稅率約為 26%。

  • In closing, we're thrilled to have generated over $54 billion of revenue in a 13-week period, while executing multiple major product transitions.

    最後,我們很高興在 13 週內創造了超過 540 億美元的收入,同時執行了多個主要產品轉換。

  • We sold over 75 million iOS devices during the quarter, which is a staggering number.

    我們在本季度售出了超過 7500 萬台 iOS 設備,這是一個驚人的數字。

  • We're producing our best products ever, and the execution by our engineering, operations, and sales teams to deliver tens of millions of such innovative, beautifully designed products in such a short timeframe is phenomenal.


  • We're very pleased with our record iPhone and iPad sales, our record music, movie, and app sales, and the continued expansion of our robust ecosystem.

    我們對我們創紀錄的 iPhone 和 iPad 銷售額、我們的唱片音樂、電影和應用程序銷售額以及我們強大的生態系統的持續擴展感到非常滿意。

  • And finally, we remain very confident in our new product pipeline.


  • With that, I'd like to open the call to questions.


  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • Thank you, Peter.


  • We ask that you limit yourself to one question and one follow-up.


  • Operator, may we have the first question, please?


  • Operator


  • (Operator Instructions)


  • Your first question will come from Katy Huberty with Morgan Stanley.

    您的第一個問題將來自摩根士丹利的 Katy Huberty。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • It's clear that iPhone 5 did incredibly well in the US, based on the carryover to date, but international sell-through data points have been more mixed.

    很明顯,基於迄今為止的結轉情況,iPhone 5 在美國的表現令人難以置信,但國際銷售數據點則更加複雜。

  • How would you characterize trends outside the US for iPhone, and are you confident that you have all the right price points and screen sizes to fully capture the non-US demand for iPhone, specifically?

    您如何描述美國以外的 iPhone 趨勢,您是否有信心擁有所有合適的價格點和屏幕尺寸來充分捕捉非美國對 iPhone 的需求?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Katy, it's Tim.


  • As Peter said, sequentially, we increased over 70% from the September quarter, which was 3.5 times market, and so we could not be happier with that.

    正如彼得所說,我們比 9 月季度增長了 70% 以上,是市場的 3.5 倍,因此我們對此感到非常高興。

  • In terms of the geographic distribution, we saw our highest growth in China, and it was into the triple digits, which was higher than the market there, and so I would characterize it as, we're extremely pleased.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • And then maybe a question for Peter, with such a large cash generation again this quarter and confidence in the product pipeline, you made those comments, and a stock price that is off its highs, why not step up and buy back even more stock than you had originally planned at this point?


  • - VP - Finance & CFO

    - VP - Finance & CFO

  • This is something that we continue continuously assess, the opportunities to both invest in the business and return cash.


  • We are pleased to have started our share repurchase program this quarter, and combined with our dividend, we returned about $4.5 billion of cash this quarter, and we started the buyback program and expect to return about $45 billion over three years to our shareholders.

    我們很高興本季度啟動了股票回購計劃,加上我們的股息,我們本季度返還了約 45 億美元的現金,我們啟動了回購計劃,預計將在三年內向股東返還約 450 億美元。

  • We do consider increasing these programs, and we'll do what we think is in the best interest of our shareholders.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • Thanks, Katy.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • From Goldman Sachs, we'll hear from Bill Shope.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Katy had alluded to this, many of your smartphone competitors are now focusing on differentiating themselves with larger screen sizes than that of the iPhone 5 and your predecessor products.

    Katy 曾提到這一點,您的許多智能手機競爭對手現在都專注於通過比 iPhone 5 和您的前代產品更大的屏幕尺寸來實現差異化。

  • How do you think about the competitive dynamics of the market right now in that respect?


  • Do you think that's a valid point of differentiation, and do you think there's a long-term case for a larger screen size, or at least a larger variety of screen sizes for iPhones and for the smartphone category in general?

    你認為這是一個有效的差異化點嗎?你認為更大的屏幕尺寸是否存在長期案例,或者至少對於 iPhone 和智能手機類別來說,屏幕尺寸的種類更多?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Bill, it's Tim.


  • The iPhone 5 offers, as you know, a new 4-inch Retina display, which is the most advanced display in the industry, and no one comes close to matching the level of quality as the Retina display.

    如您所知,iPhone 5 配備了全新的 4 英寸 Retina 顯示屏,這是業界最先進的顯示屏,沒有人能與 Retina 顯示屏媲美。

  • It also provides a larger screen size for iPhone customers without sacrificing the one-handed ease of use that our customers love.

    它還為 iPhone 客戶提供更大的屏幕尺寸,而不會犧牲我們客戶喜愛的單手易用性。

  • So we've put a lot of thinking into screen size, and believe we picked the right one.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I guess shifting onto the question on iPhone demand, obviously you saw healthy growth in the key categories this quarter, but in the context of your guidance, can you give us some color about how you're viewing end-demand trends for the iPhone coming out of the December quarter, and how that compares to what you consider to be normal seasonality at this point in the product cycle?

    我想轉向關於 iPhone 需求的問題,顯然你看到本季度關鍵類別的健康增長,但在你的指導背景下,你能否給我們一些關於你如何看待即將到來的 iPhone 終端需求趨勢的顏色在 12 月季度之外,這與您認為在產品週期這一點上的正常季節性相比如何?

  • And also, did you see any meaningful deterioration in iPhone demand at the end of the December quarter, or thus far in the March quarter, that would lend credence to some near-term conservatism?

    此外,您是否看到 12 月季度末或 3 月季度迄今為止的 iPhone 需求出現任何有意義的惡化,這會為近期的保守主義提供可信度?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Bill, let me take the second half of that, and then I'll hand it to Peter for the first half.


  • If you look at the iPhone sales across the quarter, we were very constrained for much of the quarter on iPhone 5. As we began to produce more and ship more, sales went up with the production.

    如果你看一下整個季度的 iPhone 銷售情況,我們在本季度的大部分時間裡都受到 iPhone 5 的限制。隨著我們開始增加產量和出貨量,銷售額隨著產量的增加而上升。

  • iPhone 4 was actually in constraint for the entire quarter, and sales remained strong, and so that's how sales progressed across the quarter.

    iPhone 4 實際上在整個季度都處於受限狀態,銷售依然強勁,這就是整個季度的銷售進展情況。

  • I'll let Peter talk about the guidance.


  • - VP - Finance & CFO

    - VP - Finance & CFO

  • So, Bill, for iPhone, as we told you last year, we built about 2.6 million units of channel inventory in the March quarter, which allowed us at that time to get into our four to six week inventory target.

    所以,比爾,對於 iPhone,正如我們去年告訴你的那樣,我們在 3 月季度建立了大約 260 萬台渠道庫存,這使我們當時能夠實現四到六週的庫存目標。

  • So the underlying sell-through was about 32.5 million, and we would expect sell-through growth year-over-year, as it has -- in the quarter, as it has for many quarters in a row.

    因此,潛在的銷售量約為 3250 萬,我們預計銷售量將同比增長,就像它在本季度一樣 - 就像連續多個季度一樣。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Bill, let me make one additional point on this.


  • I know there's been lots of rumors about order cuts and so forth, and so let me just take a moment to make a comment on these.


  • I don't want to comment on any particular rumor, because I would spend my life doing that, but I would suggest it's good to question the accuracy of any kind of rumor about build plans.


  • And also, stress that even if a particular data point were factual, it would be impossible to accurately interpret the data point, as to what it meant for our overall business, because the supply chain is very complex, and we obviously have multiple sources for things.


  • Yields might vary.


  • Supplier performance can vary.


  • The beginning inventory positions can vary.


  • There's just an inordinately long list of things that would make any single data point not a great proxy for what's going on.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • That's helpful.


  • Thank you.


  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • Thanks, Bill.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • From Sanford Bernstein, we'll go to Toni Sacconaghi.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • I just wanted to make sure that I fully understand your comments about guidance, and the new guidance range that you're providing.


  • Are you effectively saying that when you provided guidance before, it was uniquely conservative, and that level of conservatism no longer exists?


  • We're actually getting the real planning range for Apple, and that this is fundamentally different from how you approached and provided guidance?

    我們實際上得到了 Apple 的真正規劃範圍,這與您接觸和提供指導的方式根本不同?

  • - VP - Finance & CFO

    - VP - Finance & CFO

  • Toni, it's Peter.


  • In the past, we provided a single point estimate of guidance that was conservative, that we had reasonable confidence in achieving.


  • This quarter, and going forward, we're going to provide a range of guidance that we believe that we are likely to report within.


  • No guarantees, forecasting is difficult.


  • But we believe that we will report within that range.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • So I'm just comparing the words.


  • So you think you will report in the range before -- I think on average, eclipsed your guidance by on EPS by 35%.

    所以你認為你會在之前的範圍內報告——我認為平均而言,每股收益超過了你的指導 35%。

  • Was the guidance before something that you felt reasonably confident in achieving, or was there an implicit buffer in there?


  • Because I'm trying to reconcile the fact that you said you thought it was reasonable before, but your historical precedent was, you eclipsed it enormously on an ongoing basis.


  • And this time, you're saying there's a high likelihood of falling within the range.


  • And I want to understand the distinction.


  • - VP - Finance & CFO

    - VP - Finance & CFO

  • I'll go through it again.


  • In the past, we give you a single point estimate of guidance.


  • It was conservative, that we had as reasonable confidence as you can have, that we would achieve.


  • We're now providing you a range of guidance that we expect to -- as best we can -- report within.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And then if I could follow-up, Tim, you started the call talking about Apple's philosophy of really ensuring that you satisfy your customers, and making great products.


  • Against that backdrop, how important is market share preservation?


  • This quarter, you held share, maybe increased it fractionally on a year-over-year basis on the global smartphone market, but clearly you had an exciting new product.


  • Is holding share in the smartphone market in 2013 a priority for Apple?


  • Yes or no and why?


  • And realistically, how does Apple hold share, given that the market segment and price point that you play in is expected to grow a lot slower, and you have pretty dominant share in that high end?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Toni, the most important thing to Apple is to make the best products in the world, that enrich customers' lives.

    Toni,對 Apple 來說最重要的是製造世界上最好的產品,豐富客戶的生活。

  • So that's our high order -- that means that we aren't interested in revenue for revenue's sake.

    所以這是我們的最高要求 - 這意味著我們對收入不感興趣。

  • We could put the Apple brand on a lot of things, and sell a lot more stuff, but that's not what we're here for.


  • We want to make only the best product.


  • And so what does that mean for market share?


  • We've been able to do that -- I think we've had a great track record here on iPod, doing different products at different price points, and getting a reasonable share from doing that.

    我們已經能夠做到這一點——我認為我們在 iPod 上有著很好的記錄,以不同的價格生產不同的產品,並從中獲得合理的份額。

  • And so, I wouldn't view the things as mutually exclusive as some might, but the high order bit is making a great product, that enriches customers' lives.


  • So that's what we're focused on.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • Thanks, Toni.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • From Barclays, we'll go to Ben Reitzes.

    從巴克萊銀行,我們將前往 Ben Reitzes。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • First question is with regards to Macs.

    第一個問題是關於 Mac 的。

  • Could you talk a little bit more about what happened, and it would seem that the shortfall there is well over $1 billion in the quarter, maybe even as much as $1.5 billion.

    您能否多談談發生的事情,該季度的缺口似乎遠遠超過 10 億美元,甚至可能高達 15 億美元。

  • And how much of that was pushed into the March quarter within that new March guidance?

    在新的 3 月指導下,其中有多少被推到了 3 月季度?

  • Thanks.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Ben, it's Tim.


  • Thanks for asking that question, I wanted to talk about this.


  • I think the best way to answer this is, if you look at the previous year, our Mac sales were about 5.2 million.

    我認為回答這個問題的最好方法是,如果你看看前一年,我們的 Mac 銷量約為 520 萬台。

  • This year they were 4.1, ad so the difference is 1.1.

    今年他們是 4.1,所以差異是 1.1。

  • So let me try to bridge that.


  • iMacs were down by 700,000 units year-over-year.

    iMac 同比下降 700,000 台。

  • As you remember, we announced the new iMacs late in October, and when we announced those, we announced that they would ship, the first one, the 21.5 inch, would ship in November, and we did ship it at the end of November.

    您還記得,我們在 10 月底宣布了新的 iMac,當我們宣布這些時,我們宣布它們將發貨,第一個 21.5 英寸的將在 11 月發貨,我們確實在 11 月底發貨。

  • We announced that the 27-inch would ship in December and we did ship that in mid-December.

    我們宣布 27 英寸將在 12 月發貨,我們確實在 12 月中旬發貨。

  • And so there were limited weeks of ramping on these products during the quarter.


  • We left the quarter with significant constraints on the iMac.

    本季度我們對 iMac 有很大的限制。

  • And we believe, we know that our sales would have been materially higher if those constraints would not have existed.


  • We tried to tell people this on the conference call in October.

    我們試圖在 10 月份的電話會議上告訴人們這一點。

  • I think I said that we would have significant constraints on iMac, but so I recognize to some folks, this may be a surprise.

    我想我說過我們會對 iMac 有很大的限制,但是我承認對一些人來說,這可能是一個驚喜。

  • Number two, if you look at last year, as Peter went through in his opening comments, we had 14 weeks in the quarter.

    第二,如果你看看去年,正如彼得在他的開場評論中所說的那樣,我們在本季度有 14 週的時間。

  • We had 13 weeks into the quarter this year.

    今年這個季度我們有 13 週的時間。

  • Last year, in the average week we sold 370,000 Macs.

    去年,我們平均每週售出 370,000 台 Mac。

  • The third part of the bridge here would be that our channel inventory was down from the beginning of the quarter by over 100,000 units, and that's because obviously we didn't have the iMacs in channel inventory.

    橋樑的第三部分是我們的渠道庫存比本季度初減少了 100,000 多台,這是因為顯然我們的渠道庫存中沒有 iMac。

  • It was in significant constraint.


  • So if you just take these three factors, they bridge more than the difference of between this year's sales and last year's sales.


  • So now in addition to these three points, I would point out two other things.


  • And these are lesser things than the total of these other three obviously.


  • One, the market for PCs is week.


  • IDC's last estimate, I believe, was around negative 6%.

    我相信,IDC 的最新估計約為負 6%。

  • Two, we sold 23 million iPads.

    第二,我們售出了 2300 萬台 iPad。

  • And we obviously could have sold more than this, because we could not build enough iPad minis to come into a demand balance.

    而且我們顯然可以賣得更多,因為我們無法製造足夠的 iPad mini 來達到需求平衡。

  • And so we've always said there's some cannibalization there.


  • I'm sure there was some cannibalization in Macs there.

    我敢肯定那裡的 Mac 存在一些自相殘殺。

  • But the three large factors or the aggregated total of the three large, the iMac, the difference in seven days of the previous year, having seven extra days in the channel inventory, I think more than explains the difference between this year and the previous year.


  • As a side note, if you look at our portables alone, they were in line with IDC's projections of market growth.

    附帶說明一下,如果您只看我們的便攜式設備,它們與 IDC 對市場增長的預測是一致的。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks a lot, Tim.


  • And just my follow-up is with regard to Web services, online services, there's been a lot of publicity around Maps and can you give us an update there?


  • And then looking forward, how does the year look in terms of innovation in terms of iOS 7 and your online and web services?

    然後展望一下,今年在 iOS 7 以及您的在線和 Web 服務方面的創新方面如何?

  • How will that drive Apple?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Well, let me start with the second part of this.


  • We're working on some incredible stuff.


  • The pipeline is chock-full.


  • I don't want to comment about a specific product, but we feel great about what we've got in store.


  • In terms of Maps, we've made a number of improvements to Maps since the introduction of iOS 6 back in September.

    在地圖方面,自 9 月推出 iOS 6 以來,我們對地圖進行了多項改進。

  • And we'll roll out even more improvements across the rest of the year.


  • And we're going to keep working on this, as I've said before, until it lives up to our you currently high standards.


  • Users can already see many of these improvements, because they include things like improved satellite and wireless imagery, improved categorization, improved local information for thousands of businesses, and so forth.


  • The usage in Maps is significantly higher than it was prior to iOS 6. In terms of other services, we feel fantastic about how we're doing.

    Maps 的使用率明顯高於 iOS 6 之前。在其他服務方面,我們對自己的表現感到非常滿意。

  • In notification center, we've now sent over 4 trillion notifications.

    在通知中心,我們現在已經發送了超過 4 萬億條通知。

  • This is mind-blowing.


  • As Peter mentioned in his opening comments, for iMessage, we've now sent over 450 billion, and are currently sending over 2 billion per day.

    正如彼得在開場白中提到的,對於 iMessage,我們現在已經發送了超過 4500 億條,目前每天發送超過 20 億條。

  • With GameCenter, we've got over 200 million registered users.

    借助 GameCenter,我們擁有超過 2 億註冊用戶。

  • We have a 800,000 apps on the App Store with over 40 billion downloads.

    我們在 App Store 上有 800,000 個應用程序,下載量超過 400 億次。

  • And so I feel really, really great about it.


  • There's obviously more stuff we can do and you can bet we're thinking about all of it.


  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • Thanks, Ben.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Next, we'll go to Steve Milunovich with UBS.

    接下來,我們將與瑞銀一起去史蒂夫·米盧諾維奇(Steve Milunovich)。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Could you review your comments about gross margin in the quarter?


  • And also, looking ahead, perhaps commenting on a few areas, first of all where you are on your product cost curve relative to where you expected to be, and then also any comments on mix within the iPhone line in terms of 5 versus 4S, amount of storage, and then also on the iPad, last quarter you said you really didn't know what the proportion of minis would be.

    而且,展望未來,也許會評論一些領域,首先是您在產品成本曲線上相對於您預期的位置,然後是關於 iPhone 產品線中 5 與 4S 組合的任何評論,存儲量,然後在 iPad 上,上個季度你說你真的不知道 mini 的比例是多少。

  • Can you make any comments in terms of the demand for mini relative to what you expected?

    相對於您的預期,您能否就 mini 的需求發表任何評論?

  • - VP - Finance & CFO

    - VP - Finance & CFO

  • Sure, Steve, it's Peter, I'll start.


  • I'll make a comment on mini, go through gross margin and maybe Tim can pick up on some of your iPhone questions.

    我將對 mini 發表評論,計算毛利率,也許 Tim 可以回答您的一些 iPhone 問題。

  • With the iPad mini, it's hard to know.

    有了 iPad mini,就很難知道了。

  • We could not make enough in the quarter.


  • We were constrained every week.


  • Customers love the mini, and we wish that we could have made more, and we ended the quarter with significant backlog.


  • For the gross margin in the December quarter, we were about 260 basis points ahead of our guidance.

    對於 12 月季度的毛利率,我們比我們的指導高出約 260 個基點。

  • About half this difference was driven by lower product and transitory cost, than we have reflected in our guidance, and the rest came from a higher mix of iPhones, a weaker dollar, and leverage on the higher revenue.

    大約一半的差異是由較低的產品和過渡成本驅動的,低於我們在我們的指導中反映的,其餘的來自更高的 iPhone 組合、疲軟的美元以及對更高收入的槓桿作用。

  • As we look forward, we think the gross margin will be somewhere between about 10 basis points and 110 basis points lower sequentially.

    展望未來,我們認為毛利率將連續下降約 10 個基點至 110 個基點。

  • We believe that there are two primary factors that will benefit gross margin sequentially.


  • First and the largest of the two, our teams have made meaningful progress in reductions in product and transitory costs from the actions that they've been working on to get down the cost curve, so we expect the benefit in the March quarter beyond what we saw in the December quarter.

    首先,也是兩者中最大的一個,我們的團隊通過他們一直在努力降低成本曲線的行動,在降低產品和過渡成本方面取得了有意義的進展,因此我們預計 3 月季度的收益將超出我們的預期在 12 月季度看到。

  • And second, we expect a more typical level of deferred revenue from device sales.


  • We expect these factors to be more than offset by 10 to 120 basis points, by the loss of her leverage coming out of the December quarter, which is very typical for us, and a different mix of our current products.

    我們預計這些因素將被 10 到 120 個基點抵消,因為她在 12 月季度失去了槓桿,這對我們來說是非常典型的,以及我們當前產品的不同組合。

  • And regarding mix as an example, as we indicated last quarter, the iPad mini gross margin is significantly below the corporate average, and we expect to be able to meet demand for this product in the March quarter, which again we could not in the December quarter.

    以混合為例,正如我們上個季度所指出的,iPad mini 的毛利率遠低於公司平均水平,我們預計能夠在 3 月季度滿足對該產品的需求,而在 12 月我們又無法滿足需求。四分之一。

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Steve, I'll make some comments on mix.


  • Your question on iPhone mix, let me bring up three points.

    你關於 iPhone mix 的問題,讓我提出三點。

  • One, the ASP for iPhone was essentially the same year-over-year in the quarter that we just finished.

    第一,iPhone 的 ASP 在我們剛剛完成的那個季度與去年同期基本相同。

  • Underneath that, if you looked at the mix of iPhone 5 to total iPhone, and then in the previous year you look at 4S to total iPhone, since it was the top iPhone, those mixes are similar.

    在此之下,如果您查看 iPhone 5 與 iPhone 的組合,然後在前一年查看 4S 與 iPhone 的組合,因為它是頂級 iPhone,這些組合是相似的。

  • and then thirdly I think you asked about capacities.


  • In Q1, we saw similar results as we saw in Q1 of the previous year.


  • So does that answer your question on mix?


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Yes, it does.


  • Thank you.


  • Second question would be on CapEx.


  • You spent almost as much as Intel does.


  • I think you have said you're not going to become vertically integrated per se, but in a sense, you are, since most of that I assume is buying equipment for your partners.


  • Can you talk about the strategy here and how much of a differentiator this gives Apple in terms of your ability to ramp new products over time?


  • And maybe a little bit more about how deep you'll go in terms of semiconductor componentry, et cetera?


  • - VP - Finance & CFO

    - VP - Finance & CFO

  • Sure.


  • Steve, it's Peter.


  • We expect to spend about $10 billion in CapEx this fiscal year.

    我們預計本財年將在資本支出上花費約 100 億美元。

  • That will be up a little under $2 billion year-over-year.

    這將比去年同期增加不到 20 億美元。

  • We expect to spend a little bit under $1 billion in the retail stores, and the other $9 billion is spent in a variety of areas.

    我們預計在零售店的支出將略低於 10 億美元,另外 90 億美元將用於各個領域。

  • We're buying equipment that we will own, that we will put in partners' facilities.


  • Our primary motivation there is for supply, but we get other benefits as well.


  • We're also adding to our data center capabilities to support all the services that Tim spoke about in answering Ben's question and then facilities and infrastructure.

    我們還增加了我們的數據中心功能,以支持 Tim 在回答 Ben 的問題時談到的所有服務,然後是設施和基礎設施。

  • So that's where the capital is going.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • Thanks, Steve.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • From Cross Research Group, we'll hear from Shannon Cross.

    來自 Cross Research Group,我們將聽到 Shannon Cross 的消息。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Tim, can you talk a bit about what happened last year in terms of the refresh cycle, where you had about 80% of your revenue refresh in the last few months, and then how are you thinking about this year.

    蒂姆,您能否談談去年在更新周期方面發生的事情,在過去幾個月中,您大約 80% 的收入都在更新,然後您如何看待今年。

  • I know you say ship products when they're ready, but is this a situation where you're going to try to stagger it out a little bit this year, or would be sort of a similar situation to 2012?

    我知道你說產品準備好後發貨,但今年你會嘗試錯開一點,還是會類似於 2012 年的情況?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • That's a question I won't answer, Shannon.


  • The 80% was an unusually high percentage for us.

    80% 對我們來說是一個異常高的百分比。

  • I don't know exactly what the historic numbers are on that, but I can tell you that the number of ramps were unprecedented, and the fact that we had new products in every category is something we have not done before.


  • We feel great to have delivered so many products for the holiday season, and our customers have certainly expressed joy over it.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • I guess, can you talk a bit more about China?


  • You provided -- which is great -- you have broken out the Greater China revenue, but can you talk about what you're hearing from customers and from some of your partners there?


  • Your thoughts on retail distribution and expansion, and overall what you saw over the holiday period and then what you expect from China going forward?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • If you look at our total China, total Greater China which would include our retail stores that are in China, our revenues were $7.3 billion in the quarter, so it's incredibly high.

    如果你看看我們的整個中國,包括我們在中國的零售店在內的整個大中華區,我們本季度的收入為 73 億美元,因此非常高。

  • It's over 60% year-on-year.

    同比增長超過 60%。

  • And again, that's comparing 13 to 14 weeks.

    再一次,這是比較 13 到 14 週。

  • So it's really, the underlying growth is higher than that.


  • We saw exceptional growth in iPhones, into the triple digits.

    我們看到 iPhone 出現了驚人的增長,達到了三位數。

  • iPad, we shipped iPad very late in the quarter in December, and despite that, saw very nice growth.

    iPad,我們在 12 月的這個季度很晚才發貨,儘管如此,還是看到了非常好的增長。

  • We are expanding in Apple retail there, in the year-ago quarter, we had six stores.


  • We now have the 11.

    我們現在有 11 個。

  • We obviously have many more to open there.


  • In our premium resellers, we went over 400, up from a little over 200 in the previous year.

    在我們的高級經銷商中,我們從去年的 200 多家增加到 400 多家。

  • And we increased iPhone point of sales from 7,000 to over 17,000 there.

    我們在那裡將 iPhone 的銷售點從 7,000 增加到 17,000 多個。

  • And now, this isn't nearly what we need, and it's not the final by any means.


  • We're not even close to that.


  • But we're making -- I feel that we're making great progress.


  • I was just over there recently, and talking to a lot of different people.


  • I'm very happy with how things are going.


  • It's clear that China -- it's already our second-largest region, as you can see from the data that we've given you, and it's clear there's a lot of potential there.


  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • Thanks, Shannon.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • Gene Munster with Piper Jaffray.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Tim, you made comments in the past that the Apple TV experience is dated and Apple wants to fix that problem.

    蒂姆,你過去曾評論說 Apple TV 體驗已經過時,Apple 希望解決這個問題。

  • If we can take a step outside of the form factor debate, whether it's a box or a panel, can you just talk in high level how important this market is to Apple, number one?


  • And number two is, can you accomplish what you ultimately want to accomplish with the reality of where content is today, and how content is distributed?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Gene, you're asking me all the questions I don't want to answer but let me see if I can find some comments on want to make, that is productive.


  • In terms of the hot we sell today, Apple TV, we sold more last quarter than we've ever sold before, eclipsing 2 million during the quarter.

    就我們今天銷售的熱門產品 Apple TV 而言,我們上個季度的銷量比以往任何時候都多,超過了本季度的 200 萬台。

  • It was up almost 60% year on year.

    同比增長近 60%。

  • And so there's actually very, very good growth in that product.


  • And what was a small niche at one time, of people that loved it, is a much larger number that love it.


  • I have said in the past, this is an area of intense interest for us, and it remains that.


  • And I tend to believe that there's a lot we can contribute in this space, and so we continue to pull the string and see where it leads us.


  • But I don't want to be more specific.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • And just a housekeeping for Peter, Peter, you gave gross margin guidance this quarter, but no EPS guidance.


  • Is there any moving parts between the gross margin and the operating line that we should be aware of that might have account for that nuance on how you're giving guidance?


  • - VP - Finance & CFO

    - VP - Finance & CFO

  • No, Gene.


  • Our prior method of providing guidance was a point estimate for each line item of the P&L, including EPS.


  • And our guidance for the March quarter and how we will give guidance in the future, we're going to give a range for revenue for gross margin and for OpEx.

    以及我們對 3 月季度的指導以及我們將如何在未來提供指導,我們將給出毛利率和運營支出的收入範圍。

  • Therefore, there are many possibilities for EPS within the range, that we'll leave you to think through, and we'll report our actual results from March to you in April.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thank you.


  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • Thanks, Gene.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • From Bank of Montreal, we'll go to Keith Bachman.

    從蒙特利爾銀行出發,我們將前往 Keith Bachman。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • The first one is, Tim, could you talk a little bit about the data, even if anecdotal, on how iPhone sales proceeded in terms of new customers versus upgrades?

    第一個問題是,蒂姆,你能否談談關於 iPhone 銷售在新客戶與升級方面的進展情況的數據,即使是軼事?

  • And how that compared to say, if you go to the 4S last year?


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • I don't have those specific numbers in front of me, but the iPhone 5, obviously with the numbers that we're selling, and selling to a lot of new customers.

    我面前沒有那些具體的數字,而是 iPhone 5,顯然有我們正在銷售的數字,並向許多新客戶銷售。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Because we had heard feedback that it was a lot more of an upgrade cycle to existing customers, but it sounds like it's not a statement you would agree with.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • I don't know who you were talking to.


  • And so again, this is one of those things I would caution on using as a proxy for the world.


  • There are many carriers created differently.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Well, let me turn to my next question, then.


  • Peter, as we think about the March quarter, I'm a bit confused how to think about iPads.

    彼得,當我們想到 3 月季度時,我對如何看待 iPad 感到有些困惑。

  • And you mentioned that iPad mini was constrained.

    你提到 iPad mini 受到限制。

  • Any kind of comments on what seasonality would be, and more importantly, how are you thinking about the aggregate amount of inventory that's in the channel for iPads?

    關於什麼是季節性的任何評論,更重要的是,您如何看待 iPad 渠道中的庫存總量?

  • Will that amount increase, decrease or stay the same, as we reflect on how to model units in the March quarter?

    當我們思考如何在 3 月季度對單元進行建模時,該數量會增加、減少還是保持不變?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Keith, it's Tim.


  • Let make a couple comments.


  • iPad mini was very constrained.

    iPad mini 非常受限制。

  • We ended with underneath our target channel inventory range, which Peter had commented earlier.


  • We believe that we can achieve supply demand balance on iPad mini later this quarter.

    我們相信我們可以在本季度晚些時候在 iPad mini 上實現供需平衡。

  • That would likely mean that we would need more units in the channel than we have today.


  • I think that would be a fair conclusion to draw.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • - VP - Finance & CFO

    - VP - Finance & CFO

  • Keith, I will add to that.


  • For total iPad sales, we don't provide a sub level forecast, but we would expect a large year-over-year increase in iPad sales, but a post-holiday sequential decline for iPad sales, which I think is typical.

    對於 iPad 的總銷量,我們沒有提供次級預測,但我們預計 iPad 銷量將同比大幅增長,但 iPad 銷量在節後連續下降,我認為這是典型的。

  • As Tim said, we expect to be able to meet demand for the mini.

    正如 Tim 所說,我們希望能夠滿足對 mini 的需求。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thanks, guys.


  • Good luck.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • It's worth pointing out just to be totally clear, for last quarter, we had strong sales of iPad and iPad mini.

    值得指出的是,上個季度我們的 iPad 和 iPad mini 銷售強勁。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • All right.


  • Thanks.


  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • Thanks, Keith.


  • Thanks much.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • We'll go to Scott Craig with Bank of America Merrill Lynch.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Thanks, good afternoon.


  • Tim, can you discuss the tablet market a little bit in relation to Macs and other PCs, and how you're thinking about the cannibalization of that market for the iPad relative to the PC market?

    蒂姆,你能談談平板電腦市場與 Mac 和其他個人電腦的關係嗎?你如何看待 iPad 市場相對於個人電腦市場的蠶食?

  • Secondly, typically each quarter, you talk about some of the component constraints.


  • And you certainly talked about iPhone 4 being constrained, and iPad mini, et cetera, so as you enter into the quarter, where do you see the challenges for meeting demand for the calendar first quarter?

    您當然談到 iPhone 4 和 iPad mini 等受到限制,所以當您進入本季度時,您認為滿足第一季度日曆需求的挑戰在哪裡?

  • Thanks.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • Sure.


  • Let me take the second part of that first.


  • I think overall, our team did just a fantastic job ramping a record number of new products during the quarter.


  • We did have significant shortages due to robust demand on both iPad mini and both models of the iMac, that persisted the entire quarter.

    由於 iPad mini 和兩種型號的 iMac 的強勁需求,我們確實出現了嚴重的短缺,這種需求持續了整個季度。

  • And we are still short of both of those today, as a matter of fact.


  • Additionally, supply of iPhone 5 was short to demand, until late in the quarter, and iPhone 4 was short for the entire quarter.

    此外,直到本季度末,iPhone 5 供不應求,而 iPhone 4 整個季度都供不應求。

  • We believe that we can achieve a supply demand balance on iPad mini during this quarter, and on iPhone 4 during this quarter.

    我們相信我們可以在本季度實現 iPad mini 和 iPhone 4 的供需平衡。

  • On iMac, we are confident that we're going to significantly increase the supply, but the demand here is very strong, and we are not certain that we'll achieve a supply-demand balance during the quarter.

    在 iMac 上,我們有信心大幅增加供應,但這裡的需求非常強勁,我們不確定本季度能否實現供需平衡。

  • In terms of cannibalization and how we think about this, I see cannibalization as a huge opportunity for us.


  • One, our base philosophy is to never fear cannibalization.


  • If we do, somebody else will just cannibalize it, and so we never fear it.


  • We know that iPhone has cannibalized some iPod business, it doesn't worry is that it's done that.

    我們知道 iPhone 已經蠶食了一些 iPod 業務,不用擔心它已經做到了。

  • We know that iPad will cannibalize some Macs.

    我們知道 iPad 會蠶食一些 Mac。

  • That doesn't worry us.


  • On iPad in particular, we have the mother of all opportunities here, because the Windows market is much, much larger than the Mac market is, and I think it is clear that it's already cannibalizing some, and I think there's a tremendous amount more opportunity there.

    特別是在 iPad 上,我們在這裡擁有所有機會之母,因為 Windows 市場比 Mac 市場大得多,而且我認為很明顯它已經蠶食了一些市場,而且我認為還有更多的機會那裡。

  • As you know, I've said for two or three -- actually three years now, I believe, that I believe the tablet market would be larger than the PC market at some point, and I still believe that.


  • And you can see by the growth in tablets and the pressure on PCs that those lines are beginning to converge.

    您可以從平板電腦的增長和 PC 的壓力中看出這些產品線開始趨同。

  • And I think the other thing for us, maybe not for others but for us, is if somebody buys an iPad mini or an iPad, and it's their first Apple product, we have great experience through the years of knowing that when somebody buys their first Apple product, that a percentage of these people wind up buying another type of Apple product.

    而且我認為對我們而言,也許不是對其他人而是對我們而言,另一件事是,如果有人購買 iPad mini 或 iPad,這是他們的第一款 Apple 產品,多年來我們知道當有人購買他們的第一款產品時,我們擁有豐富的經驗蘋果產品,這些人中有一部分最終購買了另一種類型的蘋果產品。

  • And so if you remember what we had termed the halo effect for some time with the iPod, with the Mac, we're very confident that will happen.

    因此,如果你還記得一段時間以來我們在 iPod 和 Mac 上所說的光環效應,我們非常有信心這會發生。

  • And we're seeing some evidence of that on the iPad, as well.

    我們也在 iPad 上看到了這方面的一些證據。

  • And so I see cannibalization as a huge opportunity.


  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • Thank you, Scott.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • And we'll go to Mark Moskowitz with JPMorgan.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Question, Tim, around the iPhone.

    提姆,關於 iPhone 的問題。

  • Peter gave us some transparency around the qualitative sequential year-over-year potential increases in the iPad for the March quarter.

    彼得讓我們了解了 iPad 在 3 月季度的定性同比潛在增長。

  • How should we think about the iPhone family set against that, in terms of year-over-year and quarter-over-quarter potential increases or decreases?

    就同比和環比的潛在增長或下降而言,我們應該如何看待 iPhone 系列與之相抗衡?

  • And are there any sort of dynamics around a slower pace of LTE rollouts by the network carriers having an impact?

    網絡運營商放慢 LTE 部署速度是否會產生影響?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • The thing to consider on iPhone, Mark, is that in the year-ago quarter, we built 2.6 million units of channel inventory, because we did the -- one reason was that we did the China launch in the March quarter instead of in the previous quarter.

    馬克,iPhone 上要考慮的事情是,在去年同期,我們建立了 260 萬台渠道庫存,因為我們做到了——一個原因是我們在 3 月季度而不是上一季度。

  • And so the underlying sell-through from the year-ago quarter was 32.5.

    因此,去年同期的基本銷售額為 32.5。

  • The sell-in was 35, as you can probably see on a sheet in front of you.

    賣出價為 35,正如您可能在您面前的一張紙上看到的那樣。

  • And so, in thinking through the number of iPhones to predict, we looked at the 32.5 number as a baseline, and we clearly believe that we're going to grow year-over-year, but I don't want to be more specific than that because Peter is already giving you some top level guidance, and that's how -- we guide in the aggregate instead of at the product level.

    因此,在考慮要預測的 iPhone 數量時,我們將 32.5 的數字作為基準,我們清楚地相信我們會逐年增長,但我不想更具體比這更重要,因為彼得已經在給你一些頂級的指導,這就是我們如何指導聚合而不是產品級別的指導。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • My follow-up is just around the pace of LTE build-out across the globe, either in Europe or parts of Asia.

    我的後續行動是圍繞全球 LTE 建設的步伐進行的,無論是在歐洲還是亞洲部分地區。

  • Have those slower than expected rollouts from the network perspective, has that had any sort of impact, you think on your iPhone sales velocity and could that change over the next 12 months, as you see LTE capacity become more available elsewhere?

    從網絡的角度來看,那些比預期的推出速度慢於預期的情況是否會對您的 iPhone 銷售速度產生任何影響,以及隨著您看到 LTE 容量在其他地方變得更加可用,這種情況會在未來 12 個月內發生變化嗎?

  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • It's a good question.


  • Today, we have 24 carriers around the world that provide LTE support for iPhone 5. And those are in countries like the US, Korea, the UK, Germany, Canada, Japan, Australia, and a few others.

    今天,我們在全球有 24 家運營商為 iPhone 5 提供 LTE 支持。這些運營商位於美國、韓國、英國、德國、加拿大、日本、澳大利亞等國家/地區。

  • Next week, we're adding 36 more carriers for LTE support, and these carriers will be in countries that were currently not supporting LTE, so it will be LTE coverage now as of next week in Italy, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, Philippines, also several Middle Eastern countries.

    下週,我們將再增加 36 家運營商以支持 LTE,這些運營商將位於目前不支持 LTE 的國家/地區,因此從下週起將在意大利、丹麥、芬蘭、瑞士、菲律賓進行 LTE 覆蓋,還有幾個中東國家。

  • And so if you look at the total of all of these, and the incremental subscribers that are in those countries, it's over 300 million.

    因此,如果您查看所有這些的總數,以及這些國家/地區的增量訂閱者,則超過 3 億。

  • And so that's the next range of LTE rollouts that I'm pleased to tell you about today.

    這就是我今天很高興向您介紹的下一個 LTE 部署範圍。

  • Also, as you know iPhone 5 also supports other ultra fast networks, like HSPA-plus with downloads up to 42 Mps which is three times the speed of the iPhone 4S, so we feel very good about the situation that we're in, particularly with these adds next week.

    另外,如您所知,iPhone 5 還支持其他超高速網絡,例如 HSPA-plus,下載速度高達 42 Mps,是 iPhone 4S 的三倍,所以我們對我們所處的情況感到非常滿意,特別是下週加上這些。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Okay.


  • Thank you.


  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • Thanks, Mark.


  • Could we have the next question, please?


  • Operator


  • From Deutsche Bank, we'll go to Chris Whitmore.


  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • Just to follow-up on the iPhone question with respect to guidance, assuming there's some benefit from the Mac carryover effect and the iPad release, et cetera and adjusting for the inventory, it seems you're guiding to kind of mid-to high single digit year-on-year unit growth for the iPhone business from a sell-through standpoint.

    只是跟進有關指導的 iPhone 問題,假設 Mac 結轉效應和 iPad 發布等有一些好處並調整庫存,看來你正在指導一種中高單從銷售量的角度來看,iPhone 業務的銷量同比增長。

  • Is that the right ballpark we should be thinking about?


  • And why the big deceleration from the 25%-plus weekly sales rate you quoted in your intro comments?

    為什麼你在介紹性評論中引用的每週銷售率超過 25% 會大幅減速?

  • - VP - Finance & CFO

    - VP - Finance & CFO

  • Chris, it's Peter.


  • We're not going to talk about guidance in a specific product level, but let me give you some things we talked about in coming up with the range of $41 billion to $43 billion.

    我們不打算談論特定產品級別的指導,但讓我給你一些我們在提出 410 億美元到 430 億美元的範圍時談到的事情。

  • That range is a 5% to 10% year-over-year increase, and there are a few factors that are impacting the year-over-year results, making the strong performance of the business a little bit harder to see, so let me point a few of these out.

    這個範圍是同比增長 5% 到 10%,並且有一些因素會影響同比結果,使得業務的強勁表現更難看到,所以讓我指出其中的一些。

  • As we, first of all, as we talked about several times on the call, last year in the March quarter, we built 2.6 million units of iPhone channel inventory, which allowed us to get into our four to six week range.

    首先,正如我們在電話會議上多次談到的那樣,去年第三季度,我們建立了 260 萬部 iPhone 渠道庫存,這使我們能夠進入四到六週的範圍。

  • That increased the revenue in the year-ago quarter by $1.6 billion.

    這使去年同期的收入增加了 16 億美元。

  • And as Tim talked about, that was sell-in, that was not sell-through.


  • We're thinking about the business on a sell-through basis.


  • So don't lose sight of the $1.6 billion.

    所以不要忽視這 16 億美元。

  • Second, the iPhone 5 rollout this year has been our fastest ever.

    其次,今年 iPhone 5 的推出是我們有史以來最快的一次。

  • We were selling in 100 countries by the end of December.

    到 12 月底,我們已在 100 個國家/地區銷售。

  • Last year, we did not achieve this country distribution until the March quarter, which included China, that launched in January.

    去年,我們直到 1 月份推出的包括中國在內的 3 月季度才實現了這種國家分佈。

  • Third, we made a very good strategic decision to introduce the iPad mini, which customers love, and to keep the price reduced, iPad 2 in the line.

    第三,我們做出了一個非常好的戰略決策,推出了深受客戶喜愛的 iPad mini,並且為了保持低價,iPad 2 就在生產線上。

  • As a result of this, we saw a reduction in our iPad ASPs of about $101 year-over-year in the December quarter, and you can see that our iPad units grew faster than our iPad revenue, in the December quarter.

    因此,我們看到我們的 iPad ASP 在 12 月季度同比下降了約 101 美元,您可以看到我們的 iPad 單位在 12 月季度的增長速度快於我們的 iPad 收入。

  • We would expect iPad ASPs to be down quite a bit in the March quarter on a year-over-year basis for the same reasons.

    出於同樣的原因,我們預計 iPad 的 ASP 將在 3 月季度同比大幅下降。

  • And then finally, the PC market grew 4% last year in the March quarter, and this year, IDC is projecting it to decline by 3%.

    最後,PC 市場在去年第三季度增長了 4%,而今年 IDC 預計將下降 3%。

  • So considering these factors, the underlying performance of the business is much stronger than the 5% to 10% year-over-year growth implies, and we remain very confident in our business and our new product pipeline.

    因此,考慮到這些因素,該業務的基本業績遠強於 5% 至 10% 的同比增長所暗示的,我們對我們的業務和新產品管道仍然非常有信心。

  • - Analyst

    - Analyst

  • For my follow-up, I wanted to come back to something Tim said earlier about not fearing cannibalization.


  • I wanted to ask him, in context of your iPhone business, given the strength you're seeing at the low end of your product line, the iPhone 4 being stocked out during the quarter, there seems to be a lot of demand at lower price points for the iPhone.

    我想問他,就您的 iPhone 業務而言,鑑於您在產品線低端看到的實力,iPhone 4 在本季度缺貨,似乎有很多低價需求iPhone 的積分。

  • Why not get more aggressive at lower price stands and move downmarket in the iPhone business?

    為什麼不在 iPhone 業務中以更低的價格更加積極進取並進入低端市場呢?

  • Thanks.


  • - CEO

    - CEO

  • I'm not going to go into our pricing strategy, but we feel great about the opportunity of getting products to customers and a percentage of those buying other Apple products and we've obviously seen evidence of that through history and continue to see evidence of that today.

    我不打算討論我們的定價策略,但我們對有機會向客戶以及購買其他 Apple 產品的人提供產品的機會感到非常高興,我們顯然已經從歷史中看到了這一點,並繼續看到今天。

  • - Senior Director of IR

    - Senior Director of IR

  • Thank you, Chris.


  • A replay of today's call will be available for two weeks as a podcast on the iTunes store, as a webcast on Apple.com/investor, and via telephone.

    今天電話會議的重播將在兩週內以 iTunes 商店的播客、Apple.com/investor 的網絡廣播和電話形式播放。

  • And the numbers for the telephone replay are (888)203-1112 or (719)457-0820.

    電話重播的號碼是 (888)203-1112 或 (719)457-0820。

  • Please enter confirmation code 1474555.

    請輸入確認碼 1474555。

  • These replays will be available by approximately 5.30 PM Pacific time today.

    這些重播將在今天太平洋時間下午 5.30 左右提供。

  • Members of the press with additional questions can contact Steve Dowling at (408)974-1896 and financial analysts can contact Joan Gruber or me with additional questions.

    有其他問題的媒體成員可以聯繫 Steve Dowling,電話是 (408)974-1896,金融分析師可以聯繫 Joan Gruber 或我有其他問題。

  • Joan is at (408)974-4570 and I'm at (408)974-4520.

    瓊的電話是 (408)974-4570,我的電話是 (408)974-4520。

  • Thanks again for joining us.


  • Operator


  • Ladies and gentlemen, that does conclude today's presentation.


  • We do thank everyone for your participation.
